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What The Rawas Dialect Reveals About The Linguistic History of Rejang

Richard McGinn Ohio University

ABSTRACT Core vocabularies of five major dialects of Rejan are derived from !roto" Malayo"!olynesian etyma mediated by a reconstructed #rotolan ua e$ !roto" Rejan %!R&$ crucial evidence for 'hich is #rovided by Ra'as$ a #reviously just t'o dialects*either Ra'as and !esisir or %more often& Ra'as and ne lected dialect( )very etymon turns out to be reconstructable on the basis of +ebana un ( One clear conclusion is that the Ra'as area re#resents the oldest on Rejan .istorical !honolo y %R.!& are corrected or refuted by the Ra'as

Rejan settlement in Sumatra( ,hile a fe' minor claims made in #revious 'orevidence$ the most im#ortant findin s are confirmed( Thus$ %a& individual Rejan dialects have under one more chan es %s#lits and mer ers& of !M! vo'els than any other -no'n Austronesian rou#/ %b& !roto"Rejan under'ent t'o accent and then to the contem#orary 'ord"final stress #attern/ and %c& com#le0 conditions$ includin vo'el harmony conditions$ are needed to #reserve re ularity in the majority of sound chan es a1ectin Rejan dialects( shifts$ first to a Malay"ty#e #attern %a modified form of #enultimate 'ord"stress&

What The Rawas Dialect Reveals About The Linguistic History of Rejang

2The dialect 'hich is #robably most im#ortant from a historical #oint of vie' ((( is the 3an Abeus dialect$ s#o-en in the u##er reaches of the river Ra'as((((4n 5675 it still had the final "l in such 'ords as biyol$ 8ebon biyoa 'ater(2 ""!( 9oorhoeve$ #ersonal communication re#orted in Blust 56:7;77:$ n(<(

1.0 Intro uction1 Rejan .istorical !honolo y be an 'ith a #ioneerin article by Robert A( Blust %56:7&$ in 'hich contem#orary Musi dialect data 'as derived from !M! via a set of %mostly re ular& sound chan es(! McGinn %566=& added ne' dialect data from the +ebana un $ !esisir$ and 8ebon dialects in the attem#t to e0#lain some of the re#orted irre ularities in the develo#ment of the vo'els( McGinn %5666$ <>>>& e0#lored some #ossible e0ternal sub rou#in relationshi#s for Rejan ( ?inally$ althou h McGinn %<>>@& #resented a reconstructed !roto" Rejan $ o'in to s#ace limitations$ only Ra'as evidence 'as included( This

#a#er attem#ts to fill some a#s in the record by dis#layin evidence from five major dialects a ainst 'hich the reconstructions can be tested and earlier 'oron the lan ua e can be verified or revised( Rejan should be of interest to lin uists for at least three reasons( %i& The

#osition of Rejan as a lin uistic isolate raises Auestions about the ori in$ %ii& Rejan e0hibits more chan es in the vo'els than any other -no'n

mi ration route$ and closest lin uistic aBliations of the rou# %McGinn$ <>>@&( Austronesian lan ua e; <= s#lits of the ori inal four !M! vo'els are reCected in the Musi dialect$ and <5 mer ers %Blust 56:7/ McGinn 566=&( %iii& Some a##arently irre ular vocalic develo#ments a1ected #ronouns and function 'ords

not only in Musi$ but in all #reviously re#orted dialects$ #resentin #rima facie evidence for reco nition of non"#honetic conditions in the theory of sound chan e$ refutin the neo rammarian #osition(

McGinn %566=& attem#ted to e0#lain the irre ular Musi function 'ords in

terms the #lacement of the reconstructed #re"Rejan accent %D'ord"level stress #attern&$ 'hich fell on the #enultimate vo'el in #re"Rejan %'hereas in all contem#orary dialects the accent falls on the final syllabic vo'el&( The

conseAuences of this analysis 'ill be e0#lored in relation to the contribution of Ra'as to the historical #honolo y of Rejan $ since in Ra'as #ronouns and other function 'ords under'ent the same re ular chan es as the content 'ords( More enerally$ it is fair to say that 'ithout Ra'as$ the dialects di1er too

little amon themselves to o1er much in the 'ay of time de#th$ #recludin any ambitions about reconstructin !roto"Rejan $ not to mention establishin an dialect evidence the #icture has chan ed dramatically( The time de#th has the reconstruction of !roto"Rejan has become feasible/ and some of the evidence #ertainin to #ossible sub rou#in relationshi#s 'ith other Austronesian lan ua es has become clarified( 1.1 Location an "u#ber of Rejang $%ea&ers

e0ternal sub rou# smaller than Malayo"!olynesian( ,ith the addition of Ra'as increased/ the relationshi#s amon the dialects have be un to ain some clarity/

56F>s there 'ere <>7$>>> Rejan s#ea-ers livin in Ben -ulu and South

,hen Richard Eoss %56F6& conducted a survey of lan ua e use in the late

Sumatra( EossG estimate is consistent 'ith Siddi- %56:>&$ but not ,urm H .attori %56:5&$ 'ho ive a much hi her fi ure %one million&( The hi her number can #erha#s be reconciled 'ith the #o#ulation of Ben -ulu !rovince as a 'hole$ includin the city of Ben -ulu 'ith its majority Malay #o#ulation$ as and around Rejan country( 'ell as the +erinci$ Sera'ai$ Minan -abau$ and transmi rated 3avanese livin in

1.! Dialect Diversity The follo'in #air"'ise co nate #ercenta es 'ere derived from data

obtained in the res#ective dialect areas from bilin ual s#ea-ers %Rejan and 4ndonesian& based on a standardiIed list of <>> 4ndonesian sentences #re#ared by Amran .alim %no date& to elicit the S'adesh <>>"'ord list(

Table 1. 'ercentages of $hare Ho#ose#antic (ognates Rejang 'esisir Lebong )usi *ebanagung Rawas




)usi +-.., +-.., JJJJJ JJJJJ JJJJJ

*ebanagung -..., -+.0, +!.0, JJJJJ JJJJJ

Rawas -0.0, -0.., -1.., -1.., JJJJJ

#resented here( At that time 4 had access to dialect s#ea-ers livin in the ca#ital city$ each dialect area(

Co nate #ercenta es re#orted in McGinn %56:@& are KL to 5>L hi her than those

Curu#( The data in this #a#er 'ere elicited from older s#ea-ers based on field 'or- in

)a% of Rejang (ountry

566=& 'as too sli ht to im#ede mutual understandin ( By contrast$ the Ra'as dialect is incom#rehensible to other Rejan s/ 4 have #layed a recorded Ra'as understand it( 9ocabulary chan es re#resent only #art of the e0#lanation$ te0ts for Musi and 8ebon s#ea-ers$ al'ays 'ith the same result; they did not ho'ever( Many lin uistic facts set Ra'as a#art from the other Rejan dialects( ?or instance$ only Ra'as retains the !M! di#hthon s *iw and Muy as iw$ uy/ Ra'as has a system of seven vo'els %includin lo' front &$ 'hereas the other dialects have si0/ Ra'as reCects !M! *-j as "t in contrast to "g or "k in the other dialects/ Ra'as retains "l %derived from !M! *-R and *-l& as su ested by !( 9oorhoeve in the Auotation above/ and %also as mentioned earlier& Ra'as

The de ree of variation amon the dialects re#orted in McGinn %56:@$

#ronouns and other function 'ords under'ent the e0#ected re ular chan es a1ectin 'ord"final vo'els$ e( ( Ra'as kw N4N and kumw Nyou %honorific&N is not only the most diver ent amon the five dialects$ but also %#ronouns alon side uku$ kumu in the other dialects( The eneral im#ression is that Ra'as not'ithstandin & the most conservative( The remainder of this #a#er 'ill substantiate this im#ression concernin the central im#ortance of Ra'as in determinin the lin uistic history of the Rejan lan ua e( 1./. $ynchronic $&etch of the 0ive Dialects 1./.1 (onte#%orary (onsonant $yste#s

Table !. (onte#%orary (onsonant $yste#s !esisir$ 8ebon $ Musi Sto#s H A1ri" cates ?ricatives # t c - O +ebana un # t c s h Ra'as # t c - O h

b d j s

b d j

b d j s

!lain Easals Barred Easals 8iAuid Semivo'els

m n P Q mR nR PR QR l ' y

m n P Q mR nR PR QR l ' y

m n P Q mR nR PR QR l ' y

Secondary #honemes and #honeme seAuences mar- loan 'ords %usually from consonants 'ithin a mor#heme/ neither occurs in native Rejan 'ords( 1./.! (onte#%orary 1owel $yste#s

Malay&( ?or e0am#le sergap Nattac-N dis#lays an instance of r and a seAuence of t'o

'hich re ularly corres#onds to e or ia or ea in the other dialects( See <(7( 'hereas the contrast bet'een and a 'as very diBcult to hear/ mostly

Most dialects have si0 vo'els %a$ e$ i$ o$ u$ S&/ Ra'as has a seventh vo'el

Ra'as is a lo' front vo'el( The " e contrast 'as very clear to this observer$ sounded li-e a/ and either #honeme could manifest as lo' central TUV in ra#id s#eech( Several Malay"s#ea-in onloo-ers in Surulan un 'ere as #uIIled as 4 'hen !a- Waud insisted that pt XbitterG and pat XfourN di1ered si nificantly in #ronunciation( .o'ever$ a %never & also varies freely 'ith lo' bac- TYV in certain #honetic environments( !honolo ically all doubts disa##ear; Ra'as pt from !M! *paqit XbitterG contrasts 'ith pat from !M! *epat ZfourG/ and Ra'as blk from !M! *balik Zreturn homeG contrasts 'ith balak Zaccident/ occurrenceG

%source un-no'n&( Also im#ortant for 'hat follo's is the contrast bet'een #ersonG vs( path Zbro-enN/ and kmy N5!#l%e0cl(&N vs( ete ZsmallG(

Ra'as and e$ althou h minimal #airs 'ere not found; e( ( Ra'as kede Zbad

!R( See Table 7 belo'(

A seven"vo'el system as 'itnessed in Ra'as has been reconstructed for

1././. (onte#%orary Di%hthongs an Accentuation Althou h it is not al'ays obvious$ in all Rejan dialects the accent falls u#on the final syllabic vo'el of the 'ord( The #lacement of the accent de#ends non"syllabic vo'els( See section 7( on syllable structure$ and in #articular on the #rior identification of syllabic and Some conseAuences of syllabification and stress #lacement rules are as

follo's( ?irst$ mor#hemes li-e dw TdSu[V XmanyG and oa TOoa[OV XfarG are

monosyllabic and hence in metrical terms bear no 'ord"level accent; instead$ the observed contrast is bet'een a vo'el and a semivo'el( Second$ mor#hemes li-e uma TOumS;a[OV XhomeG and tidoa Ttido;a[V Xslee#G are disyllabic$ 'ith the accent fallin on the second %final& syllabic vo'el$ as e0#ected( ?inally$

canonical C9C9C mor#hs receive the accent on the final syllable as e0#ected$ e( ( Musi mono Tmono;OV Zchic-enG$ slon TsSlo;nV Zcla'G$ tan TtaQS;nV NhandN( The com#lete set of Rejan di#hthon s a##ears in Table K %from !M! di#hthon s& and Table 5@ %from !M! vo'els&( 1.2 Le3ical4'honological (on itions in Rejang Historical 'honology As noted ori inally by Blust %56:7&$ most vocalic chan es in Rejan must

be defined in terms of 'hat he called X!M! seAuencesG/ these are disyllabic %foot" len th& and #artially articulated s#eech se ments such as *-aCi$ *-aCiC$ *-uCeC and so on( 4n this #a#er$ these seAuences are e0#anded in number and in Auality %to include also the reconstructed accent& and labeled Gestalt Conditions %GC s&(

T'o considerations ma-e it necessary to find a re#lacement for BlustNs term \!M! seAuences\( %i& ,hereas !M! seAuences refer to seAuences of %reconstructed& !M! #honemes$ GCs almost al'ays refer to nondistinctive

#rosodic features$ as 'ell( %ii& 4nitially derived from !M! seAuences$ Gestalt Conditions may arise in any historical sta e of a lan ua e$ e( ( early #re"Rejan $ 'ould be described synchronically as Mor#heme Structure Conditions&( GCs refer to one or all of the follo'in ; the last t'o syllables of the 'ord/ the accent/ the #airin of the vo'els %*a-i$ Mu-$ etc(&/ the sha#e of the final syllable the 'ord"final consonant %if #resent&( late #re"Rejan $ !roto"Rejan $ or in one or all contem#orary dialects %'here they

%o#en or closed&/ and the velarity %D binary feature T ] velarV & associated 'ith 4t is assumed that Rejan under'ent t'o #rosodic shifts at di1erent times

in its early %before !roto"Rejan &$ and each #rosodic shift led to NnaturalN

se mental chan es a1ectin vo'els and consonants/ in #articular$ stressed vo'els became stren thened$ and unstressed vo'els became 'ea-ened or lost %McGinn 566=&( The sheer number of vocalic shifts in Rejan raises Auestions about the e0ternal history of the lan ua e/ see section 7(7 for discussion( Other Auestions unfortunately cannot be ans'ered here %but see 7(7(<&( As noted by !aul +i#ars-y$ ,hat remains #uIIlin on all accounts is the #ersistence of %vocalic&

shifts ((( in certain lan ua es ((( and their total absence in others$ such as 3a#anese( 4t has been s#eculated %,allace 56=K& that this #ersistence is ultimately traceable to certain #ro#erties of the #rosodic system( %+i#ars-y 56::;@:@& )arly chan es in the history of Rejan contributed to a hi h de ree of

le0ical vo'el harmony in !roto"Rejan 'hich is lar ely$ but not entirely$

reCected in the contem#orary dialects( 4n #articular$ the first nine chan es listed in Table @ are sho'n to ether 'ith a tenth chan e that occurred after dialect s#lit( All 'ere overned by Gestalt Conditions(


Table /5 $che#atic History of 'roto4Rejang 1owels Gestalt Chan es in )arly !re"Rejan

A 5 < ?irst Stress shift %to Malay"ty#e #attern& Syllable reductions


#re"Rej Gloss^^
branch eye

*manu- Mma;nu- chic-en MdaAan Mdan MtaQan Mmata !M! MtaQan Mtalih Msa#u MlaQit Mi#en Mma;tS Mta;QSn hand

@a Ma EeutraliIation M"9;CaCT"velarV _ M"9;CSC @b Ma EeutraliIation M"9;Ca ` _ "9;CS Gestalt Chan es in 8ate !re"Rejan B 7 Second Stress Shift %to last syllabic 9& K C9C9 .armony 4 F C9C9 .armony 44 = C9C9C .armony 4 : C9C9C .armony 44 C Ma"i; _ i"i; Ma"u; _ u"u; Ma"i; _ Ma"a; Ma"u; _ Mo"o;

!roto"Rej Gloss MtaQS;n hand Mtili; Msu#u; MlaQa;t Ma#a;n ro#e broom s-y tooth

Mmanu- Mmono;- chic-en M#usej M#usS;j navel #usSt %Ra'as& #oso %+eb& #oso- %!8M&

6 C9C9CT"velarV .armony 444 Mi"S; _ "a"a;

5> C9C9CT]velarV .armony 49 Mu"S; _ o"o; D u"S;

Table @ is discussed in sections <(7(F(@ and @(<(5 of this #a#er( Table @

schematiIes the eneral outlines of Rejan Ns lin uistic history #resented in McGinn %566=$ 5666$ <>>>&$ e0tended no' to accommodate the ne' evidence from Ra'as( At first$ the Ra'as evidence sho'n in %5>& a##ears to contradict our earlier analysis$ since Ra'as vo'els 'ere not a1ected at all( U#on closer

e0amination$ ho'ever$ it is clear that Ra'as #rovides e0actly the ri ht -ind of negative evidence needed to b#rove the rule\( McGinn %566=& claimed that the T]velarV associated 'ith 'ord"final "C %includin !M! *-R$ *-j$ *-k &( But in t'o vocalic chan es illustrated in %5>& 'ere conditioned in #art by the feature Ra'as$ it is clear that consonantal chan e has intervened$ namely$ !M! and !R


*-j became "t in Ra'as$ 'hereas !R *j _ "g or "k in the other dialects( The

e0#lanation is that Ra'as failed to under o the harmoniIation #attern %5>& #arallel to the other dialects because !M! *-j had chan ed to "t in Ra'as$ in e1ect Xbleedin G the rule( Theoretically$ then$ the Rejan evidence su##orts a theory of sound

chan e that includes a restricted class of #honolo ically %and ty#olo ically& definable conditions$ called here Gestalt Conditions %GC&$ o#eratin over the #eriods in the history of a lan ua e( !.0 'roto4Rejang 4n his famous erglei!hende "autlehre des #ustronesis!hen $orts!hat%es domain of the 'ord or 'ord"base$ #erha#s in di1erent 'ays at di1erent time

%56@7"56@:& Otto Wem#'ol1 #resented the material as if %als ob& just three

lan ua es 'ere necessary and suBcient to reconstruct a valid #rotolan ua e

%9olume 4&$ and as i& only eleven more lan ua es 'ere needed to confirm the reconstructions %9olume 44&( A similar sim#lification %on a much smaller scale to be sure& is im#licit throu hout this #a#er 'ith res#ect to the reconstruction of !roto"Rejan ( 4n fact$ every feature of !roto"Rejan can be justified based on evidence from just t'o dialects*either Ra'as and !esisir$ or Ra'as and +ebana un ( As it ha##ens$ these are the only dialects that share a boundary be vie'ed as \test dialects\ 'ith res#ect to our reconstructed !roto"Rejan ( Rejan "8ebon ( See section 7(7(@(

'ith a dialect of Malay( By contrast$ the remainin t'o %Musi and 8ebon & may These t'o dialects occu#y the #olitical and eo ra#hic heartland in +abu#aten Of the three \criterion\ dialects*Ra'as$ !esisir and +ebana un *Ra'as

ty#ically #rovides the best %and sometimes the only direct& 'itness for a iven feature of !roto"Rejan ( 4n fact$ the direct contributions of !esisir and +ebana un can be summariIed in just a fe' sentences( !esisir bears 'itness to just three features of !roto"Rejan that have been lost or obscured in Ra'as( !esisir retains; %a& " from !R *- and !M! *-q %DRa'as "h&/ %b& i and u in the


end"rhymes "ia and "ua from !R *-i and*-u reCectin !M! *-iq and *-uq

res#ectively %DRa'as "h$ "oh&/ and %c& "i and "u from !R *-i and *-u in the set of #ersonal #ronouns$ e( ( si N @!s N$ uku X5!s G %Ra'as sy$ ukw&( +ebana un $ on the other hand$ bears 'itness to four features of !roto"Rejan that have been !M! *r and MR in all consonant #ositions %DRa'as l or or Iero in lost or altered in Ra'as( Thus in +ebana un %a& h re ularly reCects !R *r from corres#ondin #ositions&/ %b& "i re ularly reCects !R *-i from !M! *-a 'hen the #enult 'as *u$ e( ( dui$ Nt'oN tui$ NoldN bui NCo'erN %DRa'as duy$ tuy$ buy&/ %c& "k re ularly reCects !R and !M! *-k@ %DRa'as "&/ and finally %d& "g re ularly reCects !R and !M! *-j %D Ra'as "t&( in contem#orary Ra'as( All other features of !R are reCected 'ith varyin de rees of trans#arency

!.1 Reconstructe 'R $yste#s !roto"Rejan had several ty#olo ically im#ortant features; seven vo'els %attested in Ra'as&/ a hi h de ree of vo'el harmony in the le0icon""even hi her syllabic vo'el %attested in all dialects&/ and just t'o di#hthon s""far fe'er than attested in any contem#orary dialect( See section @( for discussion( !.1.1 'hone#ic Inventory Table 2. 'roto4Rejang (onsonants 6!/78 1owels 6-7 an Di%hthongs 6!7 !roto"Rejan Consonants Sto#s H A1ri" ?ricative !lain Easals cates *# Mt Mc M- MO Mb Md MI M Ms Mm Mn MP MQ Mj T yV7 !roto"Rejan 9o'els .i h Mi Mid Me MS Mu Mo than attested in any contem#orary dialect/ 'ord"level stress %accent& on the final


XBarredG Easals 8iAuids Semivo'els





Wi#hthon s; Mi'$ Muy

!R * 'as lottal sto#/ !R *r 'as #resumably velar liAuid %reCected as h or or Iero in contem#orary dialects&/ !R * 'as lo'$ front and unrounded %reCected as in Ra'as&/ and the series *m' ( *n'( * )'( *' re#resents the Xbarred nasalsG %Coady and McGinn 56:@&( They are re ular reCe0es of !M! consonant seAuences *-mb-( *-nd-( *-n%- and *-g-$ res#ectively( !.1.! $even 1owels of 'roto4Rejang !R had an inventory of seven vo'els %'itnessed in Ra'as&; *a( *e( *i( *o( *u( *( *( Given that !M! had four vo'els %*i( *u( *a( *e %Dsch'a&& it is obvious that !R *o$ *e and * are innovations( T'o facts are es#ecially note'orthy about the innovatin set( ?irst$ the relationshi# bet'een !R * and

*e is #roblematic/ in #articular$ most instances of !R * are inherited from !M! 'hereas !R *e is attested only in borro'ed 'ords from Malay or from un-no'n sources$ e( ( !R *kidek Nevil/ dirtyN( vo'els are available( Second$ the follo'in #an"dialectal constraint a##lies 'hen the relevant

*iven e or o or as the penultimate vowel in a word( only like vowels are permitted in ultimate position+ The constraint overns not only native 'ords li-e monok Nchic-enN and lt D leet Ns-yN but also many borro'ed 'ords li-e topo N'estern"style hatN %Malay to#i& and mugo mugo %Malay mo a"mo a Nho#efullyN&(K Also included are !R Ra'as kede XevilN(

'ords of un-no'n ori in$ e( ( !R *kidek _ !8M kide D +ebana un kidek D


!.1./ 'R Di%hthongs an Accent The accent %'ord"level stress& is assi ned to the final non"syllabic vo'el of the 'ord in !roto"Rejan $ as in all contem#orary dialects %5(7(@&( The accent almost certainly contributed to the s#read of di#hthon iIation of final vo'els after dialect s#lit( See section @( !.!. 'roto4Rejang Di%hthongs 6Re9ecting ')' Di%hthongs7 !R di#hthon s either reCect !M! di#hthon s or are the result of vo'el

coalescence follo'in loss of intervocalic *-q" or *-h-( 8i-e much else in the reconstruction of !roto"Rejan $ the Ra'as evidence #roves crucial$ in #art because it diver es shar#ly from the other dialects$ and in #art because it is

conservative( Ra'as retains !M! and !R di#hthon s *iw and *uy as iw and uy$ res#ectively( Thus$ althou h Ra'as reCects only t'o !M! di#hthon s as di#hthon s %vs( three in each of the other dialects&$ it does so conservatively( This section is desi ned to e0#lain the follo'in dis#lay( !M! Wi#hthon s; *i'$ Muy$ Ma'$ May Mi'$ Muy i'$ uy

