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Sect|on 1. re||m|nary |nvest|gat|on def|ned, when requ|red.
re||m|nary |nvest|gat|on |s an |nqu|ry or proceed|ng to determ|ne
whether there |s suff|c|ent ground to engender a we||-founded be||ef
that a cr|me has been comm|tted and the respondent |s probab|y
gu||ty thereof, and shou|d be he|d for tr|a|.

Lxcept as prov|ded |n Sect|on 6 of th|s ku|e, a pre||m|nary |nvest|gat|on
|s requ|red to be conducted before the f|||ng of a comp|a|nt or
|nformat|on for an offense where the pena|ty prescr|bed by |aw |s at
|east four (4) years, two (2) months and one (1) day w|thout regard to
the f|ne. (1a) (As amended by SC keso|ut|on A.M. No. 0S-8-26-SC,
August 30, 200S)

I. When re||m|nary Invest|gat|on |s requ|red
Wlll all cases ln Lhe M1C go Lhrough prellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlon?
Cnly cases whereln Lhe penalLy ls aL leasL 4 years, 2 mmonLhs
and 1 day Lo noL exceedlng 6 years.

II. Where the Case for re||m|nary Invest|gat|on |s f||ed
nC1L: 1hls ls appllcable Lo boLh Crdlnary roceedlngs and Lhose falllng
under Summary rocedure.
WlLhln charLered clLles ! Always ln Lhe Cfflce of Lhe rosecuLor
CuLslde charLered clLles/provlnces ! LlLher before Lhe offlce of
Lhe provlnclal prosecuLor or before Munlclpal Lrlal courL on a
dlrecL flllng.

III. When re||m|nary Invest|gat|on |s |n|t|ated
ln case of complalnLs flled ! rellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlon ls
lnlLlaLed by Lhe affldavlL-complalnL
ln case of warranLless arresLs ! rellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlon (ln
Lhe form of lnquesL) ls lnlLlaLed by Lhe affldavlL of Lhe arresLlng

Sect|on 2. Cff|cers author|zed to conduct pre||m|nary |nvest|gat|on.
1he fo||ow|ng may conduct a pre||m|nary |nvest|gat|on:

(a) rov|nc|a| or c|ty prosecutors and the|r ass|stants,

(b) Nat|ona| and keg|ona| State rosecutors, and

(c) Cther off|cers as may be author|zed by |aw.

1he|r author|ty to conduct pre||m|nary |nvest|gat|ons sha|| |nc|ude a||
cr|mes cogn|zab|e by the proper court |n the|r respect|ve terr|tor|a|
[ur|sd|ct|ons. (2a) (As amended by SC keso|ut|on A.M. No. 0S-8-26-SC,
August 30, 200S)

Sect|on 3. rocedure.
1he pre||m|nary |nvest|gat|on sha|| be conducted |n the fo||ow|ng

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(a) 1he comp|a|nt sha|| state the address of the respondent and sha||
be accompan|ed by aff|dav|ts of the comp|a|nant and h|s w|tnesses, as
we|| as other support|ng documents to estab||sh probab|e cause. 1hey
sha|| be |n such number of cop|es as there are respondents, p|us two
(2) cop|es for the off|c|a| f||e. 1he aff|dav|ts sha|| be subscr|bed and
sworn to before any prosecutor or government off|c|a| author|zed to
adm|n|ster oath, or, |n the|r absence or unava||ab|||ty, before a notary
pub||c, each of whom must cert|fy that he persona||y exam|ned the
aff|ants and that he |s sat|sf|ed that they vo|untar||y executed and
understood the|r aff|dav|ts.

(b) W|th|n ten (10) days after the f|||ng of the comp|a|nt, the
|nvest|gat|ng off|cer sha|| e|ther d|sm|ss |t |f he f|nds no ground to
cont|nue w|th the |nvest|gat|on, or |ssue a subpoena to the respondent
attach|ng to |t a copy of the comp|a|nt and |ts support|ng aff|dav|ts and

1he respondent sha|| have the r|ght to exam|ne the ev|dence
subm|tted by the comp|a|nant wh|ch he may not have been furn|shed
and to copy them at h|s expense. If the ev|dence |s vo|um|nous, the
comp|a|nant may be requ|red to spec|fy those wh|ch he |ntends to
present aga|nst the respondent, and these sha|| be made ava||ab|e for
exam|nat|on or copy|ng by the respondent at h|s expense.

