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4531/1 Fizik Kertas 1 2011 1 Jam

Nama :Tingkatan:.

PEPER K!""N PERTEN#"$"N T"$%N 2011 T N#K"T"N 5

P$&! '! Kertas 1 Satu jam lima belas minit J"N#"N (%K" KERT"! !)"*"N N !E$ N##" + (ER T"$%

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ". #. $.

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 50 soalan. Jawab semua soalan. Jawab dengan menghitamkan ruangan yang betul pada kertas jawapan. Bagi setiap soalan hitamkan satu ruangan sahaja. ekiranya anda hendak menukarkan jawapan ! padamkan tanda yang telah dibuat. Kemudian hitamkan jawapan yang baru. atu senarai rumus disediakan di halaman 2. %enggunaan kalkulator sainti&ik yang tidak boleh diprogramkan adalah dibenarkan. Disemak oleh, Disahkan oleh,

Disediakan oleh,

''''''''''''''''' (Peggy Esther Tobian Yong) Guru i!ik

(En" #e$$ry #uan %osales #r) Ketua Panitia i!ik

(En" &bdul 'alek (in )aron) Pengetua S'K Desa Ken*ana

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Kertas soalan ini mengandungi +, halaman ber*etak The $ollo-ing in$ormation may be use$ul" The symbols ha.e their usual meaning" 1" 1" +" 1" 2" ," 3" 5" 7" 8" 1:" 11" 1+" 11" 12" 1," 13" a/
( u t 1 + at +



(+ / u+ 0 +as s / ut 0 21. 'omentum / m( ) * ma Kineti* energy / + m(2 Gra.itational 4otential energy / mgh Elasti* 4otential energy / Po-er, % / energy time 9/
m , 1 6 +

real de4th a44arent de4th

1 1 1 = + & u (

22. <inear magni$i*ation, m * ( u 23. % * 11 & 24. ( * & 25. 2". 2#. /
a3 2

4 / 5t 6 * ,4

Pressure, p *hg
) Pressure, p * -

2$. , * 57 28. 30. 31. 6 * , 9 5r Po-er, % * ,5

: , = : % ,% 5 , 6 1::= 5 %, %

)eat, ; / m. )eat, ; / m/ %1,1 * %2,2 ,1 * ,2 01 02 %1 * %2 01 02

%, / *onstant 0

32" E$$i*ien*y / 33" 34. 35" e, * + m(2 6 * m.2 g / 1: ms>+

15" 17"


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sin i sin r

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Ea*h ?uestion is $ollo-ed by either t,ree- ./0r or .i1e o4tions" @hoose the best o4tion $or ea*h ?uestion, and then bla*ken the *orre*t s4a*e on the ans-er sheet" 1 Ahi*h o$ the $ollo-ing is not the main area o$ 4hysi*sB " ( ' + )eat 'e*hani*s Geometry <ight

Ahi*h o$ the $ollo-ing sho-s the relation bet-een the base ?uantities $or densityB " ( ' +
mass length length length

mass mass length time

time time length mass mass length length length time

& sho4>kee4er 4la*es t-o identi*al blo*ks o$ *heese on a set o$ s*ales and noti*es that their *ombined mass is +2:g" Ea*h blo*k measures +": *m C ,": *m C 1:": *m"

Diagram 1 Ahat is the density o$ the *heeseB

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!%* T " ( ' + :"2+ g D *m1 :"71 g D *m1 1"+ g D *m1 +"2 g D *m1


Ahi*h o$ the $ollo-ing is a .e*tor ?uantityB " ( ' + 'ass o$ a ball &ge o$ the earth Eumber o$ students in a *lass EarthFs gra.itational 4ull on our body

&n obje*t is dis4la*ed 7 m to the east $ollo-ed by another dis4la*ement o$ 1: m north> -est" Ahat is the resultant dis4la*ement o$ the obje*tB " ( ' + E +m 2m 3m 12 m 17 m

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Table 1 sho-s the results obtained $rom an e64eriment to e6amine the resisti.ity o$ a -ire" Diameter o$ -ire D mm :"2: :"7: 1"+: 1"3: +":: @urrent D & :"13 :"21 :",, :"5+ :"77 Table 1 Potential di$$eren*e D G 1"3 1"7 2", ,": ,"1

Ahi*h one o$ the $ollo-ing statements is tr0e about the e64erimentB " ( ' + The smallest s*ale on the ammeter is :":+ &" The smallest s*ale on the .oltmeter is :"1 G" The diameter o$ the -ire is the res4onding .ariable" The diameter o$ the -ire is measured -ith .ernier *ali4ers"

