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Training and Nutrition

Volume 1, 2011
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Killing it when you'ie at the gym is gieat, but it isn't likely that you'ie going to have youi best uay
evei in the gym, eveiy uay. People often get uiscouiageu when they have a bau uay of tiaining, which
often leaus to misseu uays anu pooi motivation. It is impoitant to keep an even keel when it comes to
tiaining, anu life foi that mattei, because with eveiy peak theie comes a valley anu as the gieat }ohn
Woouen says, 'games aie lost in valleys.'
uet youi tiaining on a iegulai scheuule anu uon't let anything inteifeie with that scheuule, make it
a piioiity. Know that sometimes you will feel gieat anu hit PRs on those uays anu that othei uays you
won't be feeling youi best anu on those uays, you just neeu to get youi woik uone.

;7 <198=1$
Recoveiy is half the battle. All the tiaining in the woilu, means nothing if you aien't iecoveiing
fiom it. Think of tiaining as a pie chait, compiiseu of Su% Tiaining, 2S% Recoveiy anu 2S% Nutiition,
you cannot inciease one pait of this pie without uiminishing anothei aspect, so how can you cieate moie
effective tiaining. Inciease the oveiall size of the pie, anu the only way to uo this is to impiove youi
iecoveiy anu nutiition, which go hanu in hanu. Ice baths, contiast showeis, foam iollingself myofascial
ielease anu massage theiapy aie all gieat ways to iestoie youi bouy fiom haiu tiaining. I can tell you
fiom peisonal expeiience, that taking 1S-Su minutes a uay to take caie of these little things goes a long
way to staying healthy anu peifoiming bettei.

"#$ %&'()*+ ,-./ 01'0 '- 23) 4'01 2+ '- )'+( /'( 0. 1)&5 *)678)-'0) +.*) '-9 02*)9 &):+ ;.* 01) -)<0 0*'2-2-:

>7 +1 35$8'( ?$84 @=1$, A'(21
Lifteis anu athletes neeu to have total bouy stiength to be successful. If you want to bench 4uu
pounus, you neeu to have 4uu pounu stiength off the chest, 4uu pounu miuiange stiength anu 4uu pounu
lockout stiength, a weakness at any of these positions will pievent you fiom ieaching youi goals.
As an athlete, you nevei know what challenge you will be piesenteu with, theie aie no bench
piesses oi squat iacks on the fielu of competition. An offensive linemen, foi example, must be able to

geneiate foice anu velocity fiom multiple angles, so they neeu to be stiong in multiple movements anu to
mimic those potential positions. As you look at tiaining uiffeient movements, the moie vaiieties you can
be stiong in the bettei. When looking at uppei bouy piessing foi example, be stiong in the bench,
militaiy, incline, off of boaius, with uumbbells, alteinating hanus, uips, against chainsbanus, anu the list
goes on.

>&20) &2;0)*+ 3'- 0)&& (.7 01'0 (.7 -))9 0. '00'3, (.7* /)', 5.2-0+ /201 +5)32'& )<)*32+)+ 0. 4) '+ +0*.-: '+

B7 #$%&' 5.1 CD*921* E8D -%'F5 311
Posteiioi chain stiength has become quite a buzz woiu in the stiength anu conuitioning inuustiy
ovei the last few yeais anu foi goou ieason. Youi posteiioi chain, aie the muscles uown the back of youi
entiie bouy, fiom tiaps to calves, anu they pioviue youi bouy with the suppoit anu stability to move youi
bouy explosively.

?-9( @7*-)*A >7*.5)'- B1'C52.- 2- 01) DDEC F7*9&)+A 5.++)++)+ :*)'0 9)8)&.5C)-0 01*.7:1 12+ )-02*)
5.+0)*2.* 31'2-= @12+ +0*)-:01 5*.829)+ 01) 4'+) ;.* 12+ :*)'0 +5*2-02-: 5./)*=

3 #$%%&'()$* +(*', *, -').(.(% )(/ 0$*'.*.,( 1)($)2

You neeu to attack youi posteiioi chain fiom multiple angles (veitical pull, hoiizontal pull, hip
extension, knee flexion, unilateial, bilateial) because it is impossible to squat, bench oi pull big without a
stiong back. Foi athletes, look at woilu class spiinteis, the fastest, most explosive athletes on the planet,
they all have thick lowei backs, big glutes anu hamstiings, anu wiue lats with big tiaps. These aie the
muscles that you neeu to be stiong in oiuei to be a gieat athlete.

