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Transmission Lines
8-1 8-2 8-3 8-4 8-5 8-6 8-7 8-8 8-9 8-10 8-11 GeneralConsiderations Lumped-ElementModel Transmission-LineEquations Line Wave Propagationon a Transmission Line Tiansmission The Lossless Line Input Impedanceofthe Lossless Line SpecialCasesof the Lossless Line Tiansmission Power Flow on a Lossless The Smith Chart ImpedanceMatching Lines Transientson Ttansmission

LrNEs TnRrslilssr0N
generator circujl consisting by a Thdvenin-equlvalent of a generatorvoltage V, in serieswith a generator resistance Rr, asshown in Fig.8-1.Thegenerator voltage may /inesmayencom.\tthoughthefamily of transmission pulses, consist of digital a rnodulated time-varying sinuandmediathatservetotransferenergy or allstructures :J5s soidalsignal, or anyothersignal waveform. In thecase of twopoints, including nerve fibers in :brmation between generatorcircuit a-c signals, the is represented by voltage a waves body,acoustic in fluids,andmechanical = human phasorYgandanimpedance in solids, weshall focus ourtreatmentin this Zr. ressurewaves Thecircuitconnected lines used forguiding electromagto thereceiving endofthe trans:3pterontransmission transmission lines include mission line is called the load signals. Such telephone circuit, or simply the/ood. :eric .rres,coaxialcables This may be an antennain the caseof a radar,a comcarryingaudioandvideoinformaputerterminal monitors, operating in thereceiving or digitaldatato computer and mode, theinput :.)nto TV sets terminals carrying light waves for thetransmission of of anamplifier, or anyoutputcircuitwhose in:rdcalfibers put very highrates. Fundamentally, atransmission terminals can be represented line by an equivalent load :Ja at resistance of two R1,or a loadimpedance 21 in thea-ccase. : a two-portnetwork,with eachport consisting in Fig. 8-1.Oneof theponsis the asillustrated crminals, <ndingendandtheotheris thereceivingend.Thesource 8-1.1 TheRole ol Wavelength to its sendingend may be any circuit with an ::,rnnected In low-frequency electrical we usually circuits, usewires voltage,suchasa radartransmittetanamplifier,or r.rtput to connectthe elements of the circuit in the desired mode. I :omputerterminaloperatingin the transrnission --:om circuit theory any suchsourcecanbe represented

Consideralions 3-1 General

r Sending-end


[igurr 8-l: A nansmission line is a two-portnetworkconnecting a generator circuit at the sending end to a load at the :eceiving end,


8-2,forexample, configuration.lnthecircuitshowninFig. to a simple RC load via a pair is connected thegenerator of wires.In viewof our defnition in the geccding parathe line, wepose atransmission graphs ofwhatconstitutes terminals betwen Is thepair of wires following question: line?If so,whyis it 8B' a transmission AA'andlerminals Afterall, weusuallysolvefor thecurrentin the important? without regard its elements circuit andthevoltageacross to this The answer theelements. for thewiresconnecting atransconstitutes thepairofwires question is yes;indeed and the current on the line of impact but the line, mission and line / lengthofthe onthe in thecircuitdepends voltages (As thefrequency / ofthesignalprovidedbythegenerator' later,thedeterminingfactor is theratio of the we will see onthe propagating I ofthewave I tothewavelength length generator AA' andBB'.) If the linebetween transmission the in time,thenthevoltageacross is cosinusoidal voltage AA' is inputterminals VM,=Vs(t): Yocosot (V)' (8.1)



line Transmission


|<-l----------{ to anRC circuitthroqf connected Fi gure8-2:Generator l. length line of a transmission

The determining factor is the magnitude of r.-rl/c.

uo of a the velocityof propagation Eq. (7.91),

to theoscillationfrequency waveis related / andthe length l. by

andifwe assume = 2rl istheangularfrequency, wherea.r (r/s). ur: f)' that the currentflowing throughthe wires travelsat the of light, c = 3 x 108m/s, thenthe voltageacross speed trp : c' Hence,the phasefactor In the presentcase, theoutputterminalsB B' will haveto be delayedin time relativetothatacross.AA'bythetraveldelaytime//c.Thus' 2nfl --:--!-: ul - I in thetransmission = : ohmiclosses nosignificant 2z radians. assuming c c i ' line, effects transmission-line Whenl/l is verysmall, Vtt,G) -- Vtx(t - l/c) to butwhenl/). ] 0.01,it maybe necessary ignored, (8.2) = Vocos[a(t- l/c)] (V). associatedwith the
count not only for the phaseshift

Vsp, to Vp' at t : 0 for an I-et us comPare at a frecircuit operating electronic ultralow-frequency length wire quency / = I kHz. For a typical y0 = and I : 5 cm, Eqs.(8.1) and (8.2) give V11' :0.999999999998 V6 Thus, Vss, : Vocos(2lt fl lc) thetransmissionline purposes, thelengthof forallpractical asidentiAA' maybetreated andterminal ignored maybe a20-km hadthelinebeen calwith B B'. Ontheotherhand, then voice signal, l-kHz a cable carrying longtelephone : 0.91V0' Vps' to wouldhaveled calculation thesame

signals ofreflected forthepreserrce butalso delay,

havebeenbouncedback by the load toward the Porverlosson the line anddispersiveeffectsmay aswell. A dispersive beconsidered wave velocity is not constant asa on which the the frequency / . This meansthat the shapeof a rectan; lar pulse,which throughFourier analysisis composed

will bedistorted frequencies, ofdifferent waves many frequency its different travelsdowntheline because velocity(Fig'Eatthesame ponents will notpropagate



acterized by electricandmagneticfieldsthat areenthely transverse tothedirectionofpropagation, This is called a TEM mode.A goodexamFle is the coaxial line shownin Fig. 8-5; the electricfield lines are in the radial direction betweenthe inner and outer conductors, the magneticfield formscirclesaround theinner conductor, andhence neitherhasanycomponents alongthelengthof the line (thedirectionof wavepropagation). OtherTEM transmission lines includethetwo-wireline andtheparallel-plate line, bothshowninFig. 8-4.Although presenr thefields on a microstripline do not adhere to theexactdennition of a TEM mode,thenontransverse field components aresufficiendy smallin comparison tothetransverse components asto be ignored, thereby allowingthe inclusionof microstrip lines intheTEMclass. A commonfeature among TEM linesis thattheyconsist of two parallel conducting surfaces. Higher-order tyans mis sion /ines.. propagatWaves ingalong these lineshave atleast onesignificant field component in the direction of propagation. Hollow conducting waveguides, dielectric rods,andoptichl fibersbelong to thisclass oflines.


Dispcrsionlcss line


-- Jl_fLlL -. J\-AJL



Shortdisoersive line

Long dispenive line

Figure 8-3: A dispersionless line doesnot distortsignals :=ssing through it regardless of its length, whereas a disrersive line distorts theshape ofthe inputpulses because :e differcnt frequency propagate components at different :iocities. The degreeof distortion is proportionalto the ::sth of thedisDersive line.

ofpulseshape is veryimportantin high-speed transmission, both betweenterminalsas well as in speed integated circuitsin whichtransmission-line and processes fabrication areanintegralpartof the 4n rsignprocess. At l0GHz,forexample, thewavelength = I cm in air andis on theorderof I cm in a semicon:-ormaterial.Hence,evenconnectionlengthsbetween :ces on theorderof millimetersbecomesignificant,and

presence hasto be incorporated in theoveralldesign

ir circuit.

