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The subject and person of the Holy p!r!t !s one of the "ost "!sunderstood and "!s!nterpreted !n the #hr!st!an fa!th$ The E%an&el!cals see H!" as the dor"ant' unannounced &uest of the (!ns!de$( The )entecostals see H!" as the force beh!nd spea*!n& !n ton&ues and the "ot!%ator of sp!r!tual +eal$ Often' H!s presence !s heralded ,!th &reat e"ot!onal d!splay$ Then ca"e the #har!s"at!cs' present!n& the Holy p!r!t to the ,orld as the operator of s!&ns and ,onders' and d!%erse "an!festat!ons' l!*e (fall!n& under the po,er$( Who Is The Holy Spirit? He !s not a feel!n& or a fall!n&' nor !s He a cry!n& or a ,a!l!n&$ He !s no e"ot!on' He !s a person$ He !s a personal!ty !n the order of the Godhead- He !s the th!rd person of the Tr!n!ty$ He !s !n char&e of the affa!rs of the *!n&do" of God on earth today$ He !s the #h!ef E.ecut!%e of the d!%!ne pro&ra""e on earth$ He !s the "ot!%ator' ener&!+er and operator of e%ery re%ealed plan /%!s!on0 fro" God$

He !s the re%ealer of the h!dden treasures of the *!n&do" and holds the *ey to the !nher!tance of the sa!nts$ The Holy p!r!t !s the "ost %aluable asset to #hr!st!an l!%!n&$ He !s the central f!&ure !n any brea*throu&h !n l!fe$ (But ,hy all the counterfe!ts1(' you "ay as*$ The s!"ple ans,er !s th!s2 the presence of the counterfe!t !s a sure proof of the e.!stence of the &enu!ne$ No other personal!ty of the Godhead !s "ore !"personated than the Holy p!r!t$ Th!s !s because He !s the real!ty of the hour$ By %!rtue of "y sal%at!on bac*&round ,!th the E%an&el!cals' I ,as b!ased a&a!nst the Holy p!r!t$ In fact' for the f!rst s!. years of "y sal%at!on' I d!d not e%en ,ant to hear the subject of the person of the Holy p!r!t preached$ The E%an&el!cals bel!e%e that all sa%ed people are f!lled ,!th the Holy p!r!t$ I be&an to f!nd faults ,!th those ,ho cla!" to be bapt!+ed ,!th the Holy p!r!t$ 3!ttle d!d I *no, that the ene"y ,as out to steal "y dest!ny$ Today' that sa"e Holy p!r!t !s "y s,eetest co"pan!on and &reatest asset$ #o"e ,!th "e on an e.c!t!n& ad%enture !nto the person and "!ss!on of the Holy p!r!t$

Chapter 1
The Holy p!r!t2 H!s )ersonal!ty

The B!ble "a*es one th!n& clear2 e%eryone l!%es to fulf!l h!s na"e$ 4hen 5esus called the Holy p!r!t the #o"forter' He auto"at!cally re%ealed H!s "!ss!on 6 to "a*e "en co"fortable$ The Holy p!r!t ,as sent pr!"ar!ly to establ!sh co"fort for God7s people$ 5esus had so"e le%el of co"fort' but He pro"!sed that ,!th the co"!n& of the #o"forter' the co"fort they pre%!ously enjoyed ,ould fade !nto "ere !ns!&n!f!cance$ 3et us br!efly e.a"!ne so"e na"es !n the B!ble and the!r relat!onsh!p ,!th the bearers$ 4hen the an&el appeared unto 5oseph and sa!d' "...Thou shalt call his name Jesus...", he re%ealed so"eth!n& about the person of 5esus$ The na"e Jesus means Saviour. H!s "!ss!on2 to "...save his people from their sins..." (Matthew 1:21). Bear!n& the na"e "Simon", which means "the reed" /one ,ho !s eas!ly sha*en0' affected !"on8 so 5esus chan&ed h!s na"e fro" !"on' to eter, "the roc!" "sta#le, immova#le$. Upon this rock will I build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Matthew 16:18 Then a&a!n there ,as a "an called Nabal' of ,ho" these ,ords ,ere spo*en2 ... s his name is, so is he! "abal is his name, and folly is with him... 1 Samuel 25:25

Another "an ,as called Icha#od 6 "the glory is departed" (1 Samuel. 4:21). And so !t ,as that ,hen the B!ble referred to the Holy p!r!t as the #o"forter' !t "eant that the pr!"ary "!ss!on of the Holy p!r!t ,!ll be to "a*e "an co"fortable$ 4hen 5esus ,as to be ta*en a,ay' He &a%e H!s d!sc!ples a fare,ell "essa&e' say!n&2 ..."ow I go my way to him that sent me! and none of you asketh me, #hither goest thou$ %ut because I have said these things unto you, sorrow hath filled your heart. "evertheless I tell you the truth! It is e&pedient for you that I go away' for if I go not away, the (omforter will not come unto you! but if I depart, I will send him unto you. John 16:5-7 The ,ord (e.ped!ent( "eans (prof!table$( H!s &o!n& had a lot to offer the"' !t ,ould "a*e the #o"forter co"e' to "a*e l!fe "ore co"fortable for the"$ Therefore' !t !s true that the d!sc!ples "ourned after He left' but !t ,as only for a short t!"e' for after H!" ca"e the One that too* the baton fro" the Br!de&roo" 6 the #o"forter9ou "ust re"e"ber that ,h!le 5esus ,as ,!th the"' they enjoyed a &ood "easure of co"fort$ 5esus as*ed the"' (4hat ,ent ye out !nto the ,!lderness to see1( In essence' other "!n!str!es of H!s day ,ere l!*e a ,!lderness co"pared to H!s o,n "!n!stry$ One of 5ohn7s d!sc!ples jo!ned H!" after see!n& ,here He slept$

The sa"e 5esus pro"!sed H!s d!sc!ples to send the #o"forter to ta*e H!s place' "a*!n& the" "ore co"fortable than they had been ,!th H!"$ 5esus sa!d to H!s d!sc!ples2 ...The works that I do shall he do also! and greater works than these shall he do! because I go unto my )ather. John 14:12 His %pproach To His &ission The f!rst th!n& the Holy p!r!t d!d ,hen He ca"e ,as to br!n& the d!sc!ples out of the!r h!d!n& place !n the upper roo"$ They that ,ere once fu&!t!%es beca"e rulers !n the land$ He announced H!s arr!%al' bro*e the ,alls that enclosed the" and d!&n!f!ed H!s people$ )eter ,ho den!ed h!s :aster /e%en before a l!ttle &!rl0' no, procla!"ed boldly' (5esus #hr!st ,ho" your fathers *!lled$( The Holy Ghost ca"e to re%eal the"' to br!n& the" out of dar*ness and cause the!r l!&ht to sh!ne fro" obscur!ty$ In no t!"e at all' the d!sc!ples beca"e a concern to the ent!re pro%!nce ,here they ,ere l!%!n&$ Author!t!es !n po,er held "eet!n&s because of the"$ They beca"e the unbeatable ,!nners' spea*!n& and ha%!n& ,hat they spo*e$ They too* o%er the syna&o&ues as thou&h there ,ere no h!&h pr!ests there pre%!ously$ Accord!n& to the B!ble' "a great company of the priests became obedient to the faith" (Acts 6:7). The Holy Ghost ca"e to re%eal the sonsh!p of the sons of God$ He !s the personal!ty to lean on today' !f ,e ,ant to

be acco"pl!shed$ He !s the only One' to th!s hour' that "a*es the d!fference$ H!s na"e !s called the #o"forter$

H!s Attr!butes
The 'il o( Joy The Holy p!r!t !s referred to as the o!l of joy$ To appoint unto them that mourn in *ion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of +oy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness! that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the ,ord, that he might be glorified. Isaiah 61:3 In Psalm 45:7 He !s referred to as the O!l of Gladness2 Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness' therefore -od, thy -od, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. 4hat th!s "eans !s that He !s the ano!nt!n& for joy and &ladness$ 3!*e an !nject!on' He !njects joy and &ladness !nto the benef!c!ary$ 4hat !s the s!&n!f!cance of joy and &ladness1 The B!ble says that "a merry heart doeth good like medicine" (P!o"e!#s. 17:22). 5oy !s an !nstru"ent that "a*es for a healthy body$ A bro*en sp!r!t' ho,e%er' !s sa!d to dry the bones$

Any doctor can tell you that there are so"e d!seases that cannot be traced' yet they e.!st$ :ost health proble"s co"e fro" a bro*en heart and not necessar!ly any traceable d!sease' and are ch!efly respons!ble for (dry bones$( The o!l of joy &uarantees a healthy l!fe style8 !t !s l!*e "ed!c!ne to the body$ ;o not confuse joy ,!th happ!ness$ Happ!ness !s connected ,!th ,hat you ha%e' ,hat you can see and touch8 !t !s te"porary$ 5oy' ho,e%er' has !ts founta!n !n God$ It !s referred to as "+oy unspeakable," undef!nable$ 9ou can7t def!ne the reason for !t' but !t !s there$ Th!s !s one of the card!nal "!ss!ons of the p!r!t of God$ The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity! but a wounded spirit who can bear$ P!o"e!#s 18:14 A ,ounded sp!r!t !nfl!cts unbearable affl!ct!ons' but ,hen the Holy p!r!t has H!s ,ay' He looses the o!l of &ladness that puts an unden!able' unspea*able' perpetual s"!le on your face$ The joy !s such that you can7t e.pla!n or e.press ,hy you are so e.c!ted on the !ns!de$ It ,ards off your !nf!r"!t!es and susta!ns you$ Th!s !s !n l!ne ,!th $ehemiah 8 :1%: ...The +oy of the ,ord is your strength. The joy of the 3ord ta*es o%er your ent!re syste" and *eeps !t healthy' act!%e and ,ell$ ho, "e a "an ,ho has escaped the real" of ,orr!es and an.!ety' and I ,!ll sho, you a "an ,ho has the stron&est !""un!ty a&a!nst all

d!seases and pla&ues$ 5oy eas!ly ,ards the" off$ 4hen you ha%e th!s joy !n you' people can7t understand ,hat !t !s that &ets you so e.c!ted$ It !s "ore co"fortable to be healthy than to be s!c*The )ove o( *od nd hope maketh not ashamed! because the love of -od is shed abroad in our hearts by the .oly -host which is given unto us. &omans 5:5 The Holy p!r!t !njects the lo%e of God !nto "en7s hearts$ 3o%e !s ,hat deter"!nes your access to re%elat!on' as ,ell as the le%el you enjoy8 because the B!ble says !n Matthew 22:37- 4%: ...Thou shalt love the ,ord thy -od with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. nd the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. /n these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. E.cept by an enabl!n& force' !t !s hu"anly !"poss!ble to so lo%e$ The lo%e be!n& spo*en about !n the abo%e cr!pture !s the proof that you lo%e God 6 "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." 3o%e !s the platfor" on ,h!ch the la,s and co""and"ents funct!on$ 4hen !t !s out of place' don7t e.pect cr!ptures you ha%e accu"ulated to produce$ Th!s "eans that the lo%e of God cannot be ac<u!red throu&h hu"an "eans$ It !s the "!n!stry of the Holy Ghost to !nject lo%e !nto the hearts of "en8 other,!se' !t ,!ll be

"echan!cal' out of duress' by force and out of necess!ty' not ,!ll!n&ly$ By th!s act of the Holy Ghost' you co"e !nto the co%enant fulf!l"ent of Matthew 6:33: %ut seek ye first the kingdom of -od, and his righteousness! and all these things shall be added unto you. 4hat can be "ore co"fortable than to ha%e all the th!n&s that "en are stru&&l!n& for added to you just because the lo%e of God !s supre"e !n your heart1 It !s th!s *!nd of lo%e 6 a &!ft fro" the Holy Ghost' that pro"pted )aul to as*' "#hat shall separate us from the love of -od$" There !s a ,ay you lo%e God that bl!nds you totally to your needs and c!rcu"stances$ I "et one of our dau&hters !n #anada so"et!"e a&o' and she tr!ed to cast "y "!nd bac* to our early days !n "!n!stry$ he sa!d' (I *no, ho, "uch you suffered ,hen th!s church ,as start!n&$( It sounded l!*e ne,s to "e' because I d!d not *no, that I suffered at all$ :e suffer1 I couldn7t see ,hat I ,ent throu&h as suffer!n&$ The ,hole church ,as us!n& "y to!let$ I had to ha%e "y bath at = a$"$ and "a*e sure "y ,!fe had hers at =2>?' other,!se' the church cleaner ,ould soon arr!%e and head stra!&ht for the to!let$ The bedroo"s had to be loc*ed' other,!se they ,ould be "!sta*en for the off!ce /the off!ce ,as d!rectly oppos!te the bedroo" and the passa&e ser%ed as the s!tt!n& roo"0$ There ,as no &ate"an' because there ,as only one &ate and there ,as no "oney to pay the

&ate"an$ o I had to be the &ate"an' ensur!n& that the &ate ,as al,ays loc*ed after e%erybody else had left$ Ho,e%er' I couldn7t see those contrary c!rcu"stances' because there ,as so"eth!n& dr!%!n& "e on on the !ns!de$ I ,ould so often *neel do,n and than* God for &!%!n& "e the pr!%!le&e of ser%!n& as a ,or*er !n H!s %!neyard$ Unt!l th!s dau&hter of "!ne "ent!oned !t' I d!dn7t *no, that I ,ent throu&h such (hardness($ The 3ord told "e that !t ,as because of the lo%e I ha%e for H!"$ The lo%e of God !n the heart !s a bedroc*8 and !t !s a &!ft fro" the Holy Ghost$ The B!ble tal*s about "faith which worketh by love" ('alatians. 5:6). Th!s "eans that ,hate%er you spea*' bel!e%e or act' ,!thout lo%e !t !s fut!le8 and ,hen fa!th fa!ls to ,or*' !t results !n frustrat!on$ ....e that loveth not his brother abideth in death. 1 John 3:14 ,ooking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of -od! lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled! (e#!ews 12:15 B!tterness br!n&s trouble' hatred !s death8 but the lo%e of God !s the ans,er to all$ Th!s !s pro%!ded by the Holy p!r!t' 4ho ensures your co"fort$ E%eryth!n& you say ,ould only ,or* ,hen the lo%e of God' ,h!ch !s the platfor" on ,h!ch God operates' !s abound!n& !n your heart$ Once !njected ,!th the lo%e of

God by the Holy Ghost' you &et e.c!ted and you are rela.ed about do!n& H!s ,!ll$ The Hi+h raises o( *od 4hen you are ano!nted ,!th the Holy Ghost' your pra!se l!fe chan&es$ He enables you ha%e a h!&her d!"ens!on of pra!se !n the heart$ .e shall glorify me' for he shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you. John 16:14 At )entecost' the B!ble says that the apostles ,ere spea*!n& !n ton&ues and &lor!fy!n& God$ Th!s !s one of the #o"forter7s "!ss!ons 6 to &!%e you a supernatural enabl!n& to pra!se God <ual!tat!%ely8 and ,hen th!s happens' God7s presence !s !n%o*ed$ 4hen 5ehoshaphat and the people of 5udah appo!nted s!n&ers to s!n& the pra!ses of God' the B!ble says that God set a"bush"ents a&a!nst the!r ene"!es /@ #hron!cles$ @?2@@0$ God7s presence con%erts the battles of l!fe to a ,al*o%er for you$ The sa"e th!n& happened for )aul and !las$ They be&an to pray and s!n& aloud' and there ,as an earth<ua*e8 the pr!son doors flun& open and the!r cha!ns fell off$ It "eans that God arr!%ed on the scene$ )ra!ses br!n& do,n God7s &lory$ The p!r!t of God thus "a*es you ha%e s,eatless tr!u"ph o%er the battles of l!fe' because you are no, on a h!&her pra!se fre<uency ,!th God' ,h!ch br!n&s do,n H!s presence that al,ays results !n %!ctory$

,et the high praises of -od be in their mouth, and a twoedged sword in their hand! Psalm 14):6 H!&h pra!ses are only poss!ble ,!th the Holy Ghost$ 4hen ,e ,ere sa%ed' ,e ,ere told that there ,as no Holy Ghost any,here$ o' ,e be&an to s!n& our o,n son&s at our o,n le%el 6 s!n&!n& and brea*!n& !n bet,een the son&s to share sn!ppets and ch!p out !nfor"at!on as thou&h ,e ,ere not !n God7s presenceThere !s no poss!b!l!ty of h!&h pra!ses ,!thout the ano!nt!n& of the Holy p!r!t$ 4hen you enter !nto the Holy Ghost d!"ens!on of pra!se' tears so"et!"es roll do,n your chee*s as you s!n& of the e.cellency of God7s na"e$ (The Holy Ghost shall &lor!fy "e$( 4hen 5esus !s &lor!f!ed throu&h you' you end up be!n& &lor!f!ed ,!th H!"$ 4e ha%e so"eone to lean on 6 the #o"forter' ,ho !s the present #o""ander of the host of hea%en$ The ano!nt!n& of the Holy Ghost !s not !n fall!n& or feel!n&8 !t !s an e.per!ence that re%eals !tself !n the hu"an l!fe style$ 9ou can al,ays ,!n ,!thout s,eat and that can only be ach!e%ed throu&h the !nstru"ent of pra!se$ )ra!se !s a funda"ental re<u!re"ent for "a*!n& God ta*e o%er your battle ,h!le you beco"e a spectator$ 4hen the Holy Ghost !s &!%en access' He turns you on to the h!&h pra!ses real"' and ,hen that happens' you be&!n to e.ecute the jud&e"ent that !s ,r!tten$ 4hate%er !s not supposed to be on you can7t be there$ That !s ho, He "a*es you co"fortable$

...Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm. Psalm 1%5:15 As you be&!n to pra!se the na"e of the 3ord !n the h!&h pra!ses d!"ens!on' the hea%ens co"e to see ,ho !s hurt!n& you and render the r!&ht jud&e"ent upon your ene"!es$ uch ,as the case ,!th ;a%!d and h!s ,!fe' :!chal' aul7s dau&hter$ ;a%!d had just danced before the 3ord ,!th all h!s "!&ht and she conde"ned h!" for d!s&rac!n& h!"self$ he desp!sed h!" !n her heart and God7s jud&e"ent fell upon her$ he beca"e barren 6 the only ,o"an ,ho re"a!ned barren !n the ent!re cr!ptures /@ a"uel$ A2BA6 @>0$ The h!&h pra!ses of God &et you off the battlef!eld and !nstead' you beco"e a reporter of your o,n battle8 ,h!le He beco"es the #o"batant' deal!n& ,!th your ene"y$ He doesn7t need H!s f!st to &!%e you your %!ctory8 the breath of H!s nostr!ls !s "ore than enou&h to ta*e care of any and e%ery ene"y9ou are hereby !ntroduced to the personal!ty of all personal!t!es' the One that "a*es l!%!n& fulf!ll!n& and prof!table 6 the Holy p!r!t$ 4hen 5esus told H!s d!sc!ples that !t ,as e.ped!ent for the" that He ,ent a,ay' He ,as actually tell!n& the" that the #o"forter ,as &o!n& to "a*e l!fe so "uch "ore e.c!t!n& and fulf!ll!n&8 !ndeed' He ,ould e%en cause the" to do &reater ,or*s than He d!d /5ohn BC2B@0$ Recently' I ,as !n a c!ty !n N!&er!a for a "eet!n& and a spec!ally "ade cha!r ,as presented to "e by a "an' ,hose

bus!ness had just ta*en a ne, turn throu&h an encounter he had ,!th our "!n!stry$ Th!s "an had so"eho, &ot a copy of our 4ee*ly Fa!th ;!&est' read !t and seen "y p!cture on !t$ Before then' h!s bus!ness had been on a lon& lea%e and e%eryth!n& see"ed to ha%e co"e to a standst!ll8 all he had ,as h!s co"pl!"entary card- That n!&ht' he drea"t and sa, "e &!%e h!" a letter$ The follo,!n& day' a contract opened up for h!" and before you could say (Hallelujah(' so "any others follo,ed4hen th!s "an "et "e !n person' he could not e%en stand to tal* to "e8 he ,as on h!s *nees$ Fro" runn!n& an ep!lept!c and sabbat!cal bus!ness' a ne, day had da,ned !n h!s bus!ness$ I ,ant you to *no, that so"eth!n& !s happen!n&$ The Holy p!r!t !s "o%!n& !n a ne, ,ay today' to open "en up to a ne, facet of #hr!st!an l!%!n&$ 9ou are not to be sy"path!+ed ,!th$ 9ou are created and dest!ned to be co"fortable and beco"e a channel throu&h ,h!ch co"fort !s d!str!buted to others$ ,avour The ano!nt!n& procures fa%our$ %ecause of the savour of thy good ointments thy name is as ointment poured forth, therefore do the virgins love thee. Son*s o+ Solomon 1:3 The ,ord (%!r&!ns( !s referr!n& to the br!des of #hr!st$ E%eryone on th!s earth !s a cand!date for sal%at!on' because God does not ,!sh for anyone to per!sh$ Thus' potent!ally'

e%eryone !s a br!de8 e.cept that e%eryone has the r!&ht of cho!ce ,hether to accept the Br!de&roo" or to reject H!"$ Thy name is as ointment poured forth 4hen you carry the ano!nt!n& of the Holy p!r!t' e%en your na"e !s s,eet and creates an e.pectat!on$ 9ou s"ell &ood and enjoy lo%e fro" others$ Th!s ,hole %erse !s tal*!n& about fa%our$ 3o%e fro" a second party !s fa%our$ The fa%our you co""and depends on the le%el of the ano!nt!n& that operates on your l!fe$ That you are lo%ed !s not because of your loo*s' status' or educat!onal bac*&round$ The ano!nt!n& upon you !s s!"ply ,hat co"pels people to lo%e you !n sp!te of the"sel%es$ 4hen aul ,as ano!nted *!n& by a"uel' one of the th!n&s the ano!nt!n& d!d for h!" ,as to procure fa%our for h!"$ nd they will salute thee, and give thee two loaves of bread! which thou shalt receive of their hands. 1 Samuel 1%:4 The three "en he ,as &o!n& to "eet ,ere &o!n& to salute h!" /feel *!ndly d!sposed to,ards h!"0 and &!%e h!" &!fts$ That !s supernatural fa%our$ Not because he tal*ed to the" or as*ed for anyth!n& fro" the"' but because he ,as clouded ,!th fa%our by reason of the ano!nt!n&$ 4hen you carry the ano!nt!n&' e%ery,here you turn' you are ,elco"e$ 4hen they don7t see you' they loo* for you$ )eople ,ere al,ays loo*!n& for 5esus' He ,as the "ost s!&n!f!cant personal!ty !n H!s days$ It !s not sonsh!p to be

turned a,ay fro" e%ery off!ce you &o to !n search of a job or contract$ Re&!stered sonsh!p !s all about honour$ Ano!nt!n& !s not !n feel!n& and (ton&u!n&$( It !s operat!n& !n the real" of the Holy Ghost ,!th e%!dence$ 4!thout !t' you can be a #hr!st!an for th!rty years and not ha%e anyth!n& to sho, for !t$ Noth!n& pulls a "an do,n "ore than e"pty act!%!t!es$ The la"p that has no o!l' has no use$ 4hat !s !ts use !n dar*ness1 !"!larly' the bulb that has no current pass!n& throu&h !t !s e<ually useless$ h!n!n& l!&ht attracts attent!on' part!cularly !n dar*ness$ 3!&ht does not see* to be *no,n and reco&n!+ed' because !n a dar* ,orld' l!&ht !s an asset$ That !s ,hy you ha%e fa%our ,hen your l!&ht !s sh!n!n&$ uccess !s a funct!on of fa%our$ Fa%our fro" the 3ord &uarantees success$ If !n your place of ,or* you are not ,ell fa%oured' !t could affect your pro"ot!on prospects ne&at!%ely$ 9our f!le could be h!dden or lost' "a*!n& !t !"poss!ble for the author!ty to assess your perfor"ances$ But ,hen your o!nt"ent be&!ns to s"ell &ood' e%eryone ,!ll be runn!n& o%er the"sel%es to please you and to do you &ood$ I once attended an !nter%!e,' and r!&ht there !n "y presence' the off!c!als ,ere as*!n& "e to choose bet,een t,o opt!ons$ The &ap bet,een the t,o ,as so "uch' !t ,as l!*e the d!stance bet,een the nose and the "outh$ Of course' I chose the better of the t,o-

#hec* yourself carefully$ If nobody see"s to ,ant to see you' !t !s e!ther because you don7t carry the o!l or because the one you are carry!n& !s stale$ It ta*es only fresh o!l to release unprecedented fa%our ,!th God and "en$ Freshen up and let the fresh o!l flo,$ In conclus!on' bear!n& the four outstand!n& funct!ons of the #o"forter !n "!nd' I ,ant you to pray and as* your hea%enly Father to help you e.per!ence the co"fort!n& "!n!stry of the Holy Ghost 6 sp!r!t' soul and body$ The B!ble says that the p!r!t <u!c*ens our "ortal body$ o' !f there !s anyth!n& ups!de do,n !n your l!fe' the sa"e p!r!t has po,er to turn !t around and "a*e !t ,or* for your co"fortable e.!stence$ )ray' I ur&e you' and e.per!ence a ne, release fro" hea%en$ o"e people st!ll ,!sh that 5esus ,ere around phys!cally' but 5esus H!"self sa!d that the le%el of co"fort enjoyed by H!s d!sc!ples then ,ould fade !nto "ere !ns!&n!f!cance' co"pared to the co"fort they ,!ll enjoy fro" the #o"forter$ The Holy p!r!t has so "uch "ore to offer$ A "an of God once sa!d that !n h!s t,enty years !n "!n!stry' he has not been do,n once$ Th!s !s so"eone ,ho has been chased out fro" about f!%e d!fferent places at about the sa"e per!od8 yet he has ne%er been do,n onceHe has al,ays been full of joy and pra!ses' no ,onder he st!ll loo*s l!*e a youn& boy$

5oy !s l!*e a "ed!c!ne to the body$ A bro*en heart ,ea*ens the syste"' but the joy of the 3ord stren&thens !t$ It <u!c*ens the "ortal body and refreshes the soul$ 9ou ha%e spo*en !n ton&ues' no, e.per!ence H!s person$ )eople ,ho *no, "e *no, that I don7t carry prayer re<uests about$ I ha%e so "uch of the lo%e of God and the fullness of H!s joy$ I a" full of H!s pra!ses and ,al* !n such "easure of fa%our' both ,!th H!" and ,!th "en' that I don7t ha%e too "any prayer re<uests$ Belo%ed' you ha%e s,eated enou&h' no, be refreshed$ The #o"forter !ns!de you !s not only a ton&ue tal*er' but H!s "!n!stry !s also to "a*e you co"fortable by "a*!n& you e.per!ence joy' lo%e' pra!se and fa%our$ Keep H!" fresh !n your l!fe and you ,!ll l!%e a pract!cally translated l!fe$ Apprec!ate H!s "!n!stry and release yourself for H!s four6 fold "!ss!on$ 9ou are not des!&ned to e.per!ence heartaches !n l!fe$ Brea* loose and brea* forth$ The #o"forter !s here$ It !s t!"e to be co"fortable !n the hands of God$ 3oose that flo, of joy' lo%e' the h!&h pra!ses of God and procure fa%our fro" hea%en$ Th!s four6fold char!s"a of the Holy Ghost has been lon&!n& for e.press!on !n you' &!%e H!" the opportun!ty to re%eal H!s "!n!stry of co"fort !n your l!fe$

Chapter -

The Holy p!r!t2 H!s !&n!f!cance D :!n!stry

The Holy p!r!t !s a )erson that no #hr!st!an can do ,!thout' One that no other e.per!ence can subst!tute$ He !s the e%er6ab!d!n& po,er of God a%a!lable to the sa!nt$ Today' so "any bel!e%ers are out of tune' because e%en thou&h they are born a&a!n' bapt!+ed !n the Holy Ghost and spea* !n ton&ues' they do not really *no, H!s person$ 4hen a bel!e%er *no,s the Holy Ghost' !t beco"es easy ,al*!n& ,!th God' obey!n& H!s co""and"ents' understand!n& H!s plans and pro&ra""es and l!%!n& %!ctor!ously$ The Holy p!r!t !s God7s seed of po,er !n a bel!e%er$ Th!s seed !s planted at bapt!s" /of the Holy p!r!t' not ,ater bapt!s"08 and just l!*e any seed' !t &ro,s and br!n&s forth fru!ts of po,er$ %ut ye shall receive power, after that the .oly -host is come upon you' and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in 0erusalem, and in all 0udaea, and in 1amaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. Acts 1:8 The po,er that you rece!%e ,!ll "a*e !t poss!ble for you to beco"e an e%!dence of the 4ord$ I ,ant to e"phas!+e here that the Holy p!r!t !s not just tal*!n& to other people about 5esus$ That !s not H!s only "!ss!on$ Anybody can tal* about 5esus' but ,hat establ!shes you as an e%!dence of the 4ord !s the Holy p!r!t$ 9ou can only beco"e an ep!stle by

the transfor"!n& po,er of the Holy p!r!t$ He e"po,ers the bel!e%er to l!%e the 4ord' and stand for 5esus$ He establ!shes a foundat!on for H!"$ "2e shall receive power after..." Th!s !s a clear proof that no #hr!st!an has a r!&ht to po,er before he has the Holy p!r!t$ Before he rece!%ed that po,er' )eter had den!ed 5esus three t!"es' e%en before an !ns!&n!f!cant "a!d- He ,as po,erless$ Thr!ce' he consc!ously s,ore and den!ed e%er *no,!n& h!s belo%ed :aster$ But after rece!%!n& po,er' he ,as a transfor"ed )eter$ That ,as ,hen the prophet!c chan&e of h!s na"e by 5esus beca"e a real!ty$ He ,as no "ore !"on /the reed' eas!ly sha*en by the ,!nd0' but he ,as transfor"ed !nto )eter /the roc*' !""o%able0$ Hear ,hat he told h!s accusers ,hen they ,ere apprehended /h!"self and 5ohn02 %e it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of 0esus (hrist of "a3areth, whom ye crucified, whom -od raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. Acts 4:1% And ,hen they ,ere f!nally released and char&ed not to preach !n that na"e /5esus0 any"ore' he responded2 ...#hether it be right in the sight of -od to hearken unto you more than unto -od, +udge ye. Acts 4:1) There !s noth!n& you can say about the Holy p!r!t outs!de (po,er$( As "any as ha%e been bapt!+ed !nto the Holy

p!r!t ha%e a po,er seed planted !n the"$ It !s the!r duty to let !t &ro,8 other,!se' ,!thout th!s po,er' #hr!st!an!ty beco"es just an ord!nary rel!&!on' one other pr!nc!ple for sur%!%al$ It !s the Holy p!r!t that "a*es a stone out of a bel!e%er8 ,hosoe%er co"es a&a!nst !t !s bro*en !nto p!eces and upon ,ho" !t falls' !t &r!nds !nto po,der$ :any people' ho,e%er' don7t *no, ,hat they ha%e rece!%ed' so they allo, the de%!l to toy around ,!th the"$ Not so ,!th )aul$ He stopped Ely"as7 d!sturbance ,hen he ,as preach!n&' by curs!n& h!" ,!th bl!ndness for a season$ o"e people r!&htly refer to the Holy p!r!t as (f!re$( The B!ble says that 5esus ,!ll bapt!+e us both ,!th the ".oly -host and with fire." It !s no ord!nary f!re' !t !s the consu"!n& f!re of God' ,h!ch &!%es ,ay to noth!n&$ It rather subdues e%eryth!n& that co"es a&a!nst !t$ It !s the presence of th!s f!re on your !ns!de that d!st!n&u!shes you fro" those ,ho are ,!thout !t$ The Holy p!r!t !s NOT opt!onal' !f you des!re a fru!tful #hr!st!an!ty$ He suppl!es the sta"!na 6 the endur!n& ab!l!ty 6 to run the race and obta!n the pr!+e$ E+e*!el7s e.per!ence at the %alley of dry bones !n chapter >E2B6B? &!%es a &ood understand!n& of the %!tal role of the Holy p!r!t !n a bel!e%er7s l!fe$ gain he said unto me, 4rophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, / ye dry bones, hear the word of the ,ord. Thus saith the ,ord -od unto these bones! %ehold, I will

cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall live' nd I will lay sinews upon you, and will bring up flesh upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and ye shall live! and ye shall know that I am the ,ord. 1o I prophesied as I was commanded' and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone. nd when I beheld, lo, the sinews and the flesh came up upon them, and the skin covered them above' but there was no breath in them. Then said he unto me, 4rophesy unto the wind, prophesy, son of man, and say to the wind, Thus saith the ,ord -od! (ome from the four winds, / breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live. 1o I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an e&ceeding great army. ,-e.iel 37:4-1% 3et us e.a"!ne each sta&e of th!s narrat!%e b!t by b!t$ .one %nd Sinew The (bone return!n& to h!s bone( sta&e !s the sta&e of repentance' ,hen the s!nner real!+es h!s s!nful state and returns to h!s :a*er' to "a*e peace ,!th H!"$ That !s ,hat happened to the prod!&al son ,hen he repented8 he ca"e to h!"self$ The flesh and s!ne,s co"!n& upon the bones sta&e stands for the body be!n& &!%en a fa!r for" to loo* upon 6 a for" !s &!%en to ,hat ,as or!&!nally scattered' so that !t no, has

a shape' thou&h !t st!ll lac*s the po,er to "o%e$ uch !s the state of so"e of the people !n church today 6 they ha%e a for" of &odl!ness ,h!ch !s co"pletely %o!d of the po,er that d!st!n&u!shes the sheep fro" the &oats$ It ,as so easy for 5esus7 d!sc!ples to for&et e%eryth!n& the!r :aster had told the"$ 4hen he ,as deny!n& h!s :aster' )eter couldn7t re"e"ber ,hat h!s :aster had told h!" unt!l !t ,as fulf!lled$ The sa"e )eter ran to the to"b to f!nd out ,hether ,hat he had been told ,as the truth$ That !s ho, #hr!stendo" !s suffer!n& today F too "any profess!n& #hr!st!ans ,!th a for" of rel!&!on but co"pletely %o!d of the po,er that transfor"s "ere rel!&!on !nto a relat!onsh!p' a l!fe style reflect!n& the l!fe of the :aster$ % &i+hty /ushin+ Wind The ,!nd blo,!n& on the l!feless bod!es7 sta&e !s the sta&e ,hen the Holy Ghost ca"e upon the d!sc!ples !n the upper roo" on the day of )entecost$ 9ou ,!ll not!ce that ,hen the prophecy ca"e forth' "the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an e&ceeding great army." That ,as ,hat happened on the day of )entecost$ Here ,ere one hundred and t,enty fearful d!sc!ples' huddled to&ether for fear of the author!t!es8 and suddenly' a &reat' "!&hty rush!n& ,!nd ble, upon the" and then rose up an e.ceed!n& &reat ar"yOnly one of the" spo*e and three thousand souls ,ere ,on !nto the *!n&do" !n one day- And the follo,!n& day' f!%e thousand "ore ,ere added' and so they ,a.ed stron&er

each day' unt!l they beca"e a concern to the &o%ern"ent 6 "en ,ho ,ere turn!n& the ,orld ups!de do,nBe not dece!%ed about th!s th!n& at all8 !t ta*es the breath of God to br!n& l!fe !nto a "ortal be!n&$ The Holy p!r!t !n you and H!s ano!nt!n& upon you ta*es you fro" the le%el of the natural to the le%el of the supernatural$ 5esus7 accusers ,ere enra&ed at H!s audac!ous cla!" to for&!%e s!ns$ "#ho is this man that forgiveth sins$" they ra&ed$ He !s the "an that has been e"po,ered and enthroned by God to stand !n God7s pos!t!on4hat does that "ean1 It "eans that the Holy Ghost enthrones the bel!e%er !n God7s pos!t!on$ I l!*e that- It !s no ,onder today that rel!&!ous #hr!st!ans st!ll &et enra&ed at the boldness and audac!ty of the &reat ar"y of God that has been breathed upon by the Holy p!r!t$ The &reat ar"y of God ,as accused of so "any th!n&s at the t!"e of the apostles$ It !s st!ll so !n our days and ,!ll cont!nue to be unt!l 5esus co"es$ Noth!n& &ets done by your po,er or "!&ht' but by the p!r!t of God$ The *!n&do" of God !s not !n ent!c!n& ,ords of "an7s ,!sdo"' but !n de"onstrat!on of the p!r!t and of po,er /B #or!nth!ans$ @2C0$ 5esus' the on of God' could not "an!fest ,!thout po,er$ After He returned fro" the 5ordan' the B!ble says He ,ent !nto the ,!lderness and returned !n the po,er of the Holy p!r!t$ nd 0esus returned in the power of the 1pirit into -alilee... /u.e 4:14

