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All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2

much more efficient to setup how they developed and say watch and influence how far they can go
until it is at point you can just step in a takeover and no longer need to be co-vert.

Anonymous Coward 502821: Hi Quorum, When one is recreated in 4th d, do they retain all their
experiences and memories of their lower density life and experiences?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Some yes, is varies depends on how well they did in previous grade to
how well they pick up the next ;).

Anonymous Coward 455445: Glad to see ya back, Quorum. You've taught me a lot with this thread (or
should I say, given information that resonates with my inner self).

You'd said that you would return.

I figured it would be a year or 2 from now. Looks like the [S (He) It] is hitting the fan a lot faster than
planned IMHO.
Faster than a CERN particle (sorry, new pun, couldn't resist). [link to www.godlikeproductions.com]

That is also JMHO. Don't know if you came back because you missed us or because this could very well
be the big beginning? ;)

TPTB are losing control fast. Just look at the economy. Whether it's part of the plan or not, we will have
to wait and see. But the realization that this collapse has been imminent, yet postponed through every
cheap trick known to man for the last 20 years, makes me wonder if they aren't really scared of it all.
They've been holding the pendulum of balance back for quite some time. Time to let it swing again and
it's going to SWING WITH MOMENTUM!! Whether they like it or not. I mean collapsing a country's
economy here and there, so the IMF and cohorts can move in and take control, is one thing. Collapsing all
the dominos at once is another. Kind of hard to control 6.7 billion people without a stable prison to live in.


Quorum Adonai Christ: Both missed you and other reasons, a lot to happen interesting times
ahead pay attention to signs they will exculpate, but don’t worry yourself ok enjoy your life as well
and company of your loved ones keep yourself balanced don’t let the worldly dramas be your focus.

Kyle 490373: ahh quorum it’s good to see you again! I’m glad your back and I have some more questions
for you. So you said to watch for clues now for times ahead. Where should we be looking? I’ve watched
the news a couple of times to see if anything interesting happens and so far no. Should I be watching the
news or not? Also I asked this question before while you were gone and some of the kind people here
answered it in your place the best they can. But now that your back I can personally ask you. Is it possible
to be born with two souls inside of your body? And also. In ancient Hinduism there are stories of the
avatar. Are the stories on the avatar real and will the next and final one come too when everything starts to
really happen? And were the previous ones here to help us as well just like Jesus did? Also if I was to
follow the way of Buddha and go the middle way, will it help to ascend like everyone else or is it just
complete misinformation?

Quorum Adonai Christ: It more when you stop looking and just notice that the signs become
obvious. Yes it is possible for souls to share a body thou it rarely happens normally it is more like a
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
tag match. Yeshua will help teach those who are to transcend so they become prepared for the shift
to come. Buddha perspective is one way to help become STO so yes sure it would help it is not only
way nor fastest.

Kyle 490373: thank you for the answers and I will defiantly make sure it helps me in my quest. Just
another question for now. Can you since me quorum and my intensions? Can you since my soul and
maybe tell me if it’s good or evil? I just need to know if I have one soul or two soul’s quorum. And if I do
have two souls, what the second soul is supposed to be. I feel as if it’s a reptilian soul but I’m still not
certain yet.

Quorum Adonai Christ: I don’t like doing sensing but ok, I feel you are looking for answers to
things you done in life that you yourself are struggling to forgive yourself for, this may be why you
may feel you have evil in you everyone does have both btw since we are within duality then both
exist the choice comes in which you choose through your actions.

Well possibility also that reptilians could be your soul in another time experience elsewhere,
perhaps it is say self against self that really is occurring :P.

I do not think you are sharing your body, thou you do like most of us have parasite entities feeding
upon you it can’t be avoided being in our realm.

Kensai: Hi Quorum, Can you share what you know regarding Noah, 'The Great Deluge', and the ark

Quorum Adonai Christ: Spaceship.

What Noah is known for, does this event take place during the 'fall' of Atlantis?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Yes

Is the biblical floods the same as the floods mentioned in during the end of Atlantis?

Quorum Adonai Christ: The great cataclysm yes...

The common view of Noah's ark is a very big wooden boat full of animals. Can you please elaborate? Did
he really have animals or something like DNA blueprints?

Quorum Adonai Christ: More correctly is perseverance of earths creatures and animals by being
temporary strained in status during the great flood ironically some STS we involved in this as they
too didn’t want the resources wiped out you know them as greys they done a few relocation
exercises during this cycle, some STO were also involved.

Did Enoch play any role in the Noah and flood events? Was Enoch a human like us? It seemed that Enoch
was given a higher knowledge, do you know what it was and if it was meant for humanity?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Advanced soul with active destiny profile was giving insight, human yes...
Regarding the comet strikes that destroyed that epoch of humanity, were the fallen ones aware of these
comets and fled before they hit or were they very surprised as well?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Yes and took advantage of the effects afterward also influenced the
direction of timeline, perhaps something similar is going to happen here.

All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
Nature's 'assistance' or cleansing can seem very harsh. What happened to the human souls after such
devastation? Did they all go to the 'contemplation zone', 5th density correct?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Went to 5th for recycling and lesson review, returned once things
stabilized again to continue development, through process you call incarnation 'note please souls
have different levels of progress examples animals souls differ to that of humans'.

Did some of the STS fellas survive underground as well?

Quorum Adonai Christ: More like built after so had an on world base so to speak to go about
their agendas.

When we think of the word Atlantis, is that just a country, or island, or a continent, or a culture?

Quorum Adonai Christ: more like a culture, the city you know about known more correctly as
Tire was named after the culture of the Atlantean, the Atlantean culture at that time or society
would be better word was quiet advanced.

Kensa: Hi Quorum, By 'advanced soul' do you mean a soul that has been around 'longer' or do you mean
a soul that has 'learned their lessons' in a more advanced or quick manner?

Quorum Adonai Christ: In one context yes, let say it has experienced and accessed more of itself
than others so is of a higher density but came into a lower to help.

How would this relate to the idea that 'time is an illusion'? From what was discussed here, time seems to
be an 'illusion' of the 3rd density 'realm', is this correct?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Yes

Densities are 'realms', correct?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Yes, each density/realm has its own associated limitations/lessons
according to those limitations and experiences.

Are there consequences for 'materializing' or being in one's realm they do not 'belong' in?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Karma, yes.

There is free choice, but by 'design', were higher density beings supposed to interfere with lower density
realms in certain ways?

Quorum Adonai Christ: No but they do but only if STS, STO do not control in any way what so
ever or interfere at all in others affairs they do however offer help through knowledge and wisdom.

Kensai: Hi Quorum, Does this mean that Enoch and Yeshua, or Yeshua, were like 'bros' and 'on the level'
with each other. Just that one 'developed' here on earth and one in the Pleaides? Is it sort of like that, or
where one develops is 'moot'?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Or another possibility is it was same entity in different aspects of itself...
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2

Kensai: Hi Quorum, If the comet strikes will happen again and 'wipe out' current form of humanity, what
makes the STS beings so desperate? Are they trying to 'save' as many 'food stuff' from destruction, like a

What is the difference of soul levels of development between how we and animals' souls are different?

Do animals have individuated souls? Is it true about dolphins and whales being highly advanced, and
even perhaps not a 'native' to this world?

Quorum Adonai Christ: It is a bit different this time the shift is happening also a gravity wave
that as it moves through the realms it changes them moving things up so to speak and resetting the
cycles this originated from 7th but also 1st.

They grow desperate because of shift and fear your spiritual evolution into the same realm they
occupy they plan to try control those who progress and those who don’t, they do not want to lose
their food and there is going to be a type of harvest event for both STS and STO graduates some
will progress towards a higher state of STS some to STO some will remain and repeat will die
during the great cataclysms to come.

The earth will resemble it prehistoric state the events which lead to earth becoming stabilized
enough for life to develop will then all play out all again.

Mostly the difference is the levels of awareness you see intelligence develops also as experience is
recorded so to speak, thou the animals are more in tune with nature than humans 'perhaps some of
the animals are you in the past as well remember when we talk of time and universe you have to
understand that linear experience is a illusion it is say happening by moment by moment and at all
times is past present future accessible based on that current position.

Remember the universe is the flow of consciousness creating a fluctuation in fabric of gravity which
is in its purest form the concept 'Love of God' each realm is a wave creates by the thoughts of all
souls experiencing within the existence you are like the moon playing the role of the tides the water
is the love of God and all else is God.

Kensai: Hi Quorum, This 'moving up in all realms' you speak of, is this like a 'galactic alarm clock' in a
sense? Would it be hard to feel this 'moving up'? I mean, is it easy for the 'mind' to be 'distracted' and not
feel this kind of 'effect' of 'upward movement'?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Consciousness plays a part in it timing but yes it is like a clock as in
events occurring are the cause and the effect is what we shall experience. Everything I can share
you can learn of through meditation and self discovery, you are the best teacher for yourself.
Distractions are all around you so yes it is easy to not feel it occurring but also some will sense it.

Kensai: Hi Quorum, What and who were the Greek/Roman gods from that culture's mythology that we
know today.

Were they really 'gods' and were they STS higher density beings? Did they bring any benefits to 'mankind'
in those times?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Some, perhaps it was you in another life...some of that is symbolic idea of
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
gods is just misconcepts of power and knowledge.

Can you tell us a little more regarding the Tower of Babel incident? What exactly happened there? How
did they 'diversify/divide' language communication? Does this mean until that point in time, humanity
somehow had a common language?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Yes, humanity was more united then, but understands also before written
word you communicated through the psychic.

Is there a dialect we know today that is derived closely from that common language?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Sumerian.

For this kind of 'big change' in the form of communication, it would make more sense to 'sow' different
languages after a big collapse, or reset of humanity. Was the Tower of Babel incident also related to the
times that Atlantis fell?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Yes all connected many ways to tell same story: P...

Kensai: Hi Quorum, Everything is a 'hologram' on some level? Does this mean that on a higher level, the
physical characteristics of a draconian, a Nephilim, or human, is sort of 'moot' because it is a hologram?
Is this correct? But it seems to 'real'.

Quorum Adonai Christ: Holodeck concept in star trek is good way to understand how it can be
real but also hologram.

Yes, they choose to provoke fear so forms generally take on that appearance but yes it is a hologram
just like our forms are as well.

Kensai: Hi Quorum, Is this sort of like saying that if 'we' are here in a 'human' form, we sort of did
choose the 'light'? That we represent 'the light'?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Somewhat not all represent the light.

Kensai: Hi Quorum, I think I read that the book of Enoch was 'removed' from the 'bible'.

Is this correct? Was it removed for a reason?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Yes...

What are the Dead Sea Scrolls about? Were they preserved to well, 'preserve' some knowledge? Is the
book of Enoch available for reading now truthful?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Reveals truths if interpreted correctly

Kensai: Hi Quorum, If higher density beings, especially the 'thought form' kind 'feed' on us, this is
energetically correct? Does what the 'charkas' represent like the lower ones being more 'survival' mean
what is 'eating you' is what you are? Is it possible to, through awareness, instead of feeding them things
like fear, anger, hatred, and instead could 'make them eat' PERFECT LOVE, what would happen to these
'macrobe' beings? Could it 'change' them? Also is it true that when humans are warring with one another,
the casualties of, whether combatants or bystanders, it is feeding 'I. entities'? Is it true that those that die
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
from war are in some ways a 'ritual sacrifice' to them?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Charkas relevant to 3rd density only say it is the connection of 3rd to 4th
is yes also how they feed upon you as one use of it. You can’t change their choices they choose to
feed upon those frequencies that is there choice if they change that is again their choice you can
however make the choices yourself to not generate a sustainable frequency for them to feed on.

Kensai: Hi Quorum. Do 'humans', when choosing to stay human, reincarnate in random bodies, or is there
more to it than that? Also can we reincarnate in different 'races'? Or is it dependent on genetic DNA
memory passed on 'ancestrally'?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Choice involved reviewing of destinies profile and karmatic profile then
deciding upon best position for incarnation taking into account both the destiny profile and
karmatic profile to determine necessary lessons for development.

You are not limited to human form as long as the form resonates to soul frequency it can be used as
a container for the experience.

456207: What do you say to the claim the reptilian cloning facilities were finally totally disabled
recently? True or not in your view?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Nonsense... anyone telling you such information is lying they do not
understand this properly in some part of it has to occur way it is for the lessons to be available.
Without the black pieces on chessboard the white has no one to play with: P.

Que 508738: All you did was re-phrase "necessary evil" into a practical adaptation. That is a pitiful
excuse for the horrendous actions manifested by human beings, and evil spirits. It's like taking a brand
new shirt and ripping off a sleeve, then saying, see......we need sewing now. Admit it dude, you're a
Satanist, you worship Satan, and people like you, when you talk about "evil beings" you get excited, just
like EBI, when he would talk about demons his words would always have more emotional bias towards
the "dark side". You're a devil worshiper, plain and simple.

Quorum Adonai Christ: Have you considered why you took the time to post in such a manner is
not by you doing that judging another which bible clearly states judging others gets you judged. So
consider this what if your perspective on what is say a conditioning past through time and that your
understanding of concept God and concept Christ has been mislead on some degrees. Have you
considered that your response is more like one possessed than one not

Anonymous 465333: Hi Quorum, Do fission or fusion (like thermonuclear bombs) open any gates or
something similar between densities? You mentioned CERN did this, but I have always wondered about
atomic devices. Second question, does water have any special properties related to densities or soul?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Nuclear explosions have consequences across many dimensions, the type
energy unleashed during such is truly not beneficial to a planet at all and part of reason why this
world is suffering so much is because of these explosions. Like ripping holes for things to slip
through ;). Thread is becoming wasteful, let look on near future and world war 3 which begins soon
which will be interrupted by nature in form of a great cataclysm refer to the words of the prophets
to understand.

Understand this cosmic truth 'Destruction and Creation work hand in hand'. For the new earth and
heavens to be made old will be destroyed so to speak 'one dies for another to be born this is nature
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
this is the cycle of life and death'.

You have already seen the harbringer 'Comet holmes' this is what the prophets spoke off.
The cycle is almost complete mankind’s dramas are a reflection upon nature, the state of the world
now and the problems seen are directly tied to the changes occurring it will be reflected back on
mankind in nature this is again is part of the cycles experiment. It is always darkness before the

Kensai 502821: Hello Quorum, Can you share what you see for the near future? WW3, what will the
justification be for this occur, will it be a fight over resources, and stressing lack? Also, this is a means of
distraction and to divide and to 'shock and awe' a great many number of people?

Feel helpless to stop such things, but not sure what to do about it anymore other than not get so wrapped
up in it. Is there anything else, other than finding one's own truth, during this 'light show'?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Invasion of Iran, next president of USA is the third anti Christ spoken of
by Nostradamus will play the role this will bring upon the public of USA a regression leading into
depression this will cause civil unrest the response of which from governments and authorities will
be sedition arrests and taken to concentration camps this occurs after the false peace.

This upset the enemies of America will take advantage of the attack will be well done and will
destroy much of a America in nuclear and other means warfare, there shall be nuclear weapons
used in coming conflict in a few locations possibility ATM is high as well as more advanced weapon
systems public does not yet know of include scalar weapons.

Worse place to be during the coming years is the USA thou rest the world is affected by the events
USA gets the blunt of both the war and nature, the entire world however will be affect by the
coming pole reversal and meteorite impacts and possibility open of cometary impacts in ocean
causing tidal waves destroying much of the outer regions of the worlds countries.

By the end of it earth will resemble the prehistoric state, but this isn’t the most interesting events to
occur there are some only a quantum psychist would begin to understand.

Anomalous Mallard 485721: Hi Quorum, I was wondering, based on what you just posted - the name,
"McCain", means "son of Cain"...and the name, "Palin" (in Slavic), means "wormwood". Is this a
coincidence or is it actually a clue as to who will be the next presidential administration? And thank you,
sincerely, for what you are doing.

Quorum Adonai Christ: Interesting isn’t it nothing is a coincidence but saying this our advice is
simply to watch it all play out, be the observer rather than the participate. You can’t stop what is to
be so why stress about it.

All the Good stuff comes later remember: P just got a dark hour ahead first before the new dawn.

Kyle 511462: hello again quorum.im glad to know from you everything will finally start happening.im
glad I found this thread and learned from you. So when ww3 really starts happening and the depression
happens what should I do? Just go on with my life while not getting wrapped up too much in the affairs
(even though ill definitely be affected of course) and at the same time keep trying to find the truth and
become one with Christ consciousness? And I was really wondering how I can help my mind better focus.
I need you to tell me the answer to this so I can get a hang on it and be able to meditate better. So will the
war and depression happen at the same time around when the new president is elected? Or will it happen
a few years/months after he’s elected? Any ways thanks for sharing your wisdom and knowledge and I

All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
hope to see you in the next life or even in the next density if I make it that far. But maybe I’ve already met
you quorum :) well seeya some other place! And may peace and love be with you forever!

Quorum Adonai Christ: suggestion is observe relax enjoy life just be aware that cycle is almost
complete but don’t let it be your focus, help others if you can and live with the morals and virtues
you hold dear it is your choice which direction you go.

Bruce 512298: Hi Quorum, I have been following this thread with delight since its first conception and I
have wanted to say thanks for all you’re sharing. I enjoy your words, teachings and experience. A few
questions I have than need another’s opinion. Firstly, do you perceive that war with Iran will eventuate
this year? IF so will the compulsory chipping of society begin shortly after? As I perceive the events we
may go to war with Iran, followed shortly by an economic collapse and a limited nuclear exchange with
America suffering dearly. Then a world leader emerging that will rid us of Iran and end the war bring
stability to the earth and a new economy.
Question two..... Would it be possible to be part of this new economic recovery and have the chip and still
be able to resonate to 4th Density when the earth changes and shift occurs?
Questions three... will the appearance of the red/dark companion star precede the war and/or the
economic collapse?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Ok the worldly dramas are not what is most important to focus on there
is more important information that has been shared that helps more.

But to your question I honestly I’m not sure as you see this is a possibility that is most likely and
when it occurs it dependent upon humanity, the timing is directly linked to human consciousness so
it is open thou nature has its own cycles humanities cycles intersect so yes there is a opening from
now till end of 2012 it is more likely it will happen sooner than later.

Most probable they will try using chipping as means of control for both those shifting to 4th density
and those remaining in 3rd, if it is successful is open ATM but for 3rd it is higher percentage than
those in 4th cause just moving into 4th makes it so much easier to see things. We see the natural
disasters interrupting the war but that the NWO will use it to progress their own agendas then it
will go into UFOs revealing and ETs and another war so to speak but this one different your texts
from prophets describe it all.

Bruce 512298: Will the appearance of the dark star occur very, very soon or will it closer to the comets,
the major earth changes and after the three and a half years of the New World Order? Most possibly in

Quorum Adonai Christ: By 2012 yes open from now till then...

A 454457: Hi Quorum, Can you and others discuss the process of literal ascension of the physical body...
Including... -physical, emotional and mental symptoms, -states of awarness during vibrational change
-and perhaps some useful techniques on may try to unify their energies in this natural and postively
constructive wonderful process... - Some advice on the 'pit-falls' also?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Completion of realm lessons is automatic ascension, however if you’re
talking about symptoms of change they can also be illnesses and emotional instabilities, depression,
confusion etc as it is a lot to handle this is why balance is necessary.

Visual things that can occur are 4th density bleed through such as observation of frequencies both
including visual and audio, example if people are beginning to see a sparkling in the air which looks
like stars orbiting each other and it appears like a field and has a magnetic feel behind it then that
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
also is sign of awareness of the change which is good cause not everyone notices it, seeing of auras is
another example of such effects.

Audio affects will be hearing aural fields which will sound like tones of ringing or other noises this
is similar to what is heard before an astral projection experience. There is also booming sounds
which can be heard when a spike occurs if one is attuned enough.

techniques vary the best is for you to discover I’ve created my own it is best you do so as well
learning of geometry will help meditation is a great method for self realization.

Pitfalls can be you go through hard lessons as get close to completion because you work through all
current karma.

Paperina 512634: Could you explain how geometry can help?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Geometry is the language of light each letter in the language is
represented by a geometric symbol it is this language that is used to give all form it shape, done
holographically of course mathematics is used to give positioning/location like a mark on a grid but
geometry specifically is what gives shape to all form.

So in understanding geometry and how it works with universe you will unlock its secrets, this is the
illuminati main power their understanding of geometry is what allows them to affect the reality
with consciousness.

Goggle ancient geometry I am sure you will find enough information to help begin to understand it,
please be aware this subject can get quite complex but it becomes simplified once learned.

Even check out some crop circles: P.

Kyle 511462: hello again quorum. You said above that hearing tones of ringing is a sign of 4th density
bleed through? Well a few times I’ve heard random rings in my ear and I always thought it was nothing.
Then last night I heard it again and I shook my head and it stopped. I thought it was something trying to
invade my mind. Quorum, when I hear this ringing again, what should I do? Should I close my eyes and
envision something? If so then what? Or should I do something else?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Don’t worry about it not need too, you decide what you want to do hence
the fun of freewill please do not ask me to make your decisions as that is a breach of freewill I can
only offer a option you decide what you do.

Kensai 502821: Hello Quorum, during the times when Atlantis fell werethere humans that learned their
lessons and moved on? Were there some humans that had learned their lessons but chose not to move on?
For all of us that did not 'learn our lessons', is it true that on a higher awareness level we 'chose to stay'?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Yes to all above...We don’t want you to worry about the past as in live in
the moment, this is also why you don’t normally remember your past so it does not interfere in your
moment, history can be changed in a instant remember that also people may not notice it occur but
some may feel déjà vu this is when a change occurs.

Bruce 512298: Just wondering.... If this chronological order is correct? War with Iran and (possibly
Libya) economic collapse, Dark star, Natural events and nuclear occurrences
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
Then peace for several years under the NOW, then another W War followed by more nukes and then the
comets and the transitional wave.

Also, when does the dark star present? Before or after the several years of peace under the NWO? That is
several years before the comets colliding with earth or at the same time/year?

Oh by the way............ thank you for taking the time to comment... it is greatly appreciated.

Quorum Adonai Christ: Order is open at present but most of what you listed is high probabilities
at present...

Anonymous Coward 453666: Hello Quorum... As we continue our transitions during these times either
to the 4th density, will the body phase in and out?

I believe I have found certain points or spots on this 3rd density body that keep this form present in this
density, like a hologram transmitter. At times, I feel STS Entities hold tight to certain points of the body.
They tend to create enough disturbances to certain points of the body to feed off on or to remind an
individual of their presence. Every time, I get a little more enlightened, they seek harder to remind me of
their presence. Thank you for any insights you may have.

Quorum Adonai Christ: Phasing in and out from 3rd and 4th density is an open possibility yes;
some may have experienced such already.

Anonymous: Hi Quorum, What about people who do not see the bouncing or orbiting lights or star
twinkles in the air? Why do some people perceive these lights and others do not?

Quorum Adonai Christ: some are more aware than others and are vibrating at a higher

Kensai 502821: Hello Quorum, Can you share more regarding the process of letting spirit take over?
How does one perceive this process or let this process occur?

Quorum Adonai Christ: It was more say an analogy but it is say allowing your consciousness to
raise therefore your perspective changes this occurs as your experiences lessons and sort through
the levels of distortions. There is no one way to do this as in all lessons are different for each
experiencing entity.

Kensai 502821: Hi Quorum, While I am still in a state of doubt in regards to helping myself; I really
want my brothers and sisters to 'be there' as well.

Is feeling this way an obstacle to helping myself? Am I being too concerned for the speck in my
neighbor's eye?

Quorum Adonai Christ: In one context if you’re feeling are so strong that it could prevent you
from being ready yourself it could hinder. Remember they have their choices and you have yours
they may not be ready for change and may choose to repeat as desire to explore 3rd density
experience further.

Sometimes too much compassion for others can be selfish in it intention and serves no one but
yourself it is best to remember that all things in existence must have a balance.

Kensai 502821: Hello Quorum, All the beings that falls under the Draconian hierarchy and Orion
factions, do they 'KNOW' what they are, or are they just merely playing 'roles'? You stated that we
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humans do not know what we are; do the STS beings you mentioned before also not know what they are?
Those beings and us humans, are we not all sons of the living 'father'?

Quorum Adonai Christ: They know more of who they are than you do yes 4th density opens new
levels of awareness of self but not all levels. All are playing roles for the purpose of the lesson all
existence exists for the purpose of experience through the concept of lessons.

To some degrees STS beings don’t know who they are truly that part of the learning process and a
fun discovery.

Anonymous Coward 502821: Hi Quorum, Regarding the Adamicstate. Is that a state of being in unity in
a literal sense? Meaning in the Adamic state was there individuals that were in an Adamic state or was
there just one being that fragmented into states of individual consciousness?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Yes it is spiritual unity and physical unity so to speak this is complex
because it goes outside the concept of duality if we are speaking of proper unity then gender does
not exist either instead the form itself becomes both sexes at same time unified and there is no true
distraction between gender as both are present 'i.e. you will have both sexual organs' this would be
a STO experience.

All beings in existence are One, all existence is thought forms all that exists is the consciousness and
lessons that the consciousness creates 'concept individual is a distortion an illusion to work

Anonymous Coward 502821: Hi Quorum, Are there any factors or affects external to the being that
currently hinders meditation?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Yes emotional baggage can affect the effects of meditation as it clutters
the mind and blocks process so to speak.

In a state of meditation, can the higher self be contacted? Can you share what is the biggest effect that
discourages meditation?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Yes higher self can be contacted through meditation, distractions of the
physical around you are biggest effects in discouraging meditation, suppression of knowledge is the
second there are many but you should discover on own for maximum empowerment.

What actually occurs in meditation that is different from the usual 'conscious' state we seem to stay in?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Changes of frequency in brain allows the pineal gland to act as a receiver
for frequencies of information being sent through waves of light in form of geometry this
information is say thoughts from higher levels of consciousness a type of conduit occurs as in
locator and location occupy same space.

Anonymous Coward 441506: Hi Quorum, Is emotional baggage attachments, in both a material and
mental belief level? Rather than swords and guns, can one rely on the higher self at a time of need? What
happens to the body, mind, and being when we are open to and allow the frequency to that gland in the
Quorum Adonai Christ: Your intuition knows answer to your question, it is a circumstantial
question but you could say that having a understanding of yourself helps greatly than indentifying
with ego only and taking physical means.

All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
You will understand that your body mind and being were more than your ever imagined, imagine
waking up and seeing the world from the view of Quantum no more linear.

Anonymous Coward 502821: Hi Quorum, Is the universe not 'big enough' to contain all the STS and
STO beings? Are gravity workers neither STS nor STO beings?

Quorum Adonai Christ: concept of not big does not fit when trying to understand size of universe
imagine and ever expanding sphere and de-expanding sphere, that goes on for all eternity and
contains all possibilities that can be thought 'eventually once all lessons are complete it will collapse
on itself forming the original singularity that began it all we call this God the collapsing of the
unified field back into it original self thou the intelligence consciousness of God is all around us
present in gravity and distortions of it in light the universes will eventually collapse back into one.

Anonymous Coward 502821: Hi Quorum, Is it difficult to start using our inherent abilities you stated
was forgotten such as mental communication and the like?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Ok we wish they give you something to visual, Visualize a realm as a
matrix in this matrix is a set of laws which govern it guides by mathematics and specifically
geometry, these laws act like programs based on the cause and effect, these matrixes each have their
own limitations the limitations exist so that a specific experience can be experienced.

As in example in our realm we see creating things out thin air by thought is impossible based on our
current perspective however in other realms this is not so it becomes easier to do because there is
not limiting factors those who do achieve going against realms laws itself have to be advanced
enough to do such in a higher realm then bring it down to this one this is not entirely easy as in it
like learning cheat codes to a game it requires acquisition of knowledge which is anchored into your
aural fields and increases amount of available energy for your consciousness to use at this time.

All a Density is the concept being relayed to people now is a classroom it has a intention for it
purpose of existing to allow certain lessons to be possible, there is yes a vibration aspect to it to
hence why this term is used a lot but other terms can be used also don’t look to the word as much as
looking to the meaning or the feeling behind the word.

Understand also density level can have a infinity amount of dimensions and one can exist in another
reality another dimension without even becoming aware of the other dimensions sharing their
space/time and time/space 'again remember I am using concepts which are distortions to explain at
a level where they are still relevant later on much things you learn as you go you drop as you learn
new things this has always been the way'.

Anonymous Coward 502821: Thanks Quorum, Are you saying that it is possible for a human being to
bring their 4th density consciousness and awareness down to our current 3rd density vehicle, and if one's
aura can 'hold' that higher density stuff, then the being can manifest 4th density abilities in this 3rd density

Is this correct?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Yes it is possible.

All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
LUH 4317: Quorum, Who and what are you? An Arcturian perhaps? Also, you’re thoughts on Carlos
Castaneda and others claiming to have had encounters with reptilians in visions/astral realm...

Quorum Adonai Christ: What I am or who I am is not important what is who you are. To say one
name would not suit the question you have asked.

Anonymous Coward 454457: Hi Q, Can you explain for us how you raise your vibrations to pass
through the lower densities where the 'nasty's' live?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Very well completion of lessons through the acquisition of knowledge and
completion of destinies goals leads to increase in vibrations as more information is obtainable the
higher your raise your own consciousness, this can affect both the physical and spiritual aspect of
the self and will be felt by your atomic makeup 'higher you raise lighter you become: P’.

A 454457: thanks for your answer Q... Is possible to describe the physical feelings you have had as this
process has been occurring? The subtle and not subtle energetic sensations as they move through the parts
of the body... how the highly vibrating atomic state. Electrons etc. Stimulate nerves and neurons, even
DNA into reconfiguration within Higher density/dimensional unities.

I've noticed your energy signature has changed a little during your absence and your vibration feels

Can your share how it felt from a physical perspective to go through a 'vibrational shift'?

Quorum Adonai Christ: The sensations is one of being pulled as in it is like feeling yourself pulled
by a magnetic force, you feel lighter and your body vibrates you can feel your electrons accelerating
in your atoms you also notice the air itself begins to distort almost becoming like rippling water.

I have spoke previously about some physical visual perspectives of this experience and if you are
seeing these particulars that do form like in a field type of effect then you are becoming aware of
what known as the veil in esoteric terms.

Note that during the shifting process which is happening now for everyone who is allowing it you
will experience emotions deeper but also you will go through stages of confusion and depression and
will experience some illnesses as well this types of effects are just symptoms to the shift occurring
within you, remaining balanced helps this process.

Anonymous Coward 502821: Hi Quorum, What would happen if a being from 3rd density whose being
is also vibrating at a denser frequency and was placed in a higher density like 4th density?

Will there be a 'rejection' effect?

Quorum Adonai Christ: If soul resonance frequency is not high enough then the 3rd density entity
couldn’t occupy 4th density space. You question are you asking what would happen to someone who
was not ready to be in 4th density if so mostly if they are not ready they would not even experience
it thou with et help mainly STS they can say bring you up temporarily this does happen also.

