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Manual of Gardening (Second Edition)

L. H. Bailey
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+++++The#e eBook# ,ere Pre!ared By Thou#and# of .olunteer#4+++++ Title5 Manual of Gardening (Second Edition) 6uthor5 L. H. Bailey 0elea#e &ate5 &ece%ber( 7889 :EBook ;2998< :Thi# file "a# fir#t !o#ted on =ctober >( 788?< Edition5 18 Language5 Engli#h haracter #et encoding5 @SA6S )) +++ ST60T =- THE P0=BE T G@TECBE0G EB==D( M6C@6L =- G60&EC)CG (SE =C& E&)T)=C) +++

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M6C@6L =- G60&EC)CG

6 P06 T) 6L G@)&E T= THE M6D)CG =- H=ME G0=@C&S 6C& THE G0=,)CG =-L=,E0S( -0@)TS( 6C& .EGET6BLES -=0 H=ME @SE SE =C& E&)T)=C B* L. H. B6)LE* 1218

:)llu#tration5 ). The o!en center.<

EFPL6C6T)=C )t ha# been %y de#ire to recon#truct the t"o book#( 'GardenAMaking' and 'Practical GardenABook'G but ina#%uch a# the#e book# ha$e found a con#tituency in their !re#ent for%( it ha# #ee%ed be#t to let the% #tand a# they are and to continue their !ublication a# long a# the de%and %aintain# it#elf( and to !re!are a ne" "ork on gardening. Thi# ne" "ork ) no" offer a# '6 Manual of Gardening.' )t i# a co%bination and re$i#ion of the %ain !art# of the other t"o book#( together "ith %uch ne" %aterial and the re#ult# of the e/!erience of ten added year#. 6 book of thi# kind cannot be dra"n "holly fro% oneH# o"n !ractice( unle## it i# de#igned to ha$e a $ery re#tricted and local a!!lication. Many of the be#t #ugge#tion# in #uch a book "ill ha$e co%e fro% corre#!ondent#( Iue#tioner#( and tho#e "ho enjoy talking about garden#G and %y #ituation ha# been #uch that the#e co%%unication# ha$e co%e to %e freely. ) ha$e al"ay# tried( ho"e$er( to te#t all #uch #ugge#tion# by e/!erience and to %ake the% %y o"n before offering the% to %y reader. ) %u#t e/!re## %y #!ecial obligation to tho#e !er#on# "ho collaborated in the !re!aration of the other t"o book#( and "ho#e contribution# ha$e been freely u#ed in thi# one5 to .E. Hunn( a gardener of long e/!erienceG Profe##or Erne#t ,alker( reared a# a co%%ercial flori#tG Profe##or L.0. Taft and Profe##or -.6. ,augh( "ell kno"n for their #tudie# and "riting# in horticultural #ubject#. )n %aking thi# book( ) ha$e had con#tantly in %ind the ho%eA%aker hi%#elf or her#elf rather than the !rofe##ional gardener. )t i# of the greate#t i%!ortance that "e attach %any !er#on# to the landG and ) a% con$inced that an intere#t in gardening "ill naturally take the !lace of %any de#ire# that are %uch %ore difficult to gratify( and that lie beyond the reach of the a$erage %an or "o%an. )t ha# been %y good fortune to ha$e #een a%ateur and co%%ercial gardening in all !art# of the @nited State#( and ) ha$e tried to e/!re## #o%ething of thi# generality in the bookG yet %y e/!erience( a# "ell a# that of %y original collaborator#( i# of the northea#tern #tate#( and

the book i# therefore nece##arily "ritten fro% thi# region a# a ba#e. =ne gardening book cannot be %ade to a!!ly in it# !ractice in all !art# of the @nited State# and anada unle## it# in#truction# are #o general a# to be !ractically u#ele##G but the !rinci!le# and !oint# of $ie" %ay ha$e "ider a!!lication. ,hile ) ha$e tried to gi$e only the #ounde#t and %o#t te#ted ad$ice( ) cannot ho!e to ha$e e#ca!ed error# and #hortco%ing#( and ) #hall be grateful to %y reader if he "ill ad$i#e %e of %i#take# or fault# that he %ay di#co$er. ) #hall e/!ect to u#e #uch infor%ation in the %aking of #ub#eIuent edition#. =f cour#e an author cannot hold hi%#elf re#!on#ible for failure# that hi# reader %ay #uffer. The #tate%ent# in a book of thi# kind are in the nature of ad$ice( and it %ay or it %ay not a!!ly in !articular condition#( and the #ucce## or failure i# the re#ult %o#tly of the judg%ent and carefulne## of the o!erator. ) ho!e that no reader of a gardening book "ill e$er concei$e the idea that reading a book and follo"ing it literally "ill %ake hi% a gardener. He %u#t al"ay# a##u%e hi# o"n ri#k#( and thi# "ill be the fir#t #te! in hi# !er#onal !rogre##. ) #hould e/!lain that the botanical no%enclature of thi# book i# that of the ' yclo!edia of 6%erican Horticulture(' unle## other"i#e #tated. The e/ce!tion# are the 'trade na%e#(' or tho#e u#ed by nur#ery%en and #eed#%en in the #ale of their #tock. ) #hould further e/!lain the rea#on for o%itting ligature# and u#ing #uch "ord# a# !eony( #!irea( dracena( cobea. 6# technical Latin for%ularie#( the co%!ound# %u#t of cour#e be retained( a# in JPaeonia officinali(J JS!iraea Thunbergi(J J&racaena fragran#(J J oboea #canden#GJ but a# 6ngliciEed "ord# of co%%on #!eech it i# ti%e to follo" the cu#to% of general literature( in "hich the co%bination# ae and oe ha$e di#a!!eared. Thi# #i%!lification "a# begun in the ' yclo!edia of 6%erican Horticulture' and ha# been continued in other "riting#. L. H. B6)LE*. )TH6 6( CE, *=0D( Banuary 78( 1218.

=CTECTS H6PTE0 ) THE P=)CT =- .)E, J,hat a garden i#J H6PTE0 )) THE GECE06L PL6C =0 THE=0* =- THE PL6 E JThe !lan of the ground#J JThe !icture in the land#ca!eJ JBird#G and cat#J JThe !lanting i# !art of the de#ign or !ictureJ JThe flo"erAgro"ing #hould be !art of the de#ignJ &efect# in flo"erAgro"ing La"n flo"erAbed# -lo"erAborder#

The oldAfa#hioned garden ontent# of the flo"erAborder# JThe $alue of !lant# %ay lie in foliage and for% rather than in bloo%J =dd and for%al tree# Po!lar# and the like PlantAfor%# J.ariou# #!ecific e/a%!le#J 6n e/a%!le 6nother e/a%!le 6 third e/a%!le 6 #%all back yard 6 city lot General re%ark# J0e$ie"J H6PTE0 ))) EFE @T)=C =- S=ME =- THE L6C&S 6PE -E6T@0ES JThe gradingJ JThe terraceJ JThe bounding line#J J,alk# and dri$e#J The Iue#tion of drainage( curbing( and gutter# The %aterial# JMaking the border#J JMaking the la"nJ Pre!aring the ground The kind of gra## ,hen and ho" to #o" the #eed Securing a fir% #od The %o"ing -all treat%ent S!ring treat%ent ,atering la"n# Sodding the la"n 6 co%bination of #odding and #eeding So"ing "ith #od =ther ground co$er# H6PTE0 ). THE H6C&L)CG =- THE L6C& JThe draining of the landJ JTrenching and #ub#oilingJ JPre!aration of the #urfaceJ JThe #a$ing of %oi#tureJ JHand tool# for "eeding and #ub#eIuent tillage and other hand "orkJ The hoe Scarifier# HandA"eeder# Tro"el# and their kind 0oller# Marker# JEnriching the landJ H6PTE0 .

THE H6C&L)CG =- THE PL6CTS JSo"ing the #eed#J JPro!agating by cutting#J &or%ant #te%Acutting# utting# of root# Green cutting# utting# of lea$e# General treat%ent JTran#!lanting young #eedling#J JTran#!lanting e#tabli#hed !lant# and tree#J TubA!lant# ,hen to tran#!lant &e!th to tran#!lant Making the ro"# #traight uttingAbackG filling 0e%o$ing $ery large tree# J,inter !rotection of !lant#J JPruningJ JTree #urgery and !rotectionJ Tree guard# Mice and rabbit# Girdled tree# 0e!airing #treet tree# JThe grafting of !lant#J JDee!ing record# of the !lantationJ JThe #toring of fruit# and $egetable#J JThe forcing of !lant#J oldfra%e# Hotbed# Manage%ent of hotbed# H6PTE0 .) P0=TE T)CG PL6CTS -0=M TH)CGS TH6T P0E* =C THEM JScreen# and co$er#J J-u%igatingJ JSoaking tuber# and #eed#J JS!rayingJ J)n#ecticide #!raying for%ula#J J-ungicide #!raying for%ula#J JTreat%ent for #o%e of the co%%on in#ect#J JTreat%ent for #o%e of the co%%on !lant di#ea#e#J H6PTE0 .)) THE G0=,)CG =- THE =0C6MECT6L PL6CTSAATHE JPlanting for i%%ediate effectJ JThe u#e of 'foliage' tree# and #hrub#J J,indbreak# and #creen#J JThe %aking of hedge#J JThe border#J JThe flo"erAbed#J Bedding effect# Plant# for #ubtro!ical effect# J6Iuatic and bog !lant#J J0ockerie# and al!ine !lant#J 1. PL6CTS -=0 60PETABE&S L6SSES =- PL6CTS( 6C& L)STS

JLi#t# for car!etAbed#J 7. THE 6CC@6L PL6CTS JLi#t of annual# by color of flo"er#J J@#eful annual# for edging# of bed# and "alk#( and for ribbonAbed#J J6nnual# that continue to bloo% after fro#tJ JLi#t of annual# #uitable for beddingJ (Jthat i#( for '%a##Aeffect#' of colorJ) JLi#t of annual# by heightJ J&i#tance# for !lanting annual#J ?. H60&* HE0B6 E=@S PE0ECC)6LS JPerennial herb# #uitable for la"n and '!lanting' effect#J J6 brief #ea#onal flo"erAgarden or border li#t of herbaceou# !erennial#J J=ne hundred e/traAhardy !erennial herb#J K. B@LBS 6C& T@BE0S J-allA!lanted bulb#J JLi#t of outdoor fallA!lanted bulb# for the CorthJ J,inter bulb#J JSu%%er bulb#J 9. THE SH0@BBE0* JLi#t of #hrubbery !lant# for the CorthJ JShrub# for the SouthJ L. L)MB)CG PL6CTS J6nnual herbaceou# cli%ber#J JPerennial herbaceou# cli%ber#J J,oody !erennial cli%ber#J J li%bing ro#e#J 3. T0EES -=0 L6,CS 6C& ST0EETS JLi#t of hardy deciduou# tree# for the CorthJ JConAconiferou# tree# for the SouthJ >. =C)-E0=@S E.E0G0EEC SH0@BS 6C& T0EES JLi#t of #hrubby conifer#J J6rboreou# conifer#J J onifer# for the SouthJ 2. ,)C&=,AG60&ECS JThe "indo"Abo/ for out#ide effectJ JThe in#ide "indo"Agarden( or 'hou#e !lant#'J JBulb# in the "indo"AgardenJ J,atering hou#e !lant#J JHanging ba#ket#J J6Iuariu%J H6PTE0 .))) THE G0=,)CG =- THE =0C6MECT6L PL6CTSAA)CST0@ T)=CS =- P60T) @L60 D)C&S 6butilon#G aga!anthu#G al#tre%eriaG a%arylli#G ane%oneG araliaG araucariaG

auriculaG aEalea#G begonia#G cactu#G caladiu%G calceolariaG callaG ca%ellia#G canna#G carnation#G century !lant#G chry#anthe%u%#G cinerariaG cle%ati#G coleu#G crocu#G crotonG cycla%enG dahliaG fern#G free#iaG fuch#iaG geraniu%G gladiolu#G glo/iniaG gre$illeaG hollyhock#G hyacinth#G iri#G lilyG lilyAofAtheA$alleyG %ignonetteG %oonAflo"er#G narci##u#G oleanderG o/ali#G !al%#G !andanu#G !an#yG !elargoniu%G !eonyG !hlo/G !ri%ula#G rhododendron#G ro#eG #%ila/G #tock#G #"eet !eaG #"ain#onaG tubero#eG tuli!#G $ioletG "a/ !lant. H6PTE0 )F THE G0=,)CG =- THE -0@)T PL6CTS J&"arf fruitAtree#J J6ge and #iEe of tree#J JPruningJ

JThinning the fruitJ J,a#hing and #crubbing the tree#J JGathering and kee!ing fruitJ 6l%ondG a!!le#G a!ricotG blackberryG cherryG cranberryG currantG de"berryG figG goo#eberryG gra!eG %ulberryG nut#G orangeG !eachG !earG !lu%G IuinceG ra#!berryG #tra"berryG H6PTE0 F THE G0=,)CG =- THE .EGET6BLE PL6CTS J.egetable# for #i/J JThe cla##e# of $egetable#J JThe culture of the leading $egetable#J 6#!aragu#G artichokeG artichokeG Beru#ale%G beanG beetG broccoliG bru##el# #!rout#G cabbageG carrotG cauliflo"erG celeriacG celeryG chardG chicoryG cher$ilG chi$e#G collard#G corn #aladG cornG cre##G cucu%berG dandelionG eggA!lantG endi$eG garlicG hor#eradi#hG kaleG kohlrabiG

leekG lettuceG %u#hroo%G %u#tardG %u#k%elonG okraG onionG !ar#leyG !ar#ni!G !eaG !e!!erG !otatoG radi#hG rhubarbG #al#ifyG #eaAkaleG #orrelG #!ear%intG #!inachG #Iua#hG #"eetA!otatoG to%atoG turni!# and rutabaga#G "ater%elon. H6PTE0 F) SE6S=C6L 0EM)C&E0S -or the Corth -or the South )C&EF

L)ST =- PL6TES PL6TE ). The o!en center. )). The !lan of the !lace. ))). =!enAcenter treat%ent in a #e%iAtro!ical country. ).. Subtro!ical bedding again#t a building. aladiu%#( canna#( abutilon#( !er%anent rhododendron#( and other large #tuff( "ith tuberou# begonia# and bal#a%# bet"een. .. 6 #ubtro!ical bed. enter of canna#( "ith border of JPenni#etu% longi#tylu%J (a gra##) #tarted in late -ebruary or early March. .). 6 tree that gi$e# character to a !lace. .)). Bedding "ith !al%#. )f a brickedAu! !it i# %ade about the !orch( !ot !al%# %ay be !lunged in it in #!ring and tub conifer# in "interG and fall bulb# in tin can# (#o that the rece!tacle# "ill not #!lit "ith fro#t) %ay be !lunged a%ong the e$ergreen#. .))). 6 "ellA!lanted entrance. o%%on tree# and bu#he#( "ith Bo#ton i$y. on the !o#t( and JBerberi# ThunbergiiJ in front.

)F. 6 rocky bank co$ered "ith !er%anent infor%al !lanting. F. 6 #hallo" la"n !ond( containing "aterAlilie#( $ariegated #"eet flag( iri#( and #ubtro!ical bedding at the rearG fountain co$ered "ith !arrotH# feather (JMyrio!hyllu% !ro#er!inacoide#J). F). 6 back yard "ith #u%%er hou#e( and garden# beyond. F)). 6 back yard "ith hea$y flo"erAgarden !lanting. F))). The !ageant of #u%%er. Garden# of .,. &o"de#"ell( England( fro% a !ainting by Mi## Par#on#. F).. .irginia cree!er #creen( on an old fence( "ith "allAflo"er# and hollyhock# in front. F.. Scu!!ernong gra!e( the arbor $ine of the South. Thi# !late #ho"# the noted #cu!!ernong# on 0oanoke )#land( of "hich the origin i# unkno"n( but "hich "ere of great #iEe %ore than one hundred year# ago. F.). 6 flo"erAgarden of hina a#ter#( "ith border of one of the du#ty %iller# (J entaureaJ). F.)). The !eony. =ne of the %o#t #teadfa#t of garden flo"er#. F.))). ornflo"er or bachelorH# button. J entaurea yanu#.J

F)F. Pyracantha in fruit. =ne of the be#t orna%entalAfruited !lant# for the %iddle and %ilder latitude#. FF. 6 #i%!le but effecti$e "indo"Abo/( containing geraniu%#( !etunia#( $erbena#( heliotro!e( and $ine#. FF). The king of fruit#. Ce"to"n a# gro"n in the Pacific country. FF)). ,allAtraining of a !ear tree. FF))). herry currant. FF).. Golden Banta% #"eet corn. FF.. The garden radi#h( gro"n in fall( of the u#ual #!ring #ort#.

6 M6C@6L =- G60&EC)CG

H6PTE0 ) THE P=)CT =- .)E, ,here$er there i# #oil( !lant# gro" and !roduce their kind( and all !lant# are intere#tingG "hen a !er#on %ake# a choice a# to "hat !lant# he #hall gro" in any gi$en !lace( he beco%e# a gardener or a far%erG and if the condition# are #uch that he cannot %ake a choice( he %ay ado!t the !lant# that gro" there by nature( and by %aking the %o#t of the% %ay

#till be a gardener or a far%er in #o%e degree. E$ery fa%ily( therefore( %ay ha$e a garden. )f there i# not a foot of land( there are !orche# or "indo"#. ,here$er there i# #unlight( !lant# %ay be %ade to gro"G and one !lant in a tinAcan %ay be a %ore hel!ful and in#!iring garden to #o%e %ind than a "hole acre of la"n and flo"er# %ay be to another. The #ati#faction of a garden doe# not de!end on the area( nor( ha!!ily( on the co#t or rarity of the !lant#. )t de!end# on the te%!er of the !er#on. =ne %u#t fir#t #eek to lo$e !lant# and nature( and then to culti$ate the ha!!y !eace of %ind that i# #ati#fied "ith little. )n the $a#t %ajority of ca#e# a !er#on "ill be ha!!ier if he ha# no rigid and arbitrary notion#( for garden# are %oodi#h( !articularly "ith the no$ice. )f !lant# gro" and thri$e( he #hould be ha!!yG and if the !lant# that thri$e chance not to be the one# that he !lanted( they are !lant# ne$erthele##( and nature i# #ati#fied "ith the%. ,e are "ont to co$et the thing# that "e cannot ha$eG but "e are ha!!ier "hen "e lo$e the thing# that gro" becau#e they %u#t. 6 !atch of lu#ty !ig"eed#( gro"ing and cro"ding in lu/uriant abandon( %ay be a better and %ore "orthy object of affection than a bed of coleu#e# in "hich e$ery #!ark of life and #!irit and indi$iduality ha# been #heared out and #u!!re##ed. The %an "ho "orrie# %orning and night about the dandelion# in the la"n "ill find great relief in lo$ing the dandelion#. Each blo##o% i# "orth %ore than a gold coin( a# it #hine# in the e/uberant #unlight of the gro"ing #!ring( and attract# the in#ect# to it# bo#o%. Little children like the dandelion#5 "hy %ay not "eM Lo$e the thing# neare#t at handG and lo$e inten#ely. )f ) "ere to "rite a %otto o$er the gate of a garden( ) #hould choo#e the re%ark that Socrate# i# #aid to ha$e %ade a# he #a" the lu/urie# in the %arket( 'Ho" %uch there i# in the "orld that ) do not "ant4' ) $erily belie$e that thi# !aragra!h ) ha$e ju#t "ritten i# "orth %ore than all the ad$ice "ith "hich ) intend to cra% the #ucceeding !age#( not"ith#tanding the fact that ) ha$e %o#t a##iduou#ly e/tracted thi# ad$ice fro% $ariou# "orthy but( ha!!ily( longAforgotten author#. Ha!!ine## i# a Iuality of a !er#on( not of a !lant or a gardenG and the antici!ation of joy in the "riting of a book %ay be the rea#on "hy #o %any book# on gardenA%aking ha$e been "ritten. =f cour#e( all the#e book# ha$e been good and u#eful. )t "ould be ungrateful( at the lea#t( for the !re#ent "riter to #ay other"i#eG but book# gro" old( and the ad$ice beco%e# too fa%iliar. The #entence# need to be tran#!o#ed and the order of the cha!ter# $aried( no" and then( or intere#t lag#. =r( to #!eak !lainly( a ne" book of ad$ice on handicraft i# needed in e$ery decade( or !erha!# oftener in the#e day# of %any !ubli#her#. There ha# been a long and "orthy !roce##ion of the#e handbook#(AAGardiner N He!burn( MHMahon( obbettAAoriginal( !ungent( $er#atile obbett4AA-e##enden( SIuibb( Bridge%an( Sayer#( Bui#t( and a doEen %ore( each one a little richer becau#e the other# had been "ritten. But e$en the fact that all book# !a## into obli$ion doe# not deter another hand fro% %aking #till another $enture. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1. The orna%ental burdock< ) e/!ect( then( that e$ery !er#on "ho read# thi# book "ill %ake a garden( or "ill try to %ake oneG but if only tare# gro" "here ro#e# are de#ired( ) %u#t re%ind the reader that at the out#et ) ad$i#ed !ig"eed#.

The book( therefore( "ill #uit e$erybody(AAthe e/!erienced gardener( becau#e it "ill be a re!etition of "hat he already kno"#G and the no$ice( becau#e it "ill a!!ly a# "ell to a garden of burdock# a# of onion#. + + + + +

J,hat a garden i#.J 6 garden i# the !er#onal !art of an e#tate( the area that i# %o#t inti%ately a##ociated "ith the !ri$ate life of the ho%e. =riginally( the garden "a# the area in#ide the inclo#ure or line# of fortification( in di#tinction fro% the un!rotected area or field# that lay beyondG and thi# latter area "a# the !articular do%ain of agriculture. Thi# book under#tand# the garden to be that !art of the !er#onal or ho%e !re%i#e# de$oted to orna%ent( and to the gro"ing of $egetable# and fruit#. The garden( therefore( i# an illAdefined de%e#neG but the reader %u#t not %ake the %i#take of defining it by di%en#ion#( for one %ay ha$e a garden in a flo"erA!ot or on a thou#and acre#. )n other "ord#( thi# book declare# that e$ery bit of land that i# not u#ed for building#( "alk#( dri$e#( and fence#( #hould be !lanted. ,hat "e #hall !lantAA"hether #"ard( lilac#( thi#tle#( cabbage#( !ear#( chry#anthe%u%#( or to%atoe#AA"e #hall talk about a# "e !roceed. The only "ay to kee! land !erfectly un!roducti$e i# to kee! it %o$ing. The %o%ent the o"ner let# it alone( the !lanting ha# begun. )n %y o"n garden( thi# fir#t !lanting i# of !ig"eed#. The#e %ay be follo"ed( the ne/t year( by rag"eed#( then by dock# and thi#tle#( "ith here and there a #tart of clo$er and gra##G and it all end# in BuneAgra## and dandelion#. Cature doe# not allo" the land to re%ain bare and idle. E$en the bank# "here !la#ter and lath "ere du%!ed t"o or three year# ago are no" lu/uriant "ith burdock# and #"eet clo$erG and yet !er#on# "ho !a## tho#e du%!# e$ery day #ay that they can gro" nothing in their o"n yard becau#e the #oil i# #o !oor4 *et ) $enture that tho#e #a%e !er#on# furni#h %o#t of the !ig"eed #eed that ) u#e on %y garden. The le##on i# that there i# no #oilAA"here a hou#e "ould be builtAA#o !oor that #o%ething "orth "hile cannot be gro"n on it. )f burdock# "ill gro"( #o%ething el#e "ill gro"G or if nothing el#e "ill gro"( then ) !refer burdock# to #and and rubbi#h. The burdock i# one of the %o#t #triking and decorati$e of !lant#( and a good !iece of it again#t a building or on a rough bank i# ju#t a# u#eful a# %any !lant# that co#t %oney and are difficult to gro". ) had a good clu%! of burdock under %y #tudy "indo"( and it "a# a great co%fortG but the %an "ould !er#i#t in "anting to cut it do"n "hen he %o"ed the la"n. ,hen ) re%on#trated( he declared that it "a# nothing but burdockG but ) in#i#ted that( #o far fro% being burdock( it "a# really La!!a %ajor( #ince "hich ti%e the !lant and it# off#!ring ha$e enjoyed hi# ut%o#t re#!ect. 6nd ) find that %o#t of %y friend# re#er$e their a!!reciation of a !lant until they ha$e learned it# na%e and it# fa%ily connection#. The du%!A!lace that ) %entioned ha# a #urface area of nearly one hundred and fifty #Iuare feet( and ) find that it ha# gro"n o$er t"o hundred good !lant# of one kind or another thi# year. Thi# i# %ore than %y gardener acco%!li#hed on an eIual area( "ith %anure and "ater and a %an to hel!. The difference "a# that the !lant# on the du%! "anted to gro"(

and the i%!orted !lant# in the garden did not "ant to gro". )t "a# the difference bet"een a "illing hor#e and a balky hor#e. )f a !er#on "ant# to #ho" hi# #kill( he %ay choo#e the balky !lantG but if he "ant# fun and co%fort in gardening( he "ould better choo#e the "illing one. ) ha$e ne$er been able to find out "hen the burdock# and %u#tard "ere !lanted on the du%!G and ) a% #ure that they "ere ne$er hoed or "atered. Cature !ractice# a "onderfully rigid econo%y. -or nearly half the #u%%er #he e$en refu#ed rain to the !lant#( but #till they thri$edG yet ) #taid ho%e fro% a $acation one #u%%er that ) %ight kee! %y !lant# fro% dying. ) ha$e #ince learned that if the !lant# in %y hardy border# cannot take care of the%#el$e# for a ti%e( they are little co%fort to %e. The joy of gardenA%aking lie# in the %ental attitude and in the #enti%ent#.

H6PTE0 )) THE GECE06L PL6C =0 THE=0* =- THE PL6 E Ha$ing no" di#cu##ed the %o#t e##ential ele%ent# of gardening( "e %ay gi$e attention to #uch %inor feature# a# the actual "ay in "hich a #ati#fying garden i# to be !lanned and e/ecuted. S!eaking broadly( a !er#on "ill get fro% a garden "hat he !ut# into itG and it i# of the fir#t i%!ortance( therefore( that a clear conce!tion of the "ork be for%ulated at the out#et. ) do not %ean to #ay that the garden "ill al"ay# turn out "hat it "a# de#ired that it #hould beG but the failure to turn out !ro!erly i# u#ually #o%e fault in the fir#t !lan or #o%e neglect in e/ecution. So%eti%e# the di#a!!oint%ent in an orna%ental garden i# a re#ult of confu#ion of idea# a# to "hat a garden i# for. =ne of %y friend# "a# greatly di#a!!ointed on returning to hi# garden early in Se!te%ber to find that it "a# not #o full and floriferou# a# "hen he left it in Buly. He had not learned the #i%!le le##on that e$en a flo"erAgarden #hould e/hibit the natural !rogre## of the #ea#on. )f the garden begin# to #ho" ragged !lace# and to decline in late 6ugu#t or early Se!te%ber( it i# "hat occur# in all #urrounding $egetation. The year i# %aturing. The garden ought to e/!re## the feeling of the different %onth#. The failing lea$e# and e/!ended !lant# are therefore to be looked on( to #o%e e/tent at lea#t( a# the natural order and de#tiny of a good garden. The#e attribute# are "ell e/hibited in the $egetableAgarden. )n the #!ring( the $egetableAgarden i# a %odel of neatne## and !reci#ion. The ro"# are #traight. There are no %i##ing !lant#. The earth i# %ello" and fre#h. ,eed# are ab#ent. =ne take# hi# friend# to the garden( and he %ake# !icture# of it. By late Bune or early Buly( the !lant# ha$e begun to #!ra"l and to get out of #ha!e. The bug# ha$e taken #o%e of the%. The ro"# are no longer tri% and !reci#e. The earth i# hot and dry. The "eed# are %aking head"ay. By 6ugu#t and Se!te%ber( the garden ha# lo#t it# early regularity and fre#hne##. The ca%era i# !ut a#ide. The $i#itor# are not taken to it5 the gardener !refer# to go alone to find the %elon or the to%atoe#( and he co%e# a"ay a# #oon a# he ha# #ecured hi# !roduct. Co"( a# a %atter of fact( the garden ha# been going through it# regular #ea#onal gro"th. )t i# natural that it beco%e ragged. )t i# not nece##ary that "eed# conIuer itG but ) #u#!ect that it "ould be a $ery

!oor garden( and certainly an unintere#ting one( if it retained the dre## of childhood at the ti%e "hen it #hould de$elo! the !er#onalitie# of age. There are t"o ty!e# of outdoor gardening in "hich the !rogre## of the #ea#on i# not definitely e/!re##ed(AAin the car!etAbedding kind( and in the #ubtro!ical kind. ) ho!e that %y reader "ill get a clear di#tinction in the#e %atter#( for it i# e/ceedingly i%!ortant. The car!etAbedding gardening i# the %aking of figureAbed# in hou#eAleek# and achyranthe# and coleu# and #anitalia( and other thing# that can be gro"n in co%!act %a##e# and !o##ibly #heared to kee! the% "ithin !lace and bound#G the reader #ee# the#e bed# in !erfection in #o%e of the !ark# and about flori#t#H e#tabli#h%ent#G he "ill under#tand at once that they are not %eant in any "ay to e/!re## the #ea#on( for the difference bet"een the% in Se!te%ber and Bune i# only that they %ay be %ore !erfect in Se!te%ber. The #ubtro!ical gardening (!late# ). and .) i# the !lanting out of hou#eAgro"n #tuff( in order to !roduce gi$en effect#( of #uch !lant# a# !al%#( dracena#( croton#( caladiu%#( !a!yru#( together "ith #uch lu/uriant thing# a# dahlia# and canna# and large orna%ental gra##e# and ca#tor bean#G the#e !lant# are to !roduce effect# Iuite foreign to the e/!re##ion of a northern land#ca!e( and they are u#ually at their be#t and are %o#t lu/uriant "hen o$ertaken by the fall fro#t#. Co"( the ho%e gardener u#ually relie# on !lant# that %ore or le## co%e and go "ith the #ea#on#. He !iece# out and e/tend# the #ea#on( to be #ureG but a garden "ith !an#ie#( !ink#( #"eet "illia%( ro#e#( #"eet !ea#( !etunia#( %arigold#( #al!iglo##i#( #"eet #ultan( !o!!ie#( Einnia#( a#ter#( co#%o#( and the re#t( i# a !rogre##AofAtheA#ea#on garden( ne$erthele##G and if it i# a garden of herbaceou# !erennial#( it #till %ore co%!letely e/!re##e# the ti%eAofAyear. My reader "ill no" con#ider( !erha!#( "hether he "ould ha$e hi# garden accent and heighten hi# natural year fro% #!ring to fall( or "hether he de#ire# to thru#t into hi# year a feeling of another order of $egetation. Either i# allo"ableG but the gardener #hould di#tingui#h at the out#et. ) "i#h to #ugge#t to %y reader( al#o( that it i# !o##ible for the garden to retain #o%e intere#t e$en in the "inter %onth#. ) #o%eti%e# Iue#tion "hether it i# altogether "i#e to clear out the old garden #te%# too co%!letely and too #%oothly in the fall( and thereby obliterate e$ery %ark of it for the "inter %onth#G but ho"e$er thi# %ay be( there are t"o "ay# by "hich the garden year %ay be e/tended5 by !lanting thing# that bloo% $ery late in fall and other# that bloo% $ery early in #!ringG by u#ing freely( in the background#( of bu#he# and tree# that ha$e intere#ting "inter character#. + + + + +

JThe !lan of the ground#J (#ee Plate ))). :)llu#tration )).5 The !lan of the !lace. The arrange%ent of the !ro!erty ("hich i# in Ce" *ork) i# deter%ined by an e/i#ting "oodland to the left or #outhea#t of the hou#e and a natural o!ening to the #outh"e#t of the hou#e. The hou#e i# colonial( and the entire treat%ent i# one of con#iderable #i%!licity. ,ild or "oodland garden# ha$e been de$elo!ed to the right and left of the entrance( the latter or entrance la"n# being left #e$erely #i%!le and !lain in their treat%ent. To the rear of the hou#e a turf terrace rai#ed three #te!# abo$e the general

grade of the la"n lead# to a general la"n ter%inated by a #%all garden e/edra or teahou#e "ith a fountain in it# center( and to t"o #hrub garden# for%ing intere#ting and clo#ed !ocket# of la"n. The #table and $egetable garden# are located to the #outh of the hou#e in a natural o!ening in the "oodland. The de#ign i# %ade by a !rofe##ional land#ca!e architect.< =ne cannot e/!ect #ati#faction in the !lanting and de$elo!ing of a ho%e area unle## he ha# a clear conce!tion of "hat i# to be done. Thi# nece##arily follo"#( #ince the !lea#ure that one deri$e# fro% any enter!ri#e de!end# chiefly on the definitene## of hi# ideal# and hi# ability to de$elo! the%. The ho%e%aker #hould de$elo! hi# !lan before he atte%!t# to de$elo! hi# !lace. He %u#t #tudy the $ariou# #ubdi$i#ion# in order that the !re%i#e# %ay %eet all hi# need#. He #hould deter%ine the location# of the leading feature# of the !lace and the relati$e i%!ortance to be gi$en to the $ariou# !art# of it(AAa# of the land#ca!e !art#( the orna%ental area#( the $egetableAgarden( and the fruit !lantation. The detail# of the !lanting %ay be deter%ined in !art a# the !lace de$elo!#G it i# only the #tructural feature# and !ur!o#e# that need to be deter%ined beforehand in %o#t #%all !ro!ertie#. The incidental %odification# that %ay be %ade in the !lanting fro% ti%e to ti%e kee! the intere#t ali$e and allo" the !lanter to gratify hi# de#ire to e/!eri%ent "ith ne" !lant# and ne" %ethod#. )t %u#t be under#tood that ) a% no" #!eaking of ordinary ho%e ground# "hich the ho%eA%aker de#ire# to i%!ro$e by hi%#elf. )f the area i# large enough to !re#ent di#tinct land#ca!e feature#( it i# al"ay# be#t to e%!loy a land#ca!e architect of recogniEed %erit( in the #a%e #!irit that one "ould e%!loy an architect. The detail#( ho"e$er( %ay e$en then be filled in by the o"ner( if he i# #o inclined( follo"ing out the !lan that the land#ca!e architect %ake#. )t i# de#irable to ha$e a definite !lan on !a!er (dra"n to #cale) for the location of the leading feature# of the !lace. The#e feature# are the re#idence( the outAhou#e#( the "alk# and dri$e#( the #er$ice area# (a# clothe# yard#)( the border !lanting( flo"erAgarden( $egetableAgarden( and fruitAgarden. )t #hould not be e/!ected that the %a! !lan can be follo"ed in e$ery detail( but it "ill #er$e a# a general guideG and if it i# %ade on a large enough #cale( the different kind# of !lant# can be located in their !ro!er !o#ition#( and a record of the !lace be ke!t. )t i# nearly al"ay# un#ati#factory( for both o"ner and de#igner( if a !lan of the !lace i# %ade "ithout a !er#onal in#!ection of the area. Line# that look "ell on a %a! %ay not adju#t the%#el$e# readily to the $arying contour# of the !lace it#elf( and the location of the feature# in#ide the ground# "ill de!end al#o in a $ery large %ea#ure on the object# that lie out#ide it. -or e/a%!le( all intere#ting and bold $ie"# #hould be brought into the !lace( and all un#ightly object# in the i%%ediate $icinity #hould be !lanted out. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 7. &iagra% of a back yard.< 6 !lan of a back yard of a narro" city lot i# gi$en in -ig. 7( #ho"ing the hea$y border !lanting of tree# and #hrub#( "ith the #kirting border of flo"er#. )n the front are t"o large tree#( that are de#ired for #hade. )t "ill readily be #een fro% thi# !lan ho" e/ten#i$e the area for flo"er# beco%e# "hen they are !laced along #uch a de$iou# border. More color effect can be got fro% #uch an arrange%ent of the flo"er# than

could be #ecured if the "hole area "ere !lanted to flo"erAbed#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. ?. Plan of a rough area.< 6 contour %a! !lan of a $ery rough !iece of ground i# #ho"n in -ig. ?. The #ide# of the !lace are high( and it beco%e# nece##ary to carry a "alk through the %iddle areaG and on either #ide of the front( it #kirt# the bank#. Such a !lan i# u#ually un#ightly on !a!er( but %ay ne$erthele## fit #!ecial ca#e# $ery "ell. The !lan i# in#erted here for the !ur!o#e of illu#trating the fact that a !lan that "ill "ork on the ground doe# not nece##arily "ork on a %a!. )n charting a !lace( it i# i%!ortant to locate the !oint# fro% "hich the "alk# are to #tart( and at "hich they are to e%erge fro% the ground#. The#e t"o !oint# are then joined by direct and #i%!le cur$e#G and along#ide the "alk#( e#!ecially in angle# or bold cur$e#( !lanting %ay be in#erted. 6 #ugge#tion for #chool !re%i#e# on a fourAcorner#( and "hich the !u!il# enter fro% three direction#( i# %ade in -ig. K. The t"o !layground# are #e!arated by a broken grou! of bu#he# e/tending fro% the building to the rear boundaryG but( in general( the #!ace# are ke!t o!en( and the hea$y borderA%a##e# clothe the !lace and %ake it ho%eAlike. The lineal e/tent of the grou! %argin# i# a#toni#hingly large( and along all the#e %argin# flo"er# %ay be !lanted( if de#ired. :)llu#tration5 -ig. K. Sugge#tion for a #choolAground on a fourAcorner#.< )f there i# only #i/ feet bet"een a #choolhou#e and the fence( there i# #till roo% for a border of #hrub#. Thi# border #hould be bet"een the "alk and the fence(AAon the $ery boundary(AAnot bet"een the "alk and the building( for in the latter ca#e the !lanting di$ide# the !re%i#e# and "eaken# the effect. 6 #!ace t"o feet "ide "ill allo" of an irregular "all of bu#he#( if tall building# do not cut out the lightG and if the area i# one hundred feet long( thirty to fifty kind# of #hrub# and flo"er# can be gro"n to !erfection( and the #choolAground# "ill be !ractically no #%aller for the !lantation. =ne cannot %ake a !lan of a !lace until he kno"# "hat he "ant# to do "ith the !ro!ertyG and therefore "e %ay de$ote the re%ainder of thi# cha!ter to de$elo!ing the idea in the layout of the !re%i#e# rather than to the detail# of %a!A%aking and !lanting. Becau#e ) #!eak of the free treat%ent of garden #!ace# in thi# book it %u#t not be inferred that any reflection i# intended on the 'for%al' garden. There are %any !lace# in "hich the for%al or 'architectH# garden' i# %uch to be de#iredG but each of the#e ca#e# #hould be treated "holly by it#elf and be %ade a !art of the architectural #etting of the !lace. The#e Iue#tion# are out#ide the #!here of thi# book. 6ll for%al garden# are !ro!erly indi$idual #tudie#. 6ll $ery #!ecial ty!e# of garden de#ign are naturally e/cluded fro% a book of thi# kind( #uch ty!e#( for e/a%!le( a# Ba!ane#e gardening. Per#on# "ho de#ire to de$elo! the#e #!ecialtie# "ill #ecure the #er$ice# of !er#on# "ho are #killed in the%G and there are al#o book# and %agaEine article# to "hich they %ay go. + + + + +

JThe !icture in the land#ca!e.J The deficiency in %o#t ho%e ground# i# not #o %uch that there i# too little !lanting of tree# and #hrub# a# that thi# !lanting i# %eaningle##. E$ery yard #hould be a !icture. That i#( the area #hould be #et off fro% other area#( and it #hould ha$e #uch a character that the ob#er$er catche# it# entire effect and !ur!o#e "ithout #to!!ing to analyEe it# !art#. The yard #hould be one thing( one area( "ith e$ery feature contributing it# !art to one #trong and ho%ogeneou# effect. The#e re%ark# "ill beco%e concrete if the reader turn# hi# eye to -ig#. 9 and L. The for%er re!re#ent# a co%%on ty!e of !lanting of front yard#. The bu#he# and tree# are #cattered !ro%i#cuou#ly o$er the area. Such a yard ha# no !ur!o#e( no central idea. )t #ho"# !lainly that the !lanter had no con#tructi$e conce!tion( no gra#! of any de#ign( and no a!!reciation of the funda%ental ele%ent# of the beauty of land#ca!e. )t# only %erit i# the fact that tree# and #hrub# ha$e been !lantedG and thi#( to %o#t %ind#( co%!ri#e# the e##ence and #u% of the orna%entation of ground#. E$ery tree and bu#h i# an indi$idual alone( unattended( di#connected fro% it# en$iron%ent#( and( therefore( %eaningle##. Such a yard i# only a nur#ery. :)llu#tration5 -ig 9. The co%%on or nur#ery "ay of !lanting< :)llu#tration5 -ig. L. The !ro!er or !ictorial ty!e of !lanting< The other !lan (-ig. L) i# a !icture. The eye catche# it# %eaning at once. The central idea i# the re#idence( "ith a free and o!en green#"ard in front of it The #a%e tree# and bu#he# that "ere #cattered ha!haEard o$er -ig. 9 are %a##ed into a fra%e"ork to gi$e effecti$ene## to the !icture of ho%e and co%fort. Thi# #tyle of !lanting %ake# a land#ca!e( e$en though the area be no larger than a !arlor. The other #tyle i# only a collection of curiou# !lant#. The one ha# an in#tant and abiding !ictorial effect( "hich i# re#tful and #ati#fying5 the ob#er$er e/clai%#( ',hat a beautiful ho%e thi# i#4' The other !iIue# oneH# curio#ity( ob#cure# the re#idence( di$ide# and di#tract# the attention5 the ob#er$er e/clai%#( ',hat e/cellent lilac bu#he# are the#e4' 6n inIuiry into the cau#e# of the unlike i%!re##ion# that one recei$e# fro% a gi$en land#ca!e and fro% a !ainting of it e/!lain# the #ubject ad%irably. =ne rea#on "hy the !icture a!!eal# to u# %ore than the land#ca!e i# becau#e the !icture i# conden#ed( and the %ind beco%e# acIuainted "ith it# entire !ur!o#e at once( "hile the land#ca!e i# #o broad that the indi$idual object# at fir#t fi/ the attention( and it i# only by a !roce## of #ynthe#i# that the unity of the land#ca!e finally beco%e# a!!arent. Thi# i# ad%irably illu#trated in !hotogra!h#. =ne of the fir#t #ur!ri#e# that the no$ice e/!erience# in the u#e of the ca%era i# the di#co$ery that $ery ta%e #cene# beco%e intere#ting and often e$en #!irited in the !hotogra!h. But there i# #o%ething %ore than %ere conden#ation in thi# $italiEing and beautifying effect of the !hotogra!h or the !ainting5 indi$idual object# are #o %uch reduced that they no longer a!!eal to u# a# di#tinct #ubject#( and ho"e$er uncouth they %ay be in the reality( they %ake no i%!re##ion in the !ictureG the thin and #ere #"ard %ay a!!ear rather like a clo#ely #ha$en la"n or a ne"A%o"n %eado". 6nd again( the !icture #et# a li%it to the #ceneG it fra%e# it( and thereby cut# off all e/traneou# and confu#ing or irrele$ant land#ca!e#.