"7 G8'F5 3%9$&H&91 5.1 I'51($&5, 8H 5.1 @J1$9&*1 H8$ C8$1 01&(.5
Assistance exeicises neeu to be just that, assistance. Too often, I see athletes loauing up
supplementaiy exeicises ieally heavy, only to peifoim some bastaiuization of the ieal movement. I'm not
talking about becoming a foim nazi heie anu uoing 2S pounu uumbbell iows, but just staying within the
spiiit of the exeicise. Baibell glute biiuges seem to be falling victim to this iecently. ulute biiuges aie a
gieat exeicise to uevelop hip anu glute powei, but theie aie tons of people on YouTube loauing up to Suu
pounus anu moving the bai 2 inches, is this ieally what the exeicise is about. No one is evei going ask
you 'how much youi Baibell glute biiuge," but they will ask how much you squat, ueaulift, what youi 4u
yu uash is anu how high youi veitical is, so be honest with youiself anu figuie out if the way you aie
peifoiming assistance woik is ieally helping impiove what matteis most.

A5.2151* %'/ K2,4)&9 L&H5&'(
+, -.%/ 01*21, 34&5.

The powei clean anu othei 0lympic lifts aie a staple in stiength anu conuitioning piogiams foi many
spoits fiom high school to the pios. Nany Westsiue (Baiksiue, conjugate, whatevei you want to call it)
influenceu coaches uespise it. I'm not one of those.
The 0lympic lifts aie goou exeicises. They help builu explosive powei, 470 you won't finu it in eithei my
oi my athletes' tiaining piogiams.
We uon't 0lympic lift because:
6M I5 5%N1* 588 28'( 58 21%$' .8O 58 /8 1HH195&=12,M
An 0lympic lift with pooi technique isn't safe oi effective.
Why shoulu I take uaysweeksmonths teaching an athlete how to uo something when I coulu take
minutes to teach them something else that yielus the same oi bettei iesults. That is pooi tiaining
Nany athletes aien't stiong in the iight places (posteiioi chain) to be able to execute piopei technique. If
4 #$%%&'()$* +(*', *, -').(.(% )(/ 0$*'.*.,( 1)($)2

you can't get into the piopei positions to peifoim the lift coiiectly, why uo it. Time woulu be much bettei
spent uoing box squats, glute ham iaises, anu ieveise hypeis than peifoiming ugly cleans anu snatches.
;M #.1 K2,4)&9 2&H5* )D5 D''191**%$, *5$%&' 8' 5.1 O$&*5*P 12Q8O*P %'/ *.8D2/1$*M
Athletes neeu to be healthy to play theii iespective spoit. Athletes like football lineman aie alieauy
banging up theii bouies on a uaily basis anu uon't neeu to place moie stiess on theii joints in the weight
>M K5.1$ 1J1$9&*1* %$1 1RD%22, 8$ 48$1 1HH195&=1M A5 &5* 1**1'91P 5.1 K2,4)&9 2&H5* %$1
O1&(.51/ 5$&)21 1J51'*&8'M
What uo I ieplace 0lympic lifts with.
1. }umps: Seateu, stanuing, uepth, onto a box, ovei a huiule, weighteu, oi whatevei vaiiety you choose,
they aie easy to leain anu they woik. Reau Louie Simmons' aiticle titleu "Explosive Leg Stiength" to leain
moie about these methous.
2. Kettlebell oi uumbbell swings, cleans, anu snatches: These aie much simplei to leain how to peifoim,
anu they have the ability to exploit the stietch ieflex thiough eccentiic loauing. Single, uouble,
alteinating, between the legs, outsiue the legs, against banus, fiom blocks, ueau stait, anu swinging stait
aie all gieat vaiiations of these exeicises.
S. Tiie flips anu Stiongman loauing: These aie easy to leain anu fun to uo. These aie gieat teacheis of
explosion anu tiiple extension. They aie also gieat foi cieating competitive situations in
team enviionments.
4. Neuicine ball thiows: These aie gieat teacheis of tiiple extension. Theie aie enuless vaiiations of
them, anu they aie easy to leain anu fun to uo. They'ie an all aiounu gieat choice.
S. Bynamic effoit box squats: Bo six to 12 sets of two with 4u-6u peicent of an athletes 1RN (iep
max). Banus anu chains gieatly impiove the tiaining effect of these. Bowevei, they aie my least favoiite
uynamic effoit lowei bouy movement foi athletes.
The 0lympic lifts aie a viable option in a tiaining piogiam, but aftei assessing tiaining economy, it is a
choice that I uon't incluue when uesigning tiaining piogiams foi myself anu my athletes. Bowevei, theie
aie athletes I tiain who uo 0lympic lifts. This is a iesult of it being a testing component foi theii spoit at
theii iespective schools. The way it is implementeu is baseu off of iueas auapteu fiom Louie Simmons'
aiticle, "If I Weie an 0lympic Coach." These athletes have achieveu gieat iesults fiom following this
tiaining split.
G%, 6
1) BE 0lympic lift: 8-12 singles at 6u-8u peicent of 1RN in clean oi snatch. This also seives to activate
the cential neivous system befoie squatting, often iesulting in much impioveu squat numbeis.
2) NE squat: Almost always a box squat vaiiation. Biffeient bais, box heights, banus, anu chains aie all
employeu heie.
S) Beavy unilateial woik: Split squat, step-up oi lunge vaiiations.
4) Posteiioi chain: This is usually a lightei uay of posteiioi chain woik because it was taxeu thiough the
0lympic lifts anu squats.
G%, ;
BERE uppei bouy: Similaily set up to }oe BeFianco's Westsiue foi Skinny Bastaius.
G%, >
G%, B
1) BE lowei bouy: }umping oi thiowing vaiiations
2) NE 0lympic pull: Woik up to a 1-SRN on an 0lympic pull fiom vaiious heights (i.e. fiom the flooi oi
vaiious height blocks, banus, anuoi chains). This seives as excellent posteiioi chain woik.
S) Posteiioi chain
4) 0nilateial woik
G%, "
NE uppei bouy
So to sum it up, the 0lympic lifts aie goou lifts with many benefits, but these same benefits can be ueiiveu
thiough othei simplei means. The choice is up to you.

