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Forex Trade Copier
2009 -2014 BJF Trading Group

PowerTradeCopier (PTC) allows ou !o "irror !rades #ro" our $T4 a%%oun! !o se&eral su'-a%%oun!s wi!( no dela and wi!(ou! )eeping running $T4 !er"inals* +i!( PTC ou are a'le !o %op an au!o"a!i%all or "anual !rading s!ra!eg in%luding orders #ro" \(ig(-#re,uen% s%alping ro'o!s*

The idea of using

Example 1. -ou are #orex !rader and ou \(a&e se&eral $T4 a%%oun!s* .! is no! use#ul !o open / %lose/ "odi# order on ea%\( a%%oun!0 i! will 'e "ore use#ul !o !rade on one a%%oun! and %op orders !o ano!\(er a%%oun!s* Example 2. -our #riend \(as pro1!a'le s!ra!eg and \(e pro&ides ou wi!( in&es!or password* -ou will 'e a'le !o "irror !rades on our a%%oun! wi!( !rade %opier* Example 3. -ou and our #riends (a&e de%ided !o 'u expensi&e #orex ro'o! 0 'u! ro'o! %an 'e used onl on one a%%oun!* -ou %an ins!all ro'o! on one a%%oun! and %op !rades !o ano!\(er a%%oun!s* Example 4. -ou %an %op orders #ro" !rading %on!es!s0 'e%ause usuall organi2ers o# !rading %o"pe!i!ions pu'lis\( in&es!or passwords* Example 5. -ou \(a&e \(ired a "one "anager and \(e !rades in our a%%oun! #or per%en! #ro" pro1!0 or ou \(a&e su's%ri'ed !o signal ser&i%e0 ou %an %op !rades #ro" !\(is a%%oun! !o o!\(er our a%%oun!s* Example 6. -ou are "one "anager or #orex signal pro&ider - ou need PowerTradeCopier (\(!!p3//"ul!i!er"inal*ne! )'e%ause !\(is %opier wor)s wi!\( no la!en% * 4nd i! is no! ne%essar !o )eep !er"inals on* Example 7. -ou are #orex 'ro)er* -ou %an 'u Trade Copier #or our "one "anagers0 and ou %an use i! #or a%!i&e dealing* PowerTradeCopier allows ou !o %op orders !o $T40 !o J#orex0 !o Currenex0 5"ax0 46778 .! also \(as re&erse "odule and ou %an %op 'u as sell0 sell as 'u 8 Example 8. -ou \(a&e se&eral in&es!or passwords #ro" pro1!a'le s!ra!egies (a%%oun!s)0 ou %an %op !rades #ro" !\(ese a%%oun!s !o our a%%oun!* Example 9. -ou are #orex edu%a!or or (a&e own #orex rela!ed we'si!e0 9:er PowerTradeCopier !o our s!uden!s / %lien!s and re%ei&e ;0 -;<= %o""issions #ro" ea%\( sale*


4ll new &ersions and upda!es o# "!4 %opier are #ree o# %\(arge* +e e"plo >exi'le s s!e" o# pa "en! in%luded dis%oun!s and 'onuses* ;0 da s "one 'a%) guaran!ee a #ull-#ea!ured 14 da !rial o# $T4 Trade Copier

Cop #ro" one or se&eral "as!er a%%oun!s Cop !o one or se&eral sla&e a%%oun!s "Copy via internet you do not need to know passwords for sub-accounts (Pro&ider "ode) MT Trade Copier without de!ay

Cop orders #ro" 4 digi!s ,uo!es !o < digi!s ,uo!es and &i%e &ersa $T4 Copier wor)s wi!( di:eren! ,uo!es s "'ols (?@A@76BFC0 usdDp B"0 e!%*) in #ull au!o"a!ed "ode Copies signals o# ?xper! 4d&isors as well as "anual !rades $T4 Copier EPowerTradeCopierE suppor! all ! pes o# "ar)e! and pending orders 4'ili! !o %op orders0 w\(i%( was opened on !\(e "as!er !er"inal 'e#ore running PTC "o need to run and keep running s!ave ter#ina!s $T4 Copier wor)s wi!\( di:eren! 'ro)ers a! sa"e !i"e @ser de1ned "one e,ui! 0 e!%*) "anage"en! (per%en! ' a%%oun! 'alan%e0 per%en! '

$T4 Copier wor)s wi!\( s!andard and "i%ro a%%oun!s wi!( an lo! s!ep 7uppor!s "ar)e! exe%u!ion and ins!an! exe%u!ion (e%n0 s!p0 dealing des%) 'ro)ers) Fil!er ' s "'ols0 %o""en! &alue0 "agi% nu"'er0 order ! pe3 'u 0 sell0 'u li"i!0 sell li"i!0 'u s!op0 sell s!op 7 n%\(roni2e "as!er and sla&e !rades Cop orders #ro" $T4 !o $ukasCopy %&ore' (JForex add-on is re,uired) Cop orders #ro" $T4 !o F.C 4P. Bro)ers3 Currene'( )M*+( *$, ,ecurities( &orte' -Mare'.( MI/ Bank( Citi&+( ,wissCode( Interactive Brokers -IB.( 0ot,pot1(
Cop orders #ro" F.C 4P. 'ro)er !o $T4F or !o F.C 4P. Bro)er*

