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A03 - Ch.

4, Material Properties, Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing (Niu)

Materials & Material Properties Ch. 4 - Material Properties, Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing (Niu) & Ch. 4 - Materials, Airframe Structural Design (Niu) The materials bible: Military a!"boo# - Metalli$ Materials a!" %leme!ts &or Aerospa$e 'ehi$le (tru$tures, M)*- +,--./, 1000 (!e1 e"itio!s are issue" e2ery $ouple o& years - al1ays use the latest). Primary Materials Selection Critera (tati$ stre!3th e&&i$ie!$y 4ati3ue stre!3th 4ra$ture tou3h!ess a!" $ra$# 3ro1th rate Corrosio! a!" embrittleme!t properties Compatibility 1ith other materials %!2iro!me!tal suitability A2ailability a!" $ost

A03 - Ch. 4, Material Properties, Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing (Niu)

4abri$atio! $hara$teristi$s +espite all the materials a!" alloys a2ailable, alumi!um alloys $o!ti!ue to &i!" promi!e!$e i! most air$ra&t. 4or pressuri6e" &usela3e $abi!s a!" lo1er 1i!3 s#i!s -- t1o areas pro!e to &ati3ue throu3h the lo!3-$o!ti!ue" appli$atio! a!" rela7atio! o& te!sio! stresses -- the sta!"ar" material is a! alumi!um alloy 5054-T3 4or upper 1i!3 s#i!s that ha2e to 1ithsta!" mai!ly $ompressio! stresses as the 1i!3 &le7es up1ar" "uri!3 &li3ht, 808.-T9 is most o&te! use". 808.-T9 is also use" e7te!si2ely &or military &i3hter air$ra&t stru$tures, 1hi$h 3e!erally ha2e sti&&er 1i!3s a!" -- e7$ept &or the $o$#pit area -- a! u!pressuri6e" &usela3e. 808.-T9 is almost t1i$e as :stro!3: as 5054-T3, a!" there&ore the 1ei3ht $a! be re"u$e" $orrespo!"i!3ly i! suitable appli$atio!.

A03 - Ch. 4, Material Properties, Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing (Niu)

Alumi!um Alloy /roups /roup 1000 /roup 5000 /roup 3000 /roup 4000 /roup .000 /roup 9000 /roup 8000 $o!tai!s 00; eleme!tal alumi!um Copper as the ma<or alloyi!3 eleme!t Ma!3a!ese as the ma<or alloyi!3 eleme!t (ili$o! as the ma<or alloyi!3 eleme!t Ma3!esium as the ma<or alloyi!3 eleme!t Ma3!esium a!" (ili$o! as the ma<or alloyi!3 eleme!ts =i!$ as the ma<or alloyi!3 eleme!t

,asi$ Tempers use" &or alumi!um alloys > A!!eale" 4 As &abri$ate" (trai! har"e!e" T eat treate" (all alumi!um alloys use" i! primary air$ra&t appli$atio!s are the heat treate" tempers)

A03 - Ch. 4, Material Properties, Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing (Niu)

A typi$al heat treat "esi3!atio! &or a! e7trusio! is sho1! belo1: 80.0-T9.11 T9 - type o& heat treatme!t (9?solutio! heat treate" a!" arti&i$ially a3e") . - mea!s materials has bee! stress relie2e" 1 - material 1as stret$he" to a$$omplish stress relie& (5 i& $ompressi2e metho"s are use") 1 - i!"i$ate" mi!or strai3hte!i!3 1as use" to meet strai3ht!ess a!" &lat!ess tolera!$es (0 i& strai3hte!i!3 is !ot allo1e") (ee M)*- +,--. &or $omplete "es$riptio! o& symbols use". /roup 5000 - Primarily use" i! te!sio! appli$atio!s 1here &ati3ue a!" "ama3e tolera!t "esi3! is $riti$al, e.3., lo1er 1i!3 sur&a$es, pressuri6e" &usela3e s#i!, et$. /roup 8000 - Primarily use" i! $ompressio! appli$atio!s 1here &ati3ue a!" "ama3e tolera!t "esi3! is !ot $riti$al,