The#e re%ark# are illu#trated in the ae#thetic# of land#ca!e gardening. )t i# the arti#tH# one de#ire to %ake !icture# in the land#ca!e. Thi# i# done in t"o "ay#5 by the for% of !lantation#( and by the u#e of $i#ta#. He "ill thro" hi# !lantation# into #uch !o#ition# that o!en and yet %ore or le## confined area# of green#"ard are !re#ented to the ob#er$er at $ariou# !oint#. Thi# !ictureAlike o!ening i# nearly or Iuite de$oid of #%all or indi$idual object#( "hich u#ually de#troy the unity of #uch area# and are %eaningle## in the%#el$e#. 6 $i#ta i# a narro" o!ening or $ie" bet"een !lantation# to a di#tant land#ca!e. )t cut# u! the broad horiEon into !ortion# that are readily cogniEable. )t fra%e# !art# of the countryA#ide. The $erdurou# #ide# of the !lanting are the #ide# of the fra%eG the foreground i# the botto%( and the #ky i# the to!. )t i# of the ut%o#t i%!ortance that good $ie"# be left or #ecured fro% the be#t "indo"# of the hou#e (not forgetting the kitchen "indo")G in fact( the !lacing of the hou#e %ay often be deter%ined by the $ie"# that %ay be a!!ro!riated. )f a land#ca!e i# a !icture( it %u#t ha$e a can$a#. Thi# can$a# i# the green#"ard. @!on thi#( the arti#t !aint# "ith tree and bu#h and flo"er a# the !ainter doe# u!on hi# can$a# "ith bru#h and !ig%ent#. The o!!ortunity for arti#tic co%!o#ition and de#ign i# no"here #o great a# in the land#ca!e garden( becau#e no other art ha# #uch a li%itle## field for the e/!re##ion of it# e%otion#. )t i# not #trange( if thi# be true( that there ha$e been fe" great land#ca!e gardener#( and that( falling #hort of art( the land#ca!e gardener too often "ork# in the #!here of the arti#an. There can be no rule# for land#ca!e gardening( any %ore than there can be for !ainting or #cul!ture. The o!erator %ay be taught ho" to hold the bru#h or #trike the chi#el or !lant the tree( but he re%ain# an o!eratorG the art i# intellectual and e%otional and "ill not confine it#elf in !rece!t#. The %aking of a good and #!aciou# la"n( then( i# the $ery fir#t !ractical con#ideration in a land#ca!e garden. The la"n !ro$ided( the gardener concei$e# "hat i# the do%inant and central feature in the !lace( and then thro"# the entire !re%i#e# into #ubordination to thi# feature. )n ho%e ground# thi# central feature i# the hou#e. To #catter tree# and bu#he# o$er the area defeat# the funda%ental !ur!o#e of the !lace(AAthe !ur!o#e to %ake e$ery !art of the ground# lead u! to the ho%e and to accentuate it# ho%elikene##. 6 hou#e %u#t ha$e a background if it i# to beco%e a ho%e. 6 hou#e that #tand# on a bare !lain or hill i# a !art of the uni$er#e( not a !art of a ho%e. 0ecall the coEy little far%Ahou#e that i# backed by a "ood or an orchardG then co%!are #o%e !retentiou# #tructure that #tand# a!art fro% all !lanting. *et ho" %any are the far%Ahou#e# that #tand a# #tark and cold again#t the #ky a# if they "ere co%!eting "ith the %oon4 ,e "ould not belie$e it !o##ible for a %an to li$e in a hou#e t"entyAfi$e year# and not( by accident( allo" #o%e tree to gro"( "ere it not that it i# #o4 =f cour#e the#e re%ark# about the la"n are %eant for tho#e countrie# "here green#"ard i# the natural ground co$er. )n the South and in arid countrie#( green#"ard i# not the !re$ailing feature of the land#ca!e( and in the#e region# the land#ca!e de#ign %ay take on a "holly different character( if the "ork i# to be natureAlike. ,e ha$e not yet de$elo!ed other conce!tion# of land#ca!e "ork to any !erfect e/tent( and "e inject the Engli#h green#"ard treat%ent e$en into de#ert#. ,e %ay look for the ti%e "hen a bro"n land#ca!e garden %ay be %ade in a bro"n country( and

it %ay be good art not to atte%!t a broad o!en center in region# in "hich undergro"th rather than #od i# the natural ground co$er. )n !art# of the @nited State# "e are de$elo!ing a good S!ani#hA6%erican architecture( !erha!# "e %ay de$elo! a recogniEed co%!arable land#ca!e treat%ent a# an arti#tic e/!re##ion. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 3 6 hou#e< + + + + +

JBird#( and cat#J The !icture in the land#ca!e i# not co%!lete "ithout bird#( and the bird# #hould co%!ri#e %ore #!ecie# than Engli#h #!arro"#. )f one i# to ha$e bird# on hi# !re%i#e#( he %u#t (1) attract the% and (7) !rotect the%. =ne attract# bird# by !ro$iding !lace# in "hich they %ay ne#t. The free border !lanting# ha$e di#tinct ad$antage# in attracting chi!!ing #!arro"#( catbird#( and other #!ecie#. The bluebird#( hou#e "ren#( and %artin# %ay be attracted by bo/e# in "hich they can build. =ne %ay attract bird# by feeding the% and #u!!lying "ater. Suet for "ood!ecker# and other#( grain and cru%b# for other kind#( and taking care not to frighten or %ole#t the%( "ill #oon "in the confidence of the bird#. 6 #lo"ly running or dri!!ing fountain( "ith a good ri% on "hich they %ay !erch( "ill al#o attract the%( and it i# no %ean enjoy%ent to "atch the bird# at bathing. =r( if one doe# not care to go to the e/!en#e of a bird fountain( he %ay #u!!ly their "ant# by %ean# of a #hallo" di#h of "ater #et on the la"n. :)llu#tration5 -ig. > 6 ho%e< The bird# "ill need !rotection fro% cat#. There i# no %ore rea#on "hy cat# #hould roa% at "ill and uncontrolled than that dog# or hor#e# or !oultry #hould be allo"ed unli%ited licen#e. 6 cat a"ay fro% ho%e i# a tre#!a##er and #hould be #o treated. 6 !er#on ha# no %ore right to inflict a cat on a neighborhood than to inflict a goat or rabbit# or any other nui#ance. 6ll !er#on# "ho kee! cat# #hould feel the #a%e re#!on#ibility for the% that they feel for other !ro!ertyG and they #hould be "illing to forfeit their !ro!erty right "hen they forfeit their control. The cat# not only de#troy bird#( but they break the !eace. The cater"auling at night "ill not be !er%itted in "ellAgo$erned co%%unitie# any %ore than the #hooting of fireAar%# or $iciou# talking "ill be allo"ed5 all nightAroa%ing cat# #hould be gathered in( ju#t a# #tray dog# and tra%!# are !ro$ided for. ) do not di#like cat#( but ) de#ire to #ee the% ke!t at ho%e and "ithin control. )f !er#on# #ay that they cannot kee! the% on their o"n !re%i#e#( then the#e !er#on# #hould not be allo"ed to ha$e the%. 6 bell on the cat "ill !re$ent it fro% ca!turing old bird#( and thi# %ay an#"er a good !ur!o#e late in the #ea#onG but it "ill not #to! the robbing of ne#t# or the taking of young bird#( and here i# "here the greate#t ha$oc i# "rought. )t i# often a##erted that cat# %u#t roa% in order that rat# and %ice %ay be reducedG but !robably fe" hou#e %ice and fe" rat# are got by "andering cat#G and( again( %any cat# are not %ou#er#. There are other "ay# of controlling rat# and %iceG or if cat# are e%!loyed for thi#

!ur!o#e( #ee that they are re#tricted to the !lace# "here the hou#e rat# and %ice are to be found. Many !er#on# like #Iuirrel# about the !lace( but they cannot e/!ect to ha$e both bird# and #Iuirrel# unle## $ery #!ecial !recaution# are taken. The Engli#h or hou#e #!arro" dri$e# a"ay the nati$e bird#( although he i# hi%#elf an attracti$e inhabitant in "inter( !articularly "here nati$e bird# are not re#ident. The Engli#h #!arro" #hould be ke!t in reduced nu%ber#. Thi# can be ea#ily acco%!li#hed by !oi#oning the% in "inter ("hen other bird# are not endangered) "ith "heat #oaked in #trychnine "ater. The content# of one of the eighthAounce $ial# of #trychnine that %ay be #ecured at a drug #tore i# added to #ufficient "ater to co$er a Iuart of "heat. Let the "heat #tand in the !oi#on "ater t"entyAfour to fortyAeight hour# (but not long enough for the grain# to #!rout)( then dry the "heat thoroughly. )t cannot be di#tingui#hed fro% ordinary "heat( and #!arro"# u#ually eat it freely( !articularly if they are in the habit of eating #cattered grain and cru%b#. =f cour#e( the greate#t caution %u#t be e/erci#ed that in the u#e of #uch highly !oi#onou# %aterial#( accident# do not occur "ith other ani%al# or "ith hu%an being#. + + + + +

JThe !lanting i# !art of the de#ign or !icture.J )f the reader catche# the full %eaning of the#e !age#( he ha# acIuired #o%e of the !ri%ary conce!tion# in land#ca!e gardening. The #ugge#tion "ill gro" u!on hi% day by dayG and if he i# of an ob#er$ing turn of %ind( he "ill find that thi# #i%!le le##on "ill re$olutioniEe hi# habit of thought re#!ecting the !lanting of ground# and the beauty of land#ca!e#. He "ill #ee that a bu#h or flo"erAbed that i# no !art of any general !ur!o#e or de#ignAAthat i#( "hich doe# not contribute to the %aking of a !ictureAA%ight better ne$er ha$e been !lanted. -or %y#elf( ) "ould rather ha$e a bare and o!en !a#ture than #uch a yard a# that #ho"n in -ig. 2( e$en though it contained the choice#t !lant# of e$ery land. The !a#ture "ould at lea#t be !lain and re#tful and un!retentiou#G but the yard "ould be full of effort and fidget. 0educed to a #ingle e/!re##ion( all thi# %ean# that the greate#t arti#tic $alue in !lanting lie# in the effect of the %a##( and not in the indi$idual !lant. 6 %a## ha# the greater $alue becau#e it !re#ent# a %uch greater range and $ariety of for%#( color#( #hade#( and te/ture#( becau#e it ha# #ufficient e/tent or di%en#ion# to add #tructural character to a !lace( and becau#e it# feature# are #o continuou# and #o "ell blended that the %ind i# not di#tracted by incidental and irrele$ant idea#. T"o !icture# "ill illu#trate all thi#. -igure# 18( 11 are !icture# of natural co!#e#. The for%er #tretche# along a field and %ake# a la"n of a bit of %eado" "hich lie# in front of it. The land#ca!e ha# beco%e #o #%all and #o "ell defined by thi# bank of $erdure that it ha# a fa%iliar and !er#onal feeling. The great( bare( o!en %eado"# are too illAdefined and too e/tended to gi$e any do%e#tic feelingG but here i# a !art of the %eado" #et off into an area that one can co%!a## "ith hi# affection#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 18 6 nati$e fenceAro"< :)lu#tration5 -ig. 11 Bird# build their ne#t# here<

:)llu#tration5 -ig. 17. 6 freeAandAea#y !lanting of thing# "ild and ta%e.< The#e %a##e# in -ig#. 18( 11( and 17 ha$e their o"n intrin#ic %erit#( a# "ell a# their office in defining a bit of nature. =ne i# attracted by the freedo% of arrange%ent( the irregularity of #kyAline( the bold bay# and !ro%ontorie#( and the infinite !lay of light and #hade. The ob#er$er i# intere#ted in each becau#e it ha# character( or feature#( that no other %a## in all the "orld !o##e##e#. He kno"# that the bird# build their ne#t# in the tangle and the rabbit# find it a co$ert. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1?. 6n o!en treat%ent of a #choolAground. More tree# %ight be !laced in the area( if de#ired.< Co" let the reader turn to -ig. 2( "hich i# a !icture of an 'i%!ro$ed' city yard. Here there i# no #tructural outline to the !lanting( no defining of the area( no continuou# flo" of the for% and color. E$ery bu#h i# "hat e$ery other one i# or %ay be( and there are hundred# like the% in the #a%e to"n. The bird# #hun the%. =nly the bug# find any ha!!ine## in the%. The !lace ha# no funda%ental de#ign or idea( no la"n u!on "hich a !icture %ay be con#tructed. Thi# yard i# like a #entence or a con$er#ation in "hich e$ery "ord i# eIually e%!ha#iEed. )n bold contra#t "ith thi# yard i# the o!enAcenter treat%ent in -ig. 1?. Here there i# !ictorial effectG and there i# o!!ortunity along the border# to di#tribute tree# and #hrub# that %ay be de#ired a# indi$idual #!eci%en#. The %oti$e that #hear# the tree# al#o raEe# the co!#e( in order that the gardener or 'i%!ro$er' %ay #ho" hi# art. o%!are -ig#. 1K and 19. Many !er#on# #ee% to fear that they "ill ne$er be kno"n to the "orld unle## they e/!end a great a%ount of %u#cle or do #o%ething e%!hatic or #!ectacularG and their fear# are u#ually "ell founded. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1K. 6 rill %uch a# nature %ade it.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 19. 6 rill 'i%!ro$ed(' #o that it "ill not look 'ragged' and unke%!t.< )t i# not enough that tree# and bu#he# be !lanted in %a##e#. They %u#t be ke!t in %a##e# by letting the% gro" freely in a natural "ay. The !runingAknife i# the %o#t in$eterate ene%y of #hrubbery. Picture# 1L and 13 illu#trate "hat ) %ean. The for%er re!re#ent# a good grou! of bu#he# #o far a# arrange%ent i# concernedG but it ha# been ruined by the #hear#. The attention of the ob#er$er i# in#tantly arre#ted by the indi$idual bu#he#. )n#tead of one free and e/!re##i$e object( there are #e$eral #tiff and e/!re##ionle## one#. )f the ob#er$er #to!# to con#ider hi# o"n thought# "hen he co%e# u!on #uch a collection( he "ill likely find hi%#elf counting the bu#he#G or( at lea#t( he "ill be %aking %ental co%!ari#on# of the $ariou# bu#he#( and "ondering "hy they are not all #heared to be e/actly alike. -igure 13 #ho"# ho" the #a%e 'arti#t' ha# treated t"o deutEia# and a juni!er. Much the #a%e effect could ha$e been #ecured( and "ith %uch le## trouble( by laying t"o flour barrel# end to end and #tanding a third one bet"een the%. :)llu#tration5 1L. The %aking of a good grou!( but #!oiled by the !runing #hear#.< :)llu#tration5 13. The three guard#%en.<

) %u#t ha#ten to #ay that ) ha$e not the #lighte#t objection to the #hearing of tree#. The only trouble i# in calling the !ractice art and in !utting the tree# "here !eo!le %u#t #ee the% (unle## they are !art of a recogniEed for%alAgarden de#ign). )f the o!erator #i%!ly call# the bu#ine## #hearing( and !ut# the thing# "here he and other# "ho like the% %ay #ee the%( objection could not be rai#ed. So%e !er#on# like !ainted #tone#( other# iron bulldog# in the front yard and the "ord '"elco%e' "orked into the doorA%at( and other# like barbered tree#. So long a# the#e like# are !urely !er#onal( it "ould #ee% to be better ta#te to !ut #uch curio#itie# in the back yard( "here the o"ner %ay ad%ire the% "ithout %ole#tation. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1> 6 bit of #e%iAru#tic "ork built into a nati$e gro"th< There i# a !er#i#tent de#ire a%ong "ork%en to #hear and to tri%5 it di#!lay# their indu#try. )t i# a great thing to be able to allo" the freedo% of nature to re%ain. The arti#t often build# hi# #tructure# into a nati$e !lanting (a# in -ig. 1>) rather than to tru#t hi%#elf to !roduce a good re#ult by !lanting on raEed #urface#. )n thi# di#cu##ion( ) ha$e tried to enforce the i%!ortance of the o!en center in nonAfor%al ho%e ground# in green#"ard region#. =f cour#e thi# doe# not %ean that there %ay not be central !lanting in !articular ca#e# "here the condition# di#tinctly call for it nor that there %ay not be tree# on the la"n. )f one ha# the !lacing of the tree#( he %ay #ee that they are not #cattered ai%le##lyG but if good tree# are already gro"ing on the !lace( it "ould be folly to think of re%o$ing the% %erely becau#e they are not in the be#t ideal !o#ition#G in #uch ca#e( it %ay be $ery nece##ary to ada!t the treat%ent of the area to the tree#. The ho%eA%aker #hould al"ay# con#ider( al#o( the !lanting of a fe" tree# in #uch !lace# a# to #hade and !rotect the re#idence5 the %ore clo#ely they can be %ade a !art of the general de#ign or handling of the !lace( the better the re#ult# "ill be. + + + + +

JThe flo"erAgro"ing #hould be !art of the de#ign.J ) do not %ean to di#courage the u#e of brilliant flo"er# and bright foliage and #triking for%# of $egetationG but the#e thing# are ne$er !ri%ary con#ideration# in a good do%ain. The #tructural ele%ent# of the !lace are de#igned fir#t. The flanking and bordering %a##e# are then !lanted. -inally the flo"er# and acce##orie# are !ut in( a# a hou#e i# !ainted after it i# built. -lo"er# a!!ear to be#t ad$antage "hen #een again#t a background of foliage( and they are then( al#o( an integral !art of the !icture. The flo"erAgarden( a# #uch( #hould be at the rear or #ide of a !lace( a# all other !er#onal a!!urtenance# areG but flo"er# and bright lea$e# %ay be freely #cattered along the border# and near the foliage %a##e#. )t i# a co%%on #aying that %any !er#on# ha$e no lo$e or a!!reciation of flo"er#( but it i# !robably nearer to the truth to #ay that no !er#on i# "holly lacking in thi# re#!ect. E$en tho#e !er#on# "ho declare that they care nothing for flo"er# are generally decei$ed by their di#like of flo"erAbed# and the con$entional %ethod# of flo"erAgro"ing. ) kno" %any !er#on# "ho #toutly deny any liking for flo"er#( but "ho( ne$erthele##( are rejoiced "ith the blo##o%ing of the orchard# and the !ur!ling of the

clo$er field#. The fault %ay not lie #o %uch "ith the !er#on# the%#el$e# a# "ith the %ethod# of gro"ing and di#!laying the flo"er#. &efect# in flo"erAgro"ing. The greate#t defect "ith our flo"erAgro"ing i# the #tingine## of it. ,e gro" our flo"er# a# if they "ere the choice#t raritie#( to be coddled in a hotbed or under a bellAjar( and then to be e/hibited a# #ingle #!eci%en# in #o%e little !inched and ridiculou# hole cut in the turf( or !erched u!on an antAhill that #o%e gardener ha# laboriou#ly hea!ed oh a la"n. Cature( on the other hand( gro"# %any of her flo"er# in the %o#t lu/uriou# abandon( and one can !ick an ar%ful "ithout offen#e. She gro"# her flo"er# in earne#t( a# a %an gro"# a cro! of corn. =ne can re$el in the color and the fragrance and be #ati#fied. The ne/t defect "ith our flo"erAgro"ing i# the flo"erAbed. Cature ha# no ti%e to %ake flo"erAbed de#ign#5 #he i# bu#y gro"ing flo"er#. 6nd( then( if #he "ere gi$en to flo"erAbed#( the "hole effect "ould be lo#t( for #he could no longer be lu/uriou# and "anton( and if a flo"er "ere !icked her "hole #che%e %ight be u!#et. )%agine a geraniu%Abed or a coleu#Abed( "ith it# "onderful 'de#ign(' #et out into a "ood or in a free and o!en land#ca!e4 E$en the bird# "ould laugh at it4 ,hat ) "ant to #ay i# that "e #hould gro" flo"er# freely "hen "e %ake a flo"erAgarden. ,e #hould ha$e enough of the% to %ake the effort "orth the "hile. ) #y%!athiEe "ith the %an "ho like# #unflo"er#. There are enough of the% to be "orth looking at. They fill the eye. Co" #ho" thi# %an ten feet #Iuare of !ink# or a#ter#( or dai#ie#( all gro"ing free and ea#y and he "ill tell you that he like# the%. 6ll thi# ha# a !articular a!!lication to the far%er( "ho i# often #aid to di#like flo"er#. He gro"# !otatoe# and buck"heat and "eed# by the acre5 t"o or three unha!!y !ink# or geraniu%# are not enough to %ake an i%!re##ion. La"n flo"erAbed#. The ea#ie#t "ay to #!oil a good la"n i# to !ut a flo"erAbed in itG and the %o#t effecti$e "ay in "hich to #ho" off flo"er# to the lea#t ad$antage i# to !lant the% in a bed in the green#"ard. -lo"er# need a background. ,e do not hang our !icture# on fenceA!o#t#. )f flo"er# are to be gro"n on a la"n( let the% be of the hardy kind( "hich can be naturaliEed in the #od and "hich gro" freely in the tall un%o"n gra##G or el#e !erennial# of #uch nature that they %ake attracti$e clu%!# by the%#el$e#. La"n# #hould be free and generou#( but the %ore they are cut u! and "orried "ith tri$ial effect#( the #%aller and %eaner they look. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 12 HoleAinAtheAground gardening< But e$en if "e con#ider the#e la"n flo"erAbed# "holly a!art fro% their #urrounding#( "e %u#t ad%it that they are at be#t un#ati#factory. )t generally a%ount# to thi#( that "e ha$e four %onth# of #!ar#e and do"nca#t $egetation( one %onth of li%! and fro#tAbitten !lant#( and #e$en %onth# of bare earth (-ig 12) ) a% not no" o!!o#ing the car!etAbed# "hich !rofe##ional gardener# %ake in !ark# and other %u#eu%#. ) like %u#eu%#( and #o%e of the car!etAbed# and #et !iece# are 'fearfully and "onderfully %ade' (#ee -ig 78) ) a% directing %y re%ark# to tho#e hu%ble ho%eA%ade flo"erAbed# that are #o co%%on in la"n# of country and city ho%e# alike. The#e bed# are cut fro% the good fre#h turf( often in the %o#t fanta#tic de#ign#( and are filled "ith #uch !lant# a# the "o%en of the !lace %ay be able to carry o$er in cellar# or

in the "indo". The !lant# the%#el$e# %ay look $ery "ell in !ot#( but "hen they are turned out of door#( they ha$e a #orry ti%e for a %onth ada!ting the%#el$e# to the #un and "ind#( and it i# generally "ell on to"ard# %id#u%%er before they begin to co$er the earth. &uring all the#e "eek# they ha$e de%anded %ore ti%e and labor than "ould ha$e been needed to care for a !lantation of %uch greater #iEe and "hich "ould ha$e gi$en flo"er# e$ery day fro% the ti%e the bird# began to ne#t in the #!ring until the la#t robin had flo"n in Co$e%ber. :)llu#tration5 78. ,orth !aying ad%ittance !rice to #ee4< -lo"erAborder#. ,e #hould acIuire the habit of #!eaking of the flo"erAborder. The border !lanting of "hich "e ha$e #!oken #et# bound# to the !lace( and %ake# it oneH# o"n. The !er#on li$e# in#ide hi# !lace( not on it. 6long the#e border#( again#t grou!#( often by the corner# of the re#idence or in front of !orche#AAthe#e are !lace# for flo"er#. Ten flo"er# again#t a background are %ore effecti$e than a hundred in the o!en yard. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 71 6n arti#tH# flo"er border< ) ha$e a#ked a !rofe##ional arti#t( Mr. Mathe"#( to dra" %e the kind of a flo"erAbed that he like#. )t i# #ho"n in -ig. 71. )t i# a border(AAa #tri! of land t"o or three feet "ide along a fence. Thi# i# the !lace "here !ig"eed# u#ually gro". Here he ha# !lanted %arigold#( gladiolu#( golden rod( "ild a#ter#( hina a#ter#( andAAbe#t of allAAhollyhock#. 6ny one "ould like that flo"erAgarden )t ha# #o%e of that local and indefinable char% that al"ay# attache# to an 'oldAfa#hioned garden' "ith it# %edley of for% and color Cearly e$ery yard ha# #o%e #uch #tri! of land along a rear "alk or fence or again#t a building )t i# the ea#ie#t thing to !lant it(AAe$er #o %uch ea#ier than digging the characterle## geraniu% bed into the center of an inoffen#i$e la"n. The #ugge#tion# are carried further in 77 to 79. :)llu#tration5 77. Petunia# again#t a background of o#ier#.< :)llu#tration5 7?. 6 #o"ing of flo"er# along a %arginal !lanting.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 7K. 6n o!en back yard. -lo"er# %ay be thro"n in freely along the border#( but they "ould #!oil the la"n if !laced in it# center.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 79. 6 flo"er garden at the rear or one #ide of the !lace.< The oldAfa#hioned garden. S!eaking of the oldAfa#hioned garden recall# one of ,illia% -alconerH# e/cellent !aragra!h# ('Gardening(' Co$e%ber 19( 1>23( !. 39)5 ',e tried it in Schenley Park thi# year. ,e needed a handy du%!ing ground( and hit on the head of a dee! ra$ine bet"een t"o "ood#G into it "e du%!ed hundred# u!on hundred# of "agon load# of rock and clay( filling it near to the to!( then #urfaced it "ith good #oil. Here "e !lanted #o%e #hrub#( and broadca#t a%ong the% #et out #carlet !o!!ie#( e#ch#choltEia#( d"arf na#turtiu%#( #na!dragon#( !an#ie#( %arigold#( and all %anner of hardy herbaceou# !lant#( ha$ing enough of each #ort to %ake a %a## of it# kind and color( and the effect "a# fine. )n the %iddle "a# a !lantation of hundred# of clu%!# of Ba!an and Ger%an iri#e#

inter!lanted( thence #ucceeded by thou#and# of gladioli( and banded "ith %ontbretia#( fro% "hich "e had flo"er# till fro#t. The #tee! face of thi# hill "a# graded a little and a #erie# of "inding #tone #te!# #et into it( %aking the de#cent into the hollo" Iuite ea#yG the #tone# "ere the rough une$en #lab# #ecured in bla#ting the rock# "hen grading in other !art# of the !ark( and both along outer edge# of the #te!# and the #ide# of the u!!er "alk a "ide belt of %o## !ink "a# !lantedG and the bank# all about "ere !lanted "ith #hrub#( $ine#( "ild ro#e#( colu%bine#( and other !lant#. More ca%era# and kodak# "ere le$eled by $i#itor# at thi# !iece of gardening than at any other #!ot in the !ark( and #till "e had acre# of !ainted #u%%er bed#.' ontent# of the flo"erAborder#. There i# no !re#cribed rule a# to "hat one #hould !ut into the#e infor%al flo"erAborder#. Put in the% the !lant# you like. Perha!# the greater !art of the% #hould be !erennial# that co%e u! of the%#el$e# e$ery #!ring( and that are hardy and reliable. ,ild flo"er# are !articularly effecti$e. E$ery one kno"# that %any of the nati$e herb# of "ood# and glade# are %ore attracti$e than #o%e of the %o#t !riEed garden flo"er#. The greater !art of the#e nati$e flo"er# gro" readily in culti$ation( #o%eti%e# e$en in !lace# "hich( in #oil and e/!o#ure( are %uch unlike their nati$e haunt#. Many of the% %ake thickened root#( and they %ay be #afely tran#!lanted at any ti%e after the flo"er# ha$e !a##ed. To %o#t !er#on# the "ild flo"er# are le## kno"n than %any e/otic# that ha$e #%aller %erit( and the e/ten#ion of culti$ation i# con#tantly tending to annihilate the%. Here( then( in the infor%al flo"erAborder( i# an o!!ortunity to re#cue the%. Then one %ay #o" in freely of ea#yAgro"ing annual#( a# %arigold#( hina a#ter#( !etunia# and !hlo/e#( and #"eet !ea#. =ne of the ad$antage# of the#e border# lying at the boundary i# that they are al"ay# ready to recei$e %ore !lant#( unle## they are full. That i#( their #y%%etry i# not %arred if #o%e !lant# are !ulled out and other# are !ut in. 6nd if the "eed# no" and then get a #tart( $ery little har% i# done. Such a border half full of "eed# i# hand#o%er than the a$erage holeAinAtheAla"n geraniu% bed. 6n a%!le border %ay recei$e "ild !lant# e$ery %onth in the year "hen the fro#t i# out of the ground. Plant# are dug in the "ood# or field#( "hene$er one i# on an e/cur#ion( e$en if in Buly. The to!# are cut off( the root# ke!t %oi#t until they are !laced in the borderG %o#t of the#e %uchAabu#ed !lant# "ill gro". To be #ure( one "ill #ecure #o%e "eed#G but then( the "eed# are a !art of the collection4 =f cour#e( #o%e !lant# "ill re#ent thi# treat%ent( but the border %ay be a ha!!y fa%ily( and be all the better and %ore !er#onal becau#e it i# the re#ult of %o%ent# of rela/ation. Such a border ha# #o%ething ne" and intere#ting e$ery %onth of the gro"ing #ea#onG and e$en in the "inter the tall clu%!# of gra##e# and a#terA#te%# hold their banner# abo$e the #no" and are a #ource of delight to e$ery frolic#o%e be$y of #no"bird#. ) ha$e #!oken of a "eedland to #ugge#t ho" #i%!le and ea#y a thing it i# to %ake an attracti$e %a##A!lantation. =ne %ay %ake the %o#t of a rock (-ig. 7L) or bank( or other unde#irable feature of the !lace. &ig u! the ground and %ake it rich( and then #et !lant# in it. *ou "ill not get it to #uit you the fir#t year( and !erha!# not the #econd or the thirdG you can al"ay# !ull out !lant# and !ut %ore in. ) #hould not "ant a la"nAgarden #o !erfect that ) could not change it in #o%e character each yearG ) #hould lo#e intere#t in it.

:)llu#tration5 7L. Making the %o#t of a rock.< )t %u#t not be under#tood that ) a% #!eaking only for %i/ed border#. =n the contrary( it i# %uch better in %o#t ca#e# that each border or bed be do%inated by the e/!re##ion of one kind of flo"er or bu#h. )n one !lace a !er#on %ay de#ire a "ild a#ter effect( or a !etunia effect( or a lark#!ur effect( or a rhododendron effectG or it %ay be de#irable to run hea$ily to #trong foliage effect# in one direction and to light flo"er effect# in another. The %i/ed border i# rather %ore a flo"erAgarden idea than a land#ca!e ideaG "hen it #hall be de#irable to e%!ha#iEe the one and "hen the other( cannot be #et do"n in a book. JThe $alue of !lant# %ay lie in foliage and for% rather than in bloo%.J ,hat kind# of #hrub# and flo"er# to !lant i# a "holly #econdary and largely a !er#onal con#ideration. The %ain !lanting# are %ade u! of hardy and $igorou# #!ecie#G then the thing# that you like are added. There i# endle## choice in the #!ecie#( but the arrange%ent or di#!o#ition of the !lant# i# far %ore i%!ortant than the kind#G and the foliage and for% of the !lant are u#ually of %ore i%!ortance than it# bloo%. The a!!reciation of foliage effect# in the land#ca!e i# a higher ty!e of feeling than the de#ire for %ere color. -lo"er# are tran#itory( but foliage and !lant for%# are abiding. The co%%on ro#e# ha$e $ery little $alue for land#ca!e !lanting becau#e the foliage and habit of the ro#eAbu#h are not attracti$e( the lea$e# are in$eterately attacked by bug#( and the blo##o%# are fleeting. So%e of the "ild ro#e# and the Ba!ane#e J0o#a rugo#a(J ho"e$er( ha$e di#tinct %erit for %a## effect#. E$en the co%%on flo"er#( a# %arigold( Einnia#( and gaillardia#( are intere#ting a# !lant for%# long before they co%e into bloo%. To %any !er#on# the %o#t #ati#fying e!och in the garden i# that !receding the bloo%( for the habit# and #tature of the !lant# are then unob#cured. The early #tage# of lilie#( daffodil#( and all !erennial# are %o#t intere#tingG and one ne$er a!!reciate# a garden until he realiEe# that thi# i# #o. :)llu#tration5 73. The !lantAfor% in a !erennial #al$ia.< Co" let the reader( "ith the#e #ugge#tion# in %ind( ob#er$e for one "eek the !lantAfor%# in the hu%ble herb# that he %eet#( "hether the#e herb# are #trong garden !lant# or the #triking #cul!turing of %ullein#( burdock#( and ji%#onA"eed. -igure# 73 to ?1 "ill be #ugge#ti$e. :)llu#tration5 7>. -unkia( or dayAlily. ,here lie# the chief intere#t(AAin the !lantAfor% or in the bloo%M< :)llu#tration5 72. 6 largeAlea$ed nicotiana.< :)llu#tration5 ?8. The a"k"ard century !lant that ha# been laboriou#ly carried o$er "inter year by year in the cellar5 co%!are "ith other !lant# here #ho"n a# to it# $alue a# a la"n #ubject.< ,ild bu#he# are nearly al"ay# attracti$e in for% and habit "hen !lanted in border# and grou!#. They i%!ro$e in a!!earance under culti$ation becau#e they are gi$en a better chance to gro". )n "ild nature there i# #uch fierce #truggle for e/i#tence that !lant# u#ually gro" to fe" or #ingle #te%#( and they are #!ar#e and #craggly in for%G but once gi$en

all the roo% they "ant and a good #oil( they beco%e lu/uriou#( full( and co%ely. )n %o#t ho%e ground# in the country the body of the !lanting %ay be $ery effecti$ely co%!o#ed of bu#he# taken fro% the adjacent "ood# and field#. The %a##e# %ay then be enli$ened by the addition here and there of culti$ated bu#he#( and the !lanting of flo"er# and herb# about the border#. )t i# not e##ential that one kno" the na%e# of the#e "ild bu#he#( although a kno"ledge of their botanical kin#hi!# "ill add greatly to the !lea#ure of gro"ing the%. Ceither "ill they look co%%on "hen tran#ferred to the la"n. There are not %any !er#on# "ho kno" e$en the co%%one#t "ild bu#he# inti%ately( and the thing# change #o %uch in look# "hen re%o$ed to rich ground that fe" ho%eA%aker# recogniEe the%. :)llu#tration5 -ig. ?1. Making a !icture "ith rhubarb.< =dd and for%al tree#. )t i# but a corollary of thi# di#cu##ion to #ay that !lant# "hich are #i%!ly odd or grote#Iue or unu#ual #hould be u#ed "ith the greate#t caution( for they introduce e/traneou# and jarring effect#. They are little in #y%!athy "ith a land#ca!e garden. 6n arti#t "ould not care to !aint an e$ergreen that i# #heared into #o%e grote#Iue #ha!e. )t i# only curiou#( and #ho"# "hat a %an "ith !lenty of ti%e and long !runing #hear# can acco%!li#h. 6 "ee!ing tree (!articularly of a #%allAgro"ing #!ecie#) i# u#ually #een to be#t ad$antage "hen it #tand# again#t a grou! or %a## of foliage (-ig. ?7)( a# a !ro%ontory( adding Ee#t and #!irit to the borderG it then ha# relation "ith the !lace. :)llu#tration5 -ig ?7. 6 "ee!ing tree at one #ide of the ground# and #u!!orted by a background.< Thi# lead# %e to #!eak of the !lanting of the Lo%bardy !o!lar( "hich %ay be taken a# a ty!e of the for%al tree( and a# an illu#tration of "hat ) %ean to e/!re##. )t# chief %erit# to the a$erage !lanter are the Iuickne## of it# gro"th and the readine## "ith "hich it %ulti!lie# by #!rout#. But in the Corth it i# likely to be a #hortAli$ed tree( it #uffer# fro% #tor%#( and it ha# fe" really u#eful Iualitie#. )t %ay be u#ed to #o%e ad$antage in "indbreak# for !each orchard# and other #hortAli$ed !lantation#G but after a fe" year# a #creen of Lo%bardie# begin# to fail( and the habit of #uckering fro% the root add# to it# unde#irable feature#. -or #hade it ha# little %erit( and for ti%ber none. Per#on# like it becau#e it i# #triking( and thi#( in an arti#tic #en#e( i# it# gra$e#t fault. )t i# unlike anything el#e in our land#ca!e( and doe# not fit into our #cenery "ell. 6 ro" of Lo%bardie# along a road#ide i# like a ro" of e/cla%ation !oint#4 :)llu#tration5 ).. Subtro!ical bedding again#t a building. aladiu%#( canna#( abutilon#( !er%anent rhododendron#( and other large #tuff( "ith tuberou# begonia# and bal#a%# bet"een.< But the Lo%bardy can often be u#ed to good effect a# one factor in a grou! of tree#( "here it# #!ireAlike #ha!e( to"ering abo$e the #urrounding foliage( %ay lend a #!irited char% to the land#ca!e. )t co%bine# "ell in #uch grou!# if it #tand# in $i#ual nearne## to chi%ney# or other tall for%al object#. Then it gi$e# a #ort of architectural fini#h and #!irit to a grou!G but the effect i# generally le##ened( if not altogether #!oiled( in #%all !lace#( if %ore than one Lo%bardy i# in $ie". =ne or t"o #!eci%en# %ay often be u#ed to gi$e $igor to hea$y !lantation# about lo" building#( and the effect i# generally be#t if they are #een beyond or at the rear of the building. Cote the u#e that

the arti#t ha# %ade of the% in the background# in -ig#. 17( 1?( and K?. Po!lar# and the like. 6nother defect in co%%on orna%ental !lanting( "hich i# "ell illu#trated in the u#e of !o!lar#( i# the de#ire for !lant# %erely becau#e they gro" ra!idly. 6 $ery ra!idAgro"ing tree nearly al"ay# !roduce# chea! effect#. Thi# i# "ell illu#trated in the co%%on !lanting of "illo"# and !o!lar# about #u%%er !lace# or lake #hore#. Their effect i# al%o#t "holly one of thinne## and te%!orarine##. There i# little that #ugge#t# #trength or durability in "illo"# and !o!lar#( and for thi# rea#on they #hould u#ually be e%!loyed a# %inor or #econdary feature# in orna%ental or ho%e ground#. ,hen Iuick re#ult# are de#ired( nothing i# better to !lant than the#e tree#G but better tree#( a# %a!le#( oak#( or el%#( #hould be !lanted "ith the%( and the !o!lar# and "illo"# #hould be re%o$ed a# ra!idly a# the other #!ecie# begin to afford !rotection. ,hen the !lantation finally a##u%e# it# !er%anent character#( a fe" of the re%aining !o!lar# and "illo"#( judiciou#ly left( %ay afford $ery e/cellent effect#G but no one "ho ha# an arti#tH# feeling "ould be content to con#truct the fra%e"ork of hi# !lace of the#e ra!idAgro"ing and #oftA"ooded tree#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. ??. 6 #!ring e/!re##ion "orth #ecuring. atkin# of the #%all !o!lar.< ) ha$e #aid that the legiti%ate u#e of !o!lar# in orna%ental ground# i# in the !roduction of %inor or #econdary effect#. 6# a rule( they are le## ada!ted to i#olated !lanting a# #!eci%en tree# than to u#ing in co%!o#ition(AAthat i#( a# !art# of general grou!# of tree#( "here their character# #er$e to break the %onotony of hea$ier for%# and hea$ier foliage. The !o!lar# are gay tree#( a# a rule( e#!ecially tho#e( like the a#!en#( that ha$e a tre%bling foliage. Their lea$e# are bright and the treeAto!# are thin. The co%%on a#!en or '!o!!le(' JPo!ulu# tre%uloide#(J of our "ood#( i# a %eritoriou# little tree for certain effect#. )t# dangling catkin# (-ig. ??)( light( dancing foliage( and #il$erAgray li%b#( are al"ay# cheering( and it# autu%n color i# one of the !ure#t goldenAyello"# of our land#ca!e. )t i# good to #ee a tree of it #tanding out in front of a grou! of %a!le# or e$ergreen#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. ?K. PlantAfor% in cherrie#.AA0eine Horten#e.< PlantAfor%#. Before one attain# to great #en#iti$ene## in the a!!reciation of garden#( he learn# to di#tingui#h !lant# by their for%#. Thi# i# !articularly true for tree# and #hrub#. Each #!ecie# ha# it# o"n 'e/!re##ion(' "hich i# deter%ined by the #iEe that i# natural to it( %ode of branching( for% of to!( t"ig character#( bark character#( foliage character#( and to #o%e e/tent it# flo"er and fruit character#. )t i# a u#eful !ractice for one to train hi# eye by learning the difference in e/!re##ion of the tree# of different $arietie# of cherrie# or !ear# or a!!le# or other fruit#( if he ha# acce## to a !lantation of the%. The difference# in cherrie# and !ear# are $ery %arked (-ig#. ?KA?L). He %ay al#o contra#t and co%!are carefully the kind# of any tree or #hrub of "hich there are t"o or three #!ecie# in the neighborhood( learning to di#tingui#h the% "ithout clo#e e/a%inationG a# the #ugar %a!le( red %a!le( #oft %a!le( and Cor"ay %a!le (if it i# !lanted)G the "hite or 6%erican el%( the cork el%( the #li!!ery el%( the !lanted Euro!ean el%#G the a#!en( largeAtoothed !o!lar( cotton"ood( bal%

of gilead( arolina !o!lar( Lo%bardy !o!larG the %ain #!ecie# of oak#G the hickorie#G and the like. :)llu#tration5 -ig. ?9. Morello cherry.< )t "ill not be long before the ob#er$er learn# that %any of the tree and #hrub character# are %o#t %arked in "interG and he "ill begin uncon#ciou#ly to add the "inter to hi# year. :)llu#tration5 -ig. ?L. May &uke cherry.< J.ariou# #!ecific e/a%!le#.J The foregoing re%ark# "ill %ean %ore if the reader i# #ho"n #o%e concrete e/a%!le#. ) ha$e cho#en a fe" ca#e#( not becau#e they are the be#t( or e$en becau#e they are al"ay# good enough for %odel#( but becau#e they lie in %y "ay and illu#trate "hat ) de#ire to teach. 6 front yard e/a%!le. :)llu#tration5 ?3. The !lanting in a #i%!le front yard.< ,e "ill fir#t look at a $ery ordinary front yard. )t contained no !lant#( e/ce!t a !ear tree #tanding near the corner of the hou#e. -our year# later #ee# the yard a# #ho"n in -ig. ?3. 6n e/ochorda i# the large bu#h in the $ery foreground( and the !orch foundation i# #creened and a border i# thereby gi$en to the la"n. The length of thi# !lanting fro% end to end i# about fourteen feet( "ith a !rojection to"ard# the front on the left of ten feet. )n the bay at the ba#e of thi# !rojection the !lanting i# only t"o feet "ide or dee!( and fro% here it gradually #"ing# out to the #te!#( eight feet "ide. The !ro%inent largeAlea$ed !lant near the #te!# i# a bra%ble( J0ubu# odoratu#(J $ery co%%on in the neighborhood( and it i# a choice !lant for decorati$e !lanting( "hen it i# ke!t under control. The !lant# in thi# border in front of the !orch are all fro% the "ild( and co%!ri#e a !rickly a#h( #e$eral !lant# of t"o "ild o#ier# or dog"ood#( a #!ice bu#h( ro#e( "ild #unflo"er# and a#ter# and goldenArod#. The !ro%ontory at the left i# a %ore a%bitiou# but le## effecti$e %a##. )t contain# an e/ochorda( a reed( $ariegated elder( #acaline( $ariegated dog"ood( tan#y( and a young tree of "ild crab. 6t the rear of the !lantation( ne/t the hou#e( one #ee# the !ear tree. The be#t #ingle !art of the !lanting i# the reed (J6rundo &ona/J) o$erto!!ing the e/ochorda. The !hotogra!h "a# taken early in #u%%er( before the reed had beco%e con#!icuou#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. ?>. Plan of the !lanting #ho"n in -ig. ?3.< 6 ground !lan of thi# !lanting i# #ho"n in -ig. ?>. 6t 6 i# the "alk and B the #te!#. 6n o!ening at & #er$e# a# a !a##age. The %ain !lanting( in front of the !orch( fourteen feet long( recei$ed t"el$e !lant#( #o%e of "hich ha$e no" #!read into large clu%!#. 6t 1 i# a large bu#h of o#ier( J ornu# Baileyi(J one of the be#t redA#te%%ed bu#he#. 6t 7 i# a %a## of J0ubu# odoratu#GJ at 9 a#ter# and goldenArod#G at ? a clu%! of "ild #unflo"er#. The !rojecting !lanting on the left co%!ri#e# about ten !lant#( of "hich K i# e/ochorda( L i# arundo or reed( at the back of "hich i# a large clu%! of #acaline( and 3 i# a $ariegatedAlea$ed elder. 6nother e/a%!le. 6 back yard i# #ho"n in -ig. ?2. The o"ner "anted a tenni# court( and

the yard i# #o #%all a# not to allo" of "ide !lanting at the border#. Ho"e$er( #o%ething could be done. =n the left i# a "eedland border( "hich for%ed the ba#i# of the di#cu##ion of "ild !lant# on !age ?9. )n the fir#t !lace( a good la"n "a# %ade. )n the #econd !lace( no "alk# or dri$e# "ere laid in the area. The dri$e for grocer#H "agon# and coal i# #een in the rear( ninety feet fro% the hou#e. -ro% ) to B i# the "eedland( #e!arating the area fro% the neighborH# !re%i#e#. Cear ) i# a clu%! of ro#e#. 6t D i# a large bunch of goldenArod#. H %ark# a clu%! of yucca. G i# a cabin( co$ered "ith $ine# on the front. -ro% G to - i# an irregular border( about #i/ feet "ide( containing barberrie#( for#ythia#( "ild elder( and other bu#he#. & E i# a #creen of 0u##ian %ulberry( #etting off the clothe# yard fro% the front la"n. Cear the back !orch( at the end of the #creen( i# an arbor co$ered "ith "ild gra!e#( %aking a !layAhou#e for the children. 6 clu%! of lilac# #tand# at 6. 6t B i# a $ineAco$ered #creen( #er$ing a# a ha%%ock #u!!ort. The la"n %ade and the !lanting done( it "a# ne/t nece##ary to lay the "alk#. The#e are "holly infor%al affair#( %ade by #inking a !lank ten inche# "ide into the ground to a le$el "ith the #od. The border !lanting# of thi# yard are too #traight and regular for the %o#t arti#tic re#ult#( but #uch "a# nece##ary in order not to encroach u!on the central #!ace. *et the reader "ill no doubt agree that thi# yard i# %uch better than it could be %ade by any #y#te% of #cattered and #!otted !lanting. Let hi% i%agine ho" a glo"ing car!etAbed "ould look #et do"n in the center of thi# la"n4 :)llu#tration5 -ig. ?2. &iagra% of a backAyard !lanting. 98 / 28 feet.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. K8. The beginning of a land#ca!e garden.< 6 third e/a%!le. The %aking of a land#ca!e !icture i# "ell illu#trated in -ig#. K8( K1. The for%er #ho"# a #%all clay field (#e$entyAfi$e feet "ide( and three hundred feet dee!)( "ith a barn at the rear. )n front of the barn i# a #creen of "illo"#. The ob#er$er i# looking fro% the d"ellingAhou#e. The area ha# been !lo"ed and #eeded for a la"n. The o!erator ha# then %arked out a de$iou# line u!on either border "ith a hoe handle( and all the #!ace bet"een the#e border# ha# been gone o$er "ith a garden roller to %ark the area of the de#ired green#"ard. The border# are no" !lanted "ith a $ariety of #%all tree#( bu#he#( and herb#. -i$e year# later the $ie" #ho"n in -ig. K1 "a# taken. :)llu#tration5 -ig. K1. The re#ult in fi$e year#.< 6 #%all back yard. 6 back yard i# #ho"n in -ig. K7. )t i# a!!ro/i%ately #i/ty feet #Iuare. 6t !re#ent it contain# a dri$e( "hich i# unnece##ary( e/!en#i$e to kee! in re!air( and de#tructi$e of any atte%!t to %ake a !icture of the area. The !lace could be i%!ro$ed by !lanting it #o%e"hat after the %anner of -ig. K?. :)llu#tration5 -ig. K7. 6 %eaningle## backAyard !lanting( and an unnece##ary dri$e.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. K?. Sugge#tion# for i%!ro$ing -ig. K7.< 6 city lot.

6 !lan of a city lot i# gi$en in -ig. KK. The area i# fifty by one hundred( and the hou#e occu!ie# the greater !art of the "idth. )t i# le$el( but the #urrounding land i# higher( re#ulting in a #har! terrace( three or four feet high( on the rear( E &. Thi# terrace $ani#he# at on the right( but e/tend# nearly the "hole length of the other #ide( gradually di%ini#hing a# it a!!roache# 6. There i# a terrace t"o feet high e/tending fro% 6 to B( along the front. Beyond the line E & i# the rear of an e#tabli#h%ent "hich it i# de#ired to hide. Since the terrace# #et definite border# to thi# little !lace( it i# de#irable to !lant the boundarie# rather hea$ily. )f the adjoining la"n# "ere on the #a%e le$el( or if the neighbor# "ould allo" one area to be %erged into the other by !lea#ant #lo!e#( the three yard# %ight be %ade into one !ictureG but the !lace %u#t re%ain i#olated. :)llu#tration5 .. 6 #ubtro!ical bed. enter of canna#( "ith border of JPenni#etu% longi#tylu%J (a gra##) #tarted in late -ebruary or early March.< There are three !roble%# of #tructural !lanting in the !lace5 to !ro$ide a co$er or #creen at the rearG to !ro$ide lo"er border %a##e# on the #ide terrace#G to !lant ne/t the foundation# of the hou#e. 6#ide fro% the#e !roble%#( the gro"er i# entitled to ha$e a certain nu%ber of #!eci%en !lant#( if he ha# !articular liking for gi$en ty!e#( but the#e #!eci%en# %u#t be !lanted in #o%e relation to the #tructural %a##e#( and not in the %iddle of the la"n. :)llu#tration5 -ig. KK. Pre#ent outline of a city back yard( de#ired to be !lanted.< The o"ner de#ired a %i/ed !lanting( for $ariety. The follo"ing #hrub# "ere actually #elected and !lanted. The !lace i# in central Ce" *ork5AA JShrub# for the tall backgroundJ 7 Barberry( JBerberi# $ulgari#J and $ar. J!ur!urea.J 1 ornu# Ma#.

7 Tall deutEia#. ? Lilac#. 7 Mock orange#( JPhiladel!hu# grandifloru#J and JP. coronariu#.J 7 .ariegated elder#. 7 Eleagnu#( JEloeagnu# horten#i#J and JE. longi!e#.J 1 E/ochorda. 7 Hibi#cu#e#. 1 Pri$et. ? .iburnu%#. 1 Sno"ball.

