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France 24 | Suspicions of mass fraud rock French universities | France 24 09/09/09 8:52 AM


By FRANCE 24 (text)

Suspicions of mass fraud rock French

Prosecutors in Marseilles have launched an investigation into
claims that hundreds of Chinese students bribed officials at a
university in Toulon to obtain fake diplomas. Other French
universities could be involved in the fraud.

French police are looking into an alleged trafficking scheme in which hundreds of
Chinese students were fraudulently given French university diplomas. Police
were apparently tipped off while investigating an assault on a Chinese student
on the campus of the Institute of Business Administation (IAE), a part of the
University of Toulon, in southeastern France.

The student was reportedly attacked after failing to pay her debts with an
intermediary. A few weeks earlier, two Chinese students had filed a complaint at
the local police station after discovering that some diplomas had been delivered

A diploma worth 2,700 euros

According to French daily Le Monde, the fraud began in the 2004-2005

academic year when a Chinese student, who was struggling to get his diploma,
began offering bribes to one of the institute’s employees. The student was
subsequently awarded his diploma.

The scheme was then extended to the student's friends. According to a source
quoted by Le Monde, the fake diplomas cost around €2,700. Last year, one
student alone sold close to 300 diplomas.

On April 9, the police searched the institute’s premises and seized exam papers
written by Chinese students over the last four years.

The head of the institute reportedly told Le Monde that he had been approached
by a Chinese student who offered him a €100,000 bribe in exchange for
diplomas for about 60 of his fellow students.

Other universities involved

http://www.france24.com/en/20090416-suspicions-mass-fraud-french-universities-chinese-students-toulon?pop=TRUE Page 1 of 2
France 24 | Suspicions of mass fraud rock French universities | France 24 09/09/09 8:52 AM

When informed of the police's suspicions last October, the Toulon university
administration carried its own internal investigation. “We found some troubling
details,” Pierre sanz de Alba, the university’s vice-president, told Le Monde. In
the two-year entrepreneurship programme, 100% of the Chinese nationals
graduated successfully, as opposed to 60 to 70 percent of the other students,
including French ones.

According to the Marseilles prosecutor interviewed by AFP, the scheme may

have existed in other French universities as well. Pau, La Rochelle, Poitiers and
an establishment in the Paris region could be involved, says Le Monde.


http://www.france24.com/en/20090416-suspicions-mass-fraud-french-universities-chinese-students-toulon?pop=TRUE Page 2 of 2
ACTU LOCALE Toulouse Ariège Aude Aveyron

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Publié le 08/09/2009 12:49 - Modifié le 08/09/2009 à 14:40 | © 2009 AFP

Pécresse: trafic de diplômes, "graves irrégularités" à l'université

de Toulon
De "graves irrégularités" ont été constatées à
l'université de Toulon, dans le cadre d'un trafic
présumé de diplômes au bénéfice d'étudiants
chinois, a annoncé mardi la ministre de
l'Enseignement supérieur Valérie Pécresse en
demandant la saisine de la section disciplinaire du
conseil de l'université.
"La responsabilité du président de l?université est
engagée" dans ces irrégularités, selon les
conclusions de l'enquête administrative qui avait
été commandée par Mme Pécresse. Le rapport
d'enquête "va être transmis au procureur de la
République, dans le cadre de l?enquête judiciaire
en cours", a-t-elle précisé dans un communiqué.
La ministre, "après avoir reçu le rapport définitif
(à l?issue de la phase contradictoire) de l?enquête
Michel Gangne AFP/Archives administrative menée par l?inspection générale
qui avait été missionnée à l?université de Toulon,
a demandé au recteur de l?académie de Nice Christian Nique de saisir la section disciplinaire du
conseil d?administration de l?université", selon le communiqué du ministère.
"Le rapport de l?inspection générale de l?administration de l?Education nationale et de la Recherche a
en effet mis en lumière de graves irrégularités dans l?application des textes réglementaires régissant la
procédure d?admission des étudiants étrangers et de validation de leurs études à l?université Sud
Toulon Var", ajoute le ministère.
Mme Pécresse avait demandé le 14 avril une enquête administrative de "contrôle des conditions
d?obtention de diplômes par des étudiants chinois".
Une enquête judiciaire était aussi en cours depuis le printemps.
Après la divulgation fin juillet par la presse d'un pré-rapport d'enquête sur ce trafic présumé, le
président de l'université de Toulon Laroussi Oueslati s'était dit "choqué" de la publication.
A l'université de Toulon, on précise que M. Oueslati et les trois vice-présidents de l'établissement
étaient ce mardi au ministère.
Au ministère, on confirme que M. Oueslati a été reçu mardi matin, avec ses vice-présidents, par le
directeur général de l'enseignement supérieur et le directeur de cabinet adjoint de Mme Pécresse, "pour
être informé du contenu du rapport d'enquête". Il était prévu initialement que le président de
l'université vienne seul à ce rendez-vous, précise-t-on.

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Call for action on degree 'fraud'

An influential MP says ministers must "take seriously" the "fraud" of foreign students
with poor English gaining postgraduate qualifications in the UK.

Phil Willis, head of the innovation, universities, science and skills committee, said there was
"unease" about the way standards were policed.

Hundreds of people have e-mailed the BBC to back claims by a whistleblowing lecturer at a
leading UK university.