A03 - Ch. 4, Material Properties, Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing (Niu)

e.3., upper 1i!3 sur&a$es, 1i!3 ribs, &loor beams, et$. (tress-(trai! Cur2es @!ia7ial te!sile a!" $ompressio! tests are 3e!erally per&orme" to obtai! the &ollo1i!3 basi$ me$ha!i$al properties: E Ec Fty Ftu Fcy Fcu u (or eu ) Aou!3Bs mo"ulus i! te!sio! Aou!3Bs mo"ulus i! $ompressio! Poisso!Bs ratio yiel" stress i! te!sio! ("e&i!e" by .5; o&&set) ultimate stress i! te!sio! yiel" stress i! $ompressio! ("e&i!e" by .5; o&&set) ultimate stress i! $ompressio! strai! 1he! ultimate stresses is rea$he"

A03 - Ch. 4, Material Properties, Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing (Niu)



A03 - Ch. 4, Material Properties, Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing (Niu)

(ome (ymbols, Abbre2iatio!s, et$. use" i! M)*- +,--. E Ec Es Et e ee ep 4 Fty Ftu / t $ u y Mo"ulus o& elasti$ity i! te!sio! Mo"ulus o& elasti$ity i! $ompressio! (e$a!t mo"ulus o& elasti$ity Ta!3e!t mo"ulus o& elast$ity %lo!3atio! i! per$e!t, u!it "e&ormatio! or strai! %lasti$ strai! Plasti$ strai! stress +esi3! te!sile yiel" stress at 1hi$h perma!e!t strai! is .005 +esi3! te!sile ultimate stress Mo"ulus o& ri3i"ity, shear mo"ulus subs$ript mea!i!3 te!sio! property subs$ript mea!i!3 $ompressio! property ultimate property yiel" property

A03 - Ch. 4, Material Properties, Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing (Niu)

A , (

A basis &or me$ha!i$al property 2alues - at least 00; o& the populatio! 2alues 1ill &all 1ith a 0.; $o!&i"e!$e le2el , basis &or me$ha!i$al property 2alues - at least 00; o& the populatio! 2alues 1ill &all 1ith a 0.; $o!&i"e!$e le2el ( basis &or me$ha!i$al property 2alues - mi!imum 3uara!tee" 2alue a!" its statisti$al assura!$e le2el is u!#!o1! *o!3itu"i!al, or parallel to "ire$tio! metal 1as 1or#e" (3rai! "ire$tio!) - 3reatest stre!3th "ire$tio! *o!3 Tra!s2erse, or perpe!"i$ular to 3rai! "ire$tio! (i! the lo!3 tra!s2erse "ire$tio!) - se$o!" 3reatest stre!3th "ire$tio! (hort Tra!s2erse, or perpe!"i$ular to 3rai! "ire$tio! (i! the short tra!s2erse "ire$tio!) - 1ea#est stre!3th "ire$tio!

* *T (T

A03 - Ch. 4, Material Properties, Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing (Niu)

A03 - Ch. 4, Material Properties, Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing (Niu)


A03 - Ch. 4, Material Properties, Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing (Niu)


A03 - Ch. 4, Material Properties, Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing (Niu)


A03 - Ch. 4, Material Properties, Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing (Niu)


A03 - Ch. 4, Material Properties, Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing (Niu)


Fracture Toughness an Crac! "ro#th $ate The tou3h!ess o& a material may be "e&i!e" as the ability o& a $ompo!e!t 1ith a $ra$# or "e&e$t to sustai! a loa" 1ithout $atastrophi$ &ailure. Material tou3h!ess is also #!o1! as the Duality o& a material to resist &ailure i! the prese!$e o& a &ati3ue $ra$#. 4ra$ture tou3h!ess a!" &ati3ue resista!$e must be $o!si"ere" 1he! "esi3!i!3 te!sio! $ompo!e!ts i! a! air&rame.

