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anuary 13, 2014

SenaLor !eff kleln
Chalr, lndependenL uemocraLlc Caucus
LeglslaLlve Cfflce 8ulldlng, 8oom 913
Albany, n? 12247

uear Sen. kleln:
l read wlLh greaL lnLeresL a news arLlcle ln Lhe !"# %&'( )*+,- !"#. Loday (Rejecting NYCs pre-k Lax
proposal could lead to statewide feud over taxes, 1/13/14) regardlng leglslaLlon LhaL would allow new
?ork ClLy Lo lncrease Laxes Lo fund an educaLlon lnlLlaLlve.
1he upshoL of Lhls arLlcle ls LhaL you wlll use your poslLlon as co-leader of Lhe new ?ork SLaLe SenaLe Lo
lnslsL on a voLe on Lhls Lax maLLer.
l applaud Lhe clarlLy and resolve of your commenLs ln Lhls arLlcle lndeed, expanded access Lo pre-k ls a
measure LhaL wlll lmprove Lhe llves of women, parenLs, and chlldren across new ?ork ClLy. 8uL l cannoL
help buL wonder why Lhls exerclse of your power would be llmlLed only Lo Lhls speclflc maLLer of Laxes.
l belleve LhaL proLecLlng womens reproductive rights ls a cruclal step toward womens equality and fully
merlLs equal enLhuslasm and commlLmenL on your parL.
Speclflcally, l would ask LhaL you Lo lnslsL on a voLe for Lhe full 10-point Womens Equality Act. Women
of Lhe sLaLe expecL and deserve such a voLe. We are confldenL LhaL Lhe leglslaLlon would pass lf broughL
Lo Lhe floor. 8uL even lf lL dld noL, we would vlew a voLe on Lhe maLLer Lo be a very poslLlve
developmenL. ln Lhls regard, lL would allow new ?orkers Lo deLermlne deflnlLlvely Lhe acLual poslLlon of
each and every one of Lhelr SenaLor on Lhe crlLlcal maLLer of lnsLllllng Lhe proLecLlons of /&" 01 2*3" ln
sLaLe law.
WlLh respecL, l would suggesL LhaL lf you can lnslsL on a voLe on Lhe Lax maLLer, you can lnslsL on a voLe
for the Womens Equality Act.
Cn behalf of nA8AL ro-Cholce new ?ork and Lhe women across new ?ork who need and supporL
access Lo reproducLlve healLh care, l urge you Lo do so as soon as posslble.
very Lruly yours,

Andrea Mlller, resldenL
nA8AL roCholce new ?ork
Cc: LeglslaLlve leaders, Covernor Andrew Cuomo

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