' .2 Plopagation Modes

.:"rexamples ofcommon typesoftransmissionlinesare .- ninFig.8-4.Transmission linesmaybeclassifi edinto : basictypes: t Transverse electromagnetic (TEM) transmission /rnes.'Wavespropagating along these lines are char-

Only TEM-mode transmission lineswill be treated in thischapter. Thisis because lessmathematical rigoris requiredfor treating thisclass oflinesthanthatrequired for treating wavescharacterized byhigher-ordermodes and, in addition, TEM linesaremorecommonly used in practice. We startour treatment by representing the transmission linein terms ofa lumped-element circuitmodel, andthen we applyKirchhoff'svoltage andcurrent lawsto derive a setoftwogoveming equations knownasthe telegrapher's equations.By combining these equations, weobtain wave equations for the voltage andcurrentat anypointon the line. Solutionof the waveequations for the sinusoidal



(a) Coaxial line


* (b) Two-wireline

dielectricspacing (c) Parallel-plate l.ine

metal strip conductor

dielctricspacing (d) Stripline

metal ground plane

dilctric spacing

(e) Microstrip line

Lines TEM Transmission


dielectric layers
(f) Rectangular waveguide (g) Optical fiber

z dieleclric spacing (h) Coplanar waveguide




Lines Higher Order Transmission

Figure 8-4: A few examples of transverse electomagnetic (fEM) and highef-order ransmission lines.

to a setofformulasthatcanbeused case leads steady-state problems. In thelatter of practical awiderange forsolving graphical technique a we introduce partof thischapter of the solution astheSmitftclrarl, whichfacilitates known problems withouthavingto pertransmissionJine many numbers. complex involving calculations formlaborious

8-Z Lumped-ElementModel
When we draw a schematicof an electronic use specific symbols to representresrstors, inductors,diodes,and the like. In eachcase,the

the functionalityof the device,rather represents



- - - Magneticfield lines Elcctic field lincs

Gnerator Crosssection Figurr E-5: In a coaxialline, the electric field lines are in the radial direction between the inner and outerconducto$, andthe magneticfield forms circles aroundlhe inner conductor

r.,shape, sizeor otherattributes. We shalldo the same r:th regard to transmission lines; we shall represent a 'rsntission line b1,a parallel-wireconfguration,as rowninFig.8-6(a), regardless of thespecifcshape of the i underconsideration. Thus, Fig.8-6(a) mayrepresent i:oaxialline,a two-wireline,or anyotherTEM line. Drawing againon our familiarity with electroniccirrts, wheD weanalyzeacircuitcontaining a transistot we rpresentthe functionalityof the hansistorby an equivaertcircuitcomposed of sources, resiston, andcapacitors. i. will applythesame approach to thetransmission line :"'orienting theline alongthez-direction, subdividing it modifferential sections eachof lengthAz tFig. 8-6(b)l r,1 thenrepresenting each section by anequivalent circuit, r illustrated in Fig. 8-6(c). This representarion, whichis lledthe lumped-e lementcircuit model, consists of four 'rsicelements, whichhenceforth will becalled thetrazsnissionEneparamelers.Theseare ; : Thecombined perunit resistance ofbothconductors length, in Q/m, :s! br -. : Thecombined inductanceofbothconductorsperunit length, in iVm,

G': Tlte conductanceofthe insulation medium oer unit length,in S/m, and C': The capacitance of the two conductors per unit length,in F/m.

Whereas the four line parameters havedifferent expressions for different typesanddimensions of transmission lines,theequivalent modelrepresented by Fig. 8-6(c)is equally applicable to all transmission linescharacterized by TEM-mode wave propagationTheprimesuperscript is used. asa reminder thatthelineparameters aredffirentialquantities tvhose unitsareper unit length. Expressions for the line parameters R', L' , G' , andC , aregiven in Table 8-l for thethree types ofTEM transmissionlinesdiagrammed (a)rhrough (c) ofFig. 8-4. in parts For eachof these lines,the expressions arefunctions of twosets ( 1)geometric ofparameters: parameters defining the cross-sectional dimensions of the givenline and (2) electromagnetic parameters constitutive characteristic of thematerials of whichtheconductors andtheinsulating materialbetween themaremade. Thepertinentgeometric parameters areasfollows:


(a) Parallel-wirercprcsentation

(b) Differentialsections eachAz long










(c) Eachsection is represented by an equivalent circuit Figur E-6: Regardless of its actualshape, a TEM transmission line is represented by the parallel-wireconfigurationshown in (a).To analyz thevoltage andcurrcntrelations, theline is subdivided into smalldifferential (b), eachof whichis sections thenrepresented by an equivalent circuit(c).

Coaxial line IFig. 8-4(a)] : a : outerradiusof inner conductor,m b : inner radiusofouter conductor,m Two-wireline I Fig. 8-4(b)] : a = radiusofeach wire, m d : spacingbetweenwires'centers,m Parallel -plate line I Fi e. 8-4(c)] : : width ofeach plate,m rr,l d : thickness ofinsulation betweenplates,m

The constitutive parameters apply to all three lines consist of two groups: l.[c and o" are the magnetic meability and electrical conductivity of the and e, p, and o are the electrical permittivity, permeability,andelectricalconductivity of the materialseparating the conductors. Appendix B tabulatedvaluesfor theseconstitutiveDarameters for ious typesof materials. For the purposes of the chapter. weneed notconcem ourselves wirhthederi

responsible fortheexpressions givenin Table 8-l The mulations necessary forcomputing R', L' ,G',and,C'
madeavailablein eadier chaptersfor the generalcase any two-conductorconfiguration.



Table 8-1: Transmission-line parametcrs R' , L', G', andCt for threetypesof lines.
PNrameter Coaxial

Ttvo Wirt

Parallel Plate

Unit f,2lm

2tt o l"(b /t) 2ne l"U t)

w ttd w qw d tu -; a

Lnl<a/ut + lrd/r"...t) r L





--tl nl<apt+,/@/r"7


(2) p, e, ando prtainto the Notes:(l ) Referto Fig. 8-4 for definitions of dimensions. (3) Rs = JnTpJ\. (4) g," ando" pertain insulatingmaterialbetweenthe conductors. (5) lt (d/2a)2 >> l,t}lerlnl@/2al + ,t@p8 to rheconductors. 11In(d/a).

t f.r lF: ln,ic

lCt I crs

The lumped-element model shown in Fig. 8-6(c) trresents the physical processes associatedwith the :Jrents and voltages on any TEM transmission line. -r-herequivalent models are available also and are -:uallyapplicable aswell.All these models, however,lead : exactlythe samesetof telegrapher's equations, from rtch all our futureresults will be derived. Hence, only :e model described in Fig.8-6(c)will beexamined in the rlsent treatment.It consistsof two serieselements, R' rd Z', and two shuntelements, G' andC' . By way of ::,vidinga physical explanation for thelumped-element :,iel, let usconsider a smallsection ofa coaxialline,as rownin Fig. 8-7.Thelineconsists ofan innerconductor r zdiusa separated fromanouter conducting cylinder of -"irus p, b by a material withpermittivity s, permeability ad conductivityo. Thetwo metalconductors aremade of pr".When .:aterial with conductivityo" andpermeability . .oltase source is connected across thetwoconductors at

thesending endofthe line,currents will flow through the primarily alongtheoutersurface conductors, of the inner conductorand theinnersurface oftheouterconductor. The line resistance R' accounts for the combined resistance perunit length ofthe innerandouterconductors. Theexpression for R' wasderived in Chapter 7 andis givenby Eq.(7.151) as





where Rr, which represents the surfaceresistance of the conductors, is called the intinsic resisrarrce and is given byEq. (7.147a) as

*,:rE (a).


