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Most Americans agree that Bush kept us safe from another terrorist attack after September 11,
2001. But just because we are not witnessing violence and death on American soil, we cannot assume that
we are safe from jihad. The reality is that violent attacks are not necessary for jihad if other methods
achieve the same results.
Those who do not understand jihad and Islamic doctrine tend to attribute the reasons for Islamic
grievance to poverty, desperation, and misunderstanding. They often believe that being nice will solve our
differences, that cooperation, aid, and commerce will alleviate tense situations, and that everyone just
wants harmony and happiness. We believe that if the unsatisfied only had a good income, or an education,
or if they do not perceive discrimination, they will be content. This is wishful, delusional thinking. As
demonstrated in Saudi Arabia, widespread prosperity does not stop terrorism. It actually enables the
spread of Islam via stealth and manipulation that is backed by the threat of terror. The lack of gratitude
from Islamic recipients of aid and cooperation is because Islamists view all concessions as victories for
Islam and their due from non-Muslims. What Americans do not understand about Islam is that its victories
are like a Russian doll, always followed by a larger one.
After eight years of compromising liberties for security, an agenda to Islamicize America is well
underway. Religion, politics, finances, education, oil, culture, and terrorism are inseparable in jihad.
September 11, 2001 may be the only large scale act of terror necessary to advance and achieve a takeover.
American are still in denial of something we cannot comprehend and do not wish to know about. The
explosion of the World Trade Center on 9/11 caused much more than rubble, the horrible death of 3,000
people, and insurance payouts at the end of corporate money trails. Files and files of evidence went up in
a poof of smoke that day. Evidence in those files could have proven a web of extensive financial and
political associations through ownership titles, transactions, statements, etc. revealing who the world’s
real imperialists are. At the expense of American citizen’s lives and security, half a century of transactions
involving Middle Eastern petrodollars vanished.
My insight to Islam began with my marriage to a Moslem who came to America on a student visa
pre-9/11. In the late 1970’s to mid 1980’s, I read the Koran at his suggestion and subsequently learned that
by persuasion, intimidation, terror, stealth or force, Islam intends to make the whole world submissive to
its oppressive ideology. My former husband was not shy about expressing his thoughts on what he
believed were American deficiencies and cultural inadequacies. He enlightened me to the fact that Muslim
people and Muslim leaders carefully scrutinize our society, our politics, and our presidents, just like the
Iranian President Ahmadenijad openly and smugly does today. Our studious and disingenuously friendly
Muslim acquaintances appeared on the surface to be quite moderate, however they were serious Muslims
who told me that democracy, capitalism and American politics was corrupt to the core, and against the law
of God. They spoke of Americans as superficial and greedy. They often said that Islam will rule the world
someday because it is the fastest growing religion and a complete way of life. They believed Islam
superior over all other religions because it is inclusive of politics, social behavior, economics, and
While scrutinizing and insulting Americans, Muslim students flocked to the United States to
attend our universities. I doubted that Islam was so complete if Muslims felt it necessary to leave their
countries, which they always presented as nearly a paradise, for a formal education in a non-Muslim
country. I wondered why they came here since they regularly belittled our way of life, our holidays, our
politics, our financial system, our values, our hygiene, and our manners. In my early twenties, I began to
fall prey to this “white guilt” indoctrination. I realized later that those friendships were conditional and
hinged solely on my willingness to learn about, practice, and approve of Islam.
During those years, President Jimmy Carter was trying to show Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini what a
nice guy he was. It was humiliating to watch CNN and see the Iranian students seize the embassy in
Teheran in November 1979, holding the staff hostage until January 1981. Like most of America, this was
my introduction to “radical” Islam. It happened early in a marriage that I was determined would work. I
would have done anything to help my now X-husband integrate happily into America. I believed the
stories of how horrible the Shah was. I began to practice “moderate” Islam and read the Koran.
Though reading the Koran is not required in Islam, by the time I finished reading it, I knew I was
not a Muslim, and I knew it would cause a problem for me and my children if I ever stopped practicing it.
Hoping it would not mean the end of my marriage, I knew I would eventually have to find the courage to
tell my husband, who was becoming more radical every day, that I could not practice Islam any longer.
The more I learned and practiced the religion, the more was required of me, including disassociations with
friends, family, culture, and values to the extent that I felt like a traitor to myself, my family and my
Jimmy Carter continued his weak stance too, persuading the Tehran regime that it could get away
with anything. Far from showing Khomeini that the United States disapproved of his comments and
activities, the U.S. government pathetic and helpless approach convinced Khomeini and all Muslims that
the Islamic revolution was big, strong, and right.