1 Tartarian honey#uckle. 1 Sil$er Bell( JHale#ia tetra!tera.J The#e "ere !lanted on the #lo!ing bank of the terrace( fro% E to &. The terrace ha# an incline( or "idth( of about three feet. -igure K9 #ho"# thi# terrace after the !lanting "a# co%!leted( looking fro% the !oint . :)llu#tration5 -ig. K9. The !lanting of the terrace in -ig. KK.< JShrub# of %ediu% #iEe( #uitable for #ide !lanting# and grou!# in the foregoing e/a%!leJ ? Barberrie#( JBerberi# Thunbergii.J ? =#ier dog"ood#( $ariegated. 7 Ba!ane#e Iuince#( J ydonia Ba!onicaJ and J . Maulei.J K Tall deutEia#. 1 .ariegated elder. 3 ,eigela#( a##orted color#. 1 0hodoty!o#. 2 S!irea# of %ediu% gro"th( a##orted. 1 0ubu# odoratu#. 1 Lonicera fragranti##i%a. Mo#t of the#e #hrub# "ere !lanted in a border t"o feet "ide( e/tending fro% B to &( the !lanting beginning about ten feet back fro% the #treet. So%e of the% "ere !laced on the terrace at the left( e/tending fro% E oneAfourth of the di#tance to 6. The !lant# "ere #et about t"o feet a!art. 6 #trong clu%! "a# !laced at C to #creen the back yard. )n thi# back yard a fe" #%all fruit tree# and a #tra"berry bed "ere !lanted. JLo" infor%al #hrub# for front of !orch and banking again#t hou#eJ ? &eutEia gracili#. L Derria#( green and $ariegated. ? &a!hne MeEereu%. ? Lonicera Halliana. ? 0ubu# !hoenicola#iu#. ? Sy%!horicar!u# $ulgari#. K Mahonia#. 1 0ibe# aureu%.

1 0ibe# #anguineu%. 1 0ubu# crataegifoliu#. 1 0ubu# frutico#u# $ar. laciniatu#. The#e bu#he# "ere !lanted again#t the front of the hou#e (a !orch on a high foundation e/tend# to the right fro% =)( fro% the "alk around to P( and a fe" of the% "ere !laced at the rear of the hou#e. JS!eci%en #hrub# for %ere orna%ent( for thi# !laceJ 6Ealea. 0hododendron. 0o#e. 7 Hydrangea#. 1 Sno"ball. 1 each -or#ythia #u#!en#a and -. $iridi##i%a. 7 -lo"ering al%ond#. The#e "ere !lanted in con#!icuou# !lace# here and there again#t the other %a##e#. Here are one hundred e/cellent and intere#ting bu#he# !lanted in a yard only fifty feet "ide and one hundred feet dee!( and yet the !lace ha# a# %uch roo% in it a# it had before. There i# abundant o!!ortunity along the border# for dro!!ing in canna#( dahlia#( hollyhock#( a#ter#( geraniu%#( coleu#e#( and other brilliant !lant#. The bu#he# "ill #oon begin to cro"d( to be #ure( but a %a## i# "anted( and the narro"ne## of the !lantation# "ill allo" each bu#h to de$elo! it#elf laterally to !erfection. )f the border# beco%e too thick( ho"e$er( it i# an ea#y %atter to re%o$e #o%e of the bu#he#G but they !robably "ill not. Picture the color and $ariety and life in that little yard. 6nd if a !ig"eed no" and then get# a #tart in the border( it "ould do no har% to let it alone5 it belong# there4 Then !icture the #a%e area filled "ith di#connected( #!otty( dy#!e!tic( and un#!irited flo"erAbed# and ro#e bu#he#4 :)llu#tration5 -ig. KL. Said to ha$e been !lanted.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. K3. 6n area "ell filled. o%!are -ig. KL.< .ariou# e/a%!le#. Strong and bare foundation# #hould be relie$ed by hea$y !lanting. -ill the corner# "ith #no"Adrift# of foliage. Plant "ith a free hand( a# if you %eant it (co%!are -ig#. KL and K3). The corner by the #te!# i# a !erennial #ource of bad te%!er. The la"nA%o"er "ill not touch it( and the gra## ha# to be cut "ith a butcherAknife. )f nothing el#e co%e# to hand( let a burdock gro" in it (-ig. 1). :)llu#tration5 -ig. K>. The #creening of the tenni#A#creen.<

The tenni#A#creen %ay be relie$ed by a background (-ig. K>)( and a clu%! of ribbonAgra## or #o%ething el#e i# out of the "ay again#t a !o#t (-ig. K2). :)llu#tration5 -ig. K2. 6t the botto% of the clothe#A!o#t.< E/cellent %a## effect# %ay be #ecured by cutting "ellAe#tabli#hed !lant# of #u%ac( ailanthu#( ba##"ood( and other #trongAgro"ing thing#( to the ground each year( for the !ur!o#e of #ecuring the #tout #hoot#. -igure 98 "ill gi$e the hint. But if one ha# no area "hich he can %ake into a la"n and u!on "hich he can !lant #uch $erdurou# %a##e#( "hat then %ay he doM E$en then there %ay be o!!ortunity for a little neat and arti#tic !lanting. E$en if one li$e# in a rented hou#e( he %ay bring in a bu#h or an herb fro% the "ood#( and !aint a !icture "ith it. Plant it in the corner by the #te!#( in front of the !orch( at the corner of the hou#e(AAal%o#t any"here e/ce!t in the center of the la"n. Make the ground rich( #ecure a #trong root( and !lant it "ith careG then "ait. The little clu%! "ill not only ha$e a beauty and intere#t of it# o"n( but it %ay add i%%en#ely to the furniture of the yard. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 98. *oung #hoot# of ailanthu# (and #unflo"er# for $ariety).< 6bout the#e clu%!# one %ay !lant bulb# of glo"ing tuli!# or dainty #no"dro!# and lilie#AofAtheA$alleyG and the#e %ay be follo"ed "ith !an#ie# and !hlo/ and other #i%!le folk. .ery #oon one find# hi%#elf dee!ly intere#ted in the#e rando% and detached !icture#( and al%o#t before he i# a"are he find# that he ha# rounded off the corner# of the hou#e( %ade #nug little arbor# of "ild gra!e# and cle%ati#( co$ered the rear fence and the outhou#e "ith actinidia and bitterA#"eet( and ha# thro"n in da#he# of color "ith hollyhock#( canna#( and lilie#( and ha# tied the foundation# of the building# to the green#"ard by lo" #trand# of $ine# or deft bit# of !lanting. He #oon co%e# to feel that flo"er# are %o#t e/!re##i$e of the be#t e%otion# "hen they are daintily dro!!ed in here and there again#t a background of foliage( or el#e %ade a #ideA!iece in the !lace. There i# no li%it to the ada!tation#G -ig#. 91 to 9> #ugge#t #o%e of the backyard !o##ibilitie#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 91. 6 backyard cabin.< Pre#ently he rebel# at the bold( har#h( and i%!udent de#ign# of #o%e of the gardener#( and gro"# into a re#ourceful lo$e of !lant for%# and $erdure. He %ay #till like the "ee!ing and cutAlea$ed and !artyAcolored tree# of the horticulturi#t( but he #ee# that their be#t effect# are to be had "hen they are !lanted #!aringly( a# border# or !ro%ontorie# of the #tructural %a##e#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 97. 6 garden !ath "ith hedgero"#( trelli#( and bench( in for%al treat%ent.< The be#t !lanting( a# the be#t !ainting and the be#t %u#ic( i# !o##ible only "ith the be#t and tendere#t feeling and the clo#e#t li$ing "ith nature. =neH# !lace gro"# to be a reflection of hi%#elf( changing a# he change#( and e/!re##ing hi# life and #y%!athie# to the la#t. J0e$ie"J

,e ha$e no" di#cu##ed #o%e of the !rinci!le# and a!!lication# of land#ca!e architecture or land#ca!e gardening( !articularly in reference to the !lanting. The object of land#ca!e gardening i# Jto %ake a !icture.J 6ll the grading( #eeding( !lanting( are incidental and #u!!le%ental to thi# one central idea. The green#"ard i# the can$a#( the hou#e or #o%e other !ro%inent !oint i# the central figure( the !lanting co%!lete# the co%!o#ition and add# the color. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 9?. 6n enclo#ure for la"n ga%e#.< The #econd conce!tion i# the !rinci!le that Jthe !icture #hould ha$e a land#ca!e effect.J That i#( it #hould be natureAlike. ar!etAbed# are %a##e# of color( not !icture#. They are the little garni#hing# and relief# that are to be u#ed $ery cautiou#ly( a# little eccentricitie# and con$entionali#%# in a building #hould ne$er be %ore than $ery %inor feature#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 9K. Sunlight and #hado".< E$ery other conce!t in land#ca!e gardening i# #ubordinate to the#e t"o. So%e of the %o#t i%!ortant of the#e #econdary yet underlying con#ideration# are a# follo"#5AA The !lace i# to be concei$ed of a# Ja unit.J )f a building i# not !lea#ing( a#k an architect to i%!ro$e it. The real architect "ill #tudy the building a# a "hole( gra#! it# de#ign and %eaning( and #ugge#t i%!ro$e%ent# that "ill add to the forcefulne## of the entire #tructure. 6 dabbler "ould add a chi%ney here( a "indo" there( and a!!ly $ariou# daub# of !aint to the building. Each of the#e feature# %ight be good in it#elf. The !aint# %ight be the be#t of ochre( ultra%arine( or !ari# green( but they %ight ha$e no relation to the building a# a "hole and "ould be only ludicrou#. The#e t"o e/a%!le# illu#trate the difference bet"een land#ca!e gardening and the #cattering o$er the !lace of %ere orna%ental feature#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 99. 6n u!land garden( "ith gra##Agro"n #te!#( #undial( and edge of fo/glo$e#.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 9L. 6 garden corner.< There #hould be Jone central and e%!hatic !oint in the !icture.J 6 !icture of a battle dra"# it# intere#t fro% the action of a central figure or grou!. The %o%ent the incidental and lateral figure# are %ade a# !ro%inent a# the central figure#( the !icture lo#e# e%!ha#i#( life( and %eaning. The border# of a !lace are of le## i%!ortance than it# center. Therefore5 JDee! the center of the !lace o!enGJ J-ra%e and %a## the #ide#G 6$oid #cattered effect#.J :)llu#tration5 -ig. 93. 6n oldAfa#hioned door"ay.< )n a land#ca!e !icture Jflo"er# are incident#.J They add e%!ha#i#( #u!!ly color( gi$e $ariety and fini#hG they are the orna%ent#( but the la"n and the %a##A!lanting# %ake the fra%e"ork. =ne flo"er in the border( and %ade an incident of the !icture( i# %ore effecti$e than t"enty flo"er# in the center of the la"n.

More de!end# on Jthe !o#ition# that !lant# occu!y "ith reference to each other and to the #tructural de#ign of the !lace(J than on the intrin#ic %erit# of the !lant# the%#el$e#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 9>. 6n infor%ally treated #trea%.< Land#ca!e gardening( then( i# the e%belli#h%ent of ground# in #uch a "ay that they "ill ha$e a natureAlike or land#ca!e effect. The flo"er# and acce##orie# %ay heighten and accelerate the effect( but they #hould not contradict it.

H6PTE0 ))) EFE @T)=C =- S=ME =- THE L6C&S 6PE -E6T@0ES The general layAout of a #%all ho%e !ro!erty ha$ing no" been con#idered( "e %ay di#cu## the !ractical o!eration# of e/ecuting the !lan. )t i# not intended in thi# cha!ter to di#cu## the general Iue#tion of ho" to handle the #oil5 that di#cu##ion co%e# in ha!ter ).G nor in detail ho" to handle !lant#5 that occur# in ha!ter# . to FG but the #ubject# of grading( laying out of "alk# and dri$e#( e/ecuting the border !lanting#( and the %aking of la"n#( %ay be briefly con#idered. =f cour#e the in#truction# gi$en in a book( ho"e$er co%!lete( are $ery inadeIuate and un#ati#factory a# co%!ared "ith the ad$ice of a good e/!erienced !er#on. )t i# not al"ay# !o##ible to find #uch a !er#on( ho"e$erG and it i# no little #ati#faction to the ho%e%aker if he can feel that he can handle the "ork hi%#elf( e$en at the e/!en#e of #o%e %i#take#. JThe grading.J The fir#t con#ideration i# to grade the land. Grading i# $ery e/!en#i$e( e#!ecially if !erfor%ed at a #ea#on "hen the #oil i# hea$y "ith "ater. E$ery effort #hould be %ade( therefore( to reduce the grading to a %ini%u% and #till #ecure a !lea#ing contour. 6 good ti%e to grade( if one ha# the ti%e( i# in the fall before the hea$y rain# co%e( and then allo" the #urface to #ettle until #!ring( "hen the fini#h %ay be %ade. 6ll filling "ill #ettle in ti%e unle## thoroughly ta%!ed a# it !roceed#. The #%aller the area the %ore !ain# %u#t be taken "ith the gradingG but in any !lat that i# one hundred feet or %ore #Iuare( $ery con#iderable undulation# %ay be left in the #urface "ith e/cellent effect. )n la"n# of thi# #iEe( or e$en half thi# #iEe( it i# rarely ad$i#able to ha$e the% !erfectly flat and le$el. They #hould #lo!e gradually a"ay fro% the hou#eG and "hen the la"n i# #e$entyAfi$e feet or %ore in "idth( it %ay be #lightly cro"ning "ith good effect. 6 la"n #hould ne$er be hollo"(AAthat i#( lo"er in the center than at the border#(AAand broad la"n# that are !erfectly flat and le$el often a!!ear to be hollo". 6 #lo!e of one foot in t"enty or thirty i# none too %uch for a !lea#ant grade in la"n# of #o%e e/tent. )n #%all !lace#( the grading %ay be done by the eye( unle## there are $ery !articular condition# to %eet. )n large or difficult area#( it i# "ell to ha$e the !lace contoured by in#tru%ent#. Thi# i# !articularly de#irable if the grading i# to be done on contract. 6 ba#al or datu% line i# e#tabli#hed( abo$e or belo" "hich all #urface# are to be #ha!ed

at %ea#ured di#tance#. E$en in #%all yard#( #uch a datu% line i# de#irable for the be#t kind of "ork. JThe terrace.J )n !lace# in "hich the natural #lo!e i# $ery !erce!tible( there i# a tendency to terrace the la"n for the !ur!o#e of %aking the $ariou# !art# or #ection# of it %ore or le## le$el and !lane. )n nearly all ca#e#( ho"e$er( a terrace in a %ain la"n i# objectionable. )t cut# the la"n into t"o or %ore !ortion#( and thereby %ake# it look #%aller and #!oil# the effect of the !icture. 6 terrace al"ay# obtrude# a hard and rigid line( and fa#ten# the attention u!on it#elf rather than u!on the land#ca!e. Terrace# are al#o e/!en#i$e to %ake and to kee! in orderG and a #habby terrace i# al"ay# di#tracting. ,hen for%al effect# are de#ired( their #ucce## de!end#( ho"e$er( $ery largely on the rigidity of the line# and the care "ith "hich they are %aintained. )f a terrace i# nece##ary( it #hould be in the for% of a retaining "all ne/t the #treet( or el#e it #hould lie ne/t the building( gi$ing a# broad and continuou# a la"n a# !o##ible. )t #hould be re%e%bered( ho"e$er( that a terrace ne/t a building #hould not be a !art of the land#ca!e( but a !art of the architectureG that i#( it #hould #er$e a# a ba#e to the building. )t "ill at once be #een( therefore( that terrace# are %o#t in !lace again#t tho#e building# that ha$e #trong horiEontal line#( and they are little #uitable again#t building# "ith $ery broken line# and %i/ed or gothic feature#. )n order to join the terrace to the building( it i# u#ually ad$i#able to !lace #o%e architectural feature u!on it# cro"n( a# a balu#trade( and to a#cend it by %ean# of architectural #te!#. The terrace ele$ation( therefore( beco%e# a !art of the ba#e of the building( and the to! of it i# an e#!lanade. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 92. 6 terrace in the di#tanceG in the foreground an ideal 'running out' of the bank.< 6 #i%!le and gradually #lo!ing bank can nearly al"ay# be %ade to take the !lace of a terrace. -or e/a%!le( let the o!erator %ake a terrace( "ith #har! angle# abo$e and belo"( in the fall of the yearG in the #!ring( he "ill find (if he ha# not #odded it hea$ily) that nature ha# taken the %atter in hand and the u!!er angle of the terrace ha# been "a#hed a"ay and de!o#ited in the lo"er angle( and the re#ult i# the beginning of a good #erie# of cur$e#. -igure 92 #ho"# an ideal #lo!e( "ith it# double cur$e( co%!ri#ing a con$e/ cur$e on the to! of the bank( and a conca$e cur$e at the lo"er !art. Thi# i# a #lo!e that "ould ordinarily be terraced( but in it# !re#ent condition it i# a !art of the land#ca!e !icture. )t %ay be %o"n a# readily a# any other !art of the la"n( and it take# care of it#elf. :)llu#tration5 -ig. L8. Treat%ent of a #lo!ing la"n.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. L1. Treat%ent of a $ery #tee! bank.< The diagra%# in -ig. L8 indicate !oor and good treat%ent of a la"n. The terrace# are not needed in thi# ca#eG or if they are( they #hould ne$er be %ade a# at 1. The #a%e di! could be taken u! in a #ingle cur$ed bank( a# at ?( but the better "ay( in general( i# to gi$e the treat%ent #ho"n in 7. -igure L1 #ho"# ho" a $ery high terrace( K( can be #u!!laced by a #lo!ing bank 9. -igure L7 #ho"# a terrace that fall# a"ay too #uddenly fro% the hou#e.

JThe bounding line#.J )n grading to the border# of the !lace( it i# not al"ay# nece##ary( nor e$en de#irable( that a continuou# contour #hould be %aintained( e#!ecially if the border i# higher or lo"er than the la"n. 6 #o%e"hat irregular line of grade "ill a!!ear to be %o#t natural( and lend it#elf be#t to effecti$e !lanting. Thi# i# #!ecially true in the grade to "atercour#e#( "hich( a# a rule( #hould be %ore or le## de$iou# or "indingG and the adjacent land #hould( therefore( !re#ent $ariou# height# and contour#. )t i# not al"ay# nece##ary( ho"e$er( to %ake di#tinct bank# along "aterAcour#e#( !articularly if the !lace i# #%all and the natural lay of the land i# %ore or le## !lane or flat. 6 $ery #light de!re##ion( a# #ho"n in -ig. L?( %ay an#"er all the !ur!o#e# of a "ater grade in #uch !lace#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. L7. 6 terrace or #lo!e that fall# too #uddenly a"ay fro% a building. There #hould be a le$el !lace or e#!lanade ne/t the building( if !o##ible.< :)llu#tration5 L?. Sha!ing the land do"n to a "aterAcour#e.< )f it i# de#irable that the la"n be a# large and #!aciou# a# !o##ible( then the boundary of it #hould be re%o$ed. Take a"ay the fence#( curbing( and other right line#. )n rural !lace#( a #unken fence %ay #o%eti%e# be !laced ath"art the la"n at it# farther edge for the !ur!o#e of kee!ing cattle off the !lace( and thereby bring in the adjacent land#ca!e. -igure LK #ugge#t# ho" thi# %ay be done. The de!re##ion near the foot of the la"n( "hich i# really a ditch and #carcely $i#ible fro% the u!!er !art of the !lace becau#e of the #light ele$ation on it# inner ri%( an#"er# all the !ur!o#e# of a fence. :)llu#tration5 -ig. LK. 6 #unken fence ath"art a foreground.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. L9. Protecting a tree in filled land.< Cearly all tree# are injured if the dirt i# filled about the ba#e to the de!th of a foot or %ore. The natural ba#e of the !lant #hould be e/!o#ed #o far a# !o##ible( not only for !rotection of the tree( but becau#e the ba#e of a tree trunk i# one of it# %o#t di#tincti$e feature#. =ak#( %a!le#( and in fact %o#t tree# "ill lo#e their bark near the cro"n if the dirt i# !iled again#t the%G and thi# i# e#!ecially true if the "ater tend# to #ettle about the trunk#. -igure L9 #ho"# ho" thi# difficulty %ay be ob$iated. 6 "ell i# #toned u!( allo"ing a #!ace of a foot or t"o on all #ide#( and tile drain# are laid about the ba#e of the "ell( a# #ho"n in the diagra% at the right. 6 grating to co$er a "ell i# al#o #ho"n. )t i# often !o##ible to %ake a #lo!ing bank ju#t abo$e the tree( and to allo" the ground to fall a"ay fro% the root# on the lo"er #ide( #o that there i# no "ell or holeG but thi# i# !racticable only "hen the land belo"( the tree i# con#iderably lo"er than that abo$e it. )f %uch of the #urface i# to be re%o$ed( the good to! earth #hould be #a$ed( and !laced back on the area( in "hich to #o" the gra## #eed and to %ake the !lanting#. Thi# to! #oil %ay be !iled at one #ide out of the "ay "hile the grading i# !roceeding. J,alk# and dri$e#.J So far a# the !icture in the land#ca!e i# concerned( "alk# and dri$e#

are ble%i#he#. Since they are nece##ary( ho"e$er( they %u#t for% a !art of the land#ca!e de#ign. They #hould be a# fe" a# !o##ible( not only becau#e they interfere "ith the arti#tic co%!o#ition( but al#o becau#e they are e/!en#i$e to %ake and to %aintain. Mo#t !lace# ha$e too %any( rather than too fe"( "alk# and dri$e#. S%all city area# rarely need a dri$e"ay entrance( not e$en to the back door. The back yard in -ig. ?2 illu#trate# thi# !oint. The di#tance fro% the hou#e to the #treet on the back i# about ninety feet( yet there i# no dri$e"ay in the !lace. The coal and !ro$i#ion# are carried inG and( although the deli$ery%en %ay co%!lain at fir#t( they $ery #oon acce!t the ine$itable. )t i# not "orth the "hile to %aintain a dri$e in #uch a !lace for the con$enience of truck%en and grocer#. Ceither i# it often nece##ary to ha$e a dri$e in the front yard if the hou#e i# "ithin #e$entyAfi$e or one hundred feet of the #treet. ,hen a dri$e i# nece##ary( it #hould enter( if !o##ible( at the #ide of the re#idence( and not %ake a circle in the front la"n. Thi# re%ark %ay not a!!ly to area# of a half acre or %ore. The dri$e# and "alk# #hould be direct. They #hould go "here they a!!ear to go( and #hould be !ractically the #horte#t di#tance# bet"een the !oint# to be reached. -igure LL illu#trate# #o%e of the !roble%# connected "ith "alk# to the front door. 6 co%%on ty!e of "alk i# Ja(J and it i# a nui#ance. The ti%e that one lo#e# in going around the ca%eoA#et in the center "ould be #ufficient( if con#er$ed( to lengthen a %anH# life by #e$eral %onth# or a year. Such a de$ice ha# no %erit in art or con$enience. ,alk JbJ i# better( but #till i# not ideal( ina#%uch a# it %ake# too %uch of a rightAangled cur$e( and the !ede#trian de#ire# to cut acro## the corner. Such a "alk( al#o( u#ually e/tend# too far beyond the corner of the hou#e to %ake it a!!ear to be direct. )t ha# the %erit( ho"e$er( of lea$ing the center of the la"n !ractically untouched. The cur$e in "alk JdJ i# ordinarily unnece##ary unle## the ground i# rolling. )n #%all !lace#( like thi#( it i# better to ha$e a #traight "alk directly fro% the #ide"alk to the hou#e. )n fact( thi# i# true in nearly all ca#e# in "hich the la"n i# not %ore than forty to #e$entyAfi$e feet dee!. Plan JcJ i# al#o ine/cu#able. 6 #traight "alk "ould an#"er e$ery !ur!o#e better. 6ny "alk that !a##e# the hou#e( and return# to it( Je(J i# ine/cu#able unle## it i# nece##ary to %ake a $ery #tee! a#cent. )f %o#t of the tra$eling i# in one direction fro% the hou#e( a "alk like JfJ %ay be the %o#t direct and efficient. )t i# kno"n a# a direct cur$e( and i# a co%!ound of a conca$e and a con$e/ cur$e. :)llu#tration5 -ig. LL. -or%# of front "alk#.< )t i# e##ential that any #er$ice "alk or dri$e( ho"e$er long( #hould be continuou# in direction and de#ign fro% end to end. -igure L3 illu#trate# a long dri$e that contradict# thi# !rinci!le. )t i# a #erie# of %eaningle## cur$e#. The rea#on for the#e cur$e# i# the fact that the dri$e "a# e/tended fro% ti%e to ti%e a# ne" hou#e# "ere added to the $illa. The reader "ill ea#ily !ercei$e ho" all the kink# %ight be taken out of thi# dri$e and one direct and bold cur$e be #ub#tituted. The Iue#tion of drainage( curbing( and gutter#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. L3. 6 !atchedAu! dri$e( #ho"ing %eaningle## crook#.< Thorough drainage( natural or artificial( i# e##ential to hard and

!er%anent "alk# and dri$e#. Thi# !oint i# too often neglected. =n the draining and grading of re#idence #treet# a "ellAkno"n land#ca!e gardener( =. . Si%ond#( "rite# a# follo"# in 'Park and e%etery '5 :)llu#tration5 -ig. L>. Treat%ent of "alk and dri$e in a #uburban region. There are no curb#.< 'The #urface drainage i# #o%ething that intere#t# u# "hene$er it rain# or "hen the #no" %elt#. )t ha# been cu#to%ary to locate catchAba#in# for recei$ing the #urface "ater at #treet inter#ection#. Thi# arrange%ent cau#e# %o#t of the #urface "ater fro% both #treet# to run !a#t the cro##ing#( %aking it nece##ary to de!re## the !a$e%ent( #o that one %u#t #te! do"n and u! in going fro% one #ide of a #treet to the other( or el#e a !a##age"ay for the "ater %u#t be %ade through the cro##ing. )t %ay be #aid that a #te! do"n to the !a$e%ent and u! again to the #ide"alk at the #treet inter#ection# i# of no con#eIuence( but it i# really %ore elegant and #ati#factory to ha$e the "alk !ractically continuou# (-ig. L>). ,ith the catchAba#in at the corner( the #to!!age of the inlet( or a great fall of rain( #o%eti%e# co$er# the cro##ing "ith "ater( #o one %u#t either "ade or go out of hi# "ay. ,ith catchAba#in# !laced in the center of the block#( or( if the block# are long( at #o%e di#tance fro% the cro##ing( the inter#ection# can be ke!t relati$ely high and dry. 0oad"ay# are generally %ade cro"ning in the center #o that "ater run# to the #ide#( but freIuently the fall length"i#e of the road"ay i# le## than it #hould be. ity engineer# are u#ually inclined to %ake the grade along the length of a #treet a# nearly le$el a# !o##ible. 6uthoritie# "ho ha$e gi$en the #ubject of road# con#iderable #tudy reco%%end a fall length"i#e of not le## than one foot in one hundred and t"entyAfi$e( nor %ore than #i/ feet in one hundred. Such grade# are not al"ay# fea#ible( but a certain a%ount of $ariation in le$el can u#ually be %ade in a re#idence #treet "hich "ill %ake it %uch %ore !lea#ing in a!!earance( and ha$e certain !ractical ad$antage# in kee!ing the #treet dry. The "ater i# u#ually confined to the edge of the !a$e%ent by curbing( "hich %ay ri#e any"here fro% four to fourteen inche# abo$e the #urface. Thi# cau#e# all the "ater falling on the road"ay to #eek the catchAba#in and be "a#ted( e/ce!ting for it# u#e in flu#hing the #e"er. )f the curbing( "hich i# really unnece##ary in %o#t ca#e#( "ere o%itted( %uch of the #urface "ater "ould #oak into the ground bet"een the #ide"alk and the !a$e%ent( doing %uch good to tree#( #hrub#( and gra##. The root# of the tree# naturally e/tend a# far( or farther( than their branche#( and for their good the ground under the !a$e%ent and #ide"alk #hould be #u!!lied "ith a certain a%ount of %oi#ture. :)llu#tration5 .). 6 tree that gi$e# character to a !lace.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. L2. 6 co%%on for% of edge for "alk or dri$e.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 38. 6 better for%.< 'The arrange%ent %ade for the re%o$al of #urface "ater fro% the #treet %u#t al#o take care of the #ur!lu# "ater fro% adjacent lot#( #o there i# a !ractical ad$antage in ha$ing the le$el of the #treet lo"er than that of the ground adjoining. The a!!earance of hou#e# and ho%e ground# i# al#o %uch better "hen they are higher than the #treet( and for thi# rea#on it i# u#ually de#irable to kee! the latter a# lo" a# !o##ible and gi$e the underground !i!e# #ufficient co$ering to !rotect the% fro% fro#t. ,here the ground i# high and the #e"er# $ery dee!( the grade# #hould( of cour#e( be deter%ined "ith reference to #urface condition#

only. )t #o%eti%e# ha!!en# that thi# general arrange%ent of the grade# of ho%e ground#( "hich i# de#irable on %o#t account#( cau#e# "ater fro% %elting #no" to flo" o$er the #ide"alk in the "inter ti%e( "here it %ay freeEe and be dangerou# to !ede#trian#. 6 #light de!re##ion of the lot a"ay fro% the #ide"alk and then an a#cent to"ard the hou#e "ould u#ually re%edy thi# difficulty( and al#o %ake the hou#e a!!ear higher. So%eti%e#( ho"e$er( a !i!e #hould be !laced underneath the #ide"alk to allo" "ater to reach the #treet fro% in#ide of the lot line. The ai% in #urface drainage #hould al"ay# be to kee! the tra$eled !ortion# of the #treet in the %o#t !erfect condition for u#e. The Iuick re%o$al of #ur!lu# "ater fro% #ide"alk#( cro##ing#( and road"ay# "ill hel! in#ure thi# re#ult.' The#e re%ark# concerning the curbing# and hard edge# of city #treet# %ay al#o be a!!lied to "alk# and dri$e# in #%all ground#. -igure L2( for e/a%!le( #ho"# the co%%on %ethod of treating the edge of a "alk( by %aking a #har! and #heer ele$ation. Thi# edge need# con#tant tri%%ing( el#e it beco%e# un#ha!elyG and thi# tri%%ing tend# to "iden the "alk. -or general !ur!o#e#( a border( like that #ho"n in -ig. 38( i# better. The #od roll# o$er until it %eet# the "alk( and the la"nA%o"er i# able to kee! it in condition. )f it beco%e# %ore or le## rough and irregular( it i# !ounded do"n. )f it i# thought nece##ary to tri% the edge# of "alk# and dri$e#( then one of the $ariou# kind# of #odAcutter# that are #old by dealer# %ay be u#ed for the !ur!o#e( or an old hoe %ay ha$e it# #hank #traightened and the corner# of the blade rounded off( a# #ho"n in -ig. 31( and thi# "ill an#"er all !ur!o#e# of the co%%on #odAcutterG or( a #har!( #traightAedged #!ade %ay #o%eti%e# be u#ed. The loo#e o$erhanging gra## on the#e edge# i# ordinarily cut by large #hear# %ade for the !ur!o#e. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 31. Sod cutter.< ,alk# and dri$e# #hould be laid in #uch direction that they "ill tend to drain the%#el$e#G but if it i# nece##ary to ha$e gutter#( the#e #hould be dee! and #har! at the botto%( for the "ater then dra"# together and tend# to kee! the gutter clean. 6 #hallo" and rounded brick or cobble gutter doe# not clean it#elfG it i# $ery likely to fill "ith "eed#( and $ehicle# often dri$e in it. The be#t gutter# and curb# are no" %ade of ce%ent. -igure 37 #ho"# a catch ba#in at the left of a "alk or dri$e( and the tile laid underneath for the !ur!o#e of carrying a"ay the #urface "ater. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 37. &raining the gutter and the dri$e.< The %aterial#. The be#t %aterial# for the %ain "alk# are ce%ent and #tone flagging. )n %any #oil#( ho"e$er( there i# enough binding %aterial in the land to %ake a good "alk "ithout the addition of any other %aterial. Gra$el( cinder#( a#he#( and the like( are nearly al"ay# inad$i#able( for they are liable to be loo#e in dry "eather and #ticky in "et "eather. )n the laying of ce%ent it i# i%!ortant that the "alk be "ell drained by a layer of a foot or t"o of broken #tone or brickbat#( unle## the "alk i# on loo#e and leachy land or in a fro#tle## country. )n back yard# it i# often be#t not to ha$e any "ellAdefined "alk. 6 ra%ble acro## the #od %ay be a# good. -or a back "alk( o$er "hich deli$ery %en are to tra$el( one of the $ery be#t %ean# i# to #ink a

footA"ide !lank into the earth on a le$el "ith the #urface of the #odG and it i# not nece##ary that the "alk be !erfectly #traight. The#e "alk# do not interfere "ith the "ork of the la"nA%o"er( and they take care of the%#el$e#. ,hen the !lank rot#( at the e/!iration of fi$e to ten year#( the !lank i# taken u! and another one dro!!ed in it# !lace. Thi# ordinarily %ake# the be#t kind of a "alk along#ide a rear border. (Plate F).) )n garden#( nothing i# better for a "alk than tanbark. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 3?. Planting along#ide a "alk.< The #ide# of "alk# and dri$e# %ay often be !lanted "ith #hrubbery. )t i# not nece##ary that they al"ay# ha$e !ri% and definite border#. -igure 3? illu#trate# a bank of foliage "hich break# u! the hard line of a "alk( and #er$e# al#o a# a border for the gro"ing of flo"er# and intere#ting #!eci%en#. Thi# "alk i# al#o characteriEed by the ab#ence of high and hard border#. -igure L> illu#trate# thi# fact( and al#o #ho"# ho" the !arking bet"een the "alk and the #treet %ay be effecti$ely !lanted. JMaking the border#.J The border# and grou!# of !lanting are laid out on the !a!er !lan. There are #e$eral "ay# of tran#ferring the% to the ground. So%eti%e# they are not %ade until after the la"n i# e#tabli#hed( "hen the ine/!erienced o!erator %ay %ore readily lay the% out. @#ually( ho"e$er( the !lanting and la"nA%aking !roceed %ore or le## #i%ultaneou#ly. 6fter the #ha!ing of the ground ha# been co%!leted( the area# are %arked off by #take#( by a li%! ro!e laid on the #urface( or by a %ark %ade "ith a rake handle. The %argin once deter%ined( the la"n %ay be #eeded and rolled (-ig. K8)( and the !lanting allo"ed to !roceed a# it %ayG or the !lanting %ay all be done in#ide the border#( and the #eeding then be a!!lied to the la"n. )f the %ain di%en#ion# of the border# and bed# are carefully %ea#ured and %arked by #take#( it i# an ea#y %atter to co%!lete the outline by %aking a %ark "ith a #tick or rake#tale. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 3K. 6 bo"ered !ath"ay.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 39. =bject# for !ity.< The !lanting %ay be done in #!ring or fall(AAin fall !referably if the #tock i# ready (and of hardy #!ecie#) and the land in !erfect condition of drainageG u#ually( ho"e$er( thing# are not ready early enough in the fall for any e/tended !lanting( and the "ork i# co%%only done a# #oon a# the ground #ettle# in #!ring (#ee ha!ter .). Head the bu#he# back. &ig u! the entire area. S!ade u! the ground( #et the bu#he# thick( hoe the% at inter$al#( and then let the% go. )f you do not like the bare earth bet"een the%( #o" in the #eed# of hardy annual flo"er#( like !hlo/( !etunia( aly##u%( and !ink#. Ce$er #et the bu#he# in hole# dug in the old #od (-ig. 39). The !er#on "ho !lant# hi# #hrub# in hole# in the #"ard doe# not #eriou#ly %ean to %ake any foliage %a##( and it i# likely that he doe# not kno" "hat relation the border %a## ha# to arti#tic !lanting. The illu#tration( -ig. 3L( #ho"# the office that a #hrubbery %ay !erfor% in relation to a buildingG thi# !articular building "a# erected in an o!en field. :)llu#tration5 3L. 6 border grou!( li%iting the #!ace ne/t the re#idence and #e!arating it fro% the field# and the clothe#Ayard#.< ) ha$e #aid to !lant the bu#he# thick. Thi# i# for Iuick effect. )t i# an ea#y %atter to thin the !lantation if it beco%e# too thick. 6ll

co%%on bu#he# %ay u#ually be !lanted a# clo#e a# t"o to three feet a!art each "ay( e#!ecially if one get# %any of the% fro% the field#( #o that he doe# not ha$e to buy the%. )f there are not #ufficient of the !er%anent bu#he# for thick !lanting( the #!ace# %ay be tilled te%!orarily by chea!er or co%%oner bu#he#5 but do not forget to re%o$e the filler# a# ra!idly a# the other# need the roo%. JMaking the la"n.J The fir#t thing to be done in the %aking of a la"n i# to e#tabli#h the !ro!er grade. Thi# #hould be "orked out "ith the greate#t care( fro% the fact that "hen a la"n i# once %ade( it# le$el and contour #hould ne$er be changed. Pre!aring the ground. The ne/t i%!ortant #te! i# to !re!are the ground dee!ly and thoroughly. The !er%anence of the #od "ill de!end $ery largely on the fertility and !re!aration of the #oil in the beginning. The #oil #hould be dee! and !orou#( #o that the root# "ill #trike far into it( and be enabled thereby to "ith#tand drought# and cold "inter#. The be#t %ean# of dee!ening the #oil( a# e/!lained in ha!ter ).( i# by tileAdrainingG but it can al#o be acco%!li#hed to #o%e e/tent by the u#e of the #ub#oil !lo" and by trenching. Since the la"n cannot be refitted( ho"e$er( the #ub#oil i# likely to fall back into a hardA!an in a fe" year# if it ha# been #ub#oiled or trenched( "herea# a good tileAdrain afford# a !er%anent a%elioration of the under #oil. Soil# that are naturally loo#e and !orou# %ay not need thi# e/tra attention. )n fact( land# that are $ery loo#e and #andy %ay reIuire to be !acked or ce%ented rather than loo#ened. =ne of the be#t %ean# of doing thi# i# to fill the% "ith hu%u#( #o that the "ater "ill not leach through the% ra!idly. Cearly all land# that are de#igned for la"n# are greatly benefited by hea$y dre##ing# of %anure thoroughly "orked into the% in the beginning( although it i# !o##ible to get the ground too rich on the #urface at fir#tG it i# not nece##ary that all the added !lantAfood be i%%ediately a$ailable. The la"n "ill !rofit by an annual a!!lication of good che%ical fertiliEer. Ground bone i# one of the be#t %aterial# to a!!ly( at the rate of three hundred to four hundred !ound# to the acre. )t i# u#ually #o"n broadca#t( early in #!ring. &i##ol$ed South arolina rock %ay be u#ed in#tead( but the a!!lication "ill need to be hea$ier if #i%ilar re#ult# are e/!ected. *ello" and !oor gra## %ay often be rein$igorated by an a!!lication of t"o hundred to three hundred !ound# to the acre of nitrate of #oda. ,ood a#he# are often good( !articularly on #oil# that tend to be acid. Muriate of !ota#h i# not #o often u#ed( although it %ay !roduce e/cellent re#ult# in #o%e ca#e#. There i# no in$ariable rule. The be#t !lan i# for the la"nA%aker to try the different treat%ent# on a little !iece or corner of the la"nG in thi# "ay( he #hould #ecure %ore $aluable infor%ation than can be got other"i#e. The fir#t o!eration after draining and grading i# the !lo"ing or #!ading of the #urface. )f the area i# large enough to ad%it a tea%( the #urface i# "orked do"n by %ean# of harro"# of $ariou# kind#. 6fter"ard# it i# le$eled by %ean# of #ho$el# and hoe#( and finally by garden rake#. The %ore finely and co%!letely the #oil i# !ul$eriEed( the Iuicker the la"n %ay be #ecured( and the %ore !er%anent are the re#ult#. The kind of gra##.

The be#t gra## for the body or foundation of la"n# in the Corth i# BuneAgra## or Dentucky blueAgra## (JPoa !raten#i#J)( not anada blueAgra## (JPoa co%!re##aJ). ,hether "hite clo$er or other #eed #hould be #o"n "ith the gra## #eed i# $ery largely a !er#onal Iue#tion. So%e !er#on# like it( and other# do not. )f it i# de#ired( it %ay be #o"n directly after the gra## #eed i# #o"n( at the rate of one to four Iuart# or %ore to the acre. -or #!ecial !ur!o#e#( other gra##e# %ay be u#ed for la"n#. .ariou# kind# of la"n %i/ture# are on the %arket( for !articular u#e#( and #o%e of the% are $ery good. 6 #u!erintendent of !ark# in one of the Ea#tern citie# gi$e# the follo"ing e/!erience on kind# of gra##5 '-or the %eado"# on the large !ark# "e generally u#e e/tra recleaned Dentucky blueAgra##( redAto!( and "hite clo$er( in the !ro!ortion of thirty !ound# of blueAgra##( thirty !ound# of redAto!( and ten !ound# of "hite clo$er to the acre. So%eti%e# "e u#e for #%aller la"n# the blueAgra## and redAto! "ithout the "hite clo$er. ,e ha$e u#ed blueAgra##( redAto!( and 0hode )#land bent in the !ro!ortion of t"enty !ound# each( and ten !ound# of "hite clo$er to the acre( but the 0hode )#land bent i# #o e/!en#i$e that "e rarely buy it. -or gra## in #hady !lace#( a# in a gro$e( "e u#e Dentucky blueAgra## and roughA#talked %eado"Agra## (JPoa tri$iali#J) in eIual !art# at the rate of #e$enty !ound# to the acre. =n the golf link# "e u#e blueAgra## "ithout any %i/ture on #o%e of the !utting green#G #o%eti%e# "e u#e 0hode )#land bent( and on #andy green# "e u#e redAto!. ,e al"ay# buy each kind of #eed #e!arately and %i/ the%( and are !articular to get the be#t e/tra recleaned of each kind. -reIuently "e get the #eed of three different dealer# to #ecure the be#t.' )n %o#t ca#e#( the BuneAgra## ger%inate# and gro"# #o%e"hat #lo"ly( and it i# u#ually ad$i#able to #o" four or fi$e Iuart# of ti%othy gra## to the acre "ith the BuneAgra## #eed. The ti%othy co%e# on Iuickly and %ake# a green the fir#t year( and the BuneAgra## #oon cro"d# it out. )t i# not ad$i#able to #o" grain in the la"n a# a nur#e to the gra##. )f the land i# "ell !re!ared and the #eed i# #o"n in the cool !art of the year( the gra## ought to gro" %uch better "ithout the other cro!# than "ith the%. Land# that are hard and lacking in nitrogen %ay be benefited if cri%#on clo$er (four or fi$e Iuart#) i# #o"n "ith the gra## #eed. Thi# "ill %ake a green the fir#t year( and "ill break u! the #ub#oil by it# dee! root# and #u!!ly nitrogen( and being an annual !lant it doe# not beco%e trouble#o%e( if %o"n freIuently enough to !re$ent #eeding. )n the #outhern #tate#( "here BuneAgra## doe# not thri$e( Ber%udaAgra## i# the leading #!ecie# u#ed for la"n#G although there are t"o or three other#( a# the goo#eAgra## of -lorida( that %ay be u#ed in #!ecial localitie#. Ber%udaAgra## i# u#ually !ro!agated by root#( but i%!orted #eed (#aid to be fro% 6u#tralia) i# no" a$ailable. The Ber%udaAgra## beco%e# reddi#h after fro#tG and Engli#h ryeAgra## %ay be #o"n on the Ber%uda #od in 6ugu#t or Se!te%ber far #outh for "inter greenG in #!ring the Ber%uda cro"d# it out. ,hen and ho" to #o" the #eed. The la"n #hould be #eeded "hen the land i# %oi#t and the "eather co%!arati$ely cool. )t i# ordinarily %o#t ad$i#able to grade the la"n in late #u%%er or early fall( becau#e the land i# then co%!arati$ely dry

and can be %o$ed chea!ly. The #urface can al#o be got in condition( !erha!#( for #o"ing late in Se!te%ber or early in =ctober in the CorthG or( if the #urface ha# reIuired %uch filling( it i# "ell to lea$e it in a #o%e"hat unfini#hed #tate until #!ring( in order that the #oft !lace# %ay #ettle and then be refilled before the #eeding i# done. )f the #eed can be #o"n early in the fall( before the rain# co%e( the gra## #hould be large enough( e/ce!t in northern%o#t localitie#( to "ith#tand the "interG but it i# generally %o#t de#irable to #o" in $ery early #!ring. )f the land ha# been thoroughly !re!ared in the fall( the #eed %ay be #o"n on one of the late light #no"# in #!ring and a# the #no" %elt# the #eed i# carried into the land( and ger%inate# $ery Iuickly. )f the #eed i# #o"n "hen the land i# loo#e and "orkable( it #hould be raked inG and if the "eather !ro%i#e# to be dry or the #o"ing i# late( the #urface #hould be rolled. The #eeding i# u#ually done broadca#t by hand on all #%all area#( the #o"er going both "ay# (at right angle#) acro## the area to le##en the likelihood of %i##ing any !art. Stee! bank# are #o%eti%e# #o"n "ith #eed that i# %i/ed in %old or earth to "hich "ater i# added until the %aterial "ill ju#t run through the #!out of a "ateringAcanG the %aterial i# then !oured on the #urface( "hich i# fir#t %ade loo#e. )na#%uch a# "e de#ire to #ecure %any $ery fine #talk# of gra## rather than a fe" large one#( it i# e##ential that the #eed be #o"n $ery thick. Three to fi$e bu#hel# to the acre i# the ordinary a!!lication of gra## #eed (!age 32).

