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IELTS Speaking Lecture

Lecture one

Introduction And PartInterview

Teaching Objectives
To get the student to know the purpose of IELTS speaking section To get the student to know the format and scoring criteria of oral speaking test. To enable the students to answer some general questions.

Teaching procedures
Introduction of IELTS Speaking Test Part one: general questions. Practices with specific topics of general questions.

Introduction of the teacher

Name E mail Purpose of this course

I Introduction of IELTS Speaking Test 1.1 Purpose of IELTS Speaking Section

To see if !ou can speak sociall! with nati"e speakers. #or e$ample: make friends% To see if !ou has certain speaking skills. #or e$ample: describing% e$plaining% etc.

1. !or"at of Ora# Speaking Test

1. Lasts && to &' minutes (onsists of ) parts *ne e$aminer with one candidate .1 Part Interview Lasts + ' minutes. (ontains ) topics with , - questions. .bout !our personal information and some common topics.

1. 1.

Part Individua# #ong ta#k Lasts ) + minutes. /!ou speak for & 0 minutes without interruption1 In"ol"es a topic card. 2ou should make an oral presentation on a topic. .$ Part Two wa% discussion Lasts + ' minutes 3elated to the topic card in stage 0. 4i"e out ' , questions on a general issue. 2ou should elicits !ours e$planations% anal!sis% comparison% opinions and reasons. .

1.$ Scoring &riteria

#luenc! /&- 1 5ocabular! /&- 1 4rammar /&- 1 Pronunciation / 0.+.,.6 1 'O() S&O)ES *!+,+-+P./0

1.$.1 A score of 0 in speaking test 2ou are able to speak in some area% but lack of "ariet! . 2ou seldom use comple$ sentences% and make frequent grammatical errors. This score occurs 0 ) times in &7 (hinese candidates. 1.$. A score of 1 in speaking test 2ou can communicate !our message and be understood. 8ut !our performance is inconsistent% sometimes struggle in speaking. ) + out of ten of !ou will be in this rage. 1.$.$ A score of 2 in speaking test 2ou can use English competentl!% and often can handle comple$ sentences. Sometimes use inappropriate and unsuitable languages. Small grammatical errors are made. 0 ) out of ten of !ou will recei"e this score. 1.$.0 A score of 3 in speaking test 2ou are "er! comfortable in speaking all topics with barel! an! hesitation% ha"e no trouble in communicating with nati"e speakers. 2ou can talk in some depth about an issue. & 0 out of ten (hinese candidates win this score. 1.$.1 A score of 4 in speaking test

2ou speak with barel! an! mistakes% and are "er! eas! to be understood. 2our "ocabular! is highl! de"eloped. This score occurs in & out of 07 candidates.

1.0 The ski##s i"proving %our abi#it% to dea# with the IELTS
1.0.1 5ow to "ake %our speaking f#uent#% 1.0. 9on:t hesitate 9* N*T frequentl! use uhhh% errr% mmmh% !eah% oh right 9on:t repeat 9on:t be too slowl! 9on:t o"eruse discourse markers 2ou can use simple words e"en structures to guarantee fluenc! (se so"e "outhfi##ers to earn ti"e I mean % !ou know % what I mean is; Talking of% speaking of% an! wa!; It:s reall! an interesting question I:"e ne"er thought about such questions% but let me think now;.

1.0.$ 6hat %ou can do if %ou can7t re"e"ber a word during the e8a" Paraphrase (hange !our word totall! #ind the s!non!ms (hange the part of the word/ad<.".n.1 1.0.1 5ow to get higher score in ter"s of gra""ar =se more form of tense =se more (omple$ sentences =se more con<unctions Some con<unctions can make !our speaking fluentl!% logicall! and coherentl! . Pick some for !our use from the handout. 1.0.2 5ow to i"prove pronunciation9 Phonetics% rh!thm and intonations. Listening and imitating. It ma! be helpful if !ou practice 8ritish English. Stress is "er! important for pronunciations

Practice: product producer econom! economic record compete competitor industr! education "egetable

1.1 !A: of IELTS Speaking

1.1.1 5ow for"a# shou#d I be9 It "aries in different stages. Stage & is slightl! informal. Stage 0 is slightl! more formal. Stage ) is most formal. 1.1. 5ow fast wi## e8a"iners speak9 The speed is not set. The! will set the speed according to what the! belie"e is !ours listening abilit!. 1.1.$ 6hat if I a" asked so"ething I known nothing about9 2ou should admit !our lack of knowledge% but !ou still should tr! to sa! something. 1.1.06hat if I don7t understand the ;uestion9 .sk again. 1.1.1 6i## I be punished if I ask to repeat9


No. 8ut too much will be considered an issue in !our assessment.

II Part one Interview .1 Process

E$change greetings E$aminer introduce himself (heck the candidate:s name% I9% origin ) topics of & + questions

. -reetings
4ood morning? @ 4ood afternoon? A I:m !our e$aminer. A I:m the candidate. /N*1 Nice to meet !ou. /2ES1 4lad to talk with !ou. /2ES1

.$ So"e techni;ues for interview

.$.16hat kind of answer does e8a"iner want to hear fro" %ou9 %%. !:"#$%&'()*+,-./% 012%3 !4%:-15678%8%9:*.. Sa"p#e< 5ow often do %ou go shopping9 2es 2es% I like shopping/;8"1. 2es% I like shopping "er! much. shopping is a "er! common acti"it! in our dail! life% and most of us ha"e to go shopping at least once a week/ 1. 2es% I am reall! fond of shopping/1.it is a good wa! to rela$ !ourself after I ha"e been working for a long time% what:s more/ 1%I think shopping is also a good wa! get more information about the fashion / <+=>%?@=1. .$. So"e usefu# patterns =o %ou #ike> A1B &.B! hobb! is;. 0.I particularl! like;.. ).I go for;.. +.B! fa"orite ;. Is ; '.I am a ;.fan ,.I am fond of;. C. I am much on; 6;..interests me a lot. -.I am "er! keen on; &7.Idon:t think I:"e seen an!thing I like better. &&.I am craD!@mad about sth;. &0.I ha"e passion for sth;. &).I en<o! ;.

&+.I am enthusiastic about;. &'. I ha"e a strong inclination for ;.

A7B &,.I don:t think much of it.C67DE.FGH!I. &C.I dislike@@ hate@@ detest @@ loathe ; &6.I can:t understand how people like that kind of thing. &-..ctuall!% I ha"e no interest in it. 07. I can:t stand @bear ; 0&.I am@get sick and tired of; 00.I am fed up with ; Practice 9o !ou like shoppingE 9o !ou like to go out in the e"eningE 5ow often do %ou > If ; I will ;% if ; I will ; I usuall!@ often@ normall!@ frequentl!; In most of the cases@ most of the time; ; but@sometimes@ in some cases; whene"er I can% I;

Practice Fow often do !ou go shoppingE Fow often do !ou go out in the e"eningE Fow often do !ou go to the cinemaE

.$ :uestions ? Answers
.$.1 @a"e Ghat is !our full nameE Ghat is !our famil! name@ last nameE #irst name H last name 4i"en name H famil! name Ghat:s the meaning of !our (hinese nameE 2ou know m! (hinese name is IIII% which means@s!mboliDes@ represents@ stands for IIIII Ghat is !our English nameE 2ou can call me IIIIII B! English name is IIII I amIIIIIII

B! friends call me IIIIIIIII Is !our gi"en name a common one in (hinaE 2es% it:s quite IIIIII/ad<.common1% man! people use this name@ha"e the same name as me % 2es% because it soundsIIIII/beautiful@ elegant1. No% I think the reason might beIIII. @otes E8tend %our answers =O @OT si"p#% answer A%esB or AnoB E8tend %our answer for" C0 sentencesD but no #ongerD b% e8a"p#e reason It a## depends Fow do !ou go to schoolE 8! bic!cle. 8! bic!cle% because it:s quite economical% con"enient and health!. 8! bic!cle. Bost uni"ersit! students do this. It all depends. Bostl! I:ll go b! bic!cle% but if it is rain! I Jll take a bus. Practice: In !our countr!% do people call each other b! using English nameE .$. Stud% .re !ou a student or are !ou with a <obE I:m IIII student from IIIIschool . I am stud!ing IIII in IIII !ind the words %ou need fro" the handout. Ghat is !our ma<orE 9o !ou like itE Gh!E B! ma<or is IIII I ma<or inIIII I am in IIII ma<or I am follow up IIII 3ight now I am stud! in IIII Ghat do !ou think of !our school @ campusE I think m! school is IIII I find out the campusIIIII beautiful interesting huge@large warm Add "ore detai#s to support %our idea. Ghat is !our ideal <ob in the futureE

