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Talisay City College Prefinal Examination ECE C10: MATHEMATICS FOR YO !" CHI#$RE!

!AME: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SCORE: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Test I& M'lti(le C)oi*e& C)oose t)e +est ans,er in e-ery statement or .'estion t)at +est *om(lete t)e statement or ans,ers t)e .'estion& /rite t)e letter +esi0e ea*) n'm+er& /rite 1E2 if t)ere is no ans,er&

1. What do you call our present number system? A. Hieroglypics B. Hindu-Arabic Numeral C. Roman Numeral D. Binary

. What number is the place holder? A. 1 B. C. ! D. "

#. Base-ten is a positional system. $his means that% A. &t represents a 'uantity or empty set . parts. B. +ne,s place is on the right. $he ne-t is the base. metric system. .. $he )ollo*ings are uni'ue )eatures o) base-ten system/ except A. $he systems uses the numerals. B. Base-ten is a positional system. C. $he 0alue o) the *hole number is the product o) its parts or the 0alue assigned to each digit. D. 1eople use the system to per)orm all the basic calculations/ using procedures called algorithms. 2. A one peso is not . times bigger than 2 centa0o. $his implies that A. Nonproportional materials use units o) a certain )or e-change. B. 1roprotional materials sho* relationship by si3e. C. A and b is correct. D. $he abo0e statements are incorrect. 5-8. What conception is shown on the following situations? Choose your answer below. 4. $he child 5no*s that there are decades in0ol0ed such as #"/ ."/ 2". Ho*e0er/ a)ter counting to !/ the child *ildly guesses *hat comes ne-t. $he child /may mi- decades *ith other numbers. 6or e-ample/ !/ ."/ #1/ 4"/ 2". $he child,s 0ie* is 2" ones and ones. 7. $he child counts by saying one ten / t*o tens/ three tens/ )our tens/ and then adds the ones. +r the child might s5ip the *ord ten and imply its presence by saying/ one/ t*o/ three/ )our/ and )i0e.$he childs adds the ones. 6i)ty and si- are 24. 8. $he childs counts out the number by ones. 6i)ty-si- means 24 ones. D. &t e-tends to decimals and is used in C. (alue o) the *hole number is the sum o) its

!. $he child counts/ 1"/ "/ #"/ ."/ 2" and then add ones/ 21/2 /2#/2./22/24.

A. Unitary-Multidigit C. "e#uence $ens and %nes.

. !ecade and ones. !. Units of $ens

1". 921- 2 e'uals%%.& thin5 2: 2 :1 is e'ual to%;. $his sho*s<<<<< A. 1artial sums )or addition B. 1artial di))erences )or subtraction C. Adding )or subtraction D. 1artial products )or multiplication

11. &n the =gyptian hieroglyphs/ 1""" is represented *ith <<<<<<<. A. Hobble )or castle B. Coil o) rope C. Dra*ing o) a lotus plant D. 6inger

1 . Drin5ing stra*s/ rubber bands/ stic5s/ co))ee stirrers/ beans and cups are e-ample o) <<<<<< manipulati0es. A. 1roportional >nonlin5ed? B. Nonproportional C. 1roprotional >lin5ed? D. Nonproprtional >nonlin5ed?

1#. @oney and abacus are e-ample o) <<<<<<manipulati0es. A. 1roportional >nonlin5ed? B. Nonproportional C. 1roprotional >lin5ed? D. Nonproprtional >nonlin5ed?

1.. @anipulati0es that come pre)ormed and cannot be ta5en apart to )orm loose units. A. 1roportional >nonlin5ed? B. Nonproportional C. 1roprotional >lin5ed? D. Nonproprtional >nonlin5ed?

12. @aterials use units o) a certain 0alue )or e-change. A. 1roportional >nonlin5ed? B. Nonproportional C. 1roprotional >lin5ed? D. Nonproprtional >nonlin5ed?