Securing a fir% #od. The la"n "ill ordinarily !roduce a hea$y cro! of "eed# the fir#t year( e#!ecially if %uch #table %anure ha# been u#ed. The "eed# need not be !ulled( unle## #uch $iciou# intruder# a# dock# or other !erennial !lant# gain a footholdG but the area #hould be %o"n freIuently "ith a la"nA%o"er. The annual "eed# die at the a!!roach of cold( and they are ke!t do"n by the u#e of the la"nA%o"er( "hile the gra## i# not injured. )t rarely ha!!en# that e$ery !art of the la"n "ill ha$e an eIual catch of gra##. The bare or #!ar#ely #eeded !lace# #hould be #o"n again e$ery fall and #!ring until the la"n i# finally co%!lete. )n fact( it reIuire# con#tant attention to kee! a la"n in good #od( and it %u#t be continuou#ly in the !roce## of %aking. )t i# not e$ery la"n area( or e$ery !art of the area( that i# ada!ted to gra##G and it %ay reIuire long #tudy to find out "hy it i# not. Bare or !oor !lace# #hould be hetcheled u! #trongly "ith an ironAtoothed rake( !erha!# fertiliEed again( and then re#eeded. )t i# unu#ual that a la"n doe# not need re!airing e$ery year. La"n# of #e$eral acre# "hich beco%e thin and %o##y %ay be treated in e##entially the #a%e "ay by dragging the% "ith a #!ikeAtooth harro" in early #!ring a# #oon a# the land i# dry enough to hold a tea%. he%ical fertiliEer# and gra## #eed are no" #o"n liberally( and the area i# !erha!# dragged again( although thi# i# not al"ay# e##entialG and then the roller i# a!!lied to bring the #urface into a #%ooth condition. To !lo" u! the#e !oor la"n# i# to rene" all the battle "ith "eed#( and really to %ake no !rogre##G for( #o long a# the contour i# correct( the la"n %ay be re!aired by the#e #urface a!!lication#. The #tronger the #"ard( the le## the trouble "ith "eed#G yet it i# !ractically i%!o##ible to kee! dandelion# and #o%e other "eed# out of

la"n# e/ce!t by cutting the% out "ith a knife thru#t underground (there are good #!ud# %anufactured for thi# !ur!o#e( -ig#. 18> to 111). )f the #od i# $ery thin after the "eed# are re%o$ed( #o" %ore gra## #eed. The %o"ing. The %o"ing of the la"n #hould begin a# #oon a# the gra## i# tall enough in the #!ring and continue at the nece##ary inter$al# throughout the #u%%er. The %o#t freIuent %o"ing# are needed early in the #ea#on( "hen the gra## i# gro"ing ra!idly. )f it i# %o"n freIuentlyAA#ay once or t"ice a "eekAAin the !eriod# of %o#t $igorou# gro"th( it "ill not be nece##ary to rake off the %o"ing#. )n fact( it i# !referable to lea$e the gra## on the la"n( to be dri$en into the #urface by the rain# and to afford a %ulch. )t i# only "hen the la"n ha# been neglected and the gra## ha# got #o high that it beco%e# un#ightly on the la"n( or "hen the gro"th i# unu#ually lu/uriou#( that it i# nece##ary to take it off. )n dry "eather care #hould be taken not to %o" the la"n any %ore than ab#olutely nece##ary. The gra## #hould be rather long "hen it goe# into the "inter. )n the la#t t"o %onth# of o!en "eather the gra## %ake# #%all gro"th( and it tend# to lo! do"n and to co$er the #urface den#ely( "hich it #hould be allo"ed to do. -all treat%ent. 6# a rule( it i# not nece##ary to rake all the lea$e# off la"n# in the fall. They afford an e/cellent %ulch( and in the autu%n %onth# the lea$e# on the la"n are a%ong the %o#t attracti$e feature# of the land#ca!e. The lea$e# generally blo" off after a ti%e( and if the !lace ha# been con#tructed "ith an o!en center and hea$ily !lanted #ide#( the lea$e# "ill be caught in the#e %a##e# of tree# and #hrub# and there afford an e/cellent %ulch. The ideal land#ca!e !lanting( therefore( take# care of it#elf to a $ery large e/tent. )t i# bad econo%y to burn the lea$e#( e#!ecially if one ha# herbaceou# border#( ro#e#( and other !lant# that need a %ulch. ,hen the lea$e# are taken off the border# in the #!ring( they #hould be !iled "ith the %anure or other refu#e and there allo"ed to !a## into co%!o#t (!age# 118( 111). )f the land ha# been "ell !re!ared in the beginning( and it# life i# not #a!!ed by large tree#( it i# ordinarily unnece##ary to co$er the la"n "ith %anure in the fall. The co%%on !ractice of co$ering gra## "ith ra" %anure #hould be di#couraged becau#e the %aterial i# un#ightly and un#a$ory( and the #a%e re#ult# can be got "ith the u#e of co%%ercial fertiliEer# co%bined "ith dre##ing# of $ery fine and "ellArotted co%!o#t or %anure( and by not raking the la"n too clean of the %o"ing# of the gra##. S!ring treat%ent. E$ery #!ring the la"n #hould be fir%ed by %ean# of a roller( or( if the area i# #%all( by %ean# of a !ounder( or the back of a #!ade in the hand# of a $igorou# %an. The la"nA%o"er it#elf tend# to !ack the #urface. )f there are little irregularitie# in the #urface( cau#ed by de!re##ion# of an inch or #o( and the highe#t !lace# are not abo$e the contourAline of the la"n( the #urface %ay be brought to le$el by #!reading fine( %ello" #oil o$er it( thereby filling u! the de!re##ion#. The gra## "ill Iuickly gro" through thi# #oil. Little hu%%ock# %ay be cut off( #o%e of the earth re%o$ed( and the #od re!laced. ,atering la"n#.

The co%%on "atering of la"n# by %ean# of la"n #!rinkler# u#ually doe# %ore har% than good. Thi# re#ult# fro% the fact that the "atering i# generally done in clear "eather( and the "ater i# thro"n through the air in $ery fine #!ray( #o that a con#iderable !art of it i# lo#t in $a!or. The ground i# al#o hot( and the "ater doe# not !a## dee! into the #oil. )f the la"n i# "atered at all( it #hould be #oakedG turn on the ho#e at nightfall and let it run until the land i# "et a# dee! a# it i# dry( then %o$e the ho#e to another !lace. 6 thorough #oaking like thi#( a fe" ti%e# in a dry #u%%er( "ill do %ore good than #!rinkling e$ery day. )f the land i# dee!ly !re!ared in the fir#t !lace( #o that the root# #trike far into the #oil( there i# rarely need of "atering unle## the !lace i# arid( the #ea#on unu#ually dry( or the %oi#ture #ucked out by tree#. The #urface #!rinkling engender# a tendency of root# to #tart near the #urface( and therefore the %ore the la"n i# lightly "atered( the greater i# the nece##ity for "atering it. Sodding the la"n. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 33. utting #od for a la"n.< Per#on# "ho de#ire to #ecure a la"n $ery Iuickly %ay #od the area rather than #eed it( although the %o#t !er%anent re#ult# are u#ually #ecured by #eeding. Sodding( ho"e$er( i# e/!en#i$e( and i# to be u#ed only about the border# of the !lace( near building#( or in area# in "hich the o"ner can afford to e/!end con#iderable %oney. The be#t #od i# that "hich i# #ecured fro% an old !a#ture( and for t"o or three rea#on#. )n the fir#t !lace( it i# the right kind of gra##( the BuneAgra## (in the Corth) being the #!ecie# that oftene#t run# into !a#ture# and cro"d# out other !lant#. 6gain( it ha# been #o clo#ely eaten do"n( e#!ecially if it ha# been !a#tured by #hee!( that it ha# %ade a $ery den#e and "ellAfilled #od( "hich can be rolled u! in thin layer#. )n the third !lace( the #oil in old !a#ture# i# likely to be rich fro% the dro!!ing# of ani%al#. )n taking #od( it i# i%!ortant that it be cut $ery thin. 6n inch and a half thick i# u#ually a%!le. )t i# ordinarily rolled u! in #tri!# a foot "ide and of any length that "ill allo" the roll# to be handled by one or t"o %en. 6 footA"ide board i# laid u!on the turf( and the #od cut along either edge of it. =ne !er#on then #tand# u!on the #tri! of #od and roll# it to"ard# hi%#elf( "hile another cut# it loo#e "ith a #!ade( a# #ho"n in -ig. 33. ,hen the #od i# laid( it i# unrolled on the land and then fir%ly beaten do"n. Land that i# to be #odded #hould be #oft on to!( #o that the #od can be "ell !ounded into it. )f the #od i# not "ell !ounded do"n( it "ill #ettle une$enly and !re#ent a bad #urface( and "ill al#o dry out and !erha!# not li$e through a dry #!ell. )t i# al%o#t i%!o##ible to !ound do"n #od too fir%. )f the land i# fre#hly !lo"ed( it i# i%!ortant that the border# that are #odded be an inch or t"o lo"er than the adjacent land( becau#e the land "ill #ettle in the cour#e of a fe" "eek#. )n a dry ti%e( the #od %ay be co$ered fro% a half inch to an inch "ith fine( %ello" #oil a# a %ulch. The gra## #hould gro" through thi# #oil "ithout difficulty. @!on terrace# and #tee! bank#( the #od %ay be held in !lace by dri$ing "ooden !eg# through it. 6 co%bination of #odding and #eeding. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 3>. Econo%ical #odding( the #!ace# being #eeded.< 6n 'econo%ical #odding' i# de#cribed in '6%erican Garden' (-ig. 3>)5 'To obtain #ufficient #od of #uitable Iuality for co$ering terraceA#lo!e# or

#%all block# that for any rea#on cannot "ell be #eeded i# often a difficult %atter. )n the acco%!anying illu#tration "e #ho" ho" a #urface of #od %ay be u#ed to good ad$antage o$er a larger area than it# real %ea#ure%ent re!re#ent#. Thi# i# done by laying the #od#( cut in #tri!# fro% #i/ to ten inche# "ide( in line# and cro##Aline#( and after filling the #!ace# "ith good #oil( #o"ing the#e #!ace# "ith gra##A#eed. Should the catch of #eed for any rea#on be !oor( the #od of the #tri!# "ill tend to #!read o$er the #!ace# bet"een the%( and failure to obtain a good #"ard "ithin a rea#onable ti%e i# al%o#t out of the Iue#tion. 6l#o( if one need# #od and ha# no !lace fro% "hich to cut it e/ce!t the la"n( by taking u! block# of #od( lea$ing #tri!# and cro##A#tri!#( and treating the #urface a# de#cribed( the bare !lace# are #oon co$ered "ith green.' So"ing "ith #od. La"n# %ay be #o"n "ith !iece# of #od# rather than "ith #eed#. Sod# %ay be cut u! into bit# an inch or t"o #Iuare( and the#e %ay be #cattered broadca#t o$er the area and rolled into the land. ,hile it i# !referable that the !iece# #hould lie right #ide u!( thi# i# not nece##ary if they are cut thin( and #o"n "hen the "eather i# cool and %oi#t. So"ing !iece# of #od i# good !ractice "hen it i# difficult to #ecure a catch fro% #eed. )f one "ere to %aintain a !er%anent #od garden( at one #ide( for the #electing and gro"ing of the $ery be#t #od (a# he "ould gro" a #tock #eed of corn or bean#)( thi# %ethod #hould be the %o#t rational of all !rocedure#( at lea#t until the ti%e that "e !roduce #train# of la"n gra## that co%e true fro% #eed#. =ther ground co$er#. @nder tree#( and in other #hady !lace#( it %ay be nece##ary to co$er the ground "ith #o%ething el#e than gra##. Good !lant# for #uch u#e# are !eri"inkle (J.inca %inor(J an e$ergreen trailer( often called 'running %yrtle')( %oney"ort (JLy#i%achia nu%%ulariaJ)( lilyAofAtheA$alley( and $ariou# kind# of #edge or care/. )n #o%e dark or #hady !lace#( and under #o%e kind# of tree#( it i# !ractically i%!o##ible to #ecure a good la"n( and one %ay be obliged to re#ort to decu%bent bu#he# or other for%# of !lanting.

H6PTE0 ). THE H6C&L)CG =- THE L6C& 6l%o#t any land contain# enough food for the gro"ing of good cro!#( but the food ele%ent# %ay be che%ically una$ailable( or there %ay be in#ufficient "ater to di##ol$e the%. )t i# too long a #tory to e/!lain at thi# !lace(AAthe !hilo#o!hy of tillage and of enriching the land(AAand the reader "ho de#ire# to %ake e/cur#ion# into thi# delightful #ubject #hould con#ult Ding on 'The Soil(' 0obert# on 'The -ertility of the Land(' and recent "riting# of %any kind#. The reader %u#t acce!t %y "ord for it that tilling the land render# it !roducti$e. ) %u#t call %y readerH# attention to the fact that thi# book i# on the %aking of garden#(AAon the !lanning and the doing of the "ork fro% the yearH# end to end(AAnot on the a!!reciation of a co%!leted garden. )

"ant the reader to kno" that a garden i# not "orth ha$ing unle## he %ake# it "ith hi# o"n hand# or hel!# to %ake it. He %u#t "ork hi%#elf into it. He %u#t kno" the !lea#ure of !re!aring the land( of contending "ith bug# and all other difficultie#( for it i# only thereby that he co%e# into a!!reciation of the real $alue of a garden. ) a% #aying thi# to !re!are the reader for the "ork that ) lay out in thi# cha!ter. ) "ant hi% to kno" the real joy that there i# in the #i%!le !roce##e# of breaking the earth and fitting it for the #eed. The %ore !ain# he take# "ith the#e !roce##e#( naturally the keener "ill be hi# enjoy%ent of the%. Co one can ha$e any other #ati#faction than that of %ere %anual e/erci#e if he doe# not kno" the rea#on# for "hat he doe# "ith hi# #oil. ) a% #ure that %y keene#t delight in a garden co%e# in the one %onth of the o!ening #ea#on and the other %onth of the clo#ing #ea#on. The#e are the %onth# "hen ) "ork harde#t and "hen ) a% neare#t the #oil. To feel the thru#t of the #!ade( to #%ell the #"eet earth( to !re!are for the young !lant# and then to !re!are for the clo#ing year( to handle the tool# "ith di#cri%ination( to guard again#t fro#t( to be clo#e "ith the rain and "ind( to #ee the young thing# #tart into life and then to #ee the% go do"n into "inter(AAthe#e are #o%e of the be#t of the joy# of gardening. )n thi# #!irit "e #hould take u! the "ork of handling the land. JThe draining of the land.J The fir#t #te! in the !re!aration of land( after it ha# been thoroughly cleared and #ubdued of fore#t or !re$iou# $egetation( i# to attend to the drainage. 6ll land that i# #!ringy( lo"( and '#our(' or that hold# the "ater in !uddle# for a day or t"o follo"ing hea$y rain#( #hould be thoroughly underdrained. &raining al#o i%!ro$e# the !hy#ical condition of the #oil e$en "hen the land doe# not need the re%o$al of #u!erfluou# "ater. )n hard land#( it lo"er# the "aterAtable( or tend# to loo#en and aerate the #oil to a greater de!th( and thereby enable# it to hold %ore "ater "ithout injury to !lant#. &rainage i# !articularly u#eful in dry but hard garden land#( becau#e the#e land# are often in #od or !er%anently !lanted( and the #oil cannot be broken u! by dee! tillage. Tile drainage i# !er%anent #ub#oiling. :)llu#tration5 -ig 32. &itching tool#.< HardAbaked cylindrical tile# %ake the be#t and %o#t !er%anent drain#. The ditche# u#ually #hould not be le## than t"o and oneAhalf feet dee!( and three or three and oneAhalf feet i# often better. )n %o#t garden area#( drain# %ay be laid "ith !rofit a# often a# e$ery thirty feet. Gi$e all drain# a good and continuou# fall. -or #ingle drain# and for lateral# not o$er four hundred or fi$e hundred feet long( a t"o and oneAhalf inch tile i# #ufficient( unle## %uch "ater %u#t be carried fro% #"ale# or #!ring#. )n #tony countrie#( flat #tone# %ay be u#ed in !lace of tile#( and !er#on# "ho are #killful in laying the% %ake drain# a# good and !er%anent a# tho#e con#tructed of tile#. The tile# or #tone# are co$ered "ith #od#( #tra"( or !a!er( and the earth i# then filled in. Thi# te%!orary co$er kee!# the loo#e dirt out of the tile#( and by the ti%e it i# rotted the earth ha# #ettled into !lace. :)llu#tration5 -ig. >8. Ho" to u#e a #!ade.< )n #%all !lace#( ditching %u#t ordinarily be done "holly "ith hand tool#. 6 co%%on #!ade and !ick are the i%!le%ent# u#ually e%!loyed( although a #!ade "ith a long handle and narro" blade( a# #ho"n in -ig.

32( i# $ery u#eful for e/ca$ating the botto% of the ditch. )n %o#t ca#e#( %uch ti%e and %u#cle are "a#ted in the u#e of the !ick. )f the digging i# !ro!erly done( a #!ade can be u#ed to cut the #oil( e$en in fairly hard clay land( "ith no great difficulty. The e##ential !oint in the ea#y u#e of the #!ade i# to %anage #o that one edge of the #!ade al"ay# cut# a free or e/!o#ed #urface. The illu#tration (-ig. >8) "ill e/!lain the %ethod. ,hen the o!erator endea$or# to cut the #oil in the %ethod #ho"n at 6( he i# obliged to break both edge# at e$ery thru#t of the toolG but "hen he cut# the #lice diagonally( fir#t thro"ing hi# #!ade to the right and then to the left( a# #ho"n at B( he cut# only one #ide and i# able to %ake !rogre## "ithout the e/!enditure of u#ele## effort. The#e re%ark# "ill a!!ly to any #!ading of the land. )n large area#( hor#e# %ay be u#ed to facilitate the "ork of ditching. There are ditching !lo"# and %achine#( "hich( ho"e$er( need not be di#cu##ed hereG but three or four furro"# %ay be thro"n out in either direction "ith a #trong !lo"( and a #ub#oil !lo" be run behind to break u! the hardA!an( and thi# %ay reduce the labor of digging a# %uch a# oneAhalf. ,hen the e/ca$ating i# co%!leted( the botto% of the ditch i# e$ened u! by %ean# of a line or le$el( and the bed for the tile# i# !re!ared by the u#e of a goo#eAneck #coo!( #ho"n in -ig. 32. )t i# $ery i%!ortant that the outlet# of drain# be ke!t free of "eed# and litter. )f the outlet i# built u! "ith %a#on "ork( to hold the end of the tile intact( $ery %uch "ill be added to the !er%anency of the drain. JTrenching and #ub#oiling.J :)llu#tration5 >1. Trenching "ith a #!ade.< 6lthough underdraining i# the %o#t i%!ortant %ean# of increa#ing the de!th of the #oil( it i# not al"ay# !racticable to lay drain# through garden land#. )n #uch ca#e#( recour#e i# had to $ery dee! !re!aration of the land( either e$ery year or e$ery t"o or three year#. :)llu#tration5 .)). Bedding "ith !al%#. )f a brickedAu! !it i# %ade about the !orch( !ot !al%# %ay be !lunged in it in #!ring and !ot conifer# in "interG and fall bulb# in tin can# (#o that the rece!tacle# "ill not #!lit "ith fro#t) %ay be !lunged a%ong the e$ergreen#.< )n #%all garden area#( thi# dee! !re!aration "ill ordinarily be done by trenching "ith a #!ade. Thi# o!eration of trenching con#i#t# in breaking u! the earth t"o #!ade# dee!. -igure >1 e/!lain# the o!eration. The #ection at the left #ho"# a #ingle #!ading( the earth being thro"n o$er to the right( lea$ing the #ub#oil e/!o#ed the "hole "idth of the bed. The #ection at the right #ho"# a #i%ilar o!eration( #o far a# the #urface #!ading i# concerned( but the #ub#oil ha# al#o been cut a# fa#t a# it ha# been e/!o#ed. Thi# under #oil i# not thro"n out on the #urface( and u#ually it i# not in$ertedG but a #!adeful i# lifted and then allo"ed to dro! #o that it i# thoroughly broken and !ul$eriEed in the %ani!ulation. :)llu#tration5 -ig. >7. Ho%eA%ade #ub#oil !lo".< )n all land# that ha$e a hard and high #ub#oil( it i# u#ually e##ential to !ractice trenching if the be#t re#ult# are to be #ecuredG thi# i# e#!ecially true "hen dee!Arooted !lant#( a# beet#( !ar#ni!#( and other rootAcro!#( are to be gro"nG it !re!are# the #oil to hold %oi#tureG and it allo"# the "ater of hea$y rainfall to !a## to greater de!th# rather

than to be held a# !uddle# and in %ud on the #urface. )n !lace# that can be entered "ith a tea%( dee! and hea$y !lo"ing to the de!th of #e$en to ten inche# %ay be de#irable on hard land#( e#!ecially if #uch land# cannot be !lo"ed $ery oftenG and the de!th of the !ul$eriEation i# often e/tended by %ean# of the #ub#oil !lo". Thi# #ub#oil !lo" doe# not turn a furro"( but a #econd tea% dra"# the i%!le%ent behind the ordinary !lo"( and the botto% of the furro" i# loo#ened and broken. -igure >7 #ho"# a ho%eA%ade #ub#oil !lo"( and -ig. >? t"o ty!e# of co%%ercial tool#. )t %u#t be re%e%bered that it i# the harde#t land# that need #ub#oiling and that( therefore( the #ub#oil !lo" #hould be e/ceedingly #trong. :)llu#tration5 -ig. >?. -or%# of #ub#oil !lo"#.< JPre!aration of the #urface.J E$ery !ain# #hould be taken to !re$ent the #urface of the land fro% beco%ing cru#ty or baked( for the hard #urface e#tabli#he# a ca!illary connection "ith the %oi#t #oil beneath( and i# a %ean# of !a##ing off the "ater into the at%o#!here. Loo#e and %ello" #oil al#o ha# %ore free !lantAfood( and !ro$ide# the %o#t congenial condition# for the gro"th of !lant#. The tool# that one %ay u#e in !re!aring the #urface #oil are no" #o %any and #o "ell ada!ted to the "ork that the gardener #hould find #!ecial #ati#faction in handling the%. )f the #oil i# a #tiff clay( it i# often ad$i#able to !lo" it or dig it in the fall( allo"ing it to lie rough and loo#e all "inter( #o that the "eathering %ay !ul$eriEe and #lake it. )f the clay i# $ery tenaciou#( it %ay be nece##ary to thro" leaf%old or litter o$er the #urface before the #!ading i# done( to !re$ent the #oil fro% running together or ce%enting before #!ring. ,ith %ello" and loa%y land#( ho"e$er( it i# ordinarily be#t to lea$e the !re!aration of the #urface until #!ring. )n the !re!aration of the #urface( the ordinary hand tool#( or #!ade# and #ho$el#( %ay be u#ed. )f( ho"e$er( the #oil i# %ello"( a fork i# a better tool than a #!ade( fro% the fact that it doe# not #lice the #oil( but tend# to break it u! into #%aller and %ore irregular %a##e#. The ordinary #!adingAfork( "ith #trong flat tine#( i# a %o#t #er$iceable toolG a #!adingAfork for #oft ground %ay be %ade fro% an old %anure fork by cutting do"n the tine#( a# #ho"n in -ig. >K. :)llu#tration5 -ig. >K. )%!ro$i#ing a #!adingAfork.< )t i# i%!ortant that the #oil #hould not be #ticky "hen it i# !re!ared( a# it i# likely to beco%e hard and baked and the !hy#ical condition be greatly injured. Ho"e$er( land that i# too "et for the rece!tion of #eed# %ay #till be thro"n u! loo#e "ith a #!ade or fork and allo"ed to dry( and after t"o or three day# the #urface !re!aration %ay be co%!leted "ith the hoe and the rake. )n ordinary #oil# the hoe i# the tool to follo" the #!adingAfork or the #!ade( but for the final !re!aration of the #urface a #teel gardenArake i# the ideal i%!le%ent. )n area#( large enough to ad%it hor#e tool#( the land can be fitted %ore econo%ically by %ean# of the $ariou# ty!e# of !lo"#( harro"#( and culti$ator# that are to be had of any dealer in agricultural i%!le%ent#. -igure >9 #ho"# $ariou# ty!e# of %odel #urface !lo"#. The one #ho"n at the u!!er leftAhand i# con#idered by 0obert#( in hi# '-ertility of the Land(' to be the ideal generalA!ur!o#e !lo"( a# re#!ect# #ha!e and

%ethod of con#truction. :)llu#tration5 -ig. >9. E/cellent ty!e# of #urface !lo"#.< The ty!e of %achine to be u#ed %u#t be deter%ined "holly by the character of the land and the !ur!o#e# for "hich it i# to be fitted. Land# that are hard and cloddy %ay be reduced by the u#e of the di#k or 6c%e harro"#( #ho"n in -ig. >LG but tho#e that are friable and %ello" %ay not need #uch hea$y and $igorou# tool#. =n the#e %ello"er land#( the #!ringAtooth harro"( ty!e# of "hich are #ho"n in -ig. >3( %ay follo" the !lo". =n $ery hard land#( the#e #!ringAtooth harro"# %ay follo" the di#k and 6c%e ty!e#. The final !re!aration of the land i# acco%!li#hed by light i%!le%ent# of the !attern #ho"n in -ig. >>. The#e #!ikeAtooth #%oothingAharro"# do for the field "hat the handArake doe# for the gardenAbed. :)llu#tration5 -ig. >L. &i#k and 6c%e harro"#( for the fir#t "orking of hard or cloddy land.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. >3. S!ringAtooth harro"#.< )f it i# de#ired to !ut a $ery fine fini#h on the #urface of the ground by %ean# of hor#e tool#( i%!le%ent# like the Breed or ,iard "eeder %ay be u#ed. The#e are con#tructed on the !rinci!le of a #!ringAtooth hor#e hayArake( and are %o#t e/cellent( not only for fitting loo#e land for ordinary #eeding( but al#o for #ub#eIuent tillage. :)llu#tration5 -ig. >>. S!ikeAtooth harro".< )n area# that cannot be entered "ith a tea%( $ariou# oneAhor#e i%!le%ent# %ay do the "ork that i# acco%!li#hed by hea$ier tool# in the field. The #!ringAtooth culti$ator( #ho"n at the right in -ig. >2( %ay do the kind of "ork that the #!ringAtooth harro"# are e/!ected to do on larger area#G and $ariou# adju#table #!ikeAtooth culti$ator#( t"o of "hich are #ho"n in -ig. >2( are u#eful for !utting a fini#h on the land. The#e tool# are al#o a$ailable for the tilling of the #urface "hen cro!# are gro"ing. The #!ringAtooth culti$ator i# a %o#t u#eful tool for culti$ating ra#!berrie# and blackberrie#( and other #trongArooted cro!#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. >2. S!ikeAtooth and #!ringAtooth culti$ator#.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 28. Good ty!e of "heelAhoe.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 21. 6 #ingleAblade "heelAhoe.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 27. &ouble "heelAhoe( u#eful in #traddling the ro".< -or #till #%aller area#( in "hich hor#e# cannot be u#ed and "hich are #till too large for tilling "holly by %ean# of hoe# and rake#( $ariou# ty!e# of "heelAhoe# %ay be u#ed. The#e i%!le%ent# are no" %ade in great $ariety of !attern#( to #uit any ta#te and al%o#t any kind of tillage. -or the be#t re#ult#( it i# e##ential that the "heel #hould be large and "ith a broad tire( that it %ay o$erride ob#tacle#. -igure 28 #ho"# an e/cellent ty!e of "heelAhoe "ith fi$e blade#( and -ig. 21 #ho"# one "ith a #ingle blade and that %ay be u#ed in $ery narro" ro"#. T"oA"heeled hoe# (-ig. 27) are often u#ed( !articularly "hen it i# nece##ary to ha$e the i%!le%ent $ery #teady( and the "heel# %ay #traddle the ro"# of lo" !lant#. Many of the#e "heelAhoe# are !ro$ided "ith $ariou# #ha!e# of blade#( #o that the i%!le%ent %ay be adju#ted to %any kind# of "ork.

Cearly all the "eeding of bed# of onion# and like !lant# can be done by %ean# of the#e "heelAhoe#( if the ground i# "ell !re!ared in the beginningG but it %u#t be re%e%bered that they are of co%!arati$ely #%all u#e on $ery hard and cloddy and #tony land#. JThe #a$ing of %oi#ture.J The garden %u#t ha$e a liberal #u!!ly of %oi#ture. The fir#t effort to"ard #ecuring thi# #u!!ly #hould be the #a$ing of the rainfall "ater. Pro!er !re!aration and tillage !ut the land in #uch condition that it hold# the "ater of rainfall. Land that i# $ery hard and co%!act %ay #hed the rainfall( !articularly if it i# #lo!ing and if the #urface i# bare of $egetation. )f the hardA!an i# near the #urface( the land cannot hold %uch "ater( and any ordinary rainfall %ay fill it #o full that it o$erflo"#( or !uddle# #tand on the #urface. =n land in good tilth( the "ater of rainfall #ink# a"ay( and i# not $i#ible a# free "ater. 6# #oon a# the %oi#ture begin# to !a## fro% the #u!erincu%bent at%o#!here( e$a!oration begin# fro% the #urface of the land. 6ny body inter!o#ed bet"een the land and the air check# thi# e$a!orationG thi# i# "hy there i# %oi#ture underneath a board. )t i# i%!racticable( ho"e$er( to floor o$er the garden "ith board#( but any co$ering "ill ha$e #i%ilar effect( but in different degree. 6 co$ering of #a"du#t or lea$e# or dry a#he# "ill !re$ent the lo## of %oi#ture. So "ill a co$ering of dry earth. Co"( ina#%uch a# the land i# already co$ered "ith earth( it only re%ain# to loo#en u! a layer or #tratu% on to! in order to #ecure the %ulch. 6ll thi# i# only a roundabout "ay of #aying that freIuent #hallo" #urface tillage con#er$e# %oi#ture. The co%!arati$ely dry and loo#e %ulch break# u! the ca!illary connection bet"een the #urface #oil and the under #oil( and "hile the %ulch it#elf %ay be u#ele## a# a foraging ground for root#( it %ore than !ay# it# kee! by it# !re$enting of the lo## of %oi#tureG and it# o"n #oluble !lantAfood# are "a#hed do"n into the lo"er #oil by the rain#. 6# often a# the #urface beco%e# co%!act( the %ulch #hould be rene"ed or re!aired by the u#e of the rake or culti$ator or harro". Per#on# are decei$ed by #u!!o#ing that #o long a# the #urface re%ain# %oi#t( the land i# in the be#t !o##ible conditionG a %oi#t #urface %ay %ean that "ater i# ra!idly !a##ing off into the at%o#!here. 6 dry #urface %ay %ean that le## e$a!oration i# taking !lace( and there %ay be %oi#ter earth beneath itG and %oi#ture i# needed belo" the #urface rather than on to!. 6 finely raked bed i# dry on to!G but the foot!rint# of the cat re%ain %oi#t( for the ani%al !acked the #oil "here$er it #te!!ed and a ca!illary connection "a# e#tabli#hed "ith the "ater re#er$oir beneath. Gardener# ad$i#e fir%ing the earth o$er ne"ly !lanted #eed# to ha#ten ger%ination. Thi# i# e##ential in dry ti%e#G but "hat "e gain in ha#tening ger%ination "e lo#e in the %ore ra!id e$a!oration of %oi#ture. The le##on i# that "e #hould loo#en the #oil a# #oon a# the #eed# ha$e ger%inated( to reduce e$a!oration to the %ini%u%. Large #eed#( a# bean# and !ea#( %ay be !lanted dee! and ha$e the earth fir%ed about the%( and then the rake %ay be a!!lied to the #urface to #to! the ri#e of %oi#ture before it reache# the air. T"o illu#tration#( ada!ted fro% 0obert#H# '-ertility(' #ho" good and !oor !re!aration of the land. -igure 2? i# a #ection of land t"el$e inche# dee!. The under #oil ha# been finely broken and !ul$eriEed and

then co%!acted. )t i# %ello" but fir%( and i# an e/cellent "ater re#er$oir. Three inche# of the #urface i# a %ulch of loo#e and dry earth. -igure 2K #ho"# an earthA%ulch( but it i# too #hallo"G and the under #oil i# #o o!en and cloddy that the "ater run# through it. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 2?. To illu#trate good !re!aration of ground.< ,hen the land i# once !ro!erly !re!ared( the #oilA%ulch i# %aintained by #urfaceA"orking tool#. )n field !ractice( the#e tool# are harro"# and hor#e culti$ator# of $ariou# kind#G in ho%e garden !ractice they are "heelAhoe#( rake#( and %any !attern# of hand hoe# and #carifier#( "ith fingerA"eeder# and other #%all i%!le%ent# for "ork directly a%ong the !lant#. :)llu#tration5 2K. To illu#trate !oor !re!aration of ground.< 6 garden #oil i# not in good condition "hen it i# hard and cru#ted on to!. The cru#t %ay be the cau#e of "a#ting "ater( it kee!# out the air( and in general it i# an uncongenial !hy#ical conditionG but it# e$a!oration of "ater i# !robably it# chief defect. )n#tead of !ouring "ater on the land( therefore( "e fir#t atte%!t to kee! the %oi#ture in the land. )f( ho"e$er( the #oil beco%e# #o dry in #!ite of you that the !lant# do not thri$e( then "ater the bed. &o not J#!rinkleJ it( but J"aterJ it. ,et it clear through at e$ening. Then in the %orning( "hen the earth begin# to dry( loo#en the #urface again to kee! the "ater fro% getting a"ay. S!rinkling the !lant# e$ery day or t"o i# one of the #ure#t "ay# of #!oiling the%. ,e %ay "ater the ground "ith a gardenArake. JHand tool# for "eeding and #ub#eIuent tillage and other hand "ork.J 6ny of the culti$ator# and "heelAhoe# are a# u#eful for the #ub#eIuent tilling of the cro! a# for the initial !re!aration of the land( but there are other tool# al#o that greatly facilitate the kee!ing of the !lantation in order. *et "holly a#ide fro% the $alue of a tool a# an i%!le%ent of tillage and a# a "ea!on for the !ur#uit of "eed#( i# it# %erit %erely a# a #ha!ely and intere#ting in#tru%ent. 6 %an "ill take infinite !ain# to choo#e a gun or a fi#hingArod to hi# liking( and a "o%an gi$e# her be#t attention to the #electing of an u%brellaG but a hoe i# only a hoe and a rake only a rake. )f one !ut# hi# !er#onal choice into the #ecuring of !lant# for a garden( #o #hould he di#cri%inate in the choice of hand tool#( to #ecure tho#e that are light( tri%( "ell %ade( and !reci#ely ada!ted to the "ork to be acco%!li#hed. 6 ca#e of neat garden tool# ought to be a great joy to a joyful gardener. So ) a% "illing to enlarge on the #ubject of hoe# and their kind.

The hoe. :)llu#tration5 29. @#eful for%# of hoeAblade#.< The co%%on rectangularAbladed hoe i# #o thoroughly e#tabli#hed in the !o!ular %ind that it i# $ery difficult to introduce ne" !attern#( e$en though they %ay be intrin#ically #u!erior. 6# a generalA!ur!o#e tool( it i# no doubt true that a co%%on hoe i# better than any of it# %odification#( but there are $ariou# !attern# of hoeAblade# that are greatly #u!erior for #!ecial u#e#( and "hich ought to a!!eal to any

Iuiet #oul "ho lo$e# a garden. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 2L. 6 #tack of gardening "ea!on#( co%!ri#ing #o%e of TarryerH# "eeding #!ud# and thi%ble#.< The great "idth of the co%%on blade doe# not ad%it of it# being u#ed in $ery narro" ro"# or $ery clo#e to delicate !lant#( and it doe# not allo" of the dee! #tirring of the #oil in narro" #!ace#. )t i# al#o difficult to enter hard ground "ith #uch a broad face. .ariou# !ointed blade# ha$e been introduced fro% ti%e to ti%e( and %o#t of the% ha$e %erit. So%e !er#on# !refer t"o !oint# to the hoe( a# #ho"n in Mar$inH# blade#( in -ig. 29. The#e intere#ting #ha!e# re!re#ent the #ugge#tion# of gardener# "ho "ill not be bound by "hat the %arket afford#( but "ho ha$e blade# cut and fitted for their o"n #ati#faction. Per#on# "ho follo"ed the entertaining "riting# of one "ho called hi%#elf Mr. 6.B. Tarryer( in '6%erican Garden(' a fe" year# back( "ill recall the great $ariety of i%!le%ent# that he ad$i#ed for the !ur!o#e of e/tir!ating hi# hereditary foe#( the "eed#. 6 $ariety of the#e blade# and tool# i# #ho"n in -ig#. 2L and 23. ) #hall let Mr. Tarryer tell hi# #tory at #o%e length in order to lead %y reader !ainle##ly into a ne" field of gardening !lea#ure#. Mr. Tarryer contend# that the "heelAhoe i# %uch too clu%#y an affair to allo" of the !ur#uit of an indi$idual "eed. ,hile the o!erator i# bu#y adju#ting hi# %achine and %ani!ulating it about the corner# of the garden( the IuackAgra## ha# e#ca!ed o$er the fence or ha# gone to #eed at the other end of the !lantation. He de$i#ed an e/!editiou# tool for each little "ork to be !erfor%ed on the garden(AAfor hard ground and #oft( for old "eed# and young (one of hi# i%!le%ent# "a# deno%inated 'infantAda%nation'). :)llu#tration5 -ig. 23. So%e of the detail# of the Tarryer tool#.< 'Score# of ti%e# during the #ea#on(' Mr. Tarryer "rite#( 'the ten or fifteen %inute# one ha# to enjoy in the flo"er( fruit( and $egetable gardenAAand that "ould #uffice for the needful "eeding "ith the hoe# "e are celebratingAA"ould be lo#t in harne##ing hor#e# or adju#ting and oiling #Iueaky "heelAhoe#( e$en if e$erybody had the%. The H6%erican GardenH i# not big enough( nor %y !atience long enough( to gi$e %ore than an inkling of the un#!eakable %erit# of the#e "ea!on# of #ociety and ci$iliEation. ,hen Mr#. Tarryer "a# #ho"ing t"el$e or fifteen acre# of garden "ith ne$er a "eed to be #een( #he $alued her doEen or %ore of the#e light i%!le%ent# at fi$e or ten dollar# dailyG "hether they "ere in actual u#e or adorning the front hall( like a hunterH# or anglerH# furniture( %ade no difference. But "here are the#e %illennial tool# %ade and #oldM Co"here. They are a# unkno"n a# the Bible "a# in the dark age#( and "e %u#t gi$e a fe" hint# to"ard# %anufacturing the%. '-ir#t( about the handle#. The ordinary dealer or "ork%an %ay #ay the#e knob# can be for%ed on any handle# by "inding the% "ith leatherG but ju#t fancy a young %aiden #etting u! her hoe %editati$ely and re#ting her hand# and chin u!on an old leather knob to reflect u!on #o%ething that ha# been #aid to her in the garden( and "e #hall !ercei$e that a knob by #o%e other na%e "ould #%ell far #"eeter. Moreo$er( tree# gro" large enough at the butt to furni#h all the knob# "e "antAAe$en for broo%A#tick#AAthough #a"yer#( turner#( dealer#( and the !ublic #ee% not to be a"are of itG yet it %u#t be confe##ed "e are #o far gone in de!ra$ity that there "ill be trouble in getting tho#e handle#....

')n a broadca#t !rayer of thi# !ublic nature( ab#olute #!ecification# "ould not be !olite. Black "alnut and butternut are fragrant a# "ell a# beautiful ti%ber. herry i# #tiff( hea$y( durable( and( like %a!le( take# a #li!!ery !oli#h. -or fine( light handle#( that the !al% "ill #tick to( butt cut# of !o!lar or cotton"ood cannot be e/celled( yet #traightAgrained a#h "ill bear %ore carele## u#age. 'The handle# of Mr#. TarryerH# hoe# are ne$er !erfectly #traight. 6ll the bayonet cla## bend do"n"ard in u#e half an inch or %oreG all the thru#tAhoe handle# bend u! in a regular cur$e (like a fiddleAbo" turned o$er) t"o or three inche#. @nle## they are hung right( the#e hoe# are $ery a"k"ard thing#. ,hen !erfectly fit for one( they %ay not fit anotherG that i#( a tall( keenA#ighted !er#on cannot u#e the hoe that i# ju#t fit for a $ery #hort one.... ur$e# in the handle# thro" center# of gra$ity "here they belong. Good ti%ber generally "ar!# in a handle about right( only i%!le%ent %aker# and babe# in "eeding %ay not kno" "hen it i# %ade fa#t right #ide u! in the hoe. 'There are !lenty of thru#tAhoe# in %arket( #uch a# they are. So%e ha$e %alleable iron #ocket# and bo"#AAhea$ier to the buyer and chea!er to the dealerAAin#tead of "roughtAiron and #teel( #uch a# i# reIuired for true "orth.' Scarifier#. :)llu#tration5 2>. 6 #carifier.< :)llu#tration5 22. Ho%eA%ade #carifier.< :)llu#tration5 188. Ho%eA%ade #carifier or #cra!er.< -or %any !ur!o#e#( tool# that #cra!e or #carify the #urface are !referable to hoe# that dig u! the ground. ,eed# %ay be ke!t do"n by cutting the% off( a# in "alk# and often in flo"erAbed#( rather than by rooting the% out. -igure 2> #ho"# #uch a tool( and a ho%eA%ade i%!le%ent an#"ering the #a%e !ur!o#e i# illu#trated in -ig. 22. Thi# latter tool i# ea#ily %ade fro% #trong bandAiron. 6nother ty!e i# #ugge#ted in -ig. 188( re!re#enting a #licingAhoe %ade by fa#tening a #heet of good %etal to the tine# of a broken fork. The kind chiefly in the %arket i# #ho"n in -ig. 181. :)llu#tration5 181. The co%%on #carifier.<

HandA"eeder#. :)llu#tration5 187. Good handA"eeder#.< :)llu#tration5 18?. 6 handA"eeder.< :)llu#tration5 18K. 6 fingerA"eeder.< :)llu#tration5 189. 6 #%all handA"eeder.< -or #%all bed# of flo"er# or $egetable#( handA"eeder# of $ariou# !attern# are e##ential to ea#y and efficient "ork. =ne of the be#t !attern#( "ith long and #hort handle#( i# #ho"n in -ig. 187. 6nother

#tyle( that %ay be %ade at ho%e of hoo!Airon( i# dra"n in -ig. 18?. 6 fingerA"eeder i# illu#trated in -ig. 18K. )n -ig. 189 a co%%on for% i# #ho"n. Many !attern# of handA"eeder# are in the %arket( and other for%# "ill #ugge#t the%#el$e# to the o!erator.

Tro"el# and their kind. S%all handAtool# for digging( a# tro"el#( dibber#( and #!ud#( %ay be had of dealer#. )n buying a tro"el it i# econo%y to !ay an e/tra !rice and #ecure a #teel blade "ith a #trong #hank that run# through the entire length of the handle. =ne of the#e tool# "ill la#t #e$eral year# and %ay be u#ed in hard ground( but the chea! tro"el# are generally hardly "orth the buying. 6 #olid "roughtAiron tro"el all in one !iece i# al#o %anufactured( and i# the %o#t durable !attern. 6 #teel tro"el %ay be #ecured to a long handleG or the blade of a broken tro"el %ay be utiliEed in the #a%e "ay (-ig. 18L). 6 $ery good tro"el %ay al#o be %ade fro% a di#carded blade of a %o"ing %achine (-ig. 183)( and it an#"er# the !ur!o#e of a handA"eeder. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 18L. LongAhandled tro"el.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 183. )%!ro$i#ed tro"el.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 18>. ,eedA#!ud.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 182. 6 good "eedA#!ud.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 118. ,eedAcutter.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 111. 6 "eedA#!ud that lift# the "eed.< ,eedA#!ud# are #ho"n in -ig#. 18> to 111. The fir#t i# !articularly #er$iceable in cutting dock# and other #trong "eed# fro% la"n# and !a#ture#. )t i# !ro$ided "ith a brace to allo" it to be thru#t into the ground "ith the foot. )t i# #eldo% nece##ary to dig out !erennial "eed# to the ti!# of their dee! root#( if the cro"n i# #e$ered a #hort di#tance belo" the #urface. 0oller#. )t i# often e##ential that the land be co%!acted after it ha# been #!aded or hoed( and #o%e kind of handAroller i# then u#eful. .ery efficient iron roller# are in the %arket( but a good one can be %ade fro% a hard che#tnut or oak log( a# #ho"n in -ig. 117. ()t #hould be re%e%bered that "hen the #urface i# hard and co%!act( "ater e#ca!e# fro% it ra!idly( and !lant# %ay #uffer for %oi#ture on arri$al of "ar% "eather.) The roller i# u#eful in t"o "ay#AAto co%!act the underA#urface( in "hich ca#e the #urface #hould be again loo#ened a# #oon a# the rolling i# doneG and to fir% the earth about #eed# (!age 2>) or the root# of ne"ly #et !lant#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 117. HandAroller.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 11?. 0oller and %arker.< Marker#.

:)llu#tration5 -ig. 11K. 0oller and %arker.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 119. MarkingA#tick.< 6 %arker %ay often be co%bined "ith the roller to good ad$antage( a# in -ig. 11?. 0o!e# are #ecured about the cylinder at !ro!er inter$al#( and the#e %ark the ro"#. Dnot# %ay be !laced in the ro!e# to indicate the !lace# "here !lant# are to be #et or #eed# dro!!ed. 6n e/ten#ion of the #a%e idea i# #een in -ig. 11K( "hich #ho"# iron or "ooden !eg# that %ake hole# in "hich $ery #%all !lant# %ay be #et. 6n LA#ha!ed rod !roject# at one #ide to %ark the !lace of the ne/t ro". :)llu#tration5 -ig. 11L. Tool for #!acing !lant#.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 113. Barro" rigged "ith a %arker.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 11>. Hand #ledA%arker.< )n %o#t ca#e# the be#t and %o#t e/!editiou# %ethod of %arking out the garden i# by the u#e of the garden line( "hich i# #ecured to a reel (-ig. 2L)( but $ariou# other de$ice# are often u#eful. -or $ery #%all bed#( drill# or furro"# %ay be %ade by a #i%!le %arkingA#tick (-ig. 119). 6 handy %arker i# #ho"n in -ig. 11L. 6 %arker can be rigged to a "heelAbarro"( a# in -ig. 113. 6 rod i# #ecured underneath the front tru##( and fro% it# end an adju#table trailer( B( i# hung. The "heel of the barro" %ark# the ro"( and the trailer indicate# the !lace of the ne/t ro"( thereby kee!ing the ro"# !arallel. 6 hand #ledA%arker i# #ho"n in -ig. 11>( and a #i%ilar de$ice %ay be #ecured to the fra%e of a #ulky culti$ator (-ig. 112) or other "heel tool. 6 good adju#table #ledA%arker i# outlined in -ig. 178. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 112. Trailing #ledA%arker.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 178. 6dju#table #ledA%arker.< JEnriching the land.J T"o !roble%# are in$ol$ed in the fertiliEing of the land5 the direct addition of !lantAfood( and the i%!ro$e%ent of the !hy#ical #tructure of the #oil. The latter office i# often the %ore i%!ortant. Land# that( on the one hand( are $ery hard and #olid( "ith a tendency to bake( and( on the other( that are loo#e and leachy( are $ery greatly benefited by the addition of organic %atter. ,hen thi# organic %atterAAa# ani%al and !lant re%ain#AAdecay# and beco%e# thoroughly incor!orated "ith the #oil( it for%# "hat i# called hu%u#. The addition of thi# hu%u# %ake# the land %ello"( friable( retenti$e of %oi#ture( and !ro%ote# the general che%ical acti$itie# of the #oil. )t al#o !ut# the #oil in the be#t !hy#ical condition for the co%fort and "ellAbeing of the !lant#. .ery %any of the land# that are #aid to be e/hau#ted of !lantAfood #till contain enough !ota#h( !ho#!horic acid( and li%e( and other fertiliEing ele%ent#( to !roduce good cro!#G but they ha$e been greatly injured in their !hy#ical condition by longAcontinued cro!!ing( injudiciou# tillage( and the "ithholding of $egetable %atter. 6 !art of the %arked re#ult# #ecured fro% the !lo"ing under of clo$er i# due to the incor!oration of $egetable %atter( "holly a#ide fro% the addition of fertiliEing %aterialG and thi# i# e%!hatically true of clo$er becau#e it# dee!Agro"ing root# !enetrate and break u! the #ub#oil.

