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Freaky Friday 1977 2003 Comparison On the 1977 version of the poster they have used what seems

s to be a sans-serif nove ty font! in red" On other parts of the poster they have use fonts su#h as $ria and a font whi#h ooks very simi ar to a font #a ed %etter &othi# 'td" 'ome of the te(t is in red and some is in b a#k" )he wei*ht on the tit e words +Freaky Friday, is -uite thi#k and #hunky" )he tra#kin* is very ti*ht! there is bare y any spa#e between the etters! *ivin* it a +s-uished, fee " )he tra#kin* on the b a#k $ria is a so very ti*ht! perhaps even ti*hter than the nove ty font used" .n fa#t! most of the te(t on the poster has -uite ti*ht tra#kin*" )he nove ty font ooks simi ar to fonts used in Carniva or Cir#us ads and f yers" )his sty e of type is a so -uite funky! these kinds of fonts were popu ar in the 70/s! so it a so ref e#ts the era" )he font used *ives out a ta#ky! p ayfu and fun mood" .t *ives out the messa*e that this fi m is fu of #omedy! #apers and mis#hief 0whi#h it is1" Overa . think that the type used does ref e#t what type of movie this is! but ./m not too keen on the #o our s#heme used" 2ow! on the 2003 poster they have #han*ed the who e theme of the poster to be more ed*y! punky with a hint of pop and *ir ishness" )hey have used most y sans-serif fonts! uti i3in* #o our and ayerin* instead of etter-form shapes" )he font wou d either be $ria or a variant of the font 4e veti#a" )he tit e +Freaky Friday, has been *iven a +shaky, effe#t! this *ives the impression of troub e and #haos" )hey have ayered white transparents of the etters over the base #o oured etterforms with a b a#k out ine" )he way they have ayered and uti i3ed #o ours a most #reates an opti#a i usion" )his further enhan#es the messa*e of the word +Freaky, as the te(t p ays with your mind" $s . have mentioned before! the movie is fu of #apers! #omedy and mis#hief but #onsiderin* the fa#t that in the movie the #hara#ters swit#h bodies this wou d indeed #reate a sense of #haos and troub e! whi#h is enhan#ed by the way they have arran*ed and uti i3ed te(t" )his sty e of te(t and or*anisation of te(t was very popu ar durin* the 90/s" Overa . think this poster does a better 5ob of #ommuni#atin* the messa*e" )he movie was aimed at teens and youn* adu ts! so the #o ours they have used wou d attra#t a youn*er audien#e" .t/s definite y a teen movie and the poster #ommuni#ates this e(#e ent y"

