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Stress Intensification Factor (SIF) Checklist

Generally, as a piping designer and engineer, you need to be concerned about accurate stress intensification factors (SIFs) in certain combinations of situations: 1. A leak of t e contained media poses a significant a!ard. ". # en using t e current rules, calculated stresses at intersections are more t an $%& of t e allo'able. (. ) e number of design cycles is greater t an 1%%%. $. ) e process fluids are ea*ily corrosi*e. +. # en t e branc diameter to eader diameter (d,-) ratio is less t an %.+ SIFs used from .(1 codes can be o*erly conser*ati*e. /. ) ere is significant pressure cycling combined 'it e0ternal load cycling. 1. Single sided 'eld 2uality may be poor. 3. 4einforcing pads and unreinforced, 'elded intersections are used instead of 'elding tees. 5. 6aterals or illsides are used ' ere t e eader diameter to t ickness (-,)) ratio is greater t an +%. ) e use of impro*ed SIFs A7- fle0ibilities s ould al'ays be compared to original models, and ' ere t e original model is more conser*ati*e, you s ould be sure t at t e more accurate solution is *alidated.

Pipe Stress Checklist

1. Identify if t e system contains a media t at poses a significant leakage a!ard, is sub8ect to more t an 1%%% operating cycles, or is ea*ily corrosi*e. ". 4un t e standard 9A:SA4 II; model and note intersections ' ere t e stresses are more t an $%& of t e allo'able. (. If t e branc to eader diameter (d,-) ratio at t e intersection is less t an %.+ t en loads t roug t e eader 'ill not be accurately predicted by 9A:SA4 II. An impro*ed and reduced SIF may often be found. $. <ou s ould be cautious ' ere laterals are ig ly stressed. )orsional moments on laterals resulting from mo*ement of t e eader can cause ig stresses in laterals and some illside connections. +. If ig stressed intersections are identified, run F:SIF and compare F:SIF calculated SIFs to t e *alues used in t e .(1 codes. ) is comparison is done in t e F:SIF SIF report. If t e F:SIF *alues are significantly larger, t en consider impro*ing model. /. 4un t e F:SIF load reduction calculator. If t e load reduction on t e intersection could be greater t an +%&, t en consider using t e stiffnesses in t e 9A:SA4 II model. 1. ) e F:SIF load reduction calculator also 'orks ' ere intersections are in t e *icinity of rotating e2uipment, and may pro*ide guidance for resol*ing rotating e2uipment problems. 3. -epending on t e e0tent and criticality of t e o*erstressed condition, use eit er t e simple met od or t e stiffness met od to impro*e selected intersections in t e system. ) is mig t often be less difficult t an rerouting ma8or piping systems t at do not need to be rerouted. 5. SIFs can be generated for t e branc side attac ed pipe or for t e eader (run) side attac ed pipe. :0tra precaution s ould be e0ercised ' en #491%1 is used for an intersection analysis 'it pad reinforcement. 4einforcing pads on intersections 'ill often force ig stresses into no!!le necks. Including stiffnesses does not necessarily make an analysis more or less conser*ati*e. Including stiffnesses at one intersection 'ill drop t e loads at one intersection ' ile transferring it to anot er. ) e rig t intersection stiffnesses gi*e t e correct ans'er. 7ot using intersection stiffnesses gi*e you a less accurate ans'er t at may, or may not be conser*ati*e for t e system as a ' ole. Paulin Research Group =ome 6ogout #elcome 4A->I9A ? one: @1A"31A5"%A511+ Abou :ngineerin 7e's -o'nload t g

6ibrary Soft'are Banage

=ome C 6ibrary C -ocuments C )ec nical C Article 7e's :*ents

Abou t 9ontact 6ogin 4egister -o'nload :ngineerin g 9onsulting 4esearc 6ibrary -ocuments FAD )ec nical Soft'are .ES Fluids Splas F:,?ipe A0i?4E .end?4E Bat?4E Bes ?4E 7o!!le?4E ?las?lot Stress?lot F:1%1 F:A SIF Flanged and Flued )raining )opics #ebinars #i!ards Banage ? otos -etails