He entered !nto the syna&o&ue and they handed the boo*s o%er to H!"8 and as He read' e%erybody7s eyes ,ere f!.ed on H!"$ H!s "!n!stry had be&un$ If 5esus could not perfor" ,!thout the Holy p!r!t' ne!ther can you$ He "ay ha%e read that sa"e passa&e before' but !t only ca"e al!%e after the po,er of bapt!s"$ There ,as a f!re burn!n& that set the ,ords a&lo,' unt!l they penetrated the sp!r!ts of "en$ o"e people don7t e%en *no, ,hat the Holy p!r!t !s up to$ They are so l!"!ted !n the!r understand!n&' that all they *no, about H!" !s spea*!n& !n ton&ues' feel!n& &ood and be!n& a part of the "o%e"ent called the ()entecostal :o%e"ent$( Far fro" !t$ The !ssue !s the endue"ent of po,er' ,!th the ,!nd of God blo,!n& upon "ortal "en (and "a*!n& the" parta*ers of H!s d!%!ne nature$( The Holy p!r!t !s God7s po,er planted !nto "an*!nd to "a*e "en operate !n God7s capac!ty$ 4hen He !s not there' there can7t be the "an!festat!on of po,er' just as the &lory of a planted seed !s only seen ,hen !ts flo,er blosso"s$ It !s the ,!nd of God7s #hurch$ It !s ,hat "a*es a "ortal be!n& operate d!%!ne ab!l!t!es$ ;on7t &et carr!ed a,ay ,!th the ton&ues' lay hold on the po,er$ The Holy Ghost has co"e to "a*e you a l!%!n& test!"ony of the 4ord of God$ That !s ,hat !t "eans to be H!s ,!tness$ He "a*es #hr!st!an!ty "ean!n&ful$ 4!thout H!"' !t ,ould appear as !f God7s 4ord has no rele%ance to our ,orld$ After you are born a&a!n' you are ent!tled to the bapt!s" of the Holy Ghost' ,h!ch you rece!%e freely ,!th the e%!dence of spea*!n& !n other ton&ues$ That sa"e "o"ent' the po,er

of God beco"es res!dent ,!th!n you$ 4hen He co"es !n' He "a*es !t poss!ble for you to be pure' holy and perfect$ Those ,ho &ot f!lled ,!th the Holy Ghost as )eter ,as st!ll preach!n& !n #ornel!us7 house could not ha%e been pure' holy or perfect' but they all rece!%ed the &!ft of the Holy Ghost$ Hindrances To His ,ree ,low The reason ,hy !t loo*s as !f you don7t ha%e the Holy p!r!t !s that you "!&ht ha%e <uenched or &r!e%ed H!" /B Thessalon!ans$ =2BG0$ nd grieve not the .oly 1pirit of -od... ,0hesians 4:3% Too "any bel!e%ers &r!e%e the Holy p!r!t throu&h s!nful hab!ts and bad co"pany$ They "a*e fr!ends ,!th people ,ho scorn the Holy Ghost8 thus' ,hen they open the B!ble to read' noth!n& happens$ They *neel do,n to pray and noth!n& happens$ If you ,ant to be r!&ht' d!sassoc!ate yourself fro" ,ron& co"pany$ The B!ble says2 .e that walketh with wise men shall be wise' but a companion of fools shall be destroyed. P!o"e!#s 13:2% %e not deceived' evil communications corrupt good manners. 1 1o!inthians 15:33 The B!ble also says2

...)riendship of the world is enmity with -od... James 4:4 Thus' you cannot be a fr!end of the ,orld and st!ll e.pect to ha%e a s,eet co""un!on ,!th the Holy p!r!t$ It !s dan&erous to &r!e%e the Holy p!r!t' for you "ay e%entually <uench H!"' and He ,!ll lea%e your l!fe$ 4hen He lea%es' you are !n trouble' because "by strength shall no man prevail" (1 Samuel. 2:)). To <uench "eans to (put off$( o you can be sure that ,hen He lea%es you and the ,!nd of e%!l co"es' you ha%e no res!stance a&a!nst !t$ The Holy p!r!t !s the stren&th of th!s a&e$ Gr!e%e H!" not' or you ,!ll be left unprotected' unco%ered' and your na*edness e.posed$ Gr!e%e H!" not' or you "!&ht not ha%e the hope of stand!n& !n the day of rede"pt!on$ His &inistry 3et us cons!der just a fe, of the Holy p!r!t7s nu"erous "!n!str!es' !n order to help us apprec!ate H!s person$ It !s "y prayer that after read!n& th!s boo* you ,!ll !""ed!ately see* H!"' !f you ha%e not had an encounter ,!th th!s dyna"!c personal!ty before$ It !s the best th!n& that could e%er happen to you$ 0uic!ens the &ortal .ody The B!ble says that the p!r!t that l!%es !n you !s the sa"e p!r!t that <u!c*ened the body of 5esus #hr!st !n the &ra%e and ra!sed H!" fro" the dead /Ro"ans$ H2BB0$ Thus' the p!r!t of God !n you causes your "ortal body to beco"e

supernaturally al!%e$ That "eans that !t !s !lle&al for any for" of s!c*ness to be !n your body 6 you don7t need to *eep !t' you can reject !t r!&ht a,ay !f you so des!re$ If you are born a&a!n and f!lled ,!th the Holy p!r!t' then you should be a parta*er of God7s d!%!ne nature !n e%ery ,ay2 sp!r!t' soul and body$ Re"e"ber ,e are told that 5esus bapt!+es ,!th the Holy Ghost and f!re2 ....e shall bapti3e you with the .oly -host, and with fire' #hose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor...but he will burn up the chaff with un5uenchable fire. Matthew 3:11-12 The Holy Ghost ,!ll therefore' s,eep clean the floor of your be!n& ,!th the fan and ,hate%er doesn7t &lor!fy God /l!*e s!c*ness and other s!n6related proble"s0 !n your body' He ,!ll burn ,!th un<uenchable f!re$ The B!ble also says that you are the te"ple of the Holy Ghost$ Thus' ,hen He co"es !nto you' He carr!es out a san!tat!on operat!on' s,eeps you clean and burns off the chaff$ 4here He d,ells' no cancer should be able to sur%!%e8 no ulcer or any for" of ,ant and lac* should d,ell there e!ther$ After you are f!lled ,!th the Holy Ghost' you beco"e a conta!ner of God7s f!re and that f!re !s not just to *eep you ,ar"' !t also burns off and consu"es e%ery chaff$ The Holy Ghost &uarantees your health by <u!c*en!n& your body and "a*!n& !t !""une to health ha+ards$ *uides Into %ll Truth

The Holy p!r!t re%eals the truth conta!ned !n the 4ord of God to the bel!e%er$ He enl!&htens the bel!e%er7s understand!n& of the truth$ 4!thout H!" !n your l!fe' God cannot effect!%ely co""un!cate ,!th you$ 5esus told H!s d!sc!ples2 I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. .owbeit when he, the 1pirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth' for he shall not speak of himself! but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak' and he will show you things to come. John 16:12-13 (All th!n&s( !s not l!"!ted to sp!r!tual "atters only' but co%ers all spheres of l!fe$ I ha%e enjoyed that se%eral t!"es !n "y l!fe$ The Holy p!r!t teaches "e ,hat to do ,hen I &et to a crossroad and don7t *no, ,hat to do to &o o%er$ He just co"es !n l!*e a flash and thro,s l!&ht on "y ,ay and thus' sa%es "e fro" stu"bl!n&$ The B!ble says that God7s people are destroyed for lac* of *no,led&e' that !s' !&norance /Hosea$ C2A0$ The Holy p!r!t !s your only !nsurance a&a!nst the deadly and ensla%!n& &r!p of !&norance$ 4!thout H!"' all your fast!n& and prayer ,!ll a"ount to noth!n& but frustrat!on8 your !nterpretat!on of cr!ptures ,!ll be d!storted and "!s&u!ded$ Th!s e.pla!ns ,hy so "any theolo&!ans and preachers preach heres!es$ 9ou need to l!sten to so"e fello,s preach before they are bapt!+ed !n the Holy p!r!t8 they just p!c* one cr!pture and preach off trac* "essa&es' confus!n& e%erybody !nclud!n& the"sel%es-

But by reason of th!s d!%!ne enabl!n& personal!ty d,ell!n& !n you' you al,ays ha%e a solut!on to e%ery proble"$ He &u!des you !nto all truth$ He Shows Thin+s To Come He re%eals secrets ahead of t!"e' sho,!n& you th!n&s to co"e$ Too "any people today are doubtful about to"orro,$ If you ,!ll en&a&e the help of the Holy p!r!t and sub"!t yourself under H!s "!&hty hand' He ,!ll sho, you th!n&s to co"e$ He /eminds '( Thin+s Tau+ht There !s so "uch !n the 4ord of God' "a*!n& !t d!ff!cult for the hu"an bra!n to ade<uately store up e%eryth!n& l!*e a co"puter$ But at e%ery po!nt of need' the Holy p!r!t ,!ll br!n& bac* to your re"e"brance' ,hat the 4ord of God has spo*en concern!n& ,hate%er s!tuat!on you are !n /5ohn BC2@A0$ Th!s !s ,hy !t !s of ut"ost !"portance that you befr!end the 4ord of God and e%en &et add!cted to !t$ It !s fro" the "uch you ha%e stored that the Holy p!r!t ,!ll br!n& up a ,ord for you !n t!"e of need$ If 5esus had not *no,n the cr!ptures' the de%!l ,ould ha%e &ot H!" cheaply8 but' the Holy p!r!t ,as able to dra, out of the ,ealth of the 4ord stored up !n H!"' to ra!se a standard a&a!nst the de%!ces of the ene"y$ The Holy p!r!t "eans "ore than just the %!s!ble presence of 5esus ,!th!n a bel!e%er$ 5esus H!"self test!f!ed to th!s2

"evertheless I tell you the truth! It is e&pedient for you that I go away' for if I go not away, the (omforter will not come unto you! but if I depart, I will send him unto you. John 16:7 Bless God the #o"forter has co"e' and He !s r!&ht no, ,!th us and !n usHe /eproves The World '( Sin ;o you so"et!"es ,onder ,hy you ,!tness to so"ebody us!n& e%ery techn!<ue you can th!n* of' yet noth!n& happens1 Or' you preach and e%erybody see" carr!ed a,ay' but nobody responds to your altar call1 The ans,er !s s!"ple$ It !s not by po,er' "!&ht or effort that people &et sa%ed$ It !s by the po,er of the Holy p!r!t !n you' <u!c*en!n& the 4ord you spea* and &!%!n& !t l!fe' thereby con%!ct!n& "en of the!r lo, estate and po!nt!n& out the!r need of a a%!our$ 9ou "ay preach hell' br!"stone and f!re' nobody ,!ll &et sa%ed e.cept by the Holy p!r!t con%!ct!n& the"8 other,!se' 5esus ,!ll beco"e a l!ar' because He sa!d' "#hen .e is come, .e will reprove the world of sin." Thus' the Holy p!r!t has the "!n!stry of ,orld e%an&el!s" throu&h hu"an %essels$ He /eproves the World '( /i+hteousness By e"po,er!n& "en to ,al* !n r!&hteousness' He "a*es the" lose !nterest !n unhealthy th!n&s$

He /eproves '( Jud+ement The Holy p!r!t establ!shes the jud&e"ent of the ,orld throu&h the bel!e%er$ He Testi(ies '( The Truth He bears test!"ony to 5esus$ He test!f!es of the truth and establ!shes !t$ That !s ,hy you decree a th!n& !n the na"e of 5esus accord!n& to the 4ord of God and !t !s establ!shed$ Th!s !s because He !s test!fy!n& that ,hat you ha%e spo*en !s the truth$ That !s ,hy no s!nner can decree a th!n& and !t be establ!shed$ In the f!rst place' ,hat !s he decree!n& ,!thout 5esus1 The Holy p!r!t ,!ll only bac* up ,hat the carr!er of 5esus says$ %ut when the (omforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the )ather, even the 1pirit of truth, which proceedeth from the )ather, he shall testify of me' John 15:26 By test!fy!n& of 5esus' your ,ords ,!ll no lon&er be allo,ed to fall to the &round' but they ,!ll perfor" the purpose ,here unto they are sent$ ;on7t "!ss th!s' because !t !s so cruc!al2 you can do noth!n& ,!thout the Holy p!r!tHe Intercedes ,or The Saint There can be no effectual !ntercess!on ,!thout the help of the Holy p!r!t$ ,ikewise the 1pirit also helpeth our infirmities' for we know not what we should pray for as we ought' but the

1pirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. nd he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the 1pirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of -od. &omans 8:26-27 1vidence '( .aptism In The Holy *host The b!bl!cal e%!dence of bapt!s" !n the Holy p!r!t !s spea*!n& !n other ton&ues$ 4hen the Holy Ghost f!rst ca"e' the B!ble says that the d!sc!ples ,ere all to&ether !n one place and !n one accord' ,hen suddenly' ,!th the co"!n& of the "!&hty rush!n& ,!nd' they all &ot f!lled ,!th the Holy p!r!t and be&an to spea* ,!th ne, ton&ues as the p!r!t &a%e the" utterance /Acts @2B6C0$ Th!s !s recurrent !n the Boo* of Acts$ #hile 4eter yet spake these words, the .oly -host fell on all them which heard the word. )or they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify -od... Acts 1%:44 46 Th!s !s the second e%!dence of the "ass!%e outpour!n& of the Holy p!r!t$ The B!ble says that 5esus !s the "chief corner stone" and the apostles are the foundat!on$ 3et e%eryone therefore' be careful ho, he bu!lds on !t$ 5esus !s our card!nal reference' ,h!le the apostles are our hu"an references$ 4hate%er you do "ust be based on the e.a"ples left for us by 5esus and the apostles' other,!se' you ,!ll ha%e a lot of e.planat!ons to do$

In Acts BG2@6E' ,e f!nd )aul as*!n& the bel!e%ers ,hether they had rece!%ed the Holy Ghost s!nce they bel!e%ed' to ,h!ch they repl!ed that they had ne%er e%en heard about H!"$ Thereafter' he la!d hands on the" and they be&an to spea* !n ton&ues and to prophesy$ Those ,ho cr!t!c!+e spea*!n& !n ton&ues l!*e to refer to )aul' ,ho they cla!" sa!d ton&ue tal*!n& !s a prero&at!%e of a fe, 6 a &!ft and not a &eneral co""od!ty$ But the abo%e cr!pture clearly pro%es that such ar&u"ents ha%e no bas!s$ The B!ble !s our only reference and ,e l!%e by the 4ord of God conta!ned !n !t$ That )aul as*ed the" ,hether they had rece!%ed the bapt!s" !n the Holy p!r!t !s a clear !nd!cat!on of !ts !"portance to all bel!e%ers$ o"ebody "!&ht say that )aul d!dn7t spea* !n ton&ues at h!s con%ers!on$ )aul spea*s for h!"self !n 1 1o!inthians 14:18: I thank my -od, I speak with tongues more than ye all' Th!s state"ent sho,s that spea*!n& !n ton&ues "ust ha%e been a "ajor part of h!s sp!r!tual l!fe$ 4hat he ,as actually try!n& to &uard the bel!e%er a&a!nst ,as the "!suse of the!r God6&!%en pr!%!le&e' not that he ,as a&a!nst the!r !nher!tance$ For you to res!st the &!ft of bapt!s" !n the Holy p!r!t !s to forfe!t a %!tal aspect of your !nher!tance$ No ,onder the de%!l !s ha%!n& a f!eld day ,!th a &reat nu"ber of people' ,ho cla!" they are bel!e%ers and yet ha%e noth!n& to sho, for !t-

No, then' ,hat a" I say!n&1 The Acts of the Apostles' ,h!ch !s supposed to be our foundat!on' has sho,n us !nstances ,here the bel!e%ers &ot bapt!+ed !n the Holy p!r!t and !n each !nstance' !t ,as e%!denced by the!r spea*!n& !n ton&ues$ No one can cla!" to be f!lled ,!th the Holy Ghost !f he doesn7t ha%e the e%!dence of spea*!n& !n ton&ues$ E%en !n the ,orld' no case !n court !s ,on ,!thout e%!dence8 so' !f you ha%e rece!%ed the bapt!s"' pro%e !t4e are !n the acts of the latter days and ,e are "eant to bu!ld on the foundat!on la!d8 ,e "ust not destroy !t by our unbel!ef$ !ncerely as* the Holy p!r!t H!"self' !n "ee*ness' to re%eal the truth to you and I assure you that He ,ould$ The .aptism In The Holy Spirit A nu"ber of people ha%e beco"e confused on the subject of the bapt!s" !n the Holy p!r!t$ They "!&ht ha%e e%en concluded that perhaps th!s bapt!s" !s not for the"$ Often' !t !s not the!r fault' but rather a result of the unscr!ptural teach!n&s the are e.posed to$ F!rst' !t should be noted that God des!res the Holy Ghost bapt!s" for all ,ho are sa%ed$ It !s not a spec!al &!ft for a pr!%!le&ed fe,$ It !s ,hat should auto"at!cally acco"pany sal%at!on$ Th!s !s perhaps ,hat "ot!%ated the "en !n 5erusale" to as*' "...6en and brethren, what shall we do$" (Acts 2:37.) To ,h!ch )eter repl!ed2

...7epent, and be bapti3ed every one of you in the name of 0esus (hrist for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the .oly -host. Acts 2:38 The &!ft of the Holy p!r!t !s a ready co"pan!on of sal%at!on$ 5esus sa!d' "If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children' how much more shall your heavenly )ather give the .oly 1pirit to them that ask him$" (/u.e. 11:13) The &!ft !s read!ly a%a!lable and the G!%er !s e<ually ready to !"part the Holy p!r!t to all ,ho as*$ Th!s "a*es !t e.traord!nar!ly easy for the rec!p!ent to rece!%e the Holy Ghost$ The Holy p!r!t bapt!s" !s an !n!t!at!on !nto po,er$ 5esus' ,h!le spea*!n& to H!s d!sc!ples !n /u.e 24:4) sa!d2 nd, behold, I send the promise of my )ather upon you' but tarry ye in the city of 0erusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high. The d!sc!ples obeyed H!" and !n Acts 2:4 there ca"e a fulf!l"ent of that pro"!se2 nd they were all filled with the .oly -host, and began to speak with other tongues, as the 1pirit gave them utterance. 4hen the apostles rece!%ed the bapt!s" of the Holy p!r!t' they all spo*e ,!th ne, ton&ues$ But note here that they ,ere not clothed ,!th ton&ues' but ,!th po,er$ Th!s !s another error !n the teach!n& of the bapt!s" !n the Holy p!r!t$ 5esus ne%er told H!s d!sc!ples to ,a!t for ton&ues' He

told the" to tarry for an endue"ent ,!th po,er$ The effect of the endue"ent ,!th po,er ,as e%!dent2 the sha*y reed' !"on' suddenly beca"e )eter' the roc*As )eter addressed the 5erusale" aud!ence' ,ho had just recently cruc!f!ed the 3ord' he spo*e as a thunderbolt' challen&!n& the %ery funda"entals of the 5e,!sh rel!&!on$ Th!s "ust ha%e been supernatural' because as rou&hly as )eter spo*e' no one could lay hands on h!"$ Instead' >'??? an&ry 5e,s surrendered to the 3ordsh!p of 5esus and &ot sa%ed$ Of a truth' the po,er had co"eUnfortunately' the po,er d!"ens!on of bapt!s" !n the Holy p!r!t has been played do,n o%er the years by #hr!st!ans' ,ho ha%e %!rtually replaced po,er ,!th ton&ues$ ee*ers of the bapt!s" are ,a!t!n&' not for the po,er' but for the ton&ues$ Th!s !s def!n!tely a lops!ded theolo&y$ I"a&!ne )eter after the death of 5esus #hr!st and before the day of )entecost' ,hen he suddenly beca"e the celebr!ty of the day$ He had ta*en the seat of the H!&h )r!est$ In case the Ro"an #athol!cs are r!&ht' )eter suddenly beca"e the )ope- The ne,6ton&ue #hurch had ta*en o%er the #athedral8 the pulp!t had jo!ned the pe,s$ 4e are told that "any of the pr!ests !n 5erusale" beca"e obed!ent to the fa!th and as such lost the!r pulp!ts to the apostles$ The po,er d!"ens!on of the bapt!s" of the Holy p!r!t should be the core e.pectat!on' not the ton&ues$ Althou&h spea*!n& !n ton&ues !s the b!bl!cal e%!dence of the bapt!s" !n the Holy Ghost' the ton&ues should not be "!sta*en for po,er$ 9ou "ust stop h!d!n& beh!nd closed doors ,!th

heads bo,ed do,n !n sha"e and entan&led ,!th fear and fa!lure8 you "ust be bapt!+ed !n the Holy p!r!t$ Th!s !s the &!ant step !nto the school of po,er$ The .apti2er The ne.t "!sconcept!on !s the source of the bapt!s"$ A ,o"an %!s!ted "y off!ce !n BGH> and told "e ho, she had &one to "any reputable and reno,ned "!n!sters to be bapt!+ed !n the Holy p!r!t' but returned ,!thout rece!%!n& the &!ft$ he had co"e to "e' !n essence' to "a*e "y o,n contr!but!on$ 4hen I told her that she had %!s!ted the ,ron& people' she ,as shoc*ed' because she thou&ht I d!dn7t bel!e%e !n the "!n!str!es of those &reat "en of God$ o I told her2 (The Holy Ghost has only one source$ E%ery &reat ser%ant of God has just enou&h /of the Holy Ghost0 for h!"self8 so no one has e.tra to offer$( Ho,e%er' 5ohn the Bapt!st po!nts us to the Bapt!+er$ In Matthew 3:11 5ohn says2 I indeed bapti3e you with water unto repentance' but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear' he shall bapti3e you with the .oly -host, and with fire' 5esus !s the Bapt!+er$ That !s ,hy Matthew 11:28 says2 (ome unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (#o"e unto "e$$$( Not unto e!ther one of the apostles' but unto 5esus alone$

.e that believeth on me, as the 1cripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. John 7:38 The *ey ,ord !s (:e( 6 5esus8 not bel!e%!n& !n any "an' e.cept 5esus$ 9ou re"e"ber !n Acts B?' ,here )eter ,as spea*!n& !n the house of #ornel!us8 the people bel!e%ed' and the Bapt!+er ,as at hand to &et H!s job done$ 4e are told that they ,ere all f!lled ,!th the Holy p!r!t and they spo*e ,!th ne, ton&ues$ o' )eter ,as not the co""ander of that e%ent' but 5esus the Bapt!+er$ After the abo%e !ssues ,ere clar!f!ed' the ,o"an7s countenance chan&ed$ Th!s encoura&ed "e to say conf!dently2 (R!&ht no, as you are loo*!n& at "e' you ,!ll be f!lled ,!th the Holy p!r!t$( And she !""ed!ately bursted !nto ton&ues8 and I thou&ht to "yself' (9es' the 4ord ,or*s-( I also had another e.c!t!n&' yet' hu"bl!n& e.per!ence ,hen I &ot a letter fro" a youn& "an' ,ho !s no, a pastor$ #onta!ned !n h!s "!ss!%e ,as a test!"ony on ho, he &ot born a&a!n and f!lled ,!th the Holy Ghost fro" read!n& one of our early boo*s2 The :!racle eed$ The a"a+!n& th!n& !s that no one ad"!n!stered the bapt!s" of the Holy Ghost to h!"$ 5esus' the Bapt!+er' ,as just by h!" and d!d H!s job$ How To /eceive The .aptism '( The Holy *host

In case you are not yet bapt!+ed !n the Holy p!r!t and ,ould ,ant to rece!%e H!"' the follo,!n& steps ,!ll &u!de you2

Be born a&a!n$ Be &enu!nely des!rous of the bapt!s"' th!rst for !t$ Bel!e%e that the bapt!s" !s for all bel!e%ers' !nclud!n& yourself$ The bapt!s" !s for sons' not for bastards$ Ident!fy the r!&ht source of the bapt!s" of the Holy Ghost F 5esus$ It !s not the pastor' but 5esus that bapt!+es$ Trust H!" to *eep H!s ,ord$ 5esus sa!d' (He that bel!e%eth on "e' as the scr!pture hath sa!d' out of h!s belly shall flo, r!%ers of l!%!n& ,ater$( As* H!" for the bapt!s"$ If you ,!ll as* r!&ht no,' as a see*er' you ,!ll be f!lled ,!th the Holy p!r!t$

That !s ,hy 5esus sa!d2 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children' how much more shall your heavenly )ather give the .oly 1pirit to them that ask him$ /u.e 11:13 In conclus!on' let "e e"phas!+e that the Holy p!r!t !s not for the stron&' but to "a*e the ,ea* stron&$ He !s not for the h!&hly placed bel!e%ers8 He !s the !nstru"ent that "a*es the lo,ly #hr!st!an r!de h!&h$ He !s not for the (perfect( #hr!st!an8 but He !s God7s treat"ent for !"perfect!on$

Therefore' as lon& as you are born a&a!n' you are a ,orthy cand!date for the bapt!s" of the Holy p!r!t$ R!&ht no,' I co""and that flo, to co"e upon you$ Rece!%e the Holy Ghost and be endued ,!th po,er fro" on h!&h' ,!th the e%!dence of spea*!n& !n ton&ues' !n 5esus7 na"e-

Chapter 3
Understand!n& The Ano!nt!n&
Ano!nt!n& !s a d!%!ne enabl!n&$ It !s an outflo, of the Holy p!r!t throu&h a hu"an %essel$ There !s a d!fference bet,een the bapt!s" of the Holy p!r!t and the ano!nt!n&$ The bapt!s" !s just the be&!nn!n& of the race' !t !s l!*e an !n!t!at!on !nto sp!r!tual depth$ It !s d!fferent fro" be!n& ano!nted$ In!t!at!on br!n&s about !dent!f!cat!on$ It !s !n the course of !dent!f!cat!on that you rece!%e an outflo, 6 a h!&her d!"ens!on of the Holy p!r!t$ Here !s an !llustrat!on to help you understand the d!fferent le%els of the Holy p!r!t$ % Well In 5ohn C' 5esus "et a a"ar!tan ,o"an at the ,ell and as*ed her to &!%e H!" ,ater to dr!n*$ The ,o"an ,as aston!shed' because the 5e,s ,ere not supposed to ha%e

anyth!n& to do ,!th the a"ar!tans$ As a result' 5esus tr!ed to sho, her that He ,as "ore than just a 5e,8 He had so"eth!n& "ore to offer her that she *ne, not of 6 a ,ell of l!%!n& ,ater flo,!n& fro" !ns!de her$ Th!s !llustrat!on !s tal*!n& about your encounter ,!th the Holy p!r!t at ne, b!rth' for no one can say (5esus !s 3ord( e.cept by the Holy p!r!t$ Th!s e.per!ence !s co"pared to a ,ell of ,ater$ The le%el of the Holy p!r!t !n you at con%ers!on !s l!*ened to a ,ell of ,ater$ % /iver John 7:37-3) says that 5esus l!fted up H!s %o!ce on the &reat day of the feast and sa!d2 ...If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. .e that believeth on me, as the 1cripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. (%ut this spake he of the 1pirit, which they that believe on him should receive' for the .oly -host was not yet given! because that 0esus was not yet glorified.) Th!s !s the bapt!s" of the Holy p!r!t' ,h!ch !s rece!%ed by those ,ho already bel!e%e$ Th!s e.per!ence !s l!*ened to a r!%er of ,ater$ At con%ers!on you ha%e a ,ell of the p!r!t' ,hereas at bapt!s"' you ha%e r!%ers of the p!r!t$ 4ells are subject to cl!"at!c cond!t!ons$ In the dry season' "ost ,ells dry up co"pletely$ )eople at th!s le%el are tossed about by the pre%a!l!n& sp!r!tual cl!"at!c cond!t!ons$ 4hen the cl!"ate !s

sp!r!tually hot' they are hot' and ,hen !t !s cold' they also beco"e cold$ Those bapt!+ed !n the Holy p!r!t ha%e r!%ers of the p!r!t flo,!n& !n the"$ A r!%er !s also dependent on the cl!"ate$ In the dry season you see ch!ldren and an!"als ,al*!n& about on the r!%er bed$ If the cl!"ate !s harsh' a r!%er reduces !n %olu"e' and the use to ,h!ch you put !t at th!s sta&e !s l!"!ted$ Boats can no lon&er sa!l on !t' lar&er boats are stranded and f!sh!n& act!%!t!es are pract!cally brou&ht to a standst!ll$ Th!s sho,s that the r!%er le%el of the p!r!t does not &uarantee secur!ty$ Th!s !s ,here people ,ho th!n* that the bapt!s" of the Holy Ghost !s the end of the road "!ss !t$ The cl!"ate that ,!ll reduce the %olu"e of a r!%er "ust necessar!ly cause the ,ell to be co"pletely out of use- Th!s !s ,hy once sa%ed does not "ean al,ays sa%ed' and once bapt!+ed !n the p!r!t does not "ean al,ays be!n& bapt!+ed$ Both of the" are subject to the ,eather$ There !s another le%el of the Holy p!r!t' ,h!ch supersedes these f!rst t,o$ Th!s !s the ano!nt!n& le%el$ The /ain The ano!nt!n& !s l!*ened to ra!n$ Ra!n !s the l!%e ,!re of the ,ell and r!%er$ It deter"!nes the!r ,elfare and !s the only ,ay by ,h!ch they are f!lled up$ A ,ell "ay al,ays be f!lled ,!th ,ater' and at t!"es' to the br!"$ But the funct!on to ,h!ch !t can be put !s d!fferent fro" that to ,h!ch you

can put a r!%er$ 9ou cannot f!sh !n a ,ell' ne!ther can you &o boat!n& !n !t' no "atter ho, full !t !s$ 4!th a r!%er' you can &enerate hydro6electr!c!ty and carry out lar&e scale f!sh!n&$ The funct!on to ,h!ch a r!%er !s put !s deter"!ned by the le%el of ,ater !t has and th!s le%el of ,ater !s dependent on ra!n$ sk ye of the ,ord rain in the time of the latter rain! so the ,ord shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain... 2echa!iah 1%:1 ...)or he hath given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month. Joel 2:23 These cr!ptures clearly refer to the ano!nt!n&$ Th!s !s the ra!n of God7s po,er8 the release of po,er fro" abo%e' to !ncrease the ,ater le%el$ The ano!nt!n& stands for the !ncrease !n the %olu"e of ,ater !n your r!%er$ E%en as the %olu"e of ,ater !n a r!%er deter"!nes the funct!ons to ,h!ch !t can be put' so also does the le%el of ano!nt!n& !n a "an deter"!ne the nu"ber of people he can carry alon&$ The le%el of ano!nt!n& deter"!nes the product!%!ty of a "an of God$ The ano!nt!n& !s the !n6f!ll!n& of the Holy p!r!t$ The only ,ay you can f!ll up a r!%er !s ,hen !t ra!ns$ The ra!n' the ano!nt!n&' be&an to fall ,hen the d!sc!ples prayed !n Acts C'

for the !nf!ll!n& of the p!r!t' so they could preach the 4ord of God ,!th boldness$ They had already rece!%ed the Holy p!r!t bapt!s" at )entecost' but they prayed for an !nf!ll!n&' and the B!ble records that "they were all filled with the .oly -host, and they spake the word of -od with boldness." The ano!nt!n& !s subse<uent to bapt!s"$ It !s after bapt!s" that you rece!%e that touch$ Th!s ,as clearly !llustrated !n the "!n!stry of 5esus$ 4hen He ,as bapt!+ed at the R!%er 5ordan' the B!ble says that the Holy Ghost ca"e upon H!" !n the for" of a do%e$ Thereafter' He ,as led of the p!r!t !nto the ,!lderness' fro" ,hence He returned !n the po,er of the p!r!t$ He ca"e under a stron& and po,erful ano!nt!n& and H!s fa"e spread abroad$ He read fro" the cr!ptures2 The 1pirit of the ,ord is upon me, because he hath anointed me... /u.e 4:18 Th!s ,as ,hy He could &o about do!n& &ood and heal!n& all those that ,ere oppressed of the de%!l' because God ,as ,!th H!"$ Th!s !s the ano!nt!n&$ It "a*es !t poss!ble for the sons of God to "an!fest the!r sonsh!p$ It !s the release of God7s po,er that "a*es perfor"ance poss!ble$ The ano!nt!n& !s not a dor"ant !ssue' !t !s ,hat act!%ates your #hr!st!an stand$ It enables you to stand on God7s 4ord and to &et results$

No *!n& re!&ned !n Israel ,!thout the ano!nt!n&$ !"!larly' no prophet stood !n h!s off!ce ,!thout !t$ 9ou ne%er &et to occupy your throne ,!thout the ano!nt!n& of the Holy p!r!t$ It !s the ano!nt!n& that "ar*s out a bel!e%er$ It enthrones the sa!nts of God$ It d!st!n&u!shes bet,een people$ Th!s !s ,hy t,o people "ay preach the sa"e "essa&e' but ha%e d!fferent results$ No "atter your call!n& or area of ser%!ce' the ano!nt!n& of the Holy Ghost upon your l!fe !s the "aster *ey to fulf!l"ent and acco"pl!sh"ent$ 9our enthrone"ent !s not by po,er or by "!&ht' but by the p!r!t of the 3ord$ The ano!nt!n& !s %ery !"portant !n a bel!e%er7s l!fe$ E%ery bel!e%er re<u!res !t for sustenance' perfor"ance' success' brea*throu&h and fulf!l"ent$ Noth!n& &ets acco"pl!shed ,!thout !t$ It !s an absolute necess!ty for a fru!tful #hr!st!an l!%!n&$ nd it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing. Isaiah 1%:27 The obstacles are cleared off' the "ounta!ns are brou&ht lo,' the Red ea pa%es ,ay' all because of the ano!nt!n&$ Only the ano!nt!n& can destroy the yo*e' no "atter ,hat the yo*e !s$ Ho, "uch brea*throu&hs you e.per!ence !n l!fe !s deter"!ned by the le%el of the ano!nt!n& of the Holy p!r!t upon your l!fe$ 5esus char&ed the d!sc!ples not to &o

,!tness!n& unt!l they ,ere endued ,!th po,er fro" on h!&h$ The *!n&do" of God !s not !n ,ords' but !n the de"onstrat!on of the p!r!t and of po,er$ 4!thout the ano!nt!n&' the d!sc!ples ,ere !nco"petent to operate !n the!r off!ces' l!*e,!se the *!n&s and prophets of old$ Ano!nt!n& !s for perfor"ance$ No ano!nted "an can reta!n the ano!nt!n& ,!thout putt!n& !t to ,or*$ 3ac* of use results !n decay' ,h!le act!%e use results !n "atur!ty$ The ano!nt!n& of God upon your l!fe ,!ll only !ncrease as a result of use$ %ut strong meat belongeth to them...who by reason of use have their senses e&ercised... (e#!ews 5:14 If you &o to sleep ,!th the ano!nt!n& of the Holy p!r!t' !t ,!ll also &o to sleep !n you$ The ano!nt!n& !s &!%en for a purpose$ 5esus sa!d2 .e has anointed me to... He had a tas* to acco"pl!sh ,!th !t$ He ,as ano!nted for a "!ss!on$

Funda"ental Issues Related To The Ano!nt!n&

The %ct '( /i+hteousness Thy throne, / -od, is for ever and ever' the sceptre of thy kingdom is a right sceptre. Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness' therefore -od, thy -od, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. Psalm 45:6-7

