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Marketing Plan

Stroops Fitness Club

HAS 3020 December 7, 2006

essica Finlinson Alison Martin Ha!le! Mc"ri#e

Marketing Plan $utline

%& %%& '(ecuti)e Summar! Situation Anal!sis a& %nternal Anal!sis i& About Stroops Fitness Club ii& Mission Statement iii& Ser)ices $**ere# b& '(ternal Anal!sis i& Demograp+ics ii& Competition iii& S&,&$&-& Anal!sis Primar! -arget Market Marketing /oals a& /oal 012 ,e 3ill market an# a#)ertise our pro#uct better t+an 3e are currentl! #oing i& $b4ecti)e ii& Strategies to accomplis+ goal b& /oal 022 5eep sta** up#ate#, e#ucate#, an# traine# in nutrition an# t+e latest e(ercise programs6tec+ni7ues i& $b4ecti)e ii& Strategies to accomplis+ goal c& /oal032 %ncrease g!m members+ip i& $b4ecti)e ii& Strategies to accomplis+ goal Calen#ar "u#get ')aluation a& Process ')aluation b& $utcome ')aluation

%%%& %.&

.& .%& .%%&



Executive Summary
Stroops Fitness Club is locate# in t+e Freeport Center in Clear*iel#, 9-& %t is a

small business o3ne# b! S+on Harker& He creates a personal *eel to +is *itness center to encourage customers to c+oose +is pro#uct& -+e core pro#ucts o* Stroops Fitness are car#io 3orkouts, aerobics, basketball courts, personal training, 'lite Sports training, an# training e7uipment& Stroops Fitness Club #esigns an# manu*actures t+eir o3n e7uipment t+at is use# b! competiti)e at+letes all o)er t+e 3orl#& -+e! pro)i#e e7uipment an# ser)ices t+at en+ance an# impro)e at+letes: per*ormance& -+e! also stri)e to meet t+e nee#s o* t+ose 3+o are beginning an e(ercise plan& Stroops Fitness Club sells t+eir pro#ucts in t+e Clear*iel#, S!racuse, Clinton, an# ,est Point areas& -+e target market is a#ults in t+eir t3enties an# t+irties t+at come *rom a mi##le class income an# +a)e a *e3 c+il#ren& -+e pro#uct Stroops Fitness Club is selling is members+ip to t+e g!m& Current a#)ertising is #one b! a mar7uee locate# on Antelope Dri)e b! t+e entrance to t+e Freeport Center an# *l!ers t+at are #eli)ere# #oor to #oor& %n or#er to better promote Stroops Fitness Club to t+e target market t+e *irst ob4ecti)e o* t+is marketing plan is to pro)i#e better a#)ertising t+at is currentl! being #one in or#er to +a)e more in7uiries about g!m members+ip b! December 2007& -+is 3ill be accomplis+e# b! a#)ertising on t+e ra#io, sen#ing out mailers intro#ucing Stroops Fitness Club, an# placing more signs s+o3ing 3+ere Stroops is locate#& -+e secon# goal is to keep t+e sta** at t+e g!m up#ate#, e#ucate# an# traine# in nutrition an# e(ercise to increase current customer satis*action 1;< b! December 2007& -+is 3ill be measure# b! a customer sur)e! gi)en in December 2006 an# 2007 to current customers& -+e t+ir# goal 838

is to increase t+e number o* g!m members+ips b! December 1, 2007 20< base# o** o* December 2006 members+ip& -o #o t+is, Stroops 3ill increase operating +ours, keep t+e *acilit! nice an# up to #ate, as 3ell as o**er a bun#le price# package o* a personal trainer 3it+ g!m members+ip& Among t+e strategies to accomplis+ t+ese goals is use o* t+e *our P:s o* marketing2 Pro#uct, Price, Place, an# Promotion& %t 3as *oun# t+at competition is +ig+ *or Stroops Fitness Club& -+ere are 1= ot+er g!ms 3it+in ; miles o* Stroops, t3o o* 3+ic+ are ma4or competitors, /ol#:s /!m an# Per*orma( /!ms& A S,$- Anal!sis 3as per*orme# to #etermine t+e areas o* impro)ement t+at Stroops nee#s to *ocus on in comparison to t+ese ot+er g!ms, suc+ as making t+eir location easier to *in# an# up#ating t+eir 3ebsite& -+e ma4or strengt+s t+at Stroops +as are being t+e onl! g!m t+at manu*actures its o3n uni7ue e7uipment an# +as a personable atmosp+ere& Stroops also +as t+e most a**or#able prices among t+e competitors& 9pon e)aluation o* t+e action plan an# strategies to accomplis+ t+e goals an# ob4ecti)es, it 3as *oun# t+at >>>>>>> 3ill be nee#e# to implement t+is marketing plan& A*ter implementing t+e marketing plan, t+e compan! 3ill e)aluate t+e outcomes o* t+e plan to see i* t+e ob4ecti)es an# goals 3ere accomplis+e#&