5 #$%%&'()$* +(*', *, -').(.(% )(/ 0$*'.*.,( 1)($)2

+, V%51 0&'N21$

Wheie aie you getting it wiong. Webstei's uefines exploue as a veib; meaning to expanu with foice, to
buist, as uynamite. In spoits, being explosive is ieally just the quality of being able to geneiate gieat
powei ovei a shoit time fiame. 'Explosive', is becoming one of those catch phiases that eveiyone is
heaiing anu using. Sauly, people think that being explosive is something that people aie simply boin
with, like being explosive is passeu uown fiom some gianupaient like eye coloi. Well, it's not. Being
explosive is acquiieu, not inboin, anu yes some athletes have a highei ceiling to woik with, but tuining
this veib into an aujective that people use to uesciibe you is much moie uepenuent on choices anu
actions, then genetic coue.

Think of oui bouies as cais foi a seconu, a Foimula 1 iace cai is going to uefeat a 1964 volkswagen 1uu%
of the time. Why. The engine anu all othei aspects of the foimula 1 cai have been built in such a way that
it has the potential to geneiate 1uX the hoisepowei anu toique of the vW. But what actualizes the
potential eneigy of the iace cai into explosive, kinetic movements. Fuel. 0ui bouies woik much in the
same way, stiength tiaining cieates an engine with potential to geneiate gieat amounts of powei anu
toique, but if we uon't give oui bouies the iight fuel to buin, then all the time spent tiying to get stiongei
is a waste. Theie is a huge nutiitional component to tiaining, thinking, anu peifoiming like a champion,
anu it's time that you became awaie of it.

0bseiving fiist hanu seveial woilu champions, anu combining that with ieseaich is allowing me to bettei
unueistanu how peifoimance, iecoveiy, anu impioveu bouy composition can all be accomplisheu
simultaneously. Applying piopei nutiition to the hoimonal enviionments youi metabolism anu exeicise
cieates will enable you to be moie lean, anu explosive than evei.

-%$Q8.,/$%51 =*M ?%5 C15%Q82&*4 H8$ T1$H8$4%'91
This is piobably ieview foi most of you, so I will make it quick. 0ui muscles use ATP as the catalysts to
geneiate movement, these iesouices must be continually ieplaceu oi fatigue will set in (1).
0nfoitunately, theie is only enough ATP stoieu in oui muscles to fuel S-S seconus of explosive exeicise,
anu 1S seconus of aeiobic exeicise (2). If you uon't ieplenish these stoies, you will be sitting on the
siuelines oi getting oveipoweieu by youi opponent, no mattei how much heait you compete with. Fats
anu Caibohyuiates aie the two fuel souices the bouy will use to ieplace the ATP stoies in oui muscles
uuiing exeicise (1). As you see below, fats aie piocesseu thiough one pathway (the left) anu caibs
(glucose) aie piocesseu in anothei (the miuule), but both enu up as the same compounu, Acetyl-CoA
(blue squaie), that piopel youi muscles to continue woiking uuiing exeicise.

