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Social Media and its Impact with Reference to Blogging

M. Mymoon1, R. Lakshmi Poorna2, . !ariharan", S. S#ryakala$, R. %anagaras#&, R. Ra'ik#mar&


Senior Technical Officer, KRD, CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre, Taramani, Chennai 600113 Email ! m"moon#serc res in $ Technical %ssistant, KRD, CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre, Taramani, Chennai 600113 3 &rinci'al Technical Officer, KRD, CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre, Taramani, Chennai 600113 ( Senior Technician, KRD, CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre, Taramani, Chennai 600113 ) &ost-gra*uate Trainee, KRD, CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre, Taramani, Chennai 600113

BS(R )( +i,rar" 'rofessionals are caught ,et-een 'ro.i*ing li,rar" ser.ices through tra*itional mo*els an* the e.ol.ing information technologies /ith the *"namic gro-th of the online communication technologies an* tools, li,raries nee* to change an* a*a't to these changing information an* communication technologies, although the" are often face* -ith the 'ro,lem of con.incing the management on the usefulness of these tools Social me*ia soft-are an* technolog" has change* the -a" information is collecte*, *istri,ute* an* accesse*, lea*ing us into an age of 'artici'ation It also o'ens u' ne- o''ortunities for reaching out to 'atrons, 'ro.i*ing li,rar" ser.ices an* transforming our -e,sites from ,eing static sources of information to .i,rant an* interacti.e .irtual li,raries One -a" in -hich li,rarians can hel' users is ," e*ucating 0 gui*ing them in use of the netechnolog" to their a*.antage Social me*ia is sim'l" another form of me*ia that -e can use to share information -ith users 1illions of 'eo'le use social net-or2s an* a large 'ercentage of researchers an* scientists also use them Social me*ia ser.es as a ,ri*ge across .arious *isci'lines, to e3change information -ith in*ustr" an* aca*emic communities an* also ser.es as a channel for 'u,lic communication of their research 4oth the li,rarian an* the scientists -ill miss out on a lot of information an* .isi,ilit", if the" a,stain from social me*ia %lthough there are *o-nsi*es to social me*ia, a ,alance* a''roach -ill ,enefit ,oth the li,rarian an* the researcher The 'resent 'a'er aims to 'ro.i*e scientists an* li,rar" 'rofessionals -ith an un*erstan*ing of social me*ia, an* its 'ossi,le uses *uring an* -ithin the research 'rocess %'art from gi.ing a general un*erstan*ing on social me*ia to ma2e *ecisions on its usage for research an* aca*emic 'ur'oses, the 'a'er hel's ," *escri,ing in *etail a fe- tools from the a.aila,le -i*e range This 'a'er also sho-s ho- social me*ia can change the -a"s in -hich researchers can o'en u' ne- forms of communication an* also form ne-er an* 5uic2er channels for *isseminating information using ,logs an* ,logging Keywords ! social media; blog; blogging; Twitter; WordPress; social media impact; microblogging; social media publishing tools; institutional blogging

1. *!+ S,)I L M-.I / 1illions of 'eo'le all o.er the -orl* are sharing information all at once The -i*e range of share* information is sometimes e3tremel" im'ortant an* useful -hile at times it is 5uir2" an* irrele.ant This 5uote from an article ," 6 Small in Nature, summari7es ho- ne- technologies are changing the -a" in -hich the research *ialogues are ,eing con*ucte* 89The real .alue of social me*ia for scientists :asi*e from teaching us to communicate concisel"; ma" ,e that -e are force* to thin2 a,out ho- to share i*eas -ith a ,roa*er au*ience, one that ultimatel" 'a"s for most of our research! ta3'a"ers <The *a"s of scientists communicating onl" -ith each other, in the languages of our in*i.i*ual *isci'lines, an* rel"ing on science =ournalists to translate for the 'u,lic, are ra'i*l" coming to an en* :1;> Social me*ia is an um,rella term for *igital tools that let "ou share information an* net-or2 -ith others Social me*ia :social *escri,es the one-to-man" an* man"-to-man" con.ersations -hile media im'lies storage an* transmission of messages an* a,out content; is an online en.ironment o'ene* for the 'ur'oses of mass colla,oration -here all 'artici'ants can create, enhance, *isco.er, consume, rate, share, 'ost content *irectl" :$; ?ere the 2e" is online communications an* the eas" shift ,et-een the role of au*ience an* an author Social me*ia is rec2one* to ,e a strong force for inno.ation ," ma=or com'anies all o.er the -orl* an* com'anies ha.e ,ig 'lans to use social tools as inno.ation 'latforms :3; The gra'h :@igure I; *e'icting the use of social me*ia tools for inno.ation in the "ear $01$ an* coming "ear:(; is gi.en ,elo- :Source ! I41 Institute for 4usiness Aalue; Scientists an* aca*emics are ,eginning to *e.elo' an* maintain in*i.i*ual 'u,lic social me*ia 'rofiles outsi*e their official 'rofiles to ,uil* a net-or2 of li2e-min*e* scholars, an* sta" connecte* Social me*ia has ena,le* them to communicate their research 5uic2l", efficientl" among 'rofessionals an* the general 'o'ulation as -ell That man" aca*emic institutions an* in*ustries encourage facult", staff an* stu*ents to engage in social me*ia net-or2ing an* ha.e also create* gui*elines for ,est 'ractices to use social me*ia an* hel' their mem,ers to 'artici'ate -ithin social me*ia channels goes to sho- the gro-ing im'ortance of social me*ia in communication:),6,B,C; Figure 1 &ro=ecte* Dsage of Social 1e*ia Tools

One of the most im'ortant things that researchers *o is to En*, use an* *isseminate information, an* social me*ia offers a range of tools -hich can facilitate this Some of the ,enefits from social me*ia for researchers inclu*e !