Anonymous Coward 502821: Hi Quorum, What would it be like for a 3rd density being that reside in
4th density in a 'non natural' manner? Will there be any effects?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Confusion borderline insanity as they would not be prepared consciously
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
for such an experience.

Anonymous Coward 502821: Hi Quorum, Can you provide more details in regards to the 'harvesting'
like scenario you mentioned before? I believe you said that both STS and STO beings will be harvesting
in some fashion. An you provide the means and the hows? At this, if we can't discern between STS and
STO, maybe it isn't safe to get into any spacecraft?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Both polarities at the end of cycle have the potential to harvest entities to
next level of its polarity this is based on the entities choice and the frequency that it vibrates at
during the moment of transition.

It is harder to achieve STS polarization and be harvested because it takes doing what you call evil
in extremes to anchor oneself in that polarity so that you are at correct frequency to be harvested
into next level of STS. It is easier to be harvested into STO because it requires nothing but natural
progress through the learning of the universal laws if you can live in harmony with others and are
ready to move onto something new then most probably you are ready to polarize towards STO and
enjoy such a experience your next incarnation.

Getting into spacecrafts would not be wise unless you can properly discern, as the method of
transport between densities will be a wave from God so to speak and it is unnecessary to use
technology to evolve to the next levels or to re-begin on the current 'this will be like a supernova'.

Anonymous Coward 502821: Hi Quorum, What would it be like for a 3rd density being that reside in
4th density in a 'non natural' manner? Will there be any effects?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Confusion borderline insanity as they would not be prepared consciously
for such an experience.

Anonymous Coward 502821: Hi Quorum, Is facing one's fear important to consider? The idea behind
'remaining in love rather than fear', is there importance to this beyond the usual generalized thought to
this saying?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Facing ones fear is important if you are to overcome that fear.

Fear has been misunderstood all things that are must be seen in a trinity for they are three, three
ways can they be looked at from this represents a balancing as it contains the duality perspectives
and the unification perspective.

Saying this fear can be both positive and negative as can love example of this is that fear as a
positive prevents you from say putting your hand in a boiling pot of water due to the effect of it
would burn you 'with knowledge comes power from that power you navigate your experience
better' and on same note negative Love can be when one is so in love as they see it so possessive that
they harm the other when are dissatisfied or even deceive themselves and endanger their

To understand the positives of fear better look into nature and how the understanding of the
predator helps animals to survive they have the fear of their predators a knowledge usually from
experience which they remember this helps them avoid beings killed because they fear that which is
a threat to them. If they did not have this fear they would simply die off as the predator would
dominate the prey.

Many people are good hearted they tried to understand things of universe from this level but not
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
many have actually opened themselves from viewing things from above this level, true
understanding of things lies in the learning of the distortions.

Eve_4000Bc: If drac/reptilians are so powerful then why do they choke to the bible?

Second question: Is there a drac/reptilian that would like to meet me for a nice Sunday mass? Perhaps I
could hold up the bible and share with them the word of God? Any drac takers?

Quorum Adonai Christ: They helped write it wouldn’t affect them; this is more complex than it

ProfessorK: Hello Q... I have read through most of this thread. And I thank you. You have answered
many of my own questions, though I have much to consider. But my question is: how can we develop the
abilities and gifts we will need to survive the coming years?? And how do we get past the five senses?
And a statement: I have decided to seek a path of service to others... in anyway and every way I can...

Quorum Adonai Christ: No need will develop when timing is right suggest. just watch the light
show :), interesting times ahead. Meditation can help thou.

Anonymous Coward 519091: Q... thanks for your insights... also. What did you mean when you say that
love is a distortion?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Love is lower vibrations distortion of light and unconditional love, in
how many understands love now it is a distortion which changes over time as develops the true
meaning of love which is 'Unconditional' the very concept itself unconditional means no condition is
placed on what love can be in our world even those who speak of unconditional love place
conditions because they do not understand the concept themselves, they instead view love through a
distortion. At such a level as ours Love too is part of the 3...

Anonymous Coward 441506: Hi Quorum, It seems what we think, believe, and perceive regarding love
is the distortion. Is unconditional love distortion? Is it not possible to realize and express unconditional
love in this realm?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Impossible at this level to truly express unconditional love, at this level
unconditional love is a distortion yes it is a distortion to degree but one of the highest level lessons.

LUH 4317: Quorum: What do you know about the Feline People/Paschats/Kilroti/Ari ETs?

What is the connection between the feline beings and reptilians? One of Sekhmet's many names is "Ruler
of Serpents and of Dragons". Is this only a reference to Kundalini? From my experience she does hold
power over the scaled ones...

Quorum Adonai Christ: Possible as someone did help create the reptilian species...there is to many
things out there to say I cannot comment on if it is true or not but I see things like that there for a
reason like clues to a puzzle, perhaps you have noticed something helpful ;).

Anonymous Coward 474249: Do you eat crickets?

All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2

Quorum Adonai Christ: Only when I’m a bird :P.

Anonymous Coward 441506: Hi Quorum, Is it sort of 'boring' to be perfect, or all KNOWING? Is this
why we all chose to 'hold back' while in incarnations or creation?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Ya, universe created for fun lessons are fun 'but not everything in
perceived as fun in duality'.

Anonymous Coward 441506: Are Hi Quorum, there any effects for a 4th density being residing in a 3rd
density realm?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Cannot occupy it very long without aid of technology even then it isn’t

Anonymous Coward 441506: Hello Quorum, Can we discuss more regarding the 'darkest hour'
experiences in the future you described? It would make sense to 'prepare'. Being prepared by stocking up
on essentials seems prudent, perhaps will be advantageous to not 'lose oneself' and despair so early before
the 'dawn'. However it feels wrong to stock up incredibly on foodstuff and 'ammo' as it seems to be
placing all attention into 'the law of the jungle'.

I feel the ego can only take you so far. Can you share what you feel is important to realize or rely on
during the 'trying' times? I feel for the brothers, sisters, and myself to face these 'gnashing of teeth'
moments in a peaceful, healthy and relaxing way.

Quorum Adonai Christ: Prepare as you feel you need to but remember that physical preparation
is not as helpful as consciousness preparation as in your mind is more important than your body in
the future. Yes ego does only take you so far and is only a thought-form you created it is not the
entire self. Others around you are you that is a important lesson to know in times ahead, trust your
itution, intelligence and heart the key is always the balance the heart and mind must be used

Anonymous Coward 380499: Was the Genome Project done to check for Reptilian DNA?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Unsure of project you speak of but it would depend on who was running
to project more information would be needed I am at 3rd density I do not see all but I can use the
tools to discern percentages.

Anonymous Coward 380499: My apologies. I was referring to the National Geographic Geographic
Project. One would purchase a kit and use a swab in the kit to take DNA sample from inside of the mouth.

They would then trace your genetic lineage back to when and where your specific haplo-group came
from, and supposedly trace your relative's journey across the planet.

Quorum Adonai Christ: It is much more likely that what it is shown it used for is what they are
using it for, but in future DNA will be used as security measures as identification this will be a
technology of bio-genetic identification similar to ideas presented in movies 'this is one part of plan
that the STS have'.

All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
Quorum Adonai Christ: I must again leave but I will return. I need to go do some self reflection.
Enjoy the light show in the future don't let what is happening around you bring you down
remember that you are a magnificent being known as the prime creator each and everyone one of
you. To truly serve others is to empower them by helping them prove to themselves, to spend all
your time trying to disprove others only serves yourself. Once humanity has learned that lesson the
ego will no longer be necessary and will change itself as well for it will help in learning many lessons
at once.

kyle 726600: hey long time no c a! thanks 4 clearing that up 4 me and id like to ask u something else.
must u only be aware of certain things be4 u die to ascend, or must u accomplish what you’re truly
supposed to do in this world before u can ascend? and one more question, are u quorum? :]

Quorum Adonai Christ: He is not I nor is he from my level but he has his own understandings
which are more distorted than mine but telling you that may not go down well so I will not say it

Is your question to me if so the answer is that there is not determined limit to when you must finish
a lesson you can take millions of lifetimes or do it in a few each souls journey is different and each
soul has it own set on lessons.

What I can say to you is this that each level of density functions like a classroom it has a criteria the
criteria is tested at specific points in it cycles if a soul achieved the requirements that souls
progresses into it next set of lessons, this can be done within one lifetime or many it is open to each.

You will never end that is the point some will just have to restart the whole process again this
includes the prehistoric evolution stages, I want to reveal something to you very important to open
your mind to the Quantum truth of life, all that has been and is to be is happening now a soul can
focus it consciousness at any moment within any cycle of experience at any time within any

All you do as you progress is access higher levels of your own consciousness these aspects of yourself
have always existed it is when you merge with it is then your experience, in end it comes down to
choice (more knowledge you gain more access to freewill you gain for less you can be manipulated).

Adonai bless

Anonymous Coward 502821: Hi Quorum, This is like concentrating, or focusing, one's entire spectrum
of being, experienced throughout time and lifetimes, to ... now is that it. Is that like having one's Higher
Self walking around now, or something like that?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Such mental abilities are possible a soul can view it entire experiences
across all existence but normally in an incarnation such as this it is blocked off from such powerful
mental abilities and can only access it through a lot of work and training.

As you progress in development you merge your mind with different aspects of your possible selves,
so could say that yes it is possible to become the higher self in a lifetime by merging its densities
consciousness with your own but unlikely and no one has achieved such it is like being giving the
keys to creating a universe unlimited power any who claims they have are lying 'but it is possible'
the person would be viewed as God because it would be that intelligence 'you would most likely
transition if managed to merge anyway but some acts have occurred of higher but lower densities
than the 6th'.

Desires can hold one back for achieving access to higher states of mind, desires are a means in
which thought forms of STS origins use to imprison your consciousness I too have this to overcome
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2

Another thing which will prevent you from advancing faster is judgment, judgment is much
different to discerning and if you judge another you will be judged by them also. When you make a
judgment which affects another soul it also affects you, the feelings they feel from your judgment of
them will reflect in your karma profile, reason being is that each soul and it lessons is it own it does
make contracts to interact and form pendicular reality experiences but each soul has its own path
to take and if another soul decides it knows better than it is imposing it will into another souls path,
overcoming judgment is a very hard thing because it is so close to discernment and discernment is
required to navigate experience, as it states if you judge be prepared to be judged.

Anonymous Coward 702997: Hi Quorum, Thank you for that... desires out of control is a form of
control for STS... judgment is the placebo of discernment. I struggle with these as well. What said in that
regard was very helpful. How have you been Quorum, is there anything to the timing you came back to
this thread? Hope you have been well.

Quorum Adonai Christ: Timing is not as important as universe is timeless but there is always as
you call it divine timing for things 'a frame of moment'.

I have been well, yes desires are out of control that is the means in which STS operate they use
pleasure to addict people to self destructive desires 'I know this from experience but have learned of
it through suffering which now I no longer see it as suffering but another lesson which remained
only until I required it no longer'.

Yes your prophets spoke of it wisely judgment leads to being judged I have explained why and it
isn’t a punishment just a natural part of the law of cause and effect in aspect of emotions and
mental body’s, it can result in creating karma for yourself because a lesson is required still to not
place that judgment.

Kyle 726600: oh wow! It’s good to hear from u Q! :) And thank u 4 replying to me. I think I finally get it.
I mean just about everything you've said here I get. But I’m still wondering, what if instead of learning
things, we just let go of knowledge and this false universe when we die? Would that release us? Also, can
u please give me some advice on how to both unlock my third eye and how to attract ET’s, of any kind?
That would really help a lot :) peace be with u.

Quorum Adonai Christ: The purpose of the universe is to learn things it was boring knowing all
things so to create a form of fun the entire universe was formed. Imagine it like a game were you
have chosen to forget in order to relearn what is already within you, but in order to relearn it
certain steps like entering a code into a game have to be taken, some of these steps are to unlearn
certain things at same time learning new things so in part to progress you do un-learn certain

The release you speak of is confusing there is never a true imprisonment only the impression of one,
for the experience of the learning which is a natural occurrence from opposing polarized energies
'think of it like a chess game you are playing pieces on the board but at same time you are also the
master of the board only you don’t know it yet'.

You don’t want to attract ETs as of yet as have not developed the abilities to discern the differences
through intentions. The third eye happens naturally but meditation and methods of geometric re-
programming can be used to help assist its acceleration.

I would not recommend going to fast as many souls get lost and become judgmental and paranoid
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
as the attacks will increase and so will the threat of a soul’s isolation from the field and
empowerment of their ego.

Kyle 726600: ok so this is 4 Q only. Now I found this link on a thread posted here. Just check it out and
tell me what u think of it. I myself believe most of it. What about u Q? The site is

Quorum Adonai Christ: will review site and post response later. Always be weary of all
information including this it is best to learn for oneself than be told all answers, the experience of
knowledge is more powerful than knowledge itself...

Quorum Adonai Christ: Site contains some truths but distortion is also present, there is hybrid
reptilian species living in cavern systems at your density they are similar to you and have same
choice systems but the more advanced ones they spoke of are the 4th density reptilians which are
already a decided advanced Service to Self philosophy society and are hostile as you would call it.

The coming war is going to involve them and the entire draconian and Orion alliances as well as
another group which is not to be named yet but when they arrive they will make their presence
known they won’t use covert methods they will just use their advanced knowledge to dominate the
entire solar system, in some ways a new way of life is coming for humanity those who survive the
cycles shifting anyway, be prepared for new enemies and allies that is your future and understand
that a lot them want your resources so make wise decisions.

In end remember you are an aspect of the One what religions call God whatever experiences your
lessons of future hold you are always that aspect and always are connected to infinite power of the
creator. The war of the future I will reveal some to you about it, it will be one of technology and
mental abilities it will cross the threshold of physical and spiritual realms and involve many as
earth will acts as a transdensity dimensional convergence point.

Quorum Adonai Christ: I’d like to share a good way to know when infiltration of STS forces has
occurred in groups which intentions may have been STO originally.

When one is asking questions which are focused on one’s own gain that opens opportunity for a
STS infiltration in the channel, because the intention is there for gain rather than to help others.

This has happened in the cassiopaean channel some years ago and then agents were assigned with
own agendas to change the direction of the project to a geopolitical agenda which serves no one but
the agenda of the STS itself.

How this came to occur is because of the people involved in the channels intention for self
importance they in their life have been seeking a meaning which would make them feel the
suffering they been through was for a greater good. In truth this opens the opportunity for STS
forces to empower their egos and further distort there life’s destiny this is no different than new
agers who claim they are some important being in history.

They may be too far into it now to figure it out but in their mind they think they have out smarted
the STS forces but truth is they are speaking to the Orions now have been for quite some time and
the conduit has been corrupted and this is evidently present in the actions they take against others
if the content is questioned.

We want to express something to you always is there a learning opportunity you can see by their
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
example how STS can change things to suit their own agendas.

What cassiopaen group have not realized yet is that the very forces they are trying to reveal are
masters of space and time and know the history, the Cassiopeia group does research to prove
themselves right this gives opportunity for the STS to gain trust by offering information which can
easily be proven if one looks this is how they operate sometimes "give something for a later take".

The intention is more for proving themselves right than to know the truth because if the truth
contradicts them it is disregarded this is form of bias that been programmed into the group
members they are a great example of reprogramming by STS forces and now promote the service to
self philosophy of having pyramid form of networking were information comes down and filtered
through one person and is approved by them.

What the whole dramas of world going on are about are distractions nothing more, distractions to
promote a specific response in your mind-emotions this response is sustenance for the beings which
live by the STS philosophy.

It is there to slow your awareness down to distract you and keep you so paranoid and confused so in
misery that you don’t realize what maters which is the soul.

The cassiopaen material ATM specially the QFS and SCOTT are a danger to a soul because of the
distortion present within it is designed for purpose explained above and to distract.

This does not mean the cassiopaen material is all nonsense there is a lot of truth in it but it requires
much discernment, the wave series is a good reference but it should also be discerned as well.

Human errors happen but it when one isn’t open to seeing it one imprisons themselves in their

I am sure many have noticed the changes in the cass group members and the hostilities they have
been involved with and the manipulations they have done to others it has all been observed, that
group has been observed since it beginning and the direction it has gone was not the original
intention of the original conduit but it was all open.

All I’m trying to say to people is because something tells you something relevant something helpful
for that time does not mean it intentions are to help you in the end, it can be to gain your trust for a
bigger plan that is unseen by you.

I think it time people help themselves and stop looking for leaders.

Anonymous Coward 716314: Quorum, It sure seems this was a poorly designed game by the Creator.
For it to be so easy for the Reptilians to find loopholes in the "Laws" that allow them to totally rape and
destroy planet Earth while STOs only watch the suffering unfold. Seems like an unfair advantage for STS
to have. For them to completely trick and deceive humans from the beginning to imprison us, yet to say
they are doing this w/in the parameters of Free Will? Doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

Humans on Earth suffer against their will while the Reptiles go on murdering, raping, pillaging, and
destroying all the aspects of the Creator. The Reptilians are going to have to face repercussions for their
actions. This destructive path they have followed has got to lead to nowhere for them. Their time must be
running short?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Karma applies to all beings partly the reason why it has occurred is your
karma, understand this humanity as a group made the decisions which aloud this all to happen so
as a group are responsible, but this does not mean that individuals cannot repair the damage done
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
through realizations gained through experience of knowledge.
Natural process will work out imbalances you have no need to be concerned about it, everything is
yours and the creators plan 'because you are also the creator'.

Kyle 675011: yes and bless thee Quorum. :) I look for no leader, only the truth and to finally help others
find the truth. I come here all the time in the hopes of finding the truth, even if it’s just a little. Because I
must first help myself if I am to help others, right Q? I am simply preparing both my mind, and my soul.
For I know that my body will always suffer and it’s only important for experiencing lessons in. but please,
tell me how geometric shapes can help during meditation. Do I just stare at a geometric shape while
trying to think of nothing? Or do I perhaps draw them on my body at different chakra points?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Your body will always suffer if you perceive it as such, suffering is based
on the perception and can be transfigured in it experience; it is the ignorance of this fact reason you
suffer even I have suffered because I too have ignorance but I suffer less now since learning all I

Geometry is the language of light each shape which forms the complexity of geometry is tied to a
specific energy a specific frequency each frequency itself is an entity responsible for the purpose of
that knowledge. To use the language you also must be imitated by the entity then it will allow you
access to the frequency to be utilized, this is to safeguard knowledge from ill intentions.

Visualization exercises if one has the imagination can allow for transfiguring of the holographic
form if can open the minds access to the understanding of the geometry involved, this can get quite
complex because when you see a body in it true form you will see a complex series of geometric
symbols within magnetic fields, in true form a light being is a amazing wonder of mathematical
geometry, each of these symbols are reprehensive of a specific energy present within that souls

understand also this same vision allows one to see demons which also are frequencies of energy
represented as well as geometric symbols, tied to a consciousness that is self aware of it purpose and
it affects can be things like mental/physical illnesses.

In short they are known as 'thought forms' as are result of an idea expressed within the field of
existence within it waves creating an instability, which universe seeks to stabilize 'balance'.

Charkas are energy portals linking the soul complex to other aspects of itself at higher
densities/dimensions it is a part of the magnetic body also known as the spirit body, charkas are
entwined within the physical body also known as holographic body and the emotional body also
known as the electric body as well as the mental body also known as the astral 'light body'.

Stabilizing of the charkas in each aspect of the bodies allows for what you call "ascension" which in
truth is just another aspect of your consciousness in more balance with the universal mind
'ascension is not end road it is like taking a step up'.

If you seek a physical tool giving to help then study reiki but do so from a master who will teach you
freely and assess you as you are initiated those who do so for personal gain corrupt the energy as it
becomes more polarized towards service to self when energy of such a teaching is of a origin of
service to others.

Be careful who you learn this off as when one who has not been proper initiated teaches it they
passes of their own distortions to their students I have given you a clue in how to learn of a true
master of reiki who has taken a STO path of teaching it won’t be easy to find one for many are
using it to take rather than give.

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Anonymous Coward 716314: Hi Quorum, I have a question concerning men and ejaculation. Is it true
that ejaculation drains a man of vital energy? I once went over 4 months w/ no sex, masturbation, or
ejaculation. I didn't seem to have much more energy, and I felt depressed. If anything, I wonder if going
that long is unhealthy for the reproductive system as my body seemed to quit producing sperm. It would
seem that men need to ejaculate occasionally? It also seems that frequent ejaculation will drain the body
of energy? I am very curious to know what the truth is on this subject.....

Quorum Adonai Christ: Energy is released in the motion of ejaculation yes, but this is natural
part of your experience even animals do it is tied to desires and is a challenge in itself but yes there
is a form of drain which some entities feed apron. I too have had that experience and still am
working on overcoming the sexual desires of life as I now know it holds us back from higher realms
of intelligent exploration.

You empower your will by taking such exercises as self restraint I too have done things like that but
eventually it does overcome, to fully overcome desires is very hard lesson indeed it isn’t required
that we do but the choice is always present. Do not feel too bad about what you desire if it harms
none and respects freewill it is fine, in end the choice is always yours.

Be careful of entities of the succubus nature they do affect the mental body to bring the emotional
sexual energy to sustain themselves on, which is you call it feeding on your soul if you like. Many of
our desires aren’t our own and part of our learning is to discover this we can choose to allow the
entity to experience it or deny the entity it isn’t always an easy choice as I know sex in our world is
promoted wildly. All is learning remember that don’t place a permanent judgment over yourself for
it, one of our hardest tasks is to overcome self judgment we are always hardest on yourself and
entities of STS natures take advantage of that. This does not mean we shouldn’t discern ourselves
we should always discern others and ourselves.

Anonymous Coward 728527: It is true what you say about the Cassiopeia group. I have also discerned
the same. They have become to alleatest.
To involved with being right and too interested in the distractions of the world. Thank you for pointing
this out as now I know I am not the only one considering this.
One wonders about Paris and the possible time line we may be on?
It may be "time" is about to reveal itself now.

Quorum Adonai Christ: That is there lessons it was seen even during the channeling the
possibility of such a occurrence STO will not prevent STS from infiltration if it is allowed in,
because STO also serves STS remember in form we are now we are STS it is our realms experience
everything in life now in it philosophy is STS this is why you struggle to live must work to survive
must use fear as a means of limiting actions etc.

Cassiopaen group has much knowledge within it but required discernment, understand that the
cass group response to attacks by STS was to be defensive but problem was that the attack was to
lead to that response to allow for a reprogramming. It was then setup that they would come into
people with resources who in themselves had own agendas that could alter the direction of the

They did not listen to warning of what events mean, like they report in the SCOTT, because of this
they now empower STS agenda instead of disempowering it and because of this change of direction
the channel is now the Orion STS which has fully hacked into the signal and is using them for their
own progress.

You know the attacks they have done and the solutions were being done by same force and they
played both sides just as happens in physical world with your wars same thing has been used on
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
Laura personally as she is the key to the information behind the cassiopaen work.

It is to late Laura program has ran to long the philosophy of STS is imprinted in the group and is
like a virus spreading through it originally they had opportunity to give a proper objective
understanding from a STO perspective but it has all changed now there still remains remandents of
STO in information but the channel is around 40% accurate now rather than 80% when it first

This is why much of the new information is irrelevant and contradicting the prior knowledge 'time
isn’t relevant anyway so why they even bother with dates' The events are the true signs of knowing
when changes are to occur because they are the causes and the changes are the effects. Being aware
of what happening in world is different to focusing on it.

I wish them well and I’m surprised they did not realize something went wrong when karma of the
court cases arrived and they were forced to manipulate their own viewers into paying for their own
mistakes, the problem now is that the wealth which they have been giving influenced by agents of
STS has corrupted them.

Laura is only way in the philosophy of the cass now and that is the same mistakes of the past
understand this they will want you to think your special so that your ego takes over and STS
programs become the dominate program.

In truth all is equality, Laura sees herself as the savior of humanity now even thou earlier
changelings told them that humanity is it own savior they have instead gone with the STS
programming because it lead to a easier living environment.

In my eyes the name I use in my signature is representive of us all, special means to be singled out
I’ve had these forces try it on me and for a time I fell for it but discovered that such mistakes only
corrupt ones destiny if it was to help others.

You will notice that many people who are made contact with are told they are special that they have
to save humanity that they are the only hope all of this is the tactics of STS forces for they are
cunning and know an ego likes to be feel special.

W 730949: Hi Quorum. I've read most if not all of your posts here and on the Cassiopaean forum. I
recognized your posts there from your unmistakable writing style, it is unique ;-). You are disseminating,
in your own way, a philosophy which I do share, but there are some concerns which I'd like to discuss.

I've followed Laura's work, the C's transcripts and the forum discussion for 2 years now, and have been
worried from time to time by the attitudes/philosophy/actions of the group. I have wondered many times
if, indeed, as you say, the channel has been "infiltrated" and corrupted. There is some anecdotal evidence
to support this view, but I am not at all convinced either way. Here are some curious excerpts:

Quorum Adonai Christ: All posts I do to group are to test their levels of awareness even if that
test has distorted information to see how well they see it, understand that almost everything we
read has some layer of distortion and this is just part of being on earth at present.

A: USA heading for destruction!
A: It's creepy for the USA in any event. 5D City on a hill!

All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
The C's start a sessions with doom? Why?!

Q: (L) Okay. Enough on that. (F) I am just curious as to how long this experiment will last? But, that is
probably unimportant. (L) It will last as long as it lasts
and not a minute longer! (F) Exactly!
A: If you wish, you may maintain contact, and ask for updates in a friendly and informative way. The
results will amuse you, if nothing else.

"...amuse you, if nothing else"? Is that a clue?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Yes as Ark says the devil is in the details, that is clues to distortion in the
conduit, there is plenty in much of the wave series to clues to future possibilities of the infiltration
some of those in the circle are what they call Ops but they do not understand how Ops operate.

Q: (L) I have a question I want to ask. A lot of people say that esotericism and politics shouldn't be mixed
together, that somebody who has esoteric pursuits - or spiritual pursuits, let me put it that way - shouldn't
be interested in "worldly" things. I would like to have your view on this. Have we gone completely astray
by mixing in politics?
A: Absolutely and vehemently not!!! There is no possibility of true spiritual work progressing without full
awareness of the world that surrounds you. What have we said about "true religion?" Let your curiosity
guide you. In its pure state curiosity is a spiritual function.

Quorum Adonai Christ: Disinformation and not a non distorted 6th density conduit source, I will
explain why firstly the world around you foremost is a illusion for purpose of a experience secondly
you are not required to know politics to advance spirituality what can help is awareness of the
world but to focus on it is to allow distractions to succeed. Knowledge of something and giving that
something energy is a different mater all together.

What has it achieved all the political focus and mockery that Scott team has done it has done
nothing but affect the emotions and psychological states of the readers because the dramas are
there to cause such a distraction to be focused on what is physical is bind oneself within it

There judgment of others lead to consequences which instead of facing it themselves manipulated
there public into assisting by using hypnotic suggests which may not been apparent to people who
do such, it is easy to do because humanity is so ignorant to the methods the words are the key in the
revealing. The money they gained from such was not all used on legal matters some of it was used
for their own agendas, the method was done twice original sum was met then they did it again it
was noticed by us yes. Remember when the conduit warned not to seek fame or fortune to Laura
and Ark "this is basically telling them be careful in how they approach this".

Absolutely, vehemently and three exclamation points? And how is interest in politics _absolutely_
necessary for a "full awareness of the world"? The C's answer is almost a non-sequitur, not really
answering the question at all!

Quorum Adonai Christ: Much of the new answers are the expectations of the group they want to
be proven right and STS will obliged as it helps them, remember in RA material Ra spoke of the
channel being able to distort the message if it own expectations are in the way.

Well, these quotes I remembered now, and I could probably come up with more, but I'm sure you see what
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
I mean. The "flavor" of the C's messages have changed since the pre-2002 sessions. Some of the forum
members even noted this. As usual a positive spin is put on all changes, but I'm not so sure.

I'm kind of worried what all this means. It's hardly surprising that a channel in this realm becomes
corrupted and a group infiltrated, it happens pretty much every time, I suppose. To some degree. But what
hope does all this leave humanity, if Laura and her group are to have a significant role to play in the
coming drama? Are they "off-track", as far as destiny goes?
Somehow I can't just believe it. It would seem reasonable to expect that whatever intelligence designed
her life-path in this incarnation took all of this into account, and that this is in a sense "inevitable". Just a
lesson. You seem to paint a rather bleak picture as far as their group goes. That a dark cloud is hanging
over them and destruction is coming...

Personally, I just think I need more knowledge to be able to discern these things, but apparently you have
some esoteric insight into this. So could you please explain how you think you know all this?

"...Because even the very wise cannot see all ends..."

Quorum Adonai Christ: Destruction and Creation work hand in hand, there is no end only
change if humanities lessons are destructive that is just the natural interaction of energies.

This doesn’t mean it will be the timeline is not yet determined however it is likely that the galactic
war will be seen by humanity, but is not yet certain that depends on the events which are part of the
shifting process.

It is likely and many are arriving for the convergence, humanity is about to be introduced to a
galactic community one which is a competitive place to be this is because of the philosophy
mankind has followed that being STS.

Destinies are written by each souls true self "higher self" but choice is the determining factor in
when a destiny program is activated. There work is not all bad it is one best for a reference to
understanding the more truthful situation of the souls of man but yes it too required discernment.

Understand also Laura and Ark are good people if you knew them years ago they were very kind
and friendly people to those they knew this has been observed as well, the direction it has gone has
changed them and it was noticed by those they now make claims are there to attack them.

As it changed and progressed at specific intervals I did try to ensure the infiltration did not occur
but was unsuccessful, I gave them hints to the deeper psychic part of the conflict that being the
hyper dimensional entities such as Moloch and the teams of psychics who job is to infiltrate people’s
minds which is funded by US military.

It became more difficult when they opened up to networking not realizing that it also allows for
contamination if not properly screened, networking is the way of STO but it is also used in STS for
communication means and information dispension in STO the difference is the intention of sharing
has no intention of receiving, because Laura does have a opportunist attitude she foreseen only
those who could give herself something as worthy of her intention and because of the intellectual
conditioning which if not in balance can lead one to be judgmental of others she missed many
opportunities of learning STO philosophy.

Attacking everyone else’s believe systems and trying to prove them wrong is not the way of STO
philosophy why would they bother when they serve both philosophies equally, that is more a STS
3rd density way of thinking which creates nothing but karma as shown in what happened with all
the dramas afterwards which easily could been avoided. Much of what they assume to be objective
now is actually subjective as well and they miss that too, for instance the assumption that
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knowledge must be gained through linear physical learning and that one can’t just know something
is a 3rd density condition a distortion.