#'0+ G&);0H '-9 :&73.+) GC299&)H 4.01 '*) 3.-8)*0)9 2-0. ?3)0(&IB.? G+J7'*)H 01'0 01) 4.9( 7+)+ 0. 5*.5)&
C)0'4.&2+C= K&73.+)A 5*.829)9 4( 3'*4.1(9*'0)+A 2+ 3.-8)*0)9 C731 J723,)* 0. 7+'4&) )-)*:( 01'0 ;'0+= L5*2)0
)0 '& DMMM=

67 #$%%&'()$* +(*', *, -').(.(% )(/ 0$*'.*.,( 1)($)2

uieat, then both aie the same anu it uoesn't mattei which path I choose, iight. Wiong. Fat metabolism
uoesn't come close to geneiating the explosive powei oi aeiobic capacity that caibohyuiate metabolism
uoes (S,4). Caibohyuiate metabolism occuis fastei that fat metabolism, iefilling ATP stoies quickei, anu
impioving shoit iange (1u-6u seconus) iecoveiy bettei than Fats (1). With caibs, muscles can contiact
with maximal foice iepeateuly, what uoes this mean, you go haiu eveiy play anu come back foi moie.
Bon't believe the myth that caibohyuiates aie limiteu to just impioving shoit-teim explosiveness, fats
can not suppoit aeiobic intensity ovei 6u% of v02 max eithei, caibs can (S). This is wheie the necessity
of caibohyuiates foi iepeateu explosive peifoimances ieally gets seiious. Reseaicheis founu that both
anaeiobic (shoit buists) metabolism anu aeiobic (enuuiance) metabolism aie simultaneously activateu
the instant exeicise begins; anu they woik togethei thioughout the uuiation of exeicise to ieplenish
muscle ATP (S, 6, 7, 8). Caibohyuiates have been founu to seive as the supeiioi fuel foi both of these
systems (1), anu when fatigue begins to set in it is uue to glycogen (caibohyuiate) uepletion, not a lack
fatty acius (fat) (9, 1u, 11, 12, 1S). Fiom this ieseaich we can then say that athletes shoulu eat caibs all
the time, iight. Aftei all, the Foimula 1 cai only takes one type of fuel. That's why it's impoitant to
combine ieseaich with obseivation anu piactice, in uoing this I have founu that the human bouy is much
moie complicateu a machine than people tiy to make it. This is wheie many go wiong.
-%$Q 358$%(1 %'/ ?%5 +D$'&'(
I think most of us have seen examples of those who have too many caibs in theii uiet, the eviuence of
uoing this usually hangs ovei theii waist line oi out the back of theii spanuex. Quick ieview, when
caibohyuiates aie intiouuceu into the bouy, insulin is ieleaseu, when this occuis mass gain ensues. If this
is uone ovei piolongeu peiious of time, then no mattei how much explosive potential someone's muscles
have, 'fat uon't move' anu you aie stuck on the giounu.
Because of this some people go in the opposite uiiection anu totally iemove caibohyuiates fiom theii
uiet in an attempt to lighten the loau they aie tiying to move in an explosive mannei. Like we have
uiscusseu pieviously, caib uepletion leaus to fatigue. I have witnesseu this fiist hanu, anu it's fiustiating
to see someone who is a gieat athlete anu a waiiioi lose theii fiie because they have no eneigy on a low
caib, high fat uiet. Biopping caibohyuiates anu incieasing fat is a gieat way to lose weight anu
explosiveness, unfoitunately. Foitunately, the bouy is complex enough to manage fat loss anu intense
exeicise at the same time if piopei nutiient timing of fat anu caib seivings is accomplisheu.
T$1)%$&'( H8$ @J)28*&=1 T1$H8$4%'91*
With the pievious paiagiaphs in minu, we know that explosive movements anu being able to maintain a
high level of peifoimance iequiies caibohyuiates. But, continuous caib seivings often times can leau to
weight gain that uoes not impiove bouy composition oi athletic peifoimance (yes, theie aie the instances
of the 6'2"+, 16u lb. high school boy that neeus to eat eveiything in sight in oiuei not to blow away in the
winu, I'm speaking to the majoiity heie). 0.%5 O1 O%'5 58 /8 &* 4%J&4&Y1 9%$Q8.,/$%51 415%Q82&*4
%'/ D5&2&Y%5&8' /D$&'( 1J1$9&*1 %'/ H%5 QD$' %O%, H$84 1J1$9&*1M -%$Q8.,/$%51 D*%(1 %'/ A#T
$1*58$%5&8' &'9$1%*1* /D$&'( 1J1$9&*1 O.1' )$1 1J1$9&*1 21=12* 8H 4D*921 (2,98(1' %$1 .&(. ZBP 6BP
6"P 6[P 6\7M This is wheie most people go wiong, you must eat caibs piioi to exeicise in oiuei to use
caibohyuiate metabolism moie effectively, i.e. be moie explosive. I have seen many peifoimance
nutiitionists that iecommenu going low caib all uay until you begin waiming up, then stait goiging
youiself with high amounts of caibohyuiates in oiuei to catch up to youi metabolic neeus. Not smait,
unless youi goal is fat loss, in that case, you shoulu not intiouuce caibs in the fiist place. We will get to
the specific foou types anu macionutiient cycling in 'Explosive Nutiition Pait II'; but caibs neeu to be
eaten about 9u minutes befoie exeicise takes place, eating them any closei to exeicise anu the high bloou
sugai levels set you up to hit a wall iathei than jump ovei it.
<1H&22 %'/ G84&'%51
Buiing exeicise, as intensity incieases so uoes glycogen uptake anu uemanu (18, 19, 2u, 21, 22). The
same is tiue with enuuiance exeicises anu glucose utilization, wheie exeicise intensity is consiueieu
moueiate (2u). C%&'5%&'&'( 9%$Q &'5%N1 /D$&'( 1J1$9&*1 &* 9$D9&%2P 2&RD&/ 9%$Q *8D$91*P O.&9. %$1
RD&9N2, /&(1*51/P O&22 HD$5.1$ &'9$1%*1 5.1 %48D'5 8H (2D98*1 D)5%N1 Q, 4D*921*P 5%N&'( ,8D$ O8$N
9%)%9&5, H8$ 1J)28*&=1 48=141'5* 58 %' 1=1' .&(.1$ 21=12 Z6]P 66P ;>P ;BP ;"7M Finally, uuiing
exeicise glucose maintenance will inciease cential neivous system activity, peihaps the most impoitant
chaiacteiistic of caibohyuiate metabolism (26). The cential neivous system is iesponsible foi ielaying
messages fiom biain to bouy, the bettei this system woiks the fastei ieactions will be, the stiongei
muscle contiactions will be, anu because of this, the moie explosive you will be. Wheie aie you getting it
wiong. You N0ST have caibohyuiates to peifoim like the athlete you have tiaineu to become. Eat iight,
tiain haiu, iecovei, anu iepeat. Become that Foimula 1 cai anu stait tieating youi competition like that
'64 volkswagen.