Table + sho-s the re*ord o$ an e64eriment *arried out by a student" Tem4erature D H@ 1: 1+ 12 13 17 Table + Ahat is the mistake made by the studentB " ( ' + The tem4erature readings do not ha.e de*imal 4la*es" Ea*h 4hysi*al ?uantity measured is not labeled" The readings re*orded are not *onsistent" The units o$ the ?uantities measured are not labeled" Ele*tri* @urrent D & :"27 :"22 :"2 :"13 :"1+

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Ahi*h gra4h sho-s an in*reasing a**elerationB " (


Diagram + sho-s a book $alling do-n $rom a table"

Diagram + Ahi*h 4hysi*al ?uantity o$ the book in*reases -hile it is $allingB " ' 'ass &**eleration ( + Kineti* energy Potential energy

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Iil dri4s at a *onstant rate $rom a mo.ing *ar" Diagram 1 sho-s the 4attern o$ the dri4s on the road"

Diagram 1 Ahi*h statement des*ribes the motion o$ the *arB " ( ' + 11 Jt a**elerated and then mo.ed at a steady s4eed" Jt a**elerated and then de*elerated" Jt mo.ed at a steady s4eed and then de*elerated" Jt mo.ed at a steady s4eed and then a**elerated"

&nuar li$ts a hea.y obje*t under-ater" )e $inds it is mu*h easier to li$t the obje*t -hile it is under-ater" This is be*ause the obje*t e64erien*es " ' buoyant $or*e sur$a*e tension ( + $or*e o$ gra.ity Aater $ri*tion


Diagram 2 sho-s a *ar -ith a bum4er $itted -ith sho*k absorbers"


Diagram 2 The ad.antage o$ using the bum4er $itted -ith sho*k absorbers is

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7 to ensure that the *ar -ill de*elerate in an a**ident" to minimise the im4ulsi.e $or*e during an a**ident" to ensure that the *ar is not smashed in an a**ident"



Diagram , sho-s a -ooden blo*k 4ulled by a $or*e o$ 1:E at an angle o$ 2:o abo.e the hori!ontal $loor"

Diagram , J$ the -ooden blo*k is 4ulled through a distan*e o$ ,m, ho- mu*h -ork is done on the -ooden blo*kB " ( ' + E 14 5"33 # 17"7 # +2"2 # 17"1 # ,:": #

Diagram 3 sho-s an aero4lane $lying at a *onstant .elo*ity"

Diagram 3 Ahi*h relationshi4 bet-een the $or*es is trueB " K/A ( LG ' KMA + /G

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& s4ring o$ 1: *m length e6tends by 3 *m -hen a load o$ 1: E is atta*hed to it"

Diagram 5 Ahen t-o identi*al s4rings are used to *arry a +: E loads, as sho-n in Diagram 5, -hat is the length o$ the s4ring systemB " ( ' + E 12 + *m 2 *m 3 *m 1+ *m 1, *m

Ahi*h o$ the $ollo-ing o4erates on the e$$e*ts o$ atmos4heri* 4ressureB " ( ' <i$t 4um4 )ydrauli* brakes &ero$oil


Ahi*h o$ the $ollo-ing a44lian*es -ork based on (ernoulliFs Prin*i4leB " ( ' + (unsen burner, syringe and *ar *arburator" (unsen burner, $ilter 4um4 and *ar *arburetor" Aing o$ aero4lane, syringe and $ilter 4um4" Aing o$ aero4lane, $ilter 4um4 and syringe"

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Diagram 7 sho-s t-o identi*al bri*ks N and Y 4la*ed in t-o di$$erent -ays on a sandy ground" Y

Diagram 7 Ahat is the $a*tor that *auses bri*k Y to sink more into the sandB " ( ' + 15 Aeight Pressure or*e Density

The diagram sho-s the 4osition o$ a hydrometer in $our di$$erent li?uids P, ;, % and S" Ahi*h li?uid has the lo-est densityB

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Diagram 8"1 and Diagram 8"+ sho-s an obje*t being -eighed in air and in -ater res4e*ti.ely"

3": E

2"7 E


1"+ E

Diagram 8"1 Ahat is the buoyant $or*e on the obje*tB " ( ' + 1"+ E 1"3 E 2"7 E 3": E

Diagram 8"+


Diagram 1: sho-s a *ylinder *ontaining -ater" .