$i2erences Between Modes

Copier Mode Copier "ode was designed #or !raders wor)ing wi!( "ul!iple a%%oun!s si"ul!aneousl 0 "one "anagers0 e!%* .# ou )now !\(e passwords !o !\(e sla&e a%%oun!s0 !\(is ! pe is sui!a'le #or ou* For Copier "ode ou %an and s\(ould add all in#or"a!ion a'ou! sla&e

a%%oun!s0 in%luded3 a%%oun! nu"'er0 !rader password0 %op ing para"e!ers (lo! s%aling0 s "'olGs ! pe0 1l!ers) on our side* Progra" (a&e onl one par! and s\(ould 'e ins!alled onl on "as!er side* Provider Mode Pro&ider "ode was designed #or Forex signals sellers* 4lso !\(is "ode well sui!ed #or "one "anage"en!0 i# our %us!o"ers do no! wan! !o pro&ide ou wi!( !rader password* Progra" is %onsis! #ro" !wo par!s* Firs! par! s\(ould 'e ins!alled on our side ("as!er par!) and ou s\(ould en!er a%%oun! nu"'ers onl #or all sla&e a%%oun!s* -ou %an add0 dele!e0 'lo%) un'lo%) an sla&e a%%oun! an !i"e* 7e%ond par! (sla&e par!) s\(ould 'e ins!alled on re"o!e ( our %us!o"erGs) %o"pu!er and our %us!o"er s\(ould en!er password and %op ing para"e!ers* In Provider Mode ,oftware 3orks in Two Modes4 Master Mode and ,!ave Mode5 -ou s\(ould s!ar! "as!er "ode on our side !o add "as!er and sla&e a%%oun!s and spe%i# %op ing se!!ings #or !\(ese a%%oun!s i# ne%essar * 7o#!ware is wor)ing in "as!er "ode onl on one %o"pu!er on w\(i%( i! was originall ins!alled and s!ar!ed (i! is "apped !o !\(e \(ardware o# !\(is %o"pu!er)* T\(en our %lien!s s\(ould s!ar! so#!ware in !\(e sla&e "ode* .n #a%! !\(e s!ar! !\(e sa"e so#!ware 'u! w\(en i! s!ar!s up #ro" di:eren! %o"pu!er #ro" ours i! au!o"a!i%all wor)s in sla&e "ode (w\(en !\(e s!ar! so#!ware on !\(eir %o"pu!er0 so#!ware de1nes !\(a! !\(is is ano!\(er %o"pu!er #ro" !\(e one w\(ere "as!er par! s\(ould wor) and !\(us so#!ware wor)s in !\(e sla&e "ode)** .n !\(is sla&e "ode user ( our %lien!) %an spe%i# password #or \(is sla&e a%%oun!(s) and a%%ep! !rading signals* "ote5 Once trading password for slave acco nt was speci!ed on t"e side of #o r client $ot" master and slave part of software can connect to t"is acco nt and transfer trading signals to t"is slave acco nt. %o it is possi$le t"at #o r client is alread# wor&ing wit" "is instance of software w"en #o start p #o r 'master( part and in t"is case $ot" parts of software are connected to t"e slave acco nt's(. )"at is w"# it is necessar# to "ave onl# one instance of software wor&ing wit" eac" acco nt to avoid collisions and orders d plications. %oftware informs #o a$o t do $le connections to single acco nt d ring start p and allows to $loc& t"is acco nt to disallow sending trading signals to t"is acco nt from t"is instance of *ower)rade+opier. 9n%e ou \(a&e all "as!er and sla&e a%%oun!s spe%i1ed ou s\(ould group sla&e a%%oun!s ' assigning !\(e %lien! passwords !o !\(ese a%%oun!s (!\(is %an 'e done ' "eans o# E7e! passw #or %lien!E 'u!!on in E7la&esE !a')* 7e&eral sla&e a%%oun!s wi!( !\(e sa"e %lien! password "a)e a se! o# a%%oun!s o# a single %lien!* -ou s\(ould !ell !\(is password !o our %lien! and !\(en %lien! s\(ould en!er !\(is password in \(is ins!an%e o# so#!ware in E7e!!ingE window ' "eans o# E7e! passwordE 'u!!on* T\(en our %lien! will see on \(is side onl !\(is se! o# sla&e a%%oun!s and wor) wi!( !\(e" onl * .# no %lien! passwords were spe%i1ed #or so"e sla&e a%%oun!s !\(ese a%%oun!s would 'e displa ed on !\(e sla&e par! w\(i%( was s!ar!ed wi!(ou! %lien! password en!ered in !\(e E7e!!ingE window* "ote5 ,aster part of *ower)rade+opier displa#s all slave acco nts irregardless of t"e clients passwords speci!ed for t"em $ t transfers orders onl# to t"e acco nts for

w"ic" t"e same client password was speci!ed wit" t"e one w"ic" was set in -%ettings- window of t"e master instance of software. %lave acco nts t"at receive trading signals from t"is instance of *ower)rade+opier "ave stat s -.or&ing- in t"e -+opier- ta$/ slave acco nts t"at "as anot"er client password and t" s do not receive trading signals from t"is instance of *ower)rade+opier "ave stat s -.or&ing. 0loc& passw- in t"e -+opier- ta$. 6ideo4 http477youtu5be7c 8#9-%w3:M

