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Object 1

Arabic Prepositions
Learning the Arabic Prepositions is very important because its structure is used in every day conversation. The more you master it the more you get closer to mastering the Arabic language. But first we need to know what the role of Prepositions is in the structure of the grammar in Arabic. Arabic prepositions link nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence. The word or phrase that the preposition introduces is called the object of the preposition. ere are some e!amples" English Prepositions Arabic Prepositions

Prepositions inside the house with me without him

outside the car ! #

under the table "# $%& # taht altaawlah after tomorrow ' !# ba$d ghad before sunset but I'm busy (* )+ # %abl alghorowb ,)- . /0 # walaken aanaa mashghowl

As you can see from the e!ample above, the structure of the Prepositions in Arabic has a logical pattern. Locate the Prepositions above and see how it works with the rest of the sentence in Arabic.

List of Prepositions in Arabic

Below is a list of the Time place and demonstrative pronouns in Arabic placed in a table. &emori'ing this table will help you add very useful and important words to your Arabic vocabulary. English Prepositions Arabic Prepositions

about above across

, # hawl 1,2 # faw% *3 # $abr

English Prepositions

Arabic Prepositions

after against among around as at before behind below beneath beside between beyond but by despite down during except for from in inside

!# ba$d 4 # thed / !# baeen , # hawl 5 # kamaa 2 # feee *+ # %abl 6 # waraa$ / +. # aa%ol men $%& # taht 7 !# bejaaneb / !# baeen 6 # waraa$ /0 # laken *+ / # men %abl / 8' 9:3 # $alaa alraghm men <;. # aasfal : # khelaal =# eelaa 9 =# eelaa / # men 2 # feee # daakhel

English Prepositions

Arabic Prepositions

into near next of on opposite out outside over per plus round since than through till to toward under unlike until up via

9 =# eelaa (+ # %orb ># altaaleee / # men 2 # feee ?5 # mo$aakes # khaarej # khaarej : # khelaal 0 # lekol @A # 'aa$ed ",B # jawlah C # month / # men : / # men khelaal 9> # hataa 9 =# eelaa ,% # nahw $%& # taht ?03 9:3 # $alaa $aks 9> # hataa 1,2 # faw% "#<,! # bewaasetah

English Prepositions

Arabic Prepositions

with within without

D # ma$ /4 # themn E ! # bedown />:5 # kalemataeen 7%! # behasab 7* !# besabab /*" F+ # %areeebah men 7* !# besabab 6G>< !# beastethnaa$ /3 !# bo$aeed $an # daakhel / ! # badalaa men /( H !# beal%orb men (+ # %orb # khaarej *+ # %abl I:5 J:K # thalaath kalemaat H! # be%adar maa LC5 # wakathalek 9" =24M !# bealeethaafah eelaa N. # aamaam / 8' 9:3 # $alaa alraghm men

two words
according to because of close to due to except for far from inside of instead of near to next to outside of prior to

three words
as far as as well as in addition to in front of in spite of

English Prepositions

Arabic Prepositions

on behalf of on top of
demonstratives this that these those

8< !# beasm 1,2 # faw%

" O !# borhaaneeeah horowf aljar CO # hathaa E. # aan 6PO # ha$olaa$ 6PO # ha$olaa$

Time place and demonstrative pronouns have a very important role in Arabic, therefore they need very special attention.

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