5esus lo%ed r!&hteousness and hated ,!c*edness8 that ,as ,hy He ne%er ran out of the ano!nt!n&$ He ,as ano!nted ,!th the o!l of &ladness abo%e H!s fello,s$ It follo,s therefore that anyone ,ho ,!ll rece!%e the ano!nt!n& "ust lo%e r!&hteousness and hate !n!<u!ty$ The le%el to ,h!ch you lo%e r!&hteousness and hate !n!<u!ty deter"!nes the le%el of your ano!nt!n&$ The le%el of ano!nt!n& of 5esus ,as h!&her than that of H!s fello,s$ He sa!d of H!"self' "The prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me." (John 14:3%.) The Apostle )aul' tal*!n& about H!" sa!d He *ne, no s!n /@ #or!nth!ans$ =2@B0$ o' because He *ne, no s!n' H!s ano!nt!n& *ne, no l!"!ts$ !n places a l!"!t on the ano!nt!n&$ It da"s the r!%er$ The ra!n "!&ht fall' but a lar&e part of the r!%er ,!ll rece!%e no ,ater' because of the da"' ,h!ch creates an obstacle that bloc*s the flo,$ If you hate r!&hteousness and lo%e !n!<u!ty' then the ra!n !s ,!thheld fro" fall!n& on you' and as a result' you ha%e to do ,!thout the ano!nt!n&$ The ano!nt!n& that *no,s no l!"!t !s a result of r!&hteousness that *no,s no bounds$ )aul ,as "!&ht!ly ano!nted of God$ After he appeared on the scene' he "ade !t loo* as !f the other apostles ,ere non6 e.!stent$ He ,rote half of the Ne, Testa"ent$ He also had th!s test!"ony2 2e are witnesses, and -od also, how holily and +ustly and unblameably we behaved ourselves among you that

believe' 1 3hessalonians 2:1% )aul had a test!"ony of hol!ness$ The ,ay up !n the journey of the ano!nt!n& !s your lo%e for r!&hteousness$ That !s ho, you can be opened up to rece!%!n& the ano!nt!n&$ In h!s letter' Apostle 5ohn sa!d2 ...,et no man deceive you' he that doeth righteousness is righteous... 1 John 3:7 The e"phas!s here !s on the ,ord (doeth$( There !s a (do!n&( !n%ol%ed !n r!&hteousness$ )otent!ally' ,e are the r!&hteousness of God !n #hr!st 5esus' but that potent!al only beco"es dyna"!c ,hen you en&a&e !n the acts of r!&hteousness$ Th!s does not ha%e so "uch to do ,!th effort as !t has to do ,!th the 4ord$ 9ou ha%e already o%erco"e sp!r!tually' so you are to carry out your %!ctory !n the phys!cal$ a"uel ,as a h!&hly ano!nted "an of God$ The cr!ptures tell us2 nd 1amuel grew, and the ,ord was with him, and did let none of his words fall to the ground. 1 Samuel 3:1) 4hate%er he sa!d too* place$ Th!s "ust be by reason of the ano!nt!n&' the po,er of God at ,or* !n h!"$ As a result' a"uel could as* the ,hole con&re&at!on2

%ehold, here I am' witness against me before the ,ord, and before his anointed' whose o& have I taken$ or whose ass have I taken$ or whom have I defrauded$ whom have I oppressed$ or of whose hand have I received any bribe to blind mine eyes therewith$ and I will restore it you. 1 Samuel 12:3 Th!s !s the secret$ To be full of r!&hteousness' !s to be full of po,er$ The thr!ce holy God !s the o"n!potent God$ a"uel could stand boldly' l!*e )aul the Apostle' to &!%e the test!"ony of h!s ,al* !n !nte&r!ty ,!th God$ Th!s !s ,hat br!n&s about the ano!nt!n&$ Ano!nt!n& !s not !n the fer%ency of preach!n&' nor !s !t the ener&y e.pended !n &est!culat!ons8 !t !s the po,er content$ E%ery test!"ony of e.plo!ts !n the B!ble !s based upon th!s$ 4hen you are off the trac* of r!&hteousness' then you are off the trac* of po,er$ If you ha%e found yourself be!n& o%erco"e a&a!n and a&a!n by s!n' *no, that there !s a ,ay out$ One of the th!n&s you do to ,ea*en the forces of s!n !s to ta*e a dec!s!on a&a!nst !t l!*e ;an!el d!d$ He purposed !n h!s heart not to def!le h!s body' and !n the a&e of s!n' ;an!el l!%ed a s!nless l!fe$ If ;an!el could ta*e a dec!s!on and uphold !t' so can you also' because you operate a better co%enant$ R!&hteousness has !ts pr!ce$ God has pa!d H!s o,n pr!ce by send!n& H!s dear on to d!e on the cross of cal%ary$ 9ou need to play your o,n part too' by sub"!tt!n& fully to H!s ,!ll$ Th!s ,!ll cost you so"eth!n&$ It "ay cost you pleasure' relat!onsh!p ,!th others' den!al of food' and other

such for"s of d!sco"fort$ Ho,e%er' the pr!ce you pay cannot be co"pared to the ,e!&ht of &lory that a,a!ts you at the end$ 5esus e"phas!+ed that a bel!e%er can be l!*e God$ If he can l!%e l!*e God !n character' so also can he be l!*e H!" !n the de"onstrat!on of po,er$ Tune up your l!fe style to God7s character' so that H!s l!fe can f!nd e.press!on throu&h you$ :any bel!e%ers' as a result of carelessness !n the th!n&s of the p!r!t' ha%e been dethroned e%en before they could real!+e !t$ The lost throne can be secured bac*$ Our God !s a "erc!ful God$ The dethrone"ent of any #hr!st!an "ay be caused by "any factors' ran&!n& fro" the lure of "oney' ,o"en' dr!n*' self!sh %entures' etc$ 9ou need to f!&ht to free yourself' to secure your throne and "a!nta!n !t$ Get r!d of the l!ttle l!ttle fo.es that spo!l the %!ne' and ha%e a pleasant flo, !nto the real" of the p!r!t$ The de%!l cannot stand your ascend!n& the throne' so he !s busy loo*!n& for ,ays to trap you$ He can co"e throu&h hu"an a&ents or any s!tuat!on$ p!r!tual dethrone"ent !s h!s "!n!stry 6 to steal' *!ll and destroy$ ;o not ,atch your throne be!n& stolen fro" you$ It !s t!"e to f!&ht the &ood f!&ht of fa!th and possess your !nher!tance !n God$ ;a%!d had to spend so"e t!"e !n the bush after be!n& dethroned$ The de%!l dethroned h!" after lur!n& h!" !nto an adulterous relat!onsh!p ,!th Bathsheba$ H!s throne ,as ta*en fro" h!" throu&h lust' but he re&a!ned !t throu&h the "ercy of God$ There !s a throne for you$ ;on7t d!e !n your %!lla&e as a house fello,sh!p leader$

The latter ra!n ans,ers to san!ty and pur!ty$ If you are ta*!n& a tr!p for the ano!nt!n& 6 the latter ra!n' you ha%e to f!rst ha%e your bath and ,ash your clothes$ #lean your en%!ron"ent for God to ha%e H!s ,ay$ The ano!nt!n& !s a %!s!tat!on of the presence of God !n "an!festat!on$ If God "ust co"e to you' you ha%e to &et ready for H!"$ Ne, ,!ne can only be stored !n ne, ,!ne s*!ns$ The ne, ano!nt!n&' the latter ra!n' !s for rene,ed "en$ Wal!in+ In )ove All !ssues of l!fe e"anate fro" lo%e8 they all ha%e the!r anchor on !t$ Th!s also &oes ,!th the ano!nt!n&$ Ano!nt!n& !s bas!cally for ser%!ce$ (He has ano!nted :e to IdoJ$$$( 5esus sa!d$ 9ou ,!ll a&ree ,!th "e that ,hen you are pray!n& for so"eone you really lo%e' there !s a stran&e *!nd of unct!on on you$ On the other hand' ,hen pray!n& for so"eone ,ho !s a l!ttle "ore d!stant' the fer%ency of your prayer !s reduced$ The lo%e relat!onsh!p bet,een you and the one you are pray!n& for deter"!nes the de&ree of ano!nt!n& you e.per!ence !n the course of prayer and "!n!strat!on$ A "an that ,!ll flo, !n the ano!nt!n& and de"onstrate the po,er of the p!r!t' "ust be a "an of lo%e$ For your "!n!stry to ha%e a pos!t!%e effect on others' you "ust ha%e lo%e for the"$ 5ust l!*e you cannot be "ore ano!nted than the le%el of your r!&hteousness' so also you cannot be "ore ano!nted than ho, lo%!n& you are$ Hatred' ,h!ch !s just as bad as unr!&hteousness' places a l!"!t on your ano!nt!n&$

E%ery t!"e 5esus ,as "o%ed ,!th co"pass!on' there ,as a release of ano!nt!n& ,h!ch &a%e b!rth to s!&ns and ,onders$ At the &ra%e of 3a+arus' there ,as a cry of lo%e fro" H!s heart$ The B!ble tells us He ,ept$ 3o%e flo,ed fro" H!s heart' and the flo, of the ano!nt!n& ,as released and 3a+arus rose up fro" the dead$ 3o%e &!%es the %!ctory8 !t *no,s no defeat$ It !s the carr!er of God7s po,er' e%en as the 4ord of God !s the carr!er of fa!th$ E%ery t!"e you are "o%ed ,!th co"pass!on' you set the po,er of God !n you !n "ot!on$ A "an ,ho has no co"pass!on for the s!c* !s not <ual!f!ed for the heal!n& ano!nt!n&$ In the on&s of olo"on' ,e are told that lo%e !s stron&er than death$ 3o%e' e"anat!n& fro" the heart' sets !nto "ot!on a po,er' an ano!nt!n& that *no,s no obstacles$ )ivin+ The raise )i(e Noth!n& *eeps ano!nt!n& do,n "ore than a l!fe %o!d of pra!se and ,orsh!p$ :ur"ur!n& and co"pla!n!n& *eep ano!nt!n& far a,ay fro" your terr!tory$ The "ore you pra!se' the "ore the unct!on8 the "ore the ,orsh!p the "ore the ano!nt!n&$ God !s fearful !n pra!ses /E.odus$ B=2BB0$ He "an!fests H!"self !n an at"osphere of than*s&!%!n&$ 5esus ne%er co"pla!ned' He ne%er "ur"ured$ He ,as ne%er offended !n God$ It !s no ,onder that He ne%er lac*ed the ano!nt!n&$ In H!s &reatest hour of need /,hen "en tend to <uest!on God0' He al,ays sa!d2 (Father' I than* 9ou$(

)ra!se *eeps the ano!nt!n& flo,!n&' ,h!ch !n turn destroys the yo*e$ ;eta!ls on th!s ,!ll be d!scussed !n chapter BB$

Chapter 4
The 5ourney Into The Ano!nt!n&
4e are l!%!n& !n the a&e of po,er' and one ,ay by ,h!ch God ,!ll pro%e H!"self !n our "!dst !s by the de"onstrat!on of H!s po,er for2 The kingdom of -od is not in word, but in power. 1 1o!inthians 4:2% The *!n&do" of God !s not !n church attendance' prayer' fast!n&' t!th!n& or cell "e"bersh!p$ If all these th!n&s don7t cul"!nate !n po,er' then they don7t "ean anyth!n& at all$ God offers no &uarantee o%er anybody7s l!fe outs!de the "an!festat!on of H!s po,er$ %ehold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions...and nothing shall by any means hurt you. /u.e 1%:1) Th!s !s poss!ble by po,er only$ It has noth!n& to do ,!th ho, rel!&!ous you are or ho, n!ce you loo*$ Th!s po,er !s not reser%ed for a fe, !nd!%!duals only8 !t !s for all$

... s many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of -od... John 1:12 )o,er !s the true !dent!ty of the sa!nt$ Th!s po,er !s' ho,e%er' not l!"!ted to a de"onstrat!on of heal!n&s and other "!racles only8 !t !s de"onstrated !n e%ery sphere of l!fe$ The pres!dent of a nat!on !s pres!dent ,here%er he &oes and ,hate%er he does$ He !s no less the pres!dent' no "atter ,here he &oes$ E%en !n h!s sleep' he !s pres!dent- That !s e.actly ho, that po,er !s operat!onal' !t could be effectual e%ery,here ,!th!n your jur!sd!ct!on$ In Psalm 11%:1-3 ,e read2 The ,ord said unto my ,ord, 1it thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. The ,ord shall send the rod of thy strength out of *ion' rule thou in the midst of thine enemies. Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning' thou hast the dew of thy youth. He ,!ll s!t unt!l all H!s ene"!es ha%e been "ade H!s footstool$ The day of God7s po,er ,!ll precede H!s co"!n& and th!s ,!ll be "ade *no,n throu&h the #hurch$ The #hurch !s al,ays referred to as K!on$ Th!s cr!pture !s thus say!n& that God7s "!&ht ,!ll f!nd e.press!on out of K!on' ,h!ch ,!ll "a*e her to rule !n the "!dst of her ene"!es$ he ,!ll rule phys!cally' "entally and other,!se$ That !s you-

God has a day !n "!nd and that day !s referred to as (the day of h!s po,er$( *ateway To ower The &ate,ay to po,er !s th!rst$ There has to be a th!rst' a cra%!n&' a lon&!n&$ 9ou don7t buy po,er ,!th "oney or anyth!n& else$ There has to be a lon&!n&' after the order of ;a%!d2 s the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, / -od. Psalm 42:1 There !s no doubt that ;a%!d sa, and e.per!enced the po,er of God for "any days$ Ho, d!d he &et !t1 He ,as constantly pant!n& after !t$ The pr!ce of the release of po,er !s a lon&!n& !n your heart' that ,here you are no, !s only &ood enou&h for no,' but !t ,!ll be too bad !f you re"a!n there per"anently$ Accord!n& to 5esus' the day7s trouble !s enou&h for the day$ ;a%!d *ne, that secret <u!te early' so he be&an to pant after God7s po,er$ o "any people &et so sat!sf!ed ,!th the %ery l!ttle ano!nt!n& they ha%e$ They feel fulf!lled and acco"pl!shed after the f!rst "!racle and th!n* they ha%e arr!%ed$ In Isaiah 55:1 the B!ble says2 .o, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money! come ye, buy, and eat! yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.

Th!s %erse s!"ply re%eals the secret to God7s release of H!s po,er$ 4hen you as* for po,er' He f!rst of all chec*s the cond!t!on of your heart' to see ,hether there !s a th!rst or !f you are "erely as*!n& out of a rel!&!ous sense' because e%eryone else !s as*!n&$ "%uy milk and wine without money." :oney !s not the currency for the "!l* and ,!ne8 th!rst !s$ ".o, everyone that thirsteth." Th!rst !s the acceptable tender for the release of po,er$ Th!s th!rst !s the *!nd that ,as !n the heart of :oses ,ho" God "ade a &od unto )haraoh$ Th!s "an had so "any encounters ,!th God and e%en spo*e face to face ,!th H!"8 yet' he st!ll cr!ed out to God to sho, h!" H!s ,ay' that he "ay *no, H!" /E.odus$ >>2B@6B>0$ The proble" ,!th "any of us !s that ,e &et sat!sf!ed so soon and allo, the ene"y to rob us of God7s best by accept!n& the ord!nary as the ult!"ate$ Thus' th!s po,er ,e are tal*!n& about !s a%a!lable only to those ,ho reco&n!+e that they need H!" e%eryday$ )aul' a "an !n h!s o,n class' of ,ho" e%en the de%!l bore th!s ,!tness2 "4aul I know," had a ,ealth of re%elat!ons /l!%!n& !n t,o ,orlds at the sa"e t!"e0 by reason of h!s encounters and relat!onsh!p ,!th 5esus' yet he ,as not sat!sf!ed$ He yearned for "ore2 That I may know him and the power of his resurrection... Phili00ians 3:1% That !s ,hy !n 1 1o!inthians 8:2 he ad"on!shed us2

nd if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know. Only a th!rst for God7s po,er ,!ll br!n& do,n the ano!nt!n&$ A da!ly reco&n!t!on of the fact that ,hat you ha%e !s not all that you can ha%e8 that ,hat you *no, !s not all that you can *no,$ ;o not accept local cha"p!onsh!p' refuse !t %ehe"ently$ The journey !s too lon&$ ;on7t settle do,n yet' lest ,hen you &et to hea%en you re&ret ser!ously ,hen you see the accu"ulat!on of all that belon&ed to you' but ,h!ch you "!ssed throu&h sat!sfact!on ,!th the status <uo$ There !s so "uch !n reser%e for you$ Re"e"ber that 5esus pro"!sed ,e ,ere &o!n& to do H!s ,or*s' and e%en do &reater ones than He d!d$ It s!"ply "eans that you ,!ll be able' not only to operate H!s type of po,er' but e%en acco"pl!sh "ore than He d!d- No ,or* !s done ,!thout po,er$ Ho, "uch !s done !s e<u!%alent to ho, "uch po,er has &one !n$ All you need to do no, !s to e.a"!ne yourself and see ho, far you ha%e &one !n fulf!ll!n& those prec!ous ,ords of the :aster' that !s' acco"pl!sh!n& "ore than He d!d$ %c!nowled+e 5our 1mptiness The *ey secret to rece!%!n& God7s po,er !s to constantly see your e"pt!ness8 see ho, "uch you need H!" for replen!sh"ent$ :any bel!e%ers see the Holy Ghost bapt!s" as the ult!"ate !n the!r #hr!st!an e.per!ence$ No ,ay- It !s only the ta*e6

off po!nt !n the school of po,er' "ar*!n& the day you ,ere re&!stered !nto *!n&do" ser%!ce$ Re&!strat!on does not "ean &raduat!on8 and "atr!culat!on !n the po,er school !s d!fferent fro" con%ocat!on- Therefore' ,hen you ta*e re&!strat!on to "ean &raduat!on' you are say!n& ,elco"e to "ed!ocr!ty$ After 5esus ,as bapt!+ed' both by !""ers!on and ,!th the Holy Ghost' the B!ble says He ,as led by the p!r!t !nto the ,!lderness' ,here He e"pt!ed self and sou&ht after the Father$ He thereafter returned !n the po,er of the Holy p!r!t$ After the ano!nt!n&' He st!ll ,ent for the !nf!ll!n&$ 4hen He returned to the syna&o&ue and ,as &!%en a boo* to read' He read2 "The 1pirit of the ,ord is upon me to..." (/u.e. 4:14-21). H!s onsh!p ,as conf!r"ed at the !n!t!al bapt!s"$ But you cannot "an!fest sonsh!p ,!thout the ano!nt!n&8 that ,as ,hy 5esus ,ent after !t 6 the Holy Ghost led H!" to the ,!lderness for forty days$ No, that you ha%e rece!%ed the bapt!s" of the Holy p!r!t and do spea* !n ton&ues' ha%e you &one out for the ra!n that co"es fro" hea%en' and ,h!ch alone "a*es the d!fference1 After )aul7s con%ers!on' for three years he ,as !n the coast of Arab!a and ,hen he ca"e out he ,as !n the class of the prophets$ E%eryone has to see*8 for !t !s he that see*s that f!nds$ The ano!nt!n& of the Holy Ghost !s the o!l fro" hea%en that *eeps the f!re burn!n&$ If !t !s not there' the &lo, of the f!re ,!ll ,ane$

Th!s ,as the p!t!able state of the f!%e fool!sh %!r&!ns' ,hose o!l &ot f!n!shed before the br!de&roo" arr!%ed$ By the t!"e they returned fro" buy!n& "ore' they ,ere loc*ed out of that ,h!ch they had been ,a!t!n& for$ That !s ,hy you ha%e to "a*e sure that your cup !s f!lled e%eryday$ ;on7t be lost !n act!%!t!es' but see* a personal' sp!r!tual rene,al for yourself$ Be lost !n #hr!st' so that you "ay be found of H!"$ The path of the just sh!nes "ore and "ore unto the perfect day$ If th!s !s not true for you' and all you can boast of !s ,hat you acco"pl!shed years bac*' then you ha%e to do so"eth!n&$ 4hat you started do!n& lon& a&o should be on the !ncrease$ E%eryth!n& ,!ll co"e to a standst!ll ,hen you stop see*!n& l!*e you used to do !n the past$ :en that &o up !n the school of po,er are "en that constantly reco&n!+e the!r e"pt!ness' so that they can ha%e H!s suff!c!ency poured out upon the"$ 5esus ,!ll only co"e for the br!de that !s ar"ed ,!th po,er$ There !s &o!n& to be an out,ard restorat!on of all th!n&s before 5esus ,!ll co"e do,n' and that "eans po,er$ There ,!ll be a po,er e.plos!on on the earth' that ,!ll co""and and co"pel e%eryth!n& to fall !n l!ne ,!th God7s 4ord before 5esus ,!ll co"e$ ....ow terrible art thou in thy works8 through the greatness of thy power shall thine enemies submit themselves unto thee. Psalm 66:3

If the #hurch ,!ll rule !n the "!dst of her ene"!es before 5esus co"es' !t "eans that there ,!ll be such a terr!f!c release of po,er8 for' !t !s only throu&h the use of po,er that the ene"y sub"!ts$ That "eans that 5esus !s ,a!t!n& for the unleash!n& of th!s po,er before He co"es$ Out of K!on /the #hurch0 there shall be such a release of po,er and &lory' that the ene"y ,on7t be able to res!st$ 9ou ,!ll spea* a ,ord and !t ,!ll stand' because !t !s bac*ed ,!th po,er$ In s!ncer!ty and ,!th a pure "ot!%e to ser%e God' be&!n to lon& for the !nf!ll!n& ,!th th!s po,er$ E%eryone needs th!s po,er' not just preachers$ E%eryone needs the !nfluence of the ano!nt!n& to atta!n the plan of God for the!r l!%es$ 9ou cannot do anyth!n& effect!%ely ,!thout the ano!nt!n&$ By !t you ,!eld po,er to affect e%ery sphere of l!fe' because the B!ble says that the yo*e shall be destroyed by the ano!nt!n&$ That "eans' ,here%er a yo*e can be found' the ano!nt!n& !s needed$ There are yo*es a&a!nst e%ery sphere of l!fe today 6 bus!ness' Fa"!ly' etc$ 9ou e%en need the ano!nt!n& to dr!%e' other,!se you ,!ll be run !nto or be ja""ed e%eryday$ There are certa!n traps la!d by the ene"y for you !n one ,ay or the other' but the ano!nt!n& on you ,!ll destroy e%ery yo*e$ There !s a place for e%eryth!n& 6 prayer' fast!n&' &!%!n&' etc8 but ,hen !t co"es to brea*!n& of yo*es' the ano!nt!n& !s ,hat destroys the"$ All other ,ays could help bu!ld !t up' but unt!l they result !n the ano!nt!n&' no yo*e ,!ll be destroyed$

The Trans(ormin+ 1((ect 9ou ,!ll d!sco%er that as you ad%ance !n the p!r!t' "ost proble"s around you ,!ll be&!n to &!%e ,ay on the!r o,n accord and you ,!ll be&!n to ,onder at the &lor!ous chan&e' as you ha%e turned !nto another person$ The ano!nt!n& chan&es you re&ularly and fro" t!"e to t!"e !nto another "an$ 4hen the ano!nt!n& ca"e upon aul' the son of K!sh' he beca"e another "an$ I ur&e you' don7t fall !nto the &roup of unfortunate people' ,ho &et sat!sf!ed too soon' ,ho th!n* they ha%e "ade !t' ,hen they ha%e only just be&un$ They th!n* they *no, !t all' but they *no, so l!ttle$ Rather' see* for &reater depths !n #hr!st e%eryday of your l!fe$ The "o"ent you not!ce a part!cular burden co"!n& do,n' react to !t by sett!n& yourself apart and do!n& so"e spec!al operat!on on yourself$ In prayer and fast!n&' set yourself to see* the 3ord' and as you do that' you ,!ll f!nd the po,er of God co"!n& do,n on you afresh$ I "ust tell you th!s truth2 God !s !nterested !n &ett!n& you !nto the fullness of H!s stature$ He ,ants to "a*e a ne, person out of you' unt!l e%en you beco"e surpr!sed at yourself$ Get th!rsty for the po,er$ Ne%er for&et to &!%e H!" than*s for e%ery brea*throu&h and cont!nue !n the race$ The t!"e to be&!n to see God7s po,er afresh !s here' so that e%eryone can constantly just!fy h!s presence !n the body$ If 5esus needed the ano!nt!n&' "uch "ore do you need !t no,$

;on7t &et sat!sf!ed ,!th ,here you are no,' asp!re for &reater he!&hts$ 4e are !n a race' and the race !s not o%er yet8 so' to settle do,n ,here you are no, "!&ht be %ery dan&erous$ If you ,ant to st!r yourself up' read of ho, "uch po,er de"onstrat!on ,as !n 5esus7 "!n!stry' and you ,!ll see ho, far beh!nd you are$ Th!s ,!ll set you !n "ot!on' caus!n& you to reach out for &reater th!n&s$ Rel!&!on !s %a!n$ 9our encounter ,!th #hr!st !s the only th!n& that lasts$ o' I ad"on!sh you to put off the cloa* of rel!&!on and put on the cloa* of po,er8 that !s ,hat "ar*s you out as a son or dau&hter of God$ ,astin+ Fast!n& !s !nst!tuted for po,er &enerat!on$ It !s not a "eans of obta!n!n& <u!c* ans,ers as so"e th!n*' ne!ther !s !t co"ple"entary to prayer$ It causes your l!&ht to sh!ne forth out of dar*ness$ Isa!ah =H2A6B@ tells us ,hat !t !s !nst!tuted to ach!e%e$ The su""ary of !t !s po,er$ 9ou are not to fast ,hen you are s!c*$ 4hen you fast' you are creat!n& an at"osphere for your sp!r!t6"an to &ro,$ If you therefore "ust stay !n po,er' fast!n& "ust be a part of your l!fe$ In fact' I don7t see ho, you can sur%!%e for ,ee*s ,!thout a fast to ascerta!n the presence of God7s hand upon your l!fe$ To fast a day !n a ,ee* ,on7t *!ll you$ A fr!end and I once en&a&ed !n fast!n& for so"e days' and after four days I had to &o and preach so"e,here$ I felt so l!&ht' the ,ay I

had ne%er felt before !n "y body$ I couldn7t tell ,hether I ,as ,al*!n& or float!n&8 !t ,as so &lor!ous$ Fast!n& also helps your sp!r!t to &a!n speed$ Fast!n& !s a ,ay of subdu!n& the body' to e.alt the sp!r!t$ It enables your sp!r!t to control your body' &rant!n& !t ascendancy o%er the body$ 5esus7 co""ent !n Matthew 17:21 e"phas!+es the need for fast!n&2 "This kind goeth not out but by fasting and prayer." I a" not tal*!n& about fast!n& for bread and butter' but fast!n& to &et po,er$ 9ou can hardly f!nd a "an ,ho does not fast and yet re"a!n a sp!r!tual &!ant$ )aul sa!d' "In fastings often" (2 1o!inthians. 11:27). :oses ,as a fast!n& "ach!ne$ 4hat really "a*es for a fast !s lar&ely deter"!ned by ho, "uch encounter you ha%e ,!th God$ Th!s *!nd of fast ta*es you out of the body and puts you r!&ht !n God7s presence$ A fast that does not &o ,!th read!n& the 4ord of God and prayer !s noth!n& but a hun&er str!*eF!nally' be assured of th!s2 no one "an has "ore access than another to po,er !n the #hurch of God$ The po,er that bac*s up ,hat you are !n%ol%ed !n co"pels !t to succeed$ The ano!nt!n& causes you to s"ell &ood and co""ands fa%our for you fro" God$ E%ery other contrary po,er "ust also respect you for !t$ I lea%e you ,!th th!s respons!b!l!ty 6 &o further !n your search for "ore of God7s po,er$ Keep us!n& !t !n order to "ature !n !t' because "atur!ty co"es by reason of use$ God

sees you as capable of runn!n& your l!fe' that !s ,hy He tells you to "give no place to the devil." 9ou are !n char&e of your o,n l!fe$ He !s the o,ner of the bu!ld!n& /your body0 and sees you as the careta*er' ,ell capable of *eep!n& the ene"y off your terr!tory$

Chapter 6
4ho Lual!f!es For The Ano!nt!n&1
Out of error' a &reat nu"ber of fol*s th!n* that the ano!nt!n& !s a spec!al co""od!ty *ept as!de by God for a pr!%!le&ed set of people$ But the cr!ptures tells us clearly that God !s no respecter of persons /Acts B?2>C0$ He !s not part!al$ 3!*e sal%at!on' the ano!nt!n& !s for anybody ,ho cares for !t' as lon& as the cond!t!ons are "et$ For !nstance' ,hat earns a "an sal%at!on !s a repentant heart' coupled ,!th fa!th !n God throu&h the acceptance of 5esus #hr!st' H!s lo%e &!ft$ al%at!on !s free' but not e%erybody !s sa%ed$ The sa"e !s true of the ano!nt!n&$ It !s for e%erybody' but not e%eryone can be called ano!nted$ 4hat "atters to God f!rst and fore"ost !s the state of the heart$ H!s ,ays are not our ,ays' and th!s !s ,here our proble"s l!e' jud&!n& God7s ,ays by our o,n standards$ Often' you hear people say' (Naturally' I a" th!s' I a" that$( They thus use natural th!n&s to dra, a conclus!on on

the sp!r!tual$ The B!ble says that ,hen a "an !s !n #hr!st' all th!n&s /old' natural tendenc!es0 are passed a,ay$ 4hen a"uel ,ent to 5esse7s ho"e to ano!nt a second *!n& for Israel' he ,as carr!ed a,ay by natural loo*s and ab!l!t!es' but God ,arned h!" a&a!nst !t$ ",ook not on his countenance," He told a"uel$ 4h!le "an tr!es to assess and jud&e th!n&s by ,hat he sees' God loo*s on the heart$ Is your heart ready for God7s appra!sal1 4ho then !s <ual!f!ed for God7s ano!nt!n&1 The 7nworthy nd it came to pass, when all that knew him beforetime saw that, behold, he prophesied among the prophets, then the people said one to another, #hat is this that is come unto the son of 9ish$ Is 1aul also among the prophets$ nd one of the same place answered and said, %ut who is their father$ Therefore it became a proverb, Is 1aul also among the prophets$ 1 Samuel 1%:11-12 aul had just been ano!nted *!n& by prophet a"uel' and one of h!s ano!nt!n& pac*a&es turned h!" !nto a ne, "an and enabled h!" to prophesy ,!th the other prophets$ It !s %ery clear fro" th!s account' that aul ,as not e.pected /by "er!t and e%ery other standard0 or cons!dered ,orthy to be a prophet' but the ano!nt!n& d!d !t for h!"$ God ano!nts those ,ho do not see" to "er!t !t !n the s!&ht of the people of the ,orld$ 4hen they are count!n& those that can be used of God' these type of people are not

"ent!oned$ uch ,as aul$ Thus' ,hen he be&an to prophesy' !t beca"e a pro%erb$ Th!s a&rees ,!th ,hat )aul sa!d !n 1 1o!inthians 1:26-28: )or ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called' %ut -od hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise! and -od hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty! nd base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath -od chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are' The ,!se are al,ays ,!se !n the!r o,n eyes8 and as such' the ,!ser they th!n* they are' the "ore fool!sh they beco"e before God$ #onse<uently' they tend to lose all the hea%enly benef!ts that accrue to the"$ In the!r (,!se( reason!n&s' !t !s fool!shness to beco"e born a&a!n$ Thus' the l!ttle understand!n& they possess !s ,or*!n& a&a!nst the" and caus!n& the" to "!ss God7s eternal %alues$ God has chosen the fool!sh th!n&s of the ,orld to confound the ,!se' the ,ea* th!n&s to confound the th!n&s ,h!ch are "!&hty' and the th!n&s ,h!ch are desp!sed and thou&ht of as noth!n&' He has chosen to confound the th!n&s that are$ The chosen of God are the orda!ned of H!"$ They are ano!nted by H!"8 and ,hen they stand out' they confound the th!n&s that are ,!se$ I once "et a N!&er!an 5ud&e !n A"er!ca and later on had another opportun!ty to be ,!th h!" !n a "eet!n&' ,here ,e ,ere both seated on the h!&h table$ After "y address' he

as*ed' (4here d!d you &et that electr!c bra!n fro"1( (Fro" hea%en-( I repl!ed$ He ad"!tted ho, he had tr!ed unsuccessfully to !"!tate "e$ He had seen "e preach a br!ef "essa&e of less than t,enty "!nutes' at the end of ,h!ch B@? people &ot sa%ed' and that had baffled h!"$ That !s ,hat the ano!nt!n& does 6 throu&h an un,orthy %essel' !t confounds the ,!sdo" of the ,!se and turns !t !nto fool!shness$ God ,!ll ano!nt the fool!sh' the ,ea*' the people that are no people$ I happened to be such a person' unt!l 5esus ano!nted "e$ There d!dn7t see" to be any hope for "e at all8 I ,as al"ost a recluse$ E%erybody ,as so sure that I ,ould soon learn a lesson and turn bac*$ But &lory be to God' today they ha%e all learnt the!r lessons' because the ano!nt!n& has placed "e abo%e e%eryone of the" by e%ery standard$ Glory to God4ho are the fool!sh1 They are those ,ho are not ,!se !n the!r o,n eyes and *no, that ,hate%er they do no, !s fool!shness co"pared to the ,!sdo" that God has !n stoc* for the"$ They ban!sh the ord!nary and sensual ,!sdo"' so as to secure the hea%enly ,!sdo"$ God ,!ll ano!nt the ,ea* one ,ho *no,s that he can do noth!n& by h!s o,n po,er or "!&ht' e.cept by the po,er and "!&ht of the Holy p!r!t$ Just %s 5ou %re 9es- God ,ants you to co"e to H!" just as you are' ,!thout all the trapp!n&s$ He !s not loo*!n& for the talented$

I used to be slo, of speech' but today' by reason of the ano!nt!n&' I a" one of the fastest tal*ers$ There are "any "!n!sters today ,ho ,ere once sta""erers' but the ano!nt!n& loosened the!r ton&ues to preach the &ospel$ #ons!der :oses$ There ,ere "any ,ho ,ere h!s super!ors !n the land of E&ypt' yet God f!shed h!" out 6 a fu&!t!%e and a sta""ererGod ,!ll only ano!nt the one ,ho' ha%!n& been ano!nted' ,!ll re%eal the One ,ho ano!nted h!"$ o"eone ,ho ,!ll not put h!"self !n the forefront$ God !s loo*!n& for one throu&h ,ho" He ,!ll rad!ate H!s &lory' not one ,ho ,!ll steal H!s &lory or try to share !t ,!th H!"$ uch a person ,!ll constantly refer to H!" as the One ,ho "ade h!" ,hat he !s' ,!thout "a*!n& reference to ,hat personal efforts he has !n%ested$ I don7t care ho, desp!sed you ha%e been !n l!fe' you are just the r!&ht person God !s loo*!n& for$ )erhaps people ha%e loo*ed at you and seen only the "!serable l!fe you are l!%!n&' that !s the "ore reason ,hy He has you !n "!nd for the ano!nt!n&- He !s not loo*!n& for a ,!se "an for the throne' He !s loo*!n& for a fool!sh "an to enthrone8 so that ,hen on the throne' there ,!ll be no doubt ,ho put h!" there$ Too "any people there are' that are too ,!se' too stron&' too noble and too ,ell establ!shed for God to use$ He !s loo*!n& for the hu"ble to l!ft up$ 9ou "ay be ,onder!n& ,hat the place of the "!&hty !n all these !s$ !"ple$ 3et the "!&hty sub"!t h!s "!&ht under the "!&hty hand of God'

then God shall e.alt h!"$ 3et the ,!se also hu"ble h!"self' and !n due season he ,!ll be e.alted$ 4ho ,!ll God ano!nt1 9ou- 5esus sa!d' " s the )ather hath sent 6e, so send I you." And just as the Father could not be conf!dent !n that co""!ss!on unt!l He had ano!nted H!"' so also He cannot be conf!dent !n the co""!ss!on He !s plac!n& !n your hand ,!thout ano!nt!n& you$ 9ou "!&ht ha%e been tell!n& yourself as you read th!s' that you are not presentable enou&h$ )aul ,as the ,orst "an to loo* upon' h!s appearance ,as ,ea* and conte"pt!ble$ He lac*ed char!s"a$ E%en ,hen God sa%ed h!"' he ,as not eas!ly accepted by the brethren' because of h!s terr!ble reputat!on of the past$ By all standards' he ,as the least cand!date for appro%al$ God ,!ll only use those people least e.pect to be used$ 4hat about the set of crude' ra, and unlearned tea" of )eter' 5a"es and 5ohn1 4!th the ano!nt!n& upon the"' they shoo* the %ery foundat!ons of the c!ty of 5erusale" and the people "ar%elled at the!r boldness$ They could not res!st the ,!sdo" ,!th ,h!ch they preached$ Unlearned "en' yet they ,ere turn!n& the!r ,orld (ups!de do,n$( 9our stature does not ha%e anyth!n& to do ,!th th!s ano!nt!n& at all' ne!ther does your educat!onal bac*&round$ "!th 4!&&les,orth' the accla!"ed Apostle of fa!th' ,as a plu"ber$ ;$ 3$ :oody ,as a shoe"a*er$ 4hat you are no, !s not a d!s<ual!f!er$ The only th!n& that stands bet,een you and the ano!nt!n& no, !s yourself$