T\\(e so#!ware is easil ins!alled using 7e!up* T\\(e pro%edure is !\\(e sa"e #or all &ersions o# !\\(is so#!ware* .# ou ins!all PowerTradeCopier in +indows His!a or +indows I please "a)e sure !(a! progra" PreloadCop $T*exe (as wri!e a%%ess #or i!Gs #older %3JProgra" FilesJCop ToolKe!$TJ (or else please run i! in Eas 4d"inis!ra!orE)* 1* Aun .ns!alCop Bli%en%e na"eL*exe 1le* T\\(e #ollowing s%reen will appear*

2* Cli%) Kex! !o %on!inue !\\(e ins!all or Can%el !o exi!* T\\(e #ollowing s%reen will appear*

;* Cli%) M-es8N0 !\(en Kex! !o pro%eed or Can%el !o exi!* 4* 4 E6es!ina!ion FolderE s%reen will 'e displa ed (s\(own 'elow)* B de#aul! !\(e des!ina!ion #older is se! !o EC3JProgra" Files (xOP)JPowerTradeCopierE* Cli%) !\(e QBrowseR 'u!!on !o sele%! a di:eren! ins!alla!ion 6es!ina!ion Folder* 4lso0 ou %an se! w\(e!\(er ou wan! !o (a&e a s\(or!%u! !o PTC on !\(e des)!op and in !\(e "ain "enu* .# ou %(e%)0 M4u!o5oadN a s\(or!%u! will 'e added !o !\(e 4u!oload #older and PTC will s!ar! au!o"a!i%all on s s!e" 'oo!-up* 4#!er %on1r"ing !\(e 6es!ina!ion Folder0 %li%) !\(e Kex! 'u!!on !o s!ar! !\(e ins!alla!ion pro%ess* -ou %an %li%) !\(e Can%el 'u!!on !o exi!*

<* T\(e ins!alla!ion pro%ess is ,ui%)* @pon su%%ess#ul %o"ple!ion o# !\(e ins!alla!ion0 an ins!alla!ion su%%ess#ul s%reen will 'e displa ed (s\(own 'elow)* Cli%) !\(e ?xi! 'u!!on*

P* T\\(e s\\(or!%u! will 'e %rea!ed on our des)!op and $ain $enu* .# ou are using +indows I or +indows O0 please "a)e sure PTC runs in ad"inis!ra!or "ode (Aig(! %li%) on s\\(or!%u! -S Proper!ies -S Co"pa!i'ili! -S C\\(e%) MAun as ad"inis!ra!orN)

I#portant infor#ation for "Provider" #ode5 4#!er ins!alla!ion on "as!er side0 our so#!ware will 'e au!o"a!i%all regis!ered as a "as!er* -ou %an send ins!aller #or our %lien!s and !\\(e %an ins!all so#!ware on !\\(eir sides* T\\(e se%ond and su'se,uen! ins!alla!ions will 'e re%orded as sla&es* $as!er se!!ings are ina%!i&e on sla&e side* -ou %an add / re"o&e/'lo%)/un'lo%) sla&e a%%oun!s on "as!er side* -our %lien!s %an inpu! !\\(e !rader password and adDus! %op ing para"e!ers a%%ording !o !\\(eir needs on sla&e side* ("as!er %an lea&e !\\(e EpasswordE 1eld #or sla&e a%%oun! e"p! )*For ECopierE "ode "as!er s\\(ould \)now !rader passwords #or sla&e a%%oun!s* 0ow to ;pgrade or $owngrade PowerTradeCopier .! is re%o""ended !o in#or" Cus!o"er 7uppor! i# ou wan! !o upda!e or downgrade PTC0 and wai! #or a repl %on!aining a lin\\) !o an ins!aller download* Towe&er PTC does in%lude a 'uil!-in upda!ing #ea!ure0 des%ri'ed 'elow @pda!es do no! download au!o"a!i%all * To ge! !\\(e upda!e E7e!!ingsE window and %li%) E@pda!eE 'u!!on3 ou s\\(ould go !o !\\(e

-ou will see !\\(e lis! o# %urren!l a&aila'le &ersions !\\(ere3

Please sele%! !\\(e &ersion !\\(a! ou wis( !o ge! and press !\\(e E@pda!eE 'u!!on* -ou s\\(ould see #ollowing no!i1%a!ion3

Next, close the PowerTradeCopier and start it up again. It will download the update and start up automatically. Note: There is a possibility that the process will scramble the logins and/or passwords on slave accounts. a!e sure you have these bac!ed up, in case a re"entry will be necessary.