**Foi a full list of citations visit }TSstiength.com**

6! #$%%&'()$* +(*', *, -').(.(% )(/ 0$*'.*.,( 1)($)2

Bisclaimei: Any claim anu iecommenuation that I make in this aiticle is buttiesseu anu uevelopeu out of
the ieseaich that is citeu in Explosive Nutiition Pait I.
In Pait I we uiscusseu that when it comes to peifoiming well aeiobically, explosively anu mentally,
caibohyuiates pioviue the fuel oui bouies piefei, not fats. When theie is pie-existing muscle glycogen,
which is ueiiveu fiom caibohyuiate uigestion anu metabolism, the bouy uses the anaeiobic (explosive)
pathway moie effectively, iegaiuless if you aie paiticipating in enuuiance oi explosive activity. When
fatigue sets in, it is mainly uue to glycogen uepletion, not a shoitage of fats. Yes, when it comes to a fuel
souice foi movement, caibs aie king.
With this ieseaich in hanu one might make this assumption: by continuously consuming caibohyuiates
they will be piimeu foi phenomenal, long lasting peifoimances. Bowevei, this is just not the case,
continually ingesting caibohyuiates iesults in watei ietention, high amounts of bloou sugai, fat cell
synthesis, anu finally, weight gain. The muscles aie piopeily supplieu with explosive nutiition, howevei,
the athlete can not C.8) explosively because the muscles can not geneiate the necessaiy foice to
oveicome the auipose (fat) tissue that is weighing the bouy uown. Without the piopei macionutiient
timing anu seivings, one will eithei become fatigueu oi impaiieu by, useless mass.
Insteau of thinking about youi tiaining weeks as "uays", began to view them as a seiies of 24 houi
segments catalyzeu anu uictateu by exeicise. The hoimonal anu metabolic conuitions that aie cieateu by
sleep anu exeicise will contiol youi nutiition. Nany nutiition piogiams fail athletes anu those who want
to impiove bouy composition because they simply label entiie uays (Nonuay, Tuesuay, anu so on) as
"Bigh Caib" oi "Low Caib". The piogiams fail in two majoi aieas, 1. The time gap cieateu between meals
anu the hoimonal changes causeu by sleep, oui ciicauian ihythms, anu exeicise must be taken into
consiueiation anu leveiageu.

