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ME2252-Manufacturing Technology-II

Mechanical Engineering


PART A UNIT I - THEORY OF METAL CUTTING 1. Classify the pr !ess f "etal shapi#$% 1. Non- cutting shaping process 2. Cutting shaping process &. E'plai# the # #( !)tti#$ shapi#$ pr !ess% The etal is shape! un!er the action of force" heating or #oth. $ince there are no cutting of etal" chip for ation %ill not #e there" so it is calle! non-cutting shaping process. E&a ple' forging" !ra%ing" rolling" spining etc. *. Classify the relati+e " ti # ,et-ee# - r. pie!e a#/ !)tti#$ t l. (i.) *otation of %or+ against the tool. E&a ple' turning.(ii). *otation of tool against %or+ piece. E&a ple' !rilling" illing.(iii) ,inear o-e ent of the %or+ piece against the tool. e&a ple' planer. (i-),inear o-e ent of the tool against the %or+. E&a ple' shaper. 0. 1hat are all the /iffere#t types f !)tti#$ t l% (i) $ingle point cutting tool (ii) Multipoint cutting tool. 2. Me#ti # the +ari )s a#$les i# !)tti#$ t l. 1. .ac+ rac+ angle" 2. $i!e rac+ angle" 3. En! relief angle" 4. $i!e relief angle" 5. $i!e cutting angle" /. En! cutting angle. 3. 1hat is t l si$#at)re% The -arious angles of the tool are entione! in a nu erical nu #er in particular or!er. That or!er is +no%n as tool signature. 0. 1hat is ,a!. ra!. a#$le a#/ "e#ti # the types. .ac+ rac+ angle of the tool is increases the strength of cutting tool an! cutting action.1. positi-e rac+ angle2. Negati-e rac+ angle. 4. E'plai# the # se ra/i)s. 1oining of si!e an! en! cutting e!ges #y eans of s all ra!ius in or!er to increase the tool life an! #etter surface finish on the %or+ piece. 5. 1hat are all ! #/iti #s f r )si#$ p siti+e ra!. a#$le% 1. To achine the %or+ har!ene! aterials.2. To achine lo% strength ferrous an! non-ferrous etals.3. To turn the long shaft of s all !ia eters.4. To achine the etal #elo% reco en!e! cutting spee!s.5. 2sing s all achine tools %ith lo% horse po%er. 16. 1he# -ill ,e #e$ati+e ra!. a#$le is )se/. 1. To achine high strength alloys. 2. The achine tools are ore rigi!.3. The fee! rates are high.4. To gi-e hea-y an! interrupte! cuts. 11. 7efi#e "etal !)tti#$ pr !ess% The etal cutting processes are ainly classifie! into t%o types. 1. 3rthogonal cutting process (t%o !i ensional cutting).2. 3#li4ue cutting process (three-!i ensional cutting). 1&. 7efi#e rth $ #al a#/ ,li8)e !)tti#$% Orth $ #al !)tti#$' the cutting e!ge of tool is perpen!icular to the %or+ piece a&is. O,li8)e !)tti#$9 the cutting e!ge is incline! at an acute angle %ith nor al to cutting -elocity -ector is calle! o#li4ue cutting process. 1*. 1hat is shear pla#e% The aterial of %or+ piece is stresse! #eyon! its yiel! point un!er the co pressi-e force. This causes the aterial to !efor plastically an! shear off. The plastic flo% ta+es place in a locali5e! region is calle! shear plane. 10. 1hat is !)tti#$ f r!e% The sheare! aterial #egins to flo% along the cutting tool face in the for of s all pieces. The co pressi-e force applie! to for the chip is calle! cutting force. 12. 1hat is !hip a#/ "e#ti # its /iffere#t types% The sheare! aterial #egins to flo% along the cutting tool face in the for of s all pieces is calle! chip. The chips are ainly classifie! into t%o types.1. Continuous chip" 2. 6iscontinuous chip" 3. Continuous chip %ith #uilt up e!ge. 13. 1hat is !hip thi!.#ess rati % The ratio of chip thic+ness #efore cutting to chip thic+ness after cutting is calle! chip thic+ness ratio. chip thic+ness ratio" r7 t18t27l28l1 1:. 1hat is !hip re/)!ti # ! effi!ie#t% St. Josephs College of Engineering St. Josephs Institute of Technology ISO9001:2008 !ge 1

ME2252-Manufacturing Technology-II

Mechanical Engineering


The reciprocal of chip thic+ness ratio is calle! chip re!uction coefficient. +7 18r 14. 1hat is the /iffi!)lty f r l #$ a#/ ! #ti#) )s !hip% 6uring achining" long an! continuous chip that for e! at high cutting spee! %ill affect achining9 it %ill spoil tool" %or+ an! achine. These chips are har!" sharp" an! hot. It %ill #e !ifficult to re o-e etal an! !angerous to safety. 15. Classify the /iffere#t types f !hip ,rea.ers% 1. $tep type" 2. :roo-e type" 3. Cla p type &6. 1hat is the !)tti#$ f r!e a!ti#$ # the !)tti#$ t l% 6uring the cutting process" the follo%ing the co ponent of cutting forces acting utually right angles. (a) fee! force f& acts in a hori5ontal plane" #ut in the !irection opposite to fee!.(#) thrust force fy acts in the !irection perpen!icular to generate! surface (c) cutting force f5 in the !irection of the ain cutting otion. &1. 1hat are the ass)"pti #s "a/e i# lee a#/ shafer;s the ry% a. the %or+ ahea! of the tool #eha-es as i!eal plastic ass.(#) there e&ists a shear plane %hich separates the chip an! %or+ piece" no har!ening in chip occurs &&. 1hat are the fa!t rs affe!ti#$ the "a!hi#a,ility% a. Che ical co position of %or+ piece aterial. Microstructure of %or+ piece aterial. Mechanical properties li+e !uctility" toughness etc." ;hysical properties of %or+ aterials. Metho! of pro!uction of the %or+ aterials. &*. H - the "a!hi#a,ilty !a# ,e e+al)ate/% The follo%ing criteria suggeste! for e-aluating achina#ility. a. Tool life per grin!" #. *ate or re o-al per tool grin!"(C) Magnitu!e of cutting forces an! po%er consu ption" (!) surface finish" (e) 6i ensional sta#ility of finishe! %or+"(f) <eat generate! !uring cutting. Ease of chip !isposal" Chip har!ness" shape an! si5e. &0. Me#ti # the a/+a#ta$es f hi$h "a!hi#a,ilty. a. :oo! surface of finish can #e pro!uce!"#. <igh cutting spee! can #e use!. (c) ,ess po%er consu ption(!)Metal re o-al rate is high" e. ,ess tool %ear. &2. 1hat is "a!hi#a,ilty i#/e'% It is a co parison of achina#ility off !ifferent aterial to stan!ar! aterial. 2$ aterial stan!ar! for 100= achina#ility is $>E 1112 hot rolle! steel. Machina#ility in!e&" i7cutting spee! of etal in-estigate! for 20 inutes tool life8cutting spee! of stan!ar! steel for 20 inutes tool life. &3.H - the t l life is /efi#e/% Tool life is !efine! as ti e elapse! ? t%o consecuti-e tool re-sharpening. 6uring" this perio! tool ser-es effecti-ely an! efficiently. &:. 1hat are the fa!t rs affe!ti#$ the t l life% (i) Cutting spee!"(ii) @ee! an! !epth of cut"(iii) Tool geo etry.(i-) Tool aterial" (-)Cutting flui!"(-i) %or+ aterial" (-ii) *igi!ity of %or+" tool an! achine. 2A.E'press the Tayl r;s t l life e8)ati #. taylorBs tool life e4uation -tn7c - 7 cutting spee! in 8 in" t 7 tool life in inute" c 7 constant" n 7 in!e& spee! upon tool an! %or+. 2C. List the +ari )s !)tti#$ fl)i/s. (i) Dater #ase! cutting flui!s" (ii) $traight or heat oil #ase! cutting flui!s. *6. 1hat is the ! "p siti # f hi$h(spee/ steel% <igh-spee! steel contains tungsten-1A= an! -ana!iu -1=. It has a#out 0.05= car#on. *1. 1hat is "ea#t ,y T p ra.e a#$le% It is also calle! #ac+ ra+e angle .it is the slope gi-en to the face or surface of the tool. This slope is gi-en fro the nose along the length of the tool. *&. 1hat is "ea#t ,y si/e ra.e a#$le% It is also the slope gi-en to the face or top of the tool. This slope is gi-en fro the nose along the %i!th of the tool.the ra+e angles help easy flo% of chip. **. 1hat is "ea#t ,y lip a#$le% It is also calle! cutting angle. It is the angle #et%een the face an! en! surface of the tool. UNIT II CENTRE LATHE AN7 <PECIAL PURPO<E LATHE St. Josephs College of Engineering St. Josephs Institute of Technology ISO9001:2008 !ge 2