B! ideal@dream <ob in the future is IIIII I am dreaming to be III I:d like to become IIII I ha"e no idea about IIIII. teacher doctor policeman businessman soldier official politics Ghat do !ou think of stud!ing EnglishE I think stud!ing English is IIII I find out stud!ing English IIII E$press !ou idea that !ou like or dislike stud! English. Ghat:s !our purpose of stud!ing EnglishE I stud! English for IIII B! purpose of IIIis IIII The reason wh! I stud! English is IIII 9ifferent people ha"e different opinions% for me@ as far as I:m concerned% is IIII find a good <ob% stud! abroad% tra"el% make friends; Fow long ha"e !ou been stud!ing EnglishE I ha"e been stud!ing English for almostIIII I studied English since III/middle school1 It has been II !ears since I took English. Practice: Ghat are the difficulties in !our English stud!E Fow is the sports facilities @ dining hall @ academic atmosphere in !our schoolE Ghat is the best wa! to stud! EnglishE .$.$ !a"i#% #ife Ghat do !ou usuall! do with !our famil!E Gatching T5 4o tra"eling @fishing@shopping (hatting@ talking about our dail! li"es@difficulties@ friends@ famil! plan .re !ou important to !our famil!E I suppose@think@ belie"e so. 8ecauseIII I don:t know whether IIII. I:"e ne"er thought about this kind of question. Ghat do !ou think of big familiesE I don:t think it:s a IIIIIIthese da!s% because it:s IIIIII to raise too man! children. .lso% it will gi"e the mother too much IIIII .

I want to be a member of a big famil!. the reason isIIIII Practice: 9o !ou ha"e an! brothers or sistersE

Lecture Two
Teaching Objectives
To enable the students to answer some general questions. To get the student familiar with some topics.

Teaching Procedures
Practices with specific topics: Fometown% Night life% .nimals% Busic% Transportation. .$.0 5o"etown Ghere is !our hometownE I come from IIIII I am from IIII B! hometown is IIIII% a IIIIcit!@town in IIIII It is located@ lies inIIIII of (hina@$$ . It takes IIhours to Guhan b!III. big% small% clean% beautiful% attracti"e 9o !ou like !our hometownE Gh!E I lo"e m! hometown deepl! for it:sIIIII I don:t think I like m! hometown% becauseIIII

Is there an!thing special about !our hometownE tourist spots food weather people histor!@culture building park@garden Ghat problems does !our hometown faceE pollution

population e$plosion economical de"elopment education .$.1 @ight #ife Ghat do !ou usuall! do in the e"eningE Gatching T5@mo"ie Pla! mah<ong@poker 4o shopping@dancing 4o to the bar stud!@reading@ listening to music Gho do !ou usuall! spend !our e"ening withE I usuall! IIwith m! famil! memebers@friends Practice< Fow often do !ou go out in the e"eningE .$.2 PetCCCCCani"a#CCCCCwi#d#ife 9o !ou like animalsE Gh!E Ghat are the common pets in (hinaE dogs% cats% fish% rabbit%snake% liDard% pink pig% bird Gh! man! people like petE 8ecauseIIII lo"el!% friendl!% lo!alt!% helpful% Add detai#s 9o !ou like pet or notE Gh!E No% in m! e!es%IIII dirt!% cause disease% troublesome% waste mone! .$.3 6eather Ghich kind of weather do !ou like mostl!E sunn! rain! snow! humid cloud! Gh! do !ou like this weatherE

.$.4 Eusic Ghat do !ou think about musicE rela$ing encouraging e$citing sweet meaningful full of rh!thm 9o !ou like musicE .$.F Trip< 9o !ou like tra"elingE wh!E (an !ou sa! something about !our last tripE

Gell% I went to IIIII/place1 withIII/someone1IIIIIago. It was a IIIII/ad<.@interesting@special@unique@wonderful1 trip. It was a trip full of IIIII/ad<.@e$citing e$perience1 Fa"e !ou e"er been to some interesting placesE well% let me think% I think m! trip to IIIIga"e a IIII/ad<.1feeling. I lo"e this trip because IIII. !ind the words %ou need fro" the handout. .$.1G Transportation Ghat are the means of transportation in !our cit!E bus% ta$i% subwa!% light railwa!% bic!cle% ferr!% pri"ate car% mini bus Ghat is the most popular transport in !our cit!E Bost people will choose to takeIII The top choice of the local people is II IIIII is the first choice. If people whoIII% the! would choose II @otes If !ou meet some questions that !ou donKt understand or although !ou understand it% !ou ha"e no idea about the question. what !ou can doE 2ou can ask the e$aminer to repeat the questions ne"er more than three times in part one. 2ou can sa!: &.Gell% actuall!% I ha"e ne"er think about it. so i donKt think i can gi"e !ou an! idea here. 0.I am sorr! I canKt gi"e !ou an! answer here. ).I donKt think I am familiar with it.

Lecture Three Part Two and topics about AobjectB Teaching objectives > > > >
Bake the students ha"e a general idea about the procedure of part 0. Bake the students know how to make note. Teach them gi"e special form of opening Teach them how to get around topics about Lob<ectM.

Teaching procedure



Introduction of part 0 Fow to make notes Fow to gi"e !our opening Topics about Mob<ectsM

I. Introduction of part &.&3equirements for this part:

Individua# Long Ta#k

No hints from e$aminer.

& minute for preparation 4rammar 0 minutes for presentation



1. 6hat7s the functions of sentences in Part 9

&.*pening sentences 0..nswers to the questions ).#ree topics +.E$amples and e$periences


=escribe a p#ace where %ou often have "ea#s. 'ou shou#d sa%< 6here it is 6ho" %ou go with 5ow it is #ikes and e8p#ain wh% it is %our favorite 2ou will ha"e to talk about the topics for & 0 minutes.

2ou ha"e one minute to think about what !ou are going to sa!. 2ou can make some notes to help !ou if !ou wish.

Suggested .nswer
Toda!% m! topic is to describe m! fa"orite restaurant. /topic sentence1 #ood is "er! important to e"er!one and sometimes it determines the health and life of us. I reall! care about what I eat because I ha"e a sensiti"e stomach. /free topics1 Some people ma! often go to different restaurants for a change but for me% I am the regular customer of a small restaurant% which is called LFomeM on the Nianghan 3oad in Fankou. /answers to the question1 .s the name suggests% it:s a place with "er! coD! atmosphere and whene"er I go there% I feel at ease. I went there with m! friends last weekendO the waiter and waitress remembered m! taste without an! mistake% which made m! friends amaDed. The! could tell that I am "er! particular about food and I don:t like ginger or garlic. /e$ample and e$perience1

II. 5ow to "ake notes during the 1C"inute preparation ti"e9


=escribe a cit% %ou enjo%ed visiting 'ou shou#d sa%< 6here it is 6hen %ou went there 5ow it was going and %ou have to e8p#ain wh% %ou enjo%ed it 2ou will ha"e to talk about the topics for & 0 minutes. 2ou ha"e one minute to think about what !ou are going to sa!. 2ou can make some notes to help !ou if !ou wish.

