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Room 200 MVP Student Leadership Center Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights 0916 750 6661 | sanggusecgen@gmail.com

CENTRAL BOARD MEETING Date: November 29, 2013

Venue: LDP / De La Costa Faculty Lounge / MVP 200 Time: 6:00pm to 8:00pm

AGENDA (underlined = to be continued, italics = postponed/deferred): 1) Approval of minutes 3) Tanglawan Project 2) Con-Con 4) Privilege Speech by RJ Dimla ATTENDANCE (underlined = absent, italics = late/early departure, * = non-voting): Daniel Antonio S. Remo1 President Ryan Carl Y. Yu Vice-President Antonio Rafael N. Elicao Secretary-General Kristine Mae B. Andujare Finance Officer Michaella Paula M. Aldea COA President Von Vincent Rene A. Cruz ARSA President Jose Norberto V. Reyes 3 SOH Central Board Rep Nina Louise J. Atienza 2 SOH Central Board Rep Rocyl Marie Sangalang 1 SOH Central Board Rep Michael Xavier C. Tobias* SOSE Secretary-Treasurer Pamela Anne M. Gaerlan 2 SOSE Central Board Rep Camille C. Diez 1 SOSE Central Board Rep Redentor John R. Dimla* SOH Chairperson Jose Javier V. Poe IV* JGSOM Chairperson Larisse Jem H. Mondok 4 JGSOM Central Board Rep Luis Miguel D. De Jesus 3 JGSOM Central Board Rep Ray Cristofer C. Gomez 2 JGSOM Central Board Rep Jared Matthew A. Sarmiento 1 JGSOM Central Board Rep Marvin T. Lagonera* SOSS Secretary-Treasurer Abelardo G. Hernandez2 2 SOSS Central Board Rep Samantha Nicole M. Warren 1 SOSS Central Board Rep

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Proxied by Ryan Yu. Proxied by Ilkka Ruso.


Room 200 MVP Student Leadership Center Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights 0916 750 6661 | sanggusecgen@gmail.com

MINUTES Approval of Agenda Motion to approve agenda by 2 SOM CB, seconded by 2 SOSE CB. Motion approved unanimously.

Approval of Minutes Elicao: Minutes have been in your inboxes since last Wednesday. Comments Motion to approve minutes by 2 SOSE CB, seconded by 1 SOSS CB. Minutes approved unanimously. Motion to change presidership to FO by Sec-Gen, seconded by 1 SOH CB. Motion approved unanimously.

Constitutional Amendment Process Yu: Con-Con has a different connotation, making more general. Why? We are mandated to review every two years. AvenueAmendments may be proposed by the CB upon a 3/4 vote, subject to plebiscite. Rules proposed: CAP meetings on Fridays, 4:30-6:00, open to everyone but counted as a CB meeting. Possibly split CB meeting, encourage everyone to come. Priority ListCBs must agree to order of amendments, consult with constituents, due next CB meeting. Amendment ProcessCBs given complete copies of the proposals (Week 1), consult constituents and invite to CAP. Discuss amendments (Week 2), publicize discussions. CBs vote on amendments (Week 3). Ideally on the third week, not too many comments, would've been discussed during the second. Deadlinecut-off date to be determined by the CB in coordination with COMELEC. Upon cut-off, all discussions will stop, all amendments approved will be forwarded to COMELEC for the plebiscite. Remaining time will be spent promoting the amendments. Remaining amendments will be transitioned to CAP team. 2


Room 200 MVP Student Leadership Center Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights 0916 750 6661 | sanggusecgen@gmail.com