CHAPTER8 TRANSMSSION is givenby Eq.(4.76)as model. Itsexpression



Figure 8-7: Crosssectionof a coaxial line with innerconductor of radius c and outer conductor of radius b. The conductorshave magneticpermeability p., and conductivity o6, and the spacing material btween the conductors has permittivity s, permeability p, and conductivity o.

theinnerandouter Ifthe materialseparating aperfectdielectic with a = 0, thenG' = 0. on ourlistis the Thelastlineparameter C'. Whenequalandoppositecharges unitlength conductors, a voltage onanytwononcontacting is them.Capacitance between will be induced For the difference. to voltage theratio of charge l7) as byEq.(4.1 line,C ' is given

C':.:'.,:., ln\b/a')


lines sharethe following All TEM transmission relations:

L'C': pe, not only on thematerial depends Theintrinsicresistance (o" and /."), but on the freproperties of the conductors on theline aswell. For a quency / of thewavehaveling = oo or a high-conductivity perlect coniluctor with o" zero, suchthat (f p./o"\ (( 1, R' approaches material R'. andsodoes perunit lengtha'. theinductance Next,let usexamine to thedefinition lawin Chapter5 of Ampdre's Application ledto thefollowingexpression ofinductance [Eq.(5.99)l pr coaxial line: length ofa unit inductance forthe
f | _


G ' 6 e

(8.1 r)




is theconductors medium between If theinsulating lize (e.g., lineiscalledanair transmission air line).Foranairline,e = eo: 8.854x I two-wire t V m 'o : 0 ' a n d G ' : O F l m 'p : F o : 4 n x 1 0 - 7

for perunitlengthG' accounts conductance Theshunt made andinnerconductors, theouter flowbetween current Itis o of theinsulator. possible bythematerialconductivity flow is fromoneconductorto precisely because thecurrent in thelumped-element element thatG'is a shunt theother

REVIEW OUESTIONS line?Whenshould Q8.1 Whatis a transmission be considered? effects missionline

i-3 TRANSMISSION-LINEEQUATIONS Q6,2 What is the difference betweendispersiveand lines? What is the practical ndispersive transmission ognificance? a TEM transmission line? Q63 Whatconstitutes circuit J6.4 What purposedoes the lumped-element r.:delserve?Howarethelineparameters Rt,L',G',and,C' Elatedto the physical and electromagnetic constitutive TrDerties of thetransmission line?


=CRCISE 8.1 UseThble8-1to compute thelineparam=rs of a two-wire air line whosewires areseparated by of2 cm,andeach . :stance is I mm in radius. Thewires asoerfect with o" : m. :,r betreated conductors r:s. R' : 0, L' : l.2O QtWm), G' = 0, - : 9.29(pF/m). (SeeC) 8.2 Calculate thetransmission linenarameters . MHz for a rieid coaxial air linewith aninnerconducJiameterof 0.6 cm and an outer conductordiameter 1.2cm. The conductorsare made of copper [seeAp-

FigureE-8:Equivalent circuitofa differential lengthAz of a two-conductor transmission line.

at the right end (node N * l). Application of Kirchhoff's voltagelaw accounts for the voltagedrop across the series resistance R'Az and inductanceL' A.z'.

dix B for p" ando" ofcopperl.

(pWm), R' : 2.O8x l0-2 (Q/m), t' : 0.14 =0, C' :80.3 (pF/m). (Seeo)

u(2, t) - R'Lz i(2,t)

2 i(" ,\ - t ' t z - - r l : " - t ) ( z + L z , r )= 0 . ( 8 . 1 2 )

3 Transmission-Line Equations
:ansmission line usually connects a source on oneend r loadon theotherend.Beforewe consider thecom: circuit, however,we needto developequations that ibe the voltage acrossthe transmission line and the carriedby the line asa functionoftime I andspatial ion z. Using the lumped-element model described in 8-6(c),we begin by consideringa differential length

Upon dividing all termsby Az and rearranging terms,we obtain

u(z* Lz, t ) - r \ 2 , t )

: n 'i k , , l* t , u' f ' ' )


in Fig. 8-8.Thequantities : s shown u(2, t) and i (2, t\ the instantaneous voltageand currentat the left of the differentialsection(nodeN), and similarly quantities : - Az, t) andi(z + Ae, ,) denote thesame

In thelimit as Az -+ 0, Eq. (8.13)becomes adifferential eouatlon:

. ,oi(2t .) - 0 u ( 2t.) = K t l z ' t t + L --Tla,


Similarly, applicationof Kirchhoff's currentlaw at node 1V+ I in Fig.8-8leads to i(2, t) - G' Lzu(z + Az,t) AUQ + Lz, t) -C,LZ


8-4 Wave Plopagation ona Tra Line

Thetwofirst-ordercoupledequations givenbyEqs. and(8.18b)canbecombined to givetwo second-ordr coupled wave equations, onefor V (z) andanotherfa The waveequationfor V(x) is derivedby bothsides with respect ofEq. (8.18a) to z, giving


i(z * Lz,t) = 0. (8.15)

Upondividingalltermsby Az andtakingthelimitas Az --+ (8.15) provides a second differential equation, 0, Eq. -; \i(z.t\ }u(z,t) = G ' u t z , r )+ C .' , ::i::-:. (8.16)



= rn, + j.t,tdt!r\ .

givenby Eqs.(8.14) equations Thefirst-order differential form of thetransmission and(8.16)arethetime-domain otherwise calledtherelegrapher's equaIine equations, tions. Except for thelastsection, our primaryinterest in this in sinusoidal conditions. Tothisend, chapteris steady-state we shallmakeuseof phasors with the cosine reference Thus.wedefine notation asoutlined in Section 7-1.4.

and upon substituting Eq. (8.18b)into Eq. (8.19) d I (z)/dz,Eq.(8.19) becomes


( R'+ jaL')G' -t jac't i tzl -- o,

u(2, t) :ne[i (a ej''], i(2,t) : nef k) ej''),

(8.17a) (8.17b)


(s.21) v2i(z):0,

quantities, where7(z) andi(7) arephasor each of which maybe realor complex. Upon substituting Eqs.(8.17a) and(8.17b) intoEqs.(8.14) and(8.16) andutilizing the property givenby Eq.(7.45)that0/0r in thetimedomain becomes equivalent to multiplication by jrr-r in thephasor domain,we obtainthefollowing pair of equations: dV(zl az ditzt

(R'+ jaL')(G'+ jaC')


Application of thesame steps to Eqs.(8.18a) and(8. butin reverse order,leads to

s2 it -t

(R + jaL') I(z).


(G + j@c') Y(z). (8.18b)


(8.21) Equations and(8.23) are called vape

V(z) and 1(2), respectively, and y is called the propagation consrdntof the transmission line. As

These arethetelegrapher's equations in phasor form.



--'osists nualion constontof ofa realpadrl a, calledtJileanc :e linewith unitsofNp/m, andanimaginaryPartp , called Ephase const4n!of theline with unitsof rad/m.Thus,

.(t.t t&



t = Be(y)

waveamplitudes(yo-, /o-) of the *z propagating wave -z (Vf propagating wave.We caneasily and , If ) of the andIf , to thevoltrelatethc currentwavearnpliodes,1o+ agewaveamplitudes,Vo+ and Vf, respectively, by using Eq.(8.26a) in Eq.(8.18a) andthensolvingfor thecurrent 1(z) to gettheresult iOl : _ J -lvn+e-vz R'* iaL' ' " -v;erz). G.271

I : lm(y)

(R' + jaL')(G' + jaC'\

(Np/m), (8.25a)

Comparison of each termwith thecorresponding termin

theexpression given by Eq. (8.26b) leads to the conclusion that

(R' + jaL')(G' + joC')


where and (8.25b), we choose the square-root -: Eqs.(8.25a) give positive values -uesthat for a andp. For passive :--rsmission lines, o is either zeroorpositive. Mosttrans--.sionlines, and all those considered in thischapter, are of :c passive type.Theactive region ofa laser is anexample r :n activetransmission line with a negative c. (8.21) givenbyEqs. have The waveequations and(8.23) of thefollowingform: --.ielingwavesolutions

z"o =




R '+ i u ) L : ',W\G'+ia;(

(or. (8.29)

t) l(a
: v; "-" t vo eYz i 127 = I;e-t, ,, J;"", I1z'1 (v), (8.26a) (A), (S.26b)

-ere,analogous to theplane-wavecasein Section7-3,the : termrepresents wavepropagation in the+z-direction wave propagationin the -zthe e/z term represents :::ction. Verificationthattheseareindeedvalid solutions :asily accomplishedby substitutingthe proposedex-

is defined as the characteristic impedance of the line- lt shouldbe notedthaitZois equal to the ratio ofthe voltage amplitudeto the curent amplitudefor eachof the taveling wavesindivirlually (with an additional minus sign in the caseof the -z propagating \uave),but it is not equal to the ratio of the total vobage V (z) to the total current I (z\, unlessone ofthe two v'ayesis absent In termsof 26, Eq. (8.27)can be rewrittenin the form

I t?\ =

--:Le-Yz -






derivatives, into Eqs. as well as their second (8.23). given In theirpresentform, thesolutions I I ) and Eqs.(8.26a) and (8.26b) containfour unknowns, the

In latersections, we will applyboundary conditions atthe loadandatthe sending endof thetransmission linetoobtain expressions for the remaining waveamplitudes Vn+ and

will beacomplexquantitycomposed Vf . In general, each Thus, anda phase angle. of a magniode




-- 1v{1"io* vo+ , v; :lv;leio-.