The government has said it is up to the institutions to monitor quality.

Mr Willis said: "The government must take this issue seriously.

“ It is critically important that where there is evidence of malpractice

- or fraud, which is what this is - that it is teased out as quickly as
possible ”
Phil Willis

"The quality of our higher education product - with several of our universities in the top 100
universities in the world - is dependent on the quality of research and the quality of the students
doing the research, and that must not be jeopardised. "

"It is hugely disappointing that the academic cannot report this to his or her own university or to
Hefce [England's funding body for higher education].

"It is critically important that where there is evidence of malpractice - or fraud, which is what this
is - that it is teased out as quickly as possible."


Liberal Democrat Mr Willis added: "There is unease at the moment at the way higher education is
policed for standards.

"There is a need for universities themselves to put into place transparent plans to assess and
monitor the quality of all post-graduate students to make sure that they reach rigorous standards
for post graduate work."

E-mails to the BBC News website suggest the practice of awarding post-graduate degrees to
overseas students with the most basic of English is so widespread that it is taken for granted - to
the detriment of all involved.

Hundreds have been in touch to back claims by a whistleblower at one of the country's most
famous universities.

The universities say there are rigorous procedures to prevent such things.

But this is regarded with incredulity in many of the e-mails, most of which are from current or
former students, lecturers or course administrators with first hand knowledge of the system.


The root cause is said to be the pressure to retain the fee income from foreign students, who
typically pay three times what home students pay for their courses.

Some claim the academics supervising postgraduate courses ghost write or heavily edit their
students' work to make it comprehensible, or that plagiarism is ignored or not punished.

Another allegation is that students buy essays or theses overseas, written in languages other
than English, then have them translated and submit them in the UK as their own work.

This circumvents the anti-plagiarism software which checks what has been submitted against
previous academic work - in English.

As an academic who has recently arrived at a Russell Group University from a major US
University, I completed agree but I would warn that this is not only about international students.
The standards of English across the postgraduate student body are particularly bad and I am
always asking myself "how did these students get an undergraduate degree with this standard of
English?". English Language, however, is only one of many problems in the system. While I have
been impressed with the standards that the national Quality Assurance Agency for HE set for
masters students, many masters fail to develop students to these standards and the QAA in their
reviews do nothing to assure that these standards are being met. The independent review by the
QAA is at most based on the ability of the University to hide the issues at hand. Universities UK
are there for the Vice-Chancellors of these university to make sure that all of these negatives in
the system are not broadcast to the public. It is truly time for academics across the country to let
everyone know what is happening in the name of university education.
Simon, London

I work as an administrator at a University and I know that there is a huge push to recruit
international students, most of which do not speak English. The first question is how on Earth are
they expected to understand and produce University level material when they can barely say
hello? Yes most are enrolled on English courses when they enrol, but to be honest the courses
are pretty worthless and most pass, so the University do not lose their fees. Shocking, especially
when some extremely intelligent students are losing out on University life because they are not
able to afford to come to University.
Janice, Wales

I am a course administrator for a postgraduate MSc at a 'new' university in Scotland. The

pressure has been increasing of late to recruit overseas students to increase the financial coffers.
The money spent on the expansion of university international offices to welcome and assist
overseas students has a not so 'hidden' agenda. However, our particular MSc requires students
from overseas whose mother tongue is not English to fulfill a minimum requirement of grade 7
IELTS. I do not believe that this is a criterion across the board. The academic standards at UK
universities at all levels, in particular at taught Masters' courses, are being gradually eroded. It is
time that we reverse this trend now before it is too late.

I face these pressures every day as a Senior Lecturer. Plagiarism is rife and excused on the basis
of cultural differences and difficulties in expression in English. Most of my colleagues now do not
bother to pursue the numerous cases they find. Easier to follow the University's advice to ensure
the majority of degrees should be awarded at distinction level.
Martin, Lancaster

As a lecturer in engineering I deal with many overseas students (both from EU and further afield)

and am well aware of the language problem as well as the issue surrounding plagarism. We do
fail students still, but they have the right to a second attempt and many try to get more. They
feel because they are paying so much money that they have the right to a degree - and that
goes for home students as well. We require a certain IELTS level but are fairly certain at times
that students get someone else to sit the test for them in order to achieve the correct level.

With plagarism we like most insitutions use the electronic software to check, but there is still an
issue particularly with material that is not widely available. We get suspicious about well written
material when we know the student's English is poor, but there is an insistence on evidence
before the administrators will let us penalise the students. So much of our academic judgement
has been lost and, as many have said, the fact that universities are forced to act as businesses
can be seen as the root of much. Students will resort to appeals and every possible avenue to get
what they think is their 'right'.

I come to this country just over year ago and to enhance my courier prospects decided to take
an MSc course in Accounting. I had always had concerns about level of my English, however, was
very surprised to find out that two native speakers who were taking IELTS for emigration
proposes had only achieved 6.5 and admitted that that reading and listening parts of the test
were particularly difficult... the course I have applied for required 7.0...and let me reassure you it
is impossible to get somebody else to do the test for you... my photo identity was checked three
times... Sorry guys, things not exactly as you describing...
Lyudmila Cherazina, London

I did my post graduate 3 years ago and there was a Korean girl with very poor English. She had
her first degree in MicroBiology from a university in Korea and was accepted onto the
International Marketing Masters degree. She failed every single module and only in June was it
discovered that she had faked her IELTS results. The university had taken her on with fake
results and a Bachelor degree in Microbiology, despite only admitting UK students with a 2:1 in
the same discipline. She paid £3k more than the UK students.