Special Assignments > Micha: CB of accredited organizations > Von: CB of the dormers > Juno and Sam: represent unaccredited organizations > Rocyl and Maki: represent athletes > Ray, Pam, and Jared: represent political parties Ensure that all organizations are represented. Gomez: Worry regarding representing political parties, I'm part of one. Conflict of interest? Yu: Would you be more amenable if we included Abbo in the list? Proposal is, Ray or Pam from ASL, Jared from IgnITE, Abbo for CRUSADA. Gomez: Me for ASL. Dimla: Invite political party heads? Yu: They are, these assignments are to ensure that someone will update. Reyes: Schedule presented is linear, one big flow. Can we accomplish in one meeting going through the entire thing? Yu: Don't know how long discussions will take. Priority list is important. List it all down, whatever fits into the 4:30-6:00 will be taken up then, then the next moves to the next week. Ruso: Is one week enough time for consulting? Including organizations? Yu: Give everyone a copy of the whole thing. See if we can publicly release it. What we'll be discussing per week is the point for that week, but you would have access to the whole thing and should discuss it already. Ruso: Constituents are divided by block? Yu: I mean the CB constituency. Abbo has to consult 2 SOSS, and CRUSADA. Gomez: So we need three weeks per amendment? It will intersect, right? Yu: Staggered. [Three-week cycle per amendment runs in parallel with the others.] Gomez: How many amendments are we looking at? Lucero: Five major structural amendments, and a bunch of wording changes from previous constitutional amendment attempts. Gomez: If the others are minor, do they still need the three-week cycle? Lucero: That's why the priority list is important. You can sweep some together. Yu: Output for this isn't necessarily a vote. Second and third reading. Gaite: Target date for plebiscite? Yu: Haven't talked to COMELEC, think they want to put it with elections. Cheaper.


Room 200 MVP Student Leadership Center Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights 0916 750 6661 | sanggusecgen@gmail.com

Gomez: Worried about plebiscite as well. Brief constituency and get them to vote. Do we have quota? Yu: 50% + 1. Gomez: How do you brief them? Lucero: Same way you consult. You have to realize that whatever is submitted is not legitimate. Will be legitimized by your capacities as CB Reps. Burden is on you. Yu: That's why we will release discussions before we vote. Show logic, flow. If there is significant disagreement from the student body, we can see beforehand. De Jesus, Louis: If you're any constituent and I wanted to put something into the Constitution, where do I go? Yu: Your CB. De Jesus, Louis: Not CAP? Yu: No, it doesn't have power. Tobias: Two years ago, there was supposed to be a plebiscite in GenEl, but no one knew about it and it caused a lot of trouble. CB Reps, make sure when you consult, inform them. De Jesus, Louis: Timelineelections usually happen in February, so plebiscite will also happen then? Yu: COMELEC's call. De Jesus: But that's the most likely. When will it be enacted? Gaite: Anything we say isn't binding as we are not in quorum. Segismundo: We believe if majority is in favor, it will already be in effect. Article 18, Transitory Provisionstake effect immediately upon ratification, supersede all previous constitutions. Yu: Clarificationyou come in, voted in, based on the old structure? That gets confusing. De Jesus, Louis: Does anyone here know what happened in 2004-2005, when they ratified the last constitution? Andujare: Research on with the help of SJC and OSG and others? Segismundo: Where can arms of the Sanggunian file amendments? Yu: We sent each unit a letter. You can put it forth through any CB meeting. Ruso: Set date for the plebiscite early? Sarmiento: Talking to Dan now on FB. Coordinate with COMELEC, make sure you use your reps for consultation. Maramba: Have a team working on it. To whom do we send? Yu: Technically, it can go through anyone. No matter which CB you give it to, it will go into the process. You can give to Nick. Lucero: New system. Before, Ryan sent letters to all departments, political parties, organizations, etc. for amendments. You can send to me, use Ryan's CB powers to get it on the table. 4


Room 200 MVP Student Leadership Center Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights 0916 750 6661 | sanggusecgen@gmail.com