ME2252-Manufacturing Technology-II

Mechanical Engineering


1. 1hat is lathe% ,athe is a achine %hich re o-es the etal fro a piece of %or+ to the re4uire! shape an! si5e. *. 1hat are the +ari )s perati #s !a# ,e perf r"e/ # a lathe% Turning" facing" for ing" +nurling" cha fering" threa! cutting" !rilling" #oring" recessing" tapping" groo-ing etc." 0. 1hat are the pri#!iple parts f a lathe% .e!" hea! stoc+" tail stoc+" carriage" cross sli!e" tool post 2. 1hat are the types f lathe ,e/s% a. In-erte! - #e!" @lat #e!. 3. 1hat are the types f hea/st !.% .ac+ geare! type" >ll geare! type. :. 1hat are the "ai# /iffere#!e f li+e a#/ /ea/ !e#ters% ,i-e center !ri-es an! rotates along %ith the %or+ piece !ea! center is !ri-en #y the hea! stoc+ an! it Eust supports the other en! of the %or+s. 4. <tate the +ari )s parts " )#te/ # the !arria$e. a) $a!!le #) co poun! rest c) cross sli!e !) tool post. 5. H - are h les /rille/ i# a lathe% @irst the centre of the tail stoc+ is replace! #y a !rill #it. the longitu!inal o-e ent of the tailstoc+ is loc+e! after setting the approach of !rill. @inally" the han! %heel of the tailstoc+ is rotate! for a+ing hole on the speci en. 1*. 1hat are the "ai# types f t l p st% 1. single scre% tool post 2. 3pen si!e tool post 3. @our #olt tool post 4.four %ay tool post. 10. 1hat is a# apr #% The integral part of se-eral gears" le-ers an! clutches ounte! %ith the sa!!le for o-ing the carriage along %ith lea! scre% %hile threa! cutting. 12. List a#y f )r types f lathe. 1. Engine lathe 2.#ench lathe 3.tool roo lathe 4.se i- auto atic lathe 5.auto atic lathe 13. 1hat is a se"i a)t "ati! lathe% > lathe in %hich all the achining operations are perfor e! auto atically an! loa!ing an! unloa!ing of %or+ piece" coolant on or off is perfor e! anually. 1:. 1hat is a# a)t "ati! lathe% In a!!ition that to auto atic achining operations loa!ing an! unloa!ing are also perfor e! auto atically. 1A. 1hat are the a/+a#ta$es f a)t "ati! lathe% 1. ;ro!uction ti e is re!uce! or ini i5e!. 2. >ccuracy %ill #e -ery high. 3. ;ro!uction rate is increase!. 15 List a#y f )r - r. h l/i#$ /e+i!es. 1. Chuc+s 2.centers 3.face plates 4.angle plate &6 1hat are the +ari )s types f !h)!.s% 1.3-Ea% chuc+- self centering chuc+ 2.4 - Ea% chuc+- in!epen!ent Ea% chuc+ 3.Magnetic chuc+. &1. 1hat are the perati #s perf r"e/ # a lathe% 1. Centering 2.stright turning 3. $tep turning 4.shoul!er turning 5.facing /.Cha fering 0.+nurling etc." &&. 7efi#e the ter" f =! #i!ity;. +7 !-! 8 l ! 7 !ia of the #igger en! !7 !ia of the s aller en! l 7 length of the %or+ + 7 conicity. &*. <tate the +ari )s types f taper t)r#i#$ perati #. 1. Co poun! rest etho! 2. @or tool etho! 3. Tail stoc+ set o-er etho! 4. Taper turning attach ent etho!. &0. 1rite / -# the f r")la f r !al!)lati#$ tailst !. set +er /ista#!e . 1. s7 (!-!82l) &l 2. tan alpha 7 (!-!82l) there fore alpha 7 tan in-erse of (!-!82l) &2. 1rite / -# the f r")la f r !al!)lati#$ ! "p )#/ rest "eth /. 1. s7 (!-!82l) &l 2. tan alpha 7 (!-!82l) there fore alpha 7 tan in-erse of (!-!82l) &3. 1hat is threa/ !)tti#$ perati #% H - !a# the #)",er f teeth !al!)late/% Threa! cutting is the operation of pro!ucing helical groo-e on a cylin!rical %or+ piece. 6ri-er teeth8 6ri-en teeth 7 teeth of spin!le gear8 teeth on hea! scre% gear 7pitch to #e cut on %or+8 pitch of lea! scre% &:. 1rite / -# the f r")la f r the f ll -i#$ para"eters >a? "a!hi#i#$ ti"e@ >,? t tal le#$th f t l tra+el@> C) #)",er f !)ts. 1. Machining ti e 7 l8f&n 2. total length of the tool tra-el 7 1F &Fy 3. Nu #er of cuts 7 total achining allo%ance8 aterial re o-al per cut %here l 7total length of %or+ f 7 fee! n7 spee! of the shaft &Fy 7 o-er run St. Josephs College of Engineering St. Josephs Institute of Technology ISO9001:2008 !ge "

