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Companions of the Prophet (SAW) Brief biographies: 1. Abu Usaid (died 6 A.!.): !

!is rea" name #as $a"i% bin &abi'ah. !e parti(ipated in the Batt"e of Badr #ith the $us"ims. )n his "ater *ears he "ost his e*esight. !e #as the "ast of those #ho fought at the Batt"e of Badr to die. !e died in $adina. +. Abu Umamah (died 1 A.!.): &ea" name: As'ad bin ,urarah. !e #as a Companion from the Ansar and one of the ear"ier Companions #ho adopted )s"am. Abu Umamah #as the representati-e of his tribe in the .irst and Se(ond P"edges of A"/ 'A0abah. !e #as the first to p"edge a""egian(e to the $essenger on the 1ight of A"/'A0abah and #as the first $us"im to enter $adina. 2. Abu Ai*ub A"/Ansari (died 3+ A.!.465+ A.6.): &ea" name: 7ha"id bin ,aid bin 7u"aib. !e #as a Companion #ho be"onged to the 7ha8ra9: a tribe from the Ansar. Abu Ai*ub hosted the $essenger in his home #hen he immigrated to $adina. !e attended the P"edge of A"/'A0abah and parti(ipated in the Batt"es of Badr: Uhud: the ;ren(h and a"" other batt"es (ommanded b* the Prophet. Abu Ai*ub died during the siege of Constantinop"e #hen $u'a#iah in-aded the B*8antine territories. <. Abu A"/6arda= (died 2+ A.!.463+ A.6.): &ea" name: 'U#aimir bin $a"i%. !e #as a Companion from the 7ha8ra9 and one of the narrators of Propheti( hadiths. ;he Prophet "in%ed him in a brother"* re"ation #ith Sa"man A"/.arisi. Abu A"/6arda= parti(ipated in a"" batt"es fo""o#ing the Batt"e of Uhud. )t is not (ertain #hether he parti(ipated in the "atter or not. !e assumed the offi(e of 9udge in 6amas(us and died during the (a"iphate of 'Uthman bin 'Affan. 3. Abu Burdah A"/Ansari (died <1 A.!.): ;he un("e of A"/Bara= bin 'A8ib. !is rea" name #as !ani= bin 1iar bin 'Amr. !e #as present at the Batt"e of Badr. >abir bin Abdu""ah and Abdu"/&ahman bin >abir narrated hadiths from him on =Boo% on .ighting the Apostates. = !e died in the ear"* *ears of $u'a#iah=s (a"iphate. 6. Abu Bar8ah (died 63 A.!.): !is rea" name #as 1ad"ah bin 'Ubaid bin A"/!arith. !e "i-ed in $adina: but "ater "eft for Basra. !e fought in 'A"i=s arm* against the peop"e of 1ahra#an. !e a"so fought #ith A"/$uha""ab bin Abi Sufrah against the A8ari0ah. !e reported <6 Propheti( !adiths. 5. Abu Bashir A"/Ansari (died 62 A.!.): We""/%no#n narrator of the Prophet=s !adiths. !e #as fata""* in9ured in the Batt"e of A"/!arrah near $adina (62 A.!.46?2 A.6.) ?. Abu Ba%r A"/Siddi0 (31 B.!./12 A.!.4352/62< A.6.): &ea" name: 'Abdu""ah bin 'Uthman bin 'Amir. ;he first &ight"*/@uided Ca"iph (11/12 A.!.462+/62< A.6.) !e #as the first man to be"ie-e in the ne# faith. Abu Ba%r %ept (ompan* #ith the Prophet before and after the $ission. !e endured the perse(ution of the Auraish and spared nothing to support the ne# re"igion. !e #as the Prophet=s (ompanion

in his !i9rah from $e((a to $adina. When he be(ame (a"iph: he fought the Apostates and those #ho refused to pa* the ,a%ah: and restored unit* to the $us"im (ommunit*. B. Abu Ba%rah (died 3+ A.!.): !is rea" name #as 1afi' bin A"/!arith bin 7i"dah A"/ ;ha0afi. !e #as a Companion from A"/;a'if. !e reported 12+ Propheti( hadiths. !e died in Basra. 1 . Abu >uhaifah (5< A.!.): A Companion of the Prophet (pea(e be upon him). =Abu >uhaifah= #as his ni(%nameC his rea" name #as Wahb bin 'Abdu""ah bin $us"im. ;he Prophet (pea(e be upon him) died #hi"e Abu >uhaifah #as sti"" a teenager. !e #as appointed treasurer of the pub"i( treasur* b* 'A"i bin Abi ;a"ib. !e #as the "ast Companion to die in 7ufa. 11. Abu !udhaifah bin 'Utbah (died 11 A.!.): .u"" name: Abu !udhaifah bin 'Utbah bin &abi'ah bin 'Abd Shams bin 'Abd $anaf. !e #as a Companion from the Auraish and one of the ear"ier $us"ims #ho parti(ipated in the ;#o $igrations (to Ab*ssinia and $adina). Abu !udhaifah parti(ipated in the Batt"e of Badr and #as %i""ed in the Batt"e of A"/Damamah. 1+. Abu 6u9anah A"/Ansari (died 11 A.!.): A Companion of the Prophet (pea(e be upon him): he parti(ipated in the Batt"e of Badr and #as instrumenta" in the %i""ing of $usai"imah the )mpostor at the Batt"e of A"/Damamah. 12. Abu 6harr A"/@hafari (died 2+ A.!.463+ A.6.): A Companion of the Prophet and one of the first to adopt )s"am: he #as %no#n for his piet* and as(eti(ism. !e abandoned drin%ing a"(oho": games of (han(e and ido"atr* e-en before )s"am. Abu 6harr parti(ipated in the (on0uest of >erusa"em during the (a"iphate of 'Umar bin A"/7hattab. 6uring the reign of the Ca"iph 'Uthman: Abu 6harr made the ("aim that the poor shou"d share #ith the ri(h in their #ea"th: so 'Uthman banished him and he died in eEi"e. ;he Prophet said about him: F$a* A""ah ha-e mer(* upon Abu 6harrG Hone"* #i"" he "i-e: "one"* #i"" he die and "one"* #i"" he be resurre(ted. F 1<. Abu Sa'id A"/7hudri (died 5< A.!.): &ea" name: Sa'd bin $a"i% bin Sinan. !e #as a Companion #ho be"onged to the 7ha8ra9: a tribe of the Ansar. !e narrated man* Propheti( hadiths and #as one of the most %no#"edgeab"e Companions. Abu Sa'id parti(ipated in 1+ batt"es: and assumed the position of $ufti in $adina: #here he died. 13. Abu Suf*an bin !arb (died 21 A.!.463+ A.6.): &ea" name: Sa%hr bin !arb bin Umai*ah. !e #as a #ea"th* "eader of the Auraish and one of the se-erest enemies of )s"am at the batt"es of Uhud and the ;ren(h. Abu Suf*an (on-erted to )s"am on the da* of the Con0uest of $e((a. !e #as father of $u'a#iah bin Abi Suf*an: the founder of the Uma**ad state.

