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Centre of visual interest

A filler generally is just something that is used to take up little space on the page , it often has little relevance to the article . but it may have paid to be advertised and it may be interesting to some people .
Caption Most readers of the magazine get very picky when they cannot find the caption. The caption should not state the obvious , but simply add to the information in the photo . Such as in this photo you may not understand what the writing is about which is why they all have little captions above them on the right hand side . Column Columns are very important as it gives an opinion of the topic thats is being written about , in this case the whole columns are about the different things inside the magazine .This may be in interest of the reader and challenge their opinions on the artists thought and opinions . And this leads on to the example that often columnist are very biased and one sided to add to entertainment . Kicker A kicker is the first sentence or so of a story that is in capitals or bold writing to introduce the story . It is important because if it is interesting it will hook the reader and make them want to read on and find out more . Drop cap This is the initial larger letter at the start of a piece of text. It is to state to the reader of the magazine this is where the text starts or where a new piece of texts is about to start .

On this contents page the CVI is the photo of the man appearing to be singing at some sort of gig .This is important as it is the first thing that gets the readers attention which then leads them on to reading the information around the images .
Copy The copy is very important for obvious reasons , its the main body of the text in an article/story so it is a crucial that it is entertaining and gets the reader interested , also it has to be relevant to the picture shown . Flatpan A flatpan is a page that shows where the articles and adverts are laid out .It is important to have a flatpan so the reader knows where to look to see what they want to read .

Lede This is the beginning , usually first paragraph of an article .Journalists are taught to jump straight into the main information as to hook the reader and then follow up with the context after .

Top Heads These are headings at the top of columns . They are important as they state to the reader what beneath is about . in this magazine these are especially effective as they are in yellow to stand out so the reader can clearly see where too look in the magazine .

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