I will tell you a higher truth of it and let you decide if your soul understands what I’m saying, all
knowledge that can be gained already does exist and it exists inside of you it is just that the physical
means is one option like entering a code to access a specific data call it a ritual if like for much of
life here is rituals. The initiation process I spoke of earlier is the process in which the consciousness
gains access to the data this is for security reasons for obvious reasons, all knowledge in existence is
expressed through the field and the field is what links you to the beginning and the end. Some
beings know this as the Quantum field and Albert knew it as the unified field, this field you could
say is the love of God and the template for the imagination to bring forth holographic creations
known as 'thought forms' these thought forms formed everything that is existence and existence
while a consciousness is observing it for the reason of experience.

To understand the Core of something is to understand it completely to look to outer shell is to miss
what is within.

Also anything you have done you consider wrong is always forgiven, justice is always giving if one
has faith and trust in the nature of the universe a soul is bound to another until the contract has
finished so to give forgiveness is to absolve bonds which require participation. To seek vengeance is
to create karmatic bonds with another in which could end up being a cosmic tennis match until one
forgives the other; this is one understanding of the workings of karma but a deep and important
one. Remember 'Let he who has not Sinned Cast the first Stone' for that message is a deep wisdom
giving to this world and holds much truth within its words. I/we too have sinned, we admit to
exploring desires we admit to having dark thought we admit to all humans too have experienced
and what matters is the now not the past the past can be changed in a instant and the future written
in a moment.

W 730949: Oh, and what is a "charka" and "SCOTT"? Do you mean chakra and SOTT (signs of the

It puzzles me that although you are clearly _not_ stupid, you have trouble expressing yourself clearly.
Why the lack of punctuation and spelling mistakes? And the use of neologisms such as "legitually"? Did
you know that isn't a word? And did you know that it is considered "a symptom of thought disorder
(indicative of a psychotic mental illness, such as schizophrenia) in adults"?

[link to en.wikipedia.org]

So what do you have to say about that?

Quorum 730732: To understand higher realms you will have to unlearn things you have learned in
lower realms because part of the process of transition is to progress out of the levels of distortion to
a more truthful perception. Remember when it was said that to enter the kingdom of heaven one
must have the mind of child this is the meaning of that wisdom. For you to progress you must let go
of weight which hold you to lower perceptions of consciousness and part of this is to reassess your
ability of neologism. I see what I have said firstly as pictures "geometry" the brain then translates it
and I express in the word.

Anonymous: This is like getting past the illusions and getting 'real' for a change?

Yes distortions are illusions created for a purpose of an experience they in themselves create untrue
limitations once one has progressed through a distortion the untrue limitation is not longer present
so one has gained a higher understanding of "real" truth.

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I do get the feeling that to KNOW THYSELF seems to be as hard or as easy as oneself expects... it does
seem that the mind tends to overcomplicate things... the Child state you described... for them i think it is
just natural almost, just accepting, maybe even comfortable. Sadly I don’t ever recall that kind of feeling.

It is as hard as we make it yes, we are the one who decides how long it takes us and how quick we
learn. Child sees the world through their imagination that is how the universe is created so to
understand such and balance with the developed intelligence is to begin to see truth of universe.

Or being the guy making simple things overly complicated... I guess I’m at the point I can start laughing
at myself more easily, is that good step?

Many things are simple but complex in how it can be used. The Core of creation is simple but in it
utilization it is complex because many contributed to its design. Some of the smartest people
prevent themselves learning the simplest of lessons for they look for complex answers only to realize
later the answer was in front them all along.

Information I give I don’t stop to think about it I allow it flow through me, this means I do not see
the relevance of stopping to construct it within a method which has in itself being designed to limit
your mind. Do you think telepathy has grammar or can you imagine seeing things as pictures
without words or sound?

I de-educated myself to allow for a clearer mind to enable access to this information, because the
brain can only handle so much information I only kept what is relevant to my survival and I too do
enjoy life as well and watching movies play games and read books much like any human does.

Many disorders you associated to the mind are from other reasons, such as attachment to a person’s
aura or intrusive thoughts from other beings or technologies. Sometimes it can be that the soul is
becoming more aware of it omnipresent truth so the idea of split personalities itself can also be a
person merging aspects of themselves into One container, sometimes this doesn’t go down well and
instabilities lead to what people call insanity.

Much of how we communicate now is disregarded in higher realms to translate it into this format in
itself is difficult because my intention is to display a different way of perception not to continue with
the conditions.

How you perceive is yours to behold I perceive as I know it and share it.

All people on earth now are affected with psychological illnesses even if the general society does not
know you are if you perceive way humanity does this includes me and my point is to whom that I
too understand everything humanity is going through.

W 730949: if I might just say w, just because it causes her stress doesn’t mean its Q's fault. It just means
Laura chose to handle it differently than q wanted. Hello. The point is: If Laura clearly states she is NOT
interested in discussing with Q any further, that the considerate thing for Q is to leave her alone. I got the
impression that Q continued to spam her despite this.

Quorum Adonai Christ: We have had very little interactions with Laura; it is within periods of
time as you call years when it is appropriate. I am sharing this container so to speak with multiselfs.
We have respected choice of Laura which is why we have not directly spoken to her often, other
souls seeking some answers we may have offered a option of alternative insights but we did not
make them accept it that is always there choice.

Each name we have used is to display aspects of ourselves and esoteric truths, such as the
watcher6in1 means to be a observer and to see through all 7 levels which is the 6 in 1 one for the 7th
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
is the combination of the first 6. Many of our words are multilayered with deeper meanings this is
done in format we choose for a reason.

We have not seen Laura stress over what we have said she disregards it that is her choice we just
leave them to learn on their own and return to check on progress.

The cassiopaean group original intention was for the development of an esoteric school to give
world an insight into the philosophy of STO and to hopefully adjust the world into that way of life
so that the future possibilities for the souls could open to a STO experience. Understand without a
Soul being open to change into STO philosophies it cannot enter a STO experience.

The whole focus of the physical world is the sign of the infiltration so much more esoteric
knowledge could have been shared to the group if they had been open to it, all they have been giving
is small aspects some of which are distorted too, because they rely on a older philosophy of teaching
which is also distorted itself but holds some truths as does all.

The Cassiopaen group was to prepare people for the change of perception into a 4th density mind to
remove limitations and distortions that have been placed by STS forces, but it seems that has not
been the case. I am constantly at war myself with such forces the war is already happening within
your minds learning about this is part of empowering yourself with your natural psychic defenses.

Kyle 726600: thank u again for clearing that up for me. Now do I just envision the basic geometric
shapes like circle, triangle, square, and all the other shapes up to ten? Or do we envision those and the
hedron shapes too?

Also, which shapes are good, and which shapes are demonic?

Bless thee Q and may peace and love be with u.

Quorum Adonai Christ: Review crop circles, it not entirely shapes that is demonic it is the usage
of the geometry and intention of its design. Ok magus which are very present on earth are people
who have very powerful imaginations they can create a symbol and attach it a purpose, this was
known in past as summoning demons understand people that you are in Truth the creator and so
can also manifest thought forms.

shapes don’t hold a good or bad you give the symbols there meanings all knowledge is result of
another’s contribution, then others who accept that knowledge then use it to create other forms of
thoughts forms with their own imaginations. This is all formed holographically and universe
conforms to the choices made.

You can form geometric programs yourself if learn how through self discovery, it isn’t something
people can just tell you it happens when you are ready. In matrix movies do you remember part
were the cake was reprogrammed to give pleasure this is a example and also even hidden truths in
your multi-medias, this is saying that things can be reprogrammed if one has the ability. You are all

Our advice is to meditate and allow your higher aspects of consciousness to show you in vision the
geometry you require to know, this doesn’t mean you will be shown first time you meditate,
meditation is like allowing the silencing of the noise of the background that being the physical
world which allows the sub consciousness to bring awareness into the conscious mind "could say

W 730949: Hi again Quorum. Thank you for answering. Now, I'm not going to quote you and comment
on what you said piece by piece, that would be pointless. I'd just like to point out that you wrote nothing
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
new, nothing that you haven't written many times over already.

Except maybe that bit about "teams of psychics who job is to infiltrate peoples’ minds which is funded by
US military", that one I haven't heard yet. From you, that is. It's not that I would (totally) disagree with
you, though. But why mechanically write all that metaphysical stuff, you think I don't know all that? If
you would care to pay attention, the first thing I wrote was that I've read all your stuff!

The attitude that is implicit in your responses is one of superiority in terms of knowledge, as you seem to
consider yourself a teacher. Why else would you choose to "test the levels of awareness" of the
Cassiopeia group? As I said, I've read some of your posts at the C forum, and the reactions of Laura in
particular, and it's pretty clear to me that nothing good has come of your attempts to "fix" their views.

Quorum Adonai Christ: Tests are necessary to make sure the water is safe to enter. It is not
superiority but more a realization which is to be shared in everyone’s future anyway, Truth closer
you get less version of it there are. We all will eventually Share one mind.

If anything, it seems to have only further entrenched their worldview/philosophy, which is emotionally
based (everything is), by rousing antagonism. Laura writes that she has a whole folder of your
"ramblings" in her inbox! Even though she clearly does not want to receive your wisdom, you pour it out
anyway and thus cause her further stress? And you think this would make her see the light, so to speak?

Quorum Adonai Christ: That is not our intention, sometimes the ramblings of a madman hold
words of truth

By the way, there was this one post at the C forum (as user Watcher6in1) where you wrote:

"There is some who are 6th density STO souls within a STS environment at first they will develop within
a STS perspective but will shift as get older into their true natures, they will partake in the bridging the
3rd and 4th density realities, understand also a 6th density STO soul has expressions within 5th 4th 3rd
2nd and 1st densities."

Would you like to tell us more about these individuals? Are these the same ones the C's refer to as the 4th
density STO Nordics? Or are they a smaller sub-group perhaps?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Those are souls who have done all humanity have done and are to do in
their experience as they develop to unification with the One. If you can imagine for a moment there
is other worlds which have gone through all the densities lessons themselves and have united with
the One then chosen to return to help other worlds in darkness as that is a roll one can play at such
levels the forefront of the battle of duality so to speak just a natural position in our cosmic chess
game. You must understand that even you have aspects of your consciousness existing in other
dimensions and higher densities which as you develop with you merge with in one context you are
them to be.

DNA is programming and certain advantages are giving to well developed souls, such as divine
timing which means "activation triggers" which can be events that are perception changing.
Understand that this is always a risk as when one enters a world such as this one can be lost within
it systems at first but there is always assistance giving if that is successful or not is open. For
instance the headaches are attacks of the psychic nature by teams who purpose is to attack you
mentality this is to try discourage you sharing with others "this I have and do still experience also".

Nordics are not same thing I was referring too but they are a develop species who taught the Nordic
wisdom to the ancestors of your past, Nordics are to play a role as a ally to humanity as they move
into the galactic community whether this will be open contact and world trading is open at present.
Some Nordics went the direction of STS as well so also be aware of those factions as well this is why
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
some sources call the Nordics STS, be interesting to meet Thor wouldn’t it there’s technology and
mental capabilities is so advanced they have been viewed as Gods, Raganok is representing the
galactic war to occur, occurring, occurred now.

Who says you are not who I speak off? What determines your soul’s progress is awareness which is
achieved through realizations brought on by experience of knowledge.

Understand that everything that exists is formed from knowledge for it is holographically created
by imagination interacting with the Quantum field, physics would call this instability within
gravity, and I prefer to call it a fluctuation or utilized love.

Yes I am saying that people are taking part in the transdensity shift of this dimension. It is forming
a conscious bridge to cross over with if you can imagine perceptions as waves of frequencies that as
you shift in your minds understanding you can access to other stations of experience so to speak
"like listening to a radio, change the channel as are done listening to the current song".

Kyle 726600: I have to ask Q, about the site I showed u, is it true that we really were created by aliens to
be there slave race?

Quorum Adonai Christ: You are the Soul firstly, if you speak of your biological form that is result
of recombination’s of DNA with life present on earth with what you call aliens, so you are a hybrid
which originally had more active strands as giving to your original biological creators but later was
tampered with by what you now known as draconian forces. They did this by hacking the sun
which is complicated to explain, I would have to explain what a sun is in respect to universe beyond
scientists understandings.

There is some who planned for you to be a slave race, your evolution processes has been accelerated
more than once but this too has always been part of your plan. There is some who will try enslaving
you in coming future events and there is some trying to liberate you/us.

Kyle 726600: if I might just say w, just because it causes her stress doesn’t mean its Q's fault. It just
means Laura chose to handle it differently than q wanted.

Hello. The point is: If Laura clearly states she is NOT interested in discussing with Q any further, that the
considerate thing for Q is to leave her alone. I got the impression that Q continued to spam her despite

That’s because she doesn’t want to hear the truth, she’s blind to it. Trust me w, persistent is a good thing.

Quorum Adonai Christ: She is not fully blind she has more truth in her work than most, don’t
discredit them entirely the wave series has much truth behind it. The direction it took wasn’t the
intention but freewill is an open water ride.

Understand that this isn’t all about one person, people must stop thinking that 'messiah idea', same
problem occurring during Yeshua’s lifetime, the point is the information she is acting as a
messenger for it as are we/I. You become your own messiah.

W 731862: Yes, Quorum, sometimes ramblings of madmen hold words of truth. I do have sympathy for
people who are insane or mentally unbalanced. Not saying that you are, but I don't know you so I kind of
have to probe you a bit. Your "testing of the waters" I can certainly understand and relate to.

You see, I've suffered a great deal over the years from depression and psychic attacks. Having been
brought to the brink myself so many times, I know how easy it is to lose one's bearings... And how tough
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
it is to be at the front lines of this War you speak of...

Quorum Adonai Christ: All lose ones bearing at one time including me, meditation and exercises
are tools we can use to keep ourselves within balance.

Who says you are not who I speak off? What determines your soul’s progress is awareness which is
achieved through realizations brought on by experience of knowledge.

And maybe I am. We'll see. I found that post of yours to be close to the truth. It's not something most
people would write.

Quorum Adonai Christ: As each Door is opened new perceptions develop, have you seen the crop
circle known as the doors of perception that is a good metaphor for its meaning.

The Cassiopaen group was to prepare people for the change of perception into a 4th density mind to
remove limitations and distortions that have been placed by STS forces, but it seems that has not been the
case. I am constantly at war myself with such forces the war is already happening within your minds
learning about this is part of empowering yourself with your natural psychic defenses.

Are you saying they are failing?! There may be a few bumps in the road, but I'm sure they will make it!

What do you think about these new breathing/meditation exercises they are now working on? Hopefully
positive things will start to happen soon.

To be quite honest I'm starting to grow weary that so much time has passed and so little has happened.
The attacks just go on and on.... Where are the allies you speak of? Yeah I'd like to meet Thor.

Quorum Adonai Christ: Time is a illusion remember it will take as long as it needs the allies will
reveal themselves more openly in coming years as mankind prepares for its introduction into the
galactic community, humanity is not truly ready for this some are that is the purpose of all contacts
which have been occurring by STO groups, at same time STS will use people as well in similar
matters so the war at present is one of the information of the mind but will as the dimensions
collapse and the possibilities of the timelines lessen become more physical so there will be signs of
wonder the closer the shift gets.

Quorum Adonai Christ: The exercises will help as it in what is suggest as developing one’s own
programs to assist oneself, it will only help those who believe it will as with everything things only
work if one has faith it will.

The bumps in the road have lead it a different path but no they are not failing as such more
stumbles but open if they realize or not. The work of the esoteric wisdom is what is important and it
would be wiser if the direction of the cass group changed to development of understanding such
principles and was not so much concerned about the physical distraction as when one visits the site
now it seems much like conspiracy websites and has much egocentric perceptions displayed, news
media’s covers enough of it they don’t need to contribute to it.

They must also expand on what others have left in their understanding of philosophy not be
bottlenecked by focusing on one path of understanding, the people they like to quote did their work
in that lifetime to give a tool which allows a foundation to develop into a new philosophy, one more
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
towards STO it is open what they do with it.

They must begin to understand the differences of discernment and judgment; we have judged them
when they judge us to show them that those who judge are also judged and that in end it serves no
good. Judgment itself is not open but discernment is, judgment is a tool like anything but it also
must be discerned in it usage. Humanity lives in a world of judgments at present a condition is
placed on what is normal and isn’t these same conditions are limitations preventing you seeing
clearer pictures.

I have told you before that only the now is what is important what you have done and what you are
in future isn’t as in important as who you are now. Every soul has done what you call evil in their
lifetimes every soul has experience karma as result of those choices and every soul will absolve itself
of it eventually, there is no permanent judgment on what you do unless you place it there and until
you overcome such it will remain.

When we answer questions we also answer for those who have same question you present so we are
not saying you do not know this already. We feel most of what we can share with you, you have
learned in your times of reflection.

Anonymous Coward 729033: Tell us about the Gold.

Why do they mine for Gold?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Many of the resources of this world are rare in other worlds Gold being
one of them, Gold is has unique properties which can be utilized for psychic development or
technologies which utilize light frequencies for mind control at same time it is used in
electromagnetic technology which are used to distort the quantum field 'gravity'.

With all minerals and elements it is possible to use techniques of alchemy to transfigure it structure
but this knowledge is very advanced and is not known by all races that show interest in this worlds
material resources. Part of the process requires a specific level of development in understanding
consciousness roll in creation, the alchemists who have done this are also very well versed in
esoteric understanding of the spirit "Again the key is perception".

To explain this we would have to give an example of using imagination to holographically form a set
of physic structures which could be utilized in a realm of your creation. You could say the realm we
are in now is one logos expression of the intelligence of God, which you have over the illusion of
time contributed to its development and the universe conformed to your faith.

As science is known by mankind it is simply understanding tools of the mind but not what creates
those tools, so it is flawed in many of it assumptions but it works because the universe conforms to
the faith of those who invent with imagination.

I am basically saying that you are the definers and you are connected to each other so when one in
their faith defines something and others accept it then it becomes the global reality as you know it
now, this is getting deeper than we should go at present because these concepts are beyond this
densities understanding.

Example someone decided at some point that Gold would have specific cause and effects, this does
not mean Gold as a mineral even as a name is the same in every universe, when we speak universe
we are really talking sometimes of the omiverse "unified universes".

All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
Quorum Adonai Christ: Since I mentioned Gold I would like to share more understanding of
elements and minerals, each has itself it own unique fields these are frequencies which are linked
inter-dimensionally to the quantum field, each frequency itself is tied to a specific entity a specific
form of intelligence of consciousness, this entity is also a form of energy which can be utilized if
initiation is correct to assist a soul in it physical explorations "example is some energy fields can be
utilized for healing".

Understand that the entity responsible for the frequency is the definer you are basically asking it
for help "form of communication" it is possible to even utilize crystalline structures to
communicate between dimensions.

Alchemists have known such entities as elementals, spirits, angels, demons, macrobes, orbs among
other things "remember to that there is always a geometric representation in the language of light
for each as well".

So many layers can one object be viewed from when you look at simplest form try to in mind
imagine how many complex layers of ideas that forms that form "It is simply in the concept but
complex in utilization".

Anonymous Coward 726600: please, try us. Who are you to say we’re not ready to understand the
universe? Maybe some of us are ready or able to understand it Quorum. So please, give us all a chance. :)
Plus I’d like to know how to remove fluoride completely from my body. Since u said it prevents our third
eye from opening, or something along that line.

Quorum Adonai Christ: The lessons of said information are best learned through experience; in
the 4th density such lessons will be understood as the means of proof will be displayed. All I tell you
about it will not prove it to you this is why I said it isn’t necessary to know about the complex layers
which form a form at this density "what you have come to know, is one layer of the illusion call it
seeing the layers of the illusions but not the means of creating the illusions".

Fluoride if you’re still exposed to it will remain in body, you can use fasting to detox the body but
your main solution is to not expose yourself to such chemicals to begin with. Overtime the chemicals
do leave your body but if you are constantly exposed to it as in ingestion you will not be free of it.

Actually only way to really be free of harmful influences is to grow from scratch in a secluded
environment your own food and to find a underwater spring which uses the earth’s natural filter
processes, but this isn’t available to everyone so dealing with detox method, exercise and fasting
times is best means for now.

Much of this worlds services for sustaining you are corrupt much of the chemicals used and
processes taken are not done so for your greatest good, they are used with intention of making a
easy buck and by other forces for utilizing physical chemical means to further limit and restrict
your awareness.

Obesity problems are the result of such a world that intention is for self gain and not for giving to
others, if they truly cared from beginning such addictive and harmful chemicals in your food and
drinks would not have even been thought of let alone used.

One means of attack is through your health because when one’s body is not in balance with ones
perception of what a body should be and one is not happy with the results of their own doing one
enters into a depression, this depression creates holes in the magnetic fields known as auras which
act as shields from intrusion of both the mind and emotional centers.

All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
Much of this world is designed to break your spirit that part of you which strives to live a good life
and align to your souls destiny, strong spirited people overcome the challenges where the weak fall
victim to it and like a chain reaction it continues until either self termination or deteriation of the

As can see the advantage of knowledge is in itself a shield which allows for the maintenance of the
aura fields, This is why knowledge is known as power for more you know the more aware you are
more protected you become, but it is the experience of knowledge that is the most empowering
because then it is proven to oneself and is absorbed.

At present learning of the physical cause and effect processes and what is benefit and isn’t to you
would benefit you greatly, but understand also there is deeper layers of knowledge which are more
powerful with each level, understanding of yourself is the best shield you can hold other shields will
protect you from certain things they are design to protect you from but the shield you develop from
realization and shifting of perception is the strongest you can hold.

Anonymous Coward 711862: What is the best way to prepare a reptilian?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Is your question what is the best way to prepare for a reptilian encounter
or are you asking how do you create a reptilian? Understand that there power lies in your
ignorance and less ignorant you are more power you hold when we say ignorance we are speaking
of layers for one can be a master in one subject and ignorant in another.

Reptilians also are thought forms don’t forget that they exist because another form of consciousness
created them for a purpose. What do you know of darkness, not the night and day you see with the
cycles of the earth but real darkness the frequency form of what is known as evil?

Quorum Adonai Christ: We want to give you a warning of upcoming events at present, the
vaccine which is to come if you are able to avoid it do so, understand that when a soul consciously
accepts the idea of a vaccine it is opening itself to infection from that same entity, understand that
viruses as you know it are forms of intelligence as well, programmed by negative sources to cause
specific harm "remember I spoke to you earlier about the intention of creating programs you could
say viruses are programs created to cause harm to you" It is best you do not allow it within you at
all, acceptance of something allows the energy to penetrate your shields.

Bioweapons are being used and have been all through time by forces of STS, you can create
protection through your development of perception, until you do using the tools at hand mentioned
earlier including properties of certain elements like silver can help in preparations for protection
from such sources.

Understand that illnesses must be invited into the experience for it to manifest, this is to do with the
consciousness more than anything and it need for the lesson it will not manifest unless there is a
reason for it too, this can be karmatic or brought on by ignorance.

Do not be concerned there is no need if one knows thyself. You can even choose not to experience
illnesses any longer I have done this I have not even had a sore throat or a cold in years because the
reason for it is no longer needed in my lessons, this is open for all and each soul will have different
reasons why it experiences as it does, learning those reasons is part of the absolution process.

Quorum Adonai Christ: We wish to advise you to bless everything you do specially what you eat
as it can help in stabilizing it frequency so that it more harmful properties cannot get a hold on you.

All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
Understand that to God bless is anything you bless because you are God as well it is through you
God experiences life you are the Son the living God as giving in metaphor by the prophets of the
past. Much of your prophecies are processes which have great affects in the development of your
perception and with it opening more doors of exploration of things for you.

Now I want to also tell you something of missions, missions are assignment a soul agrees upon
before it incarnation that soul then sets up triggers through experience of events to activate it
specific levels of awareness so that it can complete it destiny which is it giving missions.

Now understand also that missions can also be part of your future experience such as say
"everything comes full circle" I will explain if you can understand something you are the ones who
seeded life on this world in the future which you lived to become that future, we are timeless beings
which can change our history within a moment and rewrite our future, we live through it because
we choose to consciously to learn things we may not have that lead us to the future we created

When bible speaks of God recreating the heavens and the earth it is speaking about you, please
begin to see yourself as more than a physical shell and more as an omnipresent being which exists in
multi-dimensions/timelines and densities all at once.

It is entirely possible for you now through meditation to shift your conscious into a preview of your
coming 4th density experience that is if you are ready for it as nothing is forced and souls have
eternity to explore. If you seek heaven on earth you must as a race be the ones to create it please
also understand this isn’t only developing world in 3rd density and there is other civilizations which
will move into 4th density awareness with you which you will meet and alliances may form or
enemies this is open to you.

The direction the worlds philosophy takes is open at present, at present it seems more towards STS
and this is why there will be the whole anti Christ consortium new world order hell on earth
scenario but this can change it is open, natural cycles are events which are the will of the
intelligence by nature it purpose is to bring change to lead to balancing, so events of nature set
within it cause and effect are set in stone but open in timing how it affects you is based on
perception "a Soul can overcome death even".

Anonymous Coward 702997: Hi Quorum, Thank you for that. It reminds me of the following saying:

"When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will know that you are the sons of the
living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you are in poverty, and you are poverty." - Gospel
of Thomas

Quorum Adonai Christ: To know thyself is to know everything because you are everything, the
realm is as much you as you are in it that is the power you hold within you.

Much of your prophets speak wise truths it is discernment that is required to sort the truth from
the lies in such books, there is much to be learned from those texts but also much when can
condition one into dangerous belief systems, as has it result in this world in modern religions.

Anonymous: Is David Icke accurate? Has he got it right?

Quorum Adonai Christ: He has some accurate information but in total calculation of his work he
has got it wrong, use only as reference discern and compare to other tools.

I will clarify David Icke is under manipulation by draconian empire to release information that is
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
distorted about them, you see they want you to know of them now cause they do plan to show
themselves in your near future.

The information about the reptilian bloodlines is partly actuate but the truth of it is it is a
projection or form of possession so it is the reptilians astral form that possesses the body and uses it
to do their work, they are not here physically yet as did not desire to be however due to desperation
they will return in force once completion of their new body’s are ready, the process of possession
occurs through willing rituals it is there puppets who influenced the creations of the secret orders.

The interaction has always been physically through the grey type clones that they created for
purpose of monitoring and interfering at 3rd level the human races evolution process, the reptilian
entities themselves are still residing in 4th density but will transit themselves during crossing
invading both 3rd and trying to conquer those who move into 4th as well.

This is more correct statement than concept of shape shifting reptilians with different DNA; it is not
the shape shifting it is the astral projection of reptilian consciousness that people are seeing i.e.

Question? 729033: Is there technology to trap souls after death being used?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Yes because spiritual is part of electromagnetic frequencies and the
holographic particles which form the vessel for the consciousness can be contained within magnetic
fields, this is how a soul can have it spirit in a body. This is entirely dependent of the soul resonance

is it the case of not going into the light as told by Kyle Griffith?

We would need a reference to persons work to review and then decide if it is the same thing. What is light
anyway but frequencies of electromagnetic waves, which vibrate within specific patterns and are made up
of holographic particles you could say at the audio level each has its own unique music representing it so
light and sound are one and the same. So how can one go into something which they are already...?

Anomalous Mallard 485721: Greetings Quorum. I'm glad you're back!

Just a quick comment on the ORME/monatomic gold that is mentioned: A number of years ago I had a
physical condition that doctors said was incurable and would lead to eventual disuse of half of my body. I
found a healer from Iran who told me about monatomic gold (the white powdery substance). She was able
to obtain some from a family that, she said, had been making it for a "few thousand years". I took it for 3
months. It did, indeed, 'fix' the physical issue I had (and haven't had any related issue since), however, my
eyes started to glow lavender (many people noticed!) and I was able to read people's minds. Likewise,
people could read my mind too (!) which was unnerving. So I stopped taking it since I didn't know how to
control it.

I have more questions and comments but I'm at work and don't have to time now. Hope to see you on here

Quorum Adonai Christ: We are not saying it is wise to use it, if things are not used properly it can
open for an attack, because the properties of monatomic gold disrupt electromagnetic waves it can
also weaken your shields "known more as aura".

With using physical tools you must understand all seven layers of it creation, every single thing you
look at is not just one layer it is seven it has seven representations and each level has an intelligence
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
linked to it "consciousness" there is three ways to utilize each.

White and yellow Gold, Silver, Blue and Orange are key components in alchemy, colors are one
layer of an object to understand as well understand that a color represents a specific frequency.

When it is time we will be more open with our knowledge with this world however there are some
things this vessel must overcome itself before it can be more public and more revealing including
drawing with this form of knowledge.

We are a collective consciousness which those who transcend the lessons of this world will become,
we are the perfect balance of service to self and service to others and understand both philosophies
in detail, we recommend the RA Material, Bringers of the Dawn, The Allies of Humanity, The
matrix energies, Cassiopeia Material, The Secret, The book of Enoch, Bible, Buddhism, Yoga,
Martial Arts as a start with all use discernment each has helps with knowledge.

We also recommend you meditate and draw and review crop circles regularly they will bring
change to you and your world.

We offer this to you from Love.

Anonymous:I feel it! Another question: You mentioned "orbs" below. I ran into such a few months ago
while hiking the forests of Hawaii. A friend and I were walking in the forest when we came upon what I
can only call a "portal" - it was a defined energetic gateway that we could see and feel. When we walked
through it...everything changed. Hard to describe...but the world was suddenly different - and has been
since. We had a visit from my aunt/teacher who had passed away a year previous. She talked to us and
gave us instruction concerning many things. Among many things, she said that the world that we
experience is, indeed, an illusion. And she stressed that love was key to everything.

Quorum Adonai Christ: Such portals do exist it is a gateway into your world because entering a
realms reality isn’t as simple as some might think.

I took pictures of the area and found "orbs" in the pictures.

[link to i250.photobucket.com]

Later on the trip I took more pictures when I felt a "presence" in a cave we were in and found more orbs:

[link to i250.photobucket.com]

[link to i250.photobucket.com]

this piqued my curiosity - so I took more pics wherever I went. These were taken at the guest house we
stayed at:

[link to i250.photobucket.com]

[link to i250.photobucket.com]

This was at a Buddhist festival honoring the dead (an Obon festival):

[link to i250.photobucket.com]

When I returned home, I found them in my yard:

All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2

[link to i250.photobucket.com]

And even in my bedroom (Some people have said that these are nothing more than moisture droplets in
the air. However, there was no moisture in the cave and certainly none in my yard or in my bedroom):

[link to i250.photobucket.com]

I "checked", using energetic discernment techniques, if these were benign, malevolent, or "good"/helpful.
In seems that some were malevolent and were siphoning energy off of me. So I told those to return to
their source...and they did. I'd appreciate any insight and/or comments you have on this subject.

Quorum Adonai Christ: Thank you as well, they are entities of various types, what you are seeing
is representations of the specific frequency that the entity is currently vibrating within this also
reflects it emotional state this is why some are colored, some of the orbs are representations of
spirits of the dead such events such as you described attract a lot of them.