Recei.e ne-s on latest research, u'*ates from 'rofessional organi7ations regar*ing 'olicies, fun*ing, o''ortunities, etc Fumerous fun*ing agencies such as Cor*is @un*ing Fe-s, %G% Research fun*, Fational Science @oun*ation, DFESCO, 6ates @oun*ation, Fational Institute of ?ealth for fun*ing use T-itter to share ne-s an* fun*ing o''ortunities, an* also loo2 for u'*ates a,out their fun*e* -or2

1ostl" Science has ,ecome a one--a" con.ersation % researcherHs role in science communication is mostl" u'to -hen the" 'u,lish in the high ran2ing =ournals The communication here is onl" to other scientists an* not the masses Social me*ia allo-s the researcher to communicate his i*eas an* 'rogress ma*e -ith the general 'u,lic using social me*ia tools such as ,logs, micro,logs, 'o*casts, etc The 'otential to reach a ,igger au*ience is high

%'art from connecting -ith researchers in their res'ecti.e fiel*s :.ia T-itter, +in2e*In or ,logs; social me*ia allo-s the scientists to con.erse -ith science =ournalists online an* also 'artici'ate in online conferences -ithout the e3'en*iture of tra.el an* other costs other-ise incurre* The 'otential to reach out to the "ounger0ne3t generation of

scientists is .er" high as the" are 9the onl" generation that thin2s technolog" ma2es 'eo'le closer together rather than isolate*:), I;>

%'art from the a,o.e, other features of social me*ia -hich ma2e it functionall" attracti.e are !o

that it is a fle3i,le me*ium -hich is ,eing constantl" *e.elo'e* in res'onse to the nee*s of the usersJ

*uring the research 'rocess there is no time *ela" es'eciall" -here comments, reactions an* contri,utions from colleagues an* other reci'ient au*iences can contri,ute 'ositi.el"J

an* it is mostl" free of charge i e , no in.estments ," either the researcher, research institutions or the au*ience

2. ),MM,0 S,)I L M-.I PL (1,RMS The *ail" *"namics on the Internet is 'o-ere* ," ,logs, micro-,logs, social net-or2s, *iscussion ,oar*s, sharing ser.ices :of images, au*io, .i*eo an* multime*ia files;, -i2is an* similar sites -hich in totalit" is referre* to as the social -e, Some common social me*ia 'latforms are liste* in Ta,le I -ith e3am'les:10; Table 1 Social 1e*ia &latforms Blogs :e g , /or*&ress, 1o.a,leT"'e, Micro23logging 4 micro messaging :e g , 4logger, S5uares'ace, 6oogleHs 4logs'ot; T-itter, @rien*@ee*, 6oogle 4u77, Tum,lr; .isc#ssion 3oards and re'iews :e g , Social networks :e g , @ace,oo2, +in2e*In, .4ulletin;, consumer Tri'%*.iser;, classifie* re.ie-s 4usiness :e g , :e g , re.ie-s Craig+ist;, 1"S'ace, 6oogleM, etc ; %ma7on, :e g ,

"el' com, Customer +o,,", E'inions com; chat rooms, message ,oar*s, communit" KL% :e g , /i2i%ns-ers, 6oogle %ns-ers, Kuora; an* others M#ltimedia sharing ser'ices 8 'hoto sharing Social 3ookmarking and social tagging :e g , :e g , @lic2r, &hoto,uc2et, &interest 8 a Del icio us, Stum,leD'on;

'in,oar* st"le social 'hoto sharing -e,site;, Social news :e g , Digg, Re**it; .i*eo sharing :e g , Aimeo, +at fm, NouTu,e, 1etacafe;, Cc1i3tre;, Ai*eo+ectures net, au*io sharing :e g,

li.ecasting :e g, S2"'e, +i.estream;, music an* 'resentation sharing :e g , Sli*eShare, Scri,*;, 'o*cast an* other forms of au*io content :e g , ES&F, F&R; 5ideo Blogging :.loggs; 8 a form of ,logging 5irt#al world :e g , Secon* +ife;RSS :e g , that uses .i*eo rather than te3t0au*io as its 4loglines, @ee*4urner; 'rimar" me*ia source :e g , Roc2et,oom; -'ents :e g , 1eetu' com, E.entful; *ikis :colla,orati.e 'u,lishing, e g , *idgets :mini -e, a''lications /i2i'e*ia, /i2ime*ia, /i2iho-; /e, such as Share This; Mash2#ps an* others In this 'a'er micro,logging an* ,logging metho*s, their a*.antages an* *isa*.antages are *escri,e* in some *etail The term 94log> comes from the term 9/e,+og> first mentione* in 1III It -as 'o'ulari7e* ," E.an /illiams, -ho -ent on to foun* T-itter com 4logs gaine* instant 'o'ularit" ,ecause one can create, react, communicate -ithout an" 'rogramming s2ills an* are the to' sources of information for e.er"thing from 'ro*uct ne-s, 'ro*uct launch, 'ro*uct re.ie-s to tra.el a*.ice ". MI)R,BL,66I06 1icro,logging is 9a ,roa*cast me*ium in the form of ,logging % micro,log *iffers from a tra*itional ,log in that its content is t"'icall" smaller in ,oth actual an* aggregate file si7e 1icro,logs allo- users to e3change small elements of content such as short sentences, in*i.i*ual images, or .i*eo lin2sO:11; 1icro,logging is ,etter *escri,e* as short con.ersations -here "ou listen, share i*eas, gi.e an* recei.e 5uic2 res'onses0lin2s to ne- information The 'eo'le in "our net-or2 act as filters for the floo* of information a.aila,le online This t-o--a" communication for

*istri,uting or sharing content across the social

in micro,logging is useful in engaging a communit" in a 'u,lic forum /ith incoming communications one can learn a,out an" su,=ect of interest, ,ounce i*eas off of 'eo'le, an* sta" ahea* of me*ia in5uiries /ith out,oun* communications micro,logging can hel' get information to 'eo'le es'eciall" so -hen sites use RSS fee* to 'ost % micro,logging feature, calle* Ostatus u'*ateO is a.aila,le on social net-or2ing -e,sites @ace,oo2, 1"S'ace, an* +in2e*In The ma=or a*.antage of micro,logging is that the" -or2 -ell on cell 'hones an* other mo,ile *e.ices, ma2ing it eas" to *eli.er content In other -or*s, 9micro,logging is a real-time communication 'latform:1$;> In a social conte3t, one -oul* essentiall" ,e 2ee'ing trac2 on a 'ersonHs acti.ities an* .ice .ersa This is *one -ithin a 'ri.ate grou' or 'u,licl" on the /e, These messages can ,e su,mitte* ," a .ariet" of means, inclu*ing te3t messaging, instant messaging, email, *igital au*io or the -e, Recent 'osts of other mem,ers are *is'la"e* in chronological or*er thus ma2ing it eas" to follomore than one user 1an" micro,logging sites let "ou change "our account settings to ,loc2 s'ecific users, let "our messages ,e .ie-e* ," an"one, or ," a restricte* grou' that "ou choose an* also su,mit 5uestions for a s'ea2er *uring a li.e session It is 'ossi,le to gui*e rea*ers to "our content ," inclu*ing hashtags :also 2no-n as micro,logging funnels; There are man" hashtag *irectories -here "ou can fin* content of interest 1eeting 'lanners an* e.ent coor*inators fre5uentl" recommen* a hashtag for atten*ees so that micro,log entries relate* to the e.ent can ,e easil" searche* an* retrie.e* 1icro,logging sites can ,e use* to share announcements, ne-s, s'ecial e.ents li2e holi*a" hours, ne- 'ro*ucts, u'*ate* resources, remin*ers, instructions, or to share ans-ers to fre5uent 5uestions ".1. !ow to Implement 4egin ," e3'loring micro,logging sites to see ho- 'eo'le use them Fe3t, consulting -ith the a*ministration 0 management offices to confirm that an account can ,e create*

