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1. Practice questions Industrial Microbiology a. Given an unlimited source of glucose, what is the limiting factor in the glycolytic reaction?

[PEEK] b. Name two differences between respiration and fermentation (short answer).[PEEK] c. Under what circumstances might a facultative microorganism employ fermentation rather than respiration (be general; short word answer)?[PEEK] d. A not well mixed culture growing at high density in broth media containing only the sugar lactose as a carbon and energy source is producing gas. Name the organism. [PEEK] e. In lactic acid fermentation, pyruvate serves as the final electron acceptor in a reaction required for the regeneration of what? [PEEK] f. What is the basic purpose of glycolysis, especially as performed in the absence of subsequent cellular respiration? (less than 10 word answer) [PEEK] g. Name three products of glycolysis or fermentation. [PEEK] h. What is the basic purpose of fermentation (i.e., the post-glycolysis production of organic waste)? (less than 10 word answer) [PEEK] i. In the course of ecological succession, the dominant organisms present in a fermentation tend to start out being ones which are able to extract more ATP per unit nutrient, but are less able to withstand significant build ups of waste. Subsequent organisms are less efficient in their extraction of useable energy (i.e., ATP) but are better able to withstand greater build ups of organic wastes. Why, specifically, are organic wastes building up? [PEEK] j. Distinguish anaerobic respiration and fermentation by at least two criteria. [PEEK] k. In fermentation, in general, the place where electrons end up is __________. [PEEK] l. Which of the following is associated with gas formation? [PEEK] i. glycolysis ii. lactic acid fermentation iii. yeast aerobic growth iv. ethanol fermentation v. muscle anaerobic fermentation vi. none of the above m. Describe succession with regard to fermentation ecology. Do so in such a way that convinces me that you know what the word means. [PEEK]

2. Bio 113 only: a. Substrate-level phosphorylation occurs twice in glycolysis. This involves the donation of inorganic phosphates from carbon compounds to ADP. How many carbons do these carbon compounds consist of? [PEEK] b. Considering only the carbon atoms of intermediates found during the glycolytic conversion of glucose to pyruvate, draw an example of substrate level phosphorylation (you may draw actual structures if you find that helpful). [PEEK] c. What do you suppose causes the "burn" in your muscles during intense sprinting or weight lifting? (less than 10 word answer) [PEEK] 3. Practice question answers a. NAD+ regeneration b. Respiration makes lots of ATP, uses inorganic final electron acceptor (such as molecular oxygen), and uses an electron transport chain. fermentation makes only a little ATP, does

not use an electron transport chain, and uses organic final electron acceptor. Note that in either case "waste" molecules are given off into the environment. c. For example, when molecular oxygen concentrations are very low. d. E. coli e. NAD+ f. production of ATP. g. ATP, NADH + H+, ethanol, lactic acid, pyruvate. h. regeneration of NAD+. i. The organic wastes are fermentation products. Fermentation products are created in the course of the regeneration of NAD+ from NADH. j. Anaerobic respiration uses an electron transport chain, produces far more ATP, and employs an inorganic final electron acceptor. k. in a less reduced organic compound, e.g., pyruvate is converted to lactate l. iv, ethanol fermentation m. the fermentation of a substance by a complex combination of microorganisms will typical follow a path whereby one organism type's growth dominates under certain conditions, that dominance leads to a change conditions, which results in a subsequent organism type coming to dominate. This succession from one organism dominating growth to another as conditions change is formerly described as ecological succession and it is equivalent to the succession which occurs all around us as used up farm land yields fields which in turn yields forest by pioneer tree species and ultimately results with the climax tree species (mostly maple-beech forests in the Mansfield area) 4. Bio 113 only: a. three b. C3~Pi + ADP --- C3 + ATP c. lactic acid from lactic acid fermentation following glycolytic production of ATP under anaerobic conditions.


