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First AUTHOR*, Second AUTHOR**, ......................... First affiliation Second affiliation .................................. Corresponding author: X XXXXXXXX, !"#ail: xxxx@xxxx.xxx
** *

A$stract te t


Key words: %e& 'ords (, %e& 'ords ), .................%e& 'ords n.

(. CHAPTERS TITLE 1.1 Chapters su t!t"e Chapter*s te t ......................................................................................................................................... ...........................................................................................

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period or $lan2 after case) d ( X , y+ ) d ( X , y,co##a,
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Chapter*s te t nonindent: .unctuation rules also appl&& $efore or after for#ulas. Chapter*s te t ....................... .icture .icture
Fig. ( /egend .......... Fig. ) /egend .............

or .icture
Fig. 0 /egend .............

Fig. 1 /egend ...............


Chapter*s te t ................


The running title (. ). 0.

AUTHOR*S 3A4!,S- ., ...................... !per"s title..................., ....... Re5ue ........., ......#$"u%e............, ........... nu#$er ....., pp. " , &ear. ................................... AUTHOR*S 3A4!,S-., #oo$"s title, .u$lishing House, &ear. %e&ei'ed (ugust 2), 2002

NOTE. The &!rst pa'e $& these !(stru)t!$(s )a( e use as te%p"ate.

1. THE PAGE FORMAT .A6! S!TU.: 4argins: Top 7 ).89 c#, #ottom 7 ).89 c#, *e+t 7 ) c#, %ight 7 ) c#, ,utter 7 : c#, -e!der 7 (.89 c#, .ooter 7 (,89 c#, Appl& to ;hole docu#ent< .A.!R S=>!: A1 ,)( )?.@ c#-, /rient!tion0 .ortrait< /AAOUT: Se&tion0 Continuous, -e!der !nd .ooters0 Bifferent odd and e5en pages, Bifferent first page, Verti&!l (lignment0 Top. *. THE PAGE COUNTER =3S!RT, .age nu#$ers: osition0 Top of page ,Header-, (lignment0 =nside. =t is reco##ended that the paper ha5e an e5en nu#$er of pages ,#a i#u# 8-. =t is also reco##ended to a5oid the introduction of inutile TAC or .AUS!. +. THE RUNNING TITLE The running title 'ill $e included in the odd Header pages ,e cept the first page-. The e5en Header page contains the author*s na#e: D=!;: -e!der !nd .ooter, Odd Header 7 Running title E !5en Header 7 Author*s na#e< FO3T: Ti#es 3e' Ro#an, ? pt, regular, .ARA6RA.H: (lignment0 Fustif&, *ine sp!&ing0 single. ,. THE MAIN TITLE FO3T: Ti#es 3e' Ro#an, () pt, All Caps, Cold< .ARA6RA.H: (lignment0 Centered, Spacing $efore: 18 pt. -. THE AUTHORS .lease insert the entire author*s na#e. FO3T: Ti#es 3e' Ro#an, ? pt, First na#e ,Regular-< Fa#il& na#e: All Caps< .ARA6RA.H: (lignment0 Centered, Spacing: Cefore: 0G pt< After () pt. A co##a separates the na#es. For a single affiliation no superscript nu#$er is necessar&. =n case of different authors, fro# different institutions, one #ar2s e5er& na#e $& a nu#$er of asteris2s ,li2e e ponents-. The legend of these asteris2s ,the a&&!"!at!$(-, 'ill $e indicate under authors lines. ;hen there are se5eral authors, 'rite the Corresponding author ,na#e, address, !"#ail- under the affiliation lines. For affiliation and corresponding author, use the st&le: FO3T: Ti#es 3e' Ro#an, ? pt, regular< .ARA6RA.H: (lignment0 Centered. .. THE ABSTRACT FO3T: Ti#es 3e' Ro#an, ? pt, regular< .ARA6RA.H: (lignment0 Fustif&, 1ndent!tion. /eft: ) c#, Right: ) c#, Sp!&ing0 Cefore: )1 pt, After: G pt, *ine Sp!&ing0 single. The A stra)t is follo'ed $& the /e0 1$r2s, the distance $et'een the# is G pt, and the distance $et'een %e& ;ords and the first chapter title $eco#es G pt.

