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!!! ! # $ % & ' ( ) * + ) # $ ' & , - !!!

1he orlgln LlLle was Laken from Lhe arLlcle of Lhe broLher Abu Abdlllaah khalld Churbaanl

Certainly Allaah has gien much importance to the matter o justice and airness in this perected religion o al-
Islaam. In the !"#$$%& Allaah the Most ligh has mentioned to us that le sent lis Messengers with clear proos
and eidences so that mankind may uphold justice. le has stated in lis Glorious Book:

loJeeJ we bove seot Oot Messeoqets wltb cleot ptoofs, ooJ teveoleJ wltb tbem tbe 5ctlptote ooJ tbe bolooce (jostlce) tbot mookloJ
moy keep op jostlce. [al-Padeed: 23]

lurthermore, Allaah the Mighty and Majestic has commanded us in seeral '($$) o the !"#$$% to uphold justice,
not only with those beloed to us but een with our enemies:

O oo wbo belleve stooJ oot fltmly fot jostlce, os wltoesses to Allb, eveo lf tbls be oqolost yootselves, ot oot poteots, ot oot klo, be
ne tlcb ot poot, Allb ls o bettet ptotectot to botb (tboo yoo). !" $"%%"& '"( ()* %+,(, -"$ ."+/ )*0/(,12 %*,( ."+ 304 05"67 8+,(69*,
ooJ lf oo Jlstott oot wltoess ot tefose to qlve lt, vetlly, Allb ls evet well-AcpooloteJ wltb wbot oo Jo. [an-nlsa:133]

le the Most ligh has also said:

O oo wbo belleve! 5tooJ oot fltmly fot Allb ooJ be jost wltoesses ooJ let oot tbe eomlty ooJ notteJ of otbets 30:* 4"+ 05"67
8+,(69*. 8e jost. tbot ls oeotet to plety, ooJ feot Allb. vetlly, Allb ls well-AcpooloteJ wltb wbot yoo Jo. [al-Maaldah: 8]

Allaah has also commanded us with justice and equality in the !"#$$% as le has also ordered lis Messenger
to preach this.

vetlly, Allb commooJs wltb Al-AJl (8+,(69* ooJ wotsblpploq oooe bot Allb olooe - lslmlc Moootbelsm) ooJ Al-lbso ooJ qlvloq
(belp) to kltb ooJ klo (l.e. All tbot Allb bos otJeteJ oo to qlve tbem e.q., weoltb, vlsltloq, lookloq oftet tbem, ot ooy otbet kloJ of
belp, etc.). ooJ fotblJs Al-lobsb' (l.e All evll JeeJs, e.q. llleqol sexool octs, JlsobeJleoce of poteots, polytbelsm, to tell lles, to qlve
folse wltoess, to klll o llfe wltboot tlqbt, etc.), ooJ Al-Mookot (l.e All tbot ls ptoblblteJ by lslmlc low. polytbelsm of vety kloJ,
Jlsbellef ooJ vety kloJ of evll JeeJs, etc.), ooJ Al-8oqby (l.e. All kloJs of opptessloo), ne oJmoolsbes yoo, tbot oo moy toke beeJ.
[an-nahl: 90]

And le the Most ligh said:

Say (O Muhammad): My Lord has commanded justice [al-Araaf: 29]

\hile Allah has mentioned in other '($$) that le loes those who are just.

1beo moke tecooclllotloo betweeo tbem foltly, ooJ be jost. ;*/6%4< =%%>) %"5*, ()",* &)" 0/* 8+,(. [al-Hujaraat 9]

1hereore, the matter o justice and equality towards all is an aair o which must be gien immense importance so
that we may obtain the pleasure o Allaah the Most ligh and be distanced rom lis punishment. In addition, i we
were to take a look into the *"%%$+ o the Messenger then his establishment o justice and his implementation o
the commandments o Allaah will become maniest. \e take this opportunity to mention one example o this
rom his blessed *"%%$+ which indicates the precedence that the Messenger gae to upholding truth and justice
een with the most beloed o people to him.

