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INFLUENCE OF XANTHAN GUM AS ELISITOR AND GERMINATION TIME TOWARD FOLIC ACID DEGREE AND UNSATURATED FATTY ACID IN MAKING SOYBEAN FLOUR (Glycine max (L) Merril) By : Iswahyu ! Su"#$%!s&$s : D$' I$' K#su(a Sayu)!* M'S a+ D$' I$' N&%!,a$ Na,!$* M'S! ABSTRACT This research which is entitled with Influence of Xanthan Gum as Elisitor and Germination Time Toward Folic Acid Degree and Unsaturated Fatty Acid in Making oy!ean Flour "Glycine Max (L) Merril#$ was already done% The research was done in &a!oratorium of Teknologi 'asil (ertanian Andalas Uni)ersity* +utrition &a!oratorium ,uminansia Faculty of 'us!andry Andalas Uni)ersity* &a!oratorium of (asca-anen .(T( umatera .arat and &a!oratorium of .alai .esar (asca-anen .ogor in August / 0cto!er 1233% The aim of this research is to seek influence of 4anthan gum as elisitor and germination time toward folic acid degree and unsaturated fatty acid in making soy!ean flour* and to seek the influence of !oth of those factors toward soy!ean flour and to determine the right treatment degree so that soy!ean flour with high folic acid and unsaturated fatty acid is gained% E4-eriment design that is used in research is factorial design 546 in ,ancangan Acak &engka- ",A&# with twice re-etition% A factor is concentration of 4anthan gum as elisitor* are A3 7 82 --m* A1 7 62 --m* A5 7 92 --m% . factor is germination time* are .3 7 18 hours* .1 7 59 hours* .5 7 8: hours* .8 7 92 hours* .6 7 ;1 hours% 0!ser)ation data is analy<ed !y using statistika 8 software* if the result that is gained is clearly different then it is continued with Tukey HSD All-Pairwise Com arisons Test in 6= o!)ious degree% The o!ser)ation that is done to soy!ean flour concerns on -rotein degree* water degreer* ash degree* fat degree* folic acid degree* and unsaturated fatty acid degree% The result of this research shows that 4anthan gum concentration and germination time gi)e the uno!)ious different influence toward -rotein degree and ash degree on soy!ean flour !ut they gi)e o!)ious different influence on water degree* fat degree* folic acid degree* and unsaturated folic acid degree% The result of Tukey HSD All-Pairwise Com arisons Test shows that the highest folic acid degree is found on A5.5 treatment "4anthan gum 92 --m* germination for 8: hours# which is 1;1*2: --m% The highest unsaturated fatty acid degree is found on A5.6 treatment "4anthan gum 92 --m* germination for ;1 hours# which is ;:*5>=% The !est concentration of is 92 --m* meanwhile the !est germination time is !etween 8:?;1 hours% @eywords A oy!ean flour* elisitor* germination* folic acid

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