;o you th!n* of yourself as fool!sh' a nobody' ,orthless1 G!deon thou&ht so of h!"self too ,hen the an&el of the 3ord %!s!ted h!" ,!th h!s co""!ss!on$ He tr!ed us!n& h!s !nade<uac!es to pro%e to God that he ,as not a su!table cand!date for the &reat challen&e' but these po!nts d!d not stop God fro" us!n& h!"$ Th!s !s ,hat God !s say!n& to you today$ 9ou are just the person He !s loo*!n& for to ano!nt$ Are you ,onder!n& ho, th!s could be1 God says2 (I *ne, you before you ,ere born' I called you by na"e ,h!le you ,ere st!ll !n your "other7s ,o"b( /5ere"!ah$B2=0$ o' God *no,s ,hat He !s say!n&$ 9ou are the one He !s loo*!n& for$ 9ou only need to sub"!t to H!"' so that throu&h you He ,!ll be &lor!f!ed$ Nobody thou&ht of ;a%!d the shepherd boy' out there !n the f!eld ,!th the sheep' as a su!table cand!date for the throne$ But he ,as the one that ,as chosen and ano!nted *!n&$ 9ou don7t ha%e to loo* !t$ :any people !n !t today ne%er loo*ed !t before they &ot !t$ As hu"an be!n&s' ,e &et so ,!se !n our o,n s!&ht' that ,e "!ss the h!dden treasure of God7s ,!sdo"$ No "atter ,hat you ha%e and ,hat you are' 5esus sa!d that you cannot do anyth!n& ,!thout H!" /5ohn B=2=0$ If you are not born a&a!n' you are not a "e"ber of the Fa"!ly of God' so you are not <ual!f!ed for !t$ G!%e your l!fe to #hr!st' beco"e a "e"ber of H!s Fa"!ly and &et ready to enjoy the her!ta&e of the he!rs of God-

Chapter 8

Ano!nt!n& For Battle

:any people hate to hear the ,ord (battle( "ent!oned for any reason$ 4hether you l!*e !t or not' ,hether you are consc!ous of !t or not' battles are a part of our e.!stence$ 4e are all !n%ol%ed !n ,arfare' ,e are born !nto !t$ The bel!e%er' ho,e%er' does not ha%e any cause to ,orry$ Our %!ctory !s assured$ Battles are real' fr!end' but "uch "ore real !s our %!ctory and tr!u"ph !n the fa!th$ "ow thanks be unto -od, which always causeth us to triumph in (hrist, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place 2 1o!inthians 2:14 (Al,ays( "eans all ,ays$ That "eans that our %!ctory !n e%ery battle !s &uaranteed !n all ,ays and !n e%ery place$ Interest!n&ly' ,e are not the force beh!nd th!s %!ctory8 God !s$ He causes the tr!u"ph$ o' ,e are only !nstru"ents !n H!s hands' that He uses to f!&ht a&a!nst H!s arch6ene"y$ 4e are called !nto ,arfare' and than* God' ,e are at the sa"e t!"e' called !nto tr!u"ph$ Battles are real to l!fe' sal%at!on not,!thstand!n&$ That you ha%e battles does not "ean that you ha%e "!ssed God' !t only "eans you are on the path of dest!ny$ The hea%en that ,e are &o!n& to !s the ho"e of o%erco"ers' so !f there are no battles ,e cannot be sure that ,e ha%e a place there$ The !dent!ty of e%eryone that ,!ll "a*e hea%en !s' ".e that overcometh." 5esus fou&ht e%ery !nch of the

,ay$ He started f!&ht!n& fro" b!rth' ,hen Herod ,anted to *!ll H!" and H!s parents had to flee ,!th H!" to E&ypt$ 4as that a s!&n that 5esus "!ssed God1 No- He ne%er "!ssed H!" once' but He fou&ht e%ery !nch of the ,ay$ Than* God' He also ,on e%ery !nch of the ,ayBattles are a necessary run& on the ladder lead!n& to ,here you are &o!n&$ The B!ble says that' "#hatsoever is born of -od overcometh the world." If there are no barr!ers' ,hat !s he o%erco"!n&1 The ,ord (o%erco"e( sho,s that there are obstacles he has to cross o%er$ Unco"fortable' yes' but una%o!dable' just as !n the hurdles race$ Each hurdle the runner ju"ps o%er ta*es h!" closer to the "ar*' but he "ust cross all !n order to be declared a ,!nner$ Battles are real to l!fe' but tr!u"phs are e%en "ore real to the bel!e%er$ 4hat !s on the !ns!de deter"!nes the de&ree of tr!u"ph$ ,ift up your heads, / ye gates! and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors! and the 9ing of glory shall come in. #ho is this 9ing of glory$ The ,ord strong and mighty, the ,ord mighty in battle. Psalm 24:7-8 It !s that "!&ht that I ,ant to !ntroduce you to here$ E%eryone faces battles' but not e%eryone has to ban& on the door to ha%e the &ates of the ene"y open for the"$ There !s a "!&ht needed !n battle' and ,hen that "!&ht co"es !n a "easure' you don7t ha%e to stru&&le8 the barr!ers sense your

approach and of the!r o,n accord' they &!%e ,ay$ It !s that "!&ht /the ano!nt!n&0 for battle that "a*es the" &!%e ,ay$ 4!th that ano!nt!n&' you ,!ll not need to stru&&le and f!&ht any battle to &a!n entrance !nto your possess!on8 the o!l !n you ,!ll co"pel e%ery closed &ate to open$ The 3ord !s stron& and "!&hty !n battle and ,hen He co"es !n H!s "!&ht' the earth tre"bles$ He "a*es e%ery oppos!t!on beco"e too cheap to cause any concern$ There !s a s,!tch that turns th!s "!&ht on$ 4e ,ant to f!nd out ,hat that s,!tch !s and ho, to operate !t' so that ,e can al,ays ha%e all6round tr!u"ph$ Th!s !s the day that ,!ll "ar* a turn!n& po!nt !n your sp!r!tual l!fe and put you !n char&e of your l!fe' because H!s 4ord !s settled !n hea%en and He !s the One ,ho causes us to tr!u"ph !n all ,ays$ 9ou "ust &et !t deep !nto your consc!ousness that all6round tr!u"ph !s a%a!lable and obta!nable to ,hosoe%er bel!e%es$ 4!th th!s understand!n&' you ,!ll cease to stru&&le a&a!nst those obstacles that l!ft up the!r heads a&a!nst you$

Ho, To Turn :!&ht 3oose

3et us e.a"!ne a fe, !ssues that turn God7s stren&th for battle loose$ The 9nowled+e '( The Word '( *od: Th!s !s the pr!nc!pal source of stren&th$ )eople ha%e thou&ht that the Holy p!r!t on H!s o,n f!&hts the battle' but !t !s not so$ The Holy p!r!t rest!n& upon the 4ord of

God that !s operat!onal !ns!de you !s ,hat br!n&s your ene"y under your feet$ ...%ut the people that do know their -od shall be strong, and do e&ploits. 4aniel 11:32 The ,ord (e.plo!ts( "eans that they shall perfor" feats' they shall acco"pl!sh the hu"anly unacco"pl!shable and obta!n the naturally unobta!nable$ They ,!ll tr!u"ph ,hen the "!&hty and stron& collapse$ The Holy p!r!t ca"e to re%eal God$ ...)or the 1pirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of -od. 1 1o!inthians 2:1% The Holy p!r!t re%eals God' and the re%elat!on of God !s ,hat !nduces stren&th' ,h!ch &uarantees tr!u"ph !n battle$ There are "any p!r!t6f!lled' ton&ue6spea*!n& bel!e%ers ,ho ne%er ,!n any battle' because they lac* the 4ord$ The Holy p!r!t can only act on the 4ord you ha%e !n you to effect the "!&ht and stren&th for %!ctory' not outs!de of !t$ Ha%e you not heard1 nd ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32 The Holy p!r!t !s there' but there !s no e%!dence of H!s presence' because they are e!ther not ,!nn!n& or they ha%e

part!al freedo"8 for ,hosoe%er the *no,led&e of the truth shall "a*e free' shall be free !ndeed$ The 4ord says2 .ow shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation! which at the first began to be spoken by the ,ord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him! (e#!ews 2:3 4hat th!s "eans !s2 Ho, shall ,e escape' tr!u"ph or o%erco"e' !f ,e ne&lect ,hat the 3ord has spo*en1 Th!s then establ!shes the fact that our pr!nc!pal ,ay of escape has !ts root !n ,hat the 3ord has spo*en$ It !s the 4ord of God that re%eals to you that there !s so"eone d,ell!n& !n you$ ...-reater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. 1 John 4:4 The One that !s !ns!de you !s stron& and "!&hty$ He !s the 3ord' "!&hty !n battle' a&a!nst ,ho" no &ate of hell can pre%a!l$ Th!s should &!%e you conf!dence on your !ns!de ,hen you are confronted !n your e.clus!%e pr!%acy' ,hen the ene"y !s say!n& that there !s no ,ay out for you$ That *no,led&e causes conf!dence to r!se and as !t r!ses' you &et on the offens!%e and confront the ene"y$ The 4ord says2 ...,o, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Matthew 28:2%

It !s t!"e to stop ha%!n& fun and start do!n& the real th!n&$ The 4ord !s the real th!n& that causes e%ery ene"y to bo, and &!%es you the tr!u"ph you des!re$ wise man is strong! yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength. P!o"e!#s 24:5 4e !ncrease stren&th by *no,led&e' and th!s' by the Holy p!r!t' ,ho "a*es the *no,led&e a%a!lable$ It !s your job to allo, the Holy p!r!t ta*e you throu&h the school of the B!ble' ,here you can *no, "ore$ Has your bus!ness co"e to a standst!ll and e%erybody told you !t !s f!n!shed1 )erhaps you ha%e e%en drea"t drea"s of doo"' dep!ct!n& your "!sfortune$ 9es' "aybe profess!onal prophets ha%e prophes!ed deep !nto your poc*et$ All you need do !s to as* the Holy p!r!t to teach you the "!nd of God re&ard!n& the ,or*s of H!s hands$ 3et H!" sho, you ,hat belon&s to you as a her!ta&e !n the co%enant$ 9ou "ust be ready to obey e%ery !nstruct!on He &!%es fro" the 4ord and th!s ,!ll ensure your %!ctory$ Unt!l the *no,led&e of God penetrates' freedo" !s not !n %!e,$ I ha%e seen th!s fact re%ealed o%er and o%er a&a!n$ There ,as a bad case of s!c*le cell anae"!a that I ,as confronted ,!th$ After f!nd!n& out the rele%ant facts as re%ealed by the Holy p!r!t' I ,ent to see the case !n <uest!on$ The boy ,as ly!n& do,n and both the father and "other ,ere ,orr!ed$ As the 4ord be&an to co"e' the boy7s face be&an to chan&e$ It7s been o%er n!ne years no,'

and the boy !s st!ll totally del!%ered$ !c*le cell has beco"e nor"al cellAll I a" try!n& to re%eal to you !s that the ano!nt!n& for battle has !ts root !n the re%elat!on of God !n H!s 4ord$ Get the re%elat!on !n the 4ord f!rst' and then spea* !n ton&ues to trans"!t your "essa&e to hea%en' so that the ene"y ,!ll not understand ,hat you are say!n&$ I ha%e suffered d!%erse attac*s' ,h!ch co"pelled "e to study ho, to launch counter attac*s$ E%en ,hen you ,a*e "e up !n the n!&ht' I a" an attac*er$ I ha%e d!sco%ered after "uch stud!es' that !t !s not ,!se to re"a!n a defender' you "ust also en&a&e !n attac*!n& the ene"y$ All cases ,!ll ans,er to those ,ho do *no, the!r God$ That !s ho, ;a%!d o%erca"e Gol!ath' the three Hebre, boys def!ed Nebuchadne++ar and ;an!el sur%!%ed the l!ons7 den$ The bas!s of the!r coura&e lay !n the!r *no,led&e of the!r God$ Kno,led&e !nduces stren&th and stren&th &uarantees tr!u"ph' ,h!ch "a*es you do the unusual$ It "a*es you re!&n ,hen others fa!l$ By the *no,led&e of the truth' the ano!nt!n& ra!ses a standard a&a!nst the ene"y$ It ,as *no,led&e that "ade )aul and !las to s!n& !n the face of tr!al$ Beaten and ja!led' *no,led&e "ade the" cra+y enou&h to rejo!ce !n the Al"!&hty' the 3ord "!&hty !n battle8 and ,hen He arr!%ed' the earth tre"bled and shoo* and the pr!son &ates ,ere flun& opened- The!r not runn!n& a,ay !""ed!ately pro%es ho, "uch of the!r God they *ne,$ They *ne, that those

&ates ,ould open for the" o%er and o%er a&a!n' so they d!d not ha%e to rush out and put the ja!ler !n trouble$ It ta*es an unusual fanat!c!s" to start s!n&!n& ,hen faced ,!th ob%!ous death$ But they d!d' !n response to the re%elat!on of God they had and the stren&th of hea%en ca"e to the"$ Hallelujah- The battles of l!fe ha%e a standard' only the stron&er can b!nd the oppos!t!on$ #hen a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace' %ut when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils. /u.e 11:21-22 It ta*es the stron&er to o%erco"e$ No natural "an can be stron&er than the de%!l8 and a "an ,!thout #hr!st !s subject to the de%!l' the po,er that rules the ch!ldren of d!sobed!ence$ The de%!l !s the ruler and the subject cannot be stron&er than the ruler$ But' ,hen you are !n #hr!st' you ha%e access to stren&th that "a*es you stron&er$ 9ou cannot deal ,!th a force that !s h!&her than you' you can only deal ,!th a force that you are h!&her than$ Be deter"!ned th!s day to &et bac* ,hate%er th!n& that belon&s to you that the ene"y has *ept !n h!s palace$ 9our stren&th !s !n the 4ord of God$ 9ou *no,' (,!sdo" !s better than stren&th$( God7s 4ord !nduces ,!sdo"$ 4!sdo" !s better than ,eapons of ,ar' !t "a*es your ene"y a cheap capt!%e !n battle$ Get throu&h the 4ord and see ,h!ch battle ,!ll res!st your author!ty$ 4hen that 4ord

co"es and you bel!e%e !t' you beco"e a re&!stered o%erco"er$ )or by it the elders obtained a good report. (e#!ews 11:2 They escaped the ed&e of the s,ord' they turned the f!ery furnace !nto a cool roo"$ By fa!th they ac<u!red that *no,led&e and bel!e%ed !t' and that *no,led&e d!ctated the!r act!ons$ All the "en "ent!oned !n Hebre,s BB beca"e heroes of fa!th !n battle by the 4ord of God$ Con(idence 4hat the ene"y attac*s !n h!s oppos!t!on !s the !nd!%!dual7s conf!dence$ If he can &et you to bo, do,n and sa&' then he has o%erco"e you$ That !s ,hy there !s al,ays an e.a&&erat!on of stren&th !n battles' to ,ea*en the ene"y$ If you ha%e ,atched a ,restl!n& "atch before' then you *no, ,hat I "ean$ The ,restlers do all "anner of th!n&s and spea* &reat boast!n&s' all ,!th one object!%e 6 to ,ea*en the oppos!t!on$ If you can ,ea*en the "orale of your opponent' then he !s f!n!shed$ 3ac* of conf!dence has "ade %!ct!"s of "any #hr!st!ans$ He &athers !nfor"at!on a&a!nst h!"self fro" all o%er the place' and the de%!l uses th!s to attac* h!" and to cause defeat$ 4hen as*ed about h!s bus!ness' he says a dry' ()ra!se the 3ord$( He has sa&&ed- It !s better he ,!thdra,s' because he ,!ll fall$ The B!ble says2

They that trust in the ,ord shall be as mount *ion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever. Psalm 125:1 Thus' conf!dence establ!shes your throne !n %!ctory' that cannot be re"o%ed fore%er$ :an naturally beco"es a %!ct!" of ,hat he fears$ Anyth!n& you fear holds you capt!%e$ The fear of "an br!n&s !nto a snare' and conf!dence !s the only re"edy$ )or the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me. Jo# 3:25 E%eryone that fears fa!lure ,!ll end up a fa!lure$ E%eryone that fears death ends up !n !ts bonda&e$ ...Through fear of death were all their lifetime sub+ect to bondage. (e#!ews 2:15 4hate%er you fear beco"es your "aster8 because' a ser%ant feareth h!s "aster' and a ser%ant !s not &reater than h!s "aster$ #onf!dence !s the only treat"ent a&a!nst fear$ F!nd out your root !n conf!dence$ ho, "e a "an /!n #hr!st0 ,ho !s &enu!nely pos!t!%e about l!fe' tr!u"phs and %!ctory' and I ,!ll sho, you a "an ,ho ,!ll not be a %!ct!" !n battle$ He has o%erco"e fa!lure and defeat$ #onf!dence tr!&&ers the ano!nt!n& !n battle' ,hereas fear "a*es a capt!%e of a dest!ned ,!nner$ ;on7t cast a,ay your conf!dence$

(ast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward. (e#!ews 1%:35 #onf!dence does not "a*e "en lose8 rather' !t "a*es the" ,!n$ It does not br!n& defeat' !t br!n&s %!ctory$ The ene"y spea*s &reat ,ords to ,ear you out$ The "o"ent you l!sten to h!"' you are f!n!shed$ He sho,s you .6rays to sha*e your fa!th$ 9ou "ay ha%e been told that there !s no hope for you$ No "atter ,hat .6rays he sho,s you' don7t &et scared$ ;on7t allo, anybody turn you around$ If the ene"y can scare you' then he has "ade a,ay ,!th your %!ctory$ 3!*e )aul' you "ust be able to say2 %ut none of these things move me... Acts 2%:24 nd in nothing terrified by your adversaries... Phili00ians 1:28 If you refuse to be terr!f!ed' your ene"!es are bound to be destroyed' the!r s!+e and !ntens!ty not,!thstand!n&$ 4hen you refuse to be terr!f!ed or "o%ed' your !""o%ab!l!ty beco"es the!r destruct!on$ 4hen you refuse to be "o%ed' hea%ens co"e do,n to your defence' and there ,!ll be an e%!dence of escape for you and destruct!on for the"$ ;a%!d refused to be "o%ed by Gol!ath7s outbursts and that ,as the end of h!s harass"ent of God7s ar"y$ 4hen you refuse to be "o%ed' the obstacles ,!ll "o%e8 you cannot burn ,hen you refuse to turn bac*$ #onf!dence !s

lac*!n& today !n the #hurch because ,e ha%e not been able to trace the root of our conf!dence !n God$ Our conf!dence has !ts root !n2 "a$ /i+hteousness The "o"ent you are !n doubt of your r!&hteousness' your conf!dence !s out of place$ P!o"e!#s 28:1 says2 The wicked flee when no man pursueth' but the righteous are bold as a lion. ...That we might be made the righteousness of -od in him. 2 1o!inthians 5:21 Our conf!dence !n #hr!st has !ts root !n our r!&hteousness$ The "o"ent you allo, the ene"y to *no, that you are suffer!n& because God !s pun!sh!n& you' he ,!ll s!t on your nec* and brea* !t$ Th!s !s the reason ,hy the perfect!on!st theory ends up !n suffer!n&' hu"!l!at!on and %!ct!"!+at!on$ They are al,ays loo*!n& for a s!n6cause to e%ery proble"$ Th!s !s ,hy !ts preachers and the!r con&re&at!on are perpetual fa!lures' because the conf!dence re<u!red for the ano!nt!n& for battle !s not there$ 3et th!s cr!pture hu"ble your perfect!on!st att!tude$ If thou, ,ord, shouldest mark ini5uities, / ,ord, who shall stand$ Psalm 13%:3 9our past !s not rele%ant to God$ 4hen !t co"es to del!%erance' God o%erloo*s your error' to f!rst of all set you

free$ :any of those !n the perfect!on!st c!rcles ne%er attract fa%our or fortune$ They al,ays loo* "!serable' do,ntrodden and battered$ E%en the!r o,n people don7t l!*e to assoc!ate ,!th the"' because the ene"y has held the" capt!%e throu&h a s!n6consc!ousness that brea*s the bac*bone of conf!dence$ Only r!&hteousness6consc!ous people can operate !n the real" of conf!dence !n battle$ There be three things which go well, yea, four are comely in going' lion which is strongest among beasts, and turneth not away for any! P!o"e!#s 3%:2)-3% E%ery battle appears %ery cheap for the l!on' and the B!ble says only the r!&hteous are as bold as the l!on$ R!&hteousness6consc!ousness !nduces pract!cal r!&hteousness$ 4hen you allo, the ,ords' "I am the righteousness of -od in (hrist 0esus" s!n* !nto your sp!r!t6 "an' and you "ean !t and bel!e%e !t' !t ,!ll be&!n to deal ,!th e%ery ,or* of dar*ness around you$ Th!s !s because you no, *no, that !t !s not you that ,!ll "a*e !t' but He that has "ade you$ 4!th that' you no, release yourself to the :a*er of "en to "a*e that "an co"e out of you$ Today' people try to f!nd e.planat!ons for %!rtually e%eryth!n& that happens to a bel!e%er' and such e.planat!ons are !n%ar!ably false$ E%ery t!"e they are affl!cted' the affl!cter of "en s!ts on the!r nec*s and &!%es !t to the"$ R!&hteousness6consc!ousness !nduces the stren&th of a l!on that "a*es you &o ,ell$ The l!on does not turn a,ay for any$ ;on7t turn a,ay for any s!tuat!on' face !t and !t ,!ll bo,$

4hen assass!ns attac*ed "e !n a to,n I ,ent for a crusade' I had that boldness of a l!on' so I ,as un"o%ed$ 4!th "y hands a*!"bo' I loo*ed at the" r!&ht !n the face and cr!ed out' (In the na"e of 5esus-( and the ano!nt!n& fro" hea%en ca"e and sent the" fall!n& bac*,ard' as thou&h a ,!nd pushed the" do,n$ They be&an to screa"' (He has a &un-( as they too* to the!r heels$ Understand also that your conf!dence !s the de%!l7s tar&et !n battle$ He ,!ll say all "anner of th!n&s to you$ Th!s !s ,hat Rabsha*eh' the *!n& of Assyr!a7s representat!%e tr!ed to do to Israel under He+e*!ah$ He spo*e &reat ,ords to !nst!l fear !nto the" and destroy the!r fa!th !n the!r *!n& and God2 Thus saith the king, ,et not .e3ekiah deceive you' for he shall not be able to deliver you. Isaiah 36:14 ;o not let any "an turn you around$ 4hate%er 5esus cannot do' no one else can- ;on7t allo, any fa*e prophet prophesy you out of your dest!ny$ ;on7t let the "arauders' !n the na"e of "!n!stry' "a*e you a capt!%e$ ;on7t allo, any ne&at!%e drea" turn you around /for !nstance' you drea" that you ha%e fa!led and ,hen you ,a*e up' you start prepar!n& for fa!lure0$ ;on7t allo, anyth!n& turn you around$ Use the na"e of 5esus and co"pel e%ery *nee of the ene"y to bo,$ "#$ 1ver;a#idin+ resence '( *od The Father7s presence offers co%er!n& for the ch!ld' that !s ,hy he can afford to be rude to another ch!ld ,hen h!s

father !s around$ He *no,s <u!te ,ell that the other ,!ll not be able to do anyth!n& about !t$ All that the other ch!ld can do !s ,!sh for an opportune t!"e to catch h!" alone and ta*e h!s re%en&e$ 4e also ha%e the ,onderful assurance of our Father7s e%er6ab!d!n& presence' so ,e can sp!te the de%!l$ ...,o, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Matthew 28:2% 9ou can attac* atan anyho,' *no,!n& that !n your Father7s presence' he !s hand!capped and thus' po,erless and !neffect!%e$ "c$ The <ame '( Jesus The na"e of 5esus "eans a%!our$ Not just fro" s!n alone' but also fro" e%ery harass"ent of l!fe$ There !s an ano!nt!n& that !s !n the na"e$ 4hen !t !s !n%o*ed !n fa!th' author!ty !s establ!shed and the ene"y !s ta*en ranso"$ The na"e of 5esus !s abo%e e%ery na"e$ At the "ent!on of !t' e%ery *nee bo,s and e%ery ton&ue confesses that He !s 3ord' to the &lory of God the Father$ Th!s sho,s that e%ery trouble has a na"e and there !s a na"e that br!n&s the" under 6 5E U - The B!ble says that H!s na"e !s as o!nt"ent poured forth$ %ecause of the savour of thy good ointments thy name is as ointment poured forth... Son*s 5+ Solomon 1:3

A hefty "an ,as !n%ol%ed !n the ,orst a%!at!on acc!dent !n hu"an h!story$ 4hen the f!re started' he !n%o*ed that na"e2 (In the na"e of 5E U -( and ,as l!fted up and thro,n out throu&h a t!ny hole' to safety$ That ,as ho, he escaped death$ The na"e of 5esus !s abo%e acc!dentsIf you ,ant to *no, just ho, "uch the na"e of 5esus !s abo%e e%ery other na"e' recall the rod of :oses and that of the E&ypt!an "a&!c!ans$ :oses7 rod turned !nto a serpent and s,allo,ed up all the other serpents of the E&ypt!ansThe na"e of 5esus !s a stron& to,er' the r!&hteous run !nto !t and are sa%ed /)ro%erbs$ BH2B?0$ If you ,ant to see the ano!nt!n& for battle !n act!on' ac*no,led&e the place of the na"e !n battle$ 4hen you pray and call on the na"e of 5esus' you are establ!sh!n& a stron& to,er' you are h!d!n& !n the hollo, of H!s hand$ That ,ay' you ha%e !n your hand the rod that s,allo,s all other rods$ It !s the all6purpose na"e !n battle' perfor"!n& ,hate%er !s needed$ 9ou can turn the ano!nt!n& for battle on by !n%o*!n& the na"e of 5esus !n fa!th and the !"poss!ble tas*s ,!ll be acco"pl!shed8 the fearful battles ,!ll be ,on$ The na"e of 5esus has pro%ed !tself a&a!n and a&a!n as stron& and "!&hty !n battle$ There !s so"eth!n& !n that na"e$ A "an had stro*e and ,hen ,e &ot there' the 3ord told "e to just s!n& the pra!se of H!s na"e$ As ,e be&an to s!n& that ,onderful na"e' the &lory of God ca"e do,n and he ,as del!%ered-

God !s st!ll here today to br!n& the po,er !n that na"e !nto full effect !n your personal l!fe$ It ans,ers !n e%ery battle and !n e%ery place$ I ,ant you to reason ,!th the Holy p!r!t8 ,hen He re%eals God' that re%elat!on !nduces e.plo!ts ,h!ch "a*es you acco"pl!sh the naturally unacco"pl!shable' atta!n the hu"anly unatta!nable and rece!%e the unusual$ "d$ The =oice o( *od The 3ord led the Israel!tes by the ,ay of the ,!lderness throu&h the Red ea' and because He led the"' the unct!on for tr!u"ph ,as all o%er the"$ The sea sa, the" and fled4hen God leads' the ano!nt!n& to acco"pl!sh the &oal !s released' the obstacles not,!thstand!n&$ That !s ,hy Psalm 2):5 says2 The voice of the ,ord breaketh the cedars! yea, the ,ord breaketh the cedars of ,ebanon. The hardest of trees are bro*en by the %o!ce of the 3ord ,hen heeded by "an$ Thus' ,hate%er the 3ord tells you to do' do !t !n sp!te of the oppos!t!on8 because the ano!nt!n& for battle !s already on you$ The B!ble says that the sheep *no, the %o!ce of the shepherd and ,!ll not follo, the %o!ce of the stran&er$ The ,ord (%o!ce( !s al,ays connected ,!th d!rect!on$ E%ery !"poss!ble tas* &ets done at the !nstance of God7s lead!n&' l!*e !t ,as for the ch!ldren of Israel ,hen "ounta!ns s*!pped and the sea fled /)sal"$ BBC0$ If you

des!re the ano!nt!n& for battle' then !t !s absolutely necessary for you to heed the %o!ce of the 3ord$ 4hen 3a+arus d!ed' 5esus d!d not &o to see :ary and :artha !""ed!ately$ He acted only by the lead!n& of the Father$ o' ,hen He f!nally arr!%ed at the to"b' the %o!ce of the 3ord bro*e the cedars and he that ,as dead and ,as four days !n the &ra%e ,as ra!sed bac* to l!feBe deter"!ned to heed the %o!ce of the 3ord$ No "atter ho, &reat the obstacle or the stren&th of the ene"y' do ,hat He as*s you to do$ E%en !f the !nstruct!on see"s fool!sh' s!"ply obey and you ,!ll see the result$ The ano!nt!n& for battle !s !n heed!n& the %o!ce of the 3ord$ Re"e"ber' (4hat sa!th the 3ord1( ,as ,hat Israel used to ,!n all her battles$ They al,ays en<u!red of the 3ord before underta*!n& any battle$ In conclus!on' let us do a recap!tulat!on of all ,e ha%e been d!scuss!n&$ 9ou ha%e the *no,led&e of God /,h!ch !nduces stren&th0 and conf!dence /that "a*es stren&th to ,or*0$ 9ou ha%e the na"e /a "ult!6purpose na"e that "a*es the ene"y to bo,0$ 9ou also ha%e the %o!ce of the 3ord' that brea*s the cedars$ These four ,ays of turn!n& loose the "!&ht of God st!rs up and spar*s off the ano!nt!n& for battle' ,h!ch "a*es for tr!u"phs$ :ay your ears be opened to hear the %o!ce of the 3ord' and your heart be ,!ll!n& to obey$

Chapter >
Ano!nt!n& For #on<uest
#on<uest !s the act of con<uer!n&$ The ,ord !n%o*es a p!cture of battle$ That one !s !n%ol%ed !n a battle does not "a*e h!" a con<ueror$ That he !s a ,!nner does not "a*e h!" a con<ueror e!ther$ The con<ueror !s one ,ho cons!stently ,!ns !n battles$ A con<ueror !s he ,ho !s per"anently re&!stered on the ,!nn!n& s!de$ #ons!stent con<uest has !ts roots !n God$ Th!s !s ,hy the B!ble cate&or!cally states that He has "ade us "ore than con<uerors$ "ay, in all these things we are more than con5uerors through him that loved us. &omans 8:37 #on<uerors are "ade by God$ They are "en ,ho cons!stently ,!n !n battles throu&h the bac*!n& of God$ They are "en ,ho *no, no defeat$ They are "en that can only be defeated ,hen !t beco"es poss!ble to defeat God$ They are "en ,!th the hand of the 3ord upon the"$ Th!s !s the po,er bac*up of God$ Th!s !s the p!r!t of the 3ord$ Th!s !s the ano!nt!n&$ As lon& as the hand of the 3ord !s upon you' your con<uer!n& !s establ!shed$ E%ery t!"e a"son con<uered' !t ,as al,ays preceded by the phrase' " nd the 1pirit of the ,ord came upon him." (Ju6*es. 14:1).) As lon& as the ano!nt!n& ,as upon h!"' he

pre%a!led$ There !s an ano!nt!n& that "a*es battles cheap$ There !s a po,er that "a*es con<uerors out of ord!nary "en$ There are t,o people !n the B!ble that l!%ed a con<uer!n& l!fe style$ They are ;a%!d' the "an after God7s heart' and 5esus' the F!rst be&otten of the Father$ ?avid ; The &an %(ter *od@s Heart I l!*e to refer to ;a%!d as the F!eld :arshal of the B!ble$ 9ou ,!ll recall that he ne%er lost any battle$ If e%er there ,as a "an constantly at ,ar a&a!nst the ene"y' !t ,as ;a%!d$ There !s no other *!n& !n Israel ,ho en&a&ed !n battles as he d!d8 yet' he ne%er lost any' ne!ther d!d he susta!n any !njury$ He ,as a true "an of ,ar$ He ,as f!rst heard of ,hen a"uel ,ent to ano!nt h!" *!n& !n Bethlehe"$ He ,as the least a"on& h!s brethren$ He ,as the desp!sed one' yet the p!r!t of the 3ord s!n&led h!" out$ The ano!nt!n& for con<uest does not fall on the stron&$ 9our self6accla!"ed stren&th !s the reason for your defeat$ God has chosen to use the ,ea* th!n&s of th!s ,orld to "an!fest H!s stren&th$ He has chosen the fool!sh th!n&s to spread abroad H!s ,!sdo"$ The ano!nt!n& for con<uest !s for the ,ea*' not the la+y$ ;a%!d ,as ano!nted and the p!r!t of the 3ord ca"e upon h!" fro" that day2 Then 1amuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren' and the spirit of the ,ord came upon :avid from that day forward... 1 Samuel 16:13

The h!stor!c *!n& of Israel ,as ano!nted$ The "an after God7s heart ,as ano!nted and a con<ueror ,as born$ H!s stature d!d not chan&e$ He ,as st!ll a youth of se%enteen$ He ,as yet to step on h!s f!rst battle &round' but he ,as already a "an of ,ar' ano!nted to del!%er the people of God fro" the!r ene"!es and to establ!sh the boundar!es of the nat!on of Israel$ &ani(estin+ The %nointin+ The ano!nt!n& !s ne%er reco&n!+ed ,!thout pro%en results$ There ,as a need for the ano!nt!n& upon the l!fe of e%ery *!n& !n Israel to be "ade "an!fest to h!s subjects$ Then at a t!"e' there ,as ,ar a&a!nst the )h!l!st!nes and Gol!ath def!ed God and the ar"!es of Israel$ The ano!nt!n& upon ;a%!d ,ent !nto act!on and he stepped out$ He con<uered the &!ant and that ,as the be&!nn!n& of a l!fe of con<uest$ E%ery,here he turned' he con<uered$ 4!th s!. hundred "en /h!s follo,ers dur!n& h!s fl!&ht fro" aul0' he ransac*ed the c!t!es of the )h!l!st!nes$ K!n&s pa!d h!" tr!bute$ Nat!ons beca"e h!s ser%ants$ ;a%!d' the "!&hty con<ueror of the tr!be of 5udah' pre%a!led o%er the ene"!es of the 3ord !n h!s l!fet!"e$ He ,as an establ!shed con<ueror' feared all o%er the land of #anaan and abroad$ Jesus ; The ,irst .e+otten '( The ,ather ;a%!d con<uered for Israel' but 5esus #hr!st con<uered for the ,hole ,orld$ H!s "!ss!on ,as to destroy the ,or*s of atan$