It is reported by Al-Bukhari (3733) and Muslim (1688) on the authority of Aisha may Allaah be pleased with her-
that she mentioned:

5otely Ootoesb became concerned about the affair of the woman from Makhzoom (a known tribe) who stole. So they said who will
speok to tbe Messeoqet on her behalf? They then said And who is brave (enough) to Jo so beslJes usoomob tbe beloveJ ooe of
tbe Messeoqet . 5o usoomob spoke to blm (l.e. tbe Messeoqet), tbeo tbe Messeoqet solJ (lo tespoose) Do you seek
intercession in a prescribed punishment from the prescribed punishments of Allaah? Then he (the Messenger ) stooJ op ooJ
delivered a lecture and he said O mookloJ loJeeJ tbe people befote yoo wete JesttoyeJ becoose, lf o petsoo of ooblllty stole tbey
oseJ leove blm be, wblle lf o weok petsoo stole tbey woolJ tbey woolJ cotty oot tbe ptesctlbeJ poolsbmeot oo blm. ='7 ?4 =%%00)2 6$
@0(630) ()* 70+A)(*/ "$ B+)03307 )07 ,("%*' C &"+%7 9+( "$$ )*/ )07D

In the preious -$.//)+ we clearly see the Messengers implementing o justice and equity to the extent that he
inormed the companions that een i his own beloed daughter latimah may Allaah be pleased with her- was to
steal he would hae cut o her hand. \hile the loe that the Messenger had or latimah and how she was
rom the dearest o his children to him is not hidden rom us.
It is reported by Al-Bukhari ,5230, and Muslim ,2449, on the authority o Al-Miswar bin Makhramah may Allaah
be pleased with him- that the Messenger said about latimah:

5otely sbe ls o pott of my flesb, l om JlscomfotteJ by tbot wblcb Jlscomfotts bet ooJ l om botmeJ by tbot wblcb botms bet.
\et this loe would neer hinder him rom ulilling the commandments o Allaah towards her or anyone
else, i there be need and this is the #$%& &'%()*#+ (,- .%/#*0& o al-Islaam.

1hereore, we as '+0"12Sunnah wal Jamaah should be the oremost in ollowing his guidance i we certainly look
orward to the meeting with our Lord, as Allaah has said:

loJeeJ lo tbe Messeoqet of Allb (MobommoJ ) yoo bove o qooJ exomple to follow fot nlm wbo bopes lo (tbe Meetloq wltb) Allb
ooJ tbe lost uoy ooJ temembets Allb mocb. [al-Ahzab: 21]

Ater this introduction then we are all aware o the recent attacks
which hae been posted on the site Manhaj.com.
\here one or more 3$4$+//0 ,unknown indiiduals, hae authored seeral articles which contain much lies, slander
and belittlement o the noble Shaykh \ahya bin Alee Al-lajooree. \et with this these ainthearted indiiduals hae
chosen to conceal their identities, most likely out o cowardliness and ear o becoming known to people, while it is
Allaah who has more right to be eared.

E)*4 304 )67* -()*6/ 9/63*,1 $/"3 3*'2 ?+( ()*4 90''"( )67* -()*31 $/"3 =%%>)2 $"/ F* 6, &6() ()*3 -?4 )6, G'"&%*7A*12 &)*'
()*4 H%"( ?4 '6A)( &"/7, ()0( F* 7"*, '"( 0HH/"5*2 0'7 =%%>) *5*/ *'9"3H0,,*, &)0( ()*4 7"D [an-nlsa: 108]

1his group o indiiduals whom Satan may the curse o Allaah be upon him- has managed to persuade into waging
a hopeless against Ahlus-Sunnah in Damaaj, hae declared the noble Shaykh \ahya bin Alee Al-lajooree as well as
the 3$1+$$(5+ and students in Darul-laddeth in Damaaj to be an innoators. \hilst they hae made the basis o
this injustice judgment o theirs several supposed destructive deviations of which they and those who they blindly
ollow in this hae beneitted rom the people o innoation o old which they hae in turn posted on numerous
In addition to this, rom the errors which they hae also used as a means in the expelling o tens o
thousands o Salaees all oer the world rom the old o the *"%%$+ o the Messenger was some exaggerations
and ampliications which some poets had done in praise o Shaykh \ahya Al-lajooree may Allaah presere him-.

1his is while they are aware that Shaykh \ahya has criticized the extremism which is done in praise o him on
dierent occasions and has clearly stated that he is not pleased with this. loweer, these indiiduals as well as
those who incite them continue to attack and belittle Shaykh \ahya and his students *, ( 1(,,&$ 23*03 3(/ ,4#
5&&, /&&, 6$41 #3&1 #42($-/ (,+ 46 #3& 7&47)& 46 *,,48(#*4, 5&64$&9 Rather they hae not een spoken