PowerTradeCopier Settings Introduction

PowerTradeCopier - Copier for MetaTrader 4 accounts. You can copy trades from one (or several) master MetaTrader 4 account(s) to one or several slave MetaTrader 4 account(s).You do not need to keep running MT4 terminals. T e speed of trade placement and any slippage will only depend entirely on t e latency to your !roker and t e "uality of t eir trade e#ecution. More information$ ttp$%%multiterminal.net

Compliance Tab
&n t is ta! you can ad'ust correspondence !etween currency sym!ols for master and slave account.

Master and (lave account can ave different currency sym!ols wit out prefi# or suffi# ()or e#ample EURUSD), wit prefi# ()or e#ample f !EURUSD), wit suffi# ()or e#ample EURUSD!"#), and wit prefi# and suffi# ()or e#ample cur!EURUSD!f )$ *e recommend to use fully sym!ol auto-determination mode +)ull ,uto+- t is mode is working in ../ of cases and it is not recommend to c ange default setting wit out special necessity. 0owever you can ad'ust sym!ol type on master and correspondent sym!ol type on slave manually !y selecting proper mode (see e#amples !elow). 1#ample 2$ 3f on master account you ave sym!ols wit +-+ suffi# in t e end (like +1454(6-++4(67PY-+ etc.) and on slave account you ave sym!ols wit out suffi#es or prefi#es (like +1454(6+- +4(67PY+) t en you may select +Master 8 (lave9suff+ mode and specify suff +-+ in t e corresponding edit field. 1#ample :$ 3f on master account you ave sym!ols wit out suffi#es or prefi#es (like +1454(6++4(67PY+) and on slave account you ave sym!ols wit +.ecn+ suffi# in t e end (like + 1454(6.ecn+- +4(67PY.ecn+ etc.) t en you may select +Master 9 suff 8 (lave+ mode wit suff +.ecn+ specified in t e corresponding edit field. %&uto wit' s(mbols) allows to manually set up correspondences !etween nonstandard sym!ols- w ic differ in more t an t e prefi#es%suffi#es adding t ose correspondences to a ;full auto<.mode. To activate- select ;auto wit sym!ols< and click ;special sym!ols<$


To add a correspondence- select t e re"uired sym!ols from t e ;(ym!ol master< and ;(ym!ol slave< columns- and click t e top arrow. To remove a correspondence- select it and click t e !ottom arrow. Click ;(ave< to save t e correspondences. =ote 2. 6on>t forget to save c anges !y means of +(ave param+ !utton. =ote :. ,fter you will c ange settings in t is ta! you>ll ave to restart software so t at c anges may take effect.

Transformation Tab
&n t is ta! you may specify lot scaling options i.e. t e way of lot si?e calculation for slave side.

You can use several lot calculation modes.

Ratio (MS) mode

You can use t is option if you would like to copy trades wit constant coefficient. (lave lot calculated as master lot multiplied !y 5atio(M() coefficient. (lave @ot (i?e 8 Master @ot (i?e A 5atio(M()

1#ample$ 5atio(M() 8 :


Master @ot (i?e 8 2 (lave @ot (i?e 8 2 # :8 : Master @ot (i?e 8 2.2 (lave @ot (i?e 8 2.2 # :8 :.: 1tc.

Fixed mode
@ot si?e on slave doesn>t depend from lot si?e on master account and e"ual to parameter +)i#ed+. (lave @ot (i?e 8 )i#ed 1#ample$ )i#ed 8 B.:C Master @ot (i?e 8 2 (lave @ot (i?e 8 B.:C Master @ot (i?e 8 2.2 (lave @ot (i?e 8 B.:C

Balance(l) mode
T is mode allows you to control percent of t e capital- w ic you are ready to risk for eac slave account. (lave @ot (i?e calculated as$ (lave @ot ,ccount Dalance%Dasis A Percent *asis - depends from leverage and account type (standard- mini- micro etc.)

@ot (i?e 2BB BBB (standard) 2B BBB (mini) 2 BBB (micro) 2BB (nano)

2$4BB :CB :C :.C B.:C


+e,erage 2$2BB 2-BBB 2BB 2B 2

2$CB :-BBB :BB :B :


2$2B 2B-BBB 2.BBB 2BB 2B

Percent - percent of t e capital (!alance)- w ic you are ready to risk for eac slave

1#ample$ (laveDalance$ EBBBBB.BB (laveDasis$ 2BBB.B DalancePercent$ B.CB (lave@ot(i?e 8 (laveDalance%(laveDasis A DalancePercent%2BB 8 EBBBBB.BB%2BBB.B A B.CB%2BB 2.CB