ME2252-Manufacturing Technology-II

Mechanical Engineering


&4. 1hat are "ai# parts f the t)rret a#/ !apsta# lathe% 1. .e! 2.hea! stoc+ 3.turret hea! 4.sa!!le an! cross sli!e &5. 1hat are the +ari )s types hea/ st !. a#/ e'plai# the pre(sele!ti+e hea/st !.% 1. .ac+ geare! 2. >ll geare! . pre selecti-e hea! stoc+ the pre-selecti-e hea! stoc+ the spee! changing for !ifferent achining operation can #e !one #y si ply pushing a #utton or pulling a lea-er to select the spee! of the ne&t operation in a!-ance. *6. C "pare the spe!ifi!ati # f t)rret a#/ !apsta# lathe@ a#/ ! "pare the a/+a#ta$es f t)rret +er !apsta# lathe. C "paris # 1.nu #er of spin!le spee! 2.nu #er of fee!s for the tuuret or sa!!le a!-antages 1" hea-ier an! larger %or+ piece chuc+ing can #e !one 2. ore rigi!" hence it %ithstan!s hea-y cuts. *1. Ariefly e'plai# a#y f )r f the - r. a#/ t l h l/i#$ /e+i!es f r t)rret a#/ !apsta# lathe. >a?1 r. h l/i#$ /e+i!es 1. Collets 2. Chuc+s 3.fi&tures 4. ;o%er chuc+s (#) T l h l/i#$ /e+i!es 1. Multiple cutter hol!ers 2. 3ffset cutter hol!er 3. $li!ing cutter hol!er 4 +nee tool hol!er. *&. 1hat is ! llapsi,le tap% Collapsi#le tap is use! for a+ing internal threa!s. 6uring a+ing threa!s" the cutting e!ges of the tap collapses to re!uce its o-er all !ia eter. **. 1hat is ,ar st p% .ar stop is nothing #ut %or+ stop. it is use! for setting the re4uire! length of the %or+ piece. *0. 1hat are the three sta$es f a t l lay )t% 1. ;lanning an! sche!uling 2. 6etaile! s+etching of -arious achining operations se4uence. 3. $+etching the plan sho%ing -arious tools. *2. 1hat are the +ari )s types f spe!ial p)rp se lathes% 1. $e i auto atic lathes 2. Car %heel turning lathes ca shaft turning lathes *3. 1hat are the /iffere#t /ri+es )se/ i# ! pyi#$ lathes% i# a//iti #@ -hat are the ! "p #e#ts that !a# ,e pr /)!e/ # a ! pyi#$ lathe% 1. Mechanical !ri-es 2.air !ri-es 3. <y!raulic !ri-es co ponents pro!uce! #y copying lathe 1. Ca shaft 2.cran+ shaft 3. 1ournal #earing. *:. <.et!h the !e#tre lathe a#/ "e#ti # the +ari )s parts. A 1. <ea! stoc+( gear #o&)"2. @ee! #o&"3. ,eg" 4. ,ea! scre%" 5. @ee! ro!"/. .e! 0. <an! tra-ersing %heel A. >pron" C. han! %heel"10.tail stoc+"11.leg"12.!ea! centre"13.co poun! rest"14.tool post 15.cross sli!e"1/.carriage"10.li-e centre"1A.spin!le. *4.1hat are the spe!ifi!ati #s f lathe. G length of the #e!"G spee! of the spin!le"G no of fee! !ri-e"G !ri-ing echanis "G otor rp "G #e! height G s%ing o-er #e! height *5. List the t l h l/i#$ a#/ - r. h l/i#$ /e+i!es f spe!ial p)rp se lathes. The -arious types of collet use! are 6ra% #ac+ collet" ;ush out collet" 6ea! length collet 06. 1hat is "ea#t ,y a)t "ati! "a!hi#es% Machines capa#le of han!ling the %or+ piece as %ell as perfor ing the etal cutting operations auto atically are +no%n as auto atic achines AUTOMAT< 1.7efi#e a)t "at lathe. >uto atic lathes or si ply auto ats are achine tools in %hich all the operation re4uire! to finish off the %or+ piece are !one auto atically %ithout the attention of an operator. &. <tate a#y f )r a/+a#ta$es f a)t "ati! lathes 1. Mass pro!uction of i!entical parts."2. <igh accuracy is aintaine!."3. Ti e of pro!uction is ini i5e!.4. The #ar stoc+ is fe! auto atically. *. Classify a)t "ats. 1. Classification accor!ing to the type of %or+ aterial use! a) .ar stoc+ achine"(#) chuc+ing achine"2. Classification accor!ing to the nu #er of spin!le"(a) $ingle spin!le"(#) Multi spin!le 3. Classification accor!ing to the arrange ent of the spin!le. St. Josephs College of Engineering St. Josephs Institute of Technology ISO9001:2008 !ge #

ME2252-Manufacturing Technology-II

Mechanical Engineering


a) <ori5ontal #) -ertical 4. Classification accor!ing to the fee! control a) $ingle ca shaft rotating at constant spee!"(#) single ca shaft %ith t%o spee!"(c) t%o ca 5. Classification accor!ing to the use.(a) $ingle purpose 8c"(#) :eneral purpose 8c 3. 1hat are the t ls )se/ i# t)rret f si#$le spi#/le a)t "at lathes% @or tools" turning tools an! !rilling tools.


:. 7efi#e s!re-(!)tti#$ "a!hi#e. It is ainly ounte! the tool is use! in turret ha-ing single spin!le. a lea! ca controls the turret sli!e tra-el. The lea! ca gi-es a slo% for%ar! an! fast return o-e ent to the turret sli!e. 4. 1hat are the types f si#$le spi#/le a)t "at lathes% >uto atic cutting off achine"G auto atic scre% cutting 8c"G $%iss type auto atic scre% achine. 5. 1hat are the f )r "aB r parts f <-iss type a)t "ati! lathes% (i) The sli!ing hea!stoc+ through %hich the #ar stoc+ is passe! an! grippe! #y a car#i!e line! gui!e push.(ii) The ca shaft" controlling the #ar stoc+ an! cutting tool o-e ents. (iii) The tool #rac+et supporting fi-e tool sli!es an! a push for stoc+. (i-) >u&iliary attach ents for perfor ing -arious operations. $uch as +nurling" !rilling" tapping" scre%ing" slotting" an! recessing etc. 16. <tate the a/+a#ta$es f s-iss type s!re- !)tti#$ "a!hi#e. #) It has fi-e tool sli!es" (c) Di!e range of spee!s"(!) *igi! construction"(e) icro eter tool setting(f) Inter changea#ility of ca s"(g) si ple !esign of ca s"(h) Tolerances of 0.005 to 0.0125 are o#taine!.(h) Nu erous %or+ing stations. 16. Classify ")lti spi#/le a)t "ats. (a) >ccor!ing to the type of the %or+ piece use! #ar type 8c" chuc+ing type 8c(#) >ccor!ing to the arrange ent of the spin!le" hori5ontal type spin!le"G -ertical type spin!le"(c). >ccor!ing to the principle of operation" parallel action type" progressi-e action type 11. C "pare the parallel a!ti # a#/ pr $ressi+e a!ti # ")lti spi#/le a)t "ati! lathes. Parallel a!ti # pr $ressi+e a!ti # 1 sa e operation is !one on all Eo#s in all the spin!les !ifferent operations are !one on Eo#s at each stations one after another.2 in one cycle in nu #er of co ponents pro!uce! si ultaneously is e4ual to the no of spin!le it is not so (i.e) the no of co ponents pro!uce! in one cycle is not e4ual to the no of spin!le for e-ery in!e&ing of co ponent one co ponent is pro!uce!.3 rate of pro!uction is -ery high rate of pro!uction is o!erate4 if any thing goes %rong in one station" the pro!uction in that particular station only is affecte! if any thing goes %rong in one station" the pro!uction is co pletely affecte! in all the station. 1&. 1hat are the p)rp ses f )si#$ !a"% 1. To control purposes in auto ates scre% 8c 2. To control o-e ent of the turret for controlling rapi! approach" %or+ing tra-el" rapi! return 3. To control the o-e ent of the cross sli!e 4. To pro-i!e unifor rate of fee! to tool !uring achining . UNIT( III(OTHER MACHINETOOL 1. 1hat is shaper% The achine %hich is ha-ing a reciprocating type of achine tool %ith single point cutting tool use! to pro!uce flat surfaces calle! as shaper. &. List a#y f )r i"p rta#t parts f a shaper. 1. Ta#le 2. Tool hea! 3. *a 4. Cross rail an! 5. $a!!le *. 7efi#e #e pass f the !)tti#$ t l. The co #ination of one for%ar! an! one return stro+e is +no%n as one pass no. of passes 7 stoc+ to #e re o-e! 8 !epth of cut. 0. 7efi#e !)tti#$ rati f a shaper. The ratio #et%een the cutting stro+e ti e to return stro+e ti e is calle! cutting ratio. It is !enote! as . 2. 7efi#e a#y t- types f 8)i!. ret)r# "e!ha#is". 1. <y!raulic !ri-e echanis "2. Cran+ an! slotte! le-er echanis 3. H - the fee/ a#/ /epth f !)t is $i+e# t the shaper% St. Josephs College of Engineering St. Josephs Institute of Technology ISO9001:2008 !ge $