Amazlngly enough, Lhese lndlvlduals have !"#"$ $"%&'"( ')" *+",$ %,+-")..(- of Lhelr prevlous mosbooykb who became lnnovaLors or ,'',*/"(
Lhem ln Lhe manner Lhey have aLLacked Shaykh ?ahya and sLudenLs of knowledge ln uarul-PadeeLh ln uamaa[ and Lhe ald of Allaah ls soughL.
1hese mosbooykb of Lhelrs belng Lhe llkes of Abul-Passan Al-Marlbl (1he lkwoooee lnfllLraLor), lallh Al-Parbee (who was exLremely beloved Lo
Lhem and he ls now a 0,(,(""), lozee Al-ALharee (Lhe 0,(,("") or Sallh Al-8akree (whose A)+%+ ls well-known Lo Lhe mashaaykh of ?emen and
WhaL should also be menLloned ls LhaL Lhese lndlvlduals and Lhelr llkes are bllnd followers who culLlvaLe Lhelr followers upon Lhls crooked paLh.
For if the noble scholar Shaykh Rabee bin Haadi may Allaah granL hlm success- was Lo order Lhem Lomorrow Lo reLracL from whaL Lhey have
posLed, you would see Lhem hasLen ln compllance Lo hls demand. And how ugly lndeed ls Lhe resulL of bllnd followlng!! ln Lhese lndlvlduals as well
as Lhe llkes of Lhem there holds true the statement of Ubaid bin Muataz where he said 2)"$" 3- !. (3%%"$"!*" 4"'5""! , *.5 5)3*) 3- +",( ,!(
')" .!" 5). 4+3!( %.++.5-6..

about the 6"77$# the enemies o Allaah, lis Messenger and lis religion
in the manner they hae spoken about
'+0"12*"%%$+ in 8$#"02-$.//)+ in 8$3$$4 reiling them and declaring them to be innovators and cult members.

1his is while they are 2&)):(2($& that some o the poets themseles hae not only repented rom their erroneous
statements but they hae also made their recantations 7%5)*0. loweer, een with their knowledge o this, the
poets recantations have no meaning to them and their likes and their repentances hae allen upon dea ears
. So
they continue to mention these errors and declare tens o thousands o Salaee men, women, young and old rom
the students o Shaykh \ahya to be ;(-((-&&/, *-*4#/ and so on. \hile they deceitully portray to the people that
Shaykh \ahya, his students and all o those connected to Darul-ladeeth as-Salaiyah in Damaaj may Allaah
presere it rom all eil- are pleased with what was mentioned by these poets and the aid o Allaah is sought.
1hereore, it being that these indiiduals depict to the people that they possess an earnest concern or the *"%%$+
o the Messenger and that they #$%)+ 3(#& <3%)% ,extremism, towards anyone, whoeer he may be. Seeral

As a beneflL Lhese cowardly lndlvlduals have noL and mosL llkely wlll noL speak abouL Lhe evlls of Lhe koffot nor wlll Lhey make clear whaL Allaah
has sLaLed abouL Lhem belng from Lhe people of Lhe hell-flre. 1hls ls elLher due Lo Lhe numerous beneflLs whlch come Lo Lhem from by way of Lhe
koffot. Cr because Lhey are agenLs for Lhe koffot as some of Lhe people have sLaLed abouL Lhem prevlously. A nave individual may then say this
ls a lle! l have heard Lhem speak abouL Lhe koffot many times! In response to this I say, the crucial factor which should be given conslderaLlon ls
whaL ')"7 ),#" -,3( 8&4+3*+7 whllsL clarlfylng Lhe enmlLy LhaL Allaah has ordered wlLh Lowards Lhe koffot and noL whaL Lhey say ln secluslon.
8elng LhaL Lhe koffot are unaware of whaL ls sLaLed abouL Lhem behlnd closed doors and Lhls ls of no beneflL Lo Musllms elLher. 8aLher l challenge
Lhem Lo brlng forward , -3!9+" ,&(3. ln whlch Lhey have manlfesLed Lhelr dlsllke of Lhe koffot and made clear Lhelr evlls and how Lhey are from Lhe
enemles of Lhe Musllms and : 53++ $"8"!' ,!( $"'$,*' %$.; ')3- -','";"!' .% ;3!"6
8emarkably when Lhese lndlvlduals were crlLlclzed for slanderlng Lhe poeLs who had repenLed from Lhelr errors Lhey shrewdly responded by
saying We know they have repented but the problem is how can this occur?! They also claimed that this ls whaL Shaykh ?ahya culLlvaLes hls
sLudenLs upon and Lhls also lndlcaLes hls lack of knowledge. WhllsL Lhey also have made Lhe followlng commenLs wlLh much lmpudence:

We shall noL squander much of Lhe noble readers Llme ln response Lo Lhls feeble doubL. ln response Lo Lhls senseless [abber we shall reLurn Lhe
same quesLlon back Lo Lhese lgnoramuses by asklng Lhem: ln Lhls arLlcle as well as Lhe upcomlng arLlcle Allaah wllllng- several llnes of poeLry
whlch conLaln ln Lhem qbolo Lowards Shaykh Rabee will be seen by the readers. Therefore, does this in anyway indicate that Shaykh Rabee
*&+'3#,'"- )3- -'&("!'- &8.! A)+%+I <$ '),' ')" )",$'-= '.!9&"- ,!( ;3!(- .% )3- -'&("!'- ),#" !.' 4""! !&$'&$"( &8.! 2,5)""( ,!( -. .!
from the false claims they made?! Or that Shaykh Rabee is pleased with this? If they respond by saying no definitely not! 2)"! 5" $"-8.!( '.
')"; 47 -,73!9 ')"! !"3')"$ 3- ')" *,-" 53') >),7/) ?,)7,6 As for Lhelr clalm LhaL Shaykh ?ahya Lhanked Lhe sLudenLs for Lhese poeLrles whlch
conLaln qbolo ln Lhem Lowards hlm, Lhen we esLabllshed and All pralse ls due Lo Allaah alone- ln some prevlous arLlcle LhaL Lhese mojobeel
(unknown lndlvlduals) who posL on Manha[.com are decelLful lndlvlduals. 1herefore, Allaah has ordered us lf a fooslp (slnful lndlvldual) *.;"- '.
&- 53') !"5- '),' 5" ;,/" #"$3%7 ,!( ;,/" -&$" )3- !"5- 3- *.$$"*'. >. +"' ')"; 4$3!9 %.$') ')"3$ "#3("!*"- '),' >),7/) ?,)7, '),!/"( ,!(
made dua for these poets whilst he knew what they stated in praise of him.

poems which were gathered by the brother Abu Abdillaah Khalid Al-Ghurbaani and others which contain in them
0)&($ &=#$&1*/1 in praise of Shaykh Rabee may Allaah grant him success- hae been translated -by the aid o
Allaah- and will be coneyed to the noble readers Allaah willing. 1he intent behind this is ,4# to belittle or
slander Shaykh Rabee as we believe that Shaykh Rabee is not pleased with this type of extremism himsel, but
rather they hae been translated or two extremely imperatie matters.
Firstly for the noble readers to know the statement of Shaykh Rabee may Allaah grant him good health and
well-being- in the translated audio which was taped and circulated without his knowledge or permission where
he said >3& /#%-&,#/ 46 ():;(.44$&& ($& &=#$&1*/#/ 74//&//*,< &=#$&1*/1 23*03 3(/ ,4 &'%*8()&,#&
?1(1 (#3:>3('()(*,@ ?1(1 (#3:>3('()(*, ,the Imam o Jinn and Mankind, and so on... 1his statement is
an error which has occurred from Shaykh Rabee may Allaah pardon us and him- rom two angles:

,a, Shaykh Rabees assumption that the students of Shaykh Yahya are extremists possessing extremism which
has no equal 3(/ 5&&, 7$48&, *,04$$&0#. Being that some of Shaykh Rabees 8&$+ 42, /#%-&,#/ hae
gone to extreme levels in praising Shaykh Rabee may Allaah grant him success- in poetry in, a manner
equal to the praise o the students o Shaykh \ahya towards him. Rather, in some cases the poets who
have praised Shaykh Rabee have even surpassed what was mentioned about Shaykh \ahya as will become
clear to the noble reader by the will o Allah -.

,b, Shaykh Rabees statement ?1(1 (#3:>3('()(*,@ ?1(1 (#3:>3('()(*, whilst using this as a proo or
the extremism o the students o Shaykh \ahya is also incorrect or seeral reasons. lirstly, the one who
mentioned these lines was 4,& *,-*8*-%() and ,4# ()) 46 #3& /#%-&,#/ 46 A3(+B3 C(3+(. \hile what is
known rom the religion o Al-Islaam that it is not permissible to place the ault o one person upon
another, let alone thousands o innocent students who were not pleased with this statement to begin with.
Allaah says in the noble Quraan:

J" H*/,"' *0/', 0'4 -,6'1 *K9*H( 0A06',( )63,*%$ -"'%412 0'7 '" ?*0/*/ "$ ?+/7*', ,)0%% ?*0/ ()* ?+/7*' "$ 0'"()*/.
1beo ooto oot lotJ ls yoot tetoto, so ne wlll tell oo tbot wbetelo oo bove beeo Jlffetloq." [al-Anaam: 164]

lurthermore, the poet Abu Zaid Al-lajooree who said these lines repented immediately ater he was
notiied about his error and this was approximately 64%$ +&($/ (<4. Not to mention that this poet did not
only repent but rather he also wrote lines o poetry on dierent occasions clariying his repentance and
retraction rom his error.
Neertheless, he continues to be condemned and erbally assaulted or this

lrom Lhe llnes of poeLry whlch he has wrlLLen ln repenLance are :
O you who does not see other than our sins *** And does not mention except the sin of our callers
Im repenting! Im repenting! Im repenting! *** Im repenting from everything you have detested!
Im repenting from that line of poetry (i.e. the Imam of Jinn and Mankind) *** which the retraction from it has already passed if you have
not realized.

error which he has retracted rom and this is 477$&//*4, 23*03 */ *17&$1*//*5)&. Shaykh ul-Islaam ibn
1aymiyah may Allaah hae mercy on him- said in relation to the dispute which took place between Aadam
and Musa may peace and salutation be upon them both- this is because Aadam may peace be upon
him- had certainly repented rom the sin (,- #3& 4,& 234 $&7&,#/ 6$41 ( /*, */ )*B& 3& 234 3(/ ,4 /*,9
D,- *# */ ,4# 7&$1*//*5)& #4 $&5%B& #3& 4,& 234 3(/ $&7&,#&- 5+ #3& 04,/&,/%/ 46 #3& 7&47)&.
(Majmoo al-latawaa 9,18 ia Niqaash Ahl-alitidaa by Abu Faeroos Al-Indonisee.,

In addition to this, the noble Shaykh Abu Amr Al-lajooree recently said in response to a question which
was raised to him during one o his lessons that he personally notified Shaykh Rabee #3(# #3& 74&#
234 $&6&$$&- #4 A3(+B3 C(3+( (/ #3& ?1(1 46 E*,, (,- F(,B*,- 3(- 7$&8*4%/)+ $&7&,#&-9

G ,45)& $&(-&$/@ (/B +4%$/&)8&/ */ *# 6$41 #3& 6(*$,&// (,- .%/#*0& #3(# D))((3 3(/ 4$-&$&- %/
2*#3 #3(# 2& $&5%B& (,- 8*)*6+ (, *,-*8*-%() 64$ +&($/ -%& #4 (, &$$4$ 23*03 3& 3(/ $&7&,#&- 6$41HH
I34 6$41 (14,</# %/ 24%)- 5& 7)&(/&- #4 5& $&7&(#&-)+ 8*)*6*&- (,- 04,-&1,&- 64$ (, &$$4$
23*03 3& $&7&,#&- 6$41 +&($/ (<4! \e ask Allaah to keep irm our hearts upon his religion certainly he
is the All-Capable.

1he second reason why these poems are being introduced to the Lnglish speaking public is that due to the
poems which contain therein extreme praise o Shaykh \ahya may Allaah presere him- we hae all witnessed
the seere attacks o the unknown indiiduals who hae slandered him due to them. 1hese attacks hae een
reached the extent that they hae hinted towards Shaykh \ahya being $)29$$:+"") ,a deity worshipped besides
Allaah, as is it is ound in their article \ahyaa Al-ladaadi \orshipped Besides Allaah with Istighaatha.

1hereore, i the true intent o these 3$4$+//0 ,unknown indiiduals, who post on Manhaj.com as well as those
who openly maniest their displeasure o these poems written in praise o Shaykh \ahya (,- #3&*$ 4,)+ (*1 *,
these refutations of theirs is to safeguard this blessed Salafi Dawah from the innovation of <3%)%
,extremism, #3&, 2& /3()) ()) /&& #3&*$ 0$*#*0*/1/ (,- -*/7)&(/%$& 46 #3& &=#$&1*/1 ()/4 64%,- *, #3&
%7041*,< 74&#$+9

loweer, i they remain silent about these errors or begin to search or excuses as to why this was said, #3&,
)&# #3& 7$&/&,# *,64$1 #3& (5/&,# #3(# #3&/& *,-*8*-%()/ ($& 0)&($ 64))42&$/ 46 #3&*$ -&/*$&/ 234 3(8&
.4*,&- #3& $(,B/ 46 #3& 7&47)& 46 *,,48(#*4,9 J$41 (14,</# #34/& 234/& *,#&,# */ ,4# #4 -&6&,- #3&
$&)*<*4, 46 D))((3 6$41 &=#$&1*/1@ 5%# $(#3&$ #4 /&&B #3& -42,6()) 46 K($%):;(-&&#3 *, K(1((. (,- 6($
*,-&&- */ 23(# #3&+ -&/*$&9