Evaluate stresses from Ansys, CAESAR II or any other pro ram for fati ue, hi h temperature or fitness!for!service"
) is article discusses o' to con*ert 9A:SA4 II; or general purpose F:A results into *alues t at can be used in Bat?4E to perform fatigue, ig temperature or fitness for

ser*ice (FFS) calculations. >se Bat?4E effecti*ely in pressure *essel and piping analysis. Using CAESAR Results
Item S6 S #oa$ Case Sustained stress Eperating stress Conversion S6 (",1.(+)(S) Result ?6 ?6@?.@D Summary ?6 F S 6 ?6@?.@D F (",1.(+)(S)

Using Ansys (or other FEA Program Results)

#oa$ Case %peration Result ?rimary 6oads A )ypically #eig t Integrate stresses t roug t ickness at critical section ?6 @ ?resure Eperating 6oads A Including 6ineari!e S0, Sy, S!, )0y, )y!, )!0 t roug t ickness at critical section ?6@?b@D #eig ts and ?ressure and compute stress intensity from result

) e abo*e *alues for ?6 and ?6@?.@D can be used in Bat?4E to e*aluate any gi*en stress state. ) e Bat?4E ?6 and ?6@?.@D te0t cells are s o'n belo'.

Bat?4E supports a .(1.( and ASB: Section II ?art - data base along 'it Gcondition calculatorsH t at e*aluate calculated stress states in 'elds, base metal, or fla'ed pipes and *essels. ) e Bat?4E Gcondition calculatorH determines:

=o' close you are to failure, If creepAfatigue interaction is a concern, and # et er a crack, corroded, or eroded area satisfies A?I +15 Fitness for Ser*ice 4ules.

Bat?4E is a program no pressure *essel or piping engineer s ould be 'it outI ) e more you kno' about Bat?4E J t e more you learn. ) e Gcondition calculatorH is in*oked by specifying t e material, e.g. SA 1%/ Grade ., t e temperature, and t e stress state. ) e stress state is retrie*ed automatically from 7o!!le?4E or F:,?ipe, and can be easily entered 'it results from Ansys or 9A:SA4 II. ) e ma8or GconditionH buttons are s o'n belo'.

)o perform a fatigue analysis using a computed stress from F:,?ipe, 7o!!le?4E, 9A:SA4 or Ansys, t e Bat?4E you 'ould click on t e GFatigue 9alculationsH button s o'n in t e figure belo'. ) e Fatigue input screen is s o'n belo'.

Fatigue Evaluation MatPRO In ut Screen 7ote t at time, temperature and t ickness may all influence creep life. Eutput includes detailed te0t reports and plots of fatigue cur*es using allo'able limits prescribed by Barkl, A?I+15, .S ++%%, t e Baster9ur*e, ASB: and :71($$+.

MatPRO Fatigue Curve Com arisons

Bat?4E also produces material property plots for all combinations of yield, tensile, allo'able stress, creep rupture properties, etc. ) e plot belo' s o's t e allo'able stress, tensile strengt and yield stress for an S.A$%5 plate material at (%%,%%% ours. 7ote o' t e drop in tensile strengt at about 11%%F affects t e allo'able stress, ' ile t e yield strengt remains ig I

Bat?4E J ) e more you use it J t e more you learn. 7o engineering desktop s ould be 'it out it.

Paulin Research Group =ome 6ogout #elcome 4A->I9A ? one: @1A"31A5"%A511+ Abou :ngineerin 7e's -o'nload t g

6ibrary Soft'are Banage

=ome C 6ibrary C -ocuments C )ec nical C Article 7e's :*ents Abou t 9ontact 6ogin 4egister -o'nload :ngineerin g 9onsulting 4esearc 6ibrary -ocuments FAD )ec nical Soft'are .ES Fluids Splas F:,?ipe A0i?4E .end?4E Bat?4E Bes ?4E 7o!!le?4E ?las?lot Stress?lot F:1%1 F:A SIF Flanged and Flued )raining )opics #ebinars #i!ards Banage ? otos