She persistently plagiarised as she could barely write a gramatically correct sentance and wasn't
able to put together a coherent presentation due to her complete lack of English. When you read
her essays she submitted it was a joke because she could barely write a sentance when taking
notes in class. When asked to read out 'her' work, she struggled with all the big words. It was
obvious she had plagiarised.

Her poor written and spoken English pulled down our group project mark considerably (fail) and
we took it to the board and contested it. They ended up throwing her off the course and allowing
us to re-do the project. When challenged as to how she got on the course, the course lecturer
admitted they knew she had fake results but it happens every time as the university does not
turn away international students because of fees. ...
Jo, London

Whilst all this is true, it has come to my attention that it is not the fault of those seeking to
recruit international students. The problem is with how we assess postgraduate degrees. As
much as degree awards differ (you have MRes and MAs in the Arts and MSc/PGDip/PGCert
/MPH/MA in the Sciences), so do the classifications awarded. Within the same institution, for
example, a student on an MRes course might be able to either pass/ fail in one school and to
pass/ fail/ gain merit & distinction in another. There's no central understanding of what
constitutes a PG degree; the reserved understanding is that all PG degrees are academically
rigorous & worthwhile, and so the issue is ignored. Thus, a lack of proficiency from any type of
student can go unnoticed.

As a PG student myself, defending the degree I am working my socks off for is part of the
undertaking. The elusive transferable skills I have gained, etc etc are apparent (I feel) and will

set me apart from other candidates in the various competitive sectors I hope to enter.
Sarah , Nottingham

Our institutions are not all corrupt and nor are our overseas students all dunces with minimum
skills in English language.As exams officer for my School for the last 8 years I have been well
placed to monitor the whole assessment process. I teach and assess both undergraduate and
postgraduate students, both home and overseas. There are occasional students in any cohort
(home and/or overseas) who may not come up to the mark. But the majority of overseas
students do meet the course requirements and handle both the level of study and the language
very well. If a student does seem to be disadvantaged by their language skill we refer them to
our Centre for English Language Education for additional support.

The academic offence of plagiarism has undeniably increased with facility of 'cutting and pasting'
technology. However, anti-plagiarism packages are also increasingly being used to identify bad
practice. It is not ignored or nodded through. Students guilty of the offence receive zero for their
work on a first offence. They could, and have, had their course terminated for offences
Dr Sue Pryce, nottingham

I lecture on a postgraduate professional legal course which requires high levels of English skills
oral and written as it allows entry into the legal profession. Many students pass who do not have
the language ability to work in this country. I have worked with some who have passed these
courses and yet judges are throwing back their documents in disgust asking for them to be
re-drafted. They are able to do many of the written assessments at home and it is often
suspected that they have the work done by someone else - even going as far as instructing a
barrister to do it for them. The larger the institution the greater the pressure to ensure the failure
rate does not deter applicants. Sadly as this is happening, the professional governing body is
lowering standards in the name of access. They are diminishing the effectiveness of the external
examiners. One senior manager stated that as far as the profession was concerned we write and
mark our own examinations and this is suspect in potential employers' eyes. So it was pointless
trying to use the external examiners as gatekeepers to the profession and we should acquiesce in
the diminution of their role.
Davis, London

I too work at a 'top-10' British university and recognise and corroborate most of what the whistle
blower reports. The worst aspect of the situation from my perspective is that I believe it is
already common knowledge in parts of the developing world that the surest way to succeed in a
British university (I would exclude Oxbridge but definitely include notable 'top ten'
establishments) is to lie and cheat to gain a place. ... Not one student, ever, has been refused
their place when demonstrated to have lied about their language skills and to have failed to reach
an adequate standard.

In a pastoral role I have had to deal with students (both home and talented overseas students)
who despair at the remedial level their classes are run at in order to ensure that the liars who
gained places dishonestly can complete their course. I even know of one example of a rare
overseas applicant who was refused a place on a post graduate course because of their poor
academic record. Obviously knowing the system, the rejected individual simply turned up to start
the course and paid over the fees. The department concerned obviously rejected her entry but
were over-ruled and forced to take the student. In due course (and only because the particular
examining process depended on satisfying an external examiner) the candidate failed. After
kicking up a fuss the student was allowed to be re-examined and some fudge was done to
protect the excellent record of this fine top ten establishment.

This situation is fuelled by fees from overseas students and the need for universities to be
'customer' friendly and look good in the league tables. The problem is entirely caused by the
devolution of power from academics to administrators and will only be reversed when there is a

wholesale rout of the 'business' model of higher education and universities return to being
assemblies of scholars rather than committees of 'success'-driven control freaks (who were
probably educated themselves by a system that rewards cheats). Please don't publicise my
name, the long held freedoms that made academia a worthwhile place are long dead and
speaking out is not acceptable.
Concerned, West Midlands

I attend a Russell Group University also as an undergraduate and wish to highlight perhaps a
bigger concern. With our course a large element of the 2nd year is a project which is undertaken
in a group. We are placed into groups of 6 and then given a year to complete the project. Due to
the language problems, both spoken and written, and the general poor skills of education a firm
and overwhelming emphasis is placed on the 2 or 3 British students to do the majority of the
work. Complaints to tutors about this extra burden are dismissed and this leads to the English
students simply having to do the work of the others as they cant communicate enough with the
foreign students to get them to understand and for reports their rudimentary English makes it
impossible to submit the work.