16. Abu Sa"amah A"/$a%h8umi (died < A.!.): &ea" name: 'Abdu""ah bin 'Abd A"/ Asad. !e #as the Prophet=s foster/brother and one of the first to adopt )s"am. Abu Sa"amah migrated to Ab*ssinia and then to $adina. !e parti(ipated in the Batt"e of Badr and died in $adina. ;he Prophet promised him that he #ou"d be the first to re(ei-e the re(ord of his deeds #ith his right hand on the 6a* of >udgment. 15. Abu Shuraih A"/'Ada#i (died 6? A.!.): !e a((epted )s"am short"* before the Con0uest of $e((a. !e be"onged to the Bani 7a'b tribe and thus (arried their banner in the Con0uest of $e((a. !e died in Ai"ah on the #a* bet#een the !e9a8 and S*ria. 1?. Abu 'Ubaidah bin A"/>arrah (died 1? A.!.462B A.6.): &ea" name: 'Amir bin 'Abdu""ah. !e #as a Companion from the Auraish and one of the ten $us"ims #ho #ere gi-en the g"ad tidings that the* #ou"d enter Paradise. Abu 'Ubaidah %i""ed his po"*theist father in a batt"e. ;he Prophet ga-e him the tit"e F;he ;rustee of $uhammad=s Ummah. F Abu 'Ubaidah #as one of the (ommanders #ho "ed $us"im armies to the (on0uest of S*ria. !e died during the p"ague of 'Am#as. 1B. Abu $as'ud A"/Ansari (died < A.!.): !is rea" name #as 'U0bah bin 'Amr bin ;ha'"abah. !e p"edged a""egian(e to the Prophet (pea(e be upon him) at A"/ 'A0abah P"edge and too% part in the Batt"e of Uhud. )n addition: he #as an a(ti-e parti(ipant in subse0uent )s"ami( e-ents. 'A"i bin Abi ;a"ib appointed him his su((essor at 7ufa #hen he headed for Siffin to fight $u'a#iah. Abu $as'ud reported more than 1 Propheti( hadiths. + . Abu $usa A"/Ash'ari (died << A.!.): &ea" name: 'Abdu""ah bin Aais. Abu $usa immigrated to Ab*ssinia: then mo-ed to $adina after the (on0uest of 7haibar. 'Uthman bin 'Affan appointed him go-ernor of 7ufa. Abu $usa #as in-o"-ed in the Arbitration bet#een 'A"i and $u'a#iah: but then renoun(ed both parties. +1. Abu !urairah (died 3B A.!.465? A.6.): &ea" name: 'Abdu"/&ahman bin Sa%hr A"/A8di. !e adopted )s"am in 5 A.!. and parti(ipated #ith the Prophet in the Con0uest of 7haibar in the same *ear. !e sta*ed in the (ompan* of the Prophet in pursuit of %no#"edge. Abu !urairah #as (onsidered one of the greatest $uftis of his time. 'Umar bin A"/7hattab appointed him go-ernor of Bahrain: then remo-ed him due to his "enient (hara(ter and his tenden(* to dedi(ate himse"f to #orship. !e died in $adina. ++. Abu Wa0id A"/Haithi (died 6? A.!.): !is rea" name #as 'Auf bin A"/!arith A"/ Haithi. !e parti(ipated in the Batt"e of Badr. !e #as from $adina: but died in $er- in ;ur%menistan during the (a"iphate of $u'a#iah. +2. Ubai bin 7a'b bin Aais (died +1 A.!.): A >e#ish rabbi #ho #as %no#"edgeab"e of the an(ient s(riptures: Ubai attended the Se(ond P"edge of A"/'A0abah: in #hi(h he de("ared his adoption of )s"am and p"edged a""egian(e to the Prophet. Ubai be(ame one of the s(ribes of &e-e"ation: and parti(ipated in a"" the batt"es

"ed b* the Prophet: in("uding Badr and Uhud. Ubai #as one of the four re(iters #ho (ompi"ed the !o"* Aur=an during the "ifetime of the Prophet and #as %no#n as the $aster of &e(iters. !e died during the (a"iphate of 'Uthman bin 'Affan. +<. Usamah bin ,aid (died 3< A.!.465< A.6.): !e #as born after the emergen(e of )s"am. ;he Prophet made him "eader of a huge arm* #hi"e he #as sti"" *oung. 'Umar bin A"/7hattab he"d him in high esteem. Usamah #ithdre# from the turmoi" that bro%e out fo""o#ing the assassination of 'Uthman. !e died in $adina. +3. Usaid bin !udair (died + A.!.): A Companion from the Ansar: he #as regarded as the most distinguished of the Aus %nights and their (hief at the Batt"e of Bu'ath. Usaid #as one of the heads #ho attended the P"edge of A"/'A0abah on beha"f of his peop"e. ;he Prophet "in%ed him in a brother"* asso(iation #ith ,aid bin !arithah. !e died during the (a"iphate of 'Umar bin A"/7hattab +6. Anas bin $a"i% bin A"/1adr (died B2 A.!.): A Companion from the Ansar: he be"onged to the 7ha8ra9 tribe: and #as the ser-ant of the $essenger (pea(e be upon him). Anas parti(ipated in the (on0uests of the )s"ami( armies. !e #as one of the narrators #ho reported a great number of hadiths. !e mo-ed to Basra #here he "i-ed the rest of his "ife. +5. A"/Ahnaf bin Aais (died 65 A.!.): .u"" name: A"/Ahnaf bin Aais bin !usain A"/ $urri A"/$an0ari A"/;amimi: the (hief of the Banu ;amim. A"/Ahnaf #as %no#n for being a prudent and e"o0uent "eader. !e in-aded 7hurasan under the "eadership of Abu $usa A"/Ash'ari. A"/Ahnaf #ithdre# from the dissension that bro%e out fo""o#ing the Batt"e of the Came": but supported 'A"i bin Abi ;a"ib in the Batt"e of Siffin: and disagreed #ith 'A"i bin Abi ;a"ib o-er his (hoosing Abu $usa A"/Ash'ari as his representati-e in the Arbitration. A"/Ahnaf insisted on his opposition to $u'a#iah e-en after $u'a#iah assumed the (a"iphate. +?. A"/A0ra' bin !abis (died 21 A.!.4631 A.6.): .u"" name: A"/A0ra' bin !abis bin ')0a" A"/6arimi. !e #as one of the Arab dignitaries in the Pre/)s"ami( period. A"/ A0ra' (ame to the Prophet in a de"egation from the Banu 6arim and de("ared his adoption of )s"am a"ong #ith them. !e a((ompanied 7ha"id bin A"/Wa"id in his batt"es in A"/Damamah against the Apostates and parti(ipated in the series of batt"es fought in )ra0. A"/A0ra' #as %i""ed in batt"e in >au8a9an. +B. A"/Bara= bin 'A8ib (died 51 A.!.46B A.6.): A Companion from the 7ha8ra9 tribe: he parti(ipated in the (on0uest of Persia. A"/Bara= a"so supported 'A"i bin Abi ;a"ib in the Batt"es of the Came" and Siffin and in his fight against the 7hari9ites. A"/Bara= d#e"t in 7ufa and died there. 2 . A"/!arith bin 7i"dah (died 3 A.!.): A Companion from the tribe of ;ha0if #ho d#e"t in ;a=if: he studied medi(ine in Persia and be(ame a (e"ebrated ph*si(ian throughout the Arabian Peninsu"a. A"/!arith (ompi"ed man* boo%s on medi(ine. !e died during the (a"iphate of $u'a#iah.


21. A"/!abbab bin A"/$undhir bin A"/>amuh (died + A.!.): A Companion #ho #as %no#n for his #ise 9udgments before and after )s"am. A"/!abab parti(ipated in the Batt"es of Badr: Uhud: the ;ren(h and a"" other batt"es (ommanded b* the Prophet. )n the Batt"e of Badr: A"/!abab ad-ised the Prophet that the $us"im arm* shou"d (amp near the We"" of Badr to pre-ent the po"*theists from rea(hing #ater. !e died during the (a"iphate of 'Umar bin A"/7hattab. 2+. A"/!asan bin 'A"i (died 3 A.!.): ;he first son born to 'A"i bin Abi ;a"ib and .atimah: the Prophet= s daughter. A"/!asan had a ("ose ph*si(a" simi"arit* to the Prophet. After the death of his father: 'A"i: A"/!asan abdi(ated the (a"iphate to $u'a#iah on the (ondition that he #ou"d be the su((essor of $u'a#iah after his death. !e died in $adina. 22. A"/,ubair bin A"/'A##am (died 26 A.!.4636 A.6.): A Companion from the tribe of Auraish: (ousin of the Prophet and one of the ten persons #ho #ere gi-en the g"ad tidings b* the Prophet that the* #ou"d enter Paradise. A"/,ubair #as gi-en the tit"e Fthe Prophet=s 6is(ip"e. F !e parti(ipated in a"" the batt"es "ed b* the Prophet. 2<. A"/Sa=ib bin Da8id (B1 A.!.): At the age of se-en: A"/Sa=ib a((ompanied his father and mother to perform the .are#e"" !a99 a"ong #ith the Prophet (pea(e be upon him). !e died in $adina. 23. A"/Sa'b bin >athamah A"/Haithi (died +3 A.!.): !e parti(ipated in most of the batt"es during the Prophet=s "ifetime. !e #itnessed the $us"im (on0uest of Persia. 26. A"/'Abbas bin 'Abdu"/$utta"ib (died 2+ A.!.4632 A.6.): ;he Prophet=s un("e: one of the Arab dignitaries he"d in high esteem b* the Prophet. A"/'Abbas attended the P"edge of A"/'A0abah before adopting )s"am. !e #as the prede(essor of the 'Abbasid d*nast*. !e died in $adina. 25. A"/'A"a= bin A"/!adhrami (died +1 A.!.): A Companion of the Prophet (pea(e be upon him): born in $e((a #here he spent his ear"* *ears. )n ? A.!.: the Prophet (pea(e be upon him) de("ared him ru"er of A"/Bahrain. !e "ater fought the apostati8ing tribes there. A"/'A"a= is said to be the first $us"im na-a" (ommander. 2?. A"/.ad" bin A"/'Abbas (died 12 A.!.): ;he Prophet=s (ousin and Companion: ni(%named Abu $uhammad: he #as the e"dest son of A"/'Abbas bin 'Abdu"/ $utta"ib. After the Prophet=s death: he set off for >ihad in S*ria: #here he died as a mart*r in the Batt"e of A9nadin. 2B. A"/Aa'0a' bin 'Amr A"/;amimi (died < A.!.): A (ourageous %night #ho #as %no#n for his eEp"oits both before and after )s"am. Abu Ba%r said about him: F!is (r* in batt"e is better than one thousand fighters. F !e sho#ed eE(eptiona" (ourage in the Batt"es of Darmu% and A"/Aadisi*ah. !e #itnessed the Batt"e of the Came"