WhllsL Lhe poeL Abu Zald has also sald ln anoLher poem:
: ,; $"8"!'3!9= $"'$,*'3!9 ,!( -""/3!9 %.$93#"!"-- @@@ A$.; '),' -','";"!' 5)3*) 7.& ),#" (3-,88$.#"(B (l.e. Lhe lmam of !lnn and Manklnd)
And l have 8&4+3*3C"( ;7 $"'$,*'3.! %$.; 4"%.$" *** And l am upon lL and have repenLed slnce Lhey crlLlclzed (lL)

lmpottoot 8eoeflt: 1he noble Shaykh Abdul-Pameed Al-Pa[ooree menLloned LhaL Lhose who do noL accepL Lhe repenLance of Lhe poeLs afLer Lhey
openly repenLed and reLracLed from Lhelr errors, Lhen Lhese people ),#" , $"-";4+,!*" '. ')" /00)6? D')" 5.$-)38"$E 5). ("!3"( ')" $"8"!',!*"
.% ')" ;,! 5). /3++"( !3!"'7 !3!" 8".8+". 1herefore, Lhey should conslder Lhemselves hlgher Lhan Lo resemble Lhe tooblb who based hls
[udgmenL upon a lack of knowledge and undersLandlng.

!"# %" %&' ()*%+),'* "- ./'+0 12%0'34*3 -"5)6 4) *"3' "- %&' 7"'3* "- %&' 8%56')%* "-
8&+9:& Rabee whilst Extoling Shaykh Rabee 3+9 ;//++& <0+)% &43 *5,,'**=

1he brother Abu Abdillah Ahmed bin Ali Al-Awaadhi may Allaah grant him success- reported the ollowing lines
o poetry which were said regarding Shaykh Rabee. 1he poet said:


Moy yoo oll be moJe o soctlflce oltoqetbet $"/ )6, ,0'70%
lot loJeeJ 4"+ 0%% 0/* %"&*/ ()0' 6( (i.e. Shaykh Rabees sandal) 0'7 56%*/

L411&,#($+: In these erses, the poet clearly goes beyond bounds in his praise of Sheikh Rabee may Allaah
grant him success- whilst calling or the people altogether to be a sacriice or his /(,-() because they are lower and
iler than it and we seek the aid o Allaah . 1hereore, what we hae here is that at the expense o the praise o
Shaykh Rabee may Allaah grant him success- the people were insulted and belittled.

1his statement o this poet has opposed seeral o the teachings rom the !"#$$% and *"%%$+ we take this
opportunity to shed light upon some o them.
lirstly the poets claim that we are all lower than the sandal of Sheikh Rabee is :+"0" ,extremism, which is
undoubtedly clear to all and opposes the statement o Allaah:

AoJ loJeeJ we bove boooteJ tbe cbllJteo of AJom, ooJ we bove cottleJ tbem oo looJ ooJ seo, ooJ bove ptovlJeJ tbem wltb At-
1olylbt (lowfol qooJ tbloqs), 0'7 )05* H/*$*//*7 ()*3 0?"5* 30'4 "$ ()",* &)"3 &* )05* 9/*0(*7 &6() 0 A/*0( H/*$*/*'9*. [al-
lsraa: 70]
Ibn lazm may Allaah hae mercy on him- in his book Al-lisal il-Milal wan-Nihal ,5,18, stated: Certainly Allaah
has aored in lis ery words the children o Aadam aboe much o that which he has created, but not
aboe all o that which le has created. And without a doubt the children o Aadam are aored oer the Jinn and
aboe all o the mute animals ,all the animals which are incapable o speech, and ,they hae also been aored,
(548& #3(# 23*03 */ ,4# (, (,*1() ,i.e. trees, grass, sandals etc.M >3&$&64$&@ #3&$& 3(/ ,4# $&1(*,&- ( 0$&(#*4,
23*03 */ &=&17#&- 6$41 #3& 6(84$*,< 46 D))((3 46 #3& 03*)-$&, 46 D(-(1 &=0&7# #3& (,<&)/.

1his explanation o the preious '($+ by the Imam Ibn lazm may Allaah hae mercy on him- clearly indicates
the aor and status which Allaah has bestowed upon mankind and that he has raised them aboe much o that

which le has created. As a result, the claim o the poet that we are all lower and iler than the sandal o Sheikh
Rabee is in plain contradiction to this '($+.

