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Theres always a causal connection between what youre thinking at a given moment in space & time and what youre experiencing. At first glance, it would seem as though the external triggers the internal (i.e. your thoughts are generated by what you experience) but in reality its the other way around. According to Fifthscience, the external emerges in a de-scriptive mode to what precedes it internally, and not in an informative mode (i.e. not to reveal what will happen externally next but rather to reveal what happened internally already). When youre thinking, whats happening is that you re actually viewing an image in mind ! When you entertain a given thought (whether positive or negative), youre basically providing more and more grounds for a given image to be processed (i.e to translate further and further from the metaphysical to the physical from the conceptual to the perceptual). BASIC VISION EQUATION: In a situation of vision: Theres you (The Viewer), theres the thought (the image being viewed) and theres an agency that links the two together (you can either think of it as sight or as light). Both are essential interactive elements of vision. What stands for the agency of light when were speaking internal vision ?!! How is a given thought illuminated ? This light is internal, its being emitted from within your self (The Sun of your Self-Consciousness). The Sun is not only associated with light and sight but also with another agency referred to as time. Emit = time A given thought is like a mental happening (an event that takes place in mind). time you can say is the mental space required for this event to take place. Time awareness is triggered by a motion stirred within the vortex referred to as self consciousness ! You can visualize the process as similar to a ripple effect occurring within an ocean. A motion stirred within consciousness is called an e-motion; ewhat?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! e ve

e ror e vil e go an e-motion immediately calls for a matrix of translation that originate on a mental level and extends outwards towards more and more physical grounds. It does so by activating the Apple of Knowledge equation: The Viewer vs. The View equation. So you can think of a thought as a unit of translation triggered by an e-motion and that immediately awakens the possibility of time and history (else known as eves possibility = event). Thoughts however are not as numerically divided and separated as time is made to seem when we speak minutes and seconds; they are rather more smoothly interwoven and inter-layered ! They resemble more an original concept of time akin to sand passing through an hour glass as opposed to a digital clock ticking. The Self is the Emitter of Time and it thus precedes any mental event (i.e. precedes any thought). Accordingly any given thought can only emerge de-scriptively of that self and is never meant to cause a migration from The Viewer into The View as 99% of humanity are inclined to do when they think. We tend to be too absorbed by the overwhelming nature of thought to ever examine the agency of thought itself, like being too absorbed by the image reflected by a mirror to ever question the mirrors power of reflection or notice the dust and scratches on its surface. Thus, its important to remember that anything and everything that falls within the equation of vision is latent to the true happening and describes the self (the viewer that precedes) i.e. and its in the essential nature of a Description not to overshadow the object described; its only meant to aid a better perception of that object. Any thought that ever occurs in mind is latent to the self just as a translation is to the object being translated(i.e. any view is latent to the viewer) and thus has no power over the self. From here, its key that you understand the following: Not only you have control over what emerges in your external reality in the form of events and happenings, but also you have a choice over what calls for such emergence-y on an internal level ! In other words, thoughts possess no substantial power over you as they deceptively claim to do. Their internal power comes from their threatening implications over your external reality and not from actual power over it (in other words its YOU who grant thought the power to materialize) ! Going back to The Vision Equation (The Viewer vs. The View polarity) , its important as a viewer to always remember that you have a say over what you choose to view a choice whether you wanna keep viewing or simply turn your eyes away !

The more you choose to entertain a given thought, the more you nourish its translation into more and more perceptual grounds, and if you choose otherwise, a thought is simply negated at mind level, and its chain of translation is prematurely aborted. Most people are too overwhelmed by the metaphysical nature of thought to realize they have such choice (i.e. its ghostly nature). They have a tendency to surrender to a given thought and/or to feel threatened by it; and this has an alienating effect on the viewer within. It taxes the viewer in you and drags it to gradually loose its integrity to the view (i.e. the situation where the creator falls victim to his own creation, forgetting that it was his creation to begin with). This sums up the story of Adamics and the true meaning of THE FALL from the Eden of Divine Consciousness into the hell of beastly behavioral existence ! This also explains the status of the Children of Light in this world (The Most Ancient Viewer), they make the world go round through their vision, yet they seem so alienated by the view. They influence the worlds events through their thoughts, yet they are made to feel by the world so insignificant and almost absent ! SAVE THE VIEWER IN YOU CHANGE THE VIEW