RiskPcntEquity mode
T is mode allows you to risk t e same percent of capital !ot on slave and master terminals. @ot calculation is availa!le in two scenarios in t is mode$ (cenario 2 (lave@ot(i?e 8 5iskPcnt1"uity % ( (Master&penPricePips - Master(top@ossPips) % Dasis) (cenario : (laveDalance A Master@ot(i?e % MasterDalance A 5atio In t'is mode it is necessar( to c'ec- if S+ and TP were placed$ &nd select one of specified scenarios$ T ere are four possi!le options$ 1) Master (top@oss and Master TakeProfit are not placed ((cenario :) 2) Master (top@oss is placed- and Master TakeProfit is not placed ((cenario 2- !ecause Take Profit can !e placed later and doesn>t affect lot si?e or risk) 3) Master (top@oss is not placed and Master TakeProfit is placed ((cenario :- !ecause Take Profit doesn>t affect lot si?e or risk) 4) Master (top@oss and Master TakeProfit are placed ((cenario 2)


1#ample 2 ((cenario 2- w en Master(top@oss is set)$ 5iskPcnt1"uity$ C.BB Dasis$ CB.BB Master&penPrice$ 2.E4:FB Master(top@oss$ 2.E4:EB

(lave@ot(i?e 8 5iskPcnt1"uity % ( (Master&penPricePips - Master(top@ossPips) % Dasis) 8 C.BB % ( (2E4:FB - 2E4:EB) % CB.BB) 8 C.BB lots

1#ample : ((cenario :- w en Master(top@oss is not set)$ 5atio$ 4.BBBBB Master@ot(i?e$ B.CB MasterDalance$ CB2B.BB (laveDalance$ EBBB.BB (lave@ot(i?e 8 (laveDalance A Master@ot(i?e % MasterDalance A 5atio 8 EBBB.BB A B.CB % CB2B.BB A 4.BBBBB 8 2CBB.BBBBB % CB2B.BB 8 2.2.GHB 8 apro#. 2.:B

Mode is currently unavaila!le

LotRatio (MRT)
Mode is currently unavaila!le

Balance(2) mode
3n t is mode you may calculate slave lot si?e according to slave account !alance and desired ma#imal risk. (lave @ot (i?e calculated as$ Master @ot (i?e A ((lave Dalance % Master Dalance) A 5atio (risk)

1#ample$ Master@ot(i?e 8 2.CB MasterDalance 8 EBBBB.BB (laveDalance 8 HBBBB.BB 5atio (risk) 8 4.BB

(lave@ot(i?e 8 Master@ot(i?e A ((laveDalance%MasterDalance) A 5atio (risk) 8 2.CB A (HBBBB.BB%EBBBB.BB) A 4.BB 8 2.CB A :.BB A 4.BB 8 2:.BB

.in+ot and .a +ot - You can set minimal and ma#imal si?e of lot calculated on slave account.

Cop(ing Tab
&n t is ta! you can ad'ust several very important parameters


Slippage - t is is difference !etween t e price a trader e#pects to !e filled at- and t e price t ey are actually filled at. Learn more about slippage Cop( wit' sla,e price - t is option allows copying t e order to slave at slave>s price no matter ow far it is from master>s price (slippage will !e ignored). RepeatCount - t is is t e num!er of retries t at software will do if order copying will fail !y any reason e#cept slippage error (for e#ample if you will get +trade conte#t is !usy+ on slave w ile trying to copy t e order). Time/ut repeat - t is is t e time (in minutes) during w ic t e program will try to copy t e order (on price c ange) on slippage error. ,fter t is time t e log message will !e written t at it was impossi!le to copy t e order for slippage. Correct e piration date - t e#piry time on slave. You s !y +Time error+. T is error account w en t is time as different servers. is is t e value (in minutes) t at will !e added to t e pending orders ould increase it>s value if t e pending orders are not accepted on slave appens w en you set +1#piry+ time for pending order on master already passed on slave account !ecause of difference in time on

Closure attempts 0uantit( - t is is t e num!er of times PowerTradeCopier will re-try to close t e order on slave account if t e first attempt failed for any reason. &lwa(s write master tic-et number to comment I T is function adds t e master ticket num!er to t e comments on t e orders I making it easier to track t e interactions !etween t e masters and slaves. /werwriteComment - !y means of t is option you can delete or overwrite comments or write new comments (in 1ewComment field).

"ilter Tab
&n t is ta! you can ad'ust copying filters C'ec-.in.a PriceDiff

T is )ilter allows to c eck minimal and ma#imal price difference !etween open price on master side and market price on slave side and define Duy ?one for Duy orders and (ell ?one for (ell orders in units of pips. (o t is feature makes it possi!le to open an order at !etter price or from drawdown. 1#ample )or Duy &rders Master Duy price 2.4CE:F )ilter (top@oss side 8 CB pips (lave will open !uy order w en price will !e 2.4CE:F -CB pips


Master Duy price 2.4CE:F )ilter TakeProfit side 8 CB pips (lave will open !uy order w en price will !e 2.4CE:F 9CB pips ,nd vice versa for (1@@ T e ;*ait Price< field allows to specify t e amount of time (in minutes) after a failed price difference c eck during w ic t e program will wait for t e price to enter t e range specified in (top@oss(ide and TakeProfit(ide !efore s utting down t e copy attempt.