.1The first wa% to "ake notes

Ghere: 8ei<ing Ghen: + !ears ago Fow : ' da!s%beautiful "iewpoints%friendl! people Gh!: ad<.Preasons e$periences


. The seconds wa% to "ake notes

Beijing 4 years ago

adj"#reasons 5 days, beautiful vie !oints, e$!erien%es friendly !eo!le

&n order to 'a(e sure t)at you %an s!ea( for t o 'inutes, you*d better s!ea( for 30 se%onds for ea%) field" +on*t ans er t)e ,uestions for only one senten%e" In m! past life% I ha"e been to man! big cities in (hina% and the! ga"e me plent! of memorable e$periences. Speaking of the most impressi"e one% I want to talk about m! trip to 8ei<ing%which is the politic% economic% and cultural center of (hina. and because of the attracti"e scener! there% there are man! people both home and abroad "isit there e"er! !ear. I went to 8ei<ing about + !ears ago% it is the time I was <ust graduated from the uni"ersit!. and what:s more% there were still a long time before I stared m! first <ob. !ou know I ha"e been looking forward to "isiting 8ei<ing for a long time. so l decide to spend m! holida!s there. JKLMNOP;Q:+R%STU%V &)U%7WX*01YZ.[RSYZ \ \ ] ^ . 9_-`JKaMNbc7d@%-eRfJMN% KLMNOP. LMNgd@Qhijk7lmnop . Practice: card 1 =escribe the best gift %ou have got in %our #ife 'ou shou#d sa%< 6hat it is 6ho gave it to %ou 6hat it #ikes and %ou have to e8p#ain wh% it is the best for %ou


2ou will ha"e to talk about the topics for & 0 minutes. 2ou ha"e one minute to think about what !ou are going to sa!. 2ou can make some notes to help !ou if !ou wish.

(ard 0:
=escribe a we##Cknown bui#ding in %our ho"etown or a cit% that %ou have visited. 'ou shou#d sa%< 6hat the bui#ding is and where it is #ocated 6hat it is "ade of 6hat it was used for and what it is used for now and e8p#ain what so"e of the features of the bui#ding are. 2ou will ha"e to talk about the topics for & 0 minutes. 2ou ha"e one minute to think about what !ou are going to sa!. 2ou can make some notes to help !ou if !ou wish.

III.5ow to give %our opening $.1Structure

&.Gell% to describe ;I:d like@I choose@I want to talk about; 0..s far as ;is concerned% I:d like@I choose@I want to talk about; ).2ou know I ha"e a lot of;%but I still couldn:t help mentioning;@and the most impressi"e /ad<.1 one is; +. Talking of ;% I can "i"idl! /ad".1 remember that; '. There are a lot of important ;in m! life. The! might be ;% ;.. howe"er% the most important ; in m! life is ; ,. I ha"e e$perienced man! unforgettable ;in m! life. 8ut the one which impressed me most is ; C. Speaking of ;% I:d like to sa! something about ;% which is; 6. I ha"e a lot of ... There are "arious t!pes of ;% but I still can:t help mentioning ;which is ; -. .mong so man! ; I:d like to take ; as an e$ample% which is;


I,. The first categor% <objects

=escribe the best gift %ou have got in %our #ife 'ou shou#d sa%< 6hat it is 6ho gave it to %ou 6hat it #ikes and %ou have to e8p#ain wh% it is the best for %ou 2ou will ha"e to talk about the topics for & 0 minutes. 2ou ha"e one minute to think about what !ou are going to sa!. 2ou can make some notes to help !ou if !ou wish.

0.1 5ow to organiHe9

> > > > > *pen sentence to tell the e$aminer what !ou are going to talk about. 4i"e an outward introduction to the ob<ect if it is necessar!. 4i"e !our answers to the questions followed the topic on the card. 3emember to enrich !our answers b! using e$amples. Talk about the significance %function% role it pla!s in !our life. 4i"e a stor! or e$ample here to support !our idea in the forth step.

0. -ive an outward introduction to the objects

new in fashion old worn out second hand out of fashion qr large @ medium @ small siDed in the shape of round/ 1 flat o"al loDenge square rectangleMs !ellow blue gre! red green pink /1 purple /1 turquoise / 1 beige /1 8rown /1 tan /1 be made in home made hand made soft hard smooth rough crude silk cotton paper plastic n!lon metal golden sil"er

0.$Answer pattern<

I ha"e recei"ed a lot of gifts of "arious t!pes in m! life. 8ut if !ou ask me to describe the best gift I got% I still can:t help mentioning IIIII which was gi"en b! IIII when IIIII. /*pen sentence to tell the e$aminer what !ou are going to talk about.1 It looks as same as man! other IIIII@@ it is looks "er! special becauseIIIII /4i"e an outward introduction to the ob<ect if it is necessar!1 . 8ut for me% it is IIII@it gi"es meIII@it is <ust like a IIIIin m! life./Talk about the significance% function% role it pla!s in !our life1 I remembered IIIIII /4i"e a stor! to support !our idea1 . )eference answer< I ha"e recei"ed a lot of gifts of "arious t!pes in m! life. 8ut if !ou ask me to describe the best gift I got% I still can:t help mentioning a notebook which was gi"en b! m! (hinese teacher when I <ust graduated from senior high school. /*pen sentence to tell the e$aminer what !ou are going to talk about1 It looks as same as man! other notebooks a"ailable in the stationar!% with simple red co"er. /4i"e an outward introduction to the ob<ect if it is necessar!1 8ut for me% it is reall! something special. *n the second page of it% he wrote: LTo m! best student. 3emember life sometimes is sunn!% sometimes is rain!. 8ut do keep smiling. 2our smile is so sweet. It can conquer an! difficulties in life.M /Enrich !our answers b! using e$amples 1 Ghene"er I feel difficulties in m! life% work or stud!% I like to take this notebook out and read those encouraging words. These words gi"e me confidence and help me to o"ercome difficulties. /Talk about the significance% function% role it pla!s in !our life1 I still clearl! remember when I was in college I once failed (ET +. I felt "er! unhapp!. It was the words on the notebook which encouraged me and ga"e me enough confident to pass the e$am the ne$t time. /4i"e a stor! to support !our idea1 Now% whene"er I meet difficulties I alwa!s think of the notebook which is the best gift I ha"e e"er recei"ed. 0.0 Practice =escribe a photograph 'ou shou#d sa%< 6hen %ou took it 6hat it is about and %ou have to e8p#ain wh% it is the specia# for %ou 2ou will ha"e to talk about the topics for & 0 minutes. 2ou ha"e one minute to think about what !ou are going to sa!. 2ou can make some notes to help !ou if !ou wish.


0.0. Practice1< =escribe so"ething %ou are good at 'ou shou#d sa%< 6hat it is 6hen %ou began to #earn it 6hat troub#es and funs %ou had during the process and e8p#ain the reasons wh% %ou #ike it 2ou will ha"e to talk about the topics for & 0 minutes. 2ou ha"e one minute to think about what !ou are going to sa!. 2ou can make some notes to help !ou if !ou wish. Answer pattern< To talk about something I am good at%well I think I ha"e to tell !ou IIII%because I am not onl! good at it%but also I could get a lot of fun from it. /*pen sentence to tell the e$aminer what !ou are going to talk about1 I began to learn it when IIII. it took me plent! of time when I start to learn it.and the problems came to me% IIIII. /4i"e !our answers to the questions1. meanwhile%I learn something during the process I learn it.IIIIII. /Talk about the significance% function% role it pla!s in !our life1. I still clearl! rememberIIII /4i"e a stor! to support !our idea1 . 0.0.$ Pratice < =escribe an ite" of c#oth or jewe#r% %ou wear in occasiona# situations. 'ou shou#d sa%< 6hat it is In what situation %ou wear it 5ow %ou fee# when %ou wear it and %ou have to e8p#ain wh% %ou #ike to wear it in occasiona# situations 2ou will ha"e to talk about the topics for & 0 minutes. 2ou ha"e one minute to think about what !ou are going to sa!. 2ou can make some notes to help !ou if !ou wish. Een7s 6ear

The Suit suit <acket shirt tie "est swallowtail &asua# 6ear sport <acket @ sport coat sweater slacks @ pants sport shirt belt <eans &o#ors brown gra! tan Patterns checked paisle! solid plaid striped 6o"en7s 6ear The Suit and =ress suit <acket skirt blouse handbag tu dress clutch bag vw#u formal e"ening dress &asua# 6ear blaDer slacks shoulder bag u sweat shirt shorts &o#ors pink purple turquoise beige Patterns print flowered polka dot Een7s and 6o"en7s 6ear (oat hat xy glo"e cardigan loafer z{ sneaker {

sandal |{ Iewe#r% (hain ring earring pearls mone! clip cuff link }~ gold

boot bracelet w barrette necklace pin ke! ring tiepin sil"er

Accessories * . briefcase u tote bag qw#u attachQ case w# change purse u wallet u scarf handkerchief w 0.0.0Practice $ =escribe a book or stor% %ou have read before 'ou shou#d sa%< 6hat is the book/stor%7s na"e is 6hen %ou read it 6hat it ta#ks about9 and %ou have to e8p#ain wh% %ou #ike to read it. 2ou will ha"e to talk about the topics for & 0 minutes. 2ou ha"e one minute to think about what !ou are going to sa!. 2ou can make some notes to help !ou if !ou wish.