ME2252-Manufacturing Technology-II

Mechanical Engineering


@ee! is gi-en #y rotating the !o%n fee! scre%s of tool hea!. 6epth of cut is gi-en #y rotating or raising or ele-ating the ta#le. :. -hat are the +ari )s types f shaper a!! r/i#$ t +ari )s ! #/iti #s% 1. A!! r/i#$ t the type f /ri+i#$ "e!ha#is" a. cran+ !ri-e type"(#) %ith %orth !ri-ing echanis "(c) hy!raulic type &. A!! r/i#$ t the p siti # f ra" a. hori5ontal ra " #. -ertical ra " c. tra-eling hea! shaper *. A!! r/i#$ t the ta,le /esi$# > a)stan!ar! or plain shaper"(,?2ni-ersal shaper.0. A!! r/i#$ t the type f !)tti#$ str .e > a) push out type"(,?6ra% cut type. 4. <pe!ify the shaper spe!ifi!ati #. 1. Ma&i u length of stro+e" 2. Type of !ri-ing echanis " 3. ;o%er of the otor" 4. $pee! an! fee! a-aila#le 5. <tate a#y three a/+a#ta$es f hy/ra)li! shaper. 1. <igher cutting to return ratio can #e o#taine!"2. Infinite range of cutting spee! is a-aila#le 3. $ ooth operation. 16. <tate the type f "e!ha#is" f ll -e/ # a shaper. *ac+ an! pinion echanis is use!. the rotary otion of electrical !ri-es is con-erte! into reciprocating otion of the ra #y using cran+ an! slotte! lin+ echanis or %ith %orth echanis or hy!raulic echanis . 11. List a#y f )r types f - r. h l/i#$ /e+i!es% 1. -ice 2. Ta#le 3. H-#loc+ 4. @i&ture 5. Cla ps /. T-#olts etc. 1&. 1hat are the +ari )s types f t ls )se/ i# shaper% T ls are !lassifie/ as f ll -s 1. A!! r/i#$ t the shape. >a? $traight tool #. cran+ tool c. goose nec+ tool &. A!! r/i#$ t the /ire!ti # f !)tti#$. a. left han! tool #. right han! tool *. A!! r/i#$ t the fi#ish re8)ire/ a . roughing tool" #. finishing tool 0. A!! r/i#$ t the type f perati # a. !o%n cutting tool" #. parting off tool" c. s4uaring tool" !. si!e recessing tool 2. A!! r/i#$ t the shape f the !)tti#$ e/$e a. roun! nose tool #. s4uare nose tool. 1*. H - the / +etail is "a!hi#e/% To a+e !o-e tail" the -ertical sli!e %ith right han! tool is at the re4uire! angle on right si!e of the %or+. 1ust gi-ing fee! an! !epth of cut" the right si!e !o-etail is finishe!. Then the -ertical si!e %ith left han! tool is set the re4uire! angle on left si!e of the %or+. <ere also Eust #y gi-ing fee! an! !epth of cut" the left si!e !o-e tail is finishe!. 10.7efi#e fee/ a#/ /epth f !)t. Fee/ >f? 9( the relati-e o-e ent of tool %ith respect to the %or+ piece a&is is +no%n as fee% 7epth f !)t >t?9( a ount of etal re o-e! in one re-olution or in cut is +no%n as %epth of cut. 12.-rite / -# the f r")la f r the f ll -i#$ N f str .e re8)ire/ >s#? C -Df Nu #er of passes n 7 stro+e to #e re o-e!8 !epth of cut 7 s ?r8t Material re o-al rate'- the -olu e of etal re o-e! per unit ti e M** (or) % 7 ftls 13. 7efi#e )#i+ersal shaper. It has all principal parts as in stan!ar! shaper. Its ta#le has three o-e ents. They are -ertical" hori5ontal an! s%i-el. The ta#le has a s%i-el #ase %ith !egree ar+ings. 1:.1hat is "ea#t ,y /ra- !)t shaper% It has all principal parts . it co parati-ely uch hea-ier than plain type . in this type" the etal is cut !uring the return stro+e " %hen the ra o-es to%ar!s the colu n. Therefore !uring cutting the tool !ra%s the %or+ to%ar!s the colou . Pla##er 1. H - the pla##er /iffers fr " shaperI ;laner' - the %or+ reciprocates %hile the tool is stationary $haper'- the %or+ stationary %hile the tool is reciprocates &. H - the !r ss fee/ a#/ +erti!al fee/ is $i+e# i# the pla##er% The cross fee! is gi-en #y o-ing the tool hea! along the cross rail an! the -ertical fee! is gi-e n #y o-ing the !o%n the tool. *. List the +ari )s types f pla#ers. 1. 6ou#le housing planer" 2. 3pen si!e planner"3. pit planer"4. E!ge ;laner" 5. 6i-i!e! ta#le planer 0. Na"e the +ari )s parts f a / ),le h )si#$ pla#er. 1. .e! 2. Ta#le 3. Colu ns 4. Cross rail 5. Tool hea! 2. 1hat is the "ai# /iffere#!e i# pe# si/e pla#er% The only !ifference in this type one -ertical colu n is pro-i!e! on si!e of the #e! an! other si!e is left free. St. Josephs College of Engineering St. Josephs Institute of Technology ISO9001:2008 !ge &

ME2252-Manufacturing Technology-II

Mechanical Engineering


3. Me#ti # a#y f )r spe!ifi!ati # f pla#er. 1. Ma&i u length of the ta#le"2. Total %eight of the planner"3. ;o%er of the otor 4. *ange of spee!s an! fee! a-aila#le" 5. Type of !ri-es re4uire!. :. 1hat is "ea#t ,y e/$e pla##er% It is use! for achining the e!ges of plates . it is also calle! as plate planner. The #e! an! ta#le are stationary . the tool hea! is ounte! on a carriage. The carriage tra-el longitu!inally on gui!e %ays. There is a platfor in the carriage. Milli#$ 1. 1hat are the spe!ifi!ati #s f "illi#$ "a!hi#e% a. the ta#le length an! %i!th"(#) Ma&i u longitu!inal cross an! -ertical tra-el of the ta#le c. nu #er of spin!le spee!s an! fee!s" (!) po%er of otor"(e) floor area an! net %eight &. Classify "illi#$ "a!hi#e. 1. colu n an! +nee type(a) plain illing(#) -ertical illing"J uni-ersal illing"(!) ra type illing (e)o ni-ersal illing 2.#e! type illing achine (f)si ple&"(g) !uple&"h. triple&"3. plano type illing achine"4. special purpose type illing achine a. rotary ta#le"#. !ru type"c. profile illing *. Me#ti # the +ari )s " +e"e#ts f )#i+ersal "illi#$ "a!hi#e ta,le. G -ertical o-e ent through the +nee"G cross%ise o-e ent through the sa!!le G ,ongitu!inal o-e ent of the ta#le." angular o-e ent of the ta#le #y the s%elling the ta#le on the s%i-el #ase 0. C "pare the plai# a#/ )#i+ersal "illi#$ "a!hi#e. In plain illing achine the ta#le is pro-i!e! %ith three o-e ents longitu!inal" cross an! -ertical.In uni-ersal illing achine the ta#le is pro-i!e! %ith three o-e ents longitu!inal" cross an! -ertical in a!!ition to there is a fourth o-e ent to the ta#le that can #e s%i-ele! hori5ontally an! can #e fe! at angle to the illing 8c spin!le. the uni-ersal illing achine is pro-i!e! %ith au&iliaries such as !i-i!ing hea!"-ertical illing attach ent an! rotary ta#le etc. hence it is possi#le to a+e spiral"#e-el gear" t%ist !rills" rea ers etc on uni-ersal illing 8c. 2. 1hat are the /iffere#t -ays f r "a!hi#i#$ - r. pie!es i# pla# "illi#$% 1. #y o-ing the ta#le the cutters rotating in position 2. .y +eeping the ta#le stationary an! fee!ing the cutters #y o-ing the illing hea!s. 3. .y o-ing the ta#le an! the illing hea!s is si ultaneously.4. .y +eeping the ta#le stationary" o-ing the cross rail !o%n%ar!s an! the si!e cutters up an! !o%n. 3. 1hat are the types f spe!ial p)rp se "a!hi#e a+aila,le% *otary ta#le or continuous illing 8s"G !ru type illing 8c"G profile or contour illing 8c. :. <tate a#y f )r i"p rta#t type f - r. h l/i#$ /e+i!es. a. --#loc+" #. achine -ices" c. illing fi&tures" !. !i-i!ing hea! 4. List the +ari )s types f "illi#$ atta!h"e#ts. Hertical illing attach ent"G uni-ersal illing attach ent"G high spee! illing attach ent" *otary illing attach ent"G slotting illing attach ent"G rac+ illing attach entG uni-ersal illing attach ent. 5. Classify "illi#$ !)tters. >ccor!ing to the shape of the tooth" illing cutters are classifie! as G Mille! tooth cutters." @or relie-e! cutters ">ccor!ing to the type of operation"G plain illing cutters G si!e illing cutters"G en! illing cutters"G angle illing cutters"G t- slot illing cutters"G slitting sa%s G for illing cutters"G fly cutters."G %oo! ruff +ey slot illing cutter. >ccor!ing to the %ay of ounting on the achine" ar#or cuttersG shan+ cutters"G face cutters. 16.1rite a#y te# # "e#!lat)re f plai# "illi#$ !)tter. G .o!y of cutter" cutting e!ge" face" fillet" gash" lea!" lan!" out si!e !ia eter" root !ia eter" cutter angles. 11.1hat are the t- "ai# $r )p f "illi#$ pr !esses% En! illing"@ace illing 1&.7iffere#tiate )p "illi#$ a#/ / -# "illi#$. G It !oes not re4uire a #ac+lash eli inator"G $afer operation !ue to separating forces #et%een cutter an! %or+. G ,ess %ear on fee! scre% an! nut !ue to the a#sence of preloa!e!" Mille! surface !oes not ha-e #uilt up e!ge. 1*. List )t the +ari )s "illi#$ perati #s. St. Josephs College of Engineering St. Josephs Institute of Technology