A03 - Ch. 4, Material Properties, Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing (Niu)

Co!si"er a &lat plate (thi! or thi$#) 1ith a $ra$# i! it as sho1! (le!3th 5a) a!" sub<e$te" to a te!sile stress. At the $ra$# tip, a stress $o!$e!tratio! 1ill o$$ur. The stress $o!$e!tratio! $a! be $hara$teri6e" by a stress i!te!sity &a$tor K = f ( , a ) . Throu3h theoreti$al a!" e7perime!tal 1or#, o!e &i!"s that K = a $ . The :$o!sta!t: $ "epe!"s o! $ra$# 3eometry a!" lo$atio! ($e!tere" $ra$#, e"3e $ra$#, et$.)E ho1e2er, c 1. Note that the u!its o& - are ksi in (or eDui2ale!t).


Per&orm tests (theoreti$al a!" e7perime!tal) by applyi!3 te!sile stress u!til the $ra$# 3ro1s i! le!3th. Fe &i!" that this critical stress intensity factor KC (1he! $ra$# 3ro1th be3i!s) 2aries 1ith plate thi$#!ess a!" 1ith the material teste" as sho1! belo1.

A03 - Ch. 4, Material Properties, Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing (Niu)


Note that &or :thi!: plates, the stress state is pla!e stress a!" &or :thi$#: plates, the stress state is pla!e strai!. Fe !ote that be$omes $o!sta!t at the e7tremes o& plate thi$#!ess, a!" 1e $all

A03 - Ch. 4, Material Properties, Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing (Niu)


these the $riti$al stress i!te!sity &a$tor K IC &or pla!e stress a!" pla!e strai!. Note that i! this $ase, K IC is lar3er &or 5054-T3 the! it is &or 808.-T9 (&or both thi! a!" thi$# plates). The subs$ript ) "e!otes a mo"e ) &ailure (pulli!3 the $ra$# apart). Fhat "oes all this mea! &rom a "esi3! sta!"poi!tG Co!si"er the relatio! a3ai!: KC = a
Material (ele$tio! +esi3! (tress Allo1able &la1 si6e or N+T &la1 "ete$tio! si6e

Fe see that a lar3er 2alue o& KC mea!s that &or a 3i2e! $ra$# le!3th (a), a lar3er stress ( ) $a! be applie" be&ore &ailure by &ra$tureE or, &or a 3i2e! "esi3! stress ( ), the material $a! ha2e lo!3er $ra$#s be&ore &ailure by &ra$ture. Thus,

A03 - Ch. 4, Material Properties, Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing (Niu)


K IC represe!ts the ma7imum stress i!te!sity &a$tor that 1oul" $ause &ailure. K IC also represe!ts the &ra$ture tou3h!ess o& the material (materialBs resista!$e to &ra$ture). K IC is a material property. There are three mo"es o& &ailure that 1e $a! $o!si"er:

) - te!sile mo"e

)) - shear mo"e

))) - teari!3 or tra!s2erse shear

A03 - Ch. 4, Material Properties, Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing (Niu)


-!o1i!3 K IC &or a material a!" its "esi3! stress ( ys , yiel" stress i! te!sio!), 1e $a! :$al$ulate: the $riti$al $ra$# le!3th aC at 1hi$h the $ra$# 1ill 3ro1.

Alter!ately, i& 1e #!o1 the $ra$# le!3th, 1e $a! "etermi!e the ma7imum stress that $a! be applie".

A03 - Ch. 4, Material Properties, Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing (Niu)


The "ata abo2e $a! be plotte" as belo1 (4ra$ture stress as a per$e!t o& Ftu 2s. $riti$al $ra$# le!3th.

A03 - Ch. 4, Material Properties, Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing (Niu)


Note that as the $ra$# le!3th be$omes small, the material has a &ra$ture stre!3th that is almost 100; o& its ultimate stre!3th. As the $ra$# le!3th i!$reases, the &ra$ture stre!3th "e$reases. Fe !ote a3ai!, that &or a 3i2e! $riti$al $ra$# le!3th, a material li#e 5054-T3 has a 3reater &ra$ture stre!3th the! "oes 808.-T9. e!$e, the reaso! that &or pressuri6e" &usela3e $abi!s a!" lo1er 1i!3 s#i!s -- t1o areas pro!e to &ati3ue throu3h the lo!3-$o!ti!ue" appli$atio! a!" rela7atio! o& te!sio! stresses -- 5054-T3 1oul" be pre&erre" o2er 808.-T9.

