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Software Requirements Specification


Online Bus Reservation System

Version 1.0

Prepared by
Group Name:
Bus Resevation Group

Padmavati Shaha Sunny Wadhvinde Sachin Waghmare

657 671 672

padmavatishaha@gmail.com bhaisunny66@gmail.com swaghmare 6!@gmail.com

Instructor Course ab !ection &ate

: : : :

"r. #ilesh Rathod Sir $n%ormation &echnology 'B"S (ab "r. #ilesh Rathod Sir 1'(01(201)

"eac#in$ %ssistant:

Software Requirements Specification for Online Bus Reservation System

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Software Requirements Specification for Online Bus Reservation System

Page 1

1 Introduction
The introduction of the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) provides an overview of the entire SRS with purpose, scope, definitions, acronyms, abbreviations, references and overview of the SRS. This is a SRS document for Online Bus Reservation System. The ob ective of Online Bus Resevation System is to mana!e buses, their routes, fare and passen!er and also provide the confort to both or!anisation and "assan!er.

1.1 Document Purpose

The purpose of this document is to describe the requirements for the Online Bus Reservation System(OBRS). The intended audience includes all sta#eholders in the bus reservation system. These include, but are not necessarily limited to, the followin!$ %dministrative Staff, &rivers, "assen!ers. &evelopers should consult this document and its revisions as the only source of requirements for the pro ect. They should not consider any requirements statements, written or verbal as valid until they appear in this document or its revision.

1.2 Product Scope

The proposed software product is the Online Bus Reservation System(OBRS). The system will be used to !et the information from the passen!er and then storin! that data for future usa!e. The current system in use is a paper'based system. (t is too slow and cannot provide updated lists of passen!ers within a reasonable timeframe.The intentions of the system are to reduce over'time pay and increase the number of passen!ers that can be treated accurately. Requirements statements in this document are both functional and non' functional .

1.3 Intended udience and Document Overview

The intended audience includes all sta#eholders in the potential system. These include, but are not necessarily limited to, the followin!$ %dministrative Staff, patients and developers. The ob ective of this document therefore is to formally describe the system)s hi!h level requirements includin! functional requirements, non'functional requirements and business rules and constraints. The detail structure of this document is or!ani*ed as follows$ Section + of this document provides an overview of the business domain that the proposed Online Bus Reservation System(OBRS) will support. These include a !eneral description of the product, user characteristics, !eneral constraints, and any assumptions for this system. This model demonstrates the development team,s understandin! of the business domain and serves to ma-imi*e the team,s ability to build a system that truly does support the business. Section . presents the detail requirements, which comprise the domain model.

Software Requirements Specification for Online Bus Reservation System

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1.! Definitions" cronyms and ##reviations

)BRS ' Online Bus Reservation System B# ' Bus /umber P$# - "assen!er (dentification /umber Report * account of particular Bus +ront,des- sta%% ' administrative staff that wor# at reception des# (ogon $' ' a user identification number to enter the system Password ' a word that enables one to !ain admission into the system Web,based application ' an application that runs on the (nternet "yS.( ' a query lan!ua!e to interro!ate the system G/$ ' 0raphical 1ser (nterface SRS , Software Requirements Speficification

1.$ Document %onventions

(n !eneral this document follows the (222 formattin! requirements. This document contains 3erdana template font si*e 44 throu!hout. 5e have used italics for comments. The document te-t is sin!le spaced and has 46 mar!ins. The sectional headin! uses %rial 7eadin! 4 with font si*e 48 and Subsection titles follow the %rial 7eadin! + with font si*e 49.

1.& References and c'nowled(ments

4. (222 SRS Template

2. SRS Online Shoppin! System


Software Requirements Specification for Online Bus Reservation System

Page 3

2 Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
This Online Bus Reservation System is a self'contained system that mana!es activities of the travels as "assen!ers (nfo. 3arious sta#eholders are involved in the Online Bus Reservation System.

2.2 Product )unctionality

The system functions can be described as follows$

5hen a passen!er as# for sit reservation, the front'des# staff chec#s to see if the passen!er is already re!istered with the hospital. (f he is, his:her "assen!er (dentification /umber ("(/) is entered into the computer. Otherwise a new "assen!er (dentification /umber is !iven to this passen!er. The passem!er)s information such as date of birth, address and telephone number is also entered into computer system.