This in turn allows for less time for other modules and adversely affects these grades. It makes a
mockery of being accepted to a UK top 10 and Global top 40 university only to have to support
these cash cows. The lectures turn a blind eye and always seem to ensure their marks are
consistent with a 2:1.
Jon, Nottingham

The only thing that surprises me about this is how long it's taken to come out into the open. Ten
years ago I attended a presentation at a London university on the push toward attracting foreign
students as a major source of income. It was clear then from the tone of the event that it was
business first, with any academic or practical consideration taking a back seat to the ring of the
cash register. The greatly enlarged marketing department had been moved into expensively
refurbished office space, displacing academic staff who were moved in with protesting colleagues.

Universities can only play for so long on the "family silver" of historical academic excellence
before their reputations are severely and perhaps irreparably damaged.
Mark, London

I recently completed my MSc (as a mature student of 29 years old) and was amazed and
somewhat disgusted with the level of education and language skills shown by many of the foreign
students. This was so pronounced that I have essentially felt that my degree is of very little
value, as the majority of my results have been very high against a backdrop of foreign students
that have managed to pass with what I would suggest was work that was well below what one
would assume as a benchmark 'pass-grade'. It also disrupts the class as many of the students
struggled with the language used ... both standard English AND particularly with technical
concepts (it was an IT related degree).

The other issue that was flabbergasting was the fact that so many of these students were only
there to work in the UK. Time and time again registers were taken at the beginning of a lesson
with at least half of the students missing or never turning up ... only to submit a piece of work at
the end of term which somehow obtained a pass mark?! I feel strongly about this issue, as it
severely dented my sense of achievement upon the completion of the degree and damages the
reputation of all UK Universities.
Ian, Bristol, UK

I recently completed a MSc course in a "reputed" university and was rather taken back to see the
quality of students allowed to pursue Master's courses. Most of them lack basic educational and
language skills to pursue such programmes and it appears that the financial aspects were the
main driving factor in their application. Most don't even bother attending classes - busy cleaning
and serving meals in fast food joints and there was no effort on the part of the university

authorities to enforce any discipline regarding attendance and failing marks. What was further
sickening was that degrees / diplomas were awarded despite their failing across a broad number
of exams. Sorry to say I personally will not recommend UK Higher education to anyone anymore.
Kaushik, Glasgow, UK

Interesting that everyone leaps to make the accusation stick. Why not come and spend a few
days with the people and students who work together on the MA course I run?

1) yes, some speak and write English less well than others. But when we have to make decisions
about admission, we have to start with an IELTS certificate. I also ask for a personal statement
from the student which explains their reasons for coming on the degree: mainly I use this as a
check on their writing. Now I accept either one of these could possibly be faked or bought. But
how "rigorous" can one get past this point? In the past I have sometimes done face-to-face
interviews with people I suspected of having weaker English but this is only possible when they
are already in the country. So a certain level of checking is possible but in the end if a student
wants to get into the university at whatever cost, then they will bypass these, and there is not a
huge amount we can do about it.

2) Always in these kinds of discussion there is the implication that universities have abandoned
all principles for a rush for profit. Actually universities need this income these days simply to stay
afloat, having been abandoned by the state. ...

3) Teaching international students is one of the most rewarding parts of my job. There was one
Arab guy this year, from a village out in the desert, who struggled manfully at the beginning but
he's really done it, his work is now of a good standard, and I feel fully justified in admitting him
to the course, and proud of what we have helped him achieve. How quick everyone above has
been to leap on the bandwagon and not see the potential positives of an international student
cohort enriching our academic environments. Sure, some universities treat them as cash cows
and abandon them. I certainly do not and I challenge anyone to come and talk to the students on
my course and say that they or my university are somehow being exploited.
Drew, Yorkshire

I work in a university admissions office and we have complained about this for years. We impose
university agreed English language requirements on all applicants. Unfortunately the lecturers
ignore our specialised knowledge and over-rule us as they are desperate to ensure their classes
are full. We point out that students will fail (if they even enrol!) but the academics main interest
is numbers on the books to justify the class running. Applicants from overseas will contact
lecturers from their own countries and beg them to waive the English requirements. The
academics will often do so, citing "I've spoken to them on the phone and their English is fine".
Putting aside the questionable quality of the academic's own English, it is impossible to ensure
they have even spoken to the applicant and not a friend with better English. Fortunately, the
Points Based System next year should cut down on this as students will be denied visas if they
cannot speak English and the institution will be penalised. This should ensure standards are put
above profits (at least in the area of language ability), although some institutions are bound to
put immediate profit over long term recruitment.
Bob, Devon