Re ular reCe0es in !R; Re ular reCe0es in Ra'as;

The follo'in are the diachronic rules for each dialect((

%5& %<a& %<b& !M! *aw and *iw mer ed as !R *iw %'itnessed by Ra'as iw&( !M! *ay and Muy mer ed as !R Muy %'itnessed by Ra'as uy&( !M! seAuences *-aqi and *-ahi became *ay before mer in 'ith *uy %'itnessed by Ra'as uy&$ e( ( !M! *taqi _ !R *tuy %Ra'as tuy&(

See A##endi0; %@5&$%<<<&$%<7@&


Consider the e0am#les in Table K(


Table .5 Regular Re9e3es of ')' Di%hthongs !M! !R !esisir -iS' atSy o#oy 8ebon -iS' atSy o#oy Musi -iuo atie o#oy tSnie +eban danSa -iSa atSe o#oy tSnSe Ra'as dani' -ii' atuy u#uy tSnuy Gloss la-e 'ood liver fire uts

5( *dana' <( M-ahi' @( MAatay 7( Mha#uy K( MtinaAi

Mdani' danS' M-ii' Matuy Mu#uy

danS' danuo

a&ter loss o& ,-, intervo!ali! *-q-. MtSnuy tSnSy tSnSy

See A##endi0; %5&$%55&$%7K&$%F5&$%66&$%5<5&$%5@7&$%5==&$%<>>&$%<K5&( After dialect s#lit the follo'in chan es account for the attested outcomes sho'n in Table K( !esisir and 8ebon

5& !R Mi' _ S' <& !R Muy _ Sy @& !R Gestalt M"u"uy _ "o"oy


5& !R Muy _ ie <& !R Mi' _ uo @& !R Gestalt Mu"uy _ o"oy %cf( %c& above&

+ebana un

5& !R Muy _ Se <& !R Mi' _ Sa @& !R Gestalt Mu"uy _ o"oy %cf( %c& above&

Ra'as %no chan e&;

!M!c!R Mi' and Muy _ i'$ uy res#ectively


!./ (onsonantal (hange The follo'in consonantal chan es can be attributed to !roto"Rejan %!R&( S#ecial reference 'ill be made to the evidence from Ra'as and +ebana un $ because %'ith only one e0ce#tion %see %<& belo'& the !R reCe0es can be derived on the basis of evidence from these t'o dialects alone %see section <(>&(

!./.1 $u##ary of (onsonantal (hanges in 'roto4Rejang 6'R7 %5& !M! *h disa##eared unconditionally in !R; !M! *hasaq _ Ra'as asa Nshar#N/ !M! *talih _ Ra'as tily Nro#eN/ !M! *buhek _ Ra'as buk Nhead hairN( A##endi0; %<@F&( %57&$%75&$ %7K&$%K>&$%6=&$%55F&$%55:&$%57F&$%5F=&$%<76&(%<>>&$

%<& !M! *q became !R MO in 'ord"final #osition and disa##eared else'here( .o'ever$ Ra'as and +ebana un dis#lay "h instead of e0#ected lottal sto#( The e0#lanation may be attributed to the broad s#ectrum of conti uous %Blust 566<;@=&( See <(@(<(< for discussion( !M! *RumaA MtaneA !R MrumaO MtanaO !esisir umSa? tanSaO 8ebon umSa? tanSaO lan ua es 'ith borro'ed h for e0#ected under areal #ressure from Malay



Ra'as umah tanah

Gloss house earth

umSa? umah tanSaO tanah

A##endi0; %=&$%5:&$%<6&$%@<&$%@7&$%7<&$%7@&$%77&$%K=&$%F>&$%F6&$%:K&$%65&$ %5@K&$ %5@F&$%5<F&$%5K>&$%5F:&$%5=<&$%5=7&$%5:=&$%<>>&$%<55&$%<56&$%<7@&$%<@7&$%<77&$ %<7K&$%<7F&$%<K@&$%<7:&$%<K>&$%<KK&$%<KF&(


%@& !M! *k _ !R *k %all #ositions& is attested by +ebana un ( 4n the other dialects$ includin Ra'as$ 'ord"final !M! and !R *-k _ "$ thus #artially mer in 'ith !M! *-q( !M! ManaMbaliMbuhuhair !R ManaMbuMbala-

!esisir anaO buO beleO

8ebon anoO buO beleO

Musi anaO buO beleO

+eban anabubele-

Ra'as anaO buO balaO

Gloss child head return

Eotice that in 8ebon !M!c!R *a re ularly became o before *-k but not *-q; *anak _ anoO beside *Rumaq _ umSaO NhouseN %umoOMM is unattested&( 4n the TanaOV as the result of an allo#honic rule %McGinn 566=;F:&( !honolo ically$ and M"j$ to 'hich 'e ne0t turn( %7& !M! *j became !R *g bet'een vo'els but 'as retained as !R *-j in 'ord" #honolo ical system of +ebana un "k D TOV/ thus buk TbuOV$ belek TbeleOV$ anak therefore$ +ebana un retains traces of earlier distinctions amon !M! M"A$ M"-

final #osition before s#littin into Ra'as "t$ +ebana un "g T-V and !8M "k T-V( !M! A B !R !esisir 8ebon #S a' #S a' en en #osoolodalS#osoolodalSMusi en +eban Ra'as en #S S' an #usSt ulSt dalSt G8OSS name navel cater#iller houseCy all

*Aa#Sju M#S u Mnajan M an MAulej Mlalej M#usej M#usej MulSj MdalSj

#S S' n(c( #osoolodalS-

#oso olo dalS




%K& !M! *p and *b remained unchan ed in !R in all #ositions e0ce#t under a *p-F and *b-= 'ere re"analyIed as #refi0es %hence disa##eared le0ically&( !M! *#uluA _ !R M#uluO NtenN !M! M#iliA _ !R MiliO NchooseN A##endi0 Ra'as poloh XtenG

s#ecific mor#holo ical condition$ namely$ 'ord"initially in transitive verbs !M!

Ra'as lh XchooseG


%F& !M! *w _ !R *b re ularly in initial #osition( 4ntervocalic !M! *w re ularly disa##eared in trisyllables %*ka-wanan _ kann Nri htside&( 4n disyllables !M! one -no'n case %!R *)abi NsoulN&( !M! M'ahiR _ !R Mbiol N'aterN !M! MPa'a _ !R MPabi NsoulN Ra'as biol intervocalic *w 'as re ularly retained as !R *w but %irre ularly& became "b" in

!M! Mha'a- _ !R Ma'a- NbodyN

+ebana un awak Ra'as )aby

A##endi0; %5<&$%<>&$%@:&$%6:&$%5><&$%5<@&$%5K6&$%<5K& %=& !M! *) 'as retained as !R *) 'ord"initially but became *n bet'een vo'els( !M! MPamu- _ !R MPomo- NmosAuitoN Ra'as )omo !M! MPa'a _ !R MPabi NsoulN !M! Mma"aPud _ !R Mmonot NCoat a'ayN A##endi0; %576&$%5K6&$%5F>& %:& !M! *l 'as retained as !R *l in all #ositions$ as attested in Ra'as( 4n all dialects e0ce#t Ra'as 'ord"final !M! and !R *l disa##eared(

Ra'as )aby +ebana un monot


!M! * atel _ !R M atal

Ra'as gatal NitchN


A##endi0; %56&$%<F&$%<=&$%<:&$%@K&$%7F&$%7=&$%7:&$%K6&$%=:&$%5><&$%5>7&$

%5<6&$%5@5&$%5@K&$%5@F&$%5=@&$%<7>&$%<7K&: %6& !M! *r %#resumably alveolar& is reCected as !R *r %#resumed to be velar or

#ossibly uvular/ hereafter T]velarV for concreteness& in all consonant #ositions/ after dialect s#lit !R *r develo#ed re ularly in each dialect( 4n +ebana un !R Iero else'here( !M! *rimba _ !R MrimR a +ebana un him' o Njun leN !M! MIari _ !R MIiri !M! Mtirus _ !R tirus

*r _ h in all three #ositions/ in the other dialects !R *r _ bet'een vo'els and

+ebana un jihy Nfin erN +ebana un tihus Nta#erin N6

!M! Mbener _ !R MbSnSr +ebana un bnh NtrueN

A##endi0; %F&$%@>&$%56>&$%5@:&$%<>=&$ %<@5&$%<K:&/ cf( also %567&$ %<@>& %5>& !M! *R 'as retained as !R *r in initial #osition( 4ntervocalically and 'ord"finally$ !M! *R s#lit into !R *r and *l under com#le0 conditions as discussed in section <(@(<(@(

!M! *Ratus _ !R Mrotos +ebana un hotos NhundredN !M! MbaAeRu _ !R MbSlu +ebana un blw Nne'N !M! MlibeR _ !R MlibSr +ebana un libh N'ideN

A##endi0; %<>&$%<6&$%@<&$%@F&$%7>&$%K5&$%F=&$ %=>&$%=5&$%5>6&$%5@>&$%5@5&$ %5@7&$%5=K&$%5::&$%56@&$%<>>&$%<><&$%<<5&$%<<:&$%<@7&$%<K>&


%55& !M! *% became !R *d 'ord"initially in C9%C&9C canons/ else'here !M!

*% 'as retained as !R *% e0ce#t in the intervocalic cluster *-n%- 'hich colla#sed as !R * PR( Schematically; !M! MI _ d c `^^9%C&9C5>

MI _ I else'here !R !esisir dalSn dolom jiday ujSn 8ebon dalSn dolom mSnRet jiday ujSn Musi dalSn +eban Ra'as Gloss dalSn dalSn road

!M! A

MIalan MdalSn MIaAit MIari

MIaRum Mdolom MIiri

dolom dolom dolom needle mSnRet jidSy ujSn mSnRet jihSy ujSn mSnRat se' jidSy ujSn fin er rain shar# borro'


MmSn"dat mSnRet

MAuIan MuISn

MtaIem MtaISm M#inIemMiPRSm

tajSm iPRSm

tajSm iPRSm

tajSm iPRSm

tajSm iPRSm

tajSm iPRSm

Aslo A##endi0; %557&$%<77& %5<& 9oiced sto#s devoiced in final #osition( !M! Mbu-id _ !R bu-it NhillN Ra'as bukit

!M! Mtun-ed _ !R Mto-ot Nsta1$ caneN

Ra'as tokot

%5@& A number of #rocesses resulted in ori inal C9CC9%C& and C9CeC9C canons reducin to C9C9C or C9C9 tem#late( %a& \!renasaliIed voiceless obstruents reduced to the sim#le obstruent(\ %Blust 56:7;7<:&

!M! -em#u _ !R M-S#u N randchildN

Ra'as kpw


A##endi0; %5>=&$%<>5&$%<>7& %b& \!renasaliIed voiced obstruents shifted to the corres#ondin barred nasal(\ !M! Membun _ !R MSmR un NcloudN Ra'as m' un

A##endi0; %=K&$%=F&$ %:F&$ %5FF&$%5:>&$%56>&$%<@@&$%<@K&/ see also %:=& %c& \The first of successive consonants in a redu#licated monosyllable 'as dro##ed(\ %Blust 56:7;7<:&

!M! Mte-te- _ !R MtSto- Xcho#$ hac-G !M! Mtu-tu- _ !R Mtutu- N#ound riceN

Ra'as tto Ra'as tutu

%d& C9CeC9C trisyllables re ularly reduced to C9CC9C %sch'a synco#e 55& follo'ed by cluster reduction( %See also <(7(5&

!M! Mtu#ela- _ Mtu#la- _ !R Mtula- N#ush/ rejectN !M! MtimeRaA _ MtimRaA _ !R MtimaO NtinN

Ra'as tula Ra'as timah

%57& The follo'in irre ular consonant chan es have been noted in all dialects$ hence #resumably occurred in !R( 5& !M! M-" _ !R M ; !M! *kutu _ !R *gutu %Ra'as gutw& Nhead louseN <& !M! Md" _ !R Mt; !M! *deeR _ !R *toa %+eban toa& NhearN 7& !M! Ml" _ !R Md; *lalej _ !R *dalj %Ra'as dalt& NhouseCyN F& !M! M"' _ Iero; !M! *laRiw _ !R *lili %Ra'as lily ZrunN @& !M! M"j" _ !R Iero; !M! *pajay _ !R *pay %Ra'as pay Nrice #lantN K& !M! M"l" _ !R Mn; !M! *qateluR _ !R *tnol %Ra'as tnol& Ne N

=& !M! Mn" _ !R Ml"; !M! *nipis _ !R *m-lipis %Ra'as mlipis& XthinG :& !M! Mb" _ !R M"'"; !M! *bahi XfemaleG _ Ra'as root "wuy in slawuy X'omanG(


6& !M! *"#" _ !R "b"; !M! *ma-kapal _ !R *kbol _ Ra'as kbol Nthic-N 5>& !M! M"nd" _ "d"; !M! *pandak _ !R *pdak _ Ra'as pda NshortN 4n addition$ the follo'in irre ular consonant chan es 'ere introduced after dialect s#lit in the named dialects( 55& !R Mb" _ Iero in !8M; !M!c!R *busuk _ !8M usu NrottenN NhouseN All other consonants remain unaltered in all dialects(

5<& !R Mr" _ Iero in +ebana un ; !R *ruma _ +ebana un umah

!./.! Resi ual 'roble#s With Reference To (onsonantal (hanges in 'R This section discusses #roblems arisin from the #ro#osed !R consonant system( The solutions o1ered are some'hat tentative(

!./.!.1 $%lit of ')' :R into 'R :r an :l All contem#orary dialects contain one liAuid""lateral l "" from t'o sources in !M!$ namely$ *l and *R( Some of the derivations are com#le0$ and there are residues from the #ro#osed analysis 'hich are duly noted( As noted in the #revious section; %5& !M! *l 'as retained as !R *l in all #ositions %attested by Ra'as l &( %<& !M! *r 'as retained as !R Mr in all #ositions %attested by +ebana un h&(


These retention facts$ un#roblematic in themselves$ are crucial for the analysis of the fate of !M! *R(

%@& ,ord"initially !M! *R- 'as retained as !R *r- %T]velarV&( !R *r- is reCected by +ebana un h" corres#ondin to Iero in the other dialects( An !M! *Rumah NhouseN( !M! !R !H8 Musi e-et otos +eban he-et hotos Ra'as a-at otos G8OSS raft hundred house une0#lained loss of !R *r- occurs in +ebana un umah %e0#ected humahMM& from

MRa-it MRatus MRumaA

Mra-at Mrotos

e-et otos

M%r&umaO umSaO umSaO umah


%7& Bet'een vo'els !M! *-R- s#lit bet'een !R *-r- and *-l- conditioned by a mor#h"sha#e %Gestalt& condition( Accordin to McGinn %566=;:=&; !M! intervocalic MR became l e0ce#t in the follo'in t'o environments; %a& *-R- disa##eared in trisyllables

%b& *-R- _ *-h- in the environment C59 ^<9C@ 'hen the initial consonant 'as a noncoronal obstruent %*p-( *b-( *k"$ %e&*g-&

4n this #a#er 'e have substituted !R M"r" for the M"h" of the earlier analysis$ but the substance is unchan ed( .ere is the data #resented in McGinn %566=;:=$ re#lacin M"h"&( Table 5>& u#dated to include the Ra'as data and ne' reconstructions %'ith M"r"


Table ;5 $%lit of ')' *-R!M! !R !es H 8eb -SOiQ n(c( Musi +eban( Ra'as -ShiQ n(c( -iOiQ n(c( n(c( bilSy Gloss dry sAueeIe root$ day

M-eRiQ M#eRes MbuRu-

M-SriQ M#SrSs MburuM'alSt5< M'ili

-SOiQ #SOSs balSt bilSy buOuO

buOuO balSt bilay

buhu- n(c( balSt bilSy



M'aRej M'aRi

MbaAeRu MdaRaA MlaRi' MIaRum MbeRay Mma"iRaA MAasiRa C "" MbeReAat MdeRes %current&

MbSlu MdalaA Mlili Mdalum Mluy MmilaA Msili MbSrSt MbSnS MdSrSs

bSla' dalSaO dolom lilay lSy milSaO silay bSOSt n(c(

bSlS' dalSaO dolom lilSy lie milSaO silSy bSOSt dSOSs

bSlS' dalah n(d( lSe n(c( dolom

bSlS' dalah lilSy luy n(c( n(c( n(c( bSnSdSOSs dolom

ne' blood run red needle ive

silSy bShSt n(c( dShSs

salt heavy heavy s'ift

bSnS- %8eb&n(c(

The Ra'as reCe0es of !M! *-R- sho' the identical s#lit as !esisir$ 8ebon and Musi( Only +ebana un is di1erent$ e0actly as re#orted in McGinn %566=&$ 'hich no' ains su##ort from the ne' evidence( Set C contains t'o une0#lained residues of the analysis %e0#ected bSlSt*M and dSlSsMM&( !robably this #air of outcomes can be e0#lained as re ulariIed early borro'in s from Malay deras and berat( %K& 4n 'ord"final #osition !M! *-R s#lit bet'een !R *-r and *-l(


Table -5 $%lit of ')' *-R !M! A M'ahiR MniuR Mi-uR !R Mbiol Mi-ol Mniol Mdo#ol MtSQol Mulur Mu#ur Mtidur MlibSr Milir !8 bioa i-oa nioa do#oa tSnoa ulua tSQoa u#ua tidua libSa n(c( Musi bioa i-oa nioa do#oa tSnoa oloa tSQoa o#oa tidoa libSa elea +eban bioa i-oa nioa do#oa tSnoa uluh tSQoa o#oh tiduh libSh ilih Ra'as biol niol do#ol tSnol n(c( ulua G8OSS 'ater coconut hearth e hear lo'er chalslee# 'ide li#s do'nstream

Mda#uR MdeeR B MhuluR MtiWuR MlibeR C MAiliR MAa#uR

i-oO %borr& tail

MAateluR MtSnol

u#ua tidua libSa n(c(







4n McGinn %566=;:F&""'hich lac-ed Ra'as data""the Auestion 'as; Under 'hat

conditions did !M! *-R become h in +ebana un and Iero in the other dialectse Given our analysis so far$ the ri ht Auestion seems to be; Under 'hat conditions did !M! *-R s#lit into !R *-l and *-r e Consider the com#lementation facts in sets A and B( All the forms in set A dis#lay !R *-ol and all the forms in set B sho' !R *-ir$ *-ur or *-r( !M! *-R thus evidently chan ed to !R *-l before derived *o$ but became !R *-r else'here( This analysis assumes that #re"Rejan *l and Iero 'as over'helmin ly re ular( !./.!.! )alay In9uence in <arly %re4Rejang Re9ecte in 'R (onsonants

*-oR a##eared before the consonantal s#lit( Thus the s#lit of !M! *R into !R *r$


%5& Three !R -in terms sho' irre ular final *-k instead of e0#ected *- from brotherG occur instead of e0#ected ba#SaO*M$ mamSaOMM$ -a-SaOMM( The kakak( See McGinn %566=& for discussion(

!M! *-q( )( ( +ebana un bapak XfatherG$ kakak Xelder siblin G$ mamak XmotherGs e0#lanation for the irre ularity is early borro'in from Malay bapak$ mamak$

%<& Ra'as and +ebana un sho' "h re ularly corres#ondin to " from !M! *-q in the other dialects( ,hereas this derives in a strai htfor'ard 'ay from !M! to account for the corres#ondence set ODODODhDh$ none #articularly *q$ it is less clear ho' it relates to !roto"Rejan ( There are three #ossible 'ays satisfactory( The set reCects either %i& !R *-h from *-q$ %ii& !R *- from *-q$ or rounds that *h _ is #honetically unli-ely in the Austronesian 'orld$ if not

%iii& a retention$ namely !R *-q from *-q( !robably %i& should be rejected on the universally( And #ossibility %iii& o1ers no ne' insi ht and therefore should be available only as a last resort( That leaves %ii&$ 'hich li-e %i& su1ers the dialects %Ra'as and +ebana un &( .o'ever$ there is another fact to be considered based on a su estion by Blust %566<;@=&( Blust has su conseAuence of an unli-ely re ular chan e$ namely * _ "h in t'o Rejan ested that

"h has re#laced the re ular reCe0es of !M! *-q in many lan ua es over a broad and not al'ays conti uous area in 3ava$ Sumatra$ and Borneo( Since this #attern re#resents a #artial irre ularity in lan ua e after lan ua e$ it may be e0#lained as an areal feature s#read by the #resti e of Malay$ 'hose early history included the chan e *-q _ h %see Adelaar 566<&( Acce#tin this theory$ and a##lyin it to Rejan $ 4 assume that !M! *-q became *- in !roto"Rejan $ Malay( %Eote that these t'o Rejan dialects just ha##en be the only ones in hel#s to account for the #eculiar distribution of Ra'as h$ 'hich occurs only 'ord"finally( This fact 'ould be sur#risin e0ce#t for the assum#tion that Ra'as "h is a borro'ed #honeme( 'hich then 'as re#laced by "h in +ebana un and Ra'as via borro'in from direct contact 'ith Malay(& One advanta e of the borro'in theory is that it


of !M! *R and *r as !R *r( Continuin 'ith the conseAuences of the borro'in

4n contrast$ +ebana un sho's h in all #ositions$ reCectin #artial mer er

theory$ in +ebana un %but not Ra'as& our #resumed borro'ed "h e0tended in

its distribution throu h re#lacement of !R *r by h in all #ositions( %4n the other dialects$ !R *r became bet'een vo'els and Iero else'here(& As a conseAuence of all these develo#ments$ r does not occur in native 'ords$ but is a sure si n of borro'in in Rejan $ e( ( srgap Nattac-N %all dialects& from Malay ser a#( @& T'o outcomes sho'in !R intervocalic *-l- mi ht be e0#lained in terms of early Malay inCuence( Malay lari -ura"-ura

!R *lili M-uli

Ra'as lilSy -ulSy

!M! MlaRi' ""

Gloss run turtle

)arly borro'in from Malay lari as !R *lili is the #robable source of +ebana un and Ra'as lily$ 'hich 'ould account for the a##arent loss of *-w %cf( !M! *laRiw XrunG&( ?urthermore$ Ra'as "l" corres#ondin to Malay "r" su Alam Malay( ests that

the #re"Rejan form 'as *laRi %'ith velar or uvular *R& 'hich occurs in !a ar

7& Ra'as a)ut %e0#ected monot*M& from Malay hanyut Ndrift a'ayN from !M! *ma-qa)ud( K& !M bt NheavyN$ +eb bht NheavyN %e0#ected bSlStMM& from Malay berat NheavyN& is un-no'n( F& !M! *ajeQ _ !R MaraQ %Ra'as aa& NcharcoalN %e0#ected a SQMM& from Malay arang(