...)or this purpose the 1on of -od was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. 1 John 3:8 5esus' the on of God' ca"e to the ,orld' not to sho, that He !s God' not to earn respect for H!"self and the Father8 but He ca"e to f!&ht a battle$ He ca"e for con<uest$ He ca"e to put an end to the re!&n of the *!n&do" of dar*ness on earth$ The battle ,as f!erce' but He faced !t ,!th a con<ueror7s stance$ E%ery,here He turned' the outco"e ,as the sa"e 6 He con<uered$ At H!s appearance' the hosts of hell ,ould flee' screa"!n&2 ...#hat have we to do with thee, thou 0esus of "a3areth$ art thou come to destroy us$... Ma!. 1:24 No for" of oppress!on ,as too ser!ous to deal ,!th$ Th!s ,as the reason ,hy He ca"e$ Th!s ,as the reason for ,h!ch He ,as ano!nted$ He ,as ano!nted to con<uer atan$ He ,as ano!nted to destroy the ,or*s of the ene"y$ The stor" ,as no barr!er to H!"8 a co""and fro" H!" ,as all !t needed to be st!ll$ A touch' a ,ord' and !t ,as enou&h8 de"ons obeyed' bl!ndness d!sappeared' paralys!s ,as put to sha"e$ Of H!" !t ,as sa!d2 ...#hat manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him8 Matthew 8:27

E%en death' the &reatest ene"y of "an*!nd and ,h!ch has *ept "an !n bonda&e' ,as a playth!n& to H!"$ ;eath reco&n!+ed H!s super!or!ty and &a%e ,ay$ To the ,!do,7s dead son be!n& ta*en a,ay for bur!al' He sa!d' "...2oung man, I say unto thee, rise" (/u.e. 7:14). To 3a+arus ,ho had been bur!ed four days' He sa!d' "...,a3arus, come forth" (John. 11:43). Here !s an encounter bet,een 5esus and H!s assa!lants2 5udas had led a &roup of ar"ed "en to arrest 5esus$ The natural react!on of any natural "an fac!n& a poss!ble attac* !s to search out an escape route$ 5esus' ho,e%er' "a!nta!ned H!s super!or!ty e%en !n the face of attac*$ He ,ent forth to "eet H!s assa!lants and as*ed the"' "#hom seek ye$" Apparently' they ,ere not sure of the !dent!ty of the "an they ,anted and needed a rel!able conf!r"at!on$ At the!r reply' 5esus sa!d2 "I am he." Th!s ,as enou&h to send all of the" on the!r bac*s /5ohn$ BH2>6A0$ 4hat an a"a+!n& "an!festat!on of po,er- A con<ueror !ndeed- He !s the "!&hty One fro" the root of 5esse- He !s called the on of ;a%!d fro" Bethlehe"' a tr!be !n 5udah$ The ConAueror@s /oot In Judah 4ho are the con<uerors1 4here do they ha%e the!r root1 Our co%enant father' 5acob' ,as about to be (&athered to h!s people$( He called all h!s sons' to tell the" the!r future$ nd 0acob called unto his sons, and said, -ather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall

befall you in the last days. 'enesis 4):1 Fro" h!" ,e ,ere told ,hat ,as to happen to each of the tr!bes thousands of years to co"e$ The prophecy about the tr!be of 5udah !s ,orthy of note$ 0udah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise' thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies! thy father;s children shall bow down before thee. 0udah is a lion;s whelp' from the prey, my son, thou art gone up' he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion! who shall rouse him up$ The sceptre shall not depart from 0udah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until 1hiloh come! and unto him shall the gathering of the people be. %inding his foal unto the vine, and his ass;s colt unto the choice vine! he washed his garments in wine, and his clothes in the blood of grapes' .is eyes shall be red with wine, and his teeth white with milk. 'enesis 4):8-12 5udah !s the con<uerors7 tr!be$ It !s the tr!be of the *!n&s$ It !s the tr!be that has do"!n!on o%er all the other tr!bes$ Th!s !s the tr!be fro" ,h!ch *!n&s are dest!ned to ar!se$ These *!n&s ,ere to be "!&hty con<uerors$ The!r hands ,ould al,ays be on the nec*s of the!r ene"!es$ Th!s s!&n!f!es the con<ueror7s %!ctory o%er h!s ene"!es$ 5udah !s a l!on ,ho *no,s no defeat$ He al,ays &oes stra!&ht before h!"' no "atter the foe confront!n& h!"$ He

turns as!de for no one$ H!s eyes shall be red ,!th ,!ne$ 4!ne s!&n!f!es the ano!nt!n&$ The ano!nt!n& for con<uest rests on the tr!be of 5udah$ Ano!nt!n& ne%er flo,s up,ards$ It flo,s do,n,ards' fro" the head do,n to the feet$ o also ano!nt!n& flo,s fro" the *!n&7s tr!be to the other tr!bes$ 5udah !s the con<uerors7 tr!be$ No ,onder ,hen the Israel!tes as*ed the 3ord about the tr!be that should &o f!rst !nto battle a&a!nst the #anaan!tes' the 3ord na"ed 5udah$ "ow after the death of 0oshua it came to pass, that the children of Israel asked the ,ord, saying, #ho shall go up for us against the (anaanites first, to fight against them$ nd the ,ord said, 0udah shall go up' behold, I have delivered the land into his hand. Ju6*es 1:1-2 The prophecy of 5acob concern!n& 5udah ,as fulf!lled at the ascent of ;a%!d to the throne of Israel$ ;a%!d "an!fested h!s con<ueror7s ano!nt!n& throu&hout h!s l!fet!"e$ H!s eyes ,ere red ,!th ,!ne$ The ano!nt!n& for con<uest ,as upon h!" and he &a%e !t full e.press!on$ No ,onder then !t ,as sun& of h!" ,h!le st!ll !n h!s youth' ":avid hath slain his ten thousand." The 3ord 5esus #hr!st !s called the on of ;a%!d$ He !s the Branch that &re, fro" the tr!be of 5udah$ He !s the K!n& of *!n&s' #on<ueror of con<uerors$ The B!ble calls H!" the 3!on of the tr!be of 5udah$

E%ery born a&a!n bel!e%er belon&s to 5esus$ They belon& to the con<uerors7 tr!be$ 5esus !s the head and the ano!nt!n& "ust flo, do,n to e%eryone ,ho !s a "e"ber of H!s body$ 9ou ha%e the potent!als of a con<ueror !n you$ Th!s !s ,hy apostle )aul caut!ons us !n ,0hesians 5:18: nd be not drunk with wine, wherein is e&cess! but be filled with the 1pirit! 5esus #hr!st' the 3!on of the tr!be of 5udah' 4ho has pre%a!led on our behalf' has brou&ht us to&ether !nto the con<uerors7 tr!be and "ade us one ,!th H!"$ He !s the One ,ho &!%es us the tr!u"ph al,ays' not so"e t!"es only$ "ow thanks be unto -od, which always causeth us to triumph in (hrist... 2 1o!inthians 2:14 #hr!st !n you "a*es you a con<ueror$ 9ou are part of the body of the 3!on of the tr!be of 5udah$ 9ou ha%e your root !n H!"' e%en as He has H!s root !n ;a%!d$

T,o 4eapons For #on<uer!n&

#on<uerors are "en ,!th the heart of a l!on$ They turn as!de fro" no foe$ The!r att!tude to,ards e%ery obstacle !n l!fe !s pos!t!%e$ To the"' there !s only one end to e%ery challen&e 6 tr!u"ph and con<uest$ They' ho,e%er' do not rely on the"sel%es' but on d!%!ne forces for ,!nn!n&$ They ha%e the!r bac*bone' ,h!ch ,hen re"o%ed' they cru"ble l!*e e%ery other natural "an$ 4hat !s the con<ueror7s

bac*bone1 The con<ueror has t,o "ajor ,eapons for con<uer!n&2 ,earlessness 4e l!%e !n a ,orld ,here the fearless re!&n and the fearful l!%e as sla%es$ Fear !s a th!ef and a robber$ It robs &reat "en of the!r &reat dest!n!es$ It br!n&s a &lor!ous future to nou&ht$ It holds *!n&s capt!%es$ The "an ,ho ,!ll con<uer !s the one ,ho ,!ll not be afra!d$ The "an ,ho ,!ll ,al* on the ,ater and not s!n* !s the one ,ho ,!ll &!%e no place to fear$ The "an ,ho ,!ll not be burnt by the f!re !s he ,ho *no,s no fear$ If you ,!ll not fear' you ,!ll not s!n*$ If you ,!ll not fear' you ,!ll not burn$ If you ,!ll not fear' you ,!ll con<uer$ Fearlessness !s the con<ueror7s bac*bone for e.plo!ts and ach!e%e"ents$ El!jah ,as a &reat "an of God$ He ,as *no,n for h!s fearlessness$ He stood before the *!n& and sa!d' (There ,!ll be no ra!n for three years' e.cept by "y ,ord$( He confronted the *!n& and the nat!on of Israel ,!th the!r !dolatrous pract!ces$ He *ne, no fear$ He s!n&le6handedly sle, four hundred prophets of Baal$ But then 5e+ebel arose a&a!nst h!" and the de%!l ca"e and !nst!lled fear !n h!"$ Unfortunately' he accepted the de%!l7s l!es and "!n!strat!on' he for&ot ,ho he ,as and the God he ser%ed$ H!s conf!dence ,as bro*en and the &reat "an of God sou&ht for death$

Fear leads to destruct!on$ It ta*es one to the depths of hardsh!p and frustrat!on$ A fearful bel!e%er !s po,erless a&a!nst atan$ K!n& ;a%!d ,as a fearless ,arr!or$ He *ne, no fear and he con<uered$ Gol!ath and the host of the )h!l!st!nes fell !nto h!s hands because of h!s fearless stance a&a!nst the"$ 5esus #hr!st *ne, no defeat$ He ,as fearless !n the face of e%ery s!tuat!on$ He ,as told' (The ch!ld !s dead' do not bother to co"e$( But He repl!ed' ")ear not, only believe." He ,as told that 3a+arus had been bur!ed four days' and a&a!n' He sa!d' (Fear not' !f you ,!ll bel!e%e' you ,!ll see the &lory of the 3ord( /5ohn$ BB2C?0$ Only the fearless are able to br!n& do,n the &lory of God$ Fear !s a sp!r!t$ Res!st !t and you ,!ll pre%a!l !n e%ery c!rcu"stance of l!fe$ ")ear not", "%e not afraid" and "Thou shalt not fear" are para"ount orders to ,arr!ors$ Heed the"$ 4hen fear co"es *noc*!n& at your door' send !t flee!n& !n the na"e of 5esus$

#ure For Fear

It !s not enou&h to res!st fear$ Res!st!n& fear ,!thout *no,!n& the bas!s for your res!stance !s an e.erc!se !n fut!l!ty$ All "atters ha%e to be attac*ed fro" the root' to ensure per"anent del!%erance$ 4hat then !s our bas!s for fearlessness1 4hat !s the root of fear and ,hat !s the cure for !t1 The resence '( *od

Ha%e you not!ced that ,hene%er you are afra!d' !t !s because you are not really sure of the presence of God1 It happens "ostly ,hen you ha%e fallen !nto an unconfessed s!n$ 9ou "!&ht e%en ha%e confessed !t' but s!n6consc!ous "a*es you doubt that God could be ,!th you$ Re"e"ber Ada" !n the &arden of Eden$ He *ne, no fear unt!l he fell !nto s!n$ !n ca"e and ,!th !t fear$ He h!d fro" God !n fear$ He h!d fro" the an!"als !n fear$ Fear co"es ,hen one !s not sure of the presence of God$ It therefore follo,s that the presence of God dr!%es a,ay fear$ But you are assured of the presence of God- He has sa!d2 ...I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. (e#!ews 13:5 5esus re6e"phas!+ed th!s by say!n&2 ...lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Matthew 28:2% The 3ord !s ,!th you and ready to act on your behalf ,hen you call on H!"$ 4hen 5esus ,as send!n& forth H!s d!sc!ples after H!s resurrect!on' the f!rst th!n& He told the" ,as2 ... ll power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. -o ye therefore......,o, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Matthew 28:18-2% The reason the d!sc!ples then and ,e no, can &o forth and con<uer !s because He !s ,!th us$ And the reason ,e rely

on H!s presence !s because all po,er !s !n H!s hands$ 5ust l!*e 5ohn puts !t2 ...-reater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. 1 John 4:4 Only those ,ho are consc!ous of God7s presence ,!th the" and the po,er He ,!elds ,!ll con<uer$ They are the stron& ones ,ho ,!ll do e.plo!ts$ ;a%!d *ne, H!s God and ,as constantly consc!ous of H!s presence ,!th h!"$ Th!s el!"!nated fear fro" h!"$ He spo*e out boldly2 2ea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil' for thou art with me... Psalm 23:4 The %alley of the shado, of death !s one place &reatly feared by "en$ The fear of death sends "any to the!r &ra%es lon& before the!r t!"e$ But hear th!s "an of God$ He does not fear death8 not because he !s "ore po,erful than others' but because God !s ,!th h!"- No ,onder Gol!ath ,as brou&ht do,n$ A "an ,ho does not fear death ,!ll not fear the Gol!aths of th!s ,orld8 all because God !s ,!th h!"$ It ta*es a l!on7s heart to be a con<ueror$ (I shall fear no e%!l' for God !s ,!th "e$( Th!s !s the con<ueror7s slo&an$ God ,!th you !s the bas!s of fearlessness$ Apostle )aul !n e"phas!+!n& th!s po!nt as*s2 ...If -od be for us, who can be against us$ &omans 8:31

4!th the 3ord on your s!de' %!ctory !s sure8 so stand f!r" and stand stron&- 5esus stood stron&$ He ,as fearless !n e%ery s!tuat!on$ 4hy1 God ,as ,!th H!"$ He sa!d2 nd he that sent me is with me' the )ather hath not left me alone... John 8:2) The Father ,as al,ays ,!th H!"' so He *ne, no fear$ Th!s He constantly told anyone ,!th!n earshot$ He ,ould al,ays say' "#hosoever has seen me has seen the )ather", "The )ather is in me and I am in the )ather", "I and the )ather are one." 5esus *ne, H!s Father ,as ,!th H!"$ He ,as !n constant fello,sh!p ,!th H!"' so fear ,as fore!&n to H!"$ He *ne, that ,!th God' He ,as on the ,!nn!n& s!de$ 5ust l!*e ;r$ T$ 3$ Osborn r!&htly sa!d' (9ou and God "a*e an unbeatable tea"-( Fr!end' you carry an unbeatable l!fe force on your !ns!de$ God !s !n you and God !s ,!th you1nsurin+ *od@s resence One ,ay to ensure God7s presence ,!th you al,ays !s to l!%e a l!fe of pra!se$ ;a%!d ,as a pra!s!n& *!n&$ H!s del!&ht ,as !n &o!n& to the te"ple of God$ He sa!d2 )or a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my -od, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. Psalm 84:1% Also !n Psalm 122:1 he sa!d2

I was glad when they said unto me, ,et us go into the house of the ,ord. ;a%!d pract!cally l!%ed !n the te"ple of God' because the B!ble tells us he &oes there to pray three t!"es a day and to pra!se se%en t!"es a day$ He pra!sed "ore than he prayed$ 1even times a day do I praise thee... Psalm 11):164 He ,as &!%en to pra!ses' an act that dra,s God7s attent!on$ .../ thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. Psalm 22:3 )ra!se ushers the presence of God !nto a s!tuat!on$ ;a%!d doubtlessly carr!ed God7s presence ,!th H!"$ If you l!*e,!se des!re the presence of God' then you "ust des!re pra!ses$ )ra!se H!" and He ,!ll co"e do,n- The presence of God ,!th you !s a cure for fear$ ?ivine Instructions ;!%!ne !nstruct!ons are %ery %!tal !n the acco"pl!sh"ent of any tas*$ The "an that ,!ll con<uer !s he ,ho as*s for and rece!%es !nstruct!ons fro" God$ 3!sten!n& to the %o!ce of God leads to enthrone"ent$ One of the &reatest secrets for ;a%!d7s outstand!n& success ,as h!s rel!ance on d!%!ne !nstruct!on$ E%ery step he too* ,as based on !nstruct!ons he rece!%ed fro" God$ He ,as a "aster at "a*!n& en<u!r!es$ He too* noth!n& for &ranted$

All throu&h the boo*s of Bst and @nd a"uel' ,e often read2 " nd :avid en5uired of the ,ord." He ne%er too* any step outs!de God7s !nstruct!ons$ No ,onder he e.celled$ In H!s "!n!stry also' 5esus al,ays l!stened to and obeyed the %o!ce of the Father$ He ne%er d!d anyth!n& by H!"self$ At #ana !n Gal!lee' ,hen He ,as told to do so"eth!n& about the f!n!shed ,!ne' He repl!ed' "...6ine hour is not yet come." (0ohn. <'=.) He operated on d!%!ne s!&nals$ He *ne, the po,er of God !s only "an!fested ,hen one follo,s God7s s!&nals$ Th!s ,as ,hy He d!d not rush to Bethany to heal 3a+arus ,hen He ,as told he ,as s!c*$ He ,a!ted for God7s !nstruct!ons and the po,er of God ,as "ade "an!fest$ He sa!d2 ...I do nothing of myself! but as my )ather hath taught me, I speak these things. John 8:28 He acted on God7s !nstruct!ons' no ,onder He ,as the #on<ueror of con<uerors$ The ano!nt!n& of God follo,s H!s !nstruct!ons$ pea*!n& to G!deon' God sa!d2 -o in this thy might...have not I sent thee$ Ju6*es 6:14 There !s a stren&th that &oes ,!th heed!n& d!%!ne !nstruct!ons !n &ett!n& tas*s acco"pl!shed$ Th!s !s the ano!nt!n& of the Holy Ghost$ Th!s !s the ano!nt!n& that "a*es con<uerors out of ord!nary "en$ It !s a%a!lable to you as a "e"ber of the body of #hr!st$ 9ou can re&!ster yourself ,!th the con<uerors today-

Chapter B
Ano!nt!n& For 4ealth
E%ery "an ,as born na*ed$ Not e%en fro" the r!chest Fa"!ly ,as any ch!ld born ,!th dresses and tr!n*ets on$ No' e%ery ch!ld ,as s!"ply born na*ed- :an7s possess!ons are ac<u!red here$ He brou&ht noth!n& !nto th!s ,orld and surely' he ,!ll ta*e noth!n& out$ It "eans that possess!ons are essent!ally for use on earth$ Ho,e%er' there !s no &enu!ne co"fort ,!thout possess!on$ If so"eone !s cold and has no "oney to buy a s,eater or a card!&an he ,!ll not be co"fortable$ If you are hun&ry and ha%e no food to eat' you cannot be co"fortable$ It !s "ore co"fortable to &et a r!de than to atte"pt tre**!n& a =?6 *!lo"etre d!stance$ A r!de def!n!tely ,!ll cost "oney$ Th!n* of !t2 a co"fortable house ,!ll def!n!tely cost "ore than just any ord!nary bu!ld!n&$ It !s clear that the "ore "eans "an has' the "ore co"fortable he beco"es$ #o"fort !s not rele%ant !n hea%en' !t !s the eternal ho"e of co"fort$ The Holy p!r!t' therefore' has a &reat "!ss!on to the !nhab!tants of the earth' because th!s !s ,here co"fort !s really needed$ God also a&rees that the &ood th!n&s of l!fe are needed by bel!e%ers$ 5esus sa!d2 ...)or after all these things do the -entiles seek') for your heavenly )ather knoweth that ye have need of all these

things. Matthew 6:32 4hat do the Gent!les see* after today1 :ore co"fort' "ore fulf!l"ent' "ore "eans$ Food and dr!n* are essent!al to e.!stence' ,h!le cloth!n& !s essent!al to l!%!n& and co"fort$ 5esus sa!d our hea%enly Father doesn7t only ,ant us to e.!st' but to be co"fortable as ,ell$ It !s true that l!fe does not cons!st !n the abundance of the th!n&s ,h!ch a "an possesses' but !n a person not !n th!n&s$ .e that believeth on the 1on hath everlasting life' and he that believeth not the 1on shall not see life! but the wrath of -od abideth on him. John 3:36 3!fe cons!sts of the !nd,ell!n& #hr!st' ,hereas l!%!n& cons!sts of the sp!r!tual' "ental' "ater!al and phys!cal !nfluences of #hr!st !n the bel!e%er$ Today' the "!n!stry of #hr!st on earth has been duly and co"pletely handed o%er to the person of the Holy p!r!t$ Go!n& by H!s na"e' as d!scussed !n chapter B' the Holy p!r!t has a job of "a*!n& H!s benef!c!ar!es co"fortable$ The ano!nt!n& of the Holy p!r!t has outstand!n& effects on the sp!r!tual' "ental' phys!cal and "ater!al ,ell6be!n& of God7s people$ 4ealth !s ac<u!red' not rece!%ed$ 4ealth not honestly ac<u!red &uarantees no future for !ts holder' because2

#ealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished' but he that gathereth by labour shall increase. P!o"e!#s 13:11 %cAuisition '( Wealth E%ery "ater!al "!racle dra,s fro" a%a!lable "ater!als at hand2

#han&e of ,ater to ,!ne 6 pots and ,ater$ Feed!n& of ='??? 6 f!%e loa%es of bread and t,o f!shes Unceas!n& flo, of o!l 6 a cruse of o!l$

Th!n* of !t2 there !s no "ater!al "!racle ,!thout "ater!al !n%ol%e"ent and !n%est"ent$ It7s a case of us!n& ,hat you ha%e to &et ,hat you need- "art !n%est"ent of a%a!lable resources to secure ant!c!pated !ncrease$ The /elease '( ower ,or Wealth In the natural' no object chan&es pos!t!on ,!thout the en&a&e"ent of certa!n forces$ o' for a poor "an today to beco"e a ,ealthy "an to"orro,' so"e force has to be !n operat!on 6 "ental' f!nanc!al' phys!cal' etc$ o also !n the co%enant' supernatural forces ha%e to &o !nto operat!on for ,ealth to be released or ac<u!red$ As !t !s ,r!tten2 %ut thou shalt remember the ,ord thy -od' for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day. 4eute!onom7 8:18

It !s abundantly clear that (thy Fathers( tal*ed about abo%e refers to Abraha"' Isaac and 5acob$ That %erse also e.pla!ns the force beh!nd the!r ,ealth' that !t !s not just a product of the!r natural ab!l!t!es' but a co"b!nat!on of natural and sp!r!tual resources$ The co%enant po,er for ,ealth !s a%a!lable to all ,ho belon& to the stoc* of Abraha"' that !s' the Israel!tes$ But than* God' that throu&h the cross' the ,hole hu"an Fa"!ly can no, parta*e !n th!s po,erful &race of elect!on and supernatural access to ,ealth$ Galat!ans >2B>6BC says2 (hrist hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us' for it is written, (ursed is every one that hangeth on a tree' That the blessing of braham might come on the -entiles through 0esus (hrist! that we might receive the promise of the 1pirit through faith. He &a%e the" not the land by the!r o,n stren&th or po,er$ Golden acco"pl!sh"ent for co%enant people !s not poss!ble by po,er or by "!&ht' but by the p!r!t of God /Kechar!ah$ C2A0$ It !s also clear fro" the B!ble that the po,er of God !s fully represented !n the Holy p!r!t$ He !s the carr!er' the con%eyor and the channel throu&h ,h!ch the po,er of God !s released to "an$ He !s the e"bod!"ent of the po,er of the Al"!&hty God$ The follo,!n& cr!ptures clearly def!ne the po,er6nature of the Holy p!r!t2 In Acts 2:4 the B!ble says2 nd they were all filled with the .oly -host...

Th!s !s !n fulf!l"ent of Acts 1:8: %ut ye shall receive power, after that the .oly -host is come upon you' and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in 0erusalem, and in all 0udaea, and in 1amaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. )o,er !s the essence of the Holy Ghost upon a bel!e%er' not ton&ues' e%en thou&h ton&ues !s the essent!al e%!dence of Holy Ghost bapt!s"$ Therefore' 4eute!onom7 8:18 can be safely refra"ed thus2 "%ut thou shall remember that it is -od that giveth thee the .oly 1pirit (power) to get wealth", or !n other ,ords' "It is -od that giveth thee the anointing to get wealth." The ano!nt!n& !s the ra!n d!"ens!on of the Holy p!r!t$ The ,hole hu"an race can tap !nto th!s &reat co%enant throu&h 5esus #hr!st$ To .e % Witness There !s a %ery fa"!l!ar cr!pture that I bel!e%e has been &!%en a %ery narro, def!n!t!on and !nterpretat!on than !t actually "eans$ It !s Acts 1:8: %ut ye shall receive power, after that the .oly -host is come upon you' and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in 0erusalem, and in all 0udaea, and in 1amaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth$ The ,ord (,!tness( does not only "ean spea*!n& for' but also "eans stand!n& !n for 6 to spea* and stand !n for a

person or a cause$ It also "eans to represent the person and !nterest or %enture of such a person$ The Holy Ghost !s not &!%en to "a*e "an only spea* for God' but also to "a*e "an stand !n for H!"$ That "eans ,e are not e.pected to be "ere spea*!n& ,!tnesses' but also stand!n& !n ,!tnesses' H!s representat!%es$ Th!s !s the cru. of )aul7s "essa&e !n 2 1o!inthians 5:2%: "ow then we are ambassadors for (hrist... The Holy Ghost e"po,ers the bel!e%er to represent #hr!st !n total!ty' just l!*e He totally represented the Father$ 5esus asserted !n John 14:)-1%: ....e that hath seen me hath seen the )ather (personality semblance)... ...The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself' but the )ather that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works (1peech semblance). He ,as a true ,!tness of the Father$ The d!sc!ples also fully represented H!" !n the!r earthly ,al*$ )eter' !n h!s ,!tness to the people at )entecost sa!d2 %ut ye denied the .oly /ne... nd killed the 4rince of life, whom -od hath raised from the dead! whereof we are witnesses. Acts 3:14-15 "ow when they saw the boldness of 4eter and 0ohn, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled! and they took knowledge of them, that they had

been with 0esus. Acts 4:13 The " oor" Jesus o "any people "a*e e.cuses for the!r po%erty today' hold!n& on to the error that 5esus ,as (poor( ,h!le on earth$ Ho, erroneousThe (poor( 5esus had a treasurer' had a bed !n H!s sh!p or at least enjoyed a f!rst class cab!n' ,here He had a p!llo, on ,h!ch to rest H!s head$ He h!red the upper roo" !n 5erusale" ,hen He ,ent there for a feast$ He had a coat that the Ro"an Ar"y Off!cers fou&ht a"on& the"sel%es to possess$ 9et the B!ble says of H!"2 )or ye know the grace of our ,ord 0esus (hrist, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich. 2 1o!inthians 8:) The <uest!on no, !s2 Ho, do ,e represent the ,ealth of the co%enant He cut for us at the cross' ,hen ,e are yet to "atch H!s po%erty-

Ho, The Ano!nt!n& )a%es The 4ay To 4ealth

.rea!s The 5o!e '( Sel(ishness The ano!nt!n& brea*s the yo*e of self!shness !n the bel!e%er$ The "ost !""ed!ate effect of the fall !s self!shness$ 4hen God called out to Ada" !n the &arden of Eden after that

b!tter b!te of the fru!t of d!sobed!ence' Ada" had (d!%orced( h!s ,!fe' each one to h!s tent' they had parted$ It beca"e a battle of self6defence$ nd the ,ord -od called unto dam, and said unto him, #here art thou$ nd he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked! and I hid myself. nd he said, #ho told thee that thou wast naked$ .ast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat$ nd the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat. nd the ,ord -od said unto the woman, #hat is this that thou hast done$ nd the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat. 'enesis 3:)-13 9ou ,!ll not!ce that e%ery accused person en&a&ed a self6 defence strate&y' not "!nd!n& ,hat happened to the other party$ Th!s !s self!shness$ It !s hold!n& onto your o,n alone$ Fro" the fall on,ard' "an has occup!ed the f!rst place !n h!s thou&hts and act!ons$ (I alone and no one else$ I f!rst and nobody else' I and I$( The r!ch fool d!d not for once "ent!on h!s ,!fe or h!s ch!ldren !n h!s ent!re d!alo&ue 6 (I and I' and no one else' but I$( 4hen 5esus told a "an !n the B!ble to &o sell off all h!s &oods and &!%e to the poor' so he could &a!n the *!n&do" of God' the B!ble says' " nd he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved' for he had great possessions." (Ma!..

1%:17-23.) :an7s self!shness !s of such "a&n!tude that he ,!ll prefer to "!ss hea%en than to los!n& h!s possess!ons$ That !s ho, self!sh and self6centred the unre&enerate soul !s$ Abundance ,!ll al,ays respond to scatter!n&' ,h!ch !s only poss!ble after the old nature !s subdued and o%erco"e$ There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth! and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty. P!o"e!#s 11:24 5esus sa!d2 ...It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 2%:35 4!thout lo%e' &!%!n& ,!ll be done under duress2 )or -od so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten 1on... John 3:16 The old nature !s loaded ,!th self' ,h!le the ne, nature !s lo%e$ Because self!shness breeds po%erty' !t !s a yo*e of bonda&e that "ust be bro*en$ Unt!l the yo*e of self!shness !s bro*en' free6,!ll &!%!n& !s !"poss!ble$ )or if I do this thing willingly, I have a reward' but if against my will, a dispensation of the gospel is committed unto me. 1 1o!inthians ):17

G!%!n& "ust be acco"pan!ed ,!th joy !n order for !t to produce results$ %ecause thou servedst not the ,ord thy -od with +oyfulness, and with gladness of heart, for the abundance of all things! Therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies which the ,ord shall send against thee, in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in want of all things' and he shall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck, until he have destroyed thee. 4eute!onom7 28:47-48 For &!%!n& to be done ,!th joy' the yo*e of self!shness "ust be bro*en$ The *race '( *ivin+ The :acedon!an #hurch had a spec!al &race for &!%!n&$ )aul !n ,r!t!n& to the #or!nth!ans' used the :acedon!ans !n char&!n& the" to &!%e$ 6oreover, brethren, we do you to wit of the grace of -od bestowed on the churches of 6acedonia! .ow that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their +oy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality. )or to their power, I bear record, yea, and beyond their power they were willing of themselves! 4raying us with much entreaty that we would receive the gift, and take upon us the fellowship of the ministering to the saints. nd this they did, not as we hoped, but first gave their own selves to the ,ord, and unto us by the will of

-od. Insomuch that we desired Titus, that as he had begun, so he would also finish in you the same grace also. Therefore, as ye abound in every thing, in faith, and utterance, and knowledge, and in all diligence, and in your love to us, see that ye abound in this grace also. 2 1o!inthians 8:1-7 It ta*es &race to &!%e$ But to &!%e beyond your po,er "ust re<u!re &reater &race$ To &!%e (your o,n sel%es to the 3ord' and unto us by the ,!ll of God( "ust be a ,or* of &race$ The abo%e state"ent !"pl!es putt!n& God and the course of the &ospel f!rst$ In %erse se%en' )aul sa!d' "1ee that ye abound in this grace also." The &race !s to abound' !ncrease and "ult!ply' for &reater ease !n &!%!n& to be ach!e%ed$ #hile the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. 'enesis 8:22 Abundance ,!ll respond to b!bl!cal &!%!n&$ G!%!n& !s the &ate,ay to ,ealth$ ,aith The &race of God !s a%a!lable to all' but not all enjoy !t$ pea*!n& on the &reat subject of sal%at!on' )aul sa!d2 )or by grace are ye saved through faith... ,0hesians 2:8

The &race for sal%at!on !s released !n response to the fa!th of the rec!p!ent$ Grace ans,ers to fa!th$ Bel!e%e God' to rece!%e the &race for &!%!n& and you ,!ll rece!%e !t$ After all' ,e are ad"on!shed to co%et earnestly the best &!fts /B #or!nth!ans$ B@2>B0$ ee the &!%!n&6&race flo,!n& throu&h father Abraha"$ ee h!" runn!n& after stran&ers to refresh the"' see h!" &!%e all the t!the to :elch!+ede* /Genes!s$ BC2@?0' see h!" t!e and b!nd h!s only son' Isaac' for a burnt offer!n& to God /Genes!s$ @@2G6B?0$ Th!s "ust be &race$ ee olo"on &!%e a thousand burnt offer!n&s' just to ,orsh!p God /B K!n&s$ >2>6C0$ ee ;a%!d set to bu!ld the house of God "with all his might." He sa!d' "I have set my affection to the house of my -od" (> (hronicles. <?'<@A). rayer ,et us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. (e#!ews 4:16 9ou can pray to bu!ld up the &!%!n& &race !n you$ 9nowled+e '( The Word )eter sa!d2 -race and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of -od, and of 0esus our ,ord. 2 Pete! 1:2

9ou can cause the &race of God to abound' !ncrease and "ult!ply throu&h the *no,led&e of the truth$ Rece!%e that &race no,' !n 5esus7 na"e-

Chapter C
Ho, To Release The Ano!nt!n& For 4ealth
.y ,aith 9ou release the ano!nt!n& for ,ealth by f!rst bel!e%!n& that ,ealth !s part of your her!ta&e !n God$ 5esus beca"e poor to "a*e you r!ch$ He ca"e do,n to ta*e you up$ Abraha"7s possess!on had !ts root !n fa!th$ If you are Abraha"7s ch!ldren' then you ,!ll do the ,or*s of Abraha"$ If he bel!e%ed to possess' you also ha%e to bel!e%e to possess$ The journey to abundance be&!ns ,!th fa!th$ 4hat !s too "uch for your fa!th !s too "uch for your reach' for !t !s to you accord!n& to your fa!th$ If you cannot see abundance' then you cannot possess !t$ In the Abraha"!c co%enant' !t !s only ,hat you can see that shall be &!%en unto you$ Th!s !s the underly!n& rule' and !s a funda"ental la, of possess!on$ The ano!nt!n& helps you to understand God$ It !s ,r!tten2 ...%ut as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie... 1 John 2:27

4hen the Holy Ghost tau&ht the Eth!op!an Eunuch throu&h )h!l!p' understand!n& ca"e to h!" and he ,as con%erted$ 4hen the Holy Ghost teaches a "an' l!&ht co"es' ,h!ch be&ets fa!th$ 5esus sa!d2 %ut the (omforter, which is the .oly -host, whom the )ather will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. John 14:26 The Holy p!r!t !s the !llu"!nator of the truth$ 4!th fa!th concern!n& abundance !n your heart' you ha%e opened up for the ano!nt!n& to flo, !n that d!rect!on' and perfor"ance !s sure to follo,$ *ivin+ nd the ,ord -od planted a garden eastward in Bden... 'enesis 2:8 God d!d not ,!sh a &arden' He d!d not spea* a &arden !nto e.!stence8 rather' He planted !t$ And' !n 'enesis 8:22 the cr!pture says2 #hile the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest ...shall not cease. 4hen you &!%e an acceptable offer!n&' hea%en opens to pour do,n ra!n /:alch!$ >2B?6B@0$ :oney does not pour out fro" hea%en$ It !s ra!n$

In Genes!s H' ,hen hea%en7s ,!ndo,s opened for the f!rst t!"e' !t ,as ra!n that poured out$ 9ou ,!ll ne%er see "ater!als l!*e auto"ob!les' electron!c &ad&ets' cloth!n&' food' furn!ture' etc$ pour!n& out fro" hea%en$ Ra!n !s ,hat pours out8 and th!s ra!n stands for the ano!nt!n& of the Holy p!r!t' ,h!ch enables bel!e%ers to enter !nto the real" of abundance$ It !s the po,er to &et ,ealth$ There !s an outstand!n& relat!onsh!p bet,een ra!n and abundance !n Joel 2:23-24: %e glad then, ye children of *ion, and re+oice in the ,ord your -od' for he hath given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month. nd the floors shall be full of wheat, and the vats shall overflow with wine and oil. Abundance !s se<uel to ra!n$ Th!s !s the order e%en !n the natural$ G!%!n& !s the *ey that opens up the ,!ndo,s of hea%en for ra!n$ 5ust as abundance !s se<uel to ra!n' so !s &!%!n& a prere<u!s!te for ra!n to fall$ The syste" !s a stra!&ht l!ne e<uat!on2 G!%!n& M Ra!n M Abundance$ God &a%e H!s only be&otten on and after He ,as &lor!f!ed' the ra!n fell on the day of )entecost8 and no, He has "any sons- He &a%e H!" a,ay on the cross' ,here the on cr!ed' "6y -od, my -od, why hast thou forsaken me$" 9es' a,ay' He &a%e H!"' e%en unto death$