Cb[ects as ev|dence need not be furn|shed a party but sha|| be made
ava||ab|e for exam|nat|on, copy|ng or photograph|ng at the expense of
the request|ng party.

(c) W|th|n ten (10) days from rece|pt of the subpoena w|th the
comp|a|nt and support|ng aff|dav|ts and documents, the respondent
sha|| subm|t h|s counter-aff|dav|t and that of h|s w|tnesses and other
support|ng documents re||ed upon for h|s defense. 1he counter-
aff|dav|ts sha|| be subscr|bed and sworn to and cert|f|ed as prov|ded |n
paragraph (a) of th|s Sect|on, w|th cop|es thereof furn|shed by h|m to
the comp|a|nant. 1he respondent sha|| not be a||owed to f||e a mot|on
to d|sm|ss |n ||eu of a counter-aff|dav|t.

(d) If the respondent cannot be subpoenaed, or |f subpoenaed, does
not subm|t counter-aff|dav|ts w|th|n the ten (10) day per|od, the
|nvest|gat|ng off|cer sha|| reso|ve the comp|a|nt based on the ev|dence
presented by the comp|a|nant.

(e) 1he |nvest|gat|ng off|cer may set a hear|ng |f there are such facts
and |ssues to be c|ar|f|ed from a party or a w|tness. 1he part|es can be
present at the hear|ng but w|thout the r|ght to exam|ne or cross-
exam|ne. 1hey may, however, subm|t to the |nvest|gat|ng off|cer
quest|ons wh|ch may be asked to the party or w|tness concerned.

1he hear|ng sha|| be he|d w|th|n ten (10) days from subm|ss|on of the
counter-aff|dav|ts and other documents or from the exp|rat|on of the
per|od for the|r subm|ss|on. It sha|| be term|nated w|th|n f|ve (S) days.

(f) W|th|n ten (10) days after the |nvest|gat|on, the |nvest|gat|ng off|cer
sha|| determ|ne whether or not there |s suff|c|ent ground to ho|d the
respondent for tr|a|, (3a)

S1L 1: I|||ng of an aff|dav|t-comp|a|nt
1he affldavlL-complalnL should be duly sworn before a publlc
prosecuLor or a publlc offlcer auLhorlzed Lo admlnlsLer oaLh.
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Cenerally, you CAnnC1 subscrlbe before a noLary publlc, LxcepL
ln Lhe absence or unavallablllLy of a publlc prosecuLor.
S1L 2: ay the necessary f|||ng fees (ku|e 111) and subm|t |t
afterwards to the Dockets where |t w||| be raff|ed to an |nvest|gat|ng
lor acLual damages clalmed ln ordlnary offenses ! no flllng
fees. All oLhers, you have Lo pay. AlLhough once Lhe lnformaLlon
ls flled, you may be asked Lo pay more.
8.. 22 ! you are requlred Lo pay flllng fees for all damages
lncludlng acLual damages ! LahaL ng clalm, bayaran mo"
Coverlng conLalns lnformaLlon (someLhlng llke a summary
memo of why you are flllng Lhe case)
S1L 3: W|th|n 10 days, |nvest|gat|ng off|cer w||| dec|de whether he
w||| (1) d|sm|ss the case or (2) |ssue a subpoena where|n a counter-
aff|dav|t |s requ|red from the respondent to determ|ne the presence of
probab|e cause and whether an |nformat|on w||| be f||ed |n Court.
8espondenL" ls used. Pe becomes an accused" once Lhe
lnformaLlon ls flled ln CourL.
ls Lhe recelpL of Lhe subpoena necessary Lo acqulre [urlsdlcLlon
over Lhe person of Lhe respondenL? nC. Sect|on 3(d).
o lf a subpoena had been lssued and noL recelved or
refused Lo be recelved, Lhe publlc prosecuLor can
already render a resoluLlon or lssue a resoluLlon.
o ln reallLy, you wlll only recelve Lhe subpoena wlLhouL
Lhe complalnL affldavlL, buL Lhls prevenLs you from
preparlng a counLer-affldavlL. lf you are counsel of Lhe
defendanL, you wlll have Lo personally geL a copy aL
your/your cllenL's expense.
8emedy lf you don'L recelve Lhe subpoena/complalnL: MoLlon
for 8elnvesLlgaLlon ln Lhe CourL, and ask Lhem Lo reLurn lL Lo Lhe
Cfflce of Lhe rosecuLor.
o WhaL ls a relnvesLlgaLlon? 1haL ls noL deflned ln ku|e
112. A relnvesLlgaLlon ls slmllar Lo a moLlon for
reconslderaLlon, buL you are asklng for new prellmlnary
nC1L: rellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlon ls mere sLaLuLory rlghL, and
Lhus, Lhe absence Lhereof wlll noL render Lhe lnformaLlon
o eop|e v. Anonas ! 1he vlolaLlon of one's rlghL Lo
speedy Lrlal or speedy dlsposlLlon of cases ls noL
appllcable Lo prellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlon. 8uL Lhere could
be lnordlnaLe delay whlch would be a vlolaLlon of Lhe
respondenL's rlghL Lo due process.

