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Nas questes de 1 a 18 escolha a resposta que mais apropriadamente completa a orao dada. 1. I took my husband to the airport................. a) himself b) herself c) yourself d) myself e) oneself 2. a) b) c) d) e) 3. a) b) c) d) e) 4. a) b) c) d) e) Isn't this book the ................ you were looking for? which one such that same ............. of what you said is not important. Many Much Neither Either Both He asked ............... his colleagues to help him. every each all the many

5. My brother had too much to drink last night, but he .......... not have because he often suffers from liver trouble. a) could b) should c) must d) can e) would 6. a) b) c) d) e) 7. a) b) c) d) e) 8. a) Mary ............... an accident in the car and then ........... to keep quiet about it. had - decides has - has decided will have - decides had - decided is having - deciding I agree that American food is bad, but English food is ......... worse. very more much such most There is nobody .................. in the room, Mary is sitting there by herself. more

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b) c) d) e) 9. a) b) c) d) e) 10. A) B) C) D) E) 11. a) b) c) d) e) 12. a) b) c) d) e) 13. a) b) c) d) e) 14. a) b) c) d) e) 15. a) b) c) d) e) also besides other else Liz used to swim a lot, but she plays tennis instead now. She does not swim ................ yet any more still more already We got .................... the bus at our destination. off of out from away ................. you do not go to shops, we shall not have anything to eat. Whether Or else If When Otherwise I went to France ............ to learn French. so that in order that for in order for that She has a lovely house in Rome, .................. isn't it? Has not? No? Doesn't it? Doesn't she? Tom should work tomorrow, but he doesn't want to, ............ does he? Shouldn't he? Should he? Doesn't he? Want he? Mary would rather .......... at home. stayed staying to stay stay stays

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16. a) b) c) d) e) 17. a) b) c) d) e) 18. a) b) c) d) e) Television programmes were once worth .............. watch to watch watching watches watched Diamonds are ............................... a best speculator's friend. a speculator's best friend. a best friend's speculator. a friend's best speculator. a speculator best friend's. That's a nice poem; the poet is .................. Leopold Senghor. Senegal's longtime President's the longtime President's Senegal Senegal longtime President Senegal longtime President's Senegal's longtime President

Nas questes 19 a 20, escolha a orao correta. 19. A) The book is one rare with the torn pages. b) A rare one is the book torn with the pages. c) The book with the torn pages is a rare one. d) The book with the pages is torn a rare one. e) A book with the pages torn is the one rare. 20. a) Students can to enjoy all the facilities available them. b) Students can enjoy the available facilities to all them. c) students can enjoy all the facilities available to them. d) all students cam them enjoy the facilities available to. e) All the available facilities to students cam them enjoy. Nas questes 21 a 30 escolha a resposta que corresponde mais exatamente ao significado da orao dada. 21. Don't get me wrong a) no me faa errar. b) No me interprete mal. c) No me prejudique d) No me apresente a coisa errada. e) No provoque a minha ira. 22. A) B) C) D) 23. A) B) C) D) E) The guide addressed her in French. O orientador aconselhou-a um adereo francs. O lder encaminhou-a para a Frana. O cicerone dirigiu-se a ela em Francs. O motorista levou-a casa do francs. I'm going to apply for that job. Serei aproveitada naquele posto. Vou me dedicar quela tarefa. Vou me candidatar quele emprego. Irei me adaptar quela tarefa. Irei mostrar meu esforo naquele trabalho.