Muck and leaf%old are often $ery u#eful in a%eliorating either $ery hard or $ery loo#e land#. E/cellent hu%ou# %aterial %ay be con#tantly at hand if the lea$e#( garden refu#e( and #o%e of the %anure are !iled and co%!o#ted (!. 11K). )f the !ile i# turned #e$eral ti%e# a year( the %aterial beco%e# fine and unifor% in te/ture. The $ariou# Iue#tion# a##ociated "ith the fertiliEing of the land are too large to be con#idered in detail here. Per#on# "ho de#ire to fa%iliariEe the%#el$e# "ith the #ubject #hould con#ult recent book#. )t %ay be #aid( ho"e$er( that( a# a rule( %o#t land# contain all the ele%ent# of !lantAfood in #ufficient Iuantitie# e/ce!t !ota#h( !ho#!horic acid( and nitrogen. )n %any ca#e#( li%e i# $ery beneficial to land( u#ually becau#e it correct# acidity and ha# a %echanical effect in !ul$eriEing and flocculating clay and in ce%enting #and#. The chief #ource# of co%%ercial !ota#h are %uriate of !ota#h( #ulfate of !ota#h( and "ood a#he#. -or general !ur!o#e#( the %uriate of !ota#h i# no" reco%%ended( becau#e it i# co%!arati$ely chea! and the co%!o#ition i# unifor%. 6 nor%al a!!lication of %uriate of !ota#h i# 788 to ?88 !ound# to the acreG but on #o%e land#( "here the greate#t re#ult# are de%anded( #o%eti%e# a# %uch a# t"ice thi# a!!lication %ay be %ade. Pho#!horic acid i# got in di##ol$ed South arolina and -lorida rock and in $ariou# bone !re!aration#. The#e %aterial# are a!!lied at the rate of 788 to K88 !ound# to the acre. o%%ercial nitrogen i# #ecured chiefly in the for% of ani%al refu#e( a# blood and tankage( and in nitrate of #oda. )t i# %ore likely to be lo#t by leaching through the land than the %ineral #ub#tance# are( e#!ecially if the land lack# hu%u#. Citrate of #oda i# $ery #oluble( and #hould be a!!lied in #%all Iuantitie# at inter$al#. Citrogen( being the ele%ent "hich i# %o#tly conduci$e to $egetati$e gro"th( tend# to delay the #ea#on of %aturity if a!!lied hea$ily or late in the #ea#on. -ro% 188 to ?88 !ound# of nitrate of #oda %ay be a!!lied to the acre( but it i# ordinarily better to %ake t"o or three a!!lication# at inter$al# of three to #i/ "eek#. -ertiliEing %aterial# %ay be a!!lied either in fall or #!ringG but in the ca#e of nitrate of #oda it i# u#ually better not to a!!ly in the fall unle## the land ha# !lenty of hu%u# to !re$ent leaching( or on !lant# that #tart $ery early in the #!ring. -ertiliEing %aterial i# #o"n broadca#t( or it %ay be #cattered lightly in furro"# underneath the #eed#( and then co$ered "ith earth. )f #o"n broadca#t( it %ay be a!!lied either after the #eed# are #o"n or before. )t i# u#ually better to a!!ly it before( for although the rain# carry it do"n( ne$erthele## the u!"ard %o$e%ent of "ater during the dry "eather of the #u%%er tend# to bring it back to the #urface. )t i# i%!ortant that large lu%!# of fertiliEer( e#!ecially %uriate of !ota#h and nitrate of #oda( do not fall near the cro"n# of the !lant#G other"i#e the !lant# %ay be #eriou#ly injured. )t i# a general !rinci!le( al#o( that it i# be#t to u#e %ore #!aringly of fertiliEer# than of tillage. The tendency i# to %ake fertiliEer# do !enance for the #in# of neglect( but the re#ult# do not often %eet oneH# e/!ectation#. )f one ha# only a #%all garden or a ho%e yard( it ordinarily "ill not !ay hi% to buy the che%ical# #e!arately( a# #ugge#ted abo$e( but he %ay !urcha#e a co%!lete fertiliEer that i# #old under a trade%ark or brand( and ha# a guaranteed analy#i#. )f one i# rai#ing !lant# chiefly for their foliage( a# rhubarb and orna%ental bu#he#( he #hould choo#e a fertiliEer co%!arati$ely rich in nitrogenG but if he de#ire# chiefly

fruit and flo"er#( the %ineral ele%ent#( a# !ota#h and !ho#!horic acid( #hould u#ually be high. )f one u#e# the che%ical#( it i# not nece##ary that they be %i/ed before a!!licationG in fact( it i# u#ually better not to %i/ the%( becau#e #o%e !lant# and #o%e #oil# need %ore of one ele%ent than of another. Bu#t "hat %aterial#( and ho" %uch( different #oil# and !lant# reIuire %u#t be deter%ined by the gro"er hi%#elf by ob#er$ation and e/!eri%entG and it i# one of the #ati#faction# of gardening to arri$e at di#cri%ination in #uch %atter#. Muriate of !ota#h co#t# OK8 and u!"ard# !er ton( #ulfate about OK>( di##ol$ed boneblack about O7K( ground bone about O?8( kainit about O1?( and nitrate of #oda about 7A1PK cent# !er !ound. The#e !rice# $ary( of cour#e( "ith the co%!o#ition or %echanical condition of %aterial#( and "ith the #tate of the %arket. The a$erage co%!o#ition of unleached "ood a#he# in the %arket i# about a# follo"#5 Pota#h( 9.7 !er centG !ho#!horic acid( 1.38 !er centG li%e( ?K !er centG %agne#ia( ?.K8 !er cent. The a$erage co%!o#ition of kainit i# 1?.9K !er cent !ota#h( 1.19 !er cent li%e. The fact that the #oil it#elf i# the greate#t #torehou#e of !lantAfood i# #ho"n by the follo"ing a$erage of thirtyAfi$e analy#e# of the total content of the fir#t eight inche# of #urface #oil#( !er acre5 ?971 !ound# of nitrogen( KK88 !ound# of !ho#!horic acid( 12(>?L !ound# of !ota#h. Much of thi# i# una$ailable( but good tillage( greenA%anuring( and !ro!er %anage%ent tend to unlock it and at the #a%e ti%e to #a$e it fro% "a#te. E$ery careful gardener "ill take #ati#faction in #a$ing lea$e# and tri%%ing# and #table refu#e and %aking co%!o#t of it to #u!!le%ent the nati$e #u!!lie# in the #oil. So%e outAofAtheA"ay corner "ill be found for a !er%anent !ile( "ith roo% for !iling it o$er fro% ti%e to ti%e. The !ile "ill be #creened by hi# garden !lanting. (-igure 171 #ugge#t# a u#eful cart for collecting #uch %aterial#.) He "ill al#o #a$e the !o"er of hi# land by changing hi# cro!# to other !art# of the garden( year by year( not gro"ing hi# hina a#ter# or hi# #na!Adragon# or hi# !otatoe# or #tra"berrie# continuou#ly on the #a%e areaG and thu#( al#o( "ill hi# garden ha$e a ne" face e$ery year. :)llu#tration5 -ig 171. 6 good cart for collecting lea$e# and other %aterial#.< Le#t the reader %ay get the idea that there i# no li%it to be !laced on the enriching of the #oil( ) "ill caution hi% at the end of %y di#cu##ion that he %ay ea#ily %ake the !lace #o rich that #o%e !lant# "ill o$ergro" and "ill not co%e into flo"ering or fruiting before fro#t( and flo"er# %ay lack brilliancy. =n $ery rich land( #carlet #age "ill gro" to great #iEe but "ill not bloo% in the northern #ea#onG #"eet !ea# "ill run to $ineG gaillardia# and #o%e other !lant# "ill break do"nG to%atoe# and %elon# and !e!!er# %ay be #o late that the fruit "ill not ri!en. =nly e/!erience and good judg%ent "ill #afeguard the gardener a# to ho" far he #hould or #hould not go.

H6PTE0 . THE H6C&L)CG =- THE PL6CTS There i# a knack in the #ucce##ful handling of !lant# that it i#

i%!o##ible to de#cribe in !rint. 6ll !er#on# can i%!ro$e their !ractice through diligent reading of u#eful gardening literature( but no a%ount of reading and ad$ice "ill %ake a good gardener of a !er#on "ho doe# not lo$e to dig in a garden or "ho doe# not ha$e a care for !lant# ju#t becau#e they are !lant#. To gro" a !lant "ell( one %u#t learn it# natural habit#. So%e !er#on# learn thi# a# if by intuition( acIuiring the kno"ledge fro% clo#e di#cri%ination of the beha$ior of the !lant. =ften they are the%#el$e# uncon#ciou# of thi# knack of kno"ing "hat "ill %ake the !lant to thri$eG but it i# not at all nece##ary to ha$e #uch an intuiti$e judg%ent to enable one to be e$en %ore than a fairly good gardener. &iligent attention to the !lantH# habit# and reIuire%ent#( and a real regard for the !lantH# "elfare( "ill %ake any !er#on a #ucce##ful !lantAgro"er. So%e of the thing# that a !er#on #hould kno" about any !lant he "ould gro" are the#e5AA ,hether the !lant %ature# in the fir#t( #econd( third( or #ub#eIuent year#G and "hen it naturally begin# to fail. The ti%e of the year or #ea#on in "hich it nor%ally gro"#( bloo%#( or fruit#G and "hether it can be forced at other #ea#on#. ,hether it !refer# a #ituation dry or %oi#t or "et( hot or cool( #unny or #hady. )t# !reference# a# to #oil( "hether $ery rich or only %oderately rich( #and or loa%( or !eat or clay. )t# hardine## a# to fro#t( "ind( drought( heat. ,hether it ha# any #!ecial reIuire%ent# a# to ger%ination( and "hether it tran#!lant# "ell. ,hether it i# #!ecially liable to attack by in#ect# or di#ea#e. ,hether it ha# a #!ecial inability to gro" t"o year# in #ucce##ion on the #a%e land. Ha$ing #uited the #ituation to the !lant( and ha$ing !re!ared the ground "ell and %ade a re#olution to kee! it "ell( #!ecial attention %u#t be gi$en to #uch %atter# a# the#e5AA Guarding fro% all in#ect# and di#ea#e#G and al#o fro% cat# and chicken# and dog#G and like"i#e fro% rabbit# and %ice. Protecting fro% "eed#. Pruning( in the ca#e of fruit tree# and bu#he#( and al#o of orna%ental "oody !lant# on occa#ion( and #o%eti%e# e$en of annual herb#. Staking and tying( !articularly of #!ra"ly garden flo"er#. Per#i#tent !icking of #eed !od# or dead flo"er# fro% flo"er !lant#( in order to con#er$e the #trength of the !lant and to !rolong it# #ea#on of bloo%. ,atering in dry "eather (but not #!rinkling or dribbling).

Thorough "inter !rotecting of !lant# that need it. 0e%o$ing dead lea$e#( broken branche#( "eak and #ickly !lant#( and other"i#e kee!ing the !lace tidy and tri%. JSo"ing the #eed#.J Pre!are the #urface earth "ell( to %ake a good #eedAbed. Plant "hen the ground i# %oi#t( if !o##ible( and !referably ju#t before a rain if the #oil i# of #uch character that it "ill not bake. -or #hallo"A!lanted #eed#( fir% the earth abo$e the% by "alking o$er the ro" or by !atting it do"n "ith a hoe. S!ecial care #hould be e/erci#ed not to #o" $ery #%all and #lo"Ager%inating #eed#( a# celery( carrot( onion( in !oorly !re!ared #oil or in ground that bake#. ,ith #uch #eed# it i# "ell to #o" #eed# of radi#h or turni!( for the#e ger%inate Iuickly and break the cru#t( and al#o %ark the ro" #o that tillage %ay be begun before the regularAcro! #eed# are u!. Land %ay be !re$ented fro% baking o$er the #eed# by #cattering a $ery thin layer of fine litter( a# chaff( or of #ifted %o## or %old( o$er the ro". 6 board i# #o%eti%e# laid on the ro" to retain the %oi#ture( but it %u#t be lifted gradually ju#t a# #oon a# the !lant# begin to break the ground( or the !lant# "ill be greatly injured. ,hene$er !racticable( #eedAbed# of celery and other #lo"Ager%inating #eed# #hould be #haded. )f the bed# are "atered( be careful that the #oil i# not !acked by the force of the "ater or baked by the #un. )n thickly #o"n #eedAbed#( thin or tran#!lant the !lant# a# #oon a# they ha$e %ade their fir#t true lea$e#. -or %o#t ho%eAground#( #eed# %ay be #o"n by hand( but for large area# of one cro!( one of the %any kind# of #eedA#o"er# %ay be u#ed. The !articular %ethod# of #o"ing #eed# are u#ually #!ecified in the #eed catalogue#( if other than ordinary treat%ent i# reIuired. The #ledA%arker# (already de#cribed( !. 18>) o!en a furro" of #ufficient de!th for the !lanting of %o#t #eed#. )f %arker furro"# are not a$ailable( a furro" %ay be o!ened "ith a hoe for #uch dee!A!lanted #eed# a# !ea# and #"eet !ea#( or by a tro"el or end of a rake#tale for #%aller #eed#. )n narro" bed# or bo/e#( a #tick or ruler (-ig. 119) %ay be u#ed for o!ening crea#e# to recei$e the #eed#. The de!th at "hich #eed# are to be !lanted $arie# "ith the kind( the #oil and it# !re!aration( the #ea#on( and "hether they are !lanted in the o!en or in the hou#e. )n bo/e# and under gla##( it i# a good rule that the #eed be #o"n at a de!th eIual to t"ice it# o"n dia%eter( but dee!er #o"ing i# u#ually nece##ary out of door#( !articularly in hot and dry "eather. Strong and hardy #eed#( a# !ea#( #"eet !ea#( large fruitAtree #eed#( %ay be !lanted three to #i/ inche# dee!. Tender #eed#( that are injured by cold and "et( %ay be !lanted after the ground i# #ettled and "ar% at a greater de!th than before that #ea#on. 6# a rule( nothing i# gained by #o"ing tender #eed# before the "eather i# thoroughly #ettled and the ground "ar%. JPro!agating by cutting#.J Many co%%on !lant# are !ro!agated by cutting# rather than by #eed#( !articularly "hen it i# de#ired to increa#e a !articular $ariety. utting# are !art# of !lant# in#erted in #oil or "ater "ith the

intention that they #hall gro" and %ake ne" !lant#. They are of $ariou# kind#. They %ay be cla##ified( "ith reference to the age of the "ood or ti##ue( into t"o cla##e#G $iE. tho#e %ade fro% !erfectly hard or dor%ant "ood (taken fro% the "inter t"ig# of tree# and bu#he#)( and tho#e %ade fro% %ore or le## i%%ature or gro"ing "ood. They %ay be cla##ified again in re#!ect to the !art of the !lant# fro% "hich they are taken( a# rootAcutting#( tuberAcutting# (a# the ordinary '#eed' !lanted for !otatoe#)( #te%Acutting#( and leafAcutting#. &or%ant #te%Acutting#. &or%antA"ood cutting# are u#ed for gra!e# (-ig. 177)( currant#( goo#eberrie#( "illo"#( !o!lar#( and %any other kind# of #oftA"ooded tree# and #hrub#. Such cutting# are ordinarily taken in fall or "inter( but cut into the !ro!er length# and then buried in #and or %o## "here they do not freeEe( in order that the lo"er end %ay heal o$er or callou#. )n the #!ring the#e cutting# are #et in the ground( !referably in a rather #andy and "ellAdrained !lace. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 177. The !lanting of the dor%antA"ood cutting#.< @#ually( hard"ood cutting# are %ade "ith t"o to four joint# or bud#( and "hen they are !lanted( only the u!!er bud !roject# abo$e the ground. They %ay be !lanted erect( a# -ig. 177 #ho"#( or #o%e"hat #lanting. )n order that the cutting %ay reach do"n to %oi#t earth( it i# de#irable that it #hould not be le## than L in. longG and it i# #o%eti%e# better if it i# > to 17 in. )f the "ood i# #hortAjointed( there %ay be #e$eral bud# on a cutting of thi# lengthG and in order to !re$ent too %any #hoot# fro% ari#ing fro% the#e bud# the lo"er%o#t bud# are often cut out. 0oot# "ill #tart a# readily if the lo"er bud# are re%o$ed( #ince the bud# gro" into #hoot# and not into root#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 17?. arnation cutting.< utting# of currant#( gra!e#( goo#eberrie#( and the like %ay be #et in ro"# that are far enough a!art to ad%it of ea#y tillage either "ith hor#e or hand tool#( and the cutting# %ay be !laced ? to > in. a!art in the ro". The Engli#h $arietie# of goo#eberrie#( con#iderably gro"n in thi# country( do not !ro!agate readily fro% cutting#. 6fter the cutting# ha$e gro"n one #ea#on( the !lant# are u#ually tran#!lanted and gi$en %ore roo% for the #econd yearH# gro"th( after "hich ti%e they are ready to be #et in !er%anent !lantation#. )n #o%e ca#e#( the !lant# are #et at the end of the fir#t yearG but t"oAyear !lant# are #tronger and u#ually !referable. utting# of root#. 0ootAcutting# are u#ed for blackberrie#( ra#!berrie#( and a fe" other thing#. They are ordinarily %ade of root# fro% the #iEe of a lead !encil to oneH# little finger( and are cut in length# fro% ? to 9 in. long. The cutting# are #tored the #a%e a# #te%Acutting# and allo"ed to callou#. )n the #!ring they are !lanted in a horiEontal or nearly horiEontal !o#ition in %oi#t #andy #oil( being entirely co$ered to a de!th of 1 or 7 in. Green cutting#. Soft"ood or green"ood cutting# are u#ually %ade of "ood that i# %ature

enough to break "hen it i# bent #har!ly. ,hen the "ood i# #o #oft that it "ill bend and not break( it i# too i%%ature( in the %ajority of !lant#( for the %aking of good cutting#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 17K. .erbena cutting.< =ne to t"o joint# i# the !ro!er length of a green"ood cutting. )f of t"o joint#( the lo"er lea$e# #hould be cut off and the u!!er lea$e# cut in t"o #o that they do not !re#ent their entire #urface to the air and thereby e$a!orate the !lant juice# too ra!idly. )f the cutting i# of only one joint( the lo"er end i# u#ually cut ju#t abo$e a joint. )n either ca#e( the cutting# are u#ually in#erted in #and or "ellA"a#hed gra$el( nearly or Iuite u! to the lea$e#. Dee! the bed unifor%ly %oi#t throughout it# de!th( but a$oid any #oil "hich hold# #o %uch %oi#ture that it beco%e# %uddy and #our. The#e cutting# #hould be #haded until they begin to e%it their root#. oleu#( geraniu%#( fuch#ia#( carnation#( and nearly all the co%%on greenhou#e and hou#e !lant#( are !ro!agated by the#e cutting# or #li!# (-ig#. 17?( 17K). utting# of lea$e#. LeafAcutting# are often u#ed for the fancyAlea$ed begonia#( glo/inia#( and a fe" other !lant#. The young !lant u#ually ari#e# %o#t readily fro% the leafA#talk or !etiole. The leaf( therefore( i# in#erted into the ground %uch a# a green cutting i#. Begonia lea$e# "ill thro" out young !lant# fro% the %ain rib# "hen the#e $ein# or rib# are cut. Therefore( "ellAgro"n and fir% begonia lea$e# are #o%eti%e# laid flat on the #and and the %ain $ein# cutG then the leaf i# "eighted do"n "ith !ebble# or !eg# #o that the#e cut #urface# co%e into inti%ate contact "ith the #oil beneath. The u#ual "ay( ho"e$er( i# to cut a triangular !iece of the leaf (-ig. 179) and in#ert the ti! in #and. So long a# the cutting i# ali$e( do not be di#couraged( e$en if it do not #tart. :)llu#tration5 .))). 6 "ellA!lanted entrance. o%%on tree# and bu#he#( "ith Bo#ton i$y on the !o#t( and JBerberi# ThunbergiiJ in front.< General treat%ent of cutting#. )n the gro"ing of all green"ood and leafAcutting#( it i# "ell to re%e%ber that they #hould ha$e a gentle botto% heatG the #oil #hould be #uch that it "ill hold %oi#ture and yet not re%ain "etG the air about the to!# #hould not beco%e clo#e and #tagnant( el#e the !lant# "ill da%! offG and the to!# #hould be #haded for a ti%e. )n order to control all the condition#( #uch cutting# are gro"n under co$er( a# in a greenhou#e( coldfra%e( or a bo/ in the re#idence "indo". :)llu#tration5 -ig. 179. LeafAcutting.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 17L. utting# in#erted in a double !ot.< 6n e/cellent %ethod of #tarting cutting# in the li$ing roo% i# to %ake a double !ot( a# #ho"n in -ig. 17L. )n#ide a LAin. !ot #et a KAin. !ot. -ill the botto%( Ja(J "ith gra$el or bit# of brick( for drainage. Plug the hole in the in#ide !ot. -ill the #!ace# bet"een( Jc(J "ith earth( and in thi# #et the cutting#. ,ater %ay be !oured into the inner !ot( Jb(J to #u!!ly the %oi#ture. JTran#!lanting young #eedling#.J

)n the tran#!lanting of cabbage#( to%atoe#( flo"er#( and all !lant# recently #tarted fro% #eed#( it i# i%!ortant that the ground be thoroughly fined and co%!acted. Plant# u#ually li$e better if tran#!lanted into ground that ha# been fre#hly turned. )f !o##ible( tran#!lant in cloudy or rainy "eather( !articularly if late in the #ea#on. -ir% the earth #nugly about the root# "ith the hand# or feet( in order to bring u! the #oil %oi#tureG but it i# generally be#t to rake the #urface in order to ree#tabli#h the earthA%ulch( unle## the !lant# are #o #%all that their root# cannot reach through the %ulch (!. 2>). :)llu#tration5 -ig. 173. To check e$a!oration at tran#!lanting.< )f the !lant# are taken fro% !ot#( "ater the !ot# #o%e ti%e in ad$ance( and the ball of earth "ill fall out "hen the !ot i# in$erted and ta!!ed lightly. )n taking u! !lant# fro% the ground( it i# ad$i#able( al#o( to "ater the% "ell #o%e ti%e before re%o$ingG the earth %ay then be held on the root#. See that the "atering i# done far enough in ad$ance to allo" the "ater to #ettle a"ay and di#tribute it#elfG the earth #hould not be %uddy "hen the !lant# are re%o$ed. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 17>. Plant# #heared and not #heared "hen tran#!lanted.< )n order to reduce the e$a!oration fro% the !lant( #hingle# %ay be #tuck into the ground to #hade the !lantG or a #creen %ay be i%!ro$i#ed "ith !iece# of !a!er (-ig. 177)( tin can#( in$erted flo"erA!ot#( co$ering# of bru#h( or other %ean#. )t i# nearly al"ay# ad$i#able to re%o$e #o%e of the foliage( !articularly if the !lant ha# #e$eral lea$e# and if it ha# not been gro"n in a !ot( and al#o if the tran#!lanting i# done in "ar% "eather. -igure 17> #ho"# a good treat%ent for tran#!lanted !lant#. ,ith the foliage all left on( the !lant# are likely to beha$e a# in the u!!er ro"G but "ith %o#t of it cut off( a# in the lo"er ro"( there i# little "ilting( and ne" lea$e# #oon #tart. -igure 172 al#o #ho"# "hat !art of the lea$e# %ay be cut off on tran#!lanting. )f the ground i# fre#hly turned and the tran#!lanting i# "ell done( it rarely "ill be nece##ary to "ater the !lant#G but if "atering i# nece##ary( it #hould be done at nightfall( and the #urface #hould be loo#ened the ne/t %orning or a# #oon a# it beco%e# dry. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 172. ,here to #hear the to!# of young !lant#.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1?8. Tro"el dibber.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1?1. The dibber.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1?7. Ho%eA%ade !added dibber.< )n the tran#!lanting of young !lant#( #o%e kind of a dibber #hould be u#ed to %ake the hole#. &ibber# %ake hole# "ithout re%o$ing any of the earth. 6 good for% of dibber i# #ho"n in -ig. 1?8( "hich i# like a flat or !lane tro"el. Many !er#on# !refer a cylindrical and conical dibber( like that #ho"n in -ig. 1?1. -or hard #oil# and larger !lant#( a #trong dibber %ay be %ade fro% a li%b that ha# a rightAangled branch to #er$e a# a handle. Thi# handle %ay be #oftened by #li!!ing a !iece of rubber ho#e on it (-ig. 1?7). 6 long iron dibber( "hich %ay al#o be u#ed a# a cro"Abar( i# #ho"n in -ig. 1??. )n tran#!lanting "ith the dibber( a hole i# fir#t %ade by a thru#t of the tool( and the earth i# then !re##ed

again#t the root by %ean# of the foot( hand( or the dibber it#elf (a# in -ig. 1?1). The hole i# not filled by !utting in dirt at the to!. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1??. &ibber and cro"Abar co%bined.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1?K. Stra"berry !lanter.< -or large !lant#( a broader dibber %ay be u#ed. 6n i%!le%ent like that #ho"n in -ig. 1?K i# u#eful for #etting #tra"berrie# and other !lant# "ith large root#. )t i# %ade of t"oAinch !lank( "ith a block on to! to act a# footAre#t and to !re$ent the blade fro% going too dee!. )n order to !ro$ide #!ace for the foot and ea#ily to direct the thru#t( the handle %ay be !laced at one #ide of the %iddle. -or !lunging !ot#( a dibber like that #ho"n in -ig. 1?9 i# u#eful( !articularly "hen the #oil i# #o hard that a longA!ointed tool i# nece##ary. The botto% of the hole %ay be filled "ith earth before the !ot i# in#ertedG but it i# often ad$i#able to lea$e the $acant #!ace belo" (a# in JbJ) to !ro$ide drainage( to kee! the !lant fro% rooting( and to !re$ent earthA"or%# fro% entering the hole in the botto% of the !ot. -or #%aller !ot#( the tool %ay be in#erted a le## de!th (a# at JcJ). :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1?9. The !lunging of !ot#.< JTran#!lanting e#tabli#hed !lant# and tree#.J )n #etting !otted !lant# out of door#( it i# nearly al"ay# ad$i#able to !lunge the%(AAthat i# to #et the !ot# into the earth(AAunle## the !lace i# $ery "et. The !ot# are then "atered by the rainfall( and de%and little care. )f the !lant# are to be returned to the hou#e in the fall( they #hould not be allo"ed to root through the hole in the !ot( and the rooting %ay be !re$ented by turning the !ot around e$ery fe" day#. Large decorati$e !lant# %ay be %ade to look a# if gro"ing naturally in the la"n by #inking the !ot or bo/ ju#t belo" the #urface and rolling the #od o$er it( a# #ugge#ted in -ig. 1?L. 6 #!ace around and belo" the tub %ay be !ro$ided to in#ure drainage. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1?L. Setting large tubA!lant# in the la"n.< TubA!lant#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1?3. PlantAbo/ "ith a %o$able #ide.< -or the #hifting of $ery large tubA!lant#( a bo/ or tub "ith %o$able #ide#( a# in -ig. 1?3( i# handy and efficient. The !lantAbo/ reco%%ended to !artie# "ho gre" !lant# for e/hibition at the ,orldH# -air i# #ho"n in -ig. 1?>. )t i# %ade of #trong board# or !lank#. 6t 6 i# #ho"n the in#ide of one of t"o o!!o#ite #ection# or #ide#( four feet "ide at to!( three feet "ide at botto%( and three feet high. The cleat# are t"oAbyAfour #cantling#( through "hich hole# are bored to ad%it the bolt# "ith "hich the bo/ i# to be held together. B i# an out#ide $ie" of one of the alternating #ection#( three feet four inche# "ide at to!( t"o feet four inche# at botto%( and three feet dee!. 6 oneAbyA#i/ #tri! i# nailed through the center to gi$e #trength. i# an end $ie" of 6( #ho"ing the bolt# and al#o a t"oAbyAfour cleat to "hich the botto% i# to be nailed. Thi# bo/ "a# u#ed %o#tly for tran#!orting large gro"ing #tock to the e/!o#ition( the #tock ha$ing been dug fro% the o!en and the bo/ #ecured around the ball of earth. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1?>. Bo/ for tran#!orting large tran#!lanted #tock.<

,hen to tran#!lant. )n general( it i# be#t to #et hardy !lant# in the fall( !articularly if the ground i# fairly dry and the e/!o#ure i# not too bleak. To thi# cla## belong %o#t of the fruit tree# and orna%ental tree# and #hrub#G al#o hardy herb#( a# colu%bine#( !eonie#( lilie#( bleedingAheart#( and the like. They #hould be !lanted a# #oon a# they are thoroughly %ature( #o that the lea$e# begin to fall naturally. )f any lea$e# re%ain on the tree or bu#h at !lanting ti%e( #tri! the% off( unle## the !lant i# an e$ergreen. )t i# generally be#t not to cut back fallA!lanted tree# to the full e/tent de#ired( but to #horten the% threeAfourth# of the reIuired a%ount in the fall( and take off the re%aining fourth in the #!ring( #o that no dead or dry ti!# are left on the !lant. E$ergreen#( a# !ine# and #!ruce#( are not headedAin %uch( and u#ually not at all. 6ll tender and $ery #%all !lant# #hould be #et in the #!ring( in "hich ca#e $ery early !lanting i# de#irableG and #!ring !lanting i# al"ay# to be ad$i#ed "hen the ground i# not thoroughly drained and "ell !re!ared. &e!th to tran#!lant. )n "ellAco%!acted land( tree# and #hrub# #hould be #et at about the #a%e de!th a# they #tood in the nur#ery( but if the land ha# been dee!ly trenched or if it i# loo#e fro% other cau#e#( the !lant# #hould be #et dee!er( becau#e the earth "ill !robably #ettle. The hole #hould be filled "ith fine #urface earth. )t i# generally not ad$i#able to !lace %anure in the hole( but if it i# u#ed( it #hould be of #%all a%ount and $ery thoroughly %i/ed "ith the earth( el#e it "ill cau#e the #oil to dry out. )n la"n# and other !lace# "here #urface tillage cannot be gi$en( a light %ulch of litter or %anure %ay be !laced about the !lant#G but the earthA%ulch (!age 2>)( "hen it can be #ecured( i# %uch the be#t con#er$er of %oi#ture. Making the ro"# #traight. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1?2. 6 !lanting board.< )n order to #et tree# in ro"#( it i# nece##ary to u#e a garden line (-ig. 2L)( or to %ark out the ground "ith #o%e of the de$ice# already de#cribed (-ig#. 11?A178)G or in large area#( the !lace %ay be #taked out. )n !lanting orchard#( the area i# laid out (!referably by a #ur$eyor) "ith t"o or %ore ro"# of #take# #o !laced that a %an %ay #ight fro% one fi/ed !oint to another. T"o or three %en "ork to be#t ad$antage in #uch !lanting. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1K8. &e$ice for !lacing the tree.< There are $ariou# de$ice# for locating the !lace of the #take after the #take ha# been re%o$ed and the hole dug( in ca#e the area i# not regularly #taked out in #uch a "ay that #ighting acro## the area %ay be e%!loyed. =ne of the #i%!le#t i# #ho"n in -ig. 1?2. )t i# a narro" and thin board "ith a notch in the center and a !eg in either end( one of the !eg# being #tationary. The i%!le%ent i# #o !laced that the notch %eet# the #take( then one end of it i# thro"n out of the "ay until the hole i# dug. ,hen the i%!le%ent i# brought again to it# original !o#ition( the notch %arkH# the !lace of the #take and the tree. -igure 1K8 i# a de$ice "ith a lid( in the end of "hich i# a notch to %ark the !lace of the #take. Thi# lid i# thro"n back( a# #ho"n by the dotted

line#( "hen the hole i# being dug. -igure 1K1 #ho"# a %ethod of bringing tree# in ro" by %ea#uring fro% a line. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1K1. Lining a tree fro% a #take.< uttingAbackG filling. )n the !lanting of any tree or bu#h( the root# #hould be cut back beyond all break# and #eriou# brui#e#( and fine earth #hould be thoroughly filled in and fir%ed about the%( a# in -ig. 1K7. Co i%!le%ent i# #o good a# the finger# for "orking the #oil about the root#. )f the tree ha# %any root#( "ork it u! and do"n #lightly #e$eral ti%e# during the filling of the hole( to #ettle the earth in !lace. ,hen the earth i# thro"n in carele##ly( the root# are ja%%ed together( and often an e%!ty !lace i# left beneath the cro"n( a# in -ig. 1K?( "hich cau#e# the root# to dry out. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1K75 Pro!er !lanting of a tree.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1K?5 arele## !lanting of a tree.< The %ark# on the to!# of the#e tree# in -ig#. 1K7 and 1K? #ho" "here the branche# %ay be cut. See al#o -ig. 197. -igure# 1KK and 1K9 #ho" the to!# of tree# after !runing. Strong branchy tree#( a# a!!le#( !ear#( and orna%ental tree#( are u#ually headed back in thi# "ay( u!on !lanting. )f the tree ha# one #traight leader and %any or #e$eral #lender branche# (-ig. 1KL)( it i# u#ually !runed( a# in -ig. 1K3( each branch being cut back to one or t"o bud#. )f there are no branche#( or $ery fe" of the%(AAin "hich ca#e there "ill be good bud# u!on the %ain #te%(AAthe leader %ay be cut back a third or half it# length( to a %ere "hi!. =rna%ental bu#he# "ith long to!# are u#ually cut back a third or a half "hen #et( a# #ho"n in -ig. K9. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1KK. Pruned young tree.< 6l"ay# lea$e a little of the #%all budA%aking gro"th. The !ractice of cutting back #hade tree# to %ere long club#( or !ole#( "ith no #%all t"ig#( i# to be di#couraged. The tree in #uch ca#e i# obliged to force out ad$entitiou# bud# fro% the old "ood( and it %ay not ha$e $igor enough to do thi#G and the !roce## %ay be #o long delayed a# to allo" the tree to be o$ertaken by drought before it get# a #tart. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1K9. Pruned young tree.< 0e%o$ing $ery large tree#. .ery large tree# can often be %o$ed "ith #afety. )t i# e##ential that the tran#!lanting be done "hen the tree# are !erfectly dor%ant(AA"inter being !referable(AAthat a large %a## of earth and root# be taken "ith the tree( and that the to! be $igorou#ly cut back. Large tree# are often %o$ed in "inter on a #toneAboat( by #ecuring a large ball of earth froEen about the root#. Thi# froEen ball i# #ecured by digging about the tree for #e$eral day# in #ucce##ion( #o that the freeEing !rogre##e# "ith the e/ca$ation. 6 good de$ice for %o$ing #uch tree# i# #ho"n in -ig. 1K>. The trunk of the tree i# #ecurely "ra!!ed "ith burla!# or other #oft %aterial( and a ring or chain i# then #ecured about it. 6 long !ole( Jb(J i# run o$er the truck of a "agon and the end of it i# #ecured to the chain or ring u!on the tree. Thi# !ole i# a le$er for rai#ing the tree out of the ground. 6 tea% i# hitched at Ja(J and a %an

hold# the !ole Jb.J :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1KL5 Peach tree.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1K35 Peach tree !runed for !lanting.< =ther and %ore elaborate de$ice# are in u#e( but thi# e/!lain# the idea and i# therefore #ufficient for the !re#ent !ur!o#eG for "hen a !er#on de#ire# to re%o$e a $ery large tree he #hould #ecure the #er$ice# of an e/!ert. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1K>5 Mo$ing a large tree.< The follo"ing %ore e/!licit direction# for %o$ing large tree# are by Ed"ard Hick#( "ho ha# had %uch e/!erience in the bu#ine##( and "ho %ade thi# re!ort to the !re## a fe" year# ago5 ')n %o$ing large tree#( #ay tho#e ten to t"el$e inche# in dia%eter and t"entyAfi$e to thirty feet high( it i# "ell to !re!are the% by tri%%ing and cutting or #a"ing off the root# at a !ro!er di#tance fro% the trunk#( #ay #i/ to eight feet( in Bune. The cut root# heal o$er and #end out fibrou# root#( "hich #hould not be injured %ore than i# nece##ary in %o$ing the tree# ne/t fall or #!ring. *oung( thrifty %a!le# and el%#( originally fro% the nur#ery( do not need #uch !re!aration nearly a# %uch a# other and older tree#. )n %o$ing a tree( "e begin by digging a "ide trench #i/ to eight feet fro% it( lea$ing all !o##ible root# fa#t to it. By digging under the tree in the "ide trench( and "orking the #oil out of the root# by %ean# of round or dullA!ointed #tick#( the #oil fall# into the ca$ity %ade under the tree. Three or four %en in a# %any hour# could get #o %uch of the #oil a"ay fro% the root# that it "ould be #afe to attach a ro!e and tackle to the u!!er !art of the trunk and to #o%e adjoining !o#t or tree for the !ur!o#e of !ulling the tree o$er. 6 good Iuantity of bagging %u#t be !ut around the tree under the ro!e to !re$ent injury( and care #hould be taken that the !ulling of the ro!e doe# not #!lit off or break a li%b. 6 tea% i# hitched to the end of the draft ro!e( and #lo"ly dri$en in the !ro!er direction to !ull the tree o$er. )f the tree doe# not readily ti! o$er( dig under and cut off any fa#t root. ,hile it i# ti!!ed o$er( "ork out %ore of the #oil "ith the #tick#. Co" !a## a large ro!e( double( around a fe" large root# clo#e to the tree( lea$ing the end# of the ro!e turned u! by the trunk to be u#ed in lifting the tree at the !ro!er ti%e. Ti! the tree in the o!!o#ite direction and !ut another large ro!e around the large root# clo#e to the trunkG re%o$e %ore #oil and #ee that no root# are fa#t to the ground. -our guyAro!e# attached to the u!!er !art# of the tree( a# #ho"n in the cut (-ig. 1K2)( #hould be !ut on !ro!erly and u#ed to !re$ent the tree fro% ti!!ing o$er too far a# "ell a# to kee! it u!right. 6 good deal of the #oil can be !ut back in the hole "ithout co$ering the root# to get it out of the "ay of the %achine. The latter can no" be !laced about the tree by re%o$ing the front !art( fa#tened by four bolt#( !lacing the fra%e "ith the hind "heel# around the tree and re!lacing the front !art#. T"o ti%ber#( threeAbyAnine inche#( and t"enty feet long( are no" !laced on the ground under the hind "heel#( and in front of the%( !arallel to each other for the !ur!o#e of kee!ing the hind "heel# u! out of the big hole "hen dra"ing the tree a"ayG and they are al#o u#ed "hile backing the hind "heel# acro## the ne" hole in "hich the tree i# to be !lanted. The %achine (-ig#. 1K2( 198) con#i#t# of a hind a/le t"el$e feet long( and broadAtired "heel#. The fra%e i# %ade of #!ruce threeAbyAeight inche# and t"enty feet long. The brace# are threeAbyAfi$e inche# and ten feet long( and u!right threeAbyAnine inche# and three feet highG the#e are bolted to the hind a/le and %ain fra%e. The front a/le ha# a #et of

block# bolted together and of #ufficient height to #u!!ort the front end of the fra%e. )nto the to! ti%ber#( threeAbyA#i/ inche#( hollo"# are cut at the !ro!er di#tance# to recei$e the end# of t"o locu#t roller#. 6 "indla## or "inch i# !ut at each end of the fra%e( by "hich tree# can ea#ily and #teadily be lifted and lo"ered( the large double ro!e# !a##ing o$er the roller# to the "indla##e#. 6 locu#t boo% i# !ut acro## the %achine under the fra%e and abo$e the brace#G iron !in# hold it in !lace. The #ide guyAro!e# are %ade fa#t to the end# of thi# boo%. The other guyAro!e# are %ade fa#t to the front and rear !art# of the %achine. -our ro!e loo!# are %ade fa#t in#ide of the fra%e( and are #o !laced that by !a##ing a ro!e around the trunk of the tree and through the loo!# t"o or three ti%e#( a ro!e ring i# %ade around the tree that "ill kee! the trunk in the %iddle of the fra%e and not allo" it to hit either the edge# or the roller#AAa $ery nece##ary #afeguard. 6# the tree i# #lo"ly lifted by the "indla##e#( the guyAro!e# are loo#ened( a# needed. The tree "ill !a## ob#truction#( #uch a# tree# by the road#ide( but in doing #o it i# better to lean the tree back"ard. ,hen the tree ha# arri$ed at it# ne" !lace( the t"o ti%ber# are !laced along the o!!o#ite edge# of the hole #o that the hind "heel# can be backed o$er it. The tree i# then lo"ered to the !ro!er de!th( and %ade !lu%b by the guyAro!e#( and good( %ello" #oil i# thro"n in and !acked "ell into all the ca$itie# under the root#. ,hen the hole i# half filled( #e$eral barrel# of "ater #hould be !oured inG thi# "ill "a#h the #oil into the ca$itie# under the center of the tree %uch better. ,hen the "ater ha# #ettled a"ay( fill in and !ack the #oil till the hole i# little %ore than full. Lea$e a de!re##ion( #o that all the rain that %ay fall "ill be retained. The tree #hould no" be judiciou#ly tri%%ed and the %achine re%o$ed. -i$e %en can take u!( %o$e( and !lant a tree in a day( if the di#tance i# #hort and the digging not too hard. The tree #hould be !ro!erly "ired to #take# to !re$ent the "ind fro% blo"ing it o$er. The front !art of the %achine i# a !art of our !latfor% #!ring %arketA"agon( "hile the hind "heel# are fro% a "oodAa/le "agon. 6 tree ten inche# in dia%eter( "ith #o%e dirt adhering to it# root#( "ill "eigh a ton or %ore.' :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1K2. The tree ready to lift.< :)llu#tration5 198. The tree ready to %o$e.< J,inter !rotection of !lant#.J :)llu#tration5 -ig. 191. Tree# heeledAin for "inter.< )f the ground i# not ready for !lanting in the fall( or if it i# de#ired for any rea#on to delay until #!ring( the tree# or bu#he# %ay be heeledAin( a# illu#trated in -ig. 191. The root# are laid in a furro" or trench( and are co$ered "ith "ellAfir%ed earth. Stra" or %anure %ay be thro"n o$er the earth #till further to !rotect the root#( but if it i# thro"n o$er the to!#( %ice %ay be attracted by it and the tree# be girdled. Tender tree# or bu#he# %ay be lightly co$ered to the ti!# "ith earth. Plant# #hould be heeledAin only in loo#e( "ar%( loa%y or #andy ground and in a "ellAdrained !lace. -allA!lanted tree# #hould generally be %ounded u!( #o%eti%e# e$en a# high a# #ho"n in -ig. 197. Thi# hilling hold# the !lant in !o#ition( carrie# off the "ater( !re$ent# too dee! freeEing( and hold# the earth fro% hea$ing. The %ound i# taken a"ay in the #!ring. )t i# #o%eti%e# ad$i#able to %oundAu! e#tabli#hed tree# in the fall( but on "ellAdrained land the !ractice i# u#ually not nece##ary. )n hilling tree#( !ain#