Lecture !our Speaking Section Part II peop#e and p#aces

Teaching Objectives
To get familiar with the cue cards about people and places. To enable the students to organiDe talk about people. To enable the students to organiDe talk about places.

Teaching procedure<
Bake the students ha"e a general idea about the procedure of part 0. Teach them how to get around topics about LPeopleM Teach them how to get around topics about LPlaceM

I. Peop#e card
%IJK)ae%? qR( .R- .R q.R - .r 1.1 Sa"p#e =escribe an o#d person who inf#uenced %ou. 'ou shou#d sa%< 6ho he/she is 6hen %ou got to know hi"/her 5ow %ou got to know hi"/her And e8p#ain wh% he /she inf#uenced %ou. 2ou will ha"e to talk about the topic for & to 0 minutes. 2ou ha"e one minute to think about what !ou are going to sa!. 2ou can make some notes if !ou wish.

)eference Answer The card reminds me of a famous nurse. Fer name was #lorence Nightingale. She was 8ritish. Nowada!s% a lot of priDes for nurses are named after her. I got to know about her when I was reading a book about famous and admirable people in the word. She is remembered throughout the world for her heroic% almost superhuman labors during the Gar. She dealt with hospitals% the health of the 8ritish soldiers as well as the health of the working people. The school of Nursing stands supreme among her magnificent achie"ements. Ge now know that the profound reforms needed in hospitals of all kinds% and in e"er! phase of our common li"es with its e"er!da! human needs% are dependent upon her. .lmost all modern nursing s!stems and techniques we know toda! can be traced back to her. She took )6 women to Turke! to nurse wounded and sick 8ritish soldiers in the war. This was the first time the go"ernment had allowed women to do this. Gith her patience and lo"ing heart% man! soldiers were sa"ed% but she

suffered from some ps!chological disease for the rest of her life. She became not onl! the first modern war nurse and nurse commander but its first documented ps!chological casualt!. E"en when she was old% she was working hard in the hospital. I was deepl! impressed b! her when I was reading her biograph!. She not onl! encouraged me to de"ote to m! work but also inspired me to make some inno"ations to m! work. 1. 5ow to organiHe9 *pen sentence to tell the e$aminer who !ou are going to talk about. 4i"e !our answers to the questions followed the topic on the card. 3eme mber to enrich !our answers b! using e$amples. Talk about a stor! or something the person had done. Talk about the reason wh! !ou choose to talk about this person. 1.$ E8ercise 1 =escribe a chi#d %ou are fa"i#iar with. 'ou shou#d sa%< 6hat his or her na"e is 5ow o#d he/she is 6hat his/her hobb% is And e8p#ain whether %ou #ike hi"/her and wh%. 2ou will ha"e to talk about the topic for & to 0 minutes. 2ou ha"e one minute to think about what !ou are going to sa!. 2ou can make some notes if !ou wish.

Answer Pattern I want to tell !ou something about IIIIIIIIIIIIII. /open !our speaking b! answer the first question. 1Fe is about IIII !ears old now% and he IIIIIIIIIIIII. /answer the second question and enrich the answer1 Ghen he was about four !ears old% he began to learn IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. /answer the third question1 Last !ear% he IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. /gi"e an e$ample to illustrate his hobb!1 Fe also likes to IIIIIIIIIIII./enrich the answer to the third question1 8esides% IIIIIIIIIIIIII./sa! some "irtue of the child as the answer to the last question1 )eference Answer I want to tell !ou something about m! neighborKs bo!. Fe is about eight !ears old now% and he is stud!ing at a primar! school. Ghen he was about four !ears old% he began to learn to pla! the piano% and he spent much time that e"er! da!. Last !ear% he won a national priDe for pla!ing the piano% which gi"es him more moti"ation in practice. Fe also likes to entertain his friends.

Fis parents want him to ha"e more opportunities to en<o! his childhood. *n weekends% the little bo! is encouraged to in"ite his classmates or neighbors to come. The! can en<o! the games that the! like. 8esides% the little bo! is also "er! polite. Ghene"er he meets us% he sa!s hello to us first and holds the door for us. Ghen I "isit his home% he offers some fruits and snacks. Fe will not ha"e snacks until those who are older ha"e taken their share. E"er! time I meet him in the ele"ator% he greets me with a lo"el! smile. Fe tells me something interesting about what has happened. Fe is reall! cute. 1.0 E8ercise =escribe %our neighbor 'ou shou#d sa%< 6ho he/she is 6hen %ou got to know hi"/her 6hat7s %our fee#ing towards hi"/her And e8p#ain whether %ou #ike hi"/her and wh% 2ou will ha"e to talk about the topics for & 0 minutes. 2ou ha"e one minute to think about what !ou are going to sa!. 2ou can make some notes to help !ou if !ou wish.

Answer Pattern In m! life% I ha"e met man! people. Some of them ha"e . *thers % one of whom is . /*pen !our speaking b! answer the first question.1 I ha"e known him since I mo"ed to . /.nswer the second question1 .lthough he is quite bus!% he doesn:t hesitate to gi"e me help whene"er I need it. Fe . /.nswer the third question1 I still remember when I was in <unior high school I once . /4i"e an e$ample to illustrate1 Ge share a lot of common interests too% which means . /Enrich !our answer1 )eference Answer In m! life% I ha"e met man! people. Some of them ha"e escaped from m! mind quickl!. *thers ha"e left deep impressions on me% one of whom is a person of great importance to me. Fe is m! neighbor named Gang 4ang. I ha"e known him since I mo"ed to the building. Fe is a man in his mid +7:s with a pair of glasses. Fe looks% as he is% quite intellectual. Ge ha"e been friends for man! !ears. Fe is the manger of a compan!. .lthough he is quite bus!% he doesn:t hesitate to gi"e me help whene"er I need it. Fe is such a kind% supporti"e and optimistic person. Fe influenced the de"elopment of m! character. I still remember when I was in <unior high school I once failed a math e$am. I felt so unhapp!. Gang 4ang came to me and said% L(heer up%

girl. Though !ou failed in this e$am% I am sure !ou will pass the ne$t one since I know that !ou are alwa!s a diligent girl. 2ou should ha"e confidence in !ourself.M #rom that moment on% I was determined not to make him feel disappointed with m! efforts. I studied harder. .nd finall! I achie"ed an ideal score in math. Ge share a lot of common interests too% which means that I can alwa!s talk with him about man! things. I reall! respect him. 1.1 E8ercise $ =escribe one of %our fa"i#% "e"ber< 'ou shou#d sa%< 6ho he/she is how is %our re#ationship with hi"/her 6hat7s %our fee#ing towards hi"/her And e8p#ain whether %ou #ike hi"/her and wh% 2ou will ha"e to talk about the topics for & 0 minutes. 2ou ha"e one minute to think about what !ou are going to sa!. 2ou can make some notes to help !ou if !ou wish.

