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Caitlin O'Byrne

Professor Allan Tomhave

Argument Paper #1

15 November 2007

Reforming the Morality of a Culture: Is it possible?

Cultural Relativism is defined as having no true objective moral standards for cultures. There is also,

according to cultural relativists, no standard by which to compare cultures. They also believe the moral code of a

culture is what determines what is either right or wrong in that culture. Many cultural relativists believe that this theory

is the moral way of thinking. But what they don’t take into account the presence of influential and powerful moral


One argument against Cultural Relativism is the “Morals Reformers Argument”. The premises are simple. 1) If

Cultural Relativism is true, then moral reformers are always wrong. 2) Moral reformers are not always wrong. 3)

Therefore, Cultural Relativism is false. All of these premises are true; therefore this argument must be true.

The Moral Reformers Argument was mentioned in The Elements of Moral Philosophy. According to Cultural

Relativism, there is no chance for social advancement and all moral reformers who go against the social norm at the

time are wrong and immoral. Rachels brings up Martin Luther King. According to Cultural Relativism, Martin Luther

King’s thinking could be considered immoral. But think about the work he has done? Where would our world be

without his powerful influence and his passion for peace? Martin Luther King and his companions helped make our

nation, and our world, progress towards morality.

Rachels also points out there is one way for moral reformers to be considered good by the strict restrictions

Cultural Relativism. If a society is not living up to its own ideals, the reformer may be regarded as acting for the best

in promoting those ideals. But, according to Cultural Relativism, no one is allowed to challenge the ideals of this

society. This is because by the standards of Cultural Relativism, all of societies ideals are correct.

I believe we must take into account the moral reformers, such as Martin Luther King, Mother Theresa, Jesus,

Eleanor Roosevelt, Ghandi and others. These people have done anything and everything to make society better. Their

beliefs, even though not always in accordance with society’s ideals, are correct and must be considered for moral

progress. Therefore, due to the Moral Reformers Argument, Cultural Relativism must be false.

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