14. $here is usally a )iner gradation o) measure that is more accurate. $he )ollo*ing situation tal5s about measurement *hich is%. A. @ost measurement are additi0e B. @easurement is transiti0e C. Aome measurement are not additi0e D. @easurement is appro-imate

17. &) the length o) my paper is 1 inches and the length o) my ruler is 1 inches/ and the length o) my boo5 is also 1 inches/ then my boo5 and my paper ha0e the same length. $his sho*s that%. A. @ost measurement are additi0e B. @easurement is transiti0e 18. +ne cup o) sugar and C. Aome measurement are not additi0e D. @easurement is appro-imate

cups o) *ater. $his mi-ture is not # cups. &t means that%

A. @ost measurement are additi0e B. @easurement is transiti0e

C. Aome measurement are not additi0e D. @easurement is appro-imate

1!. Be)ore and a)ter the process o) measuring/ children guess and B or estimate the results. Which o) the )ollo*ing situations sho*s guessing? A. A large mayonnaise Car cannot hold 9 a million coo5ies;. B. $he child logically thin5 the number o) marbles in a Car by counting the marbles on the bottom layer and counting the number o) layers. C. Children see that a *hole unit is not used. D. None o) the abo0e. ". When does guessing occurs? A. When the child pulls an ans*er out o) no*hereDa *ild stab at the result *orth no )orethought. B. When children see that the *hole unit isn,t used. C. When children thin5 logically. D. When they are able to see relationships in each )actors obser0ed. 1. (ery young children *ill thin5 that a strip co0ered *ith 9more; smaller units is longer than an identical strip co0ered *ith larger units. $his is supported in *hat statement? A. @easurement relies on the concept that the obCect maintains the same 0olume or *eight/ i) it is mo0ed or di0ided into parts. B. Children ha0e di))iculties in the concept o) unit/ the relationship o) unit si3e to the number o) units needed/ and ho* to apply the units. C. Children do not naturally use measurement tools in e0eryday li0es. D. &n te-tboo5s illustrations by the authors are scaled. . A small pingpong ball is hea0ier than a small rubber ball. 1iaget e-plained that%. A. Children li5e to count to sol0e problems. B. Children must ma5e the transition )rom counting separate units to using units that 0ary by 'uantity. C. Children are easily )ooled by appearance. D. Children do not naturally use measurement tools in e0eryday li0es. #. Which o) the )ollo*ing is the appropriate se'uence in the method )or measuring? &. Choose the appropriate unit gaps *. Count the units +. !ecide on what to do with the lefto(er parts '. Use the unit to co(er the ob)ect with no spaces or

A. 1/#/./


#/./ /1/


1/ /#/.


./#/ /1

.. Which does not belong to the group? A. Eength and Height $emperature 2. &) & am # years older than Fohn/ & *ill al*ays be # years older. $his time concept is called <<<<<. A. Duration B. Auccession C. concept o) age D. time B. Area C. (olume and capacity D.

$est ,,- $rue or .alse. Write $rue if the state/ent is true and false if not. Write your answer on the space pro(ided. <<<<<<<<<1. +ur culture uses base-t*el0e in measurement o) length >inches?/ 'uantity >a do3en?/ and time >1 hours? <<<<<<<<< . &) children use their natural *ay to thin5/ they de0elop con)idence and accuracy/ *hile computing *ith big numbers. <<<<<<<<<#. Goung children li5e to touch and mo0e obCects *hile Hamii and her associates pre)er to present a problem on the board and listen to the classroom con0ersation *ithout the use o) any learning aids. <<<<<<<<<.. When a number is hal)*ay or more than hal)*ay *e round do*n. <<<<<<<<<2. Rounding is related to position/ that is the tens *ill be rounded up or <<<<<<<<<4. +ne help)ul *ay to illustrate rounding is by the use o) number lines. <<<<<<<<<7. =nglish system units arose o0er many centuries in =urope and *ere deri0ed )rom natural measures. > an inch *as three barley corns/ a )oot the length o) the human )oot/ etc? <<<<<<<<<8. Children e-perience temperature as the seasons change. <<<<<<<<<!. Real money pro0ides better hands on than play money. <<<<<<<<<1". $he )undamental unit o) 0olume is the cubic inch or the cubic centimeter. $est ,,,- !irection- !raw the 0gyptian 1ieroglyphs for the following nu/bers. 2' points each nu/ber3 1. 1"/""" . 1" #. #8 .. 1""/""" 2. 1/""" 4. 12# 7. 1/ 478 8. !. # 1"1

1". 2/222

1repared byI @r. Aher*in Henneth Aabellano

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