Choosing a meaningful account name shoul* ta2e into consi*eration each *ifferent t"'e of information that has to ,e share* :,log 'osts, ne-s releases, 'rogram announcements, etc ;

Setting u' of account an* chec2ing user settings to ,e sure the 'osts are 'u,lic or 'ri.ate as a''ro'riate follo-e* ," 2e"ing in the message an* 'u,lishing it in the micro,log

Setting u' an automate* fee* li2e an RSS fee*, follo-ing the instructions on the site @or e3am'le, to 'ost an RSS fee* on T-itter, use T-itterfee* com

4e a-are that oneHs user ID an* 'ass-or* has to ,e 'ro.i*e* to use these thir*-'art" sites Essentiall", the other site logs8in as "ou This carries 'otential securit" ris2s, so using onl" -ell-esta,lishe* ser.ices an* not using the same 'ass-or* that is use* for other 'ur'oses is recommen*e* %lso using a strong 'ass-or* an* changing it often is recommen*e*

The tools an* conce'ts of micro,logging are constantl" e.ol.ing lea*ing to the nee* that one has to 2ee' himself u'*ate* al-a"s

Se.eral startu's ha.e -itnesse* 'henomenal gro-th -ith micro-,logging ser.ices, most nota,l" T-itter % ,rief note on some micro,logging tools is gi.en ,elo".1.1. Some micro3logging tools and tips +ammer 7 +ammer is a micro,logging tool for organi7ations, that allo-s 5uic2 net-or2ing an* information sharing, -ith the a**e* ,enefit of connecting easil" -ithin the common organi7ation email *omain )omm#note ! It is a micro,logging tool an* ser.ice launche* in Decem,er $00C +i2e T-itter, it allo-s users to 'ost u'*ates of their acti.ities Dnli2e T-itter, Communote is a O'rofessional micro,logging ser.iceO focusing on the internal usage in com'anies It is a.aila,le as in-house installation an* as online ser.ice

Communote *iffers from the stan*ar* enter'rise micro,logging tools *ue to its s'ecial microsharing a''roach This means that 9storage an* retrie.al of 'ostings is -ell su''orte*, es'eciall" ," tagging an* e3tensi.e filtering features:13;> Some more features in Communote are @ollo- &eo'le, Tags, Communit" ,log, re'lies -ith threa*e* *iscussions, inline .i*eo an* images :NouTu,e, Aimeo;, mo,ile access -ith i&hone, 4lac24err" an* %n*roi*, sen*ing an* recei.ing 'ostings .ia instant messaging an* email, etc Identi.ca ! %nother micro,logging ser.ice, similar to T-itter ha.ing grou's, 'ost e.ent in.itations, ,oo2mar2s, 'olls, 5uestions or other 2in*s of *ata an* also has geolocation I*enti ca is a stream-oriente* social net-or2 ser.ice ,ase* on the free Soft-are StatusFet tool /hile there are man" micro,logging tools as mentione* a,o.e, -e ha.e, for the 'ur'ose of illustration, in the ,elo- 'aragra'h ela,orate* on micro,logging using T-itter (witter 7 T-itter is a net-or2e* -e, an* mo,ile 'hone ,ase* share* short messaging s"stem It allo-s users to -rite ,rief te3t u'*ates :ma3 1(0 characters; an* 'u,lish them, either to ,e .ie-e* ," an"one or ," a restricte* grou' -hich can ,e chosen ," the user It 'ro.i*es a fascinating real-time insight into the hot to'ics of the *a" These messages can ,e su,mitte* ," a .ariet" of means, inclu*ing te3t messaging, instant messaging, e-mail, 1&3 or the /e, It is a great -a" to 5uic2l" share "our current research, 'u,lications, o'inions, 5uestions, an* lin2s to ne- ,log 'osts Nou can follo- other researchers an* there," increase "our o-n follo-ing 1ore s'ecific information a,out T-itter is a.aila,le at htt'!00--- ho-to go.0socialme*ia0micro,logging0t-itter %fter creating a username an* 'rofile -ith a short note a,out "ourself in*icate "our aca*emic an* research ,ac2groun* an* interests Rele.ant to the areas of "our research, 'u,lications, areas of e3'ertise, 'ostings calle* t-eets shoul* ,e *one To follo- on T-itter loo2 for li2e min*e* researchers, aca*emicians an* 'rofessionals 4" follo-ing them an* commenting on their 'osts, "ou increase the .olume of "our t-eets an* also the num,er of follo-ers of "our o-n t-eets This num,er -ill ,ecome significant as time goes ," Dsing hash tags :P; in front of 2e"-or*s -ill hel' -ith the in*e3ing of to'ics on -hich "ou -rite an* -ill also increase attention to "our t-eets on those an* relate* 2e"-or*s 4ecome a regular in -riting t-eets 8 at least 1 t-eet 'er *a"

There are tools that facilitate micro,logs further Some of these are T-itter Search :tool for monitoring glo,al con.ersations;, T-ello- :*irector" of 'u,lic T-itter accounts, -ith hun*re*s of categories an* search features to hel' "ou fin* 'eo'le -ho matter to "ou;, T-eet6ri* :create a T-itter search *ash,oar* that u'*ates in real time;, T-itterfall :here one can trac2 the ma=or 9tren*ing to'ics> an* the t-eets are 'resente* in a -aterfall-li2e casca*e that tum,les *o-n the 'age %lso it allo-s users to filter t-eets ," 2e"-or* or to'ic, ena,ling them to trac2 the things that matter to them ThereHs e.en a geolocation tool ,uilt in to the site -hich allo-s to narrot-eets ra*ius;, T-itter@on :a -a" to use T-itter from "our i&hone;, T-eetDec2 :a 'o-erful, customi7a,le -a" to use T-itter on "our *es2to';, T-eet+ater :sche*ule 'osts in a*.ance;, T-it&ic :'ost 'hotos on T-itter;, T-it,in, T-itter@o3, :lets "ou u'*ate T-itter from "our @irefo3 /e, ,ro-ser;, T-itterfee* com :sen*s "our RSS fee* to T-itter com;, 4oo2mar2let :from Tum,lr -here "ou can *rag to "our ,ro-serHs tool,ar an* use to a** lin2s an* me*ia to "our Tum,lr site; Some of the other a''lications on Tum,lr ma2e it 'ossi,le to a** tags to 'osts, a** .i*eos, cross 'ost to @ace,oo2 account, *o-nloa* 'hotos or recor* .i*eo an* 'ost *irectl" to Tum,lr 'age from i&hones, etc &lur2 com utili7es a rich interface an* hori7ontal timeline to a** a s'atial *imension to micro,logging Sites that shorten an* trac2 clic2s on DR+s "ou 'ost :-ith onl" 1(0 characters, shortening long DR+s is critical; are Tin"DR+ com, Sni'url com, T-eet,urner com There is a tutorial ho- to get a ,ac2u' of "our T-itter account at htt'!00--- ma2euseof com0tag0ho--to,ac2u'-"our-t-itter-archi.e There are other tools that allo- 'erforming .arious tas2s, such as allo-ing to sen* a 'ost to multi'le sites at once or for ena,ling a 'ost from cell 'hone -ithout logging into a /e, site, etc 3 $ !ow can yo# #se micro3logging to yo#r ad'antage/ ?a.ing starte* out as a 9/hat are "ou *oing no-Q> social communication tool, micro,logging hol*s great 'otential at -or2 %*.antages of micro,logging at -or2 are net-or2ing is easier, less emailing, real time con.ersations an* -ithin a communit" at -or2 connecting is eas" -hich lea*s to increase in .isi,ilit" %lso micro,logging *uring e.ents such as conferences increases .isi,ilit" an* s'rea* of 2no-le*ge that is generate* *uring face-to-face meetings an* it hel's in