Situation Analysis

A. Internal Analysis I. Stroops Fitness Club Stroops Fitness Club is a small g!m locate# in t+e Freeport Center in Clear*iel#, 9ta+& %t is o3ne# b! S+on Harker& -+e uni7ue t+ing about Stroops is t+at t+e! +a)e a 30,000 s7uare *oot *acilit! 3+ere t+e! #esign an# manu*acture t+eir o3n e7uipment& Stroops o**ers car#io 3orkouts, aerobics, basketball courts, personal training, 'lite Sports training, bab!sitting *or t+ose 3it+ g!m members+ip& -+e largest *ocus *or Stroops is to pro)i#e t+ese *itness options in g!m members+ip to t+eir customers at an a**or#able price& II. Mission Statement

To provide excellent fitness opportunities to the average person in the Clearfield, Syracuse, Clinton, West Point, and East Layton areas at an affordable price. Stroops #e*ines t+e a)erage person as someone t+at is part o* a t3o parent *amil!, +as a *e3 c+il#ren, mi##le income, an# ages ranging *rom t3enties to t+irties& -+e! #o not nee# to be +ea)! li*ters, an# Stroops 3ants to reac+ people 3it+ bus! sc+e#ules& Stroops Fitness Club also stri)es to pro)i#e *itness options an# opportunities to beginners& III. Marketing Resources Currentl! Stroops a#)ertises t+roug+ a small sign an# mar7uee t+at is place# along a )ia#uct on Antelope Dri)e in Clear*iel# as 3ell as *l!ers t+at are #eli)ere# #oor to #oor& Stroops also +as a spot in 9S ,est De( in t+e !ello3 8;8

pages, an# are online at 333&#e(online&com& @o ot+er met+o#s are being use# at t+is time&

B. External Analysis I. Demograp ics -+e cities 3it+in Stoops Fitness Club:s target market segment are Clear*iel#, S!racuse, ,est Point, an# Clinton& -+e total population *or t+ese *our cities 3it+in Da)is Count! is appro(imatel! 63,000& -+e target market segment is an area *rom %81; an# 3est all t+e 3a! to ?;00 Sout+ in S!racuse& Aunning @ort+ to Sout+ t+e boun#aries inclu#e Main Street in Clinton all t+e 3a! to /entile Street also in S!racuse&

Figure !" # e boun$aries o% t e target market segment



Competition ,it+in 10 miles o* Stroops Fitness Club t+ere are ?2 kno3n operating

g!ms& ,it+in a ; mile ra#ius t+ere are 1= g!ms& Among t+ese are t+ree /ol#:s g!ms an# eig+t Cur)es *or ,omen& -+ere is also a bran# ne3 g!m calle# Per*orma( /!ms, 3+ic+ is one o* t+e bigger competitors *or all o* t+e nearb! g!ms& A S&,&$&- BStrengt+s, ,eaknesses, $pportunities, an# -+reatsC Anal!sis 3ill be per*orme# contrasting Stroops Fitness Club, /ol#:s /!m an# Per*orma( /!ms& -+ese t3o competitors 3ere c+osen because t+e! o**er t+e same range o* ser)ices t+at Stroops also pro)i#es&



S.&.'.#. Analysis Anal!sis o* Strengt+s, ,eaknesses, $pportunities, an# -+reats *or Stroops