Rule of thumb: As the yiel" stress y i!$reases, KC "e$reases.

Thus a 2ery hi3h stre!3th material 1ill 3e!erally ha2e poor &ra$ture tou3h!ess properties. A lo1 stre!3th material (1hi$h 3e!erally has a hi3h "u$tility) 1ill ha2e better &ra$ture tou3h!ess properties. $emem%er: Hules o& Thumb $a! #ill people. -!o1 your stu&& I

A03 - Ch. 4, Material Properties, Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing (Niu)


)t shoul" be !ote" that the 2alue o& K IC 1ill "epe!"e" o! the "ire$tio! i! 1hi$h the $ra$# is orie!te" 1ithi! a plate o& "ime!sio!s *, T a!" (. )! the &i3ure to the ri3ht, the &irst letter represe!ts the ope!i!3 "ire$tio! o& the $ra$# a!" the se$o!" letter represe!ts the orie!tatio! o& the $ra$# le!3th. Thus T* mea!s a $ra$# 1ill ope! i! the T "ire$tio! a!" that the $ra$# le!3th is orie!te" i! the * "ire$tio!. The table belo1 3i2es 2alues o& K IC &or $ra$# 1ith 2arious orie!tatio!s i! the plate &or 2arious materials.

A03 - Ch. 4, Material Properties, Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing (Niu)


A03 - Ch. 4, Material Properties, Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing (Niu)


Co!si"er a plate 1ith a &aste!er hole sub<e$te" to $y$li$ te!sile loa" ($ra$#s "e2elop as sho1!). Fe $a! "e2elop "ate that sho1s ho1 $ra$# le!3th 1ill i!$rease 2s. !umber o& $y$les:

A03 - Ch. 4, Material Properties, Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing (Niu)


Fhat "oes this $y$li$ loa" "ata tell youG 3 4or a 3i2e! !umber o& $y$les (&or e7ample, 15 x10 ), a $ra$# 1ill 3ro1 lo!3er i! 808.-T9 the! i! 5054-T3. 4or a!y material, i& su&&i$ie!t loa" $y$les are applie", the $ra$# 1ill 3ro1 i! le!3th u!til it rea$hes the $riti$al le!3th aC , at 1hi$h poi!t &ailure is emi!e!t.

A03 - Ch. 4, Material Properties, Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing (Niu)


>ther &a$tors to be $o!si"ere" i! material sele$tio!: Corrosio! a!" embrittleme!t properties Compatibility 1ith other materials %!2iro!me!tal suitability A2ailability a!" $ost 4abri$atio! $hara$teristi$s Fe "o!Bt ha2e time to $o!si"er these. Corrosio! pre2e!tio! a!" $o!trol is a! importa!t issue. Co!trol measures i!$lu"e pai!t &ilms, metal $la"i!3, a!" $a"mium a!" $hromium plati!3 o! steel alloys. Composite Materials - 1e 1ill loo# at these later.

A03 - Ch. 4, Material Properties, Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing (Niu)


&se the #e% resources' 4or e7ample, &rom the A%H> 40. li!#, http:JJaero.sta!&or".e"uJaa541Jstru$turesJstru$tural"esi3!.html, you &i!" the &ollo1i!3: Materials Choi$e o& materials emphasi6es !ot o!ly stre!3thJ1ei3ht ratio but also: 4ra$ture tou3h!ess Cra$# propa3atio! rate Not$h se!siti2ity (tress $orrosio! resista!$e %7&oliatio! $orrosio! resista!$e A$ousti$ &ati3ue testi!3 is importa!t i! a&&e$te" portio!s o& stru$ture.