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24. a) b) c) d) e) 25. a) b) c) d) e) 26. a) b) c) d) e) 27. a) b) c) d) 28. a) b) c) d) e) 29. a) b) c) d) e) 30. A) B) C) D) E) Man has a psychological relationship with his environment. O homem tem uma relao psicolgica com o seu meio ambiente. O meio ambiente pode comprometer o equilbrio psicolgico do homem. O homem depende psicologicamente do que o cerca As relaes do homem com o seu meio dependem dos seus conhecimentos de psicologia. H homens que se deixam dominar pelo meio em que vivem. The advertisement paid off. Two hundred and fifty students are currently enrolled here. o adversrio levou a melhor. Duzentos e cinco alunos acham-se presos aqui. O pagamento foi feito por fora. Duzentos e cinco alunos esto concorrendo a um estgio aqui. O divertimento custou caro. Dois mil e quinhentos estudantes esto sendo enquadrados. A advertncia veio de fora. Dois mil e quinhentos alunos esto acarretando engarrafamento aqui. O anncio valeu a pena. Duzentos cincoenta alunos esto matriculados aqui. Melhore sua forma fsica. Get yourself in better physical shape. Better your physic. Give a better turn to your physical mould. Ameliorate yourself in physics. Make your physical pattern better. Voc espera que eu o faa rir o tempo todo? Do you trust me to provoke you laugh all time? Do you wait that I cause you laugh always? Do you expect me to make you laugh all the time? Do you count I shall have you laughing for ever? Onde quer que Tom v ele leva uma pasta grande para documentos. Tom brings a big case for documents where he goes. Tom ports an enormous portfolio where that he goes. To where he goes Tom takes a great paste for documents. Where he wants to go Tom conducts a big suitcase. Tom carries a large briefcase wherever he goes. Joo se esqueceu de desligar o aparelho de televiso antes de ir se deitar. John failed to disconnect the TV before going to lie down himself. John forgot to turn off the TV set before going to bed. John neglected to switch off the TV box previous to bedding himself. John forgave to plug out the TV apparel before lying down. John skipped to pull out the TV apparatus earlier to going t sleep. Pedro est perfeitamente qualificado para o emprego ao qual se candidata. Peter is in perfect quality to the work which he filled forms as a candidate. Peter has good qualifications for the profession to which he appointed himself Peter shows great ability for the task asked to fulfil. Peter is perfectly apt to the employment he has proposed to. Peter is fully qualified for the job he has applied for.

As questes de 31 a 40 so baseadas em pequenos textos. Cada um desses textos seguido de cinco hipteses, em portugus. Escolha a que exprime uma idia explicitamente nele contida. Latin Americans have been studying at Florida colleges for years, but no the west coast, the Arabs are now outnumbering them on campus. 31. Alguns estabelecimentos de ensino superior nos Estados Unidos

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a) b) c) d) e) tm, atualmente, mais alunos rabes do que latino-americanos. No vem com bons olhos o crescente nmero de alunos arbes. Esto mais interessados nos alunos rabes do que nos latino-americanos. Acabam de estabelecer na costa oeste, para receberem mais alunos arbes. Aumentaram o nmero de anos para que se completem alguns cursos.

Works of art are valuable partly because they are rare. Exquisite jewels, high fashion, fine automobiles are even more appealing when they are available in limited quantities. 32. a) Automveis de alta classe s podem ser produzidos em quantidades limitada. b) Nem tudo que raro necessariamente caro. c) A alta moda visa a uma clientela exclusiva. d) Tudo que raro tem mais valor. e)As jias mais cobiadas so as de formato pouco comum. It pays to be extra careful when you are travelling where you are not familiar with the currency and the customs. 33. Quem viaja a) deve se esforar para se familiarizar com os costumes e com os fatos que ocorrem nos lugares por onde passa. b) Deve sempre levar dinheiro consigo. c) Precisa ser cuidadoso com a alfndega dos lugares cujas leis conhece pouco. d) Nunca se deve pagar mais do que o preo estabelecido. e) Deve se acautelar em lugares com cujos hbitos e moeda no estiver familiarizado. It is a well known fact that half the population in this country is annoyed by TV ads. Until day comes when advertisers have learned how to sell their articles in a friendly manner, I suggest that viewers try their best not to buy anything advertised on TV. 34. A publicidade feita pela TV atualmente a) no bem vista pelo autor do pargrafo e por muito mais gente. b) Procura abordar fatos do domnio pblico c) Irrita todo mundo sem exceo d) Deve ser mais agressiva. e) um entretenimento para o telespectador. Stay healthy, my friend, because the cost of getting well again, which is going up with the dawning of each day, is enough to make you sick. 35. As palavras acima, escritas em um cartaz espalhado por toda cidade a) so uma exaltao aos esforos dos que se dedicam aos enfermos. b) Sugerem uma receita infalvel para a cura do enjo. c) Contm uma crtica s pessoas que s pensam em doena d) Informam que levantar bem cedo timo para a sade. e) Advertem que cada vez se gasta mais quando se fica doente. Several years ago, I read a book called "Farenheit 451" and was horrified at the description of a scene where all the books of civilizes society are burned. Now I come to think of it, perhaps ir is not such a bad idea if a few catch fire. 36. Certos livros a) procuram atrair leitores pelo ttulo. b) Bem que mereciam ser queimados. c) Horrorizam a sociedade civilizada com suas descries. d) Parecem queimar as mos de quem os l. e) No contm sequer uma idia interessante. The caloric value of plain yogurt is similar to that of the milk from which it is made. Partially skimmed milk, for example, may range in caloric value from 110 to 135 per cup, depending on its precise composition. The