(8.31a) (8.31b)

in Eq.(8.26a) these definitions andreUponsubstituting (8.24), y placing with Eq. wecanconvert backto thetime for r(z,t), theinstantadomainto obtainan expression neous voltage on theline: u(2,t) :rie(V k)ej'' )

At ab Ene is a transmission line for which air dielectric materialprsentbtween the two which renders G' : 0.In addition,the madeof a materialwith high conductivitysothat Ni' For an air line with characteristic impedance of 50 phase constant of20rad/mat700MHz, find permeterandthecapacitance permeterof theline. quantities given: Thefollowing Solution: are Zo:50Q, f :20radlm, x IOB Hz. f :7NMHz:1

:nel(vie-", + v;eYz) ej.tl

= ne[lv{ leio+ ejate-@+ia)z + lV; leio-ei't et"+iq)zl

with R' : G' : 0, Eqs.(8.25b) and(8.29) reduce o fl : Jn \t/ (j t'tL'\{i l. C') )

- pz + O+) : lvdle-", cos(e)t * lVo le"'cos(at+ Fz + Q ). (8.32) waves in Section 7-l.2, we Fromourreview oftraveling recognize thefirsttermin Eq.(8.32)asa wave traveling in (the oft andz have opposite the+z-direction coefficients andthesecond termasa wavetraveling in the-zsigns) (thecoefficients oft andz arebothpositive), direction both propagating with a phase velocityupgivenby Eq.(7.14):

= tn ( i.,[rc '\ = .J L'c' , \,/

Z" n: lI taL





Theratiois givenby

R c'= '


The factor e-"2 accounts for the attenuation of the *z propagating wave, and the e"z accountsfor the attenuation of the -z propagating wave. The presenceof two waves on the line propagatingin oppositedirectionsproducesa standing wave.To gaina physicalunderstanding ofwhat this means, we shallfirst examinethe relativelysimplebut importantcaseofa lossless line (a : 0) andthen extend general the resultsto the more caseof lossy transmissian lines (a * 0). In fact, we shall devotethe next several linesbecause sections to thestudyoflosslesstransmission practice manylines canbedesigned to exhibit very lowin losscharacteristics.

2nxix108x50 :9.09 x 10-tt (F/m): 90.9(pF/m). : JT /C'-, From22Z6

L'= z1c'
: (50)2x 90.9x 10-12 :2.27 x t0-7 (Wm) - 227(nHtm). I


Application of the losslessline conditions to Eq. (8.29) givesthecharacteristic impedance as


8.3 VerifythatEq.(8.26a) IIEBCISE is indeed a solution givenby Eq.(8.21). (See O) equation cf thewave 8.4 A two-wireair line hasthefollowingline UERCISE R' : 0.404(ms2/m), L' : 2.0 (p.Wm), ra.ameters: G' : O,andC' - 5.56(pF/m).For operation at5 kHz, (a) (b) the attenuation phase trermine constant.r, the convelocityno,and(d) thecharacteristic lant p , (c) thephase 26. (See O) .npedance (b) f : 1.05x rns. (a)a : 3.37 x 10-7(Np/m), D-a (radlm), (c) llo : x 3.0 108 (m/t, (d) j2.qa=$$Q/-o.re"d2. 6: (600



(losslessline), (8.36)

whichis now a real number. Usingthe lossless-line expressionforB given (8.35), byEq. weobtain thefollowing relations for thewavelength ), andthephase velocityuo:
t -



(8.37) (8.38)


E-S The Lossless Transmission Line

\;cordingto thepreceding section, a transmission lineis properties, :ir.rracterized by two fundamental its propaimpedance Frion constant Zs, both / andcharacteristic :i whicharespecified by the angularfrequency rr-r and ::- line parameters R', L', G', and C '. In manypractizl situations, the transmission line can be designed to mnimize ohmiclosses by selecting conductors with very (separating reh conductivities anddielectric materials the r ductors) with negligible conductivities. As a result, R' mdG'assume verysmallvalues suchthatR' ( rr.rl'and I ( arC'.These losslessline conditions allowusto set r = G' : 0 in Eq.(8.22), whichthengives theresult y:a+jf=ja{UC', .hichmeans that a:0 p - a^[Lrc' (lossless line), (lossless line). (8.35) (8.34)

givenbyEq. (8.l0), whichisshared Uponusingtherelation by all TEM transmission lines, Eqs.(8.35) and(8.38) may berewritten as f = roJuc (rad/m), (8.39)

u,-+ '




wherep ande are,respectively, permeability themagnetic andelectricalpermittivity of theinsulatingmaterialseparatingtheconductors. Materials used for thispurpose are : usuallycharacterized by a permeability ps, where 1t po : 4tr x l0-7 H/m is thepermeability of freespace, and the permittivityis usuallyspecified in termsof the relative permittivity e.defined as
e r : e/ e o ,

(8.4r )

- 8.854 wherees x l0-r2 F/m- (1 l36n) x 10-eF/mis thepermittivity of freespace. Hence, Eq.(8.40) becomes
l l


Jpn,o ,ltroo


wherec : l/Jtloeo : 3 x 108m/s is the velocityof light in a vacuum. If theinsulating material betwen the

is air, then 8r = I and ap = c. In view of conductors I anduogivenby between andtherelationship Eq.(8.41) given (t.33), is by thewavelcnglh Eq.


8.5 For a lossless transmission EXERCISE I = 20.7cm at I GHz.Find c, ofthe insulating Ans. e.:2.1. (SeeO)

) - - l -


+ +=+ . (8.43) ! ^/Er J,

transmission lineuses a EXERCISE 8.6 A lossless withe. = 4.Ifitsli tricinsulatingmaterial velocity zp,(b) find(a)thephase C'= l0 (pF/m),
impedance inductanceL'. and(c) the characteristic

(rn/s), (b) L' -- 4.45 Ans. (a)uo : 1.5x 106 (c) Zo : 667 .l O. (SeeO)

in aircorresponding to 16 : c// is thewavelength where bothllp andI depend a frequency /. Notetlat, because in material used ofthe typeofinsulating one,,thechoice by its mechanical notonly line is dictated a transmission properties aswell. properties, butby its electrical is independent velocityof a medium Whenthephase themediumis callednondispersive , which of frequency, TEM transmission line. is the case for a lossless clearly ofdigital Thisis animportantfeaturefor thetransmission pulse ora series of A rectangular in theformofpulses. data with difpulses of manyFouriercomponents is composed velocity is thesame for all If thephase fercntfrequencies. (oratleast ones), for thedominant components frequency thesame asthepulsetravels shape will remain thepulse of a pulsepropagating the shape on theline. In contrast, gets progressively distorted,and medium in a dispersive (stretches out) asa function of thepulselengthincrcases on imposing a limitation in medium, thereby the distance (which to thelengthofthe isrelated maximu mdata rate the pulses adjacentpulses) spacing between andthe individual withoutloss the medium transmitted through can be that ofinformation. for /,20, and alistoftheexpressions 8-2provides Table types general line and for several ofa lossy for the case uo linesare for thelossless lines. Theexpressions oflossless 8-l. for L'and C' sivenin Table based ontheeouations

