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Lesson 5 - New Age Rules for Living


NEW AGE RULES FOR LIVING (Taken from the Ancients)

The sages of long ago outlined a philosophy whereby we can live and still advance along our spiritual path, whatever it may be. They give a method whereby we can control the mind to the extent of not letting unwanted thoughts enter.

The first rule that was laid down was HARMLESSNESS.

If the precept of harmlessness were carried out FULLY it would mean that at no time either by WORD OR DEED would we inflict harm on any living creature or be the indirect cause of harming another life.

The second rule that the sages stressed was that of TRUTH.

At all times the truth must be spoken. Truth in its entirety. If by speaking the truth you hurt someone - KEEP QUIET. Never tell a lie. Unless the rule of truth has been learnt we cannot be trusted with the Wisdom of the Ages.

Our next rule is that of THEFT. Never take anything that is not meant for us - taking of another persons ideas or belongings. Be accurate in all affairs whether it be business or personal.

The fourth rule is CONSERVATION OF THE SEXUAL ACTIVITY. This has a deeper aspect than is usually known.

By releasing this energy we GROUND OURSELVES spiritually, because it is this very same energy that is transmuted into spiritual energy, thus enabling the individual to experience a Divine Ecstasy.

It is a physical and a metaphysical impossibility to enter the higher spiritual realms, to taste the nectar of Divine Communion with the Great Ones if this energy be released. It is needed to build the LIGHT cells in the body. Some authorities say the seminal fluid has a great amount of calcium and lecithin, so being a vital building material for the body.

The secret of the elixir of youth as laid down by the sages is the conservation of this important fluid. If the ability is developed to overcome the senses and conserve this energy, and to raise the power up through the body to the head, a feeling like quicksilver in the body ensues, and the feeling of LIGHT in the body is experienced.

The transformation of the physical body into the spiritual body takes place.

The next vital step is to become free from GREED.

Almost the entire human family longs for something that they do not have and that longing turns into greed or covetousness. We must free ourselves from these unwanted thoughts of desire.

PURIFICATION. The purification of the outer body is easy, the purification of the inner body not quite so easy and the purification of our higher bodies much harder. But again the men of wisdom and knowledge stress the importance of this.

Outer body cleanliness simply means "keeping clean"; the inner cleanliness comes from keeping the bowels empty and clean, the kidneys flushed out, the bloodstream pure and a good supply of oxygen pouring in.

This is brought about by DIET and CLEAN LIVING.

Purification of the higher bodies means the astral and mental bodies. The etheric body will become cleansed when the inner body is cleansed. The astral and mental cleansing comes from the environment around you, the thoughts both your own and surrounding you.

In some parts of the world it is believed that when a shadow of a person who is not pure falls onto food that is about to be eaten, the food will become impure. Some people prefer to eat in seclusion because of this.

It is a TRUTH that we all have a FORCE FIELD SURROUNDING US and this force field can impinge on anothers force field.

An interesting experiment was carried out by a team of scientists. They set out to prove how this affected people. By placing certain objects close to a person they noticed that person (without exception) moved the object away so as to be OUTSIDE their own force field. We know that sometimes when we have some one sit next to us, we may try to move further away, depending on the force field that emanates around them.

A pure person we would be drawn closer to because of the purity of his higher bodies. An impure person we would want to get further away from.

TO BE CONTENT. A rule that our civilisation finds very hard to abide by - to be content in the circumstances that we are in, whether GOOD OR BAD.

We must understand that the position we are in, good or bad, is where WE OURSELVES have put us. It has been brought about either by past or present actions, and the position that we are in now is one that is NECESSARY for us to EXPERIENCE on our way through the evolution of the soul.

The earth is a University and we must experience all the lessons, the easy and the hard. It depends on US whether we make the grade or not. The secret is to BE CONTENT IN THE MOMENT.

The men of wisdom stress ASPIRATION - striving for knowledge, perfection and understanding. Unless we have a drive, an aspiration, no progress can be made; we would be unable to advance to the higher states of consciousness.

Coupled with aspiration comes SPIRITUAL READING. To read, to try to understand the universal truths that lie hidden behind the teachings, to keep the mind open, free from anything that BINDS, to understand and experience truth.

Truth is hidden in all religions, running like a silver thread through each one, but it is only found when study of the sacred books of the world reveal the UNIVERSAL TRUTHS which belong NOT TO ONE RELIGION, BUT TO ALL.

The last rule is DEVOTION - devotion to the Creator or the God Within - devotion to the Principle behind all manifest things.