Sect|on 4. keso|ut|on of |nvest|gat|ng prosecutor and |ts rev|ew.
If the |nvest|gat|ng prosecutor f|nds cause to ho|d the respondent for
tr|a|, he sha|| prepare the reso|ut|on and |nformat|on. ne sha|| cert|fy
under oath |n the |nformat|on that he, or as shown by the record, an
author|zed off|cer, has persona||y exam|ned the comp|a|nant and h|s
w|tnesses, that there |s reasonab|e ground to be||eve that a cr|me has
been comm|tted and that the accused |s probab|y gu||ty thereof, that
the accused was |nformed of the comp|a|nt and of the ev|dence
subm|tted aga|nst h|m, and that he was g|ven an opportun|ty to
subm|t controvert|ng ev|dence. Ctherw|se, he sha|| recommend the
d|sm|ssa| of the comp|a|nt.

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W|th|n f|ve (S) days from h|s reso|ut|on, he sha|| forward the record of
the case to the prov|nc|a| or c|ty prosecutor or ch|ef state prosecutor,
or to the Cmbudsman or h|s deputy |n cases of offenses cogn|zab|e by
the Sand|ganbayan |n the exerc|se of |ts or|g|na| [ur|sd|ct|on. 1hey sha||
act on the reso|ut|on w|th|n ten (10) days from the|r rece|pt thereof
and sha|| |mmed|ate|y |nform the part|es of such act|on.

No comp|a|nt or |nformat|on may be f||ed or d|sm|ssed by an
|nvest|gat|ng prosecutor w|thout the pr|or wr|tten author|ty or
approva| of the prov|nc|a| or c|ty prosecutor or the Cmbudsman or h|s

Where the |nvest|gat|ng prosecutor recommends the d|sm|ssa| of the
comp|a|nt but h|s recommendat|on |s d|sapproved by the prov|nc|a| or
c|ty prosecutor or ch|ef state prosecutor or the Cmbudsman or h|s
deputy on the ground that a probab|e cause ex|sts, the |atter may, by
h|mse|f, f||e the |nformat|on aga|nst the respondent, or d|rect another
ass|stant prosecutor or state prosecutor to do so w|thout conduct|ng
another pre||m|nary |nvest|gat|on.

If upon pet|t|on by a proper party under such ru|es as the Department
of Iust|ce may prescr|be or motu propr|o, the Secretary of Iust|ce
reverses or mod|f|es the reso|ut|on of the prov|nc|a| or c|ty prosecutor
or ch|ef state prosecutor, he sha|| d|rect the prosecutor concerned
e|ther to f||e the correspond|ng |nformat|on w|thout conduct|ng
another pre||m|nary |nvest|gat|on, or to d|sm|ss or move for d|sm|ssa|
of the comp|a|nt or |nformat|on w|th not|ce to the part|es. 1he same
ru|e sha|| app|y |n pre||m|nary |nvest|gat|ons conducted by the off|cers
of the Cff|ce of the Cmbudsman. (4a)

