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Chris Ross

Table of Contents
Introduction Weight Training Exercises Workout Plans Eating Right Carboh drates Protein "ats #a$%le &eal Plans Cooking (or &ass )Reci%es* #+eet ,rea$s )-etting Enough Rest* #u%%le$ents Creatine -luta$ine Protein .itric /xide #teroids 0 -ro+th 1or$ones 2od 2uilding (or 1er 2od 2uilding (or Teens Contests 5our Resources Conclusion 3 4 5 12 17 17 1! 21 2' 31 41 43 43 45 4' 4' 47 43 54 53 53 '4

E6er since the (itness cra7e in the 1!348s9 +e ha6e beco$e a nation increasingl a+are o( our health and %h si:ue; &illions o( dollars are s%ent e6er ear in the :uest (or a %er(ect bod ; - $s are big business9 %ersonal trainers are $aking a tid li6ing hel%ing %eo%le sta (it9 and bod building su%%le$ents are at an all<ti$e le6el o( %er(or$ance; In actualit 9 the s%ort o( bod building has been around (or :uite so$e ti$e; In the late 1!th centur 9 the $an kno+n as the =(ather o( bod building>9 Eugen #ando+ +as credited +ith in6enting the s%ort b in6iting %eo%le to 6ie+ his bod in $uscle dis%la %er(or$ances; #ando+ built a stage %er(or$ance around dis%la s o( strength and agilit as +ell as sho+ing o(( a =-recian> %h si:ue +hich +as considered the ulti$ate bod ; 1e beca$e so success(ul9 he created se6eral businesses around his (a$e and +as a$ong the (irst %eo%le to $arket bod building %roducts bearing his na$e; ?s he beca$e $ore %o%ular9 he +as credited +ith the in6ention o( the (irst exercise e:ui%$ent $arketed to the $asses; #ando+ +as also credited +ith beginning the (irst bod building contest called =The -reat Co$%etition> held in @ondon; This co$%etition +as the basis (or $an others to (ollo+ including the &r; /l $%ia co$%etition that re$ains the $ost %o%ular bod building contest to date; When World War II broke out9 $en in the countr +ere ins%ired to beco$e bigger in their %h si:ue9 stronger9 and $ore aggressi6e in their beha6ior; Training techni:ues +ere i$%ro6ed9 nutrition +as (ocused on $ore than e6er9 and bod building e:ui%$ent e6ol6ed into e((ecti6e $eans (or +orking $uscles in +a s ne6er thought o( be(ore; It +as also around this ti$e that $an bod building organi7ations ca$e into being9 including the ?$ateur ?thletic Anion and the International "ederation o( 2od 2uilding; In 1!749 bod building +as taken to a ne+ le6el +hen the (il$ =Pu$%ing Iron> +as released starring ?ustrian ne+co$er ?rnold #ch+ar7enegger;

Through the ears9 bod building has Bust gro+n in %o%ularit beco$ing al$ost an obsession (or $an %eo%le; Wo$en ha6e started to take an interest in honing their bodies9 and the s%ort has e6ol6ed into a real co$%etiti6e arena; I( ou86e al+a s +anted to learn about ho+ to build our bod to that =-recian Ideal> en6isioned b Eugen #ando+9 there can be a lot to learn; This book +ill guide ou through so$e o( the basics to get ou started; /( course9 nothing +ill co$%are to actuall getting to the g $ and li(ting those +eights9 but ou8ll need so$e in(or$ation (irst; That8s +h +e8re here; We +ant to re6eal bod building secrets to 5/A;