II P#ace
4;Ia< ;$a4R q4;9M- r4;94 .1 Sa"p#e< =escribe %our favorite cit% 'ou shou#d sa%< 5ow %ou got to know the cit% 6hat things there are to see in this cit% 6hat is specia# about this cit% E8p#ain wh% %ou wou#d #ike to #ive in this cit% 2ou will ha"e to talk about the topics for & 0 minutes. 2ou ha"e one minute to think about what !ou are going to sa!. 2ou can make some notes to help !ou if !ou wish. Answer Pattern I would like to describe m! fa"orite cit! .IIIIIIIIIIIII *pen !our speakingb! answer the first question.If !ou:d like to tour Shanghai% I strongl! recommend !ou to "isit IIIIIIIIII .nswer the second question and enrich

!our answer(ompared with other cities in (hina% Shanghai is more IIIIIIIIIIII /.nswer the third question and gi"e an e$ample1 I feel reall! luck! to li"e and work IIIIIIIIIIII./.nswer the fourth question1 )eference Answer I would like to describe m! fa"orite cit!. I ha"e been to a lot of cities in (hina and abroad% but Shanghai is m! fa"orite cit!. .ctuall!% Shanghai is m! hometown. I was born and raised in Shanghai. B! famil! is still in Shanghai. I was also educated in Shanghai so !ou can see that I am "er! familiar with this cit!. If !ou:d like to tour Shanghai% I strongl! recommend !ou to "isit the 8und and the *riental Pearl Tower. The! are supposed to be the s!mbols of Shanghai. In Nan<ing 3oad and Fuaihai 3oad% !ou can bu! whate"er !ou want as long as !ou ha"e enough mone! in !our pockets. That:s wh! Shanghai gets its nickname LShopping ParadiseM. (ompared with other cities in (hina% Shanghai is more modern% more fashionable. It:s a cit! full of challenges as well as opportunities. I feel reall! luck! to li"e and work in Shanghai. That:s wh! Shanghai is m! fa"orite cit!. . E8ercise 1 =escribe a visit to a bookshop 'ou shou#d sa%< 6here the bookshop is #ocated 6hat the bookshop #ooks #ike 6ho are the peop#e %ou see at this bookshop And e8p#ain wh% %ou go to this particu#ar bookshop 2ou will ha"e to talk about the topics for & 0 minutes. 2ou ha"e one minute to think about what !ou are going to sa!. 2ou can make some notes to help !ou if !ou wish. Answer Pattern I often "isit a /second hand1 bookshop located in IIIIIIIIIIIIII *pen !our speaking b! answer the first question. #rom the outside it is a "er! ordinar! shop. /.nswer the second question and gi"e and e$ample1 I actuall! don:t look "er! closel! at people who IIIIIIIIIII /.nswer the third question1 I like going to this bookshop because IIIIIIIIIII . /.nswer the fourth question and enrich !our answer1 )eference Answer I often "isit a second hand bookshop located in the street not far from the main center. #rom the outside it is a "er! ordinar! shop. .t first I did not realiDe it was a bookshop. It is not a big shop. In fact e"er!thing is "er! crowed inside. There is a table in the centre of the room filled with books and the shel"es around the walls are lined with books. Ghile the books are

organiDed into sections and there are books written in (hinese% English and other languages% it is the t!pe of shop where !ou ha"e to search for books. There is not much room for people to mo"e between the table and the bookshel"es. I usuall! ha"e to squeeDe close to the table or shel"es to let other people mo"e past me while I:m searching for a book. I actuall! don:t look "er! closel! at people who came to "isit this shop as I am too bus! looking for books. Sometimes I see foreigners in this shop% but not as often as I do in the foreign language bookshops.I like going to this bookshop because I can bu! books there more cheapl! than I can at other bookshops. I also en<o! searching for the books and am often surprised and "er! pleased with what I find. I don:t find a book to bu! on e"er! "isit there% but I keep going back to the shop because I hope to find another une$pected book. .$ E8ercise =escribe a p#ace where %ou often have "ea#s. 'ou shou#d sa%< 6here it is 6ho" %ou go with 5ow it is #ikes And e8p#ain wh% it is %our favorite 2ou will ha"e to talk about the topics for & 0 minutes. 2ou ha"e one minute to think about what !ou are going to sa!. 2ou can make some notes to help !ou if !ou wish.

Lecture #i"e: Part Two E$periences% #a"orites and *thers

Teaching objectives<

> > > > >

To get familiar with the cue cards about e$periences% fa"orites and others. To enable the students to organiDe talk about e$periences. To enable the students to organiDe talk about fa"orites. To enable the students to organiDe talk about others

Teaching procedure< 4i"e the samples of e$periences and anal!De


> > > >

Practice the e$ercises of fa"orites 4i"e the samples of fa"orites and anal!De Practice the e$ercises of fa"orites Practice the e$ercises of others

I. Introduction of Ae8perienceB 1.1 Introduction no%Iano%84f %:a stor!.;noa%no+ .fRSnoEno@6+. :Zno%:describe a famil! member. a-i+; --.;-ino%:describe an intere sting e$perience happened in !our famil! % HZnof%Zno+. 2f+. 1. Sa"p#e 1 Describe an interesting experience in your family. You should say: When it happened What happened Who experienced it together with you and discuss why it was an interesting experience
2ou will ha"e to talk about the topic for & to 0 minutes. 2ou ha"e one minute to think about what !ou are going to sa!. 2ou can make some notes if !ou wish.

Answer Pattern 1. Gell% to talk about an interesting e$perience in m! famil!% I would like to sa! something about . /*pen !our speaking b! answer the first question1 I still clearl! remembered ./.nswer the second question and enrich !our answer1 % among whom there were m! parents and all m! relati"es . /.nswer the third question and enrich !our answer1 .nd e"er!one danced for the great celebration. .t last% a rich banquet followed. Busic% dancing% and delicious food. /4i"e an e$ample and answer the fourth question1 )eference Answer<1. Gell% to talk about an interesting e$perience in m! famil!% I would like to sa!

something about m! sister:s wedding part!% which is "er! impressi"e. I still clearl! remembered when I attended the wedding part! last *ctober% e"er!thing was wonderful. The bride% m! sister was beautiful% and the bridegroom was handsome. The place where the part! held was <ust right for a wedding. .lthough it was not the first time I attended a wedding part!% I was <ust so e$cited and found it interesting because it was m! sister:s wedding. The part! was held in a garden which made the part! more romantic% more like a fair! tale. In the part!% the bridegroom shared their interesting lo"e stories with all the guests% among whom there were m! parents and all m! relati"es. The! all came to the part! and ga"e their best wishes to the new couples for their fore"er lo"e. .nd e"er!one danced for the great celebration. .t last% a rich banquet followed. Busic% dancing% and delicious food. *h% what an interesting e$perience in m! famil!. I will fore"er remember the special da!. 1.$ Sa"p#e Describe how you learned a foreign language You should talk about: When you began to learn it What troubles you had What fun you had motivated you most the experience -ouand illexplain )ave to what tal( about t)e to!i% for 1 toduring 2 'inutes" -ou )ave one 'inute to t)in( about )at you are going to say" -ou %an make some notes if !ou wish. "

5ow to organiHe9 Qno% CR):

> > >

/main topic1 #]^Z/three details1 ]/a further topic1 ;ZA<%]^Z%)A #na].ZN%:Q#n a*<YZ)4%*4.

Answer Pattern 1.$ Bost chinese people begin the English education when

but I bega

n to stud! it when /answer the first question and enrich the answer1 at that time% I did not well. /answer the second question and enrich the answer1Later when I went to school% m! english and I got a lot of /answer the third question and enrich the answer 1 B! "anit! was and m! interest was because I want to /sa! what moti"ated !ou most 1 then% I couldIIIIII/4i"e a stor! or details to support !our idea1 .

