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05/17/2007 10:36 5168684276 MDR CORP PAGE 02

Material Sa ely Data Sheet U.S. Department of Labor

May be used t ccmply with
OSHA', Ha.za, CommunICation Standard.
29 CFFl ,g,O.' I!oo. Standard must be
occup.tlcnal S.fety end Health Administrlltion
(Non ..Ma"d,tory Form)
Form Approved
consulted lor st fecific requirements.
OMS No. '2,8-0072
IOfHnTY (As U ~M~ondU>t) No,.. Blltnk JPCKlI''' "'''''' pemdrtfd. 11 any IIWn f.$ OOt lIJQiicllDM, 0/ no
MDR-IRO t.rni ~E"d nin _ RF.n rlotm.t.ion ;.r IVu.bit. "" IPiC'II must be ~ to indc.~ tn~f,
S~tlon I
Manufacturer's N
Marine Deve ooment & Research Corn.
EmotgOnov T""'phone Numoer
Addross (Nurnoe. Sho( City, SIlt., _ ZIP ~) Toiep/lcoe NumllOr foIlnlotma•.,n
Jl'~ Mo~riel Avon,,~ 0,,;'0 finn, 1-516-546-1162
... "~ NY 1'1%(,
Dala P_od
.ln1 v 1 2006
s~.,.,"" 01 P",pa'", (opDOfllli)

Section II - ~rdOUs Ingredlentslldentlty Infonmatlon

Other Utnlts
HazamOt,l$ COm Pnents ISl>OCroc Chemical _ : Common """"1)) OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV Recommended % (O/l_o/)

Non-Ionic S Irf2ctant nont-2ins Q-10 of (F.1l N/E

Ethvlene Gl col (CAsll 107-21-1) N/E
Proovlene G ,vcol n-butvl ether:
_ _ _ }~j.m
'-'- ;ifii;;? 1_:2~:~~
Dlprapylene Glycol Butyl Ether (CASU 29911-28-2)
* Resin (c llodial emul~ion) contains Acrylic Vinyl
wHn \' 'lny.L cn.LOrlae) .Less man .001. (CASH 75-01-4)
Red Pigment N/E
VOC-46 g IL (172 gl1l/Gal) HMIS Ratings; H-O P-O R-O Personal Prote.ction:l\llG

* This produ t is not known to contain a substance subject to 'Section 313 of Title III of the
Superfu Id Amendments and ReauthorlzatJ.on Act of 1986 (SARA) and 40 CPR 372 at or above
de mini us amounts.

Section III - Physlcal/Chflmlcal Characterlstlca

eo.linv FloirtC Spoclfic G-.ty IH,o • ')
245·P 1.04
v""", F'r....... I m Hg.) ....,"lI ","Ill
Vapot C)@nMy (AI . ')
e'4POf~tiOo Ral.
(Butyl 1ICOIa.. • 1) 1

SoluDllJty In Wal81
Comoletelv water dilutable
Apoearao<o _

Latex oain odor' red/dark oink color

Section IV- Flre and Explosion Haz:ard Data
~I.u/"l F'o,,,' I,Mel'" >d USOCll Flamma(llt Umils m II UEL
NA Non-flammable 1

ExIlngulsIMg Mec 13.

Dry chemical foam, CO2
5oee1al F,re Frgfll ng P""""'u'"
Trea as a latex oaint f1re. Wet surrounding areaS with water/spray.

Uf'lUlUIII ~111J and Exploslon H"''''s

ContAt~ \.11 h lar~~ :lllounts of OX1rtQg/pQrm~n&~n~tes/perchlOrateSean result ln lntenSe heat
and posslb e explosion.

-"" 100&1'" - OSHA 1'., s.pt. , .

05/17/2007 10:35 5158584275 MDR CORP PAGE 03

Section V - Reactivity Data MDR-180 Whip-End Dip (all colors) Page 2

S~lhry Unstable Coodltiona 10 Avoid

Stanle X Freezing; oxididng agents

Incompill1bility (
'IA.ttr'.', 10 Avola')
De oxideiDerman~anates/ner·~'~~"·es. Denendin. on amount ~ontact can n's"l- in
Ha.zwoys Deco ~tion or Byprlldue.ts intense heat:~ explosion
toxic eas ~ 'neration ico COo)
H&lMClOUS May OO:ur ConditiOns 10 A\IOid
Will NOI OCCur

Section VI - Health Hazar<! Data

A<M~sJ 01 Eruty: In'&l&lIOn? 1G S~n? Ingntlon7
Health HaUfds ( CUlt lIIld C/lfOfII¢)
Hav cause irritation when in contact with skin Dr eveS. Toxic bv in"estion.