S1L 4: After reso|ut|on of the ass|stant prosecutor] |nvest|gat|ng
off|cer, |t shou|d be forwarded to the c|ty prosecutor or the
Cmbudsman who w||| e|ther approve, d|sm|ss or perm|t h|m to
d|sm|ss. Sect|on 4(1).
1he power of Lhe asslsLanL prosecuLor ls only recommendaLory.
1he lasL say ln all of Lhls ls Lhe clLy/provlnclal prosecuLor or Lhe
o unless approved by Lhe ClLy rosecuLor, lL cannoL come
ouL of Lhe offlce ! no maLLer how long lL Lakes - whlch
ls normal.
o 1he ClLy rosecuLor
can hlmself conducL an
lnvesLlgaLlon or reasslgn lL Lo anoLher lnvesLlgaLlon
offlcer lf he dlsagrees wlLh Lhe resoluLlon of Lhe
lnvesLlgaLlon offlcer. Sect|on 4(4)
lf Lhe resoluLlon ls Lo flle, assL. prosecuLor wlll also prepare an
lnformaLlon whlch wlll be forwarded Lo hls superlors.
A copy of Lhe lnformaLlon need noL be glven Lo parLles. lL [usL
needs Lo be flled ln CourL. lnformaLlon ls noL served upon Lhe
parLles. lf Lhe resoluLlon ls Lo dlsmlss, Lhe resoluLlon wlll also be
served Lo Lhe parLles.
lf an asslsLanL prosecuLor was depuLlzed by Lhe Cfflce of Lhe
Cmbudsman, lL wlll be sub[ecL Lo Lhe approval of Lhe clLy or
provlnclal prosecuLor, Lo be furLher revlewed by Lhe uepuLy
Cmbudsman of Lhe area. And of course sub[ecL Lo Lhe flnal
approval of Lhe Cmbudsman.

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S1L S: 1he mode of appea| |s a et|t|on for kev|ew under C|rcu|ar 70
of the Dept. of Iust|ce w|th|n a per|od of 1S days ! no longer parL of
Lhe prellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlon.
Consequence: 1he lnformaLlon flled ln CourL, buL Lhe
arralgnmenL wlll be suspended for 60 days. ku|e 116.

Sect|on S. When warrant of arrest may |ssue.
(a) 8y the keg|ona| 1r|a| Court. - W|th|n ten (10) days from the f|||ng of
the comp|a|nt or |nformat|on, the [udge sha|| persona||y eva|uate the
reso|ut|on of the prosecutor and |ts support|ng ev|dence. ne may
|mmed|ate|y d|sm|ss the case |f the ev|dence on record c|ear|y fa||s to
estab||sh probab|e cause. If he f|nds probab|e cause, he sha|| |ssue a
warrant of arrest, or a comm|tment order when the comp|a|nt or
|nformat|on was f||ed pursuant to Sect|on 6 of th|s ku|e. In case of
doubt on the ex|stence of probab|e cause, the [udge may order the
prosecutor to present add|t|ona| ev|dence w|th|n f|ve (S) days from
not|ce and the |ssue must be reso|ved by the court w|th|n th|rty (30)
days from the f|||ng of the comp|a|nt or |nformat|on.

(b) 8y the Mun|c|pa| 1r|a| Court. - When requ|red pursuant to the
second paragraph of Sect|on 1 of th|s ku|e, the pre||m|nary
|nvest|gat|on of cases fa|||ng under the or|g|na| [ur|sd|ct|on of the
Metropo||tan 1r|a| Court, Mun|c|pa| 1r|a| Court |n C|t|es, Mun|c|pa|
1r|a| Court or Mun|c|pa| C|rcu|t 1r|a| Court SnALL be conducted by the
prosecutor. 1he procedure for the |ssuance of a warrant of arrest by
the [udge sha|| be governed by paragraph (a) of th|s Sect|on.

(c) When warrant of arrest not necessary. - A warrant of arrest sha||
not |ssue |f the accused |s a|ready under detent|on pursuant to a
warrant |ssued by the mun|c|pa| tr|a| court |n accordance w|th
paragraph (b) of th|s Sect|on, or |f the comp|a|nt or |nformat|on was
f||ed pursuant to Sect|on 6 of th|s ku|e or |s for an offense pena||zed by
f|ne on|y. 1he court sha|| then proceed |n the exerc|se of |ts or|g|na|
[ur|sd|ct|on. (6a) (As amended by SC keso|ut|on A.M. No. 0S-8-26-SC,
August 30, 200S)

I. When the Court can |ssue a warrant of arrest
Cnce lnformaLlon ls flled, Lhe CourL may elLher:
1. lssue a warranL of arresL whlch necessarlly means LhaL lL found
probable cause
2. ulsmlss Lhe case for absence of probable cause.
3. Call for a hearlng for furLher presenLaLlon of evldence