2od building is the %rocess o( de6elo%ing $uscle (ibers through 6arious techni:ues; It is achie6ed through $uscle conditioning9 +eight training9 increased caloric intake9 and rest; Workouts are designed to (ocus on certain $uscle categories9 and (oods are consu$ed +ith the intention to build the bod 8s $etabolis$ and increase $ass; This section +ill (ocus on +eight training (or bod builders; Weight training de6elo%s both strength as +ell as the si7e o( skeletal $uscles; It uses the (orce o( gra6it to o%%ose the (orce generated b $uscles through contraction; Weight training uses a 6ariet o( s%eciali7ed e:ui%$ent designed to target s%eci(ic $uscle grou%s and $o6e$ents; #o$e %eo%le re(er to +eight training as strength training; While the are not exactl the sa$e9 the are both si$ilar to each other; #trength training (ocuses on increasing $uscular strength and si7e; Weight training is one t %e o( strength training using +eights as the %ri$ar (orce to build $uscle $ass; The basic %rinci%les o( +eight training are %rett $uch the sa$e as those o( strength training; It in6ol6es a $ani%ulation o( the nu$bers o( re%s9 sets9 te$%o9 exercise t %es9 and +eight $o6ed to cause desired increases in strength9 endurance9 si7e9 or sha%e; The s%eci(ic co$bination o( re%s9 sets9 exercises9 and +eight de%ends u%on the desires o( the bod builder; #ets +ith (e+er re%s

can be %er(or$ed +ith hea6ier +eights but ha6e a reduced i$%act on endurance; E:ui%$ent used in +eight training include barbells9 du$bbells9 %ulle s9 and stacks in the (or$ o( +eight $achines or the bod 8s o+n +eight as in %ush<u%s and chin<u%s; ,i((erent +eights +ill gi6e di((erent t %es o( resistance; Weight training also (ocuses on (or$ %er(or$ing the $o6e$ents +ith the a%%ro%riate $uscle grou%s and not trans(erring the +eight to di((erent bod %arts in order to $o6e great +eight; I( ou don8t use good (or$ in +eight training9 ou risk $uscle inBur +hich could hinder our %rogress; ?nother (or$ o( +eight training is resistance training; Resistance training in6ol6es the use o( elastic or h draulic resistance to contraction rather than gra6it ; When our $uscles are resisting a +eight9 the o6erall tone o( that $uscle +ill gro+ o6er ti$e; I( ou are a beginner at +eight training9 ou should not Bust =Bu$% right in>; 5ou need to build u% our strength and o6er<+orking our $uscles can cause $ore har$ than good; #o$e o( our $uscles $ight be naturall stronger than others; 2uilding u% slo+l allo+s $uscles to de6elo% a%%ro%riate strengths relati6e to each other; &ost g $s o((er the ser6ices o( a %ersonal trainer that co$es +ith the $e$bershi% (ee; These trainers can suggest s%eci(ic +orkouts (or ou to begin +ith; I( ou +ant to undertake it oursel(9 +e can $ake a (e+ suggestions on routines that can hel% ou build $uscle and get on the +a to a great bod ; "irst9 +e8ll de(ine so$e co$$on exercise (or clari(ication;

5ou $a not be (a$iliar +ith so$e o( the ter$inolog used in bod building; ?long the sa$e line9 ou should kno+ +hat certain exercises are and ho+ to sa(el %er(or$ the$; There are all sorts o( exercises ou can %er(or$ C so $an 9 in (act9 s%ace %re6ents us (ro$ listing all o( the$; 1o+e6er9 learning the basics can be a great hel%;


en!h "ress

#it on the edge o( a (lat bench +ith the du$bbells resting on our knees; In one s$ooth $otion9 roll onto our back and bring the du$bbells u% to a %osition slightl outside and abo6e our shoulders; 5our %al$s should be (acing (or+ards; 2end our elbo+s at a ninet <degree angle +ith our u%%er ar$s %arallel to the ground; Press the +eights u% o6er our chest in a triangular $otion until the $eet abo6e the center line o( our bod ; ?s ou li(t9 concentrate on kee%ing the +eights balanced and under control; "ollo+ the sa$e %ath do+n+ard;

Stan#in$ %ilitary "ress

"or this exercise9 ou +ill use a barbell; #tand +ith our legs about shoulder +idth a%art and li(t the barbell to our chest; @ock our legs and hi%s and kee% our elbo+s in slightl under the bar; Press the bar to ar$8s length o6er our head; @o+er the bell to our u%%er chest or our chin de%ending on +hich is $ore co$(ortable (or ou; This exercise can also be %er(or$ed +ith du$bbells or seated on a +eight bench;