C.rl:ll"lOQen1clty ; NTl'? IAAC MO!1OInI>hI? OSHA Regulaled?
No No

Signs and SymPl 111, of EJr:po.sur.

M. ~ .... ~ i ,,"i P"'''lnn.ed And TPne"ted contact mav cause more irritation. Skin contact
• •
ca.uSeS defa ting and drying of skin. Breathing of vapors may cause: headache. dizziness.
MediCO! Condillot
G_rally Agg... ,.., "y Expo<ure Dermatitis; dry or sensitive skin.

Emergor<:y .n<! ,m~dPnxodu"" EYES: Flush with water. SKIN: W~~h thoroughly with eoap and water.
rrlll1· 1< 1" •• 'ow ot,"i~';ino 1M• . ,,~.. D, • • • •"ie. • . . . ".inn.s mav be toxic bv .
Section VII - Precaution. lor Sale Handling and Use
Sleps 10 Be Take in case "'al""l1 I. Rtleand or SllOlled
D'nn 1 • • • • hot .. ~ m",.h of so ill as possible. Absorb with inert material su~h as sand.
Place in cl sed, labeled container for disposal.

Wast. (l;soooal I Olnod

n<.nn.~ nf ~g._~ in ~, .n~".n ~ .. with Federal State and Local re~ulations for latex paint
precautions Ie ~ taklltn in Handlr.g ao12 Storing
Handle as a latex material coatin~ containin~ toxi~ants. Spilled latex material is very
slippery. S ore at room temperat~re.
Ou,\@l' PrtlCaull0n
Avoid freezing.

Section VIII ,.. COntrol M~asures

RltSDlralory Prol FI'O" ISf><I<:ify Typo)
Use 1£ available, but should not be neceSsarv.
Venilla.tlon loeal exn'ul1 SpeeioJ
MecnanlCaI (GeMral) Otrler
Not r@quired.
Protoctrve GIOV&
Rubber or plastic
lEy. ProtOOlIOn Goggles or face shield
Other PrvtectlVa lotl'Mg or EQUIpment
Lon2 sleeve shi~t 10n2 pants
Wortl/l1yglilnlC P alC..
Wash exposed skin with soap and water after handling. Remove contawin8~ed
clothing a d wash before wearing. p~~ • 'J~G"O -.;.tl-~"''')JH I...

B5/17/2B07 10:35 5158584275 MDR CORP PAGE 04

Matenal sarety Data Sheet

U.S. Department of Labor
May be: used I comply wilh Ckeuoatio",1 Sa'ew and Health Administration
OSHA's Ha.z:ar Communication Standard I
INon-MIr'ldi:ltory Form 1
29 CFFl 1910.1 ~, Siandard mU$1 ~. Form Approved
consulted tor sc ~itic r9Q.uirembnts.
OMS No. 1218-0072
IOENTTT"!' (A.$ U 100 "" ,.."., .... lJo') Nor.: BIenJr!PICS! .,. 1"101 perml'rMQ."MY INtrI /$ not .",weabltt. 0' "0
MIlR-IRO Whi -Enn Dio - """'1''' ;,(cmUlti01 i$ .v&ilable. m. space mlJ,t Oil trl8lKed to .tI11IC... tIla!,

Section I
Manufacturer's N IT>o Emefoltncy TOlepr-.on. Nl,lmt>el
Marine Deve nnment • Resea.ch Corn. l-AOO-S35-S0S3
ADdrMS (Num(}e StrNr, Ciry, stlIla, 1M liP C«1o) TeMphOne Number 10' Iniormation
7\ln M~~r<" Av, •• 0 .. < H 4001 1-516~546-1162
081. Prepared
Mprrick. NY 11%n .r.. 1" 1 2006
Signalur. of Pf1l~aie; (c¥JOOIl&/)