"ilter 2 Comment Tab

T is filter allows you to copy orders only wit defined +Comment+ or pro i!it to copy orders wit defined +Comment+

"ilter 2 .agic Tab

T is filter allows you to copy orders only wit defined magic num!er or pro i!it to copy orders wit defined magic num!er

"ilter 2 S+ Tab
T is filter allows you to define t e (non)accepta!le level of master trades (top@oss t at s ould !e copied to slave account i.e. if t e master trade (@ is out of allowed !ounds t is trade will not !e copied to slave at all.

"ilter 2 TP Tab
T is filter allows you to define t e (non)accepta!le level of master trades TakeProfit t at s ould !e copied to slave account i.e. if t e master trade TP is out of allowed !ounds t is trade will not !e copied to slave at all.


"ilter 2 Time Tab

T is filter allows you to define at w at local time s ould PowerTradeCopier transfer or skip transferring master trading signals.

"ilter 2 Date Tab

T is filter allows you to define at w at days of week s ould PowerTradeCopier transfer or skip transferring master trading signals.

"ilter 2 S(mbol Tab

3n t is ta! you may specify trades from w at currency pairs s ould !e copied from master to slave. +on+ and +off+ !uttons can !e used for c ecking%unc ecking all currency pairs in t e list.

"ilter 2 T(pe Tab

3n t is ta! you may specify types of orders t at s ould !e copied from master to slave ((ell- DuyDuy @imit- (ell @imit- Duy (top- (ell (top). 3f t e order type is unc ecked it will not !e copied.


"ilter 2 +ot Tab

3n t is ta! you may specify w at is t e minimal and (or) ma#imal lot si?e on master account t at s ould !e copied to slave. 3f t e si?e of master trade is out of !ounds t at you ave specified in t is ta! it will !e skipped.

You also can view J361& a!out filters ere$ ttp $%%youtu.!e%K5L*J7l2GTw

E panded Tab
T is ta! allows to set special (non-standard) modes of copying

Close sla,e trade w'en master trade closes - if t is option is unc ecked t en slave trades will not !e closed w en master trade closes Re,erse - t is mode allows to reverse master trades on slave account. T is will mean t at D4Y order will !e copied as (1@@ order (1@@ order will !e copied as D4Y order D4Y (T&P order will !e copied as (1@@ @3M3T order (1@@ (T&P order will !e copied as D4Y @3M3T order D4Y @3M3T order will !e copied as (1@@ (T&P order (1@@ @3M3T order will !e copied as D4Y (T&P order


,lso in t is mode (top @oss and Take Profit values will !e swapped on slave trade Spread!control - (top @oss and(or) Take Profit will !e postponed (on difference !etween new spread and old spread) if t e !roker will e#pand t e spread Correct price - corrects prices for pending orders automatically w en software copies t e pending order w ic price is too close to t e !roker>s market price at t e moment and !roker for!ids to set t is price wit error +1rror%C51,T1%(@ or TP invalid value Price+. 3idden pending order - pending orders will !e idden from !roker. T e values of pending orders stored in t e memory. * en level of order is e#ecuted- order will !e opened as market order. &dd spread - t is feature adds a multiple of t e spread to t e entry and or e#it. 3n s ort w en t e master opens t e order (D4Y- (1@@)- on t e slave a pending order s ould !e opened (D4Y @3M3T(1@@ @3M3T) wit e#ecute price of t e original order 9 (-) +,dd (pread+ value. 3n =&5M,@ (non-reverse) M&61 t e +,dd (pread+ will always !e deducted from t e order>s D4Y price and added to t e order>s (1@@ price. 1#ample 2$ 3f order was opened on master account D4Y at 2.EFC: and +,dd (pread+ 8 :- t en on slave account D4Y @3M3T order will !e opened at 2.EFCB 1#ample :$ 3f order was opened on master account (1@@ at 2.EFCC and +,dd (pread+ 8 C- t en on slave account (1@@ @3M3T order will !e opened at 2.EFHB

3n 51J15(1 M&61 function s ould also work toget er wit +5everse+ mode. 3n t is mode- D4Y @3M3T order will always !e !elow t e market price and (1@@ @3M3T order will !e a!ove t e market price. 1#ample E$ 3f order was opened on master account (1@@ at 2.E.2B and +,dd (pread+ 8 4 - t en on slave account D4Y @3M3T order will !e opened at 2.E.BH 1#ample 4$ 3f order was opened on master account D4Y at 2.E.:B and +,dd (pread+ 8 4 - t en on slave account (1@@ @3M3T order will !e opened at 2.E.:4 3f +,dd (pread+ 8 B- t en t e function will continue to open t e @3M3T order at e#actly t e same price as t e original master order 1#ample C$ 3f order was opened on master account (1@@ at 2.E.2B and +,dd (pread+ 8 B - t en on slave account D4Y @3M3T order will !e opened at 2.E.2B 1#ample H$ 3f order was opened on master account D4Y at 2.E.:B and +,dd (pread+ 8 B - t en on slave account (1@@ @3M3T order will !e opened at 2.E.:B Di,ision orders I allows one to split a single large order on t e master side into several small orders on t e slave side. T e top field in t e !o# I ;Min lot for division< determines t e smallest si?e of a slave lot t at is to !e split among multiple orders. T e !ottom field is t e lot si?e of t e resulting split orders. ,ny remainder after division will !e given itMs own order as well. .argin control - allows to close all active orders on slave account and not copy new ones w en t is slave account>s !alance or e"uity (selected via t e two radio !uttons in t e ;type< !o#) reac es specific value. 3f it is active (c ecked)- user can specify t e in two edit !o#es$ Ris- percent and *alance start$ 1#ample$ 5isk percent 8 :C Dalance start 8 :BBBB.BB ,!ove means t at we are willing to take risks :C/ from N:BBBB.BB w ic is N:BBBB.BB-NCBBB.BB 8 N2CBBB.BB T erefore if t e account !alance will reac t e level N2CBBB.BB t en margin control function s ould work and it s ould 1) close all currently active trades on t is slave account 2) !lock copying any new trades to t is account