#hould be taken not to lea$e dee! hole#( fro% "hich the earth "a# dug( clo#e to the tree( for "ater collect# in the%. 0o#e# and %any other bu#he# %ay be %ounded in the fall "ith !rofit. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 197. Tree earthed u! for "inter.< )t i# al"ay# ad$i#able to %ulch !lant# that are #et in the fall. 6ny loo#e and dry %aterialAAa# #tra"( %anure( lea$e#( leaf%old( litter fro% yard# and #table#( !ine bough#AA%ay be u#ed for thi# !ur!o#e. .ery #trong or co%!act %anure#( a# tho#e in "hich there i# little #tra" or litter( #hould be a$oided. The ground %ay be co$ered to a de!th of fi$e or #i/ inche#( or e$en a foot or %ore if the %aterial i# loo#e. 6$oid thro"ing #trong %anure directly on the cro"n of the !lant#( e#!ecially of herb#( for the %aterial# that leach fro% the %anure #o%eti%e# injure the cro"n bud# and the root#. Thi# !rotection %ay al#o be gi$en to e#tabli#hed !lant#( !articularly to tho#e "hich( like ro#e# and herbaceou# !lant#( are e/!ected to gi$e a !rofu#ion of bloo% the follo"ing year. Thi# %ulch afford# not only "inter !rotection( but i# an efficient %ean# of fertiliEing the land. 6 large !art of the !lantAfood %aterial# ha$e leached out of the %ulch by #!ring( and ha$e beco%e incor!orated in the #oil( "here the !lant %ake# ready u#e of the%. Mulche# al#o #er$e a %o#t u#eful !ur!o#e in !re$enting the ground fro% !acking and baking by the "eight of #no"# and rain#( and the ce%enting action of too %uch "ater in the #urface #oil. )n the #!ring( the coar#er !art# of the %ulch %ay be re%o$ed( and the finer !art# #!aded or hoed into the ground. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 19?5 o$ering !lant# in a bo/.< Tender bu#he# and #%all tree# %ay be "ra!!ed "ith #tra"( hay( burla!#( or !iece# of %atting or car!et. E$en rather large tree#( a# bearing !each tree#( are often baled u! in thi# "ay( or #o%eti%e# "ith corn fodder( although the re#ult# in the !rotection of fruitAbud# are not often $ery #ati#factory. )t i# i%!ortant that no grain i# left in the baling %aterial( el#e %ice %ay be attracted to it. (The danger of gna"ing by %ice that ne#t in "inter co$ering# i# al"ay# to be antici!ated.) )t #hould be kno"n( too( that the object in tying u! or baling !lant# i# not #o %uch to !rotect fro% direct cold a# to %itigate the effect# of alternate freeEing and tha"ing( and to !rotect fro% drying "ind#. Plant# %ay be "ra!!ed #o thick and tight a# to injure the%. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 19K5 o$ering !lant# in a barrel.< The labor of !rotecting large !lant# i# often great and the re#ult# uncertain( and in %o#t ca#e# it i# a Iue#tion "hether %ore #ati#faction could not be attained by gro"ing only hardy tree# and #hrub#. The objection to co$ering tender "oody !lant# cannot be urged "ith eIual force again#t tender herb# or $ery lo" bu#he#( for the#e are !rotected "ith ea#e. E$en the ordinary %ulch %ay afford #ufficient !rotectionG and if the to!# kill back( the !lant Iuickly rene"# it#elf fro% near the ba#e( and in %any !lant#AAa# in %o#t hybrid !er!etual ro#e#AAthe be#t bloo% i# on the#e ne" gro"th# of the #ea#on. =ld bo/e# or barrel# %ay be u#ed to !rotect tender lo" !lant# (-ig#. 19?( 19K). The bo/ i# filled "ith lea$e# or dry #tra" and either left o!en on to! or co$ered "ith

board#( bough#( or e$en "ith burla!# (-ig. 19K). onnoi##eur# of tender ro#e# and other !lant# #o%eti%e# go to the !ain# of erecting a colla!#ible #hed o$er the bu#h( and filling "ith lea$e# or #tra". ,hether thi# i# "orth "hile de!end# "holly on the degree of #ati#faction that one deri$e# fro% the gro"ing of choice !lant# (#ee J0o#e#(J in ha!. .)))). :)llu#tration5 -ig. 199. Laying do"n of trelli#Agro"n blackberrie#.< The to!# of !lant# %ay be laid do"n for the "inter. -igure 199 #ho"# a %ethod of laying do"n blackberrie#( a# !racticed in the Hud#on 0i$er $alley. The !lant# "ere tied to a trelli#( a# the %ethod i# in that country( t"o "ire# (Ja( bJ) ha$ing been run on either #ide of the ro". The !o#t# are hinged on a !i$ot to a #hort !o#t (JcJ)( and are held in !o#ition by a brace (JdJ). The entire trelli# i# then laid do"n on the a!!roach of "inter( a# #ho"n in the illu#tration. The blackberry to!# are #o #trong that they hold the "ire# u! fro% the ground( e$en "hen the trelli# i# laid do"n. To hold the "ire# clo#e to the earth( #take# are thru#t o$er the% in a #lanting !o#ition( a# #ho"n at Jn n.J The #no" that drift# through the !lant# ordinarily afford# #ufficient !rotection for !lant# "hich are a# hardy a# gra!e# and berrie#. )n fact( the #!ecie# %ay be uninjured e$en "ithout co$er( #ince( in their !ro#trate !o#ition( they e#ca!e the cold and drying "ind#. )n #e$ere cli%ate#( or in the ca#e of tender !lant#( the to!# #hould be co$ered "ith #tra"( bough#( or litter( a# reco%%ended for regular %ulchAco$er#. So%eti%e# a .A#ha!ed trough %ade fro% t"o board# i# !laced o$er the #te%# of long or $ineAlike !lant# that ha$e been laid do"n. 6ll !lant# "ith #lender or %ore or le## !liant #te%# can be laid do"n "ith ea#e. ,ith #uch !rotection( fig# can be gro"n in the northern #tate#. Peach and other fruit tree# %ay be #o trained a# to be ti!!ed o$er and co$ered. LaidAdo"n !lant# are often injured if the co$ering re%ain# too late in the #!ring. The ground "ar%# u! early( and %ay #tart the bud# on !art# of the buried !lant#( and the#e tender bud# %ay be broken "hen the !lant# are rai#ed( or injured by #un( "ind( or fro#t. The !lant# #hould be rai#ed "hile the "ood and bud# are #till hard and dor%ant. JPruning.J Pruning i# nece##ary to kee! !lant# in #ha!e( to %ake the% %ore floriferou# and fruitful( and to hold the% "ithin bound#. E$en annual !lant# often %ay be !runed to ad$antage. Thi# i# true of to%atoe#( fro% "hich the #u!erfluou# or cro"ding #hoot# %ay be re%o$ed( e#!ecially if the land i# #o rich that they gro" $ery lu/uriantlyG #o%eti%e# they are trained to a #ingle #te% and %o#t of the #ide #hoot# are taken a"ay a# they a!!ear. )f !lant# of %arigold( gaillardia( or other #trong and #!reading gro"er# are held by #take# or "ireAholder# (a good !ractice)( it %ay be ad$i#able to re%o$e the "eak and #!ra"ling #hoot#. Bal#a%# gi$e better re#ult# "hen #ide #hoot# are taken off. The re%o$ing of the old flo"er#( "hich i# to be ad$i#ed "ith flo"erAgarden !lant# (!age 11L)( i# al#o a #!ecie# of !runing. &i#tinction #hould be %ade bet"een !runing and #hearing. Plant# are #heared into gi$en #ha!e#. Thi# %ay be nece##ary in beddingA!lant#( and occa#ionally "hen a for%al effect i# de#ired in #hrub# and tree#G but

the be#t ta#te i# di#!layed( in the $a#t %ajority of ca#e#( in allo"ing the !lant# to a##u%e their natural habit#( %erely kee!ing the% #ha!ely( cutting out old or dead "ood( and( in #o%e ca#e#( !re$enting #uch cro"ding of #hoot# a# "ill reduce the #iEe of the bloo%. The co%%on !ractice of #hearing #hrubbery i# $ery %uch to be re!rehendedG thi# #ubject i# di#cu##ed fro% another !oint of $ie" on !age 7K. The !runer #hould kno" the flo"erAbearing habit of the !lant that he !rune#(AA"hether the bloo% i# on the #hoot# of la#t #ea#on or on the ne" "ood of the !re#ent #ea#on( and "hether the flo"erAbud# of #!ringAbloo%ing !lant# are #e!arate fro% the leafAbud#. 6 $ery little careful ob#er$ation "ill deter%ine the#e !oint# for any !lant. (1) The #!ringAbloo%ing "oody !lant# u#ually !roduce their flo"er# fro% bud# !erfected the fall before and re%aining dor%ant o$er "inter. Thi# i# true of %o#t fruitAtree#( and #uch #hrub# a# lilac( for#ythia( tree !eony( "i#taria( #o%e #!irea# and $iburnu%#( "eigela( deutEia. utting back the #hoot# of the#e !lant# early in #!ring or late in fall( therefore( re%o$e# the bloo%. The !ro!er ti%e to !rune #uch !lant# (unle## one intend# to reduce or thin the bloo%) i# ju#t after the flo"ering #ea#on. (7) The #u%%erAbloo%ing "oody !lant# u#ually !roduce their flo"er# on #hoot# that gro" early in the #a%e #ea#on. Thi# i# true of gra!e#( Iuince( hybrid !er!etual ro#e#( #hrubby hibi#cu#( cra!e %yrtle( %ock orange( hydrangea (!aniculata)( and other#. Pruning in "inter or early #!ring to #ecure #trong ne" #hoot# i#( therefore( the !ro!er !rocedure in the#e ca#e#. 0e%ark# on !runing %ay be found under the di#cu##ion of ro#e# and other !lant# in #ub#eIuent cha!ter#( "hen the !lant# need any #!ecial or !eculiar attention. -ruitAtree# and #hadeAtree# are u#ually !runed in "inter( !referably late in "inter( or in $ery early #!ring. Ho"e$er( there i# u#ually no objection to %oderate !runing at any ti%e of the yearG and %oderate !runing e$ery year( rather than $iolent !runing in occa#ional year#( i# to be ad$i#ed. )t i# an old idea that #u%%er !runing tend# to fa$or the !roduction of fruitAbud# and therefore to %ake for fruitfulne##G there i# undoubtedly truth in thi#( but it %u#t be re%e%bered that fruitfulne## i# not the re#ult of one treat%ent or condition( but of all the condition# under "hich the !lant li$e#. 6ll li%b# #hould be re%o$ed clo#e to the branch or trunk fro% "hich they ari#e( and the #urface of the "ound #hould be !ractically !arallel "ith #uch branch or trunk( rather than to be cut back to #tub#. The #tub# do not heal readily. 6ll "ound# %uch abo$e an inch acro## %ay be !rotected by a coat of good lin#eedAoil !aintG but #%aller "ound#( if the tree i# $igorou#( u#ually reIuire no !rotection. The object of the !aint i# to !rotect the "ound fro% cracking and decay until the healing ti##ue co$er# it. Su!erfluou# and interfering branche# #hould be re%o$ed fro% fruitAtree#( #o that the to! "ill be fairly o!en to #un and to the !icker#. ,ellA!runed tree# allo" of an e$en di#tribution and unifor% de$elo!%ent of the fruit. ,ater#!rout# and #ucker# #hould be re%o$ed a# #oon a# they are di#co$ered. Ho" o!en the to! %ay be( "ill de!end on the cli%ate. )n the ,e#t( o!en tree# #uffer fro% #unA#cald. The fruitAbearing habit of the fruitAtree %u#t be con#idered in the !runing. The !runer #hould be able to di#tingui#h fruitAbud# fro%

leafAbud# in #uch #!ecie# a# cherrie#( !lu%#( a!ricot( !each( !ear( a!!le( and #o !rune a# to #!are the#e bud# or to thin the% under#tandingly. The fruitAbud# are di#tingui#hed by their !o#ition on the tree and by their #iEe and #ha!e. They %ay be on di#tinct '#!ur#' or #hort branche#( in all the abo$e fruit#G or( a# in the !each( they %ay be chiefly lateral on the ne" #hoot# (in the !each( the fruitAbud# are u#ually t"o at a node and "ith a leafAbud bet"een the%)( or( a# #o%eti%e# in a!!le# and !ear#( they %ay be at the end# of la#t yearH# gro"th#. -ruitAbud# are u#ually thicker( or 'fatter(' than leafAbud#( and often fuEEy. HeadingAback the tree of cour#e tend# to concentrate the fruitAbud# and to kee! the% nearer the center of the treeAto!G but headingAback %u#t be co%bined "ith intelligent #a$ing and thinning of the interior #hoot#. HeadingAback of !ear# and !eache# and !lu%# i# u#ually a $ery de#irable !ractice. JTree #urgery and !rotection.J 6#ide fro% the regular !runing to de$elo! the tree into it# be#t for% to enable it to do it# be#t "ork( there are "ound# and %alfor%ation# to be treated. 0ecently( the treating of injured and decayed tree# ha# recei$ed %uch attention( and 'tree doctor#' and 'tree #urgeon#' ha$e engaged in the bu#ine##. )f there are Iuack# a%ong the#e !eo!le( there are al#o co%!etent and reliable %en "ho are doing u#eful #er$ice in #a$ing and !rolonging the life of tree#G one #hould choo#e a tree doctor "ith the #a%e care that he "ould choo#e any other doctor. The liability of injury to #treet tree# in the %odern city and the increa#ing regard for tree#( render the #er$ice# of good e/!ert# increa#ingly nece##ary. Street tree# are injured by %any cau#e#5 a#( #tar$ing becau#e of !oor #oil and lack of "ater under !a$e%ent#G #%oke and du#tG leakage fro% ga# %ain# and fro% electric in#tallationG gna"ing by hor#e#G butchering by !er#on# #tringing "ire#G carele##ne## of contractor# and builder#G "ind and ice #tor%#G o$ercro"dingG and the blundering "ork of !er#on# "ho think that they kno" ho" to !rune. ,ellAenforced %unici!al regulation# #hould be able to control %o#t of the#e trouble#. Tree guard#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 19L. Lath tree guard.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 193. ,ireAandA!o#t tree guard< 6long road#ide# and other e/!o#ed !lace# it i# often nece##ary to !rotect ne"ly #et tree# fro% hor#e#( boy#( and $ehicle#. There are $ariou# kind# of tree guard# for thi# !ur!o#e. The be#t ty!e# are tho#e that are %ore or le## o!en( #o a# to allo" the free !a##age of air and "hich are #o far re%o$ed fro% the body of the tree that it# trunk %ay e/!and "ithout difficulty. )f the guard# are $ery tight( they %ay #hade the trunk #o %uch that the tree %ay #uffer "hen the guard i# re%o$ed( and they !re$ent the di#co$ery of in#ect# and injurie#. )t i# i%!ortant that the guard doe# not fill "ith litter in "hich in#ect# %ay harbor. 6# #oon a# the tree i# old enough to e#ca!e injury( the guard# #hould be re%o$ed. 6 $ery good guard( %ade of lath# held together "ith three #tri!# of bandAiron( and #ecured to iron !o#t#( i# #ho"n in -ig. 19L. -igure 193. #ho"# a guard %ade by "inding fencing "ire u!on three !o#t# or #take#. ,hen there i# likely to be danger fro% too great #hading of the trunk( thi# latter for% of guard i# one of the be#t. There are good for%# of tree guard# on the %arket. =f cour#e hitchingA!o#t# #hould be !ro$ided( "here$er hor#e# are to #tand( to re%o$e the te%!tation of

hitching to tree#. -igure 19>( ho"e$er( #ho"# a $ery good de$ice "hen a hitching !o#t i# not "anted. 6 #trong #tick( four or fi$e feet long( i# #ecured to the tree by a #ta!le and at the lo"er end of the #tick i# a #hort chain "ith a #na! in the end. The #na! i# #ecured to the bridle( and the hor#e i# not able to reach the tree. :)llu#tration5 -ig 19>. Ho" a hor#e %ay be hitched to a tree.< Mice and rabbit#. Tree# and bu#he# are often #eriou#ly injured by the gna"ing of %ice and rabbit#. The be#t !re$enti$e i# not to ha$e the $er%in. )f there are no !lace# in "hich rabbit# and %ice can burro" and breed( there "ill be little difficulty. 6t the a!!roach of "inter( if %ice are feared( the dry litter #hould be re%o$ed fro% about the tree#( or it #hould be !acked do"n $ery fir%( #o that the %ice cannot ne#t in it. )f the rodent# are $ery abundant( it %ay be ad$i#able to "ra! fine "ire netting about the ba#e of the tree. 6 boy "ho i# fond of tra!!ing or hunting "ill ordinarily #ol$e the rabbit difficulty. 0ag# tied on #tick# "hich are !laced at inter$al# about the !lantation "ill often frighten rabbit# a"ay. Girdled tree#. Tree# that are girdled by %ice #hould be "ra!!ed u! a# #oon a# di#co$ered( #o that the "ood #hall not beco%e too dry. ,hen "ar% "eather a!!roache#( #ha$e off the edge# of the girdle #o that the healing ti##ue %ay gro" freely( #%ear the "hole #urface "ith graftingA"a/( or "ith clay( and bind the "hole "ound "ith #trong cloth#. E$en though the tree i# co%!letely girdled for a di#tance of three or four inche#( it u#ually %ay be #a$ed by thi# treat%ent( unle## the injury e/tend# into the "ood. The "ater fro% the root# ri#e# through the #oft "ood and not bet"een the bark and the "ood( a# co%%only #u!!o#ed. ,hen thi# #a! "ater ha# reached the foliage( it take# !art in the elaboration of !lantAfood( and thi# food i# di#tributed throughout the !lant( the !ath of tran#fer being in the inner layer# of bark. Thi# food %aterial( being di#tributed back to the girdle( "ill generally heal o$er the "ound if the "ood i# not allo"ed to beco%e dry. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 192. BridgeAgrafting a girdle.< )n #o%e ca#e#( ho"e$er( it i# nece##ary to join the bark abo$e and belo" the girdle by %ean# of cion#( "hich are "hittled to a "edgeA#ha!e on either end( and in#erted underneath the t"o edge# of the bark (-ig. 192). The end# of the cion# and the edge# of the "ound are held by a bandage of cloth( and the "hole "ork i# !rotected by %elted graftingA"a/ !oured u!on it. :-ootnote5 6 good graftingA"a/ i# %ade a# follo"#5 )nto a kettle !lace one !art by "eight of tallo"( t"o !art# of bee#"a/( four !art# of ro#in. ,hen co%!letely %elted( !our into a tub or !ail of cold "ater( then "ork it "ith the hand# ("hich #hould be grea#ed) until it de$elo!# a grain and beco%e# the color of taffy candy. The "hole Iue#tion of the !ro!agation of !lant# i# di#cu##ed in 'The Cur#eryABook.'< 0e!airing #treet tree#. The follo"ing ad$ice on 'tree #urgery' i# by 6.&. Taylor (Bulletin 79L( ornell @ni$er#ity( fro% "hich the acco%!anying illu#tration# are ada!ted)5AA

'Tree #urgery include# the intelligent !rotection of all %echanical injurie# and ca$itie#. Pruning reIuire# a !re$iou# inti%ate kno"ledge of the habit# of gro"th of tree#G #urgery( on the other hand( reIuire# in addition a kno"ledge of the be#t %ethod# for %aking ca$itie# airAtight and !re$enting decay. The filling of ca$itie# in tree# ha# not been !racticed #ufficiently long to "arrant %aking a definite #tate%ent a# to the !er%anent #ucce## or failure of the o!erationG the "ork i# #till in an e/!eri%ental #tage. The caring for ca$itie# in tree# %u#t be urged a# the only %ean# of !re#er$ing affected #!eci%en#( and the !re#er$ation of %any noble #!eci%en# ha# been at lea#t te%!orarily a##ured through the effort# of tho#e !racticing thi# kind of "ork. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1L8. 6 ce%entAfilled ca$ity at the ba#e of a tree.< 'Succe##ful o!eration de!end# on t"o i%!ortant factor#5 fir#t( that all decayed !art# of the ca$ity be "holly re%o$ed and the e/!o#ed #urface thoroughly "a#hed "ith an anti#e!ticG #econd( that the ca$ity( "hen filled( %u#t be air tight and her%etically #ealed if !o##ible. Tree# are treated a# follo"#5 The ca$ity i# thoroughly cleaned by re%o$ing all decayed "ood and "a#hing the interior #urface "ith a #olution of co!!er #ulfate and li%e( in order to de#troy any fungi that %ay re%ain. The edge# of the ca$ity are cut #%ooth in order to allo" free gro"th of the ca%biu% after the ca$ity i# filled. 6ny anti#e!tic( #uch a# corro#i$e #ubli%ate( creo#ote( or e$en !aint( %ay an#"er the !ur!o#eG creo#ote( ho"e$er( !o##e##e# the %o#t !enetrating !o"er# of any. The %ethod of filling the ca$itie# de!end# to a great e/tent on their #iEe and for%. .ery large ca$itie# "ith great o!ening# are generally bricked on the out#ide( o$er the o!ening( and filled on the in#ide "ith concrete( the brick #er$ing the !ur!o#e of a retaining "all to hold the concrete in !lace. oncrete u#ed for the %ain filling i# u#ually %ade in the !ro!ortion of one !art good Portland ce%ent( t"o !art# #and( and four !art# cru#hed #tone( the con#i#tency of the %i/ture being #uch that it %ay be !oured into the ca$ity and reIuire little or no ta%!ing to %ake the %a## #olid. (-ig. 1L8.) :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1L1. 6 "ound( %ade by freeEing( tri%%ed out and filled "ith ce%ent.< '-illing# thu# %ade are con#idered by e/!ert tree #urgeon# to be a !er%anent !re$enti$e of decay. The out#ide of the filling i# al"ay# coated "ith a thin co$ering of concrete( con#i#ting of one !art ce%ent to t"o !art# fine #and. a$itie# re#ulting fro% freeEing( and "hich( though large on the in#ide( #ho" only a long narro" crack on the out#ide( are %o#t ea#ily filled by !lacing a for% again#t the entire length of the o!ening( ha$ing a #!ace at the to! through "hich the ce%ent %ay be !oured (-ig. 1L1). 6nother %ethod of retaining the concrete i# to reinforce it fro% the out#ide by dri$ing ro"# of #!ike# along the inner #urface of either #ide of the ca$ity and lacing a #tout "ire acro## the face of the ca$ity. -or be#t re#ult#( all filling# %u#t co%e flu#h "ith the inner bark "hen fini#hed. &uring the fir#t year( thi# gro"ing ti##ue "ill #!read o$er the outer edge of the filling( thu# for%ing an her%etically #ealed ca$ity. )n the cour#e of ti%e( the out#ide of #%all or narro" o!ening# #hould be co%!letely co$ered "ith ti##ue( "hich burie# the filling fro% $ie". :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1L7. BridgeAgrafting or inAarching fro% #a!ling# !lanted about the tree.<

')t ha# been found that there i# a tendency for !ortland ce%ent to contract fro% the "ood after it drie#( lea$ing a #!ace bet"een the "ood and the ce%ent through "hich "ater and ger%# of decay %ay enter. 6 re%edy for thi# defect ha# been #ugge#ted in the u#e of a thick coat of tar( or an ela#tic ce%ent "hich %ight be #!read o$er the #urface of the ca$ity before filling. The cracking of !ortland ce%ent on the #urface of long ca$itie# i# cau#ed by the #"aying of tree# during hea$y #tor%#( and #hould not occur if the filling i# correctly done. ')n addition to the !re#er$ation of decayed #!eci%en# by filling the ca$itie#( a# abo$e outlined( it ha# been !ro!o#ed to #trengthen the tree by treating it a# #ho"n in -ig. 1L7. *oung #a!ling# of the #a%e #!ecie#( after ha$ing beco%e e#tabli#hed a# #ho"n( are grafted by a!!roach to the %ature #!eci%en. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1L?. -aulty %ethod# of bracing a crotched tree. The lo"er %ethod i# "holly "rong. The u!!er %ethod i# good if the boltAhead# are !ro!erly counterA#unk and the bolt# tightly fittedG but if the di#tance bet"een the branche# i# great( it i# better to ha$e t"o bolt# and join the% by hook#( to allo" of "ind %o$e%ent#.< ')njury freIuently re#ult# fro% error in the %ethod of atte%!ting to #a$e broken( or to #trengthen and #u!!ort "eak branche# that are other"i#e healthy. The %ean# u#ed for #u!!orting cracked( "indAracked( and o$erladen branche# "hich #ho" a tendency to #!lit at the fork# are bolting and chaining. The !ractice of !lacing iron band# around large branche# in order to !rotect the% ha# re#ulted in %uch har%G a# the tree gro"# and e/!and#( #uch band# tighten( cau#ing the bark to be broken and re#ulting after a fe" year# in a !artial girdling (-ig. 1L?). :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1LK. Tree# ruined to allo" of the !a##age of "ire#.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1L9. 6cco%%odating a "all to a $aluable tree.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1LL. The death of a long #tub.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1L3. Bungling !runing.< 'To bolt a tree correctly i# co%!arati$ely ine/!en#i$e. The #afe#t %ethod con#i#t# in !a##ing a #trong bolt through a hole bored in the branch for thi# !ur!o#e( and fa#tening it on the out#ide by %ean# of a "a#her and a nut. Generally the "a#her ha# been !laced again#t the bark and the nut then hold# it in !lace. 6 better %ethod of bolting( and one "hich in#ure# a neat a!!earance of the branch in addition to #er$ing a# the %o#t certain #afeguard again#t the entrance of di#ea#e( i# to counterA#ink the nut in the bark and i%bed it in !ortland ce%ent. The hole for the #inking of the nut and "a#her i# thickly coated "ith lead !aint and then "ith a layer of ce%ent( on "hich are !laced the nut and "a#her( both of "hich are then i%bedded in ce%ent. )f the outer #urface of the nut be flu#h "ith the !lane of the bark( "ithin a fe" year# it "ill be co$ered by the gro"ing ti##ue. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1L>. The !ro!er "ay to #a" off a large li%b. 6 cut i# fir#t %ade on the under #ide to !re$ent #!litting do"nG then it i# cut on the u!!er #ide. Then the entire '#tub' i# re%o$ed clo#e to the trunk.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1L2. 6 "eakAbodied young tree "ell #u!!ortedG

!adding i# !laced under the bandage#.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 138. The "rong "ay of attaching a guy ro!e.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 131. 6n allo"able "ay of attaching a guy ro!e.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 137. The be#t "ay of attaching a guy ro!e( if a tree %u#t be u#ed a# #u!!ort.< 'The inner end# of the rod# in the t"o branche# %ay be connected by a rod or chain. The !reference for the chain o$er the rod attach%ent i# ba#ed on the co%!re##i$e and ten#ile #tre##e# "hich co%e on the connection during "ind #tor%#. 0od connection# are !referred( ho"e$er( "hen rigidity i# reIuired( a# in union# %ade clo#e to the crotchG but for tying t"o branche# together before they ha$e #ho"n #ign# of "eakening at the fork( the chain %ay be#t be u#ed( a# the !oint of attach%ent %ay be !laced #o%e di#tance fro% the crotch( "here the fle/ibility factor "ill be i%!ortant and the #train co%!arati$ely #%all. El%# in an ad$anced #tage of %aturity( if #ubjected to #e$ere cli%atic condition#( often #ho" thi# tendency to #!lit. The#e tree#( e#!ecially( #hould be carefully in#!ected and %ean# taken to !re#er$e the%( by bolting if nece##ary.' :)llu#tration5 )F. 6 rocky bank co$ered "ith !er%anent infor%al !lanting.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 13?. 6 %ethod of #a$ing $aluable tree# along #treet# on "hich hea$y lo"ering of grade ha# been %ade.< The illu#tration#( -ig#. 1LKA13?( are #elfAe/!lanatory( and #ho" !oor !ractice and good !ractice in the care of tree#. JThe grafting of !lant#.J Grafting i# the o!eration of in#erting a !iece of a !lant into another !lant "ith the intention that it #hall gro". )t differ# fro% the %aking of cutting# in the fact that the #e$ered !art gro"# in another !lant rather than in the #oil. There are t"o general kind# of graftingAAone of "hich in#ert# a !iece of branch in the #tock (grafting !ro!er)( and one "hich in#ert# only a bud "ith little or no "ood attached (budding). )n both ca#e# the #ucce## of the o!eration de!end# on the gro"ing together of the ca%biu% of the cion (or cutting) and that of the #tock. The ca%biu% i# the ne" and gro"ing ti##ue lying underneath the bark and on the out#ide of the gro"ing "ood. Therefore( the line of de%arcation bet"een the bark and the "ood #hould coincide "hen the cion and #tock are joined. The !lant on "hich the #e$ered !iece i# #et i# called the #tock. The !art "hich i# re%o$ed and #et into the #tock i# called a cion if it i# a !iece of a branch( or a 'bud' if it i# only a #ingle bud "ith a bit of ti##ue attached. The greater !art of grafting and budding i# !erfor%ed "hen the cion or bud i# nearly or Iuite dor%ant. That i#( grafting i# u#ually done late in "inter and early in #!ring( and budding %ay be !erfor%ed then( or late in #u%%er( "hen the bud# ha$e nearly or Iuite %atured. The chief object of grafting i# to !er!etuate a kind of !lant "hich "ill

not re!roduce it#elf fro% #eed( or of "hich #eed i# $ery difficult to obtain. ion# or bud# are therefore taken fro% thi# !lant and #et into "hate$er kind of !lant i# obtainable on "hich they "ill gro". Thu#( if one "ant# to !ro!agate the Bald"in a!!le( he doe# not for that !ur!o#e #o" #eed# thereof( but take# cion# or bud# fro% a Bald"in tree and graft# the% into #o%e other a!!le tree. The #tock# are u#ually obtained fro% #eed#. )n the ca#e of the a!!le( young !lant# are rai#ed fro% #eed# "hich are #ecured %o#tly fro% cider factorie#( "ithout reference to the $ariety fro% "hich they ca%e. ,hen the #eedling# ha$e gro"n to a certain age( they are budded or grafted( the grafted !art %aking the entire to! of the treeG and the to! bear# fruit like that of the tree fro% "hich the cion# "ere taken. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 13K. Budding. The 'bud'G the o!ening to recei$e itG the bud tied.< There are %any "ay# in "hich the union bet"een cion and #tock i# %ade. Budding %ay be fir#t di#cu##ed. )t con#i#t# in in#erting a bud underneath the bark of the #tock( and the co%%one#t !ractice i# that "hich i# #ho"n in the illu#tration#. Budding i# %o#tly !erfor%ed in Buly( 6ugu#t( and early Se!te%ber( "hen the bark i# #till loo#e or in condition to !eel. T"ig# are cut fro% the tree "hich it i# de#ired to !ro!agate( and the bud# are cut off "ith a #har! knife( a #hieldA#ha!ed bit of bark ("ith !o##ibly a little "ood) being left "ith the% (-ig. 13K). The bud i# then #ho$ed into a #lit %ade in the #tock( and it i# held in !lace by tying "ith a #oft #trand. )n t"o or three "eek# the bud "ill ha$e '#tuck' (that i#( it "ill ha$e gro"n fa#t to the #tock)( and the #trand i# cut to !re$ent it# #trangling the #tock. =rdinarily the bud doe# not gro" until the follo"ing #!ring( at "hich ti%e the entire #tock or branch in "hich the bud i# in#erted i# cut off an inch abo$e the budG and the bud thereby recei$e# all the energy of the #tock. Budding i# the co%%one#t grafting o!eration in nur#erie#. Seed# of !eache# %ay be #o"n in #!ring( and the !lant# "hich re#ult "ill be ready for budding that #a%e 6ugu#t. The follo"ing #!ring( or a year fro% the !lanting of the #eed( the #tock i# cut off ju#t abo$e the bud ("hich i# in#erted near the ground)( and in the fall of that year the tree i# ready for #aleG that i#( the to! i# one #ea#on old and the root i# t"o #ea#on# old( but in the trade it i# kno"n a# a oneAyearAold tree. )n the South( the !each #tock %ay be budded in Bune or early Buly of the year in "hich the #eed i# !lanted( and the bud gro"# into a #aleable tree the #a%e year5 thi# i# kno"n a# Bune budding. )n a!!le# and !ear# the #tock i# u#ually t"o year# old before it i# budded( and the tree i# not #old until the to! ha# gro"n t"o or three year#. Budding %ay be !erfor%ed al#o in the #!ring( in "hich ca#e the bud "ill gro" the #a%e #ea#on. Budding i# al"ay# done on young gro"th#( !referably on tho#e not %ore than one year old. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 139. ,hi!Agraft.< Grafting i# the in#ertion of a #%all branch (or cion)( u#ually bearing %ore than one bud. )f grafting i# e%!loyed on #%all #tock#( it i# cu#to%ary to e%!loy the "hi!Agraft (-ig. 139). Both #tock and cion are cut acro## diagonally( and a #!lit %ade in each( #o that one fit# into the other. The graft i# tied #ecurely "ith a #tring( and then( if it i# abo$e ground( it i# al#o "a/ed carefully. )n larger li%b# or #tock#( the co%%on %ethod i# to e%!loy the cleftAgraft (-ig. 13L). Thi# con#i#t# in cutting off the #tock( #!litting it( and in#erting a "edgeA#ha!ed cion in one or both #ide# of

the #!lit( taking care that the ca%biu% layer of the cion %atche# that of the #tock. The e/!o#ed #urface# are then #ecurely co$ered "ith "a/. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 13L. leftAgraft before "a/ing.< Grafting i# u#ually !erfor%ed early in the #!ring( ju#t before the bud# #"ell. The cion# #hould ha$e been cut before thi# ti%e( "hen they "ere !erfectly dor%ant. ion# %ay be #tored in #and in the cellar or in the iceAhou#e( or they %ay be buried in the field. The object i# to kee! the% fre#h and dor%ant until they are "anted. )f it i# de#ired to change the to! of an old !lu%( a!!le( or !ear tree to #o%e other $ariety( it i# u#ually acco%!li#hed by %ean# of the cleftAgraft. )f the tree i# $ery young( budding or "hi!Agrafting %ay be e%!loyed. =n an old to! the cion# #hould begin to bear "hen three to four year# old. 6ll the %ain li%b# #hould be grafted. )t i# i%!ortant to kee! do"n the #ucker# or "ater#!rout# fro% around the graft#( and !art of the re%aining to! #hould be cut a"ay each year until the to! i# entirely changed o$er ("hich "ill re#ult in t"o to four year#). 6 good "a/ for co$ering the e/!o#ed !art# i# de#cribed in the footnote on !age 1K9. JDee!ing record# of the !lantation.J )f one ha# a large and $aluable collection of fruit or orna%ental !lant#( it i# de#irable that he ha$e #o%e !er%anent record of the%. The %o#t #ati#factory %ethod i# to label the !lant#( and then to %ake a chart or %a! on "hich the $ariou# !lant# are indicated in their !ro!er !o#ition#. The label# are al"ay# liable to be lo#t and to beco%e illegible( and they are often %i#!laced by carele## "ork%en or %i#chie$ou# boy#. -or $egetable#( annual#( and other te%!orary !lant#( the be#t label# are #i%!le #take#( like that #ho"n in -ig. 133. Garden #take# a foot long( an inch "ide( and threeAeighth# inch thick %ay be bought of label %anufacturer# for three to fi$e dollar# a thou#and. The#e take a #oft !encil $ery readily( and if the label# are taken u! in the fall and #tored in a dry !lace( they "ill la#t t"o or three year#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 133. The co%%on #take label.< -or %ore !er%anent herbaceou# !lant#( a# rhubarb and a#!aragu#( or e$en for bu#he#( a #take that i# #a"ed fro% clear !ine or cy!re##( eighteen inche# long( three inche# "ide( and an inch or %ore thick( afford# a %o#t e/cellent label. The lo"er end of the #take i# #a"ed to a !oint( and i# di!!ed in coal tar or creo#ote( or other !re#er$ati$e. The to! of the #take i# !ainted "hite( and the legend i# "ritten "ith a large and #oft !encil. ,hen the "riting beco%e# illegible or the #take i# needed for other !lant#( a #ha$ing i# taken off the face of the label "ith a !lane( a fre#h coat of !aint added( and the label i# a# good a# e$er. The#e label# are #trong enough to "ith#tand #hock# fro% "hiffletree# and tool#( and #hould la#t ten year#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 13>. 6 good #take label( "ith the legend co$ered.< ,hene$er a legend i# "ritten "ith a lead !encil( it i# ad$i#able to u#e the !encil "hen the !aint ("hich #hould be "hite lead) i# #till fre#h or #oft. -igure 13> #ho"# a $ery good de$ice for !re#er$ing the "riting on

the face of the label. 6 block of "ood i# #ecured to the label by %ean# of a #cre"( co$ering the legend co%!letely and !rotecting it fro% the "eather. )f %ore orna%ental #take label# are de#ired( $ariou# ty!e# can be bought in the %arket( or one can be %ade after the fa#hion of -ig. 132. Thi# i# a Einc !late that can be !ainted black( on "hich the na%e i# "ritten "ith "hite !aint. Many !er#on#( ho"e$er( !refer to !aint the Einc "hite( and "rite or #ta%! the label "ith black ink or black ty!e. T"o #trong "ire leg# are #oldered to the label( and the#e !re$ent it fro% turning around. The#e label# are( of cour#e( %uch %ore e/!en#i$e than the ordinary #take label#( and are u#ually not #o #ati#factory( although %ore attracti$e. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 132. Metal #take label.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1>8. Qinc tallie#.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1>1. o%%on Einc tally.< -or labeling tree#( $ariou# kind# of Einc tallie# are in co%%on u#e( a# #ho"n in -ig#. 1>8 and 1>1. -re#h Einc take# a lead !encil readily( and the "riting often beco%e# %ore legible a# it beco%e# older( and it "ill u#ually re%ain three or four year#. The#e label# are attached either by "ire#( a# Ja( b(J -ig. 1>8( or they are "ound about the li%b a# #ho"n in Jc( d(J and Je(J in -ig. 1>8. The ty!e of Einc label %o#t in u#e i# a #i%!le #tri! of Einc( a# #ho"n in -ig. 1>1( "ra!!ed about the li%b. The %etal i# #o fle/ible that it e/!and# readily "ith the gro"th of the branch. ,hile the#e Einc label# are durable( they are $ery incon#!icuou# becau#e of their neutral color( and it i# often difficult to find the% in den#e %a##e# of foliage. The co%%on "ooden label of the nur#ery%en (-ig. 1>7) i# !erha!# a# u#eful a# any for general !ur!o#e#. )f the label ha# had a light coat of thin "hite lead( and the legend ha# been %ade "ith a #oft lead !encil( the "riting #hould re%ain legible four or fi$e year#. -ig. 1>? #ho"# another ty!e of label that i# %ore durable( #ince the "ire i# #tiff and large( and i# #ecured around the li%b by %ean# of !incer#. The large loo! allo"# the li%b to e/!and( and the #tiff "ire !re$ent# the %i#!lacing of the label by "ind# and "ork%en. The tally it#elf i# "hat i# kno"n a# the '!ackage label' of the nur#ery%en( being #i/ inche# long( one and oneAfourth inche# "ide( and co#ting (!ainted) le## than one and oneAhalf dollar# a thou#and. The legend i# %ade "ith a lead !encil "hen the !aint i# fre#h( and #o%eti%e# the label i# di!!ed in thin "hite lead after the "riting i# %ade( #o that the !aint co$er# the "riting "ith a $ery thin !rotecting coat. 6 #i%ilar label i# #ho"n in -ig. 1>K.( "hich ha# a large "ire loo!( "ith a coil( to allo" the e/!an#ion of the li%b. The tallie# of thi# ty!e are often %ade of gla##( or !orcelain "ith the na%e indelibly !rinted in the%. -igure 1>9. #ho"# a Einc tally( "hich i# #ecured to the tree by %ean# of a #har! and !ointed "ire dri$en into the "ood. So%e !refer to ha$e t"o ar%# to thi# "ire( dri$ing one !oint on either #ide of the tree. )f gal$aniEed "ire i# u#ed( the#e label# "ill la#t for %any year#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1>7. 6 co%%on nur#ery label.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1>?. ornell tree label.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1>K. Ser$iceable largeAloo! tree label.<

:)llu#tration5 -ig. 1>9. Qinc tree label.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1>L. )njury by a tight label "ire.< )t i# $ery i%!ortant( "hen adju#ting label# to tree#( to be #ure that the "ire i# not t"i#ted tight again#t the "ood. -igure 1>L #ho"# the injury that i# likely to re#ult fro% label "ire#. ,hen a tree i# con#tricted or girdled( it i# $ery liable to be broken off by "ind#. )t #hould be a rule to attach the label to a li%b of %inor i%!ortance( #o that if the "ire #hould injure the !art( the lo## "ill not be #eriou#. ,hen the label( -ig. 1>7( i# a!!lied( only the ti!# of the "ire #hould be t"i#ted together( lea$ing a large loo! for the e/!an#ion of the li%b. JThe #toring of fruit# and $egetable#.J The !rinci!le# in$ol$ed in the #toring of !eri#hable !roduct#( a# fruit# and $egetable#( differ "ith the different co%%oditie#. 6ll the rootAcro!#( and %o#t fruit#( need to be ke!t in a cool( %oi#t( and unifor% te%!erature if they are to be !re#er$ed a great length of ti%e. SIua#he#( #"eetA!otatoe#( and #o%e other thing# need to be ke!t in an inter%ediate and "hat %ight be called a high te%!eratureG and the at%o#!here #hould be drier than for %o#t other !roduct#. The lo" te%!erature ha# the effect of arre#ting deco%!o#ition and the "ork of fungi and bacteria. The %oi#t at%o#!here ha# the effect of !re$enting too great e$a!oration and the con#eIuent #hri$eling. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1>3. The oldAfa#hioned 'outdoor cellar(' #till a $ery u#eful and con$enient #torage !lace.< )n the #toring of any co%%odity( it i# $ery i%!ortant that the !roduct i# in !ro!er condition for kee!ing. &i#card all #!eci%en# that are brui#ed or are likely to decay. Much of the decay of fruit# and $egetable# in #torage i# not the fault of the #torage !roce##( but i# really the "ork of di#ea#e# "ith "hich the %aterial# are infected before they are !ut into #torage. -or e/a%!le( if !otatoe# and cabbage# are affected "ith the rot( it i# !ractically i%!o##ible to kee! the% any length of ti%e. 6!!le#( "inter !ear#( and all root#( #hould be ke!t at a te%!erature #o%e"hat near the freeEing !oint. )t #hould not ri#e abo$e K8 deg. -. for be#t re#ult#. 6!!le# can be ke!t e$en at one or t"o degree# belo" the freeEing !oint if the te%!erature i# unifor%. ellar# in "hich there are heater# are likely to be too dry and the te%!erature too high. )n #uch !lace# it i# "ell to kee! fre#h $egetable# and fruit# in tight rece!tacle#( and !ack the root# in #and or %o## in order to !re$ent #hri$eling. )n the#e !lace#( a!!le# u#ually kee! better if headed u! in barrel# than if ke!t on rack# or #hel$e#. )n %oi#t and cool cellar#( ho"e$er( it i# !referable for the ho%e #u!!ly to !lace the% on #hel$e#( not !iling the% %ore than fi$e or #i/ inche# dee!( for then they can be #orted o$er a# occa#ion reIuire#. )n ca#e of fruit#( be #ure that the #!eci%en# are not o$erAri!e "hen !laced in #torage. )f a!!le# are allo"ed to lie in the #un for a fe" day# before being !acked( they "ill ri!en #o %uch that it i# $ery difficult to kee! the%. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1>>. LeanAto fruit cellar( co$ered "ith earth. The roof #hould be of ce%ent or #tone #lab#. Pro$ide a $entilator.< abbage# #hould be ke!t at a lo" and unifor% te%!erature( and "ater

#hould be drained a"ay fro% the%. They are #tored in %any "ay# in the field( but #ucce## de!end# #o %uch on the #ea#on( !articular $ariety( ri!ene##( and the freedo% fro% injurie# by fungi and in#ect#( that unifor% re#ult# are rarely #ecured by any one %ethod. The be#t re#ult# are to be e/!ected "hen they can be ke!t in a hou#e built for the !ur!o#e( in "hich the te%!erature i# unifor% and the air fairly %oi#t. ,hen #tored out of door#( they are likely to freeEe and tha" alternatelyG and if the "ater run# into the head#( %i#chief re#ult#. So%eti%e# they are ea#ily #tored by being !iled into a conical hea! on "ellAdrained #oil and co$ered "ith dry #tra"( and the #tra" co$ered "ith board#. )t doe# not %atter if they are fro#ted( !ro$ided they do not tha" out freIuently. So%eti%e# cabbage# are laid head do"n in a #hallo" furro" !lo"ed in "ellAdrained land( and o$er the% i# thro"n #tra"( the #tu%!# being allo"ed to !roject through the co$er. )t i# only in "inter# of rather unifor% te%!erature that good re#ult# are to be e/!ected fro% #uch %ethod#. The#e are #o%e of the %ain con#ideration# in$ol$ed in the #toring of #uch thing# a# cabbageG the #ubject i# %entioned again in the di#cu##ion of cabbage in ha!ter F. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 1>2. 6 fruit #torage hou#e cooled by ice.< )n the #toring of all !roduct#( e#!ecially tho#e "hich ha$e #oft and green %atter( a# cabbage#( it i# "ell to !ro$ide again#t the heating of the !roduce. )f the thing# are buried out of door#( it i# i%!ortant to !ut on a $ery light co$er at fir#t #o that the heat %ay e#ca!e. o$er the% gradually a# the cold "eather co%e# on. Thi# i# i%!ortant "ith all $egetable# that are !laced in !it#( a# !otatoe#( beet#( and the like. )f co$ered dee!ly at once( they are likely to heat and rot. 6ll !it# %ade out of door# #hould be on "ellAdrained and !referably #andy land. ,hen $egetable# are "anted at inter$al# during the "inter fro% !it#( it i# "ell to %ake co%!art%ent !it#( each co%!art%ent holding a "agon load or "hate$er Iuantity "ill be likely to be "anted at each ti%e. The#e !it# are #unk in "ellAdrained land( and bet"een each of the t"o !it# i# left a "all of earth about a foot thick. =ne !it can then be e%!tied in cold "eather "ithout interfering "ith the other#. 6n out#ide cellar i# better than a hou#e cellar in "hich there i# a heater( but it i# not #o handy. )f it i# near the hou#e( it need not be incon$enient( ho"e$er. 6 hou#e i# u#ually healthier if the cellar i# not u#ed for #torage. Hou#e cellar# u#ed for #torage #hould ha$e a $entilating #haft. So%e of the !rinci!le# in$ol$ed in an iceAcooled #torage hou#e are e/!lained in the diagra%( -ig. 1>2. )f the reader de#ire# to %ake a careful #tudy of #torage and #torage #tructure#( he #hould con#ult cyclo!edia# and #!ecial article#. JThe forcing of !lant#.J There are three general %ean# (a#ide fro% greenhou#e#) of forcing !lant# ahead of their #ea#on in the early #!ringAAby %ean# of forcingAhill# and handAbo/e#( by coldfra%e#( and by hotbed#. The forcingAhill i# an arrange%ent by %ean# of "hich a #ingle !lant or a #ingle 'hill' of !lant# %ay be forced "here it !er%anently #tand#. Thi# ty!e of forcing %ay be a!!lied to !erennial !lant#( a# rhubarb and a#!aragu#( or to annual#( a# %elon# and cucu%ber#.