Fitness Club an# t+eir t3o ma4or competitors2

Stroops Fitness Club (ol$)s (ym ,ell kno3n8 Ha)e a strong reputation A lot o* e7uipment Man! Docations -+e! +a)e a )ariet! o* classes o**ere# %n*ormati)e 3ebsite Cro3#e#, ma! scare a3a! beginners %mpersonal atmosp+ere Ma! be intimi#ating to beginners *er%ormax (yms Hig+ 7ualit! Facilit! 3it+ ne36large selection o* e7uipment 5i#s center 3it+ computers -+e! +a)e a 4uice bar /oo# +ours8 con)enient *or t+ose 3orking out at #i**erent +ours Mr& $l!mpia is an instructor @ot man! #i**erent classes o**ere# Classes are not o**ere# at con)enient times Ma! be intimi#ating to beginners


A**or#able Personable Atmosp+ere Manu*acture o3n e7uipment Ha)e a strong un#erstan#ing o* e7uipment Classes o**ere# at a )ariet! o* times


Small an# unkno3n Di**icult to *in# location8 an# onl! one location Hours are less con)enient $ut o* #ate 3ebsite Smaller sta** -+ere is room to gro3 an# increase t+e compan! an# it:s reputation -o e(pan# t+e number o* *acilities Coul# take a#)antage o* location 3it+in Freeport Center Appeals to beginners8 ma! bring in ne3 customers -+ere are a lot o* strong competitors Current a#)ertising is not su**icient


$**er #iscounts to emplo!ees o* certain companies

/oo# location rig+t b! ne3 o**ice buil#ings in Da!ton


Per*orma( is a competitor Aeputation ma! be ba# %t is getting ol#er, *acilities ma! become #ate#

-+ere is onl! one location8 man! not 3illing to tra)el *or a 3orkout



*rimary #arget Market

-+e Primar! -arget Market *or Stroops Fitness Club is a#ults in t+eir mi#8 t3enties to mi#8t+irties, being part o* a t3o parent *amil! 3it+ a *e3 c+il#ren, earn a mi##le class income, an# 3+o li)e 3it+in about a *i)e mile ra#ius o* Stroops /!m 3+ic+ is locate# in Clear*iel#, 9-& Cities 3it+in t+e target market segment are Clear*iel#, S!racuse, ,est Point, an# Clinton& -+e total population *or t+ese *our cities is appro(imatel! 63,000& Consi#ering t+e t3o parent *amil! 3it+ a *e3 c+il#ren *actor along 3it+ t+e mi##le class income aspect, t+e target market is narro3e# #o3n to appro(imatel! =,122 people&


Marketing (oals

(oal ,!" ,e 3ill market an# a#)ertise our pro#uct better t+an 3e are currentl! #oing& 'b-ective" 2,000 people out o* our target market 3ill in7uire about a g!m members+ip b! December 2007& Strategies" A#)ertise on t+e Aa#io o A#)ertise on 100&3 an# =E&7, 3+ic+ are popular ra#io stations among t+e target population& -+is 3ill be #one in anuar! o* 2007, it is #uring t+is time o* !ear t+at man! make @e3s Fears Aesolutions, an# e(ercise is usuall! one o* t+e most common resolutions people make& o -+e manager 3ill contact ra#io station =E&7 an# +a)e t+em sen# a D& & to come to Stroops location an# #o a promotion *or t+e *acilit! in August 2007& -+e! 3ill be t+ere *rom 7am81pm, 3+ere t+e! 3ill a#)ertise 3it+ a general message as 3ell as )isit 3it+ t+e people 3+o are at t+e g!m t+roug+out t+e time t+at t+e! are at our *acilit!& o "asketball an# 3eig+t li*ting competitions 3ill be +el#& People can 3in priGes an# 3inners 3ill be announce# o)er t+e ra#io& -+e priGes 3ill consist o* gi*t certi*icates to restaurants an# clot+ing stores& -+ere 3ill


also be a gran# priGe *or a *ree si(t+ mont+ members+ip to Stroops Fitness Club& Sen# mailers to -arget Market o A grap+ic #esigner 3ill be +ire# to create a postcar# t+at is attracti)e to be maile# out& $n t+e postcar#, t3o *ree sessions 3ill be o**ere# 3it+ a ne3 or rene3e# members+ip at Stroops& -+e postcar# 3ill also contain prices, t+e packages o**ere# at Stroops, t+e location, a *ree tour, an# t+e *irst class e7uipment t+at 3e +a)e in our *acilit!& 9p#ate current signs as 3ell as a## ne3 signs o -+e current sign t+at is locate# on t+e si#e o* t+e )ia#uct on Antelope Dri)e 3ill be replace# 3it+ a larger one t+at is more aest+eticall! pleasing& "! #oing t+is, more attention 3ill be #ra3n to t+e g!m an# its location, as 3ell as impro)e t+e HimageI o* Stroops& o A ne3 sign 3ill be purc+ase# t+at s+o3s 3+ere Stroops is locate# 3+en customers enter t+e Freeport Center t+at looks e(actl! like t+e main sign, but is not as large& o Currentl!, Stroops #oes not +a)e a sign on t+eir buil#ingJ t+ere*ore a sign 3ill be place# on t+e buil#ing so it is recogniGable to t+ose 3+o are looking *or it& -+e sign 3ill look e(actl! like t+eir logo&