&yin$ Tri!e' "ush

#it on a (lat bench holding a curl bar +ith an o6erhand gri%; @ie back so that the to% o( our head is e6en +ith the end o( the +eight bench; ?s ou are l ing back9 extend our ar$s o6er our head so that the bar is directl o6er our e es; Dee% our elbo+s tight and our u%%er ar$s stationar throughout the exercise; The biggest ke to this exercise is kee%ing our u%%er ar$s in a (ixed %osition; #lo+l lo+er the bar until it al$ost touches our (orehead; Press the bar back u% in a slo+9 s+ee%ing arc<like $otion; ?t the (inish9 lock our elbo+s co$%letel ;

Si#e &ateral Dumbbell Raise

#tand u%right +ith our (eet shoulder +idth a%art and our ar$s at our side; 1old a du$bbell in each hand +ith our %al$s turned to+ard our bod ; Dee% our ar$s straight and li(t the +eights out and u% to the sides until the are slightl higher than shoulder le6el; Then slo+l lo+er the$ back do+n to our side again;

Dee% our %al$s turned do+n+ard as ou li(t the du$bbells so that our shoulders rather than our bice%s do the +ork; &ake sure ou are li(ting the du$bbells u% rather than s+inging the$ u%; ,on8t lean (or+ard +hile doing this either or ou risk inBur to our back;

"rea!her Curls
This exercise is best done +ith a s%ecial %reacher curl bench9 but ou can do this +ithout it +ith a little $odi(ication; #it at the end o( the +eight bench9 and %lace so$ething such as a (ir$ %illo+ or a (e+ %illo+s under our ar$%its on our la%; 1old the curl bar in our hands +ith %al$s (acing u%+ard; ,on8t hunch o6er the %illo+9 sit as straight as ou can; Asing a shoulder +idth gri%9 gras% the bar in both hands; Curl the bar u%+ard in an arc; 2e care(ul not to s+ing or rock to get the bar $o6ing; 5ou need to be using our $uscles to li(t the +eight9 not $o$entu$; The goal o( this exercise is to +ork the bice%s; 2ring the bar u% to our chin kee%ing in $ind that the resistance is greatest during the beginning o( the li(t; @o+er the bar slo+l +orking the $uscle on the +a do+n as +ell; 5ou can also do this +ith du$bbells or +ork one ar$ at a ti$e;

Seate# Dumbbell Curl

#it at the end o( a bench +ith our (eet (ir$l on the (loor; Dee% our back straight and our head u%; #tart +ith the du$bbells at ar$8s length +ith our %al$s (acing in; Curl the +eight u% and t+ist our +rist once the %ass our thighs; #:uee7e our bice%s at the to% and then slo+l lo+er the +eight; ,o not s+ing the du$bbells do+nE lo+er the$ as ou are +orking those $usclesF 5ou can do this standing9 but the seated %osition %re6ents bad (or$;

One(Arm Dumbbell Ro)

#tart +ith our right (oot (lat on the (loor and our le(t knee resting on a (lat bench; @ean (or+ard so that ou8re su%%orting the +eight o( our u%%er bod +ith our le(t ar$ on the bench; 5our back should be (lat and al$ost %arallel +ith the (loor;

Reach do+n and %ick u% a du$bbell +ith our right hand; 5our le(t ar$ should be locked at the elbo+ so it +ill su%%ort the +eight o( our u%%er bod ; 2e(ore starting9 look straight ahead instead o( at the (loor so ou can kee% our back straight; Tighten our abs to kee% our bod (ro$ turning to the side as ou li(t the du$bbell; Concentrate on %ulling our elbo+ back as (ar as it can go; The du$bbell should end u% roughl %arallel +ith our torso; ?(ter ou86e ro+ed the du$bbell u% as (ar as ou can slo+l lo+er it back to the starting %osition; #+itch ar$s a(ter one set;