'tepford 6ives 1977 2008 Comparison )he 1977 'tepford 6ives movie poster is rea y -uite simp e and p ain" )hey have opted for simp e and e*ib e fonts! the tit e +'tepford 6ives, is a )ransitiona font in red" .n fa#t most of the fonts on this poster are )ransitiona " )he e(#eptions bein* the 'ans-serif font in #yan and the #redits 0#ast et#1 in %etter &othi# 'td" . don/t rea y ike the font or the way it/s aid out it/s too #asua for a s#ifi9horror fi m" .t *ives off a p ain and borin* vibe" . fee that this poster doesn/t do the a#tua story ine any 5usti#e and makes an +Ok, movie ook abso ute y terrib e think :astenders! but more borin*" )he on y thin* that hints to it bein* a '#i-fi thri er movie is the pi#ture on the poster" ; us! the ayout of the des#ription is terrib e< 6hoever desi*ned this doesn/t know a thin* about type 5ustifi#ation obvious y" .t #ou d be that they were tryin* to make it seem +:d*y, by not 5ustifyin* the te(t but to me it 5ust ooks ta#ky" )he 2008 'tepford 6ives movie poster has a mu#h more feminine fee to it as they have opted for a '#ript font for the tit e +)he 'tepford 6ives, in hot pink" )he rest of the te(t seems to be in 4e veti#a! and is either is a baby-pink! white or i*ht-b a#k 0if there is su#h a thin*1" )he poster and the typo*raphy *ives off more of a Chi#k F i#k impression! rather than a mysterious '#i-fi thri er! it/s very simi ar to the sty e of fonts and ayout used in )v 'eries/ su#h as =esperate 4ousewives" )he way they have aid out the te(t is bo d! e*ib e and simp e 5ust what you/d want for a movie poster" )he tra#kin* on the tit e +)he 'tepford 6ives, is a itt e bit wider than you/d usua y find in a '#ript font! this makes it easier to read 0more e*ib e1" )he tra#kin* on the s o*an +)he 6ives of 'tepford 4ave $ 'e#ret, is -uite wide! even for 4e veti#a" )he use of white-spa#e between the etters *ives it a mysterious fee ! hintin* to somethin* more sinister" )he tra#kin* on the #redits and the words +.n )heatres >une 11, is avera*e" :verythin* e(#ept the tit e is a -in-#apita s" . think that even thou*h the poster doesn/t a##urate y #onvey what the ?ovie is about . think that/s what the desi*ners of this poster were *oin* for as most of the ?ovie #ontains a fee in* of mystery and under yin* dan*er" 6hat rea y hints to the sub5e#t or *enre of the ?ovie has more to do with the ima*ery they have used not the fonts or type" Overa . persona y prefer this poster over the 1977 version be#ause it ooks more enti#in*! not borin*" . a so ike how +Chi#, and +?odern, this poster ooks! as opposed to the awfu ! ta#ky and o d-sty e 1977 poster"

C ash of )he )itans 19@1 2010 ?ovie ;oster Comparison 19@1 ;oster For the tit e +C ash of )he )itans, they have used what seems to be a 4umanist or O d-sty e font" )o me it bears simi arities to both O d-sty e and 4umanist fonts" On # oser inspe#tion and resear#h . found that the font has many more simi arities to & yphi# fonts! and the font )ra5an" 'o ./m *oin* to

say that it/s a & yphi# font that they have used for the tit e! the tra#kin* is -uite ti*ht! the wei*ht is -uite heavy and the si3e wou d be about 30-31pt" . think the tit e .s in a & yphi# font be#ause it bears resemb an#e to the type of writin* you/d find on o d-te(ts! as they bear simi arities to ins#riptions rather than pen or pen#i drawn te(t" )his ref e#ts that the movie is about somethin* in far history! or even in mytho o*y" )he te(t at the top of the poster! +:(perien#e )he Fantasti#, is definite y a )ransitiona font in my opinion! the tra#kin* on this is a so -uite ti*ht! a thou*h the +A, seems to have more white-spa#e around it than any of the other etters! the si3e wou d be about 3032 pt" )he #redits seem to be in a 'ans-serif font! maybe 4e veti#a! . think that they have used 4e veti#a 2eue %i*ht! they have made sure that a of the names are in #apita s! as to make them e*ib e! whi e the tit es or 5ob ro es of ea#h person are eft in # assi#a upper#ase and ower#ase! they have a so made the names mu#h bi**er than the tit es makin* them stand out even more! the typo*raphi# hierar#hy puts emphasis on the names rather than what the peop e do! the tra#kin* is -uite ti*ht on this te(t a so" )he font and #o our used for the tit e effe#tive y and a##urate y ref e#ts the movie" )he *o d te(t makes you think of swords! romans! armour! weaponry and *ives out a mytho o*i#a fee ! a fee in* of adventure and a fee in* of stren*th" )he meta i# effe#t of the te(t and the itt e twink es of i*ht *ive it a very meta i# and +sharp, fee ! as if someone was drawin* a sword" . persona y rea y ike this poster! not 5ust be#ause of the *reat usa*e of typo*raphy! but a so the ima*ery" . persona y fee that it ref e#ts and advertises the movie very we " 2013 ;oster For the 2013 poster they have used Bank &othi# for the tit e +C ash Of )he )itans,! and most of the te(t on the poster" )he tit e has -uite ti*ht tra#kin*! avera*e wei*ht and is around 37-80 pt in si3e" )he te(t +)he C ash Be*ins in 3=, is a so in Bank &othi#! has a most the same amount of tra#kin* but is around 32-37 pt in si3e instead" ?ost of the te(t on the poster is in a *o dish-brown #o our! whereas the tit e has been *iven a meta i#-te(tured effe#t" . think this is so that it ooks a bit ike armour or swords" )hey #hose this font be#ause it reminds peop e of 4iero* yphi#s and $n#ient '#ripts" .t *ives out a mytho o*i#a ! historian fee " )hey have added itt e +serifs, onto the font for de#oration purposes! they aren/t rea y part of the font" )he te(t +$pri 2, is in white and a -in#apita s" $ of the te(t on the poster is in #apita s" Compared to the 19@1 poster! this poster has more of a +strai*ht!sharp-ed*ed, fee to it! whereas the 19@1 has more of a whimsi#a ! artsy fee to it" )he fonts ref e#t this enormous y" )he font on the 19@1 poster is -uite detai ed and somewhat e# e#ti#! whereas the font on the 2013 poster is more strai*ht 5a#ket and #orporate" )he 19@1 version has somewhat #urved +C/s,! whereas the 2013 version has a most #ubed +C/s," Overa . ike the 19@1 poster better! as it has a more! whimsi#a ! adventurous fee to it"