,uil*ing a le.el of engagement an* 'artici'ation ,e"on* the 'h"sical 'resence To use this tool as a 'o-erful means of communication at -or2 here are some 'ointers :a; 1essages shoul* ,e ,rief, stating =ust the facts @or e3am'le "ou 'ost a useful lin2 or an i*ea Tin"DR+ is an e3cellent tool that hel's "ou shrin2 a long url into a tin" one -hich "ou can then share -ith others .ia T-itter, Nammer or other instant messengers This also lea*s to ,re.it" in the res'onse :,; %s it is an information communication tool, it can ,e use* for announcements to 'romote e.ents0acti.ities, as2 5uic2 fee*,ac2, 'ost short u'*ates, get u'*ates from colleagues -hich is the cru3 of micro,logging :c; 4" intelligentl" selecting the right 'eo'le, one can get to 2no- their e3'eriences, i*eas an* insights in or*er to RmineH their resources E3am'les of some reno-ne* com'an"institutes -ho use micro,logging to net-or2 are Shell oil Common-ealth Scientific an* In*ustrial Research

htt'!00--- shell com0,

Organisation-htt'!00--- csiro au0en as'3, Euro'ean Organi7ation for Fuclear Research htt'!00home -e, cern ch0a,out, 1e*ia giants li2e 44C an* The Fe- Nor2 Times use T-itter to 'ost hea*lines an* stor" lin2s % $011 'a'er from researcher 6unther E"sen,ach foun* a correlation ,et-een T-itter acti.it" an* highl" cite* articles The micro,logging site ma" hel' citation rate or ser.e as a measure of ho- 9cita,le> "our 'a'er ma" ,e:1(; In a**ition, a $010 sur.e" on T-itter foun* one-thir* of aca*emics sai* the" use it for sharing information -ith 'eers, communicating -ith stu*ents or as a real-time ne-s source:1); In a stu*" un*erta2en ," Shao et al , it -as foun* that 9micro,logging as a light--eight informal communication me*ia hel'e* foster e3changing of 9non-critical> u'*ates :e g , small milestones to-ar*s com'leting a tas2J 'ro,lems0issues oneTs -or2ing on, ,ut not too critical for re'ortingJ un*e.elo'e* i*eas0thoughts =ust came out of a con.ersation; among co--or2ers as social interaction > The" also re'ort that micro,log-me*iate* informal sharing ,enefite* -or2 colla,oration ," su''lementing other forms of team communications The stu*" conclu*e* that micro,logging -as 9.alue* for facilitating cross-'ro=ect team a-areness -ithin a functional

grou', garnering 'artici'ation on 'ro=ects from non-core team mem,ers, an* ,uil*ing stronger social connection -ith colleagues ,e"on* oneHs imme*iate -or2ing teams %lso that a sco'e*, eas"-to-un*erstan* au*ience si7e -as im'ortant to the a*o'tion of micro,logging an* the 'ercei.e* .alue of 'oste* content:16;> $. BL,66I06 1,R IMP )( 4logging is similar to micro,logging an* is a .ital tool for researchers, scientists, aca*emicians to 'u,licl" communicate a,out research *e.elo'ments an* fin*ings, to announce 'u,lications an* share 'resentations an* to -rite a,out rele.ant research issues 6etting fee*,ac2 from other li2e-min*e* 'rofessionals, as -ell as e3'an*ing oneHs 'rofessional net-or2s to enhance .isi,ilit" is the ultimate a*.antage of ,logging 4logs gi.e an"one an ine3'ensi.e 'latform to 'romote their i*eas to a 'otential au*ience glo,all" 4logs are 'ro.en to ,e effecti.e in *isseminating research, ,uil*ing a-areness a,out oneHs research, 'romoting in-*e'th con.ersation, 'romoting .isi,ilit" of their research an* 'u,lications ," sharing information, lin2s an* res'on*ing to fee*,ac2 from other researchers In a stu*" con*ucte* ," 1ellisa Terras

she conclu*es 9If "ou -ant 'eo'le to fin* an* rea*

"our research, ,uil* u' a *igital 'resence in "our *isci'line, an* use it to 'romote "our -or2 < If :social me*ia interaction is often; then :O'en access M social me*ia U increase* *o-nloa*s; > %nother stu*" ," /e,er:1C; suggests 9researchers shoul* consi*er using ,logs as an engagement an* *issemination tool alongsi*e more tra*itional metho*s such as =ournal articles an* conferences > %lso accor*ing to /e,er more im'ortantl" 'eo'le rea* an* remem,er 9a ,log 'ost that 'ulls together 2e" fin*ings an* arguments, than an aca*emic 'a'er> an* also that 9researchers can influence ho- their research ma2es an im'act > The researcher can choose to sim'l" allo- his research -or2 9to sit in an aca*emic =ournal an* using a ,log to 'ull together 'oints for 'ractice is that "ou can create a channel to reach a ne- au*ience -ho can engage -ith it 4logging allo-s "ou to ,len* 'ractice, research an* e*ucation together in a flui* manner an* thus hel' ,roa*en "our reach to more 'eo'le :1C;> Thus, ," creating a ,log an* -riting regular ,log u'*ates to tell a,out their research un*erta2ings an* other relate* to'ics of interest is the current tren* among researchers &ro.i*ing lin2s to their 'u,lications in 'rofessional an* tra*e =ournals in the ,logs has a great a*.antage for