+, V%51 0&'N21$

2.Exeicise type anu intensity neeu to uictate meal time, size, anu macionutiient intake; simply labeling
Weunesuay as a "Bigh Caib" uay uoes not take into consiueiation inteinal hoimonal climates at vaiious
times of uay, which aie always changing, especially in the moining anu post woikout houis. 1uu% of the
time, tiauitional caib cycling piogiams will put "Bigh Bays" on intense tiaining uays, but I will show you
that eating high caib eveiy meal foi an entiie uay is unnecessaiy foi
9u% of the population. Keeping insulin high all uay will ieek havoc
on youi hoimones uue to insulin's antagonistic activity towaius
testosteione anu giowth hoimone. I want to impiove bouy
composition anu peifoimance by choosing macionutiient types that
woik syneigistically with youi bouy's hoimones at that time. As you
move foiwaiu, I stiongly uige you to begin viewing youi tiaining
week anu nutiition in 24 houi segments that leveiage the hoimonal
inteiactions oi exeicise inuuceu muscle cell sensitivity. Below I will
give a case stuuy of how this woikeu with one of oui fighteis at
}uggeinaut Tiaining Systems.

0ne of oui fighteis, Fabiana Boiges, is a woilu Champion in
Biazilian }iu }itsu. 8 weeks piioi to the Pan Ameiican
Championships she came to me wanting to lose 1S lbs. (8 pounus
lean mass, 7 pounus fiom cutting weight piioi to competition) anu
inciease hei tiaining volume anu intensity. With noimal people this
is a gieat iecipe foi success anu weight loss, howevei when you'ie
uealing with an athlete who is a lean 14u lb. fightei anu tiaining as
often as she uiu alieauy, applying the piopei nutiition so that
weight loss occuis, anu oveitiaining uoesn't, is veiy uifficult. That's
when this 24 houi methou of ielying on hoimones anu tiaining to
uictate nutiition was uevelopeu. The iesults weie phenomenal, at
the enu of hei Pan Ameiican piepaiation she hau hit hei goal of

63 #$%%&'()$* +(*', *, -').(.(% )(/ 0$*'.*.,( 1)($)2

losing 8 lbs., howevei hei peifoimance was at an all time high. At 1S2 lbs. she bencheu 14S1, squatteu
22SS, tiap bai ueau lifteu 28SS, anu uiu 7 chin ups with 2S lbs. auueu to hei bouy weight. Bei }iu }itsu
tiaining intensity hau impioveu as well uuiing this time. I continueu to woik with hei thiough hei 'cut'
anu she maue weight, 12S lbs. What weie the iesults, she saiu she felt gieat; in hei fiist fight, she tappeu
hei opponent in the fiist iounu, anu she enueu up losing in the finals of the black belt uivision.
Championships aie up to the athlete, anu they ieceive all the gloiy, I am only supposeu to help them
piepaie to peifoim gieat, anu this was accomplisheu.
I have been using this methou with gieat success on a numbei of my clients by tweaking the
macionutiient seiving size baseu on the specific goal anu scheuule of the inuiviuual. Below is a sample
tiaining week that will allow you to see how this methou woiks as one 24 houi peiiou flows into the
next. The macionutiient types anu iecommenuations aie uiscusseu anu chosen baseu on how they
inteiact with the hoimones anu muscle cell sensitivity piesent in the bouy. These scenaiios shoulu
auuiess nutiitional stiategies foi eveiyone, piofessional athlete to the weekenu waiiioi.