ISO9001:2008 !ge '

ME2252-Manufacturing Technology-II

Mechanical Engineering


G ;lain or sla# illing"G face illing"G angular illing"G stra!!le illing"G gang illing" fro illing" en! illing" Tslot illing" gear cutting 10. 7efi#e stra//le "illi#$ a#/ sla, "illi#$% $tra!!le illing operation is the pro!uction of t%o -ertical flat surfaces on the #oth si!es of the Eo# #y using t%o si!e illing cutters %hich are separate! #y collars. :ang illing is the pro!uction of any surfaces of a Eo# si ultaneously #y fee!ing the ta#le against a nu #er of re4uire! cutters. 12. 1hat / es the ter" i#/e'i#$ "ea#% In!e&ing is the process of !i-i!ing the periphery of a Eo# in to e4ual nu #er of !i-isions. 13. 1hat are the three types /i+i/i#$ hea/s% 1. ;lain or si ple !i-i!ing hea!"2. 2ni-ersal !i-i!ing hea!" 3. 3ptical !i-i!ing hea!. 1:. 1hat is /-ell peri /% It is the resisting perio! of the follo%er %hen the ca rotates 14. 1hat is !a" "illi#$% Ca illing is the operation of the pro!ucing ca s in a illing achine #y the use of a uni-ersal !i-i!ing hea! an! a -ertical illing attach ent. 15. List the a/+a#ta$es a#/ li"itati #s f threa/ "illi#$% 1. The threa! %ill #e s oother an! ore accurate than those in a lathe. 2. The threa!s can #e cut closer to shoul!ers of %or+ piece" 3. It is a faster etho!"4. It is ore efficient than cutting threa!s in a lathe. ,i itation of the threa! cutting. 1. it is !ifficult to pro!uce internal threa!s"2. Threa! illing can not #e use! for a+ing threa!s %ith ore than 30heli& angle. &6. 1hat are the ther f r"i#$ "eth /s f r "a#)fa!t)ri#$ $ears% a. gear cutting #y single point for tool" #. gear cutting #y shear spee! shaping process" c. gear illing using for e! en! il!. gear #roaching" e. Te plate etho!. &1. List the $ear $e#erati#$ pr !ess. G gear shaping process"G gear planning process"G gear ho##ing process &&. Me#ti # the appli!ati #s f $ear shapi#$ pr !ess. I. :ear shaping is use! for generating #oth internal an! e&ternal spur gears. II. <elical gears can also #e generate! using special attach ents. &*. 1hat are the a/+a#ta$es f $ear pla##i#$ pr !ess% I. >ny gi-en o!ule can #e cut using a single cutter. II. The rate of pro!uction is higher %hen co pare! to for e! cutter etho! III. it is a si ple fle&i#le an! accurate etho! of generating gears &0. 1hat are the li"itati #s f $ear h ,,li#$% I. internal gears cannot #e generate!" II. <o##ing process cannot #e applie! -ery near to shoul!ers. &2. 1hat are the t- -ays f r ,e+el $ear $e#erati # I 1. $traight #e-el gear generator"2. spiral #e-el gear generator &3. List the +ari )s $ears fi#ishi#$ pr !ess. (a):ear sha-ing" (#) gear #urnishing"(c) :ear grin!ing" (!) :ear lapping 20. Me#ti # the a/+a#ta$e a#/ li"itati # f $ear sha+i#$ pr !ess. >!-antages'-The process can #e use! for #oth internal an! e&ternal gears. ,i itations'-This process is only applica#le to unhar!ene! gears. &4. Me#ti # the )ses f three /iffere#t $ears i# $ear ,)r#ishi#$ pr !ess. 3ne of the gears is po%er !ri-en an! re aining t%o are i!lers. I!lers are only use! for gi-ing pressure to the %or+. they !o not in-ol-e in any cutting action calle! #urnishing gears. &5. 1hat is $ear lappi#$% :ear lapping is also e ploye! for har!ene! gear teeth #y an a#rasi-e action. 30.)Dhat is eant #y a!!en!u K !e!en!u I It is also +no%n as ra!ial !istance fro the pitch circle to the top of the tooth face. The ra!ial !istance #et%een the pitch circle to the root circle. It is e4ual to the a!!en!u plus the clearance. 7rilli#$ 1. Classify /rilli#$ "a!hi#es. 6rilling achines are classifie! as follo%s 1. ;orta#le !rilling achine" 2. $ensiti-e !rilling achine" a. #ench type" #. floor type 3. upright !rilling achine St. Josephs College of Engineering St. Josephs Institute of Technology ISO9001:2008 !ge 8

