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RAJIV GANDHI UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES BANGALORE, KARNATAKA. PROFORMA FOR REGISTRATION OF SUBJECTS FOR DISSERTATION 1. Name of the candidate : Mr. Pravin Prakash .P M.Sc. Nursing, 1st Year Navodaya College of Nursing Navodaya Nagar Manthralayam Road, Raichur . Name of the !nstitute ". Course of Study and Su#$ect : Navodaya College of Nursing : M.Sc. Nursing, 1st Year Child %ealth Nursing &. 'ate of (dmission ,. -itle of the -o.ic : : 1)11) **+




We find a delight and beauty in the happiness of the children, that makes the heart too big for the body
-he child is the most .recious .ossession of mankind, most #eloved and .erfect in its innocence. -he child re.resents a face of man /hich is al/ays ha..y and al/ays ne/. 0ith every child /e are #orn again and /e .lay in the courtyard of the /orld in the #right sunshine of love and laughter.1 Preschool children constitute a#out , .ercent of the total .o.ulation and are vulnera#le for various infections. !n Raichur .reschool children constitutes a#out 1"1 of the total .o.ulation. %ence there should #e a motto to guide each and every child to follo/ and .ractice cleanliness, as 2cleanliness is ne3t to godliness4. (s there is more .revalence of ignorance and illiteracy among the .u#lic, there is a great need to educate them, es.ecially the children a#out good hygienic .ractices and to .romote healthy life style.

-he children are the most im.ortant segment of our .o.ulation and intend to receive attention from family, school, society and government Children are truly the foundation of a society #ecause healthy children gro/ to #ecome healthy and strong adults /ho can actively .artici.ate in the develo.mental activities of a nation.1 School is one of the most organi5ed secondary grou. and social institution /hich im.lements strategies to meet the health needs of the children. Schools have #een identified as the entry .oint for hygienic a/areness as .art of the -otal Sanitation Cam.aign 6-SC7 #eing im.lemented in the state #y the Ministry of Rural 'evelo.ment8s drinking /ater su..ly de.artment, re.orts 9rassroots :eatures. School is an organi5ed community and easy to reach for im.lementing any .rogrammes related to health and hygienic .ractices." -he .resent study includes one such im.lementation of the health .rogramme related to .ersonal hygiene. !t is a teaching .rogramme named 2;indergarten Method of -eaching4. -he kindergarten method of teaching refers to the method of teaching /hich hel.s the child to e3.ress himself and thus .roduce develo.ment. !t consists of three coordinate forms of e3.ression song action < movement construction

Play is the most im.ortant /ay follo/ed in the kindergarten method of teaching. Play ena#les children to achieve confidence and #alance in an orderly fashion. =y this method of teaching the child can e3.ress his feelings and ideas through singing. -hen he can dramati5e the song in movements and gestures and finally it is illustrated #y construction from .a.er clay, or any other material.& (s the Chinese .rover# says >!f ! hear ! forget, !f ! see ! remem#er, !f ! do ! kno/?, lays im.ortance for this method of teaching. 20hat /e remem#er from childhood /e remem#er for ever4. !t can #e regarding good .ractices, ha#its, social interaction etc. ( good ha#it of .ersonal hygiene is an integral .art of daily life of an individual. %ygiene refers to the set of .ractices associated /ith the .reservation of health and healthy living. !t is a conce.t related /ith cleanliness and .reventive measures., Personal hygiene involves .ractice of kee.ing oneself clean in order to .revent illness and disease. ;ee.ing oneself clean /ill not only .rotect one from germs #ut also allo/s to have confidence in relationshi.s and social life. (ctions to ensure .ersonal hygiene are sim.le #ut most of the .eo.le neglect to .ractice the ha#its.@