Sit Reservation$
5hen the passen!er lo!in with his:her >o!in (d and "asswird then he: she is as#ed about the sours and destination of his:her ourney, root, date and time of ourney and type of but i. e. /ormal or %c. The sit is chec#ed for availability in database on proposed time, if the sit is available then the reservation is done by ta#in! the e'payment and the sit no. %nd bus no., date and time of bus is send to passen!er alon! with blueprint of tic#it.(f the sit or bus is not available then the passen!er is !iven with all other alternatives.2ven if the passen!er complete his ourney, then also administrative staff should not delete his "(/ from the system. So that database about re!ular passen!ers can be maintained and special discount offers or them can be !iven.

Report Generation$
The system !enerates reports on the followin! information$ >ist of detailed information re!ardin! the buses run by travel company and passen!ers.

2.3 *sers and %+aracteristics

The system will be used in the Travel a!ency. The administrators,front'des# staff and
online passen!ers will be the main users. 0iven the condition that not all the users are computer'literate. The system is also desi!ned to be user'friendly. (t uses a 0raphical 1ser (nterface (01().

+ront,des- sta%%:

Software Requirements Specification for Online Bus Reservation System

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They all have !eneral reception and secretarial duties. 2very staff has some basic computer trainin!. They are responsible for c#ec#in! sit availability and reservin! it for appropriate passen!er.

They all have post'secondary education relatin! to !eneral business administration practices. 2very administrator has basic computer trainin!. They are responsible for all of the schedulin! and updatin! day:ni!ht employee shifts.

Passenger :
The passen!er dose online boo#in! of sit and need littal bit #nowled!e about computer and (nternet.

2.! Operatin( ,nvironment

The Online Bus Reservation System will be installed at the (nformation Technolo!y of Travel a!ency.

2.$ Desi(n and Implementation %onstraints

%ll of bus and passen!er record must be protected for all steps. (n the future, it is possible that the software desi!n will have to incorporate chan!es that could ta#e place in other Travel a!ency in the same domain. The bus and passen!ers record of all Travel a!ency in domain should have the same standard of data format and security of data when transferrin! between the a!encies also needed. ?han!es or additions about payment methods can affect the system directly. The system must be user'friendly

2.& *ser Documentation

OBRS software manual documents for passen!ers, drivers, conductors, helper, mechanic, office staff, patient, a!ents and system administrator. The development team will !o to your Travel a!ency and perform the trainin! courses for all classes listed above. The development team will service the a!ency +9 hours for 4 year of warranty.


ssumptions and Dependencies

(t is assumed that one hundred (B@ compatible computers will be available before the system is installed and tested. (t is assumed that the a!ency will have enou!h trained staff to ta#e care of the system

The system uses licensed third party software products. The system is volatile. If the electric power is lost. The PMS system will go do.

Software Requirements Specification for Online Bus Reservation System

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3 !peci2ic *e3uirements
3.1 ,.ternal Interface Requirements
3.1.1 *ser Interfaces
The user interface for software shall be compatible to user which can access to the system.The user interface shall be implemented usin! any tool or software pac#a!e li#e servlet,asp, sp etc.

3.1.2 /ardware Interfaces

5e would need the (ntel ?ore+&uo system and 4 0B of @emory at the minimum for the client. The corporate server needs to be a server class machine with at least + 0B and (ntel Aeon system per rac# and 4B TB of stora!e at the minimum. %nd also have the dedicated lin#s between the server and clients .

3.1.3 0etwor' Interfaces

The server and client computer must have /(? card. %nd must !et the inrnet service active from well#nown (S".

3.1.! Software Interfaces

The client machines require @icrosoft 5indows A" or better. The corporate server requires Red 7at 2nterprise >inu- %S B (R72> B) and Oracle &atabase 44! 2nterprise 2dition to hold on to all archives. %lso both the client and server computer must have internet browser to wor# online.

3.1.$ %ommunications Interfaces

The System will perform the followin! functions$

Sophisticated and user friendly interface for all passen!ers. (ndividual account or profile for ech user related to the system. Sophisticated interfaces for all people who related to the system. (mplement bus, passen!er, driver and staff database systems. (mplement %ccount System for mana!in! invoices. 2ach passen!er needs only one barcode i. e. "(/ and username for wal#in! throu!h every step. Ceep secret for all of passen!er profiles. 2ach division can see only necessary data of each passen!er for analy*in!. (nternet connection to wor# on with the system. 2mer!ency help system in case of any accident and any other technical or non' technical problem or ris#. Real time or dynamic service should be !iven in case of all chan!es appearin! in the system.