6ar Of )he 6or ds ?ovie ;oster Comparison 1973 ;oster For the tit e +)he 6ar of )he 6or ds, they have been #reative and #hosen simp e handwritin* for the font! the handwritin* has been made to ook ominous and strikin*". persona y think that they wrote out the tit e in #ha k or marker pen but it #ou d have been done with paint and a paintbrush as we 0./m thinkin* it mi*ht be #ha k be#ause the tit e has a tiny bit of +*rain, to it1" )hey have used ye ow a*ainst a b a#k ba#k*round! whi#h stands out ike a i*htin* bo t a*ainst the ni*ht sky" For most of the other te(t 0#redits et#1 they have used 4e veti#a Condensed" )he on y e(#eption bein* the te(t + 4& 6e s," )hey have #hosen #o ours whi#h! by nature *ive a out the messa*e of +dan*er," Ce ows! Deds! 2eon-b ues and strikin* B a#ks are a natures way of sayin* +poisonous, and +dan*erous," )his *ives the viewer the impression of dan*er! meanin* that this movie is a horror9thri er9s#i-fi9a#tion movie" 'ome of the te(t is in red! some in b a#k! and the tit e is in ye ow" ?ost of the other te(t is a in #apita s" )he tit e is very bi*! and so even thou*h the tra#kin* is avera*e! it ooks -uite wide" )he typo*raphi# hierar#hy of the #redits makes sure that the names are # ear y shown! puttin* the emphasis on the names of the peop e rather than what they do" . ike this poster as it/s strikin*! retro and #reative" 2003 ;oster

2ow! in #ontrast to the artsy and e# e#ti# fee of the 1973 poster! this poster has a mu#h more forma fee to it usin* fonts su#h as )imes 2ew Doman and a sans-serif font for the #redits" )hey have a so toned down the #o ours but without sa#rifi#in* bo dness or impa#t" )he #o ours of the te(t ran*e from white! i*ht *rey! to b ood red" )he tra#kin* on the words +)om Cruise, is -uite wide! as this draws the eye to the te(t but a so makes it more e*ib e from a on* distan#e" )he tra#kin* on the tit es is avera*e ./d say" )hey have uti ised te(t si3e to #reate typo*raphi# hierar#hy" )he under ine for the word +6ar, has been p a#ed either side of the +Of )he," )he tit e and most of the te(t on the poster is in #apita s" )his makes the te(t mu#h more bo d and in#reases visua impa#t! a so e*ibi ity" )hey have used b ood red! white and *rey a a*ainst a b a#k ba#k*round! this further in#reases impa#t" .t/s a so bare y obvious that this has been modernised! with the use of te#hno o*y and di*ita art as the 1973 poster was painted by hand in #ontrast"

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