II. Warrant of Arrest and D|sm|ssa|
Cnce Lhe CourL lssues a warranL of arresL afLer Lhe lnformaLlon
was flled, Lhe CourL cannoL dlsmlss clalmlng absence of
probable cause 8LCAuSL Lhe mere lssuance of a warranL of
arresL means Lhe [udge found probable cause.
?ou can ask Lhe [udge Lo dlsmlss Lhe case for lack probable
cause Sect|on S(a). lL ls for Lhls reason LhaL counsel for Lhe
defense waLches ouL for Lhe flllng of lnformaLlon ln Lhe CourL,
o lf Lhe [udge flnds probable cause ! warranL of arresL
" Cnce a warranL of arresL has been lssued, lL
means Lhere has been a deLermlnaLlon of
probable cause by Lhe [udge, and Lhere ls
noLhlng you can do.
o lf Lhe [udge flnds lack of probable cause ! dlsmlss Lhe
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" Powever, lf a !udge dlsmlsses Lhe case wlLhouL
a moLlon, he ls placed ln a senslLlve poslLlon.
lf you flle a moLlon Lo deLermlne probable cause, and lL ls
dlsmlssed subsequenLly, double [eopardy aLLaches because
Lhere ls express consenL.
o 1he case cannoL be remanded Lo Lhe prosecuLor.

III. Mun|c|pa| 1r|a| Court
1he Munlclpal 1rlal CourL wlll proceed under Lhe same process
dlscussed CnL? for cases LhaL wenL Lhrough prellmlnary
lf Lhere was no prellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlon (meanlng Lhe offense ls
below 4 years, 2 monLhs and 1 day), Sect|on S need noL be
followed. 8aLher, Sect|on 8 applles.

Sect|on 6. When accused |awfu||y arrested w|thout warrant.
When a person |s |awfu||y arrested w|thout a warrant |nvo|v|ng an
offense wh|ch requ|res a pre||m|nary |nvest|gat|on, the comp|a|nt or
|nformat|on may be f||ed by a prosecutor w|thout need of such
|nvest|gat|on prov|ded an |nquest has been conducted |n accordance
w|th ex|st|ng ru|es. In the absence or unava||ab|||ty of an |nquest
prosecutor, the comp|a|nt may be f||ed by the offended party or by a
peace off|cer d|rect|y w|th the proper court on the bas|s of the
aff|dav|t of the offended party or arrest|ng off|cer or person.

8efore the comp|a|nt or |nformat|on |s f||ed, the person arrested may
ask for a pre||m|nary |nvest|gat|on |n accordance w|th th|s ku|e, but he
must s|gn a wa|ver of the prov|s|ons of Art|c|e 12S of the kev|sed ena|
Code, as amended, |n the presence of h|s counse|. Notw|thstand|ng the
wa|ver, he may app|y for ba|| and the |nvest|gat|on must be
term|nated w|th|n f|fteen (1S) days from |ts |ncept|on.

After the f|||ng of the comp|a|nt or |nformat|on |n court w|thout a
pre||m|nary |nvest|gat|on, the accused may w|th|n f|ve (S) days from
the t|me he |earns of |ts f|||ng, ask for a pre||m|nary |nvest|gat|on w|th
the same r|ght to adduce ev|dence |n h|s defense as prov|ded |n th|s
ku|e. (7a, sec. 2, k.A. No. 7438)

I. Inquest
lor Lhe purposes of an lnquesL, Lhe arresLed person may declde
noL Lo ask for a prellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlon.
1he prosecuLor conducLs lnquesL. ln hls absence, Lhe case may
be flled dlrecLly ln CourL.

II. Inquest v. re||m|nary Invest|gat|on
1he duLy of an lnquesL prosecuLor ls elLher Lo order LhaL you be
deLalned, lf Lhe evldence appears Lo be sLrong, or LhaL you be
released for furLher prellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlon. lf Lhe laLLer, you
wlll go Lhen go Lhrough Lhe process ouLllned ln Sect|on 3.

S1L 1: Va||d Warrant|ess Arrest
Cnly Lhose who were valldly arresL wlLhouL a warranL undergo

S1L 2: Inquest
lf you're arresLed under 8ule 113, you wlll be broughL Lo Lhe
nearesL pollce sLaLlon.
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?ou wlll sLay Lhere for a whlle, of course noL vlolaLlng your rlghL,
Lo lllegal deLenLlon, you wlll [usL sLay Lhere whlle Lhey prepare
your arresL reporL and Lhelr affldavlL. Cnce Lhey're ready wlLh
your arresL reporL and Lhelr affldavlL, Lhe arresLlng offlcers, you
wlll be broughL Lo Lhe lnquesL prosecuLor
o rovlded, Lhe crlme you commlLLed requlres prellmlnary
lnvesLlgaLlon (e.g. Chlld Lrafflcklng, Smuggllng).
o Crlmes whlch do noL requlre prellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlon
need noL go Lhrough lnquesL.