Se<:tion II - HazardOUS Irlgredlenlslldenllty Infonmallon

Olrw, I..Jmlll
Ha.za'cJou~ Com ~ (Spoclllc ChomIe>J 1d0l't11y; COmmon N.mo(S)) OSHA PEL ACGIH ltV R.eommAnded .. (0P1XY'1I)

~on-Ton{"" S krfact~nt roon.ains 0-1 n of fE/O) N{E

Ethvlene Gl reol (CASH l07-21-ll N{E
Ethylene Cl ¢ol Monoethyl Ether (CASH 111-90-0) N/E
T!. tanium Di xide (CASO 13463-67-7) 10 mg/Mj

• Resin (0 110dia1 emulsion) contains Acrylic Vinyl
wlCn \' "nF CO.lonoe) .le •• Ulan .001% ICASU /)-UI-4)

VOC=46 gil (172 gm/gal) HMIS: a-o R-O y-O Personal Protection;::G
• This produ t is not known to contain a substance subject toSeotion 313 of Title III of the
Supedu d Amendments and Reauthoruatlon Aot nf 1986 (SARA) and 40 CFR 372 at or above
de mini uS amounts..

Section III - PhySical/Chemical Chara~tertstl~s

6Qlling PlJll"l1 5pocIfic Gra",1y (H,o • 1)
24S'Y 1.04
\laJ;IOI pr....loIre I m HQ-l Melting Potnt
v""'" o.nMy (AI • 1) e~.(ion Rate
NA (BUry! AcoIal •• 1) >1
.$oll"ltlllity .n Wale
Completely water dl1utable
A,gQltar:a.nce ind

Late" oain odor' Wh i h 1; nHid (<lries white)

Section IV - Flr. Ind explosion Hazard Data ..
I=lilo:!ir'l POI/',l I.Mr." ~U_)
Flamm*bll limits
Non-flauunab1e I LEL I UEl
E~''"'9UI:sl'.ln9 Me

Spec:lal FI'" F"IQ'" ng

'. Dry chellioal
foam, CO2

trea .. a late" caint fire. Wet surroundin~ areas with water/spray .

uru,/.$l,laJ F"lte and I!.<~"""'"

w1 h large at1tount. of oxide./permanganate./pe.chlo.ates can result in intense heat

and possib e explosion.

_YO ""aI'Il
- OStiA 'U,~, ,_
05/17/2007 10:36 5168684276 MDR CORP PAGE 03

Section v - Reactivity Data MDR-180 Whip-End Dip (all colors) Page 2

Stl-bil.T)' \Jnmble Coodlliona 10 AvtMd

Stable X Freezing; oXidizing agents

IncoMpatlbility ( .terlal" 10 Avola)
Hvdro~en ne oxideTDerrtlan2anates/oer eh1 M·~tes. Denendirto on amo..n' "nntact can r"SlIl. irt
H..,ar<lOlJ. Oecl> position or Elyp!1ld1JCtS intense heat, explosion
toxic 2as 2 merationiCO.CO
HazardOiJl M.y OCCur CaldiliOno to A,.,;o
WIll Not Otcur

Section VI - Health Huard Data

Aoute(liIl 01 Enlry: I"hll'''''''? 1< S~,,? Ingntjon?
lj X
Mealtl'l Mu,rd.s ( cute and CIIrDrII¢)
Mav cause irritation when in contact with skin or eveS. Toxic bv in~estion.

Carcinoge",clty: NTl'? IAFiC MonowBPhs7 OSHA Regulated?

No No

Su~ns and Symgl ms 01 E,):pOSUre

Mn;' -•. • ~i>.Hnn. "~nlnnoed nnd r~ne.ted contact mav cauSe more irritation. Skin contact
0 ••

cauSeS defa ting and drying of skin. Breathing of vapors may cause headache. dizziness.
Medi<Ol Con'hllol
Gene'ally A<;grav "., oy E.posure Dermatitis; dry or sensitive skin.

emetgoncy ,no "'" Aia PIll,,",au... EYES: Flush with water. SKIN~, Wa~h thoroughly with soap and water.
hl1 .. , '- ~"'~t~" in •••" •.•••• ~ Oaat.. " ·-·i~n 's m.v be toxic bv.
Section VII - Precaution. lor S.'e Handling and U,e
Steps 10 Be Tak ,n case "'OI""aJ I. _ _ '" SplloO
O'nn 1 •• 1< • ,.I on'" .0 Mssible. Absorb with inert material such a. sand.
u _ .. _,- "F
Place in cl sed, labeled container for disposal.

waste O<'POSlI ~ OtIlO<l

".. of .go,,, ,. . ..hh Federal State and Local reoulation. for latex paint
~ec.Ullon5 to 54 t.~8n in Handli1g .I"t~ Storing
Handle as a latex mat ..rial coat!M cotttainine tOJ<icants. Spilled latex material ie very
slippery. S ore at room temperature.
Otl"let' PrecaullO"
Avoid freeZing.

