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MLA Style Sheet Guidelines The MLA style is quite easy; there are no endnotes or footnotes.

First introduce the section you want to cite or use it in your paragraph and follow it with the author's name (unless it was included in the introduction) and the page num er where you found the information. This documentation is placed in parentheses at the end of the section! generally efore the ending punctuation. Examples: PARENTHETICAL CITATION The Modern Language Association (MLA) guidelines require that you cite the quotations! summaries! paraphrases! and other material used from sources within parentheses typically placed at the end of the sentence in which the quoted or paraphrased material appears. The parenthetical method replaces the use of citational footnotes. These in" te#t parenthetical citations correspond to the full i liographic entries found in a list of references at the end of your paper. ($ote that the titles of wor%s are underlined rather than placed in italics.) &nless otherwise indicated! on"line sources follow the same pattern as print 'ersions. ($) A&T*(+! $(T $AM), -$ -$T+(,&.T-($ This description of Grant and Lee extends itself to a contrast of the political philosophies of the two sides in the conflict (Lestler 97). ($) A&T*(+! $AM), -$ -$T+(,&.T-($ According to Lestler, Americans must learn to recycle most of their waste or communities will face ne!er"ending de#ates o!er disposal sites ($%9). &ote the placement of the 'uotes. T/( (+ M(+) A&T*(+0 Learning at home presents some challenges #ecause this setting can #e su#(ect to distraction. )tudents must ac'uire the s*ills and ha#its of #eing effecti!e distance learners (+oore and ,earsley $%). A L($1 2&(TAT-($ The parentheses will come after the end punctuation in this case. Remember to indent and single-space this quote. As the #usiness plan was researched, some good examples were disco!ered. -ou should always try to focus on what ma*es your product different from others and what ma*es it #etter. The .en / 0erry1s model is one good example that 2 found.

Technology is important as well, the #usiness plan states3 4erfecting the techni'ue of inserting large chun*s of coo*ies and candies into ice cream has re'uired a considera#le in!estment in research and design and the purchase of new machinery and its su#se'uent modification. And the need for 'uality control is ac*nowledged, if only #riefly. (Gumpert $%5) 2n .en / 0erry1s statement, the *ey ingredients are discussed. These ingredients are considered almost entirely in contrast to those of the competition howe!er, noting that .en / 0erry1s uses no fillers in their ice cream. )L).T+($-. +)0(&+.)0 This refers to information you may find on the /orld /ide /e ! in emails! or on a .,"+(M. 0ince it is rare that you would e a le to cite specific page num ers! ma%e sure to include the author's name if possi le! and the &+L or we address. 03).-F-. A&T*(+ As 2 was loo*ing for materials to help with this guide, 2 came across this 'uote3 6ne pro#lem of searching for materials on the 7orld 7ide 7e#, for instance, is that a search engine can return a listing from the -ale 8ni!ersity 9nglish :epartment alongside a listing from my Aunt +illie (http3;;www.#ellwriting.com;mla$;electronic.htm). $( 03).-F-. A&T*(+ ,eystone &ational <igh )chool is an accredited high school that pro!ides students with the means to earn high school credits or a diploma from home (%555). THE BIBLIOGRAPHY/WORKS CITED PAGE This is the page where you list the sources of your information in a formal manner! alpha etically. F(+MAT 1&-,)L-$)0 -ndent 4 spaces on all ut the first line of each entry. ,ou le"space etween all entries. Alpha eti5e entries y author; if no author is gi'en! egin with the title. /e 0ites should ha'e author (if gi'en)! title underlined! date of pu lication or update (if a'aila le)! originator (if a'aila le)! date of access! and the &+L (electronic address).

Works cited examples: 6((70 Gumpert, :a!id 9. <ow to =eally >reate a )uccessful .usiness 4lan. .oston3 2nc. 4u#lishing, $99?. Lestler, 0ames :. A 7riter1s <and#oo*3 )tyle and Grammar. )an :iego3 <arcourt .race 0o!ano!ich, $99$. +oore, +ichael G. and Greg ,earsley. :istance 9ducation3 A )ystems @iew. .elmont, >A3 7adsworth 4u#lishing, $99?. )L).T+($-. +)0(&+.)0 (we sites! email! e"8ournals! discussion groups! etc.) To cite files a'aila le on the /orld /ide /e ! gi'e the author's name! last name first (if %nown); the full title of the wor%! in quotation mar%s; the title of the complete wor% (if applica le)! in italics; any 'ersion or file num ers; and the date of the document or last re'ision (if a'aila le). $e#t! list the date of access! followed y the protocol (e.g.! 9http9) and the full &+L enclosed in angle rac%ets. .ur*a, Lauren 4. A <ypertext <istory of +ulti" 8ser :imensions. $99A. +8: <istory. % Aug. $99? Bhttp3;;www.utopia.com;talent;lp#;muddex;essayC. To cite electronic pu lications and data ases! list the author's name! last name first (if %nown); the title of the article! in quotation mar%s; and the title of the software pu lication! in italics. $e#t! list any 'ersion or edition num ers or other identifying information! the series name (if applica le)! and the date of pu lication. Finally! cite the name of the data ase (if applica le) and the name of the online ser'ice"" oth in italics""or the -nternet protocol and address! any other pu lication information! the directory path followed (if applica le)! and the date accessed. >hristopher, 7arren. 7or*ing to 9nsure a )ecure and >omprehensi!e 4eace in the +iddle 9ast. 8.). :ept. of )tate :ispatch 73$D, $ Apr. $99?. East:oc. 6>L>. Eile F9?5?%7AG9G. $% Aug. $99?. To cite .,"+(M0! software programs! or games! cite the name of the author or corporate author (if a'aila le); the title of the software program! in italics; the 'ersion num er (if applica le and if not included in the software title); and the pu lication information! including the date of pu lication (if %nown). 2: )oftware. The 8ltimate :oom. &ew -or*3 GT 2nteracti!e )oftware, $99H.

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