)n -ig. 128 i# illu#trated a co%%on %ethod of ha#tening the gro"th of rhubarb in the #!ring. 6 bo/ "ith four re%o$able #ide#( t"o of "hich are #ho"n in end #ection in the figure( i# !laced around the !lant in the fall. The in#ide of the bo/ i# filled "ith #tra" or litter( and the out#ide i# banked thoroughly "ith any refu#e( to !re$ent the ground fro% freeEing. ,hen it i# de#ired to #tart the !lant#( the co$ering i# re%o$ed fro% both the in#ide and out#ide of the bo/ and hot %anure i# !iled around the bo/ to it# to!. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 128. -orcingAhill for rhubarb.< )f the "eather i# yet cold( dry light lea$e# or #tra" %ay be !laced in#ide the bo/G or a !ane or #a#h of gla## %ay be !laced on to! of the bo/( "hen it "ill beco%e a coldfra%e. 0hubarb( a#!aragu#( #eaAkale( and #i%ilar !lant# %ay be ad$anced t"o or four "eek# by %ean# of thi# %ethod of forcing. So%e gardener# u#e old barrel# or halfAbarrel# in !lace of the bo/. The bo/( ho"e$er( i# better and handier( and the #ide# can be #tored for future u#e. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 121. -orcingAhill( and the %old or fra%e for %aking it.< Plant# that reIuire a long #ea#on in "hich to %ature( and "hich do not tran#!lant readily( a# %elon# and cucu%ber#( %ay be !lanted in forcingAhill# in the field. =ne of the#e hill# i# #ho"n in -ig. 121. The fra%e or %old i# #ho"n at the left. Thi# %old i# a bo/ "ith flaring #ide# and no to! or botto%( and !ro$ided "ith a handle. Thi# fra%e i# !laced "ith the #%all end do"n at the !oint "here the #eed# are to be !lanted( and the earth i# hilled u! about it and fir%ly !acked "ith the feet. The %old i# then "ithdra"n( and a !ane of gla## i# laid u!on the to! of the %ound to concentrate the #unH# ray#( and to !re$ent the bank fro% "a#hing do"n "ith the rain#. 6 clod of earth or a #tone %ay be !laced u!on the !ane to hold it do"n. So%eti%e# a brick i# u#ed a# a %old. Thi# ty!e of forcingAhill i# not %uch u#ed( becau#e the bank of earth i# liable to be "a#hed a"ay( and hea$y rain co%ing "hen the gla## i# off "ill fill the hill "ith "ater and dro"n the !lant. Ho"e$er( it can be u#ed to $ery good ad$antage "hen the gardener can gi$e it clo#e attention. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 127. HandAbo/.< 6 forcingAhill i# #o%eti%e# %ade by digging a hole in the ground and !lanting the #eed# in the botto% of it( !lacing the !ane of gla## u!on a #light ridge or %ound "hich i# %ade on the #urface of the ground. Thi# %ethod i# le## de#irable than the other( becau#e the #eed# are !laced in the !oore#t and colde#t #oil( and the hole i# $ery likely to fill "ith "ater in the early day# of #!ring. 6n e/cellent ty!e of forcingAhill i# %ade by the u#e of the handAbo/( a# #ho"n in -ig. 127. Thi# i# a rectangular bo/( "ithout to! or botto%( and a !ane of gla## i# #li!!ed into a groo$e at the to!. )t i# really a %iniature coldfra%e. The earth i# banked u! #lightly about the bo/( in order to hold it again#t "ind# and to !re$ent the "ater fro% running into it. )f the#e bo/e# are %ade of good lu%ber and !ainted( they "ill la#t for %any year#. 6ny #iEe of gla## %ay be u#ed "hich i# de#ired( but a tenAbyAt"el$e !ane i# a# good a# any for general !ur!o#e#. 6fter the !lant# are thoroughly e#tabli#hed in the#e forcingAhill#( and the "eather i# #ettled( the !rotection i# "holly re%o$ed( and the !lant#

gro" nor%ally in the o!en. 6 $ery good te%!orary !rotection %ay be gi$en to tender !lant# by u#ing four !ane# of gla##( a# e/!lained in -ig. 12?( the t"o inner !ane# being held together at the to! by a block of "ood through "hich four nail# are dri$en. Plant# are %ore likely to burn in the#e gla## fra%e# than in the handAbo/e#( and #uch fra%e# are not #o "ell ada!ted to the !rotection of !lant# in $ery early #!ringG but they are often u#eful for #!ecial !ur!o#e#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 12?. Gla## forcingAhill.< )n all forcingAhill#( a# in coldfra%e# and hotbed#( it i# e/ceedingly i%!ortant that the !lant# recei$e !lenty of air on bright day#. Plant# that are ke!t too clo#e beco%e "eak or 'dra"n'( and lo#e the ability to "ith#tand change# of "eather "hen the !rotection i# re%o$ed. E$en though the "ind i# cold and ra"( the !lant# in#ide the fra%e# ordinarily "ill not #uffer if the gla## i# taken off "hen the #un i# #hining. oldfra%e#. 6 coldfra%e i# nothing %ore than an enlarged handAbo/G that i#( in#tead of !rotecting but a #ingle !lant or a #ingle hill "ith a #ingle !ane of gla##( the fra%e i# co$ered "ith #a#h( and i# large enough to acco%%odate %any !lant#. There are three general !ur!o#e# for "hich a coldfra%e i# u#ed5 -or the #tarting of !lant# early in #!ringG for recei$ing !artially hardened !lant# that ha$e been #tarted earlier in hotbed# and forcingAhou#e#G for "intering young cabbage#( lettuce( and other hardy !lant# that are #o"n in the fall. oldfra%e# are ordinarily !laced near the building#( and the !lant# are tran#!lanted into the field "hen #ettled "eather co%e#. So%eti%e#( ho"e$er( they are %ade directly in the field "here the !lant# are to re%ain( and the fra%e#( and not the !lant#( are re%o$ed. ,hen u#ed for thi# latter !ur!o#e( the fra%e# are %ade $ery chea! by running t"o ro"# of !arallel !lank# through the field at a di#tance a!art of #i/ feet. The !lank on the north i# ordinarily ten to t"el$e inche# "ide( and that on the #outh eight to ten inche#. The#e !lank# are held in !lace by #take#( and the #a#he# are laid acro## the%. Seed# of radi#he#( beet#( lettuce( and the like( are then #o"n beneath the #a#h( and "hen #ettled "eather arri$e#( the #a#h and !lank# are re%o$ed and the !lant# are gro"ing naturally in the field. HalfAhardy !lant#( a# tho#e %entioned( %ay be #tarted fully t"o or three "eek# in ad$ance of the nor%al #ea#on by thi# %ean#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 12K. oldfra%e again#t a building. Plant# at EG #ill of hou#e at 6G ba#e%ent o!ening at B.< =ne of the #i%!le#t ty!e# of coldfra%e# i# #ho"n in -ig. 12K( "hich i# a leanAto again#t the foundation of a hou#e. 6 #ill i# run ju#t abo$e the #urface of the ground( and the #a#he#( #ho"n at &( are laid on rafter# "hich run fro% thi# #ill to the #ill of the hou#e( 6. )f thi# fra%e i# on the #outh #ide of the building( !lant# %ay be #tarted e$en a# early a# a %onth before the o!ening of the #ea#on. Such leanAto fra%e# are #o%eti%e# %ade again#t greenhou#e# or "ar% cellar#( and heat i# #u!!lied to the% by the o!ening of a door in the "all( a# at B. )n fra%e# that are in #uch #unny !o#ition# a# the#e( it i# e/ceedingly i%!ortant that

care be taken to re%o$e the #a#h( or at lea#t to gi$e a%!le $entilation( in all #unny day#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 129. ,eather #creen( or coldfra%e( again#t a building.< 6 different ty!e of leanAto #tructure i# #ho"n in -ig. 129. Thi# %ay be either a te%!orary or !er%anent building( and it i# generally u#ed for the !rotection of halfAhardy !lant# that are gro"n in !ot# and tub#. )t %ay be u#ed( ho"e$er( for the !ur!o#e of for"arding !otA!lant# early in the #!ring and for !rotection of !eache#( gra!e#( orange#( or other fruit# in tub# or bo/e#. )f it i# de#ired %erely to !rotect the !lant# through the "inter( it i# be#t to ha$e the #tructure on the north #ide of the building( in order that the #un %ay not force the !lant# into acti$ity. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 12L. 6 !it or coldfra%e on !er%anent "all#( and a u#eful adjunct to a garden. The rear co$er i# o!en (JaJ).< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 123. The u#ual for% of coldfra%e.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 12>. 6 #trong and durable fra%e.< 6nother #tructure that %ay be u#ed both to carry halfAhardy !lant# o$er "inter and for #tarting !lant# early in #!ring i# #ho"n in -ig. 12L. )t i# really a %iniature greenhou#e "ithout heat. )t i# "ell ada!ted for %ild cli%ate#. The !icture "a# %ade fro% a #tructure in the coa#t region of Corth arolina. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 122. 6 fra%e yard.< The co%%on ty!e of coldfra%e i# #ho"n in -ig. 123. )t i# t"el$e feet long and #i/ feet "ide( and i# co$ered "ith four threeAbyA#i/ #a#h. )t i# %ade of ordinary lu%ber loo#ely nailed together. )f one e/!ect# to u#e coldfra%e# or hotbed# e$ery year( ho"e$er( it i# ad$i#able to %ake the fra%e# of t"oAinch #tuff( "ell !ainted( and to join the !art# by bolt# and tenon#( #o that they %ay be taken a!art and #tored until needed for the ne/t yearH# cro!. -igure 12> #ugge#t# a %ethod of %aking fra%e# #o that they %ay be taken a!art. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 788. Portable coldfra%e.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 781. 6 larger !ortable coldfra%e.< )t i# al"ay# ad$i#able to !lace coldfra%e# and hotbed# in a !rotected !lace( and !articularly to !rotect the% fro% cold north "ind#. Building# afford e/cellent !rotection( but the #un i# #o%eti%e# too hot on the #outh #ide of large and lightAcolored building#. =ne of the be#t %ean# of !rotection i# to !lant a hedge of e$ergreen#( a# #ho"n in -ig. 122. )t i# al"ay# de#irable( al#o to !lace all the coldfra%e# and hotbed# clo#e together( for the !ur!o#e of econo%iEing ti%e and labor. 6 regular area or yard %ay be #et a#ide for thi# !ur!o#e. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 787. 6 co%%odiou# !ortable fra%e.< .ariou# #%all and !ortable coldfra%e# %ay be u#ed about the garden for the !rotection of tender !lant# or to #tart the% early in the #!ring. Pan#ie#( dai#ie#( and border carnation#( for e/a%!le( %ay be brought on $ery early by #etting #uch fra%e# o$er the% or by !lanting the% under

the fra%e# in the fall. The#e fra%e# %ay be of any #iEe de#ired( and the #a#h %ay be either re%o$able( or( in ca#e of #%all fra%e#( they %ay be hinged at the to!. -ig#. 788A78? illu#trate $ariou# ty!e#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 78?. 6 lo" coldfra%e.< Hotbed#. 6 hotbed differ# fro% a coldfra%e in being !ro$ided "ith botto% heat. Thi# heat i# ordinarily #u!!lied by %ean# of fer%enting %anure( but it %ay be obtained fro% other fer%enting %aterial( a# tanbark or lea$e#( or fro% artificial heat( a# flue#( #tea% !i!e#( or "ater !i!e#. The hotbed i# u#ed for the $ery early #tarting of !lant#G and "hen the !lant# ha$e outgro"n the bed( or ha$e beco%e too thick( they are tran#!lanted into cooler hotbed# or into coldfra%e#. There are #o%e cro!#( ho"e$er( that are carried to full %aturity in the hotbed it#elf( a# radi#he# and lettuce. The date at "hich the hotbed %ay be #tarted "ith #afety de!end# al%o#t entirely on the %ean# at co%%and of heating it and on the #kill of the o!erator. )n the northern #tate#( "here outdoor gardening doe# not begin until the fir#t or the la#t of May( hotbed# are #o%eti%e# #tarted a# early a# BanuaryG but they are ordinarily delayed until early in March. The heat for hotbed# i# co%%only #u!!lied by the fer%entation of hor#e %anure. )t i# i%!ortant that the %anure be a# unifor% a# !o##ible in co%!o#ition and te/ture( that it co%e fro% highly fed hor#e#( and i# !ractically of the #a%e age. The be#t re#ult# are u#ually #ecured "ith %anure fro% li$ery #table#( fro% "hich it can be obtained in large Iuantitie# in a #hort #!ace of ti%e. Perha!# a# %uch a# one half of the "hole %aterial #hould be of litter or #tra" that ha# been u#ed in the bedding. The %anure i# !laced in a long and #hallo" #IuareAto!!ed !ile( not %ore than four or #i/ feet high( a# a rule( and i# then allo"ed to fer%ent. Better re#ult# are generally obtained if the %anure i# !iled under co$er. )f the "eather i# cold and fer%entation doe# not #tart readily( "etting the !ile "ith hot "ater %ay #tart it. The fir#t fer%entation i# nearly al"ay# irregularG that i#( it begin# uneIually in #e$eral !lace# in the !ile. )n order to %ake the fer%entation unifor%( the !ile %u#t be turned occa#ionally( taking care to break u! all hard lu%!# and to di#tribute the hot %anure throughout the %a##. )t i# #o%eti%e# nece##ary to turn the !ile fi$e or #i/ ti%e# before it i# finally u#ed( although half thi# nu%ber of turning# i# ordinarily #ufficient. ,hen the !ile i# #tea%ing unifor%ly throughout( it i# !laced in the hotbed( and i# co$ered "ith the earth in "hich the !lant# are to be gro"n. Hotbed fra%e# are #o%eti%e# #et on to! of the !ile of fer%enting %anure( a# #ho"n in -ig. 78K. The %anure #hould e/tend #o%e di#tance beyond the edge# of the fra%eG other"i#e the fra%e "ill beco%e too cold about the out#ide( and the !lant# "ill #uffer. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 78K. Hotbed "ith %anure on to! of the ground.< )t i# !referable( ho"e$er( to ha$e a !it beneath the fra%e in "hich the %anure i# !laced. )f the bed i# to be #tarted in %id"inter or $ery early in the #!ring( it i# ad$i#able to %ake thi# !it in the fall and to fill it "ith #tra" or other litter to !re$ent the earth fro% freeEing dee!.

,hen it i# ti%e to %ake the bed( the litter i# thro"n out( and the ground i# "ar% and ready to recei$e the fer%enting %anure. The !it #hould be a foot "ider on either #ide than the "idth of the fra%e. -ig. 789 i# a cro##A#ection of #uch a hotbed !it. @!on the ground a layer of an inch or t"o of any coar#e %aterial i# !laced to kee! the %anure off the cold earth. @!on thi#( fro% t"el$e to thirty inche# of %anure i# !laced. 6bo$e the %anure i# a thin layer of leaf%old or #o%e !orou# %aterial( that "ill #er$e a# a di#tributor of the heat( and abo$e thi# i# four or fi$e inche# of #oft garden loa%( in "hich the !lant# are to be gro"n. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 789. Section of a hotbed built "ith a !it.< )t i# ad$i#able to !lace the %anure in the !it in layer#( each #tratu% to be thoroughly trodden do"n before another one i# !ut in. The#e layer# #hould be four to eight inche# in thickne##. By thi# %ean# the %a## i# ea#ily %ade unifor% in con#i#tency. Manure that ha# too %uch #tra" for the be#t re#ult#( and "hich "ill therefore #oon !art "ith it# heat( "ill #!ring u! Iuickly "hen the !re##ure of the feet i# re%o$ed. Manure that ha# too little #tra"( and "hich therefore "ill not heat "ell or "ill #!end it# heat Iuickly( "ill !ack do"n into a #oggy %a## underneath the feet. ,hen the %anure ha# #ufficient litter( it "ill gi$e a #!ringy feeling to the feet a# a !er#on "alk# o$er it( but "ill not fluff u! "hen the !re##ure i# re%o$ed. The Iuantity of %anure to be u#ed "ill de!end on it# Iuality( and al#o on the #ea#on in "hich the hotbed i# %ade. The earlier the bed i# %ade( the larger #hould be the Iuantity of %anure. Hotbed# that are intended to hold for t"o %onth# #hould ha$e about t"o feet of %anure( a# a rule. The %anure "ill ordinarily heat $ery $igorou#ly for a fe" day# after it i# !laced in the bed. 6 #oil ther%o%eter #hould be thru#t through the earth do"n to the %anure( and the fra%e ke!t tightly clo#ed. ,hen the te%!erature i# !a##ing belo" 28 deg.( #eed# of the "ar% !lant#( like to%atoe#( %ay be #o"n( and "hen it !a##e# belo" >8 deg. or 38 deg.( the #eed# of cooler !lant# %ay be #o"n. )f hotbed# are to be u#ed e$ery year( !er%anent !it# #hould be !ro$ided for the%. Pit# are %ade fro% t"o to three feet dee!( !referably the for%er de!th( and are "alled u! "ith #tone or brick. )t i# i%!ortant that they be gi$en good drainage fro% belo". )n the #u%%erAti%e( after the #a#h are #tri!!ed( the old bed# %ay be u#ed for the gro"ing of $ariou# delicate cro!#( a# %elon# or halfAhardy flo"er#. )n thi# !o#ition( the !lant# can be !rotected in the fall. 6# already #ugge#ted( the !it# #hould be cleaned out in the fall and filled "ith litter to facilitate the "ork of %aking the ne" bed in the "inter or #!ring. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 78L Parallel run# of hotbed# "ith rack# for holding #a#he#.< .ariou# %odification# of the co%%on ty!e of hotbed "ill #ugge#t the%#el$e# to the o!erator. The fra%e# #hould ordinarily run in !arallel ro"#( #o that a %an "alking bet"een the% can attend to the $entilation of t"o ro"# of #a#h at once. -ig. 78L #ho"# a different arrange%ent. There are t"o !arallel run#( "ith "alk# on the out#ide( and bet"een the% are rack# to recei$e the #a#h fro% the adjacent fra%e#. The #a#h fro% the leftAhand bed are run to the right( and tho#e fro% the rightAhand bed are run to the left. 0unning on rack#( the o!erator doe# not need to handle the%( and the breakage of gla## i# therefore le##G but thi# #y#te% i# little u#ed becau#e of the difficulty of reaching the farther

#ide of the bed fro% the #ingle "alk. )f the hotbed "ere high enough and broad enough to allo" a %an to "ork in#ide( "e #hould ha$e a forcingAhou#e. Such a #tructure i# #ho"n in -ig. 783( u!on one #ide of "hich the %anure and #oil are already in !lace. The#e %anureAheated hou#e# are often $ery efficient( and are a good %akeA#hift until #uch ti%e a# the gardener can afford to !ut in flue or !i!e heat. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 783. ManureAheated greenhou#e.< Hotbed# %ay be heated by %ean# of #tea% or hot "ater. They can be !i!ed fro% the heater in a d"ellingAhou#e or greenhou#e. -ig. 78> #ho"# a hotbed "ith t"o !i!e#( in the !o#ition# 3( 3 beneath the bed. The earth i# #ho"n at K( and the !lant# ("hich( in thi# ca#e( are $ine#) are gro"ing u!on a rack( at L. There are door# in the end of the hou#e( #ho"n in 7( 7( "hich %ay be u#ed for $entilation or for ad%itting air underneath the bed#. The !i!e# #hould not be #urrounded by earth( but #hould run through a free air #!ace. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 78>. Pi!eAheated hotbed.< )t "ould #carcely !ay to !ut in a hot "ater or #tea% heater for the e/!re## !ur!o#e of heating hotbed#( for if #uch an e/!en#e "ere incurred( it "ould be better to %ake a forcingAhou#e. Hotbed# %ay be heated( ho"e$er( "ith hotAair flue# "ith $ery good re#ult#. 6 ho%eA%ade brick furnace %ay be con#tructed in a !it at one end of the run and underneath a #hed( and the #%oke and hot air( in#tead of being carried directly u!"ard#( i# carried through a #lightly ri#ing horiEontal !i!e that run# underneath the bed#. -or #o%e di#tance fro% the furnace( thi# flue %ay be %ade of brick or un$itrified #e"er !i!e( but #to$eA!i!e %ay be u#ed for the greater !art of the run. The chi%ney i# ordinarily at the farther end of the run of bed#. )t #hould be high( in order to !ro$ide a good draft. )f the run of bed# i# long( there #hould be a ri#e in the underlying !i!e of at lea#t one foot in t"entyAfi$e. The greater the ri#e in thi# !i!e( the %ore !erfect "ill be the draft. )f the run# are not too long( the underlying !i!e %ay return underneath the bed# and enter a chi%ney directly o$er the back end of the furnace( and #uch a chi%ney( being "ar%ed fro% the furnace( "ill ordinarily ha$e an e/cellent draft. The underlying !i!e #hould occu!y a free #!ace or !it beneath the bed#( and "hene$er it lie# near to the floor of the bed or i# $ery hot( it #hould be co$ered "ith a#be#to# cloth. ,hile #uch flueAheated hotbed# %ay be e%inently #ucce##ful "ith a gro"er or builder of e/!erience( it %ay ne$erthele## be #aid( a# a general #tate%ent( that "hene$er #uch trouble and e/!en#e are incurred( it i# better to %ake a forcingAhou#e. The #ubject of forcingAhou#e# and greenhou#e# i# not di#cu##ed in thi# book. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 782. @#eful kind# of "ateringA!ot#. The#e are ada!ted to different u#e#( a# are different for%# of hoe# or !runing tool#.< The %o#t #ati#factory %aterial for u#e in hotbed and coldAfra%e #a#h i# doubleAthick( #econdAIuality gla##G and !ane# t"el$e inche# "ide are ordinarily broad enough( and they #uffer co%!arati$ely little in breakage. -or coldfra%e#( ho"e$er( $ariou# oiled !a!er# and "ater!roof cloth# %ay be u#ed( !articularly for !lant# that are #tarted little in ad$ance of the o!ening of the #ea#on. ,hen the#e %aterial# are u#ed( it i# not nece##ary to ha$e e/!en#i$e #a#h( but rectangular fra%e# are %ade

fro% #tri!# of !ine #e$enAeighth# inch thick and t"o and oneAhalf inche# "ide( hal$ed together at the corner# and each corner reenforced by a #Iuare carriageAcorner( #uch a# i# u#ed by carriageA%aker# to #ecure the corner# of buggy bo/e#. The#e corner# can be bought by the !ound at hard"are #tore#. Manage%ent of hotbed#. lo#e attention i# reIuired in the %anage%ent of hotbed#( to in#ure that they do not beco%e too hot "hen the #un co%e# out #uddenly( and to gi$e !lenty of fre#h air. .entilation i# u#ually effected by rai#ing the #a#h at the u!!er end and letting it re#t u!on a block. ,hene$er the te%!erature i# abo$e freeEing !oint( it i# generally ad$i#able to take the #a#h off !art "ay( a# #ho"n in the central !art of -ig. 122( or e$en to #tri! it off entirely( a# #ho"n in -ig. 123. are #hould be taken not to "ater the !lant# at nightfall( e#!ecially in dull and cold "eather( but to gi$e the% "ater in the %orning( "hen the #un "ill #oon bring the te%!erature u! to it# nor%al #tate. Skill and judg%ent in "atering are of the greate#t i%!ortance in the %anage%ent of hotbed#G but thi# #kill co%e# only fro% thoughtful !ractice. The #ati#faction and effecti$ene## of the "ork are greatly increa#ed by good ho#e connection# and good "ateringA!ot# (-ig. 782). So%e !rotection( other than the gla##( %u#t be gi$en to hotbed#. They need co$ering on e$ery cold night( and #o%eti%e# during the entire day in $ery #e$ere "eather. .ery good %aterial for co$ering the #a#h i# %atting( #uch a# i# u#ed for co$ering floor#. =ld !iece# of car!et %ay al#o be u#ed. .ariou# hotbed %atting# are #old by dealer# in gardener#H #u!!lie#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 718. The %aking of #tra" %at#.< Gardener# often %ake %at# of rye #tra"( although the !rice of good #tra" and the e/cellence of %anufactured %aterial# %ake thi# ho%eA%ade %atting le## de#irable than for%erly. Such %at# are thick and durable( and are rolled u! in the %orning( a# #ho"n in -ig. 122. There are $ariou# %ethod# of %aking the#e #tra" %at#( but -ig. 718 illu#trate# one of the be#t. 6 fra%e i# %ade after the %anner of a #a"Ahor#e( "ith a double to!( and tarred or %arline t"ine i# u#ed for #ecuring the #trand# of #tra". )t i# cu#to%ary to u#e #i/ run# of thi# "ar!. T"el$e #!ool# of #tring are !ro$ided( #i/ hanging on either #ide. So%e !er#on# "ind the cord u!on t"o t"entyA!enny nail#( a# #ho"n in the figure( the#e nail# being held together at one end by "ire "hich i# #ecured in notche# filed into the%. The other end# of the #!ike# are free( and allo" the #tring to be caught bet"een the%( thu# !re$enting the ball# fro% un"inding a# they hang u!on the fra%e. T"o "i#!# of #traight rye #tra" are #ecured and laid u!on the fra%e( "ith the butt end# out"ard and the head# o$erla!!ing. T"o o!!o#ite #!ool# are then brought u!( and a hard knot i# tied at each !oint. The !rojecting butt# of the #tra" are then cut off "ith a hatchet( and the %at i# allo"ed to dro! through to recei$e the ne/t !air of "i#!#. )n %aking the#e %at#( it i# e##ential that the rye contain# no ri!e grainG other"i#e it attract# the %ice. )t i# be#t to gro" rye for thi# e#!ecial !ur!o#e( and to cut it before the grain i# in the %ilk( #o that the #tra" doe# not need to be thre#hed. )n addition to the#e co$ering# of #tra" or %atting( it i# #o%eti%e#

nece##ary to !ro$ide board #hutter# to !rotect the bed#( !articularly if the !lant# are #tarted $ery early in the #ea#on. The#e #hutter# are %ade of halfAinch or fi$eAeighth#Ainch !ine lu%ber( and are the #a%e #iEe a# the #a#hAAthree by #i/ feet. They %ay be !laced u!on the #a#h underneath the %atting( or they %ay be u#ed abo$e the %atting. )n #o%e ca#e# they are u#ed "ithout any %atting. )n the gro"ing of !lant# in hotbed#( e$ery effort #hould be %ade to !re$ent the !lant# fro% gro"ing #!indling( or beco%ing 'dra"n.' To %ake #tocky !lant#( it i# nece##ary to gi$e roo% to each !lant( to be #ure that the di#tance fro% the !lant# to the gla## i# not great( to !ro$ide not too %uch "ater in dull and cold "eather( and !articularly to gi$e abundance of air.

H6PTE0 .) P0=TE T)CG PL6CTS -0=M TH)CGS TH6T P0E* =C THEM Plant# are !reyed on by in#ect# and fungiG and they are #ubject to $ariou# kind# of di#ea#e that( for the %o#t !art( are not yet under#tood. They are often injured al#o by %ice and rabbit# (!. 1KK)( by %ole#( dog#( cat#( and chicken#G and fruit i# eaten by bird#. Mole# %ay be trouble#o%e on #andy landG they hea$e the ground by their burro"ing and %ay often be killed by #ta%!ing "hen the burro" i# being rai#edG there are %ole tra!# that are %ore or le## #ucce##ful. &og# and cat# "ork injury %o#tly by "alking acro## ne"ly %ade garden# or lying in the%. The#e ani%al#( a# "ell a# chicken#( #hould be ke!t "ithin their !ro!er !lace (!. 1L8)G or if they roa% at "ill( the garden %u#t be inclo#ed in a tight "ire fence or the bed# !rotected by bru#h laid clo#ely o$er the%. The in#ect# and di#ea#e# that attack garden !lant# are legionG and yet( for the %o#t !art( they are not $ery difficult to co%bat if one i# ti%ely and thorough in hi# o!eration#. The#e difficultie# %ay be di$ided into three great categorie#5 the injurie# "rought by in#ect#G the injurie# of !ara#itic fungiG the $ariou# ty!e# of #oAcalled con#titutional di#ea#e#( #o%e of "hich are cau#ed by ger%# or bacteria( and %any of "hich ha$e not yet been "orked out by in$e#tigator#. The di#ea#e# cau#ed by !ara#itic fungi are u#ually di#tingui#hed by di#tinct %ark#( #!ot# or bli#ter# on the lea$e# or #te%#( and the gradual "eakening or death of the !artG and( in %any ca#e#( the lea$e# dro! bodily. -or the %o#t !art( the#e #!ot# on the lea$e# or #te%# #ooner or later e/hibit a %ilde"Alike or ru#ty a!!earance( due to the de$elo!%ent of the #!ore# or fruiting bodie#. -ig. 711 illu#trate# the ra$age# of one of the !ara#itic fungi( the #hotAhole fungu# of the !lu%. Each #!ot !robably re!re#ent# a di#tinct attack of the fungu#( and in thi# !articular di#ea#e the#e injured !art# of ti##ue are liable to fall out( lea$ing hole# in the leaf. Plu% lea$e# that are attacked early in the #ea#on by thi# di#ea#e u#ually dro! !re%aturelyG but #o%eti%e# the lea$e# !er#i#t( being riddled by hole# at the clo#e of the #ea#on. -ig. 717 i# the ru#t of the hollyhock. )n thi# ca#e the !u#tule# of the fungu# are $ery definite on the under #ide of the leaf. The bli#ter# of leafAcurl are #ho"n in -ig. 71?. The ragged "ork of a!!le #cab fungu# i# #ho"n in -ig. 71K. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 711. ShotAhole di#ea#e of !lu%.<

:)llu#tration5 -ig. 717. Hollyhock ru#t.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 71?. LeafAcurl of !each( due to a fungu#.< The con#titutional and bacterial di#ea#e# u#ually affect the "hole !lant( or at lea#t large !ortion# of itG and the #eat of attack i# co%%only not #o %uch in the indi$idual lea$e# a# in the #te%#( the #ource# of food #u!!ly being thereby cut off fro% the foliage. The #y%!to%# of thi# cla## of di#ea#e# are general "eakening of !lant "hen the di#ea#e affect# the !lant a# a "hole or "hen it attack# large branche#G or #o%eti%e# the lea$e# #hri$el and die about the edge# or in large irregular di#colored #!ot#( but "ithout the di#tinct !u#tular %ark# of the !ara#itic fungi. There i# a general tendency for the foliage on !lant# affected "ith #uch di#ea#e# to #hri$el and to hang on the #te% for a ti%e. =ne of the be#t illu#tration# of thi# ty!e of di#ea#e i# the !earAblight. So%eti%e# the !lant gi$e# ri#e to abnor%al gro"th#( a# in the '"illo" #hoot#' of !eache# affected "ith yello"# (-ig. 719). :)llu#tration5 -ig. 71K. Lea$e# and fruit# injured by fungi( chiefly a!!leA#cab.< 6nother cla## of di#ea#e# are the rootAgall#. They are of $ariou# kind#. The rootAgall of ra#!berrie#( cro"nAgall of !eache#( a!!le#( and other tree#( i# the %o#t !o!ularly recogniEed of thi# cla## of trouble# (-ig. 71L). )t ha# long been kno"n a# a di#ea#e of nur#ery #tock. Many #tate# ha$e la"# again#t the #ale of tree# #ho"ing thi# di#ea#e. )t# cau#e "a# unkno"n( until in 1283 S%ith and To"n#end( of the Bureau of Plant )ndu#try( @nited State# &e!art%ent of 6griculture( undertook an in$e#tigation. They !ro$ed that it i# a bacterial di#ea#e (cau#ed by JBacteriu% tu%efacien#J)G but ju#t ho" the bacteria gain entrance to the root i# not kno"n. The #a%e bacteriu% %ay cau#e gall# on the #te%# of other !lant#( a#( for e/a%!le( on certain of the dai#ie#. The 'hairyAroot' of a!!le#( and certain gall# that often a!!ear on the li%b# of large a!!leAtree#( are al#o kno"n to be cau#ed by thi# #a%e bacteriu%. The di#ea#e #ee%# to be %o#t #eriou# and de#tructi$e on the ra#!berry( !articularly the uthbert $ariety. The be#t thing to be done "hen the ra#!berry !atch beco%e# infe#ted i# to root out the !lant# and de#troy the%( !lanting a ne" !atch "ith clean #tock on land that ha# not gro"n berrie# for #o%e ti%e. Cot"ith#tanding the la"# that ha$e been %ade again#t the di#tribution of rootAgall fro% nur#erie#( the e$idence #ee%# to #ho" that it i# not a #eriou# di#ea#e of a!!le# or !eache#( at lea#t not in the northea#tern @nited State#. )t i# not deter%ined ho" far it %ay injure #uch tree#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 719. The #lender tufted gro"th indicating !each yello"#. The cau#e of thi# di#ea#e i# undeter%ined.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 71L. Gall on a ra#!berry root.< =f ob$iou# in#ect injurie#( there are t"o general ty!e#(AAtho#e "rought by in#ect# that bite or che" their food( a# the ordinary beetle# and "or%#( and tho#e "rought by in#ect# that !uncture the #urface of the !lant and deri$e their food by #ucking the juice#( a# #caleAin#ect# and !lantAlice. The cankerA"or% (-ig. 713) i# a notable e/a%!le of the for%er cla##G and %any of the#e in#ect# %ay be di#!atched by the a!!lication of !oi#on to the !art# that they eat. )t i# a!!arent( ho"e$er( that in#ect# "hich #uck the juice of the !lant are not !oi#oned

by any liIuid that %ay be a!!lied to the #urface. They %ay be killed by $ariou# %aterial# that act u!on the% e/ternally( a# the #oa! "a#he#( %i#cible oil#( kero#ene e%ul#ion#( li%eAandA#ulfur #!ray#( and the like. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 713. ankerA"or%.< There ha# been %uch acti$ity in recent year# in the identification and #tudy of in#ect#( fungi( and %icroorgani#%# that injure !lant#G and great nu%ber# of bulletin# and %onogra!h# ha$e been !ubli#hedG and yet the gardener "ho ha# tried a##iduou#ly to follo" the#e in$e#tigation# i# likely to go to hi# garden any %orning and find trouble# that he cannot identify and "hich !erha!# e$en an in$e#tigator hi%#elf %ight not under#tand. )t i# i%!ortant( therefore( that the gardener infor% hi%#elf not only on !articular kind# of in#ect# and di#ea#e#( but that he de$elo! a re#ourcefulne## of hi# o"n. He #hould be able to do #o%ething( e$en if he doe# not kno" a co%!lete re%edy or #!ecific. So%e of the !rocedure( !re$enti$e and re%edial( that need# al"ay# to be con#idered( i# a# follo"#5AA Dee! the !lace clean( and free fro% infection. Ce/t to kee!ing the !lant# $igorou# and #trong( thi# i# the fir#t and be#t %ean# of a$erting trouble fro% in#ect# and fungi. 0ubbi#h and all !lace# in "hich the in#ect# can hibernate and the fungi can !ro!agate #hould be done a"ay "ith. 6ll fallen lea$e# fro% !lant# that ha$e been attacked by fungi #hould be raked u! and burned( and in the fall all di#ea#ed "ood #hould be cut out and de#troyed. )t i# i%!ortant that di#ea#ed !lant# are not thro"n on the %anure hea!( to be di#tributed through the garden the follo"ing #ea#on. Practice a rotation or alternation of cro!# (!. 11K). So%e of the di#ea#e# re%ain in the #oil and attack the !lant year after year. ,hene$er any cro! #ho"# #ign# of root di#ea#e( or #oil di#ea#e( it i# !articularly i%!ortant that another cro! be gro"n on the !lace. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 71>. 6 garden hand #yringe.< See that the di#ea#e or in#ect i# not bred on "eed# or other !lant# that are botanically related to the cro! you gro". )f the "ild %allo"( or !lant kno"n to children a# 'chee#e#' J(Mal$a rotundifoliaJ)( i# de#troyed( there "ill be %uch le## difficulty "ith hollyhock ru#t. &o not let the cabbage clubAroot di#ea#e breed on "ild turni!# and other %u#tard#( or blackAknot on !lu% #!rout# and "ild cherrie#( or tentAcater!illar# on "ild cherrie# and other tree#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 712. 6 kna!#ack !u%!.< 6l"ay# be ready to re#ort to handA!icking. ,e ha$e gro"n #o accu#to%ed to killing in#ect# by other %ean# that "e ha$e al%o#t forgotten that handA!icking i# often the #ure#t and #o%eti%e# e$en the %o#t e/!editiou# %ean# of checking an in$a#ion in a ho%e garden. Many in#ect# can be jarred off early in the %orning. EggA%a##e# on lea$e# and #te%# %ay be re%o$ed. ut"or%# %ay be dug out. &i#ea#ed lea$e# %ay be !icked off and burnedG thi# "ill do %uch to co%bat the hollyhock ru#t( a#ter ru#t( and other infection#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 778 6 co%!re##edAair hand !u%! for garden "ork.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 771 6 bucket !u%!.<

:)llu#tration5 -ig. 777 6 bucket !u%!.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 77? 6 cartA%ounted !u%!.< Dee! clo#e "atch on the !lant#( and be !re!ared to #trike Iuickly. )t #hould be a %atter of !ride to a gardener to ha$e in hi# "orkhou#e a #u!!ly of the co%%on in#ecticide# and fungicide# (Pari# green or ar#enate of lead( #o%e of the tobacco !re!aration#( "hite hellebore( "haleAoil #oa!( bordeau/ %i/ture( flo"er# of #ulfur( carbonate of o!!er for #olution in a%%onia)( and al#o a good hand #yringe (-ig. 71>)( a kna!#ack !u%! (-ig#. 712( 778)( a bucket !u%! (-ig#. 771( 777)( a hand bello"# or !o"der gun( !erha!# a barro" outfit (-ig#. 77?( 77K( 779)( and if the !lantation i# large enough( #o%e kind of a force !u%! (-ig#. 77L( 773( 77>). )f one i# al"ay# ready( there i# little danger fro% any in#ect or di#ea#e that i# controllable by #!raying. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 77K. 6 garden outfit.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 779. 6 cartA%ounted barrel !u%!.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 77L. 6 barrel hand !u%!.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 773. 6 barrel outfit( #ho"ing noEEle# on e/ten#ion rod# for tree#.< JScreen# and co$er#.J There are $ariou# "ay# of kee!ing in#ect# a"ay fro% !lant#. =ne of the be#t i# to co$er the !lant# "ith fine %o#IuitoAnetting or to gro" the% in handAfra%e#( or to u#e a "ireAco$ered bo/ like that #ho"n in -ig. 772. )n gro"ing !lant# under #uch co$er#( care %u#t be taken that the !lant# are not ke!t too clo#e or confinedG and in ca#e# in "hich the in#ect# hibernate in the #oil( the#e bo/e#( by kee!ing the #oil "ar%( %ay cau#e the in#ect# to hatch all the #ooner. )n %o#t ca#e#( ho"e$er( the#e co$er# are $ery efficient( e#!ecially for kee!ing the #tri!ed bug# off young !lant# of %elon# and cucu%ber#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 77>. 6 truckA%ounted barrel hand #!ray Pu%!.< utA"or%# %ay be ke!t a"ay fro% !lant# by !lacing #heet# of tin or of hea$y glaEed !a!er about the #te% of the !lant( a# #ho"n in -ig. 7?8. li%bing cutA"or%# are ke!t off young tree# by the %ean# #ho"n in -ig. 7?1. =r a roll of cotton %ay be !laced about the trunk of the tree( a #tring being tied on the lo"er edge of the roll and the u!!er edge of the cotton turned do"n like the to! of a bootG the in#ect# cannot cra"l o$er thi# ob#truction (!. 78?). :)llu#tration5 -ig. 772. ,ireAco$ered bo/ for !rotecting !lant# fro% in#ect#.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 7?8 Protecting fro% cutA"or%#.< The %aggot# that attack the root# of cabbage# and cauliflo"er# %ay be ke!t fro% the !lant by !iece# of tarred !a!er( "hich are !laced clo#e about the #te% u!on the #urface of the ground. -ig. 7?7 illu#trate# a he/agon of !a!er( and al#o #ho"# a tool u#ed for cutting it. Thi# %ean# of !re$enting the attack# of the cabbage %aggot i# de#cribed in detail by the late Profe##or Goff (for another %ethod of controlling cabbage %aggot #ee !. 781)5AA

:)llu#tration5 -ig. 7?1 Protecting tree# fro% cutA"or%#.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 7?7 Sho"ing ho" !a!er i# cut for !rotecting cabbage# fro% %aggot#. The Goff de$ice.< 'The card# are cut in a he/agonal for%( in order better to econo%iEe the %aterial( and a thinner grade of tarred !a!er than the ordinary roofing felt i# u#ed( a# it i# not only chea!er( but being %ore fle/ible( the card# %ade fro% it are %ore readily !laced about the !lant "ithout being torn. The blade of the tool( "hich #hould be %ade by an e/!ert black#%ith( i# for%ed fro% a band of #teel( bent in the for% of a half he/agon( and then taking an acute angle( reache# nearly to the center( a# #ho"n in -ig. 7?7. The !art %aking the #tarA#ha!ed cut i# for%ed fro% a #e!arate !iece of #teel( #o attached to the handle a# to %ake a clo#e joint "ith the blade. The latter i# be$eled fro% the out#ide all round( #o that by re%o$ing the !art %aking the #tarA#ha!ed cut( the edge %ay be ground on a grind#tone. )t i# i%!ortant that the angle# in the blade be %ade !erfect( and that it# outline re!re#ent# an e/act half he/agon. To u#e the tool( !lace the tarred !a!er on the end of a #ection of a log or !iece of ti%ber and fir#t cut the lo"er edge into notche#( a# indicated at Ja(J -ig. 7?7( u#ing only one angle of the tool. Then co%%ence at the left #ide and !lace the blade a# indicated by the dotted line#( and #trike at the end of the handle "ith a light %allet( and a co%!lete card i# %ade. ontinue in thi# %anner acro## the !a!er. The fir#t cut of e$ery alternate cour#e "ill %ake an i%!erfect card( and the la#t cut in any cour#e %ay be i%!erfect( but the other cut# "ill %ake !erfect card# if the tool i# correctly %ade( and !ro!erly u#ed. The card# #hould be !laced about the !lant# at the ti%e of tran#!lanting. To !lace the card( bend it #lightly to o!en the #lit( then #li! it on to the center( the #te% entering the #lit( after "hich #!read the card out flat( and !re## the !oint# for%ed by the #tarA#ha!ed cut #nugly around the #te%.' J-u%igating.J 6n effecti$e %ean# of de#troying in#ect# in gla## hou#e# i# by fu%igating "ith $ariou# kind# of #%oke or $a!or#. The be#t %aterial to u#e for general !ur!o#e# i# #o%e for% of tobacco or tobacco co%!ound#. The old %ethod of fu%igating "ith tobacco i# to burn #lo"ly #lightly da%!ened tobacco #te%# in a kettle or #cuttle( allo"ing the hou#e to be filled "ith the !ungent #%oke. Lately( ho"e$er( fluid e/tract# and other !re!aration# of tobacco ha$e been brought into u#e( and the#e are #o effecti$e that the tobaccoA#te% %ethod i# beco%ing ob#olete. The u#e of hydrocyanic acid ga# in greenhou#e# i# no" co%ing to be co%%on( for !lantAlice( "hiteAfly( and other in#ect#. )t i# al#o u#ed to fu%igate nur#ery #tock for San Bo#e #cale( and %ill# and d"elling# for #uch !e#t# and $er%in a# beco%e e#tabli#hed in the%. The follo"ing direction# are fro% ornell Bulletin 797 (fro% "hich the for%ula# in the #ucceeding !age#( and %o#t of the ad$ice( are al#o taken)5AA 'Co general for%ula can be gi$en for fu%igating the different kind# of !lant# gro"n in greenhou#e#( a# the #!ecie# and $arietie# differ greatly in their ability to "ith#tand the effect# of the ga#. -ern# and ro#e# are $ery #u#ce!tible to injury( and fu%igation if atte%!ted at all #hould be !erfor%ed "ith great caution. -u%igation "ill not kill in#ect egg# and thu# %u#t be re!eated "hen the ne" brood a!!ear#. -u%igate only at night "hen there i# no "ind. Ha$e the hou#e a# dry a# !o##ible and the te%!erature a# near L8 deg. a# !racticable.

'Hydrocyanic acid ga# i# a deadly !oi#on( and the greate#t care i# reIuired in it# u#e. 6l"ay# u#e 2> to 188 !er cent !ure !ota##iu% cyanide and a good grade of co%%ercial #ulfuric acid. The che%ical# are al"ay# co%bined in the follo"ing !ro!ortion5 Pota##iu% cyanide( 1 oE.G #ulfuric acid( 7 fluid oE.G "ater( K fluid oE. 6l"ay# u#e an earthen di#h( J!our in the "ater fir#t(J and add the #ulfuric acid to it. Put the reIuired a%ount of cyanide in a thin !a!er bag and "hen all i# ready( dro! it into the liIuid and lea$e the roo% i%%ediately. -or %ill# and d"elling#( u#e 1 oE. of cyanide for e$ery 188 cu. ft. of #!ace. Make the door# and "indo"# a# tight a# !o##ible by !a#ting #tri!# of !a!er o$er the crack#. 0e%o$e the #il$er"are and food( and if bra## and nickel "ork cannot be re%o$ed( co$er "ith $a#eline. Place the !ro!er a%ount of the acid and "ater for e$ery roo% in 7Agal. jar#. @#e t"o or %ore in large roo%# or hall#. ,eigh out the !ota##iu% cyanide in !a!er bag#( and !lace the% near the jar#. ,hen all i# ready( dro! the cyanide into the jar#( beginning on the to! floor#( #ince the fu%e# are lighter than air. )n large building#( it i# freIuently nece##ary to #u#!end the bag# of cyanide o$er the jar# by cord# running through #cre" eye# and all leading to a !lace near the door. By cutting all the cord# at once the cyanide "ill be lo"ered into the jar# and the o!erator %ay e#ca!e "ithout injury. Let the fu%igation continue all night( locking all out#ide door# and !lacing danger #ign# on the hou#e.' )n greenhou#e#( the "hiteAfly on cucu%ber# and to%atoe# %ay be killed by o$ernight fu%igation "ith 1 oE. of !ota##iu% cyanide to e$ery 1888 cu. ft. of #!aceG or "ith a kero#ene e%ul#ion #!ray or "haleAoil #oa!( on !lant# not injured by the#e %aterial#. The green a!hi# i# di#!atched in hou#e# by fu%igation "ith any of the tobacco !re!aration#G on $iolet#( by fu%igation "ith 1P7 to ?PK oE. !ota##iu% cyanide for e$ery 1888 cu. ft. of #!ace( lea$ing the ga# in fro% 1P7 to 1 hr. The black a!hi# i# %ore difficult to kill than the green a!hi#( but %ay be controlled by the #a%e %ethod# thoroughly u#ed. JSoaking tuber# and #eed#.J Potato #cab %ay be !re$ented( #o far a# !lanting infected '#eed' i# concerned( by #oaking the #eed tuber# for half an hour in ?8 gal. of "ater containing 1 !t. of co%%ercial (about K8 !er cent) for%alin. =at# and "heat( "hen attacked by certain kind# of #%ut( %ay be rendered #afe to #o" by #oaking for ten %inute# in a #i%ilar #olution. )t i# !robable that #o%e other tuber# and #eed# can be #i%ilarly treated "ith good re#ult#. Potatoe# %ay al#o be #oaked (for #cab) one and oneAhalf hour# in a #olution of corro#i$e #ubli%ate( 1 oE. to 3 gal. of "ater. JS!raying.J The %o#t effecti$e %ean# of de#troying in#ect# and fungi ho"e$er( in any general or large "ay( i# by the u#e of $ariou# #!ray#. The t"o general ty!e# of in#ecticide# ha$e already been %entionedAAtho#e that kill by !oi#oning( and tho#e that kill by de#troying the body of the in#ect. =f the for%er( there are three %aterial# in co%%on u#eAAPari# green( ar#enate of lead( and hellebore. =f the latter( the %o#t u#ual at !re#ent are kero#ene e%ul#ion( %i#cible oil#( and the li%eA#ulfur "a#h.

S!ray# for fungi u#ually de!end for their efficiency on #o%e for% of co!!er or #ulfur( or both. -or #urface %ilde"#( a# gra!e %ilde"( du#ting flo"er# of #ulfur on the foliage i# a !rotection. )n %o#t ca#e#( ho"e$er( it i# nece##ary to a!!ly %aterial# in liIuid for%( becau#e they can be %ore thoroughly and econo%ically di#tributed( and they adhere to the foliage better. The be#t general fungicide i# the bordeau/ %i/ture. )t i# generally( ho"e$er( not ad$i#able to u#e the bordeau/ %i/ture on orna%ental !lant#( becau#e it di#color# the foliage and %ake# the !lant# look $ery untidy. )n #uch ca#e# it i# be#t to u#e the a%%oniacal co!!er #olution( "hich lea$e# no #tain. )n all #!raying o!eration# it i# e#!ecially i%!ortant that the a!!lication# be %ade the $ery %o%ent the in#ect or di#ea#e i# di#co$ered( or in the ca#e of fungou# di#ea#e#( if one i# e/!ecting an attack( it i# "ell to %ake an a!!lication of bordeau/ %i/ture e$en before the di#ea#e a!!ear#. ,hen the fungu# once get# in#ide the !lant ti##ue( it i# $ery difficult to de#troy it( ina#%uch a# fungicide# act on the#e dee!A#eated fungi $ery largely by !re$enting their fruiting and their further #!read on the #urface of the leaf. -or ordinary condition#( fro% t"o to four #!raying# are nece##ary to di#!atch the ene%y. )n #!raying for in#ect# in ho%e garden#( it i# often ad$i#able to %ake a #econd a!!lication the day follo"ing the fir#t one in order to de#troy the re%aining in#ect# before they reco$er fro% the fir#t treat%ent. There are %any kind# of %achine# and de$ice# for the a!!lication of #!ray# to !lant#. -or a fe" indi$idual #!eci%en#( the #!ray %ay be a!!lied "ith a "hi#k( or "ith a co%%on garden #yringe. )f one ha# a fe" tree# to treat( ho"e$er( it i# be#t to ha$e #o%e kind of bucket !u%! like tho#e #ho"n in -ig#. 771( 777. =n a la"n or in a #%all garden a tank on "heel# (-ig#. 77?( 77K( 779) i# handy and efficient. )n #uch ca#e#( or e$en for larger area#( #o%e of the kna!#ack !u%!# (-ig#. 712( 778) are $ery de#irable. The#e %achine# are al"ay# #er$iceable( becau#e the o!erator #tand# #o near to hi# "orkG but a# they carry a co%!arati$ely #%all Iuantity of liIuid and do not thro" it ra!idly( they are e/!en#i$e "hen %uch "ork i# to be done. *et( in ordinary ho%e ground#( the kna!#ack !u%! or co%!re##edAair !u%! i# one of the %o#t efficient and !racticable of all the #!raying de$ice#. -or large area#( a# for #%all orchard# and field#( a barrel !u%! %ounted on a "agon i# be#t. o%%on ty!e# of barrel !u%!# are #ho"n in -ig#. 77L( 773( 77>. o%%ercial !lantation# are no" #!rayed by !o"er %achine#. There are %any good !attern# of #!raying %achine#( and the intending !urcha#er #hould #end for catalogue# to the $ariou# %anufacturer#. The addre##e# %ay be found in the ad$erti#ing !age# of rural !a!er#. 6# to noEEle# for #!raying it %ay be #aid that there i# no one !attern that i# be#t for all !ur!o#e#. -or %o#t u#e# in ho%e ground# the cyclone or $er%orel ty!e (-ig. 7??) "ill gi$e be#t #ati#faction. The !u%! %anufacturer# #u!!ly #!ecial noEEle# for their %achine#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 7??. yclone or $er%orel ty!e of noEEle( #ingle and %ulti!le.< J)n#ecticide #!raying for%ula#.J The t"o cla##e# of in#ecticide# are here de#cribed(AAthe !oi#on# (ar#enite# and "hite hellebore) for che"ing in#ect#( a# the beetle# and all kind# of "or%#G the contact in#ecticide#( a# kero#ene( oil#( #oa!(

tobacco( li%eA#ulfur( for !lantAlice( #cale( and in#ect# in #uch !o#ition that the %aterial cannot be fed to the% (a# %aggot# in the underground !art#). JPari# green.JAAThe #tandard in#ecticidal !oi#on. Thi# i# u#ed in $arying #trength#( de!ending on the in#ect to be controlled and the kind of !lant treated. Mi/ the Pari# green into a !a#te and then add to the "ater. Dee! the %i/ture thoroughly agitated "hile #!raying. )f for u#e on fruit tree#( add 1 lb. of Iuick li%e for e$ery !ound of Pari# green to !re$ent burning the foliage. -or !otatoe# it i# freIuently u#ed alone( but it i# %uch #afer to u#e the li%e. Pari# green and bordeau/ %i/ture %ay be co%bined "ithout le##ening the $alue of either( and the cau#tic action of the ar#enic i# !re$ented. The !ro!ortion of the !oi#on to u#e i# gi$en under the $ariou# in#ect# di#cu##ed in the #ucceeding !age#. J6r#enate of lead.JAAThi# can be a!!lied in a #tronger %i/ture than other ar#enical !oi#on# "ithout injuring the foliage. )t i#( therefore( %uch u#ed again#t beetle# and other in#ect# that are hard to !oi#on( a# el%Aleaf beetle and cankerA"or%. )t co%e# in the for% of a !a#te and #hould be %i/ed thoroughly "ith a #%all Iuantity of "ater before !lacing in the #!rayer( el#e the noEEle# "ill clog. 6r#enate of lead and bordeau/ %i/ture can be co%bined "ithout le##ening the $alue of either. )t i# u#ed in #trength# $arying fro% K to 18 lb. !er 188 gal.( de!ending on the kind of in#ect to be killed. 6r#enite of #oda and ar#enite of li%e are #o%eti%e# u#ed "ith bordeau/ %i/ture. J,hite Hellebore.JAA-or "et a!!lication( u#e fre#h "hite hellebore( K oE.G "ater( 7 or ? gal. -or dry a!!lication( u#e hellebore( 1 lb.G flour or airA#laked li%e( 9 lb. Thi# i# a "hite( yello"i#h !o"der %ade fro% the root# of the "hite hellebore !lant. )t lo#e# it# #trength after a ti%e and #hould be u#ed fre#h. )t i# u#ed a# a #ub#titute for the ar#enical !oi#on# on !lant# or fruit# #oon to be eaten( a# on currant# and goo#eberrie# for the currantA"or%. JTobacco.JAAThi# i# a $aluable in#ecticide and i# u#ed in #e$eral for%#. 6# a Jdu#tJ it i# u#ed e/ten#i$ely in greenhou#e# for !lantAlice( and in nur#erie# and about a!!le tree# for the "oolly a!hi#. Tobacco JdecoctionJ i# %ade by #tee!ing or #oaking the #te%# in "ater. )t i# often u#ed a# a #!ray again#t !lantAlice. Tobacco in the for% of Je/tract#(J J!unk#(J and J!o"der#J i# #old under $ariou# trade na%e# for u#e in fu%igating greenhou#e#. (See !age 1>>.) JDero#ene e%ul#ion.JAAHard( #oft( or "haleAoil #oa!( 1P7 lb.G "ater( 1 gal.G kero#ene( 7 gal. &i##ol$e the #oa! in hot "aterG re%o$e fro% the fire and "hile #till hot add the kero#ene. Pu%! the liIuid back into it#elf for fi$e or ten %inute# or until it beco%e# a crea%y %a##. )f !ro!erly %ade( the oil "ill not #e!arate out on cooling. -or u#e on dor%ant tree#( dilute "ith 9 to 3 !art# of "ater. -or killing !lantAlice on foliage dilute "ith 18 to 19 !art# of "ater. rude oil e%ul#ion i# %ade in the #a%e "ay by #ub#tituting crude oil in !lace of kero#ene. The #trength of oil e%ul#ion# i# freIuently indicated by the !ercentage of oil in the diluted liIuid5AA -or a 18R e%ul#ion add 13 gal. of "ater to ? gal. #tock e%ul#ion. -or a 19R e%ul#ion add 18 1P? gal. of "ater to ? gal. #tock e%ul#ion.