8-5.1 V0llageRellecti0nCoeflicient
line,theexpressions With y = jp for thelossless
by Eqs.(8.26a)and(8.30)for the total voltageand on the line become

"- io' + v; ejlz , i (z) : Yo+

i{d:!i"-iu, -\"'0,.
These expressions contain two unknowns, y0+ and ofthe incidentandreflected the voltageamplitudes

y0+ andyt, weneed Todetermine respectively. linein thecontext of the transmission thelossless circuitat its input a generator circuit,including

andaload at its outputterminals,asshowninFig. line, of length l, is terminatedin an arbitraryload the referenceof the dance Zy. For convenience, coordinate z is chosensuch that z : 0 the location of the locd At the sendingendatz : voltagesource with line is connectedtoasinusoidal V, and an intemal impedanceZB.At the load,the



Table 8-2: Characteristic parameters of transmission lines. Pmpagation Constant y = d + jp General case
(Rt+ jaLt)(Gt j jtoC')

Phase Velocity

Characteristic Impedance Zs Zo =
(Rt t jtoL') (Gt t jaCt)

up= @/p



Lmsless (R'= G' :0) Losslesscoaxial Lossless two wire

u:Q, fl:(DJr/c q =0, F:toJE/c a:O, fl:<oJe,/c

up: c/Ji
up = c/Jer up:c/Jd

zo: y/L'/c' zo = ($/J-e)rn(b/a)

zo:Qn/J-) .rnt@/24 + u4d/23-- r)

zo- (120/.trs)h(d/a), ifd)>e

Lossless parallel plate

q :0. F: -JE/c


Zs: \lZln/J-e) (d/w)

(t G

- (l20tt) fl, wherce. is the relative Notes: (l) tt = tto, = rtO, c : l/JtLoEo, andJ/ffi permittivityof insulating (2) For coaxialline, c andb areradii of innerandouterconductors. material. (3) For two-wire line, a = wire radius and d = sepa.ration betweenwire centers.(4) For parallel-plate lilg. u : width of plate andd : separation betweenthe plates.

uri.igeacross it, V1,andthe phasorcurrentthroughit, iL, :elatedby the load impedanceZL asfollows:

Uponusingthese expressions in Eq.(8.45), weobtainthe result:

V Zr,:*


Solving for Vf gives

(8.47 )

r oltage V1 is equal to the total voltage on the line

byEq.18.zl4a), and/i isequal : given roi17;given by

3.44b),both evaluatedat z : 0:

iy:717:s1: yJ + yt, v: v^L:I(z:0)=;-*



(8.46a) (8.46b)
The ratio oJ the amplitude of the reflectedvoltage wave to lhe amplitud.e ofthe incident voltage waveat the load


CHAPTER8 TRANSMISSION for which Zr = R * jarl. Hence,in generalf complex also:


Gnerator z=-l



f : lf leie,


wherelf I is themagnitude of f andd. is its phasc Notethatll-l < l.

A load is said to be matched to the line if Zy = because thentherewillbe no refectionby theload (l


Figure8-9: Transmission line of length/ connected on oneend to a generator circuit and on the other end to a load21. The loadis located at z = 0 andthe generator terminals areat z : -r.

and v; : 0). Ontheotherhand, whentheloadis an circuit(Z; : oo),f = | andVf : Vo*. andwhen yt -l -y0+. (.Z1 = : short circuit 0), f and Relleclion Coeff icienl ol a Ssries RC Load A 100-(]) transmission line is connected to a load sisting ofa 50-Qresistor in series with a 10-pF
Find the reflection coefficientat the load for a I sisnal.

is krtovn as the voltage reflection coefficient l. From Eq.(8-48),this definition givesthe result V; Zr -Zn

Solution:Thefollowingquantities aregiven[Fig.& Rr : 50 O, Zo : 100O' : l0 pF : 10-rrF, Cr_ Hz. ,f : 100MHz : 108

___L'F - vd- Zt+ zo

=t=t/,1: . l Z1-/Zs-+ |

(8.49a) (dimensionless).

Theloadimpedance is Zr: Rr- i/aCr

andinviewofEq. (8.28),theratio ofthe currentamplitudes ls

: 5 0 - ri 2 n x 1 0 8x l 0 - l l

: (s0- j159)

tr: -[
6 v j

= -..


parameter, Wenote thatI is govemed by a single theload impedance ZL,normalizedtothecharacteristic impedance oftheline,Zo.As indicated by Eq.(8.36), Zoofa lossless However, 21 is in general a complex lineis arealnumber. quantity, asin thecase ofa series Rl circuit,for example,




ectioncoefficientis given :romEq.(8.49a),thevoltagerefl :v

'F :

Z -r'/ Z " a-l

ZL/Zg * |

EXERCISE 8.7 A5GQ lossless transmission lineis terminatedinaloadimpedance \ -- (3O- j200) Q.Calcularc the voltagereflectioncoefficientat theload. (SeeO) Ans. f _ 0.93,/_27.5.. EXERCISE 8.8 A 150-Alossless line is terminated in a capacitorwhoseirnpedanceis Zy : -j30Q.Calculate f . Ans. f :1,/-157.a'. (SeeO)

_ 0.5 jl.s9 l 0.5-j1.59+l

_ -ris -0.5 - j 1.59 -1.6'Iei72.6' _ : _o 16.,jrle.3" itst" 1.5- i1.59 2.19e-

resultmay be converted into a form with positive for f by replacing :.rgnitude theminussignwith e-l180'.

( lf | : 0.76, 0,: -60.1". t jt8o"j6o.7' = 0.76eitte.3" :0.j6//-$.1" eO.76e,

8-5.2 Standing Waves

UsingtherelationVo : f Vo+ in Eqs.(8.zl4a) and(8..14b) gives theexpressions : yo* 7 1zy 1"-ia. +teifz1, iet= l!

(8.51a) (8.5Ib)

z" 1 " -

i 1 z- y " i f z 1 .

8-3 trample

Reaclivo load lf I l0rPrrely Show thatlfl : I for apurely reactive load.

..:lution: The load impedance ofa purely reactiveload is by en ;'. Zy: jXy.

rm Eq. (8.49a),the reflectioncoefficientis

which now containonly one, yet to be determined, unknown, Vo+.Before we proceedtoward that goal, however,let us examine the physical meaning representedby theseexpressions. We begin by deriving an expression for ly(z)|, the magnitudeof V(z). Upon ugng Eq. (!.50)ln (8.51a)and alplying rhe rclar.ion V.1111'tz, whereV-(z) is thecomplex lV (z)l : IV-12'y conjugate of 712),we have ioz1 1ypie, : { [vo+1e"ilz1] 1712;1

zt- Zo
Zy* Zs -jXr-Zo jXL* Zs __-(Zo- jx) (Zo + j Xt)

' l{vd1'1"i0' e-il')]l/2 + lrle-jo'

: lvo+lIl + trl' zl+ xle

zl+ x/eie
,- i20

+ lllkj Qfz+o')a "- i tzOz+e4]L/z

: ly0+lI + l l r l , + 2 l f l c o( sz p r + q ] ' / ' ( s . s z )

wherewe haveusedthe identity t e]r+e-Jx:2cos-r

.:ere 0 : tan-L XLlZo.Hence ll: l z e1 p - t z e : l. | - e-)201: [1e1*]1/2


CHAPTERS TRANSMISSION the position on the line at which the incident and flected waves are in phase [202 * 0, = -2n* to givce addconstructivcly Eq.(E.52)landthcrefore valu egual to (l + lf l)lyo*l= 1.3V. Thc minimum which inlerference, to destructive lV(z)l conesponds curs whenthe incidentand reflectedwavesarc in opgosition(2Fz * 0, - -(2n + l)tr). In this therepl lv(z)l = (l - lf l)ly0*l: 0.7V. whereas
oeriod is I forthe incidentandreflected pattern is the repetitionperiod ofthe standing-w)are


ltl,nin - -

1.4 v 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 o.4

lll'na,( - - l7lr;n - t- - :

patterndescribes the spatial The standing-wave of V (z) asa function of z. If one of the magnitude voltage of theinstantaneous thevariations to observe to functionof time at anylocationz, corresponding
forexample, themaximain thestanding-wavepattem, and would have an be as cos art variation would




between to 1.3V [i.e.,u(t) wouldoscillate equal of u(2,t) the timeoscillation and* 1.3Vl. Similarly, equal to lV(z)l anylocation z will havean amplitude
that z. Close inspection of the voltage and standing-wave patterns shown in Fig. 8-11