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caloric value of a cup of plain yogurt made from partially skimmed milk is about 125; if it contains fruit, the calories may go up to 250 a cup. 37. Yogurt natural a) no difere muito do leite do qual feito, no que se refere a calorias. b) S pode ser feito de leite desnatado. c) Tem uma composio precisa e supre o consumidor com as calorias necessrias. d) Perde em teor calrico, quando a ele adicionamos determinadas frutas. e) No to bom quanto o leite, se a proporo de seu valor calrico for abaixo de 110 por xcara. Adults concerned with teaching children of elementary school age about animals and their environment will find "Ways of Wildlife", by E. Howitz, a useful guide. It suggests stories, games, field trips and other activities that will teach young students about the animal world. 38. "Ways of Wildlife" a) um livro para ser apreciado tanto por crianas quanto por adultos. b) Foi escrito por um guarda florestal. c) Conta a histria de uma excurso ao campo feita por um professor e seus alunos. d) Aponta vrios caminhos para se ensinar s crianas algo sobre os animais. e) o melhor compndio sobre animais, de que um professor pode fazer uso. Do you want something? Do this: Post a picture of your goal, or a picture that symbolizes it, in a spot where you will see it every day. When you are washing dishes, stare down that jet plane, and the vacation it represents. Keep your goal in mind. You will naturally work toward it - and you will get it. 39. A mensagem a) coloque seu alvo onde possa alcan-lo. b) no deixe para amanho o que pode fazer hoje. c) tudo aquilo que se decidir a ter, ter. d) as frias so necessrias, mesmo para quem s faz servios caseiros. e) cada dia de trabalho o coloca mais perto de sua meta. Unfortunately, most people are so busy unduly reflecting on the past or worrying about the future that they are missing the sheer joy of living in the present moment. Perhaps finances, loss of a loved one, a medical problem, or simply thinking about what we are going to do next is cheating us out of the pleasures that are ours today, if only we could learn to relax and enjoy them. 40. A maioria das pessoas a) faz dvidas porque s pensa em se divertir. b) s vive para o momento presente. c) trabalha tanto que no tem tempo de pensar nem na famlia nem nas finanas. d) no consegue perceber quo agradvel a vida pode ser. e) s consegue relaxar quando no est pensando no passado ou fazendo planos para o futuro. As questes de 41 a 50 so baseadas em pequenos textos. Cada um desses textos seguido de cinco hipteses, em ingls. Escolha a que exprime uma idia explicitamente nele contida. The greatest problem facing older people is not lack of income; it is loneliness. If an older person is not rescued from loneliness, he or she begins looking inward, sits down, and waits to die. 41. Older people a) suffer more from being alone than from not having money. b) quite frequently do not have enough money to live comfortably. c) have many more problems to face than the young. d) often want to die. e) Are often tired and have to sit down. Most of us really believe we drive safely, yet the accident statistics climb. The blame does not fall just on the speeders, the careless or drunk drivers, the other flagrant violators of the laws. The truth, which may be hard to accept, is that many preventable accidents are caused by ordinary law-abiding men and women.

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42. a) b) c) d) e) Car accidents are always unpredictable. can be prevented if you drive carefully. Have been the concern of many law-abiding people. Are a flagrant violation of the laws. Are increasing.

There are people who do not mix well together. This has nothing to do with similarity of interests, occupations, etc. It is an innate thing. When we meet someone we may sense an instant dislike for that person, nothing we could put our fingers on. It is just intuition. It is best to seek out people we are comfortable with. 43. Some of us a) are only happy among those who have similar interests and/or occupations. b) Only act according to our intuition. c) May regard other people with aversion for no apparent reason. d) Have not much sense when dealing with others. e) Are always looking for somebody capable of making us comfortable. All of us, young and old alike, have a been subtly influenced by myth that our creative powers tend to decrease as we grow older. This persistent myth, accepted without any real evidence to support it, has affected attitudes of the young toward the elderly, and has often induced older people to underestimate their own creative abilities. 44. Old people a) are more influenced by myths than the youngsters. b) Have also been influenced by wrong notions regarding their creativity. c) Can develop their creative abilities, if they are persistent. d) Possess very little creative power. e) Often assume affected manners when challenged by the young. In a recent article to a magazine, an American literary critic wrote: "James Fenimore Cooper's 'The Spy' was published in 1821 and it was the first internationally successful novel by an American. More than any other writer of his time, Cooper understood our brave new world and its place in history." 45. "The Spy" a) has recently been appointed as the first novel ever published in America. b) Reveals that Cooper had studied American history much more than any or his contemporaries. c) Is the best know of Cooper's works. d) Was translated into many languages as soon as it was published. e) Was the first American novel to win world acclaim. Last month, in Venice, thirteen Mediterranean countries and the European Economic Community agreed on the principles of a treaty to control the discharge of industrial waste, municipal sewage and agricultural chemicals into their coastal waters. 46. Last month, in Venice, a) the European Economic Community and thirteen Mediterranean countries discussed some common problems they have to face. b) A group of experts accused some countries of polluting the ocean waters. c) Some countries signed a treaty about the use of sea water. d) The European Economic Community and thirteen Mediterranean countries had an argument about who would be in charge of controlling their coastal waters. e) Thirteen Mediterranean countries decided to join the European Economic Community. Over 100 coleagues gathered recently to say good-bye to Mr. Brown who retired after 28 years of varied and successful service with the United Nations. He will always be remembered for his high quality of performance and warm friendship. 47. Mr. Brown a) offered a farewell party to all his friends who let the United Nations.