9ood message and healthy .ractices can start /ith .reschool children and slo/ly make their /ay into their families and to other children in the neigh#orhood. -he daily ha#it of ensuring and maintaining cleanliness .romotes healthy living., -he .resent study includes the education on .ersonal hygiene /ith regard to oral care, #athing, hand /ashing and toileting. If your children will soon need braces you will now want to start the search for good dental insurance plan Aral hygiene refers to the total care of the mouth. -he .ur.ose of oral hygiene is to minimi5e any etiologic agents of disease in the mouth. -he .rimary focus of #rushing and flossing is to remove and .revent the formation of .laBue. PlaBue consists mostly of #acteria. (s the amount of #acterial .laBue increases, the tooth is more vulnera#le to dental caries /hen car#ohydrates in the food are left on teeth after every meal or snack. ( tooth#rush can #e used to remove .laBue on accessi#le surfaces, #ut not #et/een teeth or inside .its and fissures on che/ing surfaces. 0hen used correctly, dental floss removes .laBue from areas /hich could other/ise develo. .ro3imal caries. C Statistical information sho/s that a#out +*)D* .ercent of the children in the /orld have dental caries. (#out C".,1 *f the .reschool children in Raichur is having dental caries."

Effective oral health .ractices are essential for the overall health of the children. 'ental care is the most .revalent unmet health need among children. Poor oral health can have significant negative effects on systematic health. Com.rehensive health care is not .ossi#le if oral health is unmet. So every .arents and teachers should encourage children to .ractice oral hygiene from an early age.+ %and /ashing is the #est /ay to .revent the s.read of illness. %and /ashing hel.s to decrease the num#er of germs that can #e s.read. Children should #e taught and encouraged to /ash hand #efore and after meal in order to avoid s.read of infections.D =athing involves the total care of the #ody. =athing is .racticed as one of the hygienic measures and it hel.s the #ody and mind to #ecome fresh. =athing .revents accumulation of dandruff and multi.lication of lices in the head. !t also .revents various skin infections like dermatitis, sca#ies etc. !t is very essential to educate the children regarding #athing as it .romotes #oth .hysical and mental hygiene.1* -oileting ha..ens to #e one of those areas /here each child /ill have their o/n schedule. Successful toileting relies most on a child4s readiness and /illingness. Even if a child sho/s signs of readiness there are times /hen it is #est to /ait. Some children may #e very interested in toileting, #ut some are afraid. (llo/ the child to safely e3.lore the toilet and train and educate them regarding toileting.11

Fnhygienic .ractices during toileting leads to s.read of infection. -he infection can mainly caused #y %ook/orm. %ook/orm is a .arasitic nematode that lives in the small intestine of every mammal. -he .ortal of e3it of hook/orm is anal route and .ortal of entry is mouth. -he s.read of the infection can #e reduced #y good .ersonal)hygiene and thus .revents s.read of infection. !t is estimated that ,C@)C&* million individuals in the /orld are infected /ith %ook/orm today. !n South (sia a#out ,D million children are infected /ith hook/orm. 1 @ 1 of .reschool children in Raichur is affected /ith hook/orm infestation. " Preschool children need to #e motivated and ena#led #y a s.ecific learning .rogramme to hel. them to follo/ #asic hygiene rules as im.ortant element of health .romotion. Children /ill res.ond in a #etter /ay to health education and to develo. favora#le .ositive attitudes, thus they inculcate and formulate desira#le healthy .ractices.1" Fsing different methods of teaching is very effective and influences the kno/ledge of the children. !n kindergarten method of teaching learning /ill #e associated /ith s.ontaneity, freedom and laughter through .ractical activities and it #ecomes meaningful and significant. %ence the researcher felt the need to assess the effectiveness of kindergarten method of teaching on kno/ledge regarding .ersonal hygiene among u..er kindergarten students studying in St.Gohns Nursery School of Raichur.