Stops Tab
T is ta! allows you to control copying of (top@oss and TakeProfit


Cop( S+ and Cop( TP - t ese options allow to specify if you wis to transfer modifications of (@%TP from master to slave account. Correct low TP le,el and Correct low S+ le,el - t ese options are useful if slave !roker as limitations for (@%TP level ((top @oss- Take Profit and Pending &rders = pips or more away from t e current price). 3f slave server re'ects modification !ecause of specified (@ or TP is out of allowed !ounds you will get +(@ or TP less t an t e resolved level+ error message in your log and trade will not !e modified. 3f you c eck t ese c eck!o#es- PowerTradeCopier will place (top @oss and (or) TakeProfit on minimal allowed distance from t e current price. Stop+oss and Ta-eProfit Cop(ing .ode You can set copying mode for (top@oss and TakeProfit 4&45 a!solute mode. (top@oss and TakeProfit values will !e copied from master side as is. 4P45 pips mode. (top@oss and TakeProfit values will !e ad'usted. ,!solute values transforms to pips- t en pips applied to calculate new (top@oss and TakeProfit on slave side. 3idden - in t is mode (top@oss and TakeProfit will !e idden from !roker (will not !e copied to slave). T e values of (top@oss and TakeProfit profit stored in t e memory and software will o!server t e price on slaveO w en proper level of (@%TP will !e reac ed- order will !e automatically closed !y software. /,erwriteS+ and /,erwriteTP - t ese options allow you to overwrite copying si?e of (top@oss or(and) TakeProfit (new values s ould !e specified in =ew(top@oss and =ewtakeProfit fields) mo,e S+ and mo,e TP - t ese are functions t at allow you to move (top@oss for a certain amount !elow t e level of (top@oss t e master account (t e same is for TakeProfit).

1#ample 2$ Type Master account (lave account D4Y D4Y &penPrice 2.4 2.4 TakeProfit 2.4BC 2.4BC (top@oss 2.E.C 2.E.4 2.E.CB-2Bpips Calculation formula

1#ample :$ Type Master account (lave account (1@@ (1@@ &penPrice 2.4 2.4 TakeProfit 2.E.C 2.E.C (top@oss 2.4BC 2.4BH 2.4BCB92Bpips Calculation formula

(as for +(1@@+ trade (top@oss level is ig er t en &penPrice- so in t is case value of +move (@+ is added to (top@oss level of Master !ut not su!tracted from it)

T is function is useful w en t e master and slave accounts are on different !rokers. * en slave account !roker provides greater spread (or a different currency pairs as different spreads). (o it


may appen t at t e master account as not yet reac ed (top@oss- w ile on t e slave it may !e reac ed w ic may lead to different results on slave and master. S+ nul cop( and TP nul cop( - t ese settings relate to +move (@+ and +move TP+ functionality. 3f t ese c eck!o#es are c ecked t en slave will get +Move (@+ and +Move TP+ levels even in case if (@ and TP level on t e master is ?ero.

:BBF -:B2: P D7) Trading Qroup inc. ttp$%%multiterminal.net


PowerTradeCopier Module DukasCopy JForex Bridge

JForex Bridge allows you to use to copy trades from one or several MetaTrader 4 terminals to one or several JForex (DukasCopy) accounts, using all features of PowerTradeCopier. Bridge works with no delay. You do not need to run platforms. This tool will be useful for forex traders, money managers, brokers. If you forex trader you can use your MT4 expert advisors under MT4 terminal control and copy trades to DukasCopy account. If you money manager, you can manage MT4 and JForex accounts simultaneously,
using most powerful multiterminal for money managers. If you broker, you can copy successful strategies to DukasCopy.