S1L 3: App||cat|on for 8a||

Sect|on 7. kecords.
(a) kecords support|ng the |nformat|on or comp|a|nt. - An |nformat|on
or comp|a|nt f||ed |n court sha|| be supported by the aff|dav|ts and
counter-aff|dav|ts of the part|es and the|r w|tnesses, together w|th the
other support|ng ev|dence and the reso|ut|on on the case.

(b) kecord of pre||m|nary |nvest|gat|on. - 1he record of the pre||m|nary
|nvest|gat|on conducted by a prosecutor Ck C1nLk CIIICLkS AS MA
8L AU1nCkI2LD 8 LAW sha|| not form part of the record of the case.
nowever, the court, on |ts own |n|t|at|ve or on mot|on of any party,
may order the product|on of the record or any of |ts part when
necessary |n the reso|ut|on of the case or any |nc|dent there|n, or
when |t |s to be |ntroduced as an ev|dence |n the case by the
request|ng party. (8a)

I. W||| the records of pre||m|nary |nvest|gat|on form part of the records
|n court?
nC. lf you wanL lL Lo be parL of Lhe records, ln Lhe crlmlnal case
ln courL, you should apply for an order Lo elevaLe Lhe records Lo
Lhe crlmlnal courL.

Sect|on 8. Cases not requ|r|ng a pre||m|nary |nvest|gat|on nor covered
by the ku|e on Summary rocedure.
(a) If f||ed w|th the prosecutor. - If the comp|a|nt |s f||ed d|rect|y w|th
the prosecutor |nvo|v|ng an offense pun|shab|e by an |mpr|sonment of
|ess than four (4) years, two (2) months and one (1) day, the procedure
out||ned |n Sect|on 3(a) of th|s ku|e sha|| be observed. 1he prosecutor
sha|| act on the comp|a|nt based on the aff|dav|ts and other support|ng
documents subm|tted by the comp|a|nant w|th|n ten (10) days from |ts

(b) If f||ed w|th the Mun|c|pa| 1r|a| Court. - If the comp|a|nt or
|nformat|on |s f||ed w|th the Mun|c|pa| 1r|a| Court or Mun|c|pa| C|rcu|t
1r|a| Court for an offense covered by th|s Sect|on, the procedure |n
Sect|on 3(a) of th|s ru|e sha|| be observed. If w|th|n ten (10) days after
the f|||ng of the comp|a|nt of |nformat|on, the [udge f|nds no probab|e
cause after persona||y eva|uat|ng the ev|dence, or after persona||y
exam|n|ng |n wr|t|ng and under oath the comp|a|nant and h|s
w|tnesses |n the form of search|ng quest|ons and answers, he sha||
d|sm|ss the same. ne may, however, requ|re the subm|ss|on of
add|t|ona| ev|dence, w|th|n ten (10) days from not|ce, to determ|ne
further the ex|stence of probab|e cause. If the [udge st||| f|nds no
probab|e cause desp|te the add|t|ona| ev|dence, he sha||, w|th|n ten
(10) days from |ts subm|ss|on or exp|rat|on of sa|d per|od, d|sm|ss the
case. When he f|nds probab|e cause, he sha|| |ssue a warrant of arrest,
or a comm|tment order |f the accused had a|ready been arrested, and
ho|d h|m for tr|a|. nowever, |f the [udge |s sat|sf|ed that there |s no
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necess|ty for p|ac|ng the accused under custody, he may |ssue
summons |nstead of a warrant of arrest. (9a)

I. Mun|c|pa| 1r|a| Court
Cnce Lhe lnformaLlon or complalnL ls flled, Lhe CourL may elLher:
1. lssue a warranL of arresL sub[ecL Lo Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe CourL
2. lssue a summons (Lhls ls Lhe only lnsLance whereln a crlmlnal
courL can lssue summons)
3. ulsmlss Lhe case for absence of probable cause
4. ConducL a hearlng for furLher presenLaLlon of evldence.

II. 1991 ku|es on Summary rocedure
AfLer lnformaLlon ls flled, CourL may lssue a noLlce Lo Lhe
accused Lo flle a counLer-affldavlL.
1he Munlclpal 1rlal CourL wlll noL lssue a warranL of arresL. lL
wlll lssue only lf desplLe noLlce, you repeaLedly absenLed
yourself durlng Lrlal.
All 8.. 22 cases fall under Lhe rules on summary procedure.

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