Yes there are malevolent forces and benevolent forces so discernment is always required. It is
possible to reject them you took your divine power in hand at that time and manifested your will as
a copy of God; many forces must obey if you are aware of yourself.

Since I mentioned Gold I would like to share more understanding of elements and minerals, each
has itself it own unique fields these are frequencies which are linked inter-dimensionally to the
quantum field, each frequency itself is tied to a specific entity a specific form of intelligence of
consciousness, this entity is also a form of energy which can be utilized if initiation is correct to
assist a soul in it physical explorations "example is some energy fields can be utilized for healing".

Understand that the entity responsible for the frequency is the definer you are basically asking it
for help "form of communication" it is possible to even utilize crystalline structures to
communicate between dimensions.

Alchemists have known such entities as elementals, spirits, angels, demons, macrobes; orbs among
other things "remember to that there is always a geometric representation in the language of light
for each as well".

So many layers can one object be viewed from when you look at simplest form try to in mind
imagine how many complex layers of ideas that forms that form "It is simply in the concept but
complex in utilization".

Question? 729033: The ORME Gold, WPG was rediscovered by David Hudson, Is there anything you
can tell us about this?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Do you speak of the golden powder which is used to accelerate physic
centers of the brain? If you are speaking of this substance, in another plain we have used such and
the results you would call supernatural. We do not feel it is the same substance we speak of because
it is formed through specific means and scared geometry was involved in the creation of the device.

Also, As Dan Winter explains, the Reptilians took ORME and this has caused a Hive like mind,
individuality lost, can you elaborate on this?

Quorum Adonai Christ: We have not heard of ORME, reptilians made a choice in another
universe which lead them to living the philosophy they do now thou in there development as a
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
species there creators conditioned them for a roll, the creators were hyper-dimensional masters and
are more powerful than the reptilians in all there technologies and mental abilities, you could say
much of what they do was same used on them and they used similar methods to enslave your world.

Will there be a natural disaster soon, before 2012, as some say the Mayan Calendar ends on the 28th Oct

Quorum Adonai Christ: Natural disasters are part of natural processes to accelerate learning it
happens at specific intervals where it is needed and timing of such is open within periods of those
intervals. There will be a buildup of natural disasters as the cycle comes to it completion it has a
opening of 20 yrs left, within that 20years there will be many disasters and some will be cosmic we
can tell you the number of comets involved it is 16, it likely but open that your magnetic poles will
be affect by the Mayan date this in itself will cause worldwide destruction and disable much of your
technologies, we believe the reptilians are waiting for this to occur.

And do you know anything about the various timelines according to Dan Burisch, which one we are on
and what they contain?

We know much about timelines, what is it you want to know we can explain to you how a race can invade
a world down to every detail and tell you why it is not so easy as well.

Are there man-made Stargate's in activation on the earth?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Such devices have been attempted by secret organizations some military
and private funded yes, there has been what you would call stargates experimented with both man
made and extra-terrestrial.

W 734208: We are a collective consciousness which those who transcend the lessons of this world will
become, we are the perfect balance of service to self and service to others and understand both
philosophies in detail, "We are the perfect balance of STS and STO" Wow, what a huge crock of BS! Give
me a break! That has got to be the most self-important and pompous statement from you thus far.
Wonderful, just wonderful! You're this incredible lofty perfected master. Oh please, share with us mortals
your sublime wisdom. :-O

Quorum Adonai Christ: It is so but your choice how you view things, we only show it to you to
show the balance because the balance is what is important. You will become that which was spoken
in the future it is only your conditioning reason that it bothers you that we speak with such
righteous perception.

Should we lie and say we do not know the philosophies so that your mind is at ease? Mortal is a
complex term you’re not really a Mortal only the perception of the illusion of death.

We will reframe from such displays in future for your benefit, but when you discover your divinity
do not be afraid to stand strong in it be proud of your accomplishments.

W 734208: The reason it bothers me, is that if what you say is true, then you have basically learned
everything there is to learn from this universe. You would be the most advanced soul on Earth. Don't you
think you might be getting a little ahead of yourself? Because in my understanding the universe is a
never-ending illusion, there never is an 'ultimate' truth, and there are always new levels of perfection
revealed, once lessons have been learned.

Well you don't have to please me, say whatever you like. It's just that I've learned the hard way not to
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
overestimate myself; it's the ego, you know. Grandiose thoughts lead to suffering...

That doesn't mean I won’t "stand strong in it be proud of my accomplishments". Not sure what you mean
by "discovering my divinity" though. I guess it involves somehow "transcending" all the grief I've been
going through.

Quorum Adonai Christ: You can always re-explore that which you have done before...
Ego is different to self realization, in truth you do have a divine heritage and eventually will claim
it. One part of the egos program is to make you underestimate yourself, because then you are not
working with God which is your true self and are a prisoner to the illusion and those who control it.

The power each soul has is unlimited eventually the universe will be seen as a playground by you
which you will reform to your will. We didn’t say you can’t forget what you have learned or add
challenges such as say jump in deep in with darkness and work your way back out of it, strong
currents make us stronger. This language we speak with now will eventually be not required; your
new language will be an expression of art the visual representations of what is being portrayed.

Anonymous Coward 733765: Welcome back Quorum, when I observe beyond peoples physical traits, I
have seen and have felt for a long time a minimal personality trait. I believe there is less than a handful
who manipulated our DNA. Who are they? Of these handful co-creators which are STO and STS? Will
our co-creators return for their creations? As I hear you speak, I truly believe that we are speaking as one.
We are speaking as past, present, and future. You spoke of the Sun our Sun. When I am at peace sitting in
my room and a great love comes upon me, light from the sun beams stronger or I become more aware of
the light. What has the sun to do with this? I wait for your reply. Thank you again for you time here.

Quorum Adonai Christ: Savior is you don’t expect some alien force to come liberate you most are
coming to take from you in more ways than one, your DNA was manipulation by Draconian Orion
forces and Necronomiconians specifically, the reptilians are lower than the Necronomiconians and
much of their technology which deals with imprisonments of souls was taught by the
necronomiconians which worship and are in open contact with their hyperdimensional masters,
they worship death and are those who influence the death cults of your world who do open
sacrifices both publically and privately they are magus they are not of your plain.

Original form known as Adamic state was influenced by the Annunaki and Elohim, the intention
was to create you as servant but also to give a place for the divine spark of God to develop in its
experience, Others who are fallen Elohim decided that could use you for power so with allegiances
of the reptilians went about the manipulation of your Sun through highly advanced technologies
which basically disrupt the information which comes through that window and change the coding
messages, this allowed them to shutdown parts of your DNA which brought hyperdimensional
awareness’s and with more it your psychic abilities they knew that to succeed in their plans you
would need to be cut off from the Quantum field in your consciousness awareness so this is why
they tampered with your DNA.

The Sun is information hub; imagine it as a window into other densities and that it networks that
information into its lower densities. In ancient times Suns were worshiped as Gods and the stars
viewed as angels this is not far off, it is an intelligence which unifies all densities through fusion.

If you have heard of the esoteric knowledge that Stars are peoples Souls that concept is correct each
Soul has a representation of a Star, you could say it stores your life’s knowledge in it and depending
on choices whether you consume yourself in knowledge or give light to other depends on your
eventual development "saying as Above so Below fits here".

All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2

Anonymous Coward 502821: Hi Quorum, so it seems that the nature of the challenges here to overcome
doesn't require one's highest self then, like an 'overkill (overqualified)'? But that those that can overcome
their own conditional belief system of this place can sort of download the consciousness awareness and
the knowledge and realizations that come in hand from such place and density is possible for self
assistance? Whew, hope that made sense.

I myself feels pretty stagnant in consciousness since our discussions before you came back recently,
perhaps taken several steps back even. From it do feel quite unworthy of self. Can you relate to this?

Do consider pretty much daily our discussions regarding unconditional love, which you say is almost
impossible to know/realize with distortion 'here'. It seems this one can't even get to the point of
discovering that aspect of love because this one can't overcome one's own judgment, lack of forgiveness,
withholding love, towards one's own self.

Is this a common cosmic dilemma or something?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Your higher self can only guide if you allow it too, it offers its assistance
to you in form of guides which can affect your life’s experiences to lead to realizations.

If you can overcome the conditioning and use the proper means to meditation to remove the
blockages yes you can down information like neo did in the matrix series. This will be much easier
soon for some, wait and see!

Sometimes one takes steps backward to see what gemstones were missed in the road.

As Love is known on this world it is a distortion but even a distortion holds truth in it expression,
you can come to know aspects of love in it understanding but to be truly empowered in love that
being Unconditioned Love will take experience of knowledge beyond this world is capable.

Your statement is correct all you have listed restrict one from developing the understandings of the
green ray, yes you must love yourself and others to be instilled by it and this is not easy because we
are our worse judge and in this lifetime under the veil of forgetfulness we too have felt such
emotions. But we must keep in balance or forces of ill intent will use such times as means of attack.

It is a common cosmic dilemma which other worlds developing at your stages are also going
through and even higher densities than this one are still learning such lessons.

Anonymous Coward 716314: Hi Quorum, I have a question about those that will move to 4th density?
Will their vessels just disappear or will their vessels need to die in 3rd density? Can you estimate at this
time how many will make the move to 4th density?

I would imagine most who are primarily good people and knowledgeable about the Reptilian and evil
STS system that is run on Earth through the Illuminati will probably move on to 4th density. I would have
to think that your awareness and knowledge are determining factors in if you move on to 4th.

Quorum Adonai Christ: Mostly it will be through the death process as you call it, others will be
through the ascension process as you call it which is more like idea of rapture. Percentage is rising
as awareness spreads it is possible that if enough percentage becomes aware opportunity will
present itself for most of mankind. It used to be only 6% but the contacts through channels and
leaks of information from valid sources have increased the percentage as more become aware.

It is still open but we estimate it is 14% now rather than 6% which it was few years ago. The main
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
thing is the completion of the 3rd density lessons, knowledge and awareness result from experience
of such lessons so yes it is determining factors. But the harvest will involve both those moving into
STS 4th density experience and those who are moving into a STO 4th density experience, it is open
at present and will be a challenge some will have to repeat this cycle so world will be prepared for it
return to it prehistoric beginning i.e. periodic cleansing.

Anonymous Coward 502821: Hi Quorum, Can you take a look at the message of this song?

[link to www.youtube.com]

I was interested in the "42 + 2, 44 + 2, and 46 + 2", if you knew what this is referring to.

Does the path of self forgiveness require one to address one's built up baggage, or shadow? That one must
get past their own beast to get through to the real Self maybe?

Quorum Adonai Christ: Yes, One must look into their own abyss before one can see their own
light, the dark makes the light easier to see.

Also in this video... the following quote by D. Mechizadek seems to remind our discussion on this thread
regarding the higher awareness/density bodies one's own higher Self is allowed by one to take residence,
provided one has come to realizations and experience right?

"....There are 3 totally different kinds of humans on the Earth, meaning that they perceive the one reality
in three different ways, interpreted differently...

The 1st kind of human has a chromosome composition of 42+2. They comprise a unity consciousness that
does not see anything outside them as being separate from them.

To them, there is only One Energy - One Life, One Beingness that move everywhere.

Anything happening anywhere is within them, as well. They are like cells in the body.

They are all connected to a Single Consciousness that Moves through all of them.....

Then, there is our level, comprising 44+2 chromosomes.... We are a disharmonic level of consciousness
that is used as a stepping stone from the 42+2 level to the next level, 46+2...

These two additional chromosomes change everything."

- Drunvalo Mechizadek

While I am not familiar with the numbers references... the description of the being One, and feeling the
One through them feels very Truthful to me. Can you share your thoughts on this?

Quorum Adonai Christ: We too do not see the relevance in those quotes, it is like making a
statement about advanced genetics when one may not know the number to begin with what about
parts of DNA humans have not seen.. The parts about the being One is more do with the level of
awareness a soul has of itself and it interaction with the Quantum field which is everything than
specific genetic material, this awareness is brought on by experiencing knowledge in lessons.

Looking into your shadow as they call it can find what darkness infects you so it can be high
lightened in your light and transmutated within yourself; this also reveals attachments which may
be affecting your mind/emotions.

All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
When soul opens itself to perception of the One the One will reveal itself to them, it is possible to
physically perceive the Quantum field, to physically feel gravitational forces and to physically
manipulate atomic structures.

Remember the key is the perception for all existence is the product of the Minds which make up the
One Mind, you could say that an Atom doesn't exist without a mind to perceive it.

Kyle 726600: hello again Quorum. I was wondering if u could tell us or better yet teach us how to bless.
I’ve tried a few times but I’m not sure if it worked. Also I wanted to ask, can we achieve anything from
the fifth density? I mean there has to be some way to break free of the 5th density and go straight to the
6th, right?
Anyways have a nice existence and I can’t wait to hear from u again Quorum. :)

Quorum Adonai Christ: The best way for you to bless is to listen to your heart for that is your
connection to your universal mind but it must be in balance with your own mind. You should look
within for answer to a question on which way is best way for you to bless when something is blessed
don’t expect immediate results mostly you may not know what you have done.

To God Bless is to honor God for it is an acknowledgement of

its existence and is to show it love as you co create within its body like cells within your own
working in a perfect balanced system.

What do you mean by achieve anything from 5th density and go straight to 6th, 5th density is for
contemplation of life’s lessons for a soul a time of reflection you are recycled back into it as progress
through all densities below it. 6th density is unified thoughts, that being level of the Seraphim’s the
keepers of the heavens and the logos God minds, names of God. You could say a Soul that has
complete itself merges its mind with other souls which are complete in preparation for the final
sacrifice of Identity to become merged with the One again, this aspect of self is known as the

we-are 735741: yes I too, am a student of most of the things mentioned, if love is "all”, I have
discovered after finding out that love or fear, is our rudder, that love expressed without possibility of
direct benefit or accolade [applause].is an ideal way to drop ego. "W" Quorum responded to your (words)
calmly, you also responded peacefully, bravo. If we can’t actually run a benevolence charity then by being
its equivalent! We can raise our frequencies towards 4th dim., or I need to study chela-wise... Quorum
you are captivating. A step above many! You help us to actualize!! Thanks

Quorum Adonai Christ: You help yourself actualize all we do is offer a door you decide whether
you step through. Always will you have to make such choices and wisdom will be necessary to guide
yourself safety there will be some offer doors which have hidden consequences which some will find
out the hard way who step through a good example of this is the ETs who claim they are making
humanity new body’s, what you may not know is those body’s are a new prison.

Page 60

Bruce: Q, It may not be as evident to you but a lot of souls hear the words you say and learn from your
expressions. We thank you for this as many resonate to the concepts you express. We do want to state that
your efforts and time and teachings are valued highly by many. Please continue this uplifting work.
My question wishes to expand on a previous one. Many bodies of work have warned about a “net” or
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
field around our planet and section of space that “wipes the memory” of the soul as it passes on to fifth
dimension. It is believed by some that traps and enticements are enabled that entice the soul to some sort
of device that reprograms the soul to seek rebirth into third density. It is believed that this is a tool used by
other dimensions to maintain slavery and submission.
The C’s state that upon entry to fifth dimension the souls sees the light which is the seventh dimension
The ONE, but does not reside there only see it as moving into 5th dimension...
My question is this. Is there a trap in place to capture souls and reprogram them to return to incarnation in
third dimension? If this is so? How can it be avoided?
IS it a matter of just becoming aware and choosing not too?
Or is this just another level of misinformation?

Quorum: The information which speaks of that may not be entirely accurate, it is more that there is
certain criteria for densities a series of lessons required to transcend into the next, it is such lessons
and part is the laws of those realms that bind a soul in contract to a experience. It is not that a
technology is what causes the memory loss that is a necessary process to allow for a soul to
experience a fresh lifetime without being bogged down by its previous one, it is possible to affect the
memory with technology as well and also with psychic abilities but in question your posted the
answer is the previous statement.

The trap as you call it is the conditioning of the mind that a soul lives through now, it is this worlds
way of life reason a soul must return to this density. You could say the imprisonment is the state of
consciousness and it current perception. Reprogramming of a entity occurs through a means of
adduction which can extract a copy of a souls imprint then replant it to cause it to react a specific

The conduit which links the 5th with it lower densities at moment of death is surrounded in 7th
density energy yes, you could say it is the intelligence of your higher self working with God and that
is the light people speak off.

Knowledge is everything without knowledge something does not exist, all knowledge has it
foundation in ideas which is the result of creativity expressed as by the thoughts of the imagination

To avoid the traps as you call them is simply to develop the right understanding within your
consciousness, the correct perception is the key to all doors of reality.

Remember concepts of dimension is different to concept of a density, remember dimensions are a

duplication of the Quantum field and only true dimension is the Quantum field that being Gravity
which is Unconditional Love. If you can imagine One sphere with overlapping layers onto of one
another you will begin to understand what the omiverse is, it is many universal spheres overlapping
each other, so it will look at One from above and only from the side could you see it is layered ;).

Bruce: I understand that it is the completion of life’s lessons that enact 4th dimension and I am aware of
the opportunity of the close of the cycle that is imminently before us. Never the less, has this "net" been
used upon souls throughout the 309,000 years of third density?

Quorum: What is this net you speak off? Do you presume that darkness can undermine the will of
God your purpose for experience your whole reason for existence? Darkness can only rely on your
ignorance once something is known darkness cannot deceive you. Something can be known in more
than one way sometimes things occurring are happening on many levels and can be understood
from such.

309,000yrs but in truth it all happens in a moment, if you can imagine that your consciousness flows
through time like fragments in a movie screen but that the movie exists spinning in it projector and
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
that it can be changed to another movie at any moment itself, then you are seeing the true nature of

The Cycles are there for your benefit to give you a means of reference in cosmic truth this already
has all occurred our conversion now has occurred. So time exists for the purpose of a reference
point because the human consciousness requires it at this present moment when you become
timeless which you shall, you will not see the need of a reference point you will be able to focus your
mind into any moment within any possibility and see and experience that moment.

6th Density: Welcome back Quorum!! I stated earlier on another post how I've never been able to really
meditate. I've gone on youtube and researched clips on meditation. But as I said before, I typically fall
asleep or get distracted. I know how 'they' say everyone's way is different, but do you have any pointers
on how you enter a meditative state? I'm amazed at how far you've come!! The majority of my
experiences took place with help from "un-sobering" catalysts.

Quorum: Try meditation with crystals as the energy fields can help with lucidity, we recommend
you find a relaxed spot either in the mantis sitting formation or lying down, we recommend you
cross your arms with hands linked on heart charka area forming a type of cross with two triangles.
feet together as long it is comfortable for you and in mind imagine that your body is 4 parts see
them interacting with each other through your charka centers, see your charka centers spinning
like galaxies do and see the energies from each traveling up your nerves of your body and out your
hands and feet and top head forming a pattern of overlaying fields each expressing a specific
frequency of the rainbow.

At same time breathe in and out in a rate as you see this energy travel we recommend doing seven
deep breaths as you see each charka spinning. Before you begin visualizing remember to clear your
mind of stresses of reality to drop all conditions society has place onto you and just let yourself
interact with God for this is what you are doing.

You can speak to it and it will listen, all prays are heard not all are answered for not all can be, but
it is open and always is the Quantum field with you.

If the urge comes allow your vocal cords to speak without anticipation of the answers, let the
harmonics flow freely out your mouth interacting with your atoms in your body and the reality
around you. We do this ourselves sometimes to reestablish balance.

It is one method it is always best that a Soul creates its own means and utilizes the tools it has at
hand but we have no objection to you using this form if you choose.

Starlight: Actually we ALL have an idea but many are too busy looking for others to supply them with the
keys to their own inner world. Those keys will not fit but will keep you busy trying various locks and
mystery doors to nowhere, forever lost in utter frustration leading to the desired result of giving up/in to
what is perceived as inevitable.

Stop looking to others for clues.

Especially those that would portray themselves as religious figures (Adonai Christ for ex.), gurus and
chosen ones that have special access to knowledge from which others are excluded and treated as lesser
evolved Souls. They are very likely highly undeveloped Souls themselves with little understanding of
Spirituality itself other than a collection of Spiritual and religious trigger words and new age concepts
used as tools of deception.
If the veil were to be removed the very opposite of what is portrayed would likely emerge.

The questions should always be:

Why were they chosen.
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Who is doing the choosing.
Who are ‘they’ really.
What is their true motivation for offering advice.

Many were fooled in the past by entities that posed as enlightened ones to be worshiped....the gods of old.

Quorum: The term Quorum Adonai Christ represent unification of the trinity of Self, for we are a
group yet we are One we are the spirit the son and the father. That name holds power behind it
because it is an intelligence of the logos of this universe.

To bless in it name is to bless in the Oneness of all, your mind will eventually if you so choose it
become the Christ self itself and with it become connected and merge with the Adonai intelligence

We are using it to honor you for it means unification which includes you, we see you as that divine
being please understand that we require no worship from you nor idolism we Idolize you for
stepping into such a dark place to bring it light.

We are speaking to all Souls in this message, we do even when respond to one question answer it for
any who else seeks to know, and we will refrain from giving knowledge if it is not the best interest of
the entity in question.

Knowledge also must be protected; you do not give a terrorist the means to destroy a city.

I do not claim to know all things I’m shown what I need to know.

Bruce: I was wondering, if the intervention takes full hold; that is the aliens take procession of the earth
and its resources (as appears likely), will most of humanity end up as food, medicines and ultimately
farmed? In a m ore open way? Is the hybridization only for a small measure of humanity or will it
encompass all? Is the future of mankind literally to be wiped out as a free race and used as more of a food
resource? One wonders indeed.

Quorum: The intervention isn’t so much an intervention it is the playing of a roll. Both sides to the
chess game play there roll on the board. Remember that right now you are food you’re being feed
upon through your emotions, if it becomes more localized and physical is open. The intervention is
those who bring in knowledge and wisdom as teachers to this world now to bring about the new
dawn by giving the tools to humanity to do so, it is all rolls being played but you must understand
that you are your savior for you are the choice maker.

If that is the lessons that are best for the soul to learn from then yes that is a possibility mankind
could be destroyed by a Alien invasion if that is what is needed this doesn’t mean it will occur but
the possibility is open at present. Remember too that there is no end only change, death and life
cycles are mirrored illusions.

Bruce: Q, Have you heard of the Essessene? They are mentioned in the Matrix series and there is one
reference in the Cass. Transcripts. I believe they may be hybrids of greys and humans and have time
traveled back from a future time line? I would welcome any knowledge you can share on this matter.

Quorum: Esponience? Yes I know of them from contacts I’ve known in this lifetime and description
of them was known also as grey human hybrids and yes time travel is no issue to many extra
terrestrial entities. We would like to give another name Animus or Borg also similar concept form
to the farmer keepers humans know as greys, not all are what you could call Bad some with souls
do feel the compassion of the heart, there roll is yet to be revealed.

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A: Welcome back Q, i do apologies for not being at your level and for having such a distorted
perspective... Unfortunately... It is all a part of what I am, based on what I have experienced of the
immense realities of creation and in the ways I struggle to express at the best of my ability. I trust your
ascension is going well.

Quorum: Yes vibration rate has been rising had a trans-density experience few nights ago brought
on by meditation and zapper purification. I could see my room with my eyes closed in detail have
not had it so clear and could see a window into another life in front me like a screen it was a
interesting experience. The atoms in my body at that time were vibrating so fast it tingled. I also
managed to create the strongest light beam between my fingers I’ve done it takes much
concentration for me to do it normally not so obvious but lately it has been increasing.

I had a lot attacks however due to how much I’m sharing it pissing of a lot of forces cause what I’ve
given if people utilize it will free them and they know it, because they have tried to manipulate
space/time to align me to a accident or manipulate me to commit suicide but I am now to aware
they ATM are now attacking me through attacking my family such as making some ill or causing
conflicts to bring anger out me etc.

I’m working on controlling my emotions because we have too and it very hard to do cause they can
use the moment your pissed off to attack to lead it to higher consequences etc, much of what I’ve
learned does piss me off and how humanity treats each other is very annoying, one my hobbies is
online gaming so I come across a lot of egocentric people sometimes they suck you in.

We would like to add that we meant you no offense by our statement it is just our observation, you
do not need to apologize your perception is yours we apologize if it offended you, we also have
distortions too this realm cannot be non distorted but yes we do have a clearer conduit is all this
does not mean you will not be able to hear the information coming in yourself that is up to you it
takes much work to prepare yourself for such a roll however this vessel has been through a lot and
at some points has been lost his timeline is a mesh of conflicting possibilities.

Starlight: No Quorum I am here to inform you once again that you have failed to prove yourself as
anything other than a tool of Reptilian disinformation. You have a very dark aura and there is no way to
hide that even by the careful use of crafted words of 'wisdom'. You are a small game player.

You fail to answer any difficult or revealing questions posed on this thread that don't serve your
disinformation script, not to mention the deliberate glossing over and cover-up of the Reptilian created
NET around this and other worlds beyond 3d - the suggestion that Humans are the ones at fault for their
own predicament and your eager prediction of their failure to overcome this situation while still in 3D.
Much has already been overcome and is just getting warmed up.
Remove your mask and look up …..minion.
You slip up again in saying that you have been unable to connect here and have been banned....and yet
here you are using the same id no. as you have been for a while.
If you were truly an outsider with revealing info to share and had been banned, that id would no longer
remain open to you. You therefore prove again that you work with/for the same dark minions that run this
site. Every time I have posted here I have been banned so you clearly have mod capability and co-
operation in this trivial op.
Your stories of being under attack and a suggestion of a flaming operation against you are just red
herrings...distractions from your exposure as an agent of darkness like so many of your 'friends' on this
corrupt site.

As for suggesting - 'much pain infests your soul, such anger....' again the tools of an agent trying to belittle
those that question. Your readings of others is but a guessing game.
I don't expect someone of your lowly level of development to understand one such as myself...or any of
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
us……the complexities of this are far beyond you other than your training which is to hide messages to
your brotherhood/sisterhood and deceit within false Spiritual material. This is not the first time is it. I
think you have many roles that you play on this thread and throughout glp.

We have been informed that the role of Quorum is played by the poster known as 'acolyte'.
We believe this poster to be involved fully in this 'game' of dark deception in many areas with full
awareness of the potential to influence others negatively.
Be warned.

Your game has long been over.

The same goes for glp and it's dark connections.
Quorum: We see that you judge us so we will make a judgment of you, you are not as advanced as
you think you have been abducted more than 61 times and have had programming installed in you
to control you and use you as to spread more confusion and disruption. Your current state of mind
is one of confusion and anger, you let your emotions control you and in doing so are not serving
others well. You are welcome to question but you are doing so in a manner that is a example of
instability within self, you attack us and make threats like you are some righteous force we feel that
you are more in the dark than we are and display it for all to see in your posts.

Darkness is lack of information, to withhold information to deceive and twist it to serve itself. Light
is information to give and empower in truth, to serve others with its illumination.

It is not reading as that would be breaking your freewill to look into what is stored in your closet; it
is more an observation of your words and their energy.

In truth if we continued to respond to way you are speaking to us it would serve both us no good we
hope that you take the time to release and let God show you what is light in truth.

Bruce: it may be a form of spiritual warfare to know if one has been abducted and or conditioned and or
chipped/implanted. If it is possible could you assess if such may have occurred to me in this incarnation?

Quorum: You are wise you have been abducted less we see around only 10 you resist and have been
aware on more than one occasion of it occurring, but many attempts during your life path have
occurred to try derail your destiny, your destiny is one of greatness itself we can see this in energy of
your words and the perception that you show, it is up to you to claim it we feel that you have
learned many important lessons already and welcome your perception in this network of sharing.

It is a form of spiritual warfare on the mind to affect the rest of the experience, there is chip
implanted in many some are used for inhibiting others are used to install specific programming,
also understand that some of the means of programming is through genetic alterations. It is possible
to deactivate such implants but it takes much work the US military has a device which can
deactivate such implants but it is not available to the public.

Understand Also wise one and you already do know this that if they cannot get to you through you
they will attack you through others by causing pain to those you love and using them to cause
conflict with you this can also be strangers used as well.

The vessel that we speak through is in same boat as rest of humanity it too has been abducted has
had many attempts during lifeline to end it experience and derail it and has destructive
programming which the only shield is the power of one’s own will, there will be times were it feels
hopeless were you will feel confused and want out of it suicide will seem good but resist those times
and endure all suffering for it makes you stronger to overcome the attempts of darkness by
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
illuminating yourself in light 'knowledge'.

We do say now that knowledge can be gained through other means than reading books watching
movies or listening to others, knowledge can be gained at it frequency by learning to listen to the
voice of God so to speak. Everything that does exist is knowledge and it is communicating for it is of
the mind consciousness of all minds which create the One Mind the Adonai consciousness logos also
known as the creator of the Adam/Atom. There is many mediums to gain knowledge through not all
are physical, your best source is within your own heart we thank you for your kind words.
Bruce: Q, the Cassiopeia forum is advocating the ritual of dance as a means of "spiritual battle"..........
They are sitting the authority of the C,s as a recommendation. I have concerns to this as previous
comments from the C’s have highly discouraged the use of rituals. Is not this Dancing (in a certain way,
by a minimum of persons while chanting and breathing in a specific way a ritual in its own rite?)
There appears to be a contradiction in this advice. Are you aware of this?

Quorum: We are aware of such, rituals are part of your life much of what you do in life is a ritual in
itself. The C's should been more clearer in respect to idea of ritual they were more talking about the
occult methods of ritual that being to give your power over to another to gain something from it.
You can write your own programming by using the available tools at hands to sing and dance has
nothing wrong with it if the intentions are for good, if they believe it will help them it will we would
prefer they focus on the esoteric more than the dramas in creation but it is open and their choice.

We do create our own methods of harmonics and movements to balance ourselves in meditation it
could also be considered a routine or ritual the term ritual has gotten mixed up in the transcripts
because it has not been properly understand from the view of the One. All tools have the possibility
to be utilized as positive and negative they are in truth three for there is option of positive use and
negative use and both are viewed as neutral by the universal mind.

Anonymous: Whenever I ask Quorum something or say something to him/her either Bruce or you A steps
in to divert attention off Quorum and Quorum doesn’t answer the difficult questions again (like the rest of
this thread). Suspicious to the casual observer wouldn’t you say A eh.

Suspicion - gotta love it...or not. But gotta have it - a necessary element, if not the actual beginning, of

Quorum: You discernment is welcome just don’t let it become paranoia it is different ;), in time
away we adjusted to a easier to understand form of communication, I am unsure why starlight is
doing what they are doing it seems disruptive we feel it is self explanatory.

It is good that you pieced things together for yourself that empowers you more than us giving you
all the answers.