.2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE ( revie/ of literature on the research to.ic makes the researcher familiar /ith the e3isting studies and .rovides information /hich hel.s to focus on a .articular .ro#lem, lays a foundation u.on /hich to #ase ne/ kno/ledge. !t creates accurate .icture of the information found on the su#$ects.1& ( study /as conducted to evaluate the outcomes of short H1, minutesI oral hygiene vs. hand hygiene education for .reschool children in MichiganJ F.S.(. @1 .reschool children /ere randomly selected from four kindergarten classes. "* children from t/o classes had given s.ecific instructions on oral hygiene and for remaining "1 children /ere given instructions on hand and nail cleaning. -he oral hygiene status /as assessed #y using .laBue control record HPCRI, the cleanliness of hands and finger nails /as determined #y using hand hygiene inde3 H%%!I and nail hygiene inde3 HN%!I. -he result sho/ed that after the education .rogramme the PCR had im.roved for all the children from CD.D, .ercent to C .", .ercent HPK*.**1I. -he N%! had im.roved from C&.D1 .ercent to @1.C1 .ercent HPK*.**1I. -he study concluded that .arents and teachers should #e encouraged to educate children from an early age a#out oral hygiene .romotion.1, ( study /as conducted to assess the effectiveness of tooth #rushing education on oral health of .reschoolers in Seoul, ;orea. -he study consisted of randomly selected C+ .reschoolers from t/o kindergartens. "D .reschoolers from one kindergarten /ere assigned to e3.erimental grou.

and "D from the other kindergarten to the control grou.. 'ata /ere collected #y structured intervie/. -he result sho/ed that there /as a significant increase in the use of tooth .aste and the .ractice of correct tooth #rushing and a decrease in .laBue and develo.ment of dental caries in e3.erimental grou.. -he study concluded that tooth #rushing education /as .artially effective in im.roving oral health of the .reschoolers.1@ ( descri.tive study /as conducted to assess the a/areness of hygienic .ractices among children in 9overnment School in %ydera#ad. "* .reschool children /ere selected non randomly. -he data /as collected #y structured intervie/. :indings revealed that ma$ority of children had moderately adeBuate a/areness 6C* .ercent7. (ccording to age /ise analysis of data @ ., .ercent of , year old children and 1 ., .ercent of & year old children had moderately adeBuate a/areness. &C.C .ercent of " year old children had inadeBuate a/areness. -he study concluded that regular education has to #e given to .reschool children regarding hygienic .ractices.1C (n e3.erimental study /as conducted to assess the effectiveness of school #ased health education on the .ractice of .ersonal hygiene #y children in .rimary schools in Nigeria. "D, and "D+ .reschool children /ere selected randomly as intervention grou. and control grou.. Less than &, .ercent /ere rated clean #efore health education in #oth grou.s. (fter health education @, .ercent /ere rated clean. -here /as no change in the control grou.. -he study concluded that school #ased health education im.roved the .ersonal hygienic .ractices of the .reschool children. -here is need for regular reinforcement to sustain the gains.1+

( longitudinal study /as carried out to assess the im.act of health education to school children on their kno/ledge, attitude and .ractices in regard to .ersonal hygiene in =urd/an. " & rural school children #et/een 1* M 1& years in t/o secondary schools /ere selected randomly. -he kno/ledge, attitude and .ractices of the students /ere assessed in .re)designed and .ost test .rofoma #efore im.arting the health education. -he results indicated that the kno/ledge of the students regarding .ersonal hygiene /as im.roved after the health education. -he study concluded that the im.rovement in health .ractices /as not commensuration /ith the im.rovement of kno/ledge and attitude after education.1D ( study /as conducted on im.act of tooth #rushing on dental .laBue, dental caries and .eriodontal condition in school children at Gordon. !t /as revealed that #oth DD .ercent males and +D .ercent of females re.orted to #rush their teeth on regular #asis. -he mean scores /ere lo/er in those /ho #rushed than those /ho did not #rush their teeth. -here /ere slight differences in dental caries e3.erience among males and females. -he oral health status among them found to #e .oor. -he study concluded more em.hasis should #e .laced on .ro.er oral hygiene and also im.lementation of school #ased oral health education .rogramme is urgently needed in order to .revent .ro#lems.