researchers Other researchers can follo- an* su,scri,e to the 'osts an* lea.e comments -hich ha.e a *irect im'act on the researcherHs offline recognition also 1ore ne- an* aca*emic an* 'rofessional o''ortunities fin* their -a" to the researcher -hich inclu*es re5uests for 'resentations, s'eeches an* in.itations to contri,ute in .arious online an* offline 'u,lications In short, 9,logging an* micro,logging greatl" su''lement the offline metho*s of research *issemination an* net-or2ing> an* the" are 9critical online metho*s for communicating an* engaging -ith a massi.e glo,al net-or2 of researchers an* 'eers> :1I; ( 1 Blogging with *ordPress /or*&ress :--- -or*'ress org; is a 'o'ular o'en source that is a free ,logging 'latform -here "ou can ,e set-u' a ,log 5uic2l", either on the ser.er or on a hoste* 'latform It is .er" eas" to install, setu' an* has a -i*e range of o'tions, configurations, an* 'lug-ins Nou can customi7e the tem'lates -ith "our o-n font colour, 'lugins, si*e,ar -i*gets, hea*er image, etc In /or*&ress "ou can maintain a single ,log -ith a single user or an entire grou' of ,logs -ith multi'le users all o.erseen ," a 'rimar" a*ministrator The main a*.antageous features are as follo-s! )ontrol o'er yo#r 3log !

This is a ma=or a*.antage es'eciall" -hen "ou ha.e a 'ersonal -e,site, "ou can *o-nloa* an* install /or*&ress on "our *omain so "ou can manage e.er" as'ect of the ,log In the case of 4logs'ot that is o-ne* ," 6oogle an* there are chances that the" can *elete "our ,logs'ot account -ithout gi.ing "ou an" -arning /or*&ress stores "our *ata in an o'en G1+ format that can ,e easil" transferre* to other /or*&ress ,logs or *ifferent content management s"stems Search engine optimi8ation, Pl#gins and s#pport !

O'timi7ing "our ,log for search engines :SEO-search engine o'timi7ation; an* getting traffic from search engine are .er" im'ortant for an" serious ,logger This is the heart of /or*&ress ,log an* more o'tions to o'timi7e "our ,log for search engines are a.aila,le /or*&ress has man" sim'le 'lugins an* also the su''ort forum is .er" goo* % list of recommen*e* SEO

'lugins an* /or*&ress 'lugins

can ,e .ie-e* here htt'!00--- shoutmelou* com0,estan* htt'!00--- shoutmelou* com0-or*'ress-

recommen*e*-seo--or*'ress-'lugins html

'lugins-that-'o-er-shoutmelou* html res'ecti.el" The 9/elcome to /or*&ress> gui*e ma2es it 'ossi,le for ,eginners to learn from the 'latform It is more than =ust a gui*e isJ it teaches neregistere* users to 'ic2 themes, a** -i*gets, an* a** 'rofiles, change sites, e*it comment o'tions In other -or*s, it is the most useful feature to start -ith (hemes, editing and templates !

/or*&ress com offers free hoste* ,logging solutions -ith se.eral 'ai* u'gra*es inclu*ing custom *omains, unlimite* free an* 'remium themes an* a*.ance* anal"tics 'ac2ages /or*&ress 2ee' u'*ating an* releasing ne- .ersion, -hich comes -ith some a**e* features an* functionalit" /ith the ne- *rag an* *ro' 'age e*itor, reor*ering an* e*iting of 'ages has ,ecome sim'ler an* easier This feature 'ro.i*es su''ort in the 'ro'er management of the ,logHs content 8 a much -elcome treat for ,loggers %nother ne- feature is the a,ilit" to manage multi'le ,logs -ith *ifferent *omains dsense !

It is a 'rogram run ," 6oogle Inc an* is a fle3i,le, hassle-free -a" to earn re.enue online Nou get paid for *is'la"ing targete* 6oogle a*s on "our site, c#stomi8e ads to match "our siteTs loo2 an* feel, track yo#r s#ccess -ith online re'orts an* it is free /ith -or*'ress an* "our own *omain email a**ress, getting "our ,log a''ro.e* is .er" eas" %*sense is life line for an" ,logger -ho is loo2ing to ma2e mone" from his ,log - another a*.antage of self hoste* ,log Reselling yo#r 3log 7

/ith a self hoste* ,log one can al-a"s resell the ,log -hich is not a feature of other ,logging soft-ares /or*&ress em'o-ers ,loggers to ha.e full control of their ,logs an* is also more fle3i,le in managing, 'resenting an* organi7ing content an* has a**e* features on more im'ro.e* galleries

The o.erall na.igation is sim'le There are three main menus! /rite, 1anage an* Comments The /rite menu allo-s "ou to 'ut "our te3t, lin2s, 'ictures an* .i*eo in an* then customi7e hothe ,log -ill a''ear There are colla'si,le feature lists that let to change the author, tags, trac2,ac2 settings an* more The 1anage menu allo-s "ou to see all the 'osts that ha.e ,een 'u,lishe* If "ou clic2 on one of the 'osts, it ,rings it u' in the /rite screen so "ou can ma2e mo*ifications to it as if "ou -ere =ust -riting it:1B; $.2. Starting a 3log with *ordPress 6i.en ,elo- is a ste' ," ste' *escri'tion on ho- to create a ,log using /or*&ress Ste' 1 ! Start ," logging in at --- -or*'ress com an* clic2 the 96et starte*> ,utton

Ste' $ ! Nou ha.e to fill in the sim'le form gi.en here an* clic2ing 9Create 4log> ,utton

Ste' 3 ! Nou -ill recei.e a email to acti.ate "our ,log from -here "ou -ill ,e gui*e* to follothemes an* 'eo'le on T-itter, @ace,oo2 an* 6oogle

Ste' ( ! Customi7e "our ,log -ith a theme of "our choice, create an* 'u,lish "our first 'ost

5. *!+ S!,9L. R-S- R)! ,R6 0I: (I,0S ,R R-S- R)!-RS ) R-

B,9( BL,66I06/ Though ,logs are often associate* -ith amateurs an* 'o'ular culture man" e3am'les from international organi7ations that ha.e use* ,logs to create a-areness tell a *ifferent stor" @or

e3am'le the ,logs -orl*,an2 org for raising a-areness on glo,al issues Some -a"s in -hich ,logging can ,e 'ut to use in research organi7ations are !