I Am Who I Am Molded of Honor & Disgrace

(No Matter What You Say or Do I Will Claim My Time & Space)
Life is death in slow motion and death is life in speed motion and what we call real is more like a reel spinning ! Matter is spirit solidified to let you dream yourself real, and spirit is matter liquidized to save you from the reel of your dream ! Thus, Who am I to be more spiritual than what simply matters? Who am I to be more real than the reel itself? Who am I to quit dreaming? Who am I to get real? Spirit and matter are intermarried for eternity, they are not enemies as religion and science would like you to believe ! The horizontal and the vertical converge on the axis of an eternal flux of Hi & Goodbye ! Its called vibration and its the substance of existence !

And what is eternity? You think its a spiritual concept? Look around you, space is nothing but eternity in disguise (if only you realize) ! The heavenly and the earthly converge on the cross point Adam (Adom) and this is no secret ! Its encoded in the very way you look and look, see and seem ! You think divinity is greater than Adam?!! Adam is the center point of existence, the bench mark in the middle, The One ! The worlds egoistical view assumes that THE DIVINE is greater than what simply matters, and so they seek its greatness beyond the Adamic threshhold in the name of spirituality; and so they build huge holy temples and monuments to make Adam feel small and insignificant in Gods eye ! They belittle and demean Adam, mocking his frail mortal mold against which the Devil protested ! Look around you, cant you see traces of the Devils ancient war against Adam?!! Cant you see the diseases and weapons of misfortune all made to target Adam and make human life look cheap ! Can you see the atrocities that are being practiced in the name of God against the Adamic image in Syria?!!! Adam isnt great in that kinda greatness; just as One is not the highest number, but then its not the lowest either (its right there in the middle). -10 -9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 (zero) or rather O, is the unknown God (the EGO-D) of infinity who might as well be anything and nothing. Its powerful yes, but only in as much as you empower the unknown over what you know, and its powerless if you simply understand this truth and negate its power on thought-level, and there is a way to do so (and this is whats Fifthscience is all about). 0 is great in its mystery, but it has no value in history. Adam is not the biggest and the greatest if you seek a God bigger and greater than knowledge a God irrelevant to you (indifferent to your Adamic cause) ! Adam is the central point the mean average around which all else manifest. The universe has no top or bottom per se, no physical end, so creation spreads out in all directions, from A point, point A ! Adam is the Sun that makes sides and direction possible, its the miracle of The Finite born from the womb of The Infinite (and this is the truth encoded in The Immaculate Conception Theory which is wrongfully taken at literal value) the miracle of The Definite being born from The Indefinite ! The Suns light is a reference point in the endless space ! Light is both needed for the eye to see and for the image to be lit into sight.

You can depart eons away from the Sun in search for an extreme greatness beyond its middle one, only to discover that directions and extremities are defined by its light. You will only know where you stand in space by virtue of the Suns light and without its light you will be left with no means to even measure the renowned greatness youre seeking after. Dont be great, just be Adamic, Dont trade what you know for what you dont in the name of GOD and the promised paradise, dont exhaust your definite presence for an indefinite future ! Remember that God has subjected his great mystery to Adamic history, doesnt that mean anything to you? Adam is code for a matrimony between spirit and matter. The high and the low meet on the matrix 01! Look around, everything you see and not see, from thoughts to objects to events are all scripted by this simple code ! The most expensive currency in time is time itself, and too bad it cannot be saved or overspent ! Currency comes from the term current and it speaks the language of dreaming in a way relative to time to history ! History = his story not yours, so beware a currency that doesnt describe you ! Beware a currency that renders you history ! Well, yes a currency that renders you history You give your presence in order to receive the Future Promise that a currency provides in return, but where is the meaning in the picture, wheres the element of life?!! Time = emit; and emitting is an alive action (not a dead unit of value). Time is code which you cannot stop or reverse ; you can only imitate its value through script-currency (dream-paper) ! Who am I to save currency or give it away? Who am I to think I can be more giving than time itself? Behold the sun (the highest symbol of giving in time) !! Does the sun give away its rays to light a world into presence, or does it simple shine for what it is and the rest is history and geography?

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