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1 Whole Science 2008

Dedicated to Daniel Cockayne, who opened my eyes to a deeper understanding of who we are, and Derek Needs, for showing it was possible.

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Introduction: Introducing Your Power

One: Clearing the path ........................................................................................................................6 Two: Do you deserve it?.........................................................................................12 Three: Accepting Your Power ........................................................................................................15 Four: The world is your mirror.............................................................................21 Five: And your Mind is a projector........................................................................24 Six: How are you feeling? ....................................................................................................................27 Seven: Power with Precision..................................................................................32 Eight: Your own mental movie...............................................................................35 Nine: Create like a child ......................................................................................................................39 Ten: Go take action!...............................................................................................................................43 Eleven: But remember to rest.................................................................................46 Twelve: One small step... .........................................................................................48 Thirteen: Fall in love...but dont be clingy! ...........................................................52 Fourteen: Tell fear to f**k off ...................................................................................55 Fifteen: Decide to be a master.................................................................................59

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Sixteen: You have the right to fulfilment................................................................63 Seventeen: Immerse yourself in the ocean of your potential ..............................67

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Introducing Your Power

Welcome to the Whole Science Guide to Practising Your Power. I know, Practising Your Power sounds like something out of a Harry Potter movie, doesnt it? But the scientific evidence suggests that our consciousness, our mind, is far more powerful than we have imagined. And you know what that means? It means you are more powerful than you have ever imagined. When we think about becoming whole, becoming healthy and happy, we usually think of all parts of us being in alignment, dont we? That our mind, body and emotions are all in harmony, and that we can feel happy about getting what we want. Wouldnt that be nice? Being able to practise your power is one of the first steps to becoming whole. After all, if your mind not only has an influence on your body and the way you feel, but also determines what things occur in your experience, wouldnt it be good to tap into that power? And I dont mean some other worldly, out-of-your experience power. I mean the power of your mind- or more specifically, the power of your unconscious mind. You see, science is only beginning to learn about the many wonderful varieties of consciousness us humans can access. The discovery of the unconscious mind was the first step. Perhaps our consciousness, our mind, is similar to an instrument that we can fine tune to allow our life to play out as a beautiful song. Maybe we can begin to acquaint ourselves with this part of us that we have largely ignored, and begin to familiarise ourselves with the incredible power our mind yields. For now, Id like to invite you along on a journey which involves broadening your expectations. For if you are truly more than you think you are- then your expectations about yourself and your potentials are bound to be extended- right? So let yourself enjoy creating the inconceivable as you practise the exceptional power of you.

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1. Clearing the Path

If you wanted to get to the other side of a field but there were nettles, thorns, debris and junk in the way, would you just attempt to run through them and hope you make it unhurt? I wouldnt either. Youd clear them out the way, right? Youd make a smooth path for yourself that includes removing all the thorny obstacles in the way. And its exactly the same when it comes to getting what you want. Those thorns and debris can come from a variety of places- that baggage youve been carrying since your childhood, that painful sting of a lost love, the messy finances youve gotten yourself into, or the self-inflicted hurt of feeling inferior to others. Most of the time, however, were unaware that these obstacles are in our path. We focus on what we want- whether its better finances, improved health, a new relationship or greater self esteem. And no matter how hard we try to feel positive and move towards those things, we constantly feel as if were hitting against a brick wall. Sound familiar? We fail to see these obstacles because theyre mostly unconscious- past hurts, limiting thoughts and beliefs that have somehow woven their way into our patterns of thinking. Its like a tangled weed that has slowly grown out of nowhere, and is sabotaging the rest of our growth. Of course we dont consciously choose to have low self esteem or negative relationshipsthey just happen, right? This is because our unconscious mind runs all of our patterns of behaviour and our beliefs, which are really repeated patterns of thought. Think about a major obstacle in your life right now. What is it that is stopping you from getting what you want?

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Im sure that if you had control over that obstacle, if you consciously could change your experience of it, you would-right? So we can see how the unconscious mind runs these limiting programs by default. Whether its the program of Im not good enough or Ill never achieve that or I dont think theyll like me- these programs are, in a sense, distorting your experience. They sabotage all of your consistent efforts to improve the situation.

So how do we change things, and get back in control of our unconscious mind? Firstly, we need to learn how our unconscious mind operates. The unconscious mind is something many people fear, as they do not know much about it. In fact, we didnt even know it existed until the early twentieth century. So although the scientific investigation of the unconscious mind is still in its infancy, we know that our conscious mind only makes up around 10% of our consciousness- the other 90% is believed to be operated by the unconscious mind. So 90% of your mind is operating at a level beneath your conscious awareness. What does that mean? Does that mean that 90% of our ability and potential is also unconscious? Lets look a little further into the way your unconscious mind works so you can harness the full 100% of your potential, shall we?

The Prime Directives of your Unconscious Mind So we want to know a little more about this part of our mind- this stranger, in a sense, that we have overlooked for so long, in order to better understand them. What we do know about the unconscious mind from research is that it follows certain Prime Directives, which are essentially the mechanisms it works by. Therefore, we can use just some of these mechanisms as a guideline to clear those limiting thoughts and debris of the past.
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1) YOUR UNCONSCIOUS MIND STORES AND ORGANISES YOUR MEMORIES Everything that we have ever done is imprinted upon our unconscious. We can imagine our unconscious as similar to a hard drive in our computer that stores every single bit of information that makes up who you are as a person.

2) YOUR UNCONSCIOUS MIND IS THE DOMAIN OF YOUR EMOTIONS Put simply, if we have an emotional response to anything, it stems from the unconscious mind. We can use our emotions as a guide as to what our unconscious mind is telling us. For example, if we felt the emotion of fear when speaking in public, our unconscious mind may be running a program that you believe you are being judged by others, and therefore the emotion of fear will result.

3) YOUR UNCONSCIOUS MIND REPRESSES NEGATIVE MEMORIES IN ORDER TO PROTECT YOU Experiences in our life that have caused us extreme emotional reactions- like sadness, fear, guilt and hurt can be repressed by the unconscious mind in order to protect us. So if you are feeling any emotional resistance towards your object of desire, it may be helpful to clear out the weeds of the past.

4) YOUR UNCONSCIOUS MIND LIKES TO TAKE DIRECTION AND FOLLOW ORDERS- BUT IT TAKES THINGS LITERALLY! We know that the unconscious mind likes clear, simple instructions. Great, thats easy enough. But it also takes things literally- which means the instructions you give it must be orientated towards what you want, not what you dont want.

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Like what? How about I hope I dont blush. What do you think about when you hear that phrase? Blushing, right? And what about I dont want to crash my car? Yep, you guessed it, youre unconsciously imagining your car as a mangled wreck. You cant help it, because the unconscious mind takes things literally. Another reason why you need to be focused on your outcome is because:

5) YOUR UNCONSCIOUS MIND DOES NOT PROCESS NEGATIVES So Id like you not to think about a red ball. I told you not to! You see, our unconscious mind not only takes things literally but it does not process negatives. Think about something you want to achieve in your life right now or some situation you would like to see improved.

Write down all the things in your life you would like to be different. Are they orientated towards your goal or away from it? Once you get into the routine, I want to lose weight becomes I want to be slim and healthy. Or I want to stop criticising myself becomes I want to love myself unconditionally. You can notice just from your emotions which sentence feels better. Always reach for the better-feeling emotion - that tells your unconscious mind where to focus on.

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6) YOUR UNCONSCIOUS MIND NEEDS REPETITION BUILDING HABITS Have you ever started the New Year full of good intentions and realised by the end of February you havent actually continued them? Me too. This is because it takes 21 times of repeating a habit before it becomes unconscious. If you drive, think about how you felt when you were learning to drive. Im guessing it seemed overwhelming at times, with so many things to think about. It certainly wasnt part of your unconscious program. But what about now? Im sure its much more unconscious, right? Even to the point where you can be driving along and be thinking of something else entirely. Your unconscious mind has taken over. So Im sure we can recognise the value of giving repeated instructions to the unconscious mind. What would happen, if you automatically looked into the mirror and appreciated yourself? Or if you spontaneously thought the best of loved ones without expecting the worst? Getting a new habit installed into the unconscious mind is similar to planting a flower. We may have got rid of the weeds, but we need to focus on giving that flower our love and attention or the weeds might creep back in unawares. In order for the flower to grow it needs repeated watering, so if you imagine the water as being your suggestions to yourself youll see the fruits of your desire bloom in no time. And finally... 7) YOUR UNCONSCIOUS MIND WILL ALWAYS SEEK MORE AND MORE The unconscious mind wants you to continually unfold, continually grow, and forever provides you with new desires. So when you say If I get this house, then Ill be happy, you can guarantee your unconscious mind will prove you wrong!

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It is in our nature to want to get better and better in every way, so you can relax and know that your unfolding desires are never-ending.

So now we know the principles of how our unconscious mind works, which will be useful when we begin to practise our power.