During 'ro=ect 'lanning an* 'ro'osal stage i*eas can ,e share* an* *e.elo'e* in an informal -a" lea*ing to .ali*ation of -or2 ,efore finali7ation ?ere the 2no-le*ge is share* -ithin a secure en.ironment Securit" o'tions can ,e ,uilt-in gi.ing *ifferent access rights to .arious users

/ithin the organi7ation, 3logs can 3e #sed to reach o#t to intereste* 'eo'le outsi*e the regular circles These ,logs hel' to increase rea*ershi', in turn increasing .isi,ilit" to the organisationHs research 'u,lications, such as research 'a'ers, ne-sletters, re'orts an* also to the organi7ationHs -e,site itself

O.er a 'erio* of time 3eca#se of the greater interaction 3etween a#thor and readers thro#gh 3logging a 3igger network is 3#ilt creating a sense of comm#nity. 4logs ha.e the 'o-er to hel' "ou foster relationshi's -ith colleagues, 'artners, sta2ehol*ers, *onors, an* the communit" "ou ,elong to, thus creating greater im'act

Since ,logging is one-to-man" or *irecte* at s'ecific grou's it can ,e use* to announce ne-s-orth" items much earlier than the time it ta2es for it to ,e 'u,lishe* in a ne-sletter or 'ress release That is, the" are i*eal for ,rea2ing 0 sharing ne-s to a -i*er au*ience online Information is share* instantl", an* *iscussion threa*s can generate tangi,le 2no-le*ge @or e3am'le, announcement of conferences, -or2sho's, training, ne-s of "our articleHs acce'tance in a re'ute* =ournal, or an a-ar*0grant that -as recei.e* The 'otential is limitless % -ell -ritten ,log connects -ith rea*ers on a 'ersonal le.el too

E.en -ithout 'u,lications or -hile 're'aring a 'u,lication through ,logging the researcher 0organisationHs name ,ecomes familiar a**ing to the a*.antage -hile sharing information or in the 'rocess of getting information

/hen ,logs are -ritten an* maintaine* *iligentl" the" can *ou,le as "our *ail" *igest of acti.ities an* ne-s -here e.er" entr" has a lin2 an* can ,e searche* easil" The" ,ecome a .alua,le one sto' source for "our 'hotos, .i*eos, *ocuments, lin2s, comments, *iscussions, etc

4logs can ,e use* to gauge reactions, o'inions an* to *e,ate in a some-hat less con.entional mo*e of communication It gi.es a sense of ho- an* -hat 'eo'le are thin2ing on .arious to'ics share* %lso -hile ,logging man" lin2s to a**itional resources an* information are 'ro.i*e* -hich hel' the author0rea*er to un*erstan* the to'ic of interest ,etter This is .er" useful as the lin2s are selecte*, filtere* an* organi7e* to suit the to'ic of interest

Similar to a -e,site, through regular u'*ation .ia ,logging, the 'resence an* .isi,ilit" of the researcher an* institution is seen, that is more traffic means more .isi,ilit" /hen search engines cra-l the -e,sites that are u'*ate* fre5uentl" an* regularl", the search engine ran2ing of that -e,site is ,ooste*

4logs can ,e use* as a tool to em'o-er 'eo'le an* hel' create a change as the" ha.e great 'otential not onl" to inform ,ut also to challenge 'erce'tions The" can ,e use* to *ra- out *ifferent 'oints of .ie-, commentaries, 'ersonal e3'eriences an* e.en as su''ort for the ,log 'ost

&.1. Some tips for effecti'e 3logging are 7

4logs gi.e a 'ersonal touch es'eciall" -hen the tone in the ,log is not too formal 4logs shoul* ,e u'*ate* fre5uentl" an* regularl" 4logs shoul* ha.e goo*, fresh an* rele.ant content Each comment in the ,log shoul* ,e ans-ere* an* lin2s to -hat other 'eo'le sa" or *o shoul* ,e gi.en or atleast a res'onse is re5uire* -hen someone see2s clarification

&.2. 1or Instit#tional 3logs some pointers are 7

%t the start of an institutional ,log, lea*ers of an organi7ation 0 *e'artment 0 grou' can ,e as2e* to ,log as this -ill create a sense of 'ersonal commitment 'utting rea*ers at ease an* for facilitating res'onse %lso it sets a more con.ersational tone to the ,log, cutting out the formal-s'ea2, ma2ing it more a''ealing

4logs allo- se.eral means for communicating "our i*eas &eo'le -ho arenHt comforta,le -ith -riting ma" fin* it easier to recor* a 'o*cast or a .i*eo an* 'ost that in their ,log -ith a short summar"

To 2ee' in touch encourage fre5uent, short u'*ates

?ere are some e;amples of who is 3logging in science, technology and engineering especially in the field of str#ct#ral engineering7

htt'!00,logs asce org0,log0tag0structural-engineering0 ! The ,log maintaine* ," the %merican Societ" for Ci.il Engineers htt'!00--- thestructuralengineer info0,logs0 ! The Structural Engineering Communit" 4logs, a free ser.ice 'ro.i*e* ," TheStructuralEngineer info, an International Center for Integrating Information on Structural Engineering The 'ur'ose of this ser.ice is to esta,lish an online, acti.e structural engineering communit", -here organi7ations, com'anies or in*i.i*uals in the structural engineering fiel* ha.e the o''ortunit" to host their o-n ,log an* communicate -ith &rofessionals -orl*-i*e

se,log strongtie com ! % structural engineering ,log maintaine* ," Sim'son-Strong Tie, a structural engineering com'an" The main aim here is to engage in *iscussion, 'ro.i*e information an* offer hel'ful resources for structural engineers The ,log is not a 'lace for s'ecific 'ro*uct 5uestions or technical su''ort

htt'!00earth5ua2e,u**" com0,log0tag0structural-engineering0 ! % ,log a,out earth5ua2e engineering, safet" in e.ent of earth5ua2es, a''s for earth5ua2e engineering safet"

htt'!00fee*s fee*,urner com0Kno.el4logs ! Kno.el is a -e,-,ase* a''lication integrating technical information -ith anal"tical an* search tools to *ri.e inno.ation an* *eli.er ans-ers engineers can trust Kno.el users inclu*e thousan*s of engineers an* a''lie* scientists -orl*-i*e re'resenting B( of the @ortune )00 com'anies an* more than (00 lea*ing uni.ersities


htt'!00science,logs com0 ! Science4logs is the largest online communit" *e*icate* to science Science4logs -as create* ," See* 1e*ia 6rou' -ho ,elie.e that science literac" is a 're-con*ition for 'rogress in the $1st centur" %t a time -hen 'u,lic interest

in science is high ,ut 'u,lic un*erstan*ing of science remains -ea2, the" ha.e set out to create inno.ati.e me*ia .entures to im'ro.e science literac" an* to a*.ance glo,al science culture There are se.eral categories of ,logs such as me*icine, technolog", life science, 'h"sical science, en.ironment, ,rain L ,eha.ior, information science, etc

htt'!00--- science$0 com0allV,logs ! Science $ 0 -as create* in $006 to mo*erni7e science communication, 'u,lishing, colla,oration an* 'u,lic 'artici'ation Science $ 0 aims at creating a 'lace for -orl*-class scientists -rite articles an* *iscuss issues -ithout ,eing filtere* ," si7e or e*itorial limitations, create an infrastructure -here actual colla,oration can occur using customi7e* tools, create an o'en 'u,lishing mo*el -here rea*ers *o not ha.e to 'a" to rea* an* scientists *o not ha.e to 'a" to 'u,lish an* to Encourage increase* 'artici'ation in the science en*ea.or ," those outsi*e science


htt'!00--- S,logs scientificamerican com

: The Scientific %merican 4log Fet-or2 has

e*itorial ,logs :more or less official .oice of the organi7ation;, staff ,logs :'ersonal ,logs -ritten ," our e*itors an* staff;, communit" ,logs, an* net-or2 ,logs :-ritten ," in*e'en*ent ,loggers an* freelancers hire* s'ecificall" for ,logging, either as in*i.i*uals or as co-,loggers on grou' ,logs;