Secondly in the Jaami of Imam At-1rimidhi ,2032, it is authentically reported by Al-Albani and others that Ibn
Umar may Allaah be pleased with him- looked at the Kabah one day and said:
t. .L .| , L .| ,:.,- . t| , L .| ;.,- ... l| . .
now qlotlfleJ yoo ote! AoJ bow qteot yoot sooctlty ls, 4*( ()* ?*%6*5*/ 6, A/*0(*/ 6' ,0'9(6(4 &6() =%%00) ()0' 4"+D (i.e. the Kabah)

In this narration Ibn Umar may Allaah be pleased with him- says to the Kabah the sacred House of Allaah #3&
5&)*&8&$ */ <$&(#&$ *, /(,0#*#+ 2*#3 D))((3 #3(, +4%N \hat then do you assume that Ibn Umar would hae said i
he would hae heard this type o extremism

?174$#(,# O4#&P On the site Manhaj.com which is known or distributing articles written by 3$4$+//0 ,unknown
indiiduals, which is rom the distinct signs o the people o innoation, they posted the statement o the poet who
exaggerated in his praise o Shaykh \ahya may Allaah grant him success- by stating the ollowing lines:

\hich are 04$$&0#)+ translated to mean:
L "+/ !)04:)< 304 34 M"/7 A+0/7 "5*/ 4"+N C 7" '"( 7*,6/* ()* O+'40 &)6%,( youve departed. I swear, if I was to
wipe his shoes (i.e. Shaykh Yahyas) the length of a lifetime then this would be little.

\hat is important to know, is that the poet who stated these lines was only speaking 4, 3*/ 42, (004$- #34%<3
#3*/ */ (, &$$4$ 23*03 /34%)- ,4# 5& 04,-4,&- 4$ 7$(*/&-9 loweer, instead o rectiying the error in the
manner which is best, this 3$4+;;0 ,unknown indiidual, who authored the article and those who aided him in his
alsehood took a path o slander, iliication and belittlement and gae the article the ollowing misleading title.

lL should be broughL Lo Lhe readers attention LhaL Lhese llnes have been greaLly crlLlclzed agalnsL Shaykh ?ahya Lo Lhe exLenL LhaL Lhey were
menLloned from amongsL hls ;,G.$ errors whlch have led Lhe many of the 8rlLlsh Salafee CommunlLy Lo slgnlng a peLlLlon where Lhey have
collaboraLed ln warnlng agalnsL ?ahya Al-Hajooree and his followers. Even though as we can all see here, these lines which were mentioned
abouL Shaykh Rabee are much, much worse and more abysmal Lhan whaL was sLaLed abouL Shaykh ?ahya and Lhe ald of Allaah ls soughL.

\hat then will the unknown author as well as those who aided him in sin and transgression say in response to this
:+"0" towards Shaykh Rabee. \ill they also reer to him with their ollowing statement

Or will they remain totally silent without maniesting any criticism towards this and expose their true colors to the
readers as being a deious people who hae no real concern o deending the religion rom extremism! \e leae
the readers to judge.

Second Instance of Extremism found in Praise of Shaykh Rabee>

Rabee nothing resembles Rabee
='7 4"+ &"+%7 ?* 6'90H0?%* 6$ 4"+ 7*,6/*7 -(" $6'71 0' *P+650%*'( $"/ )63

L411&,#($+: 1he :+"0" which is present in these lines speaks or itsel and is not much need o prolonging its
clariication. 1he poet claims here that there is nothing which likens Shaykh Rabee may Allaah grant him success-
and that we are incapable o inding anything equialent to him.

\hat should be clear to all is that no *$0$7// who knows what Shaykh Rabee has put forward in calling to the *"%%$+
o the Messenger upon the Methodology o the *$0$7"12*$0<+ will deny his eorts. loweer, we must restrain
ourseles rom going beyond bounds in praise o anyone as the Messenger has prohibited this and we hae been
commanded by Allaah to ollow the Messenger i we truly loe lim .

1hereore, we should rerain rom this type o extreme praise. \hereas we should know well that these types o
statements may in turn lead some o those who lack comprehension o the religion to actually consider them as
true. \hilst it is Allaah alone who has no equal nor is there anything which resembles lim. Allaah says:

1bete ls ootbloq llke ooto blm, ooJ ne ls tbe All-neotet, tbe All-5eet. [ash-Shoora: 11]

1be lotJ of tbe beoveos ooJ tbe eottb, ooJ oll tbot ls betweeo tbem, so wotsblp nlm (Alooe) ooJ be coostoot ooJ potleot lo bls
wotsblp. O" 4"+ :'"& "$ 0'4 &)" 6, ,636%0/ (" )63I (Of cootse oooe ls slmllot ot coepool ot compotoble to blm, ooJ ne bos oooe os
pottoet wltb nlm). [Maryam: 63]