A03 - Ch. 4, Material Properties, Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing (Niu)


+oublers are use" to re"u$e stress $o!$e!tratio!s arou!" spli$es, $ut-outs, "oors, 1i!"o1s, a$$ess pa!els, et$., a!" to ser2e as tearstoppers at &rames a!" lo!3ero!s. /e!erally +C-10 uses 5054-T3 alumi!um &or te!sio! stru$ture su$h as lo1er 1i!3 s#i!s, pressure $riti$al &usela3e s#i!s a!" mi!imum 3a3e appli$atio!s. This material has e7$elle!t &ati3ue stre!3th, &ra$ture tou3h!ess a!" !ot$h se!siti2ity. 808.-T9 alumi!um has the hi3hest stre!3th 1ith a$$eptable tou3h!ess. )t is use" &or stre!3th $riti$al stru$tures su$h as &usela3e &loor beams, stabili6ers a!" spar $aps i! $o!trol sur&a$es. )t is also use" &or upper 1i!3s#i!s. 4or those parts i! 1hi$h resi"ual stresses $oul" possibly be prese!t, 808.-T83 material is use". 808.-T83 material has superior stress $orrosio! resista!$e a!" e7&oliatio! $orrosio! resista!$e, a!" 3oo" &ra$ture tou3h!ess. Typi$al appli$atio!s are &itti!3s that $a! ha2e "etrime!tal preloa"s i!"u$e" "uri!3 assembly or that are

A03 - Ch. 4, Material Properties, Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing (Niu)


sub<e$te" to sustai!e" operatio!al loa"s. Thi$#-se$tio! &or3i!3s are 808.-T83, "ue to the possible resi"ual stresses i!"u$e" "uri!3 heat treatme!t. The i!te3ral e!"s o& 808.-T9 stri!3ers a!" spar $aps are o2era3e" to T83 lo$ally. This u!iDue use o& the T83 temper 2irtually elimi!ates possibility o& stress $orrosio! $ra$#i!3 i! $riti$al <oi!t areas. Miscellaneous Num%ers Althou3h the yiel" stress o& 808. or 5054 Alumi!um is hi3her, a typi$al 2alue &or "esi3! stress at limit loa" is .4,000 psi. The "e!sity o& Alumi!um is .101 lb J i!K3 Mi!imum usable material thi$#!ess is about 0.09 i!$hes &or hi3h spee" tra!sport 1i!3s. This is set by li3ht!i!3 stri#e reDuireme!ts. (Mi!imum s#i! 3au3e o! other portio!s o& the air$ra&t, su$h as the &usela3e, is about 0.0. i!$hes to permit $ou!tersi!#i!3 &or &lush ri2ets.

A03 - Ch. 4, Material Properties, Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing (Niu)


>! the Cess!a Citatio!, a small hi3h spee" airpla!e, 0.04 i!$hes is the mi!imum 3au3e o! the i!!er portio! o& the 1i!3, but 0.0. i!$hes is pre&erre". Hibs may be as thi! as 0.05. i!$hes. (par 1ebs are about 0.09 i!$hes at the tip. 4or lo1 spee" air$ra&t 1here &lush ri2ets are !ot a reDuireme!t a!" loa"s are lo1, mi!imum s#i! 3au3e is as lo1 as 0.019 i!$hes 1here little ha!"li!3 is li#ely, su$h as o! outer 1i!3s a!" tail $o!es. Arou!" &uel ta!#s (i!boar" 1i!3s) 0.03 i!$hes is mi!imum. >! li3ht air$ra&t, the spar or spars $arry almost all o& the be!"i!3 a!" shear loa"s. Fi!3 s#i!s are 3e!erally sti&&e!e". (#i!s $o!tribute to $ompressio! loa" o!ly !ear the spars (1hi$h ser2e as sti&&e!ers i! a limite" area). *o1er s#i!s "o $o!tribute to te!sio! $apability but the mai! &u!$tio! o& the s#i! i! these $ases is to $arry torsio! loa"s a!" "e&i!e the se$tio! shape.

A03 - Ch. 4, Material Properties, Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing (Niu)


)! tra!sport 1i!3s, s#i! thi$#!esses usually are lar3e e!ou3h, 1he! "esi3!e" &or be!"i!3, to ha!"le torsio! loa"s. 4uel "e!sity is 9.8 lbJ3allo!.

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