<. S,)I L M-.I

0. ),MM90I) (I,0 S(R (-6+

Intro*ucing a social me*ia com'onent into "our communications strateg" re5uires an un*erstan*ing of "our chosen tools an* ho- the net-or2 *"namics -or2 This -ill ans-er 5uestions such as ho- man" 'eo'le are follo-ing usQ /hat to'ics *o the" fin* interestingQ -ho else is in their net-or2sQ ?o- -ill social me*ia su''ort "our o,=ecti.e of communicationQ The 2e" o,=ecti.es that an" social me*ia tool can achie.e for the institution inclu*es! increase* .isi,ilit", enhance* re'utation, 2no-le*ge sharing an* au*ience 'artici'ation These o,=ecti.es a''l" to most of the social me*ia acti.ities ,ut it must ,e note* that it is im'ortant to stri2e a ,alance ,et-een increasing the .isi,ilit" of "our research an* 'resenting rele.ant, high-5ualit" research -ithout com'romising the research 5ualit", 'rofession re'utation or ethics /hile ma2ing an im'act *igitall" one shoul* 2ee' in min* *igital 'rofessionalism or E-'rofessionalism

-here the attitu*es an* ,eha.ior of an in*i.i*ual or institution is reflecte* .ia *igital me*ia content an* this is a -hole ne- *imension -hich is not in the 'ur.ie- of this 'a'er 6i.en ,elo- is a chec2list for an in*i.i*ual or institution -hile *e.elo'ing a communication strateg" using social me*ia ! 1 %re "our goals 'rofessional, 'ersonal or ,othQ $ /ho is "our au*ience an* -hat are "ou tr"ing to learnQ 3 /hat -oul* "ou li2e to communicateQ ( ?o- much is "our in.ol.ement going to ,eQ ) /ho -oul* "ou -ant to ,e inclu*e* in "our net-or2Q B ?o- much time are "ou going to s'en*Q %re "ou e3'ecting to gi.e monthl" u'*ates or more fre5uent than thatQ C De'en*ing on the resources that "ou ha.e it -oul* ,e ,etter to ,e in.ol.e* as an in*i.i*ual or as a research grou'Q I Do "ou nee* technical su''ortQ 10 /hat 2in* of returns are "ou e3'ecting an* -hat is the in.estment to ,e ma*e Some ans-ers to the a,o.e 5uestions -oul* ,e ! 1 $ 3 ( ) 6 B C I Create an* maintain a consistent 'rofessional 'rofile Consi*er setting u' t-o accounts to se'arate 'ersonal an* 'rofessional 'rofiles an* u'*ates O.er a 'erio* of time an* ," e3'erimenting -ith .arious tools, one must *e.elo' a strateg" suita,le for communicating their -or2 Con*uct regular e.aluations of the tools that "ou use Ta2e care in not o.erloa*ing "our follo-ers Choose Rfe-H tools to *o RmoreH If a 'articular tool is not 'ro.i*ing .alue, *onHt hesitate to gi.e it u' Kee' "our 'ur'ose an* au*ience in min* Sche*ule time for social me*ia searches 11 Remem,er that social me*ia is not the onl" form of communication

10 Nou can ma2e use of the social me*ia content through su,scri'tions or through

1$ 4" -a" of 5uantitati.e metrics one can 2ee' trac2 of traffic to in*i.i*ual 'osts This is *one ," fin*ing out ho- man" times a ,log 'ost has ,een .ie-e* ," using "our ,log soft-are or a tool li2e 6oogle %nal"tics;, rea*ing comments on 'osts an* sen*ing fee*,ac2, chec2ing referrers in traffic anal"sis re'orts, ," le.eraging the search engine in*e3es :for e g , using 6oogle %lert to chec2 -ho has lin2e* to a s'ecific DR+ or to the site; 13 4" anal"7ing the more 'o'ular 'osts the st"le, format, choice of to'ics can ,e mo*ifie* 1( T-o useful gui*es for measuring traffic generate* ," social me*ia can ,e foun* at

?o- to ! Trac2 Social 1e*ia %nal"tics htt'!00masha,le com0$00I00(01I0socialme*ia-anal"tics0 @or tools -hich can ,e use* to fin* out -hat is ,eing sai* a,out "our organisation, 'ro=ect or initiati.e, i e , re'utation monitoring can ,e foun* at htt'!00masha,le com0$00C01$0$(0free-,ran*-monitoring-tools0


.5 0( 6-S 0. .IS .5 0( 6-S ,1 S,)I L M-.I

On the -hole man" researchers ha.e e3'resse* the a*.antages in using social me*ia as hel'ful in ,ecoming a ,etter researcher ,ecause the" can source information, esta,lish lin2s -ith 'eo'le in their fiel*, *isseminate their -or2 etc Social me*ia an* the tra*itional metho*s of researching an* 'u,lishing can ,e use* com'limentar" to each other 4riefl" the 'ros an* cons of communicating through social me*ia are ! =.1. Pros 7 Creation of a .er" .isi,le 'rofessional 'rofile The geogra'hical *istance ,et-een researchers is ,ri*ge* Connections ,et-een *is'erse* researchers an* institutions is highl" a*.antageous Colla,orati.e *ialogues an* interactions is 'ossi,le in 'lace of one--a" monologues ?igher le.el of 'artici'ati.e an* colla,orati.e elements of e*ucation Information an* 2no-le*ge is *emocrati7e* as social in.ol.es e.er"one, e.er"-here Social me*ia hel's to -ea.e research communities Encourage greater o'enness an* trans'arenc"

%ccelerate information sharing an* ma2es 'ossi,le access to *i.erse 'ers'ecti.es Can ,e use* effecti.el" to mo,ilise 'eo'le Stimulates colla,orati.e 2no-le*ge ,uil*ing -ith re*uce* cost of 'artici'ation Co-or*ination of resources an* actions is more .ia,le an* eas"