As a current Masters student, I am the only home student and whilst a couple of the foreign
students do the work, I have found that in Seminars I am generally the only one who has done
the reading/background work, and am the only one that contributes, therefore I lose out on the
important areas of discussion. I have financed the MA myself, juggling family and part time work
and feel that I have lost out as a consequence. Whilst my undergraduate experience was in the
main good I cannot say the same for my postgraduate experience. There was also an expectation
from the other students that I would spend my time helping them out, explaining lectures to
them, helping with assignments and I was even asked to check one students essay before it was
handed in. In the end I worked entirely from home, did not socialise with the other students only

arriving in time for the lectures and leaving straight afterwards, as there are only so many times
you can point others in the direction of the lecturers who should be providing that level of
support before giving offence. I feel that my own studies are devalued if students pass, despite
failing to grasp basic concepts, and failing to attend the required percentage of taught sessions.
Anon, London

As a teacher in a leading university I can also confirm these problems. At undergraduate level we
can do a lot: from insisting take a pre-admission language course in the UK to making them
repeat year 1 (which of course brings in more fees). But with post-graduates it is another matter.
We insist that any non-English speaker applying for an MA must submit a "sample essay" as well
as language test results. These we test for internet plagiarism and have the luxury of sufficient
applications to be able to reject those who have. For PhD students the situation is worse. After
spending days rewriting a Korean students dissertation (good content, lousy expression), I now
ask that they find and pay someone to put their work into decent English. At the PhD level their
work is bound to be their own: their project is on a highly specialised subject and is mostly their
choice. In the end, though, would any of us want to try taking a degree course taught in
Chinese? I admire those students who make a genuine effort to become academically bilingual,
and think we should do a lot more to support them if we are taking such large amounts of money
off them. Fat chance of that happening however, as the system needs the profits they bring in.
Their fees keep the whole system going financially. The UK university system would be bankrupt
tomorrow without the profits it makes from overseas students.
John, London

Please don't blame this on those who try to their best to run our universities despite decades of
ever-decreasing incomes. Funding per student is cut, research funding is cut, salaries are falling
ever further behind the rest of the world, and behind other UK professions. Even Oxford and
Cambridge are losing money hand over fist and believe me it's not because their staff are paid
well. The universities are not being 'greedy' as many seem to assume. They are stuck with no
other way of paying the bills and are taken on large numbers of below-standard students just to
try and stay afloat.
Jenny, Cambridge

I have first hand experience of graduates of UK Universities who are Middle Eastern nationals and
whose English language written skills are at primary school level and whose general education is
well short of GSE standard. These graduates not only received Masters degrees but one actually
received a Ph.D. when he could not write correctly a simple sentence (i.e. a sentence with one
subject, one verb and one object). I wrote to [an English university] about one such individual to
check on his credentials and was told in effect that he was a very nice chap and did have a
Masters in Law. One UK graduate in the Middle East told me that it was easy to get a Masters in
the UK. All you had to do was to go to Cairo University and choose somebody else's thesis, pay a
small fee to get it translated into English and use that for the basis of your Masters. The rest was
simply flanneling your tutor. I was told that, as a UK University had no way of checking for
plagiarism of theses in Arabic, there was no danger of being found out. This was all explained to
me in alarming openness and simplicity. The prostitution of UK Universities' standards will result
in a reputation similar to that of, well, prostitutes.
Jimmie, Edinburgh

There's another side to this story: I'm an international student doing an MA degree in London. My
work has been repeatedly marked down because my tutors believed I had plagiarised. They
simply said "you wouldn't believe how many students do that, and your work was too good to
have come out of a Chinese student". So, not only am I expected to produce work of dubious
quality in order to fit that stereotype, I now have to actually justify writing excellent essays.

In China, British (and generally overseas) degrees are already experiencing a decline in
popularity. And it is a great shame to see genuinely outstanding institutions go down the quick
profit road while causing irreparable damage to their reputation.

Lu Yang, London

I have witnessed the extra allowances and benefit the foreign students receive. The current
practice for submission of assignments and dissertations is that a colleague abroad sends them a
copy of similar project in foreign language and they then get it translated. This circumvents the
current plagiarism checks. They are also downloading foreign language content from internet and
again translating for submission. Does this not de-value the MSc that I have taken 3 (part time)
years to complete?Does this not de-value the accedemic qualification that I have spent 3 year of
hard study to achieve. I also had a number of "team" elements to the course and it was
hampered by foriegn students not producing the goods.
Steve, S Wales

I am so glad someone has eventually spoken out on this issue as it has been going on at the
institution where I am just finishing my PhD for 2 years now. As a life sciences PhD student I am
expected to help with supervision of the overseas masters students in the laboratory so I have
firsthand experience of not only their level of English, but their ability in the laboratory as well. I
greatly admire someone who chooses to study in a country where they must speak a foreign
language, but in my experience language is not the only barrier here. Every one of the overseas
masters students last year failed their maths exam, but surprisingly only one failed their masters
degree - to be given a post-graduate diploma in lui. The students sit modules alongside 3rd year
honours students and are even given extra time for the same exam! It is clear that money is now
more important to universities than education.
Anon, Glasgow

I agree, I teach a Masters course at a red brick university and find that I spend most of my time
teaching basic skills and learning strategies, which is a waste of my time and skills. Its highly
frustrating for me as a tutor and for the students who need translation dictionaries all the time. I
expect that students enrolling for Univ should have a working knowledge of English. I am from
overseas myself - and English is not my first language, however a HUGE effort is required on part
of the student to master the language and then join the course. The IELTS is a dumb way to test
English levels as it asks basic questions, I have taught people who have passed it, yet could not
say more than Yes or No in class.
Anon, London

Your article and the responses are absolutely spot on. The postgraduate degree sham has been
an open secret in the university world for years. It is to all intents and purposes impossible for a
full fee paying student to fail a course, no matter how low their ability, how poor their English or
how dishonest their practice.