FEA&'( E)perimental *ali$ation

=as your finite element analysis (F:A) soft'are been *alidated against realA'orld pressure *essel problemsK F:A1%1 and ot er ?4G soft'are are continuously *alidated against actual problems faced by practicing engineers. Follo' t is link for to learn more about an e0perimental *alidation of t e F:A1%1 solutions and see o' #49 1%1 fails to predict accurate stresses in a real 'orld application. Real!"orld validation o# P$P %esigns Lalidation comes in t'o forms: numerical *alidations and realA'orld *alidations. All F:A programs are numerically *alidatedMfe' are *alidated against problems you face e*eryday in t e pressure *essel and piping industry. An e0ternal load 'as applied to t e no!!le located in an elliptical ead as s o'n belo'. Strain gauges 'ere placed on t e ead ad8acent to t e pad and in t e no!!le neck to *alidate t e finite element solution.

%etails o# the E& eriment ) e ori!ontal *essel 'as lifted from t e bolted co*er, resulting in a load of "%,%%% lbf. -etails of t e pressure *essel and no!!le are gi*en belo'.

) e ne0t step is to input t e model in t e F:A1%1 input screens. FE!'() In ut F:A1%1Ns input is specifically designed to make t e design and analysis of typical pressure *essel and piping (?L?) geometries 'it no!!le *ery easy. >nlike general F:A programs t at re2uire t e user to create models from scratc , F:A1%1 creates t e model for you using input t at is familiar to all ?L? engineers. In t is case, t e geometry can be defined using 8ust 11 input fields as s o'n belo'. ) e re2uired input accompanied by a dra'ing for eac type of model a*ailable in F:A1%1. ) is makes it *ery easy to understand t e input.

7e0t, t e orientation and loads are defined. F:A1%1 can accommodate any orientation of t e ead and no!!le. Some ot er features: 1. ". (. $. 6oads can be specified using #49 con*entions or in a user defined con*ention. 6oads can be defined at t e centerline, no!!leAs ell 8unction, or end of t e no!!le. Input for 'eig t, operating, and occasional loads. Specify t e number of fatigue cycles for an automatic fatigue analysis of e0ternal loads and pressure.

Run the Analysis )o start t e analysis, t e user clicks t e G4unH icon located on t e F:A1%1 toolbar. F:A 1%1 'ill automatically construct t e model, apply t e loads, and boundary conditions based on t e userNs input. <ou donNt need to be an F:A e0pert to use F:A1%1.

-uring t e analysis, F:A1%1 'ill gi*e t e user useful information and pro*ide alerts ' en assumptions must be made. In t is case, neit er #49A1%1 nor #49A"51 met ods are ideally suited for t e analysis since t e no!!le is located in an elliptical ead.

Analysis Results * +RC '() FAI,S ) e follo'ing are t e comparati*e results bet'een t e e0perimental stresses, F:A1%1Ns F:A solution, and t e #49A1%1 O #49A"51 comparisons.

As s o'n belo', F:A1%1 predicts conser*ati*e and accurate stresses in all cases. #49A1%1 fails t e *alidation by significantly o*er predicting t e stresses in t e pad and not pro*iding any stress calculation for t e ig est stresses ' ic occur in t e no!!le neck. ) is clearly s o's ' y t e #49 met ods are not ade2uate for ?L? designs. 9an you afford to miss t e ig est stress by a factor of $.% using outdated analysis met odsK 6ocation S ell near pad 'eld ?ad near no!!le 'eld 7o!!le neck near no!!le 'eld FE!'() Out ut Strain Gage 4esults 1%%% psi ($3 B?a) "($$% psi (1/" B?a) +1+%% psi ((++ B?a) F:A 4esults /(+% psi ($$ B?a) "%"$% psi (1$% B?a) /$1+% psi ($$/ B?a) #49A1%1 ("1$% psi (1%5 B?a) (133" psi (1%5 B?a) 7ot a*ailable #49A"51 7ot applicable 7ot applicable 7ot applicable

) e F:A1%1 results are presented in an easy to use interface and include ASB: 9ode compliance reporting. Some features of t e F:A1%1 output: 1. Finite element results are gi*en in t ree easy to use formats (spreads eets, printable reports, (- interacti*e grap ics) ". Automatic ASB: stress classification J no ot er F:A soft'are offers t is for s ell elements. (. Automatic ASB: 9ode compliance reports $. 9omparisons against #49A1%1 and #49A"51 met ods

More FE!'() Out ut Screens Interacti*e (A- grap ical results for e*aluating results.