=.2. )ons 7 Some researchers are o.er-helme* -ith the *iscussions in s'ecialist grou's an* the" 'refer close* tra*itional mailing lists -here the traffic is less Sometimes the *iscussions ,ecome 9echo cham,ers> ma2ing it *ifficult to filter out the .ali* 'oints 1ost often i*eas that are incom'lete are ma*e 'u,lic lea*ing to mis-information -hich are unfiltere* ," 'rofessional thus re*ucing the cre*i,ilit" of these sources Can *istract from *ee' reflection an* cause information o.erloa* as in*i.i*uals res'on* to fre5uent interru'tions Susce'ti,le to securit" an* 'ri.ac" ,reaches, i*entit" theft, online ,ull"ing Disclosure of 'ersonal information is sometimes em,arrassing as em'lo"ers an*

'ros'ecti.e colla,orators loo2 at the social me*ia 'rofiles of in*i.i*uals Concern a,out the time s'ent on social me*ia tools There are too man" tools a.aila,le an* man" are not al-a"s useful 1aintaining 'rofessional an* 'ersonal ,oun*aries is *ifficult

>. 1I0 L (!,96!(S 6i.en the *"namic changes in the communication lan*sca'e it is im'ortant for researchers an* research institutions -ho -oul* li2e to ma2e social me*ia as a means of communicating an* colla,orating their research to *e.elo' a ,etter un*erstan*ing of these technologies an* their im'act This -ill onl" ,e the first ste' @urther -ith an aim to effecti.el" utili7e social me*ia, it is necessar" to i*entif" the characteristics of the current social me*ia users so that the research out'uts -ill ,e share* ," 'eo'le -ho can ma2e this research tra.el e.en further across their o-n communication net-or2s an* 0 or a''l" them to their o-n -or2

In or*er to *istri,ute scientific information amongst 'rofessionals an* to the general 'o'ulation a,ilit" to communicate to the masses .ia social me*ia is critical ,ecause -riting an* 'u,lishing scholarl" articles is not final ste' Information regar*ing the content shoul* reach the masses for -hich social me*ia seems to ,e the ,est .ehicle as of to*a" The use of social me*ia for research in some research areas mainl" in the social sciences an* me*ical fiel* is -ell 2no-n, -hile in other fiel*s this is "et to ma2e an im'act mostl" ,ecause of hesitation citing reasons li2e loss of 'ri.ac", lac2 of time an* a,use of intellectual 'ro'ert" rights Though the future of social me*ia use in research is un2no-n, a com,ination of e*ucate* guess an* o.er-helming facts 'oints to this in*ustr"Ts continual gro-th an* influence in *a" to *a" -or2 Though it is felt that ,logs onl" su''ort the tra*itional aca*emic acti.ities of teaching an* outreach an* are often .alue* as a nonresearch acti.it", it can ,e fruitfull" use* as a .isi,ilit" enhancing communication tool e.en at research-intensi.e institutions, -here, a ,log is li2el" to ,e regar*e* at ,est as a harmless ho,," an* at -orst as a lia,ilit" ?. R-S,9R)-S 1 htt'!00--- .itae ac u20C1S0files0u'loa*0AitaeVInno.ateVO'enVDni.ersit"VSocialV1e*i aV?an*,oo2V$01$ '*f $ htt'!00--- rin ac u20our--or20communicating-an*-*isseminating-research0social-me*iagui*e-researchers 1@. )%0,*L-.6-M-0( This 'a'er is ,eing 'u,lishe* -ith the 2in* 'ermission of The Director, CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre, Chennai 11. R-1-R-0)-S 1 Small, 6 :$011; Time to t-eet Nature Aol (BI ' 1(1 htt'!00--- nature com0nature=o,s0science0articles010 103C0n=B3B1-1(1a $I 11 $01$; $ 4ra*le", % W L 1cDonal*, 1 & :$011; The Social organization !ow to use :Retrie.e* on

social media to tap the collecti"e genius of your customers and employers# !ar"ard $usiness %e"iew Press& 3 ( htt'!00,logs -orl*,an2 org0im'acte.aluations0no*e06$1Q ci*UEGTVT-itter/4&u,sV&VEGT :Retrie.e* on ( 1$ $01$; htt'!00--- mar2etingcharts com0-'0*irect0social-me*ia-'oise*-to-,ecome-a-strongerforce-for-inno.ation-$(CBI0 :Retrie.e* on ( 1$ $01$; ) htt'!00--- fein,erg north-estern e*u0research0ser.ices0for-researchers0socialme*ia html :Retrie.e* on $I 11 $01$; 6 htt'!00--- intel in0content0---0us0en0legal0intel-social-me*ia-gui*elines html :Retrie.e* on ) $ $013; B C I htt'!00--- ute3as e*u02no-0*irector"0gui*elines0 :Retrie.e* on $I 11 $01$; htt'!00energ" go.0a,out-us0-e,-'olicies0social-me*ia :Retrie.e* on ) $ $013; htt'!00--- 'e-research org0millennials0 :Retrie.e* on C $ $013; C $ $013; 11 htt'!00en -i2i'e*ia org0-i2i01icro,logging 10 $ $013; 1$ htt'!00--- ,igger,rains com0the-.alue-an*-ho--tos-of-,logging-an*-micro,logging-for*isseminating-"our-research :Retrie.e* on 6 1$ $01$; 13 htt'!00en -i2i'e*ia org0-i2i0Communote :Retrie.e* 6 1$ $01$; 1( E"sen,ach, 6 Can T-eets &re*ict CitationsQ 1etrics of Social Im'act 4ase* on T-itter an* Correlation -ith Tra*itional 1etrics of Scientific Im'act 'ournal of (edical )nternet %esearch $011J13:(;!e1$3 1) htt'!00--- facult"focus com0articles0e*tech-ne-s-an*-tren*s0t-itter-usage-amongcollege-facult"-is-on-the-rise0 :Retrie.e* on $3 1 $013; Contri,utor ! +stein4 :Retrie.e* on

10 htt'!00--- sli*eshare net0lmilic0smm-tools-e3cer't-final$01$-I-1366B01I :Retrie.e* on

16 De=in ShaoJ Rosson, 1 4 J 1atthe-s, T J 1oran, T :$011; , O1icro,loggingTs im'act on colla,oration a-areness! % fiel* stu*" of micro,logging -ithin an* ,et-een 'ro=ect teams,O *ollaboration Technologies and Systems +*TS,# -.11 )nternational *onference on $3-$B 1a" $011, '' 31-3I *oi! 10 110I0CTS $011 )I$C66$ 1B htt'!00,logs lse ac u20im'actofsocialsciences0$01$00(01I0,log-t-eeting-'a'ers--orth-it0 :Retrie.e* on 10 3 $013; 1C htt'!00,logs lse ac u20socialcaree.i*encein'ractice0$01$01$0130,logging-the-ne-research-*issemination-strateg"0 :Retrie.e* on 10 3 $013; 1I htt'!00,log-ser.ices-re.ie- to'tenre.ie-s com0-or*'ress-com-re.ie- html :Retrie.e* on 1C 1$ $01$;

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