Jawablah pertanyaan berikut ini untuk memahami konsep dasar mikrobiologi industri. I.PENGANTAR MIKROBIOLOGI INDUSTRI 1. Jelaskan perbedaan antara industri fermentasi dengan bioteknologi!. Beri tiga macam contoh baik dari produk industri fermentasi dan bioteknologi ? 2. a. Sebutkan persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi apabila suatu perusahaan memproduksi senyawa kimia penting dengan menggunakan mikrobia! b. Sebutkan pula persyaratan mikrobia yang dapat dieksploitasi untuk tujuan komersial c. Sebutkan beberapa contoh mikrobia dan produknya yang bernilai kommersial untuk produksi antibiotika!


Sebutkan sumber mikroorganisme yang digunakan di dalam mikrobiologi industri dan bioteknologi

II. Isolasi, preservasi dan peningkatan mikrobia untuk industri 4. a. Sebutkan kriteria penting untuk memilih mikrobia yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam
industri atau dikomersialisasikan! b. Bagaimana anda dapat mengisolasi bakteri penghasil suatu senyawa kimia penting dari lingkungan yang ekstrim ? Berikan penjelasan tentang jawaban anda! sebutkan langkah kerja yang anda kerjakan dan apa maksud dan tujuannya? 5. a. Pada umumnya tipe liar (wild type) mempunyai produktivitas yang rendah. Ada beberapa cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk peningkatan potensi produktivitas suatu mikrobia dan potensi produktivitas mikrobia tersebut dikendalikan oleh genomnya. Bagaimana caranya? b. Di dalam kultur sekali unduh, kecepatan tumbuh mikrobia dikendalikan oleh substrat pembatas pertumbuhan atau erat kaitannya dengan konsentrasi substrat. Jelaskan bagaimana pengaruh konsentrasi substrat terhadap pertumbuhan dua jasad renik yang berbeda! 6. Bagaimana cara memanipulasti genetic utk mekonstruksi strain mikroorganisme menjadi lebih baik untuk memenuhi kebutuhan proses industri atau bioteknologi 7. Bagaimana teknik pemeliharaan, pengawetan mikroorganisme 8. Bahas dengan singkat managemen karakteristik pertumbuhan untuk memproduksi produk yang diinginkan. 9. Sebutkan berbagai produk atau pemanfaatan mikrobiologi industri dan bioteknologi 10. Bagaimana memanipulasi mikroorganisme dan lingkungan untuk mengendalikan biodegradasi. 11. Process of fermentation or microbial cultivation: a. Batch cultures and introduction to fermentation kinetics b. Biomass and product formation c. Continuous cultures d. Immobilized cell culture systems e. Fed-batch reactors How Does Fermentation Work in Biotechnology? 12. Apa yang terjadi apabila suatu mikrobia ditumbuhkan di dalam biorektor sejak inokulasi sampai jangka waktu tertentu? 13. Jelaskan perbedaan antara homofermentaif dan heterofermentatif, berikan contoh satu proses dan suatu produk fermentasi yang dihasilkan oleh bakteri, lengkapi dengan uruturutan reaksi (metabolic pathway) yang dilakukan oleh bakteri tersebut

III. Implikasi nutrisi dan Pertumbuhan: 14. What are the differences between the growth of individual bacterial cells and the growth of a
population of bacteria?

15. a. Microbial cultures growing in a closed system (a flask, a test tube, an agar plate) undergo
four distinct phases of growth. What are these phases?

b. Explain why they occur and what the cells are doing in each phase

16. Explain the following terms: generation time, exponential growth, and binary fission 17. A bacterium with a generation time of 0.5 hours will grow from a population of 103 to 109 cells
in about how many hours?

18. If bacteria in the log phase of growth were transferred to fresh medium of the same
composition, which phase of a batch culture would not be observed in this new culture?