A te0t report is pro*ided for documentation and distribution to clients and inspectors. ) e report includes dra'ings, dimensions, tabulated stresses, and grap ical results.

F:A1%1 also pro*ides allo'able loads and fle0ibility results for t e no!!le. Fle0ibilities can be used by piping engineers for more accurate piping analyses.

Automatic comparisons bet'een F:A1%1, #49A1%1, and #49A"51 are gi*en to s o' ' en t e #49 met ods are not appropriate.

Paulin Research Group =ome 6ogout #elcome 4A->I9A ? one: @1A"31A5"%A511+ Abou :ngineerin 7e's -o'nload t g

6ibrary Soft'are Banage

=ome C 6ibrary C -ocuments C )ec nical C Article 7e's :*ents Abou t 9ontact 6ogin 4egister -o'nload :ngineerin g 9onsulting 4esearc 6ibrary -ocuments FAD )ec nical Soft'are .ES Fluids

Splas F:,?ipe A0i?4E .end?4E Bat?4E Bes ?4E 7o!!le?4E ?las?lot Stress?lot F:1%1 F:A SIF Flanged and Flued )raining )opics #ebinars #i!ards Banage ? otos -etails

Pipe Stress Errors ! +hen ,ou-re %ff .y &' /imes0

1uestion2 If the SIF is off .y 3 an$ the stiffness is off .y &', ho4 far off is the calculate$ stress5 ) e ans'er, of course, is t eoretically t"enty. ) e solution could be not conservative by "% timesI #e are often asked if t is can be possible J and t e ans'er is <:S, it is possible but not probable. It is more likely to e0pect errors of bet'een " and + 'it t e largest error being due to an inaccurate specification of t e intersection stiffnesses. F:SIF or F:1%1 generate accurate stiffnesses t at can be used in t e pipe stress analysis to produce more accurate intersection loads and stresses. #49 ("5 Section $.5 s o's o' adding a repad may actually lo'er t e fatigue strengt of an intersection, because t e load goes up more t an t e stress goes do'n ' en t e pad is addedI )ypical geometries to 'atc for are s o'n belo'.

If t ere is no fle0ibility at intersection ., it carries all t e t ermal e0pansion displacement reducing t e loads on intersections at A and 9. # en fle0ibilities are pro*ided at ., t e intersection . loads go do'n, but t e loads at intersections A and 9 increaseI Is +hat -ou.re %oing Correct/ F:SIF compares #49 1%1 calculated stress intensification factors to F:A and .(1 stress intensification factorsI From t ese comparisons itNs easy to kno' if you s ould feel safe 'it t e design. ) e table belo' s o's an e0ample of t e output. Source F:A #49 1%1 #49 "51 A0ial 5.51 11./5 "".+" InA?lane ".+1 (.+$ $.(/ EutAofA?lane +.// /.5% 5.$1 )orsion ".$" /.5% 5.+"

Comparison of FEA, +RC&'( an$ +RC36( Stress Intensification Factors (SIFs) In t e e0ample s o'n abo*e, t e #49 1%1 and "51 results are too conser*ati*e, 'it t e "51 results being o*erly conser*ati*e by about t'o times as is often t e case. ) e conser*atism or lack of conser*atism is a function of t e geometry J ' ic is ' y all critical analyses s ould be c ecked. FESIF Features 1. ". (. $. +. >nbelie*ably easy to use. All types of ead and cone geometries are supported. 6aterals, illsides and pad supported intersections are included. All comparisons 'it different codes are generated automatically. Stiffnesses and allo'able loads are generated automatically J all t e user as to enter is t e geometry.