But first the path needs to be clear! And its down to you to do that. We can begin to undo all the negative associations we have, whether its in relation to our health, our self image, our finances, or relationships, we have the control to refuse to let them hold us back any longer. You can learn new programs in many ways- whether its repetition of new behaviours, formulating unconscious beliefs through perhaps the power of Hypnosis or Neuro Linguistic Programming, or simply working through the unresolved fear and guilt thats been in your way. But remember- once you are free of the debris that has been stopping you so far, remember not to look back or fall into old patterns of behaviour, old ways of seeing our partner or ourselves, or our job. Because the unconscious mind will always draw to you those things that you focus upon, so it is in your best interest to focus on what you do want rather than the absence of it.

So now, we can turn our attention to you you as a powerful creator.

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2. Do you deserve it?

Of course I think you deserve it, but what do you think? Do you feel you deserve the thing you desire? Many people dont attract the things they want in their life because they simply dont feel they deserve it, or should have it. So do you feel you deserve an abundance of money? Do you feel you deserve more friends? Do you feel you deserve a holiday? Do you feel you deserve the career you desire? Do you feel you deserve perfect health? Do you feel you deserve a new house?

Notice your responses to each of the questions.

Only when that belief is nothing less than a resounding absolutely! do you know youre in alignment with getting what you want. One major obstacle people have when they begin practising their power is that they effectively block the material things. So they may attract friends, relationships, health in abundance, but when it comes to money or material objects of desire, we often feel as if we dont deserve it in some way. This may be due to an unconscious program that many of us have grown up with that money doesnt grow on trees or money is the root of all evil. Its no wonder many of us struggle to have an abundance of wealth!

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We even forgo our abundance because other people dont have it, often thinking that it is wrong to want material wealth when people are living in poverty. However, this implies that although you would like others to have limitless wealth and the choice of financial abundance, you will not allow that for yourself. Can you see how this could be a limiting decision?

What if we were to take this decision through to other aspects of our experience?

If we were thinking about other peoples lack of health, for example, would we decide to be ill for a few years so we wouldnt feel guilty about having perfect health? Or for those who are starved of love, should we ourselves disconnect from our loved ones in order to feel better? But theres not enough wealth in the world for everyone you may believe.

Do you feel you deserve to have the abundance to make a real difference to those other peoples lives, those that are less fortunate?

When we want material things, were usually thinking about what feeling or experience that will give us. So perhaps you want that flash car to feel powerful, or important, or successful. Maybe you want an abundance of money to feel total freedom, to feel as if the world is your oyster. Or possibly youd like those clothes because they will make you feel good about yourself and more confident.

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Can you see?

Each seemingly material desire is really the desire for a non-material feeling. And the feelings or the experience of success, freedom, and confidence- you deserve them, right?

Well you do, dont you?

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3. Accepting Your Power

Now we get to the hard bit- acceptance. Having started to overcome your limiting beliefs, fears, and issues of self worth there may be a part of you thats thinking Does this really work? Do I really have that kind of power? Could I really attract something into my life?

When you think about the things that you desire do you believe it is possible to achieve them? Many of us may decide that a little positive thinking may get us a promotion, or a bunch of flowers, or better health perhaps, but we dont go for the major things in life- the things we really want. After all, the notion that your mind, your consciousness, does in some way affect your reality, the solid, material world, can at first be too much to even grasp hold of. I create my reality?!? I know it was hard for me. Indeed, the scientific study of the mind is proving that consciousness is much more powerful than we first thought. And that can be a little scary, dont you think? But why is it scary? Because it implies responsibility- that our thoughts and emotions can have a positive or a negative effect in our lives, and that we are in control of them- we can choose whether to guide our thoughts towards what we want, or what we dont want.

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Responsibility is often something that many of us want to run away from. After all, we have enough responsibility in our day to day lives without wanting to have more. But responsibility in the domain of our thoughts means that we have the control to change parts of our life that were not happy, or dissatisfied with. Sometimes though, its hard to accept this fact- that those things in your life that youre unhappy with, you have in some way created it. Its so much easier to blame others, isnt it? That its works fault that youre in a bad mood, or that its your partners fault you havent got the house the way you want it, or that its the bad weather out there thats stopping you from going to the gym (one of my favourites ;) But is it really their fault? Isnt the outcome dependant on your choice- how you choose to react to situations? You could choose that no matter how stressful work is, you are not going to let it affect you, or that youre not going to allow your partners actions affect your enjoyment of your home, or that even if the weather is bad, having a healthy body is important and youll choose to go to the gym. Why do we not choose? Why do we shirk our responsibility at the drop of a hat? Well, its about accepting our power. We can often feel powerless in our situation; feeling as if life has dealt us a bad hand and we feel like there is nothing we can do to change that situation. Feeling that way, however, is merely reaffirming to your unconscious mind that you cannot change. For example, imagine you wanted a new relationship, but the last few dates you had been on had been disasters. In that moment, you have a choice- to feel powerless, and resign yourself to the thought Ill never find someone or you can take back the control and power and think I can, and I will find the right person for me. If we feel that those situations determine our life, rather than our reaction to it- we do indeed feel powerless. We are sending a whole signal throughout our mind and body and acted as if that external event is the cause of our misery. But is it really? Of course not.

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Theres always a choice, even if it is not a conscious choice- you just cant help feeling disappointed. However, now we can consciously acknowledge that we do have a choice- we can choose in each and every moment whether we are going to let situations affect us or not. And this involves accepting our power- accepting our responsibility, and taking control of the situation. Because no matter how nice it is to pretend we dont have control, it always leaves us feeling powerless and helpless when things dont go our way. Think of the great and successful people who have achieved things in their life. People you admire, you have respect for. I can guess that they have accepted their power in some way, and taken control of their situation in order to obtain outstanding results. Time after time, human success always seems to be built on the rigid determination of not settling for those outside circumstances- taking charge and achieving more. Nelson Mandela once said Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are
powerful beyond measure. Think about that statement for a second. What does it mean to you? Thinking of ourselves as powerful can seem scary at first, but it can open up many possibilities. It may seem scary that our mind could help to combat illness or disease, attract wealth in large quantities, or even lead us to achieve great things, but what if we began to accept our power? If you were powerful beyond measure, what sorts of things would you want to focus upon? What kinds of things would you like to manifest in your own life? Although the scientific study of consciousness is still in its infancy, the collated evidence suggests we do have an effect on that which we focus upon. So whatever your perceptions of whether this stuff is true or not, why not have a go- begin to see yourself as the master of creation, rather than a slave to your circumstances. Because regardless of whether this stuff works or not, the real value is that it makes us feel betterwe feel in control of our lives, we feel that we have the power to choose how we react to our circumstances, rather than being a victim.

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Lets take a typical situation. An unexpected bill arrives one week, and you are finding the money to put it together when the next day your washing machine breaks down. Furthermore, you are saving to put a deposit down on a property and then later the property you desire is taken off the market. Now Im sure youll agree, thats a pretty negative situation, and most would no doubt feel annoyance, frustration or anxiety at dealing with these things all at once. But what would happen if you decided to take control of this situation? If you refused to become a victim of those circumstances, and instead focused on what you do want? Jot down some times or some areas of your life where you have allowed yourself to become a victim of your circumstances:

Lets think about how you could turn those situations around- how you can accept your power and be in control, be the cause of your events- rather than letting them affect you. For example, I could say: I now choose to accept responsibility for my health by focusing on whats important to me about being healthy- maintaining a strong, fit body, and nourishing myself with good foods. Can you see how this is different from: I chose to get a takeaway because work stressed me out today Of course, it all depends on how important the outcome is to you. So if its better health, a new relationship, improved finances, or more confidence, just think- How important is it right now that I get what I want?

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So as you reflect on how essential that outcome is to you, Id like you to complete the following as you think about where you need the most control in your life: I now choose to accept responsibility for...

by focusing on...

I now choose to accept responsibility for...

by focusing on... _____________________________________________________________________

Once you begin to accept that your mind has much more influence in your life than you first thought, youll notice that feeling in control of your circumstances has never been easier. Knowing you have a choice in how you choose to react to situations means that you accept
that you can change things, no matter how difficult or trying they may be. So in accepting your power you really need to accept yourself- accepting the possibility that you are more than you think you are. Accepting the possibility that your mind is a great and powerful tool and its under your possession, your control. Abraham Maslow, the great humanistic psychologist, said What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself.

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Can you accept your greatness?

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4. The world is your mirror

Take a look in the mirror. What do you see? Do you like what you see? Mirrors, since they were created, have been used as a way for us to look at ourselves. Some of us may spend all our time in front of the mirror, studying and perfecting our image. Others may not even use a mirror, perhaps giving a quick glance to check all is well.

Take a look at your life. What do you see? Do you like what you see? Do you spend all your time getting your relationships, possessions, career exactly the way you want them? Or do you let them take care of themselves, only stopping to check when you notice somethings not right?

We often look at ourselves and wish we could change something. Likewise, we often look at our lives thinking Id be so much happier if only I had ________ . We go to change our external circumstances to make us happier- perhaps look for a new job, change our exercise habits, or go to find people that can make us feel better in some way.