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM A "#$%& #' ("")"" #*) )++),#-.)/)"" '+ 0-/%)12(1#)/ 3)#*'% '+ #)(,*-/2 '/ 0/'45)%2) 1)2(1%-/2 6)1"'/(5 *&2-)/) (3'/2 $66)1

0-/%)12(1#)/ "#$%)/#" "#$%&-/2 -/ ")5),#)% /$1")1& ",*''5 '+ R(-,*$1, K(1/(#(0(. .7 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY -o assess the e3isting level of kno/ledge of u..er kindergarten students regarding .ersonal hygiene in selected nursery school. -o develo. and administer kindergarten method of teaching regarding .ersonal hygiene among u..er kindergarten students studying in selected nursery school. -o evaluate the effectiveness of kindergarten method of teaching regarding .ersonal hygiene #y com.aring .re)test and .ost)test kno/ledge scores. -o identify the association #et/een the kno/ledge of the students regarding .ersonal hygiene /ith selected varia#les. .8 OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONS a. E++),#-.)/)""9 !t refers to the e3tent to /hich the kindergarten method of teaching im.roves the kno/ledge of the u..er kindergarten students regarding .ersonal hygiene. b. K-/%)12(1#)/ M)#*'% '+ T)(,*-/29

!t refers to the method of teaching /hich hel.s the child to e3.ress himself and thus .roduce develo.ment. !t consists of three coordinate forms of e3.ression song action < movement construction c. K/'45)%2)9 !t refers to the level of understanding of the u..er kindergarten students /ith regard to .ersonal hygiene as measured #y their correct res.onse to kno/ledge items of the structured intervie/ schedule. d. P)1"'/(5 H&2-)/)9 Refers to the .ractice of kee.ing oneself clean to .revent diseases. !n the .resent study the .ersonal hygiene includes #athing, #rushing, hand /ashing and toileting. e. U66)1 K-/%)12(1#)/ S#$%)/#"9 Refers to children under age grou. of &)@ years /ho are studying in selected Nursery School of Raichur. f. N$1")1& S,*''59 !t refers to the school for children #et/een ages of ")@ years, staffed #y Bualified teachers /ho encourage and su.ervise educational .lay rather than sim.ly .roviding child care.

.: HYPOTHESES An the #asis of the o#$ectives of the study the follo/ing hy.otheses have #een formulated. H;: -here /ill #e significant difference #et/een the .re)test and .ost)test kno/ledge scores of the u..er kindergarten students regarding .ersonal hygiene. H : -here /ill #e significant association #et/een the kno/ledge scores of the u..er kindergarten students regarding .ersonal hygiene /ith selected varia#les. 7. MATERIALS AND METHODS <.! SOURCES OF DATA D)"-2/9 Ane grou. .re)test and .ost)test .re)e3.erimental design is ado.ted for the .resent study. O! = O2 S)##-/2 '+ #*) "#$%&9 Setting refers to the .hysical location and condition in /hich data collection /ill #e done.

Raichur is one of the #ack/ard districts located in Northern ;arnataka. !t has an area of @*sB.mt. -here are a#out ", nursery schools in Raichur 'istrict. (mong these St.Gohns Nursery School is selected for the study. -his school is located in Savithri Colony, Raichur. -his school /as esta#lished in the year 1DD@. (#out 1** students are studying in this school and among this &* students are studying in u..er kindergarten. P'6$5(#-'/9 -he .o.ulations included in this study are the students /ho are studying in u..er kindergarten in St.Gohns Nursery school of Raichur. S(365)9 Sam.le for the study consists of "* u..er kindergarten students /ho are studying in St.Gohns Nursery school of Raichur. S(365-/2 T),*/->$)9 Pur.osive sam.ling is also called Gudgmental sam.ling. Researcher #elieves that .ur.osive sam.lings are ty.ical or re.resentative of the accessi#le .o.ulation. :or the .resent study Non) random .ur.osive sam.ling techniBue /ill #e used to select the school. Convenience sam.ling techniBue /ill #e used to select the sam.les. I/,5$"-'/ C1-#)1-(9 -he study includes students 4*' (1) studying in u..er kindergarten in St.Gohns Nursery School, Raichur /illing to .artici.ate in the study