De Jesus: How was the process decided on? Lucero: There is no elaborated process in Constitution or CIP. Trying to make a process that works in the span of one year. Ateneo CODE is helping. Reason we're assessing this year is to check ourselves. Observe previous processes. Ryan commissioned me to create the process along with him and his team to make something that worked. Yu: For this, Nick and I talked about it. We presented a process in first semester, asked people to critique and give suggestions. We followed it except for consultation with sectors, as we were supposed to partner with an external organization for that, but that didn't push through, so we are consulting them through CBs. Ruso: Combine both systems? Andujare: Remind the body that the current system is an evolution from previous combined systems. Ruso: So previous system failed? Lucero: Were expecting things that weren't delivered, wouldn't have worked, so changed in line with this. De Jesus: Will there be copies of the system, the diagram, distributed? Yu: I can upload the PowerPoint. SJC, pa-clarify, but I don't think this is voted upon. Not officialized, it's not a resolution per se. Tobias: Infographic to inform people about the system? Yu: I can do that. Andujare: Remind the body that the Con-Con is a priority of this administration. Ruso: So this will be put into the Constitution as the official amendment process? Yu: Up to the CB. We have another group studying this process. When the results come out, we might use that and put that into the Constitution. Unana: Retain the revision process every two years? Yu: What's mandated is review for possible amendments, not revision per se. Lucero: If you have further questions, email Ryan. Yu: sangguvp@gmail.com De Jesus, L: Hypotheticalfive competing amendments over the same topic. For example, HOR. How will the CB vote? Yu: Constitution says that as long as it gets 3/4, it gets forwarded. Multiple competing amendments can get forwarded, but that wouldn't make sense. But if after CB discussion the CB does decide to field two competing amendments, it can. Vote of the student body will decide.


Room 200 MVP Student Leadership Center Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights 0916 750 6661 | sanggusecgen@gmail.com

Ruso: Rationale behind confidentiality? Yu: I think I might be able to answer outside, but they're not yet ready to officially associate their organization's name with Sanggu.

Tanglawan Prokect Yu: Here is the email from Sir Cholo [of ADSA]. Ready for public dissemination. From acting VP Vilches. While we were helping external support, LS was also looking for internal ways to help affected students. About 50 students that we can rally behind for assistance. LSGO and the Bulatao Center can offer psychosocial help. VP's office offering modest financial help. Extended helpLS Tanglawan Project. Share light, hope. Encourage faculty, staff, and others to contribute to food provisions and other incidentals till December 2. Can be cash or food stubs for concessionaires on campus. Bringing this up to get input on how to implement. Brainstorming session. Gomez: Discussed at T55 PlevSem, decentralize idea-making in letting reps help. Four schools, sixteen batch units, they can make their own, geared towards the same end. Yu: Suggest that we give this to the reps? Gomez: Maybe a project per batch unit? Yu: So you're looking at sixteen initiatives? Issue is that if it's not centralized, might not have the same impact. Deadline is December 21, soon. One big effort might be better. Gomez: Effectivity-wise, batch units or four schools. Issue is, will it be effective if we have a centralized project where the only grassroots involvement is sign-ups for shifts. Andujare: Presider wishes to remind everyone that this administration's thrust is institutionalization and integration. Letter addressed to community, expecting response from the community as a community. Elicao: Do what we did for Yolandacome up with initial plan now, have bigger brainstorming session with the rest of Sanggu soon? Andujare: Are you suggesting a crowdsourcing session as soon as possible? Elicao: Possibly. Gomez: Concern is, institutionalization and integration, involve everyone. If we have a single central meeting, most will be unable to go. Yu: Concern is still urgency. Tobias: In addition to actual meetings, start talking to your units already, as soon as possible. 6


Room 200 MVP Student Leadership Center Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights 0916 750 6661 | sanggusecgen@gmail.com