Dumbbell Shru$s
#tand straight u% +ith our (eet at shoulder +idth; 1old t+o du$bbells +ith our ar$s hanging at our sides; ,roo% our shoulders do+n as (ar as %ossible; Raise our shoulders u% as (ar as ou can go then slo+l return to the starting %osition; 5ou can also rotate our shoulders b going u% in a circular $otion (ro$ (ront to back and then back do+n again; This can also be done holding a barbell;

Stan#in$ Calf Raises

This can be done +ith a s%eci(ic $achine (ound in a g $9 or ada%ted (or use +ithout the $achine; #tand u% against a +all +ith our bod (acing the +all and our %al$s do+n on the +all and our (eet (lat on the (loor; Dee% our bod straight and slo+l li(t u% our heels until ou are standing on the ti%s o( our toes; 1old the contraction brie(l then slo+l return to the starting %osition +ith our (eet (lat on the (loor;

@ie (lat on our back +ith our (eet (lat on the ground9 or resting on a bench +ith our knees bent at a !4 degree angle; I( ou are resting our (eet on a bench9 %lace the$ three to (our inches a%art and %oint our toes in+ard so the touch;

Place our hands lightl on either side o( our head kee%ing our elbo+s in; ,onGt lock our (ingers behind our headF Push the s$all o( our back do+n in the (loor to isolate our abdo$inal $uscles; 2egin to roll our shoulders o(( the (loor; Continue to %ush do+n as hard as ou can +ith our lo+er back; 5our shoulders should co$e u% o(( the (loor onl about (our inches9 and our lo+er back should re$ain on the (loor; "ocus on slo+9 controlled $o6e$ent < donGt cheat oursel( b using $o$entu$F

Dumbbell Hammer Curls

With a du$bbell in each hand9 stand +ith our ar$s hanging at our sides9 and %al$s are (acing each other; Dee% our elbo+s locked into our sides; 5our u%%er bod and elbo+s should re$ain in the sa$e %lace during the +hole li(t; Dee% our %al$s (acing each other9 curl the +eight in our right hand u% in a se$i<circle to+ard our right shoulder; #:uee7e the bice%s hard at the to% o( the li(t and then slo+l lo+er; ,o not turn our +rists during this li(tF 5ou can also do one ar$ at a ti$e andHor alternate;

In!line Dumbbell "ress

#it on the edge o( an incline bench set at about a 45<degree angle; Pick u% a du$bbell in each hand and %lace the$ on our thighs; Then9 one at a ti$e9 raise the$ u% to our shoulder le6el +hile ou %ress our back and shoulders (ir$l against the bench; Press the +eights back u% to a %oint o6er our u%%er chest9 +ith our %al$s (acing (or+ard; @o+er the +eights slo+l ; Inhale as ou lo+er the +eights and exhale as ou li(t;

arbell S*uat
Rest a barbell on the u%%er %ortion o( our back9 not our neck; "ir$l gri% the bar +ith our hands al$ost t+ice our shoulder +idth a%art; Position our (eet about shoulder +idth a%art and our toes should be %ointing Bust a little out+ard +ith our knees in the sa$e direction;

Dee% our back as straight as %ossible and our chin u%9 bend our knees and slo+l lo+er our hi%s straight do+n until our thighs are %arallel to the (loor; /nce ou reach the botto$ %osition9 %ress the +eight u% back to the starting %osition; ,onGt lean o6er or cur6e our back (or+ardF 5ou can use a belt to hel% reduce the chance o( lo+er back inBur ; 5ou can %ut our heels on a 1 inch block to (urther +ork the :uads; 5ou can also use a +ider stance to +ork the inner :uads e6en $ore;


arbell Ro)

#tand u%right and gras% a barbell +ith our hands about shoulder +idth a%art; @et the bar hang straight do+n in (ront o( ou; Dee% our bod and +rists straight; Pull the bar straight u% to+ards our chin9 kee%ing it close to our bod ; Concentrate on either %ulling +ith our tra%s or the (ront o( our shoulders9 de%ending on +hat ou +ant to +ork $ost; @o+er slo+l to the starting %osition; ,onGt cheat b leaning (or+ard or back+ard; ,onGt s+ingF

