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Hi Everyone.

I seem to be unable to attach the papers I have on 2009 on the discussion forum or over my email so Ive typed out the Qs , hope it helps a bit? !"#0$E %ay&'une 2009 is E()*"+, li-e %ay&'une 20#0 .ctober& /ovember 2009 Q#0 "rue& 1alse #.# 2eo3 4 History can be re3arded purely as !ocial !cience #.2 "he sub5ects 2eo3 and History have al6ays been practiced from a content7based approach #.$ "he teachin3 and learnin3 of facts play an important role in intermediate and senior phase education #.8 "he be3innin3 of the development of ideas that form schematic outline starts durin3 the intermediate phase of learnin3 #.9 )ccordin3 to /elson :#992; <environment= refers to a physical and human environment #.> 2eo3raphers study the spatial pattern of peoples interactions 6ith the physical environment only #.? "he 9 elements identified for History by %athe6s et al, are facts, truth and interpretation, history as science, history and mortality, ob5ectivity in history and causation in history #.@ Empathy is critical in the teachin3 of history and 3eo3 #.9 Environmental teachin3 is only important 6hen a teacher teaches !ocial !cience #.#0 In teachin3 !! a holistic approach that ac-no6led3es the interactions bet6een the biophysical, socio7cultural, political and economic dimensions of human life is important :20; Q20 2.# Ariefly ans6er the follo6in3 Bs 2.#.# Cra6 a dia3ram to illustrate your understandin3 of the term !ocial !cience :8; 2.#.2 Dhat are some of the values purported for teachin3 history :8; 2.#.$ Dhat are some of the values alle3ed for teachin3 2eo3 :8; :+oo- on p $@?;

2.2 "he table belo6 contains info re3ardin3 principles identified to inform curriculum desi3n in !) :*urriculum 1rame6or-, #99>; rovide the 9 ans6ers :2.2.#72.2.9; as indicated :9; rinciple Human resource development 2.2.2 Inte3rated approach 2.2.8 ro3ression :ans6er on p 2>; 2.$.#. define an education aim 2.$.2 define and education ob5ective :p3. >9 but cant see that is could count 8 mar-s?; 2.8 2ive a practical eEample in 3eo3 and history ho6 each of the follo6in3 s-ills could be acBuired :#0; !-ills Feadin3 and research s-ills !ocial s-ils Cescriptive s-ills !chematic s-ills !ynthesis s-ills 2eo3 History :8; :8; *ontribution 2.2.# +earnin3 are pivotal to learnin3 2.2.$ +earnin3 pro3rammes offer learners the opportunity 6hat, 6here, ho6, and at 6hat place to learn 2.2.9

.n p $> they state the s-ills but does not 3ive eEamples????

lease help?

2.9 If you are teachin3 in a area 6ith no electricity or, in a to6n or city 6ith all modern facilities 2.9.# Dhat teachin3 media 6ould you use in a specific lesson? Gse a relevant topic from the syllabus as an eEample :#0; 2.9.2 Dhen usin3 the media in 2,9,#, 6hat must you not do durin3 your teachin3? :#0; 1rom p3 8$ 2.> Ariefly eEplain the attributes of a 3ood scheme of 6or3. >$ 2.? Cifferentiate bet6een assessment and evaluation and support your ans6er 6ith relevant eEamples 30 ?87?? :9;


2.@ Ciscuss 9 s-ills that learners 6ill acBuire throu3h field6or- eEperiences 3. $>????


Im really startin3 to stress about this sub5ect.. if you disa3ree 6ith some of my ans6ers please 3ive me your opinion Fe3ards +inda

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