#ith 'A"i bin Abi ;a"ib. !e sett"ed in 7ufa and died there. < . A"/$is#ar bin $a%hramah (died 6< A.!.): 1i(%named Abu 'Abdu"/&ahman. Whi"e sti"" *oung: A"/$is#ar attended the Prophet (pea(e be upon him) and reported hadiths. !e transmitted hadiths after the .our &ight"*/@uided Ca"iphs and other ma9or Companions. <1. A"/$usa*ib bin !a8n : .ather of Sa'id bin A"/$usa*ib: the distinguished 9urist. !e attended A"/&idh#an P"edge of A""egian(e. <+. A"/$ughirah bin Shu'bah (died 3 A.!.465 A.6.): A resour(efu" Companion from the ;ha0if. !e attended the P"edge of A"/&id#an: narrated hadiths from the Prophet and parti(ipated in the Batt"e of Damamah and in the (on0uests of S*ria: )ra0 and 7ufa. A"/$ughirah assumed go-ernship of 7ufa and Basra and then #as deposed b* 'Uthman bin 'Affan. Hater $u'a#iah appointed him go-ernor of 7ufa: #here he died. <2. A"/$i0dad bin A"/As#ad A"/7indi (died 22 A.!.4632 A.6.): .u"" name: A"/ $i0dad bin 'Amr bin ;ha'"abah bin $a"i%. !e #as one of the first se-en persons #ho announ(ed their (on-ersion to )s"am pub"i("*: and #as the first %night to fight in the (ause of A""ah. !e married 6uba'ah bint A"/,ubair: the (ousin of the Prophet. !e parti(ipated in the ;#o $igrations (to Ab*ssinia and $adina): and parti(ipated in a"" the batt"es (ommanded b* the Prophet. !e died during the (a"iphate of 'Uthman bin 'Affan. <<. A"/1u'man bin Bashir (died 63 A.!.46?< A.6.): A Companion of the Prophet and a poet: he (omposed a (o""e(tion of poems. !e assumed go-ernship of 7ufa under $u'a#iah and of !oms under Da8id. A"/1u'man p"edged a""egian(e to Abdu""ah bin A"/,ubair (#ho rebe""ed against the Uma**ads) and #as assassinated. <3. A"/1u'man bin $u0rin (died +1 A.!.46<+ A.6.): .u"" name: A"/1u'man bin $u0arrin bin 'Amr bin 'A=idh: a Companion from the tribe of Banu $a8inah. !e a(hie-ed great (on0uests in Persia: o((upied Airmisin: and #as %i""ed in the Batt"e of 1iha#and. <6. Buraidah bin A"/!usaib (62 A.!.): A Companion of the Prophet (pea(e be upon him): ni(%named Abu Sah". !e "i-ed in $adina but "ater "eft for Basra. Short"* after his arri-a" in Basra: he set out for the (on0uest of 7hurasan: but died in $er-. <5. Bi"a" bin &abah (died + A.!.46<1 A.6.): An Ab*ssinian s"a-e #ho #as bought and eman(ipated b* Abu Ba%r: thus ridding him of the torture to #hi(h he had been eEposed on a((ount of his being a $us"im. Bi"a" a((ompanied the Prophet and parti(ipated in a"" the batt"es (ommanded b* him. !e #as %no#n as Fthe Prophet=s $ue88in. F ;he Prophet "in%ed him in a brother"* re"ation #ith Abu 'Ubaidah bin A"/>arrah. Bi"a" dedi(ated his "ife to >ihad after the death of the

Prophet unti" he died in S*ria. <?. ;habit bin A"/6ahha% (died 6<A.!.): 1i(%named Abu ,aid. !e attended A"/ &idh#an P"edge of A""egian(e. !e rode behind the Prophet (pea(e be upon him) in the Batt"e of the ;ren(h. !e reported 1< Propheti( hadiths. <B. ;humamah bin Atha" (died 11 A.!.): .u"" name: ;humamah bin Atha" bin A"/ 1u'man bin $as"amah A"/!anafi. !e #as a (ourageous and inf"uentia" Companion from Damamah. !e (on-erted to )s"am after meeting the Prophet in $adina: then returned to $e((a to propagate )s"am. ;he Prophet appointed him go-ernor of Bahrain in ? A.!. !e opposed the Apostates in Damamah and #arned them against fo""o#ing $usai"imah the )mpostor. 3 . ;hauban: the Prophet=s .reed S"a-e (died 3< A.!.): A s"a-e bought b* the Prophet (pea(e be upon him): then set free. ;hauban (ontinued ser-ing the Prophet unti" his death. !e reported 1+? Propheti( hadiths. 31. >abir bin Samurah (died 5< A.!.): Son of 7ha"idah bint Abi Wa00as: ni(%named Abu 'Abdu""ah. !e died in 7ufa during the reign of the Uma**ad Ca"iph 'Abdu"/ $a"i% bin $ar#an. 3+. >abir bin 'Abdu""ah A"/Ansari (died 5? A.!.): 1i(%named Abu 'Abdu""ah. )n the "ater part of his "ife he "ost his e*esight. !e narrated hadiths from the Prophet and from Abu Sa'id. !e "i-ed and died in $adina. 32. >ubair bin $ut'im bin 'Adi (died 35 A.!.): A Companion from the dignitaries of the Auraish. !e #as espe(ia""* %no#n for his %no#"edge of genea"og*. !e adopted )s"am in the period bet#een the !udaibiah ;reat* and the Con0uest of $e((a. !e died during the (a"iphate of $u'a#iah bin Abi Suf*an. 3<. >a'far bin Abi ;a"ib (died ? A.!.): .u"" name: >a'far bin Abi ;a"ib bin 'Abdu"/ $utta"ib bin !ashim. !e #as one of the first to adopt )s"am. !e immigrated to Ab*ssinia and propagated )s"am there. !e he"d the banner in the Batt"e of $u=tah and too% it to his (hest after his t#o arms #ere (ut off. !e stood firm unti" he #as %i""ed b* more than eight* #ounds to his bod*. !e #as (a""ed Fthe ."ierF for it #as narrated that he #ou"d ha-e t#o #ings instead of arms in Paradise. 33. >undub A"/'A"a0i (6< A.!.): A Companion of the Prophet (pea(e be upon him): ni(%named Abu 'Abdu""ah. !e "i-ed in 7ufa and then "eft it for Basra. !e reported Propheti( hadiths after the s(ho"ars of both (ities. 36. !udhaifah bin A"/Daman (died 26 A.!.4636 A.6.): A Companion and $us"im (on0ueror: he #as the (onfidant of the Prophet regarding the !*po(rites. 'Umar bin A"/7hattab appointed him ru"er of Ctesiphon. !udhaifah defeated the Persians at the Batt"e of 1iha#and (6<+ A.6.) !e died in Ctesiphon.