19. Why does a bacterial culture enter stationary phase? Give some reason!: 20. Which is the most SENSITIVE method of enumerating microbes? 21. The concentration of a nutrient in a growth medium can determine (a) the amount of biomass formed in the culture, (b) the rate at which biomass is formed, or (c) both. Explain why nutrient concentration can determine either total growth or growth rate IV. Rancang bangun bioreactor 22. a. Apa yang terjadi suatu kultur khamir pada medium cair berisi glukosa sebagai substrat
pertumbuhan terbatas di dalam biorektor dengan sistem sekali unduh sejak inokulasi sampai pengunduhan produk dengan jangka waktu tertentu ? Parameter apa saja yang harus anda amati b. Jelaskan dengan singkat cara menentukan kapan biomasa yang ditumbuhkan dalam bioreaktor dapat dipanen (Minimal 3 kategori! Buatlah Gambar, Diagram bilamana diperlukan untuk memperjelas jawaban anda. 23. a. What is bioreactor? Name criterias of bioreactors! b. Name types of bioreactor used for culturing of certain microorganisms to produce a primary metabolite! c. How do cells in "standing cultures" receive oxygen? d. Why do we incubate T-flasks in a horizontal position?

24. What are the problems associated with using shake flasks for performing laboratory

25. Why is it essential that large bioreactors used for the culture of aerobic cells are "sparged"? 26. Why do airlift bioreactors often produce higher productivities than gassed stirred tank

27. How is oxygen transfer achieved in trickle bed reactors? 28. How is effective mixing achieved in fluidized bed reactors? 29. Which organism produces insecticidal activity? 30. Which of thing (s) was/were used to increase biodegradation after the oil spell?

Product Recovery
41. a. Name the criteria used for choosing the fermentation product recovery process! b. Which is best method for accelerating the fermentation product recovery? c. How do you harvest liquid products arised from the liquid cultures? Describe briefly 42. a. Apakah semua produk fermentasi dapat diunduh dengan cara pengunduhan yang sama? b. Jelaskan dengan singkat cara pengunduhan produk fermentasi yang tepat! 43. Sebutkan teknik untuk pengunduhan kultur cair hasil pertumbuhan atau aktivitas mikrobia. Buatlah skema alirnya! 44. Microbes are chosen for their production of a desired metabolite, several different species can be used to biotransform raw materials in a stepwise series of metabolic reactions. a. Name several species of microbes that can transform desired steroid hormons such as cortisone or progesterone ? b. Explain process mechanisms of steroid production in the bioreactor


45. a. The liquid waste is allowed to settle for several hours to separate insolubles ("sludge") from the liquid fraction. Then the liquids are treated aerobically by kind of aerobical process. Name what kind of facilities is used? b. How is the sludge treated and what kind of process and facilities used for the sludge 46. a. Mengapa Lumpur aktif (Activated sludge) digunakan untuk penanganan limbah cair industri? b. Bagaimana mekanisme penurunan COD dan BOD suatu limbah melalui sistem penyaringan biologi (Trickling filter)? Berikan bagan atau gambar

Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology

T or F Quiz 1. A major challenge in biotechnology is to be able to grow and characterize the observed but uncultured microorganisms in what is called bioprospecting. A True B False 2. Gene arrays, based on recombinant DNA technology, allow gene expression to be monitored. A) True B) False 3. Protoplast fusion only works between closely related organisms as a method to transfer genetic information. A) True B) False 4. The term fermentation can be used in a physiological sense and to describe the mass culture of microorganisms. A) True B) False 5. Scaleup from a small culture to an extremely large one is a very straightforward process. A) True B) False 6. Rapid production of Penicillium cells, which can occur when high levels of glucose are used as a carbon source, leads to maximum antibiotic yields. A) True B) False 7. Today, most citric acid is produced by microorganisms. A) True B) False 8. Humic acids, brownish polymeric residues of lignin decomposition that accumulate in soils and waters, have been found to play a role in anaerobic biodegradation processes. A) True B) False 9. In river sediments, the muds are aerated to promote the complete degradation of the less chlorinated PCB residues produced by the intrinsic bioremediation process. A) True B) False 10. It is apparent that nature will assist in bioremediation if given a chance. A) True B) False

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