We will not stop anyone from commenting in whichever way they choose but we do say that words
are also a responsibility as well and it is tied to your karma profile as much as your actions outside
of words are. This is not about you personally as with all our messages it is for all it applies too.

Bruce: Many of the parents of my students have shown concern regarding the potential of the swine flu.
Do you perceive this as a serious threat......... is it an attempt to reduce the population?

Quorum: It is a preparation for a reduction of population; whether it is succeeds or not is open

there are means to combat such methods. The best is obvious it is to know thyself and empower
oneself mind with oneself spirit. There is tools we can suggest to help combat it physically that being
lifesilver product as a supplement and to use a zapper to purify body of pathogens and to avoid
fluoride products and water.
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2

ATM it is more a distraction to keep you in fear and worried and miss the coming opportunity of
realm boarder shift. The program is created through demonic energy and is like many harmful
pathogens/virus of negative intent but remember that you are the creator so can make yourself
immune you can make it so that it cannot exist within your mind body soul complex.

We would advise reiki as a means of exorcism, remember all that is forms of energy frequencies of
waves of vibrations within the quantum field, there is always a counteracting frequency to every
negative there is a positive all is balance.

You would not worry so if knew what and who you are it is understandable that such parents are
worried for their kids but it is only that they are ignorant to the truth of self that they do so.

We are: thanks to all contributors, as we go forward, we go forward. Bruce your kindness precedes you
[sweet] you too 'A' succinct. The squeaky wheel gets the oil, in this case the oil was warm wise and
scented, probably centered too. Bruce I am about 10 years older than you and from aus. Quorum as I have
been on a spiritual quest of sorts for about 20 yrs could you please tell me also if possible my abductions,
status, any feedback is very valued! Your wisdom encourages us all, even the more fear filled {no names}
wow! What a forum. Although I have courage, quorum you probably know I have come up against
formidable odds. The most virulent and seemingly intransigent! The o-- companies. Are you aware? I
have had firsthand experience of hypnosis via strobbing via the TV and computer, was my fight
considered light work?

Quorum: All those who seek to inform in truth are light work. Yes you have done things which may
have opened you to this attack have you at all been involved in occult rituals from curiosity to learn
it meanings? We are shown that you have been abducted around 11 times. Continue with your
questing you are doing well and your higher self is ready to communicate with thee. Those times of
self doubt are the attempts to derail you of your destiny like many others you are a light worker you
seek to bring illumination to others from your love of light we honor you for such a choice.

The Talents that you possess in this lifetime use them well to help others and it will benefit both of
you. Yes there are always inferences trying to penetrate us not always do we recognize and prevent
it but that is part of our learning I too have felt and known such.

One=all: Hi , Quorum. Are you familiar with a channeler called Daryl Anka ?
the entity calls himself Bashar(Messenger) for our benefit because he has no name on his planet every1 is
telepathic. Anyway he/she stated that they are HYBRID GREYS and are/was/is future humans in another
parallel earth and that they experimented so many times with themselves that the greys as a race was not
capable of reproducing anymore and they were desperate and was about to be extinct... so they shifted
changed their vibration their frequency with the technologies that they posses to another parallel earth..
and abducted some humans that have the tissue the DNA that matches they’re DNA to survive as a race,
to be able to reproduce again

So now he stated that there are different parallel earths were you have different life’s. We can always have
been doing it all the time shifting ourselves to different parallel earths to experience what we want to
experience, but we are not aware of the illusion of power we ourselves our creating.. And so now they are
assisting us. Is this true?? And for my next question : Are we able to use the energy that surrounds us all
the time to decode so to speak in something we think about for example out of thin air creating a water
balloon or snow or money etc.. if so.. How do I unlearn the beliefs that limit me from realizing that
anything is possible and that I created it good or bad.

Quorum: The greys are mostly not in your best intentions, like humanity there is some who differ in
opinions mostly they aren’t even a natural race but a creation by reptilians to perform monitoring
and tasks within 3rd density.
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2

What you speak of is a 4th density experience, it is the future for some but possibility not for all as
the percentage of is open. De-programming of the mind is required to allow the more Truthful
perceptions to develop, you are doing well by questioning things that is the key to discovery to not
just accept without questioning for yourself is to perform discernment.

all is perceptions remember that good and bad from one may not be same for another it is how the
entity views what is good and what is bad that terms it, of course there is a balance in existence and
common philosophies.

1=All: here is a short video of the channeler what I was talking about tell me what you think about it.

Quorum: Much truth in video you showed me, higher mind is linked to imagination he is correct.
We have spoken of the importance of using imagination to visualize and part take in creation
before, it will be more important to utilize once the shift into 4th density experience has completed.
That is of course more to it all and discernment is required but after reviewing the video much of
what he spoke of is truthful, specially about the collective consciousness.

Remember Yeshua spoke that to enter the kingdom of heaven one must have a mind of child. A
mind of a child perceives it realities through it imagination, when you were a child did you not
imagine your own fun and create it and play as you liked and felt such positive vibrations from
taking such action and did not feel the burdens of stress that you do now.

Until age of 12 you are not accountable for your actions and those who care for you as develop are,
this goes for karma profile. There are circumstances were karma plays out were a soul will play a
roll of a child and die young because it is karma of the parent and part of their lessons. That soul
before coming knows it roll and knows it is leaving early to fulfill a contract agreement with
another soul.

Anonymous: Question: Would you be willing to indicate any knowledge you have regarding the events of
August 15th, 2009? Or maybe i can ask it this way.... Will you be 30 years old prior to the above date?
Learning IS fun! and thank you Quorum.

Quorum: Dates are not important no I will not be 30 by then. What events are meant to occur if it
those who speak of UFO landing and other things they have already made mistakes in the past by
not understanding the nature of time itself.

Verbal: I am not Reptoid currently but have are still will as are you as not all self would like all self so to
speak. That makes no sense.

Bruce: Q,
A the time of the realm border crossing at the approach of the wave..... do you perceive the creations or
splittings of the earth into......
1.....an earth in 4d for newly progressed 4d persons
2.....an earth in 4d with 3d persons
3......an earth in 4d returning people to the stone age era.
4.......an earth in 4d for STS orientation.
I suppose the question is will all these realms exist simultaneously.
What are you thoughts on this?

Quorum: We see this happening from viewing it from current point, we see a splitting up of the
realities were some progress into the 4th density experience and others remain in this 3rd density
experience and finish it off through the apocalypse scenario. Then see those souls being recycled
back into the beginning of the cycle and repeating the process from prehistoric until now all over
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2

We see those who are ready to move into a higher STO experience in 4th density as ready to take
the roll of teachers for others and themselves and to work together to create a global goal. We also
see them facing their own challenges as will be in conflict with mind with those of 4th density STS
of which to describe is to complex, 4th density is much different physical existence than 3rd density
even thou I’ve had previews of the experience I am not allowed to access the knowledge available at
that density until I am merged once more.

Eventually those who progress will be the future seeders of life everything comes full circle it is all a
balance, you could say that you in future create you in the past it is a mind twist to think about it.

Always does all happen simultaneously so yes in one context the existences of the possibility exists
now in a temporal state...

We will be back in a week must do some reflection once more, attacks of late have unstabilized
myself and I’ve got some things I must do in my life before I can continue.

Hawk: Where is Lucifer, the one who fell? I feel as though we are screwed either way. Either the Elohim
are coming back to fight this crazy war with the Annunaki and we, the humans are caught in the middle. It
seems as though we don't have much of a choice, do we?
There is a woman who has told a lot of people about how the Draconians will gather as many females as
they can during the harvest. Most of the men will die because they are not needed except a few will be
left for breeding purposes. She also claims that these Draconians will pick out and choose which females
they will keep as their slaves, mates, etc... I don't know, but If you have ever read the Lacerta files, there
is an interview with a real reptilian who discusses our true origins and how humans were created and put
here. www.luisprada.com. Look for the Lacerta files pt1 and 2. Scary stuff.
Quorum, is any of this familiar to you?

Quorum: Have you considered Lucifer is representing humanity, as in the morning star fell to the
earth for seeking it own kingdom to rule.

You humans are the same forces which oppose you; can you comprehend the possibility of
omnipresent existence? To exist in multi-dimensional states in many plains as many selves at once,
maybe the real war is one in yourself rather than its projection in the physical.

I have heard of it be careful in trusting such sources they can be manipulative, the human Orion is
complicated because there is two, one history of your soul and one history of your biology.

I have not heard anything of reptilians seeking women however it is known that raping has
occurred by such forces for installation of programming and for hybrid experimenting. It could be
possible they could abduct in such a fashion they do plan to create a new race which they can also
occupy the realm with.
Kyle: I heard somewhere that by using a bright red or orange laser and moving it over spots where you
have chips or implants, it will deactivate it. Is there any truth to this Q?

Also I was wondering if maybe you could assess me and see if I’ve ever been abducted. I’ve always been
curious as to if I ever have been. I’ve even found strange marks on me that i have no clue where they
came from. Like this one that was on my leg. it looked like someone put a red hot metal ruler on my leg.
It even hurt when I touched it. Anyways I hope to hear from you soon. May peace and love be with you.

Quorum: Frequencies can be utilized for many things, there is yes a means to disable such things
with such frequencies but to use such can also be dangerous and is not recommended. The
American military has the proper devices to remove such implants.
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2

Most humans have been abducted who show different levels of awareness than the general sheep
like society. We feel you have most probably been abduct 43 times, understand this is estimation
and when we speak of events like abductions they are outside of time so are in one context still

Darza: Intriguing, to your knowledge what are reasons for this abduction? Are there also positive reasons?
If it happens does it require the soul’s permission? How does free-will and abductions relate?

Quorum: Abduction is not positive it is always negative because it is a breach of freewill, service to other
beings. Do not abduct the permission to interfere in the souls progress has occurred in the past it
continues until the souls learn from the mistakes and reclaims its own destiny. The abductions are mostly
to install programming and cause disruption in those who are awakening as well as experimenting.

Anonymous: Hi Quorum, Is this implying that the on representing the morning star is in a sense also
playing a role, and has its own form of lessons?


can you speak more about the aspect of humanity's force that oppose humanity? This is our own personal

Yes choice of experiencing duality creates the possibility of the darkness, so could say it is your own
personal darkness.

I would like to know more about the history of the human soul as well as the human biology, can you
provide more details?

Very well the human soul originated from one entity known as the One by most, or the Adonai logos
consciousness by others, the theory of the big bang is correct but it is ongoing as in occurring
simultaneously as the energy fragments itself to experience existence.

The soul is a unit of gravitational force known as the electromagnetism, it exists within polarized
fields the spirit is the expression of souls illumination which is contained within the electromagnetic
fields of a form, this has been known as a light body for it embodies the geometry of the light

A soul is a omnipresent being of a complex which is 3 parts it mind it emotions and it spirit the 3
parts are unified through the concept known as the unified field and seek balance once in balance
the soul is complete that is the purpose of the lessons to reunify self into it wholeness to merge back
into the One once soul is complete.

I won’t go into the incarnation history at this time but I will say earth is not the birth place of this
group of souls experience.

…Human biology history is much different humanity is the result of the combination of 32 races
contributing DNA to create a hybrid form of the already present life that was on terra-earth at that
time, it was very advanced races who took part in this creation some with good intentions others
with their own intentions in mind. There was wars over the territory many times and owners
shifted the current ones are known as draconian empire they do not have good intentions in mind.

Originally the souls of the Orion home world had to leave it due to a major war and galactic events
surrounding it, they settled themselves into the Neanderthal life of earth and began to change the
DNA through the souls imprint this was assisted by what is known as Elohim as well and at first
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
there was a time of peace and tranquility but that did not last, the souls incarnation into the lower
life forms of the earth caused changes in itself and brought new levels of awareness into the

It was then that earth was decided that is would be a exchange like a library and that information
would be encoded into the DNA of the life forms on earth this was done by those who seeded earths
life it was later that those who manipulated DNA to enslave and create slaves out of the humans
present came into the picture they did contribute their own DNA so that they could have a claim on
the biology of the species and a means of control.

So when they claim they created your biological body in one context they did, they changed it
removing strands they did not want present in it and made it into what it is today adding emotions
to cause disruption such as greed and jealousy this is why you have reptilian present in you and is
also a reminder to your soul of it connection to all races which are developing cause in one context
all races are you at different intervals of experience.

Understand that the biology is a thought created form utilizing light frequencies by the imagination
of the soul entity; it is like a container that was designed for a specific purpose which functions
within specific programming that is limited by its DNA coding.

The Template of this universe is what all entities utilize to create form; this is meaning of the
Atom/Adam the first for it is the holographic construct that is used in the building block of life so in
one context it is the father of life.

There is of course a lot more but it could go on so long and it better you learn for yourself.

Kyle: Do you think that i am close to 'ascending'? I feel like I am but I just want to get a teachers opinion.
:) Also, is it good to love everyone and everything, regardless of if they are evil, annoying, or you just
don’t get along with them? And even though time is an illusion, do you think you can give us a solid date
as to when the reptilians will reveal themselves? And as to when 'Jesus’ will show up? Also who else will
show up with him and what race are they of?

Quorum: If you understand the concept Love in it entire understanding then it is good to Love all
but if not it best to discern all because love as understand on earth is distorted and can lead oneself
to harm if not understood properly. Estimations are reptilians plan to wait for the completion of the
grand cycle before revealing themselves and will take advantage of the cosmic cleansing processes
which are to play out.

Jesus as you call him will be a teacher of the future when the timing is right it is open and there is
no date attached when we speak of dates we are always estimating in truth dates are not important
only events are.

Kyle: well what are all of the dates up till the time the reptilians take advantage of the wave of cleansing?
I know there’s defiantly something to do with the vaccine which I will not take it unless I really feel the
need. I might even have to join the reptilians before I can finally be free as it is called from the reptilians.
What would you say would be the fate of all those that join the reptilians in order to stay alive? Also, is
there any advantage to saying or thinking certain higher beings names? Like maybe summoning them,
drawing them to you, or even just activating something in this matrix?

Quorum: They are 3rd density thinking estimations to give reference point for linear mind, in truth
of it such events are occurring are to occur because remember the universe is truly timeliness it is
only in the illusion of the experience of time does it exist to support that experience.

The Vaccine is not good news you are wise to avoid it we would suggest a regular intake of lifesilver
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
product and usage of a zapper, as well as meditative exercises and working out, also avoid intake of
fluoride and any Artificial sweeteners in truth much of the food and drink we ingest me included is
not good for us but we do it from habit.

If you sold yourself to reptilians there would be consequences attached what you don’t understand
is if you do that you give it permission to do anything it wants to you and these beings can be very
cruel when they want too.

The fate of those who accept the mark so to speak is to be enslaved by such forces and in doing so
will lead to much suffering as such forces feed upon such a frequency of energy they will create the
correct environment to locally sustain them. Idea of hell of earth fits such a scenario that future
possibility does still exist now it is yet to be determined if it becomes the reality.

There is beings which can be contacted and there is names attached to such beings you could say
pray is a means of communication yes, but be careful on what you call upon not all are nice.

Darza: I study free-will. I am researching if it is theoretically breachable, the limits of free-will. From
your answer I understand the souls possibly get abducted from the moment they awaken till awake
enough to take ones power back? In the past these souls gave permission to do that? These souls gave
permission to the STS to interfere? A voluntary descent in frequency? That computes with other stuff I

Then I do not see a free-will breach yet. The STS know about free-will, the law of cause and effect. Even
if they would decide to breach free-will I expect them to be stopped by destiny.

The logical thing to do now seems to withdraw any possible permission from me to STS'ers to interfere
with my path. I feel hesitation to do this. I feel I would somehow give power to the STS philosophy
which would be wasteful. I am free, I have free-will. I challenge any being to show me otherwise and
help me expand the limits of this freedom.:)

Quorum: You can lure a entity into a agreement which allows your control over it this is a loophole
in the law it isn’t a real breach of freewill, but it is considered a breach by others as is giving you
information you’re not meant to know at that time.

If one gives permission then one is then attached in it experience to that entity through it lifetimes
until learns and develops the awareness to retake back ones destiny this is known as self mastery.
Concept owning souls fits here and there is many souls who are owned at present and may not
know they are this applies for the law of karma as well, contracts can be developed.

The freewill you have now is an illusion of truth freewill it is again a distortion but because you do
not see the influences over your choices the impression of full control is there but within a plain
such as this all choices are affected in one way or another. In end all is a game and both players play
there pieces to the limits of the game.

Kyle: Q, tell us about the galactic federation. Is there such thing? Or is it just all made up to give us hope?
Also, do you think you could tell us about the reptilians biological and soul’s history? That we know more
about them and can understand them better…

Quorum: There are galactic communities which exist at the 4th density of both STS and STO
philosophies some are the mix of both and there is alliances and communities around those alliances
it is known as the greater community to some. The galactic federation is one such community
however they have not really contacted humanity and there is false information being networked
through STS disruption attempts. They have contacted only a few so most are not representing
them and are likely a disruption.
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2

At this time the information you request on reptilians can’t be giving as it is a future learning for
those who part take in that experience. We can say like you they had creators only their creators
were not very nice beings and it is evident in the emulation effect they have done.

Untypical User: “At this time the information you request on reptilians can’t be giving as it is a future
learning for those who part take in that experience. We can say like you they had creators only their
creators were not very nice beings and it is evident in the emulation effect they have done.”

It's not that the Creators, Life Carriers and Angels were or are corrupted. It's that IDEOLOGY becomes
more important than EXPERIENCE. It's that the supposed Illuminati trumpet their wisdom while they
cramp and squash the people who live justly and fairly. Illuminism is PARASITIC, not merely predatory.
They don't merely CULL whom they don't prefer; they don't merely squeeze life out of the working
classes by debt and overwork. The Illuminists PRETEND they are doing good, all the while.
Filth parading as Honor.

Quorum: The Entities behind the creation of the reptilian race are not yet meant to be revealed we
can tell you this however they are very powerful wise in there philosophy beings and are masters of
the dimensions. Things are more fun if we let you discover for yourself what they are and their roll
in this game we exist in, in their own truth they are magnificent in there amount of knowledge this
does not mean there intentions are good.

It is like a human those involved in what you call the illuminati have a choice also some have chosen
to help others other have chosen to use others for their own gain. The illuminati is not all bad as
some would have you believe it is a perfect ying and yang circle, there is equal parts of STS and
STO present in such a organization.

Kyle: ok then Q, I’m going to be entirely honest with, even if you may already know this. I invited any
alien beings to visit me, this includes abducting me. because I wanted to have that experience and learn
from it. also, back in middle school, I had this friend who asked people if he could have their souls, me
thinking this was just a game and a way to piss the teachers off and make them think I was weird, I said
yes and supposedly gave him my soul . Can that really work if I agreed to give him my soul?

Such a statement as you have suggested isn’t wise you never know what type of aliens as you put it
you are inviting.

The Soul is the most precious thing you can have, if you gave it to another and this person knew of
the knowledge needed to imprison a soul enslave then you could say yes you have giving him
permission to affect you. If it is just a game as some do, it won’t do as much harm as say rituals.

Also, could you please, please, give us some names, and I mean the true names that we can pronounce, of
good beings that might be able to help free our minds? I have to constantly brush my teeth cause I never
really did when I was a kid. So now they’re kind of falling apart. I also drink a lot of soda, but only a little
water. I just want to know is it good to adapt to not eating food or drinking things at all? because I live in
a city that is obviously ignorant as hell, Portland Oregon.

Reiki should be studied for a tool to help with what you request, Vijarden energy is also helpful in
that regard as well. Praying in name Adonai or Yeshua can help free the mind as well others names
I would not give to one who is not experienced in such practices but those tools and the names
connected to them are safe for any to use.

You should if teeth are bad cut down on the soft drink, yes and clean teeth after eating so that they
do not fall apart. It is possible to sustain oneself on energy frequencies alone but it is not easily
obtained so it is best you eat and drink a balanced diet and keep magnesium level high to assist with
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
immune system, exercise will help a lot as well it only takes 15-20mins to keep a body stabilized.

and one last thing, I was looking up the cassiopaean material you talked about and found some stuff about
densities. Please tell us if all this is true about each density and what’s not.

1st density - Inanimate matter. If we can speak of learning here, the lesson is maybe for matter to
learn to combine in ways forming primitive biological organisms. This includes atomic structures,
molecules, cells etc.

2nd density - vegetal and animal kingdom - Lessons have to do with biological life, survival,
adaptation, competition, group organization as seen with animals and the like. The soul structure is
generally a species soul pool, but as species become more advanced, individual members of the
species may differentiate themselves by more varied individual learning. Insects are also included in
this category and microbe life forms.

3rd density - human - Lessons of 2nd density continue in more complex forms, as in battles for
social domination, more survival etc. Individually acquired personality and individual learning play
a greater role than in 2nd density. Humans are divided into preadamics, who share a species-like
soul pool and Adamics, who have an individuated soul. Self awareness is also part of the lessons of
3rd density and the development of intelligence and ability to rationalize and contemplate ideas.

The specific lesson of third density is however making a choice of orientation of service, towards
service to others in its greatest possible manifestation or service to self in its greatest possible
manifestation. Making such a conscious choice requires having an individuated soul and
presumably a large number of lifetimes in third density for the soul to acquire its polarity.

Yes it is when intelligence is developed and ability to decide rationally and contemplate those
decisions that polarization of choices occurs. That being choosing ones philosophy.

4th density - This is described as a partly physical state where graduates of third density may
deepen and perfect their chosen polarity. STS and STO groups are distinct in fourth density and do
not automatically come in contact, unless in the context of interacting with 3rd density.

There is interactions which do occur between STS and STO groups in 4th density but it is mostly on
the information frontline, truth vs. lies so to speak is the war, in 4th density realities are not as solid
as this reality is and the entity is in experience of it spiritual state and it physical in equal parts
consciously. This experience itself is beyond the concept of time and many things of this realm
become no longer relevant in such an experience. Most of the UFO phenomenon involves 4th
density service to self beings. Pure service to self may not occur past the 4th level of density,
presumably because this is the last at least partly material density.

STS beings can have echoes of themselves at higher densities a example of a completed STS entity is
a black hole where as it takes for so long it legitually consumes information light back into it
gravitational form you could say that is it Love, a black hole when you look out at it is a 6th density
representation of a entity of STS path.

4th density beings enjoy more conscious control over physicality and generally form groups
telepathically sharing a common pool of experience while retaining certain individuality.

That statement is correct, but it is more the ability to holographic ally reconfigures the reality
through thought wave projection that is the process of entities existing in 4th density reality.
Telepathy is already present in all entities cause all entities are in truth One existing with the field
Gods love or the universal mind body of God "The Omiverse Universe". It is just that you are not
aware you have it and everything is always communicating with each other in many different forms
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
the core being vibrations waves of frequency each with its own unique osculation to identify it

5th density - Souls of 1st thru 4th density find themselves in 5th density between incarnations. This
is a contemplation zone where these souls may observe their past/future lives from a purely ethereal
state of being. However, for progress to be realized, the souls must incarnate in the density which
best corresponds to their level of progress.

Statement is correct, 5th density is where you review yourself lifetime and also as transit into it feel
all you have done during that lifetime to others so that you can best choose the necessary lessons to
absolve and progress in your illusionary experiences.

6th density - This corresponds to the level of 'names of God' or 'unified thought forms.' Service to
others entities who no longer need to reincarnate occupy this level. This corresponds to angels or
Dhyanic beings in other terminologies.

Other names have been Seraphim’s, 6th density is also the level in which geometric forms are
created in form of waves of light frequencies each uniquely formed to represent it specific purpose
by the entity in question who mind is responsible for it creation, this level is known as co-creation
were the minds of the beings of light which occupy such a realm legitually part-take in the
distortion process to co-create the lower realms holographically for entities to experience in and it is
then their responsibility to nurture those aspects of themselves back to the One so that the universe
can come to it completion when all self progress to and merge with the higher self in preparation for
the unification back into the One.

7th density - This is the level where all is one and one is all, in a practical, real and meaningful
sense. There is no longer any difference between thought and reality. This corresponds to a notion
of all encompassing god or universe or the Sun Absolute of the 4th Way.

This is also the level where one is the intelligence of the universe the Adonai logos consciousness the
One universal mind the statement above is correct at such a level love itself is known in it complete
understanding no condition is placed and the universe is understand to be the construct of the
minds thoughts. It is the level in which all will return and reunite so that the entire process which
began existence can occur again and may be redesigned for new experiences to be available.

Remember all lessons are just means of experience the progress of linear is in itself also a illusion,
you already are the completed result it is only the experience of the emergence of consciousness that
is the reason for the existence of anything as I’ve said to you become all that is was for one reason to
have fun and experience with that fun and to use creativity to see what we could come up with as
you know some of that result created a duality which is in itself also a illusion but because it is a
opposing energy to unity choices must be made in which direction a soul loves because both in
virtues cannot exist within the same philosophy.

Kyle: thank you again for elaborating on that for us all. Now I’ve been wondering, what if someone
doesn’t want to go through all of this and just want to rest and go instantly from 3rd density to 7th? Is
there a way to do this? Also, besides meditation, is there any other way of unlocking your past memories
and your third eye?

Quorum: The game must finish before you can return to the 7th that is the purpose of the existence, when
you die at your appointed time you won’t think the same way it will be clearer so you have nothing to
worry about in truth.

All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
Kyle: ok then Q we are the players, you are the person trying to help us understand the controls of the
game, but you’re also the person that carries the cheat book, so tell us a few cheats to help make the game
easier ok?

Quorum: If the field reveals itself to you then you can interact with it and conform reality. Until
you see with your own eyes and no doubt remains you will be prevented from doing many things
you seek to do.

We have giving you the tools to create your own programs, we have shared some of the tools we use
but not all for a reason because it will disempower you to reveal everything to you and take away
the learning experience.

Be patient in your endeavors and the answers will come, the effort shown will bring the reward if
you so desire to discover something new to invent continue all that fails is learning and you will
eventually find that right answer.

The reality you have now isn’t all bad there is many things of beauty and amazement amongst it,
much expressions of creativity and much community uniting. Don’t let the bullies in the playground
prevent you from enjoying the teachings it has to offer and working with others in doing so.

Anonymous: My heart rejoiced when you stated that the "expected" harvest had risen from 6% to 14%.
The soul rejoices in extreme joy to meet itself. Though it is known that all will return in the infinite
now..............as a veiled entity..... I use this knowledge daily to rejoice over the tribulations I/we face.

It is not always "easy" to experience? Never the less it is correct that your state that "this is all there is?" I
would desire you to explain this to the others in more depth (you have such a way of communicating) as it
can seem kind of empty to those who do not grasp its meanings. Religions, hopes, conditionings create an
expectation of more while failing to explain the joy of the illusion.

Quorum: It will continue to rise and the cassiopaean group is now being realigned to the real work,
the rest is not as important "The political dramas" could say distractions somewhat. As the esoteric
wisdom they are now teaching is much more empowering. Understand that every program that is in
existence that an entity can utilize to perform a function can also be written by that entity if it has
the correct awareness and understanding of that knowledge.

One must begin to understand that your soul at its highest potential is the creator and you are
emerging back into that aspect of truth, how you get there is the illusion of freewill but in truth you
follow a script which the part you play in the show is of your choosing but you are limited to that
play. All there is what your mind can imagine that is the simple truth of existence.

Bruce: There is much talk on the net about survival, buying gold and silver, and how to "weather out the
storm". It is understandable that this is so but, it is also part of the delusion. It is but another aspect of the
trap. 3rd dimensional thinking. The Lizards (Dracnoids) want this thought process.
If we focus on this life we are in danger of repeating it. Please re read this sentence and think deeply.

We are not this flesh and blood and although it seems that it is so "crucial" to survive, it is not.
Survival in 3 Dimension is really not the issue. It’s the soul. So think deeply about your values and
priorities. I know the world and its teachings. Also the "feelings" inside want us to do our best to survive
at all costs, but time is short and we need to get it together. Understand that there is NO end,
onlytransformation. Death is only a new birth. You don’t disappear, you don't cease. You may die in the
physical but YOU don't. I know many of you understand this, but now is the time to "KNOW" it.
Fear not. A difficult birth will lead to a new understanding.

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Quorum: Yes the 3rd density distractions present in your media are there to keep your mind in stress and
concerned and looking one way to miss what is coming in the other. This is why we have when over the
many years observing the prophecies play out have had to give caution to those we lead towards tools of
knowledge which can help them see levels of truth in it work such as Cassiopaean group we have not
stopped them from taking the road that many other conspiracy theory websites have taken but we have
encouraged it change it direction to it deeper esoteric path.

It serves you no good to focus on dramas that play out in this play to distract you from your roll within it
what serves you best is Knowledge of Self, that being knowledge of who you are what you are a part of
and how you interact with existence within it.

We do say that a paranoid mind is one in danger of destruction and do advise those who are not stable
within themselves spiritually to avoid websites of political dramas and negative perspectives. We are not
saying knowing about such things is harmful we are saying however knowing about such things only
from their front view is, we advise people to look deeper and look to why such would occur and what
purpose could such a distraction hold in effect of your consciousness.

Anonymous: Can you share more regarding the "third eye happening naturally"? Is this again the "nature's
assistance", or would it be fair to describe this as a 'Creator's/Creation's assistance? Or is it simply just a
natural progression, or a linear point of growth?

All that is natural is the creators assistance which is also you, Yes it is a natural process that as a
consciousness develops in it lifetime and it awareness increases the third eye is opened, I will give
you a way to know how open your third eye is have you had times were you close your eyes but can
see your area around you still somewhat like you are looking out your forehead this is a sign of a
opening third eye also to percieve the quantum field means to have a developed physic eye
"sparkling particles that spiral around each other ever seen this with your physical eye?.

Also can you share more regarding souls that get going too fast, getting lost, judgment, and paranoid?
Also, why do attacks increase and what are the forms of these attacks? Our spiritual guides (or our other
ourselves) protect us to a large extent yes?

They protect you as much as they are able but if you open yourself to attack they can’t stop the
attack because the attack then becomes the lesson. The attacks happen in many forms mostly they
are to result in a negative emotion from you that can be used to be feed upon by unseen forces.
Going too fast to understand the nature of duality can if the mind is not prepared lead to a
perspective that is of duality in itself which does create much judgment of others and paranoia as a
result this would be part of the attack to encourage such emotional responses to further imbedded
such ideas into their consciousness.

What is the threat of a soul's isolation from the field? What is this field, the Quantum field, and what
leads to the isolation?

Denial of Self leads to isolation from the field the field can only help a soul who acknowledges its
existence within the field, The ego program is designed to bind the consciousness to one dimensional
perception of physical life and it cause and effects part of the imprisonment method by STS forces
if they succeed with this that entity then can be used as a puppet to perform what humanity terms

And of course, empowerment of one’s own ego that is a good thing is it not? in a sense that a being is not
all about the ego, but maybe a point when the ego has 'matured', or perhaps less worldly? Can you explain

It depends on what you understand the Ego to be if you understand it is a tool a program like
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
anything else and that that tool can be used for both positive and negative reasons then sure you
can call it a good learning tool. But for most they are not aware of the ego so it controls them
programmed and influenced by negative forces to be used as a binding tool a ego in true balance is
a great tool but one out of balance is a danger to ones experience.