NheavyN/ cf( !M! *beReqat( The ori in of !R *bng %_ Ra'as$ 8ebon bnk


=& !M! Mta'ad _ !R Mta'Sr %+eban ta'Sh& Nha Malay tawar(

leN %e0#ected ta'StMM& from

!.2. (hanges A=ecting ')' 1owels in 'roto4Rejang The !M! inventory of four vo'els %*i( *u( *a( *e %Dsch'a&& evolved into

a seven"vo'el system in !R by the addition of !R *o and * %D lo' front

unrounded& #lus a ne' #honeme !R *e introduced by early borro'in %see

K(>&&( 4t is interestin that no ne' di#hthon s develo#ed bet'een !M! and !R( Eineteen vocalic chan es se#aratin !M! and !roto"Rejan %!R& are illustrated in this section %<(7& follo'ed by discussion %<(K&( Ra'as and +ebana un dialect evidence is es#ecially #rominent in this section for reasons iven in <(>( %See section @( for seventeen additional vocalic chan es se#aratin !R from contem#orary Ra'as(& !.2.1 'R Re9e3es of ')' *a 6>-7 !M! *-a is reCected as Iero and si0 !R vo'els %all e0ce#t *e&$ namely;

*a(* $ *i( *u( *o$ and *( The chan es 'ere conditioned by the accent in every case( a/ o!ali! Changes Re!onstru!ted 0or 1arly ,re-Rejang #nd Conditioned 2y -alay-

type #!!ent34 %5& *a _ f

MAaC9;C9%C& Mma"9;C9%C&

%#re#enultimate M9 unstressed& %#re#enultimate M9 unstressed&

The #re#enultimate seAuence !M! MAa" disa##eared re ularly( Moreover$ in !M! aB0es Mmi"$ and Mum" %for 'hich see belo'& and Mma" the vo'el disa##eared before a base"initial vo'el(


!M! MAa#eju _ !R M#S u; _ Ra'as pgw !M! Mma"iRaA _ !R MmilaO _ !esisir mila NredN A##endi0; %5@F&$%57F&$%576&$%5K>&$%5=<&$%<>>&$%<><&$%<<5& %<a& Ma _ MS MCaC9;C9%C& %#re#enultimate M9 unstressed&

!M! MbaAeRu _ !R MbSlu _ Ra'as blw Nne'N A##endi0; %5=&$%<:&$%<6&$%7>&$%5@>&$%5@F&$%57K&$%576&$%5=@&$%<>>&$%<<F& More enerally$ #re#enultimate !M! Ma$ Mi and Mu became !R MS e0ce#t 'here sch'a synco#e %<(@(5 %57&& a##lied first(

!M! MtuAelaE _ !R MtSlan _ Ra'as tlan NboneN !M! MtinaAi _ !R MtSnuy _ Ra'as tnuy 5intestines5 To antici#ate some'hat$ t'o other cases of sch'a synco#e NbledN #re#enultimate neutraliIation of !M! Mi and Mu(57

!M! Mtu#ela- _ Mtu#la- _ !R Mtula- _ Ra'as tula N#ush !M! MtimeRaA _ MtimRaA _ !R MtimaO _ Ra'as timah NtinN %<b& Ma _ MS M"9;CaCT"velarV %ultimate Ma unstressed&

!M! Mbulan _ bu;lSn _ !R MbulS;n _ Ra'as buln NmoonN !M! Mana- _Ma;na- _ !R Mana;- _ Ra'as ana NchildN !M! MdaAan _Mdan _ !R Mdan _ Ra'as dan NbranchN !M! Mta-ebas _ MtSba;s _ !R MtSba;s _ Ra'as tbas Nclear"cutN


A##endi0; %@&$%7@&$%7F&$%7=&$%K=&$%K6&$%F>&$%F6&$%:5&$%::&$%6=&$%6:&$%5>7&$%55>&$ %55K&$%5<@&$%55=&$%5@F&$%5@6&$%57K&$%5K>&$%5F7&$%5FF&$%5F=&$%5F:&$%5:>&$%56@&$ %<>7&$ %<5@&$%<5K&$%<56&$%<<K&$%<<F&$%<<6&$%<@7&$%<@:&$%<@6&$%<7F&$%<K@&$%<KF&/ See section <(7(F(5 for discussion( %<c& Ma _ MS @(@& M"9Ca %all vo'els unstressed in function 'ords/ see

!M! M%-&ita _ !R MitS _ Ra'as it 5!#l%incl& !M! Mni"a _ !R MnS _ Ra'as n @!s %a ent"#ossessive& !M! Mduha _ #re"Rejan Mdu;S A##endi0; %55@&$%5KF& See %@a& belo' for further chan es a1ectin content 'ords$ and section @(@ for #ronouns and other function 'ords( b/ o!ali! Changes Re!onstru!ted 0or "ate ,re-Rejang #nd Conditioned 2y

Contemporary #!!ent

%@a& M"a _ M"S _ M"S; _ Mi %last ste# a##lied to out#ut of %<c&& M"9;Ca _ M"9;CS _ M"9CS; _ "9Ci; 5 < @ 7 !M! Mduha _ Mdu;S_ duS; _ !R Mdui; _ +ebana un dui Nt'oN !M! MtuAa _ Mtu;S _ tuS; _ !R Mtui; _ +ebana un tui XoldG XCo'erG !M! MbuQa _ Mbu;QS _ buQS; _ !R MbuQi; _ +ebana un bui

A##endi0; %76&$%=<&$%57>&$%5K6&$%<@:&$%5@>&


described to ether$ they brin several issues into focus$ includin the follo'in ( %i& 5st Stress Shift to Malay"ty#e #attern %ii& <nd Stress Shift to contem#orary #attern/ %iii& neutraliIation of unstressed vo'els/ %iv& stren thenin %eventual di#hthon iIation& of stressed vo'els/ and %v& non"#artici#ation of rammatical function 'ords %Dclitics& in vocalic stren thenin rules( Table : dis#lays the McGinn %566=&$ 'ord"level stress %accent& is assi ned metrically 'ithin the disyllabic base/ thus monosyllables li-e ba 'ere e0em#t %see 7(@&( Stressed vo'els are re#resented by a colon( s-eletal history just described( Crucially for the theory develo#ed here and in

Outcomes %<b&$ %<c& and %@a& are obviously closely related( ,hen

Table +a5 Two $tress $hifts In Relation to Three Regular 'R ?utco#es for ')' *-a in ?%en 0inal $yllables !M! %accent un-no'n& Mte-a Mba Mba Mba Mba ba ba M%-&ita MitS MitS MitS itS itS Mduha Mdu;S MduS; Mdui; dui

)arly #re"Rej %Malay"ty#e accent& 8ate #re"Rej %contem#orary accent& !roto"Rejan Contem#orary +ebana un Contem#orary Ra'as Gloss

MtS-a; MtS-a; MtS-a; tS-o tS-a' NcomeN

duSy Nt'oN

#article N5!#l%incl&N

The crucial ste# is underlined in Table :a( Under the inCuence of the reconstructed Malay"ty#e accent in early #re"Rejan $ 'ord"final vo'els 'ere unstressed 'hen the #enultimate vo'el 'as * %sch'a&/ other'ise the derivation of the Ra'as di#hthon y from !R Mi and !M! *-a( !M! M"a _ "S _ g g "S; _ g !R g "i; _ #enultimate vo'el 'as stressed( These assum#tions underlie the follo'in Ra'as Sy g



%accent unstressed stressed



?irst$ unstressed *-a re ularly became * %sch'a&( Then$ after the accent shifted y in Ra'as %@(<&( The reason the #ronoun itht esca#ed di#hthon iIation is that all function 'ords %includin #ronouns& behaved li-e unstressed or de" chan es a1ectin stressed vo'els( See McGinn %566=& and section <(7(F(5 belo'(

%Dlate #re"Rejan &$ stressed *-. became *-i and later %after dialect s#lit& became

stressed clitics in !roto"Rejan $ hence systematically esca#ed the earliest vocalic

These same themes come into #lay in the !R outcomes sho'n in %<b&$ as

sho'n in Table :b belo'( A ain the major issue concerns the conditions for the final syllable 'as closed %final "C D non"velar&/ it did not a1ect stressed vo'els %*tba.s& nor monosyllables$ 'hich bear no metrical stress at all( Table +b5 Two $tress $hifts In Relation to Two Regular 'R ?utco#es for ')' *-a in (lose 0inal $yllables !M! %accent un-no'n& *hasa# Ma;sS# MasS;# MasS# asS;# asS;# Nsmo-eN ManaMdaAan

neutraliIation of unstressed reCe0es of !M! final"syllable *a""in this case$ 'hen

)arly #re"Rej %Malay"ty#e accent& 8ate #re"Rej %contem#orary accent& !roto"Rejan Contem#orary +ebana un Contem#orary Ra'as Gloss

Ma;na- Mdan Mana;- Mdan Mana;- Mdan ana;ana;O NchildN dan dan

Mta-ebas MtSba;s MtSba;s tSba;s tSba;s Nclear"cutN




The crucial ste# is underlined in Table :b( The unity of the #rocesses dis#layed in Tables :a and :b 'as e0#ressed as a sin le formula in McGinn %566=&( This unity remains valid after revie'in the Ra'as data( See <(7(F(5 and 7(<(<( %@b& *a _ Mi M"aCi; %Ma unstressed& !M! Mtalih _ Mta;li _ !R Mtili; _ Ra'as tily Nro#eN A##endi0; %@:&$%7>&$%<K:& %7& Ma _ Mu M"aCu; %Ma unstressed&

!M! Msa#u _ Msa;#u _ !R Msu#u; _ Ra'as supw NbroomN A##endi0; %K<&$%556&$%<7=& %K& Ma _ Mo M"aCu;C %Ma unstressed&

!M! Mmanu- _ !R Mmono;- _ Ra'as mono Nchic-enN A##endi0; %=>&$%=5&$%57:&$%576&$%565&$%<>K& %F& Ma _ Ma M"aCi;C %Ma unstressed&

!M! MlaQit _ M la;Qit _ !R MlaQa;t _ Ra'as lt Ns-yN A##endi0; %<K&$%<F&$%5::&$%5<7&%577& %=& Ma _ Ma )lse'here$ !M! Ma 'as retained as !R Ma(


!M! *ba$ and %ii& No0ytoneN bases 'ith o#en final syllables$ such as !M! *tka( *-a 'as retained in monosyllables %all dialects&$ but *-a became aw in Ra'as intermediate ste#&(

T'o note'orthy retentions of !M! Ma concern %i& monosyllables such as

Such forms re ularly retained *-a in !R %Table :a above&/ after dialect s#lit !R disyllabic bases %corres#ondin to "o in the other dialects""#erha#s 'ith *aw as

!M! *te-a _ !R MtS-a; _ +ebana un tko D Ra'as tkaw NcomeN !M! Mba _ !R Mba _ +ebana un ba D Ra'as ba Nem#hatic #articleN( A##endi0; %5>F&$%5<:&$%56>&$%<5:&$%<<7&$%<@@&/ cf( %KF& !.2.! 'R Re9e3es of ')' :e 6schwa71. 6>.7 !M! *e %sch'a& is reCected as Iero and four !R vo'els$ namely; *a( *o(

*( *+ The chan es occurred in late #re"Rejan and 'ere conditioned by the falls #redictably on the final syllabic vo'el of the 'ord( %5& *e %sch'a& _ f MSC9;C %sch'a unstressed&

contem#orary accent( 4n all contem#orary Rejan dialects %hence !R& the accent

!M! Memis _ MSmi;s _ !R Mmis _ Ra'as mis Ns'eetN !M! Mmi"he#i _ Mmi"S#i; _ !R Mmi#i _ Ra'as mipy NdreamN A##endi0; %57F&$%57=&$%5F=& %<& Me %sch'a& _ Ma !M! MtaneA _ M"9CS;C

%sch'a stressed&

!R Mtana;O _ Ra'as tanah NearthN

A##endi0; %5@K&$%<55&/ cf( %=:&$%<K<& %@& Me %sch'a& _ Mo M"SCS;CT]velarV %sch'a stressed&


!M! Mte-te- _ !R MtSto;- _ Ra'as tto Ncho#$ hac-N !M! M'ahiR _ M'SySR _ M'SyoR _ !R biol _ Ra'as biol X'aterG A##endi0; %:>&$%<<@&$%<<=&/ see <(7(F(7 for discussion( %7& Me %sch'a& _ Ma M"iCS;CT"velarV %sch'a stressed&

!M! Mi#en _ !R Ma#a;n _ Ra'as pn Ntooth A##endi0; %57&$%5K&$%5F&$%:F&$%5@5&$%57@&/ see @(<(5 for discussion( %K& Me %sch'a& _ MS %else'here& !M! Mbales _ !R MbalS;s _ Ra'as bals Nre#lyN

!M! MlesuQ _ !R MlSsu;Q _ Ra'as lsu NmortarN !.2./ 'R Re9e3es of ')' :i 6>27 !M! *i is reCected as Iero and three !R vo'els$ namely; *( *( *i( The chan es 'ere conditioned by the accent in every case( a/ o!ali! Changes Re!onstru!ted 0or 1arly ,re-Rejang #nd Conditioned 2y -alay-

type #!!ent

%5& *i _ MS

MCiC9;C9%C& %#re#enultimate M9 unstressed&

!M! MtinaAi _ MtSnaAi _ MtSnai _ !R MtSnuy _ Ra'as tnuy NintestinesN cf( !M! MtimeRaA _ MtimRaA _ !R MtimaO _ !esisir tima NtinN A##endi0; %@&/ see <(7(5 for discussion(



Contemporary #!!ent %5b& Mi _ S

o!ali! Changes Re!onstru!ted 0or "ate ,re-Rejang #nd Conditioned 2y the


%Mi unstressed&

!M! Mlima _ !R MlSma; _ Ra'as lmaw NfiveN !M! Msilun _ !R MsSlo;n _ +ebana un slon Ncla'N !M! M ila# _ !R SlS;# _ !esisir glp NCashN

A##endi0; %:5&$%5<:&$%566&/ see Blust %56:7;7@=& and belo' n( 5:( %<& Mi _ Ma M"aCi;C %Mi stressed&

!M! MlaQit _ !R MlaQa;t _ Ra'as ltNs-yN A##endi0; %<K&$%<F&$%5<7&$%577&$%5::&/ see <(7(F(@ for discussion( %@& Mi _ f 'ords& !M! Mni"a _ Mna _ !R MnS _ Ra'as n N@!s %a t"#oss&N See @(@ for discussion( !.2.2 'R Re9e3es of ')' :u 6>27 !M! *u is reCected as Iero and three !R vo'els$ namely; *o( *( *u( The ni9 %all vo'els unstressed in function

!M! Mni"hu _ Mniu _ !R Mnu _ +ebana un nu N<S %a t"#oss&N

chan es 'ere conditioned by the accent in every case( a/

o!ali! Changes Re!onstru!ted 0or 1arly ,re-Rejang #nd Conditioned 2y -alay-

type #!!ent


%5& *u _ f

MuC9;C9%C& %#re#enultimate M9 unstressed&

!M! Mum"imem _ !R MminSm _ +ebana un menem Xdrin-G A##endi0; %57@&$%5K>&/ see <(7(5%5&( %<& Mu _ MS MCuC9;C9%C& %#re#enultimate M9 unstressed&

!M! MtuAelaE _ !R MtSla;n _ Ra'as tlan NboneN A##endi0; %<56&/ see <(7(5 for discussion( b/

o!ali! Changes Re!onstru!ted 0or "ate ,re-Rejang #nd Conditioned 2y the

Contemporary #!!ent %@a& Mu _ Mo M"aCu;C %Mu stressed&

!M! Mmanu- _ !R Mmono;- _ Ra'as mono Nchic-enN A##endi0; %=>&$%=5&$%57:&$%576&$%565&$%<>K& %@b& Mu _ Mo M"i%C&uCT]velarV

!M! Mi-uR _ !R Mi-o;l _ +ebana un ikoa NtailN !M! MniuR _ Mnio;R _ !R Mniol _ Ra'as niol NcoconutN A##endi0; %:7&$%5K=&/ cf( also %:=& %7& Mu _ Mu %else'here& !M! M-amu _ !R M-umu _ Ra'as kumw Nyou S %honorific&N %@(<(@& !M! Msa#u _ !R Msu#u; _ Ra'as supw NbroomN %@(<(@& !M! MlesuQ _ !R MlSsu;Q _ Ra'as lsu NmortarN !M! Mbuhe- _ !R Mbu- _ Ra'as bu Nhead hairN


!M! MAuIan _ !R MuISn _ Ra'as ujn NrainN

!.2.. Low40re@uency 1ocalic (hanges an ?ther Resi ues Althou h lo'"freAuency chan es may be ina##ro#riate to describe in terms of a Nre ularity hy#othesisN$ they may be vie'ed as ty#olo ically residues$ includin cases 'herein early chan es tri !roto"Rejan ( characteristic of the lan ua e in Auestion( This section lists a number of analytic ered re"syllabification in

5& The mid front vo'el !R *e is not derivable from !M!( 4t is assumed to have e0isted in !R as an early borro'in from un-no'n sources( More enerally$ is a major #roblem discussed in K(>( <& A number of cases of vo'el coalescence follo'ed the loss of !M! intervocalic laryn eals( accountin historically for the contem#orary contrast bet'een e and in Ra'as

a& 4ntermediate *CaiC _ !R MCaC or MCSySC !M! M#aAit _ M#ait _ !R M#at _ Ra'as #at %D!8M+ #et& NbitterN( NclimbN( !M! Mnahi- _ Mnai- _ !R Mna- _ Ra'as n D !8M ne D + nek&

.o'ever$ in at least one other e0am#le MCaiC _ CSySC %Blust 56:7;7<6&( !M! M'ahiR _ M'aiR _ M'SySR _ M'SyoR _ !R Mbiol _ Ra'as biol X'aterG cf( !M! Mlain _ !R Mlain _ !esisir lain XotherG(


Eote that #arallel chan es did not a1ect MCauC( !M! MtaAun _ !R Mtaun _ !8M+ taun NyearN %Ra'as ton& !M! Mlahud _ !R Mlaut _ Ra'as laut NseaN( !M! Mdaun _ !R Mdaun _ Ra'as daun b& 4ntermediate MCau _ !R MCo !M! M-ahu _ M-au _ !R M-o _ !8M+ ko N<!s N #ronoun( %8ater in

Ra'as !R M-o under'ent le0ical re#lacement by kabn( See @(@(<(& c& 4ntermediate MCai _ !R MCuy

!M! Mbahi _ Mbai _ !R MsSla"'uy _ Ra'as slawuy N'omanN !M! MtinaAi _ Mtinai _ !R MtSnuy NstomachN( See <(5(@( cf( !M! May re ularly became Muy %<(<&

@& T'o 'ords endin 'ith di#hthon s under'ent di1erent vocalic chan es than 'ords endin 'ith sim#le consonants( a& !M! *kahiw _ *kaiw _ !R M-ii' _ Ra'as kiiw X'oodG %not -a'MM& contrasts 'ith the re ular outcome for intermediate CaiC( b&

!M! *hapuy _ *apuy _ !R *upuy _ Ra'as upuy XfireG %not !R o#oyMM&

contrasts 'ith the re ular outcome for intermediate *CaCuC _ CoCoC$ e( ( *manuk _ !R *monok Nchic-enN( See discussion of vo'el harmoniIation in <(7(F( K& Another Gestalt Condition tri ered *u-8o'erin %McGinn %566=;:<&( ;'here T]velarV D reCe0es

Mu _ o ciC CT]velarV`



of !M! velars and MR

This rule accounts for !R *o from !M! *u in the outcomes sho'n belo'( !M! #re"Rej !R Mbilu- Mi;lo- Milo"" Mi;ndo- MinRoMusi inRoO iloO nioa !H8 inRoO iloO nioa +eban( Ra'as Gloss inRon(c( nioa inRoO niol beloO


turn$ veer coconut

MniuR Mni;oR Mniol

)lse'here in the same environment !M! *u is reCected as !R u$ e( ( !M! *buRuk _ !8M+ buu XdecayedG/ !M! *lesu _ !R *lsu %Ra'as lsu XmortarG( The rule #resumably occurred in early #re"Rejan $ hence the GC included

the Malay"ty#e accent( Thus$ unstressed ultimate *u 'as lo'ered to o 'hen

#receded by hi h front *i and follo'ed by a velar or *R and 'ord boundary( The the %stressed& #enult 'as *i( See McGinn %566=$ Table =& for discussion( K& The !M! end"rhyme *-el became !R *-al in the only -no'n e0am#le( !M! !R !8M ata +eb Ra'as atal Gloss itch

chan e involved a de ree of Zaction at a distanceN since *u 'as a1ected only 'hen

* atel

M atal


F& The !M! end"rhyme *-ej 'as retained as !R *-j in the only -no'n e0am#le( 4n contrast$ a #arallel end"rhyme$ namely !M! *-eq$ re ularly became !R *-a( !M! cf( !R !8M +eb Ra'as dalSt tanah Gloss earth

*lalej MtaneA

MdalSj MtanaO


dalS tanah



=& !M! *-a is irre ularly reCected as !R *-a %e0#ected M"i& in one form; !M! *dada _ !R *dada Xchest/ breast(

!.2.; Discussion5 Towar A'erfectB Har#ony in the 'roto4Rejang Le3icon All Rejan dialects e0hibit a hi h de ree of vo'el harmony in the le0icon( iet the de ree of vo'el harmony may have been reater at an earlier sta e middle round is occu#ied by !roto"Rejan $ 'here t'o systems of vo'el harmony s#lit the le0icon$ as follo's( System A Mi Tnon"*aV Mu bet'een !M! and !R$ called #re"Rejan in McGinn %5666&( 4n this #a#er$ the

System B Tbased on MaV %MS&

Me %MS& Mo


Eote that any chan e #roducin sch'a 'ithin the disyllabic 'ord"base automatically harmoniIed it$ because sch'a 'as""and is""the neutral vo'el %thus eAually at home in System A or System B&/ and also because all #re#enultimate vo'els %e( ( aB0al vo'els& 'ere sch'a in !R$ as in contem#orary dialects( Eote too that 'hereas harmoniIation of !M! *a-i and *a-u vo'el #airs as !R *u-u or *o-o and *i-i or a"a$ res#ectively$ a1ected #reviously un"harmonic vo'el #airs$ other !M! vo'el #airs 'ere in e1ect N#re"harmoniIedN %e( ( !M! and !R *a-a$ *u-i$ *u-$ *i-$ *-u amon others&/ moreover$ other !M! vo'el #airs under'ent vocalic shiftin 'ithout thereby failin to contribute to the emer in harmony of the le0icon$ includin t'o vocalic dissimilation chan es( Thus the outcomes of !M! *i-uC67velar8 _ *i-oC %e( ( !M! *niuR _ !R *niol NcoconutN& satisfied System A( !M! *-C67velar8 _ !R *-o %e( ( !M! *tktk _ !R *ttok Ncho#$ hac-N& and


harmony of the reconstructed !R le0icon by sim#ly #erusin the A##endi0$ 'here it 'ill be noticed that a substantial set of unharmonic !R forms reCect !M! *-a as *-i %e( ( *mati from !M! *mata NeyeN&( But the members of this set derive from etyma that 'ere harmoniIed earlier$ e( ( #re"Rejan *mat( ,e turn to this to#ic ne0t(