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b) c) d) e) Worked for about 100 people, at various times. Hat left a good record behind him at the United Nations. Joined the United Nations when he was 28. Has been dismissed from the United Nations.

Today's new car buyer is much more aware of costs than ever before. And well he might be, for the America Automobile Association's latest study shows that the cost of owning and driving an auto has risen 3,7 per cent in the last three months. 48. More than ever before a) the number of car-buyers is increasing. b) People want to pay less for a car. c) Gasoline is to be blamed for the high cost of having a car. d) It is expensive to have a car. e) Drivers depend on the America Automobile Association for information. Inventors tend to be optimistic. They are excited about their idea, and they are sure the rest of the world will be, too. If you have come up with something brand-new or an improvement for an existing invention, do not let your enthusiasm get out of hand and lead you into making costly mistakes. And remember that you will not make any money on your invention unless it is marketable. 49. Inventors should bear in mind that a) too much optimism may ruin an invention. b) Not all inventions are a sure way of making money. c) Some inventions are too costly to be marketable d) Everybody will be excited about their new idea. e) No improvement cam be made in a brand-new invention. Not very long ago, we read about a man who spent hours making a careful inventory of his household goods so he would have a record of them in case of fire or theft, then kept the list in a sideboard drawer where, sure enough, it burned up in a fire. 50. The man in the story a) did not sore his list in a safe place. b) Used to take very good care of his household goods. c) Kept all his records in a case near the fireplace. d) Spent hours doing the things that he had to do. e) Never feared that his house would burn up. 51. a) b) c) d) e) 52. a) b) c) d) e) 53. a) b) c) d) They are listening to some beautiful Christmas......................... thieves burglars carols beggars drawers .................. are kinds of birds. hermits heels wheels herons heroes ........................... being a good student, she failed last examination. In order to Of In spite of Because

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e) 54. a) b) c) d) e) 55. a) b) c) d) e) 56. a) b) c) d) e) 57. a) b) c) d) e) 58. a) b) c) d) e) 59. a) b) c) d) e) 60. a) b) c) d) e) 61. a) b) c) Rather of In the Middle Ages, ........................ used to look after the nobles' horses. brides grooms dopes dots heaters He is a real ..................... destroy lace kitten despot pot The man was injured when the ...................... hit his head. brick cantaloupe bowels roost rot A hero is a man who does great ...................... deeds inventions adventures blushes holes his face turned ..................... at the news. ash ashen naughty shoves whim "What a ...........................", she said angrily for everything was broken. whack shelter mess mass miss We went to a Chinese Restaurant and had to use ...................... to eat. tinkles tinder rafts candies chop sticks You must add a ................... of garlic to the soup. clover clove clumsy

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d) coal oil e) cobbler 62. a) b) c) d) e) 63. a) b) c) d) e) 64. a) b) c) d) e) 65. a) b) c) d) e) 66. a) b) c) d) e) 67. a) b) c) d) e) 68. a) b) c) d) e) The city was .................... by the rains. deflated deflected deluged defrayed drowsed The girl is .................... in History and Geography. core convoy contemn contrive conversant If you get hurt you must use a ............. court card county court plaster corral colon If I ........................ my hair I will have a bald. conquer comply clip comma dunce Sonrisal ....................... in water. fizzes puzzles sneezes buzzes screams When milk turns it very easily becomes...................... cord skin feature curd tasty I like roses, carnations and .............................. ciclists bycicles dandelions hones holsters