)eference Answer<1.$ Bost (hinese people begin the English education when the! he! are in the middle school% but I am an e$ception. m! parents were full! aware of the importance of English and the! asked me to stud! English when I was ' !ears old. .t that time% I did not speak (hinese "er! well% and I did not understand wh! m! parents asked me to learn it% but I <ust followed their instructions because I wanted to make them happ!. Later when I went to school% m! English was the top one in m! class and the teacher alwa!s asked me to tell English stories to m! classmates. B! "anit! was moti"ated and m! interest was aroused. I spent more time reading and writing in English. Later m! father took me to other countries% I realiDed that English was useful for communication in other countries. .nd I reall! want to grasp the language. Now I go to pubs once a week% I can chat with nati"e speakers of English freel!. 1.0 Practice< alk about something you were proud of. You should say: what it was how it happened how you felt about it -ou and ill )ave to why tal( you about t)e to!i%of for explain were proud it. 1 to 2 'inutes" -ou )ave one 'inute to t)in( about )at you are going to say" -ou %an 'a(e note if you is)" -ou %an 'a(e so'e notes if you is)"

5e#pfu# ideas and usefu# words and e8pressions Something !ou were proud of: > 4ood writing skillsAgot quite a few publishedO won the first priDe se"eral timesO clear writing% good organiDation% impressi"e e$amples

> SprinterAcould finish &77 meters within &) secondsO hold breath% watch steps and accelerate steadil! > .mateur photographerAwon a few priDes in photo contestsO bring camera e"er!where I goO understand and use natural lightO make a few works of arts

> >

(ooking (antonese foodAselect good ingredientsO use a wokO practice

makes perfect 4ood mechanicA repairing bic!cle and cars% fi$ing broken thingsO

patience and practice are the ke!O ne"er gi"e up easil!O a sense of achie"ement


(hinese calligraph!A hold an e$hibition of m! works of artO follow a guide

bookO stud!ing and imitating the model da! b! da!O a lot of understanding about the beaut! of (hinese calligraph! II. Introduction of A!avoriteB .1 Introduction B%IJK)ae % ? &(%C7iLB%R( /some things% places% people% etc. 19C;iB B! #a"orite (hinese #esti"al%CRE; Some things hi$. (hinese Traditional #esti"al. . . Sa"p#e 1 Describe your favorite ! programme You should say: who produced it what it is about "ow often you watch it and explain why it attracts you so much -ou ill )ave to tal( about t)e to!i% for 1 to 2 'inutes" -ou )ave one 'inute to t)in( about )at you are going to say" -ou %an 'a(e note if you is)"

Answer Pattern . Gell% when talking about m! fa"orite T5 programme% I:d like to nameIIIIIIIIIIIII./open your speaking by answer the first question. 1 It

is hosted b!IIIIIIIIIIIII%whoIIIIIIIIIIIII /answer the first question and enrich the answer 1. The show features IIIIIIIIIIIII. The focus of the show is toIIIIIIIIIIIII. 3egular segments of the show feature IIIIIIIIIIIII/ answer the second question and enrich the answer 1. I am quite keen on the show and I often watch itIIIIIIIIIIIII/answer the third question 1 since it isIIIIIIIIIIIII/state the reasons why you are attacted by it 1 )eference Answer . Gell% when talking about m! fa"ourite T5 programme% I:d like to name Squawk 8o$.It is hosted b! Bark Faines% a "eteran financial news broadcaster who <oined (N8( in &--6. The show features some of the most famous names in the financial news broadcast business% including 9a"id #aber% Noe Rernen %Baria 8artiromo and Ste"e Liesman. The focus of the show is to pro"ide% prior to and <ust after the opening bell% an o"er"iew of those financial news e"ents that are likel! to impact the markets. 3egular segments of the show feature inter"iews with top (E*:s% mone! managers% and anal!sts. 9a"e #erber and Noe Rieren focus on stocks that are likel! to make significant mo"es then trading opens. I am quite keen on the show and I often watch it e"er! weekend since it is crisp% fast paced and often quite witt! and entertaining. .$ Practice< Describe your favorite newspaper or maga#ine. You should say: Where it is published and who buys it What contents it generally provides "ow often you read it and explain why it attracts you so much. -ou ill )ave to tal( about t)e to!i% for 1 to 2 'inutes" -ou )ave one 'inute to t)in( about )at you are going to say" -ou %an 'a(e note if you is)"

5e#pfu# ideas and usefu# words and e8pressions Ghere is it published and who bu!s itE

> >

2angcheng E"ening b! a local media group in 4uangDhouO people who

are interested in social news and local e"entsO Nournal of the Gall Street produced in New 2orkO most famous

international specialiDed <ournalsO people interested in international and regional economic affairs and situationsO


Birrors produced in LondonO best selling newspapersO whose interested in

news and celebrities% gossips% girls% an!thing that is sensational Ghat contents does it generall! pro"ideE

> > > >

News /home% international1O editorials representing the newspaper:s

"iewpointO business (olumnistsO opinions and letters SportsO leisure and entertainmentO fashion and st!le 3e"iew /books% mo"ies and music1O ad"ertisements Answer Pattern .$ The onl! sport that I e"er reall!% reall! en<o!ed was IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII /open your speaking by answer the first question 1. It:s the onl! sport that I pla!ed when I was IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII% and it:s the onl! sport that I continued IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. *n "er! rare occasions% I go to IIIIIIIIIIII./answer the first question and enrich the answer 1 Ghat makes the sport interestingE Perhaps it is the fact IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII/answer the second question and enrich the answer 1 E"er!bod! knows how man! people to pla! itAIIIIIIIIIIII/ answer the third question 1 The ob<ect is to IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII/say the general procedure to play the game1 )eference Answer .$ The onl! sport that I e"er reall!% reall! en<o!ed was football% football in the sense of soccer. The .mericans call it soccerO the English call it football. It:s the onl! sport that I pla!ed when I was !ounger% and it:s the onl! sport that I continued watching until now. *f course% now I don:t practice it an!more. *n "er! rare occasions% I go to the stadium to see the games li"e. Ghat makes the sport interestingE Perhaps it is the fact that it:s so popular all o"er the world . E"er!bod! knows how to pla! soccerAit takes twent! two people di"ided into two teams. The ob<ect is to kick the ball% from one pla!er to the other% until e"entuall! one of the pla!ers kicks the ball into the goal which means the team has scored one point. That is the general aspect of the game. There are more detailed rules that ha"e to do with when the ball goes out of the field% what side of the field that ball goes out% and things of that sort. *f course% that sport is "er! well known and has lots of fans all o"er the world% as e"er!bod! knows% and that is what makes it so interesting to me.

III. Introduction of AothersB +U(C%Q@.CSE) *thers.Lno*MNno%. $.1 Sa"p#e< Describe a relaxation method You should say: What it is "ow you like it "ow you feel when you use this method and explain why it is special to you -ou ill )ave to tal( about t)e to!i% for 1 to 2 'inutes" -ou )ave one 'inute to t)in( about )at you are going to say" -ou %an 'a(e note if you is)"

Answer Pattern $.1 I think the best rela$ation method is to ./*pen !our speaking b! answer the first question1 In this wa!% I can % /.nswer the second question and enrich !our answer1 I do it e"er!da! because ./.nswer the third question and enrich !our answer1 It also offers me and I will be refreshed and ha"e more > . /4i"e an e$ample to illustrate and answer the fourth question1 )eference Answer $. I think the best rela$ation method is to meditate in a quite place. I can e$perience a brilliant moment of m! self. In the e"ening% I will sit quietl! and think about all of m! accomplishments /great and small1 for the week. I will congratulate m!self. I will think that I am such a wonderful person. I will find wa!s to mentall! celebrate m! successes. In this wa!% I can boost m! self esteem and find m! place of triumph in the midst of the madness. I do it e"er!da! because dail! rela$ation reduces frustration% stress and an$iet!. It also offers me at least some opportunities to unwind and escape from the speed of e"er!da! life. .fter doing meditation% I will be refreshed and ha"e more courage to de"ote to the second da!. Beditation is important because it keeps me far from the noise of modern cities. I ha"e some moments for m!self. I feel en<o!able whene"er I do it.