Readers can satisfy themselves 'ith res#ect to the de ree of vo'el

!.2.;.1 0ro# ')' to <arly 're4Rejang5 $o#e <arly 1ocalic (hanges !robably the earliest set of chan es leadin to vo'el harmony e1ectuated neutraliIation of last"syllable !M! *a in o#en and closed syllables( 4n #articular$ after the shift to the Malay"ty#e stress #attern$ last"syllable !M! *-a and *-aC became *- and *C$ res#ectively( Althou h the conditions are com#le0 in both cases$ they can be ca#tured by a sin le formula %McGinn 566=&( ?irst$ consider each chan e individually( i& *"9;CaCT"velarV _ M"9;CSCT"velarV belo'& ii& M"9;Ca _ M"9;CS

!M! MAuIan _ #re"Rejan Mu;ISn NrainN %Table :b above and Table 6A

!M! Mmata _ #re"Rejan Mma;tS N eyeN %Table :a above and <(7(5& ,hen the final syllable 'as closed$ the chan e failed to occur under the follo'in conditions; 'hen *a 'as stressed %as in intermediate #re"Rejan *tba.s Nclear"cutN&/ 'hen *a stood alone in a monosyllable %'here the conce#t of 'ord"level stress di1erentiation is theoretically vacuous$ as in #re"Rejan *dan NbranchN&/ and 'hen


the final consonant 'as velar %#re"Rejan *a.nak&( See Table 6B( ,hen the final under the follo'in conditions; 'hen *a 'as stressed %as in #re"Rejan *tka.&/ Table 6A(

syllable 'as o#en$ on the other hand$ as in !M! *mata$ the chan e failed to occur and 'hen *a 'as #receded by a consonant cluster %as in #re"Rejan *ti.mba&( See These e1ects can be re#resented in the follo'in formula %re#eated from

McGinn %566=;=K&&( *a _ S c"9%C& ^ ^ %CT"velarV&` g T"stressV Table CA5 'artial )erger of ')' *a an *e as 'R * When the Dnal $yllable Was ?%en !es 8eb Musi +eb dui matSy tS-o timR o %Malay"ty#e accent&

!M! Mduha Mmata Mte-a

#re"Rej !R Mdu;S Mma;tS Mmati; MtS-a; MtS-a; Mdui;

Ra'as Gloss duSy matSy tS-a' t'o eye come

duay duay duSy tS-o tS-o tS-o

matay matay matSy timR o timR o timR o

Mtimba Mti;mba MtimR a; %56=&$

timR a' #ail

A##endi0; %5=&$%<:&$%7K&$%76&$%=<&$%5>F&$%5<:&$%5@>&$%5KF&$%5K6&$%56>&$ %<><&$ %<5F& %<5:&$%<<7&$%<@@&$%<@:& Table CA5 'artial )erger of ')' *a an *e as 'R * When the Dnal $yllable Was (lose !esisir 8ebon asS# #anSs taQSn asS# #anSs taQSn Musi asS# #anSs taQSn

!M! A Mhasa# M#anas MtaQan

!R MasS# M#anSs MtaQSn

+eban( Ra'as Gloss asS# #anSs taQSn asS# #anSs taQSn smo-e hot hand


MAuIan B Mana-

MuISn Mana-

ujSn anaO

ujSn anoO

ujSn anaO

ujSn ana-

ujSn ana-

rain child lon

Mha'aM#anIaQ MhisaQ MtSbaQ

Ma'aM#aPRaQ MisaQ MtSbaQ MdalaO MdilaO MmilaO

a'aO #aPRaQ isaQ n(d(

a'oO #aPRaQ isaQ tSbaQ

a'aO #aPRaQ isaQ tSbaQ

a'a#aPRaQ isaQ n(d(

a'a#aPRaQ isaQ tSbaQ dalah dilah n(c(

body ills

fell %tree& blood red


MdaRaA MdilaA Mma"iRaA MRumaA

dalSaO dalSaO dalSaO dalah dilSaO dilSaO dilSaO dilah milSaO milSaO milSaO n(c(

ton ue house fish branch four toy fell %tree& clear"cut bone

M%r&umaO umSaO umSaO umSaO umah M-an Mdan M#at Myam MtSbaQ MtSbas MtSlan -an dan #at yam n(d( -an dan #at yam tSbaQ tSbas tSlan -an dan #at yam tSbaQ tSbas tSlan -an dan #at yam n(d(

umah -an dan #at yam tSbaQ tSbas tSlan

Mhe-an MdaAan Mhe#at MAayam



Mta-ebas MtuAelaE

tSbas tSlan

tSbas tSlan

%6F&$%5>7&$%5>K&$%55=&$%5<@&$%5@6&$%5K>&$%5K5&$%5F7&$%5FF&$%5F:&$%5:>&$ %<7F&$%<K@&$%<KF&

A##endi0; %@&$%5:&$%<<&$%<=&$%@<&$%7@&$%7F&$%7=&$%K=&$%K6&$%F>&$ %=6&$%::&$


consonant reCected a !M! velar/ recall that !M! *q 'as a voiceless bac- velar sto# %Blust 5665c&/ hence the forms in set C 'ere e0cluded %after dialect s#lit the vo'el

Sets B and C indicate that the chan e did not occur 'hen the 'ord"final


di#hthon iIed in !8M but not +HR %@(<(@(5&( Sets W and ) indicate that

monosyllables and Zo0ytonesG re ularly esca#ed the chan e$ for reasons of the accent( Thus$ iven the Malay"ty#e #attern at the time the chan e occurred$ the etyma in set ) 'ere accented on the ultimate vo'el in #re"Rejan / therefore the chan e did not a##ly( As for set W$ the chan e did not a1ect monosyllables$ 'hich lac- metrical %'ord"level& accent %7(<&( Eote that tba falls in t'o sets; set B by virtue of the final consonant and set ) by virtue of the #enult vo'el(

!.2.;.! Interlu e5 Rule ?r er vs. Rule (o#%le#entation McGinn %566=;=5& ar ued that syllable"reduction rules #roducin monosyllables %e( ( +ebana un dan from !M! *daqan& and o0ytones %e( ( +ebana un tlan from *tuqela9& must be ordered before the mer er of !M! *-aC and *-eC as !R *C( The Ra'as data su##ort this analysis 'ithout e0ce#tion( )ven more interestin ly$ the #artial mer er in Auestion 'as com#lemented by other chan es discussed in @(<(5 and 7(<(<( Eotably$ the vo'el assimilation #rocess that #roduced !M! *qutek _ +ebana un *otok XbrainG 'as restricted to etyma endin 'ith reCe0es of !M! and !R velars *k and *j in all diale!ts e:!ept Rawas$ 'hich under'ent a di1erent set of chan es( The Ra'as evidence is conclusive that therefore %as ar ued on inde#endent rounds in earlier 'or-&$ rule orderin

harmoniIation of !M! *qutek _ Musi oto occurred later than *-aC _ *-C$ and %Xbleedin orderG& is not a #ossible e0#lanation for the failure of e( ( !M! *bulat _ !R *bult XroundG and !M! *qu%an _ !R *ujn XrainG to become harmoniIed as unattested bolot*M and ojonMM in +ebana un $ Musi$ 8ebon and !esisir( This ar ument is develo#ed fully in 7(<(<( !.2.;./ $econ $tress $hift an 1owel Har#ony


Some GCs contrast solely in terms of 'hether the final syllable is o#en or closed( As reco niIed by Blust %56:7&$ !M! vo'el #airs *a-i and *a-u evolved di1erently in C9C9 and C9C9C canons( See e0am#les %K&"%F& of Table @ and became !R *u-u and *i-i #rior to di#hthon iIin the final vo'els %see @(<(7 belo'&( Schematically; <nd Stress Shift *a .armoniIation "9;"9" _ "9"9;" a"u; _ u"u; a"i; _ i"i; Msa#u; _ Msu#u; NbroomN Mtali; _ Mtili; Nro#eN <(7(5 chan es %@b& and %7&( 4n C9C9 mor#hs the !M! vo'el #airs *a-u and *a-i

Wi#hthon iIation %de".armoniIation&

Msu#u; _ supaw NbroomN %!H8& Mtili; _ tilay Nro#eN %!H8& Msu#u; _ supw %M+R& Mtili; _ tily %M+R&

By contrast$ in C9C9C mor#hs the same !M! vo'el #airs became !R *o-o and *-$ res#ectively$ as sho'n in %=&"%:& of Table @ and <(7(5 %K& and %F&( Schematically; <nd Stress Shift *a shift;bac-in "9;"9" _ "9"9;" M"aCu;C _ M"jCu;C M"aCi;C _ M"a;CiC Mmanu;- _ Mmjnu;- Zchic-enN MlaQi;t _ MlaQi;t Ns-yN

Ma shiftcfrontin .armoniIation

CjCu;C _ CoCo;C CaCiC _ CaCaC

Mmjnu;- _ mono;- Nchic-enN MlaQi;t _ laQa;t Ns-yN

!.2.;.2 Dissi#ilation Without Dehar#oniEation


T'o rather similar rules called *u 8o'erin and MS Bac-in in McGinn %566=& introduced further instances of !R mid bac- *o( Both involved vo'el harmony System A %see <(7(F&( !M! !M! #re"Rej !R dissimilation/ ho'ever$ unli-e later cases of dissimilation$ the outcomes satisfied

*u 8o'erin ; MS Bac-in ;

M"i;CuCT]velarV _ M"iCjC Mi-uR M"S"S;CT]velarV _ S"oC Mte-te-

Mi;-oR NtailN MtSto;- Ncho#N

Mu 8o'erin 'as conditioned by the Malay"ty#e stress #attern/ see <(7(F )vidence for MS Bac-in is sho'n in Table 5>5=( Eote ho' MS Bac-in a1ected set A but not B belo'5:( Table 105 <vi ence for *-Fac&ing !M! !re"Rej M#e e Mte-teB M#eRes !R !8M +eban( Ra'as Gloss tSQoa tStobioa n(c( n(c( SnS# oQ n(c( oQ oQ MS Bac-in #resumably a##lied later because it a1ected stressed sch'a(

A MdeeR

dSQo;R tSQoa #S o;Q tSto;bio;l tStoO bioa #SOSs SlS#

hear hold cho#$ hac-


tStobiol n(c( SnS#

M'ahiR M'SySR_'SyoR M ene#

#SrS;s SlS# SnS;#


sAueeIe com#lete

M ila# M SlS# MbenerMbSnS;r Mta'ed MlibeR MlibS;r

SlS;# bSnS;a libS;a Mta'S;r


Cash true

bSnSa libSa

ta'S;a ta'Sa libSh


bSnSa libSa


ta'Sa 'ide




Given the vo'el"#air !M! *e-e %both sch'a&$ *-Bac-in chan ed %bac-ed& the

stressed member 'hen follo'ed a !M! velar % !M! *R 'as #resumably velar&( The velarity condition e0#lains the failure of the chan e to a1ect the forms in set B(

/. 0ro# 'roto4Rejang to (onte#%orary Rawas Much of Ra'asN lin uistic history has already been accounted for in the #revious sections/ this is inevitable iven the methodolo ical convenience of illustratin our reconstructed !R usin Ra'as evidence 'herever #ossible %<(>&( Moreover$ a#art from minor advancements noted in 7(5 belo'$ the history of the other dialects is 'ell -no'n from #revious studies %Blust 56:7/ McGinn 566=/ 7(< belo'&( ,hat remains to be accounted for are just the s#ecial features of the other dialects( The follo'in chan es occurred in Ra'as %and only Ra'as& after dialect

Ra'as$ that is$ the systematic e0ce#tions to #atterns of continuity and chan e in

s#lit( a& b& c&

Wi#hthon iIation of final *i and *u in rammatical function 'ords Chan e of !M!c!R *-j _ t Nbleedin N *u- .armoniIation %@(<(5&( Retention of !R *-l Nbleedin N di#hthon iIation of the tautosyllabic vo'el 4n addition$ Ra'as shares the follo'in 'ith +ebana un (


%@(<(@(5&( d&

Borro'in %from Malay& of 'ord"final "h %re#lacin !R *- from !M! *-q& accom#anied by systematic failure of tautosyllabic vo'els to %@(<(@(5&(

di#hthon iIe


These five develo#ments are described under t'o to#ics; harmoniIation of the !M!;!R seAuence *uCe in all dialects e0ce#t Ra'as$ and di#hthon iIation of !M!c!R final vo'els( These to#ics are definitive of the Rejan lan ua e

ty#olo ically$ and are the major sources of dialect diversity( 4n #articular$ as noted in 5(>$ Ra'asN conservatism #lays a major role in the descri#tion( To sometimes necessary""to -no' 'hat ha##ened in Ra'as( /.1 $u##ary of 'roto4Rejang ?utco#es in Rawas ?or Ra'as di#hthon s from !R di#hthon s$ see <(</ for Ra'as #ro#erly inter#ret some chan es in the other dialects$ it is al'ays hel#ful""and

consonants from !R consonants$ see %c&"%e& above and <(@( The remainder of this section is devoted to the Ra'as reCe0es of !R vo'els( The seven vo'els of ei ht %ne'& di#hthon s$ summariIed in Table 55( residues of the analysis #resented in this #a#er( 5& !R are reCected as 5= re ular outcomes in Ra'as$ resultin in seven vo'els and The follo'in vocalic develo#ments in Ra'as are the une0#lained Ra'as pokot Nfish tra#N %D+eb pukt&/ e0#ected pukt from !R *pukt/ see @(<(< for discussion( Other Ra'as 'ords sho'in vo'el harmony the other dialects %and 'ithout clear conditions& are !R *kidek _ <& @& in

unattested in

Ra'as kede NevilN/ !R *ki _ kii NdryN$ !R *bu _ buu Na#eN( Ra'as mouy Ncrocodile %D+eb buay&/ e0#ected buuy*M from !R *buuy( Malay 4nCuence may account for the follo'in irre ular vocalic outcomes Ra'as( a& Ra'as tan' Nsi nN %cf( !M! *tanda Xsi nG&/ e0#ected Ra'as Malay( *kwt tanRa'MM D +eb tan'o&( See Table 5@( !robable source; Besemah

b& Ra'as kait Nfish hoo-N/ also +ebana un kait %cf( !M! *kawit$ !R


c& All dialects includin Ra'as tokot Nsta1$ caneN %cf( !M! *tuked Nsta1$ caneN&/ e0#ected tu-StMM %all dialects&( See @(<(< for discussion( /.! 'atterns of 1ocalic (hange in Rawas After dialect s#lit$ Gestalt Conditions %GC""see 5(K& continued to #lay a

Xhoo-G&/ e0#ected Ra'as -a'atMM D !esisir kewet&(

role in vocalic chan e in Ra'as( 4n #articular$ all vocalic chan es 'ere

conditioned by the contem#orary accent( 4t is im#ortant to bear in mind that in the #honemic re#resentations( See 5(@(@(

the accent$ bein #redictable on the final syllable of the 'ord$ does not a##ear As mentioned in @(>$ t'o classes of vocalic chan e havin uniAue e1ects in

Ra'as 'ere %i& di#hthon iIation of vo'els %'hich a1ected each dialect in di1erent 'ays&/ and %ii& harmoniIation of the !M!;!R vo'el"#air *u- %'hich a1ected four of five dialects""all e0ce#t Ra'as&( 8et us be in 'ith the latter$ 'hich is other dialects( #articularly stri-in for the 'ay in 'hich the Ra'as evidence sheds li ht on the

Table 11. Regular Develo%#ent of 1owels an Di%hthongs in Rawas !R *a %<& C.AEG) S)C( RA,AS W)9)8O!M)ET +)BAE( %cf( + tko&


5& M"a _ a' @(<(@ !R MtS-a _ tkaw NcomeN <& Ma _ a !R MS %@& 5& MS _ Sa @(<(@ !R MbSnSr _ bna XtrueG <& MS _ a @& MS _ S @(<(5 !R MutS- _ uta NbrainN @(<(5 !R M#usSj _ pust NnavelN <(7(5 !R Mmati _ maty NeyeN

%cf( + maty&

%cf( + bnh& %cf( + otok& %cf( + posog&


!R Mi %K& 5& Mi _ Sy <& Mi _ ia @& Mi _ a keme&

@(@(< !R MitS _ it N'e %incl&N @(<(@ !R Mtili _ tily Nro#eN

%cf( + it& %cf( + tily&

@(<(@ !R Mbibir _ bibia Xli#G @(<(@ !R M#iliO _ plh XchooseG

%cf( + bebea& %cf( + peleah& %cf( +

7& Mi _ ay K& Mi _ i

@(@(< !R M-imi _ kmy X5!#l %e0cl&G "" !R Misi _ isy NcontentsN

%cf( + isy&

!R Mu %7& 5& Mu _ S' @(<(@ !R Msu#u _ supw NbroomN <& Mu _ ua @(<(@ !R Mulur _ ulua Xlo'erG @& Mu _ o 7& Mu _ u @(<(@ !R M#uluO _ poloh XtenG "" %cf( + supw& %cf( + oloa& %cf( + poloah& %cf( + lsu&

!R MlSsuQ _ lsu NmortarN

!R Mo$ Me$ Ma %@&%all retentions& 5& Mo _ o monok& <& Me _ e @& Ma _ a !R Mmono- _ mono? Nchic-enN !R M-ide- _ kede NrottenN !R MlaQat _ lt Ns-yN !R Ma#an _ pn XtoothG %cf( + %cf( + kidek& %cf( + leet& %cf( + epen&

/.!.1 Har#oniEation of ')' 1owel %airs *u-e an *i-e ,e return ne0t to e0am#les %6&"%5>& of Table @ %5(K&( A com#lete dis#lay of the relevant data is #rovided in Table 5<$ es#ecially sets A and W( Table 1!5 Har#oniEation of ')'G'R *i- an *u-


!M! A Mi#en Mise# Mhi-et B

!R Ma#an Masa# Ma-at

!8M e#en ese# e-et

+eban( e#en ese# e-et

Ra'as a#an asa# a-at n(c( libSa iPRSm dalSt n(c(

Gloss tooth sucto tie 'ide

Mum"inem MlibeR Mlalej C( M#inIem M ila# M-iIe# M-ilat Mti-am M#usej MAulej )

MminSm MlibSr M#iPRSm MdalSj

menem libSa iPRSm dalSsS"-ijS# SlS# ti-Sm olootoO #u-St bulSt ujSn buO to-ot

menem libSh iPRSm dalS SlS#

drinborro' houseCy Cash blin-

M ilS#_M SlS# SlS# M-ijS# "" MtujaA MulSj

-SndSrijS# -Sdi# smitoa tujah #oso olo oton(c( bulSt ujSn buto-ot -ilSt tujah ulSt

li htnin to stab navel ma brain ot

M#usSj MutSM#u-St MbulSt MuISn MbuMto-ot


#usSt uta#o-ot bulSt ujSn buO to-ot

MAuteM#u-et Mbulat MAuIan ?

dra net round rain


head hair sta1$ cane

o#erated in #arallel in all dialects e0ce#t Ra'as$ 'here *u- failed to #rocesses(

As indicated in sets A and W of Table 5<$ the t'o harmoniIation #rocesses

harmoniIe(56 This fact has clear im#lications for relative orderin of the t'o

a& 2e&ore diale!t split. As sho'n in sets A"C in Table 5<$ the vo'els in !M!;!R vo'el"#air *i- under'ent mutual assimilation$ becomin !R *-$ reCected as Ra'as - and !8M+ e-e$ 'hen the s#ecific GC 'as met( The follo'in schematiIes the harmoniIation #rocess(


!M! *"iCeCT"velarV _ !R M"aCa;CT"velarV ;'here T"velarV D reCe0es of !M! consonants e0ce#t velars b& #&ter diale!t split. As sho'n in sets W") of Table 5<$ in all dialects e0ce#t Ra'as the vo'els in !M!c!R vo'el"#air *u- under'ent mutual schematiIes the harmoniIation #rocess( !R *"uCS;CT]velarV _ "oCo;CT]velarV ;'here T]velarV D reCe0es of !M! velars and *-R %or !R *-r& Set B of Table 5< illustrates the claim that the final T]velarV consonant !M! *-R not under o vo'el harmoniIation because the etymon ended 'ith *-R %D assimilation$ becomin !R *o-o( 'hen the s#ecific GC 'as met( The follo'in

or !R *-r %both T]velarV& bloc-ed harmoniIation of *i-( Thus !M!c!R *libR did T]velarV&( Ee0t$ com#are the outcomes for Ndrin-N in set A and Nborro'N in set B( A##arently *i- harmoniIation 'as bloc-ed by intervenin consonant clusters %'hich eventually became Xbarred nasalsN %Coady and McGinn 56:@&&; thus i)'m %all dialects& from !M! *p-in%em resisted harmoniIation in conformity 'ith the rule %'hich allo's for "C" but not "CC" bet'een harmoniIin vo'els&( Ee0t$ !R *dalj from !M! *lalej failed to harmoniIe because it had the 'ron #enult vo'el %*a rather than *u or *i&( Set W of Table 5< illustrates the #arallel e1ects 'ith res#ect to *u-

harmoniIation in the harmoniIin dialects %see @(<(<&( Eotice that Ra'as o1ers indirect evidence in su##ort McGinn %566=&Ns analysis of *u- .armoniIation( 4n #articular$ Ra'asN non"#artici#ation in *u- _ o-o harmony is #redicted iven crucial #art of the Gestalt/ in #articular$ it chan ed the final consonant from T]velarV to T"velarV$ in e1ect Nbleedin N the rule( By contrast$ in the the fact that 'ord"final !M!c!R *-j chan ed to Ra'as "t( This chan e altered a


harmoniIin dialects$ the !M!c!R vo'el"#air *u- under'ent mutual assimilation as illustrated in sets W"? of Table 5<( Set W illustrates the chan e/ set ) illustrates the bloc-in e1ect of final non"velar "C( .ere as else'here in Rejan historical #honolo y$ systematic e0ce#tions

seem to outnumber the forms under oin a re ular chan e( Thus the outcome for Xhead hairG has a strai htfor'ard e0#lanation iven that syllable reductions #receded all harmoniIation rules %McGinn 566=$ 5666$ <>>>&/ thus !M! *buhek

'as reduced to !R *buk before the harmoniIation schema could a##ly %thus bo-MM is unattested&( See @(K(5 for discussion of the role #layed by rule orderin in the analysis( Another interestin case is !M! *gilap NCashN _ glp in most dialects( This form must have been *gilp in #re"Rejan $ and if so$ it should have become an earlier rule chan in #enult *i _ %cf( @(<(5& 'hich e1ectively NbledN

unattested ele#MM by *i- .armoniIation( The fact that it did not is e0#lained by harmoniIation by alterin relevant se ments$ in e1ect alterin the Gestalt( Therefore glp may be re ular( ?inally$ 4 assume that the e0ce#tional outcomes in NstabN and the Ra'as 'ord for Xli htnin G a##ear to be #artly re ulariIed set C of Table 5< 'ere due borro'in or analo y( 4n #articular$ the !8M 'ords for borro'in s from Malay tikam and kilat/ and the various outcomes for Nblin-N may have been inCuenced by mor#holo y %but if so the mechanism is unclear&( /.!.! Rawas pokot an tokot The analysis is not 'ithout its #roblems stemmin from the Ra'as le0icon$

ho'ever( Consider the Ra'as outcomes tokot Xsta1$ caneG and pokot Xfish tra#G %Table 5< sets ) and ?&( The antici#ated outcomes are unattested tu-StMM and #u-StMM #arallel to Ra'as bult NroundN and ujn NrainN( Recall that the GC