69. It wasn't a lie: just an innocent ............................ a) fib b) tip

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c) tib d) tap e) bud 70. a) b) c) d) e) 71. a) b) c) d) e) 72. a) b) c) d) e) The faucet is .......................... dripping dropping driving drinking drilling There is an interesting .............................. in the newspapers today. advice advise council advertisement travel "The merry ................................." was composed by Frank Lehar. window widow widower wig wisdom

Complete cada uma das sentenas que se seguem com uma das alternativas propostas, que d frase um sentido completo. 73. a) b) c) d) e) 74. a) b) c) d) e) 75. a) b) c) d) e) 76. a) b) c) d) e) It is possible ...................... him for not having entered the University. to reach to blame to jump to react to misunderstand Paul has waited for ............................ for years and managed to kill him. revenge maize cough cushion reconciliation The .................situation in Europe is better than in 1948. actual unbelievable nowaday jealous proud The .............................. of the sea water is white and a romantic element of inspiration for .............. spoon - artists wave - thieves sand - painters pies - musicians froth - poets

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77. a) b) c) d) e) 78. a) b) c) d) 79. a) b) c) d) e) 80. a) b) c) d) e) 81. a) b) c) d) e) 82. a) b) c) d) e) 83. a) b) c) d) e) 84. a) b) c) d) e) The temperature of the water was 30 ................... degrees divisions grades marks steps He has a ................................................... ten years old son son of ten years old ten years old sons ten year old son We perform ...................................... in the laboratory. experience experiences experiments experimenting experiencing Before buying the bottle, I would like to taste some vine as ................................. a case an example an idea a sample a trial Paul is a man of outstanding ............................ poison dolls gifts hollow door-mat The weather is ......................... bad today. enough nice niece rather a lot of I am ..................... of that big hound. mermaid fear afraid trend skull Men ...................... hands when they are introduced to each other. shake lorry truck revenge smile

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85. a) b) c) d) e) 86. a) b) c) d) e) 87. a) b) c) d) e) 88. a) b) c) d) e) 89. a) b) c) d) e) 90. a) b) c) d) e) From........................ I will do my exercises by myself. now and then once in a while right away now on at once My little does are living now at a ............................... hotel kennel benison stepfather kid Arthur Miller is the name of a famous.......................... playwright playwriter dramawriter theatre writer writer A ....................... is a thing you write with pain writer fountain-pen typist toy "............................ were the days" is a popular BBC program. This That Theses Those Thats That careless driver has had an accident; .............................. is what I expected to happen. those these any this the

91. ...................... is what I want. a) Those b) These c) That d) .................... e) theses 92. a) b) c) d) ............................. cloud at the distance is a sign of rain. This These Those Anyone

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e) 93. a) b) c) d) e) 94. a) b) c) d) e) 95. a) b) c) d) e) 96. a) b) c) d) e) 97. a) b) c) d) e) 98. a) b) c) d) e) 99. a) b) c) d) e) That ........................... are the mountains told you. Theses These That This Those Today Mary is ............................ woman in the world. happier the most happy the happyest the less happy the happiest The ............... the mountain, the ...................... to climb it. lower - easyer more low - more easy most low - most easy lower - easier lowest - easiest Riding a horse is not .................... riding a bicycle. so easy as easyer than more easy than the least easy so easy so Your coast is ..................... than mine. heavyer more light less heavier lighter more heavy Mr. Jones .................... a lawyer is are was a+b a+c They ..................... in Europe now is are was were n.d.a.

100. He and she ..................... cousins. a) is b) are c) was

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d) a + b e) a + c 101. The sky ........... very cloudy today. a) is b) was c) were d) a + b e) a + c 102. Mr. Jones ................ many friends. a) hads b) has c) had d) were e) was RESPOSTAS 1D 11C 21B 31A 41A 51C 61B 71D 81C 91C 101A 2D 12D 22D 32D 42E 52D 62C 72B 82D 92E 102B 3B 13E 23C 33E 43C 53C 63E 73B 83C 93E 4C 14A 24A 34A 44B 54B 64C 74A 84A 94E 5B 15D 25E 35E 45E 55D 65C 75C 85D 95D 6D 16C 26A 36B 46A 56A 66A 76E 86B 96A 7C 17B 27D 37A 47C 57A 67D 77A 87A 97A 8E 18E 28E 38D 48D 58B 68C 78A 88C 98A 9B 19C 29B 39C 49B 59C 69A 79C 89D 99B 10A 20C 30E 40D 50A 60E 70A 80D 90D 100B

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