What would happen if you stood in front of a mirror, now, took a brush and began to brush your reflections hair on the mirror?

Thats absurd! Im sure youre thinking. It makes no sense to brush the mirror, the mirror is only a reflection of me, its not actually me! But dont we do that in the external world? Instead of looking towards ourselves, dont we seek to change things externally to change our inner state?

Picture your mind as a mirror, and the world as its reflection. Lets say you were worried about your finances. Your mind and your unconscious thoughts are focused on poverty21 Whole Science 2008

youre scared of being overdrawn, you dread next months bills as you know theyre going to be huge, and you feel guilty when you buy something because you feel you cant really afford it.

Sound familiar?

Those unconscious reactions we have to the world are, in effect, creating our reality. So when we look around us and all we see is debt, poverty and lack, we say I told you so! Im broke! I cant afford it! And youd be right. But what if you could change that just by changing your internal pictures, your mental representation of your situation?

What goes on inside our minds and what we see outside in our lives are essentially the same.

How? Well, as matter is also a form of energy, both our thoughts and the material world are made of the same stuff. We live, at the deepest level, in a sea of interconnected energy fields. These energy fields all have different vibrations. Think of it as similar to a radio station with all the different frequencies being broadcasted along a specific wavelength.

So why is the analogy of the mirror important? Well, essentially we need to reflect the frequency of the situation that we desire. We cant brush the mirror. We have to brush our own hair, change ourselves in some way, and then we will see a change in circumstances.

Remember, mirrors dont lie. Whatever you display, you will see. Sometimes this means undoing all of our past unconscious beliefs. It may mean developing inner strength,
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confidence, and releasing our old fears about a situation. If you think about something you fear, what happens? Chances are you are creating a mental picture or representation of it in some way. So for example, if you fear you wont get the pay rise you asked for, you may have images of your boss saying no, or an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach, or a feeling of disappointment in your body. But youve not heard from your boss yet and still that image is being reflected into your reality. If it is charged with emotion it is especially strong. We all know how the feelings of excitement or fear can change how we feel in an instant.

So if there is something that you dont like when you look in the world that is your mirror, recognise that you have the power to now change it. You create your own circumstances by your habitual thought processes. It may mean taking the time to develop new habits- points of focus that re-orient you towards the things you want, rather than the things you dont want.

Just imagine- looking into the mirror and feeling truly satisfied with your life, knowing that you have the power to create it the way you want.

Do you like your own reflection?

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5. And your mind is a projector

Can you remember those old overhead projectors from your school days? The ones with a flat screen underneath, and a light to project the image? Unlike our modern projectors that are connected to our laptops, those ones required a transparency- a blank sheet on which we could write or print anything we liked. That image would then be projected onto a wall or screen. This device is a perfect analogy for the way our minds work. Sound hard to believe? Since the shattering revelations of modern quantum physics, scientists have discovered that our minds are all entangled at a deeper level, the level of the quantum. Using a simple thought experiment called Schrodingers Cat, devised by Erving Schrodinger; science discovered something called the observer effect. They found that when our mind, our consciousness, enters a situation, our mind can actually affect the outcome. Sounds crazy I know. Even Einstein refused to believe it, and stated that there must be some way to resolve it, that it was some kind of mistake. Throughout the years since, however, experiments carried out by research organisations such as The Institute of Noetic Sciences have proved our minds can and do affect matter in various ways. Our mind can be likened as to an overhead projector- we can place whatever transparency we want on there, and it gets projected out into the world. Therefore, what we perceive in our minds we project out into our reality. Sounds like an episode of Star Trek! But in truth, its much more fascinating- and empowering to you, the projector itself. How? In recent years, many people have been introduced to positive thinking- the notion that if you think good thoughts your life will be a lot easier and simpler, and good things will come your way. Of course, we all know how easy this is to do- or not! We have been so conditioned to expect things to go a certain way, that even if we think the

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most positive, happy, exciting thoughts we can muster, theres always going to be that little voice in the back of our mind you know you wont get that promotion or theres no way you can afford it. Maybe that negative part will be an image- the image of you tripping over your words in that presentation, or your partner being in a bad mood when you get home. Whatever way it comes to you, Im sure it feels like its out of your control in some way. Of course we want to feel and think positive, but you cant help feeling angry at that person/thinking youll be late/worrying about a bill.

Therefore, we can say that most of our projected thoughts occur unconsciously. As I mentioned previously, our unconscious mind holds all of our beliefs, our values, our attitudes and our memories. It is the storehouse of all that has ever happened in our lives. Remember, the unconscious mind is a faithful servant. As it doesnt know the difference between a real and an imagined picture, the unconscious will project whatever you give to it. In this way, its like the transparency on the projector- a blank canvas that your life is imprinted upon. So as you accept your power and regain control of your unconscious, especially removing the limiting beliefs and values you may have, is the first step to creating and projecting the life you truly want. So why is it important? Because every thought has a vibration. It is a common scientific fact that we are made up of energy, both magnetic and electromagnetic. Indeed, what we call our material world is also energy (as discovered by Einstein in his famous equation E=MC2). Different thoughts have different vibrations- positive or negative. Its like our thoughts are similar to magnets, attracting those things that you hold in mind. But unlike magnets, our minds do not repel certain vibrations. Your unconscious mind sends out whatever you are thinking about, whether conscious or unconscious, positive or negative, those pictures your mind is making are always being projected.

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Allowing yourself to be clear of those limiting thoughts and beliefs will mean it is much easier to not only think positively but to also believe in yourself and those things you want out of life. So as we stated at the outset, we need to clear the path, which is similar to clearing the transparency of your projector- your mind. Clearing this transparency is easy when you work with the unconscious mind. What would happen if you began to be clear in now attracting what you want? Just think- for years we have been unconscious of our own projectors, our own minimovie sets in our minds, those pictures, thoughts, sounds and feelings we experience internally. Without knowing it, these thoughts have manifested in the world and what you see around you is a direct representation of what you have been projecting to date. From the scientific study of consciousness comes the realisation of the potential of the human mind. Becoming a conscious creator of your world means that you have the capacity to project whatever you want- whether it is poverty or riches, success or failure, independence or dependence.

What will you now choose to project?

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6. How are you feeling?

It may be a silly question, but how are you feeling? Right now? Content, Miserable, Happy, Frustrated, Excited? Many of us ignore our emotions. We see them somewhat like clouds in the sky, emotions moving through us, staying for a time perhaps, and then making way for some new emotion. Of course, our emotions are seen as responses to external events. This is why we can go through so many in one day- get up in the morning (miserable) to having a laugh with a colleague (happy) to being stuck in a traffic jam (frustrated) to snuggling up with our loved one on the sofa (contented). In fact, we go through so many emotions on a daily basis we tend to pay little or no attention to our emotions. Remember when I mentioned about being a victim or a slave to our circumstances? What Im really talking about is our emotional responses. We may think external events are the sole cause of our emotions, but really our emotions can cause our external events. How? Lets think of a situation where our emotions could create an event. Lets say an interview. Even though that external event hasnt even occurred yet, our emotional responses to the situation before the interview took place means that we arrive for the interview a gibbering wreck. So what then, are we responding to? If our emotions are a reaction of sorts, what were we reacting to in that situation? Wasnt it the images in our minds? The subsconscious fear that the interview released? This is why its so important to get clear before you begin deciding what you want. You see, once we realise that our emotional responses arise from our internal, subjective judgements about an event (real or imagined) then we can begin to guide our emotions into something more appropriate.

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This is quite simple to do- because our emotions are simply conditioned responses to habitual patterns of thought. So once we change how we look at things, our feelings dramatically change. Sound hard to believe? Try this on for size. Think about some situation, some place or person that you truly dislike being around. Somewhere that makes you feel negative, drained, and low in general. Now, think of all the things you appreciate about that situation. It may be hard at first, but hang on in there and youll be able to come up with more things the more you try this out. So, for example lets think of something I despise, say a part time job I recently left. The people were negative and pessimistic, the building was grey and crumbling, and the work was isolating and repetitive. Now thats just one way to look at it, isnt it? I could say that I have met some interesting people there, that its in a good location, that the purpose of my work was actually helping others... see the difference? Already the dark mood begins to lift and I realise things are not so bad after all. But why do we want to change our emotional responses, anyway? The reason is is because they determine what you are currently attracting. If all thoughts have a certain vibration, we need to pay attention to whatever it is that we are projecting by way of our emotions. If I am projecting misery, doom and gloom, I will coordinate my life as if my life were doom and gloom. But is it really? Alfred Korsybzinki, the famous linguist, once said the map is not the territory. Huh? He believed we all have internal maps that determine how we view things. But in reality, its not the case. Our maps differ from person to person, and therefore we can say our emotions are like reading off the map and being annoyed about the territory.

