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TEKS 6 A, B, & C

DNA Protein Mutations

TAKS Obje ti!e " The student will demonstrate an understanding of
living systems and the environment.

TEKS S ien e Con e#ts 6 A, B, & C

The student knows the structures and functions of nucleic acids in the mechanisms of genetics. The student is expected to (A) describe components of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), and illustrate how information for specifying traits of an organism is carried in the DNA (!) explain replication, transcription, and translation using models of DNA and ribonucleic acid ("NA) (#) identify and illustrate how changes in DNA cause mutations and e$aluate the significance of these changes

TAKS Objective 2



$or Tea %er&s E'es On('

DNA "eplication Transcription Translation %utations

Stu)ent Prior Kno*(e)+e

&tudents should be familiar with the components associated with body systems T'(& ).*+ (#) identify how structure complements function at different le$els of organi,ation including organs, organ systems, organisms, and populations and the functions of these systems.

TAKS Objective 2

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DNA an) .NA

, E&s
Allow students to watch the $ideo Photo 51. -t is the story of "osalind .ranklin, /atson, and #rick and there 0ourney to disco$er the structure of DNA. /hile watching the $ideo, ha$e students complete the $iewing guide.

Explore 1 .-ND A T'#1N23245 6-'#' T2 -N#2"62"AT' 1'"'7..%A5!' %A(-N4 T1' "NA %23'#83' 8&-N4 %-#"2&2.T /2"D&9999999999999 Explore 2

!"A #$periment for %arents

&tudents will attempt to extract DNA from different types of food in their home. Additionally, students are to discuss and explain this process to their parents. 6arents will complete a :uestion and form that will be returned by students.

#omplete the -ntro to DNA presentation with your student with discussion and the completion of the following :uestions.

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&tudents will re$iew the DNA ;ewelry %odel they made and re<identify the DNA structures by re<keying their model. &tudents will also compare and contrast the DNA and "NA structure using the DNA ;ewelry %odel.

*. 8sing the text, students will

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Photo 51 Film Guide

1. At an early age Rosalind showed an affinity to what subjects in school?


t. Paul Girls chool was it traditional or career oriented?

!. "hat outside e#ent$s% caused Fran&lin to &ic& start her career?

'. (escribe crystallogra)hy.

5. "hat college did Rosalind attend?

*. "hat im)ro#ements did she gi#e +ngland that contributed to the war effort?

,. "here did Fran&lin )erfect her crystallogra)hy s&ills?

-. "hy did Rosalind go to .ing/s 0ollege?

1. "hat did )eo)le thin& (2A was com)osed of at the time?

13. "hat a))roach do "atson and 0ric& ta&e to finding the structure of (2A?

11. "hat is Rosalind/s o)inion of " 4 0 first model?

TAKS Objective 2

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12. "ho was gi#ing "atson and 0ric&5 Fran&lin/s findings?

1!. 6ow did Fran&lin react to the 2+" model?

1'. "hat critical role does Fran&lin/s Photo )lay in finding the (2A structure?

15. "hat )robably caused Fran&lin/s cancer?

1*. "hat year did "atson5 0ric&5 and "il&ins recei#e their 2obel Pri7e? 118888

1,. "hat was dis)layed at the "orld/s Fair that Fran&lin disco#ered?

1-. "hat was Fran&lin/s ultimate reward in studying science?

TAKS Objective 2

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Photo 51 Film Guide .+9

1. At an early age Rosalind showed an affinity to what subjects in school? :ath and cience


t. Paul Girls chool was it traditional or career oriented? 0areer ;riented and of no Religious Affiliation

!. "hat outside e#ent$s% caused Fran&lin to &ic& start her career? ""<<

'. (escribe crystallogra)hy.

5. "hat college did Rosalind attend? 0ambridge

*. "hat im)ro#ements did she gi#e +ngland that contributed to the war effort? Gas :as&s

,. "here did Fran&lin )erfect her crystallogra)hy s&ills? Paris

-. "hy did Rosalind go to .ing/s 0ollege? =o study the structure of (2A

1. "hat did )eo)le thin& (2A was com)osed of at the time?

13. "hat a))roach do "atson and 0ric& ta&e to finding the structure of (2A?

11. "hat is Rosalind/s o)inion of " 4 0 first model?

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12. "ho was gi#ing "atson and 0ric&5 Fran&lin/s findings? "il&ins

1!. 6ow did Fran&lin react to the 2+" model?

1'. "hat critical role does Fran&lin/s Photo )lay in finding the (2A structure?

15. "hat )robably caused Fran&lin/s cancer? ;#er e>)osure to ?@Rays

1*. "hat year did "atson5 0ric&5 and "il&ins recei#e their 2obel Pri7e? 11*2

1,. "hat was dis)layed at the "orld/s Fair that Fran&lin disco#ered? Airus :odel

1-. "hat was Fran&lin/s ultimate reward in studying science?