(b) v\z)t versusz

patternfor (a) ly(z)l and Figure 8-ll: Standing-wave (b) l1(z)| for a lossless line of characteristic transmission = terminated in a load with a re50 I, impedance h of the coeftcientf = 0.3ej30'.The magnitudc flection = I V. Tbe standing-wave ratio is wave incident lVo+l 1 .3/o.7 = 1.86s = l Y l m a , ( / l v l n: n n

opposition(when arein phase thatthetwo patterns andvice theotheris ata minimum, ata maximum, of the fact that the second This is a consequence the by a plussign,whereas Eq.(8.5I a) is preceded sign. is preceded by a negative termin Eq.(8.51b)
pattemsshownin Fig. 8-11 are The standing-wave a typical situationwith f : 0.3 ei30'.The peak


for any real quantityr. By applyingthe samestepsto for l1(z)L canbederived Eq.(8.5tb), a similarexpression 1(z)._ themagnitude ofthecxrrent of z, of lV(z)l andl1(z)lasa function Thevariations the positionon the line relativeto the load at z : 0, in Fig. 8-11for a line with ly.+l : 1 Y areillustrated lf l = 0.3, 0r : 30, md Zs : 50 O. The sinusoidal patternis calle.d a standing wave, and it is causedby value The maximum of theinterlbrence the two waves. to pattern of lfr(z)l conesponds of thesianding-wave

on lf l, which can variationof the patterndepends the special case of a matched and 1. For between 0 = 0 andtitzlt = lt with Zs : 20,we have lf | for all valuesof z, as shownin Fig. 8-12(a).Mlh
refected u,ave present, therc will be no interft and no stunding wcves.The other end of the lfl

to when the load is a at ll.l : 1, corresponds -1) = (f or an open circuit (f - 1). circuit pattemsfor thesetwo cases areshowtr standing-wave
Figs. 8-12(b) and (c), both of which havemaxima

to 2Iyo+ | andminima equalto zero,but the two


d bt ta iE

fromtheloadat whichl7(z)l is a maximum, rhen


$rzll - l7l,"- = lyo+ltl + lrll,

andthis occurswhen 2fz*0,-2/l^u*Q = -lnn,




with n : 0 or a positiveinteger. SolvingEq. (8.55)for 1."r, wehave F



. * =,mar = --;-;-

0, 2nn


= ;-

0,x -r n),
4n 2' ,o ( 6.' z 1\0 )

i f 6 .< 0 . I n 1.2. .. 1 . 2 . . . . i f d ,> 0 . ln=0.

Figure 8-12: Voltage standing-wavepattems for (a) a matched load, (b) a shon-circuited line, and (c) an ooen-circuitedline.

wherewe haveusedthe relationA : 2tr/^. The phase gr,is bounded angleof thevoltage reflection coefficient, -z between andz radians. If 4 > 0, the first voltage maximum occursat l^"^ : 0,)./4tt , corresponding to n : 0, butif4 < 0, thefirstphysically meaningful maximum occurs at lmo : (0.),/4n) * l,/2, corresponding to a : I . Negativevaluesof /Itl.* correspond to locations "beyond"the loadat theendof theline andtherefore have no physicalsignificance. As was mentioned earlier, the
locations on the line corresponding to vohage maxima also correspondto current minima, and yice yersa. Similarly, the minimum valuesof l7(z)l occur at distances/.1n : -z conespondingto when the argumentof the cosinefunction in Eq. (8.52) is equalto -(2n * I )2, which givesthe result

t l ;


{-- shifted in z relative to each other bv a distanceof


\ow letusexaminethe maximum andminimum values rirhe voltage magnitude. (8.52), FromEq. l7(z)lisamaxnum whentheargument of thecosine functionis equal r:zero or multiples of 2n . Notingthatthelocation on the re alwayscorresponds (since to negative valuesof z the ,:ad is at Z = 0), if we denote /ma*: -z asthedistance

-l l r l l , l7l.i": lyo+lt (8 - zpl",i'): -(2n + t)n, (8.57) when with -n S 0, < r . Thefirstminimum corresDonds to
n : 0. The spacingbetweena maximum/r,* and the

CHAPTER8 TRANSMISSION minimum minimumlri" is L/4. Hence,lheftrst adjacent occursat





: { iffi 58) ,,"'. !i',1:, ii',Xli',| (8

The ratio of lVl.o to lVlmin is called tlte voltage and(8.57) ratia S,whichfromEqs.(8.54) standing-wave is givenby

line is terminatedin a load A 5GO transmission refle.tion ZL : offi + j50) Q. Findthevoltage ratio (SWR). cientandthevoltagestanding-wave I is givenby Solution:FromEq.(8.49a),

9c &


( 1 0 0 + j s 0 ) - 5 0 50+ jso --:---------: = n: ( 1 0 0 + j s O ) + 5 0 150 Zt* Zo + jso'

Zr -Zn Convertingthe numeratorand denominatorto polar andthen simplifying yields

l+lfl ^ lyl.* S= j;i"* :- lY lmin r

(8.59) (dimensionless).

lr I

to by its acronym, whichoftenis referred This quantity, VSWR,or theshorteracmnymSWR,providesa measure of the mismatchbtweenthe load and the transmission loadwith f : 0, wegetS : I, andfor line;for a matched a linewithll-l : I, S : oo.

7o'7eits" :0.4sei266'. #;,'* we have for S givenby Eq.(8.59), Usingthedefinition ": | +0.45 l+lFt r=f fi=r_ o/s:2.6r .

REVIEW OUESTIONS ohmic constanto represents QE,s The attenuation losses. In view of the modelgivenin Fig. 8-6(c),what Verify should R' and G' be in order to haveno losses? for a givenby your expectation throughthe expression Eq.(8.25a). Q8.6 How is the wavelength), of the wave traveling on the transmissionline related to the free-space wavelength 16? to theline?Why is it imQE.7 Whenis a loadmatched portant? isitsperiod Q8.8 Whatisastanding-wavepattem?Why l/2 andnotl? between the locationof a Q8.9 What is the separation on curtent maximum andtheadjacent voltage maximum theline?


ZL llleasuring

L slofted -line orobeis aninstrumentusedto ofa load, Zr. A coaxial slotted unknownimpedance

slit in theouter lonsitudinal contains a narrow A small probeinsrtedin the slit can be usdto the the mlgninrdeof theelectricfield and,hence, By ontheline(Fig.8-13). tudelyl ofthevoltage
theprobealongtheleqgthofthe slottedline, itis possil measureI V |tnr, and I V |-in and the distancesfrom the

Figure 8-13: Slotted coaxial line (Example 8-5).





1 which they occur.Useof Eq. (8.59) thenprovidesthe dage standing-wave ratio .S.Measurments with a 5G ;- slottedline connected to an unknownload impedance ,demined that S : 3. The distance between successive rttage minimawasfoundto be30cm,andthefirst voltaee noimumwaslocated ar 12cm fromtheload.Determiie r loadimpedance 21. :ilution: Thefollowingquanrities aregiven: Zo:50Q, S:3, / m i n :l 2 c m .

EXERCISE 8.9 If I. : 0.5 /-60. andI : 24sm,6.6 th, locationsof the voltagcmaxirnumandminimumnearrst to theload. Ans. l,or,, : l0cm,lmin :4cm. (SeeO)


:rce thedistance between successive voltase minimais L/2, xualto ),:2x0.3:0.6m.