availa#le at the time of data collection E?,5$"-'/ C1-#)1-(9 -he study e3cludes students 4*' (1) /'# studying in u..er kindergarten in St.Gohns Nursery School, Raichur /illing to .artici.ate in the study availa#le at the time of data collection S)5),#)% V(1-(@5)"9 Naria#les include in the .resent study are D)6)/%(/# V(1-(@5)9 ;no/ledge of u..er kindergarten students regarding .ersonal hygiene I/%)6)/%)/# V(1-(@5)9 ;indergarten method of teaching regarding .ersonal hygiene E?#1(/)'$" V(1-(@5)"9 A(B A2)9 Refers to the chronological age of the students studying in u..er kindergarten :or the .resent study age is categori5ed as i7 ii7 & years , years

iii7 A@B G)/%)19

@ years

Refers to the se3 of the res.ondent !t is categori5ed as i7 ii7 Male :emale

A,B O1%)1 '+ B-1#*9 !t refers to chronological order of the child #irth in the family !t is categori5ed as i7 ii7 iii7 1st child


"rd child and a#ove

A%B E%$,(#-'/(5 C$(5-+-,(#-'/ '+ P(1)/#"9 !t refers to the kno/ledge levels of father and mother /hich hel. the children to cultivate sound healthy .ractices and mental a#ility. :or the .resent study the educational Bualification of the .arents /ill #een evidenced from the school admission records of the students. !t is categori5ed as: Sl.n o i7 ii7 iii7 iv7 !"l#$#%"&#on !lliterate Primary education Secondary education 9raduation and a#ove F"&'() Mo&'()

A)B T&6) '+ F(3-5&9 Refers to the family ty.e :or the .resent study it is categori5ed as: i7 ii7 Nuclear family Goint family

A+B S'$1,)" '+ I/+'13(#-'/9 Refers to the information /hich can shed light on the kno/ledge of the students regarding .ersonal hygiene. :or the .resent study it includes i7 ii7 iii7 iv7 v7 Parents -eachers Si#lings :riends Mass media

<.2 METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION D(#( C'55),#-'/ I/"#1$3)/#9 'ata collection /ill #e done through structured intervie/ schedule. !t consists of t/o .arts: Part 1 M 'eals /ith sam.le characteristics Part M Re.resents kno/ledge related items regarding .ersonal hygiene.

D(#( C'55),#-'/ M)#*'%9 (fter o#taining .rior .ermission from concerned authorities and consent from the sam.les, the !nvestigator /ill assess the kno/ledge of the u..er kindergarten students regarding .ersonal hygiene #y using structured intervie/ schedule. 'ata collection /ill #e carried out in " .hases: First phase: Pre)test /ill #e given to assess the initial kno/ledge of the u..er kindergarten students regarding .ersonal hygiene. Second phase: !m.lementation of kindergarten method of teaching regarding .ersonal hygiene to the u..er kindergarten students. Third phase: Post)test /ill #e conducted for the u..er kindergarten students regarding .ersonal hygiene a /eek after kindergarten method of teaching. P5(/ +'1 D(#( A/(5&"-"9 'ata analysis is the systematic organi5ation and synthesis of research data, the testing of the research hy.otheses #y using the o#tained data. -he follo/ing methods are .lanned to analy5e the data. 'escri.tive statistics like .ercentages and freBuencies /ill #e used to descri#e sam.le characteristics. Mean, standard deviation and .aired2t4 test /ill #e used to assess the effectiveness of kindergarten method of teaching. Chi)sBuare test /ill #e used to find out the association #et/een the kno/ledge and selected varia#les.

<.7 PROJECTED OUTCOME -he result of the .resent study gives an insight for the future researchers to inculcate different methods or ty.es of teaching .rogramme in order to im.rove the kno/ledge of u..er kindergarten students regarding .ersonal hygiene. <.8 DOES THE STUDY RECUIRE ANY INVESTIGATION OR INTERVENTION TO BE CONDUCTED ON PATIENTS OR OTHER HUMAN OR ANIMALSD IF SO, PLEASE DESCRIBE BRIEFLY. Yes, the study reBuires intervention like enactment of kindergarten method of teaching and active involvement of students studying in u..er kindergarten.