Cerily, verily, I say unto you, B&cept a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone' but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. John 12:24 For any seed to "ult!ply or !ncrease' !t "ust f!rst be &!%en a,ay to d!e$ 3et the seed d!e' stop "ourn!n& !t$ The seed "ust d!e before the fru!t can co"e al!%e$ Than* God' 5esus ,as not &!%en a,ay to ,aste$ In due season' the ra!n fell and the fru!t ca"e out- That !s the order$ After the seed plant!n& co"es the ra!n and there after' the har%est$ G!%!n&' therefore' opens you up for the ra!n' ,h!ch br!n&s !n the abundant har%est$ After Abraha" appeared on :ount :or!ah to sacr!f!ce h!s only son' Isaac' he had abundance of ra!n- And God sa!d2 ...%y myself have I sworn, saith the ,ord, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son' That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore! and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies! nd in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed... 'enesis 22:16-18 The ra!n responded to Abraha"7s sacr!f!ce$ The "an 5ob' a &randson of Abraha"' also enjoyed the ra!n of abundance throu&h &!%!n&$ nd it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about, that 0ob sent and sanctified them, and rose up early

in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all... Thus did 0ob continually. Jo# 1:5 One th!n& stands out %ery clearly here2 5ob offered burnt offer!n&s cont!nually and that ,as ho, he ca"e by the ra!n of abundance "...1o that this man was the greatest of all the men of the east." (Jo# 1:3.) Ho, d!d K!n& ;a%!d co"e about h!s abundance1 4e are told !n 1 1h!onicles 2):2-3: "ow I have prepared with all my might for the house of my -od the gold for things to be made of gold, and the silver for things of silver, and the brass for things of brass...and all manner of precious stones, and marble stones in abundance. 6oreover, because I have set my affection to the house of my -od, I have of mine own proper good, of gold and silver, which I have given to the house of my -od, over and above all that I have prepared for the holy house, Th!s !s the pr!%ate p!cture of the "an ;a%!d$ All h!s "!&ht ,as !n%ested !n the house and th!n&s of God$ H!s l!fe ,as "ore or less a seed and so the ra!n fell for h!"$ 4hat ;a%!d &a%e ,as enou&h proof of h!s ,ealth$ The 3!%!n& B!ble puts h!s personal contr!but!on /seed0 to,ards the bu!ld!n& of the te"ple to be o%er B?? "!ll!on dollars- He d!d not &et at ,ealth by acc!dent$ If you ,ant the ra!n' plant the seed f!rst$ Re"e"ber *!n& ;a%!d sa!d2

..."either will I offer burnt offerings unto the ,ord my -od of that which doth cost me nothing... 2 Samuel 24:24 K!n& olo"on "ust also necessar!ly be "ent!oned ,hene%er God6&!%en ,ealth !s be!n& d!scussed$ H!s journey to ,ealth be&an on :ount G!beon' ,here he offered a thousand burnt offer!n&s to the 3ord$ The ra!n fell' the hea%ens opened up' and released upon h!" the po,er to &et ,ealthnd the king went to -ibeon to sacrifice there! for that was the great high place' a thousand burnt offerings did 1olomon offer upon that altar. In -ibeon the ,ord appeared to 1olomon in a dream by night' and -od said, sk what I shall give thee. nd I have also given thee that which thou hast not asked, both riches, and honour' so that there shall not be any among the kings like unto thee all thy days. 1 8in*s 3:4-5 13 Th!s !s ho, he &ot the ra!n' the foundat!on for h!s ,ealth' the secret of h!s abundance$ Re"e"ber ,hat the B!ble says !n Ro"ans B=2C2 (For ,hatsoe%er th!n&s ,ere ,r!tten aforet!"e ,ere ,r!tten for our learn!n&$( 3et us learn' so ,e can also obta!n$ God !s no respecter of persons$ ?ili+ence The B!ble !s %ery clear on the !ssue of personal !nput !n order to taste the &rapes of co"fort$

nd that ye study to be 5uiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you! That ye may walk honestly toward them that are without, and that ye may have lack of nothing. 1 3hessalonians 4:11-12 In the cr!ptures' lac* !s usually assoc!ated ,!th !dleness and fold!n& of hands$ The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing' but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat. P!o"e!#s 13:4 The hand of the diligent shall bear rule' but the slothful shall be under tribute. P!o"e!#s 12:24 6uch food is in the tillage of the poor' but there is that is destroyed for want of +udgment. P!o"e!#s 13:23 These cr!ptures establ!sh the fact that e%ery one7s &round has ,hat !t ta*es to &et h!" acco"pl!shed' fulf!lled and successful !n l!fe' !f only he ,!ll (t!ll( !t$ Th!s truth !s establ!shed !n yet another cr!pture2 .e that tilleth his land shall be satisfied with bread' but he that followeth vain persons is void of understanding. P!o"e!#s 12:11 5esus also sa!d2

I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day' the night cometh, when no man can work. John ):4 A&a!n' He sa!d' (:y Father ,or*eth h!therto' and I ,or*$( !nce the ser%ant !s not &reater than h!s :aster' !f 5esus !s ,or*!n&' ,e cannot afford to fold our hands$ Increases respond to our personal !nputs as co%enant people$ Apostle )aul sa!d2 I have planted, pollos watered! but -od gave the increase. 1 1o!inthians 3:6 It could be !llustrated th!s ,ay2 the seed so,n can be !nterpreted as the ,ater!n&' after ,h!ch God &!%es the !ncrease$ The prosper!ty of the &!%er !s %!a "whatsoever he doeth" (Psalm. 1:3). Ha%!n& bel!e%ed and &!%en prec!ous seeds se%erally' the returns pro"!sed are channelled throu&h the ,or*s of our hands$ Be&!nn!n& ,!th Abraha"' all the blessed patr!archs ,ere hard ,or*!n& people$ At a&e E=' Abraha" ,as a cattle rearer$ nd bram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold. 'enesis 13:2 Isaac ,as an establ!shed far"er$ " nd Isaac sowed in that land." He ,as a t!ller of &round- The co%enant pattern son had to t!ll the &round to obta!n the bless!n&s of the co%enant$ No !dle "an has a part !n th!s co%enant$

Then Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the same year an hundredfold' and the ,ord blessed him. nd the man wa&ed great, and went forward, and grew until he became very great' )or he had possession of flocks, and possession of herds, and great store of servants' and the 4hilistines envied him. 'enesis 26:12-14 5acob ,as a blessed "an' but not ,!thout stron& personal !nputs$ A spec!al!st far"er he ,as$ He had th!s test!"ony at the end2 nd the man increased e&ceedingly, and had much cattle, and maidservants, and menservants, and camels, and asses. 'enesis 3%:43 The God of Abraha"' Isaac and 5acob !s st!ll a co%enant6 *eep!n& God' ,ho responds ,!th bless!n&s to the d!l!&ent !nputs of H!s people$ Abraha" ,as st!ll a ,or*er ,hen he ,as past the a&e of E=$ 5acob laboured !n the house of 3aban as a sla%e and Isaac cult!%ated !n the days of drou&ht$ If these patr!archs could ,or*' no one has an e.cuse to be !dle$ .e that observeth the wind shall not sow! and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap. ,cclesiastes 11:4 1eest thou a man diligent in his business$ he shall stand before kings! he shall not stand before mean men. P!o"e!#s 22:2)

The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold! therefore shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing. P!o"e!#s 2%:4 4e "ust ,or* to prosper because2 In all labour there is profit' but the talk of the lips tendeth only to penury. P!o"e!#s 14:23 4e ha%e to ,or*' not just to prosper' but also to "a!nta!n the prosper!ty$ #ealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished' but he that gathereth by labour shall increase. P!o"e!#s 13:11 It !s ob%!ous fro" the 3ord7s parable !n :atthe, @?2B6BH that thou&h He had enou&h to d!str!bute' He refused to &!%e the" anyth!n& they had not laboured for$ "#hy stand ye here all the day idle$" He as*ed$ These fello,s ,ere co"plete ,!th t,o hands' t,o le&s' t,o eyes and each ,!th one &reat head$ He sa!d' (Go and ,or*$( Idleness ne%er earns a "an a l!%!n&$ In verse B, He sa!d2 ...(all the labourers, and give them their hire, beginning from the last unto the first. 5esus !s st!ll challen&!n& !dleness today$ Go and ,or*' !f you ,ant to !ncrease and "ult!ply$

4!th these three buttons !n operat!on !n your l!fe 6 fa!th' &!%!n& and d!l!&ence' the ano!nt!n& for ,ealth ,!ll *eep flo,!n&$

Chapter 1D
Ano!nt!n& For Enthrone"ent
The p!cture pa!nted !n the Boo* of ,cclesiastes 1%:5-7 !s really an eye sore$ There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, as an error which proceedeth from the ruler' )olly is set in great dignity, and the rich sit in low place. I have seen servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants upon the earth. Unfortunately' that !s the state of th!n&s !n #hr!stendo" today$ God calls that state an e%!l$ E%en !n the natural ,orld' people don7t apprec!ate th!n&s that are belo, standard$ :uch "ore so !n the *!n&do" of God' ,here by reason of the ,or* of rede"pt!on' ,e are so loaded ,!th rede"pt!%e pac*a&es$ Our fa!lure to "an!fest our rede"pt!on const!tutes an (e%!l($ The B!ble says 5esus' by H!s f!n!shed ,or*2 ....ast made us unto our -od kings and priests' and we shall reign on the earth. &e"elation 5:1%

Unt!l there !s an a,areness and a consc!ousness of our b!rthr!&ht' the e%!l ,!ll not cease$ The ene"y ,!ll cont!nue to ta*e ad%anta&e of the !&norance of God7s people to the!r b!rthr!&ht$ One "ajor funct!on of the ano!nt!n& !s to d!st!n&u!sh the benef!c!ary8 to enable h!" stand !n the off!ce of h!s call!n&$ The call!n& of God upon our l!%es !s that ,e ha%e been redee"ed unto God and called out as pr!ests and *!n&s' to re!&n on the earth$ 4e ha%e been redee"ed' not &!%en a ne, t!tle$ 4e ,ere rescued fro" the bac*&round of death and brou&ht out !nto pr!esthood and royalty at the sa"e t!"e$ 4e represent "en before God as pr!ests and re!&n as *!n&s on the earth$ The ano!nt!n& for enthrone"ent refers to the Holy p!r!t enabl!n& for the sa!nts of God to enjoy the!r royalty$ Royalty !n !ts fullest !s !"poss!ble ,!thout the outpour!n& of o!l' because !n Israel' no *!n& re!&ned ,!thout be!n& consecrated by the pour!n& of o!l upon h!s head$ 4hat establ!shes royalty !s the pour!n& of o!l on the one be!n& enthroned$ 9ou can trace that !n cr!ptures$ 4hen a"uel ano!nted aul the son of K!sh ,!th the ano!nt!n& o!l for h!s enthrone"ent as *!n& and capta!n o%er God7s people' he sa!d2 ...Is it not because the ,ord hath anointed thee to be captain over his inheritance$ 1 Samuel 1%:1

After aul fa!led as *!n&' !t ,as necessary for another %essel to be ano!nted !n h!s place$ o God spo*e to a"uel2 ....ow long wilt thou mourn for 1aul, seeing I have re+ected him from reigning over Israel$ fill thine horn with oil, and go, I will send thee to 0esse the %ethlehemite' for I have provided me a king among his sons. Then 1amuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren' and the spirit of the ,ord came upon :avid from that day forward... 1 Samuel 16:1 13 The prophet El!jah also had the spec!al ass!&n"ent of ano!nt!n& three "en ,!th o!l' to establ!sh the!r enthrone"ent2 nd the ,ord said unto him, -o, return on thy way to the wilderness of :amascus' and when thou comest, anoint .a3ael to be king over 1yria' nd 0ehu the son of "imshi shalt thou anoint to be king over Israel' and Blisha the son of 1haphat of belmeholah shalt thou anoint to be prophet in thy room. 1 8in*s 1):15-16 Then take the bo& of oil, and pour it on his head, and say, Thus saith the ,ord, I have anointed thee king over Israel. Then open the door, and flee, and tarry not. nd he arose, and went into the house! and he poured the oil on his head, and said unto him, Thus saith the ,ord -od of Israel, I have anointed thee king over the people of the ,ord, even over Israel.

nd they said, It is false! tell us now. nd he said, Thus and thus spake he to me, saying, Thus saith the ,ord, I have anointed thee king over Israel. 2 8in*s ):3 6 12 nd he brought forth the king;s son, and put the crown upon him, and gave him the testimony! and they made him king, and anointed him! and they clapped their hands, and said, -od save the king. 2 8in*s 11:12 In all these cr!ptures' ,e see that God !s the One ,ho does the ano!nt!n&$ 4e are also told of ho, our 3ord 5esus #hr!st H!"self ano!nted the s!c* ,!th o!l$ nd they cast out many devils, and anointed with oil many that were sick, and healed them. Ma!. 6:13 If God ano!nted "en for the throne !n t!"es past' He has not chan&ed$ He !s st!ll %ery "uch !n the bus!ness of ano!nt!n& H!s sa!nts for the!r enthrone"ent today$ Noth!n& &ets done by po,er or "!&ht' but by the p!r!t of the 3ord$ Who Is 1li+i#le? 4e are all el!&!ble for the throne' but only the ano!nted ones ,!ll re!&n$ 4e are all potent!al *!n&s' but !t ta*es the ano!nt!n& for enthrone"ent to "an!fest$ Note that not all pr!nces !n the natural e%er s!t on the throne8 the ones that do &et there by appo!nt"ent$ But !n the *!n&do" of God' !t !s by ano!nt!n&$ The ano!nt!n& o!l !s the seal of that enthrone"ent$

Ord!nat!on' ho,e%er' !s not !n t!tle carry!n&$ 4hat really "atters !s that you "an!fest your sonsh!p of the *!n&do"$ For !nstance' you are "eant to be the head and not the ta!l !n ,h!che%er area of l!fe God has placed you$ As a r!&hteous bus!ness"an' you should pre%a!l !n e%ery %enture you underta*e$ 9our bra!n !s "eant to ,or* as the #reator7s bra!n does' as a parta*er of H!s d!%!ne nature$ At no po!nt at all should you be confused and not *no, ,hat to do !n any &!%en s!tuat!on$ 4hen the ano!nt!n& co"es upon you' the ,!sdo" of God spo*en of !n P!o"e!#s 8:15 !s !nstantly !nfused$ %y me kings reign, and princes decree +ustice. Th!s ,!ll cause your bra!n to start ,or*!n& at such creat!%e d!"ens!ons of reason!n&' that ,!ll surpr!se e%en you$ The 4ord says2 #here the word of a king is, there is power... ,cclesiastes 8:4 It !s the o!l that up&rades the author!ty of your ton&ue and "a*es your ,ords effect!%e ,hen you spea*' caus!n& the th!n&s you declare to co"e to pass$ I than* God for sho,!n& "e the o!l "!n!stry$ It has blessed thousands of people around the ,orld today' because !t !s sealed by the Holy p!r!t$ The purpose of o!l !s to *eep the f!re burn!n&$ It "a*es a ,orld of d!fference ,hen you *no, the reason for do!n& ,hat you are do!n&$ 4hat e%er !s not done !n fa!th !s a s!n$ Thus' no "atter ,hat the o!l conta!ns' only your fa!th

establ!shes !ts operat!on$ It ,!ll be to you only accord!n& to your fa!th$ ;o you *no, the reason ,hy "any so called bel!e%ers ta*e the Holy #o""un!on and st!ll re"a!n s!c*ly and so"e e%en d!e1 It !s s!"ply because they don7t ta*e !t !n fa!th$ For too "any' the Holy #o""un!on !s purely a rel!&!ous r!te ,h!ch "ust be carr!ed out$ !"!larly' !f not appl!ed !n fa!th' the ano!nt!n& o!l can be ta*en just as ord!nary ol!%e o!l bou&ht fro" the "ar*et and not the o!l of the Holy p!r!t' ,h!ch !s "eant to *eep the f!re burn!n&$ :y ,!fe !s a ,!tness to the fact that you can7t *eep "e <u!et at ho"e' abroad or any,here$ I ,anted to tra%el so"e,here and ,as told that there ,as no seat for "e !n the plane' as "y na"e ,as not on the co"puter$ I told the "an there to "a*e sure I &ot a seat' as I needed to "a*e that journey$ He started sha*!n&$ He e%en told "e that the plane ,as &o!n& to lea%e at a part!cular t!"e' but I told h!" that !t ,as &o!n& to ,a!t for "e$ That ,as ho, I &ot !nto the plane and "ade "y journey$ 4hat ,as the source of "y stance1 The ano!nt!n& of the Holy p!r!t- Royalty destroys !nfer!or!ty co"ple.$ No *!n& !s !nfer!or !n h!s do"a!n$ o"e fol*s beco"e as j!ttery as jelly !n a bo,l at the s!&ht of challen&es and they start runn!n& around$ Be&&!n& "ust cease !n the area ,here God has called you$ It !s t!"e to "an!fest the royal blood flo,!n& throu&h your %e!ns$ The pr!ests' ha%!n& been orda!ned' are separated and consecrated to stand !n the pr!est7s off!ce$ The o!l enabled

the" to &et the!r job done$ It !s a"a+!n& ho, there are "any t!tle6carr!ers today ,!thout the prere<u!s!te !"pact$ Get th!s r!&ht2 ,e are not tal*!n& about t!tles' but about !"pact and "an!festat!on$ I faced "ult!tudes of challen&es and o%erca"e all before I ,as orda!ned as a B!shop$ 9ou don7t use t!tles to f!&ht' !t !s !"pact that spea*s for !tself$ Royalty !s not !n a t!tle' !t !s !n the "an!festat!on of rede"pt!on pr!%!le&es$ The !nterest!n& th!n& about th!s royal Fa"!ly !s that all the *!n&s re!&n at the sa"e t!"e8 that !s ,hy 5esus !s called K!n& of *!n&s and 3ord of lords$ 4e are not pr!nces' ,e are *!n&s$ He !s the only )r!nce ,ho beco"e K!n& of *!n&s' because He d!d not &!%e b!rth to pr!nces$ He ca"e here to beco"e the K!n& of *!n&s and not *!n& of pr!nces$ :any of those son&s ,e used to s!n& that al,ays pro"!se cal"' rest and abundance only !n the hereafter "erely portray !&norance' because ,e are "eant to start re!&n!n& here on earth$ The t!"es !n ,h!ch ,e l!%e are t!"es to de"onstrate the %alue and ,orth of H!s death and resurrect!on' not to lea%e !t t!ll to"orro, or ,hen He co"es$ By the o!l' you rece!%e a ne, na"e$ 5esus ne%er reacted a&a!nst be!n& called the on of ;a%!d' He !dent!f!ed ,!th the royal address$ 9ou also *no, that ;a%!d7s royalty ,as as a result of h!s be!n& ano!nted ,!th o!l$ And 5esus sa!d' " s my )ather hath sent me, so send I you." The o!l has a place of enthron!n& the sa!nts' and by the presence of the

Holy Ghost' the!r sla%ery !s bro*en' the yo*e of po%erty !s destroyed$ The purpose of the ano!nt!n& !s to clear all barr!ers alon& l!fe7s ,ay$ If you ha%e fa!th' as you read th!s boo*' the ano!nt!n& ,!ll brea* e%ery bonda&e that has been hold!n& you capt!%e s!nce you ca"e to 5esus$ The sla%ery to fool!shness and stup!d!ty that "a*es e%en s!nners see you as stup!d ,!ll &o off' by reason of the ano!nt!n&$ Ha%e you e%er heard of ,hen a *!n& fou&ht ,!th h!s ,!fe and then ,ent to h!s subjects for settle"ent1 4here do you ta*e a *!n& to1 ubjects are brou&ht before the *!n& for jud&e"ent and not the other ,ay round$ 4hen I rece!%ed the l!&ht !n Re%elat!on =2B?' I pro"!sed "yself that t!ll I d!e' "y ,!fe and I ,!ll ne%er ha%e any ar&u"ent' because *!n&s don7t condescend so lo,8 rather' they help others to sort out !ssues$ 4e ha%e been "arr!ed for o%er ten years no, and ha%e not had e%en one occas!on to ar&ue$ 4hether she !s a du""y or not' you only need to ta*e a loo* at her to *no, that she !sn7t$ 3!fe !s just rosy$ I ha%e not yet found a cud&el ,!th ,h!ch to "a*e "y ch!ldren obey "y %o!ce- They don7t f!&ht o%er tr!%!al "atters !n a royal Fa"!ly$ Instead' you are re"!nded that because you are of royal blood' such beha%!our !s not e.pected of you$ 9our beha%!our fro" th!s "o"ent ,!ll carry royalty alon& ,!th !t !n 5esus7 na"e$ 9ou ,!ll *eep re"!nd!n& yourself that a *!n& doesn7t beha%e carelessly$ 4hen you real!+e that you are royal' you ,on7t feel free any"ore to "!sbeha%e or

lose your te"per and spea* all "anner of ,ron& th!n&s$ Fro" th!s day on' the no!se of f!&ht!n& and "!sbeha%!our ,!ll not be heard !n your household' not for any reason under the sun$ 4hen you carry that royalty consc!ousness' !t "oderates your beha%!our and e%en affects your dress!n&$ 9ou don7t ,al* out ,!th bathroo" sl!ppers and put on a funny6 loo*!n& hat' l!*e a &uy fro" so"e odd place- E%en *!n&s !n the %!lla&e ,on7t do that$ 4e are tal*!n& about royalty' that !s' belon&!n& to the hea%enly royal Fa"!ly$ The o!l co"!n& on you !s the end6t!"e royal enthrone"ent' ,hen the *!n&s of the earth ,!ll e"er&e and ad"!n!ster the peace of the ,orld$ It ,!ll "a*e th!n&s happen as thou&h God ,ere here on earth !n person$ 5esus could not be !nt!"!dated$ The o!l of ano!nt!n& !s an unct!on that !s steadfast' based on truth' not subject to !nt!"!dat!on of any *!nd$ 5esus sa!d2 %ehold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy... /u.e 1%:1) 9ou cannot !nt!"!date a *!n& !n h!s do"a!n /and our do"a!n !s the earth0' for the cr!pture says' ($$$9ou shall re!&n on the earth(' not !n a %!lla&e$ There are forces of royalty !n you /throu&h 5esus #hr!st0' that ,!ll not allo, you to be trodden upon or treated carelessly$ 9our royalty has no boundary' because you are "eant to re!&n on the earth$ I a" consc!ous of th!s' so I a" co"fortable any,here I a"' ,hether at ho"e or abroad$

Author!ty !s not !n a t!tle' !t !s !ns!de a person$ God !s not a &entle"an that !s just ,al*!n& about$ No- One that s!ts upon the c!rcles of the earth do!n& ,hat He pleases cannot be a ,ea*l!n&$ Fro" today' ,hen the de%!l sees your !"a&e' he ,!ll run because ,here%er the ,ord of a *!n& !s' there !s po,er$ A *!n& ,!th a closed "outh !s a ,ea*l!n&- It !s h!s ,ord that releases h!s po,er$ If he has noth!n& to say' he has no one to surrender to h!"$ All he needs to do !s to say he ,ants so"ebody and they ,!ll &o r!&ht to h!s father7s house to &et h!"' and that' ,!thout the least delay$ /eleasin+ 5our /oyal %uthority Refuse to "ess up your royalty' don7t frustrate the &race of God$ Release your royalty by spea*!n&' for there !s po,er !n the ,ords of a *!n&' ,h!ch you are !n #hr!st$ After ;a%!d &ot h!s ano!nt!n&' e%ery ,ord he spo*e to Gol!ath ,as conf!r"ed' caus!n& h!" to pre%a!l$ I ,ant to dra, a l!ne for you$ There are prophets' and a"on& the prophets' there are prophets$ There are *!n&s' and a"on& the *!n&s' there are *!n&s$ That !s ,hy e%ery one born to a royal Fa"!ly has potent!als for the throne' no "atter h!s a&e$ A one6day old !nfant !s just as "uch a pr!nce as a f!fty6e!&ht year old "an !n the sa"e Fa"!ly$ 5oseph *ne, he ,as a *!n& and h!s eyes ,ere perpetually on the throne' but he d!d not &et there o%ern!&ht$ H!s *!n&sh!p ,as sure' !t ,as there and he ,as l!%!n& as one' thou&h he had not l!terally ascended the throne$ H!s royalty "an!fested !n pr!son and !n the house of )ot!phar$ E%eryth!n& !n the house ,as handed o%er to h!" e.cept h!s

"aster7s ,!fe$ He ,as the co""ander of the house ,here he ,as a sla%e$ E%en the son of the house "ust ha%e needed h!s per"!ss!on to ta*e the car *eys5ust "a*e sure !t !s God l!ft!n& you fro" one phase of &lory to the other' other,!se you can brea* yourself by stru&&l!n& to r!se$ I a" &lad to let you *no, that the seal of your royalty co"es upon you as you read th!s boo*$ 4hat !s happen!n& !s that your ,ords ha%e beco"e the ,ords of a *!n& and your heart' a *!n&7s heart$ 9our bra!n !s no, that of a *!n& and your beha%!our' a *!n&7s beha%!our' !n the "!&hty na"e of 5esus$ K!n&s that are ,orth the!r thrones don7t &oss!p' they don7t bac*b!te8 ne!ther are they found !n ,ron& places$ The locat!on of a *!n& !s al,ays *no,n$ Royalty forb!ds that the *!n& be loo*ed for and not be found$ H!s !t!nerary al,ays sho,s ,here he !s at any &!%en t!"e$ 4hen you don7t ,ant your ,!fe to *no, ,here you are co"!n& fro" !s !rrespons!b!l!ty- It !s un*!n&ly- Royalty stands for do"!n!on' ha%!n& the f!nal say !n all affa!rs !n your do"a!n$ 9ou are e%en able to control s!c*ness' turn troubles a,ay and dec!de ,hat should han& around you and ,hat should not$ After read!n& th!s boo*' you ,!ll be a surpr!se to e%en yourself$ 9ou ,!ll no lon&er sta&&er at so"e cr!ptures$ The th!n&s you ne%er understood ,!ll beco"e %ery pla!n$ 4hate%er !t !s that has caused a bloc* !n the bra!n and ,h!ch has affected the "!nd ,!ll &!%e ,ay$ The "!nd !s the eye of the sp!r!t and !t !s the tar&et of the de%!l$ He has

bl!nded the "!nds of the" that bel!e%e not' lest they should see the &lor!ous &ospel and be sa%ed$ It !s poss!ble to hear so"eth!n& and not see !t$ For !nstance' you can hear se%eral "essa&es on prosper!ty and abundance' but as lon& as the "!nd !s bloc*ed' you ,!ll st!ll ,allo, !n abject po%erty$ The ano!nt!n& for royalty ,!ll loose your "!nd fro" "ental decadence$ 3!fe cannot re"a!n the sa"e ,!th you because the th!n&s you can7t see are the reason ,hy you are be!n& pun!shed$ o"e people pray and fast for "oney and yet don7t e.per!ence any f!nanc!al brea*throu&h$ Th!s !s because they don7t ha%e the *ey$ They pray and fast for !t secretly' but conde"n !t !n the open$ God says' as you ha%e spo*en !n :y ears' so shall !t be unto you' you ,on7t enter the #anaan of prosper!ty$ The de%!l !s "ad about your "!nd and that !s ,hy )aul tells you to ha%e the "!nd of #hr!st$ 9ou ha%e the potent!al !n you to see$ It !s ,hat 5esus sa, that "ade H!" not to &!%e up2 ...#ho for the +oy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of -od. (e#!ews 12:2 The "!nd !s the passa&e route of God7s bless!n&s !nto the sp!r!t "an$ It !s needed to "a*e fa!th ,or*$ 4hat the "!nd cannot catch' fa!th cannot br!n&$ One of the cr!ter!a for putt!n& a "an on the throne !s ,ealth$ 4ealth !s

synony"ous ,!th enthrone"ent$ )o%erty and the throne don7t d,ell to&ether$ They are not co"pat!ble by any standard$ The "!nd "ust be "ade to open up to rece!%e ,hat !t ta*es to ha%e a brea*throu&h$ 3oose your "!nd and rece!%e the 4ord and "o%e for,ard$ 4e need a ne, be&!nn!n&$ Th!s !s ,hat the ,orld !s ,a!t!n& for$ 4e ,!ll be&!n to ad"!n!ster peace and just!ce and shall re!&n !n the earth$ o' fro" no, on' ,hate%er you do' do !t as a royalty and not as a co""oner$ By reason of the ano!nt!n&' you ,!ll *no, ,hat to do at e%ery crossroad$ 9ou ha%e the ans,erF!nally' re"e"ber that 5esus co"pleted the ,or* for our l!ft!n& t,o thousand years a&o$ 4e can7t afford to d!e !n sla%ery$ I co""and e%eryth!n& about you to "o%e up to the royal real"$ Ta*e char&e and re!&n-

Chapter 11
t!rr!n& Up The Ano!nt!n&
E%ery born a&a!n and sp!r!t6f!lled bel!e%er has &ot so"e o!l' but not e%eryone has fresh o!l$ It !s a ,ell *no,n fact that the en&!ne o!l !n a car doesn7t last for a l!fet!"e$ It re<u!res a chan&e e%ery no, and a&a!n' other,!se' !t ,!ll ,ea*en the en&!ne /and render !t !neffect!%e0' or ,hen too short' cause the en&!ne to (*noc*$( Thus' a sens!ble person chec*s the en&!ne o!l &au&e e%ery "orn!n&' to ensure !t !s not too

blac* or the le%el too short$ A"ends are "ade !""ed!ately' depend!n& on the state of the o!l$ I"a&!ne ,hat ,ould happen !f you pr!ded yourself on your )h$;$ !n :echan!cal En&!neer!n& and refused to chan&e the o!l ,hen !t ,as due$ 9ou ,ould soon' "ost certa!nly' f!nd yourself dr!%!n& your cert!f!cate !n place of your car- 4hen the o!l !s ne,' the en&!ne !s e"po,ered and "o%es s"oothly$ The sa"e !s true of the fresh o!l !n the bel!e%er$ It "a*es for &reat speed and br!n&s h!" %!ctory$ How To Stir 7p The %nointin+ Ho, then do I &et the o!l fresh1 you ,onder$ Psalm )2:1 1%-15 sheds so"e l!&ht on !t$ It is a good thing to give thanks unto the ,ord, and to sing praises unto thy name, / most .igh' %ut my horn shalt thou e&alt like the horn of an unicorn' I shall be anointed with fresh oil. 6ine eye also shall see my desire on mine enemies, and mine ears shall hear my desire of the wicked that rise up against me. The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree' he shall grow like a cedar in ,ebanon. Those that be planted in the house of the ,ord shall flourish in the courts of our -od. They shall still bring forth fruit in old age! they shall be fat and flourishing! To show that the ,ord is upright' he is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him. If you ,ant to see your des!re on your ene"!es' then fresh o!l !s the ans,er$ It !s the *ey8 !t ,!ll "a*e you hear your des!re on your ene"!es that r!se up a&a!nst you$

*ive Than!s %nd Sin+ raises )sal" G@2B tells us that !t !s a &ood th!n& to &!%e than*s and to pra!se the na"e of the :ost H!&h$ Than*s&!%!n& !s an att!tude of apprec!at!on and &rat!tude for so"eth!n& rece!%ed fro" God or ,hat He has done$ )ra!se' on the other hand' has to do ,!th pra!s!n& H!" for H!s person$ 9our h!&h rat!n& of H!" causes pra!se to oo+e forth fro" you$ 9ou just apprec!ate H!s person and adore H!" for ,ho He !s$ It !s &ood to &!%e than*s unto the 3ord' because the &!%!n& of than*s br!n&s you !nto the ano!nt!n&$ In so"e other place' the B!ble tal*s about (&!%!n& than*s !n A33 th!n&s' for th!s !s the ,!ll of God !n #hr!st 5esus concern!n& you$( Accord!n& to the B!ble' you are bound to obta!n the pro"!se after ha%!n& done the ,!ll of God /Hebre,s$ B?2>A0$ G!%!n& than*s unto the 3ord br!n&s you !nto a ne, real" ,!th H!"$ As you &!%e H!" than*s' sho,er pra!ses also on H!"$ )ra!se !s the natural hab!tat of God$ 5ust l!*e f!sh can7t sur%!%e outs!de ,ater' so also !s pra!se %!tal to God$ He cannot sur%!%e a pra!seless en%!ron"ent' because !t !s contrary to the la, of H!s natural hab!tat$ %ut thou art holy, / thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. Psalm 22:3 ,et the high praises of -od be in their mouth, and a twoedged sword in their hand! To e&ecute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people! To bind

their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron! To e&ecute upon them the +udgment written' this honour have all his saints. 4raise ye the ,ord. Psalm 14):6-) If h!&h pra!ses ,!ll "a*e you b!nd the *!n&s of the earth ,!th !ron' !t "eans that h!&h pra!ses &rant you an entrance !nto a fresh ano!nt!n&$ If you see a bel!e%er ,ho !s al,ays fresh' then you ha%e seen a bel!e%er ,ho !s add!cted to pra!ses and than*s&!%!n&' h!s c!rcu"stances not,!thstand!n&$ But a h!&hly tensed person' ,!th a lon& and dra,n face' loo*!n& fearful and e"barrass!n& e%erybody /!nclud!n& h!"self0 !s sure to be defeated by the ene"y$ 9ou hear so"e people' !nclud!n& bel!e%ers say' (Naturally' I don7t s"!le$( p!r!tually' !f you don7t s"!le' you are defeated' because the secret of stren&th !s !n your rejo!c!n& 6 "the +oy of the ,ord is your strength" ($ehemiah. 8:1%). Thus' !f you are des!rous of stren&th' the pro%!s!on for !t !s !n be!n& joyful$ 9ou need stren&th to be an o%erco"er$ If you "ust ha%e stren&th' you "ust be joyful$ )aul re%ealed one of h!s secrets to us 6 "7e+oice, and again I say, re+oice." He "eans to say you should (rejo!ce e%er"ore$( In our perfect e.a"ple' 5esus #hr!st' ,e f!nd an eternal att!tude of than*s&!%!n&' e%en !n the face of challen&es of l!fe$ 9ou al,ays hear H!" say' (Father' I than* 9ou'( and al,ays' the fresh o!l co"es upon H!" and produces the re<u!red "!racle$ Ho, ,e need that today-

Than*s&!%!n& ,!ll ta*e o%er the place of your prayer re<uests and God ,!ll ta*e o%er your respons!b!l!t!es$ At the &ra%e s!de of 3a+arus' 5esus ,ouldn7t ha%e needed to say anyth!n&' but !n order not to be thou&ht of as a "a&!c!an' He &a%e than*s2 ...)ather, I thank thee that thou hast heard me. John 11:41 He d!d not ha%e to pray a lon& rel!&!ous prayer8 the "o"ent He &a%e than*s' that ano!nt!n& ca"e upon H!" and the !"poss!ble beca"e a cheap poss!b!l!ty$ If you ,ant to e.per!ence a l!fe style that !s clouded ,!th the fresh o!l /ano!nt!n&0' then be add!cted to than*s&!%!n& and pra!ses$ G!%e than*s to God at e%ery po!nt of your l!fe' e%en ,here !t does not apply /,hen c!rcu"stances run contrary to your e.pectat!on08 be able to say' (Father' I than* you$( ay !t' and "ean !t fro" r!&ht !ns!de you$