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It takes courage to consider that the way we view things is not neccessairly how they are. Consider this- if we begin to see situations as we are, not as they are, then youll find it becomes easier to deal with those emotions youd rather not experience. Often, however, the way youre feeling towards an event measures what you truly valueyour beliefs and attitudes. For example, when I felt that way about my job it was because I wanted to do Whole Science, I wanted to be creative and write and communicate this information. So you could say my actions (working there) were not in sync with my map (what I really wanted). This of course, is going to change our emotional reactions if we do not feel completely aligned- if we are not in resonance with what we want. So what is resonance? Well, can you remember the first time you fell in love? Those exciting butterflies and the way they made you feel when they looked at you? When we meet someone we have a deep or special connection with, we usually speak of being on the same wavelength as them. You may laugh at the same things, enjoy the same foods, or have the same goals and values in life. Whether or not that connection faded or is still part of your life, Im guessing that at some point you shared a degree of resonance with that person. Resonance is a term borrowed from physics and it basically means a vibration that occurs when two objects of the same frequency are in close proximity. It can be seen in musical objects- if you play a tune on one, another with the same acoustic resonance will visibly vibrate. Im sure youve all seen the amazing feat of some shrill singers who can actually raise their voice to such a vibration it can shatter glass. The reason this works is because the singer has matched the vibration of their voice with the natural vibration of the glass. So why is resonance important? Well, if we look at resonance as a form of harmony, a synergy between two things, we will begin to see things a little clearer.

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Im sure youve heard the phrase that simply didnt resonate with me or I resonated with what she said. What are we saying here? Were saying that it was in discord or accord with us, that it matched our own feelings in some way. If you look up resonance in a thesaurus you may find the words significance, meaning or importance. Think of the times youve had a resonance with someone or something. What was special about that time? Chances are you felt happy. You probably felt enriched or energised hearing that speech that motivated you. Are there any particular films you feel a resonance with? Why? What is it about them that strikes a chord within you? List 5 things, people or places you seem to have a resonance with and why :

Now you can see how resonance is a form of harmony, what about disharmony, or discord? Think back to a book, film, situation or person you felt a discord with. What was it about them that didnt resonate with you? Im sure you felt some kind of conflict, some disagreement or friction in some way.

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Jot down 5 things that you have a dischord with and why:

Im sure you can see from this valuable exercise that its so important to be in alignment with your values- whats important to you. For example, if you really value the earth and environment and believe we should nurture and protect it, then working as a nuclear physicist or a tree surgeon may conflict with your values and create that dischord, that bad-feeling emotion. So remember, you do have a choice. You have a choice to consciously guide your emotions towards what you truly want on the inside- whats important to you. Ok, so thats the big picture covered. Now lets hone in a little and really see how you can use your power with precision...

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7. Power with Precision

Okay, so heres where we start to get a little more specific. I know there are things that you want, things perhaps you want to achieve or acquire, its how you go about that which is the tough part. Firstly, I want you to think about when you want it. And right now is not a good enough answer! Because as I mentioned right at the outset, our unconscious mind likes clear, simple instructions. Its like your SatNav or GPS- it wants to know exactly where youre heading, because otherwise youll end up going in the opposite direction to what you want. So describing your goal in vague and ambiguous language isnt going to work here. Its time to be specific. But I just want a partner that shares my interests you might say. Great, thats all well and good. That may be your primary intention, but Im guessing theres a whole host of other things youd like too, so lets get your unconscious mind to focus on them too. Top athletes and sportspeople already know the power of precision. In fact, Tiger Woods uses it regularly and has repeatedly used the power of his mind to famously achieve incredible golfing prowess. Im sure Tiger didnt think well I kind of want the ball to go in that direction...no, he focuses on exactly what he wants and exactly how its going to go. So, go crazy. As I mentioned before, what would you do if you had power beyond measure? Have fun- think of all the minute details of your intended outcome-the way you want things to be. So, if youd like to lose a few pounds perhaps, think about -What your desired weight is -What date you would like to reach it - What activities or food you will enjoy whilst doing it - How you will look, feel and act once you have achieved your goal. The best way to achieve this is to use the well-known SMART system for achieving what you want. As The Secret star Jack Canfield notes Vague goals produce vague results.

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You can go through this process with any area of your life- and remember- make sure attaining your goal is in harmony with what you want, and make sure you know you deserve to have it.

What specifically do you want?

Be as specific as possible: i.e I want to lose weight becomes I want to be a toned size 10 and weigh 9 stone

When do you want to achieve it? How will you know you have achieved it?

Be as precise as possible: i.e I want to be 9st exactly by 30th August 2009


Is it possible for you to achieve this? What things do you need to do it make it happen? i.e a gym membership, creating healthy meals, etc

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Make sure it is realistic-

Can you act as if you have it now? Do you believe you can have it? Do you know anyone who has/done this before?

What will you see, hear, feel and say to yourself once you have achieved your goal?

Make it as detailed as possible, i.e I can see myself in my size 10 jeans, walking confidently, feeling good and happy, I think to myself how attractive I look

The power of SMART is that it is a simple process but with transformational results. Once you are aware of where you are heading and can measure your progress, your unconscious mind will automatically seek out opportunities that lead you further towards your goal. How much do you really want it? Are you ready to be SMART with your power?

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8. Your own mental movie

Weve already mentioned about the unconscious mind and how it doesnt know the difference between a real or an imagined picture. So we focused on what we wanted by getting SMART. I mentioned Tiger Woods and his extraordinary visualising skills- heres where were going to get into your mental movie in a little more depth. Imagine your mind as a cinema screen. Youre making movies on there all the time; youre just not consciously aware of it. Lets just take a quick example. Think of your favourite food. Chances are you have an image of some kind- mmm! Is it black and white or colour? Focused or defocused? Is it close to you or is it far away? How big is the picture? Small or large? Now, Im sure this being one of your favourite foods, you will have a feeling too. Im thinking of rhubarb crumble and custard right now and as I think of it, the picture is right in front my eyes and I can imagine the custard and the crumble looking delicious. Now before I get too hungry, Ill carry on. Things that we like or dislike usually have a strong feeling attached to them, whether its delight or disgust. So as you think about your favourite food, is the feeling Intense or mild? Where in your body do you feel it? (i.e your throat, your stomach?) Is the feeling moving around or is it steady? When I think of the crumble I get the feeling of what it would taste like in my mouth, and a hungry feeling in my stomach. So youve got the picture and the feeling. Are there any sounds or smells when you think of that food? Notice your responses and where the sounds or smells seem to come from, and how intense they are.

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These may seem like strange questions, but they are extremely important when you begin to create a mental movie because youll find that for each thing you think about, itll be much more powerful. Now, think about a food you dislike and go through the sets of questions I asked above. Chances are youll get a feeling of disgust or maybe sickness, a horrible smell or a nasty taste in your mouth. If you have an extreme dislike to the food, just thinking about it can evoke a powerful reaction within you. If this is the case, I want you to try something for a second. Make the image of that food 1cm wide by 1cm tall. Good. Now I want you to make that picture still, and make it black and white. Now make it blurred, and move it across the other side of the room (or across the road if you prefer!) and imagine just sticking it to a wall over there, small dark and fuzzy. How do you feel about it now? Im guessing the feeling of disgust is reduced in some way. But why? Because its over there, its small, its defocused, its not anywhere near you. Because if it was 100 metres wide by 100 metres tall and was right in front of your eyes, in colour and in clear detail, itd be much more overwhelming. Thats why 3D cinemas are so powerful. Because they appear so real and lifelike, we can get the same feelings just watching as if we were actually in the situation itself. So you can see how using your mental movie is going to be incredibly powerful in getting the things you want, cant you? The more realistic we make our mental movie, the stronger the feeling it creates within us. So if we want an abundance of wealth, we need to have that harmony on the inside- to truly feel and act and believe as if we were wealthy. And creating our own mental movie is by far the best way to do this. Entrepreneurs usually do it naturally, without thinking. They have their end goal in sight and think about it constantly; never stopping to think of failure, just consistently visualising that deal theyre going to make. So Id like you to think of something youd like to have in your life. It can be something youve focused on in previous chapters; or it can be something entirely different.