Diagram 1:

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J$ the 4ressure at 4oint P is 1+ ::: E m>+, the height o$ h is Othe density o$ the -ater / 1::: kg m>1P " ( ' + E 22 :"7 m 1": m 1"+ m +": m +"+ m

& mi6ture o$ gas and air is 4rodu*ed by a bunsen burner" This *an be e64lained by " ( ' + &r*himedesF 4rin*i4le (ernoulliFs 4rin*i4le Pas*alFs 4rin*i4le The 4rin*i4le o$ *onser.ation o$ momentum


Diagram 11 sho-s t-o obje*ts ; and <, tou*hing ea*h other"

Diagram 11 They are at thermal e?uilibrium i$ they ha.e " ( ' + The same density The same .olume The same mass The same tem4erature

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Ahi*h gra4h re4resents the relationshi4 bet-een the 4ressure, % and the .olume, , o$ a gas at *onstant tem4eratureB



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Diagram 1+ sho-s a mer*ury thermometer"

Diagram 1+ Ahy does the *a4illary tube ha.e a .ery narro- boreB " ( ' + 22 To im4ro.e sensiti.ity To in*rease the tem4erature range measured To 4re.ent mer*ury returning to the bulb To redu*e the amount o$ mer*ury used

5:: g o$ -ater at a tem4erature o$ 1:0' in a 4lasti* *ontainer is 4la*ed inside the $ree!er o$ a re$rigerator" Jt takes +: minutes $or the -ater to be $ro!en to be*ome i*e" Ahat is the rate o$ heat released $rom the -aterB Q OS4e*i$i* heat *a4a*ity o$ -ater / 2+:: # kgQ1 0' 1 R s4e*i$i* latent heat o$ $usion o$ i*e / , Q1 1"12 C 1: # kg P " ( ' + E +3"7 # sQ1 78"2 # sQ1 112"+ # sQ1 +37"1 # sQ1 2:+", # sQ1


Table 1 belo- sho-s the $ree!ing 4oint and the boiling 4oint o$ $our li?uids -, B, = and 2" Ahi*h li?uid is most suitable to be used in a li?uid>in>glass thermometer $rom >8:0' to 8:0'B *i70i8 Freezing 6/int 90': (/i;ing 6/int 9 0': " >5: 12: ( : 1:: ' >1+: 1+: + >,: 12: Table 1

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Ahat is the ?uantity -hi*h is *onstant in all the three Gas la-sB " ( ' + the number o$ gas mole*ules the distan*e bet-een the gas mole*ules the total $or*e 4er unit area o$ the *ontainerFs -all" the a.erage kineti* energy o$ the gas mole*ule


& gas inside a *ontainer at a tem4erature o$ 1:o@ has a 4ressure o$ 1"+: Pa" The *ontainer is heated at a *onstant .olume until the tem4erature o$ the gas inside it is ,,o@" Ahat is the $inal 4ressure o$ the gasB " ( ' + E :"5+ Pa 1"11 Pa 1"1: Pa +"+: Pa +"+: Pa


Ahi*h o$ the $ollo-ing is not the *hara*teristi* o$ an image $ormed by a 4lane mirrorB " ( ' + <aterally in.erted Same si!e as obje*t Ibje*t distan*e $rom mirror e?uals image distan*e $rom mirror %eal


Ahi*h o$ the o4ti*al instrument uses the 4rin*i4le o$ the total internal re$le*tion o$ lightB " ( ' + Plane mirror Proje*tor &stronomi*al teles*o4e (ino*ulars

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Diagram 11 sho-s an obje*t 4la*ed in $ront o$ a *on.e6 mirror"

% S

Diagram 11 Ahi*h object ray is the </rre<t + re$le*ted rayB T " % K ( S ' + 33 T K

Ahen a ray o$ light tra.el $rom -ater to the air, its s4eed -ill " ( ' in*rease de*rease %emain the same

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15 the

4531/1 *oin

Diagram 12 sho-s a *oin is 4ut at the base o$ the beaker" The image o$ a44ears to be , *m $rom the base o$ the beaker"

Diagram 12 Ahat is the re$ra*ti.e inde6 o$ the li?uidB " ( ' + E


& *on.e6 len has a $o*al length o$ $ *m" The lens 4rodu*es an enlarged, .irtual and u4right image" The obje*t distan*e is " ( ' + less than $ bet-een $ and +$ same as +$ more than +$