Software Requirements Specification for Online Bus Reservation System

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3.2 )unctional Requirements

0dd passanger: The OBRS shall allow new passen!er to add themself to the system.

Assign PIN: The OBRS shall allow front'des# staff to !ive each passen!er a "(/
and add it to the passen!ers record. This (& shall be used by the passen!er throu!hout his:her stay in a!ency.

Reserve 2ic'it1
Sign $n: The passen!er first need to si!n in to the system with the username and password he:she have provided with. The system need to chec# for validation of that username and password and then only allow he:she to access the system. 1hec- 0vailability: The passen!er must be allowd to see all available options for ourney. %nd see if the sit is available or not. Reserve &ic-it: Then if the tic#it is available then the sit should be boo#ed with the "(/ of that passen!er only and it should not be !ranted to other passen!er a!ain till it !et free.

3aintain /istory1 Maintain PIN: The administrative staff in the ward shuld not delete the "(/ of
the passen!er from the system when the ounney is over. 0dd sit to sit,available list: The administrative staff in the ward shall be allowed to put the sits in sit'available list when the ourney is over or the sit is cancelled.

. Report 4eneration : 4us In2ormation: The OBRS shall !enerate reports on bus about the followin!

information$ Bus /umber, daily root, driver name, cleaner name ,conductor name, no. of passen!ers can travel, type of bus$ /ormal or %? list of passen!er who have boo#ed their sits in bus and thecnical issues occurred in bus also. Sit 0availability: The OBRS shall !enerate reports on sits availability about the followin! information$bus number, sit number, occupied:unoccupied.

Data#ase1 Passenger related $n%ormation: 2ach passen!er shall have the followin!

mandatory information$ first name, last name, phone number, passen!er identification number, address, postal code, city, country, username and password. Bus related $n%ormation: 2ach bus should have followin! information$bus

number, no of sits, bus type: normal or AC, driver, engine details.

/pdate Passenger $n%ormation: The OBRS shall allow the %dministrator to update any of the bus information.

Software Requirements Specification for Online Bus Reservation System

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3.3 Be+aviour Requirements

3.3.1 *se %ase 5iew
% use case defines a !oal'oriented set of interactions between e-ternal actors and the system under consideration. Since sometimes we will not be able to specify completely the behaviour of the system by ust State &ia!rams, hence we use use'cases to complete it.

Software Requirements Specification for Online Bus Reservation System

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! Ot+er 0on6functional Requirements

!.1 Performance Requirements

Response &ime: The system shall !ive responses in 4 second after chec#in! the patient)s information. 1apacity: The System must support 4<<< people at a time. /ser,inter%ace $ The user'interface screen shall respond within B seconds. 1on%ormity$ The systems must conform to the @icrosoft %ccessibility !uidelines. #etwor- 1onnection: The should br connrcted to internet +9 A =. %nd the Server must be on all time.

!.2 Safety and Security Requirements

Passenger $denti%ication: The system requires the passem!er to identify himself :herself usin! "(/ (ogon $' $ %ny user who uses the system shall have a >o!on (& and "assword. "odi%ication $ %ny modification (insert, delete, update) for the &atabase shall be synchroni*ed and done only by the administrator in the ward. +ront 'es- sta%% Rights$ Dront &es# staff shall be able to view all information in OBRS, add new bues to OBRS but shall not be able to modify any information in it. 0dministrators, Rights$ %dministrators shall be able to view and modify all information in OBRS.

!.3 Software 7uality ttri#utes

Bac- /p $ The system shall provide the capability to bac#'up the &ata 2rrors$ The system shall #eep a lo! of all the errors.

Reliability: 0vailability :The system shall be available all the time

Software Requirements Specification for Online Bus Reservation System

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8 Data Dictionary

This SRS document is used to !ive details re!ardin! Online Bus reservation System. (n this all the functional and non'functional requirements are specified inorder to !et a clear cut idea to develop a pro ect.

ppendi. B 6 4roup 9o(

'ay,!: Date:- 4='<4'+<4. % !roup of four people was made to prepare the pro ect for Software 2n!ineerin!. % sub topic was decided upon as Online Bus Reservation System. The topic and the !roup members) names were then !iven to the (nstructor. %ll the four members then read the e-ample srs document provided and searched for the requisite document for system. The "roblem description, the purpose and the scope of the document was finali*ed.

'ay,3: Date:- +9'<4'+<4.

2ach section was divided amon! the four members and each member was !iven the tas# to complete their sections with proper theory. The entire document was then clubbed to form the SRS for Online Bus Reservation System.

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