*puk.t should not harmoniIe$ a #rediction that is u#held by pukt in all dialects e0ce#t Ra'as(

overnin harmoniIation of the Gestalt "uCS;CT]velarV #redicts %falsely& that !R


borro'in from Malay tongkat 'hich 'as then re ulariIed in conformity 'ith contem#orary %synchronic& mor#heme structure restrictions #rohibitin %a&

McGinn %566=;:K& accounted for !+M pukt as re ular and for tokot as a

voiceless intervocalic nasal clusters and %b& #enultimate mid"vo'els #aired 'ith any vo'el e0ce#t the selfsame ultimate vo'els %cf( Malay topi D Rejan topong as 'ell can be discounted as a Ra'as borro'in from Malay pukat(<> /.!./ (onte#%orary Di%hthongs 0ro# 'roto4Rejang 1owels Table 5@ sho's every -no'n di#hthon "ty#e derivable from a sim#le X'estern style hatG& and many other e0am#les( See <(5(<( !erha#s Ra'as pokot

vo'el in contem#orary Rejan ( The diversity of the dialects is reatest in the manner in 'hich di#hthon s develo#ed from vo'els( This claim is am#ly illustrated in Table 5@$ and underlies t'o related claims made in this #a#er( %i& The majority of Rejan di#hthon s develo#ed after dialect s#lit( %ii& The only di#hthon s in !R 'ere derived from !M! di#hthon s %<(<&( As Table 5@ sho's$ Ra'as a ain #roves the e0ce#tion to broad tendencies

in the #ost"s#lit vocalic develo#ment of the five dialects( ?our observations are

es#ecially note'orthy( %i& 4n all dialects e0ce#t Ra'as$ !R *-a re ularly became re ularly di#hthon iIed in all dialects %set B&$ only in Ra'as did the #rocess

"o corres#ondin to aw in Ra'as %set A of Table 5@&( %ii& ,hereas !R M"i and *-u become eneraliIed to include #ronouns and other clitics %see K"F and :"6 #f Table 5@ and @(@ belo'&( %iii& 4n all dialects e0ce#t Ra'as$ 'ord"final !R *-l disa##eared and !R tautosyllabic *o and * di#hthon iIed to oa and ea res#ectively$ 'hereas in Ra'as$ !R 'ord"final *l 'as retained and the vo'els did not di#hthon iIe %see 5K"5= of Table 5@ and @(<(@(5&( %iv& 4n all dialects e0ce#t Ra'as and +ebana un $ !R *- %from !M! *-q& 'as retained as " and Ra'as and +ebana un $ !R *- 'as re#laced by a borro'ed #honeme "h

tautosyllabic hi h vo'els *u and *i di#hthon iIed in diverse 'ays$ 'hereas in %<(@(<(5& and the adjacent hi h vo'els did not di#hthon iIe$ at least not in


Ra'as %they di#hthon iIed any'ay in +ebana un &( See <<"<K of Table 5@ and @(<(@(5( The issues that reAuire further discussion are ta-en u# in the ne0t fe'

subsections$ namely; %i& the role of final consonants in di#hthon iIation/ %ii& secondary harmoniIation$ and %iii& di#hthon iIation of final vo'els in dialects&( /.!./.1 Di%hthongiEation of *-VC where *-C > 'R *-r ,*-l, *- Consider set W of Table 5@( An im#ortant eneraliIation is that loss of !R ests that consonantal chan es #receded rammatical function 'ords %'hich is a #roblem not for Ra'as but for the other

*-l or *-r is associated 'ith di#hthon iIation of the tautosyllabic vo'el( This holds for all dialects$ and su

di#hthon iIation in each case( ?or e0am#le$ in Ra'as three cases of loss of !R *-r are associated 'ith three di#hthon s in set W$ namely$ !R *-r became a/ !R *-ir became ia$ and !R *ur became ua( The same #rinci#le accounts for +ebana un Ns t'o di#hthon s in set W com#ared to three in Musi and five in !esisir and 8ebon ( The analysis de#ends heavily on our reconstruction of 'ord"final !R *-r and *-l( Recall that !R *-r derives from t'o !M! sources; *-r

and*-R/ li-e'ise !R *-l derives from t'o !M! sources; *-R and *-l( See <(@(<(5( /.!./.! $econ ary Har#oniEation The Ra'as outcomes for N'hiteN and NchooseN are es#ecially interestin 'ith res#ect to secondary harmoniIation of the #enult vo'els( The sim#lest solution that is #lausible #honetically is to assume that the end"rhymes !R *-i and *-u develo#ed di1erently in Ra'as %'hereas they develo#ed in #arallel in the other dialects&( 4n #articular$ !R *pulu NtenN became Ra'as poloh by the NchooseN became lh by first di#hthon iIin the end"rhyme$ yieldin *ilia shortest #ossible route via intermediate *puluh and *puloh( By contrast$ !R *ili similar to !R *bibir _ Ra'as bibia( After di#hthon iIation$ intermediate *ilia


under'ent the remainder of its derivation by the shortest route$ namely via

intermediate *iliah _ ilah _ lh( The advanta e of early di#hthon iIation is that it motivates from !R *i in a dialect 'ith an established #honeme e %albeit from un-no'n sources&( The alternative absolute shortest"route derivation may be #ossible but seems less #lausible #honetically( Another ar ument for this solution is that a similar disjunction is observed in the case of *u- harmoniIation and *i- harmoniIation %#revious section directly above&( 4n all o and e"e res#ectively/ but in Ra'as$ *i- harmoniIed %as -& but *u- did not

dialects e0ce#t Ra'as these t'o vo'el #airs harmoniIed in #arallel$ becomin o" harmoniIe at all( A third ar ument concerns the central ste# in the derivation of !R *-i$ namely$ coalescence of #ea- and coda of the derived di#hthon *-iah as *-h( A #artial #recedent for coalescence may be found in the fact that intervocalically

Table 1/. Rejang Di%hthongs Re9ecting ')' 1owels

!M! #re"R !R A 5( *te-a MtS-a; !esisir tS-o 8ebon tS-o Musi tS-o +eban tS-o Ra'as tS-a' G8OSS come

A##endi0; %KF&$%5>F&$%5<:&$%56>& %<5:&$%<@@&/ cf( also %<<7& B< Misi Misi; isay isay Mmati; isSy matay isSy matay isSy matSy contents matSy matSy

A##endi0; %@:&$%7>&$%:6&$%55<&$%5@<&$ %57F&$%5K6&$%<7K&$ %<K:& @( Mmata_matS eye A##endi0; %76&$%=<&$%5@>&$%<@:& 7( Mduha_duS Mdui; K( Msi"ia Msi M-imi duay si -eme duay si -eme duSy si -eme dui si -eme duSy sSy -amay t'o @s c#l 5#l%e0cl& A##endi0; %76&$%=<&$%<@:& F( M-ami


C = MAulu :( 6( W 5>( 55( 5<( 5@( 57( MbibiR MhiliR MhuluR MAa#uR MniuR Ma-u M-amu

Mulu; Mu-u M-umu Mbibir Milir Mulur Mu#ur Mniol Mdo#ol M-a'al -e-ea M-Sbol

ula' u-u -umu bibia n(c( ulua u#ua nioa do#oa -e'ea -e-ea -Sboa

ula' u-u -umu bibia n(c( ulua u#ua nioa do#oa -e'ea -e-ea -Sboa

ulS' u-u -umu bebea elea oloa o#oa nioa do#oa -e'ea -e-ea -Sboa

ulS' u-u -umu n(c( ilih uluh -"o#oh nioa do#oa -e'ea -a-al -Sboa

ulS' u-S'

head 5s

A##endi0; %<6&$%7>&$%K<&$%FK&$%5=<&$%<>@&$%<>F&$%<<>&$%<7:& -umS' <%honor& bibia n(c( ulua u#ua niol do#ol n(c( foot -Sbol thicli#s u#stream to lo'er chalcoconut hearth fishhoo-

5K( Mda#uR 5F( M-a'il 5=( 5:( "" M-a-al "" A##endi0; 56( Mbener

%@K&$%@F&$%=5&$%:7&$%5>5&$%5><&$%5>7&$%5K=&$ %<<5&$%<<@&$ %<<:& %<76&$%<K>& MbSnSr Mta'Sr MlibSr MasaO MtanaO bSnSa ta'Sa libSa asSaO tanSaO #utiaO bSnSa ta'Sa libSa asSaO tanSaO #uteaO bSnSa ta'Sa libSa asSaO tanSaO #uteah bSnSh ta'Sh libSh asah tanah #utah bSnSa ta'Sa libSa asah tanah 'hite full true ha le 'ide shar#en earth

<>( Mta'ed <5( MlibeR A##endi0; <<( MhasaA A##endi0; <@( MtaneA <7( M#utiA <K( M#SnuA A##endi0; A##endi0;

%@>&$%@F&$%5@5&$%5:F& %<5K& %=&$%5:&$%7@&$%K=&$%F6&$ %5<@&$%5@F&$%5K>&$%5F@&$%5=@&$%56@&$%<@7&

M#utiO #utiaO

%:K&$%5F:&$%5=7&$%5:=& M#SnuO #SnuaO #SnuaO #SnoaO %5=7&$%5=:&$%<77&$%<KK& #Snoah #Snoh

!R *-ai- re ularly coalesced as in Ra'as$ e( ( !M! *paqit _ !R *pait _ Ra'as pt( This analysis entails the derivations iven in Table 57( 4t is hardly sur#risin to discover that another GC overned secondary

harmoniIation in Ra'as$ +ebana un and Musi( Thus the intermediate vo'el


#airs *i-ea %Musi *ilea& and *u-oa %+ebana un *puloah& did not harmoniIe

inde#endently of surroundin consonants/ rather$ secondary harmoniIation of the #enult vo'el 'as conditioned by the end"rhyme$ i(e( not only the di#hthon but the tautosyllabic consonant( Thus !R *kidek NrottenN sho'in final vo'el" #air *i-e and 'ord"final *-k did not tri er harmoniIation of Musi kide and

+ebana un kidek %Musi -edeOMM and +ebana un -ede-MM are unattested&( And even Ra'as kede from !R *kidek$ 'hich did under o late harmoniIation of the #enult vo'el %<(7(K&$ cannot be eneraliIed to ether 'ith lh for obvious reasons( 4nstead$ to account for Ra'as lh from !R *ili it is #lain that the

syllables harmoniIed only 'hen the Gestalt included just the ri ht end"rhyme( /./ 'ersonal 'ronouns The last corres#ondence sets to be considered in this section concern the #ersonal #ronouns$ includin %K&$ %F&$ %:&$ and %6& of Table 5@$ 'here a ain the by Blust %56:7;775/ cf( McGinn %566=;=Kf&( ?or reasons discussed in 7(<(5$ uniAueness of Ra'as is on dis#lay( The #ronouns #resent a #roblem #ointed out #ronouns resisted di#hthon iIation of !R *-i and *-u in all dialects e0ce#t Ra'as( This issue clearly does not concern Ra'as$ at least not directly/ nonetheless$ the the histories of the other dialects( Ra'as evidence is e0tremely im#ortant for the li ht it sheds on !roto"Rejan and As in many ,estern Austronesian lan ua es$ Rejan #ersonal #ronouns

come in a lon form %rou hly$ subject& and a short"form %non"subject&(<5 Table

5K dis#lays the corres#ondences amon #ronouns in the five dialects( Table 5F and !R( ives the Ra'as #ronouns in relation to the reconstructed #rotolan ua es !M! !roblems of le0ical re#lacement not'ithstandin %@(@(< belo'&$ it is clear

that Ra'as #ronouns under'ent the re ular di#hthon iIation rules a1ectin !R *-i and


TAFL< 12. <=ects of $econ ary Har#oniEation a& 'ithout secondary harmoniIation !M! !R !H8 *#utiA X'hiteG M#utiO M#utiO _ #utiaO

Musi +eban Ra'as !M! !R !H8 Musi +eban Ra'as

M#utiO _ M#uteO _ #uteaO M#utiO _ M#utih _ M#uteh _ #uteah M#utiO _ M#utiaO _ #utiah _ M#utah M#SnuA XfullG M#SnuO M#SnuO _ #SnuaO M#SnuO _ #SnuaO _ #SnoaO M#SnuO _ M#Snuh _ #Snoh M#SnuO _ M#Snuh _ M#Snuah _ #Snoah

b& 'ith secondary harmoniIation !M! !R !H8 M#iliA XchooseG MiliO MiliO _ iliaO

Musi +eban Ra'as !M! !R !H8 Musi

MiliO _ MiliaO _ MileaO _ eleaO MiliO _ Milih _ Miliah _ Mileah _ eleah MiliO _ MiliaO Miliah _ ilah _ alah M#uluA XtenG M#uluO M#uluO _ #uluaO M#uluO _ M#uloO _ #oloaO




M#uluO _ M#uluh _ #uluah _ #uloah _ #oloah M#uluO _ M#uluh _ #uloh _ #oloh

*-u( )Aually im#ortant$ as Table 5= belo' demonstrates$ in Ra'as other

rammatical classes behaved similarly$ a ain in contrast to the other dialects$

'here function 'ords enerally %includin #ronouns& esca#ed di#hthon iIation of *-i and *-u %see 7(<&(

,hat is #atently clear is that in Ra'as$ the function 'ords develo#ed di#hthon s by the same rules as other rammatical classes( More enerally$ since all di#hthon iIation rules in all dialects occurred after dialect s#lit$ it follo's that the e0#lanation for the re ular develo#ments in Ra'as may not have been observed( See 7(<(

a##ly in other dialects$ es#ecially in those dialects 'here #utative re ularities

/./.! Resi ual 'roble#s 5& The most #ressin #roblem is to account for the failure of di#hthon iIation in #ronouns and other function 'ords in all dialects e0ce#t Ra'as( This #roblem is addressed in section 7(<(

<& Ra'as kmy from !R *kimi is une0#ected$ as is keme in the other dialects %e0#ected -imSyMM in Ra'as and -imiMM in !8M+&( See 7(<(5 for discussion( The e0istential verb Ra'as ady D !8M+ ade li-e'ise sho's the e0#ected re ular corres#ondence y D e$ e( ( Ra'as pn D !8M+ epen NtoothN( .o'ever$ there is insuBcient data to determine 'hether kmy re#resents a re ular develo#ment based on #re"Ra'as *kimy from !R *kimi( Table 1.. (onte#%orary 'ersonal 'ronouns


subject"object 5!ers <!ers @!ers 5!%incl& <!ers @!ers <!ers %hon& u-u -o si itS !8M+

a ent"#ossessive -u nu nS tS Sin ular

subject"object Ra'as

a ent"#ossessive -S' ^^

u-S' -abSn sSy itS -umS'


-umu !lural

-abSn nS tS


5!%e0cl& <!ers %hon&

-eme udi si

-eme udi nS

-amay alSy alSy sSy alSy alSy -umS'

-amay alSy alSy nS alSy alSy -umS'

-umu-umu -umu-umu

Table 1;5 Rawas 'ersonal 'ronouns an Their <ty#a !M! !R #re"Ra'as Ra'as u-S' -abSn -abSn -umS' sSy M-imSy -itS Gloss 4 you %s &

*a-u M-ahu Mni"hu Msi"ia Mita

Mu-u M-o Mnu Msi

you %s c#oss& you %s $hon& sche/ they 'e %inclusive& you %#l&

M%-a&mu M-umu %hon& MitS

M-ami M-amu Msi"iWa

M-imi Mudi Msi/ tobo o

-amay sSy/ tobo S

'e %e0clusive& they/ that rou#

M-umu-umu -umS'-umS'


mysterious; !8M+ udi< and Ra'as kabn( !ossibly Ra'as kabn is an internal borro'in based on kabn XfriendG %cf( Ujan Mas Malay kaba %McGinn 5665;<56&&(

@& T'o le0ical re#lacements a1ectin <nd !erson #ronouns remain

7& Another re#lacement is variable( Ra'as si D sy Nhecshecit/ theyN can be used in the sin ular or #lural( ,hen the conte0t demands that the #lurality be em#hasiIed$ the #hrase tobo Nthat rou#N is common in Ra'as %Dtobo o in the other dialects&( ?inally !R *kbol %if from !M! *kapal& sho's une0#lained *b from *p and *o from *a(

!M! K& Mma"-a#al


!esisir 8ebon -Sboa

Musi -Sboa

+eban -Sboa

Ra'as Gloss -Sbol thic-

M-Sbol -Sboa

2. (onse@uences of the Analysis 4t 'as mentioned in section < of this #a#er that every feature of !roto"

Rejan can be justified based on evidence from Ra'as and one other dialect* either !esisir or %most often& +ebana un ( As it ha##ens$ these are the only dialects that share a boundary 'ith a dialect of Malay( Some conseAuences of this fact are discussed in 7(7(@ belo'( 4t 'as also mentioned that 'ithout Ra'as the remainin dialects di1er too little amon themselves to o1er much in the concluded that the Rejan s 'ere relatively recent arrivals in Sumatra( The #ioneerin 'or- of Blust %56:7& on the Musi dialect$ ho'ever$ mi ht su 'ay of time de#th( 4f those dialects 'ere all lin uists had to o on$ it mi ht be est the

o##osite iven the e0tremely hi h number of chan es %over 5>> accordin to McGinn 5666& se#aratin Rejan "Musi from !roto"Austronesian( ,ith the


discovery of Ra'as the #ossibilities have narro'ed and start to become reconciled 'ith the lin uistic facts; the time de#th is increased/ the reconstruction of !roto"Rejan becomes feasible/ and certain #ractical Auestions they come frome ,hat lan ua e or lan ua e rou# is their closest lin uistic relativee These and other Auestions are addressed belo' as 'e attem#t to e0tract the most im#ortant conseAuences from the historical #honolo y #resented in this #a#er(

can be raised$ such as; .o' lon have the Rejan s been in Sumatrae ,here did

?our to#ics 'ill occu#y us in this concludin section( All are concerned 'ith the lin uistic contributions of Ra'as 'ith res#ect to the oal of develo#in a valid and useful historical #honolo y for the Rejan lan ua e of Sumatra( ?irst$ analytical im#rovements are considered in relation to #revious research %7(5 belo'&( Second$ em#irical confirmations of earlier 'or- are revisited in Rejan to the theory of sound chan e li ht of the ne' evidence from Ra'as %7(<&( Third$ #otential contributions of

Table 1-5 Rejang 0unction Wor s

!R !esisir 8ebon naO di a#i ade ba unu Musi naO di a#i ade ba unu +eban nah di a#i ade ba unu Ra'as taQ dSy a#a' aday ba n(d( Gloss %at& there 'ho there iscare em#h( #art( hesitation #art(

*na-htaQ di naO di Ma#aha#i Maday Mba Munu a#i ade ba unu


are considered %7(@&( ?ourth$ the usefulness of our reconstructed !R is li-ely closest lin uistic relatives of the Rejan s %7(7&( 2.1 Analytical A vance#ents In Relation To 'revious Wor&

considered in relation to certain #ractical Auestions #ertainin to the ori in and

been abandoned or modified here( T'o concern laryn eals and t'o concern di#hthon s(<<

?our claims made in earlier 'or- by McGinn %566=$ 5666$ <>>>& have

5& The o#enin statement in McGinn %566=& must be abandoned %\)very -no'n "h %in 'ord"final #osition only& and %'ord"medially as 'ell as 'ord"finally&( <& !re"Rejan *h has been abandoned and re#laced by !roto"Rejan *r in li ht

Rejan dialect has a sin le laryn eal$ namely$ h or ?=\& because Ra'as has both

of the limited distribution of Ra'as h( This #a#er has reconstructed !R *r in all #ositions reCectin !M! *r$ *R and *l/ later Ra'as and +ebana un borro'ed "h from Malay %cf( Blust 566<&/ and later still$ +ebana un substituted h for !R *r in all #ositions( A crucial assum#tion is that !R *r 'as T]velarV/ thus !R *r the conditionin of vocalic chan es( See <(@(<(<( @& T'o metatheses su ested by McGinn %<>>> A##endi0 <& have been #lays the same role assi ned to !M!c!R *R in McGinn %566=& 'ith res#ect to

abandoned in li ht of the Ra'as evidence( The #roblem 'as %and is& to account for +ebana un ponoy NdoveN from !M! *punay/ and also for +ebana un kia N'oodN from !M! *kahiw( The metathesis idea colla#sed in li ht of the fact that Ra'as retains !M! di#hthon s *uy and *iw unaltered( 4t is no' strai htfor'ard to derive Ra'as punuy and kiiw from !R *punuy and !R *kiiw$ from 'hich all other dialect outcomes follo' as described in <(5(@(


7& A final im#rovement derives strai htfor'ardly from the fact that !M! *ey and *ew have been removed from the inventory of !M! di#hthon s %Blust$ #ersonal communication&/ they have been colla#sed 'ith !M! *ay and *aw$ !M! di#hthon s( %Rejan #rovided no evidence for !M! *ey and *ew(& 2.! <#%irical (onDr#ations ,e turn ne0t to consider a number of cases 'here the ne' dialect

res#ectively( This move sim#lifies the derivation of Rejan di#hthon s from

evidence from Ra'as$ althou h diver in from the other dialects$ does so in such a 'ay as to stren then s#ecific claims made in earlier 'or- on the historical #honolo y of Rejan %i(e( before any Ra'as data 'as available&( 2.!.1. Rawas 'ronouns an other 0unction Wor s At first the Ra'as function 'ords a##ear to #resent countere0am#les 'ith res#ect to earlier analyses of R.!$ but on closer ins#ection the #roblem vanishes in li ht of the claim that Ra'as sim#ly eneraliIed re ular diachronic rules by other dialects( rela0in #honolo ical conditions that held in !R and that continue to hold in the

As #ointed out in @(@$ di#hthon iIation of 'ord"final !R *-i and *-u 'as not limited to content 'ords in Ra'as %as it 'as in the other dialects&$ but e0tended to all mor#heme classes eAually( ,hen #ro#erly understood as #ost" s#lit e1ects$ the Ra'as facts are consistent 'ith the analysis of the other dialects in earlier 'or-( As #ointed out in my earlier #a#er;

\The analysis is consistent 'ith the stri-in fact that Rejan function 'ords and content 'ords di1er in canonical sha#e( ,ith fe' e0ce#tions %notably o&$ content 'ords almost al'ays end 'ith a di#hthon if not a consonant$ 'hereas function 'ords almost al'ays end 'ith vo'els/ and only function 'ords have been


observed endin 'ith sch'a( Thus ((( the synchronic eneraliIation is consistent

'ith the claim of re ularity( (((Althou h their histories diver ed %Dcontent 'ords$ function 'ords&$ the diver ence had a #honetic basis$ and in #articular$ all reCe0es of !M! vo'els in the #ronouns 'ere re ular(\ %McGinn 566=;==&