Briefly listed are the GREAT TREASURES OF MAN. Freedom from Fear Constancy of Sacred Learnings and Contemplation Adoration Austerity Non Violence Freedom from Anger Serenity Sympathy for all Beings Gentleness Steadiness Forgiveness Freedom from pride Goodwill Purity of Heart Generosity Self Harmony Study of Scriptures Righteousness Truth Renunciation (mental & physical)

Aversion to fault finding Peace from greedy cravings Modesty Energy Fortitude

The way can be SHOWN, but only YOU can tread it.

We would like to know the Ancient Wisdom, we would like to prove the things we are told, we would like to experience Divine Knowledge - this can be done, but the hard work involved is so subtle that every thought, every action must be watched.

The obstacles that beset us are as follows:

Deceitfulness; Insolence; Self Conceit; Anger; Harshness; Ignorance.

If there is anything that can be done to help the body to good health it should be done as disability of the body can be a handicap. We do not want to become sluggish, either physically or mentally.

To help this sluggishness we must quicken the rhythm in our bodies. To do this we eat as pure a food as possible. This is called Sattva and gives light and energy. A Sattvic person is all light and harmony, pure intelligence and goodness, calmness and peace. This creates the highest vibration in the body.

For those who eat spices, hot foods and things that stimulate the passions, they are called Rajasic they are people of action, ego, self-centred, dominating to the point of pushing others down.

Then we come to the Tamas person who is a person of inertia, lazy, cannot be bothered. This person lives on cooked up left-overs, dead stale foods and just cannot be bothered to do anything much. She or he usually knows what to do and is intelligent, but is just too lazy to do anything about it. Next time maybe!

We identify with our Physical Form and the Earth Plane so much that we cannot understand the true functioning of the "HIGHER" forms of man. This is because we identify wrongly. It is important in the coming age to identify more with the Higher Bodies, these being the etheric, astral, mental and spiritual.

One of the major obstacles toward higher knowledge is the INABILITY TO CONCENTRATE. We cannot hold the mind steady from one minute to the next and as the goal is "beyond mind" we must at least conquer mind. This cannot be done until supreme concentration is achieved.

The fault in not achieving concentration is because of our LONGINGS for material and sensuous things. We so desire this, we so desire that. Our energies are going out toward obtaining these things that the "senses" have demanded. Until freedom is attained from the "sense" activity we cannot hope to acquire knowledge of Divine matters. The instruments of the senses are the EYES that do not see correctly, the EARS that do not hear correctly, the NOSE that smells falsely, the TONGUE that tastes incorrectly and the SKIN that touches wrongly. The five sense organs lure man well away from his true home. They bind tighter than the tightest rope could ever bind, and the breaking of these bonds is a long and sorry business. The whole of the earth is under the spell of the SENSES.

When they are mastered (it does not say we do not use them, but that we MASTER them instead of them mastering us) then we shall be able to control the "mind".

Providing this is done we then may see correctly. Because of the illusion that the senses bring with them, we do not see things as they are in REALITY. If we saw correctly we would be able to see the Etheric body, see the life force emanations that come from the living centres situated in the etheric body at certain intervals along the spine.

Clairvoyance, so called, is NOT a "high" type of seeing. We can have two or three people with this type of sight and all three can see differently, so it is NOT RELIABLE and can be misleading.

There are much higher methods of seeing. Spiritual perception is higher as in the case of the seer who has PURE VISION.

As absolute control of mind has been brought about, so the mind becomes the instrument whereby the soul can manifest its knowledge down into the physical consciousness. This is a truer method of seeing.

Again, there is a still higher "seeing" which is the eye of intuition, manifesting on the higher planes. The last, the greatest and truest of all "seeing" is that of Cosmic Vision.

Here, we are able to see and hear the GREAT ONES in Spirit, Angelic Beings and become true channels of wisdom which comes direct from the source of our very being.

This sight comes through a centre in the top of the head, (whereas the lesser type of seeing comes through the third eye).

In this there is nothing in the world that is not known.

The sage sits, does nothing, yet KNOWS EVERYTHING.

The last obstacle is that of not holding the meditation posture, nor keeping the meditative mood. We race here, there and everywhere, energies going out instead of conserving them for higher spiritual activities.

We now have the steps that can be followed by anyone who so wishes to seek Truth, handed down the ages by THOSE WHO KNOW: THOSE WHO HAVE EXPERIENCED: MASTERS OF WISDOM: SAGES AND SAINTS: THE KNOWERS OF TRUTH.

The rules of conduct are meant to be kept, NOT BROKEN.

Cosmic Laws are exact and precise. We cannot expect to receive Cosmic Knowledge unless we ABIDE BY THE LAWS.

Even though we do numerous techniques, unless these Cosmic Laws are kept the techniques will be useless.



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