How to use JForex Bridge

1. Edit jforexbridge.ini file (provisional, in next version this function will migrate to PowerTradeCopier). Example: [30000] jnlpUrl=https://www.dukascopy.com/client/demo/jclient/jforex.jnlp userName=DEMO2ymSAL password=ymSAL [30001] jnlpUrl=https://www.dukascopy.com/client/demo/jclient/jforex.jnlp userName=DEMO10037cUQEeEU password=cUQEe [30002] jnlpUrl=https://www.dukascopy.com/client/live/jclient/jforex.jnlp userName=EDU-FXD5347xD password=GM7QrOtx6z pin=pin Each section starts with section name which means computers port number. jnlpUrl is address of jnlp file, which launches JForex connection. Take attention, sections 30000 and 30001 works with Demo accounts, 30002 with Live account, jnlpUrl differs accordingly. userName and password are self explanatory. pin must be not empty for Live account, not obligatory real pin meaning. 2. Tune PowerTradeCopier: Add JForex slave(s):


Unblock necessary symbols for every slave


Switch on copy function

3. Restart PowerTradeCopier. 4. Enter captcha for every Live account (rules about see at JForex page):

5. You can control each JForex terminal in separate window. You see windows with orders tables for each account and console windows for all of them. Console window contains important service information, but it is not nessesary for copying.


www.: http://multiterminal.net email: support@multiterminal.net

2013 BJF Trading Group inc.


Video: http://youtu.be/i7ddeWUD6z0

FIX API Add-on

FIX API Add-on for PowerTradeCopier works as a bridge between MT 4 platforms and Brokers with FIX API S pport! "o #an #op$ trades from MT 4 Master terminal%s& to Brokers with FIX API S pport sla'e terminal%s&( or from Brokers with FIX API S pport master terminal%s& to MT 4 sla'e terminal%s&( or from Brokers with FIX API S pport master terminal%s& to Brokers with FIX API S pport sla'e terminal%s&!

The FIX proto#ol s pports STP %Straight Thro gh Pro#essing&) whi#h red #es the trade settlement time dramati#all$! Toda$) the FIX proto#ol is the de-fa#to messaging standard for trade #omm ni#ation globall$! FIX API Module uppo!ted "!o#e!$

C rrene*) +MAX) A,S Se# rities) Forte* %Mare*&) MI- Bank) CitiFX) SwissCode) Brokers %IB&) .otSpot/)

FIX API Module - the "ene%t$

S pports all MT4 brokers 014 digits) market1instant e*e# tion\\) di2erent # rren#$ simbols %e r sd) e r sd3f*\\) f*3e r sd) et#!& S pports all MT4 order t$pes S pports Stop +oss) Take Pro4t\\) Trailing Stop\\) 5alid 6ntil feat res .andles all pri#e 1 time e'ents on MT4 side Pro'ides real-time b $ing power #ontrol in#l ding pending orders All new 'ersions and pdates of FIX API Mod le are free of #harge! 7e emplo$ a 8e*ible s$stem of pa$ment in#l ded dis#o nts and bon ses! 9: da$s mone$ ba#k g arantee


Video: http://youtu.be/ey&'P#Vl\\(\)M

*P Add-on
Allows #at#h modi4#ation or #los re re; est on the master terminal and #op$ it to sla'e! This is the new mode of software work %instead of e*isting Copier and Pro'ide modes&! So if $o will sele#t this mode) it will repla#e $o r # rrent mode of work! If STP add-on will be a#ti'ated $o <ll ha'e to spe#if$ the master MT4 terminal lo#ation instead of a##o nt n mber and password!

7e ha'e de'eloped STP add-on whi#h allows #at#h modi4#ation or #los re re; est on the master terminal and #op$ it to sla'e! As soon as $o or $o r Fore* robot will send modi4#ation re; est or #los re re; est\\) #opier will #op$ this #ommand to sla'e immediatel$ witho t waiting when the order will be modi4ed or #losed on the master terminal! *P +dd-on h+$ one li,it+tion. Po-e!*!+de.opie! +nd ,+$te! te!,in+l $hould be in$t+lled on one P. o! VP . If $o r strateg$ has #los re #ondition b$ Take Pro4t or Stop +oss onl$) $o #an se this add-on for orders opening too! B t if $o r strateg$ has other #los re #onditions) we do not re#ommend to se STP add-on for orders opening! Be#a se this #an lead to abnormal sit ations when the order was for some reason not a##epted b$ the ser'er on the master a##o nt\\) b t has been #opied to sla'e a##o nt! /0+,ple 1o! 2lo$u!e 3,odi%2+tion4 -ithout *P Add-5n

=>?49?90 <@940<? #lose order A === b $ =!:: B6CCA, =>?49?90 <@940<? re; est was a##epted b$ ser'er =>?49?90 <@940<? re; est in pro#ess =>?49?9> <@940<? order A=== b $ =!:: B6CCA, #losed -D =>?49?9> Copier will #op$ #los re re; est to sla'e terminal Video: http://youtu.be/67UD*10t0W$ /0+,ple 1o! 2lo$u!e 3,odi%2+tion4 -ith *P Add-5n

=>?49?90 <@940<? #lose order A === b $ =!:: B6CCA, -D =>?49?90 Copier will #op$ #los re re; est to sla'e terminal =>?49?90 <@940<? re; est was a##epted b$ ser'er =>?49?90 <@940<? re; est in pro#ess


16:43:36 '2345': order #111 buy 1.00 EURCAD closed Video: http://youtu.be/7eRWDTOWshI

Web: e-mail:

http://multiterminal.net support@multiterminal.net

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