ME2252-Manufacturing Technology-II

Mechanical Engineering


a. roun! colu n type or pillar type" #. .o& colu n type or s4uare section type. 4. *a!ial !rilling achine a. plain type #. se i-uni-ersal type c. 2ni-ersal type 5. :ang !rilling achine /. Multiple spin!le !rilling achine"0. >uto atic !rilling achine"A. !eep hole !rilling achine &. Na"e the +ari )s parts f the se#siti+e /rilli#$ "a!hi#e. 1. Colu n 2. Ta#le 3. $pin!le an! !ri-ing echanis 3. 1hat is the "ai# )se f ")lti spi#/le /rilli#$ "a!hi#e I This achine is suita#le for ass pro!uction. in this achine se-eral hole of !ifferent si5es can #e !rille! si ultaneously. 0. 1hat is $a#$(/rilli#$ "a!hi#e% Dhen nu #er of single spin!le %ith essential spee! an! fee! are oun!e! si!e #y si!e on one #ase an! ha-e co on %or+ta#le is +no%n as the gang-!rilling achine. 2. Me#ti # the spe!ifi!ati #s f /rilli#$ "a!hi#e. 1. Ma&i u si5e of the !rill in that the achine can operate. 2. Ta#le si5e of a&i u !i ensions of a Eo# can ount on the ta#le" 3. Ma&i u spin!le tra-el in 4. Nu #er of spin!le spee! an! range spee! in r.p. 3. List the "a!hi#i#$ perati # perf r"e/ i# /rilli#$ "a!hi#e. 1. .oring 2. Counter sin+ing 3. Tapping 4. Trepanning :. 1hat / es rea"i#$ "ea#% *ea ing is si5ing an! finishing the alrea!y !rille! hole. The tool use! for rea ing is +no%n as rea ing. 4. 1hat are the # "e#!lat)res f /rilli#$ "a!hi#e% 1. .o!y 2.shan+ 3.nec+ 4.point 5. ,an! or argin. 5. 1hat are the /iffere#t -ays t " )#t the /rilli#$ t l% 1. @itting !irectly in the spin!le.2. #y using a slee-e 3. .y using a soc+et 4. #y eans of chuc+s 16.H - the rea"er t l /iffers fr " /rilli#$ t l% a) rea er is ulti L tooth cutter %hich rotates an! o-es linearly into an alrea!y e&isting hole. 11.1hat is the )se f a tappi#$ t l% > tap is a tool %hich is use! for a+ing internal threa!s in a achine! co ponent. Ar a!hi#$ 1. 1hat is ,r a!hi#$% .roaching is a process of achining a surface %ith a special ultipoint cutting tool calle! M#roachN %hich has successi-ely higher cutting e!ges in a fi&e! path. &. <pe!ify the spe!ifi!ati # f ,r a!hi#$ "a!hi#e. 1. Ma&i u length of the stro+e in " 2. Ma&i u force !e-elope! #y the sli!e in tones. *. 1hat are the a/+a#ta$es a#/ li"itati #s f ,r a!hi#$% >!-antages'- 1.roughing " se i L finishing cuts are co plete! in one pass of the #roach 2. .roaching can #e use! for either e&ternal or internal surface finish. ,i itations' - 1. high initial cost of the #roach tools co pare! to other tools. 2. 1o# %or+ or #atch %or+ is not a-aila#le !ue to the high tool cost. 0. 1hat are the types f ,r a!hi#$ "a!hi#e% a. >ccor!ing to the nature an! !irection of pri ary cutting otion. hori5ontal" -ertical an! continuous #. >ccor!ing to the purpose'- internal K e&ternal surface. c. >ccor!ing to etho! of operation' -pull or push !. >ccor!ing to the construction of the #roach tool' - soli!" inserte! tooth" progressi-e cut" #uilt-up etc. e. >ccor!ing to the function'- +ey %ay" #urnishing "splines" roun! hole etc. f. >ccor!ing to the nu #er of ain sli!es or stations'- single " ultiple or !ou#le.g. >ccor!ing to the otion of the #roach tool relati-e to the %or+'- straight line otion or stationary #roach tool. A ri#$ 1. 1hat is , ri#$% .oring is the process of enlarging an! locating pre-iously !rille! holes %ith a single point cutting tool. &. 1hat is the "ai# /iffere#!e ,et-ee# , ri#$ ,ar a#/ , ri#$ t l% .oring #ar'- the tool %hich is ha-ing a single point cutting e!ge +no%n as #oring #ar .oring tool'- the tool %hich is ha-ing ultipoint cutting e!ge +no%n as #oring tool. *. 1hat are the types f , ri#$ "a!hi#e% St. Josephs College of Engineering St. Josephs Institute of Technology ISO9001:2008 !ge 9

ME2252-Manufacturing Technology-II

Mechanical Engineering


1. <ori5ontal #oring achine f. ta#le type #. floor type c. planer type !. ultiple type hea! type 2. -ertical #oring achine 3. precision #oring achine 4. Eig #oring achine 0. H - the - r. !la"pe/ # the ta,le% The %or+ piece ounte! on the ta#le an! is cla pe! %ith or!inary strap cla ps" t-slot #olts an! nuts" or it is hel! in special #oring fi&ture if so re4uire!. Gri#/i#$ 1. <tate the p)rp se f $ri#/i#$. To re o-e s all a ount of etal fro %or+ piece an! finish then close tolerance" To o#tain #etter surface finish. To achine har! surfaces that cannot #e achine! #y high- spee! steel" sharpening of cutting tools &. <pe!ify the i"p rta#!e f pre!isi # $ri#/ers. The anufacture parts of accurate !i ensions an! goo! surface finish. *. 1hat are the f )r " +e"e#ts i# a !yli#/ri!al !e#ter type $ri#/i#$% a. rotation of the %or+ piece a#out its a&is #. rotation of the grin!ing %heel a#out its a&is" c. ,ongitu!inal fee! o-e ent of the %o+ past the %heel face.!. Mo-e ent of %heel into the %or+" perpen!icular to the a&is of the %or+ piece to gi-e !epth of cut. 0. 1hat are the "ai# /iffere#!e f tra+erse a#/ pl)#$e $ri#/i#$% In tra-erse grin!ing" this etho! is use! %hen the Eo# length is ore than the %i!th of the grin!ing %heel. In plunge grin!ing" this etho! is use! %hen the Eo# length is lesser than the %i!th of the grin!ing %heel. 2. 1hat is "ea#t ,y !e#ter less $ri#/i#$% Centre less grin!ing is perfor e! on %or+ piece %hich !o not ha-e centers" such as pistons" -al-es" rings" tu#es" #alls" %rist pins" !rills" #ushings" shafts etc. center less grin!ing can #e !one on #oth e&ternal an! internal cylin!rical surfaces. 3. 1hat are the )ses f i#ter#al $ri#/ers% a#/ spe!ify the types f i#ter#al $ri#/ers . Internal grin!ers are use! to finish straight" tapere! or for e! holes to the correct si5e" shape an! finish. Types of internal grin!ers 1. Chuc+ing type2. ;lanetary type3.centre less type :. 1hat are the three types f $ri#/i#$ -heels% 1. The straight or !isc shape! %heel 2. The cup type 3. The !isc type 4. 7efi#e the ter" f =a,rasi+e $rai#s; a#/ als !lassify the a,rasi+e. >n a#rasi-e is a har! aterial. it can #e use! to cut or %ear a%ay other aterials. $ all a#rasi-e particles are use! in grin!ing %heels. They are classify as follo%s 1. Natural a#rasi-e 2. >rtificial a#rasi-e 5. C "pare the #at)ral a#/ artifi!ial a,rasi+es. Natural a#rasi-es1. Corun!u (05 toC0= crystalline al2 o3 F iron o&i!e) 2. 6ia on! >rtificial a#rasi-e 1. alu inu o&i!e 2. silicon car#i!e 16. 1hat are the /iffere#t types f , #/s )se/ i# $ri#/i#$% 1. Hitrifie! #on! 2. *u##er #on! 3. $ilicate #on! 4. $hellac #on!5. *esinoi! #on! /. o&y chlori!e #on! 11. 1hat is "ea#t ,y $rit r $rai# siEe% The grain si5e is !enote! #y the nu #er. This nu #er is e4ual to the nu #er of eshes in 254 c of a sie-e through %hich the grains can pass through. 1&. H - the $ri#/i#$ -heel is /esi$#ate/% 1. Types of a#rasi-e 2. :rain si5e or grit nu #er 3. :ra!e of the %heel 4. $tructure 5. Types of #on! /. Manufacturers co!e 1*.1hat are the fa!t rs ! #si/ere/ t sele!t the $ri#/i#$ -heel% 1. constant factor 2. Haria#le factor 10. 7efi#e the f ll -i#$ ter"s )se/ i# $ri#/i#$ -heel i) loa!ing an! ii) gla5ing ,oa!ing' 6uring the operation" the chips for e! get entrappe! in the inner granular space of a#rasi-e particles. :la5ing' The surface of the %heel #eco es s ooth an! gets a glass li+e appearance. 12. 1hat is "ea#t ,y /ressi#$ a#/ tr)i#$% St. Josephs College of Engineering St. Josephs Institute of Technology ISO9001:2008 !ge 10