Paulin Research Group =ome 6ogout #elcome 4A->I9A ? one: @1A"31A5"%A511+

t 9ontact 6ogin 4egister -o'nload :ngineerin g 9onsulting 4esearc 6ibrary -ocuments FAD )ec nical Soft'are .ES Fluids Splas F:,?ipe A0i?4E .end?4E Bat?4E Bes ?4E 7o!!le?4E ?las?lot Stress?lot F:1%1 F:A SIF Flanged and Flued )raining )opics #ebinars #i!ards Banage ? otos -etails

+hat is a Stress Intensification Factor (SIF)5

A stress intensification factor is a multiplier on nominal stress for typically bend and intersection components so t at t e effect of geometry and 'elding can be considered in a beam analysis. Stress Intensification Factors (SIFs) form t e basis of most stress analysis of piping systems.

) e stress intensification factor is used in a pipe stress analysis as s o'n in t e e2uation belo': (.eam Stress)(SIF) P (Allo'able Stress) :0panding t e terms gi*es t e follo'ing e2uation using t e SIF: (B,Q)(SIF) P /7A%."(1."+(Sc @ S ) J Sl) SIFs are obtained from tests and e2uations 'ritten to e0tend t e usefulness of t e tests. ) e Barkl mac ine is is t e standard mac ine used to de*elop SIFs. First mount t e 'aterAfilled specimen to be tested in a Barkl mac ine as s o'n belo' at ?4G in =ouston.

9ycle t e specimen back and fort until 'ater leaks from a crack as s o'n in t e figure belo'.

Bultiply t e displacement used in t e test by t e linear stiffness of t e specimen to get t e linear force used in t e test. Bultiply t e linear force used in t e test by t e distance bet'een t e point of application of t e force and t e point ' ere 'ater started coming out of t e failed specimen. ) is product is t e linear moment used in t e test. -i*ide t e linear moment used in t e test by t e section modulus of t e matc ing pipe to get t e nominal failure stress.

?ut t e nominal failure stress on a grap 'it ot er failure points as s o'n belo'. >se t e nominal failure stress as calculated abo*e and t e number of cycles of displacement until 'ater began to leak from t e test.

Fit a straig t line t roug t e test data points 'it a slope of A%." on a log log plot, and find t e test SIF as t e ratio of t e Barkl girt butt 'eld straig t line and t e test data point straig t line. (See t e diagram on t e ne0t page. 4eal SIF generation is considerably more complicated, alt oug t e basic concepts are t e same.)

Since t e measured SIF is typically only for a single $ inc geometry, an e2uation must be de*eloped for ot er pipe si!es so t at t e SIF can be used in a pipe stress program.

) e e2uation s ould include properties of t e geometry J typically no!!le diameter (d), no!!le t ickness (t), *essel diameter (-), *essel t ickness ()), etc. A typical form for a SIF e2uation is: SIF F F (9o)(d,-)a (-,))b (t,))c ) is e2uation 'ould be used ' en t e pipe stress program is run to determine t e SIF for t e system being analy!ed. # en finding SIFs from an F:A calculation first benc mark t e boundary condition and intersection model being used against t e test data. #49 ((+ can be used as a source for many e0isting SIF tests. Ence t e F:A approac is *alidated, t e SIF can be found from: For shell elements0 SIF F (Bembrane@.ending Stress Intensity from F:A)(FS4F) , R(")(B,Q)S For 1ric2 elements0 SIF F (Ba0imum 7onsingularity Stress Intensity) , R(")(B,Q)S Bembrane @ .ending Stress Intensity is ?l@?b@D in t e ASB: 9ode. B,Q is t e nominal bending stress in t e matc ing pipe at t e point of failure. B is t e applied moment in t e finite element model. F:SIF performs t e finite element calculation automatically for t e userNs entered geometry. .(1.(A"%%/ Appendi0 - )able -(%% 7ote 1" States: G) e outAofAplane stress intensification factor (SIF) for a reducing branc connection 'it branc AtoArun diameter ratio of %.+ P d,- P 1.% may be nonconser*ati*e. A smoot conca*e 'eld contour as been s o'n to reduce t e SIF. Selection of t e appropriate SIF is t e designerNs responsibility.H G) e effecti*e SIF is t e designerNs responsibility.H # en %.+ P d,- P 1.% t e designer s ould c eck to see about o' nonconser*ati*e t e Appendi0 - approac is ' en t e stress state is critical. 7oncyclic conditions, i.e. cycles less t an 1%%%, or *ery lo' stress states do not re2uire furt er inspection. 9yclic, ig ly loaded intersections s ould be c ecked using F:A or test. 7ote t at fle0ibilities can easily produce larger errors in stress calculations t an SIFs. F:SIF computes bot fle0ibilities and SIFs.