35. !a%im bin !i8am (died 3< A.!.): .u"" name: !a%im bin !i8am bin Asad bin 'Abd A"/'U88a: nephe# of 7hadi9ah: the Prophet=s #ife. Being a friend of the Prophet both before and after his $ission: !a%im -io"ated the bo*(ott imposed b* the Auraish on the Banu !ashim. !a%im adopted )s"am a"ong #ith his sons upon the Con0uest of $e((a. !e #as genera""* %no#n for his righteousness and generosit*. 3?. !am8ah bin 'Abdu"/$utta"ib (died 2 A.!.46+3 A.6.): ;he Prophet=s un("e and foster/brother. !e adopted )s"am t#o *ears after the Prophet=s $ission and #as a ma9or support to him. !e immigrated to $adina and the Prophet "in%ed him in a brother"* re"ation #ith ,aid bin !arithah. !am8ah parti(ipated in the Batt"e of Badr and #as %i""ed at the Batt"e of Uhud. 3B. 7ha"id bin A"/Wa"id (died +1 A.!.46<+ A.6.): A Companion from the ("an of $a%h8um and an Arab (ommander: he "ed the )s"ami( armies in the (on0uests of Persia and S*ria and defeated the B*8antines at the Batt"e of A9nadin. !e died in !oms. 6 . 7habbab bin A"/Aratt (died 25 A.!.4635 A.6.): Ine of the first to adopt )s"am: he suffered a great dea" of torture b* the po"*theists to di-ert him from his be"ief. )n $adina the Prophet "in%ed him in a brother"* re"ation #ith >abr bin 'Ati0. 7habbab died in 7ufa. 61. 7hubaib bin 'Adi (died < A.!.): A (ompanion from the Aus: a tribe of the Ansar: he parti(ipated in the Batt"e of Badr. ;he Prophet dispat(hed him to the Banu 'Ada" and A"/Aarah to tea(h them re"igion. !o#e-er: the* betra*ed him and so"d him to the Banu A"/!arith bin 'Amr bin 1aufa": #ho %i""ed him in reta"iation for %i""ing their father at the Batt"e of Badr. 6+. 7hu8aimah bin ;habit A"/Ansari (died 25 A.!.): .u"" name: 7hu8aimah bin ;habit bin A"/.a%ih bin Sa'idah A"/Ansari. !e #as one of the first to adopt )s"am. 7hu8aimah parti(ipated in the Batt"e of Badr and a"" other batt"es #itnessed b* the Prophet. ;he Prophet honored him #ith the spe(ia" merit: his testimon* e0ua"ed the testimon* of t#o persons. 7hu8aimah #as one of the (ommanders of 'A"i=s arm* at the Batt"e of Siffin in #hi(h he #as %i""ed. 62. 6ih*ah A"/7a"bi (died <3 A.!.4663 A.6.): Ine of the Prophet=s (ompanions #ho had a -er* fair (ountenan(e. @abrie" appeared to the Prophet: most fre0uent"*: in 6ih*a=s form. ;he Prophet entrusted him #ith a message to Caesar: the B*8antine empror. !e died during the (a"iphate of $u'a#iah bin Abi Suf*an. 6<. &afi' bin 7hadi9 (died 52 A.!.): 1i(%named Abu 'Abdu""ah. !e transmitted the Propheti( hadiths that his un("es reported from the Prophet (pea(e be upon him). !e "i-ed and died in $adina. 63. ,aid bin Ar0am (died 6? A.!.): ;he Batt"e of the ;ren(h #as the first batt"e he

#itnessed after a((epting )s"am. !e "ater too% part in 15 batt"es. !e reported and transmitted man* Propheti( hadiths. 66. ,aid bin A"/7hattab (died 11 A.!.): .u"" name: ,aid bin A"/7hattab bin 1ufai" bin 'Abd A"/'U88a. !e #as the paterna" brother of 'Umar bin A"/7hattab and one of the ear"* immigrants from $e((a to $adina. !e parti(ipated in the Batt"e of Badr and a"" other batt"es (ommanded b* the Prophet and parti(ipated in the #ar against the Apostates: #here he #as %i""ed. 65. ,aid bin ;habit (died <3 A.!.4663 A.6.): A Companion #ho be"onged to the tribe of 7ha8ra9: he #as one of the s(ribes of &e-e"ation. !e #as distinguished among the Companions b* his %no#"edge of matters re"ated to inheritan(e. ;he Prophet to"d him to "earn !ebre# and S*ria( to trans"ate the messages that he re(ei-ed in these "anguages. 6?. ,aid bin !arithah (died ? A.!.46+B A.6.): A Companion #ho had been a s"a-e of the Prophet. ;he Prophet set him free after he preferred to sta* #ith him instead of being redeemed b* his fami"*. ;he Prophet had adopted him before the pra(ti(e of adoption #as "ega""* prohibited. ;he Prophet married him to his (ousin ,ainab bint >ahsh: then to Umm 7u"thum bint 'Utbah after he di-or(ed ,ainab. ,aid #as (ommander at the Batt"e of $u=tah. 6B. ,aid bin 7ha"id A"/>uhani (6? A.!.): Ine of the attendants of A"/!udaibiah P"edge of A""egian(e. !e (arried the banner of >uhainah: his tribe: during the Con0uest of $e((a. !e reported some of the Propheti( hadiths in("uded in the ;#o Sahihs of A"/Bu%hari and $us"im. 5 . Sa"im: the freed s"a-e of Abu !udhaifah (died 11 A.!.): .u"" name: Sa"im bin 'Ubaid bin &abi'ah. !e #as one of the first to adopt )s"am and #as (ounted among the four most re"iab"e persons the Prophet (hose for tea(hing peop"e the !o"* Aur=an. Sa"im he"d the banner of the $us"im arm* in the fight against the Apostates and #as %i""ed after his t#o arms #ere (ut off. 51. Sura0ah bin $a"i% (died about +< A.!.): Sura0ah pursued the Prophet #hen he #as on his #a* to $adina (in the !i9rah). ;he Prophet in-o%ed A""ah against Sura0ah: so the "egs of his horse san% into the earth. Sura0ah then p"edged to "et the Prophet "ea-e safe"* to $adina and not te"" the po"*theists #here he #as. In the da* of the Con0uest of $e((a: Sura0ah de("ared his adoption of )s"am and "ed a -irtuous "ife unti" he died during the (a"iphate of 'Uthman bin 'Affan. 5+. Sa'd bin Abi Wa00as (died 33 A.!.4653 A.6.): A Companion from the tribe of Auraish: one of the ten persons #hom the Prophet ga-e the g"ad tidings that the* #ou"d enter Paradise. !e "ed the )s"ami( armies to the (on0uests of Persia and defeated &ustum: the Persian (ommander at the Batt"e of Aadisi*ah. Sa'd ordered the bui"ding of the (it* of 7ufa in )ra0.