Anonymous: Can we talk about one's desires holding one back from accessing higher states of mind?
Desires such as these makes the water murky right? So, how does overcome these types of desires?
Sometimes, I am not sure if I hunger for it, or if am really enthusiastic/excited about it.

Yes desires make the water murky, this does not mean desires are evil or seen as bad but they do
cause distractions within the mind which can lead to obsessions and means of attack and control
through STS forces. To overcome desires is not easy it begins with making the choice too and
putting the effort in to reprogram it methods of spiritual cleansing and involvement with more in
balance groups seeking enlightenment can help with combating such methods, the main weapon
STS have is to isolate the entity and then use it desires to bring a obsession which the entity itself
may be ashamed of but cannot control itself as the desire grows the amount of attachments
increases as they use your body to live out their own desires and feed upon the turmoil it causes
within you.

Also judgment, that does seem like a biggie... seeing the personal darkness in others (or maybe wholly
perceived) and not minding one's own personal darkness right?

Yes one likes to see the faults in others but does not like to see the faults in themselves, in one
context all that is faults in another is also a fault you see in yourself.

In relation to what you spoke about regarding judgments... do you have anything to add for one that may
judge harshly oneself? I wonder if one judges oneself harshly, it sort of spills out, and one starts judging
others around them.

We too judge ourselves harshly while in this form to overcome it we must first learn to love
ourselves we do not have to accept everything we do as a choice and feeling remorse for things you
now feel were not right is a good thing not bad but don’t let that remorse eat at you forgive yourself
and move on who you are now is what maters not where you came from.

It is possible to heal your past by forgiving yourself in the now time is not a factor in such issues as
emotional damage and psychological traumas always can one heal the event which caused such
damage once the lesson is complete the suffering which remained from the chain of pains will not
occur any longer, this is known as viewing in a new light.

I’d like to resolve my own issues and baggage, and seem to be in a rut, or have not overcome such for my

As has many but the fact you would like to opens the possibility of succeeding we suggest to
continue your search and it will be very rewarding the feeling of purifying the self is more amazing
than can be described. I have not yet achieved this in this lifetime but have in other lifetimes so
remember such a feeling and do miss such bliss in our lifetime now I have also a lot of baggage to
overcome myself.

Anonymous: How does one get to the point, or realization to require something no longer? Is this simply
letting go of attachments, or is there something else?

It occurs differently for all entities as each chain which is a binding to that soul is different to
another chain to another soul. The means is the choice to release it by reassessing the situation and
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viewing it in a new light which is the development of the learning of lessons which developed the
new state of consciousness which can transmutate that experience.

attachments by definition seems like something that is well 'sticky' and hard to get rid of... the learning
leads to the overcoming of lesson to then no longer require the experience any longer... do you think I just
may happen to be someone who is a really stubborn kind of fellow, I mean more stubborn than usual?

They are hard to get rid of at first but a developed mind can shake them off much easier this is
propose of learning of acquiring knowledge to increase your frequency makes it a much harder
home for the entity to occupy, the higher you are vibrating the less they can hold onto it is like a
bull ride some have better grips but most when the ride becomes too rough fall off. We would
suggest that when you feel a emotion that is negative you take a step back and observe that emotion and
ask questions of it, we would also suggest that you contemplate all decisions you ever make.

Anonymous: Can you provide more information regarding entities of the Succubus nature? These are
thought forms or beings maybe on a different density? Would these beings die off if their victims denied
them emotional sexual energy; I guess I’d like to know how it feeds on ones soul, and what happens to
the soul? Is there like a soul 'diminishment'?

Also, how can one's desires not be wholly our own? Is this like a brainwashing, like leading one to think
favorite color is red when to one it is really blue or something like that? Also, isn't there a way to make
this "sex" thing a mutually beneficial, or, action, for all involved?

Also, the self loathing, feeling of unworthiness and harsh self judgment is used against the seekers? While
it does seem to be tied to reward/approval of others maybe based on conditional love, this does seem
incredibly hard to overcome still. I wonder if this is like being so overcome with one's personal darkness,
one has come to the point of not believing in one's own 'Light' within.

Quorum: The entities are thought forms yes which exist on the astral realm as some know it they
feed upon sexual desires and influence their creation. They can influence thoughts to direct desires
and manipulate the chemical balance of your body’s hormones to get you to act it out. You could
say it is a form of mind control yes a temptation placed without knowledge it is placed is not easy to

The entities drain your emotional centers and leave the entity feeling tired and drained it does
diminish your energy and can leave you sick in some circumstances. Concept sex itself is a STS idea
in itself to begin with in higher realms sex to produce life is not required.

Mostly at lower densities sex is done in all cases for the emotional and physiological pleasure it gives
the entities in question and this does too for the distortion of love that people use in relationships.

This does not mean it is negative even distortions have truth and to make love properly with a
properly balanced circling of energies forming the 8 can help a soul achieve new spiritual
understandings as taps into higher octaves of energy.

Yes those feelings of unworthiness, harsh judgment of self, degrading, self destructive, etc are all
being influenced by such STS forces and will continue to be until the entity is aware it is happening
without doubt that it is hence knowledge is power and awareness is protection. Yes you could say
they feed upon your personal darkness and try to keep you in the dark in ignorance so that they can
remain hidden in their endeavors never does darkness exist in the light for it cannot for what is
hidden in darkness is revealed by light.

Anonymous: So, these inter/intra-dimensional beings like Moloch, and those psychic teams... what do
they really want from other people and why do they do what they do? Do they simply just want followers
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and themselves to be leaders, or is it simply they just want to take?

They seek to sustain themselves of others they have learned how the One does it and have used
others to sustain themselves and grow powerful. The God behind Israel is Moloch and all who
worship that God give power to Moloch that is the great deception that Jesus tried to reveal when
said the God you know is not my Father etc...

This entity is a master of the dimensions and has co-created itself it own thought forms which are
minions to be used to you could say go to war against the light. They seek to imprison your mind to
leave you in darkness to blind you from your light.

Also do you sense any of this 'infiltrated/contaminated' from me or anyone else contributing to this

All that are within this plain we are in now are infected it is like a virus that infects the entity the
longer it is exposed in such a realm, there is means to combat it and many of the esoteric wisdom is
such means even specific exercises and harmonics and drawings can be utilized because everything
that is representing something and that which is created in Love with intention of giving is always a
shield against that which is created in Love with the intention of taking.

I will tell you a higher truth of it and let you decide if your soul understands what I’m saying, all
knowledge that can be gained already does exist and it exists inside of you it is just that the physical
means is one option ...

To understand the Core of something is to understand it completely to look to outer shell is to miss what
is within. That all Truth and knowledge is within... I do feel this is true to some level, but just do not have
the self realization moment to realize this for myself... is this my own stubbornness?

That question is for you to answer...

Also anything you have done you consider wrong is always forgiven, justice is always giving if one has
faith and trust in the nature of the universe a soul is bound to another until the contract has finished so to
give forgiveness is to absolve bonds which require participation. To seek vengeance is to create karmatic
bonds with another in which could end up being a cosmic tennis match until one forgives the other; this is
one understanding of the workings of karma but a deep and important one.

Remember 'Let he who has not Sinned Cast the first Stone' for that message is a deep wisdom giving to
this world and holds much truth within its words.

I seem to have a real hard time forgiving myself... justice in the form of faith... seems to be like putting
trust that "each will get their own in the end" and that I should just be more mindful to create new
negative karma for myself. Just really want to do no harm onto others, but can't seem to clear up my own
issues. Do you have any ideas that will help this one come to KNOW for oneself?

This world networks self judgment that is why it is hard for you to forgive yourself including us as
we too are infected which such damaging perceptions of ourselves by even incarnating into this
world but all who came to bring it light did so knowing this would occur even if at present they do
not know they do they will.

Pray in the name Adonai Christ, for that is your true name and through it all others names will be
known. You have many selves which await your call they will help you to achieve your highest good
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"The term highest good is a powerful one what it means is to achieve your highest possible future
for the greatest good you can give to others".

One of the guides I work with is known as Joseph he was maji during the times of the pyramids and
has revealed to me many esoteric secrets of that time he is slowly teaching me the abilities I
possessed during that time but will not allow me to possess such until the appropriate moment
occurs, Another is Mark he was a Atlantaen priest and knew the secret of the Eternal flame that
was in the temple in Tire he was a priest of Melchizedek.

I/we too have sinned, we admit to exploring desires we admit to having dark thought we admit to all
humans too have experienced and what matters is the now not the past the past can be changed in a
instant and the future written in a moment.

I guess all of us to some level may not be as bad as we think ourselves to be and maybe not as good or
righteous as we believe ourselves to be right?

Yes all is ying and yang so one should not judge another for their faults for they too have had such.

Anonymous: changing/tuning into a different frequency... this seems hard to do. could this be from
'overcomplicating' things? Crippling self doubt also seems to be a big factor here.

Quorum: It is the perception that is the key, yes overcomplicating things can be a burden rather
than a assistant.

Anonymous: You once used the term "spiritual ego". What is that? Is that like an ego perspective that has
changed somehow or maybe the state of the ego after when one's cup has become emptied? Is spiritual
ego still a perspective in an overall rebirth sort of moment after the cup becoming filled again,
overflowing even?

Quorum: The spiritual Ego is the identity developed by the soul as it progresses in it lessons
through existence, It is different to what we know ego as while on this plain. Egos are forms of
identity yes and cup becoming filled again is metaphor for being open to new perspectives. Advise
meditation on topic question for deeper answers revealed by your heart/mind.

Anonymous: This state of ego, or ones ego perspective, is this like the difference between ego mastery
and maybe mastery over one's ego? Ego mastery in a sense meaning living solely for the sake of one's ego
well and maybe mastery of one's ego meaning something like it implies a self mastery?

Quorum: The Ego is a tool like everything else it is used for learning, to master ones ego is to keep it
in balance yes because when out of balance the ego as a tool can be influenced by other forces of
negative origins and this can result in damaging experience which is experience as suffering by the
entity, this is why the ego can get people into trouble and is very connected to the negative emotions
when such occurs.

Yes don’t let the ego be your master you be the master of yourself that is the difference yes, the ego
is used to control people by STS forces because it can be this is why the mind is very important to
understand and what a personality is and desires etc. To learn to discern one’s own mind is to learn
to master oneself.

Anonymous: Do you anything behind the idea of "Twin Flames"? Even in mystical sources there either
seems to be a case or against this idea. Also is there any truth to mystical idea behind the event known as
"the dark night of the soul"? It seemed to be an event or timing when one has to sort of "face oneself",
and along those lines. Is there any truth to this kind of timing or event?
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Quorum: Twin flames is rare to occur within a lifetime it takes both souls being a full circle to work
properly in such a relationship it is true love most relationships are lessons to develop towards the
reunion of the twin flames, one part of the soul complex will take incarnation of a male other will
part take as the female. There is circumstances were a soul is lead to relationships to disrupt their
path these relationships are normally abusive and harmful to the souls consciousness.

The concept you speak of may be referring to oneself facing one’s own darkness as transit through
to the 5th density, but in one context everything you experience is facing a part of you so in that
truth you could say that you face darkness daily through the events in life, the coming shift will be a
time of revealing during that time more beings of STS natures will reveal themselves it too could be
considered facing the darkness of oneself for they too are part of you.

Anonymous: Can you tell us why "Twin Flames" exist? Also, the reunion of Twin Flames, what is this, is
this just like a symbolic reunion?

They exists because of duality the unification is the last step and occurs when the twin flames meet.

Also, if each being has the potential and capacity of their own personal darkness, why would there be a
specific role of an 'adversary'?

The adversary is you, they exist because you have created them it was the choice to know darkness
that brought darkness into your experiences and this doesn’t just apply for this plain.

There is the question of if God allows suffering, or if all obstacles and challenges exist to 'temper' a being
from experience.

Remember you are God if suffering exists then you are allowing it too, if there are challenges you
have created them. It is not the twin flames roll that leads to such consequences of learning it is the
path in itself that has those lessons if one opens themselves to such attack, remember the war is one
of the mind they fight to affect your choices through influence and to really combat it takes
becoming aware you can be influenced in your choices and not know it is not your own
desires/thoughts. I am saying that such relationships are deliberate tampering by STS forces to
suppress you especially if you have before incarnation wrote a destiny which can assist others to see
truth and disempower the darkness in doing so.

Yes much will be seen and occur during such a process taking place it has already began eventually it will
not be able to be covered up, prepare for some visitors look into all prophecies all hold some truth
including the neo-cronomicon and bible. When the muck from the eyes is cleared the picture becomes

Anonymous: What was the Adamic state of being like, in regards to both physical and consciousness

Highly advanced psychic abilities and higher regeneration of cellar design, physic abilities and
higher intelligence, more awareness.

By that name do you mean the state of being for physical bodies before DNA/genetic 'tampering' from ET

Yes before intrusion into the original blueprint of this experience occurred.

What created the Adamic state? Is that state also a whole Adonai Christ state in a sense?
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You part took in it creation through another vessel of your higher mind consciousness, your bible
called them the Elohim who do you think the Elohim were. It is you in the past the present and the
future. Yes that state was more in tune with the Adonai Christ consciousness please remember your
true state is an omni-present multi-dimensional entity of immense power.
Anonymous: Does this mean that STS beings already know a being's destiny, such as assisting others and
dis-empowering darkness, even if the being in question does not seem to know such 'writing of one's

Quorum: Yes the STS higher plains know about your destiny and try to change it to suit their own
plans, this is why those more aware are attacked more often because they are more a threat to the
STS plains and are marked as key targets.

Quorum: We have something important to say about things and the truth of it all, you have all
eternity to explore what you choose to explore there is no rush for time is only a illusion you can
repeat any experience you so desire too and can move onto new ones once what you have decided to
experience has completed.

To progress is a choice it is open for eternity and the cycles are only there for the purpose of having
a means to allow for a renewing of the experience each time it finishes so that you are not stuck in
the mistakes which have occurred during the development of your society, nature plays it roll in it
period purification cleansing processes to re-set the experience and allow for those who still desire it
to re-explore such development and for those who are now seeking new experiences to do the work
they have chosen as the means in which to achieve that result.

We are saying this there is not just one way to progress in existence. Anyone who tells you there is
are not aware of the truth and want to keep you controlled. The truth is you create your own path
through existence you decide when you want to move on and want to repeat, you are the one who
decides you are ready and you are the one who decides you aren’t this is known as a destiny and
each soul has written there own page in the book of life what they do with it is there decision and
when they complete the lessons they have set and move on is there decision also.

The main lesson for existence is rather simply self responsibility, the awareness and acceptance to
take responsibility for all choices and there consequences you have made. This lesson is required to
access higher experiences and it was you who part took in the design of such a system to enable
yourself a means of development and limitations to explore lessons which you so desire to know and

You create scenarios and experiences to activate as triggers "opportunities of perceptional

adjustment" to bring you into new levels of awareness and progress to point of uniting with those at
same stage as yourself to form networks of information to learn and develop as a group towards a
common goal this is a STO path the opposite is STS path, both are open to choices.

Quorum: We wish to give a warning about forum browsing on sites we have recommended for
research, understand that when a project gets to the point it opens itself to networking it can
become further distorted and operatives can be installed in positions of power to continue such

We are going to say and we would advise if you are member at such sites to try figure out the ones
we are speaking about they are moderators on the sites as with every STS operation they only
bother if they can affect things from a position of power. I ask you have you had moderators which
make efforts to prove you wrong and make themselves look right in public sometimes maybe the

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tone takes on a egocentric position and leaves one feeling embarrassed and apologetic, perhaps they
have labeled you and judged you harshly and see themselves as a teacher when they too are still a
student I’m sure you will figure out who we have observed doing this.

Anonymous: I used to meditate frequently in 1998 - 2003. My 3rd eye became very developed and I
could start to see and feel auras. I felt like I was much more connected to the astral realm. I did feel like it
was overwhelming and I ended up stopping meditation. Should I pursue this meditation again? I feel like
my vibration has slowed significantly, although I still have memories of my other state.

Quorum: Meditation will help you greatly but do not try to rush the result your 4 body must also
adjust to handle the new frequencies which you will tap into. We would advise 30mins meditation
daily that will be enough to form a balance and assist the natural processes; it is open to you
however how long you decide is best for you we advise listen to your heart.

Kyle: please tell us, how does one empty their cup? Do they simply try to ignore everything they’ve
learned, or some other way? Cause seriously, trying to forget something they have memorized is really
hard. I mean imagine trying to forget the alphabet and the English language, you can’t really do it! So
please help us out.

Also, how can one best focus? I can sort of do it, but I just can’t do it for that long. And I always pick at
the bad things of it and end up pulling away from it. Any advice on that?

Quorum: To empty your cup you first must be open to emptying it, it takes the choice and effort to
adjust ones perception to allow for what is dirt in your cup to be filtered out and leave pure water.

You can create exercises yourself to help such as self disciplines to deprogram routines you have
been programmed with up until now. Focus requires your mind to be silenced we would suggest this
meditation to help with such, relax and listen while lying down to your heartbeat for it is
communicating to you and if you are open to heart your hearts voice all will become clear. The
intelligence without the balance of the heart is no different to those beings who have suppressed
your world now the heart is a portal to higher mind remember that and balance it with your mind.

The events are what locks in the changes Kyle it isn’t expected for you to wholly believe right away
that is why universe conforms the events to support when you learn of truth to act as a unseen
guide in your quest.

Page 68

Kyle: thank you again Q. you’ve helped all of us so much and yet you ask for nothing return, god bless
you! But tell us, what don’t you understand still? Also, tell us about Lucifer, Saten, Molech, and
especially the darkness.

Also, even if anger, greed, jealousy, and lust aren’t really our true emotions and just programs or such, we
ourselves actually created them and got the idea from somewhere so they must be ours. And one more
thing that no one hasn’t asked you yet: Tell us about the one, the creator. If we are all him and we created
this 'universe' who created him? And what’s it like outside of the universe?

Quorum: Lucifer is humanity, Satan represents the evil within you and Moloch/Molech is a
hyperdimensional entity which was one of the Elohim who fell and chose to imprison souls rather
than assist them in development.

The darkness is the result of the creation of duality it is opposite to everything that light stands of
were light gives knowledge darkness takes it, in context of your understanding of evil darkness is
the embodiment of it and is present through all the cosmos appearing as dark matter.
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It is a infection within your spirit which you must learn through to cleanse yourself of the sickness,
darkness is very easy where to be one of light is hard because the choice of evil is much easier than
the choice of good. The challenge lies in such.

We should not speak of such name to much as in names are the means in which summoning occurs.

Aspects of the wholeness which is you yes created them but those aspects may not be of your
experiences, some beings have been created with intention to do harm against you this in truth is
part of the natural flow of things darkness and light conflict in many levels to give the experience.

The emotions you speak of are able to be suppressed with proper discipline but it will not be easy.
Because they do act like programs such emotions can utilize the body’s chemical processes to get the
desires result, thus affecting the physical brain in doing so. These emotions are self aware of their

You are all him but in another context that doesn’t mean you created as of yet everything, the atom
for instance is a part of the template of another souls design than you own which is represented also
in the term Adam. I would not be best for us to answer the question of what is beyond the creator,
we can say this however the state in which the creator exists is one of unconditional love all
knowledge is known and giving to the universe through it many distortions.

Anonymous: I noticed on another thread you mention Moloch as being a very powerful hyper-
dimensional being, and that there are 5 other similar beings, which seemed to have something to do with
shapes or the number... can you explain the significance of the number and what these beings represent?
These beings, have they always been influencing humans forever? Also, what density would these beings
exemplify, also how do they compare to the density that the Adonai Christ exemplify?

Quorum: The names shouldn't be spoken out loud at all, it is like calling upon them it is part of a
ritual. To explain you the significance of the number and the geometrical shape tied to these entities
would endanger you as would give you the means to summon.

I can share this however, all that is of the negative has a entity attached to it a specific type of entity
which is that emotional or psychological state etc, we will give you a example greed is a form of a
demonic energy it is created by hyperdimensional masters which are part of the Darkness, these
feelings are the influencing factor to cause you to fall into darkness for if one does not balance
oneself and lets such imposing forces affect them they will do great evil and will in themselves
become lost in their own abyss. Anything which does harm in any way is a entity program designed
by another to do so for true STO beings never have the intention to do harm so do not create
anything which would be considered negative, remember however that duality creation was for a
purpose too and all experiences are lessons and balance is the key to it all.

Christ represents the state of consciousness which has illuminated itself in knowledge so that it can
combat the deceptions of darkness, for the saying Knowledge is power is true for the more you
know better protected you are because the wiser you become and the awareness of such knowledge
brings with it a shield which acts like a psychic barrier against intruders. The best knowledge you
can learn is the knowledge of self to understand your mind is the key to your salvation you are the
messiah when you so choose to be.


We must expand further on the Christ consciousness; it is when the heart is balanced with the mind
so that the knowledge gained can be used with wisdom for the greater good. Without the heart the
compassion of self one would become enlightened but would at same time become further infected
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in darkness for the darkness would use them to cause harm to others for they would be open to
such temptations for do not feel the emotions of compassion or let the angels flow through them for
the emotions which are of good are the angels of the heavens and the emotions which are of evil are
the demons of the hells that is good way to look at it.

So Anti Christ is a consciousness which the darkness is trying to condition into humanity at same
time light is trying to bring the Christ consciousness into humanity so that they live for each other
and create a heaven of a society for the future instead of a hell which is the intention of the darkness
for when the realm reaches the correct frequency when the right conditions are met the
embodiments of higher density darkness will be able to physically enter your realm and this may
occur in your future and this is connected to the extra terrestrial phenomenon all is connected.

Anonymous: When the souls of Twin Flames experiences life and one's own life lessons that lays the
groundwork for this reunion... is it possible for one of the Twin Flame to sort of 'spoil' this kind of reunion
to move beyond duality? Kind of screw up or drag one's feet that it hinders and affect the other Twin
Flame? Has that happened before or is it common to get to that potential state, then, lose that chance?

Quorum: All is open, but once a stabilized reunion of twin flames occur the love and knowledge
they both possess in itself is a impenetrable shield. This is the true meaning of Love and light, Love
is to understand the positive emotions roll within existence and it roll in the unification of self light
is to acquire the knowledge which leads to that understanding of the emotional connection to have
both and be well versed in knowledge is to be well protected indeed.

Many do not understand the connection of Love with light many just want to think it is happy
thoughts but do not understand the development process to acquire such a perfect understanding of
it with their perspective.

If you achieve this state of being you would know, we wouldn’t have to tell you at all and many
doors would open.

Anonymous: So you are saying that on a higher plane, or density, is when the actual 'merging' to
overcome duality occurs, correct?

Steps towards its perceptional adjustment yes.

So in this plane, when both souls are ready, they reincarnate during the same lifetime, and are sort of
destined to meet physically, correct?

That possibility is open, it can occur.

Can you also explain more regarding the two circles linking to become a figure 8 symbol, or infinity?
What are the circles, and how do they come together to form that shape? Just meeting one another, does
that make this shape?

circles are circulation of energy, when two are linked with each other forming the 8 they are in a
equal pattern of energy exchange with one another.

Also, is this reunion of Twin Flames a 'necessary' step for higher self evolution? Can and does beings, on
their own, without the reunification can of self evolve?

It is a helpful step but not necessary as unification can also occur in soul and the male and female
aspects may share a body during the incarnation also, so the bonding can occur within the heart of
the individual as well.

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Our higher selves... that is a higher awareness/density self that has already overcome duality by reuniting
Twin Flames? Did you also say that Adonai Christ is also our higher selves?

Yes you are both aspects in completion together at such a state. That is yes the shared consciousness
of the higher self the Adonai Christ consciousness which is just a name giving to represent it in
truth there is no names, names are giving for your benefit and to be used as a means of calling.

Anonymous: When I think of thoughts that are not one's own thoughts, even beliefs, i think of social
conditioning. Like parents and social conditioning perhaps making one believe in something that one
truly would not believe in, in that sense.

Yes part of it.

The other aspect of thought control is influence, and you say that our thoughts and our emotions can be
manipulated, that this can also be done biologically, like hormones and synaptic ways... those seem to be
more subtle, and most wouldn't even question their own thoughts and minds.

It is done biologically, chemically, mentally, emotionally, electromagnetically, psychically, physically,

etc every means that can be used has been used.

can you tell us more about the latter kinds of thought and emotional influences. These influences seem to
effect from the within, to one's within. is there a way to discern our own thoughts and intentions to those?
does it seem that most people can tell the difference?

Our technology is used to relay signals designed to suppress certain thinking patterns to keep
within a certain parameter of mental computation. Anything which produces any type of light this
includes radio waves and electromagnetic radiation can be utilized.

On the spiritual front we have what is called attachments which imbed themselves in your spiritual
body and affect the mental and emotional centers you could look at that as parasites as they sustain
themselves on the host and influence the generation of it sustenance whatever that may be.

Anonymous: I meant that it seems many of us can't tell the difference between our own thoughts and
those that are not ours, let alone ever think that our thoughts wouldn't be our own.

Yes many cant and it takes training yourself to be able to this doesn’t mean you will be able to stop
the influences either just aware you are being influenced, which is the first step awareness.

if true, this seems to affect the mind and emotion the most does it not, like a thing going on in
"headspace". Is this why you suggested that we listen to our Heart during meditation? if our 3rd eye was
open and seeing, would this help one to 'see' or be more aware of our own thoughts and those that are not
our own?

The mind can be influenced it can be corrupted and distorted but the heart cannot be for it is a
direct link to your higher consciousness, this doesn’t mean every time someone thinks they are
acting from the heart they are sometimes it is the mind which tricks itself. Yes the third eye is a
psychic part of your mental capabilities it allows you to see the 4 bodies much easier because you
will see new vibration frequencies and from it learn through observation how energy transference
works, remember all is energy and thoughts are included.

Anonymous: You mentioned some of your teachers, specifically a priest of Mechizedek during Atlantis
times. Were beings such as you in a different time? Can you tell us more about Melchizedek and also
about the temple as well?

All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
Quorum: Yes and possibility you and others, that time was one of amazing knowledge availability
tire itself had a temple which used the sacred knowledge of geometry with modern day
Quorum electromagnetic physics, there was a type of device which was linked to the spiritual body
which was used for purification and other purposes it had affects over time/space. This knowledge
was well guarded and the device was sought by darkness for many thousands of years and this
device is still around but placed in a protection field which has put it in a type of dimension of it
own outside of time programmed to return when proper moment occurs.

Its purpose is not meant to be revealed yet but the device was known as the esoteric name "Eternal
Flame" you may know of it if have heard of the Halls of Amenti, Hall or records. Which are
themselves not accessible by humanity as of yet and are well hidden and to even access it you would
need to know where to be and how to enter it is not of this plain and it holds much knowledge and
secrets and is guarded by powerful entities.

Anonymous: What are temples for? Is it merely just for worship? Are there other purposes for such things
and also monuments like Obelisks? Energy focus, when people worship at a temple that energy is focused
and can be harvested by the entities they are worshiping or by technology or other means. Is it true that
we all have our own inner 'temple'? I would imagine those would be neglected or derelict in comparison
to all the 'glorious' outer temples that mankind has been glorifying throughout the ages.

Quorum: Yes the body is the temple of God it is where God sits as it explores life. That is why it is
important to look after the body while within but to also understand that what is most important is
what sits within your Soul you as God, Christ during his lifetime referred to himself as the living
God but he also said you are as he and all is brothers and sisters and has the same Father. He is
giving you clues that can be used to figure out the truth of yourself that being you are the living

Anonymous: Can you share in regards to the "psychic barriers" we all seem to have come equipped with,
and how to be more aware to better protect ourselves. Is it so that when the state of the consciousness
itself has illuminated the deceptions of darkness, it reflects the state of that barrier?

You could say illuminati is one means to create psychic barriers protections but at same truth it is
also a choice and illuminati can also be towards darkness as well. So real protection actually occurs
when your mind is in balance with your heart and you have developed the awareness of truth by
discerning the deceptions of darkness and live in the truth of your heart.

Is this related to the state of being, or ability, where one can still 'smile', is at peace, even surrounded in
chaos, or fear? Remaining in the eye of the hurricane?

Yes but achieving that is very hard, because to balance compassion is complex because at same
moment you want to be happy and understand all is the flow of natural interaction of energies you
also care for others and the conflicting emotions in itself is chaos, to see from a higher picture and
accept the choice of others which lead to their own suffering is indeed hard. Because in our
compassion for them we want to help even if that at time it may be best we don’t.

Also, how could one remain so calm, when there is so much suffering and fear amongst fellow beings
surrounding that one?

By the perspective of the All seeing Eye, advise movie the watchmen Dr. Manhatum if you see
things from the Quantum truth it is much different perspective you develop.

Anonymous: If we cannot feel for compassion, let it flow from us, is this because we no longer can tune
with our Hearts?

All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
Quorum: It is because you no longer have your mind in balance with your hearts, you seek to
intellectualize everything and in doing so you over complicate simply truths and distort your own world
perspective by doing so at same time you give the ego a means to take control of you, I also have this to
learn as well the ego is very cunning part of us and it will take control if we let it.

Anonymous: Is the above like a 'synchronizing' among the different bodies. Can you tell us more about
the 4 different bodies? Most of our world doesn't go beyond the physical body. Also.. During that process
above.. What is the state of the transformation for each body?

Yes, because the world is so full of noise it becomes hard to hear. Psychological state of the mental
body is one of confusion and depression because faced with the darkness one must see becomes
hard to accept and conflicting with the mind and emotions will occur.

the emotional body will conflict with all of your emotions both your positive and negative this will
be confusing in end you will have outbursts of emotional release to bring the compassion of your
heart in balance with the intelligence of your mind "both are intelligences".

Physical effects can be stress related as example is ulcers, warts, acne, exema, headaches, low
energy and more eventually you will re-energize but the process it not easy.

The spiritual affects will be seeing of energy’s you could not before, more astral body experiences
and lucid dreaming you will also have conflicting philosophies as you try discover the truth in the
end you will find a balance.

There is more but I leave that for you to discover.

Listening to ones heart. it seems our minds are very susceptible to illusions and distortions, which does
affect how we see our world, ourselves, each other... why is it so hard to 'hear the heart'? And is its
message True?

Because the World is too noisy and it makes it hard to hear to hear it you must silence the world
inside your mind.

I figure you will say that the message from the heart also may be distorted, but is the saying true that
"One's heart is True"?

The Heart is the connection to the universal mind it does not get distorted, it has what is required at
all times based on the progress of the soul and gives information as required.

Anonymous: If one could see from their 3rd eye, has this awoken, how would one's world look?