Ahi*h o$ the $ollo-ing statement is </rre<t in designing a sim4le astronomi*al

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(oth the $o*al lengths o$ the obje*ti.e lens and the eye4ie*e lens are the same The $o*al length o$ the obje*ti.e lens is shorter than the $o*al length o$ the eye4ie*e lens &t normal adjustment, the distan*e bet-een the obje*ti.e lens and the eye4ie*e lens is longer than the sum o$ both $o*al length o$ the t-o lenses &t normal adjustment, the distan*e bet-een the obje*ti.e lens and the eye4ie*e lens is e?ual to the sum o$ both $o*al length o$ the t-o lenses


Diagram 1, sho-s 4lain -ater -a.es in a ri44le tank 4assing through a slit

Diagram 1,

Ahi*h o$ the $ollo-ing ?uantity -ill de*rease a$ter the -ater -a.e 4assing through the slitB " ( ' + 34 &m4litude re?uen*yS Aa.elength S4eed an inter$eren*e *oherent -ater and ;

Diagram 13 sho-s 4attern o$ t-o -a.es o$ sour*es, P

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Diagram 13 Ahi*h o$ the 4ositions "- (- ' or +, does the am4litude o$ the -ater -a.es is !eroB 35 Diagram 15 sho-s the *ondition o$ *andle $lame a$ter the audio $re?uen*y generator is s-it*hed on"

Diagram 15

(ased on the obser.ation, -hi*h o$ the $ollo-ing ans-er sho- the *orre*t mo.ement o$ the air 4arti*leB & ( @ D


Diagram 17 sho-s an ultrasoni* -a.e transmitted $rom a boat to the seabed to determine the de4th, D o$ the sea" The s4eed o$ the ultrasoni* -a.es in -ater is 1,:: ms>1" The e*ho o$ the -a.es is re*ei.ed +":s a$ter the transmission"

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Diagram 17 Ahat is the .alue o$ DB " ( ' + 41 1,:: m 1,,: m 13:: m +::: m

The -a.elength o$ light *an be determined -ith a double slit 4late" Diagram 18 sho-s the 4attern o$ inter$eren*e $ringes obtain in a YoungFs double slit e64eriment" The se4aration distan*e o$ the t-o slit is :",, mm and the distan*e bet-een the s*reen and the double slit 4late is 2": m"

Diagram 18 @al*ulate the -a.elength o$ the light used in the e64eriment" " ( ' + 1"+12 N 1:>+ m 1"15, N 1:>3 m ,"3+, N 1:>5 m 2"7+1 N 1:>5 m

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Ahi*h diagram sho-s the *orre*t ele*tri* $ield 4atternB & @


Ahi*h o$ the $ollo-ing gra4hs sho-s the *orre*t relationshi4 bet-een the 4otential di$$eren*e, G and *urrent, J $or an Ihmi* *ondu*torB & @

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Ahi*h o$ the $ollo-ing $a*tors does not in$luen*e the resistan*e o$ a -ireB " ( ' + <ength o$ the -ire 'aterial o$ the -ire @ross>se*tional area o$ the -ire )ardness o$ the -ire


& +2 resistor is *onne*ted a*ross the terminals o$ a 1+ G battery" @al*ulate the 4o-er dissi4ated in the resistor" " ( ' + :", A +": A 2": A 3": A


& house-i$e uses a + kA ele*tri* iron $or 1: minutes a day" J$ the *ost o$ 1 unit o$ ele*tri*ity is +: *ents, -hat is the *ost o$ using the ele*tri* iron $or 1: daysB " ( ' + %'+":: %'2":: %'3":: %'7"::


Ahi*h o$ the $ollo-ing *ir*uit has the lo-est total resistan*eB &

( D

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Diagram +: sho-s a *ir*uit *ontaining three resistors and a *ell -ith an ele*tromoti.e $or*e o$ 1+G and internal resistan*e o$ 3T

Diagram +: Ahat is the *urrent $lo-ing through the *ir*uitB " ( ' + 1"1 & 1": & 1"1 & 1"2 &


Diagram +1 sho-s an ele*tri* *ir*uit *ontaining -ith $our bulbs" Ahi*h o$ the bulbs in the $ollo-ing diagram is the brightestB

Diagram +1

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Ahi*h *ir*uit *an be used to determine the ele*tromoti.e $or*e a batteryB & @

EN+ )F =%E!T )N P"PER K670- >-?-: 0-@-0

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