+ront Dumbbell Raise

#tand +ith a du$bbell in each hand9 %al$s (acing back+ard; 5our (eet should be about shoulder +idth a%art; &aintain a slight bend in our elbo+s throughout the exercise so that our ar$s are straight9 but not :uite locked; @i(t the +eight in our le(t hand in (ront o( ou in a +ide arc until it is slightl higher than shoulder height; With a s$ooth9 controlled $otion9 lo+er the +eight +hile si$ultaneousl li(ting the +eight in our right hand9 so that both ar$s are in $otion at the sa$e ti$e; ,o not cheat b s+inging or leaning back+ardsF This li(t can also be done +ith t+o du$bbells at the sa$e ti$e or a barbell;

Stiff &e$


Place a barbell on our shoulders; Dee% our head u% and our back co$%letel straight; 2end at our +aist +ith our legs locked9 until our u%%er bod is %arallel to the (loor; Return slo+l to the u%%er %osition; This can also be done +ith our knees slightl bent;

One &e$

arbell S*uat

Ase a 12 to 13 inch box or bench (or this exercise < the higher the box9 the $ore di((icult the exercise; Place a barbell behind our head at the base o( our neck; -ras% the barbell +ith both hands +ith a +ider than shoulder +idth gri%; #tand a%%roxi$atel 2 to 3 (eet (ro$ the box and turn so that the box is directl behind ou; Reach one (oot back and %lace our toe on the box; Dee% our o%%osite (oot (lat on the (loor and %oint our toes (or+ard; #tand u% straight; Dee% our back tight and our chest out throughout the entire exercise; Dee% our head and neck in line +ith our torso so that ou are looking (or+ard; 5our shoulders should be directl o6er our (ront (oot; Dee%ing our (ront (oot (lat on the (loor9 sit our hi%s back )like ou are going to sit in a chair*9 bend our knee )o( our (ront leg*9 and lean (or+ard slightl at the +aist; @o+er our bod in a controlled (ashion until our thigh )o( our (ront leg* is %arallel to the ground; I( ou ha6e di((icult lo+ering oursel( do+n this (ar9 lo+er oursel( until the knee o( our (ront leg is bent !4 degrees; ?t this %oint9 our knee should be directl o6er our toe9 our hi%s should be sitting back9 and our chest should be directl o6er the $iddle o( our thigh; .o+9 leading +ith our head and chest9 raise oursel( b %ushing our hi%s slightl (or+ard and u% to+ard the ceiling9 and straightening our leg; Return to the starting %osition; ?t this %oint9 our shoulders should be directl o6er (ront (oot;

Place a barbell on our u%%er back; @i(t our chest u% and look straight ahead; Position our right leg (or+ard in a long stride; 5our (oot should be (ar enough in (ront o( ou so that +hen ou bend our right knee9 our thigh and lo+er leg (or$ a right angle; #lo+l bend our knees9 lo+ering our hi%s so our rear knee Bust clears the (loor; Pause brie(l in this %osition9 then slo+l straighten our legs and raise our bod back u% to a standing

%osition; Co$%lete a (ull set9 then s+itch legs and re%eat9 or alternate legs (or each re%; &ake sure our knee does not tra6el %ast our toes in the do+n %ositionF This can also be done +ith du$bbells in each hand instead o( using a barbell;

arbell Tri!e' E,tension

1old a barbell +ith hands a little closer together than shoulder +idth; @ie on an incline bench and %osition our head at the to%; Press bar o6erhead to ar$Gs length; @o+er the bar in a se$icircular $otion behind our head until our (orear$s touch our bice%s; Dee% our u%%er ar$s close to our head; Return to the starting %osition; This can also be done +ith straight bar9 2 du$bbells9 seated or standing or +ith 2 du$bbells and our %al$s (acing in; The exercises listed abo6e can be done either in a g $ or in our ho$e; I( ou are going to Boin a g $9 the +ill ha6e $an s%ecialt $achines that +ill +ork s%eci(ic %arts o( our bod ; E$%lo ees at the g $ can hel% ou +ith %ro%er use o( the $achines; .o+ that ou kno+ +hat exercises to do9 let8s look at a cou%le o( sa$%le +orkouts;