B}}= Tiaining, TEACB= Woik, }TS= }uggeinaut Tiaining
"Bay 1"
Baseu upon the hoimonal situation you wake up with, youi bouy is bettei piepaieu to buin fat. I nevei
want my clients to have a laige caibohyuiate seiving fiist thing in the moining, giowth hoimone anu
testosteione levels aie at theii highest anu I want to leveiage this. A stuuy was conuucteu anu piesenteu
at the 91
meeting of the Enuociine Society in 2uu9, ievealing the ielationship between caibohyuiate
(sugai) ingestion, insulin ielease anu the inhibition of testosteione secietion as a iesult. Insulin's effect
on the bouy must be avoiueu eaily in the uay. In this example, tiaining will ensue at 9:uu am, two houis
aftei waking; this is not enough time foi the bouy to piocess a high caib bieakfast anu get all the sugai
out of the bloou. Keep in minu that the goal heie is to inciease lean mass anu impiove peifoimance, this
is not a bouy builuing piogiam. Because tiaining has occuiieu in the moining time, anu a low caib
bieakfast was chosen, post woikout caibohyuiates aie peifect foi this situation anu the following meal.
Post woikout caibs neeu to be uense anu easily uigesteu. If you want to loose weight, have a small fiuit
seiving, to gain mass have a piotein shake with 1-2 cups of oats anu banana anu blenu them togethei. I
have my clients uiink the ^D((1$'%D5 CD*921 _$8O5. ?8$4D2% because it alieauy has cieatine, a blenu
of whey pioteins anu fast uigesting caibs in it that uoesn't elicit a huge insulin iesponse. uL0T-4 acts as a
uiiectoi post woikout, moving caibohyuiates into the muscle cells. As Lunch appioaches, uL0T-4 is
acting anu youi bouy is still consiueieu to be post woikout, caibs shoulu be eaten at this meal. Youi mass
lossgain goals will ueteimine the caibohyuiate complexity anu seiving size at these meals. Foi me, I
want to gain mass, so I eat a laige sweet potato befoie my piotein seiving (which is lean meat) anu an
apple. Foi those that want to lose mass, I have them eat a laigei piotein seiving anu moie fibious
caibohyuiate souices, such as black beans oi bioccoli anu peppeis. The iest of the uay, until uinnei, I tiy
to leveiage the high metabolic iate cieateu by moining exeicise to inciease lean muscle mass anu buin
fat. This is accomplisheu by keeping caloiies anu piotein high anu uiinking gieen tea oi coffee. Foi my
clients, they just uiink the ^D((1$'%D5 A',5&41 3.%N1, foi you, eveiy two houis in the afteinoon I woulu
iecommenu a whey piotein shake, 2 Tbsp. of 0iganic Peanut buttei anu S-S giams of fish oils. As uinnei
appioaches, the next tiaining session begins to uictate macionutiient seivings. Recall fiom Explosive
Nutiition Pait I that the bouy peifoims bettei with pieexisting muscle glycogen, anu knowing that Bay 2
tiaining occuis at 8:uuam means we neeu to
eat caibohyuiates at uinnei, thus enuing the
pievious 24 houi peiiou anu beginning the
next that is centeieu aiounu exeicise. Black
beans aie my favoiite choice foi this
situation because of the high fibei content
anu neeu to be eaten fiist, followeu by lean
meat anu vegetable choice. This will give
youi muscles glycogen that they neeu to
peifoim, but is high in fibei so that oui
oveiall goals aien't saciificeu. Bon't woiiy
that you neeu a ceitain foou to meet youi
goals, oi that beans won't uo the job, just eat
laigei seivings. You will be full, tiust me. If
you eat youi uinnei eaily anu neeu anothei
meal, uiink a casein piotein shake with
peanut buttei oi take S giams of fish oil.
"Bay 2"
The situation piesenteu heie has the tiaining
session occuiiing fiist thing in the moining,
anu theie is not time to piepaie anu eat a
meal. When this situation occuis I like to
have my clients piepaie a caffeine souice,
coffee, gieen tea oi a piotein mocha (iight).
This uiink pioviues piotein anu caffeine
without the intiouuction of caibohyuiates

64 #$%%&'()$* +(*', *, -').(.(% )(/ 0$*'.*.,( 1)($)2

anu is peifect foi moining tiaining because it takes about 1 minute to make.
As the woikout begins, pei oui uiscussion in Pait I, eating caibohyuiates is ciucial to peifoimance anu
intensity. Foi eaily moining woikouts, I iecommenu eating some fiuit as you tiain, especially if you
haven't eaten any soliu foou pie woikout. Aftei eaily moining tiaining sessions, I iecommenu a high
piotein, small caibohyuiate meal. If you aie tiying to gain mass, tiy to wait till 1u:Su oi 11:uu to
intiouuce caibs. uL0T-4 will allow caibs to be eaten anu uiiecteu to muscle cells at lunch. The caffeine
you uiank piioi to woikout will woik togethei with the incieaseu metabolic iate to cieate an
enviionment that is conuucive to fat buin. Eat a high caib lunch to iefill youi glycogen stoies, then follow
the afteinoon eating stiategy (high piotein, high caloiie foous, anu gieen tea if uesiieu) as uiscusseu
above in "Bay 1" to impiove bouy composition. Bon't mistake this as a weight loss uiet, I have gaineu S
lbs. of lean mass using this methou ovei the last 6 weeks. If you aie tiying to gain weight, simply inciease
youi macionutiient seiving size at the appiopiiate time. Remembei, being big is gieat, being sloppy is
useless. Below, 6! 4", S2u lb. NFL offensive linemen, Alex Paisons is a gieat example of this. In the iight
photo Chau clockeu Alex's 2u yu. shuttle at 4.SS sec., this woulu have maue him 6th among all offensive
linemen at this yeai's NFL combine. No mattei what youi bouy type is, becoming moie lean is a goal to
woik towaiu, but big uoesn't mean sloppy.