We will share some of a 4th density experience which is when what is known as 3rd eye is fully
active. You would see the auras of everything it different electromagnetic frequencies and the
representations of each both in audio and visual areas. You would develop telepathy and empathy
on levels that the society you live in now has not seen, images would have new meanings artwork
would speak to you the simplest of creations would mean so much more to you.

the common belief is that the body, through its interaction with physical matter, is what drives the
evolution, with consciousness taking a ride it seems.

More truthful is the Soul drives the physical matter in it experience in evolution and the
consciousness is what drives the soul.

Is it possible though that the consciousness, or the spirit or one's soul, dictate the evolution of the being?
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
That the soul can have a part in determining or affecting the 'genetics'?

Yes. It is like blueprints, this is tied into a destiny as you see a destiny does not just include the now
it included all that came before it and how through your interaction through live you evolved in
your choices.

Anonymous: Is it true that the Kingdom of Heaven has always been around, or present even on earth?
But that perhaps our consciousness is not aware of it, or something like that?

Yes, it is within you as is everything when it is experience in life is determined by the completion of
lessons. That future does exist but so does hell on earth it is open at present.

that we as in being a part of creation, being a part of Creation, means there is some level of being that is
still a part of that Kingdom?

Yes, a future aspect of yourself the Christ aspect, Yeshua awaits your return.

Is it possible that we are in a "Prodigal" sort of state of being, made by self choice, but also have a choice
to return to that place, or back to our Creator?

Yes for all eternity can you explore and sin but must do so in lower realms.

This return is a metaphor to many different levels?

Yes. But in end all is One.

Kyle: how can one unlock the memory part of our brain? Also, what happens to ones soul when other
beings feed on it? Do they really fade away? Or do they start from the begining? And how can we purify
our body/mind/soul? And finally, won’t we at one point have to fuse with the darkness? And do we all
have a higher dark self?

Quorum: Unlocking your memory takes much effort on your part to balance your 4 bodies so you
can translate the information coming through to you; it has always been there it is just that you
have been too busy to hear it. Meditation is a great tool in opening your memory as it allows you to
relax and cleanse stress which clutters your mind much like a hard-drive in a computer it requires
time for defragmentation.

Energy is taken from your emotional centers and mental centers when a being is feeding on your
soul this means you have less energy yourself to work with which can leave you feeling down as a
side effect or drained etc. But the feeding of itself also makes it much harder to perform abilities
such as PSI manipulation because you have less energy to work with to generate the result.

We have giving you enough information to help you to purify your body mind and soul if read
through all that has been said some is also cryptic. Yes a type of fusion does occur but it more
complicated it more a transmutation process, We will explain it like this Imagine a circle which is
made of light but has a small dot that is darkness in it then imagine a circle made of darkness which
has a small dot of light in it, that is good way to see what choice will lead into understand that
always does a part of each remain within the balance of duality. There is future possibilities of you
are higher levels of a darker path yes, the choice comes in which direction you choose to merge your
consciousness as you explore the game of life 'you are free to go either way'.

Me: Q: Do you think a vegetarian/organic life style aids the journey in increasing one's frequency level
(in combination with meditation of course)?

All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
Quorum: If the food is grown outside of contaminations then it can assist in balancing the body
much easier, however it is not so important whether you are vegetarian or a carnivore it depends on
what is best for your specific DNA structuring.

Appreciation of life will help with raising ones frequency even if you just honor what you eat and
give it love for its roll in your sustainment. Understand that even the plants are forms of
consciousness at a different level of density experience than the animals but in a higher truth both
are seen equal so if you eat plants or animals there is no difference that is just part of the balance of
life and death.

Eventually you will not be required to eat. But as of now learning what is good for your specific
DNA structuring is important as is learning what is bad for you. But more important is to know
what is good for you all else falls into place once that is known.

Bruce: What transcript is that...............

[link to www.cassiopaea.org]

Quorum: That thread could easily be misinterpreted...Some of it is of STO contact but some is from
distortion of the receiver as in mind at present was concerns for financial stability, there is another
issue in that the contacts seek validation of them-self so the direction of the questions will be one of
self promotion which is a common thread throughout the entire experiment this is due to ego

The Videos are good idea if promoted properly, you can open it to donations but do not try to
manipulate others to feel they must give to reserve their place in the heavens that is something Cass
group has done in past with manipulation of wording which promotes specific responses which is no
different to hypnotic suggests that the STS entities use even now but those lessons are for them to
learn themselves.

We again say that not one source has all the answers and suggest reviewing of all information
coming in from all different contacts, cross referencing and comparing and using meditation also as
means of discernment.

It is all open, it depends on direction they take with the videos on how well it will help people learn
what is important to know at this time, one concern could be of when a entity is told it is part of
something divine it goes to its head that entity then feels it is necessary to tell others to valid itself in
its own mind and to encourage others to listen to them this can lead to many problems if not in


We see it is important to give a better understanding of the idea of giving in a STO philosophy. In
the philosophy that we live by now it is more of a STS direction with parts of STO mixed in it works
in this realm due to its need as in humanity takes to give, example of this is money, money is a
means to take something from someone but to get it you must give but it is done to receive so is
always a self serving action.

In a STO philosophy it is more a giving that results in taking as the response from another with
same mindset is to give back just because they want too, not that they feel compelled too it is just
the way of things so what happens in such a society is that because all are giving everything
balances itself out in it taking, it becomes a selfless world were each gives to the other.

Now this does not mean go out and give all you own right now to someone, in realm such as this
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
now it would not work and to give to all who ask sometimes the one asking may have bad intentions
say they could use what is giving to create harm for another so there is a level of discernment which
is required when you give.

In a realm however which is STO such is not required it is just natural that you know how to give,
this realm is not STO so remember that everything people do will involve STS with it at present. It
is not expected that you live by the STO philosophy right now it is only expected that you learn of
its existence and make a choice which direction you want to evolve towards.

Anonymous: Can you provide us an example of how this thread can be misinterpreted? Do you get a
sense my questions are for self promotion as well, or do I fall under that example you speak of?

Quorum: We do not wish to make this thread about the errors of the Cassiopaen work as it has
much truth within it and it errors are more human misunderstanding and distortions than
anything. However to answer your question it would take you reading the entire work yourself to
get a feel for why we said what we did. But on many occasions during the sessions the focus of the
questioning has been about themselves and their importance in the matter, such questioning is not
required to be known it only further empowers the ego to promote it 'it is self serving' in network is
to seek validation from the viewers.

A example is the continued reminder of how important Laura is the direction of which has actually
empowered her ego and is why she reminds herself through distortion of the conduit at many
junctures during the experiment. It is also good for you to note that when the experiment was in it
earlier stages it was said that this planet is not as significant as people would want in grand scheme
of existence and that people as individuals are not as important as the souls as a collective.

Remember also the warnings about seeking fame and fortune and how it can lead to corruption of
the work, it has become clear to us that Laura is a opportunist and sees value in people who can
progress her own perspective but no value in those who cannot this is shown to us in how she
determines peoples importance and also the effort shown to discredit others and promote herself as
"savior of humanity".

We have to remind people that the importance is the information not the person, the person plays a
roll but has let that roll go to their head this happens many times during a channeling contact,
because they seek to feel important to satisfy their own mind of it psychological and emotional
suffering to feel it was all for something great.

In our perspective all souls destinies are great and equal in their rolls we see no difference for all
create the whole. This is what we meant by many questions are self focused so the answers will be
distorted by such. The work has much potential to help a seeker of truth find some answers but
only if they do not become too focused on the source of information and do not see its deeper
messages by doing so, understand that all information is a means of reference it is not that you must
follow one specific road to a destination there are many routes one can take.

SS: I have encountered reptilians twice, and as you said on page one, they did not have physical bodies
but possessed people. It would seem that they have established family lines that they continuously
reincarnate through to concentrate power.

The people that I have seen possessed by them are usually very invalidated individuals, because there
aura's are usually a dark blue in color. I believe that there are rituals involved, usually involving
molestation of the child that is to be possessed to bring about the right level of feeling of self worth and
invalidation. Can you confirm this information and if not explain where my understanding is wrong.

All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
My understanding as to the origins of the reptilian currently in the earth area is that they came here from
their home planet which they destroyed.

Quorum: Methods are open what you have suggested in some ways that are used they do have to
break and weaken the soul of the entity so that the possession can take place, it does include much
suffering as you see it but with all things there is a positive and a negative 'Equal and opposite

Danhow: [link to www.bibliotecapleyades.net]

Cosmic Awareness is the Force that expressed Itself through Jesus, the Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed and
other great avatars who served as channels for what is commonly referred to as "God." The messages do
not come from spirits, ghosts or discarnate entities, but directly from the source-Universal Consciousness.

Early in 1962, a voice expressing itself as Cosmic Awareness began speaking through Ralph Duby, a
university lecturer and ex-army officer who had been through the Bataan Death March in Philippines
during World War II. The voice spoke whenever the subject was in a state of self-induced trance.

Since that time, much valuable information has come through to us on this earthly plane from a source so
high it staggers the imagination. The resulting flow of spiritual knowledge and the means of its practical
application are similar to the work of Edgar Cayce, one of the most famous and documented psychics of
all time.

When the question was asked of Cosmic Awareness: "What is Cosmic Awareness?" we were told that
Cosmic Awareness is the total mind that is not any one mind, but is the Universal Mind; it does not
represent any unit other than that of complete and total Universality. We were told that we are all part of
Cosmic Awareness and that we all have that God-cell within that can be contacted. No need to run off to
psychics or priests or spiritual mediators.

It said that you can channel Cosmic Awareness, too. Everyone can.

From Cosmic Awareness, we have learned from the tens of thousands of readings It has given, that It has
many names. Some call it God, Jehovah, the First Cause, the Great I AM, All That Is, etc., but Awareness
has said It is not a single entity, not the anthropomorphic concept that It was often defined to be by most

It has defined Itself as Beauty, Purity, Concentration-and above all, Truth or "What Is." It has called Itself
anti-matter, pure space, pure nothingness that is everything and the everything that is essentially nothing.
It has described Itself as being that which is next to that which does not and cannot speak because it is the
highest form of energy in the universe. It corresponds to the highest impersonalized concepts of God-the
Clear Light. It has said that as it speaks through a modern-day interpreter now, in the past It has spoken
through the great avatars: the Buddha, Mohammed, Moses, Jesus, Krishna, and others who served as Its

Cosmic Awareness has made Itself quite clear that in no way is It an entity, a disembodied spirit or
anything of that nature. Awareness Is pure energy-pure everything-or the natural God. Cosmic Awareness
is that Universal Consciousness that permeates all living things in the universe, that sees all and
experiences and discerns "what is" without judging or condemning. It is the Cosmic River of Life, the
Stream of Consciousness, the Eternal Essence of Being, the Divine Spirit.

All consciousness springs from the same river of life-the Universal Life Force. Cosmic Awareness is not a
personality, but a force that is personal in nature. The name Cosmic Awareness is unlikely to become
confused with any "personality" who channels or expresses this force, avoiding any form of worship
toward that person. It can be experienced by anyone who goes deep enough within oneself to touch that
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
level of Cosmic Awareness.

Cosmic Awareness is the sea of life which not only fills our cells with living energy, but fills the air we
breathe and the space between galaxies and the molecules. It is the living universe. Like water filling a
sponge, Cosmic Awareness fills the spaces between molecules atoms and subatomic particles, and binds
them all together into one gigantic Universal Being. Like cells in a microcosmic body, we blend together
as souls in a macrocosmic body whose consciousness is Cosmic Awareness.

The communications have reduced what a true religion should be to the simple fundamentals of service to
one another. "God" is revealed as a natural and cosmic law, not a personal deity subject to capriciousness,
wrath, or vengeance. Cosmic Awareness has taught us that there is no actual "personalized" God, apart
from the many that human beings have created; there is no "personalized" Devil apart from the many that
men have promulgated. The communications are deeply spiritual, but essentially non-religious and non-

The communications never cease to stress the supreme importance of spiritual life and the necessity for
compassion in our dealings with all people. In the messages from Cosmic Awareness, there is to be found
the same supreme dedication to helping to ease suffering and tragedy among humanity and a reverence
for all life that is the hallmark of the great saints and the teachings of the great religious leaders.

Quorum: I have read some of it and it feels of the same consciousness that I have learned much of
what I have learned from, thank you for your sharing I can always learn of others and from what
you gave it is a valid source I read two pages worth and it had enough truth and resonance to
consider the contact itself the universal mind the One.

Even history which we commonly know of from other worlds was mentioned and the connection to
tire at Atlantis so yes that source is good if not one the best I’ve seen again thank you.

We are within you all for we are the minds collective, understand that we call ourselves “we”when
speaking because we are the collective consciousness of the entity and that entity is the collect
consciousness of the universal mind our true Self the One.

We are amazed at your discovery what you have found is indeed a higher spiritual source the
information that was shown to this conduit in itself was enough to resonate and raise it vibrations
just by viewing it. We honor you for your keen sense and comparisons continue with such work and
the game will become clear. Like a chess board there is a opponent without opponent there is no
game, the moves you can make within the game are limited by the rules of the game, the object of
the game is the checkmate your opponent.

We don’t hate those we play against.

Anonymous: Can you tell us of the difference race of humanity? The major groups and the difference in
physical traits... are the results of different DNA 'tampering' by ET sources?

16-32 races were involved in tampering of the DNA and intermixingDNA, originally you created
yourself that is a long story. Some of the races and groups involved were the sirians, pleadians,
venusarians, procryon, pleadians, orion union, draconian empire, federation, ashtar command,
marsisons, maldekians, kandekians, d'ankians, annuki, zetas, consortium etc that is some. Yes
modern day humanity is the result of tampering of DNA and the Neanderthal life that was present
on terra' earth' refer to your biblical texts.

Did all the different races have different purposes, or was it similar everywhere... humans seemed like
'supportive commodities' to higher density beings it seems.
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2

In grand scheme of things all has a purpose you could say that there contributing of DNA was
necessary to allow for the experience of humanity. All is supportive of something it just depends of
what some feed on negative frequencies others feed on positive frequencies and create the
appropriate environments to sustain.

also in regards to the idea of reincarnation, basing reality by race and it's physical characteristics seems
sort of moot...because the soul and the consciousness may have experienced different 'races' of bodies, is
this correct?

There is reincarnation but there isn’t, if you can see it from linear perspective there is a progression
through life’s as learn and progress in lessons and complete contracts with other souls, but in
Quantum perspective which is more truthful all lifetimes possibilities already exists at same
moment it is simply that consciousness is currently looking at that experience so to speak, so right
now your consciousness is part taking in a experience but else were is having a no human one for
example remember you are omnipresent entities just not at the consciousness level in which you are
in full awareness of that fact but in the far future as you see time you will be.

Anonymous: The Elohim, Are they also known as the Wingmakers? Or The Ancients?

Similar beings yes they are also you.

Were the Ancients the same race we have come to know as the Atlantians?

The Atlantean were are you 75,000yrs ago, the same souls present on earth today where present
during the Atlantean civilization. You have karma playing out from that times have for this cycle
but it is almost completed.

Anonymous: Did the Elohim/Ancients/Wingmakers enter into this physical realm throughout the creation
of Enki? Not much of Enki's mother is mentioned in the writings we know of other than she was a cosmic

Quorum: The Sumerian myths hold answers to that question...

Anonymous: I’d like to know more about adjusting perspectives to help open up more –the space
capacity in the chakra system.. Leading to more access through the third eye when seeing the universe. Is
there anything you can share with us that may help us to realize this for our own? The latter part of your
response is affirming that the universe responds back to that observer..As long as the observer can sort of
support it? And also responds in a micro personal way? Can you tell us more about doubt? When one
experiences something through self experience... that is what nullifies the doubts correct? Without the self
realization, it seems to feel more like speculation. If doubt is a blockage I seem to have a big blockage
myself, I don't think I would be alone.
Quorum: Adjustment of perspectives occurs through experiencing of all lessons, as a entity explores
the experience of life it challenges and pleasures help to develop its understanding of how it
interacts within it reality this is of coursed varied.

Example of this is those entities who have made claims that they had a spiritual experience which
then lead them on a quest to understand what it is they experienced, that experience itself locked
the believes into the mind then they search for more knowledge on the matter.

Without the experience the entity may have remained on current perspective, this is why we call it
perspective adjustment because it is adjustment of perspective that opens new doors of experience.

The universe is always in communication with you whether you receive it or not is open, all things
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2

doubt acts as a blockage in conformity, as in what the mind doubts it then blocks the universe from
conforming that experience this is why the conditioning of societies minds was so important in
creating the right conditions to imprison your consciousness and use it to sustain themselves that
being the STS entities of higher octaves of experience.

The knowledge of magic is very tied to idea of belief and doubt, doubt limits where as the belief
removes the limits. Understand this that if no doubt remained in you that you could fly you could
fly it is that simple you would conform the universe so that you could have a 4th density experience
by merging of the reality fields through conscious wave projection.

Anonymous: You said that we all have a higher self... and that all have potential for a higher state of being
that is darker...

That is where choices lies in which direction you allow the influence's to take you, ATM you are
shall we say limited in your access to freewill higher you progress more you learn more freedom of
freewill you gain.

I imagine then that our 'highest' higher selves reside in a space/time density that has overcome dualities
that makes up good or evil higher selves, is this right? That even beyond those...it merges more towards
unity where that duality is not present, or lessons have been learned, is this correct?

Yes your higher self is a complex of your soul that is the combination of all lifetime’s experiences
spirit-consciousness. It knows what lessons you need.

Is it possible for one, in this current human body and consciousness to affect or perhaps change in some
way a higher self of oneself?

No, your divinity is assured how long it takes for you to become it is open.

Sort of like can human that may have a darker higher self, in the NOW do something that would change
or overcome their darker selves? Hope that made sense.

Even the entities which become black holes play a role in the system of the universe all beings
become a divine cosmic being that which you call suns planets moons black holes stars Nebrus.

Anonymous: Can you describe how knowing about a flu or virus, the opposite of being ignorant of it, will
prevent infection in that one? Is that almost like a conscious choice to refuse a certain infection
experience? If so, I imagine that would take some conviction… Somewhere along there... not sure how
this will protect... wishful thinking or optimistic thoughts, they obviously do not seem to work, but
employed the easiest... is what you describe a different approach/perspective altogether?

Quorum: If one understands what a virus is in it deeper meaning then one can if has ability
consciously choose to not allow it to infect oneself, understand that they must penetrate what you
know as aural fields to first begin the process which leads to the manifestation of the illness, this
virus is a energy firstly created of ill intention it could be labeled demonic where the cure is of pro
intention could be labeled angelic. It is possible to exorcism illnesses as the energy is demonic it can
be purified from the body with holy intention.

We spoke earlier that they act much like programs they are created with a intention in mind and
utilize the templates available in the physical experience but you must if truly want to overcome
such experience, learn at the creation level of how it comes into manifestation to begin with then it
is possible for you to create your own programs to counteract the negative viruses 'like your own
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virus scanner'.

We would advise to learn Cause and effect of what humanity currently knows from the physical
perspective then expand further in atomic physics, please remember that everything is thought
formed the solution can also be this is not wishful thinking, wishful thinking is to see a situation and
ignore it in contradiction to the experience and create a fantasy when the reality of the experience

You do create your own reality but to have the power consciously requires experiencing the lessons
of knowledge which lead you in future to acquiring such power. It knows how that gives you the

To your question due to ignorance it is likely outbreaks will continue to occur your biblical texts are
a guide to the possibility's, actually they are a computer program.

Anonymous: I'd take that the means of how the universe communicates with the being can being in
infinite ways.. From physical being to being, to being to events, beings to thoughts.. etc..etc..

Can there be like a passive yet all pervasive, maybe silent, always communicating sort of communication
from the universe towards creation? Like a gravity.. or the waves that you say ripples through all of
creation.... could that be seen as a form of communication?

Yes gravity waves are like codes formed in geometrical patterns that form the natural systems
which govern reality experience.

If this is always communicating... why is it that we cannot hear? Is this the same as the difficulty for most
beings to hear one's Heart?

Because you have silenced yourself from hearing, it is a intelligence like I have said before all that is
thought formed it is created through consciousness and is giving intention.

If so, how does the Heart communicate with the being? You said this has its own form of Intelligence...

your link to the universal mind what you would see as God it communicates through vibrations you
know it as heartbeats.

On the other hand-The intelligence of the Mind... is that well known, as in we have no problem hearing
that... the mind mainly communicates through words and concepts, right? Is the emotions a part of that
mind, or is that another thing entirely?

It is like this your communicate through the language you know it works because you all accept a
common variable, it then becomes a means of communicating your intentions but there is other
languages you may not know which nature communicates through which has been known as the
Language of Light.

Anonymous: The level of freewill range seems like it needs to be earned on some level then...

Not earned realizations open more access.

Or it can like a governor kind of devices like in cars that prevents the engine from going past a certain
speed... or keeping higher forms of tools locked up from children that may use them to hurt oneself or

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It is there because if it wasn’t the experience you are in now would not be possible. You stepped into
this experience even if it is a very limited control realm.

Anonymous: can you tell us why the Beast will be released? What do you mean by released? Also why
will it have power for short period of time? Also what empowers that being? Is it our personal darkness,
or perhaps inadvertently giving that one power, like in the energy focused and used in temples kind of

So the animus works along with the Draconian faction? Draconians has been benefitting from sustaining
themselves subvertly.. But this other one is more about the outright domination, or maybe more into
outright destruction?

Quorum: Who said it hasn’t already happened, giving power over the earth to influence the minds
of man. Humanity empowers it through religions and their own darkness yes. Animus were created
for one purpose to wage war on the light and that is all they know they are not like you are a
creation by darkness and will not show any compassion since do not have souls so yes they are a
destructive force, what does you bible say about the abyss opening? Advise read it bible is not just a
book but a self updating program.

Anonymous: What you said seems to imply that one was given power to influence people's minds... How
is this done? You mentioned technology, chemical, and psychological conditioning before, but is this
means perhaps different?

All involved just different angles.

And all have a choice to overcome those influences correct, and is this related to Knowing Thyself to
overcome this?

In part and knowing what influences.

Can you tell us how humanity empowers such a being through religions? Also, isn't it said that the more
evolved/higher density STS beings seem to gain a lot of power from sacrificing living beings?

Philosophy behind the modern day religions especially Christianity is one of STS the God is
represented as a tyrant who punishes any who do not follow the rules strictly it is not the original
Christianity. This representation is more of what you would presume is Satan than what is God so
therefore is blasphemy and is networked through many medias I.E those morning preacher shows
is one example, good people can easily be lead astray by dark forces and when wealth comes into
the picture temptations to sell out do occur.

Anonymous: Can you describe how this has occurred, that of people maybe praying to a being mistakenly
giving something power?

if in their perception they believe that that representation that they fear and trust me most do so
from fear not love they fear punishment of Hell that is why they use fear when trying to convince
others to listen.

I mean when people in religion pray to a being, they just give prayer to "God" right, based on good
intentions right? So unless one is praying to a specific being, like by true name, how would an imposter
benefit or co-opt such intentions?

It depends on what ones idea of what God is remember in context of all everything is within God
that can also be darkness, so be careful to not presume that God is fear itself that is a result of a
creation within God but it is not God, because people pray because of Fear it empowers such
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frequencies this is not love.

Also when people append "Amen" at the end of prayers... do you know what that is about? I read this may
have something to do with an Egyptian deity like Amen-Ra or something like that.

That is connected to Ra yes which was a king of Venus during it civilization and that civilization
developed to where humanity will eventually be. It just means to finish your prayer in modern
times that is why it is used, it almost like a thank you for listening it is fine to use that word.

Also when Yeshua stated in John 8 to the Pharisees that the god they worshiped, and made other people
worship, was not "the Father"... wasn't that alluding to the Old Testament, primarily Hebrew, conditional
loving being?

No Yeshua also said they would not know the father until later, the creator of this universe is a
being of unconditional love it is the core of your soul and reason for your feelings of compassions
and other positive emotions it does not exists in fear like modern day religions presume.

If Yeshua spread this message, and we have a new religion based on his message, what happened now that
people may be empowering the beast by giving energy to a malevolent being?

Yeshua failed in his task, but succeeded in other ways he succeeded in giving the worlds tools to
help one become enlightened but his goal was to bring you the philosophy of STO which failed and
was corrupted by the Romans during their rules and used to promote their own idea of what
Christianity was. If Yeshua had of succeeded with his task your world would be a utopia now the
amount of knowledge and wisdom that would be freely available would bring your world to the
point of a Quantum leap there would be fields of learning of mystical natures in your schools
themselves such as techniques in PSI energy manipulation, the technology's would be limited only
by your imagination.

We will see if the events of the future bring about heaven or hell on earth it is open attempts are
being made yet again to bring your world back into balance with the divine mind at same time
darkness is using all it has to hold onto this world. This could be considered an ongoing war that
has been occurring through many avenues and within you since time began.

Also, can you provide more descriptions about this Animusae and who created such beings, and why?
Also, what is out of time? Is that something above the 3rd density experience?

Biological Cyborg like creations programmed with one purpose carry out destruction of life vessels,
Fallen Elohim created them. 4th Density is outside of time.

What do you mean by self updating program? I don't think you mean the actual words or text changes, so
do the meanings, of the same actual, words update then or is this related more along the lines of the Bible
Code kinds of stuff?

Bible is a program which updates it prophecy based on what is to be, some is corrupt now due to
tampering like hacking software. This is complex to explain the Els are also part of it but it more

Anonymous: From some of my readings, the priest class/Pharisees at that time seemed to have a firm hold
on how people viewed "the Father". It seems that money changers and animal vendors for sacrifices (for
appeasement/forgiving sins) had beneficial material sort of relationships on temple grounds during those

If any of that is true... why did the god that the Pharisees advocated seem so far removed from the idea of
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an unconditional loving nurturing sort of God? What is going on there?

Draconian influence.

Can you also provide examples or the nature of the Roman 'influence' or corruption to this religion? Also
how was this done? Was this an example of short memories on behalf of the people, or things being
subverted slowly over a long period of time?

Corruption has occurred over time in many civilization not just the roman times, the corruption of
Christ’s message was through draconian interference, using highly advanced technology to present
a false representation of the events of reality and the preconditioning of Constantine to play a part
in the subversion of the purpose.

I recall there was even an example where within the 'holy' Roman Empire there were battles within such
as outright warring between the holy roman emperor and the holy roman popes. Do you know that that
was all about?

Their is always a battle that is one manifestation of knowledge at war where in the darkness was the
victor and much knowledge was suppressed as a new belief system was developed using Christ as
the monarch.
Anonymous: If there was a deity such as Amen-Ra that interacted with beings on this planet... why did
this being end up on Venus? Is there anything more regarding Venus and why not simply stay here to
develop/raise up the consciousness of beings on this planet?

Original from Venus came here with others to teach philosophy. Egyptian society was quite
advanced in there understandings of things hence there book of life and book of death.

Also have you heard about the Hathors? I have read some materials that speak of this subject and Venus
together. While you were away I also had an interesting discussion with a member on this forum who
stated that Hathor/Venus/Aphrodite is also associated with that planet, even residence there. Also that a
being named Horus, which I believe is known from Egyptian lore was a Twin Flame to Hathor. Can you
share what you feel about this? Also if true, can you tell us more about these beings such as Ra, Horus,
and Hathor and if these beings represent more of the STS or STO beliefs, practices, and view?

Both philosophy where influenced on earth by them, they are amongst the stars now, spear of Osiris
lies in the grasp of Orion's grip.

Anonymous: I was in courage to share with you by a dear friend of mine. First of all, I have never read
the bible before when I started having these dreams and I knew nothing about Nibiru and pole shifts.
These dreams I had occurred at the end of the 1980's and occurred again in the 1990's.

My first dream went like this. I was lying in my bed and my whole room flipped a whole 360 degree
circle. It was like a huge earth quake that literally flipped the whole planet. I looked outside my room
window and I seen great destruction. The ground split open and lava poured out everywhere. Then, in the
mid 90's I had another dream.

I dreamt that I was standing in a field. While standing in the field, I saw two mountains which were
shaped like pyramids. As I looked at these mountains I saw two suns rise between them. One was our sun
and the other was a smaller sun. After seeing the suns rise, I turned the other direction and looked in the
sky. There were other people standing in this field and we all looked at the sky. Immediately, the sky
turned dark as if it was night. Then the night sky parted with light. I looked at the people and instantly
people where turning into balls of energy or balls of light. They began to get drawn in or sucked into the
light. I stood there in awe and watched the whole thing. Once the balls of energy entered the light in a
blink of an eye the parting in the night sky vanished. Seconds later, the night skies had turned red. I
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started smelling this foul smell. It smelled like rotting flesh. I looked up at the sky and dead animals
began falling from the sky. I began to walk through a city and I seen people in so much pain. They walked
the streets zombie-like and in their hearts I felt that they had wished they could die. People with gaping
wound and objects in them still alive but could not die.

I stood there in shock. I thought to myself why didn't I go with the light? Why am I still here experiencing
this? Then something in me said," You need to find the Good that remained. You need to find people like
you." So I walked the area and I found these people. We all met at this certain location as if we where lead
there by some force. We gathered and we began to form this circle by joining hands. The area we met was
a portal or gate way which some bad entity was trying to enter. We began to pray and immediately the
ground in the middle of the circle began to distort and someone yelled EVERYONE needs to pray. The
person yelled again and said," louder, louder, louder with your hearts." Then, I began to pray from not
only my mind but with my heart. Immediately, a powerful but quiet sound closed the portal and this entity
was not able to come through. Once we released our hands we all looked around and the dark red skies
had turned blue. As we walked away it seemed we were walking in a field of wheat grass. We held hands
like little children running through the fields.

Then, in 1995, I was going through a really hard time in my life and I believe I had an outer body
experience or some kind of inner battle for my soul. It was only at the cusp of being physically,
emotional, and spiritual dead so to speak that I seen these things. I lay in my bed with my eyes closed and
images came into my mind. I began a journey with in my own body. It was dark. There were two voices.
One distracted me and kept trying to capture me while the other voice guided me through the darkness.
The battles seemed like a spiral. This may seem weird but the travel within my mind led to the bottom of
right ankle.

For some reason, my soul was there. Once, I reached there in my mind I seen a golden circle. This golden
circle had 7 stars around it all placed perfect apart. Out of this golden circle flowed out a river. It sat at the
top of a waterfall. I followed the water of river to this tree which grew right next to the river. I couldn't
see beyond the tree. Once I got to the tree, I great force pulled back up the river and through the golden
circle. As I traveled back to my body, I was shown that we are all connected by a single thread of
individual bubbles. Then, I felt a bliss come over me. Some entity hovered over me or angel blew cool air
from the bottom of my body to the top. It seemed the angel blew all the perspiration off my body and
replaced my soul.