$. Practice< alk about if you have a lot of money You should say: Whom might you share with What might you buy What else might you do Do you think it is good if you could get a lot of money -ou ill )ave to tal( about t)e to!i% for 1 to 2 'inutes" -ou )ave one 'inute to t)in( about )at you are going to say" -ou %an 'a(e note if you is)

Answer Pattern$. If I could one da! ha"e a lot of mone! I willIIIIIIII /*pen !our speaking b! answer the first question and enrich !our answer b! gi"ing an e$ample.1 .nd I also want to bu! . /.nswer the second and third questions1 *wning a large sum of mone! is the dream of e"er!one because . /.nswer the last question and enrich !our answer1 )eference Answer $. If I could one da! ha"e a lot of mone! after winning the football pools% I will use it to stud! abroad. 8oth of m! parents were full! aware of the importance of learning English. The! tried to moti"ate m! interest of stud!ing English when I was "er! !oung and decided to send me to stud! abroad latel!. 8ut !ou know% stud!ing abroad needs large amounts of mone!% which is incredible for m! famil!% because m! parents are <ust common workers with "er! small salar!. .ctuall! I don:t want to use the mone! which has been sa"ed little b! little b! them in the past ten !ears. So% if I can luckil! get the mone!% I will use it instead of the mone! from m! parents to go abroad. .nd I also want to bu! m! parents the best clothes% the best house %and the best car% which can make their life better. *wning a large sum of mone! is the dream of e"er!one because !ou can get whate"er !ou want. 8ut remember% don:t be a sla"e to the mone!% and !ou will definitel! en<o! !our life better.


no7%%C 6 )%GH $.$ Sa"p#e $ompare the city life as opposed to country life. You should mention: he convenience of the city %ttractions of the country Disadvantages of both and discuss which lifestyle you prefer and why.

)eference Answer $.$ 6e##D different peop#e have different ideas about the #ifest%#e . In modern societies% "ost peop#e are in favor of li"ing in big cities% the% be#ieve there will be a better en"ironment to li"e in and work. There is no doubt that a big cit! has man! social% educational and cultural facilities A public libraries% uni"ersities and colleges% museums% art galleries% clubs% etc. it also has a wide "ariet! of big stores% restaurants% theatres and other forms of entertainment. On the other handD so"e peop#e prefer to li"e in the countr! if possible. The% rea##% don7t understand wh! so man! "illagers are flocking to cities in recent !ears. The% just don7t care too "uch about so called good facilities. The% sa% the li"ing conditions in big cities are not good at all. There is serious air pollution% ceaseless noise% hea"! traffic and more crime. Eoreover% since the urban population is e$panding% there is an increasing demand for accommodation. Ghen it comes to the countr!% people can be "er! close to nature. The air is fresh and the sun shines on !ou warml!O instead of noise% !ou hear the singing of birds% which makes !ou rela$ed and happ!. Life in the countr! is so great% coD! and colorful. As far as I a" concerned% I prefer to ha"e a cit! life as most people do. Bodern people can easil! adapt themsel"es to cit! lifeO noise% traffic% "iolence% etc. are hardl! noticeable. I be#ieve that countr! life is dull and incon"enient. It7s ;uite enough to "isit the countr!side at weekends. .ctuall! we modern people are too sophisticated for simple countr! pleasures. Ge need more opportunities to meet a "ariet! of interesting peopleO we need more opportunities to get better <obs and fulfil our ambitions and dreams. .nd in big cities there is greater range of <obs for us to choose. I suppose this is one of the "ost i"portant reasons wh% so man! people want to in big cities.


Lecture si8 Part $ !o##owCup ;uestion

Teaching Objectives > Bake the students ha"e a general understanding about part ). > Teach them the skills helping them gi"ing answers > Introduce the question t!pes to the students% and make them know how to
answer each t!pe of question.

Teaching procedure<
> 4i"e a brief introduction about part three > The skills that helps them gi"e answers > Introduce the question t!pes% in this part% useful e$pression and sentence pattern are gi"en to help !ou form !our answer.

I. 1.1 Introduction > > >

.bout + ' minutes

Jrief introduction about part three

The questions in this part follow up !our topic in part two. The questions in this part is not about !ourself% but about the world around

!ou. Sa"p#e< Describe your favorite restaurant You should say: Where the restaurant is and how you found it What type of food it serves "ow often you go there and explain exactly why you like this restaurant so much -ou ill )ave to tal( about t)e to!i% for 1 to 2 'inutes" -ou )ave one 'inute to t)in( about )at you are going to say" -ou %an 'a(e note if you is)


part $ Topic &: #ast #ood Is fast food popular in chinaE wh!E Gh! has fast food become so popular o"er the last )7 !ears. (ould !ou compare fast food with traditional mealsE Fow can we stop !oung people eating so much fast foodE Topic &: #ood Problems Ghat are some of the problems that some countries ha"e with food productionE (ould !ou suggest an! wa! to sol"e these problemsE Ghat other problems can !ou predict happening in terms of food in the ne$t '7 !earsE (ould !ou compare method of food production and distribution toda! with that of '7 !ears agoE

> >

E$aminer will confirm !our speaking English le"er in this part. 2ou should not onl! answer the questions fluentl!% but also logicall!.

1. 5ow to get higher score in this part<

> > 4i"e more than ) idea to each question 4i"e some link words to demonstrate !our sequence. >first second third;. >firstl! secondl! thirdl!; >I:d like to begin with@b! telling !ou that; >and then; >mo"ing on to ; >ne$t; >finall!; at last;in the end;

> 2our answers should be rele"ant to e$aminer:s questions

1.$ The ski##s he#ping %ou give answers in part $

> 4i"e dela!ing answers 5ow to give de#a%ing answers &.)& 4i"e comment on the question e.g. &.Gell%this is a "er! good@hard@complicated@important@ad<. question. 0..ctuall!% it:s difficult to sa!; ).It:s quite a big issue; +.It is a kind of question that I ha"e ne"er think about. but if !ou reall! want me to sa! something%; &.)0 3epeat some parts of the e$aminer:s question e.g.

&.Gell%to talk about the deference between . and 8% I think the first one might be; 0. Gell% I will ha"e to think about that@it if; ).I am not sure% I will <ust ha"e to find out wh!; > (on"ert abstract into specific Gell% this is reall! a big issue. ma!be I could answer !our question b! telling !ou something happened in m! life@around me. > =se e$amples @ personal e$perience I:d like to answer !our question b! telling !ou a e$ample@instance@one of m! e$perience.

II. :uestions t%pes

> > > > > > > > > > (omparison Problems and solutions .d"antages and disad"antages 5iewpoints Importance Influence Predicting (ondition/if;1 2our or people:s choice (auses and reasons *thers

.1 &o"parison
%J)a`\. ?)L: &.:?4U eg.what is the deference of shopping habit between men and womenE 0.:?;74U eg. Ghat is the deference of (hinese famil! structure between )7 !ears ago and nowE 5ow to answer< -? . 8 :44?N . 8 ;J4U%III%JK4U; :?N . 34j 8 . "QJLMN. Sa"p#e< 6hat are the differences of shopping habit between "en and wo"en9 Sentence pattern: 2ea%there are some differences between them% to talk about the first difference% I think comparati"el! speaking

IIIIIII%becauseIIIII.secondl!% . IIIII%but 8IIIII.the ne$t difference lies in% unlike .III%8IIIII. 3eference answer: 2ea%there are some differences between them% to talk about the first difference% I think comparati"el! speaking women lo"e shopping more than men% the reason might be it is a kind of nature of women I guess.Secondl!%women alwa!s like to walk around before gi"ing a decision to what the! reall! want to bu! %but most of men are purpose oriented shopper. The ne$t difference lies in the item the! bu!% unlike men% women usuall! bu! something that could make them much more beautiful% but men care about something like computer%959%B9; Practice: 6hat is the deference of &hinese fa"i#% structure between $G %ears ago and now9 Sentence pattern: 2ea%there are some differences between them.Talking about the biggest differences%I think it is should beIIIIII. II.III%to compare this with 8% !ou will find that I8I. .nther difference lies in III.II.II%whereas II8II. #ind the e$pressions !ou need from the handout if it is necessar!. . prob#e"s and so#utions e.g. what are the problems caused b!;E how to sol"e@settle;E Sample: Ghat are the problems caused b! the de"elopment of automobile industr!E and how to sol"e themE Sentence pattern: .ctuall!% in our dail! life% the problems caused b! III are reall! serious @@ob"ious@@se"ere@@worth! "Ping. .nd @@talking about@@speaking of@@as far as;is concerned the most Pad<. one% I think it must be@@should be... because; meanwhile@at the same time% the problem that;should also be considered. .nd the reason is; 5ow to so#ve the prob#e"s9 To sol"e @settle@tackle these problems%we need efforts both go"ernment and indi"idual. &.the 4 should emphasiDe the IIIIproblem. 0.take more effecti"e measures to control ;@@put something under the control. ).pass new laws@regulations@policies to; +.it is necessar! to strengthen@@enhance the management of sth. '.restrict;@@put restriction to ,.punish@@fine@@gi"e fine/penalt!1 to those who break the laws@rules. C.pro"ide a financial help to those;