This is a natural result of the new business like nature of universities. We don't teach or educate
any more - we sell degrees, and the customer is always (even if they can't spell it) right.
Ian Johnston, Glasgow, Scotland

Having worked in a Russell Group university for 20 years, my own experience resonates with that
of many of you, though the fraction of students I have had direct contact with (in a physical
sciences environment) with poor language skills is much lower than 5%. What is missing from
the debate is any discussion of "why" universities feel obliged to secure large numbers of foreign
students: the reason is clear - we have historically chosen to refuse to fund the university sector
appropriately, and so universities have no choice but to seek funds through other routes. If
government funding for teaching UK students was even barely adequate, we would likely not see
this type of situation.
Chris, England

I am an international student myself and I can assure that this problem does exist, in an
extremely large scale. When I applied for my MA programme some four years ago in a reportedly
reputable English university, I was asked by the department to get at least 7.0 in IELTS or

equivalant, which, I assume, requires every student to have a certain level in both spoken and
written English. However, I was shocked when I first met my classmates as many could barely
speak one correct sentence, not to mention incorrect pronunciation of almost every word, making
having a normal conversation virtually impossible, and was appaled to discover that some even
joined without any sort of a proficiency test. What amazes me even more is that everyone I knew
back there had passed.
Grami, Newcastle

I work in a multinational, science-based industry and have done so for nearly 20 years. I have
interviewed numerous graduates and postgraduates and have witnessed a shocking decline in the
average standard of people coming out of UK universities over the past decade or so. I am not
alone in thinking this as most of my colleagues, as well as many people I meet at conferences,
share the same concern. UK universities are forced to operate as businesses rather than
academic institutions and so it is hardly surprising that we see the consequences so eloquently
highlighted by the correspondents on this web site. So, where do I get my new staff from ? Well,
increasingly, I am recruiting from overseas (mainly other EU countries) where universities are
still focused on education and aren't afraid to use the "F" word - Fail.
Mel, London

Story from BBC NEWS:


Published: 2008/06/20 08:15:22 GMT


Phony degree scam exposed
Temptation to become an 'instant DALE BRAZAO/TORONTO STAR
grad' fuels this man's busy trade in Peng Sun walks to his car after meeting a Star operative. Sun sells forged
finely forged diplomas diplomas.

December 07, 2008

For $3,000, Peng Sun can turn anyone into an instant graduate
Here is the price list
from the most prestigious universities in the country.
Peng Sun quoted in
For another $1,000, he'll provide authentic-looking transcripts emails and brought
for the dozens of classes you never attended. with him to meetings
with a Star undercover
All you need is a bundle of cash and the nerve to meet him in a operative:
parking lot somewhere in the GTA. In return you will get a
forged university degree virtually indistinguishable from the $3,000 Most
real thing. university degrees
(York, University of
We know this because for $4,000, Peng Sun made a York Toronto, etc.)
University MBA diploma for a Star operative posing as a
Toronto bank employee who needed one quickly to land a $6,000 University of
high-paying job in China. In three days, Sun produced Toronto-post 2006
documents that would take years and hefty tuition fees for a (with anti-counterfeit
real student to earn. hologram)

Education leaders say the widespread production of bogus $1,000 Two copies of
degrees damages the academic system and police warn that sealed transcripts, on
forged documents create security risks. watermarked paper

Sun's counterfeit ring, the brash 26-year-old York University $1,000 Letter from
grad claims, has forged hundreds of college and university the Chinese Ministry of
degrees in the past four years. He started the business while a Education
visa student at York.
$500 Admission letter
"Three (degrees) per week, a good week, I get four," Sun told from university
the Star's undercover operative of the high demand for his
$600 Proof of tuition
bogus degrees.
His work is top-notch. His prices are higher than those charged
$1,750 Student photo
by diploma mills advertising on the Internet because his fakes

Ads by Google
Fibromyalgia Treatment
Free Consultation GTA. 416-840-6050
We Can Help! Chronic Pain Relief.
are of superior quality, for real universities, printed on thick, watermarked ID card
paper, and stamped with university seals.
$900 Graduation
For the $4,000 Sun also provided two copies of grade transcripts in sealed letter from Canadian
York University envelopes ready to hand to prospective employers. university

"Once you crack the watermark you can forge anything," Sun boasted to one $300 Reference letter
of two operatives the Star used during a two-month investigation. "You can
print money." $800 Enrolment
University of Toronto and York University degrees are the most sought after
by his clients, mainly students who don't want to study, or immigrants Sun also told the Star
returning to China who need a diploma to land a well-paying job. Sun said operative he offers
the price for a bachelor's degree, MBA or PhD is the same. For him, it's the "different combos,
same amount of work, paper and ink. with gift packages."

"I have friends from China who spend three years here, didn't want to go to
school, but got York and U of T degree (from him) then got a job," Sun
boasted. "There are many of them. It's funny."

"My quality is the best. You can't even distinguish. The paper, its weight, quality, pattern, colour, fonts,
layout, logo design, stamp, seal are the same as the real thing."