2eginning a bod building +orkout %lan re:uires a le6el o( co$$it$ent; ?s a beginner9 ou can +ork out $ore (re:uentl than $ore ad6anced bod builders; The reason is si$%leI as ou get $ore ex%erienced9 ou learn to %ush our $uscles harder and in(lict $ore da$age that takes longer to reco6er (ro$; 2eginners9 on the other hand9 get sore but bounce back :uicker since the $uscular da$age isnGt as se6ere; I( the +ord Jda$ageJ $akes ou (linch9 donGt +orr ; ItGs a good thing (or a bod builder to incur li$ited $uscle da$age9 because it nudges the bod to reco6er and o6erco$%ensate )gro+* slightl to %re%are (or (uture +orkouts; This is +hat bod building is all about < a

continuous c cle o( one<ste%<back9 t+o<ste%s<(or+ard9 re%eated o6er and o6er on a +eekl basis; The (ollo+ing +orkout %lan is designed to (ocus on one %art o( our bod each da o( our +orkout +ith $id +eek and the +eekend as our rest da s; This %lan is Bust a suggestion; 5ou can ada%t it as needed to suit our +orkout goals; With an +orkout9 ou need to start out +ith so$e +ar$ u% exercises; This can be si$%le stretching as ou get our bod read to +ork; ? +ar$<u% session %rior to +orking out can not onl hel% get our bod read (or exercise9 but our $ind +ill get %re%ared as +ell; 5ou should also ha6e an a%%ro%riate cool do+n %eriod a(ter ou are done +orking out; This +ill reduce the %ossibilit o( dela ed $uscle soreness and +ill hel% :uell the adrenaline that has been building in our s ste$ as a result o( the +orkout; This can also be si$%le stretching exercises and dee% breathing; ?gain9 it8s i$%ortant to start out slo+ and not %ush oursel( be ond our li$its; Ase +eights that are not too hea6 (or ou but that +ill gi6e ou enough resistance to build our $uscles; 5ou can %rogressi6el increase the a$ount o( +eight ou li(t as ou get stronger;

Day . / U''er


"or the (ollo+ing exercises9 begin +ith t+o sets o( 14<12 re%s each;

,u$bbell %ress #tanding barbell $ilitar %ress @ ing trice% %ress #ide lateral raise Preacher curls #eated du$bbell curl ,u$bbell ro+s ,u$bbell shrugs

I( ou ha6e access to +eight $achines9 add the (ollo+ing to our %lanI

Pec deck butter(l s K<bar %ushdo+ns @at %ulls +ith %ulle $achine

Day 0 / &o)er

o#y an# Abs

?gain9 begin doing each exercise +ith t+o sets o( 14<12 re%s each exce%t (or the crunches +hich ou can do as $an o( the$ as ou +ant; 2arbell s:uat /ne leg barbell s:uat @unges #tanding cal( %ress #ti(( leg barbell Crunches

&achines can be es%eciall hel%(ul +hen +orking our lo+er bod ; 1ere are so$e ou should consider on this da I

@eg %resses on a %late loaded $achine @eg extension $achine #eated ha$string curls #tanding ha$string curls ?b $achine

Day 1 / Rest Day 2 / U''er o#y

Increase our sets to 3 doing 14 C 12 re%s each

Chin u%s )get assistance i( necessar * #eated du$bbell ha$$er curls ,u$bbell %resses on an inclined bench #tanding barbell $ilitar %ress #tanding bice% curls 2arbell trice% extension A%right barbell ro+ "ront du$bbell raise

The $achines ou can use on this da includeI #eated cable ro+s A%right cable ro+s

Cable crosso6er (lies Trice% ro%e %ushdo+ns

Day 3 / &o)er

o#y an# Abs

-o back to doing Bust t+o sets o( 14<12 re%s each exce%t (or the crunches +hich ou can do unli$ited a$ounts o(; #tanding cal( %ress @unges 2arbell s:uat #ti(( leg barbell #tanding cal( raises Crunches

