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Genital herpes is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in the U.S.

It is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Most cases of enital herpes are caused by infection by the herpes simplex virus type ! (HSV"!). What Happens in an HSV Infection? Genital herpes virus is passed from one person to another throu h sexual contact. #his happens even if the person $ith the virus doesn%t have symptoms or si ns of infection. &nce the virus enters throu h the s'in( it travels alon nerve paths. It may become dormant (inactive) in the nerves and remain there indefinitely. )rom time to time( the virus may become active. *hen that happens( the virus travels bac' alon the nerve path to the surface of the s'in( $here additional virus is shed. +t this point the virus may cause an outbrea' of symptoms. &r it may remain undetected. In either case( the active virus is easily passed from one partner to another throu h sexual contact. ,ven $earin a condom may not protect the uninfected partner. #he virus can be present on s'in that remains uncovered. #he number of recurrences or outbrea's a person can have may vary. What Are the Symptoms of Genital Herpes? ,ven thou h you can still pass the infection( you may never notice symptoms from an HSV infection. &n the other hand( you mi ht notice symptoms $ithin a fe$ days to a couple of $ee's after the initial contact. &r( you mi ht not have an initial outbrea' of symptoms until months or even years after becomin infected. *hen symptoms occur soon after a person is infected( they tend to be severe. #hey may start as small blisters that eventually brea' open and produce ra$( painful sores that scab and heal over $ithin a fe$ $ee's. #he blisters and sores may be accompanied by flu"li'e symptoms $ith fever and s$ollen lymph nodes. +ny of the follo$in symptoms of a enital HSV infection can occur in a man or a $oman .rac'ed( ra$( or red areas around your enitals $ithout pain( itchin ( or tin lin Itchin or tin lin around your enitals or your anal re ion Small blisters that brea' open and cause painful sores. #hese may be on or around your enitals (penis or va ina) or on your buttoc's( thi hs( or rectal area. More rarely( blisters may occur inside the urethra "" the tube urine passes throu h on its $ay out of your body. /ain from urine passin over the sores "" this is especially a problem in $omen. Headaches 0ac'aches )lu"li'e symptoms( includin fever( s$ollen lymph nodes( and fati ue

Genital herpes is not the only condition that can produce these symptoms. Sometimes( HSV is mista'en for va inal yeast infections( bacterial infections( or bladder infections. #he only $ay to 'no$ $hether they are the result of HSV or another condition is to be chec'ed by a health care provider. Genital herpes is dia nosed $ith a physical exam and typically confirmed $ith a s$ab test or a blood test. Can Symptoms Be Treated? #here is no cure for enital herpes. 0ut the symptoms can be lessened and prevented $ith treatment. #reatment can also reduce the ris' of infectin others. 1our health care provider may prescribe antiviral medications to help prevent or reduce the pain and discomfort from an outbrea' of symptoms. Medication ta'en on a daily basis to suppress the virus can reduce the ris' of infectin others.

Can Symptoms Come Back? /eople $ho have an initial outbrea' follo$in a enital HSV infection can expect to have four to five outbrea's $ithin a year. +s time oes on( your body builds up more immunity to the virus( and the outbrea's may become less fre2uent( even stoppin alto ether in some people. What Causes Symptoms to Come Back? *hen symptoms recur( they usually come on durin times of emotional stress or illness. #hat%s because( durin these times( your body%s immune system may be less able to suppress the virus and 'eep it from becomin active. Symptom tri ers can include-

)ati ue Illness Sexual intercourse Menstruation Stress Sur ery #rauma

Can Symptoms Be Treated at Home?

#here are thin s you can do to relieve the discomfort and severity of the symptoms durin an outbrea'. Home treatments include #a'e pain'illers such as aspirin( acetaminophen( or ibuprofen. 0athe sore areas $ith a $arm salt"$ater solution t$ice a day (34! teaspoon salt $ith 34! pint $arm $ater). 5et air circulate around the sores by $earin loose"fittin clothes. /ut an ice pac' on the affected area. *rap the ice pac' in a to$el or piece of cloth. Get plenty of rest. #here are also thin s you can do to avoid passin the virus to other parts of your body( as $ell as to other people. #a'e these steps Ho 6on%t 'iss $hen you or your partner has cold sores. +void oral sex $hen either partner has oral or enital sores. 6on%t have enital or anal contact $hen any sores are present. *ash your hands $ith soap and $ater after touchin infected areas. 6on%t $et your contact lenses $ith saliva. Serious of a Health !ro"lem Are the Symptoms of Genital Herpes?

)or most people( enital herpes is not a serious threat to their health. +side from the discomfort( an HSV infection is more of a psycholo ical stressor. It can .reate anxiety +ffect a person%s self"esteem Interfere $ith a person%s sense of security and intimacy In some cases( thou h( complications from enital herpes can be serious( even life" threatenin . +lthou h it%s rare( pre nant $omen can pass on the herpes infection to their child. #his can result in a serious and sometimes deadly infection in the baby. If you have si ns of an active viral infection $hen it%s time to deliver( your doctor $ill li'ely recommend a cesarean section for delivery. /eople $ith enital herpes have a hi her ris' of an HIV infection. &ne reason is that crac's and brea's in the s'in that result from an outbrea' create openin s throu h $hich HIV can enter the body. If you have any reason to believe you may have an HSV infection as the result of a sexual encounter "" either enital or oral "" contact your health care provider.

+rticles by HSV#datin$.or$
Hs%# datin$ is a $arm"hearted and exclusive community for sin les and friends $ith HSV!. *e have launched this hsv! datin site since !773.

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