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1.1 Airsoft is a game of HONOR. Please call YOUR OWN hits! 1.1.a. DO NOT call opposing team players out. alling opposing players out is poor sportsmanship. 1.! Players caught attempting to cheat "ill #e e$ecte% from the game an% #anne% from future e&ents. 1.' Players "ho attempt to steal( cause #o%ily harm( or other"ise #rea) the la" "ill #e referre% to local la" enforcement officers an% permanently #anne%. 1.* All loa%e% maga+ines must #e out of gun prior to match start. 1., -hooting must #e %one %uring game or a"ay from people. 1.. -hatter proof eye protection /,.*0 must #e "orn at all times "hile the match is going. 1.1 2f a player loses his eye protection or has a me%ical emergency( he3she shoul% imme%iately call 45lin% 6an.4 7ame super&isors "ill imme%iately signal a pause in the game until the affecte% player pronounces 4All lear4( at "hich point super&isors "ill signal the game to continue. 2n the a#sence of game super&isors( near#y players shoul% "a&e their re% rags in the air to in%icate a #lin% man call. Once the affecte% player pronounces 4All lear4( players shoul% return their re% rags to their poc)ets an% yell 4All lear.4 1.8 Players "ithin the minimum engagement +one /see *.90 must call safety )ill. 2f a person is safety )ille% they 6U-T call out an% fallo" :it Rules. Anyone caught not gi&ing a safety )ill "ill #e #anne%. Those that %o not call themsel&es out on a safety )ill runs the ris) of #eing shot at close range. 1.; There "ill #e no #lin% firing. Players must ha&e sight on the location their ##s are tra&eling at. This means ha&ing eyes a#o&e a #arrac)e% an% "atching ##s hit their opponent. /<oo)ing through small holes in the #arrac)e% %oes not count an% is not allo"e%0

!.1 2f a player is hit ANYW:>R>? You@re A2A. 7ear hits count. /eB. hest rig( tactical &est etc.. maga+ine in your pouch( or #ag of ##@s that are on you an% in your pouch.0 a. Raise your han% an% yell hit( "a&e your re% rag a#o&e your hea% momentarily( an% attach it to your hea% in a -> UR> fashion. 2f a player %oesn@t ha&e a re% rag then they must hol% their "eapon( pointing straight up( a#o&e their hea% or #oth han%s in the air. >Bpect to #e hit multiple times "hile %oing so=in the chaos of com#at fello" players rarely ha&e split=secon% trigger control.

#. Assume a non=com#ati&e posture /gun %o"n an% on safety( or gun raise% in air0 an% Cuic)ly remo&e yourself from the area /no "aiting0. c. Return to your %esignate% respa"n point. %. Return your re% rag to your poc)et3pouch once your respa"n time is up. e. Please )eep in min% most players cannot hear you. Your raise% arm( an% re% rag is the first an% most important sign of #eing hit. !.! Players "ho run out of ammo %uring a game must count it as an out an% must return to the respa"n area prior to re$oining game once ammo is acCuire%. There "ill #e no running #ac) an% forth to get ammo( to sol&e this pro#lem #ring eBtra ammo on you or shoot less.

'.1 After #eing hit( all players shoul% imme%iately return to their %esignation respa"n area. Do not "ait unless you ha&e an emergency "hich pre&ents you from mo&ing. '.! Respa"ning "ill #e %ifferent for e&ery game. :o" an% location of respa"n "ill #e announce% #efore game is starte%. Respa"n camping is not allo"e%. 2f you respa"n camp /setting up position to shoot your opponent as they lea&e the respa"n area0

5io%egra%a#le 55D are recommen%e% #ut not reCuire% All EP- limits are "ith .!9 gram ##Ds. *.1 All Rifles( A>7s( must #e #elo" *99 EP-( minimum engagement +one is 1,ft. *.! Pistols must #e #elo" ',9 EP- to ha&e a minimum engagement +one of ,ft. Any pistols a#o&e '.9 EP- "ill #e allo"e% #ut ha&e the minimum engagement +one of 1,ft. *.' -niper Rifles o&er *,9 EP- an% un%er ,,9 EP- must #e #olt action or single shot an% ha&e a minimum engagement %istance of 199ft. *.9 D6RDs #et"een *99=*.9 EP- can not #e functional in full auto an% ha&e a minimum of ,9 ft.


No metal grena%es( paint#all grena%es( or har% o#$ects may #e use%. Only ru##er( plastic( Torna%o( or >scort style grena%es "ill #e permitte%.

,.1 >ye protection must #e shatter proof( full seal is recommen%e% #ut not reCuire%. ,.! >ye protection must #e secure% against the hea% enough so they "ill not #e sha)en off. ,.' >ye protection shoul% #e ANF2 F81.1 compliant or #etter. This stan%ar% is usually poste% either on the pac)aging or on the manufacturerDs "e#site. ,.* 6esh goggles shoul% #e ma%e from stampe% steel an% not %eform from repeate% close range hits. We recommen% players test their mesh goggles in a careful controlle% en&ironment #efore atten%ing an e&ent "ith this type of goggles3face protection. ,., Eailure to follo" the gui%elines on eye protection "ill mean that you "ill #e as)e% to lea&e for the %ay an% coul% lea% to a #an from future e&ents. ,.. 6outh Protection ,...1 All Operators un%er 1' must "ear one of the follo"ing mouth protections? Neoprene -)i 6as)( -ports mouth 7uar%( <o"er -tampe% -teel( or Paint#all3 Airsoft face mas). No >Bceptions We "oul% recommen% that all Operators "ear some form of face protection as game play may #ecome hectic.

..1 Night mission atten%ees must ha&e a tracer unit( tracer maga+ine( or tracer hop=up system to participate. Any &iolators of this rule "ill cost their team points( an% "ill #e as)e% to lea&e the game. ..1.1 Night missions "ill o#&iously #e %ar)( an% har% to see( so instea% of using a re% rag( a re% chem light3 Re% -ignal light must #e use%( NO >G >PT2ON-. ..1.! -niper rifles are not allo"e% in the night missions( %ue to high &elocity an% 199 foot engagement rule.

The most important rule of all is to ha&e fun!

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