Paulin Research Group =ome 6ogout #elcome 4A->I9A ? one: @1A"31A5"%A511+ Abou :ngineerin 7e's -o'nload t g

6ibrary Soft'are Banage

=ome C 6ibrary C -ocuments C )ec nical C Article 7e's :*ents Abou t 9ontact 6ogin 4egister -o'nload :ngineerin g 9onsulting 4esearc 6ibrary -ocuments FAD )ec nical Soft'are .ES Fluids Splas F:,?ipe A0i?4E .end?4E Bat?4E Bes ?4E 7o!!le?4E ?las?lot Stress?lot F:1%1 F:A SIF Flanged and Flued )raining )opics #ebinars #i!ards Banage ? otos


+hich +RC &'(736( Parameters Shoul$ I Check an$ +hen Is 8y 9eometry *ali$ for a +RC736( Analysis5
+hich +RC &'( or 36( parameters shoul$ I check5 +hen is my eometry vali$ for a +RC &'( or 36( analysis of a no::le on a pressure vessel su.;ect to e)ternal loa$s5

) ese are 2uestions t at donNt a*e to be asked ' en t e finite element templates used for t e no!!le calculations a*e been used in ASB: 9ode 'ork and run more t an 1%%,%%% times. F:1%1 also automatically compares 1%1 and "51 results against t e finite element analyses (F:A) so t at users can kno' ' en 1%1 or "51 calculations are accurate enoug . From t e comparison of F:A 'it #49 1%1 and #49 "51 results itNs easy to kno' if you s ould feel comfortable 'it a design. ) e table belo' s o's an e0ample of t e output. Source F:A #49 1%1 #49 "51 A0ial 5.51 11./5 "".+" InA?lane ".+1 (.+$ $.(/ EutAofA?lane +.// /.5% 5.$1 )orsion ".$" /.5% 5.+"

Comparison of FEA, +RC&'( an$ +RC36( Stress Intensification Factors (SIFs)

In t e e0ample s o'n abo*e, t e #49 1%1 and "51 results are too conser*ati*e, 'it t e "51 results being o*erly conser*ati*e by about t'o times as is often t e case. ) e conser*atism or lack of conser*atism is a function of t e geometry of t e problem J ' ic is ' y all critical analyses s ould be c ecked. F:1%1 also computes Stresses A7- Allo'ables 6oads.

FE&'( Stress Plot Sho4in <i h Stress #ocation

6oads can be entered in local or global coordinates so t at confusion does not occur. #49 ("5 in Section $.5 s o's o' t e addition of a reinforcing pad to a no!!le 'ould actually increase t e stress because t e reinforcing pad increases t e stiffness, ' ic increases t e load more t an t e pad reduced t e stress. F:,1%1 sol*es t is problem by pro*iding correct stiffnesses, stresses and allo'able loads. Allo"a1le ,oads3 Fle&i1ilities3 Stresses3 ASME Out ut A4% 5Ins ector Ready6 Re orts

Allo'able loads and stiffnesses are calculated automatically 'it out any loads being input. If t e loads are input, F:1%1 'ill produce ASB: 9ode output.

Enly four input *alues are re2uired to generate allo'able loads, stress intensification factors and fle0ibilities J t e diameter of t e no!!le and *essel, and t e t ickness of t e no!!le and *essel. .y Lessel :ngineers J For Lessel :ngineersI Sim le to Understand 4o77le In ut A4% Out ut ) e input screen for F:1%1 is s o'n belo':

F:1%1 'as designed by *essel engineers for *essel engineers. Anyone can put a s2uare grid on intersection geometry t ese days, but understanding element types, penetration line models, boundary condition o*ali!ation, beam load applications and 9ode stress calculations is an entirely different matter. F:1%1 as a one minute learning cur*e and takes about t'o minutes to run. For less t an >ST1%%%, t e *essel analyst gets e0actly ' at e or s e needs.