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The best way to make sure youve made the best mental movie is to think of your five senses. What would you be seeing? What would you be hearing? What would you be feeling (externally and internally)? What would you be smelling and tasting? So as you think about what you want Id like you to note the qualities of your five senses. So for example, the visual- noticing how big the picture is, how focused, the colours, whether its moving or steady, etc. Also note to see if you can see your body in the image or if you are looking through your own eyes. Notice what youd be hearing- how loud or how soft, in what direction the sound comes from. Notice how you feel- where the feeling is located, how big or intense that feeling is, and notice whether its moving or steady. Notice if there are any smells or tastes, and how strong they are. Ok, now were going to intensify this image to make it as real as possible. How do we do that? By making it as much like a 3d cinema as possible. So make sure youre looking through your own eyes, not seeing your body in the picture. Then I want you to bring the picture as close to you as possible, so you can see every detail of that situation. Make that picture as big, as bright, as colourful, and as lifelike as you possibly can. Make it a real 3D movie- see the people who may be in that situation, walking and talking as if it were happening right now. Now intensify the feelings. Get that feeling of excitement or happiness or whatever it may be and allow it to become bigger and bigger, stronger and stronger within you. Allow yourself to think the thoughts youd be having as you see you have what you want. Think to yourself things like this is fantastic! This is amazing! Ive finally got it! Im so happy! When you feel the image is as real as you can possibly make it in all of your five senses, I want you to now imagine stepping back and seeing your body in the picture. See that you in your own mental movie having that excitement. See the look on your face- how happy, excited, or confident you look having got what you wanted. See how that you in the movie
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acts and reacts having achieved their goal. Notice all the future situations of that you having got the goal- so fast forward to future times and places where youre still pleased and confident at having gotten what you want. This process can only take 5 minutes, or you can do it for 15-20 minutes if you have the time. Its such an easy, and fun process to do-its like creating your own virtual reality. And rather than wishful thinking or daydreaming, youre being very specific and focused towards what you want and exactly how it will happen. Its similar to making the beam of a torch into a focused laser beam. The reason why you step out of the movie after a while and continue visualising whilst seeing yourself in the movie is because if you didnt, your unconscious mind would believe the event had already occurred and therefore would not seek opportunities nor draw you on course towards your goal. Remember, the unconscious mind doesnt know the difference between a real and an imagined picture- so if you get the feelings then see yourself in the movie, your unconscious mind is attracted towards the outcome. So go ahead, and try out this mental movie process. You can try it for just about anything in your life- it doesnt have to be something you necessarily want to attract. Remember, it works both ways- you can defuse the intensity of the negative by making it less real, and attract the positive by making it more real, and lifelike. So if theres someone who gets on your nerves and you cant stop thinking about them, send that image across the road! Make it black and white and small, and youll find it bothers you much less than it did before. Alternatively, if you want to like something more, make it bigger, brighter, and more colourful. Knowing we have control over our mental movies gives us a sense of power. What will you now choose to imagine?

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9. Create Like a Child

Have you ever watched a child at play? Whether its playing with an imaginary friend, with toys or other children, a child is in a world of make believe. When we grow up however, were socialised into only seeing and believing what is there in front of us, what is in front of our own eyes. But is that true of a child? And why would creating like a child be valuable in getting the life you want? You see, the childs world is one purely of imagination. When a child is at play, he or she acts exactly as they would do in real life. Think of girls playing at a tea party, pouring imaginary tea for their toys out of an empty plastic teapot, or boys running around shooting each other with imaginary weapons. The reason we should create like children is because, in the childs moment of play, there are no limitations. The child doesnt stop play when the teddy doesnt respond to her question, she simply carries on as if the teddy was having a real conversation with her. And acting as if, is, as you know, one of the most important things we can do- to not only steer us in the right direction, but also to provide us with better feelings and associations to the intended outcome. Unfortunately, this is not as easy as it sounds. We are so used to the phrase seeing is believing, that it seems difficult to imagine something that isnt there. Now Im not suggesting that you walk around in a dissociated, make believe fantasy worldquite the opposite. Its about holding your attention and awareness towards the things you do want. So if youd like a new kitchen perhaps, rather than focusing on your current one, you focus on the one youd like to have, and perhaps visualise it in your mind whenever you are in that kitchen.
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This isnt such a crazy process to do- we do it all the time. Think about a time at work maybe, when you may have wanted a promotion or some other higher level job. What did you do? Well, Im guessing you imagined seeing yourself in the job, how you would act and react to situations, and playacted that role in your mind. The difference with children is that they physically act out their play rather than purely imagining the scene. Another difference between children and adults is that children dont have limitations. They dont think do these teddies really want to be here? or is that dinner I cooked for them good enough? or I wish I had a better gun to fight with That sounds ridiculous, doesnt it? Children just focus- in the moment, to whatever they are imagining, and to the exclusion of everything else. Of course, its easier for children to do this as their conscious mind has not fully emerged yet, and they are largely influenced by their unconscious mind. But what if we could get the conscious and unconscious mind working together, working in harmony? You know consciously what you want, even perhaps an idea of how you will achieve it, but perhaps lack the belief that it can and will happen. Sound familiar? So what Id like you to do is to begin to see the world in a childlike way. In such a way that you see the world with possibility, choice, potential, and even awe. Next, Id like you to imagine things in your experience that you would like to be there. Like what? Well, for example, if you desperately wanted to find your soulmate, to be married and find a life partner, imagine that ring on your bare finger.
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Think about what it would look like. Remember, we dont need to go through the physical action of putting an imaginary ring onbecause the unconscious mind does not know the difference between reality and an imagined picture. It may seem hard to do at first, but once you do it a few times you will get into the habit of it. We can even use our bodies to put us into the physiological state of success. Think about what the ideal you looks like- the you that has all the things you want. What will you be wearing? Whats your posture like? How will you walk and talk? What will you be saying to yourself? Think about yourself as an incredibly wealthy person. And by wealth, I mean prosperity in all areas- so health, relationships, family, finance. Heres where you can test this out for yourself. Just for today, or tomorrow if you are reading this at night, I want you to have the physiology of an incredibly successful person- the you that you would be if those things were in your life. The you that you would be if you were free of limitations and had the absolute core belief in the value of you as a human being. 24 hours- thats all. And I can guarantee you will notice a complete difference- not just in how you feel, but how others will react to you. Napolean Bonaparte, was, as you may know, a fairly short man. Many ridiculed him, and said youll never be a leader. But Napolean acted as if he was, every single day- a leader, in his body language, his tone, his pitch, his posture. And of course it led him to his goal. We all engage in roleplay, just like children. We can choose certain roles for ourselves and how we are going to behave in certain situations.

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Decide to be an actor- act as if.

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10. Go take Action!

It is a misconception that positive thoughts, visualisation, and specific intentions can magically bring things into your life. Unfortunately, its not that easy. You see, to get anything, you have to give. Think about it. In your work, you get a wage which is equivalent to your work- the energy that you invest during that time. When you want to get better health, you usually have to invest and give something to yourself- whether its exercise, fresh air or natural foods. To get the best out of a relationship, there has to be a mutual give and take. And the same goes for getting the things you want- things that you believe will improve your life. So if you want more money for example, conditioning your unconscious mind for riches is counterproductive if you are not consciously committed to obtaining that wealth. What do I mean? Well, if you decide that you want something, and focus upon it, youll notice that things begin to pop up in your experience to guide you towards achieving your goal. Ever wanted a new car in a particular make? You begin to start seeing them everywhere, dont you? The reason why that is is because of something called the R.A.S, or Reticular Activating System. This is just your unconscious mind guiding you towards something you have focused upon. But you dont stop there, do you? You go out and look or save the money, whatever is necessary for obtaining that car. Taking action is crucial- we must not only focus on our goals, but move toward them, steady and consistently. This means that even when taking action is hampered, we find new ways of achieving our goal. So if going on dating sites or speed dating isnt helping you find the right partner, then simply try something else. Ever heard of the phrase theres more than one way to skin a cat? As gruesome as it sounds, it means there really are other, probably better ways of doing something.
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So if youre taking all the action right now towards what you want, investing time and energy into it and it still isnt happening- change your behaviour, change what you are doing. It took Thomas Edison over 10,000 attempts to make the lightbulb. Ten Thousand! Can you imagine what that must have felt like? Someone once asked him what was it like to fail nearly 10,000 times? and he replied I didnt fail, I just found another way of not inventing the lightbulb. Thomas Edison was so flexible in his behaviour, he simply changed if it didnt work. Sometimes we have to think outside of the box in this area, and be creative. So as you think about something that you want, something you have been thinking about whilst reading this book perhaps, I want you to write down all the steps you have done to try to make it happen so far:

Great. Now I want you to be really creative, and think about all the many other things that you could do in order to move closer towards your goal, and write these down: _____________________________________________________________________

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Taking action is simple when we know how and what we need to do- then its easy. Many of us slip into procrastination when it comes to getting what we want. But remember, if we begin to take full responsibility for where we are in life we can see that really, our reasons for not having what we want are our unconscious excuses. So if you feel its too difficult, or that you dont deserve it, or that you dont know how to achieve it, begin clearing your mind of limitations. Make a plan in your mind. Make sure the plan accords with your SMART goals. Finally, go and take action! Youll be surprised at the results.

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11. But remember to rest...

Why? Why would I say to take action but also to rest? Well, as well as taking action and working towards your goal, your unconscious mind, your source of creativity, works at its best when your mind is at ease- when you are not thinking about anything in particular. In fact, you may even want to rest before you take action towards your goal. The reason being is what Joe Vitale calls inspired action. Have you ever wanted to get something, complete something or do something well but had no clue, no idea how you were going to do it? Me too. We are only just discovering the enormous potential our unconscious mind has and the wealth of knowledge it can hold. Im talking about creativity. Creative insight is when you get a thought out of the blue, those wonderful aha moments where everything appears to fall into place. Of course, then it seems so simple, and then you go forward from there. Creative insights flood into your awareness when you are not expecting it. In the movie The Secret, Jack Canfield had his inspiration to publish his book Chicken Soup for the Soul when he was in the shower! When we are doing some repetitive or monotonous task, like queuing, brushing our teeth, or washing the dishes, our mind can wander and creative flashes can occur. These creative insights are often crucial to our success- they are a map of where we need to go, only then can we take action. The unconscious mind, or the right hemisphere of our brains, receives information in wholes- we get the whole picture. So for example, we may be thinking about a work presentation we have to do, and then suddenly, a flash of insight means we receive the perfect topic or genre of the talk- you know exactly what the intention will be, what you hope others to gain out of your presentation.