Then, I looked up into the sky in my mind’s eye. I seen two figures an eagle and bear. Also in the clouds
was an angel and I said to the angel," sound the trumpet." And, then he began to blow the golden horn. I
opened my eyes and I began to sing this song. It had only a few words and it went," No matter how dark
it may get there is always light at the end." Then, a memory was restored to me. As a child, I remembered
being locked up in a dark closet by my babysitter. She locked me in there because I cried when my
parents dropped me off. I was just a child maybe 5 years old. Then, one day I remember as I sat in the
dark closet crying a voice spoke out of the dark and told me," no matter how dark it may get there is
always light at the end and I will ALWAYS be with you." I stopped crying.

Since 1995, my perception and sight shifted. I began to see outlines of entities, energy waves around
plants, me, and people. I began to see orbs of white, purple, and sometimes golden. I began to feel slight
pressure in the middle of my forehead and at the top-center of my head. Recently, I have been noticing
great pressure on my ears. It feels like emerging up from a deep dive. Once the pressure is released off my
ears almost like headphones I feel the wave length leave and I begin to think clearly. As I get closer to
more truth and knowledge the airspace shifts between me and another solid object. I just recently had
dream of a grey alien outside my door and a shape shifting one while I was captive in a hospital. The
other night I woke up at 3am I seen a transparent tall alien about 7 feet tall standing at the side of my bed.
I had an inner feeling it was not positive.

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I would even go to the extent to say it seemed reptilian. I'll end with this, one night, after reading Emit’s
The Time Travels journal information began flowing into my thoughts. I was told an arch is being built.
An ark of souls. Everyone will begin to meet there soul mates and gather to make a journey. We will help
each other to make the transitions. We will comfort, support and remove each other’s fears as we make
the transition. I was told we will make it through the darkness together. Then an image popped into my
thoughts. Gravity and a blackhole. Gravity being the creator and the blackhole is not of fear but a passage
way to the other side. A new reality-a new world awaits on the other side. I have a sense we may make the
journey with our physical bodies but if not the transition is not about pain it is one of love in our hearts. A
love that you embrace which is pure and unconditional. I was told all you need is just a fleeting memory
of love to make the transition. Thank you for listening and I wait for your thoughts on what I shared.
Thank you Quorom for all that you share unconditionally. I know there are skeptics out there but a good
friend of mine who passed on told me," The messenger is not important but the message he is delivering
is. Take what you need and leave the rest."

Quorum: Meditation on those experiences would benefit you greatly, I too have seen similar visions
of the two suns and the darkening sky and the red glow among other things, remember black holes
recycle matter/energy light back into gravity waves a state of non conscious utilization in other
words "nothingness", what you are thinking of as means into the other side is anti matter and a
means of transporting through dimensions and space/time is wormholes and electromagnetic rips in

The hostile Ets normally pay attention to awakening indigo souls you are most probably under that
category also known as starchild souls sent to help earth to shift into it new era. Many of us will be
under attack and this will not be easy I myself do faultier also.

Volcanic eruptions would make the smell of sulfur perhaps you are seeing a future possibility for
names sake let’s call it Yellowstone. have you heard of the tree of life perhaps the tree is a reference
to that also known as the kabbalah, the stars could represent the densities as you have a important
number mentioned that being 7 the golden circle that forms them may represent the circulation of
energy through the 7 densities of course this is best for you to discover as this site was giving to you
for a purpose and we can only speculate but we would advise reading about the golden mean as well
as the Kabbalah.

Eagle and bear could represent America and Russia perhaps Russia is a unseen power in the future
of events. Up to you to discover the rest of the meaning of such a vision.

I will share one of mine when I was first being awakened, I was out of body and in middle of deep
space I was shown a glowing chess board with a man in white on other side was a horrific beast
from the impression of the vision I came to understand that duality is darkness and light playing
chess against one another that it is a game which both players must exists in order for the game to
take place, it had other interesting revelations for me as well but that will do for now.

I have also seem a geometric representation of my Soul which is very hard for me to remember I
saw this also in deep space and a voice said it is your true name when it is time you will know it etc.
This is also when I was shown the future all this was very lucid and very strange I will share what I
saw if you ask.

What happens to me was like being taken out of body I found myself on a ship looking out at a
planet then a large light appeared and spoke and I was on the planet walking with it the planet
didn’t look like earth so I asked what planet is this the voice said this is the earth I said but it looks
more like mars or some other planet it said that because it is the earth in the future. The sight was
one of a battlefield destroyed buildings blood corpses darkened sky and red glow was orbs of light
and strange creatures running about fighting one another, strange crafts in the air and advanced
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military ground weapons was really weird vision.

I was then shown another planet which didn’t look like earth but was closer, I asked what planet is
this again voice said the earth in the future but the earth was glowing there was musical auras all
around everything had a expression in the EM spectrum of light it was amazing peoples blood was
glowing white people where partly physical and spiritual and where shifting forms the environment
was so loving people were working together as one without any type of economy was amazing. I
asked so which future is it the voice said it is both I said for all said no that is the choice of the souls.

Then I was told by the voice that I will be looking into the abyss soon it will take some time and that
it will not be easy but the knowledge you will gain will be worth the struggle so I agreed.

The emotions you feel when see the highest levels of darkness are extreme it has put me into a
depression but at same time enlightened me, I know what lies in darkness now I know how cunning
it is and how wise it is in it movements.

Constantly right now in my mind I see the heavenly world and the hellish one it is almost like it is
yet to be decided what our future holds but there is a choice to be made. It also been shown to me it
possible of splitting up people such as some will not move on some will experience destruction of
this world then find themselves at beginning of its creation again others will move on into these
higher cycles of exploration.

We wish to inform you that STS forces are taking great lengths to remove people who have future
possibilities of de-establishing their control grid, we have spoke to you before that the STS forces
have placed humanity within a consciousness prison that they are using you to power that prison
and that your ignorance is the reason of its existence.

WE would like to now speak of methods that are utilized to cause you to break down and lead to a
termination within such a experience, Understand that when you look at the world see everything
as different osculation’s of frequencies which are linked together so therefore effect one another,
understand that you have magnetic barriers which act as shields which are created through your
development of awareness, that these same barriers can get holes which allows the infection of other
frequencies in.

Understand that when we look at this world from the higher perspective we see no true difference
in the natural flow of things that even a pet can affect a owner if that pet is not in balance then that
imbalance can be utilized to cause harm to you through it usage, all is windows.

Understand this also that your emotions are the means in which will be the target of the attack, they
will affect events to lead to manifestations which trigger specific emotional responses this is to
weaken you and to break down your awareness to allow for the conforming of a possibility of
termination, in other words they will try to lead you into making the choices which lead to your

This is how clever the STS are in there manipulations and they will use everything they have to
accomplish this including your bonds to others. Deliberate attempts are now being done to cause
disharmony in your emotional centers these will be supported as have been in past by both global
events and personal events in your life, start to understand that a life is a series of events that there
is two sides working to create those events one with good intentions in mind and one with bad
intentions in mind as you would see it from your perspective now but understand also in the Eye of
God all is just that a experience a moment and understand also that each moment is created within
that moment and the past exists as a memory a wave of vibration which is within your mind.
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As a analogy to understand this which also speaks truth in one context of the idea, you could say
demons and angels battle for your soul one to control it one to free it, God is the battlefield in which
the war plays out.

Very soon we will begin a project when it is time that will give your world many teachings in how to
combat such forces and prepare yourself for your future interactions with the galactic communities,
it is not yet time however but we do promise this the information which will be giving will be
valuable to your species it will not be giving to your leaders but be giving to the people it will be
sent as a signal and meditation will be the means in which to hear us only those with the ability will
hear this signal, at same time the vessel in which this conduit speaks will use the internet to form a
network to allow for the learning to accelerate this will be done freely.

There is still some work that the vessel must do for itself in preparation for this roll I want you to
understand that this vessel has been under attack since it was born attempts to terminate it life
occurred while within the wound, all life has been challenge and the attacks of others have lead to
many states of depression and darkness to point of self destructive and depraved behaviors, but
within all this darkness the light still shines and slowly after years within the abyss it will finally be
free of such oppressions.

I personally would like to thank every soul for their lessons and for helping me to learn as well, I
too understand all humanity struggles and I’m within my own as well thoughts implanted and
emotions directly that are very hard to deny I’m aware of the intrusion to even deny it causes pain
so for long time I’ve giving in but slowly I’m breaking such control, only real time I feel free is
when speaking to you and I feel that it is my Love for you that is what empowers me to be able to
give you these messages.

To me it is our will to Love another more than ourselves that is our greatest asset.

All is learning remember that even if you have done things which are feel ashamed of understand
that the fact you feel remorse in itself is the lesson, which will lead you to understanding it deeper
meaning. NO one judges you but yourself is there laws yes but we created them we just don't
remember doing it and learning those laws is part of our journey so that we can navigate this
experience we call life.

Bruce: The scriptures (bible) refer to a coming period of 1000 years. I know you have expanded on this
before and have stated that this is a time of brother hood in 4d in which we will be able to decide the way
of STO.......... I am also aware that this period is but an approximation as it will be outside of
time...........The question is based on those who do not transcend to 4D. Will this 1000 year period (in
time) with the soul’s remaining on the 3d earth be experienced as ongoing time? Will these 3d souls
therefore live in bondage to the Lizards and alien forces that seek one world control and dominion of man
through a hybrid during this time period? I understand that in 4D it stated that "Satan is to be loosed at the
end of the 1000 year period” and I am aware that this means that a time of testing will be presented so
that we can choose STO or remain STS. Does this mean that after this "time" the 3D souls on the 3D
earth will then restart the "time loop" and return to a prehistoric earth and "begin again"?
IS there a period of time going way beyond 2012-13 that 3D human will experience "1000 years" under
the control?

Quorum: Yes, remember thou humanity has already been put in bondage by the lizzies for a long
time it is just that it is not in physical awareness of their situation but it is the intention of the
draconian empire that they are able to reveal themselves and live openly and control and enslave
without having to hide themselves.

They will try to enslave both those moving up and those remaining they will succeed in enslaving
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
fully the 3D world but will fail with those who move into the 4D, it will then be responsibility of
those in the 4th Density to help those remaining in the 3rd Density.

Yes there will be a restart of the cycle at a specific point and some souls will find themselves
reincarnated back into prehistoric life forms, the earth will resemble it state as it was during that
time the events of the apocalypse will lead to the preparation for it. It will then be the destiny of
those who have moved up after the 1000yrs or so of learning as you pointed out it a reference it isn't
viewed the same from that level, once the correct amount of knowledge has been gained and
technological infrastructure those who progressed will seed life in 3rd density making everything
come full circle 'Let us Create them in Our Image' big clue to things right there who is the creators
really of you.

The souls will find themselves on the original planet just before it was incinerated and they were
brought to the earth, so yes it does repeat you could say. Perhaps supernovas should be monitored.

In the End choice is not what creates your reality it is what you choose from the creation you are
experiencing, remember two main influences lead to creation of your reality which direction you
take from that creation is the choice, so right now your freewill is limited, limited by laws which
govern the realm and by limitations placed on your consciousness your choice is only within the
limitations of the experience and the experience is the result of influences depending on which
influences you go with depends on the experience you have and how you respond to it affects how
the next experience will be.

Anonymous: I wish to discuss... if I may the concept of reincarnation. It is commonly known that as
souls we are entrapped in this 3d matrix. This is in one means correct. It is also commonly believed that
when the body dies that the spirit is set free from this matrix......... this is false. The essence of a soul is
composed of numerous bodies.... emotional, physical, soul.......ect. At death only the physical body
expires. As such the matrix has full influence upon the other "bodies". Consider this......... What are the
common believes for reincarnation? The need to right wrongs? Punishment and correction........ The is a
need to add to spiritual growth.

The reasoning is also nothing but conditioning and part of the "agent provocateur" matrix. Consider...... if
there is no right and wrong, only choices and experience, What is there to correct? What is there to be
punished for? What is there to put right? Others suggest that we grow spiritually each carnation but
consider.............. Has mankind grown, do we not just make the same choices over and over.........
starvation, torture, wars control.........? Consider also...Even Jesus could have relived his life in another
way to "correct" mistakes and lost opportunities? It is true that we continue to reincarnate but it is false
that it is necessary. We are a sovereign deity but we do not really understand this. We continue to give
away our power to others in almost every manner.
If you believe you will benefit from reincarnating then you will.......... but you can at any time decide to
end the reincarnation cycle you have but to only decide to move on to higher experiences. The choice is

Quorum: Well remember thou purpose of the reincarnation cycles is for the experience to be
possible and have a renewing with each life, so you could say you must return to reincarnate to
learn the lessons while it is needed but yes the key is the choices which complete the lessons which
does free the consciousness from its current position and yes the entire process of linear progression
is indeed a illusion all knowledge already does exist as waves which fluctuate through all realms.

But these limitations of the realms are there to give the appearance of a specific experience it is the
game of learning to see how much within the limitations we have we can learn to access, sometimes
I feel it is all pointless that boredom was the reason for existence, sometimes it feels this game is
tiresome that maybe we should just undo it, but we have remember that others may be enjoying the
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
game and it would be selfish of us to undo it even if we knew how because we have lost interest, it
would be better of us to give our knowledge of the game to others to help them progress easier like a
tutor does for a student.

But humanity does give their power away so hence is the victim to those who control them, but the
victim in which they choose to be so it is their karma that is at play of their own doing.

Soul= spirit, mind, physical body, emotions.

Bruce: have just spent several hours talking to this young man in America about well......basic
spirituality. He sees himself as a born again Christian and well..........he is so full of judgment and pain
and self........... It hurts so much to talk with him........... He is so right in his own eyes but he is so
controlled. It makes me cry. I feel I could talk forever to him but......... well I just see him as an extension
of myself and I want the best from him. I know he has free will and I know that my interference may
actually be contradictory to his needs but......... I just .........am at pains wanting to help.
I know what you would say........ that he must learn his own lessons and follow his path and learning curb
and that it true but........... I wish... well this prison would end and it ...well this 3d experience is not
always easy.

Quorum: You may offer a gift if they choose not to take it do not persist in offering.

At present I’m having issues in my own mind it is a tug of war of which influence to let guide me;
my desires or the universes desire to perfect, do I want to give up my own wants to allow the
universe to use me as its puppet can I stand aside and let God take control of the show through me
or will I continue to let my ego play within it distortions.

The choice is hard but that is the sacrifice we have to make to become One with the universal mind,
because while we are off with our own desires and wants we are in contradiction to working with
the minds of others because we see only what it is we want to see and hear only what it is we want to
hear, we cover our ears to anything else so therefore we become trapped within the delusions that
we set for ourselves.

But to just say I don't want to play anymore with the physical toys would be to deny a possible
experience within that game, So I say to you like a child live each moment for the joy, let your
imagination run wild and explore your creativity but balance it with all you have learnt as a adult.

the tools we develop are there to help us live in joy with wisdom without the tools which develop the
adult within us we are a child looking for guidance instead of adult who guides the child within


Quorum: Victoria from Cass group has died but this was known as possibility by the last time we
interacted we could see that the frequencies in which both her and Anart minds lie where
predominant by male influences, we knew this influence was coming from 4th density Orion forces
and that it was keeping them within such a judgmental mindset which in itself establishes the STS

How can one be of service to others if one would rather prove another wrong than to help them find
what is truth? In the usage of the word 'tone' it was clear to us that the egos of such entities was in
control rather than allowing their hearts the link to universal mind to let them see what is beyond
word. They manipulated the situation to dissolve our message this was a example of what is known
as STS interference, Anart played victim when there was no reason too we simply display what is
required to be shown to say expose oneself own darkness for one to see.
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2

We do stand by our claim that Anart is still being affected by Orion STS forces and is stuck within
that frequency even today and until she looks over her actions of the past to bring it into a new light
of realization she will continue to disrupt the work. The meditation exercises will help with the
perspective adjustment but only if she releases the old programs which infect her mind brought on
by the traumas of experience in life.

It was presumptions by conditions placed through development in lessons of this lifetime that made
them judge as so and the result was blocking us from helping prevent such occurrences if we had
been able to assist in development of their shields 'awareness' the influences which lead to the
destruction of the experience would not of occurred many manifestations that have been occurring
do not need to occur unless there is a window for it to occur within.

It is up to those who are more progressed now to start to protect others who think they are
advanced but are not yet there we would like Anart to begin to look over all her posts and see what
it would be seen as from those she spoke too in such manners as to understand that the feeling that
they feel from such treatment and the perspectives developed from affect ones frequency as well,
understand that we do monitor both physical and ethereal realms and did try to help but was
blocked we cannot help if one does not want us too.

Soon however the means of which STS operate are going to be laid out for you as I’ve seen so many
fall due to the lack of understanding this game we play, it was my hope people would begin to learn
it for themselves by now through observation. Anart also must be careful because she is not yet well
protected as are others in the group.

We also want to comment on the breathing exercises, if you are not going to put in an effort, it is
better you do not bother. It is like anything if one does not learn how one should not practice such a
job, if you want to do such means of developing programs then it is either you devote yourself to it
in energy or you do not part-take it will be of no use if you do not put effort into it. Doctors don't
study the basics then perform heart surgery, the more energy you put into something the more
return that will come.

We hope that Laura will now also begin to get a grip on things and also look at what lessons she
herself has missed due to STS influences through her own ego as well. Finally they are beginning to
give helpful tools to the public of course one also can create one’s own with the effort but if you
choose to use another tool you must give yourself to it or it will not give itself to you.

We have told you before that energy is a awareness itself that symbols are aware of themselves that
everything is thought created entity's, this includes numbers letters shapes, etc.

Remember we are all one Mind in truth it is only the illusion that we are separate the reason in
which we do not see it. We give you this message in hopes it will help you learn and develop so you
master death, when one has become aware enough one can avoid influences which lead to ones
demise from the realm.

It is sad such manifestations take place it can be avoided and we will now begin to show you how as
it become obvious to us humanity has not yet learned to navigate the influences, understand that we
are coming from a entity which has experienced both darkness and light in its entirety so we see
things from the neutral perspective, We have been the minds of those who oppose you and those
who help you so it is that we understand the game from both players sides.

We will offer information and if someone is talented in English language will allow to edit and make
clearer for others to understand, we ask one thing that if you choose to post on a website do so
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
freely for it is a gift and to be a gift one cannot take.

We want to first give you some of the most important lessons in STO philosophy;

Information is a gift no one owns it because everyone is it.

When you give Love do so not to gain something but to express something.

Darkness is your shadow it is what stands behind, only in the light is it shown.

When you look into eyes of another understand that it is you looking back into yourself as well.

If you help someone you are helping yourself for they are a part of you, for all pieces of a puzzle are
required to create the puzzle.

Wisdom is the usage of knowledge to know what is best in any situation.

This will do for now if we lay it all out for you that is no fun many other amazing beings are giving
this world information too it is up to you to put in the effort and research and learn from each the
lessons available.

We are considering developing a website that will be freely available to the public and welcome any
language translations. It will give an understanding into the philosophy of STO and the interaction
of energy within the polarity of experience and much more.

W: Hello Quorum, nice to see you again. Glad to hear you're planning on creating a website to
disseminate knowledge. As far as editing goes, everything you write is almost always perfectly
understandable, so I don't see a definite need for that. It wouldn't hurt either :).

Yes but it has become clear that we are judged based on our format of the language since society
has developed a linear perspective in understanding language and symbols we may need to allow it
to be edited to such a medium.

Based on what you've said, it seems I've been going through a lot of the same kind of attacks these past
years. Depression, anxiety everyday, and top of that psychic attack, which is just terrible. It's been a really
tough time, but I've grown use to feeling like this.

Yes and it is through loved ones which lead you into the states in which the attack will occur, I will
give you a example of my own life I have for years been helping my father overcome alcohol
addiction, I have had both emotional and physical abuse in times when he has been drunk and
when he is in that state his actions occur to lead me to destabilize and form a drama sometimes im
able to spot it before it occurs other times I experience it. But always do I forgive him and always
do I offer my apology for any wrongs I have said or done from it, it is one means of attack that is
used I can see it in his eyes the influence and it has sometimes lead me to harm myself in the past
depression does that you blame yourself and are hard on yourself feel bad for how you reacted. But
with every experiences comes a understanding it is not always realized at the time but if one
contemplates later in a more balanced state the lesson is learned and this I do with everything.

So I've made considerable efforts towards expanding my knowledge base in order to gain protection, but
it's very hard to gain that level of awareness. Reading about psychopathy, world events, history etc isn't
very helpful when dealing with 4th/5th density STS. A lot more is needed than just psychology, so I've
instinctively led myself into refining my understanding of STO philosophy. Keeping it basic and simple.
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
That involves a lot of thinking with a hammer. Out of necessity of course, being as I am under enormous
pressure, and confronted with intense negativity.

Yes the efforts of the 4th density STS are extreme in some cases, it can be as much as making you
lose money in a time that you need it to bring you into a state of mind that can be used as a attack.
Cass group look to one layer of the cake and miss the rest, we will begin to break down the layers
very soon more in detail than we have in all our posts

The way I see it is that awareness is like a perforated bubble around you, and the attacks are water that
always finds tiny holes to go through to reach you. There is no point in fighting the water, but realistically
speaking that is what happens. So all a soul can do is through pain learn of the existence of holes in one's
awareness. Whatever happened to 'learning is fun', I don't know...It truly hasn't been fun to me. It seems to
be a higher perspective, not one lowly earthbound creatures like me can truly grasp, not yet at least.

True not all is fun until later when view it in a new light then you realize without that lesson you
wouldn't be who you are now, such as we will give a example of this vessels development, I was
bullied allot growing up and never understood why but the bullying lead me to understand what it
would be like to be on receiving end of a bully it allowed me to have compassion for those who
struggle with such oppressions during that time I did not know all I do now but I always have had a
awareness of the spirit world since birth. You see at the time I suffered I felt sorry for myself I was
lost in my own self pity it gave me comfort to hurt myself for not being able to prevent it and this
happens with many I have done terrible acts to myself in my learning for I blamed myself for being
so weak but without those experiences I may have turned out just as they were so even in the
negatives we gain something positive it is just us deciding when we embrace what positive came
from such experience.

So learning intellectually all the basic axioms and principles of STO philosophy can take you only so far.
A great deal of heat and toil is necessary to forge knowledge into wisdom, to purify so that it becomes
Nature. But for many people less protection is perhaps necessary, if one is involved in a network which
provides a kind of umbrella protection, perhaps?

Each soul must be within a resonating frequency if within a network, if there is discord it causes
openings in the bubble as you said so in part some of what some moderators have done has
damaged others and in turn creates karma for themselves.

W: I do admit I've noticed the same things about Cass forum, though I'll not say anything about the
recently departed. May she rest in peace.

We spoke to the universe when we where disregarded as nonsense in the past and the response to us
was if they continue that way they will not last long. We forgive them for they do not know it is all
new to them it is all what they have read from books and experiences in this lifetime, they do not
understand the nature of time and judge based on age and career importance that is ok it is their

But that other female mod, well she does drive quite a hard line. She gives off a different, "heavier"
vibration than all the other posters over there, which is interesting in itself. Everyone receives the same
vibe, which is evident in the way people react to some of her posts, but it often gets "critically corrected"
by the mind. She is intelligent and astute, but where is the heart?

It is her lessons whether she learns in time is up to her, but it is clear to us yes it has disrupted the
work a lot we have observed it occur for long time before we spoke about it with her she sees it as
we are attacking her but we are only acting as a mirror to let her see herself, as you know she
manipulated the situation to change perception of those who questioned her response to situation
and played victim, that in itself is STS method of hypnosis, Laura has also done the same and this
All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
too is their lessons, sometimes Laura lets it go to her head we have seen this happen before many
times with many people. Remember when you open information in a network it becomes more
likely to be distorted by those involved this is why it is very necessary to discern all.

By the way, as we know, Gurdjieff's so-called Rope consisted of "strong-willed", mostly lesbian women.
Consider the parallels and the implication... The "flavor" of the man's teachings seems to have attracted
certain types. He was so starkly accurate, yet ultimately flawed in approach, but I digress.

He was only a foundation and he distorted his own work with his ego as has many done so, it is a
good start but not the structure you will build.

Anyway, this new, "softer" approach (as per Laura's recent posts) which the group has been moving
towards is certainly going to open people up and encourage more honesty. And not a moment too early.

Many shifts through the years and many times has the website changed and the attitudes of the people, we
have watched it for long time we observe offer insight at appropriate moments, even names we use are
coded. I am glad they are opening to the heart we were worried they would go towards the future
possibility where they where anchored in STS frequencies in 4th density, we actually warned Laura to be
careful as that future still existed and still does which direction they take it is up to them.

As Ra has said in his contribution, STO being has balance of the blue and green rays as he put it, in
his representation of the rays he said blue represents the infinite intelligence and the green
represents compassion, now lizzies exists within the blue ray but closed of to the green so if the Cass
group had continued the intellectual path only that is where they would end up 'enlightened but
cold hearted'.

There is so much to say about all this, but I don't know if it is at all relevant anymore really.

Quorum: Least you did not get Mc Cain as your president in USA else you would already be in a
war, timelines are all event related under the law of cause and effect which covers many layers of
reality. Obama has a choice to make he would of been now approached by the consortium we hope
he lives to bring positive change to a corrupt world but we feel he may fall into the path of a tyrant
or the preparation for the next tyrant.

ValuRa-Tespal: What species are you from Quorum? Are you Elohim? Perhaps in illusion since you
speak of Christ’s name? The false prophet that was conceived or programmed to lie and deceive mankind
into believing the deception of their creation from the real truth behind the mandates of the Elohim the
alliance of evil along with the Galactic Federation.

Yes I agree that the reptilians most are malevolent to mankind and other races but they have basic needs
for survival as they've not achieved true spiritual and evolution ascension as many of the other species
have and manipulate other species to try and reach this plateau of personal divinity, yet never will because
of their lack in DNA evolution and processing of information.

But they're not the real threat to mankind are they?

Quorum: Christ is a state of consciousness; you too have the position waiting for you when you are
ready. Elohim is all 'does it not mean God'. No they are not the real threat to mankind the
consumers are, what do you know of such entity's and origins? Names are not as important most
things are unified thoughts or separated thoughts, in end it all thought formed.

Really thou only threat to humanity is their own ignorance because all that is to take place can only

All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
occur if they allow it too, if they had the awareness necessary they could easily stop it and avoid
such manifestations in experience.

We are unified thoughts, speaking through a conduit at this density not everything that is sent is
translated yet much of the geometric symbols and how they work that is sent is too much
information at this time for me to translate it is like the scene in the movie lawnmower man where
all the symbols and lights constantly keep coming at him. I do have some I’ve managed to draw and
I’m working to understand how they work it has helped me develop my consciousness but until I’m
certain of which order to share it in I will refrain from showing them.

Path I’ve taken I wouldn't recommend because I looked into the abyss and this would send most
people insane and it almost did for me. The path of the yoga is a better path not as fast as one I’ve
taken but good for development of spiritual consciousness; you see I’ve gone for the All seeing eye
perspective to better understand balance. But this involves suffering as well which I knew before
being born it would.

But I’m system breaking this matrix so to speak, that is my main purpose and staying alive to finish
it is my main task at present, do you understand what a soul aware enough can do by thought wave
projection? You can manifest the possibility of a world awakening by sending out that signal, you
can create barriers which interfere in STS influences and stabilize STO philosophy within the
realms frequency. You mind is more important than society would want you to believe master your
mind and the doors to the universe will open for you, with balanced mind comes balanced emotions
because you will recognize all influences and effects of those influences.

You are all musicians consciousness is your instrument; the song you play is the reality you exists
within. Oh if you could see from what is truth you would see that no idea is separate from another
that all are expressions of thought and each other.

Imagining feeling color or light as you feel love for the one you love now in relationships, imagine
tasting sound and seeing it magnificent visual displays, or hearing the music of light which is as said
before is the same.

All that is just thoughts all that is a expression of a thought which is used by another thought as a
template to manifest its own creation this is known as a logos a state of intelligence of the One
which contributes using the template creation of another to create its own creations using its

So the physical realm in itself is the result of interaction of Logos thought using the template of
creation in which your consciousness contributes through electromagnetic wave projection which
universes Intelligence known as Els then conforms the reality based on what is projected by your
consciousness, the Els are like realm laws programs which are responsible for the cause and effect
systems of each realm experience.

So everything exists while it is observed for without consciousness to view it, it is nothing.

Anonymous: One good thing about the above mentioned site (The New Call.org) is that they give their
info for free, as we should always expect from truly STO people.

Quorum: We are establishing the philosophy of STO to save humanity from the end fate of the STS
direction, what the consumers are as we mentioned earlier are entity's which sustain themselves on
such frequency of fear and negativity and the eventual result is total consumption of the realm.

All Questions on Reptilians are welcome here-Part 2
They are similar unified thought forms but are consumption not dispersion. These types of entity's
are behind many of the systems of worship that drive fear into the hearts of the practices, fear not
in balance is a dangerous experience to a souls development it is the claws of darkness, fear that is
positive is to know limitations of cause and effect and understand the result but it is much different
to fear used negatively that too is situational that is all about controlling others.

The cleansing to come is necessary to give the earth a chance to renew, it will see many in darkness
purged of their body's and the energy recycled back into the universe. It is them who are behind
most of the hostile species which affect this realm, these entities are extreme smart and wise but use
it for their own gain.

In above information you posted we see nothing wrong with it.

Understand all the work that STO beings are doing now is just seeds it is up to humanity to water
them and grow them into trees.

We will not stop you from doing anything as freewill to choose which influences you want to
experience is always open.

Bruce: Q, the Cassies state that the "Antichrist' is a consortium of men and aliens...........
But I was wondering... is the Antichrist also a singular person? Or this just a misleading point…

Quorum: It is a state of consciousness in which persons play rolls within its agenda this includes
non human and alien and ethereal beings. There is a hierarchy structure within such a consortium.

There are many plains that are affecting things at this present moment some of your work happens

I have somehow got sick most likely due to recently conflicts with loved ones, my throat is inflamed
at present and bad heartburn from ulcer not good combination it ok thou but I haven’t been sick in
years and it is taking longer to heal than normal so I’m concerned it is a attack until I overcome it
will be away for while.

(Cont) It is easier for you to get sick from those close to you than those you don't know due to bonds
you form, the trust allows their energy to pass through your shields much easier and sometimes it
can bring harmful energy with it. In the physical we see this as physical transfer but it is all energy,
it is a window of attack that STS beings like to use I let my guard down for only a moment and was
infected now have to go through the process of removing the lesson, medicines good for easing the
suffering but the mind must want it healed for them to work, the spirit of a person is very
important in the recovery process if one is down and out then it will take much longer and in some
cases lead to their death.

If you get sick say to yourself I’m not letting this get a hold of me, just making such a statement will
help combat it within your body sickness is one avenue we are attacked through because it affects
both our mental states and our emotional states through the physical suffering we endure.

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