,hat is uniAue about Ra'as$ then$ is that the conditions chan ed % eneraliIed&( T'o closely"related ar uments su##ort this claim( ?irst$ all di#hthon iIation of !R vo'els occurred after dialect s#lit( 4n all dialects e0ce#t Ra'as$ those di#hthon iIation rules 'ere conditioned by the accent$ 'hich falls on the last there is a ready e0#lanation 'hy #ronouns and other function 'ords 'ere

syllable of content 'ords/ hence only stressed vo'els di#hthon iIed( Therefore$ e0em#ted from di#hthon iIation rules in !8M+/ as clitics$ function 'ords bear no inherent %'ord"level& stress #attern( They may receive stress 'ithin the domain of the sentence %intonation& but not at the 'ord %le0ical& level$ 'hich is #resumably the #ro#er domain for the study of sound chan e( 4t follo's that there are #honetic rounds for the claim that #ronouns and other function 'ords 'ere systematically e0em#ted from rules a##lyin to stressed vo'els in !esisir$ 8ebon $ Musi$ and +ebana un ( The second ar ument concerns an interestin bit if ne' information 'hich is hi hly 'elcome$ namely$ Ra'asN 5!%e0cl& #ronoun kmy from !R *kimi and !M! *kami( This outcome su##orts the reconstruction of !R *kimi$ thus com#letely re ulariIin the #ronouns at the level of !R( The conclusion 4 dra' from these t'o ar uments is that the Ra'as facts

are consistent in every im#ortant detail 'ith earlier claims about the #ronouns of #re"Rejan %no' !roto"Rejan &( 2.!.! Rawas As HFest WitnessB 0or Rejang Historical 'honology Most of this #a#er has focused on the uniAueness of Ra'as in relation to

the other dialects( 4n this section$ the focus shifts to the conformity of Ra'as$ es#ecially those s#ecific cases 'here it is clear that Ra'as directly confirms


earlier 'or- on the historical #honolo y of Rejan ( The follo'in are the major as#ects of Rejan historical #honolo y as #resented by McGinn %566=$ <>>>&( All are su##orted by the Ra'as evidence( 5& !re"Rejan under'ent t'o accent shifts; %a& 5st stress shift to Malay"

ty#e #attern re ularly follo'ed by neutraliIation of unstressed !M! *a e0ce#t before velars$ e( ( !M! *mata _ #re"Rejan *ma.t ZeyeN/ !M! *taan _ #re" Rejan *ta.n ZhandN( %b& <nd Stress Shift to contem#orary Rejan #attern$

follo'ed by 9"9 harmoniIation of certain vo'el #airs and then di#hthon iIation a1ectin certain 'ord"final syllables$ e( ( !M! *lait _ #re"Rejan *lai.t _ !R *lt Ns-yN and *isi _ Misi; _ Ra'as isy NcontentsN( <& As e0#ected in accord 'ith %5&$ unstressed vo'els 'ea-ened %deleted$

neutraliIed$ or harmoniIed&$ and stressed vo'els became stren thened %di#hthon iIed$ de"neutraliIed&(

sha#e conditions labeled *Cs %hereafter GC& rather than merely locally by @(

@& Eo fe'er than ten vocalic shifts 'ere conditioned by com#le0 mor#h"

strictly adjacent se ments( See 7(@(<( A #artial list of GCs is #rovided in Table

7& T'o of the Gestalt Conditions can be eneraliIed and ca#tured in a sin le formula( The essential features of this claim$ 'hich may have im#ortant conseAuences for sub rou#in $<@ are #artially re#eated here(


Table 1+5 Raising of ')' *a

!M! *a _ c9%CT"velarV& ` g T"stressV 5!#l%incl& Mni"a MtaQan ManaMte-a Mtimba MdaAan Mni"S Mta;QSn Ma;naMtS-a; Mti;mR a Mdan MnS Mana;MtS-a; MtimR a; Mdan nS anatS-a' timR a' dan @!s hand child come #ail branch MtaQS;n taQSn Mduha Mmata M-ita #re"Rej Mdu;S Mma;tS MitS !R Mdui; Mmati; MitS Ra'as duSy matSy itS Gloss t'o eye

The Ra'as outcomes are #erfectly consistent 'ith the earlier analysis #resented in McGinn %566=&$ before anythin 'as -no'n about this dialect( K& Rule Order vs( Rule Com#lementation %Revisited&<7 As mentioned in <(7(F(<$ t'o traditional tools of the Com#arative Method are rule order and rule com#lementation( .o'ever$ 'hen t'o %or more& rules obviated( The follo'in illustrates the #oint 'ith t'o conditioned chan es #resented in McGinn %566=&( are in com#lementary distribution all claims about %e0ternal& rule order become

5& !M! MAutS- _ Musi oto NbrainN !M! MlibSR _ Musi liba N'ideN

;only 'hen M"C D T]velarV

<& !M! Mbulan _ Musi buln NmoonN %not bolonMM& ;only 'hen M"C D T"velarV !M! Mana- _ Musi ana NchildN


Blust %56:7& reco niIed that rule %<& re ularly failed to a##ly before a velar consonant$ but the fact that rule %5& a##lied only before velars 'as overloo-ed( The Musi facts only become clear in li ht of dialect evidence from +ebana un $ 'here !M! *-k is #reserved as "k and *-j becomes "g %McGinn 566=;F:&( ?urther$ Blust assumed %a& that Musi pukt 'as an une0#lained e0ce#tion$ and %b& that chan e %5& must have #receded chan e %<& in the linear orderin %hence in

relative chronolo y& in order to e0#lain 'hy Musi *buln NmoonN failed re ularly to become bolonMM( McGinn %566=& #ro#osed an alternative analysis$ namely$ that the environments 'ere in com#lementary distribution 'ith res#ect to the binary feature T ]velar V associated 'ith the 'ord"endin consonants( 4f so$ then t'o conseAuences follo'ed; %a& Musi pukt 'as re ular because the etymon ended 'ith an non"velar consonant/ and %b& linear orderin ""crucially"" 'as unnecessary to account for the failure of e( ( buln to become bolonMM in Musi( The Ra'as evidence mentioned in @(<(5 is relevant for this ar ument(

Ra'as under'ent rule %<& but not rule %5&( This fact #ermits an im#rovement of McGinnNs analysis by actually ivin a'ay the correct orderin $ namely; chan e %<& #receded chan e %5&( This is inesca#able since %<& a1ected all dialects eAually %hence may be reconstructed for !R& 'hereas %5& occurred after dialect s#lit every'here e:!ept in Rawas %'here a di1erent set of chan es occurred&( Also su##orted is the claim that chan es %5& and %<& 'ere in com#lementary distribution in the harmoniIin dialects$ e0actly as #ro#osed by McGinn %566=&( 2./ Theoretical (ontributions of Rejang Historical 'honology The data in this #a#er may be of theoretical interest 'ith res#ect to the

follo'in three Auestions( %i& ,hat is the #ro#er domain for the assi nment of 'ord"level stress rules in Rejan %and other lan ua es&e %ii& ,hat is the #ro#er relationshi# bet'een stress rules and syllabification rules in Rejan %and other


lan ua es&e <K %iii& ,hat is the status of Gestalt Conditions in the historical #honolo y of Rejan %and other lan ua es&e 2./.1 $tress an $yllabiDcation As mentioned in the 4ntroduction to the #a#er$ Rejan should be of interest to lin uists if only because of its rich array of di#hthon s$ es#ecially the ones that arose by re ular chan es from !M! vo'els %@(<(@&( My remar-s here this conte0t( %a& Since these di#hthon s a1ected stressed vo'els$ they must have arisen after the stress had shifted to the final syllable( %b& Since the are limited to this set of innovatin di#hthon s( Three #oints bear re#eatin in

innovatin di#hthon s di1er from dialect to dialect$ they must have arisen after dialect s#lit %#robably inCuenced by areal #ressures %7(7(@&&( %c& Since last" than the innovatin di#hthon s( syllable stress is shared by all dialects$ the stress assi nment rule must be older The theoretical #oint to be made here is that the stress assi nment rule at

'hatever level one e0amines seems to de#end crucially on #rior reco nition of

the se mental structure of 'ords$ and in #articular$ on the #ro#er identification of syllabic and non"syllabic vo'els( <F Once this is accom#lished$ assi nin stress to bthe last nonsyllabic vo'el of the 'ord2 is strai htfor'ard; forms li-e tidoa are disyllabic once non"syllabic Ta[V is reco niIed as the coda of a brea-in di#hthon $ and forms li-e oa are monosyllables( The analysis not only sim#lifies the stress assi nment rule for Rejan $ it

also su##orts the em#irical claim of Bromber er and .alle %56:6& concernin rules in the theory of %synchronic& #honolo y( ,e can add the #oint that arose before the brea-in di#hthon s(

the derivational relationshi# bet'een syllabification rules and stress assi nment onto eny re#eats #hylo eny in the Rejan case( 4n !R the stress assi nment rule

2./.! Wor 4Level $tress Is B)etricalB


reCe0es of !M! last"syllable *a have been e0#lained in terms of the 'ord"level stress #attern o#eratin at di1erent times %<(7(F(5& This e0#lanation de#ends on the assum#tion that 'ord"level stress %also called accent& is assi ned NmetricallyN 'ithin a disyllabic domain called a NfootN( A##lied to disyllabic 'ord bases$ this either the #enultimate vo'el or the ultimate vo'el( An im#ortant corollary is that monosyllables cannot bear metrical 'ord"stress$ by definition since stress di1erentiates bet'een the members of a #air of vo'els 'ithin a s#ecified domain( This theory has an im#ortant conseAuence for Rejan historical

4n the historical #honolo y of Rejan $ the #henomenon of multi#le

theory states that stress$ 'hether #redictable or contrastive$ must be assi ned to

#honolo y$ namely$ it e0#lains 'hy monosyllables did not #artici#ate in the chan es a1ectin !M! last"syllable *a( The relevant outcomes include both ori inal monosyllables such as %e( ( !M! *ba Ninterro ative #articleN _ !R *ba %not bSMM& Nem#hatic #articleN/ and also derived monosyllables %e( ( !M! *hekan NhandN( See <(7(F(5( 2././ Iestalt (on itions 6I(7 an the Regularity Hy%othesis 6RH7 This section see-s theoretical su##ort for the use of GCs in the historical _ #re"Rejan *kan _ !R *kan NfishN %not -SnMM& beside !M! *taan _ !R *taQSn

#honolo y of Rejan $ and discusses their #otential contribution to the theory of sound chan e( T'o ideas from +i#ars-y %56::& uide the discussion( 5& The )0ce#tionless .y#othesis %).& must be distin uished from the Re ularity .y#othesis %R.& %+i#ars-y 56::;@6>&( The ). is 'edded to #honetic mechanisms that a##ly blindly and randomly %see 5(7 of this #a#er&( The R. is The R. says that sound chan es tend over'helmin ly to be re ular$ for restrictions on the sco#e and limits of sound chan e can and must be

conce#tually sim#ler$ more o#en"ended$ and less theory"de#endent than the ).( 'hatever the reason/ and that de#endin u#on the theory one ado#ts$ further


determined( 0or e:ample( in >iparsky5s theory( regular sound !hanges operate over the domain o& phonologi!al stru!tures in the le:i!on+

<& Sound chan e is structure"de#endent %+i#ars-y 56::;@6>&( ?urthermore$ structure arises from im#licational universals and from individual rammars( 4n this subsection 'e attem#t to a##ly these theoretical #oints to justify the

e0istence and use of GCs in R.!( Our major em#irical claim is that GCs are structures that refer to one or all of the follo'in ; the accent$ the Auality of the #enult vo'el$ and the nature of the 'ord"final consonant %if #resent&( Once reco niIed$ they #lay a major role because they induce re ularity throu hout in

R.! %5(7 and Table @&( 9irtually all vocalic chan es in Rejan 'ere conditioned by GCs o#eratin on the level of the disyllabic base %#rosodic foot&$ and resulted in a hi h de ree of le0ical vo'el harmony in #re"Rejan and !roto"Rejan $ 'hich is lar ely$ but not entirely$ reCected in the contem#orary dialects( The

most dramatic demonstration of this #oint is found in Ra'asN non"#artici#ation in *u- _ o-o harmony %@(<(5&( This fact 'as e0#lained in terms of another fact uniAue to Ra'as$ namely$ the chan e of 'ord"final !M!c!R M"j _ Ra'as "t( This chan e altered the Gestalt/ in #articular$ the final consonant chan ed from T]velarV to T"velarV$ in e1ect Nbleedin N the harmoniIation #rocess e0actly as the harmoniIation facts in Musi$ !esisir and +ebana un ( #redicted by the form of the rule as #ro#osed in McGinn %566=& to account for

The conclusion 4 dra' is as follo's( To the e0tent that GCs contribute to the overall re ularity of R.! they are consistent 'ith the demands of R.( .o'ever$ to the e0tent that they cannot be construed as #urely #honetic conditions$ their e0istence cannot be justified in terms of ).( 4t follo's that GCs lie outside the bounds of the neo rammarian theory of sound chan e %).&( mi ht lie neither in universal #honetics nor in the set of contrasts 'ithin a le0ical"#honolo ical system$ but in 'hat Roman 3a-obson has called the )0#ressed in more eneral terms$ the ri ht #lace to see- the motivation for GCs


NculminativeN role of #honetic features( The follo'in Auotation by one of 3a-obsonNs collaborators is #robably relevant here(

4n )n lish$ stress #lays ((( a culminative role in that it si nals both the unity of the 'ord and the number of 'ords or 'ord" rou#s in any iven synta m( 4n some lan ua es$ the device -no'n as vo'el harmony fills the similarly culminative role of indicatin the unity of the 'ord( %,au h 56:=;5F@&( 2.2 $o#e 'ractical (onsi erations The historical #honolo y #resented in this #a#er should be 'elcomed by

researchers interested in #ursuin further #ractical Auestions$ such as; 'here did the Rejan s come from/ ho' lon have they been in Sumatra/ 'hich dialect re#resents the local homeland in Sumatra/ 'hat is the contact situation in Sumatra( !reliminary ans'ers are #resented belo' in the form of four s#ecific

hy#otheses uided by a eneral theory about a #ossible correlation bet'een rate of lin uistic chan e and distance traveled by out"mi ratin inde#endently by Blust %5665b& and Ross %5665&( The first concerns the #roblem of discoverin an e0ternal sub rou# and associated eo ra#hical #oint of ori in se#aratin !M! and any sin le contem#orary Rejan dialect %7(7(@&/ the third last deals 'ith the contem#orary contact situation to ether 'ith the Auestion about 'hich Austronesian rou# 'as the first to arrive in southern Sumatra( 2.2.1 The $earch for an <3ternal $ubgrou% $#aller Than ')' The discovery an e0ternal sub rou#in hy#othesis for Rejan may de#end on three features that have been reconstructed for earlier sta es of the lan ua e( for Rejan %7(7(&/ the second concerns the hi h number of innovations %over 5>>& #osits the most li-ely Nlocal homelandN 'ithin Rejan country %7(7(<(<&/ and the rou#s$ #ro#osed


a& 4n #re"Rejan the accent fell re ularly on the ultimate vo'el 'hen the #enultimate vo'el 'as sch'a/ other'ise on the #enultimate %DMalay"ty#e stress #attern&(

b& 4n #re"Rejan !M! last"syllable *a under'ent neutraliIation in t'o environments that can be eneraliIed in terms of a sin le formula( See 7(<(<( The t'o neutraliIations constitute the central #roblem of Rejan historical #honolo y as defined by McGinn %566=&; they a##lied very early in the historical %*-a?C/ _ *-?C/ e0ce#t before velars& is ty#olo ically rare( 4n McGinn %<>>>$ <>>@& it is su ested that any lan ua e in the 'estern Austronesian rou# that shared this #air of rules 'as eo i#so a candidate for sub rou#in 'ith Rejan (

#honolo y %before the stress shifted to the contem#orary #attern&/ and one of them

Such a lan ua e has indeed been re#orted in the literature by Christo#her Court( Bu-ar"Sadon 8and Waya-$ s#o-en in the area around Serian$ @rd Wistrict Sara'a-$ Malaysian Borneo$ betrays a similar %#arallel or shared& history in t'o res#ects; !M! *-a re ularly became sch'a %!M! *duha _ duh Nt'oN&/ and !M! *-aC

re ularly became "C e0ce#t before velars %Court 56F=&( McGinn %<>>@& attem#ted but 'as ultimately forced to reject a direct sub rou#in relationshi# bet'een Bu-ar"Sadon 8and Waya- and Rejan ( At one and the same time$ ho'ever$ it 'as #ro#osed that the early Rejan s #robably mi rated to Sumatra from some#lace near the 8and Waya- re ion of Borneo around 5<>> years a o( 2.2.! ?n <3%laining High Rates of Linguistic (hange Blust %5665b& and Ross %5665& su est there is a si nificant correlation

bet'een rate of sound chan e in a lan ua e and the eo ra#hical %mi ration&

distance from the homeland( 8et us call this the Blust"Ross .y#othesis %BR.&( ?or e0am#le$ Mada ascar$ o1 the coast of Africa$ is inhabited by s#ea-ers of a the coast of China& is inhabited by s#ea-ers of << hi hly diverse$ distantly" closely"related dialects of a sin le lan ua e/ Tai'an %a much smaller island o1


related lan ua es( Archeolo ists re#ort that Mada ascar has been occu#ied by

Austronesian s#ea-ers for about 5$>>> years/ for Tai'an the fi ure is more li-e F$>>> years( Wetails aside$ such facts are just 'hat should be antici#ated iven the BR.( An im#ortant fact about Rejan is the relatively hi h number of

#honolo ical chan es; over 5>> for any sin le dialect %Blust 56:7/ McGinn 566=$ <>>>$ <>>@&( Considerin just the four !M! vo'els$ Rejan has under one more vocalic s#lits %<=& than any other -no'n Austronesian lan ua e( As mentioned sli ht; only Ra'as sho's diver ence severe enou h to im#ede mutual earlier in this #a#er$ ho'ever$ dialect diversity amon Rejan dialects is relatively understandin ; rou hly =>"=<L of basic vocabulary is shared bet'een Ra'as and each of the other four dialects( A hi h rate of chan e cou#led 'ith a lo' level of dialect diversity leads to a #rediction; the Rejan s must have traveled to south" 'est Sumatra from a distant location relatively recently( .o'ever$ as #ointed out by Robert Blust %#ersonal communication&$ the #rediction by McGinn %<>>@& that the Rejan s ori inated in Sara'a-$ Malaysian Borneo""a scant F>> miles a'ay( On the other hand$ both Blust %5665b& and Ross %5665& have Auestioned

is not very com#ellin 'ith res#ect to eo ra#hy$ #articularly in li ht of ar uments

'hether eo ra#hy is the crucial variable here/ and Ross has o1ered an

alternative( 4t can be added that +i#ars-y %56::;@:@& believes that hi h rates of #honolo ical chan e favor #roduction$ lo' rates favor #erce#tion( This bias is #erha#s e0#lained by RossNs alternative e0#lanation ""rejected by Blust""namely$ that homeland lan ua es are conservative because they are dominated by older s#ea-ers 'ho tend to be intolerant of #erceived mista-es in #ronunciation and the homeland(& By contrast$ accordin to Ross$ out"mi ratin lan ua e rou#s are dominated by youn er adults 'ith children$ the latter bein the major source of innovations( %4n +i#ars-yNs terms$ younger language-produ!ers

rammar( %4n +i#ars-yNs terms$ adult language-per!eivers ?hearers/ predominate in

?speakers/ predominate in out-migrating groups(& Combinin these ideas$ the crucial variable is #robably not absolute eo ra#hical distance but N#sycholo ical


distanceN %isolation& from the homeland(

Returnin to the Rejan case$ a #lausible scenario is that the rou#

mi rated en masse 'ithout further contact$ and 'ithout leavin behind

suBcient #o#ulation to maintain their cultural and lin uistic identity in the homeland( 4f so$ then Rejan Ns hi h number of innovations is consistent 'ith its #resumed eo ra#hical isolation from the ori inal homeland %'herever it 'as&( 2.2./ Rawas As Local Ho#elan The ne0t Auestion to as- is; 'hich Rejan dialects are relatively more conservative$ and 'hich more innovativee Based on the BR.$ conservative dialect%s& should #oint to'ard the local homeland$ 'hereas the more innovative dialects should re#resent the communities that ventured out from there( As em#hasiIed throu hout this #a#er$ Ra'as is the most diver ent dialect in innovation$ or contact 'ith Malaye The evidence su #honolo y$ rammar$ and vocabulary""but is this caused by conservatism$ have #layed a role$ but that conservatism is the most #rominent(

ests that all three factors

A tellin ar ument for Ra'asG conservativism 'as mentioned in section <;

)very !R etymon can be reconstructed on the basis of just t'o dialects""either be stated in another 'ay as follo's; 4t is im#ossible to derive the Ra'as data

Ra'as and !esisir or %more often& Ra'as and +ebana un ( The ar ument can from an alternative !R reconstructed on the basis of any t'o$ three$ or four of the remainin dialects( To re#eat just one rather ty#ical e0am#le; 4n all dialects e0ce#t Ra'as$ 'ord"final !R *-l from !M! *-l and *-R disa##eared$ and adjacent vo'els !R *o and a di#hthon iIed to oa and ea res#ectively/ but Ra'as retained !R 'ord"final *l and the adjacent vo'els did not di#hthon iIe( See @(<(@( N'aterN iven only !8M+ bioa and !M! *wahiR( Readers can 'or- out for themselves the im#ossibility of #redictin Ra'as biol 4f this ar ument is acce#ted to ether 'ith the BR.$ the conclusion is clear(

The u##er reaches of the Ra'as River %Bioa Abs& re#resents the first area settled by the Rejan s in Sumatra(


2.2.2 "eighbors in $u#atra5 (ontact Issues 4f Ra'as$ +ebana un and !esisir re#resent the NoutlierN dialect areas$ the 8ebon and Musi dialects occu#y the Rejan heartland( They are centrally located/ they are hi hest in elevation at the head'aters of the +etaun and Musi rivers/ and they occu#y the #olitical center %called +abu#aten Rejan "8ebon &( There is even a 'or-in old mine there( 4m#ortantly for #ur#oses of this #a#er$

the 8ebon and Musi areas share no boundary 'ith Malay"s#ea-in #o#ulations; every #oint of contact 'ith the 'orld beyond Rejan "8ebon is either another Rejan dialect or uninhabited jun le( See ma# 5(5(

4n this section are listed some lin uistic elements in Rejan that a##ear to

be the result of areal #ressures( The first t'o #layed im#ortant roles in the develo#ment of Ra'as( a& Borro'ed "h obviated di#hthon iIation of !R *- ? in Ra'as and