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With the big picture, your conscious, left hemisphere of the brain can work on taking action- breaking down the whole into smaller chunks, maybe a specific structure of what you are going to say and when you are going to say it. In order to move swiftly towards creating the life we want, we need to achieve a greater harmony between the logical, conscious side of our minds and the intuitive, unconscious part. And rather than our gut feelings being something to be ignored, we can find that they may actually help us in the process of determining what exactly it is that we want- enabling us to be more specific in our intentions. In short, we need both our logic and intuition when creating- we need to realise that creativity needs reason, and reason needs creativity. If you feel you have done enough planning, taking action and preparing for the things that you desire, it may be useful to engage in a little creative time:

Cut things out of magazines and newspapers that reflect your desire.

Devise a list of positive songs- a music playlist that gets you excited- and think about your goal whilst listening to the music.

Listen to your dreams- write them down to determine what insights your unconscious mind may bring.

Relax and listen to a meditation cd or some other relaxing music. Notice what comes up into your awareness.

Try scripting. This is like writing a story, except its about you! Write it in the present tense, exactly the way you want the outcome (i.e I am sitting in a bar when suddenly he catches my eye. I smile at him and he smiles back...)

Above all, dont try too hard- creativity is supposed to be fun!

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12. One small step...

Its easy to give up when first practising the power of our consciousness, the power of our minds, by stating that one failed attempt means the whole process doesnt work. When you first started to walk, did you have that belief within you? No, you had no expectations or beliefs, you just kept practising. For so long we have lived our lives on autopilot; never thinking to consider what effect all of our beliefs and patterns of thought may be having on our lives. In fact, it is only in recent years that we have thought of something called potential that humans may have the ability to access various forms of consciousness in order for them to grow and evolve. Looking at consciousness in this way is very, very new in the West; however, many traditions have studied the power of the mind for many thousands of years. But were just getting to grips with it. Once we realise that we can have control over our unconscious mind, suddenly our frame of reference widens. We understand that we can tap into something that is guiding and directing our daily lives- our routines, our habits, our beliefs and attitudes. In computer terms, were getting access to the hard disk drive- were sorting out our programs, reinstalling new ones and cleaning ourselves of the old ones. This book is about reinstalling new programs- learning new methods of guiding your mind towards what you want. But weve never really done that before, have we? Were not used to using our minds in such a sculptured way. We usually just let our mind run wild, letting all the negative thoughts, limiting beliefs and inappropriate behaviours rule our life. So its important to start small- take small steps. What do I mean? Well, if our mind or our consciousness is behaving like a wild horse, running all over the place, we need to train it, dont we? And that takes time. Just as thinking about a lottery win and expecting to win the next day is unreasonable, so is expecting a wild horse to be a subservient showjumper in 24 hours.
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Its just not going to happen. Maybe it will happen quickly; just not that quickly. So what would you do to train a wild horse? Im sure youd start slow, wouldnt you? Get it to at least walk towards you first? So thats what we begin with when we first start practising our power.

Think about something youd like to happen, but wouldnt really care if it didnt. When I was in university, I decided to try out this process- I thought, Id like someone to buy me a drink today, a cup of tea or something. I subsequently forgot about it and carried on with the rest of my day. It was only when my lecturer turned around and handed me my drink that he paid for at the coffee shop, did I remember. It was the first time the lecturer had joined us in the class break with the students, and the very first time he had bought us all a drink! Now, whether that was a coincidence or not, who cares? I got my outcome! And thats what really matters, doesnt it? If you achieve the job of your dreams, meet your soulmate, gain confidence or heal your body, then surely it doesnt matter how you got there, the point is you did-right? So rather than starting with those big goals, I want you to start small. Start with something that you have no what ifs about, some small outcome that you are not fearful, or worried about. Some of us are so attached to the negative outcome of what we dont want, that unfortunately all we can do is focus upon itwhat if I dont get the job? what if he dumps me? what if this doesnt work?

Can you see which direction you are pointing your unconscious mind toward?
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Thats right, in the direction you dont want to be heading. Of course, its helpful to know what you dont want, and Im sure the reason you are worried or fearful is because you so desperately want it to happen, but remember what you are thinking and feeling is guiding the unconscious mind towards its fulfilment. Im sure there are plenty of things you could think of that you wouldnt care if they happened or not. Things that you have no attachment to, for example:

Someone buying you a drink/lunch A good friend phoning you out of the blue Having a really restful, deep sleep Your partner tidying the house unexpectedly or buying you flowers Discovering a book or film thats really appealing to you

Whatever it may be, choose something that is irrelevant to you something that you think, well, it would be nice if that happened, but Im not too bothered either way. List some of the things you would like to happen, either today or this week: Small Outcomes:

Wouldnt it be nice if ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Wouldnt it be nice if ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wouldnt it be nice if ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Wouldnt it be nice if ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Wouldnt it be nice if ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Remember- think big, start small. Once you begin to get the hang of mastering your mental output youll begin to notice that you can and will guide your thoughts towards your intended outcomes. If our minds are like wild horses, we need to tame them. At first, they may try to run off- go all over the place- thats what your mind is used to. Now we can begin to rein in our minds, rein in our negative thoughts, rein in our limiting beliefs and pessimism, and begin to get our minds to work for us- in exactly the way that we want. After all, your unconscious mind is a faithful servant- it just needs a disciplined master.

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13. Fall in love...but dont be clingy!

What is it like to be in love? Im sure if youve ever been there, your mind is filled with thoughts of that person, and you feel like you just want to be around them and spend time with them. Some people mistake attachment for love though, dont they? You know the type of people Im describing, the people who place their sole happiness onto another person and feel like they cant live without them. They treat the other person as if they were their air for breathing- and you know how the other person usually feels, right? Yes- suffocated, trapped, and generally feeling like they want to run a mile! But whats this got to do with you achieving your goals, anyway? Well remember when you practised setting small goals? You didnt act as if your whole life depended on their fulfilment- thus it was easy for your unconscious mind to move towards that outcome. Sometimes we stand in the way of our goals because we are too attached to them. We want them so badly, and it matters so much to us, that like the person in love, we cannot stop thinking about them. Lets say you desperately wanted to fulfil a livelong dream of emigrating and setting up your own business. Lets say you fell in love with this idea, and browsed the internet looking at locations, chatted to people on the phone, and spent many dreary hours at work daydreaming of your pina colada in the sun. Great, all well and good. But what would happen if you became desperately attached, desperately clingy towards how it was going to happen? You may not get the thing you want- because you are fearful about it not occurring in that particular way. Think about it- all attachments are born out of fear. If you truly love someone or some thing, theres no possessiveness, no worry or jealousy, just love. In fact, you could say rather than holding onto someone or something, love is quite the opposite- being open and trusting. Love, therefore, is the opposite of fear.

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And by now we realise that fear, when directed to the unconscious mind, gets us a negative, rather than a positive outcome. So in order for you to allow your goals to manifest into your life, you need to let go of the attachment to its fulfilment- to let go of the fear. I must admit, its not the easiest thing to do. For me, its been especially hard. I have a tremendous amount of passion for what I do, and the things I want to achieve. But I also know that being too attached to a particular outcome only creates problems, not solutions. What I mean is that if you want something to happen, you usually expect it to happen in a certain way. So for example the person looking to emigrate may believe that they want to locate to Marbella, and they want to live in a certain type of house, etc. Then a few months down the line a perfect house may come for them in Marbella, but the house is different to what they had imagined. You see, if those people refused that house simply because it didnt match their expectation, chances are, the house could have been better than what they were originally expecting. This is where having an open expectation must come into play. Sometimes in life we are given chances, opportunities to fulfil our dreams, but we dont act on them because they dont fit our expectation of how things should go. Think about the times in your life when something positive seemed to just come to you effortlessly, to just spring into your life with no warning. Attachment to a particular type of outcome is often seen as blocking your desires because it is too fixed to how it could turn out. Rather than being attached to the outcome, it is the way in which it occurs that we have to let go of. We have to either trust, or find it in ourselves to try something different. Remember Thomas Edison? What would happen if he were fixed into a certain way of making the light bulb? It just would never have been invented. So by no means am I saying let go of your outcome or goal altogether, simply let go of the attachment as to how its going to work out. Weve all had surprising moments in our lives, moments that we never expected to happen, situations arising at a time when we never thought they would.