(oal ,." 5eep sta** up#ate#, traine#, an# e#ucate# in nutrition an# t+e latest e(ercise programs6tec+ni7ues& 'b-ective" %ncrease current customer satis*action, measure# b! a ; 7uestion sur)e! 3it+ an o)erall score, o* December 1, 2006 1;< b! December 1, 2007& Strategies" Hol# semi8annual sta** meetings or training sessions *or all emplo!ees to atten# *eaturing a guest speaker emp+asiGing t+e latest in*ormation on nutrition an# e(ercise, or #iscussing an article containing pertinent +ealt+ in*ormation& o Marc+ speaker 3ill be Marlo ames o* 'p+raim, 9ta+& Certi*ie# in Aerobics, Foga, 5ickbo(ing, an# Pilates& Marlo +as a Masters Degree in Human Per*ormance an# teac+es aerobics classes at Sno3 College& o %n September management 3ill locate a current *itness6nutrition article to go t+roug+ an# #iscuss 3it+ sta** members& Subscribe to t+ree current +ealt+ magaGines o !ealth >1;&00 per !ear o "itness >13&00 per !ear o "lex >2;&00 per !ear

8 10 8

-o measure current customer satis*action, 3e 3ill +a)e a *i)e 7uestion sur)e! gi)en in December o* 2006& -+e sur)e! 3ill be gi)en to current members on a g!m )isit& o -+e sur)e! 3ill inclu#e 7uestions about t+e instructors, t+e *acilit!, an# t+e ser)ice& %t 3ill allo3 t+e customer to rate t+ese items on a scale o* 1 to ;& %t 3ill be base# on an o)erall score& -+e presi#ent an# manager o* Stroops 3ill re)ie3 an# calculate t+e results o* t+is sur)e!& o A secon# sur)e! 3ill be gi)en one !ear later BDecember o* 2007C& %t 3ill inclu#e t+e same 7uestions an# rating s!stem as t+e pre)ious sur)e!& -+e presi#ent an# manager 3ill go o)er t+e results o* t+e secon# sur)e! an# compare t+e o)erall scores o* 2006 3it+ t+e scores o* 2007& Ha)e a suggestion bo( in t+e g!m t+at customers can put i#eas in& Also put a suggestion bo( online t+at 3ebsite )isitors can enter suggestions into& 5eep g!m e7uipment nice an# up to #ate b! making sure it is clean an# aest+eticall! pleasing& ,ipe #o3n e7uipment eac+ #a!& Place #isin*ectant spra! bottles on eac+ piece o* e7uipment so users can clean it o** i* #esire#& o ,+en a ne3 piece o* e7uipment arri)es, make sure customers kno3 about it an# +a)e a c+ance to tr! it out o Promote Stroops uni7uel! #esigne# an# manu*acture# e7uipment

(oal ,/" %ncrease g!m members+ip& 'b-ective" %ncrease g!m members+ip 20< b! December 1, 2007 base# on December 1, 2006 members+ip& Strategies" 5eep g!m *acilit! at a le)el to be able to compete o "eginning in anuar! increase t+e +ours o* operation& Mon#a! t+ru -+urs#a! ; a&m& until 11p&m&, Fri#a! an# Satur#a! ; a&m& until 10 p&m& o Starting in December, #ail! +a)e a *ront #esk emplo!ee clean t+e bat+rooms6locker rooms, e7uipment, an# courts& o Starting in December, e)er! ot+er #a!, +a)e a *ront #esk emplo!ee make sure outsi#e o* t+e *acilit! is clean an# pick up an! garbage aroun# t+e buil#ing or in t+e parking lot& o %n December t+e Manager 3ill bu! ; ne3 garbage cans, 1 *or outsi#e an# ? *or insi#e& 5eep Current Members& o %n !earl! customer sur)e! ask about customer satis*action about t+e number or mac+ines, courts an# sta**& Meet t+e nee#s mentione# in t+e sur)e!&

