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MEDIA AND ENTERTAINMENT Module Description: The module presents the impact of entertainment to the vast numbers of viewers/

audiences. It also includes the topics on some entertainment people, controversies, and the truth behind the screens. Module Objectives: At the end of the module, you should be able to: 1) Distin uish the media functions in entertainment industries. !) Describe and identify the ma"ers and fa"ers in the field of entertainment. #) $numerate the problems of entertainment issues created by media %) Advocate for massive information dissemination of entertainment throu h accurate reportin to attain public understandin of entertainment that can spur pro ress. &) 'ecommend techni(ues on how to "now whether the controversy is merely truth and not )ust another show. *) +oster a stron er tie up between media and entertainment.

Discussion: ,ocial media is a ame chan er for content creators and the entertainment industry and it-s all about the inte ration. Are entertainment professionals levera in social media platforms to ain access to decision ma"ers, influencers, and tar et audiences. /hat are the new practices in creatin and mana in your social media ecosystem to ensure a solid online identity, community buildin 0 en a ement for talent, product or service . Is your social media strate y simply a part of your mar"etin strate y or can it really be moneti1ed and yield a return on en a ement. +irst let us define entertainment. $ntertainment is any activity which provides a diversion or permits people to amuse themselves in their leisure time, and may also provide fun, en)oyment and lau hter. 2eople may create their own entertainment, such as when they spontaneously invent a ame3 participate actively in an activity they find entertainin , such as when they play sport as a hobby3 or consume an entertainment product passively, such as when they attend a performance. $ntertainment industry 4informally "nown as show business or show bi1) is part of the tertiary sector of the economy and includes a lar e number of

5y: 6ibson 'ay 7. 5oyles

sub8industries devoted to entertainment. 9owever, the term is often used in the mass media to describe the mass media companies that control the distribution and manufacture of mass media entertainment. In the popular parlance, the term show bi1 in particular connotes the commercially popular performin arts, especially musical theatre, vaudeville, comedy, film, and music. It applies to every aspect of entertainment includin cinema, television, radio, theatre and music.

ADDITI:;A< 7AT$'IA<: Issues on 7edia and $ntertainment 2aper

5y: 6ibson 'ay 7. 5oyles

MEDIA AND NEW TECHNOLOGY Description: ,ocial media websites such as +aceboo", Twitter and <in"edIn have proved enormously popular, and while they are consumer focused, the principles of collaboration and information sharin that they embody are hi hly relevant for corporate IT. /e analyse the latest trends in social media technolo y, social networ"in and e=plain how they can be applied to enterprise IT strate y. Module Objectives: At the end of the module, you must be able to: 1) Describe the roles of new technolo y in media and in the society. !) Identify the importance of new technolo y at home, school, hospitals, etc. #) Determine the different media. enerations influenced by this new technolo y and

%) Determine the media functions in the development of new technolo y. &) $numerate and analy1e the technolo ies ood and the bad of this populari1ed new

*) 'ecommend ways and means to stop the bad effects of this new technolo y li"e the internet and the world wide web to the new eneration. Discussion: Issues surroundin media, technolo y, and access to the di ital world have emer ed as critical elements of opportunity with re ard to communities of color. >nfortunately, individuals lac"in access to or awareness of the Internet tend to be those who can most benefit, particularly with re ard to brea"in the tra)ectories of social isolation, poverty, and illiteracy. And, these populations, consistin of people of color, low8income people, seniors and people with disabilities, will la further behind as the di ital innovation sector transforms health care, ener y, education and civic en a ement in the years ahead. Another critical challen e for minorities in this space is their en a ement as entrepreneurs and business owners in the broadband and broadcast industries. ?ou live in a day of marvelous technolo ies that ive you easy access to a wide variety of media, includin the Internet, mobile devices, video ames, television, movies, music, boo"s, and ma a1ines. The information and 5y: 6ibson 'ay 7. 5oyles

entertainment provided throu h these media can increase your ability to learn, communicate, and become a force for ood in the world. 9owever, some information and entertainment can lead you away from ri hteous livin . @hoose wisely when usin media because whatever you read, listen to, or loo" at has an effect on you. ,elect only media that uplifts you. ,atan uses media to deceive you by ma"in what is wron and evil loo" normal, humorous, or e=citin . 9e tries to mislead you into thin"in that brea"in 6od-s commandments is acceptable and has no ne ative conse(uences for you or others. Do not attend, view, or participate in anythin that is vul ar, immoral, violent, or porno raphic in any way. Do not participate in anythin that presents immorality or violence as acceptable. 9ave the coura e to wal" out of a movie, chan e your music, or turn off a computer, television, or mobile device if what you see or hear drives away the ,pirit. 2orno raphy in all forms is especially dan erous and addictive. /hat may be in as an une=pected e=posure or a curious e=ploration can become a destructive habit. >se of porno raphy is a serious sin and can lead to other se=ual trans ression. Avoid porno raphy at all costs. It is a poison that wea"ens your self8 control, destroys your feelin s of self8worth, and chan es the way you see others. It causes you to lose the uidance of the ,pirit and can dama e your ability to have a normal relationship with others, especially your future spouse. It limits your ability to feel true love. If you encounter porno raphy, turn away from it immediately. If you are involved in porno raphy, cease now. ,ee" the help you need. ?our parents and bishop can help you ta"e the steps necessary to repent and rid yourself of this destructive habit. Ta"e care that your use of media does not dull your sensitivity to the ,pirit or interfere with your personal relationships with others. ,pendin lon periods of time usin the Internet or a mobile device, playin video ames, or watchin television or other media can "eep you from valuable interactions with other people. 5e careful that your use of social media does not replace spendin time with your family and friends. 6uard your safety and the safety of others by ta"in reat care about what personal information and ima es you share throu h technolo y. Do not communicate anythin over the Internet or throu h te=tin that would be inappropriate to share in person. :bey the laws that overn sharin music, movies, and other copyri hted items. <et me leave you one (uestion that you may want to answer on your own 9ow does my choice of media influence my thou hts and actions.


5y: 6ibson 'ay 7. 5oyles

7edia and Internet

5y: 6ibson 'ay 7. 5oyles

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