6.should enhance the people:s awareness of sth. -.4 should gi"e priorit! to sth. &7.4 should also depend on the non go"ernmental sector%the! pla! an important role in the process of tackling the problems. Individual: &.e"er! one of us should be full! aware of ; 0.make efforts to do sth. ).show more concern@@pa! more attention to +.pro"ide understanding to those who; .$ Advantages and disadvantages =seful e$pressions: >The good side about II isIII%and the bad side isIII. >The positi"e factor isIII%and the negati"e factor isIIII. >.s e"er! coin has its two sides@there are alwa!s two sides to e"er!thing%; >In conclusion@in a word@an!wa!%the ad"antages o"erweight disad"antages . Practice: >Ghat is the ad"antages and disad"antages of a famil! with se"eral childrenE sentence pattern: .s e"er! coin has its two sides%a big famil! with more than one child has its positi"e side as well as its negati"e side. Speaking of the positi"e side%I think it might beIIIII%becauseIIII.on the other hand% it has its own negati"e side% that is IIIII%the reason isIIII.in conclusion%III o"erwights IIIII. > Ghat is the drawbacks of eating in the restaurant E AMc; handout a<*+.R; 2Q.a. III Eore Abstracted :uestions 5ow can peop#e be trained to be strongC"inded b% fai#ure9 A sa"p#e answer< #ailure is a common thing in our dail! life. 8ut some people lose hope in failure% belie"ing that the doomsda! is drawing near. Some people don:t take failure seriousl! the! <ust let it beO while some others learn much from failure and we therefore see the light of hope through what the! fail. Ghat reall! counts is not failure itself% but what we think of failure and what we do after failure. .s long as we don:t gi"e up and belie"e in oursel"es% in the meantime% learn something from failure% we can sur"i"e all the problems before us. Therefore% belie"ing in Lfailure is the mother of successM%we can become strong minded. Sample structure IIIII is a common thing in our dail! life. 8ut IIII lose hope in IIIIII% belie"ing that the doomsda! is drawing near. Some people don:t take IIIIIIseriousl! the! <ust let it be % while some others learn much from IIIIIIand we therefore see the light of III through what the! IIII. Ghat

reall! counts is notIIIIIitself% but what we think of IIII and what we do afterIIII. .s long as we don:t gi"e up and belie"e in oursel"es % in the mean time% learn something from IIIII% we can sur"i"es all the problems @difficulties before us. Therefore % belie"ing in IIIIIIII% we can IIIIII. 6hat ;ua#ities "ust a teacher possess to practice ;ua#it% education9 Sa"p#e answers < #irstl!% a teacher should be profoundl! knowledgeable in order to answer students: questions instructi"el!. . teacher is e$pected to be a walking enc!clopedia% who can e$plain the wonder of the world to students. The profound knowledge enables a teacher to be intellectuall! stimulating and to win students: admiration. 8esides % a teacher should be de"oted to his <ob. Fe should make sure that his lectures are alwa!s well prepared and clearl! deli"ered. Gith de"otion% the teacher will tr! to find aids for understanding% which can arouse students: interest and get them to take part in classroom acti"ities willingl!. Ghat:s more% a teacher should be outgoing% humorous and patient. Fis communication with students is "er! important to impro"e the teaching% so the teacher should be eager to make friends with students% thus establishing harmonious teacher student relationship. If a teacher is able to make his students laugh through his sense of humor% he can make learning more en<o!able and less an$ious. The last but not least% a teacher should be capable of culti"ating students: creati"it!. Sa"p#e structure #irstl!% a IIIII should be profoundl! knowledgeable in order to IIIIIIIIIII instructi"el!. . IIIIII is e$pected to be a walking enc!clopedia% who can IIIIIII to students. IIIIIII enables a IIIIIII to be intellectuall! stimulating and to win IIIIIII:s admiration. 8esides % a IIIII should be de"oted to his <ob. Fe should make sure that IIIIII are alwa!s well prepared and clearl! deli"ered@presented. Gith IIIII% the IIIII will tr! to find aids for IIIIIII% which can arouse IIIII:s interest and get them to take part in IIIIIIIIII willingl!. Ghat:s more% a IIIIII should be outgoing% humorous and patient. Fis IIIII is "er! important to III% so III should be eager to III% thus establishing harmonious II II relationship. The last but not least% a IIIIIII should be capable of culti"ating IIIIII:s creati"it!. 6hat does a brand na"e "ean to a co"pan%9 .IIIII pla!s a "ital role in IIIIIII. It is commonl! belie"ed that IIIIII/good reputation1 b!IIIII. . reliable IIIII is able to attract more IIIII to III. #urthermore% it appeals to more talented and promising people to de"ote themsel"es to the III . To guarantee IIIIIII% the IIIIII emphasiDes the role pla!ed b! its emplo!ees% because the talent are the

essential resource the IIIII depends on for the IIIIIIII. To impro"e the IIIII% the compan! also offers constant in ser"ice training. The welfare the compan! offers will arouse emplo!ees: IIIIIIII. Therefore% the brand name not onl! means IIIII% but IIIII as well. Sa"p#e answers< . brand name pla!s a "ital role in a compan!:s de"elopment. It is commonl! belie"ed that a compan! with good reputation established b! wa! of the brand name. . reliable compan! is able to attract more customers to bu! their products% and e"en more importantl!% it can appeal to more talented and promising people to de"ote themsel"es to the compan!. To guarantee the success in the competition% the compan! emphasiDes the role pla!ed its emplo!ees% because people are the essential resource the compan! can depend on for the ma$imum producti"it!. To impro"e the qualit! of its emplo!ees% the compan! also pro"ides constant in ser"ice training. The welfare the compan! offers will arouse emplo!ees: strong lo"e and care to the compan!. Therefore% the brand name not onl! means good reputation% but stri"ing for the benefit of the compan! as well. 6hat are the prob#e"s of the aging popu#ation9 Sa"p#e structure< *ld people generall! IIIIIII as the! are getting on in IIII. Ph!sicall! the! are no longer IIIIIIas the! once were. IIII is running out IIIIII . Some of them IIIIIIII% which worsens their ph!sical situation. The IIIIIalso leads to their poor health. .s a result% the old people can hardl! IIIIIII. 8esides% man! old people can not en<o! a colorful IIIIII life. *n one hand % it is because of IIIIII % who are married and lead their own bus! life. The children can:t IIIIIII. IIIIII gap worsens the situation. *n the other hand% it is due to IIIIII% which causes the old to belie"e that the! are useless. The! also disco"er that the! IIIIIIIII% which results in their isolation from the world. .nother problem the old face is IIIIIIIII% which guarantees the health of the old. *ld people can:t IIIIIIIII. Ban! old people can:t get proper and regular ph!sical e$amination% which often dela!s the treatment and e"en causes death. Sa"p#e answers< *ld people generall! ha"e poor health as the! are getting on in !ears. Ph!sicall! the! are no longer as "igorous as the! once were. Their energ! is running out of after man! !ears of intense pressure and hea"! burden to make both ends meet. Some of them ha"e been o"erworking for a long period % which worsens their ph!sical situation. The poor condition of the work also

leads to their poor health. .s a result % the old people can hardl! take care of themsel"es . 8esides% man! old people can:t en<o! a colorful spiritual life. *n one hand% it is because of the lack of communication with their children% who are married and lead their own bus! life . The children can:t "isit the old as often as the! wish. 4eneration gap worsens the situation. *n the other hand% it is due to the earl! retirement% which causes the old to belie"e that the! are useless. The old lose the chance to talk with their former colleagues and co workers. The! also disco"er that the! can:t pla! a part in the social ad"ance an! longer% which results in their isolation from the word. .nother problem the old face is the unsatisfactor! medical care s!stem% which guarantees the health of the old. *ld people can:t afford the large e$pense of the medical treatment. Ban! old people can:t get proper and regular ph!sical e$amination% which often dela!s the treatment and e"en causes death. D 0 .



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