As "Bay S" appioaches we see that we have two tiaining sessions, theiefoie, almost eveiy meal the next
uay will be a postpie woikout meal. The sessions aie spieau out enough wheie glycogen stoies can be
iefilleu, so "Bay 2" uinnei neeus to be a moueiate caibohyuiate meal, black beans, oi a yam, oi beiiies,
with peppeis, anu spinach salau along with a laige piotein seiving is iecommenueu. Again, if you want to
gain mass, have a casein piotein shake with oiganic peanut buttei anu S-S giams of fish oil pills befoie
"Bay S"
This uay will begin with the same stiategy as "Bay 1" with a low caib bieakfast, howevei each meal
following the post woikout meal neeus to high caib (1-2 cups of yams, iice, oi oats pei meal). If you
woiiy that this may be too many caibs anu you won't utilize all the muscle glycogen in two tiaining
sessions, might I suggest woiking haiuei. #.&* )2%' O%* 9$1%51/ H8$ 5.8*1 O.8 %$1 *1$&8D* %Q8D5
5$%&'&'( %'/ 9844&551/ 58 5.1&$ (8%2*P &H ,8D 4&** "]` 8H ,8D$ 5$%&'&'( *1**&8'* %'/ 2&N1 58 O%59.
#U O.1' ,8D O8$N 8D5 5.&* )2%' &*'F5 H8$ ,8DM
The last meal piioi to tiaining session #2 shoulu be fiuit anu a caffeine souice; I iecommenu an apple
anu gieen tea, too laige of a caib seiving piioi to tiaining will put youi bouy in a paiasympathetic moue
(iest anu uigest) anu this will slow neive fiiing to the limbs. Finish "Bay S" meals high caib, the best caib
choices in these situations aie Yams oi sweet potatoes. Enuing this 24 houi peiiou high caib is fine, aftei
two tiaining sessions youi metabolic iate will be so high that caibohyuiates aie necessaiy. In these
situations, iegaiuless of what the following "uay" has foi tiaining, fat buin anu glycogen usage will take
"Bay 4"
This uay is the most compaiable to a 'noimal' woikuay wheie tiaining is occuiiing at the enu of the uay
aftei woik. Stait the moining with a low caib, high piotein bieakfast, leveiaging the hoimones that aie
in place. As the tiaining session appioaches, caib intake shoulu inciease :*'97'&&(A peaking at the
2:uupm meal. Pie woikout meal shoulu be fiuit anu caffeine souice. The post woikout meal, which will
be uinnei in this scenaiio can be high caib, again, a yam oi sweet potato anu peppeis aie my
"Bay S"
This example illustiates eithei a fat buin oi an off uay that piepaies the bouy foi an intense tiaining
session the following 24 houi peiiou. If caiuio is possible, the moining shoulu stait with an iceu mocha
anu low caib bieakfast following caiuio. Niu moining shake shoulu be high piotein anu fat, with S-S
giams fish oil. This same appioach shoulu be applieu to each meal thioughout the uay until uinnei when
piepaiation foi the following moining's ('Bay 1's' tiaining) session takes place with a laige vegetable,
black bean seiving. The high amounts of fish oil will balance hoimones anu ieuuce inflammation
thioughout the bouy, this is ciucial on iecoveiy uays. As 'Bay S' enus you aie piepaieu to begin 'Bay 1'
tiaining again, leanei with muscle glycogen stoies in place foi the next tiaining session.
Some Consiueiations
As you see, with this appioach, nutiition is able to be moie ciiculai than lineai, anu each 24 houi peiiou
flows into the next without abanuoning one macionutiient type foi too long. Ny favoiite caib souices foi
this plan aie black beans, yams, sweet potatoes, fiuit anu iaw oats. I've tiieu othei methous to impiove
bouy composition anu peifoimance with myself anu otheis, but they all leave out foou types that aie
ciucial to being hoimonally healthy anu eneigetic. What's the point with all the tiaining, effoit, anu
nutiition if you feel teiiible uuiing the piocess. If you aie on a mass gain nutiitional stiategy let me uige
you to gain size by eating healthy foou. Baving two cheesebuigeis, a milk shake, anu S Little Bebbie
cakes will give you the glycogen youi muscles neeu, but uoes a Foimula 1 cai use the lowest giaue fuel.
Putting foou into youi bouy that has been piocesseu anu is full of chemicals anu auuitives won't piouuce
goou iesults in the long iun. Plan out youi week anu apply these concepts to youi bouy composition
goals, anu you will see the iesults, 24 houis at a time.

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