Americans, including myself, should have learned from the hostage situation in Teheran that
submissiveness to anti-American radicals does not work. Appeasement did not convince Tehran that
America was its friend, only that it was so weak as to make aggression all the more justifiable. Realizing
that Ronald Reagan would be tougher, the revolutionary students released the American embassy hostages
when Iran was suffering from an Iraqi invasion that Iranians called “The American Imposed War.” They
hated Reagan for that war.
I knew that no matter how softly I explained my decision to quit practicing Islam, it would
probably mean the end of my marriage. As action and time would later prove, I was correct. The
experience was and still is a microcosm of what goes on in politics. The divorce was definitely cruel and
unusual by the standards of Western culture. To borrow benign and politically correct words from who
was then a future President Bush, it was “not pretty.”
Years later when the twin towers came down, I was not surprised. I remembered warning words
from my former husband that “Muslims (not terrorists) will attack America someday if American
politicians do not stop promoting democracy throughout the world.”
Americans cannot conceive the difference between the goals of Islam and the goals of a free
society. Westerners take freedom and truth for granted, so they cannot imagine a society that does not
honor those virtues. The differences between freedom and totalitarianism are indescribable when one has
not experienced the alternate. American naïveté makes us dangerously exploitable and predictable. We do
not have the agenda or the experience to fully understand true oppression. I found out that Islamic motives
are so offensive that describing them is an offensive act in itself--to the extent that it is actually labeled
politically incorrect and hate speech. The Islamization of the West warning creates a “kill the messenger”
“Political correctness” supports a political agenda; a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Political correctness
does not describe truth, honesty or morality. Rather, it disguises and enables an oppressive agenda against
freedom and truth and holds citizens hostage in their own countries. Political correctness toggles a victim
into an aggressor and turns free thinkers into silenced, meek and conquered slaves. Virtue, self-respect,
truth, reason, creativity, freedom, and dignity are useless in a politically correct atmosphere because they
are the very virtues that will expose an oppressive agenda.
Though many free thinkers have been trying to send a warning about Islamofascism, there are still
too many in blissful denial. As a result, we have been kowtowing to Islamist demands ever since 9/11.
So how long does it take to get the message that this is an ideological revolution with huge
ambitions, an agenda that will use oppression, intimidation, terror, deception, bribery, extortion, and our

own love of freedom--just to remove freedom from the American mindscape. This is the duality that aims
to force America to submit to a totalitarian ideology behind a veil of religion.
In the name of fairness the 9/11 tragedy was exploited by Muslims to demand special treatment at
the expense of valid American concerns. After 9/11, religious and racial profiling gave way to preferential
treatment for Muslims over Non-Muslims as they hijacked the opportunity to cry victim.
Between 2001 and 2008, mosque numbers in America increased from around 100 to 2,300, with
most of them funded by Saudi sources. On the 2008 anniversary of 9/11, NYPD provided extra security
for Islamic mosques.
In 2006, the Department of Homeland Security gave out small amounts of grant money to
synagogues and Jewish schools after they received threats from Muslims. A number of mosques, whose
anti-semantic and anti-capitalist agenda generates fearful and defensive reactions, then began to help
themselves to some of the available grant money.
Even though we have not been physically or violently attacked on American soil since September
11, 2001, we are easily falling for a variety of jihad tactics. The tactics may change but the seditious goal
of Islamic jihad is always the same. Muslims in the U.S. are literally using-up American tax dollars and
sense of fairness to promote policies that will use-up our Democracy in favor of Islam.
Muslims regularly demand special privileges in the workplace and in schools, labeling those who
object as “racists” and “Islamophobes.” Tolerance and fairness has been mis-applied for an ultimate
agenda of intolerance for generous, innocent, naive Americans, not the formerly defined terrorists. We
have literally tied ourselves helplessly in knots in an effort to be politically correct and to tolerate an
ideological supremist agenda that does not ever intend to integrate into our freedom loving, free-thinking
American society.
A statement on a Muslim Brotherhood memo entered into evidence in the 2007 Texas based Holy
Land Foundation case:

“The Ikhwan (the ‘brothers’) must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand
Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’
its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and
God's religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

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