"AoJ tbete ls oooe co-epool ot compotoble ooto blm." [al-lkhlaas: 4]

\hile it is reported by Abu Dawood in his Sunan ,985, on the authority o Mihjan bin Al-Arda may Allaah be
pleased with him- that the Messenger may the peace and salutations o Allah be upon him- entered the masjid and
behold there was a man who was completing his prayer and he was saying in the 9$1+$+". ,the sitting in the prayer,:
,.. .| .-t| l| t, t.| _. , , l| .-| |a e e, , ,. , , .l, , _ . | a i| : . | . ,_,. . _ ,a i. | ,
.tzs .t ,,,-,| , ,a . . , ,a . . , l: t:t

? ;//++&@ 4)6''6 ( +*: 9"5 ? ;//++&@ ;/=;&+6 AB' 4* ;//C&@ AD&' ?)'E ;*=8+3+6 AD&' 8'/-=85--4,4')% 3+*%'0@ #&"3 ;// ,0'+%50'*
)''6@E %&' ")' #&" 6"'* )"% F'<'% )"0 #+* &' !"#$%%"& (&) %*"+" ,- &$&" .$/"01(2 $+ .$34(+(!2" 1&%$ *,3 %" -"0<4G' 39 *4)*
4)6''6 H"5 +0' %&' ;//=Forgiving and Merciful. So he said (i.e. the Messenger) He has been forgiven! (He repeated this) thrice.
;5%&')%4,+%'6 F9 ;/=;/F+)4 4) 8+&''6 ;F4 I+#""6 JKLJM=LJLN

1he aorementioned eidences plainly illustrate that it is Allaah ()4,& 234 3(/ ,4 &'%() ,4$ */ (,+#3*,<
0417($(5)& #4 ;*1 . lence, whosoeer beliees about any o lis creations howeer great they may be- that
they %,$&/#$*0#&-)+ hae no equal or that nothing is comparable to them, then they hae contradicted this great
oundation in the D'&&-(3 o the Muslims.

On the other hand, many o people including mysel cannot help but to wonder what these indiiduals would hae
done i these lines were to be stated about Shaykh \ahya may Allaah presere him-. 1hey most likely would hae
hastened to making another one o their deceptie headlines claiming that the poet has compared Shaykh \ahya to
Allaah or something o the sort, and we seek reuge in Allaah.

O4#&: 1hese lines o poetry were rom amongst the lines criticized by Shaykh Saalih as-Suhaymee may Allaah
grant him success- and een Ubaid al-Jaabiree in a advice which was directed to Shaykh Rabee 0())*,< 3*1 #4 6$&&
3*1/&)6 6$41 #3& &=#$&1*/1 46 #34/& 234 /(*- #3&/& 74&#$*&/. It has also been mentioned that the one who
stated these lines has repented and Allaah knows best. loweer, a questioned may be put orward which is did
Shaykh Rabee may Allaah grant him success- rebuke and reprimand the poet who said these words about him as
he demanded Shaykh \ahya to do with the poet who reerred to him as the Imam o Jinn and Mankind or was his
repentance alone suicient!

In conclusion to this irst gathering, we again call or those indiiduals who continue to iliy and slander the poets
who oer praised Shaykh \ahya een ater they hae repented rom the error in their poems, to likewise maniest
their displeasure and hatred o this :+"0" towards Shaykh Rabee as they did with Shaykh Yahya and his followers.
1his is i they are #$%)+ .%/# (,- %,5*(/&- and the reason which has caused them to wage this hopeless war against
Ahlus-Sunnah in Damaaj is their hatred or :+"0" and exaggeration in extolment o the people. ;42&8&$@ *6 #3&+
-4 ,4# $&/74,- #4 #3*/ (77&() #3&, B,42 2&)) G $&(-&$ #3(# #3&+ ($& 0)&($)+ 64))42*,< #3&*$ -&/*$&/9 I3*)&
D))(3 3(/ /(*- *, #3& O45)& Q%$((, (54%# #34/& 234 64))42 #3&*$ -&/*$&/P

D,- 234 */ 14$& (/#$(+ #3(, 4,& 234 64))42/ 3*/ 42, )%/#/@ 2*#34%# <%*-(,0& 6$41 D))R3= S&$*)+N D))R3
<%*-&/ ,4# #3& 7&47)& 234 ($& G77$&//*8&9 T():Q(/(/P UVW

\ritten By: Mahmood bin Muhammad As-Somali

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