"You will get your return," Sun said to the operative's comment that $4,000 was a lot of money. "If you
pay 30 years of tuition fees, you still have to study for 30 years."

Sun advertises his fake degrees on an Internet bulletin board. He did not ask to see any identification
before undertaking to make an MBA degree for one of our operatives, who went by the name Calvin
Wai Tak Lee. After email and telephone exchanges, Calvin Lee met Sun in the Shoppers Drug Mart
parking lot at Yonge St. and Finch Ave. two weeks ago. Our operative gave him a date of birth, the
requested graduating year (2006), plus a $400 cash down payment.

Three days later, Calvin Lee had his Master of Business Administration from York's prestigious Schulich
School of Business, bearing the embossed slogan "with all the honours, rights and privileges which
appertain to this degree." The degree was delivered at a meeting that began in Sun's white Toyota Yaris
in the same parking lot.

Bearing a graduation date of June 2006, the degree carries the university's crimson seal and the forged
signatures of then-Chancellor Peter Cory and President Lorna Marsden. Cory is a former Justice of the
Supreme Court of Canada and Marsden is a former Canadian senator.

For the $4,000 Sun also provided transcripts detailing two years of alleged study in marketing courses
at Schulich, awarding Calvin Lee an A in Organizational Behaviour, but only a C+ in Strategy Field

Shown the bogus degree and transcripts, York University Registrar Joanne Duklas was both impressed
by the quality of the forgeries and outraged that anyone, especially a former student, would undertake
such "nefarious" work.

"As a group, registrars of schools are appalled by this behaviour and find it unacceptable," said Duklas,
whose forged signature is on the transcripts.

So confident was Sun about the quality of his work that before taking his payment, he drove Calvin to
the York University bookstore at the Keele St. campus to compare his newly minted forgery to framed

samples on display there.

Back in the car, Sun demanded the remaining $3,600 before turning over the degree, stashing the cash
in an empty Godiva chocolate box and shoving it under his car seat.

As he drove the Star's operative back to the Shoppers' lot, Sun sought to involve our operative in
another of his scams, asking Calvin (who was posing as a banker) if he could put him in contact with
someone at the bank who deals with mortgages and loans.

"Some people want to return to China, sell their passports, SIN cards, and we can use their names to
go to the bank and get loans," Sun explained. "Once you get the money in hand ..."

When they reached Shoppers, two Star reporters confronted Sun as he was about to drive off. Startled,
Sun said little, then grudgingly handed over the box of money when asked by the Star.

"I'm just doing research," Sun said several times, when told that he had been the subject of the
newspaper's probe into fake university degrees.

"I reserve the question," Sun said several times, when asked to explain his actions.

"Can I go now?" he asked, then sped off in the Yaris in the direction of his luxury condo two blocks
away on Greenview Ave. Property records show that he paid $410,000 for the unit and it is mortgage
free. At a previous meeting Sun had arrived in a $60,000 BMW 525xi, bearing the vanity plate A 001.
Subsequent phone calls to Sun's cellphone have gone unanswered.

Sun's own York University degree is real. He graduated from the Atkinson School of Administrative
Studies in 2007 with a Bachelor of Human Resources Management and upgraded it to an honours
degree this year, the university confirmed. But in discussions with our operatives, Sun played down his
academic achievements, saying his degree has been of limited use to him. In China, as it is in Canada,
it's who you know and your work experience that counts, he said.

"I've forgotten everything (I learned) in school. All theoretical. Nothing useful."

Sun came to Canada as a visa student years ago and took courses at Humber College before enrolling
at York. Known to friends, clients and in Internet chat rooms as "Randy," he has advertised on the
Internet for years, primarily on YorkBBS.ca, a bulletin board popular with Chinese visa students. He
calls his company Golden China Overseas Studying.

That's where a Mandarin-speaking Star operative saw his ads, not only for diplomas, but automobile
insurance, student cards and other types of identification.

Contacted by email, Sun boasted openly of his ability to produce degrees from most Canadian
universities, with the exception of the University of Western Ontario in London. A University of Toronto
degree would have to carry a graduation date prior to June of this year. U of T has started using
holographs on its diplomas, which are harder to copy, but Sun said recently he is now in a position to
fabricate the new U of T degrees, for $6,000.

"We have the watermark paper, we have the seals," Sun said. "My quality is very, very, good. As close
as you can get to the real thing."

Besides the degrees, he offered for sale numerous other counterfeit documents, which could push the
price to more than $10,000. These include forged letters from the Chinese Consulate in Toronto and the
Chinese Ministry of Education in Beijing attesting the client as a bona fide student in Canada.

"I can get all these documents pretty fast," Sun said in an email prior to the first of three face-to-face

meetings with the Star's operatives. "If it is not urgent, give me a week. The pivotal question is, when
you will need it?"

He does not provide samples of his work, he said, because he can't take a chance of being caught with
any evidence or have his work fall into the hands of his competitors. "I used to show samples to all
customers. One evening I was in a parking lot at Finch and Leslie. I was showing samples. Not even
five minutes, police came to us. I was quick. I put them away. Police said someone called police and
reported you selling fake documents. I said, no, I'm here chilling out with friends.

"Since then I don't carry any samples with me."