<.:HAS ETHICAL CLEARANCE BEEN OBTAINED FROM YOUR INSTITUTION IN CASE OF <.8D Permission /ill #e o#tained from !nstitutional Ethical Committee, Navodaya College of Nursing, Raichur. Permission /ill #e o#tained from the Princi.al of the St.Gohns Nursery School, Savithri Colony, Raichur. Consent /ill #e o#tained from all .artici.ants.

E. LIST OF REFERENCES 1. Child, 0!;!PE'!(, the free Encyclo.edia. . Park. ;: -e3t =ook of Preventive and Social Medicine, 1+ th edition, M<S =annarasidas =hanot Pu#lishers, Ga#la.urJ **,. ". indg.gov.in<health<hygiene<.ersonal)hygiene)1 &. Neera$a ;.P: -e3t =ook of Nursing Education, 1st edition, Gay.ee =rothers medical .u#lishers Private limited, Page no: D&) D,. ,. Lle/ellyn, Claire, 2%ygiene and %ealth4 OE= Pu#lishers. @. 9ray, Shirley 0im#ish, Personal %ygiene (nd 9ood %ealth, Child4s 0orld Pu#lishers C. ;idd, E.(.M. Essentials of 'ental Caries. A3ford: A3ford Fniversity Press. **,. +. -erri ;yle, Essential of Pediatric Nursing, 1st edition, 0olkers ;lu/er Pu#lishers.Pvt Ltd. Ne/ 'elhi : **+

D. (#out M Personal M 9ro/th. Com. ( guide to your .ersonal gro/th. 1*.=athing, 0!;!PE'!(, the free Encyclo.edia. 11.-oileting, 0!;!PE'!(, the free Encyclo.edia. 1 . 0iki.edia, the free encyclo.ediaJ Necator americanus and (ncylostoma duodenale 1".Maha$an. N.;: -e3t =ook of Preventive and Social Medicine, Gay.ee =rothers Medical Pu#lishers: 1DD,. 1&.'enise : Polit, Nursing Research Princi.les and Methods, Philadel.hia, Li..incott, Cth editionJ **&. 1,.Ramseier C(, Leiggener G, Lang N P, =agramian R(, Short term effects of hygiene education for .reschool 6;indergarten7 children, Aral %ealth Prev. 'ent: **C. 1@.;ang =%, Park SN, Sohng ;.Y, Moon G.S, Effect of tooth #rushing education .rogram on oral health of .reschool children, G. ;orean (cad Nurs. : **+ 'ec. 1C. Mohana ;umari. ': ( study to assess a/areness of hygiene .ractices on children in 9overnment Ra$ =havan School, %ydera#ad: 1DDD.


1+. !lika (L: Personal hygiene .ractice and school #ased health education of children in (nam#ra state. Nigeria. Niger Postgrad Medical Gournal. Medline D: ** . 1D. =is/as (.=: ( study of the im.act of health education to school children on their kno/ledge, attitude and .ractice in regard to .ersonal hygiene. !ndian Gournal of Pu#lic %ealth. Ne/ 'elhi, 1DD*. *. -aani. '.S, Muhsen ;, Cohen ': Caries free smile, oral health education, Rev Salud Pu#lica: **". 9. !0. !!. S-2/(#$1) '+ #*) ,(/%-%(#) R)3(10" '+ #*) G$-%) N(3) (/% D)"-2/(#-'/ '+ 9 9 9 9 Mrs. Shameem 9ulna5 Fnnisa M.Sc. 6N7 Nice Princi.al 'e.artment of Child %ealth Nursing 9 9 9 9 Mrs. Shameem 9ulna5 Fnnisa M.Sc. 6N7

!!.! G$-%)

!!.2 S-2/(#$1) !!.7 C'FG$-%) !!.8 S-2/(#$1) !!.: H)(% '+ #*) D)6(1#3)/#

Nice Princi.al 'e.artment of Child %ealth Nursing !!. !2. S-2/(#$1) 9

R)3(10" '+ C*(-13(/ (/% P1-/,-6(5 9 9

!2.! S-2/(#$1)

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