52. Sa'd bin 'Ubadah (died 1< A.!.4623 A.6.): A Companion and dignitar* of the tribe of A"/7ha8ra9 #ho be"onged to the Ansar: he #itnessed the P"edge of A"/ 'A0abah and parti(ipated in the Batt"es of Uhud and the ;ren(h. !a-ing ambitions to the (a"iphate: he refrained from p"edging a""egian(e to Abu Ba%r and 'Umar and mo-ed to S*ria: #here he died. 5<. Sa'd bin $u'adh (died 3 A.!.46+5 A.6.): .u"" name: Sa'd bin $u'adh bin A"/ 1u'man A"/Ausi. !e #as the (hief of the Aus tribe in $adina and #as (ounted among its (ourageous "eaders. !e adopted )s"am in the period bet#een the .irst and the Se(ond P"edges of A"/'A0abah. ;he prophet a((epted Sa'd=s -erdi(t regarding the Banu Auraidhah: #ho had brea(hed their (o-enant #ith the Prophet. 53. Sa'id bin A"/'As (died 3B A.!.465B A.6.): .u"" name: Sa'id bin A"/'As bin Sa'id bin A"/'As bin Umai*ah bin 'Abd Shams A"/Uma#i. !e #as espe(ia""* %no#n for his generosit* and good reputation. ;he Ca"iph 'Uthman bin 'Affan appointed him go-ernor of 7ufa. Sa'id made great (ontributions to the pro(ess of (ompi"ing the s(attered (opies of the !o"* Aur=an into one -o"ume. !e died in $adina. 56. Sa'id bin ,aid (died 31 A.!.4651 A.6.): .u"" name: Sa'id bin ,aid bin 'Amr bin 1ufai" A"/'Ada#i. A Companion from the tribe of Auraish: he #as one of the ten Companions gi-en the g"ad tidings that the* #ou"d enter Paradise. !e parti(ipated in a"" the batt"es "ed b* the Prophet eE(ept Badr and Uhud and had a "eading ro"e in the (on0uests of S*ria. !e died in $adina. 55. Sa"man A"/.arisi (died 23 A.!.4633 A.6.): A Companion of Persian des(ent: he set out see%ing the true re"igion. .irst he (on-erted to Christianit* and "ost his freedom #hen he #as so"d as a s"a-e. !e #as so"d again and sent to $adina: #here the Prophet bought him and set him free. Sa"man parti(ipated in the Batt"e of the ;ren(h and #as the one #ho suggested digging a tren(h to pre-ent the po"*theists from approa(hing $adina. Sa"man parti(ipated in a"" other batt"es #itnessed b* the Prophet. !e parti(ipated in the (on0uests of )ra0: assumed go-ership of Ctesiphon and died there. 5?. Sa"amah bin A"/A%#a' (died <5 A.!.): Ine of the Companions #ho p"edged a""egian(e to the Prophet at the P"edge of A"/&id#an: he parti(ipated in se-en batt"es #ith the Prophet. !e #as spe(ia""* %no#n for his (apabi"ities in ar(her* and running. !e died at the age of eight*. 5B. Su"aiman bin Surad (died 63 A.!.): 1i(%named Abu $utarrif: former"* named Dasar but renamed Su"aiman b* the Prophet (pea(e be upon him). !e headed the &epentant @roup that (a""ed for ta%ing re-enge against those in-o"-ed in the murder of A"/!usain bin 'A"i. Su"aiman #as %i""ed in a batt"e #ith 'Abdu""ah bin ,i*ad. ? . Samurah bin >undub (died 3B A.!.): A Companion #ho #as famous for his honest* and truthfu"ness and #as high"* de-oted to )s"am. ,iad: the Uma**ad

Jmir: used to entrust him #ith the ru"e of Basra #hene-er he #ent to 7ufa. Samurah adopted se-ere po"i(ies against the 7hari9ites (a de-iant se(t). !e died in Basra during the (a"iphate of $u'a#iah. ?1. Sah" bin !unaif (died 2? A.!.): !e parti(ipated in near"* a"" batt"es fought b* the Prophet (pea(e be upon him). Sah" is best %no#n for his steadfastness at the (riti(a" Batt"e of Uhud. 'A"i bin Abi ;a"ib appointed him his su((essor in $adina #hen he headed for Basra. Hater: he #as appointed ru"er of a"" Persia. ?+. Sah" bin Sa'd A"/Sa'idi (died B1 A.!.): .ormer"* named !a8n: but "ater renamed Sah" b* the Prophet (pea(e be upon him). !e died at the age of 1 . !e #as the "ast Companion to die in $adina. ?2. Suhai" bin 'Amr (died 13 A.!.): .u"" name: Suhai" bin 'Amr bin 'Abd Shams A"/ 'Amiri. !e fought against the $us"ims at the Batt"e of Badr: #as (aptured and ransomed. !e #as the representati-e of the Auraish in the !udaibiah ;reat* #ith the $us"ims. !e (on-erted to )s"am after the Con0uest of $e((a and sett"ed in $adina. !e 9oined the )s"ami( armies in S*ria and parti(ipated in the Batt"e of Darmu%: in #hi(h he #as %i""ed. ?<. Shaddad bin Aus (died 3? A.!.): .u"" name: Shaddad bin Aus bin ;habit A"/ 7ha8ra9i. !e parti(ipated in the Batt"e of Badr. !e #as espe(ia""* %no#n for his being e"o0uent and se"f/possessed. !e died during the (a"iphate of $u'a#iah bin Abi Suf*an and #as buried in >erusa"em. ?3. Sa'sa'ah bin 1a9iah (died B A.!.): .u"" name: Sa'sa'ah bin 1a9iah bin ')0a" bin $uhammad bin Suf*an. !e #as one of the Arab dignitaries and (hief of the tribe of ;amim both before and after the ad-ent of )s"am. !e opposed the pre/)s"ami( Arabian (ustom of bur*ing infant gir"s a"i-e. Upon the emergen(e of )s"am he had ta%en 1 < gir"s from their fathers to sa-e them from being buried a"i-e. ?6. Suhaib A"/&umi (died +? A.!.): .u"" name: Suhaib bin Sinan bin $a"i%. !e #as (a""ed A"/&umi (the &oman) be(ause the B*8antines (aptured him #hen he #as sti"" *oung. 'Ammar bin Dasir and he de("ared their adoption of )s"am in the !ouse of A"/Ar0am. Suhaib #as from a "o# so(ia" status and suffered a great dea" on a((ount of his re"igion. Upon his migration to $adina: the Auraish stipu"ated that he "ea-e behind a"" the earnings he had a(0uired in $e((a. A Aur=ani( -erse #as re-ea"ed regarding him #hi(h sa*s: FAnd there is the t*pe of man #ho gi-es his "ife to earn the p"easure of A""ah. F (Surah A"/Ba0arah +: Kerse: + 5) !e parti(ipated in the Batt"e of Badr and a"" other batt"es #itnessed b* the Prophet. !e died in $adina. ?5. ;a"hah bin 'Ubaidu""ah (died 26 A.!.4636 A.6.): .u"" name: ;a"hah bin 'Ubaidu""ah bin 'Uthman bin 7a'b bin Sa'd. !e #as a Companion #ho be"onged to the tribe of Auraish. !e #as one of the ten Companions gi-en the g"ad tidings that the* #ou"d enter Paradise. !is finger #as para"*8ed at the Batt"e of Uhud


#hen he prote(ted the Prophet from an arro#. !e #as one of the siE persons nominated for the (a"iphate after the murder of 'Umar bin A"/7hattab. !e #as %i""ed b* an arro# at the Batt"e of the Came". ??. ;u"aib bin 'Umair (died 12 A.!.): .u"" name: ;u"aib bin 'Umair bin Wahb bin Abi 7uthair bin Ausai. !e #as a Companion #ho be"onged to the tribe of Auraish and #as the first $us"im to assau"t a po"*theist to defend the Prophet. !e parti(ipated in the Batt"e of Badr and man* other batt"es. 7i""ed at the Batt"e of A9nadin. ?B. 'Amir bin &abi'ah (died 23 A.!.): Ine of the ear"* Companions #ho adopted )s"am: he emigrated to Ab*ssinia and then to $adina. 'Amir parti(ipated in the Batt"e of Badr and a"" subse0uent batt"es #itnessed b* the Prophet. ;he Ca"iph 'Uthman bin 'Affan entrusted him #ith the ru"e of $adina #hen he set off for Pi"grimage. !e died soon after the death of 'Uthman bin 'Affan. B . 'Amir bin .uhairah : A member of the tribe of A8d and one of the ear"* Companions #ho adopted )s"am. !is name #as mentioned in boo%s dea"ing #ith the great batt"es of )s"am. !e #as %i""ed at the We"" of $a'unah. B1. 'Ubadah bin A"/Samit (died 2< A.!.): .u"" name: 'Ubadah bin A"/Samit bin Aais. !e #as a Companion #ho be"onged to the 7ha8ra9: a tribe from the Ansar. !e #as one of the representati-es #ho parti(ipated in the P"edge of A"/'A0abah on beha"f of his peop"e. ;he Prophet "in%ed him in a brother"* re"ation #ith Abu $arthad A"/@hana#i. !e parti(ipated in a"" the batt"es #itnessed b* the Prophet as #e"" as the (on0uest of Jg*pt b* 'Amr bin A"/'As. !e #as one of the (ompi"ers of the Aur=an during the "ifetime of the Prophet. 'Ubadah #as the first 9udge in Pa"estine. !e died in &am"ah. B+. 'Abdu"/&ahman bin Abi Ba%r (died 32 A.!.): Son of the great Companion Abu Ba%r A"/Siddi0 and brother of the Prophet=s #ife 'A=ishah. !e #as present at A"/ !udaibiah ;reat* bet#een the $us"ims "ed b* the Prophet (pea(e be upon him): and the Auraish. !e parti(ipated in A"/Damamah Batt"e and the (on0uest of S*ria. B2. 'Abdu"/&ahman bin A8har (died 62 A.!.): A nephe# of 'Abdu"/&ahman bin 'Auf: ni(%named Abu >ubair. !e "i-ed in $adina. !e too% part in the Batt"e of !unian and memori8ed man* Propheti( hadiths. !e died in the Batt"e of A"/ !arrah near $adina. B<. 'Abdu"/&ahman bin Samurah (died 3 A.!.): 1i(%named Abu Sa'id. !e a((epted )s"am during the Con0uest of $e((a. !e #itnessed the Batt"e of $u=tah and parti(ipated in the (on0uests of Si9istan: 7abu": Sind and 7hurasan. !e died in Basra. B3. 'Abdu"/&ahman bin 'Auf (died 2+ A.!463+ A.6.): .u"" name: 'Abdu"/&ahman bin 'Auf bin A"/!arith bin ,uhrah. A Companion #ho be"onged to the ("an of