&achine exercises includeI @eg %resses on a %late loaded $achine #eated ha$string curls Dneeling ha$string curls

Wee4en# / Rest
I( a (our da +orkout %lan is too $uch (or ou9 consider starting out +ith a t+o or three da %lan; Dee% in $ind that ou +on8t get results as :uickl +ith a (e+er da +orkout9 but i( ou need to start out slo+l 9 it can still be e((ecti6e; 1ere is a sa$%le three da +orkout;

Day . /

a!45 Chest5 an# Abs

,o three sets o( 12<15 re%s each; 2ent o6er barbell ro+ #ti(( legged barbell dead li(t 2arbell bench %ress Incline du$bbell %ress ,u$bbell (lies Crunches

Day 0 / &e$s an# Shoul#ers

,o three sets o( 12<15 re%s each; 2arbell s:uat #eated cal( raise "ront du$bbell raise #ide lateral raise A%right barbell ro+ @unges 2arbell s:uats

Day 1 /

i!e's5 Tri!e's5 an# Abs

,o three sets o( 12<15 re%s each 2arbell curl Incline du$bbell curl @ ing trice%s %ress 2arbell trice% extension "ront du$bbell raise ,u$bbell ha$$er curls Crunches

?bout an hour be(ore our +orkout9 ou should eat so$e %rotein and carboh drates; This is to $ake sure that ou ha6e enough energ to $ake it through our entire +orkout; 2 doing this9 ou are %utting our bod into an anabolic state that +ill %ro6ide the necessar energ and %o+er to e((ecti6el +ork our $uscles; ,uring training9 there is increased blood (lo+ to the $uscles; When ou consu$e %rotein and carboh drates %rior to a +orkout9 our bod can take ad6antage o( that extra blood (lo+ and +ork the $uscles $ore e((icientl ; &an %eo%le o%t (or a %rotein shake and a bo+l o( rice9 but ou can choose +hate6er (oods ou +ant to get +hat ou need; It8s a good idea to kee% track o( our +orkouts and ho+ $an sets and re%s ou are doing; Write it do+n in a s$all notebook and +hen ou are able to increase the nu$ber o( sets andHor re%s9 be sure to take note o( ho+ long it took ou to get to that %oint; ?lso kee% track o( the a$ount o( +eight ou are able to li(t and +hen ou are able to increase that +eight;

It8s also a good idea to do our (irst set +ith 6er little +eight; This is to get the blood (lo+ing through the $uscles; /n the second set9 add a little +eight and do the exercise again; I( ou (ind that it8s Bust a bit too eas 9 tr $ore +eight; The goal is to add +eight until it8s di((icult to co$%lete 3<12 re%s; Re$e$ber9 ou +ant to build our bod 9 not li(t +eights; 2e sure and rest bet+een sets to allo+ our bod to adBust and reco6er; Asuall that8s around a $inute or t+o; ,/ ./T rest $ore than a $inute or so or else our $uscles +ill get cold and all our %re6ious +ork +ill be (or naught; It8s a good idea to s%rinkle our +orkouts +ith so$e cardio exercises to hel% get our blood %u$%ing; This could be a little ti$e on a tread$ill or +alking; The cardio is good (or our bod and ou8ll be (ocusing on that $ost i$%ortant $uscle o( all C our heartF -ood nutrition is an integral %art o( an e((ecti6e +orkout %rogra$ (or an bod builder;


When ou decide ou +ant to undertake a bod building %rogra$9 the (oods ou eat can $ake a huge di((erence in the e((ecti6eness o( our %rogra$; &an %eo%le don8t %a enough attention to the t %es o( (ood the eat; 2ut (ood is 6er i$%ortant in a bod building %rogra$; "ood su%%lies us +ith calories; Calories are tin bits o( energ that our bod uses to %er(or$ +ork; Counting calories isn8t as i$%ortant as kno+ing +hat calories +ill be the best ones to consu$e (or the $axi$u$ e((ect on our +orkout; To ha6e enough energ to %er(or$ our +orkout9 ou8ll need a lot o( di((erent nutrients; /ne o( the $ost i$%ortant +ould be carboh drates;


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