$arious 8eometries ("ith and "ithout Pads)

9ylinderAtoAcylinder intersections =illside 7o!!les 6aterals :lliptical =eads =emisp erical =eads -is ed =eads 9onical =eads Flat =eads ?ad 4einforced 7o!!les .arrel S aped 7o!!les Straig t 7o!!les

-iameters, 'all t icknesses, no!!le angles and offsets are t e only inputs re2uired to generate t e abo*e models. 4einforcing pads and fillet 'eld si!es can also be entered.

Stresses er FEA and +RC Com ared

If t e stress is 1%& of t e allo'able, t en you can be off by 1% times and still not a*e a problem. If t e stress is 1%%& of t e allo'able, t en you cannot be off at allI FE&'( helps the user evaluate the criticality of a vessel no::le eometry an$ the loa$" 6oad -efinition is one of t e biggest mistakes in no!!le analysisI =on>t et the loa$ $irections 4ron 0 F:1%1 load input is clear and uncomplicated.

#ocal an$ lo.al $efinitions of loa$s are availa.le, alon 4ith pressure an$ varyin temperature analyses" (click on ima e to enlar e) Baterial properties come into F:1%1 automatically from Bat?4E.

MatPRO * Materials #or FE'() and much more9 F:1%1 links to t e po'erful and economically priced material database and Gcondition calculatorH Bat?4E.

=o' close a stress is to cyclic failure If creepAfatigue interaction is a concern # et er a crack, corroded, or eroded area satisfies A?I +15 Fitness for Ser*ice 4ules

Bat?4E features are listed on t e Bat?4E product page.

Bat?4E lets you enter stresses from 9A:SA4, Ansys, or any ot er programI 4ead more about using Bat?4E. FE'() results are easy to understand and use:

Stresses are classified by location in t e model. ASB: Allo'able *alues are color coded for easy identification. (- plots animated results for eac ASB: 9ode stress category are a*ailable 'it t e click of a button. 8ra hics -ou Can Use9 F:1%1 grap ic engine 'as designed by t e first Bicrosoft; LI? for -irectU; and )ony ?aulin, and 'as designed for pressure *essel and piping geometries.

4otate, pan and !oon animated displaced s ape models ' ile *ie'ing static or dynamic stress states. Stresses beyond certain limits may be s o'n, arro's and sprites can be used to s o' t e ig est stress state and a *ariety of ot er interrogation tools are a*ailable. ) e F:1%1 animated grap ics is t e fastest 'ay possible to re*ie' and *alidate finite element output results. Ins ector Ready Re orts ) e key to any analysis is communicating t e results to ot ers. ItNs not 8ust good enoug to Gkno'H t e system is EV, a concise, easy to understand report must make t at clear to t e inspector and t e o'ner. F:1%1 generates automatic reports "ith #igures and gra hics s o'ing input *alues, F:A plots and colori!ed stress tables.
GEOMETRY INPUT ======================================================= Dimensions for Cylindrical Shell Ou side Diame er D = !! "in#$ %all Thic&ness T = ' "in#$ Dimensions for Unreinforced (ranch (ranch Diame er d = (ranch %all Thic&ness = ') "in#$ ' "in#$

Start "ith 4o O1ligation9 A S=A4:#A4: *ersion of F:1%1 is a*ailable on t e ?4G 'ebsite t at includes #49 1%1 and #49 "51 capability 'it out t e F:A. ) e S=A4:#A4: do'nload is smaller t an +Bb and can be emailed any' ere. Paulin Research Group =ome 6ogout #elcome 4A->I9A ? one: @1A"31A5"%A511+ Abou :ngineerin 7e's -o'nload t g

6ibrary Soft'are Banage

=ome C 6ibrary C -ocuments C )ec nical C Article 7e's :*ents Abou t 9ontact 6ogin 4egister -o'nload :ngineerin g 9onsulting 4esearc 6ibrary -ocuments FAD )ec nical Soft'are .ES Fluids Splas F:,?ipe

A0i?4E .end?4E Bat?4E Bes ?4E 7o!!le?4E ?las?lot Stress?lot F:1%1 F:A SIF Flanged and Flued )raining )opics #ebinars #i!ards Banage ? otos -etails

?se SIFs an$ Fle)i.ilities in CAESAR II

) e follo'ing met ods are recommended for pipe intersections ' en t e stress intensification factors (SIFs) need to be considered per ASB: .(1.( Appendi0 - 7ote 1". Simple and compre ensi*e met ods are described belo' for using SIFs and fle0ibilities in a pipe stress analysis.