EXERCISE 8.10 A tzt0-S2 lossless line is terminated in a loadirnpedance ZL -- (28O+ j 182)O. lf ), : 72 cm, find (a) the reflecrion coefficienr l, (b) the voltage standing-wave ratioS,(c)thelocations of voltage maxima, and(d)thelocations ofvoltage minima. Ans. (a)f : 0.5/2e.,(b).s : 3.0,(c)/.", : 2.9cm* ' /2, (d)l^in = 20.9 cm* n), n = 0,1,2,.... /2. where (See Ot


2n 0

2t lOn . 6 3


::m Eq.(8.59), solving for lf lin termsof Sgives .t_ | 3_ I /lI: _ = _ = n<

8-6 Input lmpedance oftheLossless Line

Thestanding-wave pattems indicate thatfor amismatched linethe voltage andcurrentmagnitudes areoscillatory with position onthelineand in phaseopposition witheachLrher. Hence,thevoltageto currentratio, calledtheinput impedance Zin,mustvary withposition also. UsingEqs. (g.5la) and(8.51b), Z;nis given by it,t


3 +I

N.rr. we usethecondition givenby Eq.(g.57)for thelo_ :con of a voltage minimumto finde: i7 - 2pl^in : -v, .r;chgives - :2Qlmin- r =2x

for n : 0 (firstminimum).


;' x 0.12- r:

- O . 2 r( I a d ) = -36".

Zi"Q) :

r - - E k i o ' : 0 . 5 e - j 3 6 ": 0 . 4 0 5 - j 0 . 2 9 4 . ' ,'.ing Eq. (8.49a)for ZL,vtehaye

I (z\ + leir'l - vf 1e-ia' vile-ipz-feil4Lo


- =z"^ f r -* r l

- f | +f ej20z1 : zoLt - rei' p,l



Ll f J - i0.2941 -^f I +0.405 = )u = (8s- i67tQ' t : L | olos il02%l

Note that Z;nk) is the ratio of the total voltase (incident- and reflected-wave voltages)to he total (;rrent at any point z on the line, in contrast with the char_

of the line Zs, which relatesthe acteristicimpedance of eachof thenuowavesindividually and current vohage



(zo-- vd/t; = -v; /6 ).

Jac -l &
vi ztn+ h

probOf particularinterestin manytransmission-line : -r, lemsistheinputimpedanceattheinputofthelineatz whichis givenby

zaGt):ztl4, _y;:1gi)

f eiPI+ le- jPIl

f 1+le-i2qt1



andusingtherelations f with Eq.(8.49a) By replacing eiqt: cos Fl + j sinBl, e-i?t = cos FI - j sinpl, in terms of ZL as canberewritten Eq.(8.61) Zlcos Pl * j Zn sinPl \ i) Z s c o s p l * j Z r - sinB/ Zt 'f j Zotanfll :2"( Zo* jZutan fl ) (8.62a) (8.62b)


end, the trminatedtrdE Figure 8-14: At the generator with d the input impedance missionline canbe replaced the line Zin.


(8.63) Eq.(8.64)to Eq.(8.65)andthensolvingfc Equating leadsto theresult

From the standpoint of the generator circuit, the transmission line can be replaced with an impedance Zin, asshown in Fig. 8- 14.The phasorvoltageacrossZin is givenby

';=(fu)(t"+;-) (866)
the solutionofthe transmissionline This comDletes

Vi= ItZin: #


LA + Lil


givenby Eqs.(8.21)and(8.23), for the equations,

out line. We started transmission caseofa lossless (8.26a) givenby and(8.26b), generalsolutions Eqs.

line,thevoltage of thetransmission butfrom thestandpoint (8.51a) given with by Eq. line is across itat theinputofthe z:-l: ii: i1-4 : vd[ejtl + re-iPIL (s.6s)

V; , V; , ry , amplitudes, fourunknown included : -v; lI; , It outth^tzo : vo+ Wethen found I

reducinstheunknownstothe two

we condition attheload, theboundary Uponapplying



With reference to Fig. 8-14, the input impedance of the line,givenby Eq.(8.63), is

$le torelateyt to Vo+ tkough f, and,finally,by applying boundary condition ie at the sendingendof the line, we $ained anexpression for 7o+.

Compfete Solulion torD(2, t) eM i(2, t\ A 1.05-GHz generator circuit with series impedance = | 0 O andvoltage source givenby ug(t): 10sin(a.rr * 30') (V)

zt+ jzo.nfll . ,'.n -o fL L -Lo 4+ iztt^ptl z t / z o+ jtattfl 1 -. - f Lt + j(zL/zdtn pr)

'' : 5 o f ( z + i t ) + i * t ' u ' : (21'9 + i r7-4) e' ta n 126" Ll + i(2 + 11) ]

Rewritingtheexpression forthegenerator voltage with the cosinereference, we have ur(t) : l0 sin(a.rr * 30') : 1O coskr /2 - al/ - 30") - 60.) = 10cos(arr = n lt1e- j$' ei@tl: nelisei.,l Hence,thephasor voltage7, is givenby 7, : 1g2-ia" 1y) _ t0/:& Application ofEq. (8.66) gives (V).

connected _. to a load ZL : (100 + i50) A througha i,!Q, 67-cmlonglossless transmission line. Thephase :locityof theline is 0.7c,where c is thevelocityoi light : a vacuum. Findu(2,t) and i(z,l) on theline. rrlution: From the relationship up : : lvelensth: Lf, we find the


o 0,7x3x108 . : - -u ^ -:--__n.- "'- "'' t.OS x lOe "f





f tqe-i$"et.9+it7.4t1 L t 0 + 2 r . 9 + j 1 7 . 4)
l . i t26'L"9.45"i26.6' e- i t26" fe l: l1.2eitss'(v) : lO.Z /tss. (V). Thephasor voltage on thelineis then 7 1 z y = y ; 1 " - i o ,+ t e i p z ) tse" jP. : 10.2ei + 0.45ei26.6' keipz ),

: tan6.7r : tan0.7n = tan 126',

r*re we have subtractedmultiples of 22. The voltase :lection coefficienrat the load is

D.e ,roc


. I

= + :

Zt- Zo

( 100 + j50) + 50


: 0.45ei26.6" .

voltageu(2, t) is sndthe instantaneous u(2,t):frcli(dej'tl - pz + 159") = l0.2cos(arr + fz+185.6') +4.55cos(rot leads to use of Vf in Eq.(8.51b) Similarly, 6" : g.2g"i,tn" i 121 ,e-iPz- 0.45ei26 eio\, i(2, r) :0.20cos(at - 0z -t 159"\ cos(ror + Fz + 5.6") * 0.091 (A). r (V).




vrc(z) Voltage .!vo I

Line Cases oftheLossless 8-7 Special
transinvolvinglossless situations We often encounter whose or lines particular terminations with lines mission properties. Weshall now useful exhibitparticularly lengths cases' special ofthese some consider

Line("-rM B-7.1 short-circuited

is termiline shownin Fig. 8-15(a) The transmission thevoltage nated in a shortcircuit, Zr = 0. Consequently, is | : -1, by Eq. (8.49a) defined coefficient reflection (8.59)is given Eq. by ratio standing-wave andthevoltage and thevoltage S : oo.FromEqs.(8.5Ia)and(8.51b), line are transmission cunenton a shorttircuitedlossless givenby : -2 jv{ sinpz, (8.67a) i*(a : v{le-iqz - ")021 : !Lp-ifz i,,171 -Zo


Impedance r

rl |

+ eilzl:

)v+ '-!

pz. (8.67b) cos

Figure 8-15: Transmissionline terminatedin a shofi cir(b) oormalizedvoltagc cuit: (a) schematicrepresentation, on the line, (c) normalized cunent, and (d) normalizd input impedance.