TAKS Objective 2

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DNA 'xperiment for 6arents

/e ha$e been looking at the structure and function of DNA. Now, your student is to demonstrate the extraction and discuss with you what they ha$e learned. 'xamples of a DNA source= peas, spinach, chicken, li$er, onions, broccoli, banana 1ere>s the fun part. 6ut into a bender= 5our DNA source (about *++ m3 or about *?@ of a cup) A large pinch of table salt (*?A teaspoon) Twice as much cold water as the DNA source (B++ m3 or about B?@ cup) !lend on high for *C seconds. 6our your thin DsoupE through a strainer into another container (like a measuring cup). 1ow much DsoupE do you ha$e9 Add about *?) that amount of li:uid detergent (about B tablespoons) and swirl to mix. 3et the mixture sit for C< *+ minutes. 6our mixture into small glass containers, each about *?@ full. Add a pinch of en,yme (meat tenderi,er works greatF 2r try using pineapple 0uice or contact lens cleaning solution) and stir 4'NT35. #arefulF -f you stir too hard, you>ll break up the DNA, making it harder to see. Tilt the container and &32/35 pour rubbing alcohol (G+<HCI isopropyl or ethyl alcohol) in to the tube down the side so that it forms a layer on top of the pea mixture. 6our until you ha$e about the same amount of alcohol in the tube as DsoupE. DNA will rise into the alcohol layer from the DsoupE layer. 5ou can use a wooden stick or other hook to draw the DNA into the alcohol.

Juestions for parents= 1ow well did your student explain to you what was occurring in this experiment9

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2n a scale of + to C (C being completely independently) how much of the experiment did your student demonstrate on their own9KKKKKKK(Did you ha$e to help them9)

TAKS Objective 2



DNA Protein

, E&s
&how students the short $ideo clip for the 6!& series Cracking the Code. The clip is called Finding Cures is Hard. This $ideo describes the structure and function of proteins and the o$erall process of the DNA DcodeE becoming a protein.

Explore 1 .anana Split !"A Explore 2 !esigner .abies

#omplete the DNA 6rotein presentation with your student with discussion and the completion of the following :uestions.

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Elaboration DNA Article with #odon Table 4uided 6ractice using the #odon Table !uilding a 6rotein &ynthesis %anipulati$e

*. After completing the digestion simulation, the student will ha$e produced an identical piece of DfoodE with their name on it in the Danus.E A grade of pass?fail will be gi$en for correct procedure during the simulation. B. 8sing the text, class notes, website information and class discussion the learner will produce a labeled sketch in his?her 0ournal that describes the structures and functions of the digesti$e system. A grade of pass?fail will be gi$en. @. 8sing the text, information from the website, and class notes, the learner will demonstrate an understanding of the structures and functions of the digesti$e system by creating an informational brochure. A minimum score of B on the rubric is re:uired.

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!anana &plit DNA

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Single Strand of m/"A

0A1A021AA0221AA1A2A2A111120A1110 A0A0A10 t/"A 1A2 t/"A A02 t/"A A2A t/"A 1AA t/"A 111 t/"A 022 t/"A 0A1 t/"A 1AA

TAKS Objective 2

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t/"A 0A0 t/"A A10

t/"A 120

t/"A A11

t/"A 10A

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Designer !abies

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DNA Article w? Juestions

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!eef -nsulin %olecule

TAKS Objective 2

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!uilding a 6rotein &ynthesis %anipulati$e

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, E&s
&how students the short clip from PBS: Cracking the Code---One Wrong Letter.

Explore 1 3odified !esigner .abies

#omplete the %utations 6ower6oint presentation with your student with discussion and the completion of the following :uestions.

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Elaboration 1 /hile looking at $arious two<line drawings and animations, students will identify types of mutations and describe the effects to the o$erall transcription and translation process. Elaboration 2 &how students the film Lorenzos Oi and ha$e them complete the film guide. This film will re$iew macromolecules and the structure of DNA. -t will also re$iew and describe mutations, diseases that result from changes to the DNA and its affects on proteins. Additionally, this film will introduce the ner$ous system and its components.


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4ilm 2uide for 5oren6o7s Oil

6lease read these :uestions o$er before you see the filmFFF *. &how how 3oren,oLs parents used the scientific method to sol$e their problem. &tate the problem, ask a :uestion and use examples from the film to illustrate the steps.

B. .rom the description of the disease, A3D, sketch what 3oren,oLs neurons most likely looked like after a year. -nclude a sketch of a normal neuron.

@. A3D is a recessi$e sex<linked or M<linked disease. /hat are the probable genotypes of the family members listed9 Aunt N*KKKKKKK Aunt NBKKKKKKK Aunt DeeKKKKKKK %ichallaKKKKKKK AugustoKKKKKKK 3oren,oKKKKKKK

O. /hat is 3oren,oLs 2il9 1ow does it work9 8se the sink model from the film.

C. 'xplain AugustoLs use of paper clips to represent good and bad fatty acids. /hat did his dream help him understand9

). /hy did the medical community resist the 2donesL treatment ideas9 /hy did the parent support group resist9 4i$e examples of arguments for and against. TAKS Objective 2 page 2( BIOLOGY

G. 1ow do analogies help you to understand the scientific problem9 1ow did modeling help sol$e the scientific problem9 #an you think of other great disco$eries that employed the use of models9

A. 1ow did Augusto and %ichalla demonstrate Plife<longP learning9

H. Defend the position that diseases that affect a small I of the population should not get as much money for research as the big killers like cancer and heart disease.

*+. /hat was found out from the 6olish biochemist9 /hat was the purpose of the A3D &ymposiums9 /hat happens when scientists work in isolation9

**. /hat is erucic acid9

*B. /here was the myelin research being done9 /hat was the experiment9 1ow could this research help 3oren,o9

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%odified Designer !abies

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%utation -.D.

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