Chinese employers rarely check the authenticity of foreign degrees, he told one of our operatives. Even
if they do, universities don't normally give out information over the phone, preferring a faxed request,
he said. In that case, the applicant should provide the employer with a fax number in Toronto.
Confirmation of the degree will then be faxed to China on the university's letterhead. For his protection,
and that of his clients, Sun claims he purges all client information from his laptop, and shreds all
documents a week after the transaction is sealed and delivered.

"The last person you want to see, after you buy a degree from me, is me," Sun told one of our

The bogus-degree market is a billion-dollar industry, authorities say, with hundreds of Internet sites
pumping out an estimated 200,000 fake diplomas a year around the globe. Fake degrees pose a
security risk in the hands of potential terrorists, who might use them to gain entry into North America
or advance into sensitive jobs. Two of the terrorists involved in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks entered the
United States on student visas.

"The dangers posed by a diploma mill are real,'' says University of Illinois Professor George Gollin, who
has studied the problem for years. "It is bad enough that persons using fake degrees obtain
undeserved status or swindle unwitting victims, but there is a real danger when phony physicians treat
the sick, untrained engineers design bridges or teachers with purchased credentials instruct our

In April 2007, York Regional Police arrested five Chinese visa students alleged to be operating a "full-
service" forgery mill in the basement of a house in Markham.

The gang had produced "hundreds, if not thousands" of top-quality degrees, passports, visas, driver's
licences and marriage certificates and sold them on the Internet. Among the hundreds of documents
seized by police were degrees from U of T, York, Western, Carleton, Acadia, Brock, Seneca College and
George Brown, as well as stamps used to produce the university seals and blank watermarked

"This was quite the brazen operation," York Regional Police Chief Armand La Barge said at a news
conference to announce the biggest takedown of a forgery den in Ontario's history.

"They were charging $18,000 for immigration papers and enough other documents that you could
create an entire false identity."

The sophistication of the degree-making operation was such that diplomas matched the correct
university president's signature to the year of the graduation.

"I've never seen quality like this," Det. Mathew Ma, an expert on high-tech crime, told reporters. "I
can't tell the difference between the false and the originals."

But the case blew up in court last month after a judge ruled police entered the house initially without a
warrant or reasonable grounds. Charges were withdrawn against three of the accused, and Justice
Richard Blouin acquitted the other two, a husband and wife.

The quality and volume of fake documents presented serious national security concerns, Blouin said in
his ruling.

The Star has no evidence linking Peng Sun to that forgery operation.

Bogus diplomas diminish the value of the work legitimate students put into obtaining real degrees, said
George Granger, executive director of Ontario Universities Application Centre, which acts as a clearing
house for student seeking admission to Ontario's 21 universities.

"No one really knows how extensive this is, but we do know it is a problem and the universities are
taking steps to deal with it," Granger said. Some of those measures include changing the look of their
degrees every so often.

Watermarked paper, which is intended to foil forgery attempts, is kept under lock and key. Transcripts
are printed on special paper that can't be photocopied without the word "copy" showing through. Each
sheet is numbered and spoiled transcripts are destroyed.

"We treat our degrees like currency," said Laurie Stephens, director of media relations for U of T. New
degrees are imprinted with a hologram to deter would-be forgers.

Employers and other interested parties can now request verification of any U of T degree online, if they
know the student's name, social insurance number or student number. They will get an answer in five
days. York University is considering a similar move.

U of T graduates about 12,000 students a year. Both U of T and York get several hundred calls each
week from prospective employers and other universities, many of them overseas. Anyone with a
concern about the legitimacy of a degree should contact the Registrar's Office at either school.

Canada has no law specific to degree forgery, though in 20 American states it is a crime to use fake
degrees and the U.S. Congress is studying legislation to deal with diploma mills.

In Canada, allegations of degree forgery come under the forgery section of the Criminal Code.
"Possessing a false document could be defended on the basis that it is a novelty item," said criminal
lawyer Scott Cowan, who defended one of the accused in the Markham bust. "But passing off a fake
degree as an original in a job application would amount to the offence of uttering a forged document. It
could be as serious as using a counterfeit bill."

"Make sure you buy a frame to frame your diploma," Peng Sun told Calvin Lee as he left his car with
the bogus degree in his briefcase. "You can even get it from Wal-Mart. If you have a problem, call me.
Good luck."

Dale Brazao can be reached at dbrazao@thestar.ca or 416-869-4433.

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Bedford firm in Chinese CV fraud battle

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Bedford firm in Chinese CV fraud battle
The East of England News - ICT Username
business news source, Written by Tony Quested

covering Cambridge-
Wednesday, 01 April 2009 11:52 ••••••
shire, Essex, A Bedford company that verifies academic Remember me
Hertfordshire, Norfolk, qualifications is in global demand as companies and
Northants, Milton universities battle a tide of fraudulent CVs – principally Login
Keynes and Suffolk. from China. Forgot login?
About us Register
Verifile has just landed an exclusive contract with the
China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education
Development Centre (CDGDC) in Beijing. Latest Popular
It will work with the centre to provide a streamlined
News Centre service where employers, individuals and academic
By industry organisations can check the validity of qualifications
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gained in China. The company uses internet
Economic Development technology to speed up the screening process.
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Verifile managing director, Eyal Ben Cohen, says that many of the forgeries are pathetically transparent. china
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Last Updated on Tuesday, 16 June 2009 16:25

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