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Ill give you another example. When I was first developing the Whole Science website, I felt really dissatisfied- something just wasnt right. I had dreamed of things just effortlessly flowing and that things would always go smoothly, and that wasnt the case. The first draft of the website by the designers was incredibly poor. I felt extremely disappointed and made multiple changes until they uploaded the design onto a test site. I still wasnt happy. I couldnt understand why this image, something I had visualised for months and months, was just not happening and in my eyes the site looked terrible. By this point the site design was almost done and ready for upload, and I was reluctant to upload it. That night, in the middle of the night, I woke up with the thought the website needs to be changed. After much negotiations and stress and heartache, I finally agreed with the designers to start afresh. I started looking for a picture that would captivate the message of Whole Science- and fell in love with the front cover image, the masthead picture on the front of my site. I couldnt understand at the time why things happened in the way they did- I was angry, and stressed, that my dream was not unfolding in the way I thought it should. But I (thankfully) managed to take a step back and realised I could get the outcome in a new way. So lets think about attachment as a choice. Because whether we like it or not, we do choose in some way to be attached, do we not?

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14. And tell fear to f**k off

In the most polite way you can, of course! Regardless of why you havent yet got what you want, fear is the main obstacle in your path. Fear is our number one enemy when it comes to training our mind. Remember when I used the analogy of training a wild horse? Well, whats the best way to deal with your fear? You take command, dont you? You make sure that things can and will happen. You see, we have the perfect antidote to fear- it lies deep within us. Its not something we use very often, but we have an inexhaustible store of power that is our saving grace in times of fear. Its the thing that gives us the courage to save someone from a burning building, that makes us create a multimillion pound business out of nothing, that makes us survive in the face of a terminal diagnosis. What is it? Its the power of the will- your will power. Sometimes we think that we havent got much will power, that its something we only use in emergencies, or when its really important. Think about something you really want in life. Now, imagine having got your outcome. How will it affect your health? Your relationships? Your family? Your career? Your finances? Your enjoyment of life? Knowing that achieving your goal is so important, not just for the now but for the future, for your growth towards ultimate happiness, means we must decide to take charge of our own will power and use it as a defence against the debilitating effects of our fear. Now I want you to do something slightly different. I want you to think of all of those negative doubts, all of those fears, all of those limiting beliefs, all of those bad perceptions and mindsets, as a living being. So see your fear as something real. This part of you is so fearful, it sabotages every attempt at your success.

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This is usually the unconscious part of you by the way, the part you seem to have no control over, because those thoughts- they just seem to creep in. So here is where we are going to get tough ;) We are going to assert the mastery of our will over this part of ourselves, this part that paralyses us, that holds us in fear, that stops us from moving forward, that limits us from being who we really are and doing what we really want. Are you ready to let go of this part now? Its time to master mental toughness, to build up your mental strength so you are immovable in your belief that you will achieve what you set out to achieve. Its not always easy- but its just the same as building up your physical body- you have to work at it to see results. The best analogy I can use is to think of your mind like a tree. When you are full of fear, your tree is weak. It is flimsy, and bends and snaps with the wind. It is influenced by external circumstances and allows them to damage it. But when your mind, or your will (power) is strong, you are like the tallest, thickest, strongest tree. You are unshakeable. The winds and storms of life can attempt to uproot you, but you stay firm. You continue to grow despite all external circumstances. You thrive, because at your core you are strong. So how do we get there? How do we build up our will power? By telling fear to f**k off. Now, the reason I use such harsh language is because the will needs to be strong. It needs to be firm. You need to banish your fear and mean it. Imagine, if you were about to take a driving test for example, and that fear part of you kicked into action, like it usually does, without warning. Theres no use saying please go away fear or I dont want you to affect me. How powerful is that? In order for us to build up our strength and our will power, we must use mental toughness. In a sense, we must act like mental warriors or ninjas- chopping down any sense of fear as soon as it arrives. The more you do this, the easier and easier it will become.
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It may be too much to begin to block out all of your negative thoughts at once. So start with a specific area of your life you would like to improve and well work on that first. Begin to notice your thought patterns towards that outcome. Keep a diary if you feel you need to. Its not about monitoring your thoughts, its about focusing on the strength of the will. Repeat to yourself I can do it (or achieve it) and I will do it (or achieve it) over, and over, and over again. What does this do? It gives you confidence, and faith in yourself. Have faith in your own will power. It can move mountains if you let it. You know that if someone you loved was in a life-threatening situation, you would move heaven and earth to help them- correct? You know that sense I mean- the immovable, unshakeable force that makes a clear steady path towards your outcome. And it may even be easier to start to see your fear as someone you just want to see the back of. Someone who has been holding you back, someone who brings you down, makes you feel unhappy, makes you feel scared, makes you feel not good enough. Its not a part of us that wed really like to keep, is it? At the moment, the fearful part of you may be louder than the small quiet voice of will within you. Fear may be running the show, ruling your life and restricting you from being the real you. That small voice of will power may be threatened by the dominant fear that is currently running your life, that is currently sabotaging your efforts to make life better. But stop and think- you do have a choice, dont you? Are you going to let fear break you or make you? Are you going to let that fear, which is unwarranted and unfounded, completely ruin your chances of success? After all, why shouldnt you have what you want? Remember, you deserve it. And no matter how big your ambitions may be- if you want to be a global leader, develop a new lifesaving drug, or save the whales- there is no reason why you cannot do it.

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Most of the great successful people in the world had nothing when they began. So if youre thinking how am I going to do that? Cancel that thought right there. Its a fear thought, and you know what were saying to those, dont you? We have a choice, in each and every moment, to shake off our fear. We have a choice, in each and every moment, to tell our fear to f**k off. Once you begin saying this to that part of yourself, youll find that your will power becomes stronger and stronger. Youll find that when you say I can and I will you will feel it. And remember, getting the feeling is important. So even if you have to engage in a mental tug of war with yourself, just keep thinking No- I will not let fear beat me. Its too important. As I said, fear will stop at nothing to sabotage your goals and dreams. So dont be surprised if it keeps showing up, trying to overrule your will and strength. The more times you mentally slam the door in the face of fear the easier it will become. The more times you say to yourself I can and I will, the more youll find it easier to get the outcome that you deserve. Its about using your unconscious mind to the best of your ability. The unconscious mind isnt critical. It doesnt care whether your will or your fear is running the show, it will simply follow whatever mental instructions it is being given by virtue of your thoughts and feelings. So which message are you going to give your unconscious mind? You cant Or I can and I will ?

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15. Decide to be a master

What would happen if you were fully, completely, totally in control of your life? It would be great, wouldnt it? Utilising your consciousness to get the things you want is all about taking control. Its about being a master; having mastery over this thing we call the unconscious mind and influencing it to obtain incredible results. Sometimes in life we feel helpless, like we just cant get the outcomes that we want, and no matter how hard we try we just cant achieve our dreams. Feeling helpless is the absolute opposite of being in control- its the opposite of empowerment. When you feel empowered you feel strong, you feel in control, you feel that sense of personal power, knowing that you are in charge. Think about a time when you felt this sense of empowerment- a time in your life where you felt absolutely, totally, in control. If you feel you need to, go inside your own mental movie as we have already done so- and vividly remember what it felt like at that time- really feel the feelings of power. Because starting now, I want you to act as if everything that happens to you in your life is your creation. Yes, everything. Even those things you think you have no control over- from accidents to redundancy to family arguments, to burglaries- no matter how nice or nasty the experience is, I want you to take 100% responsibility for it. Why? Because once we believe we have ownership of a situation, it then means we can change it. Rather than the poor me helpless feeling of being out of control, a victim of unfortunate circumstances, we can now turn it around and begin to take some control back.

Most of the time these things just happen, right? They come out of the blue and you definitely didnt want them to happen.

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But what if you decided to take mastery of that unfortunate event? Thats right, you begin to feel more empowered. Its about changing your mindset from a passive, receptive mode to an active, influential mode. What do I mean? Again, its about taking charge of your mind in order to change your circumstances. Well known coach and trainer Joseph Clough says Dont be a product of life; let life be a product of you. But what happens if those unfortunate things keep on happening to you? You keep trying and youll forever stuck in the same position? Try something different. Remember, what our unconscious mind needs is simple, clear instructions. If your current ways of doing something arent working, change them- remember, youre in control. Once we begin to see our minds as a powerful influence on our lives we can begin to adopt an attitude of mastery. We can begin to adopt the attitude that we are fully and completely in control of what happens to us, and in each and every moment we can choose how we are going to react towards things. As you know, a belief is an unshakeable thing, and the more you believe you are in control the more you will feel in control. Its easy to blame external circumstances for our misery at times. But does it ever remedy the situation? Do you ever actually feel better about changing things? No, because you feel its out of your control- you feel powerless to do anything about it. So begin to see things in a new way, a way which is more empowering to you, which is more appropriate to the influence of your unconscious mind. The great businessman, W.Clement Stone, was what Jack Canfield calls an inverse paranoid- he believed everyone was conspiring to do him good. Now a few decades ago, Im sure W.Clement Stone may have been regarded as a madman, but he simply had this core belief: What is the opportunity in this experience?