Simple Method
1. Insert inAplane and outAplane SIFs for t e branc element as s o'n in t e diagram belo'. ". Specify t e general intersection type on any of t e elements framing into t e intersection. 9A:SA4 II 'ill pro*ide eader SIFs. (. Bodel t e intersection using t ree pipe elements. -o not enter stiffnesses and do not use any rigid elements to define t e intersection. 7otes:
': ;: =: ?: B: Use the ty ical intersection model "ith three 1eam elements (not rigid elements) #raming into the common intersection oint: <he SIF should 1e s eci#ied on the intersection node o# the 1ranch element (node '(';( on the element '(''( to '(';( in the e&am le 1elo"): S eci#y the intersection ty e and any other data that is a lica1le in CAESAR II: CAESAR II "ill automatically calculate >=' SIFs #or the header elements: Al"ays chec2 the CAESAR stress re orts to 1e sure that entered SIFs are used ro erly: (In ut values #or ii and io override the e##ective section modulus calculation: Stresses (even at intersections) are calculated using (i)(M@A) "hen the SIF is entered: CAESAR II "ill ro erly orient the SIFs roviding all three elements that #rame into the intersection are i e elements:


Users can override CAESAR calculated header SIFs also: FESIF calculates SIFs #or header elements: <hese SIFs are o#ten considera1ly lo"er than Code calculated values "hen 1ranch to header diameter ratio (d@%) is much less than (:B:

Applyin SIFs at Pipe Intersection in CAESAR II

Comprehensive Method
1. 9onstruct t e intersection model using a rigid element from t e centerline of eader to t e surface of t e eader ' ere t e branc pipe penetrates. ) is is illustrated in t e e0ample belo'. ) e end node of t e branc element ($1 in t e e0ample belo'), s ould be different from t e end node of t e rigid element ($% in t e e0ample belo'). ". Insert t e four calculated point stiffnesses from F:SIF in bet'een t e node at t e end of t e rigid element and at t e end of t e branc element. (. Insert t'o rigid stiffnesses for t e translational stiffnesses t at are rigid in bet'een t e node at t e end of t e rigid element and at t e end of t e branc element.

$. -etermine t e inAplane and outAplane directions for t e branc and insert t e SIFs calculated by F:SIF. See belo' to kno' ' ic direction is inAplane and ' ic is outAplane for 9A:SA4. +. 4un F:SIF 'it t e option to calculate t e eader (run) SIFs. /. Insert t e inAplane and outAplane SIFs from F:SIF on eac eader element framing into t e intersection. Also include a 9A:SA4 II intersection type (t at is, 4F), >F), etc.) for t e node. 9A:SA4 'ill determine t e correct orientation (e*en 'it t e rigid element used for t e branc J but t is is only true for t e eader SIF orientations).

Conceptual 8o$el of Pipin Intersection


Pipin @eam Elements ) e rigid element approac is s o'n in more detail belo'.

Ri i$ Element Approach =etail For laterals, t e inAplane stiffness can be used for bot t e inAplane and outAplane directions, and t e largest inAplane or outAplane SIF can be used. ) is is often a good idea for laterals since t e torsional SIFs can be 2uite large and may contribute to fatigue failure. ) ere are four principle SIFs and stiffnesses associated 'it most intersections:

1. ". (. $.

A0ial translational InA?lane .ending EutA?lane .ending )orsional .ending

) e ASB: .(1.( piping code only defines t e inAplane and outAplane stress intensification factors alt oug #elding 4esearc 9ouncil .ulletin ("5 discusses t e magnitudes of t e SIFs in t e ot er directions.

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