ME2252-Manufacturing Technology-II

Mechanical Engineering


7ressi#$9 The process of loa!ing an! #rea+ing a%ay the gla5e! surface so that ne% sharp a#rasi-e particles are again present to %or+ for efficient cutting is calle! !ressing. Tr)i#$9 It is the process of tri ing the cutting surface of the %heel to run true %ith the a&is. 13. 1hat is the pr !ess f lappi#$% ,apping is surface finishing process use! for pro!ucing geo etrically accurate flat" cylin!rical an! spherical surfaces. 1:. 1hat is the pr !ess f h #i#$% >n a#ra5ing process of finishing pre-iously achine! surfaces is +no%n as honing. 14. 1hat is the pr !ess f s)per fi#ishi#$% The process of o#taining a surface of the highest class of finish is +no%n as super finishing. UNIT(2 CNC MACHINE< TOOL< AN7 PART PROGRAMMING 1. 7efi#e NC. Controlling a achine tool #y eans of a prepare! progra is +no%n as Nu erical Control or NC. &. 1hat are the !lassifi!ati #s f NC "a!hi#es% 1. ;oint to point NC syste . 2. $traight cut NC syste . 3. Contouring NC syste . *. <tate the a/+a#ta$es f NC "a!hi#es. 1. :reater accuracy" 2. ,esser pro!uction cost per piece !ue to re!uction in lea! ti e an! also setup ti e. 3. I pro-e! pro!uct 4uality an! pro-ision of high or!er of repeata#ility" 4 .*e!uce! in-entory in %or+ -inprocess (DI;) " 5. ,ess operator s+ill is use!" /. Machine utili5ation is #etter. 0. 1hat is p i#t t p i#t >PTP? syste"% It is also calle! positioning syste . The o#Eecti-e of the achine tool Control is to o-e the cutting tool to a pre!efine! location. The spee! 3r path is not i portant in this syste 2. 1hat is the# r le f the ! "p)ter f r NC " /e% Co puter nu erical control is an NC syste that utili5es store! progra to perfor #asic nu erical control function. Mini or icro co puter #ase! controller unit is use!. 3. Na"e the +ari )s ele"e#ts f CNC "a!hi#es% 1. Tape rea!er. 2. Mini co puter. 3. $er-os an! interface logic. 4. Motion fee!#ac+. :. List the +ari )s ! "p #e#ts f 7NC% 1. Central co puter.2. .ul+ e ory %hich stores the NC part progra s.3. Teleco unication lines.4. Machine tools. 4. <tate the a/+a#ta$es f CNC. 1. >n increase in fle&i#ility.2. >n i pro-e ent in the possi#ilities for correcting errors in part progra ing. 4. The possi#ility of using the co puters peripheral e4uip ent. 5. Tape an! Tape rea!er are use! only once for resulting i pro-e! relia#ility. 5. Me#ti # the a/+a#ta$es f steppi#$ " t r. 1. $tepping otors can #e use! in open loop NC syste .2. The syste is cheaper.3. More accuracy is achie-a#le 16. List the ! "" #ly )se/ ! r/i#ate syste"s f CNC "a!hi#es 1. Cantile-er construction2. .ri!ge construction3. Colu n construction4. :antry construction 11. List the "eth /s f !reati#$ part pr $ra""i#$. 1. Manual part progra ing.2. Co puter Lassiste! part progra ing (C>68C>M #ase! progra ing syste . 3. Manual !ata input.5. Co puter auto ate! part progra ing. 1&. 1rite the types f state"e#ts i# APT la#$)a$e. 1. :eo etric state ents.2. Motion state ents.3. ;ostprocessor state ents.4. $pecial control or >u&iliary state ents. 1*. 1hat is "ea#t ,y MACRO% Macro is si ilar to su#routine use! in @3*T*>N language. It %oul! #e use! %here certain otion se4uences %oul! #e repeate! se-eral ti es" %ithin a progra . 10. 1hat is the /iffere#!e ,et-ee# i#!re"e#tal a#/ a,s l)te syste"% In a#solute progra ing the !istance at y point at any Instant %ill #e easure! fro the origin (O70" P70). Dhereas in incre ental progra ing" the instant point %ill #e note! as (O70" P70). @urther easure ents %ill #e fro the particular point only. 12. Me#ti # the +ari )s types E7M% 1. *>M type E6M.2. 3r#ital type E6M.3. Dire cut E6M. St. Josephs College of Engineering St. Josephs Institute of Technology ISO9001:2008 !ge 11

ME2252-Manufacturing Technology-II

Mechanical Engineering


13. Classify li#ear i#terp lati #. 1. ,inear interpolation 2. Circular interpolation 3. <elical interpolation 4. ;ara#olic interpolation 1:. 7efi#e <),r )ti#e. If the sa e achining operation" %hich %as carrie! out alrea!y is to #e perfor e! at any !ifferent position on the %or+ piece" it can #e e&ecute! #y eans of a progra calle! as su#routine. 14. Classify "a!hi#i#$ Ce#tres. 1. <ori5ontal spin!le achining centre 2. Hertical spin!le achining centre3. 2ni-ersal achining centre. 15. 1hat is "ea# ,y !a##e/ !y!le% > Canne! cycle is a co #ination of achine o-es that perfor s anyone particular Machining function such as !rilling" turning" illing" #oring" tapping. &6. 1hat are the steps t ,e f ll -e/ -hile prepari#$ part pr $ra"% 1. @i&ation of coor!inate syste .2. *eference of : an! M co!es.3. 6i ensions of %or+ an! tools. 4. ,ocating the fi&tures an! achine ta#le.5. $pee! an! fee! accor!ing to the %or+ an! tool aterial. &1. 1hat are the /ata esse#tially #ee/e/ t prepare a part pr $ra"% 1. 1o# 6i ension8%or+piece.2. Dor+ hol!ing 3. @ee!8cutting spee!.4. Manual !ata input &&.1hat is the /iffere#!e ,et-ee# i#!re"e#tal a#/ a,s l)te syste"% In a#solute progra ing" the !istance at y point at an instant %ill #e easure! fro the origin. ( O70"P70) Dhereas in incre ental progra ing the instant point %ill #e note! as ( O70"P70). @urther the easure ent %ill #e a!e fro the particular point only. &*. Classify li#ear i#terp lati #. 1. ,inear Interpolation (:01 co!e is use! in part progra ) 2. Circular Interpolation (:02" :03 co!es are use! in part progra ) 3. <elical Interpolation 4. ;ara#olic Interpolation &0. 1hat is "ea#t ,y MACRO% Macro is si ilar to su#routine use! in @3T*>N language. It %oul! #e use! %here certain otion se4uences %oul! #e repeate! se-eral ti es" %ithin a progra . &2. 7efi#e <),r )ti#e If the sa e achining operation" %hich %as carrie! out alrea!y" is to #e perfor e! at any !ifferent positions on the %or+ piece" it can #e e&ecute! #y eans of a progra calle! as $u#routines. &3. 1rite / -# the types f state"e#t i# APT La#$)a$e 1. :eo etric state ents 2. Motion $tate ents 3. ;ostprocessor $tate ents 4. $pecial control or >u&iliary state ents. &:. h - the hy/r stati! si/e-ays !lassifie/. -oil lu#ricate! sli!e %ays -air #earing sli!e %ays

Part A
U#it 1( THEORY OF METAL CUTTING 1. (i) > cutting tool a!e of <$$ ga-e a tool life of 50 in %hen operate! at a spee! of 200 8 in. >t %hat spee! shoul! the tool ha-e to #e operate! in or!er to ha-e a tool life of 2 hrs 15 in. >ssu e n70.1A5. (ii)$tate the functions of cutting flui!s an! their types &. 6ra% the erchants circle an! !eri-e the relationship #et%een -arious cutting forces. Mention the assu ptions a!e. *. (i) E&plain orthogonal etal re o-al process. (ii) Dhat are the i portant properties re4uire! for cutting tool aterial an! e&plain the !ifferent cutting tool aterials in !etail. St. Josephs College of Engineering St. Josephs Institute of Technology