Reasons For Than*s&!%!n&

*od@s %#idin+ resence Each t!"e you pra!se God and &!%e H!" than*s' H!s presence co"es do,n to bac* up the ano!nt!n&$ God ,!ll not be ,here there !s no pra!se and than*s&!%!n&$ 4hat H!s presence does !s to effect the %!ctory$ H!s presence !s your l!cence for tr!u"ph$ ee ,hat the B!ble says !n Psalm 114:2-7: 0udah was his sanctuary, and Israel his dominion. The sea saw it, and fled' 0ordan was driven back. The mountains

skipped like rams, and the little hills like lambs. #hat ailed thee, / thou sea, that thou fleddest$ thou 0ordan, that thou wast driven back$ 2e mountains, that ye skipped like rams! and ye little hills, like lambs$ Tremble, thou earth, at the presence of the ,ord, at the presence of the -od of 0acob! :ar* you' I don7t "ean pra!s!n& God !n church as a "ere church pro&ra""e$ I "ean pra!s!n& God as a l!fe style$ It !n%o*es the presence of 5eho%ah God and establ!shes H!s e%er ab!d!n& presence ,!th you$ The B!ble says that Israel d!d not &et the land by the!r o,n stren&th8 they d!d not ,or* for !t$ The!r ene"!es had laboured for all the!r ar"s and a""un!t!on' but all that Israel d!d ,as to &ather the spo!l- The presence of God causes your ene"!es to bo, before you$ Re"e"ber ,hat happened ,hen )aul and !las be&an to s!n& pra!ses !n the pr!son$ The Al"!&hty ca"e and there ,as an earth<ua*e$ 9ou can br!n& God7s presence do,n !n the "!dst of your crossroads$ 4!th God !n your co"pany' your ene"!es are co"pelled to bo,' establ!sh!n& your freedo"$ ...If -od be for us, who can be against us$ &omans 8:31 4hen 5ehoshaphat and the ar"y of 5udah san& the pra!ses of the :ost H!&h' He stepped !n and too* o%er the battle /@ #hron!cles$ @?0$ As they be&an to s!n& and to pra!se' God set an a"bush"ent a&a!nst the!r ene"!es and that ,as ho,

they spo!lt the!r ene"!es that day$ )ra!ses and than*s&!%!n& al,ays br!n& do,n God7s presence$ 9ou ha%e prayed hard enou&h' no, be&!n to s!n& and pra!se 5eho%ah$ H!s ears are not deaf nor are H!s hands short$ !n& and pra!se H!" !nto act!n& on your behalf$ 4hen pra!se beco"es your l!fe style' before you reach the battle front' !t ,ould ha%e been ,on$ 9!eld yourself to God' so you can enjoy H!s e%er6ab!d!n& presence$ 9our dest!ny !s not !n any "an7s hand' !t !s !n your o,n hands$ 4hat people say for' or a&a!nst you does not deter"!ne ,hether you ,!n or lose$ ettle do,n and be&!n to apprec!ate the ,ays of God$ The %nointin+ '( The Holy Spirit )ra!se releases the fresh o!l' ,h!ch "a*es for the ne, ano!nt!n&$ 5esus too* char&e !n e%ery s!tuat!on$ He had do"!n!on' e.erc!sed author!ty and had H!s ,ay' by reason of the presence of God and the fresh o!l He carr!ed$ ...I shall be anointed with fresh oil. Psalm )2:1% And !""ed!ately after that %erse' ,e read2 6ine eye also shall see my desire on mine enemies, and mine ears shall hear my desire of the wicked that rise up against me. 4hen you s!n& pra!ses and &!%e than*s fro" your heart and don7t just pay l!p6ser%!ce' you co""and the flo, of the fresh o!l$ There !s no "an that ,!ll *eep the flo, of o!l

fresh !n h!s l!fe ,!thout a sol!d connect!on ,!th than*s&!%!n& and pra!se$ )ra!se reta!ns the freshness of the o!l$ 4!thout !t' the o!l beco"es stale' happen!n&s beco"e stale and the test!"on!es turn to test!n&s$ /evelations 4hen you s!n& and pra!se God' the fresh o!l co"es to br!n& you re%elat!ons fro" the deep$ The fresh o!l co"es to !llu"!nate your sp!r!t6"an to the "yster!es of the *!n&do" of God$ 9i!st John 2:27 states2 %ut the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you' but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him. Also' 1 1o!inthians 2:11 1% says2 )or what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him$ even so the things of -od knoweth no man, but the 1pirit of -od. %ut -od hath revealed them unto us by his 1pirit' for the 1pirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of -od. 4hen the ano!nt!n& co"es' !t ta*es you on an ad%enture !nto the deep8 and ,hen you &et there your s,eat!n& ceases$ If your l!fe ,!ll e%er reflect God7s eternal purpose' the deep /re%elat!on0 holds your dest!ny8 and you only &a!n entrance there by the p!r!t of God$ 4hat are you do!n& !n the shallo, ,aters1 There are barr!ers stand!n& on your ,ay'

but the p!r!t of God ,!ll ta*e you !nto the deep for outstand!n& solut!ons$ )ra!se be&ets re%elat!ons and re%elat!ons be&et re%olut!ons8 re%olut!ons are forceful turn6arounds' they ha%e no re&ard for natural la,s' they just cause to happen$ One day the 3ord too* Kenneth Ha&!n to :ar* BB2@>' and fro" that day' state"ents that see" ord!nary beca"e l!fe and f!re to h!"$ H!s ,orthless and ,!thered body ca"e al!%e and paralys!s parted fro" h!" == years a&o- 4hat "ed!cal sc!ence could not do' re%elat!on brou&ht !t to pass$ 4hen you stop ,a*!n& up !nto an.!et!es and burdens' but rather start ,a*!n& up !nto pra!se and adorat!on' you ,!ll open the ,!ndo,s of re%elat!ons8 and because re%elat!ons br!n& about re%olut!ons' you ,!ll &o fro" &lory to &lory$ 4hen the "!nstrels be&an to s!n&' the cloud o%er El!jah7s head l!fted and h!s eyes sa, the th!n&s that ,ere d!ff!cult to utter2 ...2e shall not see wind, neither shall ye see rain... 2 8in* 3:17 The barr!er6clouds to your re%elat!ons are l!fted ,hen you s!n& pra!ses$ It !s pra!se that releases the ano!nt!n&' ,h!ch releases the re%elat!ons' ,h!ch !n turn produce re%olut!on$ Re%elat!ons don7t co"e fro" B!ble concordances or cross references8 they co"e only as &!%en by the p!r!t of God and can only be !n%o*ed throu&h pra!se and than*s&!%!n&$ 5ou ,lourish

The ano!nt!n& !s also the o!l of &ladness$ It !s for the &lad' not for the "ournful' accusers' sorro,ful or the offended$ The d!ct!onary def!n!t!on of (flour!sh( !s (&ro,th !n a healthy "anner8 be ,ell and act!%e8 prosper$( Anyone ,ho enjoys the fresh o!l !s bound to flour!sh$ The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree' he shall grow like a cedar in ,ebanon. Those that be planted in the house of the ,ord shall flourish in the courts of our -od. Psalm )2:12-13 Th!s !s so because the ano!nt!n& brea*s yo*es$ It suppresses the oppos!t!on of the ene"y$ 4e are a&ents of success' that !s ,hy 5esus ca"e$ He ca"e to ra!se us up unto &lory$ But ,e &et laden ,!th so "uch by the ene"y' ,ho !s bent on plant!n& !n our l!%es ,hat the 3ord has not planted$ )ra!se God' ,hen the ano!nt!n& co"es on you' !t "a*es the ene"y surrender and bo, out of your s!tuat!on$ The ano!nt!n& shall "a*e you see your des!re upon your ene"!es$ 4hate%er operates around you that God has not put there !s an ene"y$ 9our des!re o%er your ene"!es !s al,ays that they &!%e ,ay to you' and that !s ,hat the ano!nt!n& does$ 9ou f!nd yourself float!n& !n d!%!ne fa%our ,!th "en$ 4here h!therto nobody had ,anted to see you' you suddenly beco"e des!rable$ The cedar !s the tallest of all trees' thus' ,!th the ano!nt!n& you can atta!n unto supernatural he!&hts$ It !s also the hardest to brea*' thus the ano!nt!n& brea*s the hardest of yo*es' thereby establ!sh!n& your l!berty$

In the early days of th!s "!n!stry' because of the joy of the 3ord that possessed us' coupled ,!th the pos!t!%e reports of the fa!thfulness of God al,ays oo+!n& out of our l!ps' one of our fr!ends !n "!n!stry thou&ht ,e ,ere ("a*!n& !t( and therefore' "ust ha%e "uch cash$ One day he as*ed for a loan of an a"ount' a <uarter of ,h!ch I had ne%er seen put to&ether before- Our joy ,as so "uch that he could not see our lac*$ There !s a pos!t!on you occupy !n l!fe that the ,orld !s unable to deter"!ne your true state$ 9ou al,ays carry a rad!ance' that opens you up for the Holy p!r!t to pro"ote you$ In conclus!on' I ,ant to su&&est to you to be than*ful to God and bless H!" !n sp!te of your c!rcu"stances$ For !nstance' are you loo*!n& for a job1 Than* H!" that you are al!%e8 for' ,hat ,ould ha%e happened !f you ,ere dead or !f you d!d not ha%e a cert!f!cate at all1 4hat ,ould you ha%e done !f you had no feet1 9ou see' the "o"ent you be&!n to than* God for the cert!f!cate He has &!%en you' He ,!ll add a job to !t' so that you can ha%e so"eth!n& "ore to than* H!" for$ There are people that ha%e jobs no,' but ,ho don7t %alue the" enou&h to than* God for the"' unt!l they lose the!r place$ The Israel!tes ,ere al,ays &ru"bl!n& and co"pla!n!n& about e%eryth!n&$ As a result' they could only enjoy God7s acts and not H!s ,ays$ If you "ust enjoy the pr!%!le&e of God sho,!n& you H!s ,ays' you "ust be a than*ful person' al,ays s!n&!n& H!s h!&h pra!ses and test!fy!n& of H!s fa!thfulness$

I co""end you to God for a l!fe style of pra!se' that ,!ll "a*e the challen&es of th!s l!fe beco"e l!*e toys and "a*e all your "ounta!ns pla!ns$ Enter !nto the rest of God' enjoy!n& a s,eatless and effortless tr!u"ph !n l!fe o%er all the )h!l!st!nes' E&ypt!ans' Gol!aths and ,alls of 5er!cho$ Testi(y To *od@s ,aith(ulness nd they overcame him by the blood of the ,amb, and by the word of their testimony... &e"elation 12:11 To show forth thy lovingkindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night, Psalm )2:2 To (sho, forth( "eans to test!fy$ If you ,ant to "a!nta!n a cont!nuous flo, of the ano!nt!n&' then you "ust be a test!f!er 6 test!fy!n& of the &oodness of the 3ord !n your l!fe$ Tell e%eryone ho, "uch God lo%es you$ That !s "y l!fe style$ E%ery,here I &o or co"e bac* fro"' you cannot hear any report fro" "y "outh e.cept that ,h!ch &lor!f!es God$ 4hat th!s does for "e !s that each t!"e I test!fy of H!s fa!thfulness' He !ncreases "e "ore and "ore' caus!n& "e to !"pro%e on "y for"er state$ Th!s !s so because as I s!n& H!s pra!se' the fresh o!l to &et better results !s released$ After 5oshua and #aleb &a%e the!r report' they ,ere &o!n& to be stoned' but the ano!nt!n& ca"e upon the" l!*e a cloud and the people could not do the" har"$ Good reports co""and the flo, of the o!l and *eeps the o!l fresh$ 4hen

your o!l !s fresh' your eyes ,!ll be&!n to see ,hat has beco"e of your ene"!es and your ears ,!ll hear ,hat has beco"e of the ,!c*ed that r!se up a&a!nst you$ 4hen He says that your eyes ,!ll EE' !t "eans that you ,!ll enjoy the pr!%!le&e of ,atch!n& the effect of the o!l on your ene"!es$ E%ery un,anted !ssue !n your l!fe !s an ene"y 6 s!c*ness' sorro,' sha"e' fa!lure' barrenness' depress!on' e%ery state of lac*' etc$ The fresh o!l ,!ll deal ,!th all of the" on your behalf and then you ,!ll be&!n to flour!sh$ How The 'il Wor!s ...#hen the enemy shall come in like a flood, the 1pirit of the ,ord shall lift up a standard against him. Isaiah 5):1) The ano!nt!n& of the Holy Ghost' the freshness of the o!l co"pels the ene"y to surrender$ 4!nn!n& ,!thout s,eat !s an !"poss!b!l!ty ,!thout the o!l' for !t !s ne%er acco"pl!shed by "!&ht8 !t !s only poss!ble by the p!r!t of God$ If 5esus the on of God needed the ano!nt!n&' there !s no one that can acco"pl!sh any feat a&a!nst the ene"y ,!thout the ano!nt!n&$ If He needed the o!l' ho, "uch "ore do ,e need !t today$ For th!rty years ,!thout the o!l' He ,as pract!cally !nact!%e' un*no,n and unreco&n!+ed$ All H!s sp!r!tual credent!als a"ounted to +ero !n the absence of the o!l$ But ,hen the o!l ca"e' ,hat had no shape or for" for th!rty years ,as

acco"pl!shed !n three and a half short years- The fresh o!l seals your tr!u"ph !n l!fe7s battles$ Note th!s cr!pture !n Isaiah 8:2%: To the law and to the testimony' if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. If you ,ant to reta!n the l!&ht of God' then you "ust be a test!f!er of H!s &oodness$ For e%ery one ne&at!%e report that !s brou&ht to you' supply the reporter ,!th t,enty other &ood reports' to counter the e%!l one$ Th!s ,!ll *eep you on$ There are so "any people today ,ho naturally just don7t tal* to anybody$ I tell you the truth' !t !s not safe for you to be l!*e that$ I do not "ean that you are not sa%ed' but !t !s not safe for you to be that ,ay$ 9ou cannot be l!*e that and be &lad !n the 3ord and !f you are not &lad' you cannot s!n&$ (Is any "an "erry1 3et h!" s!n&$( It !s al"ost !"poss!ble to s!n& ,!thout a "erry heart$ 4hen you s!n& and test!fy of the 3ord7s &oodness' your ene"!es ,!ll no lon&er count' because God H!"self ,!ll e.alt your horn l!*e that of an un!corn$ Th!s "eans that your stren&th ,!ll be reju%enated and you ,!ll be stren&thened by the p!r!t of God !n your !nner "an$ 4hen th!s happens' you are set for e.plo!ts$ .ow -od anointed 0esus of "a3areth with the .oly -host and with power... Acts 1%:38

Th!s sho,s that !t !s God that ano!nts people$ o' !f you ,ant to approach H!" for the ano!nt!n&' you ha%e to do so ,!th than*s&!%!n&$ 4hat the psal"!st !s say!n& !s that !f you can &a!n access !nto H!s presence' you are ent!tled to stren&th$ He suppl!es that stren&th by pour!n& fresh o!l on your head$ If you are des!rous to co"e !nto H!s presence for the ano!nt!n&' then you "ust co"e ,!th pra!se and than*s&!%!n&8 that7s the only ,ay to &a!n access$ As you arr!%e' let H!" also hear the sound of your test!"ony and He ,!ll ac*no,led&e you as a re&!stered o%erco"er and release the fresh o!l for your ne.t battle$ :any ha%e been bapt!+ed !n the Holy p!r!t for se%eral years no, but ha%e noth!n& to sho, for !t8 !ts freshness has d!sappeared' e%en the ton&ues they spea* ha%e beco"e dry' the syllables ha%e %an!shed and the refresh!n& !n the sp!r!t !s &one$ Th!s !s so because the o!l !s no lon&er fresh and the en&!ne !s about to (*noc*(9ou "ust let &o of the old o!l and open up for the fresh$ It !s the best ,ay to l!%e$ I *no, a dear "an of God ,ho !s one of the "any sa!nts enjoy!n& th!s fresh ano!nt!n& !n our days$ Th!s does not "ean that he has not been faced ,!th ad%ers!t!es' he has$ One t!"e' the de%!l attac*ed h!s ,!fe ,!th cancer' but !t d!dn7t *eep h!" do,n$ 9ou could ne%er tell fro" h!s face ,hat he ,as &o!n& throu&h$ He *ne, the secret of the fresh o!l8 and &lory to God' today' she !s ,ell and up on her feet' stren&thened by the p!r!t of God !n the !nner "an-

On the other hand' there are so"e people ,ho loo* t,enty years older than the!r real a&e$ For ord!nar!ly "!ss!n& a ta.! they hoped to catch' they &et so ,or*ed up and can7t &et o%er !t for hours$ o"e people lose all the joy of hea%en for a "ere flat tyre- Too "any people &et upset by e%ery "!nor th!n& that ord!nar!ly should not "atter' and th!s accounts for the absence of fresh o!l !n the!r l!%es$ )aul sa!d (none of these th!n&s "o%ed "e$( )eople ,ho &et eas!ly "o%ed ne%er e"er&e as o%erco"ers$ 9ou need to real!+e that the only th!n& the de%!l reco&n!+es and al,ays bo,s to !n the l!fe of the bel!e%er !s the fresh o!l$ It !s the ans,er$ 9ou need fresh o!l for each ne, day$ Be &lad at the ,or* of God7s hand' &et e.c!ted about e%eryth!n&$ There !s al,ays so"eth!n& to than* God for$ Than* H!" for your sal%at!on and the joy !n your heart s!nce you "et the a%!our$ o"ebody once ca"e to "e and co"pla!ned that God had not been fa!thful to h!"' and he really "eant !t fro" h!s heart$ I p!t!ed h!"' because 5esus had already spo*en about such 6 "%lessed is the man whosoever is not offended in 6e." o"e people test God and turn bac* to accuse H!" of unfa!thfulness$ But the B!ble ,arns' "Tempt not the ,ord your -od." If you ,!ll only loo* around' there are a thousand and one th!n&s to test!fy of God7s &oodness$ o' stop accus!n& H!"' because accusers of God ha%e no future$ Rather' start pra!s!n& H!" and test!fy!n& of H!s fa!thfulness8 and you ,!ll be&!n to e.per!ence the fresh o!l that "a*es for a ne, be&!nn!n&$

I ,as once as*ed ,hether I e%er ha%e proble"s$ The fact !s that I ha%e been so busy than*!n& God for e%eryth!n&' that I ha%e not been able to see the proble"s$ I l!*e e%eryth!n& I ha%e 6 "y face' "y he!&ht' "y off!ce' "y ,!fe and ch!ldren 6 therefore I a" not able to co%et another "an7s$ There are people ,ho ne%er l!*e ,hat they ha%e8 rather' they prefer e%eryth!n& others ha%e$ E%en !n church' they are busy co"par!n& the"sel%es ,!th others !n the con&re&at!on and see!n& "ore reasons ,hy God has not been fa!thful to the"$ I l!*e &!%!n& &ood reports' e%en !n contrary s!tuat!ons$ It does "e &ood$ In BGHC' !n the early days of the "!n!stry' "y ,!fe ca"e to %!s!t "e$ At the end of the f!rst ser%!ce she attended' she could not bel!e%e ser%!ce had started ,hen !t ended- Th!s ,as because of the total nu"ber of people !n attendance that day$ It d!dn7t <u!te "atch ,!th the *!nd of reports she had been hear!n& fro" "e$ Those ,ere days ,hen each person had a ,hole pe, to h!"self and the one !n front for h!s B!ble- E.cept the bab!es !n the ,o"b' e%ery other person ,as accounted for !n the attendance re&!ster$ 4hy ,as I do!n& th!s1 Because' there !s noth!n& that br!&htens a to"orro, "ore than the &ood report of today$ ,astin+ Fast!n& has a %!tal role to play !n susta!n!n& the ano!nt!n&$ It !s one of the %!tal sp!r!tual e.erc!ses des!&ned as part of our #hr!st!an e.per!ence$ It !s des!&ned for the release of the ano!nt!n&$ God7s orda!ned fast helps to loosen the cha!ns of

,!c*edness$ It also helps to undo the hea%y burden$ It helps to set free the oppressed and to brea* e%ery yo*e$ Fast!n& !s essent!ally orda!ned by God' for po,er bu!ld!n& and to cause the ra!n to fall$ All &reat "en !n God7s *!n&do" "ade !t because th!s %!tal *ey of fast!n& ,as !n operat!on$ 5esus #hr!st' the a%!our of the ,orld' also en&a&ed !n !t$ It !s on record that 5esus returned fro" H!s C? day fast !n the po,er of the p!r!t$ 4hen all other factors are !n place' and you en&a&e !n a fast' you are bound to return !n the po,er of the p!r!t$ For God to !ncrease' you ha%e to decrease$ Fast!n& !s &!%!n& God the place that food had occup!ed' a separat!on fro" food unto God$ Fast!n& ,!thout the study of the B!ble and co""un!cat!on ,!th God throu&h prayers' ho,e%er' !s an e.erc!se !n fut!l!ty$ It !s no lon&er a fast' but a hun&er str!*e- Fast!n& !s !n &ood shape ,hen natural pleasures &!%e ,ay to sp!r!tual %alues$ In Isa!ah =H2A6E' ,e see the *!nd of fast that God apprec!ates$ Fast!n& done !n lo%e br!n&s an unusual flo, of God7s ano!nt!n&$ 9ou "o%e fro" the real" of the ord!nary to the e.traord!nary$ 4hen your "ot!%es are !n l!ne ,!th God7s 4ord' you ,!ll be l!fted' your understand!n& ,!ll be sharpened and your !ns!de ,!ll be br!&htened' as God7s &lory reflects on your l!fe$ 9our l!&ht ,!ll brea* forth' as re%ealed !n Isa!ah =H2H6G$

I ha%e e.per!enced an outburst of God7s po,er throu&h fast!n&$ It has brou&ht about &lor!ous transfor"at!ons !n the l!%es of people I ca"e !n contact ,!th$ 9ou too can ,!tness the flo, of the ano!nt!n& !n your l!fe- All that God ,ants fro" you !s pur!ty and s!ncer!ty !n e%eryth!n& you do$ o"e years a&o' I had just en&a&ed !n a un!<ue fello,sh!p ,!th hea%en' after ,h!ch I %!s!ted so"e people and ,as as*ed to bless the food$ As I prayed' the &lory of God ,as so %!s!ble that no one could eat$ God7s presence ,as felt !n such a &lor!ous ,ay that the ord!nary "an could not e.pla!n$ For t,enty6s!. "onths' "en prayed and fasted for the outburst of God7s po,er and a release of an unusual ano!nt!n& before our "!n!stry started$ Th!s has brou&ht about tre"endous brea*throu&hs !n e%ery sphere and phase of the "!n!stry$ 3earn to say (no( to food ,hen you sense the lead!n& of the p!r!t to en&a&e !n a fast$ ;on7t sell your b!rthr!&ht for a "orsel of "eat' l!*e Esau d!d$ There !s "ore to #hr!st!an!ty than "eets the ord!nary eye' so en&a&e yourself !n th!s %!tal force of fast!n&$ It !s a re&ular "eans by ,h!ch God rene,s the stren&th of H!s people$ It !s for cons!stent po,er bu!ld!n& and release of po,er$ It br!n&s you !nto a br!&hter re%elat!on of God$ It !s a pr!nc!pal ,ay of sp!r!tual upl!ft"ent$ The lace '( The Word

Another %!tal force that you need to *eep the flo, of God7s ano!nt!n& !n your l!fe !s the 4ord$ 9ou need to tap !nto God7s po,er throu&h H!s 4ord$ God7s 4ord !s rele%ant to the bu!ld!n& up of the sa!nts$ It !s the carr!er of God7s po,er$ Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the ,ord unto *erubbabel, saying, "ot by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the ,ord of hosts. 2echa!iah 4:6 The p!r!t stands for the ano!nt!n& of the Holy Ghost$ The 4ord that br!n&s about l!&ht !s the ANOINTING$ God7s 4ord has an !n6bu!lt ano!nt!n& !n !t$ It !s the only source of !ncorrupt!ble po,er$ If your fast!n& !s %o!d of l!&ht' dar*ness can "an!fest !tself there$ The 4ord of God !s the l!&ht that ,ards off dar*ness$ An encounter ,!th God7s 4ord br!n&s about the release of God7s po,er$ The re%elat!on of God7s 4ord shoots you up fro" one le%el of &lory to another$ The 4ord of God del!%ers' heals' and prospers$ It sets e%ery bel!e%er free fro" the bonda&e of death$ The 4ord br!n&s about the brea*!n& of e%ery yo*e$ Allo, the Holy p!r!t to &!%e you tre"endous !ns!&ht !nto the 4ord of God8 !t ,!ll no doubt result !n a test!"ony' a co"plete transfor"at!on !n e%ery area of your l!fe$ Read the 4ord of God ,!th &reat e.pectat!ons$ The 4ord !s the pr!nc!pal source for po,er bu!ld!n&$ It !s the carr!er of the yo*e6brea*!n& ano!nt!n&$ Apply the 4ord !n e%ery area of your l!fe 6 bus!ness' health' f!nance' sp!r!tual l!fe' etc' and ,atch the ano!nt!n& there!n destroy e%ery yo*e$

Chapter 1Ano!nt!n& For Restorat!on

Is Israel a servant$ is he a homeborn slave$ why is he spoiled$ The young lions roared upon him, and yelled, and they made his land waste' his cities are burned without inhabitant. lso the children of "oph and Tahapanes have broken the crown of thy head. .ast thou not procured this unto thyself, in that thou hast forsaken the ,ord thy -od, when he led thee by the way$ Je!emiah 2:14-17 Abo%e !s a po,erful prophet!c p!cture of the #hurch today$ Truly' the #hurch has been &rossly spo!lt' her land "ade ,astes' her c!t!es burned and the cro,n of her head bro*en$ The c!ty set upon the "ounta!n can no lon&er be seen' she has &one do,n the %alley$ The head has beco"e the ta!l$ 9es' th!s !s a people robbed and spo!led$ %ut this is a people robbed and spoiled! they are all of them snared in holes, and they are hid in prison houses' they are for a prey, and none delivereth! for a spoil, and none saith, 7estore. Isaiah 42:22 ;esp!te th!s' God7s !ntent!on and pro&ra""e for restorat!on !s %ery pla!n2

%e glad then, ye children of *ion, and re+oice in the ,ord your -od' for he hath given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month. nd the floors shall be full of wheat, and the fats shall overflow with wine and oil. nd I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. nd ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the ,ord your -od, that hath dealt wondrously with you' and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:23-26 God7s !ntent!on !s %ery clear2 to restore to you all that has been stolen$ H!s pro&ra""e !s also clear2 to cause the ra!n to co"e do,n$ That !s' the ra!n ,!ll effect the restorat!onTo enjoy the ,onders of restorat!on' ,e "ust ha%e the sho,ers of ra!n$

Ho, The Ano!nt!n& Effects Restorat!on

As "ent!oned !n earl!er chapters' the ra!n represents the ano!nt!n& of the Holy Ghost$ But ho, does the ano!nt!n& enhance restorat!on1 ?iscover The Thie( 6en do not despise a thief, if he steal to satisfy his soul when he is hungry! %ut if he be found, he shall restore

sevenfold! he shall give all the substance of his house. P!o"e!#s 6:3%-31 The f!rst step to restorat!on !s to d!sco%er the th!ef' the robber$ Unt!l the th!ef !s cau&ht' the stolen &oods cannot be reco%ered$ 4ho !s th!s th!ef1 And ,hat !s h!s "!ss!on1 The th!ef !s atan' the de%!l$ He !s that sa"e old serpent !n the &arden of Eden$ He !s st!ll the subtle serpent' he has not repented$ The Apostle )aul e.per!enced a &reat deal of h!s tr!c*s' ,h!ch he docu"ented !n the ep!stles' !nsp!red by the Holy Ghost$ In 2 1o!inthians 11:3 he sa!d2 %ut I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Bve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in (hrist. The de%!l7s strate&y !s to play do,n on the %!r!l!ty and rele%ance of the &ospel as !t affects the %ery co"ple. proble"s of l!fe$ It ,as the sa"e tr!c* he used !n the &arden of Eden$ He played do,n on God7s !nstruct!on to "an and "an beca"e a %!ct!" of h!s ,!c*edness$ As s!"ple as God7s 4ord !s' !t !s dependable and operat!onal$ Th!s s!"ple &ospel !s st!ll the carr!er of God7s po,er unto sal%at!on$ Th!s sa"e (s!"ple &ospel( holds the ent!re creat!on !n place$ All th!n&s %!s!ble and !n%!s!ble' phys!cal and sp!r!tual are controlled by the 4ord$ ... nd upholding all things by the word of his power... (e#!ews 1:3

A s!"ple &ospel' yet !t holds the dest!ny of "an !n trustThe de%!l *no,s that (,hen your obed!ence /to the s!"ple &ospel0 !s fulf!lled' you ,!ll a%en&e all d!sobed!ence( /@ #or!nth!ans$ B?2A0$ He dreads your total obed!ence to the &ospel' that !s ,hy he del!berately and calculatedly ,aters do,n and presents !t as !rrele%ant to the co"ple. proble"s of today$ Be,are' do not be a %!ct!"$ #anaan !s yours by the s!"ple ,ord of pro"!se 6 the &ospel$ 'pens 7nderstandin+ In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of (hrist, who is the image of -od, should shine unto them. 2 1o!inthians 4:4 The th!ef !s after the "!nds of people$ He ,ants to bloc* the" fro" the l!&ht$ He !s afra!d of the ,eapon of fa!th$ He ,ould rather bl!nd the "!nd than the phys!cal eyes- The de%!l can stand your s!&ht' but he cannot stand your fa!th:any suffer fro" th!s yo*e of "ental bl!ndness$ It ta*es the ano!nt!n& of the Holy Ghost to ha%e that yo*e destroyed$ Re"e"ber the 4ord says2 bove all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to 5uench all the fiery darts of the wicked. ,0hesians 6:16 4!th fa!th !n place' all the f!ery darts of the de%!l ,!ll be turned !nto toy darts$ Th!s !s ,hy the de%!l !s all out to &et "an and puncture h!s fa!th- He !s absolutely helpless ,hen fa!th !s !n operat!on$ He real!+es that to stop fa!th' he "ust

bloc* !ts source F the 4ord8 because' "faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of -od" (&omans. 1%:17). But than* God that the ano!nt!n& pro%!des an eternal access to the 4ord$ It "a*es "en of <u!c* understand!n&$ Lu!te a nu"ber of people read the 4ord' but !t ne%er re&!sters$ Re"e"ber the Eth!op!an Eunuch !n Acts H$ )erhaps' he had been read!n& that part!cular passa&e for o%er ten years$ But !t "ade no "ean!n& to h!" unt!l the Holy Ghost' throu&h )h!l!p' opened h!s understand!n&$ Here ,as a celebr!ty' ,ell educated' but unable to dec!pher the th!n&s of God' because2 ...The things of -od knoweth no man, but the 1pirit of -od. 1 1o!inthians 2:11 The ano!nt!n& teaches and pro%!des an auto"at!c access !nto the 4ord' ,h!ch produces fa!th$ One of the pr!nc!pal ,eapons the th!ef often uses !s doubt$ If he can succeed !n punctur!n& your fa!th' then you are already a %!ct!"$ Unt!l you lose fa!th' you re"a!n a ,!nner$ Unbel!ef !s a ,or* of e%!l a!"ed at robb!n& the bel!e%er of h!s !nher!tance$ In Hebre,s >2B@' ,e are ,arned to ta*e heed lest there be !n any of us an "evil heart of unbelief." Unbel!ef !s e%!l' !t !s the ,or* of the de%!l to *eep h!s capt!%es fastened do,n !n cha!ns$ The 4ord says2

%ut let him ask in faith, nothing wavering... double minded man is unstable in all his ways. James 1:6 8 9ou see' ,e are defenceless ,!thout fa!th' ,e are e.posed to all "anner of e%!l and ,!c*edness$ 4e ha%e no access to God !n prayer that "o%es "ounta!ns$ 4e are cut off fro" the bless!n&s of our her!ta&e$ 3!ttle ,onder then that the de%!l de%otes h!s t!"e' ener&y and resources !n stopp!n& fa!th fro" co"!n&- He ,ants you to *eep your "ounta!ns' he ,ants to "a*e your barr!ers stand per"anently$ 5esus sa!d2 )or verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, %e thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea! and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass! he shall have whatsoever he saith. Ma!. 11:23 Th!s !s ,hy he hates the 4ord of fa!th$ He ,!ll *eep attac*!n& !t unto etern!ty$ Fa!th !s the ,orst ene"y of the de%!l$ The s"ell of fa!th !s po!sonous to h!"' and the operat!on of fa!th !s %ery de%astat!n& to h!s *!n&do"$ Than* God' the ano!nt!n& !s here r!&ht no,' to &uarantee auto"at!c brea*throu&h !nto the 4ord fro" ,here fa!th co"es$ Rece!%e that ano!nt!n& no,$ ?estroys ,ear

Also' the de%!l !ntroduces the ,eapon of fear a&a!nst h!s tar&et %!ct!"8 but than* God' ,e ha%e the %!ctory$ The B!ble says2 )or -od hath not given us the spirit of fear! but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 3imoth7 1:7 Fear !s not just a state of "!nd' !t !s a sp!r!t$ There !s an !n%!s!ble force respons!ble for !t$ 5ob7s e.per!ence !s a "ost rele%ant !llustrat!on of the ser!ous effect of fear$ nd it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about, that 0ob sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all' for 0ob said, It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed -od in their hearts. Thus did 0ob continually. Jo# 1:5 If you cannot stop your fears' your fears ,!ll stop you$ The sp!r!t of fear breeds bonda&e' !t !"pr!sons' !t "a*es a %!ct!" of sa!nts$ 3oo* at ,hat happened to 5ob2 )or the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me. Jo# 3:25 But I ha%e &ood ne,s for you- The ano!nt!n& destroys fearFor ye ha%e not rece!%ed the sp!r!t of bonda&e a&a!n to fear8 but ye ha%e rece!%ed the p!r!t of adopt!on'

,hereby ,e cry' Abba' Father$ /omans B:16 Fro" the t,o references abo%e' !t beco"es abundantly clear that fear be&ets bonda&e$ The apostles had the 4ord' but fear *ept the" bound$ )eter had the 4ord' but fear "ade h!" a %!ct!" of den!al$ The apostles had ,hat the ,orld needed' but they could not reach the!r ,orld unt!l the yo*e and bonda&e of fear ,as bro*en by the ano!nt!n& on the day of )entecost$ Boldness beca"e the!r &!rdle after the Holy Ghost ca"e$ "ow when they saw the boldness of 4eter and 0ohn, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled... Acts 4:13 The cha!ns of fear had been bro*en- The sa"e )eter ,ho s,ore and den!ed any *no,led&e of h!s "aster ,as turned !nto a roc*' ,ho be&an spea*!n& boldly$ The ano!nt!n& !s the re"edy for fear$

Chapter 13
The Ano!nt!n& O!l
4here does the ano!nt!n& o!l co"e !n' !n these days of the &reat ano!nt!n&s of the Holy p!r!t1 ;oes !t st!ll hold any rele%ance today1 4as !t' perhaps' done a,ay ,!th !n the

Old Testa"ent1 4hat !s the place of the ano!nt!n& o!l !n the "an!festat!on of the po,er of God !n these end6t!"es1 Thou&h the subject of the ano!nt!n& o!l !s see"!n&ly unpopular' !t !s a po,erful !nstru"ent and !s %ery rele%ant !n our days$ In the boo* of E.odus' God too* t!"e to descr!be the co"ponents that should be put to&ether for the ano!nt!n& o!l$ He too* just as "uch t!"e to descr!be !n deta!l ,hat the tabernacle ,as to loo* l!*e$ He ,as part!cular and deta!led$ God sa!d to :oses2 Take thou also unto thee principal spices, of pure myrrh five hundred shekels, and of sweet cinnamon half so much, even two hundred and fifty shekels, and of sweet calamus two hundred and fifty shekels, nd of cassia five hundred shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary, and of oil olive an hin' nd thou shalt make it an oil of holy ointment, an ointment compound after the art of the apothecary' it shall be an holy anointing oil. nd thou shalt anoint aron and his sons, and consecrate them, that they may minister unto me in the priest;s office. nd thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel, saying, This shall be an holy anointing oil unto me throughout your generations. ,:o6us 3%:23-25 3%-31 Th!s deta!led descr!pt!on sho,s that God "ust ha%e had a spectacular reason for !ntroduc!n& the "!n!stry of the ano!nt!n& o!l$ The phrase' "throughout your generations" !s ,orth not!n&$ Th!s !s ,here ,e co"e !n' see!n& that ,e belon& to the &enerat!on of Israel throu&h the death of 5esus #hr!st

