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Yudhisthiras Wisdom Four Level Interpretations

Literary Comprehension Yudhisthiras Wisdom is an excerpt from Mahabharat, one of the two epics of Sanskrit. This epic, which was written around 2500 years ago, recounts the incidents that took place probably around 2800 years ago. Once, when the Pandava brothers were in exile, they saw a deer. In pursuit of the deer, they reached far from the place they dwelled. Since the day was very hot, they soon got thirsty and their mouths were parched. So, they decided to rest under a tree. Then, Yudhisthira sent Shadeva, the youngest Pandava in search of water. When Sahadeva did not return for a long time, Yudhisthira sent Nakula to see. When he also failed to return, he send his two other brothers, but all of the fail to return. Do the rest by yourself.

This story implies that one should be as righteous as Yudhisthira. It tells us that if we always follow the right path and be righteous, we will be paid right here in this world, not only hereafter. The story also tells us about the importance of patience, obedience to gods, wisdom and nobility. Further, it talks about the desire that people have, and the suffering that it leads one into. If Yudhisthira did not have these characteristics, we can assume, he would lose all his brothers because they did not have patience and disobeyed the god. So, the story entails that we should not lose our patience even in the time of great difficulties. It is with patience and wisdom; one overcomes the difficulties in life.

Critical Thinking:
Since the story is an excerpt from Mahabharat, one of the most cited literary pieces in the Eastern philosophy, it carries moral values. However, I do not quite agree with everything told in this story because the modern science does not believe in god. It has challenged the existence of the god in the universe, and the magical power that god is supposed to hold. Next, we can also wonder if such complicated questions can have so simple answers. Can courage, patience and wisdom solve all kinds of problems? Further, the story tells that Yudhisthira was rewarded for his righteousness. But, are all righteous people given the reward that they deserve? Also, we can talk about the contradiction in the tale. In the story, it is said that the four of Pandava brothers went in search of water, despite their tiredness, following the command of Yudhisthira. It is their obedience which made them go to fetch water. However, the same Padava brothers, who are said to be obedient to their brother, are shown being disobedient to Yaksha. However, considering the facts in the story, it is contradictory to see the same people being obstinate and disobedient.

All human beings have desire; desires for better food, better clothes, better salary, better possession, and better position. I personally believe that it is the desire and ambition that drives this world. If people had no desire, science and technology could never achieve the feats that they have achieved. I think, its the desire and ambition that has made this world a place suitable to live in. It is the ambition and desire of the people that has brought them from Stone Age to the age of computer. Though, the story seems to be ideologically correct, it is not appropriate in my case because it is the ambition and desire that has made me a successful person.

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