Section VIII ~ Control M~a,ures

~~!CMr.to~ Prol'" .,on lS-iJy Type)
Use if available, but should not be necessarv.
Venlilatlon local eJlPlClUrl Spe<:ial
Mec:nJin~al (GeMral) OtP'ler
Not required.
ProlKlrve 010\'&
Rubber or plastic
lEy. ProtOOlIOn Goggles or face shield
Otner Prct8G1lVe Icn:I'M 9 or EqUI~nl t 1
Lonp R' A8ve shirt lon. oants
WorkIHyQlamc P
Wash exposed skin with soap an.d wate.r after handling. Remove contaminated
clothing a d wash before wearing. Pogo 2 • '1,0_0 1"'4;'H.I"H.,"~

51&8&8427& MDR CORP PAGE 05
05/17/2007 10:3&

Malenal Sc 1ely Data Sheet U.S. Department 01 Labor

May be uSed
OSHA's H;tzar
t comply wilh
CommunicatiOn Ste.ndard,
29 CFR 19'0,1 ~, Siandard rnust be
Occupational Safety ,nd Huitt' Administration
INOl"l~Mlnda[ory Form)
Form Approved
consuU~ lor s ~i"c rllQuirom~n ...
OMB No, 121 B-0072
IOENTtTY (A.s U Nol.: B,.,," IPKI' ... fr(H ".""mfld. 11M)' IN'" II no' lCPICabJe. 01 /'10
'"" "" LADOI INJ' till!
XDR-1Rn lolhi - End D1 n • CLEAR tlfMnlOQn 1$ .vlilable. ",. IpiCt MJIt CI manrtd to nd;ce.'f rtl".
Section I
M.l/'lUj~u,.t·s "
Deve lOoment " Research Corn.
(Num/'.::ltt Sl1Hr, c;ry, S'II,.. _ ZIP Codo)
Emergerq TelepMnt Numbir
T"~t Numbtrlor Information
? II ~ "on;, q"i •• I,M' 1-516-546-1162
0118 P'Opared
~e"ri ," NY I I ,~6 ],,1. 1 2006
SignllUf9 01 PrODerer (oPoon,l)

Se<:tion \I - Hll>:lIrdous l~gredlenWldentlty Inlormatlon

Other umls
"'&:1'001.,1$ Com bonanro IS_ftc CI>o","", Id.n1Ily: COmmon Namt{'1) OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV RlI!IcOmmended % (0(JlJQn-'1

~on-Ionic s"rfactant qontain, 9-10 of (Ei) N/E

Etlwlene (;1 col (CASH. 107-21-1) N/E
Propylene GlYcol n-butvl ether:
:propan~t~:~~~~~r. ~~m gY~m:~%:~~
Diprapylene Gly~ol Butyl Ether (CASH 29911-28-2)
• Resin (c pllodial emu16ion) contains Acrylic Vinyl
Wit:"! \ wy" cn10nOe} H$$ tnan .001% 'CASU 75-01-4)

VOC~46 gm L (l72gm/Gal) HHIS Ratings: H-O F-O R-O Personal Protection ~ G

• This produ t 15 not ~nown to contain a substance subject to Section 313 of Title III of the
Superfu nd Amendments and Reauthonzatlon Act of 1986'(SARA) and 40 CFR 372 at 0< above
de min1 mus amount$.