7,"(z) is zeroat theload(z = 0), asit should Thevoltage assinpz, varies be for a shortcircuit,andits amplitude attheloadandit ir"(z) is a maximum whereas thecurrent inFig. 8-15 aredisplayed varies ascospz. Bothquantities . negative of asa function z

i.7 SPECIALCASESOF THE LOSSLESS LINE :E rnputimpedance of $e line at z = -l is givenby rrio of V*(-/) to 1*(-l). Denoting Zff astheinput for a short-circuited .line.wehave

SinceI is a positivenumber, theshortest lenglh/ for which tanpl < 0 corresponds to the ranger/2 < pt < t. Hence,the minimum line lengthI that would resultin an input impedance ZiT equivalentto that of a capacitorof capacitance Cco is

: j Zotan pl.
:rt of Zff/lZo versus negarivez is shown in

t : ) 1 " - "l/-"; '| !r5(d).

theinputimpedance h reneral, Zinmayconsistofareal .rtnputresistance Rin, andanimaginary part, orinput Xn:
Zin: R ; n* j X i n .


\t ll

(m). (8.71c)



,: drecaseof the short-circuited lossless line, theinput rgedanceis purelyreactive(R6 = 0). If tanf / > 0, the j:d appears inductive, actinglike anequivalent inductor whose _-. impedance is equal to Z,sf . Thus, jtltL"o = jZotanpI, if tanBl > 0, (8.70a)

Theseresults meanthat, throughproperchoiceof thelength of a short-circuited line, we canmakesubstitutes for capacitors andinductors with anydesired reactance. Sucha practice is indeed common in thedesignofmicrowavecircuitsandhigh-speed integrated circuits, because makine anactual capacitor or inductor is oftenmoredifficultthai making a shorted transmission line.

Beactive Etements $7-l Equivalant

Choose the length of a shorted 50-O losslesstrans_ mission line (Fig. 8-16) such that its input impedanceat 2.25 GHz is equivalent to thereactance ofa capacitorwith capacitance C", : 4 pF. The wave velocity on the line is 0.75c.


z-!g Pt





minimumline lengthI that wouldresultin an input uedance Z,Tequivalent to thatofan inducror ofind;c:rte l* is




rilarly, iftan p/ < 0, theinput impedanceis capacitive, - : hich case the line actslike an equivalentcapacitorCeq -. h that I ,..= iZotanPI. pl < 0. if t:,n (8.71a.1



vf -..-- t7|



/ " . --

h.t^ pl



FigurcE-16:Shorted line asequivalent (Examcapacitor Dle8-7).

Wearcgiven Solution: : 0.75x 3 x 108- 2.25x l08n/s, up=0.75c zo=50Q, f = 2.25GHz: 2.25 x l}e Hz, 2. C * = 4 p F : 4 x 1 0 - 1F is Thephase constant


Line 8-7.2 0pen-Circuiled

With ZL = oo.asillustrated in Fig.8-17(a), we cunent,andinput | - I, S: oo,andthevoltage,

dance aregiven by :Zvd cos ink) : vdt"-iPz+ eiPzf Pz, (8.

: i,,<O


- "iuzl :



- -


:62.8 =Zof :2" :=?'25,\"lot 2.25x 106 up


-- -- v*(-ll Z: "' ::-:--- : - jZ6cotpl. 1*(-/)


Frorn Eq.(8.71a), tanPl =

quantities Plotsof these aredisplayed in Fig. 8-17 function ofnegative z.


l0-r2 5 0x 2 n x 2 . 2 5 x l O e x 4 x

: -0.354.

and 8-7.3 Application olSh0rt-Circuit Measuremenls 0pen-Circuil

(RF) A network analyzeris a radio-frequency

function is negativewhen its argumentis in The tangent thesecond or fourth quadrants.The solution for the second quadrant is

capable of measuring theimpedance of anyload Whenused Z,sf to its inputterminal. to measure , thei ofa lossless lineterminated in a short impedance of theline when andagainZff, theinputimpedance minated in an opencircuit,the combination of the
measurements canbe usedto determinethe

= lltt:2.8rao dr 11



constant impedance of the line Zs and its phase B. gives product and(8.73) theresult ofEqs.(8.68)
7- -

is for thefourthquadrant thesolution and (8.74\ 594 : =9.46r^. flz:5.94rad or 12

leadsto and the ratio ofthe sameequations 'i
q I

thevalueof 11by applying Wealsocouldhaveobtained )"/2. is greater thanlrby exactly Thelength/2 Eq.(8.71c). isapositive I = 4.46cm*nl12, wheren any length Infact, is alsoa solution. I integer,

r/ z*



Because of thez phase ambiguityassociated with thetangentfunction, the length/ shouldbe lessthanor equalto l/2 to provideanunarnbiguous result.


,27 fi _+

Find Zn md p of a 57-cm-long lossless transmission line whose input impedancewas measured as Zff: j4O.42A when terminated in a shortcircuit and asZff : - j 121.24 Q whenterminated in anopen circuit. Fromothermeasurements, weknowthatthelineis between 3 and3.25wavelengths long. Solution:FromEqs.(8.74)and(8.75),

jr21.24):70e, zo: {lzff zff : JQ4o.42)(l-Lia '*'"' -,1 zff r^^at -




pl : (2zl/t) is between Since I is berween 3), and3.25),, pl in thefust 6z radians and( l3rrl2) radians. Thisplaces quadrant (0 to r/2) in a polar coordinatesystem. Hence, theonly acceptable solutionfor theabove is p/ = equation z/6 radians.This value, however,doesnot include the 2z multiplesassociated with the integerI multiplesof I . Hence, thetruevalueof 6l is

pl:6r *
Figurc 8-17: Transmission line terminated in an open cir:uit: (a) schematic rpresentation, O) normalized voltage rn the line, (c) normalized current, and (d) normalized -:rputimpedance.

1t o



in which case

R -

19.4 : 34 057

(rad/m). r


Microwave 0vens
Percy Spencer,while working tor Raythoonin of the 1940s on the design and construction for radar,observedthat a chocolate magnetrons

been exposedto bar that had unintentionally pocket. The had meltedin his crowaves in 1946en waspatented cooking by microwave o/ens had become the 1970s. microwave household items.



Absorption llicrowave
is an electromagnetic micro$ra've wavewhosefrelies in the 300 MHz-00GHz range.(See S.,ency Frg.1-9.)Whena materialcontaining water is exposed to microwaves, the watermolecule reac,ts by itself so as io its align own electricdipole otating alongthe directionof the electricfield of the miThe rotationmotioncreatesheat in the crowave. naterial,resulting in the conversion of microwave into thermalenergy. Microwave 3nergy absorption a spectrum witha peakthatoccurs Jywaterexhibits frequenc/ whose\rEllue et a 'resonant depends on h temperature of the waterand on the concentrapresent saltsor sugars lon of dissolved in thewater. -he lrequency mostcommonly used in microwave :vensis 2.54GHz,andthestandard source for genenergyat this frequency erating is the magnetron. rvhereas microwaves are readilyabsorbed by wa'er,fats, and sugars,they can penetrate through glass,or plastics -ost ceramics, withoutlossof en:rgy,therebyimparting no heatto thosematerials.

Oven 0peration
To generatehigh-powermicrowaves (- 70Owatts) the microwave ovenusesa magnetron tube,which requiresthe application of a voltageon the order ot 4000volts.The typicalhousehold \oltage of 115voltsis increased to the required voltagelevel through a high-voltage transformer. The microwave energygenerated by the magnetron is transferred into a cookingchamberdesignedto containthe microwaves withinit throughthe use of metalsurfacesandsafetyInterlock switches. Microwaves are reflec'tedby metal surfaces,so they can bounce aroundthe interior of the chamberor be absorlred by the food, but not escapeto the outside.lf the ovendooris madeof a glasspanel,a metalscreen or a layero{ conductive meshis attached to it to ensure the necessary shielding; microwaves cannot pass throughthe metal screenif the mesh width is much smaller than the wavelength of the mi(- 12cm at 2.5GHz).In thechamber, crowave the microwave energy establishes pata standing-wave tern,whichleadsto an uneven distribution. This is mitigated by usinga rotatingmetalstirrerthat dispersesthe microwave energyto differentparts of the chamber.

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