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So even if he was besieged by bad luck or unfortunate circumstances, W.Clement Stone looked for what was positive for him in that situation. It is often said that every bad situation carries with it the seeds of opportunity. W.Clement Stone was truly a master of his own consciousness. From humble beginnings, he amassed a multi million pound fortune, was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, and lived to be 100. Im sure you can see that this mastery is akin to seeing every cloud with a silver lining, or merely noticing what possibilities can be available in every experience. No experience you will have is ever a good or a bad experience; its all about your perception of the experience. So if our experiences generate our perceptions, and our perceptions generate our lives, then isnt it so important to generate the perception of mastery? Maybe generating the perception that whatever life throws at you, you are strong enough to deal with it. The perception that you have control over your own will power, and easily use it to get what you want. The perception that you are responsible for your own life, and feel a sense of opportunity and possibility throughout all life experiences, however positive or negative they may be. So, over to you. Remember, youre in control here, so Id like you to really decide to be a master and create some new perceptions for yourself- some new filters, some new ways of looking at your life which will help you to regain control.

I gain control of my life with the perception that ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I gain control of my life with the perception that ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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I gain control of my life with the perception that ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I gain control of my life with the perception that ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I gain control of my life with the perception that ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I gain control of my life with the perception that ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I gain control of my life with the perception that ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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16. You have the right to fulfilment

We usually evaluate our lives through a set of experiences we have gone through, experiences that we believed define us and make us who we are. We measure our happiness, our quality of life through the things that have given us fulfilment whether its a high flying career, meeting our life partner or having a family. Feeling fulfilled, or feeling happy, is the main goal or outcome in life for most of us. Unfortunately, most of us live and act in the way that we are always striving towards fulfilment, always striving towards happiness- never quite getting there. In fact, dont you hear many people saying Id be happy if this worked out for me or Id be happy if she hadnt left me or Ill be happy when I get this house... the list is never ending, isnt it. But what usually happens? Once you get there, or achieve your goal, you never feel quite happy because now there is something else to reach for, some higher aspiration that you set your sights on. Even if you think about the most trivial things in our lives- like our TVs or our cars perhapswe may be satisfied for a while but there is always going to be the time where we change it for something better. This book is all about achieving your goals with the power of your mind. Now I know that once you achieve your goals it will bring you a great deal of happiness and fulfilment, but as I have previously mentioned its important to act as if you have it already. Believe that you have the right to fulfilment- and begin to really feel what it would be like to have all of those things you desire. And if we think about this from a Whole Science perspective- if we begin to look at health as a whole, were also looking at your happiness as a whole. Why? Because true happiness comprises mental, emotional and physical health at the individual level, and social and environmental health at a collective level. If we are truly satisfied in all of these areas we are on the path to fulfilment; we are on the path to becoming happy. So think about it. You have a right to fulfilment- and not only that, your fulfilment plays a major part in the world.

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How? Because as you are connected to each and every person that you deal with in your life, through society, through social networks, you make up a part of the larger whole- the part we call humanity. You are a part of the whole. Over the last few decades, there has been a surge of interest in people becoming involved in self development and personal growth. These principles and mindsets are just the byproduct for a larger human need for inner fulfilment. Start by thinking of these three spheres of your individual health- the spheres you have absolute control over- and how you can learn to be fulfilled in these areas. So, for example: Mental Health: I choose to be mentally fulfilled by reading books that stimulate my interest and further my learning Emotional Health: I choose to be emotionally fulfilled by making sure I spend time in nature, and giving myself chance to laugh everyday Physical health: I choose to be physically fulfilled by appreciating my physical body, giving it my care and attention each week

Imagine if you gave yourself the chance to be fulfilled in those areas, right now. Wouldnt it be easier to move forward towards the things you want?

The reason why gaining inner fulfilment first is vital is because you are like a flower. What? You are like a flower. You need to be nurtured, fed, and nourished before you can begin to grow, before you can begin to stretch out towards those things that you truly want. And dont be afraid to commit to giving yourself this fulfilment.

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In fact, make it your number one priority to look after you. Because when youre the best you can be, fully and completely, you can give so much more to both others and yourself. Everyone wins. Were conditioned in Western society to not think much of ourselves, to not see ourselves in a positive light, to not see ourselves as beautiful, or inspiring, or powerful, or talented, or successful- many people are frightened of thinking that way in case it seems big headed. But what is big headed about appreciation? About valuing yourself as a powerful being, with wisdom, and potential, and kindness? I must admit, this may be a big leap for some of you to take- to truly start to see yourself in a new way. As your own best friend, in fact. The most important relationship any of us will have in the whole of our lives is the relationship we will have with ourselves. So as that flower, think: Do you want to starve yourself of water? Do you want to deprive yourself of sunlight? Do you want to shrivel and wither? Or is it too important not to? Isnt life just too important to not go for what you want, to not deny your right to fulfilment?

I think you know the answer.

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Mental Health: I choose to be mentally fulfilled by

Emotional Health: I choose to be emotionally fulfilled by

Physical health: I choose to be physically fulfilled by

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17. Immerse yourself in the ocean of your potential

Just a few centuries ago, humans lived in a sort of automatic pilot. They had no real awareness of who they were, and lived in a sort of autonomous fashion; working and marrying and having children and dying, in that cyclical process, for years and years. The idea of self development or human potential was not even a concept in their consciousness, not even in their vocabulary. The idea of potential, is in fact, a fairly new idea. If I said to you Why dont you just realise your potential! Im sure youd have a good understanding of what I mean. Because you know, deep down, no matter how small or quiet that feeling may be, that you can be more than you are right now. You know that you can achieve, you know that you can be successful; you know that you can be powerful. Unfortunately, as weve already discussed, this voice gets drowned out by all the preconditioned responses of fear- those things that stop us being our potential. We dont yet know how far human potential reaches- it is continually expanding. We are achieving things now that in the past people never thought possible. Breaking Olympic records, engineering a plane, curing illness and disease, going for days without food or water- humans are continually breaking the barriers as to what we thought we could achieve. If you apply this concept of unlimited potential to yourself, what begins to happen? Im sure you begin to see the world in a very different way compared to seeing yourself with little or no potential. Unlimited potential means that you can continually expand and unfold to being the best you can be. And its not always about those great things we often label as success the house, the car, the career, the finances. Realising you have unlimited potential can also mean realising you have unlimited compassion, or unlimited willpower, or unlimited love. Immersing yourself in the ocean of your potential is about taking a fresh look at the potential of your mind and all that it can offer to you. It is about recognising that our human potential is only a fragment of what it could be.
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The scientific evidence that Whole Science points towards offers an enthralling vision of human possibility. It is allowing us to collectively notice that human consciousness has more power than we first thought; therefore we as individuals have more power- the influence of our thoughts on the material world. If mind and matter are intrinsically connected at a subatomic level, then as the scientific evidence arises we can begin to feel secure in our own potential- to know that scientists are validating the influence of consciousness around the world. Regardless of the mounting evidence, no-one can truly understand the influence of their consciousness if they have not experienced it firsthand- if they have not practised the power of their consciousness. So if youre sceptical, try it out- and practise, practise, practise. Remember, using our consciousness in such a focused and disciplined way is not something many of us are used to- so its natural to feel a little stuck at first. But with persistence and will power, you will be able to guide your thoughts and feelings towards what you want- rather than what you dont want. Aim not for what is, but for what could be is a famous quote about potential, and sums up how you can visualise a compelling future for yourself. I encourage you to take a look at those books of quotes- things those people who have realised their potential have said. You know the ones- the people whose names have been written in human history because of what they had achieved. Youll find that they all mastered their consciousness- they all believed they could do what they did. We already have the practical, experiential evidence throughout our history- the lived application of these focused mind sets, well before science began to discover any evidence for it. Consciousness is subjective- and so is our potential. We cannot see it, touch it, or measure it- and yet we know it is there. The limits to human potential have just been extended- the horizon of what we can achieve and who we are is now far greater than we imagined. The scientific vision offered by websites such as Whole Science could be a part of the biggest scientific discovery in the history of humanity. Its that huge.

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Imagine what we could do as a whole if we began to really utilise our consciousness, if we began to use our mind collectively to make improvements in the world. It all starts, however, with you. We can all begin to take on this responsibility individually by first making improvements in our own lives. It is a journey, an exploration into our consciousness, into the power of our unconscious mind. So... Are you now ready to begin to explore the incredible power of you?

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Resources to practise your power:

Whole Science http://www.wholescience.net Kerrys Blog: http://kerryneeds.blogspot.com

Used your mind to get a specific outcome? Whole Science wants to hear from you! Email us at stories@wholescience.net

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Your mind is like a tool that crafts your future- now you can learn the secrets of how to use it to your advantage...

Practise Your Power is an incredible how to guide to practise the power of your consciousness, the power of the mind. Based upon a unique blend of frontier science and NLP , this guide is a must have for anyone wanting to take control of their mindset to achieve outstanding results.

Kerry Needs is an author and speaker on consciousness and human potential. She founded Whole Science (www.wholescience.net ) in 2008. Whole Science is an online magazine on the power of the mind and offers a new scientific vision for the 21st Century, as well as self development tools for personal achievement.

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