ISO9001:2008 !ge 12

ME2252-Manufacturing Technology-II

Mechanical Engineering


0. Dhat is eant #y tool %earI E&plain the !ifferent types of tool %ear an! the para eters influencing tool %ear %ith e&a ples. 2. E&plain the con!itions that pro ote the for ation of the follo%ing chip %ith $+etches. (i) Continuous chip %ithout .uilt up e!ge (ii) Continuous chip %ith #uilt up e!ge (iii) 6iscontinuous chips 3. (i)6efine the -arious tool parts of a single point cutting tool %ith a neat s+etch (ii)Dhat are the stan!ar! angles of the cutting toolI Illustrate %ith an e&a ple :. (i) 6uring a tool cutting test on <$$ tool aterial the follo%ing !ata %ere recor!e! T l life C)tti#$ spee/9 40 in 25 8 in"5 in 05 8 in Calculate the -alues of n an! C of TaylorBs e4uation (ii) The tool life e4uation for <$$ tool is e&presse! #y HT0.15 7 C an! the tungsten car#i!e tool is e&presse! #y HT0.25 7 C. If at a spee! of 30 8 in the tool life is 120 in" co pare the life of the t%o tools at a spee! of 40 8 in 4. The follo%ing !ata fro an orthogonal cutting test is a-aila#le9 *a+e angle 7 150 " Chip thic+ness ratio 7 0.3A3" 2ncut chip thic+ness 7 0.5 " Di!th of cut 7 3 " 2 Piel! stress of the aterial in shear 7 2AN8 " >-erage coefficient of friction on the tool face 7 0.0 6eter ine the nor al an! tangential forces on the tool face. 5. In an orthogonal cutting operation" the follo%ing !ata ha-e #een o#ser-e! 2ncut chip thic+ness 7 0.120 Di!th of cut 7 /.35 " Cutting spee! 7 2 8s" *a+e angle 7 20 0 Cutting force 7 5/0 N" Thrust force 7 220 N" Chip thic+ness 7 0.22A . 6eter ine shear angle" friction angle" shear stress along the shear plane an! the po%er for the cutting operation. 16. 6uring achining C20 steel %ith a car#i!e cutting tool ha-ing a tool geo etry is gi-en #y 0-5-/-/-A-05-1 3*$" the follo%ing forces ha-e #een recor!e! #y a t%o !i ensional !yna o eter Cutting force 7 1300N" @ee! force 7 A00N. 6eter ine the follo%ing' @rictional force" Nor al force an! +inetic coefficient of friction. UNIT II( CENTRE LATHE AN7 <PECIAL PURPO<E LATHE 1. 6iscuss any four %or+ hol!ing !e-ice applica#le in lathe. &. E&plain turret in!e&ing echanis an! #ar fee!ing echanis applie! in auto atic lathe. *. (i) Dith a suita#le s+etch " e&plain the tail stoc+ set o-er an! co poun! rest etho!s of taper turning on a lathe. (ii)Dith a neat line s+etch" e&plain the %or+ing of a turret lathe. 0. Dith a sche atic s+etch" %rite a critical note on the features" capa#ilities an! %or+ing of ulti L spin!le auto atic lathe. 2. Dith a suita#le s+etch" e&plain the taper turning etho! using Taper turning attach ent" @or tools 3. (i) Dith a neat line s+etch" e&plain the %or+ing of a capstan lathe. (ii) ,ist out the !ifferences #et%een capstan an! turret lathe :. (i)E&plain any four co only use! attach ents in lathe. (ii)Dith a neat line s+etch" e&plain the %or+ing of a lathe. 4. (i).riefly e&plain the principle of %or+ing of the sli!ing hea! type single spin!le auto atic achine. (ii) 6escri#e %ith a neat s+etch a turret auto atic scre% achine. 5. E&plain the proce!ure for preparing tool layout for the pro!uction of he&agonal #olt in capstan lathe. 16. (i) Calculate the ti e ta+en to turn a #rass co ponent 05 !ia eter an! 125 long if the cutting spee! is 52 8 in an! the fee! is 0.A 8re-. only one cut is to #e consi!ere!. (ii) E&plain %ith a neat s+etch the %or+ing of tu #ler gear fee! re-ersing Mechanis . UNIT III ( <PECIAL MACHINE TOOL< 1. E&plain %ith neat s+etch of -arious !rilling operation along %ith the no enclature of a !rillI &. Dhat is the !ifference #et%een shaper an! planarI *. Drite !ifferent type of planar operation %ith neat s+etchI 0. Drite !ifferent type of $haper operation %ith neat s+etchI St. Josephs College of Engineering St. Josephs Institute of Technology ISO9001:2008 !ge 1"

ME2252-Manufacturing Technology-II

Mechanical Engineering echanis

2013-2014 use! for ta#le !ri-eI

2. Dhat is a planarI Drite the classification of planerI Drite the !ifferent 3. Drite !ifferent type of $lotting operation %ith neat s+etchI :. Drite !ifferent type of illing operation %ith neat s+etchI 4. E&plain in !etail %ith neat s+etch on in!e&ing an! types of in!e&ingI 5. Dhat is up- illing" !o%n- illingI 16. ,ist the types of illing cutter use! in illing %ith a neat s+etchI 11. Dhat is a sa%I E&plain in !etail types of sa% use! in achiningI 1&. E&plain in !etail push an! pull .roach %ith neat s+etchI

UNIT IF ( AARA<IFE PROCE<<E< AN7 GEAR CUTTING 1. E&plain the type of grin!ing achine %ith neat s+etchI &. Drite the grin!ing %heel CharacteristicsI *. Drite the %heel specification an! selection for grin!ing %heelI 0. 6efine the Centreless :rin!ing %ith neat s+etchI 2. Dhat are the #on!ing use! in grin!ing %heelI 3. Dhat is >1MI E&plain %ith neat s+etchI :. ,ist the grin!ing operation %ith neat s+etchI 4. Drite the !ifference #et%een cylin!rical" surface an! centreless grin!ing %ith neat s+etchI 5. Drite the 3peration of gear cutting %ith neat $+etchI 16. E&plain gear ho##ing" planningK shaping %ith neat s+etch. 11. E&plain the etho!s in centreless grin!ing" cylin!rical grin!ing %ith neat s+etch. 1&. E&plain the follo%ing honing" rea ing" super finishing" polishing K #uffing %ith si ple s+etches.

UNIT F ( CNC MACHINE TOOL< AN7 PART PROGRAMMING 1. Dhat is a NC achineI Dhat are the types of NC achinesI &. Drite the Constructional 6etails of NC achines %ith neat s+etchI *. Drite the operations perfor e! on CNC achines %ith neat s+etchI 0. Dhat are the types of control use! in NC achinesI 2. Dhat are :KM co!es use! in CNC achine E&plainI 3. Dhat are CNC" @M$" C>M" an! :roup TechnologyI :. Dhy is >TC 2se! in CNCI Dhat is the co!e use! for >TCI 4. E&plain .all scre%" linear scre% %ith neat s+etch use! in CNC achinesI Drite the ;urpose of .all $cre%I 5. E&plain %ith neat s+etch the spin!le !ri-e an! fee! !ri-e use! in CNCI 16. Drite a#out the auto atic chip !isposa#le syste use! in CNCI 11. Drite the !ifference #et%een anual part progra ing an! co puter assiste! part progra ingI 1&. Drite a progra (co!ing) for illing an! turning centre %ith an e&a ple.

St. Josephs College of Engineering St. Josephs Institute of Technology

ISO9001:2008 !ge 1#

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