,uhrah: from the tribe of Auraish: he #as one of the first to adopt )s"am: one of the ten Companions gi-en the g"ad tidings that the* #ou"d enter Paradise: and one of the siE Companions nominated to the (a"iphate after the murder of 'Umar bin A"/7hattab. !e parti(ipated in the Batt"e of Badr and a"" batt"es #itnessed b* the Prophet. !e #as buried in $adina. B6. 'Abdu""ah bin Abi Aufa (died ?6 A.!.): 1i(%named Abu $u'a#iah. !e too% part in A"/!udaibiah ;reat* and the prin(ipa" e-ents #hi(h fo""o#ed. !e "i-ed in $adina but "eft for 7ufa after the death of the Prophet (pea(e be upon him). !e #as the "ast Companion to "i-e in 7ufa. B5. 'Abdu""ah bin Umm $a%tum (died 1< A.!.): .u"" name: 'Abdu""ah bin 'Amr bin Shuraih. A Companion #ho be"onged to the tribe of Auraish: he #as one of the ear"* immigrants #ho mo-ed to $adina before the Prophet. !e #as %i""ed at the Batt"e of A"/Aadisi*ah #hi"e ho"ding the banner. B?. 'Abdu""ah bin A"/,ubair (52 A.!.): Son of A"/,ubair bin A"/'A##am and Asma= bint Abi Ba%r: he parti(ipated in the )s"ami( (on0uests and supported 'A=ishah at the Batt"e of the Came" against 'A"i bin Abi ;a"ib. !e re-o"ted against the Uma**ad go-ernors in !e9a8: ("aimed himse"f (a"iph after the death of Da8id bin $u'a#iah and made $adina the (enter of his ru"e. !is ru"e "asted for nine *ears unti" he #as %i""ed b* A"/!a99a9 A"/;ha0afi in $e((a. BB. 'Abdu""ah bin A"/$ughaffa" (died 35 A.!.): !e parti(ipated in A"/&idh#an P"edge of A""egian(e. !e #as one of the ten Companions dispat(hed to Basra b* 'Umar bin A"/7hattab to he"p peop"e understand the tea(hings of )s"am. !e died in Basra. 1 . 'Abdu""ah bin >ahsh (died 2 A.!.46+3 A.6.): .u"" name: 'Abdu""ah bin &i=ab bin Da'mur. A Companion #ho be"onged to the tribe of Banu Asad: he #as the Prophet=s brother/in/"a#. !e #as %i""ed at the Batt"e of Uhud.

1 1. 'Abdu""ah bin >a'far (died ? A.!.): A Companion of the Prophet (pea(e be upon him): ni(%named Abu >a'far. !e #as the first $us"im bab* born in Ab*ssinia. !e immigrated to $adina in the (ompan* of his father. !e memori8ed and narrated !adith after the Prophet (pea(e be upon him). 1 +. 'Abdu""ah bin !udhafah A"/Sahmi (died +? A.!.): A Companion #ho be"onged to the tribe of Auraish: he #as one of the first to adopt )s"am. !e emigrated to Ab*ssinia and then to $adina: and parti(ipated in the (on0uests of S*ria. !e #as (aptured b* the B*8antines during the )s"ami( in-asion of Caesarea. !e died in Jg*pt during the (a"iphate of 'Uthman bin 'Affan. 1 2. 'Abdu""ah bin &a#ahah (died ? A.!.46+B A.6.): A Companion #ho be"onged to the 7ha8ra9: a tribe from the Ansar: he #as one of the representati-es #ho #itnessed the P"edge of A"/'A0abah on beha"f of his peop"e. !e parti(ipated


in the Batt"e of Badr and a"" other batt"es (ommanded b* the Prophet. !e #as %i""ed at the Batt"e of $u=tah. 1 <. 'Abdu""ah bin ,am'ah (died 23 A.!.): !e "i-ed in $adina. !e narrated hadiths after the Prophet (pea(e be upon him) and died in $adina. 1 3. 'Abdu""ah bin ,aid (died 2+ A.!.): 1i(%named Abu $uhammad: he "i-ed in $adina. )t #as 'Abdu""ah #ho heard the Adhan in a dream. 1 6. 'Abdu""ah bin ,aid bin 'Asim A"/Ansari (5 B.!./62 A.!.): 1i(%named Abu $uhammad. !e "i-ed in $adina and #as present at the Batt"e of Badr. !e %i""ed $usai"imah the )mposter at the Batt"e of A"/Damamah. !e reported <? Propheti( hadiths. !e #as %i""ed at the Batt"e of A"/!arrah in 62 A.!.46?2 A.6. 1 5. 'Abdu""ah bin Sa"am (died <2 A.!.4662 A.6.): A Companion of a >e#ish des(ent: he adopted )s"am upon the Prophet=s arri-a" in $adina. !e #itnessed the (on0uest of >erusa"em #ith 'Umar bin A"/7hattab. !e died in $adina. 1 ?. Abdu""ah bin 'Abbas (died 6? A.!.): A -enerab"e Companion #ho had the tit"e Fthe Hearned S(ho"ar of this Ummah. F Born in $e((a: he #as the prede(essor of the Abbasid (a"iphs. !e narrated man* hadiths form the Prophet: and supported 'A"i bin Abi ;a"ib in the Batt"es of the Came" and Siffin. 'Abdu""ah #as espe(ia""* %no#n for his %no#"edge of genea"og* and the histor* of batt"es and eEpeditions. !e "ost his sight at the end of his "ife and died in A"/;a=if. 1 B. 'Abdu""ah bin 'Umar bin A"/7hattab (died 52 A.!.46B+ A.6.): A Companion of a nob"e des(ent from the Auraish: he adopted )s"am before attaining maturit* and immigrated to $adina a"ong #ith his father. !e be(ame one of the most distinguished $uftis. !e parti(ipated in the (on0uest of $e((a: the Batt"e of Darmu% and the (on0uest of Jg*pt. !e died in $e((a. 11 . 'Abdu""ah bin 'Amr bin A"/'As (died 63 A.!.): An as(eti( Companion: he adopted )s"am before his father 'Amr bin A"/'As. !e had a fair share of %no#"edge and mastered S*ria(. !e had the habit of fighting #ith t#o s#ords. $u'a#iah appointed him go-ernor of 7ufa for a short time. !e died in Jg*pt. 111. 'Abdu""ah bin 'Amr bin !aram (died 2 A.!.46+3 A.6.): Ine of the representati-es #ho #itnessed the P"edge of A"/'A0abah on beha"f of his peop"e: he parti(ipated in the Batt"e of Badr. )t #as reported that the ange"s shaded him #ith their #ings #hen he #as %i""ed at the Batt"e of Uhud. 11+. 'Abdu""ah bin $as'ud bin @hafi" (died 2+ A.!.): Ine of the ear"ier Companions to adopt )s"am: he #as one of the ten Companions gi-en the g"ad tidings that the* #ou"d enter Paradise. !e mastered the re(itation of the !o"* Aur=an: its interpretation and the (ir(umstan(es re"ated to the re-e"ation of (ertain Aur=ani( -erses. !e parti(ipated in a"" the batt"es #itnessed b* the Prophet.