8 11 8

o ')er! 2 mont+s beginning in anuar!, t+e Manager 3ill up#ate t+e 3ebpage& Making sure t+e calen#ar o* e)ents is #ispla!e# at least a mont+ in a#)ance& Promote g!m members+ip& o -+e Manager 3ill implement a bun#le pricing o* 2 one +our sessions 3it+ a personal trainer 3it+ a ne3 or rene3e# g!m members+ip& +. Calen$ar

Calendar of Events Beginning December 2006

Event $adio Advertising !end Mailers B y !igns %ire More !taff !taff &raining Meeting ! pply %ealth Maga'ines C stomer ! rvey (mplement ! ggestion Bo) *eep E+ ipment ,pdated (ncrease %o rs of "peration Clean (nside Clean " tside B y -arbage Cans Assess #eeds for E+ ipment Begin ,pdating .ebpage /romote B ndle Month Dec Jan Feb Mar April May J ne J ly A g !ept "ct #ov Dec


Bu$get 8 12 8

B dget
Advertisement on $adio Time on Radio Radio Station come to Stroops /ri'es Gift Certificates Mailers Graphic Designer rinting !ai"ers #$in%o&s' !ai"ing post cards to Target !ar%et !ignage -nte"ope Dri.e Sign Sign in /reeport Center Sign on 0ui"ding !emi8Ann al !taff Meeting Guest Spea%er #1 per +ear' 1mp"o+ee attendance ! bscribe to health maga'ines Fitness Flex Health C stomer ! rvey Cop+ing #$in%o&s' ! ggestion Bo) Disinfecting Machines 4ater 0ott"es Disinfecting 5i6uid (ncrease ho rs of operation *eep E+ ipment ,pdated -arbage Cans 7utside #1' 8nside #,' B ndle /ricing ersona" Trainer per person 3 spots a $85.00 per spot

0211200 02100200 0210200 0341200 0225200 026375200

10 at $25.00 $35.00 per hour for 5 hours ()122 mai"ers at .10 * cop+ #,*page ' ()122 mai"ers at .2,

-.erage $8.00 per hour Su2scription for 1 +ear Su2scription for 1 +ear Su2scription for 1 +ear 1000 sur.e+s at .10 * cop+ $ 50.00 3 2 #2 per page'

0210200 0900200 039200 021200 031200

0300200 030200 021200 0300200 016:46200 036000200 0900200 0320200

25 2ott"es at 1.00 each 10 ga". -t $10.00 per ga".

2,0 peop"e at 2 hours per person 9 ,80 hours 3 $15.00 per hour


&otal Mar;eting /lan B dget


Evaluation 8 13 8

a. *rocess Evaluation -+e o3ner o* Stroops Fitness Club 3ill be in c+arge o* making sure t+e action steps are carrie# out t+roug+out t+e !ear accor#ing to t+e calen#ar& $nce a mont+ o3ner 3ill place a letter to all emplo!ees regar#ing t+e acti)it! o* t+e mont+ an# t+e goals set *or t+at mont+& He 3ill be in c+arge o* monitoring t+e progress o* eac+ action as 3ell as t+e outcome o* t+e goal an# acti)ities& At t+e en# o* t+e mont+ eac+ emplo!ee 3ill +a)e a c+ance to e)aluate t+at mont+:s acti)ities an# goals an# gi)e suggestions to t+e o3ner *or impro)ement as 3ell as successes an# *ailures o* t+e goals an# acti)ities& b. 'utcome Evaluation At t+e en# o* t+e !ear Stroops 3ill e)aluate t+e success o* t+e ra#io promotion b! keeping atten#ance at t+e e)ent as 3ell as to see i* people mentione# t+e a# on t+e ra#io an#6or t+e *l!ers& -o #etermine i* t+e goal o* increase# current customer satis*action 3as accomplis+e#, t+e o3ner 3ill anal!Ge t+e results o* t+e sur)e!s in December o* 2006 an# December o* 2007& Dast, Stroops Fitness Club 3ill look at t+e #ata relating to current customers o* December 2006 an# compare it 3it+ December 2007 members+ip&

8 1? 8

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