/Galat!ans$ >2BC0$ The o!l !s as rele%ant !n our days as !t ,as then$ That the blessing of braham might come on the -entiles through 0esus (hrist! that we might receive the promise of the 1pirit through faith. 'alatians 3:14 By th!s arran&e"ent' ,e co"e !nto the &enerat!on of Israel' ,here the "!n!stry of the ano!nt!n& o!l has been orda!ned for the release of po,er$ The o!l has d!%!ne ab!l!t!es and po,er$ The o!l !s a d!%!ne enabler' that ass!sts "an to perfor" supernatural feats$ It !s the carr!er of po,er$ For !nstance' so &reat ,as the po,er that ,as flo,!n& !ns!de Aaron after the ano!nt!n& that the staff he ,as carry!n& budded$ /elease Throu+h raise Ho, do you release the presence of the "ost H!&h God1 !"ple 6 throu&h pra!se$ E%ery t!"e God7s people &et !nto ano!nted pra!se and ,orsh!p' God7s presence !s !n%o*ed$ God7s 4ord says that He !nhab!ts the pra!ses of H!s people$ 3!*e,!se' each t!"e the ano!nt!n& o!l !s appl!ed !n fa!th' !t releases the presence and person of the Holy Ghost$ The Holy Ghost !s the po,er ar" of the Al"!&hty God$ The o!l !s NOT the Holy p!r!t' ne!ther !s !t a sy"bol$ It !s a "ed!u" throu&h ,h!ch the Holy p!r!t !s released !nto operat!on$ 4hen appl!ed' the Holy p!r!t &oes !nto "an!festat!on$

Both !n the Old Testa"ent and the Ne, Testa"ent' the o!l !s *no,n as an !nstru"ent of e.traord!nary and d!%!ne perfor"ance$ 3et us see ,hether 5esus' our ch!ef e.a"ple' had anyth!n& to do ,!th the ano!nt!n& o!l !n the Ne, Testa"ent or not$ 4hen He ,as send!n& H!s d!sc!ples to &o and preach' He told the" ,hat to preach' ,here to &o and ,hat to do$ Th!s !nclude heal!n& the s!c*$ The B!ble reports that ass!&n"ent thus2 nd they cast out many devils, and anointed with oil many that were sick, and healed them. Ma!. 6:13 Accord!n& to the B!ble' the heal!n& "!n!stry !s part of the &!fts of the Holy p!r!t$ 4hat happened ,as that as the o!l ,as be!n& appl!ed to the s!c*' the Holy p!r!t ,as ,or*!n& throu&h !t to heal the"$ The ano!nt!n& o!l !s not a sy"bol$ It !s not a rel!&!ous r!te or doctr!ne$ Throu&h the "ed!u" of the ano!nt!n& o!l' the benef!c!ary can enjoy the supernatural "!n!stry of the Holy p!r!t$ ?iverse Wonders A s!ster !n the church ano!nted her runa,ay brother !n6 la,7s shoes' and the "an returned ho"e the follo,!n& dayHe had deserted her s!ster$ I&norance of the s!&n!f!cance of the o!l and !ts o%er,hel"!n& effect can cause people to ta*e !t for &ranted'

ta*!n& !t as an ord!nary o!nt"ent that "a*es the face to sh!ne$ There !s bound to be &reat t!"es of e.c!te"ent and a"a+e"ent for those ,ho appropr!ate !ts s!&n!f!cance and uses' as they ,atch the f!n&er of God "o%e supernaturally !n the!r affa!rs and that of others$ A brother too* h!s ano!nt!n& o!l ho"e and ano!nted a letter he had rece!%ed fro" h!s off!ce' decree!n& for h!"self a pro"ot!on and !ncrease !n allo,ances$ Th!s ,as not a natural th!n& to do' !n %!e, of the fact that he had only been pro"oted s!. "onths earl!er$ But ch!ldren of the *!n&do" are not ord!nary "en and cannot be subjected to natural la,s$ Th!s brother had that re%elat!on establ!shed !n h!s heart as he ano!nted the letter$ The follo,!n& day' he ,as called by h!s super!or and !nfor"ed of h!s pro"ot!on and !ncrease !n salary$ In Ghana' a pastor cau&ht the re%elat!on of the o!l' and on arr!%!n& ho"e' ano!nted h!s TN set that had stopped ,or*!n&$ To the aston!sh"ent of "e"bers of h!s Fa"!ly' he turned on the s,!tch and a pro&ra""e ca"e on the screenThe TN be&an funct!on!n& perfectlyThe ano!nt!n& o!l !s a channel throu&h ,h!ch the f!n&er of God !s brou&ht to bear on our hu"an l!"!tat!ons$ A "an ,ho had been affl!cted for <u!te so"et!"e ,as brou&ht to the church !n o*oto' ,here he ,as prayed for and ano!nted ,!th o!l$ As soon as the o!l touched h!s head' a stran&e object ca"e out of h!s shoulder$ Another brother !n Kaduna upon arr!%!n& ho"e' ano!nted all h!s clothes and other "ajor !te"s !n h!s roo"' ,h!le h!s

fr!ends "oc*ed and jeered at h!"$ hortly after,ards' th!e%es ca"e to the!r <uarters and ra!ded the ent!re area' but not e%en a needle ,as ta*en fro" th!s brother7s roo"$ The follo,!n& "orn!n&' he beca"e the b!bl!cal (lender' and not borro,er(' as h!s fr!ends ca"e to borro, h!s clothes to ,ear to the!r off!ces- That !s ,hat the o!l does8 !t d!st!n&u!shes the sa!nts fro" the cro,d$ Th!n&s and s!tuat!ons ,h!ch other,!se ,ould ha%e posed a proble" are cheaply acco"pl!shed' as the o!l pa%es a ,ay for the "an!festat!on of the f!n&er of God$ o"e brethren ,ere tra%ell!n& !n a car bac* ho"e after attend!n& our "!n!sters7 con&ress !n BGGB$ The car suddenly de%eloped a fault' the &ear syste" ,as faulty$ One of the" had to &o for a "echan!c !n a nearby %!lla&e$ Ho,e%er' ,h!le he ,as &one' they re"e"bered the ano!nt!n& o!l ,h!ch had been blessed dur!n& the ano!nt!n& n!&ht' they brou&ht !t out and ano!nted the car8 and that ,as !t- The car ,as bac* on the road- The &ear syste" be&an to ,or* perfectly and they ,ent on the!r ,ay' p!c*!n& up the "an ,ho had &one for the "echan!c on the ,ayThe reason ,hy "any are scept!cal about the ano!nt!n& o!l !s not far6fetched' the ene"y has bloc*ed the!r "!nds and bl!nded the"' lest they d!sco%er the truth that ,!ll set the" free and "a*e the" beco"e a threat to h!" /@ #or!nth!ans$ C2C0$ The &lor!ous &ospel of our 3ord 5esus !s a s!"ple one$ It !s so s!"ple that !t see"s !"poss!ble for "any to bel!e%e$ The de%!l !s f!&ht!n& tooth and na!l' to ensure that the "!nds of the s!"ple are corrupted a&a!nst !ts s!"pl!c!ty$

There are so"e' on the other hand' ,ho are too natural to enjoy supernatural bless!n&s$ ;ue to "ental !nact!on' they are unable to rouse the"sel%es fro" the natural le%el to ascend the he!&hts of the supernatural$ 9ou "ust not allo, your "!nd to be bloc*ed to B!bl!cal truths$ If you des!re the supernatural !n your l!fe' you "ust cease fro" l!"!t!n& yourself to natural s!tuat!ons$ 9ou only need to bel!e%e God that the o!l has absolute potent!als to "a*e l!%!n& ,orth,h!le and "ean!n&ful$ Kno, th!s %ery ,ell2 the presence of the Holy p!r!t of God does a lot of &ood for the rec!p!ent$ !nce I d!sco%ered the po,er !n the ano!nt!n& o!l' !t has done "e a ,orld of &ood$ E%en ch!ldren today *no, the bless!n& of the ano!nt!n& o!l$ They apply !t for %ar!ous !ssues and !t !s l!%!n& up to the!r e.pectat!ons$ There !s no s!tuat!on that !s abo%e the o!l' other,!se !t ,ould be abo%e the Holy p!r!t8 and that' ,e *no,' can ne%er be$ 4hen confus!on sets !n' put the o!l on your head and cla!" l!&ht and d!rect!on$ The B!ble !s %ery clear about the "!n!stry of the Holy p!r!t 6 He ,!ll &u!de !nto all truth and br!n& to re"e"brance ,hatsoe%er has been tau&ht$ A pastor !n :a&on&o' Ko&! tate' &ot sa%ed and bapt!+ed !n the Holy Ghost ,h!le read!n& our boo* The :!racle eed$ Th!s sa"e pastor attended one of our "!n!sters7 confrences and ,ent bac* ,!th a bottle of o!l$ Be!n& led by the Holy p!r!t' he ano!nted h!s pulp!t at n!&ht and the follo,!n& day' the Holy p!r!t7s purpose for "a*!n& h!" ano!nt the pulp!t ,as re%ealed$ The pastor called on e%ery s!c* person to

touch the pulp!t and %ar!ous outstand!n& test!"on!es of d!%!ne !nter%ent!on ,ere recorded$ One day' a s!ster7s husband suddenly dec!ded that the s!ster ,as too old for h!"' and dec!ded to loo* for a youn&er ,o"an$ All at once' she found herself lea%!n& her roo" for the youn&er ,!fe' ,h!le she "o%ed to the boys7 <uarters$ Blessed be God for the day she attended the ano!nt!n& ser%!ce$ Ar"ed ,!th the lethal ,eapon a&a!nst the *!n&do" of dar*ness /the ano!nt!n& o!l0' the hour of opportun!ty ca"e ,hen the adulterous couple ,ent out to ha%e fun$ The s!ster t!ptoed to the!r bedroo"' found the door unloc*ed' so she entered and ano!nted the bed$ That ,as the end of the!r adulterous un!on- 4hen they &ot bac* that n!&ht' a ser!ous <uarrel ensued and the !ntruder left and the le&al ,!fe ,as re!nstated !n her r!&htful placeThe Holy p!r!t !s the or&an!+er of "en7s l!%es$ He ,ants to help you ha%e a brea*throu&h !n e%ery endea%our you underta*e !n l!fe$ One of the "ajor funct!ons of the o!l !s for enthrone"ent$ 5ust as !n the natural ,orld' only an appo!nted pr!nce ends up beco"!n& a *!n&8 so also !n the *!n&do"' only an ano!nted sa!nt ends up beco"!n& a *!n& 6 ,e ha%e been "ade unto our God pr!ests and *!n&s to re!&n on the earth /Re%elat!on$ =2B?0$ The %nointin+ Is ,or 5ou In Israel' no *!n& re!&ned nor pr!est stood !n the pr!estly off!ce ,!thout be!n& ano!nted ,!th o!l by God7s chosen

%essels$ 4e are st!ll the &enerat!on of Israel today' so ,hat appl!ed to the" st!ll appl!es to us$ No sa!nt !s establ!shed to re!&n as *!n& or ser%e as pr!est ,!thout f!rst be!n& ano!nted ,!th o!l$ In the account of ;a%!d7s ano!nt!n&' ,e are told that the "o"ent he ,as ano!nted' the p!r!t of the 3ord ca"e upon h!"$ 4ho !s a *!n&1 A *!n& !s one ,ho !s !n a pos!t!on of author!ty !n h!s do"a!n$ Thus' ,hen the o!l co"es upon a person' !t br!n&s do,n the unct!on ,h!ch puts h!" !n author!ty and d!sallo,s the de%!l fro" "!sbeha%!n& !n the en%!ron"ent$ E%eryth!n& about you !s "ade to e.per!ence the "ajest!c presence of the 3ord$ The ano!nt!n& of the Holy p!r!t' ,hen trans"!tted throu&h the o!l' "a*es a ne, be&!nn!n& for the rec!p!ent$ Only the pre%!ous e%en!n&' ;a%!d ,as a ru&&ed shepherd boy8 but the follo,!n& day' he ,as an ano!nted *!n&$ The ano!nt!n& catapulted h!" fro" the sheepcote to the throne4hy "any are suffer!n& !n #hr!stendo" today can be traced to the!r fa!lure' a lac* of enthrone"ent by the appl!cat!on of the o!l$ It !s the o!l that enables the pr!est to stand !n h!s off!ce to "!n!ster before God and "an$ It enables the *!n& to be enthroned and establ!shes the enthrone"ent of the sa!nts of God abo%e depress!on and oppress!on$ If you ,!ll ha%e a proper understand!n& of the place of the ano!nt!n& o!l and release your fa!th !nto !t' you ,!ll soon real!+e that you ,ere not born a&a!n to beco"e a prayer

project' ,!th e%erybody pray!n& for you for one th!n& or the other- )r!ests are not prayed for' they stand !n the!r off!ce and pray for others$ )r!ests are not "eant to beco"e prayer concerns' they loo* out for the concerns of others$ If at th!s t!"e you are st!ll a prayer project' ,hen are you &o!n& to start act!n& !n your pr!estly off!ce1 :a*!n& yourself a prayer project' therefore' !s an abuse of rede"pt!on$ Rede"pt!on !s for sho,!n& forth' not for sha"e and reproach$ In conclus!on' use the o!l to brea* the yo*e of sla%ery and &et establ!shed on your throne$ The o!l has the po,er to &et you to the top and &uarantee your freedo"$ Ha%e fa!th !n !t$ If 5esus reco""ended the use of the o!l for the heal!n& of the s!c*' then !t "ust be &enu!ne$ 5a"es also "ent!oned !t !n chapter =2BC$ He understood ,hat 5esus tau&ht the" ,hen He ,as ,!th the"' and he tau&ht the sa"e to the #hurch as ,ell$ If you ,ant to see the Holy p!r!t !nter%ene !n the real" of del!%erance' ano!nt the s!c* ,!th the o!l' !n the na"e of the 3ord and they ,!ll be ra!sed up$ Use the o!l to rece!%e the stren&th to stand !n your off!ce and be ,hat God ,ants you to be$ It !s ne!ther a sy"bol nor a "ere rel!&!ous doctr!ne8 !t !s God7s plan and ord!nat!on to br!n& you and I !nto the real!ty of po,er !n the days !n ,h!ch ,e l!%e !n$ 4hen the Holy p!r!t !s !n%o*ed' He &oes all out to pro%e that He7s the f!n&er of God$ It !s absolutely necessary that you ha%e fa!th' other,!se noth!n& ,!ll ,or* for you$

Bel!e%e that you belon& to the order of stran&e happen!n&s$ Good th!n&s are happen!n&' release yourself to be brou&ht !nto the real" of fulf!l"ent$ 5ust as the tabernacle acco""odates the presence of God' so you are the te"ple of the person of the Holy p!r!t' ,ho !s the po,er of God$ It !s th!s po,er of God that "a*es the d!fference !n the l!%es of people$

Chapter 14
Transference Of Ano!nt!n&
The ano!nt!n& !s transferable$ It can be rece!%ed throu&h another ano!nted %essel$ It !s' ho,e%er' unfortunate that there !s so "uch une.plo!ted ano!nt!n& float!n& !n the earth today$ One th!n& that so eas!ly depr!%es God7s people of the r!ch benef!ts of the ano!nt!n& !s pr!de$ There !s a &roup of people ,ho' by reason of the!r ,al* ,!th God' ha%e been l!fted %ery h!&h and operate under en%!able ano!nt!n& of the Holy p!r!t$ The "ee* at heart reco&n!+e such %essels and asp!re to &et close to the"' so they can tap fro" the!r r!ch resources$ The proud and hau&hty' on the other hand' do not cons!der that there !s anybody f!t or ,orthy to be e"ulated$ These are they ,h!ch "!ss out on God7s best for the"$

...I will take of the spirit which is upon thee, and will put it upon them... $um#e!s 11:17 God' the One 4ho tansfers the ano!nt!n&' says He ,!ll transfer the ano!nt!n& fro" :oses to the other se%enty "en$ Th!s pro%es the l!e of those ,ho cla!" that they cannot see God7s hand upon the earth today$ uch people "ust be bl!nd of course' other,!se' there are &reat ser%ants of God ,ho" He has l!fted all o%er the nat!ons$ The!r acts are the acts of God and "ust be apprec!ated as such$ Once th!s !s done' the ne.t th!n& !s then to des!re and co%et the!r &!fts$ It !s not a s!n to co%et sp!r!tual &!fts$ It !s' ho,e%er' ,ron& and s!nful to co%et "ater!al th!n&s' because they do not lead to ed!fy!n&' but to en%y and str!fe$ In the !nc!dence of El!jah and El!sha' El!sha as*ed for a double port!on of h!s "aster7s po,er' and ,hen he fulf!lled the cond!t!ons' he &ot !t$ nd it came to pass, when they were gone over, that Bli+ah said unto Blisha, sk what I shall do for thee, before I be taken away from thee. nd Blisha said, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me. 2 8in*s 2:) El!sha7s des!re ,as steadfast$ Noth!n& could d!stract h!"' not e%en the f!re and char!ots fro" hea%en$ 5esus also transferred H!s po,er to H!s d!sc!ples and ,!th that' H!s d!sc!ples too* upon the" H!s nature and !"a&e$ 3!*e,!se' )aul also transferred h!s ano!nt!n& to T!"othy$

"eglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery. 1 3imoth7 4:14 In all cases c!ted' the ano!nt!n& !s usually transferred fro" the "aster to the ser%ant' and "aster to d!sc!ple$ The bas!c re<u!re"ent for the transference of ano!nt!n& !s that you reco&n!+e your super!ors !n "!n!stry$ Unt!l you do that' you cannot rece!%e fro" the"$ 9ou also need to ha%e fa!th !n the prophet of God$ It has to be at h!s !nstance$ 9ou "ust bel!e%e !n the hand of God upon h!s l!fe$ If you don7t bel!e%e h!s !nte&r!ty' don7t "a*e any atte"pt to rece!%e h!s ano!nt!n&' because !t could hurt you$ ...%elieve in the ,ord your -od, so shall ye be established! believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper. 2 1h!onicles 2%:2% ;on7t curse God7s ano!nted$ 9ou ha%e to follo, the" to the end' ,!thout any reser%at!ons$

4ays Of Transference
ersonal Contact Th!s !s the "ost "a&net!c for" of !"partat!on$ It !s ,hen one !s pr!%!le&ed to stay ,!th any of God7s ano!nted ser%ants' ,!th the sole purpose of rece!%!n& the sa"e ano!nt!n& he !s operat!n& !n$ Th!s !s !nteract!on ,!th purpose$ Re"e"ber the B!ble says that the e.pectat!on of the r!&hteous shall not be cut off$ The purpose for ,h!ch

you see* an assoc!at!on ,!th ano!nted ser%ants of God ,!ll deter"!ne the de&ree to ,h!ch the!r &!ft !s !"parted upon you$ On one occas!on' I had the pr!%!le&e of sleep!n& on a bed ,h!ch I ,as told' a &reat "an of God had once slept on$ In the n!&ht' I sa, a %!s!on of a decay!n& hand' as thou&h !t ,as be!n& eaten up by ,or"s$ And God told "e I ,as enter!n& a ne, real" of ano!nt!n&' one !n ,h!ch I ,ould be used !n restor!n& l!fe to dead and decay!n& !ssues$ It ,as also on that day that the ano!nt!n& for f!nanc!al brea*throu&h ca"e upon "e$ I entered !nto th!s &reat "an of God7s spectacular ano!nt!n&' because I bel!e%ed !n h!" and st!ll do$ %udio;=isuals Hear!n& God7s 4ord %!a H!s ano!nted ser%ant can cause the ano!nt!n& upon h!" to be transferred to you$ I learnt of a "an of God' ,ho at the a&e of fourteen' &ot h!s call fro" God by ,atch!n& Oral Robert on tele%!s!on$ One n!&ht' I settled do,n to ,atch a %!deo f!l" of an ano!nted "!n!ster$ As I ,atched' I bro*e do,n and started cry!n&$ #ould a "an reach th!s "a&n!tude of people1 I ,ondered$ 4!th th!s thou&ht on "y "!nd' I slept off$ I felt a st!rr!n& !n "y sp!r!t at C$>? a$"$' so I &ot out of bed' ,al*ed !nto the s!tt!n& roo" and sat do,n$ As I sat do,n' I heard the &entle footfalls of a "an !n the roo"' and he too* a seat$ Thou&h I could not see H!"' He spo*e such terr!f!c th!n&s to "e$

That day' He la%!shed on "e a fresh ano!nt!n& for heal!n&$ As a result' there ,ere so "any !nstantaneous heal!n&s at the unday ,orsh!p ser%!ce the follo,!n& "orn!n&$ It ,as so &lor!ous' as God7s &lory ca"e do,n and there ,as a brea*!n& forth of God7s ano!nt!n&$ &aster;servant /elationship A clear b!bl!cal e.a"ple !s that of El!jah and El!sha$ The ,hole land *ne, that El!sha ,as El!jah7s ser%ant$ El!sha ne%er cla!"ed to be El!jah7s collea&ue$ He ,as ne%er asha"ed to be called a ser%ant$ He fully !dent!f!ed ,!th both h!s "aster7s popular!ty and h!s defa"at!on$ #ollea&ues can ne%er rece!%e !"partat!on or transference of ano!nt!n& fro" one another$ It "ust al,ays ta*e a lo,er person to bend the *nees to rece!%e fro" the super!or$ #ollea&ues are e%er too fa"!l!ar to apprec!ate one another7s &!fts' tal*less of co%et!n& such &!fts$ If you "ust rece!%e transference of ano!nt!n&' you "ust necessar!ly bel!e%e !n the person you are rece!%!n& !t fro" as be!n& abo%e you$ The sons of the prophets ,ho jeered at El!sha ,hen h!s "aster ,as to be ta*en up could ne%er be l!*e the!r "asters' because they had a hau&hty d!spos!t!on and sa, the!r "asters as collea&ues$ )ayin+ on o( Hands 5oshua !s a &ood e.a"ple$ The B!ble says the sp!r!t of ,!sdo" rested upon h!" because :oses had la!d hands upon h!"$ That !s to say :oses transferred to h!" the p!r!t that ,as operat!n& !n h!s o,n l!fe$

nd 0oshua the son of "un was full of the spirit of wisdom! for 6oses had laid his hands upon him' and the children of Israel hearkened unto him, and did as the ,ord commanded 6oses. 4eute!onom7 34:) %nointin+ With 'il E.a"ples of th!s ha%e been c!ted earl!er on' part!cularly !n the l!fe of ;a%!d as *!n& o%er Israel$ The release of the o!l upon a "an s!&n!f!es the release of the ano!nt!n&$ The o!l !s not just a "ere sy"bol' !t !s a "ed!u" of transference$ nd thou shalt anoint aron and his sons, and consecrate them, that they may minister unto me in the priest;s office. ,:o6us 3%:3% rophecy '( The 'ne Trans(errin+ The %nointin+ "eglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery. 1 3imoth7 4:14 Ano!nted ,ords spo*en by ser%ants of God carry enou&h unct!on to !"part the ano!nt!n&$ 3!*e 5esus sa!d2 ...The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. John 6:63 %nointed &aterials Th!s can be throu&h dresses' hand*erch!efs and other such th!n&s$

A "e"ber of our church too* h!s ano!nted hand*erch!ef for e%an&el!s" and "et a "an that ,as "entally deran&ed$ He brou&ht out h!s hand*erch!ef and ,a%ed !t !n front of the possessed "an and that ,as the end of that "adness' the "ad "an re&a!ned h!s san!tynd -od wrought special miracles by the hands of 4aul' 1o that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them. Acts 1):11-12

Chapter 16
Encounters 4!th The Ano!nt!n&
4hen a "an test!f!es of the do!n& of the 3ord !n h!s l!fe' a nu"ber of th!n&s happen$ One of such th!n&s !s that those ,ho hear the test!"ony are encoura&ed and the!r fa!th !s pro%o*ed to hold unto God ,hen faced ,!th s!"!lar c!rcu"stances$ :any t!"es' such test!"on!es offer !nstruct!ons and &!%e l!&ht to so"e ,ho are l!*e,!se held capt!%e$ For the test!f!er' the test!"ony puts a seal on the deed done and ensures that noth!n& ta"pers ,!th the "!racle rece!%ed$ Also' !t opens the door for "ore tr!u"phs and %!ctor!es8 and abo%e all' God the doer !s &lor!f!ed$ !nce the ano!nt!n& o!l ,as d!sco%ered' test!"on!es of !ts effect!%eness abound$ It !s ,or*!n& l!*e ,!ld f!re$ In e%ery

asse"bly ,here th!s "ystery has been re%ealed' the ano!nt!n& o!l has beco"e an essent!al co""od!ty to !ts sa!nts$ E%eryth!n& and e%eryone !t touches rece!%es a supernatural touch$ It7s l!*e "a&!c' but so "uch "ore better and the results are "ore real and tan&!ble8 because' althou&h !n%!s!ble' the proof of God7s real!ty !s so real and s,eet$ In epte"ber BGGB' a "other7s heart nearly bro*e ,!th the shoc*!n& d!sco%ery that her t,o6year old dau&hter had s!c*le cell anae"!a$ In shoc* and d!sbel!ef' she ,ent to other hosp!tals for a second op!n!on$ The result ,as the sa"e 6 s!c*le cell anae"!a$ 4hat hope ,as there for her ch!ld1 The ans,er ca"e for her dur!n& our ano!nt!n& ser%!ce' ,here I shared "y personal test!"ony of ho, I &ot cured of tuberculos!s$ 9es' to her joy' she learnt that there !s hope because there !s God$ Thus' !n the course of the ano!nt!n& ser%!ce' ano!nted hand*erch!efs ,ere passed round for e%eryone to place on the!r head$ 4hen !t &ot to her turn' she placed !t on her forehead l!*e e%ery other person$ As soon as she arr!%ed ho"e' she placed her hand on her dau&hter7s forehead and prayed for her' and that ,as !t- !nce that day' they ha%e carr!ed out tests !n four reputable d!a&nost!c centres and the results ha%e been the sa"e 6 no s!c*le cell anae"!aIn another !nstance' a &raduate of our 4ord of Fa!th B!ble Inst!tute one n!&ht started ha%!n& acute sto"ach pa!ns$ He ,as rushed to the hosp!tal ,hen the pa!n beca"e

unbearable$ Tests ,ere done and the f!nal result pro%ed that he needed an appendecto"y$ The ne.t day he "et one of h!s doctor fr!ends and they prayed to&ether$ The follo,!n& day I had the Ano!nt!n& #lass at the Inst!tute' ,here they ,ere all ano!nted ,!th the o!l' as !s the usual pract!ce$ That "ar*ed the end of that append!c!t!s' because !t d!sappeared$ T!ll date' there has not been any ne&at!%e reports fro" h!"$ A"a+!n& as !t "ay see"' the ano!nt!n& has placed a baby !n the ,o"b of one that ,as called barren$ Th!s ,o"an ,or*s !n the sa"e off!ce ,!th a s!ster !n our con&re&at!on$ he e.pla!ned her pl!&ht to the s!ster' "ent!on!n& ho, that her case ,as so se%ere that she had been ad%!sed to &o to herbal!sts' ,ho ,ere ad%ocated to be the best solut!on to her proble"$ Th!s' ho,e%er' d!d not appeal to her$ The Holy p!r!t too* control ,hen the s!ster' ,ho al,ays carr!ed a bottle of the ano!nt!n& o!l ,!th her' brou&ht !t forth and ano!nted her$ That "onth "ar*ed the end of her "!sery' as she beca"e pre&nantE%en terr!ble d!seases l!*e ch!c*en po. ha%e had to bo, to the effect of the ano!nt!n& o!l$ No "atter at ,hat a&e !t !s contacted' ch!c*en po. causes a lot of d!sco"fort and ta*es !ts toll on !ts %!ct!"s$ uch ,as the pl!&ht of the youn& n!ece to one of the s!sters !n church$ Once she real!+ed ,hat ,as happen!n&' she <u!c*ly brou&ht out the bottle she nor"ally *ept !n the car and ano!nted the youn& &!rl$ By the follo,!n& "orn!n&' !t ,as an e.c!ted n!ece that ,o*e her aunt up fro" sleep$ he ,as ready for school' healed' hale and hearty-

A "e"ber brou&ht her "other to one of our ano!nt!n& ser%!ces and she ,as del!%ered that n!&ht$ A &ro,th !n her "other7s eye d!sappeared after she ,as ano!nted ,!th o!l$ The!r joy *ne, no end' as they ,ere spared the opt!c!an7s e.orb!tant char&e for an operat!on ,hose success could not be &uaranteed$ Test!"on!es of heal!n&s rece!%ed throu&h the appl!cat!on of the ano!nt!n& o!l ha%e beco"e co""on place no,$ It7s so %!tal and real$ E%!l bo,s to !t l!*e f!re bo,s to ,ater$ It !s true that e%ery *nee "ust bo, at the "ent!on of the na"e of 5esus$ It does not "atter ,hat !t !s' ,hether l!%!n& or non6l!%!n&' !t bo,s$ !tuat!ons and c!rcu"stances bo,$ Ho,1 Because H!s "name is as ointment poured forth" (Son*s o+ Solomon 1:3). Th!s s!&n!f!es the ano!nt!n&$ That !s to say that the na"e of 5esus carr!es ,!th !t the ano!nt!n& that brea*s e%ery yo*e$ Therefore' !t !s not stran&e that ,e ha%e had d!%erse test!"on!es fro" !ts appl!cat!on$ A Fa"!ly &ot the f!rst taste of the effect!%eness of the ano!nt!n& o!l' ,hen at one of our N!ctory #elebrat!ons' under the po,erful unct!on of the Holy p!r!t' I ano!nted the a&bada /a b!& flo,!n& &o,n0 I had on' ,h!ch ,as a present fro" "y ,!fe$ The &o,n ,as passed around' ,!th the !nstruct!on that e%eryone that des!red a (b!& ban&( "!racle should touch the!r foreheads ,!th !t$ A couple not only touched the!r foreheads ,!th !t' they also touched the!r youn& boy7s head$ Born pre"aturely' and al"ost a year later' he had not "ade any atte"pt to stand$ To the &lory of God' ,hen they arr!%ed the!r ho"e after the

ser%!ce' the!r l!ttle boy not only stood' but also too* steps' and to the!r aston!sh"ent' he started runn!n&In another !nstance' a brother ,ho !s a che"!cal en&!neer had tr!ed unsuccessfully to &et a paper con%erter co"pany to accept h!s &lue sa"ple for suppl!es$ He ,as ,orr!ed about th!s outr!&ht reject!on of the product' ,h!ch he bel!e%ed ,as of a &ood <ual!ty$ He resorted to ,a!t!n& on the 3ord !n a fast and t,o ,ee*s later' h!s ,!fe su&&ested that he st!rred so"e ano!nt!n& o!l !nto the &lue$ Accord!n& to h!"' (It ,or*ed l!*e f!re- I a" currently e.ecut!n& the f!rst order' and unbel!e%ably' the &lue !s st!ll as effect!%e as e%er$ I *no, God7s hand !s def!n!tely upon th!s bus!ness$( 4!ll the o!l ,or* for anyth!n& at all1 4!thout a doubt' yesA s!ster ,as about to &o out !n her Fa"!ly car' but !t ,ouldn7t start$ In desperat!on' she &ot her bottle of o!l and !n holy an&er' ano!nted the en&!ne and co""anded the car to start' !n 5esus7 na"e$ The car responded !""ed!atelyAt e%ery :!n!sters7 #onference ,e hold' a n!&ht !s al,ays set as!de for the ano!nt!n&$ Test!"on!es abound at such t!"es' as "any people ha%e %ar!ous encounters ,!th the 3ord$ A s!ster ,ent ho"e ,!th her ano!nt!n& o!l after one such ser%!ce and ano!nted her s!.6year old son and ten6year old dau&hter' ,ho both bed6,ets$ Accord!n& to her' e%er s!nce then' they both ceased to bed6,et and no, she !s eternally &rateful to God$ One of "y cous!ns attended one of our ano!nt!n& ser%!ces' and by the unct!on of the Holy p!r!t' upon &ett!n& ho"e she ano!nted a p!cture of one of her s!sters !n a far a,ay

place' ,ho had been found ,!th a lu"p !n her breast and ,as e.pected to under&o an operat!on$ The ne.t t!"e that aunt ,ent to the hosp!tal' e%ery test and O6ray sho,ed that there ,as noth!n& ,ron& ,!th her$ The %ery n!&ht her p!cture ,as ano!nted' the lu"p d!sappeared$ No' there !s no restr!ct!n& or l!"!t!n& the Holy p!r!t4hat about the alar" cloc* that stopped ,or*!n&1 It only needed a touch of the o!l' and the Holy p!r!t too* o%er$ It be&an to ,or* perfectlyA set of doctors !n one of the hosp!tals !n the c!ty e.per!enced so"eth!n& ,h!ch h!therto had def!ed "ed!cal sc!ence$ All doctors *no, that a ruptured append!. !s a lost case$ True !n the natural' but not ,here the Al"!&hty7s presence !s' by H!s Holy p!r!t$ One of our "e"bers ,as used by God to pro%e that the *no,led&e of the creature "ust al,ays be necessar!ly l!"!ted to that of the creator' ,h!ch !s l!"!tless$ he ,as rushed to hosp!tal ,!th a ruptured append!.$ The doctors outr!&htly refused to ad"!t her$ 4hat ,as the po!nt ad"!tt!n& so"eone that ,as e.pected to d!e that %ery day1 o' she ,as left unattended to for three days' but the o!l had already been appl!ed' to brea* the yo*e of death the n!&ht she ,as brou&ht !nto the hosp!tal$ In res!&nat!on' she ,as operated upon on the th!rd day$ Hear ,hat one of the doctors told her ,hen she tr!ed to f!nd out ,hat happened2 (9our God !s truly l!%!n&$( 4e are not ,!thout our o,n share of persecut!ons' and as such' <u!te a nu"ber of people ,ho ,ould ha%e been

blessed of God throu&h us ha%e "!ssed out on such pr!%!le&es$ One youn& "an' ho,e%er' preferred to cont!nue ,!th the so6called (,orldly church( than to re"a!n !n rel!&!on$ At an ano!nt!n& ser%!ce' I told the con&re&at!on to ano!nt the!r entrances and propert!es ,hen they &ot ho"e$ 4hen th!s brother started ano!nt!n& h!s property' he see"ed l!*e an absolute jo*er to h!s fr!ends ,ho ,ere all ,onder!n& at h!s ("adness$( A fe, days later' th!e%es bro*e !nto the!r co"pound and "ade a,ay ,!th e%eryth!n& belon&!n& to the other four boys l!%!n& ,!th h!"' but of h!s o,n th!n&s' not e%en a needle ,as touched$ I bel!e%e that the an&els "ust ha%e been there to ,arn the th!e%es' (Touch not "!ne ano!nted /nor h!s property0 and do "y prophet no har"$( The ne.t day' all h!s "ates had to borro, h!s clothes to ,ear to the off!ce4hen death ca"e to threaten one of our pastors' !t ,as %an<u!shed by th!s ,eapon 6 the o!l$ A fe, days earl!er' by the lead!n& of the Holy p!r!t' I had ordered e%eryone that had a %eh!cle to br!n& the" to the church for ano!nt!n&$ )erhaps the de%!l d!dn7t *no, about !t ,hen he dec!ded to str!*e$ He had just dropped h!s ch!ldren off at school and ,as on h!s ,ay to h!s off!ce' ,hen suddenly' out of no,here' another car e"er&ed and thereon' !t ,as l!*e a f!l" sho,$ There ,as noth!n& the de%!l could do' as the Holy p!r!t &ot the an&els of God to bear h!" and the car up !n the!r ar"s$ 4hen the car' ,h!ch had lost control' f!nally stopped' there ,as not a scratch' e!ther on h!s body or on the car' to the

a"a+e"ent of onloo*ers- The sa!nt of God dro%e h!s car to the off!ce' ,here he resu"ed ,or* unruffled$ There !s no end to the test!"on!es that *eep pour!n& !n fro" people ,ho ha%e had encounters ,!th the ano!nt!n& o!l$ 3et !t suff!ce to say that !f you ,!ll ha%e fa!th !n God and !n H!s ,onderful and d!%erse pro%!s!ons to "eet H!s people7s needs' you ,!ll "ost certa!nly jo!n the &roup of o%erco"ers$ The o!l !s not "a&!c or a tal!s"an8 !t !s a "ed!u" throu&h ,h!ch the presence of the Holy p!r!t !s !n%o*ed to ta*e control of e%ery s!tuat!on !n a bel!e%er7s l!fe$

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