Besides being %no#"edgeab"e of 9urispruden(e and hadith: he #as a gifted poet. !e administered the treasur* of 7ufa after the Prophet=s death. 'Abdu""ah died in $adina during the (a"iphate of 'Uthman bin 'Affan. 112. ')tban bin $a"i% (died 3 A.!.): !e "i-ed in $adina and too% part in the Batt"e of Badr. ;he Prophet (pea(e be upon him) "in%ed him in a brother"* re"ation #ith 'Umar bin A"/7hattab. ')tban reported ten Propheti( hadiths. !e died during the (a"iphate of $u'a#iah. 11<. 'Uthman bin 'Affan (<5 B.!./23 A.!.4355/636 A.6.): ;he third &ight"*/ @uided Ca"iph (+2 A.!.46<< A.6.): he #as a ri(h nob"e man #ho be"onged to the Uma**ads: a ("an of the Auraish. !e #as born in $e((a and adopted )s"am short"* after the Prophet=s $ission. !e #as gi-en the tit"e F6hu A"/1urainF (the I#ner of the ;#o Hights) as he married the Prophet=s t#o daughters &u0ai*ah and Umm 7u"thum in su((ession. !e e0uipped the arm* #hi(h #as mobi"i8ed b* the Prophet to in-ade ;abu%. 'Uthman assumed the (a"iphate after the death of 'Umar bin A"/7hattab. 6uring his reign the $us"ims made great (on0uests in Armenia: Cau(asia: 7hurasan: 7erman: Si9istan: ;unisia and C*prus. 'Uthman (ompi"ed the !o"* Aur=an in one (op*: and made eEpansions to the Sa(red $os0ue at $e((a and the Prophet=s $os0ue at $adina. !e #as the first (a"iph to use the po"i(e and 9udi(iar* s*stems. 113. 'Uthman bin $a8h'un (died + A.!.46+< A.6.): 7no#n for his #isdom in the pre/)s"ami( period: he as%ed the Prophet to a""o# him to forgo marriage and the p"easures of "ife: but the Prophet denied him that. !e parti(ipated in the Batt"e of Badr and died after returning home. When he died the Prophet %issed him and #as in tears. !e #as the first immigrant Companion to die in $adina. 116. 'Adi bin !atim (died 6? A.!.): A #itt* prea(her: ni(%named Abu Wahb and Abu ;arif: (hief of the ;ai= tribe in the pre/)s"ami( period. !e remained (hief after the emergen(e of )s"am. !e p"a*ed an important part in the batt"es against the apostates in the ear"* months of Abu Ba%r=s (a"iphate. !e parti(ipated in the (on0uest of )ra0. !e "ater mo-ed to 7ufa: #here he died. 115. 'U0bah bin 'Amir A"/>uhani (died 3? A.!.): A Companion #ho narrated man* hadiths from the Prophet. Besides being an e"o0uent orator: he mastered man* bran(hes of %no#"edge su(h as the ru"es of inheritan(e: 9urispruden(e: poetr* and prose. !e parti(ipated in the (ompi"ation of the !o"* Aur=an: #itnessed the (on0uest of 6amas(us and Siffin and died during the (a"iphate of $u'a#iah. 11?. ')%rimah bin Abi >ah" (died 12 A.!.462< A.6.): A Companion #ho be"onged to $a%h8um: a ("an of the Auraish. !e and his father #ere among the se-erest enemies of )s"am. After the (on0uest of $e((a: he f"ed to Demen. !is #ife Umm !a%im as%ed the Prophet to forgi-e him. ')%rima (on-erted to )s"am and "ed a -irtuous "ife. !e parti(ipated in the #ars against the Apostates and #as


%i""ed at the Batt"e of Darmu%. 11B. 'A"i bin Abi ;a"ib (+2 B.!./< A.!.46 /661 A.6.): ;he fourth &ight"*/ @uided (a"iph (23/< A.!.4636/661 A.6.) !e #as the Prophet=s (ousin and son/ in/"a# and #as one of the great fighters #ho parti(ipated in the batt"es of Badr: Uhud: the ;ren(h and !unain. !e assumed the (a"iphate after 'Uthman bin 'Affan. !e #as one of the great orators and s(ho"ars. !e (ommanded his arm* at the Batt"es of the Came": Siffin and A"/1ahra#an. 1+ . 'Ammar bin Dasir (died 25 A.!.4635 A.6.): Ine of the first to adopt )s"am: he and his fami"* suffered (rue" torture inf"i(ted b* the Banu $a%h8um. !is father died from torture and his mother #as %i""ed b* Abu >ah". !e first immigrated to Ab*ssinia and then to $adina. !e sho#ed eEtreme (ourage at the Batt"es of Badr and the ;ren(h: and supported 'A"i bin Abi ;a"ib at the Batt"e of Siffin in #hi(h he #as %i""ed. 1+1. 'Umar bin Abi Sa"amah (+/?2 A.!.): Born in Ab*ssinia. !e #as brought up b* the Prophet (pea(e be upon him). !e #as appointed ru"er of Bahrain b* 'A"i bin Abi ;a"ib and sided #ith him in the Batt"e of the Came" (26 A.!.4636 A.6.) !e died in $adina. 1++. 'Umar bin A"/7hattab (< B.!./+2 A.!.43?</6<< A.6.): ;he se(ond &ight"*/@uided Ca"iph (12 A.!.462< A.6.) !e embra(ed )s"am fi-e *ears before the !i9rah. !e assumed the offi(e of 9udge during the (a"iphate of Abu Ba%r: thus be(oming the first $us"im 9udge. !e #as appointed (a"iph after Abu Ba%r and #as the first to re(ei-e the tit"e Fthe Jmir of the Be"ie-ers. F !e made the !i9ri *ear the offi(ia" (a"endar for $us"ims and #as the first (a"iph to introdu(e the pub"i( ministries s*stem. !e estab"ished the first $us"im pub"i( treasur* and #as %no#n for his as(eti(ism and 9usti(e. !is reign #itnessed the great (on0uests of S*ria: )ra0: >erusa"em: Ctesiphon: Jg*pt: >a8irah: 7hurasan: Si9istan and C*prus. 1+2. ')mran bin !usain (3+ A.!.): !e a((epted )s"am in 5 A.!. !e be"onged to the tribe of 7hu8a'ah and thus (arried their banner in the $us"im mar(h to (on0uer $e((a. !e died in Basra. 1+<. 'Amr bin Uma**ah (died 33 A.!.): A bra-e Companion. Before adopting )s"am: he parti(ipated in the Batt"es of Badr and Uhud against the $us"ims. ;hen he embra(ed )s"am and #itnessed the in(ident of $a'unah We"". !e narrated + Propheti( hadiths. !e died during the reign of $u'a#iah bin Abi Suf*an. 1+3. 'Amr bin A"/>amuh (died 2 A.!.): A Companion from the heads of the Ansar. ;he Prophet appointed him the (hief of the Banu Sa"amah. !e #as %i""ed at the Batt"e of Uhud.


1+6. 'Amr bin A"/'As (died <2 A.!.466< A.6.): .u"" name: 'Amr bin A"/'As bin Wa=i" bin !ashim bin Sa'id bin Sahm. !e #as a famous Arab (ommander and the (on0ueror of Jg*pt. !e estab"ished the o"d (it* of A"/.ustat (near Cairo). !e set a tri(%* p"an #hi(h made $u'a#iah bin Abi Suf*an #in the Arbitration against 'A"i bin Abi ;a"ib. !e died in Cairo. 1+5. 'Amr bin $a'd Da%rib (died +1 A.!.): !e adopted )s"am in B A.!.: but renoun(ed )s"am after the Prophet=s death. !e then repented and be(ame a good $us"im. !e parti(ipated in the Batt"e of Darmu%: in #hi(h he "ost an e*e: and fared #e"" at the Batt"e of Aadisi*ah. !e #as in9ured and died at the Batt"e of 1iha#and. 1+?. 'Umair bin Wahb A"/>umahi (died +< A.!.): !e #as (ommissioned b* the Auraish to murder the Prophet: but he repented and (on-erted to )s"am. !e parti(ipated in the Batt"e of Uhud and a"" other batt"es #itnessed b* the Prophet. 'Umair parti(ipated in the fight against the Apostates: #itnessed the (on0uests of S*ria: and #itnessed the (on0uest of A"eEandria #ith 'Amr bin A"/'As. !e died during the (a"iphate of 'Uthman bin 'Affan. 1+B. ')*ad bin @hunm (died + A.!.): .u"" name: ')*ad bin @hunm bin ,uhair A"/.ihri A"/Aurashi. !e #as (ousin of Abu 'Ubaidah bin A"/>arrah. ')*ad #as one of the ear"* immigrants to $adina. !e parti(ipated in the Batt"e of Badr and a"" other batt"es (ommanded b* the Prophet. !e #ent to S*ria and (on0uered >a8irah. !e died in S*ria. 12 . Aatadah bin A"/1u'man A"/Ansari (died +2 A.!.): Ine of the most s%i""fu" ar(hers: he parti(ipated in a"" the batt"es "ed b* the Prophet (pea(e be upon him). ;he Prophet (pea(e be upon him) (ured his e*e #hi(h had been put out at the Batt"e of Uhud. !e died in $adina. 121. Aais bin Sa'd (died 6 A.!.): !e p"a*ed the ro"e of po"i(e (hief during the Prophet=s "ifetime. )n 26 A.!.: he #as appointed ru"er of Jg*pt under 'A"i bin Abi ;a"ib. !e died in $adina. 12+. 7a'b bin ,uhair (died +6 A.!.): Son of the poet ,uhair bin Abi Su"ma: he #as a"so a poet. !e "i-ed through pre/)s"ami( and )s"ami( eras. When he %ept on (omposing defamator* -erse regarding the Prophet (pea(e be upon him) and mentioning (ertain $us"im #omen in "o-e poems: the Prophet (pea(e be upon him) de("ared his %i""ing "a#fu". !e then apo"ogi8ed to the Prophet (pea(e be upon him): adopted )s"am and #rote a #onderfu" poem praising )s"am. ;his made the Prophet (pea(e be upon him) forgi-e him and offer him one of his go#ns. 122. 7a'b bin 'U9rah (died 31 A.!.): 1i(%named Abu $uhammad. !e reported Propheti( hadiths and died in $adina. 12<. 7a'b bin $a"i% (died 3 A.!.466 A.6.): Ine of the poets #ho (omposed