Autor*s na#e,s-

H%e& 'ordsI are italics. 3. THE CHAPTERS TITLE The chapters are countered $eginning 'ith: (. XXXXXXXXX, using the st&le: FO3T: Ti#es 3e' Ro#an, (( pt, Cold, All Caps< .ARA6RA.H: (lignment0 Centered, Sp!&ing0 Cefore J )1 pt, After J() pt. 4. THE PAPERS TE5T For a usual paragraph, use the st&le: FO3T: Ti#es 3e' Ro#an, (( pt< .ARA6RA.H: (lignment0 Fustified, 1ndent!tion0 First /ine :,? c#, *ine sp!&ing0 single. 6. FIGURES7 TABLES F!'ure and Ta "es shall $e introduced at their appropriate place in the te t and shall not $e larger than an A1 page each. The legend of figures is included $ello' the figure ,centred- or lateral ,left align#ent- and for ta$les $efore, $oth 'ith the st&le: FO3T: Ti#es 3e' Ro#an, ? pt, regular< .ARA6RA.H: Sp!&ing0 Cefore J G pt, After J () pt, (lignment0 Centered. /andscape ta$les are not usuall& accepted. 18. E9UATIONS AND FORMULAS
Ta$le ( For for#ulas and eKuation, use onl& an eKuation editor 'ith these settings:

Daria$le Kuantities and uni5ersal constants Daria$le 6ree2 Kuantities Daria$le inde es 3u#erical inde es =nde es arising fro# ph&sical Kuantities =nde es arising fro# the te t Daria$le gree2 inde es /atin constants 6ree2 constants ;ell"2no'n operators and functions 6eneric functions Spatial 5ectors 4atrices, tensors Transpose #atrices Colu#n #atrices ,5ectorsBifferential .artial deri5ati5e

it!li&0 x, y, 2, &, h, regular: , , , , L, M, N, O it!li&0 i, 3, $, p, 4, m, n regular: (, ), ... it!li&0 r, ', t, p, x, y, 2 regular: e t, int, e, i regular it!li&0 &, $, P regular: :, (:, const., e, i J ( regular: Q, R, S, T, U, L, M, N, O regular: di5, grad, curl, log, e p, sin, cos, ln, lg, tan, cotan< regular V it!li&: F n ( x ), An ( x ), % ( $ ) it!li&0 +,x-, g,2$"2: u7 # it!li& or regular V $"2: A7 A , M7 :M; it!li& or regular < $"2 V regular: AT , A t it!li& or regular < $"2: V7 = regular: dx, dV regular:

=t is reco##ended to use a ta$le 'ith one ro' and t'o colu#ns: in the first colu#n, one 'rites the eKuation and in the second, the eKuation*s nu#$er: TAC/!: =nsert ta$le: 3u#$er of colu#ns: )< 3u#$er of ro's: (< Cell Height and ;ith: ;idth of Colu#n (: (G c#< Space $et'een Colu#ns: : c#, Align#ent: Centred< ;idth of Colu#n ): ( c#< Align#ent: Right< =ndentation: Right, :.:9 c#< Spacing $efore: G pt.< Spacing after: G pt., For#at $order: none.
Ta$le ) The follo'ing Setup instructions are also reco##ended:

The running title

F$r%at < Spa)!('

St0"e < De&!(e

S!>e < De&!(e

/ine spacing 4atri ro' spacing 4atri colu#n spacing Superscript height Su$script height /i#it height /i#it depth Spacing adXust#ent !#$ellish#ent gap Te t Function Daria$le /C. 6ree2 UC. 6ree2 S&#$ol 4atri V Dector 3u#$er Full Su$ V Superscript Su$"Su$ V Superscript S&#$ol Su$"S&#$ol

(9:W (9:W 9:W 09W )9W )9W (::W (9:W (.9 pt Ti#es 3e' Ro#an Ti#es 3e' Ro#an Ti#es 3e' Ro#an italic S&#$ol S&#$ol S&#$ol Ti#es 3e' Ro#an $old Ti#es 3e' Ro#an (( @ G (8 ()

11. REFERENCES LIST The title: R!F!R!3C!S 'ill $e printed as chapter title. For the references 'ill $e used the st&le: FO3T: Ti#es 3e' Ro#an, Regular, ? pt, .ARA6RA.H: (lignment0 Fustified, Spe&i!l0 Hanging (.)@ c#< *ine sp!&ing0 single. 3u#$ered. The titles 'ill $e printed 'ith it!li&, the 5olu#e nu#$er 'ill $e printed 'ith $"2 and the re5ue nu#$er 'ill $e printed 'ith regular. =nside the te t, the $oo2s or the re5ues fro# R!F!R!3C!S /=ST are referred $et'een sKuare $rac2ets: Y(Z, Y)0Z. 1*. RECEI=ING DATE =t 'ill $e placed at the end of the article 'ith the follo'ing st&le: FO3T: Ti#es 3e' Ro#an, ? pt, italic< .ARA6RA.H: (lignment0 Right, *ine Sp!&ing0 Cefore: () pt. 1+. THE FOR1ARDING The #anuscripts ,at #ost 8 pages A1- #ust $e sending $& e"#ail to the editorial secretar&, dr.Binu CRATOS=3, !"#ail: bratosin@acad.ro.

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