See lion III ~ PhyslcallCh,mleal Cha~~I.r\etlca

SoiI,"9 Pomi Soooiftc Gt8Vl1Y (H,o • , I
24SoF 1.04
"a&lQr PrKSU~ """ Hg.) M.~ng Point
v""" OO""'Y I R • 'I
e~'ltion Rail
) 1
(Butyl _alt • 1I
$ol\,jtllhty ,,, WaJ. r
Completely water dihtable
,,",ge~1I'C 000'
Late. oair t odor' ,,~, white rnlnr in solution(l1ouid form\ dries clear
section IV - Fire and explosion Haard DatA -.
Flaif\ P()ll"o\ I.Mf , Od Used)
Flammabl. LhfliiS
E"1\"'~UI!onI""'Q M 0 ..
Dry che~ical foam, CO2
SPtK=I.tl F,,. F"1l; lang Prt'Cedures
T"e ,r as a lat;ex Daint Hre. Wet surroundinR arca. with water/spray.

UI\USU.aJ l="1I, &I'l

Contact w th lant mounts of oxides!permanKanatts(perchlorates can result 1n intense heat

a.,d poss1 Ie "xploa~on.

"'"""" co _'PyI . OSHA " .., .5ofPI l\ll&

05/17/2007 10:36 5168684276 MDR CORP PAGE 03

Section V - Reactivity Data MDR-180 Whip-End Dip (all colors) Page 2

SLlbIl,T)' Unfieble Conditions 10 A~

Stanle X Freezing; oxidizing agents

IncoMpallblllty ( .terlal" to AW'DIa')
Hvdr02en oe oxide {oerman<lanates / oer'''' ,~•• es. Denendirto on amount ~ontact ca~ ··s.. l. irt
Hu"""". 0000 position or 8yp~ue.ts intense heat, exploaion
toxic "as " meration icOoco )
HUArd".... May coeur C<lndiliCN to A..,;cl
WIll Not QeC':Uf

Section VI - Health Huarcl Data

AoU1e(il of Enlry: 1"""'1I0Il1 510"1 lngntion?
Health Hazards ( cure and ClIffJf1l¢)
Hi'Y cause irritation when in contact with skin or eyes. Toxic bv in2estion.

CarcinogenIcity: NTl'? IAAC M<lf1CI\lr8ph51 OSHA Regulated?

No No

Signs Ind SymQl ms of ExpOSUre

).f.;' '0 .. 0" .~i .. Hnn. Prn' n~oed .nd ~.ne.ted contact rnav cauSe more irritation. Skin contact
cauSeS defa ting and drying of skin. Breathing of vapors may cause headache. dizziness.
MediCal CQn<l,ti(>(
G.".,a"y "'l9rav 1M oy E.pMu,," Dermatitia; dry or sensitive skin.

!mtfgoncy ano
rr,,,, .
II"Sl Ai~ Pmeet!UI'I1
EYES: ~lush .~ith water~ .• ~Kt~~iW~~h,;~~~~~ghlY with "oap and water_
, . , .... h~ Ino ' n . · r r ~.. al 1nrt ~ .....- be toxic bv.
Section VII - Precaulloll~ lor Sale Handling alld U~e
S~eps 10 Be Tak In case MattnaJ Is Rt4e(I,,$8Q ot Spilled
• 'nn , •••• ,rl .~ m .. rh nf ort111 Ao nnsaible • Absorb with inert material such as sand.
Place in cl sed, labeled container for disposal.

Was1e OisPOSal
T)i onn •• nf ~AO'O in
OI- .~A.~,., wich Fedpral State and Local re~ulations for latex Daint
Prec8utlons 10 ~ t.tlen in HBrodli1g And Storing
Handle as a latex material coatin~ containing toxicants. Spilled late~ material ia very
slippery. store at room temperature.
OI1"er Precaution
Avoid freezing •

Section VIII • eolltrol M~a$ures

F\~$c.rltory Prot ~Ion IS-ify Type)
Use i f available, but should not be neceSSarv.
Venllla~lon LlXal !.h,U$'l Special
Mecnaf'lCal (GeMral) ~ner
Not required.
Protectrve OIOV& I Eye ProTectIOn Goggles or face shield
Rubber or olastic
Olner ProCIC11V8 lctl'Mg or EQUI~n\ Sll
Lort" Leeve shirt. lon~ pants
WoBil1Y9lfJmC P ~<1IC"
Wash eXDosed skin with soap and water after handling. Remove contaIDinated
clothing ar d wash before wearing. Pogo 2 ,,'J'CtoO l"'~':'H.~""''''

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