-erse defending the Prophet (pea(e be upon him): he attended the P"edge of A"/ 'A0abah and parti(ipated in a"" the batt"es #itnessed b* the Prophet (pea(e be upon him) eE(ept Badr and ;abu%. !e #as one of the three Companions #ho regretted their absen(e at the Batt"e of ;abu%: regarding #hom a Aur=ani( -erse #as re-ea"ed #hi(h sa*s: F(!e turned in mer(* a"so) to the three #ho #ere "eft behindC (the* fe"t gui"t*) to su(h a degree that the earth seemed (onstrained to them: for a"" its spa(iousness: and their (-er*) Sou"s seemed straitened to them: and the* per(ei-ed that there is no f"eeing from A""ah (and no refuge) but to !imse"f. ;hen !e turned to them: that the* might repent: for A""ah is Ift/ &eturning: $ost $er(ifu"F (Surah A"/;aubah 1o. B: Kerse: 11?) 123. $a"i% bin A"/!u#airith (died 5< A.!.): 1i(%named Abu Su"aiman: he reported Propheti( hadiths. !e "i-ed in Basra: #here Abu Ai"abah transmitted the hadiths he narrated on Pra*er. !e died in Basra. 126. $u9ashi' bin $as'ud (died 26 A.!.): A bra-e Companion #ho (on0uered 7abu" and signed a pea(e a((ord #ith its %ing. !e a"so (on0uered $e%ran and its neighboring territories. )n the Batt"e of the Came": he too% 'A=ishah=s side against 'A"i bin Abi ;a"ib. !e #as murdered short"* before the batt"e and buried in Basra. 125. $uhammad bin $as"amah (died <2 A.!.): A -irtuous Companion #ho be"onged to the Aus: a tribe of the Ansar: he #as one of the fe# persons named $uhammad before )s"am. !e parti(ipated in %i""ing 7a'b A"/Ashraf: a >e# #ho in(ited the Auraish to fight the Prophet (pea(e be upon him). !e #itnessed the (on0uests of Jg*pt and S*ria. !e #ithdre# from the dissension #hi(h too% p"a(e after the murder of the Ca"iph 'Uthman bin 'Affan and did not ta%e part in the Batt"es of the Came" or Siffin. !e died in $adina. 12?. $us'ab bin 'Umair (died 2 A.!.46+3 A.6.): A -irtuous Companion #ho adopted )s"am in the ear"* *ears of the $ission but (on(ea"ed his (on-ersion from the po"*theists. When the* dis(o-ered it: the* imprisoned him. Upon his re"ease: he tra-e"ed to Ab*ssinia and then returned to $e((a after the .irst P"edge of A"/ 'A0abah: taught peop"e the !o"* Aur=an and "ed them in Pra*er. !e parti(ipated in the Batt"es of Badr and Uhud: ho"ding the Prophet=s banner. !e #as %i""ed at the Batt"e of Uhud. 12B. $u'adh bin >aba" (died 1? A.!.462B A.6.): A member of the 7ha8ra9: a tribe of the Ansar: he attended the P"edge of A"/'A0abah and parti(ipated in a"" the batt"es #itnessed b* the Prophet (pea(e be upon him). ;he Prophet appointed him 9udge in Demen. !e #as one of the siE Companions #ho re(orded the Aur=an during the "ifetime of the Prophet. !e parti(ipated in the Batt"e of Darmu% and died during the P"ague of 'Am#as. 1< . $u'a#iah bin Abi Suf*an (+ B.!./6 A.!.46 2/6? A.6.): ;he founder of the Uma**ad State in S*ria: he be"onged to the Umai*ah ("an of the tribe of Auraish. !e #as born in $e((a and #as one of the opponents of the ne# re"igion


unti" he embra(ed )s"am on the da* of the Con0uest of $e((a (? A.!.) .or his %no#"edge of #riting and mathemati(s: he #as made a s(ribe of the $essenger (pea(e be upon him). $u'a#iah ru"ed S*ria during the reign of both Ca"iphs 'Umar and 'Uthman. !e opposed 'A"i bin Abi ;a"ib and fought him at the Batt"e of Siffin (25 A.!.4635 A.6.): #hi(h ended #ith the Arbitration. !e be(ame (a"iph (<1/6 A.!.4661/6? A.6.) and mo-ed the (apita" of the (a"iphate to 6amas(us. !e #as one of the ma9or (on0uerors in the )s"ami( era. !is (on0uests rea(hed the At"anti( I(ean. 1<1. $a'0i" bin Dasar : A narrator of Propheti( hadiths. !e "i-ed in Basra: #here he met A"/!asan A"/Basri: #ho transmitted the hadiths he reported on marriage and interpretation of Surah A"/Ba0arah. !e died in Basra during the reign of $u'a#iah. 1<+. $u'ai0ib (died < A.!.): !e "i-ed in $adina #here Abu Sa"amah bin 'Abdu"/&ahman transmitted the hadiths he reported from the Prophet (pea(e be upon him). 1<2. 1u'aim bin $as'ud (died 2 A.!.): A Companion #ho be"onged to the Banu Ash9a': he adopted )s"am on the night #hen the Batt"e of the ;ren(h too% p"a(e. !e so#ed dis(ord bet#een the tribes of Aurai8hah and @hatafan: #ho (onspired against the $us"ims during the Batt"e of the ;ren(h. !e sett"ed in $adina and died there. 1<<. !isham bin A"/'As (died 12 A.!.): .u"" name: !isham bin A"/'As bin Wa=i" bin !isham A"/Sahmi. Ine of the ear"* Companions #ho adopted )s"am in $e((a: he immigrated to Ab*ssinia and then returned to $e((a #ith the aim of fo""o#ing the Prophet to $adina: but peop"e (onfined him in his home. !e then sta*ed in $e((a unti" the Batt"e of the ;ren(h. After#ards: he tra-e"ed to $adina and parti(ipated in a"" subse0uent batt"es unti" he #as %i""ed at the Batt"e of A9nadin. 1<3. Wahshi bin !arb (died +3 A.!.): Ine of the bra-e freed/s"a-es in $e((a in the pre/)s"ami( period: he %i""ed !am8ah: the Prophet=s un("e: at the Batt"e of Uhud. After#ards: he (on-erted to )s"am and parti(ipated in the #ars #aged against the Apostates: %i""ing $usai"imah the )mpostor. !e parti(ipated in the Batt"e of Darmu%. !e sett"ed in !oms and died there. 1<6. Da'"a bin Uma**ah (died 25 A.!.): !e a((epted )s"am upon the Con0uest of $e((a. !e parti(ipated in the Batt"es of A"/;a'if: !unain and ;abu%. !e #as appointed ru"er of Demen b* the Ca"iph Abu Ba%r A"/Siddi0.


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