+ebana un ""the t'o dialects in closest contact 'ith Malay( %See ma# 5(5(& !R vo'els contrasted 'ith inherited !R * from !M! *i( *a( * via a number of re ular vocalic shifts( .o'ever$ the source %donor& lan ua e remains to be discovered( c& Rejan Ns di#hthon s""#articularly the lar e number derived from !M! b& Borro'ed !R *e %D mid front unrounded vo'el& in the inventory of

vo'els %see Table 5@&""mi ht 'ell receive an inter#retation in terms of areal

#ressure( An im#ortant claim that bears re#eatin is that these di#hthon s arose after dialect s#lit in Rejan $ hence re#resent late chan es( 4t is hi hly li-ely that they develo#ed in #art in res#onse to the lar er social milieu 'hich included lin uistic contact %intermarria e$ etc(& 'ith at least t'o nei hborin lan ua es li-e'ise dis#layin lar e numbers of di#hthon s$ namely$ +erinci %!rentice and .a-im 56=:/ Blust 56:7;77>& and Minan -abau Malay( d& As #ointed out in @(@(<$ t'o Rejan #ronouns are une0#lained; !8M+

udi N<!#lN/ and Ra'as kabn N<!s N e0#ected -a'MM&( !ossibly Ra'as kabn is an


internal borro'in based on kabn NfriendN %cf( Ujan Mas Malay kaba %McGinn 5665;<56&( Blust %566<& has ar ued that Malayic s#ea-ers 'ere relatively late arrivals

in Sumatra( 4f so$ the Rejan s li-ely #receded them( This vie' is consistent both 'ith lin uistic facts and 'ith le ends on both sides( Rejan s refer to themselves as tun asly Xori inal #eo#leG$ and the Besemah Malays a##ear to

a ree( Accordin to ,illiam Collins %566:&$ some Besemah me aliths are called makam Rejang %ZRejan ravesN&$ and Besemah le ends e0#lain ho' the Rejan s 'ere dis#laced by Besemah founder Atun Bun su by means of a cleverly 'orded oath( ,hatever the causes$ Rejan farmers came to occu#y the hi hlands 'hilst Malay farmers too- the surroundin lo'lands/ and several found their 'ay into the country as 'ell( Mean'hile$ the Malay"s#ea-in center of #resti e in the re ion %Coedes566<&( .. 'ossible Alternatives for 'roto4Rejang 1owels an Di%hthongs This section #resents some alternatives for derivin the Ra'as vo'els and

other major lan ua e rou#s %the +omerin $ the +erinci$ and the 8am#un ese& 3avano"Malay em#ire of Sri'ijaya rose and fell in !alemban $ the unrivaled

di#hthon s from !roto"Rejan and ultimately !M!( The alternatives are

#resented as less #lausible than the analyses that a##eared in the body of the limits on lin uistic reconstructions( Realism; !rotolan ua es must conform to the e0#ectations of attested

#a#er( The discussion 'ill be uided by t'o #rinci#les 'hich serve to im#ose

lan ua es( This is a theoretical %a #riori& condition mar-in as hi hly sus#icious the reconstruction of #honemes or arrays of #honemes that are not to be found in attested lan ua es any'here on earth( Moreover$ since rammars tend over'helmin ly to dis#lay motivated structures$ it follo's that #rotolan ua es should be the same( My claims that the !R vo'el inventory consisted of seven


vo'els in an ordered array$ and that the !R le0icon 'as overned by vo'el #rotolan ua e failin to yield #lausible structures fails to be realistic(

harmony$ re#resent t'o #ro#osals for a structured #rotolan ua e named !R( A

the set of lan ua es and dialects #resumably derived from them( 4n this res#ect$ !R * is a #lausible reconstruction because the Ra'as dialect bears direct 'itness to it( By contrast$ !R *-j from !M! *-j is not su##orted by "j in any of the dialects but rather by a #honetically ambivalent formal corres#ondence$ may al'ays remain #roblematic %Blust 5665c;5@<& (<= 4t has #roven its namely$ !M!c!R *-j _ k D g D t( 4n fact$ !M! *-j is #uIIlin #honetically and usefulness in Rejan .istorical !honolo y %and re#eated for other Austronesian lan ua e rou#s& as a 'ay of ca#turin the formal re ularity of a #honetically of the uniformitarian #rinci#le( ?our interestin cases arise in R.! sho'in ho' the t'o #rinci#les disjunctive corres#ondence set( But it remains #roblematic from the stand#oint

Uniformitarianism; !rotolan ua es must be motivated by the evidence of

mention above can come into conCict( T'o have to do 'ith the seven"vo'el system reconstructed for !R/ the remainin t'o have to do 'ith di#hthon s derived from !M! vo'els(

5& Alternatives for derivin t'o Ra'as di#hthon s from !M!c!R vo'els; a& ,hy not re#lace !R *-i 'ith *- from !M! *-a %e( ( *mat from !M! *mata XeyeG& at the level of !roto"Rejan e %Recall that *- re#resents an essential intermediate ste# in the derivation of Ra'as y from !M! *-a(& b& ,hy not reconstruct di#hthon iIed end"rhymes !R "*ia and *-ua to underlie !esisir and 8ebon "ia and "ua corres#ondin to Ra'as "h and "ohe %Recall that in the body of the #a#er these di#hthon s 'ere derived from !R *-i and *-u$ res#ectively(& <& Alternatives to the seven"vo'el inventory of vo'els for !roto"Rejan ; c& ,hy not reconstruct !R * alon side * to yield an ei ht"vo'el system for !Re



,hy not remove !R * and thereby #osit a si0"vo'el inventory for !roto"

Rejan e

These four alternatives are considered in turn belo'( a& !R *mati. XeyeG( ,hy not reconstruct !R *mat. from !M! *mata XeyeG

#arallel to !R *it from !M! *?k/ita X5!#l%incl&Ge As #ointed out in section 7(<(<$ Ra'as maty XeyeG re#resents the re ular outcome based on a seAuence of rules But *mat. 'as #re"Rejan / the #ro#osed !R form 'as *mati. 'hich directly *mat. _ !R *mati. _ Ra'as maty XeyeG( 4t must be admitted that 'hich includes *mat. %'ith stress on the ultimate vo'el& as intermediate form( underlies Ra'as maty( The full derivation is; !M! *mata _ ma;ta _ *ma.t _ reconstructin *mat. instead of *mati. at the level of !R 'ould be hi hly attractive from the realist #ers#ective$ because *mat. conforms to the vo'el harmony structures #osited for !R %unli-e *mati. 'hich brea-s the mold&( .o'ever$ realism does not im#ly #erfection/ real lan ua es are often im#erfect(

After all$ structures do under o chan e/ moreover$ *mati. re#resents the #relude to several di#hthon iIation #rocesses that Ncons#iredN to %#artially& destroy vo'el harmony( The ultimate reason to #refer !R *mati. over *mat. is that the former

involves less abstraction( 4n every dialect !R stressed *-i. from !M! *-a

develo#ed e0actly the same as !R stressed *-i. from !M! *-i( !ut in another

'ay$ *mati. re#resents the XsaferG alternative from the uniformitarian #ers#ective( b& !R *pulu Xten and !R *ili XchooseG( ,hy not reconstruct !R *pulua from !M! *puluq XtenG and !R *ili from !M! *piliq XchooseGe This may be a from either !R *ili or *ilia( Given !R *ili 'e have a lon er derivation that includes di#hthon iIation; *ili _ *ilih _ *ilih _ *ilh _ alah( Given !R *ilia the derivation is one ste# shorter; *ili _ *ilih _ *ilh _ alah( Auestion for #honeticians$ for 'hat is at sta-e is the derivation of Ra'as lh

Actually$ there is little to choose bet'een these t'o alternatives considered by themselves( .o'ever$ the #arallel case of !M! XtenG is not Auite so ambivalent(


!R *pulu yields the sim#ler derivation; *pulu _ *puluh _ *puloh _ *poloh(

By contrast$ !R *pulua 'ould reAuire not only a lon er derivation$ but also a rather dubious reversal of sim#le vo'el to di#hthon and bac- a ain to sim#le vo'el; !M! *puluq _ *pulua _ *puluah _ *puloah _ poloh( A strict uniformitarian 'ould #erha#s ar ue that Ra'as poloh sho's no evidence of also ained by ado#tin this #ers#ective here; it su##orts a #otentially vo'els develo#ed after dialect s#lit( Ee0t$ 'e consider the conseAuences of re#lacin !RNs seven"vo'el

di#hthon iIation$ so 'hy im#ose it on the derivatione A structural advanta e is si nificant eneraliIation$ namely$ all contem#orary di#hthon s from !M!

inventory %based on Ra'as& 'ith either an ei ht"vo'el inventory %'itnessed by none of the dialects& or a si0"vo'el inventory %'itnessed by four of five attention( c& ,hy not reconstruct !R * #arallel to *e As readers can easily 'ordialects&( 4n either alternative$ the historical status of Ra'as is the focus of

out for themselves$ it is certainly #lausible to #ro#ose a symmetrical ei ht"vo'el system for !R$ and also a set of diachronic rules 'ith reater #arallelism than chan es li-e !M! *lait _ !R *lt Xs-yG there 'ould be !M! *manuk _ the analysis #resented in the body of the #a#er( ?or e0am#le$ alon side re ular *m n k Xchic-enG and an e0tra rule such that !R * _ o 'as an unconditioned #an"dialectal rule #arallelin the %absolutely necessary& unconditioned rule !R * _ e that a1ected all dialects e0ce#t Ra'as( Eotice that this alternative ei ht"vo'el system is #erfectly reasonable from the realist #oint of vie'$ and

may even be correct( But if so$ it must overcome the uniformitarian objection that the #ro#osed contrast bet'een !R * and *o is not su##orted by any of the to overturn the uniformitarian objection in this case( contem#orary dialects( Stron ar uments %not ventured here& 'ould be reAuired


The ans'er o1ered here is some'hat tentative( A si0 vo'el system %*i( *u( *( *e( *o( *a& is su##orted by contem#orary !8M+( Given such a system for !R$

d& ,hy not eliminate !R * and #osit si0"vo'els for !R based on !8M+e

Ra'as 'ould have develo#ed after dialect s#lit( One conseAuence is that the corres#ondence set e-e D e-e D e-e D e-e D - 'ould have to reCect !R vo'el" #air *e-e/ moreover $ a number of chan es 'ould be needed to account for the Ra'as in these e0am#les and several other ty#es of cases( Such an analysis

'ould 'or- if every !R *e 'ere derivable from !M!$ but that is a##arently not the case( Consider the fact that !R *kidek became Ra'as kedek and not -ada-MM Ra'as& e0#lains 'hy contem#orary Ra'as al'ays reCects vo'els inherited the assum#tion that Ra'as is conservative$ and continues to reCect the !R distinction bet'een inherited #honemes %*-& derived directly from !M! vo'els$ and borro'ed #honemes e and e-e 'hich did not e0ist in !M! and the other dialects %inherited& * and %borro'ed& *e mer ed as e( On these or -ida-MM( The assum#tion that *e and * contrasted in !R %as in contem#orary from !M!$ 'hereas Ra'as e never does( The e0#lanation is strai htfor'ard on

'hich$ after enterin #re"Rejan $ remained distinct in !R$ as in Ra'as$ 'hile in assum#tions$ it is reasonable to claim that !M! *lait became !R *lt Ns-yN alon side borro'ed !R *kidek$ and then$ after dialect s#lit$ the follo'in t'o chan es occurred( %i& 4n !8M+ !R *lt became leet via unconditioned chan e * _ e( %ii& 4n Ra'as *kidek _ kede?( 4t just seems harder %#erha#s im#ossible& then derivin the Ra'as outcomes( .o' could #utative !R *leet become lt via the chan e *e _ 'hile at the same time *kidek became kedek and not -ada-MM or at least -ida-MMe to justify reconstructin !M! *lait to become !R *leet alon side !R *kidek$ and

A second objection to the si0"vo'el hy#othesis concerns the #honetic

motivation for outcomes li-e Ra'as pn D !8M+ epen from !M! *ipen Ti#SnV( 4n a !R si0"vo'el system$ !R *epen is #erfectly harmoniIed$ 'hich leaves little room to motivate the chan e *e _ needed in Ra'as to #roduce pn( The

only #ossible motivation 'ould be a theoretically hi hly dubious one$ namely$ a N#ush"chainN e1ect 'hereby non"native 'ords li-e kedek NbadN %source un-no'n&$


sen NmoneyN %Wutch&$ and laher NbornN %Malay& had to be distin uished from native 'ords li-e #utative !R *epen by chan in them to pn( Since the days of Ras#honetic or %more recently& #honolo ical rounds( Clearly such rounds are lac-in in this account( Therefore$ if our analysis is acce#ted$ !R had a seven"vo'el system and Grimm$ theories of lin uistic chan e have sou ht to e0#lain sound shifts on

%includin *&( 4t follo's that after dialect s#lit$ all dialects e0ce#t Ra'as under'ent unconditioned chan e !R * _ e$ thereby broadenin the distribution of !R *e( By contrast$ in Ra'as there 'ere four ty#es of vocalic chan es 'hich broadened the distribution of ( ?irst$ vo'el coalescence #roduced Ra'as from the !R seAuence *-ai-$ e( ( Ra'as n? from !R *naik Second$ the Ra'as 'ord"final rhyme "h as in puth N'hiteN and lh NchooseN re ularly reCects !R *-i? from !M! *-iq %!M! *putiq N'hiteN and !M! *piliq NchooseN&( Third$ the derivation of Ra'as lh D !8M+ from !R *ili? %k !M! in Ra'as %'hereas lt Ns-yN develo#ed before s#lit&( ?inally$ the #ronoun

%k!M! *nahik NclimbN&$ and Ra'as pt from !R *pait %k !M! *paqit NbitterN&(

*piliq NchooseN& sho's one case of the vo'el"#air - develo#in after dialect s#lit kmy sho's another case( !resumably !R *kimi %from !M! *kami N5!#l%e0cl&N& by di#hthon iIation %_ *kimy& follo'ed by an une0#lained harmoniIation pn XtoothG&( chan e modeled on an earlier #erfectly re ular chan e %!M! and !R *ipn _ So far our survey of sources of Ra'as and e has turned u# e only from

borro'ed sources$ 'hereas occurs in both borro'ed 'ords and inherited ado#ted throu hout this #a#er; %a& !R * contrasted 'ith !R *e/ %b& the

'ords(<: This eneral situation is best e0#lained in terms of three assum#tions distribution of from !R * e0#anded in Ra'as/ and %c& the distribution e from !R *e e0#anded in the other dialects throu h an unconditioned chan e of !R * _ e %see set A$ table 5<&( Rebecca 8( Cann %<>>>&( 4 should li-e to conclude this #a#er 'ith a Auotation from Eature 'riter


,ords do not fossiliIe( iet they leave evidence of their evolution in the evolutionary history of the #o#ulations that transmit them(

#o#ulations that s#ea- them$ in much the same 'ay that enes reveal the

A standard assum#tion in historical #honolo y$ 'ell"su##orted by the evidence of this #a#er$ is that dialect di1erences develo# from %mostly& re ular chan es that may a1ect each dialect sli htly di1erently %Blust 5665c$ 5666&( By follo'in standard techniAues of lin uistic reconstruction$ as#ects of the lin uistic history of a set of dialects %such as the five Rejan dialects under thereby revealed( 4n addition$ le0icostatistical and lottochronolo ical investi ation here& can sometimes be reconstructed$ and as#ects of the #ast techniAues$ althou h admittedly crude and ine0act$ may allo' such results to be combined 'ith evidence from other fields %such as archeolo y and enetics& to be ma##ed onto a ra#h re#resentin years of se#aration %Bell'ood$ ?o0 and Tryon 566K&( The evidence thus e0tracted from various fields 'ill someday

#rovide the necessary facts and ar uments for understandin the e0ternal history of the Rejan s; 'here they came from$ ho' lon they have occu#ied the Barisan hi hlands of south'est Sumatra$ and 'hether they #receded or follo'ed the other lan ua e rou#s #resently occu#yin the surroundin lo'lands( Consideration of such Auestions has been touched u#on in this #a#er only in terms of #ossible conseAuences that may follo' reasonably from the lin uistic evidence( But the ans'ers #rovided here re#resent only the first$ some'hat tentative$ #ro#osals in relation to these broader issues( At one and the same serve to encoura e future research in lin uistics$ archeolo y$ anthro#olo y$ history$ and education relatin to the Rejan #eo#le and their Sumatran nei hbors(

time$ an im#ortant oal 'ill have been met if the Auestions raised in this #a#er


A##endi0; Reconstructions ,ith Rejan ,ordlists

Eote; !M! vocabulary is ta-en from Blust %56:<$ 56:7$ 5666& and from the archived material in BlustNs Austronesian Com#arative Wictionary( This last is an invaluable on"line resource reAuirin #ermission from the author$ hereby ratefully ac-no'led ed( Eo( !M! Ra'as 5( <( @( 7( Manay anuy MaQin aQin ManaanaO Mi"sai sa#a' a#Sy K( F( =( :( 6( 5>( 55( MajeQ aOaQ Mare# naO MhasaA asah Mase# asS# Mate# atS# Mati Slum MAatay atuy !R Gloss Manuy termite MaQin 'ind Manachild Ma#icsa#a 'hoe 'hoe %honorific& MaraQ charcoal MarS# ho#e MasaO shar#en MasS# smo-e MatS# roof Mati not yet Matuy liver atSy atSy atie atSe ati ati ati ati atS# atS# atS# atS# asS# asS# asS# asS# asSaO asSaO asSaO asah aOS# loO aOS# ahS# aOaQ aOaQ aOaQ ahaQ n(d( a#i a#i a#i anaO anoO anaO anaaQin aQin aQin aQin anSy"anSy ma-o anie anSe"anSe !esisir 8ebon Musi +eban(


5<( 5@(

Mha'abadSn M-uac ci inan M-uja

Ma'abody Ma'ay i#Sc ho'e Mci inan Ma-at to tie Ma#an tooth Masa# sucMba em#hatic em#hatic MbabaO belo' MbalSs re#ly MbalSt root MbaluQ thi h Mba#afather MbataQc tree M#un Mbau odor MbanaQ tortoise

a'aO n(d(

a'oO a'Sy i#S

a'aO a'Sy i#S

a'aa'Sy i#o

57( 5K( 5F( 5=(

Mhi-et a-at Mi#en a#an Mise# asa# Mba ba interro ( #article

e-et e#en ese# ba

e-et e#en ese# ba

e-et e#en ese# ba

e-et e#en ese# ba

5:( 56( <>( <5( <<( <@(

MbabaA #i"bah Mbales balSs M'aRet bania "" n(d( Mba#a"A ba#aO MbataQc bataQ M#uAun trun-

bSaO balSs balSt baluQ ba#aO #un

bSaO balSs balSt baluQ ba#aO #un

bSaO balSs balSt n(d( ba#aO bataQ

bah mSQalSs balSt baluQ ba#a#un

<7( <K(

Mbahu baS' MbaniQ labSyc

ba' beneQ

ba' beneQc

baS' beneQ

bahS' beneQ


-uOo -uOa' <F( <=( <:( <6( @>( @5( @<( MbalibalaO MbalanabSlanaO MbalaQa bSlaQSy MbaAeRu bSlS' Mbener bSnSa MbenaAi bSnuy MbeReAat bSnS@@( @7( @K( @F( MbedubuOuO MbitiAis -a-al Mbetul bSnSa MbibiR bibiacQus @=( MbinehiA bSnah @:( @6( M'aRi bilSy MbilubeloO Mbalareturn MbSlanamullet MbSlaQi clay #ot MbSlu ne' MbSnSr correct MbSnuy sand MbSnS c heavy MbSrSt MbSrua#e MbStis calf %le & MbStul true Mbibirc li#s MQus MbiniOh seed MbSniO Mbili day Miloreturn iloO iloO iloO si#aQ bilay bilay bilSy bilSy biniaO biniaO beneaO beneah bibia bibia bebea Qus bStoa bStoa bStoa bStoa bStis bStis bStis bStis bSOuO bSOuO bSOuO bSOuO bSOSt bSnSbSOSt bShSt bSnSy bSnSy bSnie bSnSe bSnSa bSnSa bSnSa bSnSh bSla' bSla' bSlS' bSlS' n(d( n(d( bSlaQSy n(d( bSlanaO bSlanaO bSlanaO bSlanabeleO beleO beleO bele-


7>( 75( 7<( 7@( 77( 7K(

MbaRani binSy M'ahiR biol MbituAin bitaQ MbuaA buah"buah MbuAaya mouy Mbahi anaO sela"'uy

Mbini brave Mbiol 'ater MbitaQ star MbuaO fruit Mbuay crocodile Mbuy female

binay bioa bitaQ buaO buay bSy

binay bioa bitaQ buaO buay anoO sela"'Sy

binSy bioa bitaQ boaO buayo bie

binSy bioa bitaQ boah buaSy -S#i-

7F( 7=( 7:( 76( K>( K5( K<( K@( K7( KK(

Mbulan bulSn Mbulat bulSt Mbulu bulS' MbuQa buQSy MbuhebuO MbuRuat Mbatu butS' "" n(d( "" laQ Mesah da'

MbulSn moon MbulSt round Mbulu feather MbuQi Co'er Mbuhead hair Mburubad/ 'orn out Mbutu stone MTcic-SV-uQ throat McuaclaQ not Mda one

bulSn bulSt bula' buQay buO buOuO buta' ci-uQ cua n(d(

bulSn bulSt bula' buQay buO buOuO buta' ci-uQ cua do

bulSn bulSt bulS' buQSy buO buOuO butS' n(d( coa do

bulSn bulSt bulS' buQi bubuhubutS' -S-uQ coa do


Misa KF( K=( K:( Mdada dada' M%d&aRaA dalah Mlalej dalSt K6( F>( F5( F<( F@( F7( FK( FF( F=( F:( F6( =>( =5( MIalan dalSn MdaAan dan Mdana' dani' "" das "" daOSt Mdahun daun Mdebu dSbS' M'alu la#Sn MdeRes dSOSs "" dSy MdilaA lidah MIaRum dolom Mda#uR do#oa MdadS chest MdalaO blood MdalSj houseCy MdalSn road Mdan branch Mdani' la-e Mdas %on& to# MdarSt inland Mdaun leaf MdSbu dust MdSla#Sn ei ht MdSrSs s'ift current Mdi there MdilaO ton ue Mdolom needle Mdo#ol hearth do#oa do#oa do#oa do#oa dolom dolom dolom dolom dilSaO dilSaO dilSaO dilah di di di di n(d( n(d( dSOSs dShSs dSla#Sn dSla#Sn dSla#Sn dSla#Sn dSbu aba' QSbu sahabuda'Sn da'Sn da'Sn da'Sn n(d( n(d( daOSt dahSt n(d( das das das danS' danS' danuo danSa dan dan dan dan dalSn dalSn dalSn dalSn dalSdalSdalSdalS TdalS-V dalSaO dalSaO dalSaO dalah dado dado dado dado


=<( =@( =7( =K( =F( ==( =:( =6( :>( :5( :<( :@( :7( :K( :F( :=( ::(

Mduha duSy Mdu-ut du-ut MAiliR #i"lot "" SmR Sm Membun SmR un Menem num M atel atal MQajan an M#e eQ oQ M ila# -Sla#"-Sli# M ene# SnS# MAudi# idu# Mi-uR i-uO M#iliA alah M#"inIem iPRSm "" inRoO MhisaQ isaQ