Ruso: Instead of crowdsourcing, think tank? Yu: DCR? Yu: Bigger problem that Sir Chris and I talked about is donor fatigue. Yolanda donor drive is ongoing in JSEC, SBC orgs have their drives. Wondering if you can come up with a way to help despite the fact that we have so many already. It needs around P120,000 to feed the around fifty students, P75 per meal, two meals a day Tobias: What's the plan for tonight? Reyes: Deadline is December 21? Andujare: From the email, yes. Yu: Target of Dean Vilches is to finish the initiative before school ends. Yu: For the final plan, wasn't expecting us to come up with a final tonight. Hoping that more people would come. We have this project, it's urgent, we need as much support as possible. Gomez: 120,000 over 16 is P7,500 per batch. Yu: It's not just LS-student exclusive. It's a goal for everyone, including admin offices. Community effort. Sir Chris' hope is that we go beyond, not just do subsistence needs but also materials and the like. Tobias: Call for a meeting next week? Yu: Since AJ brought it up. If CB is amenable, set meeting with everyone invited. Andujare: If you're calling for a sit-down meeting, when? Yu: Schedule to be determined by the Sec-Gen, in line with everyone's availability. Tobias: When we have our meeting, make sure you've already consulted so you have ideas. Meeting not just thinking, but evaluating ideas.

Privilege Speech Dimla: Ride on what Ryan said. I received the same email, Dean Vilches talked to me. She wants to reach out not just to the families but to affected children. We wanted to create an exchange of letters with the kids, remind them that they're not alone, messages of love and hope. She specifically wanted to SOH to head this but we can't do it alone. Ask for help from general Sanggu. Also, trying to raise funds for affected students, but we also have to consider that some of them are paying tuition via installment. Some batchmates are trying to make fund drives for affected students, want to support those as an institution even temporarily. There needs to be a sense of "walang iwanan."


Room 200 MVP Student Leadership Center Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights 0916 750 6661 | sanggusecgen@gmail.com

Just want support. First thing is letters to the kids, reach out. Get help from organizations. Also want people who can speak the local languages so it's more personal. Also want help in collecting these letters. Solution we thought of was through core subjects, but if there's another way. Other suggestions on how we can raise funds for affected students, get them through college? Aldea: Iffy about letters. It's not a bad project, but it might not help either. Scared of what people could write. Might just be benevolence, not sure if the general population would know what to write or how to create the impact. Dimla: My reaction as well. My suggestion was to just involve a few. But don't want it to look like pity. Include this in the planning session. Dimla: Initial suggestion was short letter, postcard-style. Aldea: Danger is as I've mentioned, consider. Unana: Lights For Hope did something similar. Would this be redundant? Aldea: Not sure if it pushed through. Andujare: Ask representative from that group, go to Dean Vilches with that point. Yu: About letters, integrate planning to Tanglawan. Motion to change presidership to VP by VP, seconded by Sec-Gen. Motion approved unanimously. Andujare: For monetary help, you mentioned the installment thing, what is the expectation from us as Sanggu? Dimla: Some people are trying to raise funds already. Contact them, support them, help them form teams. Reyes: Since Sanggu relays concerns to the admin, wouldn't it be better to help them talk to OAA? Dimla: VP Vilches mentioned that OAA's resources are limited. Yu: The students have been directed to ADAA and OAA already.

Final Announcements Aldea: YES reports? Reyes: Orientation is next week. Lagonera: Invite everyone to participate in LGBT Pride Week. Aldea: Watch Filemon Mamon, go to Pulse. Elicao: Heads, check the sign-up sheet.


Room 200 MVP Student Leadership Center Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights 0916 750 6661 | sanggusecgen@gmail.com

Andujare: Subsidies coming in December. For any unit that needs budget, you need to propose. Inform me ahead. Elicao: All units, you're not sending me your minutes. Send. Andujare: Deadline for administrative documents is Monday, 9am. Sarmiento: Dan Remo sends his love from Hong Kong. Unana: For DSWS, updated manual. Reyes: To those I messaged for YES reports, Tuesday, 4:30-6:00. Motion to adjourn by COA, seconded by FO. Motion approved unanimously, meeting adjourned. Prepared By: Antonio Rafael N. Elicao Secretary-General Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral ng mga Paaralang Loyola ng Ateneo de Manila

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