Mdui t'o Mdu-ut rass Milir do'nstream MSmR Sm burn MSmR un cloud Mnum si0 M atal itch M an name M oQ hold M SlS# Cash M SnS# com#lete Midu# alive Mi-ol tail MiliO choose MiPRSm borro' MinRomother MisaQ ills

duay du-ut lot n(d SmR un num ata en oQ SlS# SnS# idu# i-oa iliaO iPRSm inRoO isaQ

duay du-ut mSQilot n(d( SmR un num ata en oQ -Sla#"-Sli# SnS# idu# i-oa iliaO iPRSm inRoO isaQ

duSy du-ut elea SmR Sm SmR un num ata en oQ SlS# SnS# idu# i-oa eleaO iPRSm inRoO isaQ

dui du-ut ilihclot SmR Sm a'an num ata en oQ SmilS# SnS# idu# i-oa eleah iPRSm inRoisaQ


:6( 6>( 65( 6<( 6@( 67( 6K( 6F( 6=( 6:( 66( 5>>

Misi isSy "" bu-Sn MAituQ ri-in Ma#a i an M-ut-ut -aut M-utu utS' M-abut -abut M-a-a"A -a-aO Mhi-an -an M-a"'anan -anSn M-asa' -asi' "" tu-uO

Misi contents MisocMbu-Sn not a MituQ count Mjano 'hate M aut scratch M utu louse M-abut fo M-a-aeld(sib( M-an fish M-anSn ri htside M-asi' rafter M-a Sn necM-a-al le / foot M-a'al to fish M-a'at fish hooM-Sbol thicM-S-aO Coor

isay iso ituQ jano aut uta' -abut -a-aO -an -anSn -asS' -a Sn -e-ea -e'ea -e'et n(d( -SaO

isay iso ituQ jano a'St uta' -abut -a-oO -an -anSn -asS' -a Sn -e-ea -e'ea -e'et -Sboa

isSy iso ituQ jano aut utS' -abut jisanaO -an -anSn -asuo -a Sn -e-ea -e'ea -e'et -Sboa

isSy iso ituQ jano ahut utS' -abut -a-a-an -anSn -asSa -aha Sn -e-ea -e'ea -ait -Sboa -ah

5>5( "" -a-al 5><( M-a'il #anciQ 5>@( M-a'it -ait 5>7( Mma"-a#al -Sbol 5>K( "" latay

-SaOclStSaO -SaO


5>F( M-ena -Sna' 5>=( M-em#u -S#S' child 5>:( "" alSy 5>6( M-eRiQ -iOiQ 55>( Mesa-"SsaO 555( "" n(d( 55<( M-ami -amay 55@( M-ita -itS 557( M-iIe# oac-Sdi# 55K( MIaAat -edeOcat 55F( M-ahi' -ii' 55=( M-ilat -ilSt 55:( M-ahu -abSn 556( M-amu -umS' 5<>( Masu -ucaO 5<5( MlaQa' laQi'

M-Sna stri-e M-S#u rand"

-Sno -S#a'

-Sno -S#a'

-Sno -S#S'

-Sno -S#S'

M-SrStS all M-SriQ dry M-"SsacooM-Stot -nee M-imi 'e M-itS 'e M"-iIS# blinM-ideevil M-ii' 'ood M-ilSt li htnin M-o you %s (& M-umu M-uyudo MlaQi' horseCy

-StS -SOiQ -"SsaO -Stot -eme %e0cl(& itS %incl(& -ijS# n(d( -iS' ilS# -o -umu -uyuO laQS'

-utS -SOiQ -"SsoO -Stot -eme itS sS"-ijS# -ideO -iS' -ilat -o -umu -uyuO laQS'

-StS -SOiQ -"SsaO n(d( -eme itS sS"-ijS# -ideO -iuo -ilat -o -umu -uyuO laQuo

-ShStS -ShiQ -"Ssa-Stot -eme itS dS"-ijS# -idS-iSa sSmitoac-ilSt -o -umu -uyulaQSa

you %s ( honorific&


5<<( Mlahud laut 5<@( Mla'aA lSlabah 5<7( MlaQit laQat 5<K( Mlain lain 5<F( MlebiA lSbah 5<=( Mlem #ilSmholSm 5<:( Mlima lSma' 5<6( MlesuQ lSsuQ 5@>( Mma"Raya lSy 5@5( MlibeR libSa 5@<( MlaRi%'& lilSy 5@@( Mni#is mS"li#is 5@7( MbeRay luy 5@K( MleceA lScah 5@F( MAali"metaA litah 5@=( "" titah 5@:( Mlurus luOus

Mlaut sea Mla'aO s#ider MlaQat s-y MlSySn other MlSbiO more M%#i&lSm inside MlSma five MlSsuQ mortar Mli bi MlibSr 'ide Mlilay run MmS"li#is thin Mluy ive MlScaO soa-ed MlitaO leech MluaO command Mlurus strai ht

laut la'SaO leQet lSySn lSbiaO lSm lSmo lSsuQ lay libSa lilay mi#is lSy n(d( litSaO n(d( n(d(

laut la'SaO leQet luySn lSbiaO lSm lSmo lSsuQ lay libSa lilay mi#is lSy n(d( litSaO n(d( n(d(

laut la'SaO leQet lSySn lSbeaO lSm lSmo lSsuQ lSy libSa lilSy mi#is lie lScSaO litSaO loaO luOus

laut la'ah leQet dS"bStSe lSbeah hSlSm lSmo lSsuQ lSy libSh lilSy mi#is lSe lScah litah loah luhus


5@6( Mmama"A 'aO 57>( Mmata matSy 575( Mmatay matuy 57<( "" may 57@( Mum"inen mR u- biol 577( MIaAit mSnRat 57K( Mma"iRaA abaQ 57F( Mmi"he#i mi#Sy 57=( Memis mis 57:( MmanumonoO 576( Mma"aPud aPut 5K>( Mum"utaA mutah 5K5( "" taQclS 5K<( "" nam 5K@( "" nam #St 5K7( Mni#ay ular 5KK( MnahinaO

Mmamamo(bro( Mmati eye Mmatuy die Mmay to Mmanam drinMmSn"dat se' MmilaO red Mmi#i dream Mmis s'eet Mmonochic-en Mmonot MmutaO vomit

tama matay matSy may menem mSnRet milSaO mi#ay mis monoO monot mutSaO

mamoO matay matSy moy menem mSnRet milSaO mi#ay mis monoO monot mutSaO naO nam nam #St duQ nSO

mamaO matSy matie may menem mSnRet milSaO mi#Sy mis monoO monot mutSaO naO nam nam #St no#oy neO

mamamatSy matSe may menem mSnRet abaQ mi#Sy mis monomonot mutah nanam nam #St no#oy ne-

drift/ 'ash a'ay

Mna-cMtaQcMlS naO at Mnam able to Mnam #St -no' %#erson& Mna#uy sna-e Mnaclimb neO n(d( nam #St nam


5KF( Mni"a nS 5K=( MniuR niol 5K:( Mni"hu -abSn 5K6( MPa'a PabSy 5F>( MPamuPomoO 5F5( "" QeceO 5F<( Mulej ulSt 5F@( "" #adah 5F7( M#anas #anSs 5FK( M#ana' #ani' 5FF( M#anIaQ #aPRaQ 5F=( Mhe#at #at 5F:( M#ataA #atah 5F6( "" -SdSt 5=>( M#ajay #ay 5=5( M#aAit #at 5=<( MAa#eju #S S'

MnS @%s (& Mniol coconut Mnu <%s (& MPabi soul MPomomosAuito MQi-e tell lie Molocater#illar M#adaO say M#anSs hot M#ani' 'allon M#at four M#atiO breaM#aranear M#ay rice #lant M#at bitter M#S u all M#aPRaQ

nS nioa nu Pabay PomoO #SlSlos olo#adSaO #anSs #anS' #aPRaQ #at #atiaO n(d( #ay #et #S a'

nS nioa nu Pabay PomoO Qi-e olo#adSaO #anSs #anS' #aPRaQ #at #atiaO n(d( #oy #et #S a'

nS nioa nu PabSy PomoO Qi-e olo#adSaO #anSs #anuo #aPRaQ #at #ateaO #aOaO #ay #et #S S'

nS nioa nu PabSy PomoQi-e olo Tolo-V #adah #anSs #anSa #aPRaQ #at #ateah #aha#ay #et ahSy"ahSy


5=@( M#alaAe#aA #SlS#ah 5=7( M#enuA #Snoh 5=K( M#eRes nScit 5=F( "" #iS 5==( M#isa' #isi' 5=:( M#uluA #oloh 5=6( M#unay #unuy 5:>( M#anda#daO 5:5( M#usej #usSt 5:<( M#u-et #o-ot 5:@( M#ulut #ulut 5:7( M#uAun bataQ 5:K( "" #u-Sn 5:F( M#uter #utSa 5:=( M#utiA #utah 5::( MRa-it a-at 5:6( "" jaQ

M#SlS#aO #alm frond M#enuO full M#SrSs sAueeIe M#iS here M#isi' -nife M#uluO ten M#unuy dove M#nRaO short M#usSj navel M#u-St dra net M#ulut bird lime M#un tree M#uru-Sn M#utSr turn M#utiO 'hite Mra-at raft MreIaQ Rejan

#SlS#SaO #SnuaO nSmSs #io #isS' #uluaO #onoy #nRaO #osojilay #ulut #un #u-Sn #utSa #utiaO e-et jaQ

#SlS#SaO #SnuaO niua #io #isS' #uluaO #onoy tSmSaO #osojaOiQ #ulut #un -iS' #u-Sn #utSa #utiaO e-et jaQ

#SlS#SaO #SnoaO #SOSs #io #isuo #oloaO #onoy #nRaO #oso#u-St #ulut #un #u-Sn #utSa #uteaO e-et jaQ

#SlS#ah #Snoah nShah #io #isSa #oloah #onoy #da#oso jalSy #ulut #un #uhu-Sn n(d( #uteah he-et hSjaQ

#ouch of chic-en


56>( Mrimba imR a' 565( MRatus otos 56<( "" jaoh 56@( MRumaA umah 567( "" saOS# 56K( "" n(d( 56F( Msi'a sSmilSn 56=( Msi"ia sSy 56:( Msi"ida sSyctobo S 566( Msilun -u-S' sS"manuy <>5( Msem#it sS#it <><( MAasiRa aOSm <>@( Msilu silS' <>7( MsintasitaO <>K( MsabuQ soboQ <>F( Msa#u su#S'

MrimR a forest Mrotos hundred MruO far MrumaO house MsarS# to litter MsSlaiIIard MsSmilSn nine Msi @%s (& MsicMtobo S @%#l(& MsSlon

imR o otos uaO umSaO saOS# n(d( sSmilSn si sictobo o sSlon sS"manSy sS#it silay sila' tS"-aPSt soboQ su#a'

imR o otos uaO umSaO saOS# sSloO sSmilSn si sictobo o sSlon sSmanSy sS#it silay sila' sitoO soboQ su#a'

imR o otos oaO umSaO saOS# n(d( sSmilSn si sictobo o sSlon sS"manie sS#it silSy silS' sitaO soboQ su#S'

himR o hotos hoah umah sahS# sSlasSmilSn si sictobo o sSlon sSboQ sS#it silSy silS' sitasoboQ su#S'

cla'/ fin ernail male MsS#it narro' Msili salt Msilu Msitato jerMsoboQ coc-fi ht Msu#u broom rheumatic #ain

<>>( Mma"RuAanay M"manuy


<>=( Msurat suOSt <>:( Msusu -ajut #uan <>6( MtaIem tajSm <5>( Mtales -SladSy <55( MtaneA tanah <5<( Mtanem tanSm <5@( MtaQan taQSn <57( MtaAun ton <5K( Mta'ad ta'Sa <5F( Mta'a ta'Sy <5=( Mbu-id tSba' <5:( Mte-a tS-a' <56( MtuAelaE tSlan <<>( Mtelu tSlS' <<5( MAateluR tSnolctenoa <<<( MtinaAi tSnuy <<@( MdeQeR tiOuO

MsurSt 'rite Msusu breast milMtajSm shar# MtalSs taro MtanaO earth MtanSm to #lant MtaQSn hand Mtaun year Mta'Sr ha le Mta'i lau h MtSba hill MtS-a come MtSlan bone MtSlu three MtSnol e MtSnuy intestines MtSQoa hear

n(d( susa' tajSm talSs tanSaO tanSm taQSn taun ta'Sa ta'ay tSbo tS-o tSlan tSla' tSnoa tSnSy tSQoa

n(d( susu #uan tajSm talSs tanSaO tanSm taQSn taun ta'Sa ta'ay tSbo tS-o tSlan tSla' tSnoa tSnSy tSQoa

suOSt susS' tajSm talSs tanSaO tanSm taQSn taun ta'Sa ta'Sy bu-itctSbo tS-o tSlan tSlS' tSnoa tSnie tSQoa

suhSt susS' tajSm talSs tanah tanSm taQSn taun ta'Sh ta'Sy tSbo timR oa tSlan tSlS' tSnoa tSnSe tSQoa


<<7( Mtanda tanRS <<K( MtebaQ tSbaQ <<F( Mta-ebas tSbas <<=( Mte-tetStoO <<:( MtiduR tidua <<6( Mti-am tujah <@>( "" tiOuO <@5( Mtirus cituQ <@<( Mtalih tilSy <@@( Mtimba timR a' <@7( MtimeRaA timah <@K( MtimbatimR aO <@F( Mhiu# tiu# <@=( MtuQ-ed to-ot cane <@:( MtuAah tuSy <@6( Mtu#elatulaO

MtanRa si n MtSbaQ fell %tree& MtSbas clear"cut MtStocho#$hacMtidur slee#

tanRa n(d( tSbas tStoO tidua

n(d( tSbaQ tSbas tStoO tidua ti-Sm tiOuO tiOus tilay n(d( timSaO timR oO -"SmR us to-ot

tanRo tSbaQ tSbas tStoO tidoa ti-Sm tiOuO tiOus tilSy timR a timSaO timR aO ti#u to-ot

tanRo n(d( tSbas tStotiduh tujah tihutihus tilSy n(d( timah timR a-"SmR u to-ot

Mti-SmcMtuIaO ti-Sm to stab Mtiruear Mtirus ta#erin Mtili ro#e MtimR a 'ell #ail MtimaO tin MtimR ashoot Mt"iu# blo' Mto-ot sta1$ to-ot tiu# timR aO timSaO n(d( tilay tiOus tiOuO

Mtui old Mtulareject

tuay tulaO

tuay tuloO

tuSy tulaO

tui tula-


<7>( Mtu#ul to#ol blunt <75( Mtu-tututuO tutu# <7@( MtaAi tuy <77( MtuIuA tojoh <7K( MAubi ubSy <7F( MAudaQ udaQ <7=( Ma-u -S' <7:( MAulu ulS' <76( MhuluR ulua <K>( MAa#uR u#ua <K5( Mha#uy u#uy <K<( MuteutaO <K@( MAuIan ujSn <K7( MbusubusuO <KK( MbunuA m"onoh

Mtu#ul dull$





Mtutu#ound rice


tutuO tS-S# tSy tujuaO ubay udaQ u-u ula' ulua o#oa o#oy otoO ujSn usuO m"unuaO

tutuO tutu# tie tojoaO ubSy udaQ u-u ulS' oloa o#oa o#oy otoO ujSn usuO m"onoaO

tututS-S# tSe tojoah ubSy udaQ u-u ulS' uluh o#oh o#oy otoujSn busum"onoah

<7<( Mtutu#cMtiQ-ebMtutu#cMtS-S# tutu# to close Mtuy feces MtuIuO seven Mubi yam MudaQ shrim# Mu-u 5%s (& Mulu head Mulur to lo'er Mu#ur chal-$ lime Mu#uy fire MutSbrain MuISn rain M%b&usurotten MunuO -ill m"unuaO usuO ujSn otoO o#oy u#ua ulua ula' u-u udaQ ubay tujuaO tSy


<KF( MAayam mainan <K=( "" jibahcusah <K:( MIari jiOSy

Myam toy MIibaOcMdaQ WonNtl MIiri fin er

yam jibSaO jiOay

yam jibSaO jiOay

yam daQ jiOSy

yam daQ jihSy



I would like to express my appreciation to the e!an" speakers who o##ered in#ormation a$out their dialects% Ismail &mir '(e$ana"un")* &rma +ua,la and -ahril .mar '/usi)* 0ak &nwar '0adan" 1endar* 0esisir)2 I$u 1aima '3m$on" 0an!an"* 4e$on")2 /o5 6a!i 7aud* 0ak I$raham* /ariam* and (artila -535 '/uara (ulam* awas)5 I also wish to thank 7r5 +ainu$i &r$i o# (epahiyan" and 0ak -a$idin Ishak o# 8urup #or in9alua$le assistance spannin" thirty years5 4ikewise I am "rate#ul to 7r5 &mran 6alim* 7r5 +aina$ 1akir and 7r5 8hu,aimah 7iem* all at the .ni9ersity o# -ri9i!aya* 0alem$an"* #or many kindnesses and much help with #acilities and resources5 :inally* I wish to thank 7r5 o$ert &5 1lust #or readin" an earlier dra#t o# this article and makin" many help#ul su""estions5 &ll errors o# #act and interpretation remain mine alone5 2 &$$re9iations and special sym$ols used in the paper are as #ollows% colon '%) ; accented 9owel on the word<le9el* e5"5 =% 9s5 = 'unaccented) end<rhyme ; <=> or <=8> n5c5 ; non<co"nate n5d5 ; no data dialect a$$re9iations% 0 ; 0esisir2 4 ; 4e$on"2 / ; /usi2 ( ; (e$ana"un"2 ; awas2 04 ; 0esisir and 4e$on"2 04/ ; 0esisir* 4e$on" and /usi* etc5 3 (e$ana"un" <?k? pro9ided crucial e9idence explainin" an apparently irre"ular chan"e a##ectin" kin terms '/c@inn 1997%68)5 4 1lust '1991c%132) descri$es 0/0 A! as a 9oiced palatali,ed 9elar stop that occurred word<#inally and $etween 9owels5 5 Bne exception is awas ?$eloO? CturnD #rom /alay $elok 'expected $eleOAA)5 Eote that the expected

#orm would not* in awas* $e homophonous with inherited ?$FlFO? #rom 0/0 A$alik CreturnD5

/orpholo"ical 9ariants re#lectin" 0/0 ApiliG and 0

AiliO include 0esisir% ?miliaO? 'acti9e) H ?niliaO?

'passi9e) H?kiliaO? 'imperati9e) H?piliaO? 'nominal)5 7 It is noteworthy that all words $e"innin" ?$ImJ? or ?pImJ?* althou"h historically pro$a$ly in#ixed with <?Im?< Kacti9eK* ha9e under"one reanalysis into two pre#ixes* e5"5 /usi ?$ImonoaO/ ? Cdie o##D ; L$I<M N Lm'I)<M N LonoaOM5 8 /any awas words with #inal <?l? deri9e #rom /alay or #rom unknown sources% awas 04/( /alay @loss tiQRal 'syn5 ?diSm?) tiQRa tin""al wait* stay* li9e $atal $ata $antal pillow mSsol mSsoa cari look #or2 hunt tokol palu hammer nu"al to di$$le2 plant $y di$$lin" macol $uko $uka to open2 take o## 'clothes) tukFl tukil $am$oo wine<makin" instrument kacFl kacea kancil mouse<deer cukFl kikoa "ali di" 9 & discrepancy is here$y noted $etween my data and 1lustKs '1984%427) with respect to the /usi words #or K#in"erK and Ktaperin"K5 /y data shows /usi ?!iOIy? and ?tiOus? with the expected re"ular de9elopment o# <?O?< #rom 0/0 A<r<* whereas 1lust recorded ?!iIy? and ?tius?5 10 @i9en that 0/0 A+ and A, ha9e collapsed into a sin"le phoneme A, in recent literature '1lust 1999)* the @8 shown here is needed to preser9e re"ularity #or the e!an" outcomes5 11 -chwa -yncope remains an acti9e 'synchronic) rule applyin" across morpheme $oundaries in contemporary e!an"* e5"5 /usi L<Im<M Kacti9eK N LtIOoaM KhearK <<P ?tImOoa? Kto hearK5 12 0 A<t #rom 0/0 A<! is irre"ular 'expected 0 <!)5 13 In early pre< e!an" the accent #ell on the #inal sylla$ic when the penult was schwa2 otherwise on the penult5 -ee /c@inn '1997* 2000)5

1lust '1982) descri$es a similar process o# sylla$le reduction in the history o# /alay5 0/0 A<e 'schwa) did not occur word<#inally5 16 awas ?$elok? is $orrowed #rom /alay $elok KturnK5 17 Qa$le 10 is adapted #rom /c@inn '1997* Qa$le 14) with awas data added5 18 Qhe e!an" place<name 4e$on" RlI$oOS is potentially interestin" in this context5 I# #rom 0/0 Ale$e 'presuma$ly pronounced RlI$IOS) K9alleyK then 4e$on" RlI$oOS is re"ular5 19 awas pokot and tokot are exceptions 'Qa$le 12)5 20 1lust '1984%434) assumes that /usi ?pukIt? was $orrowed #rom /alay pukat5 21 Qhe alternation is $y no means "rammaticali,ed2 each pronoun can #ul#ill either #unction as "o9erned $y discourse rules5 22 In analy,in" e!an" diphthon"s /c@inn '1997) #ollowed 1lust '1984) and not /c@inn '1983)5 23 Qhis topic is explored in /c@inn '2003) in connection with the search #or a su$"roupin" hypothesis5 24 Qhe #orm o# the ar"ument may $e schemati,ed as #ollows* where 1*2*3 are sound chan"es5 -ituation &% 15 a P $ ? cTTd2 25 $ P e ? cTTd2 35 a does not become e ? cTTd2 there#ore* rule 2 preceded rule 15 -ituation 1% 15 a P $ ?cTTd2 $ P e ?#TT"2 there#ore* the orderin" relation $etween rules 1 and 2 is indeterminate5 25 In #ocus here is not the deeper Guestion o# how to de#ine a diphthon" 'that would take us too #ar a#ield)* $ut rather* how the traditional de#inition ';a phoneme consistin" o# a sylla$ic 9owel and a non< sylla$ic 9owel) interacts with stress in the historical phonolo"y o# a lan"ua"e5 26 Uames V5 6arris '1985%31) stated the #ollowin" a$out -panish% W3ssentially* the paradox is that the rules o# stress and diphthon"i,ation must each re#er to the output o# the other5X
14 15

W'0/0) A! was a palatali,ed 9elar stop R"yS 555 it had no 9oiceless counterpart2 555'it was) an CislandD within the phoneme in9entory5X 28 awas ?Ft? Kdirty2 worn outK is #rom an unknown source 'c#5 /l !ahat)* as are ?kFkFl? K#ootK 'c#5 /alay kaki) and ?kacFl? Kmouse<deerK 'c#5 /alay kancil)5

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