-or a 78R e%ul#ion add 3 gal. of "ater to ? gal. #tock e%ul#ion. -or a 79R e%ul#ion add 9 gal. of "ater to ? gal. #tock e%ul#ion. J arbolic acid e%ul#ion.JAASoa!( 1 lb.G "ater( 1 gal.G crude carbolic acid( 1 !t. &i##ol$e the #oa! in hot "ater( add the carbolic acid( and agitate into an e%ul#ion. -or u#e again#t rootA%aggot#( dilute "ith ?8 !art# of "ater. JSoa!#.JAA6n effecti$e in#ecticide for !lantAlice i# J"haleAoil #oa!.J &i##ol$e in hot "ater and dilute #o a# to obtain one !ound of #oa! to e$ery fi$e or #e$en gallon# of "ater. Thi# #trength i# effecti$e again#t !lantAlice. )t #hould be a!!lied in #tronger #olution#( ho"e$er( for #cale in#ect#. Ho%eA%ade #oa!# and good laundry #oa!#( like )$ory #oa!( are often a# effecti$e a# "haleAoil #oa!. JMi#cible oil#.JAAThere are no" on the %arket a nu%ber of !re!aration# of !etroleu% and other oil# intended !ri%arily for u#e again#t the San Bo#e #cale. They %i/ readily "ith cold "ater and are i%%ediately ready for u#e. ,hile Iuickly !re!ared( ea#ily a!!lied( and generally effecti$e( they co#t con#iderably %ore than li%eA#ulfur "a#h. They are( ho"e$er( le## corro#i$e to the !u%!# and %ore agreeable to u#e. They are e#!ecially $aluable to the %an "ith only a fe" tree# or #hrub# "ho "ould not care to go to the trouble and e/!en#e to %ake u! the li%eA#ulfur "a#h. They #hould be diluted "ith not %ore than 18 or 17 !art# of "ater. @#e only on dor%ant tree#. JLi%e and #ulfur "a#h.JAASuickli%e( 78 lb.G flo"er# of #ulfur( 19 lb.G "ater( 98 gal. The li%e and #ulfur %u#t be thoroughly boiled. 6n iron kettle i# often con$enient for the "ork. Proceed a# follo"#5 Place the li%e in the kettle. 6dd hot "ater gradually in #ufficient Iuantity to !roduce the %o#t ra!id #laking of the li%e. ,hen the li%e begin# to #lake( add the #ulfur and #tir together. )f con$enient( kee! the %i/ture co$ered "ith burla! to #a$e the heat. 6fter #laking ha# cea#ed( add %ore "ater and boil the %i/ture one hour. 6# the #ulfur goe# into #olution( a rich orangeAred or dark green color "ill a!!ear. 6fter boiling #ufficiently( add "ater to the reIuired a%ount and #train into the #!ray tank. The "a#h i# %o#t effecti$e "hen a!!lied "ar%( but %ay be a!!lied cold. )f one ha# acce## to a #tea% boiler( boiling "ith #tea% i# %ore con$enient and #ati#factory. Barrel# %ay be u#ed for holding the %i/ture( and the #tea% a!!lied by running a !i!e or rubber ho#e into the %i/ture. Proceed in the #a%e "ay until the li%e i# #laked( "hen the #tea% %ay be turned on. ontinue boiling for K9 %in. to an hour( or until #ulfur i# di##ol$ed. Thi# #trength can be a!!lied #afely only "hen the tree# are dor%ant. )t i# %ainly an in#ecticide for San Bo#e #cale( although it ha# con#iderable $alue a# a fungicide. JLi%eA#ulfur %i/ture# and #olution# for #u%%er #!rayingJ are no" co%ing to take the !lace of bordeau/ in %any ca#e#. ScottH# #elfAboiled li%eA#ulfur %i/ture( de#cribed in @. S. &. 6. Bureau Plant )ndu#try irc. 73 i# no" a #tandard fungicide for bro"nArot and blackA#!ot or #cab of the !each. oncentrated li%eA#ulfur #olution#( either ho%e boiled or co%%ercial( are effecti$e again#t a!!le #cab and ha$e the ad$antage of not ru##eting the fruit. Such concentrate#( te#ting ?7 deg. Bau%e( #hould be diluted at about 1 gal. to ?8 of "ater. 6!!ly at #a%e ti%e a# "ith bordeau/. 6dd ar#enate of lead a# "ith bordeau/. J-ungicide #!raying for%ula#.J

The #tandard fungicide i# bordeau/ %i/ture( %ade in #e$eral for%#. The #econd %o#t i%!ortant fungicide for the ho%e gardener i# a%%oniacal co!!er carbonate. Sulfur du#t (flo"er# of #ulfur) and li$er of #ulfur (!ota##iu% #ulfide) are al#o u#eful in dry or "et #!ray# for #urface %ilde"#. The li%eA#ulfur "a#h( !ri%arily an in#ecticide( al#o ha# fungicidal !ro!erty. JBordeau/ %i/ture.JAA o!!er #ulfate( 9 lb.G #tone li%e or Iuickli%e (un#laked)( 9 lb.G "ater( 98 gal. Thi# for%ula i# the #trength u#ually reco%%ended. Stock %i/ture# of co!!er #ulfate and li%e are de#irable. They are !re!ared in the follo"ing "ay5AA (1) &i##ol$e the reIuired a%ount of co!!er #ulfate in "ater in the !ro!ortion of one !ound to one gallon #e$eral hour# before the #olution i# needed( the co!!er #ulfate cry#tal# being #u#!ended in a #ack near the to! of the "ater. 6 #olution of co!!er #ulfate i# hea$ier than "ater. 6# #oon then( a# the cry#tal# begin to di##ol$e the #olution "ill #ink( kee!ing "ater in contact "ith the cry#tal#. )n thi# "ay( the cry#tal# "ill di##ol$e %uch #ooner than if !laced in the botto% of the barrel of "ater. )n ca#e large Iuantitie# of #tock #olution are needed( t"o !ound# of co!!er #ulfate %ay be di##ol$ed in one gallon of "ater. (7) Slake the reIuired a%ount of li%e in a tub or trough. 6dd the "ater #lo"ly at fir#t( #o that the li%e cru%ble# into a fine !o"der. )f #%all Iuantitie# of li%e are u#ed( hot "ater i# !referred. ,hen co%!letely #laked( or entirely !o"dered( add %ore "ater. ,hen the li%e ha# #laked #ufficiently( add "ater to bring it to a thick %ilk( or to a certain nu%ber of gallon#. The a%ount reIuired for each tank of #!ray %i/ture can be #ecured a!!ro/i%ately fro% thi# #tock %i/ture( "hich #hould not be allo"ed to dry out. (?) @#e fi$e gallon# of #tock #olution of co!!er #ulfate for e$ery fifty gallon# of bordeau/ reIuired. Pour thi# into the tank. 6dd "ater until the tank i# about t"oAthird# full. -ro% the #tock li%e %i/ture take the reIuired a%ount. Dno"ing the nu%ber of !ound# of li%e in the #tock %i/ture and the $olu%e of that %i/ture( one can take out a!!ro/i%ately the nu%ber of !ound# reIuired. &ilute thi# a little by adding "ater( and #train into the tank. Stir the %i/ture( and add "ater to %ake the reIuired a%ount. E/!eri%ent #tation# often reco%%end the diluting of both the co!!er #ulfate #olution and the li%e %i/ture to oneAhalf the reIuired a%ount before !ouring together. Thi# i# not nece##ary( and i# often i%!racticable for co%%ercial "ork. )t i# !referable to dilute the co!!er #ulfate #olution. Ce$er !our together the #trong #tock %i/ture# and dilute after"ard. Bordeau/ %i/ture of other #trength#( a# reco%%ended( i# %ade in the #a%e "ay( e/ce!t that the a%ount# of co!!er #ulfate and li%e are $aried. (K) )t i# not nece##ary to "eigh the li%e in %aking bordeau/ %i/ture( for a #i%!le te#t can be u#ed to deter%ine "hen enough of a #tock li%e %i/ture ha# been added. &i##ol$e an ounce of yello" !ru##iate of !ota#h in a !int of "ater and label it '!oi#on.' ut a .A#ha!ed #lit in one #ide of the cork #o that the liIuid %ay be !oured out in dro!#. 6dd the li%e %i/ture to the diluted co!!er #ulfate #olution until the ferroAcyanide (or !ru##iate) te#t #olution J"ill not turn bro"nJ "hen dro!!ed fro% the bottle into the %i/ture. )t i# al"ay# be#t to add a con#iderable e/ce## of li%e. J'Sticker' or adhe#i$e for bordeau/ %i/ture.JAA0e#in( 7 lb.G #al #oda

(cry#tal#)( 1 lb.G "ater( 1 gal. Boil until of a clear bro"n colorAAone to one and oneAhalf hour#. ook in iron kettle in the o!en. 6dd thi# a%ount to each fifty gallon# of bordeau/ for onion# and cabbage. -or other !lant# difficult to "et( add thi# a%ount to e$ery one hundred gallon# of the %i/ture. Thi# %i/ture "ill !re$ent the bordeau/ fro% being "a#hed off by the hea$ie#t rain#. J6%%oniacal co!!er carbonate.JAA o!!er carbonate( 9 oE.G a%%onia( ? !t.G "ater( 98 gal. &ilute the a%%onia in #e$en or eight !art# of "ater. Make a !a#te of the co!!er carbonate "ith a little "ater. 6dd the !a#te to the diluted a%%onia( and #tir until di##ol$ed. 6dd enough "ater to %ake fifty gallon#. Thi# %i/ture lo#e# #trength on #tanding( and therefore #hould be %ade a# reIuired. )t i# u#ed in !lace of bordeau/ "hen one "i#he# to a$oid the coloring of %aturing fruit# or orna%ental !lant#. Cot a# effecti$e a# bordeau/. JPota##iu% #ulfide.JAAPota##iu% #ulfide (li$er of #ulfur)( ? oE.G "ater( 18 gal. 6# thi# %i/ture lo#e# #trength on #tanding( it #hould be %ade ju#t before u#ing. )t i# !articularly $aluable for the !o"dery %ilde" of %any !lant#( e#!ecially goo#eberry( carnation ru#t( ro#e %ilde"( etc. JSulfur.JAASulfur ha# been found to !o##e## con#iderable $alue a# a fungicide. The flo"er# of #ulfur %ay be #!rinkled o$er the !lant#( !articularly "hen they are "et. )t i# %o#t effecti$e in hot( dry "eather. )n ro#e hou#e# it i# %i/ed "ith half it# bulk of li%e( and %ade into a !a#te "ith "ater. Thi# i# !ainted on the #tea% !i!e#. The fu%e# de#troy %ilde" on the ro#e#. Mi/ed "ith li%e( it ha# !ro$ed effecti$e in the control of onion #%ut "hen drilled into the ro"# "ith the #eed. Sulfur i# not effecti$e again#t blackArot of gra!e#. JTreat%ent for #o%e of the co%%on in#ect#.J The %o#t a!!ro$ed !re$enti$e and re%edial treat%ent# for #uch in#ect !e#t# a# are %o#t likely to %enace ho%e ground# and !lantation# are here briefly di#cu##ed. )n ca#e of any unu#ual difficulty that he cannot control( the ho%eA%aker #hould take it u! "ith the agricultural e/!eri%ent #tation in the #tate( #ending good #!eci%en# of the in#ect for identification. He #hould al#o ha$e the !ublication# of the #tation. The #tate%ent# that are here %ade are intended a# ad$ice rather than a# direction#. They are cho#en fro% good authoritie# (%o#tly fro% Slingerland and ro#by in thi# ca#e)G but the reader %u#t( of cour#e( a##u%e hi# o"n ri#k in a!!lying the%. The effecti$ene## of any reco%%ended treat%ent de!end# $ery largely on the care( thoroughne##( and ti%eline## "ith "hich the "ork i# doneG and ne" %ethod# and !ractice# are con#tantly a!!earing a# the re#ult of ne" in$e#tigation#. The date# gi$en in the#e direction# are for Ce" *ork. J6!hi# or !lantAlou#e.JAAThe #tock re%edie# for a!hide# or !lantAlice are kero#ene e%ul#ion and the tobacco !re!aration#. ,haleAoil #oa! i# al#o good. The tobacco %ay be a!!lied a# a #!ray( or in the hou#e a# fu%igationG the co%%ercial for%# of nicotine are e/cellent. (See !age 12K.) Be #ure to a!!ly the re%edy before the lea$e# ha$e curled and afford !rotection for the liceG be #ure( al#o( to hit the under#ide of the lea$e#( "here the lice u#ually are. The !re#ence of lice on tree# i# #o%eti%e# fir#t di#co$ered fro% the honeyAde" that dro!# on "alk#. @#ually the e%ul#ion i# diluted "ith 18A19 !art# of "ater for !lantAlice (#ee for%ula( !age 12K)G but #o%e of the #!ecie# (a# the dark

bro"n cherryAleaf lou#e) reIuire a #tronger e%ul#ion( about L !art# of "ater. The ladyAbird# (one of "hich i# #ho"n in -ig. 7?K) de#troy great nu%ber# of !lantAlice( and their !re#ence #hould therefore be encouraged. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 7?K. LadyAbird beetleG lar$a abo$e< J6!!leA%aggot or 'railroadA"or%.'JAAThe #%all "hite %aggot# %ake bro"ni#h "inding burro"# in the fle#h of the fruit( !articularly in #u%%er and early fall $arietie#. Thi# in#ect cannot be reached by a #!ray a# the !arent fly in#ert# her egg# under the #kin of the a!!le. ,hen fullAgro"n( the %aggot lea$e# the fruit( !a##e# into the ground( and there tran#for%# in#ide a tough( leathery ca#e. Tillage ha# been found to be of no $alue a# a %ean# of control. The only effecti$e treat%ent i# to !ick u! all "indfall# e$ery t"o or three day#( and either to feed the% out or to bury the% dee!ly( thu# killing the %aggot#. J6#!aragu# beetle.JAA lean cultural %ethod# are u#ually #ufficient to !re$ent the a#!aragu# beetleH# #eriou#ly injuring "ellAe#tabli#hed bed#. *oung !lant# reIuire %ore or le## !rotection. 6 good grade of ar#enate of lead( 1 lb. to 79 gal. of "ater( "ill Iuickly de#troy the grub# on the foliage of either young or old !lant#. 6!!ly it "ith an ordinary #!rinkling can( or better( u#e one of the nu%erou# #!raying de$ice# no" on the %arket. The nece##ity for treat%ent %u#t be deter%ined by the abundance of the !e#t#. They #hould not be !er%itted to beco%e abundant in %id#u%%er or the o$erA"intering beetle# %ay injure the #hoot# in the #!ring. JBli#terA%ite on a!!le and !ear.JAAThe !re#ence of thi# %inute %ite i# indicated by #%all irregular bro"ni#h bli#ter# on the lea$e#. S!ray in late fall or early #!ring "ith the li%eA#ulfur "a#h( "ith kero#ene e%ul#ion( diluted "ith 9 !art# of "ater( or %i#cible oil( 1 gal. in 18 gal. of "ater. JBorer#.JAAThe only certain re%edy for borer# i# to dig the% out( or to !unch the% out "ith a "ire. Dee! the #!ace about the ba#e of the tree clean( and "atch clo#ely for any #ign of borer#. The flatAheaded borer of the a!!le "ork# under the bark on the trunk and larger branche#( !articularly "here %uch e/!o#ed to #un. The dead and #unken a!!earance of the bark indicate# it# !re#ence. The roundAheaded borer "ork# in the "ood of a!!le#( Iuince#( and other tree#G it #hould be hunted for e$ery #!ring and fall. =n hard land( it i# "ell to dig the earth a"ay fro% the ba#e of the tree and fill the #!ace "ith coal a#he#G thi# "ill %ake the "ork of e/a%ination %uch ea#ier. The !each and a!ricot borer i# the lar$a of a clearA"ing %oth. The lar$a burro"# ju#t under the bark near or beneath the #urface of the groundG it# !re#ence i# indicated by a gu%%y %a## at the ba#e of the tree. &ig out the borer# in Bune and %ound u! the tree#. 6t the #a%e ti%e( a!!ly ga#Atar or coalAtar to the trunk fro% the root# to a foot or %ore abo$e the #urface of the ground. The bronEe birch borer i# de#troying %any fine "hite birch tree# in #o%e !art# of the country. )t# !re#ence i# kno"n by the dying of the to! of the tree. There yet i# no kno"n "ay of !re$enting thi# borer fro% attacking "hite birche#( and the only !racticable and effecti$e %ethod #o far found for checking it# ra$age# i# !ro%!tly to cut and burn the

infe#ted tree# in autu%n( in "inter( or before May 1. There i# no !robability of #a$ing a tree "hen the to! branche# are dead( although cutting out the dead !art# %ay #tay the trouble te%!orarily. ut and burn #uch tree# at once and thu# !re$ent the #!read of the in#ect. JBudA%oth on a!!le.JAAThe #%all bro"n cater!illar# "ith black head# de$our the tender lea$e# and flo"er# of the o!ening a!!le bud# in early #!ring. Make t"o a!!lication# of either 1 lb. Pari# green or K lb. ar#enate of lead in 188 gal. of "aterG the fir#t "hen the leafAti!# a!!ear and the #econd ju#t before the blo##o%# o!en. )f nece##ary( #!ray again after the blo##o%# fall. J abbage and cauliflo"er in#ect#.JAAThe green cater!illar# that eat cabbage lea$e# and head# hatch fro% egg# laid by the co%%on "hite butterfly (-ig. 729). There are #e$eral brood# e$ery #ea#on. )f !lant# are not heading( #!ray "ith kero#ene e%ul#ion or "ith Pari# green to "hich the #ticker ha# been added. )f heading( a!!ly hellebore. The cabbage a!hide#( #%all %ealy !lantAlice( are e#!ecially trouble#o%e during cool( dry #ea#on# "hen their natural ene%ie# are le## acti$e. Before the !lant# begin to head( #!ray "ith kero#ene e%ul#ion diluted "ith L !art# of "ater( or "haleAoil #oa!( 1 lb. in L gal. of "ater. The "hite %aggot# that feed on the root# hatch fro% egg# laid near the !lant at the #urface of the ground by a #%all fly #o%e"hat re#e%bling the co%%on hou#e fly. Hollo" out the earth #lightly around e$ery !lant and freely a!!ly carbolic acid e%ul#ion diluted "ith ?8 !art# of "ater. Begin the treat%ent early( a day or t"o after the !lant# are u! or the ne/t day after they are #et out. 0e!eat the a!!lication e$ery 3 to 18 day# until the latter !art of May. )t ha# al#o been found to be !racticable to !rotect the !lant# by the u#e of tightly fitting card# cut fro% tarred !a!er. (See !age 1>3.) J ankerA"or%#.JAAThe#e cater!illar# are #%all %ea#uringA"or%# or loo!er# that defoliate a!!le tree# in May and Bune (-ig. 713). The fe%ale %oth# are "ingle##( and in late fall or early #!ring cra"l u! the trunk# of the tree# to lay their egg# on the branche#. S!ray thoroughly once or t"ice( before the blo##o%# o!en( "ith 1 lb. Pari# green or K lb. ar#enate of lead in 188 gal. of "ater. 0e!eat the a!!lication after the blo##o%# fall. Pre$ent the a#cent of the "ingle## fe%ale# by %ean# of #ticky band# or "ireA#creen tra!#. J a#eAbearer# on a!!le.JAAThe #%all cater!illar# li$e in !i#tolA#ha!ed or cigarA#ha!ed ca#e#( about 1PK in. long. They a!!ear in #!ring on the o!ening bud# at the #a%e ti%e a# the budA%oth and %ay be controlled by the #a%e %ean#. J odlinA%oth.JAAThe codlinA%oth lay# the egg# that !roduce the !inki#h cater!illar "hich cau#e# a large !ro!ortion of "or%y a!!le# and !ear#. The egg# are laid by a #%all %oth on the lea$e# and on the #kin of the fruit. Mo#t of the cater!illar# enter the a!!le at the blo##o% end. ,hen the !etal# fall( the caly/ i# o!en and thi# i# the ti%e to #!ray. The caly/ #oon clo#e# and kee!# the !oi#on in#ide ready for the young cater!illarH# fir#t %eal. 6fter the caly/ ha# clo#ed( it i# too late to #!ray effecti$ely. The cater!illar# beco%e full gro"n in Buly and 6ugu#t( lea$e the fruit( cra"l do"n on the trunk( and there %o#t of the% #!in cocoon# under the loo#e bark. )n %o#t !art# of the country there are t"o brood# annually. )%%ediately after the blo##o%# fall( #!ray "ith 1 lb. Pari# green or K lb. ar#enate of lead in 188 gal. of "ater. 0e!eat

the a!!lication 3 to 18 day# later. @#e burla! band# on trunk#( killing all cater!illar# under the% e$ery ten day# fro% Buly 1 to 6ugu#t 1( and once later before "inter. J ucurbit (cucu%ber( %elon( and #Iua#h) in#ect#.JAA*ello"( blackA#tri!ed beetle# a!!ear in nu%ber# and attack the !lant# a# #oon a# they are u!. Plant early #Iua#he# a# a tra!Acro! around the field. Protect the $ine# "ith #creen# (-ig. 772) until they begin to run( or kee! the% co$ered "ith bordeau/ %i/ture( thu# %aking the% di#ta#teful to the beetle#. SIua#h $ine# are freIuently killed by a "hite cater!illar that burro"# in the #te% near the ba#e of the !lant. Plant a fe" early #Iua#he# bet"een the ro"# of the late $arietie# a# a tra!Acro!. 6# #oon a# the early cro! i# har$e#ted( re%o$e and burn the $ine#. ,hen the $ine# are long enough( co$er the% at the joint# "ith earth in order to de$elo! #econdary root #y#te%# for the !lant in ca#e the %ain #te% i# injured. &ark green !lantAlice feed on the under #ide# of #Iua#h lea$e#( cau#ing the% to curl and "ither. S!ray "ith kero#ene e%ul#ion diluted "ith L !art# of "ater. )t i# nece##ary thoroughly to co$er the under #ide of the lea$e#G the #!rayer( therefore( %u#t be fitted "ith an u!turned noEEle. Burn the $ine# a# #oon a# the cro! i# har$e#ted and kee! do"n all "eed#. The #tinkAbug i# $ery trouble#o%e to #Iua#he#. The ru#tyAblack adult e%erge# fro% hibernation in #!ring and lay# it# egg# on the under #ide of the lea$e#. The ny%!h# #uck the #a! fro% the lea$e# and #talk#( cau#ing #eriou# injury. Tra! the adult# under board# in the #!ring. E/a%ine the lea$e# for the #%ooth #hining bro"ni#h egg# and de#troy the%. The young ny%!h# %ay be killed "ith kero#ene e%ul#ion. J urculio.JAAThe adult curculio of the !lu% and !each i# a #%all #noutAbeetle that in#ert# it# egg# under the #kin of the fruit and then %ake# a characteri#tic cre#centA#ha!ed cut beneath it. The grub feed# "ithin the fruit and cau#e# it to dro!. ,hen full gro"n( it enter# the ground( change# in late #u%%er to the beetle( "hich finally goe# into hibernation in #heltered !lace#. S!ray !lu%# ju#t after blo##o%# fall "ith ar#enate of lead( L to > lb. in 188 gal. of "ater( and re!eat the a!!lication in about a "eek. 6fter the fruit ha# #et( jar the tree# daily o$er a #heet or curculioAcatcher and de#troy the beetle#G thi# i# !ractically the only !rocedure for !eache#( for they cannot be #!rayed. The Iuince curculio i# #o%e"hat larger than that infe#ting the !lu% and differ# in it# lifeAhi#tory. The grub# lea$e the fruit# in the fall and enter the ground( "here they hibernate and tran#for% to adult# the ne/t May( Bune( or Buly( de!ending on the #ea#on. ,hen the adult# a!!ear( jar the% fro% the tree on #heet# or curculioAcatcher# and de#troy the%. To deter%ine "hen they a!!ear( jar a fe" tree# daily( beginning the latter !art of May in Ce" *ork. J urrantA"or%.JAA)n the #!ring the #%all green( blackA#!otted lar$ae feed on the foliage of currant# and goo#eberrie#( beginning their "ork on the lo"er lea$e#. 6 #econd brood occur# in early #u%%er. ,hen "or%# fir#t a!!ear( #!ray "ith 1 lb. Pari# green or K lb. ar#enate of lead in 188 gal. of "ater. =rdinarily the !oi#on #hould be co%bined "ith bordeau/ (for leafA#!ot). J utA"or%#.JAAProbably the re%edy for cutA"or%# %o#t often !racticed in

garden#( and "hich cannot fail to be effecti$e "hen faithfully carried out( i# handA!icking "ith lantern# at night or digging the% out fro% around the ba#e of the infe#ted !lant# during the day. Bu#hel# of cutA"or%# ha$e been gathered in thi# "ay( and "ith !rofit. ,hen fro% #o%e cau#e #ucce## doe# not attend the u#e of the !oi#oned bait#( to be di#cu##ed ne/t( handA!icking i# the only other %ethod yet reco%%ended that can be relied u!on to check cutA"or% de!redation#. The be#t %ethod# yet de$i#ed for killing cutA"or%# in any #ituation are the !oi#oned bait#( u#ing Pari# green or ar#enate of lead for the !ur!o#e. Poi#oned bunche# of clo$er or "eed# ha$e been thoroughly te#ted( e$en by the "agonAload( o$er large area#( and nearly all ha$e re!orted the% $ery effecti$eG la%bH# Iuarter# (!ig"eed)( !e!!erAgra##( and %ullein are a%ong the "eed# e#!ecially attracti$e to cut"or%#. =n #%all area# the %aking of the bait# i# done by hand( but they ha$e been !re!ared on a large #cale by #!raying the !lant# in the field( cutting the% "ith a #cythe or %achine( and !itching the% fro% "agon# in #%all bunche# "here$er de#ired. &i#tributed a fe" feet a!art( bet"een ro"# of garden !lant# at nightfall( they ha$e attracted and killed enough cutA"or%# often to #a$e a large !ro!ortion of the cro!G if the bunche# can be co$ered "ith a #hingle( they "ill kee! fre#her %uch longer. The fre#her the bait#( and the %ore thoroughly the baiting i# done( the %ore cutA"or%# one can de#troy. Ho"e$er( it %ay #o%eti%e# ha!!en that a #ufficient Iuantity of #uch green #ucculent !lant# cannot be obtained early enough in the #ea#on in #o%e localitie#. )n thi# ca#e( and "e are not #ure but in all ca#e#( the !oi#oned bran %a#h can be u#ed to the be#t ad$antage. )t i# ea#ily %ade and a!!lied at any ti%e( i# not e/!en#i$e( and thu# far the re#ult# #ho" that it i# a $ery attracti$e and effecti$e bait. 6 table#!oonful can be Iuickly dro!!ed around the ba#e of each cabbage or to%ato !lantG #%all a%ount# %ay be ea#ily #cattered along the ro"# of onion# and turni!#( or a little dro!!ed on a hill of corn or cucu%ber#. The be#t ti%e to a!!ly the#e !oi#oned bait# i# t"o or three day# before any !lant# ha$e co%e u! or been #et out in the garden. )f the ground ha# been !ro!erly !re!ared( the "or%# "ill ha$e had but little to eat for #e$eral day# and they "ill thu# #eiEe the fir#t o!!ortunity to a!!ea#e their hunger u!on the bait#( and "hole#ale de#truction "ill re#ult. The bait# #hould al"ay# be a!!lied at thi# ti%e "here$er cutA"or%# are e/!ected. But it i# not too late u#ually to #a$e %o#t of a cro! after the !e#t# ha$e %ade their !re#ence kno"n by cutting off #o%e of the !lant#. 6ct !ro%!tly and u#e the bait# freely. -or %echanical %ean# of !rotecting fro% cutA"or%#( #ee !!. 1>LA3. JEl%Aleaf beetle.JAAGenerally #!eaking one thorough and ti%ely #!raying i# a%!le to control the el%Aleaf beetle (-ig. 7?9). @#e ar#enate of lead( 1 lb. to 79 gal.( and %ake the a!!lication to the under #ide of the lea$e# the latter !art of May or $ery early in Bune in Ce" *ork. =cca#ionally( "hen the beetle i# $ery abundant( due in all !robability to no #!raying in earlier year#( it %ay be ad$i#able to %ake a #econd a!!lication( and the #a%e %ay be true "hen condition# nece##itate the a!!lication earlier than "hen it "ill be %o#t efficaciou#. Thi# latter condition i# likely to obtain "here$er a large nu%ber of tree# %u#t be treated "ith inadeIuate outfit. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 7?9. El%Aleaf beetle( adult( #o%e"hat enlarged (after Ho"ard).<

J=y#terA#hell #cale.JAAThi# i# an elongate #cale or barkAlou#e( 1P> in. in length( re#e%bling an oy#ter #hell in #ha!e and often incru#ting the bark of a!!le t"ig#. )t hibernate# a# %inute "hite egg# under the old #cale#. The egg# hatch during the latter !art of May or in Bune( the date de!ending on the #ea#on. 6fter they hatch( the young %ay be #een a# tiny "hiti#h lice cra"ling about on the bark. ,hen the#e young a!!ear( #!ray "ith kero#ene e%ul#ion( diluted "ith L !art# of "ater( or "haleAoil or any good #oa!( 1 lb. in K or 9 gal. of "ater. JPear in#ect#.JAAThe !#ylla i# one of the %o#t #eriou# in#ect# affecting the !ear tree. )t i# a %inute( yello"i#h( flatAbodied( #ucking in#ect often found in the a/il# of the lea$e# and fruit early in the #ea#on. They de$elo! into %inute cicadaAlike ju%!ingAlice. The young !#ylla# #ecrete a large Iuantity of honeyAde" in "hich a !eculiar black fungu# gro"#( gi$ing the bark a characteri#tic #ooty a!!earance. There %ay be four brood# annually and the tree# are often #eriou#ly injured. 6fter the blo##o%# fall( #!ray "ith kero#ene e%ul#ion( diluted "ith L !art# of "ater( or "haleAoil #oa!( 1 lb. in K or 9 gal. of "ater. 0e!eat the a!!lication at inter$al# of ? to 3 day# until the in#ect# are under control. The !ear #lug i# a #%all( #li%y( dark green lar$a "hich #keletoniEe# the lea$e# in Bune( and a #econd brood a!!ear# in 6ugu#t. S!ray thoroughly "ith 1 lb. Pari# green( or K lb. ar#enate of lead( in 188 gal. of "ater. JPotato in#ect#.JAAThe olorado !otato beetle( or !otatoAbug( e%erge# fro% hibernation in the #!ring and lay# %a##e# of orange egg# on the under #ide of the lea$e#. The lar$ae are kno"n a# '#lug#' and '#oftA#hell#' and cau#e %o#t of the injury to the $ine#. S!ray "ith Pari# green( 7 lb. in 188 gal. of "ater( or ar#enite of #oda co%bined "ith bordeau/ %i/ture. )t %ay #o%eti%e# be nece##ary to u#e a greater #trength of the !oi#on( !articularly on the older '#lug#.' The #%all black fleaAbeetle# riddle the lea$e# "ith hole# and cau#e the foliage to die. Bordeau/ %i/ture a# a!!lied for !otato blight !rotect# the !lant# by %aking the% re!ellent to the beetle#. J0a#!berry( blackberry( and de"berry in#ect#.JAAThe greeni#h( #!iny lar$ae of the #a"Afly feed on the tender lea$e# in #!ring. S!ray "ith Pari# green or ar#enate of lead( or a!!ly hellebore. The caneAborer i# a grub that burro"# do"n through the cane#( cau#ing the% to die. )n laying her egg#( the adult beetle girdle# the ti! of the cane "ith a ring of !uncture#( cau#ing it to "ither and droo!. )n %id#u%%er( cut off and de#troy the droo!ing ti!#. J0ed #!ider.JAAMinute reddi#h %ite# on the under #ide# of lea$e# in greenhou#e# and #o%eti%e# out of door# in dry "eather. Syringe off the !lant# "ith clear "ater t"o or three ti%e# a "eek( taking care not to drench the bed#. J0o#e in#ect#.JAAThe green !lantAlice u#ually "ork on the bud#( and the yello" leafAho!!er# feed on the lea$e#. S!ray( "hene$er nece##ary( "ith kero#ene e%ul#ion( diluted "ith L !art# of "ater( or "haleAoil or any good #oa!( 1 lb. in 9 or L gal. of "ater. The ro#eAchafer i# often a %o#t !erniciou# !e#t on ro#e#( gra!e#( and other !lant#. The ungainly( longAlegged( grayi#h beetle# occur in #andy region# and often #"ar% into $ineyard# and de#troy the blo##o%# and

foliage. S!ray thoroughly "ith ar#enate of lead( 18 lb. in 188 gal. of "ater. 0e!eat the a!!lication if nece##ary. (See under 0o#e in ha!. .))).) JSan Bo#e #cale.JAAThi# !erniciou# #cale i# nearly circular in outline and about the #iEe of a #%all !in head( "ith a rai#ed center. ,hen abundant( it for%# a cru#t on the branche# and cau#e# #%all red #!ot# on the fruit. )t %ulti!lie# "ith %ar$elou# ra!idity( there being three or four brood# annually in Ce" *ork( and each %other #cale %ay gi$e birth to #e$eral hundred young. The young are born ali$e( and breeding continue# until late autu%n "hen all #tage# are killed by the cold "eather e/ce!t the tiny halfAgro"n black #cale#( %any of "hich hibernate #afely. S!ray thoroughly in the fall after the lea$e# dro!( or early in the #!ring before gro"th begin#( "ith li%eA#ulfur "a#h( or %i#cible oil 1 gal. in 18 gal. of "ater. ,hen badly infe#ted( %ake t"o a!!lication#( one in the fall and another in the #!ring. )n ca#e of large old tree#( 79 !er cent crude oil e%ul#ion #hould be a!!lied ju#t a# the bud# are #"elling. )n nur#erie#( after the tree# are dug( fu%igate "ith hydrocyanic acid ga#( u#ing 1 oE. of !ota##iu% cyanide for e$ery 188 cu. ft. of #!ace. ontinue the fu%igation fro% oneAhalf to threeAIuarter# of an hour. &o not fu%igate the tree# "hen they are "et( #ince the !re#ence of %oi#ture render# the% liable to injury. JTentAcater!illar.JAAThe in#ect hibernate# in the egg #tage. The egg# are glued in ringAlike bro"ni#h %a##e# around the #%aller t"ig#( "here they %ay be ea#ily found and de#troyed. The cater!illar# a!!ear in early #!ring( de$our the tender lea$e#( and build un#ightly ne#t# on the #%aller branche#. Thi# !e#t i# u#ually controlled by the treat%ent reco%%ended for the codlinA%oth. &e#troy the ne#t# by burning or by "i!ing out "hen #%all. =ften a bad !e#t on a!!le tree#. J.iolet gallAfly.JAA.iolet# gro"n under gla## are often greatly injured by a $ery #%all %aggot( "hich cau#e# the edge# of the lea$e# to curl( turn yello"i#h( and die. The adult i# a $ery %inute fly re#e%bling a %o#Iuito. Pick off and de#troy infe#ted lea$e# a# #oon a# di#co$ered. -u%igation i# not ad$i#ed for thi# in#ect or for redA#!ider. J,hiteAfly.JAAThe %inute "hiteAflie# are co%%on on greenhou#e !lant# and often in #u%%er on !lant# about garden# near greenhou#e#. The ny%!h# are #%all greeni#h( #caleAlike in#ect# found on the under #ide of the lea$e#G the adult# are %inute( "hite( %ealyA"inged flie#. S!ray "ith kero#ene e%ul#ion or "haleAoil #oa!G or if infe#ting cucu%ber# or to%atoe#( fu%igate o$er night "ith hydrocyanic acid ga#( u#ing 1 oE. of !ota##iu% cyanide to each 1888 cu. ft. of #!ace. (See !age 1>>.) J,hite grub#.JAAThe large cur$ed "hite grub# that are #o trouble#o%e in la"n# and #tra"berry field# are the lar$ae of the co%%on Bune beetle#. They li$e in the ground( feeding on the root# of gra##e# and "eed#. &ig out grub# fro% beneath infe#ted !lant#. Thorough early fall culti$ation of land intended for #tra"berrie# "ill de#troy %any of the !u!ae. )n la"n#( re%o$e the #od( de#troy the grub#( and %ake ne" #"ard( "hen the infe#tation i# bad. JTreat%ent for #o%e of the co%%on !lant di#ea#e#.J The follo"ing ad$ice (%o#tly ada!ted fro% ,hetEel and Ste"art) co$er# the %o#t freIuent ty!e# of fungou# di#ea#e a!!earing to the ho%e

gardener. Many other kind#( ho"e$er( "ill al%o#t certainly attract hi# attention the fir#t #ea#on if he look# clo#ely. The #tandard re%edy i# bordeau/ %i/tureG but becau#e thi# %aterial di#color# the foliage the carbonate of co!!er i# #o%eti%e# u#ed in#tead. The treat%ent# here reco%%ended are for Ce" *orkG but it #hould not be difficult to a!!ly the date# el#e"here. The gardener %u#t #u!!le%ent all ad$ice of thi# character "ith hi# o"n judg%ent and e/!erience( and take hi# o"n ri#k#. J6!!le #cab.JAA@#ually %o#t e$ident on the fruit( for%ing blotche# and #cab#. S!ray "ith bordeau/( 9A9A98 or ?A?A98G fir#t( ju#t before the blo##o%# o!enG #econd( ju#t a# the blo##o%# fallG third( 18 to 1K day# after the blo##o%# fall. The #econd #!raying #ee%# to be the %o#t i%!ortant. 6l"ay# a!!ly JbeforeJ rain#( not Jafter.J J6#!aragu# ru#t.JAAThe %o#t co%%on and de#tructi$e di#ea#e of a#!aragu#( !roducing reddi#h or black !u#tule# on the #te%# and branche#. Late in the fall( burn all affected !lant#. -ertiliEe liberally and culti$ate thoroughly. &uring the cutting #ea#on( !er%it no !lant# to %ature and cut all "ild a#!aragu# !lant# in $icinity once a "eek. 0u#t %ay be !artially controlled by #!raying "ith bordeau/( 9A9A98( containing a #ticker of re#inA#alA#oda #oa!( but it i# a difficult and e/!en#i$e o!eration and !robably not !rofitable e/ce!t on large acreage. Begin #!raying after cutting a# #oon a# ne" #hoot# are > to 18 in. high and re!eat once or t"ice a "eek until about Se!te%ber 19. &u#ting "ith #ulfur ha# !ro$ed effecti$e in alifornia. J abbage and cauliflo"er di#ea#e#.JAABlackArot i# a bacterial di#ea#eG the !lant# dro! their lea$e# and fail to head. Practice cro! rotationG #oak #eed 19 %in. in a #olution %ade by di##ol$ing one corro#i$e #ubli%ate tablet in a !int of "ater. Tablet# %ay be bought at drug #tore#. lubAroot or clubAfoot i# a "ellAkno"n di#ea#e. The !ara#ite li$e# in the #oil. Practice cro! rotation. Set only healthy !lant#. &o not u#e %anure containing cabbage refu#e. )f nece##ary to u#e infe#ted land( a!!ly good #tone li%e( 7 to 9 ton# !er acre. 6!!ly at lea#t a# early a# the autu%n before !lantingG t"o to four year# i# better. Li%e the #eedAbed in #a%e "ay. J arnation ru#t.JAAThi# di#ea#e %ay be recogniEed by the bro"n( !o"dery !u#tule# on the #te% and lea$e#. Plant only the $arietie# lea#t affected by it. Take cutting# only fro% healthy !lant#. S!ray (in the field( once a "eekG in the greenhou#e( once in t"o "eek#) "ith co!!er #ulfate( 1 lb. to 78 gal. of "ater. Dee! the greenhou#e air a# dry and cool a# i# co%!atible "ith good gro"th. Dee! the foliage free fro% %oi#ture. Train the !lant# #o a# to #ecure a free circulation of air a%ong the%. J he#tnut.JAAThe bark di#ea#e of che#tnut ha# beco%e $ery #eriou# in #outhea#tern Ce" *ork( cau#ing the bark to #ink and die and killing the tree. utting out the di#ea#ed !lace# and treating a#e!tically %ay be u#eful in light ca#e#( but badly infected tree# are incurable( in the !re#ent #tate of our kno"ledge. )n#!ection of nur#ery #tock and burning of affected tree# i# the only !rocedure no" to be reco%%ended. The di#ea#e i# re!orted in Ce" England and "e#tern Ce" *ork. J hry#anthe%u% leafA#!ot.JAAS!ray "ith bordeau/( 9A9A98( e$ery ten day# or often enough to !rotect ne" foliage. 6%%oniacal co!!er carbonate %ay be u#ed( but it i# not #o effecti$e.

J ucu%ber di#ea#e#.JAA',ilt' i# a di#ea#e cau#ed by bacteria that are di#tributed chiefly by #tri!ed cucu%ber beetle#. &e#troy the beetle# or dri$e the% a"ay by thorough #!raying "ith bordeau/( 9A9A98. Gather and de#troy all "ilted lea$e# and !lant#. The %o#t that can be e/!ected i# that the lo## %ay be #lightly reduced. &o"ny %ilde" i# a #eriou# fungou# di#ea#e of the cucu%ber kno"n a%ong gro"er# a# 'the blight.' The lea$e# beco%e %ottled "ith yello"( #ho" dead #!ot#( and then dry u!. S!ray "ith bordeau/( 9A9A98. Begin #!raying "hen the !lant# begin to run( and re!eat e$ery 18 to 1K day# throughout the #ea#on. J urrant di#ea#e#.JAALeafA#!ot# and anthracno#e are cau#ed by t"o or three different fungi. The lea$e# beco%e #!otted( turn yello"( and fall !re%aturely. They %ay be controlled by three to fi$e #!raying# "ith bordeau/( 9A9A98( but it i# doubtful "hether the di#ea#e# are #ufficiently de#tructi$e on the a$erage to "arrant #o %uch e/!en#e. JGoo#eberry !o"dery %ilde".JAAThe fruit and lea$e# are co$ered "ith a dirty "hite gro"th of fungu#. )n #etting a ne" !lantation( choo#e a #ite "here the land i# "ell underdrained and "here there i# a good circulation of air. ut a"ay droo!ing branche#. Dee! the ground underneath free fro% "eed#. S!ray "ith !ota##iu% #ulfide( 1 oE. to 7 gal.G begin "hen the bud# are breaking and re!eat e$ery 3 to 18 day# until the fruit i# gathered. Po"dery %ilde" i# $ery de#tructi$e to the Euro!ean $arietie#. JGra!e blackArot.JAA0e%o$e all '%u%%ie#' that cling to the ar%# at tri%%ing ti%e. Plo" early( turning under all old %u%%ie# and di#ea#ed lea$e#. 0ake all refu#e under the $ine into the la#t furro" and co$er "ith the gra!e hoe. Thi# cannot be too thoroughly done. The di#ea#e i# fa$ored by "et "eather and "eed# or gra## in the $ineyard. @#e #urface culti$ation and kee! do"n all "eed# and gra##. Dee! the $ine# "ell #!routedG if nece##ary #!rout t"ice. S!ray "ith bordeau/ %i/ture( 9A9A98( until the %iddle of Buly( after that "ith a%%oniacal co!!er carbonate. The nu%ber of #!raying# "ill $ary "ith the #ea#on. Make the fir#t a!!lication "hen the third leaf #ho"#. )nfection# take !lace "ith each rain( and occur throughout the gro"ing #ea#on. The foliage #hould be !rotected by a coating of the #!ray before e$ery rain. The ne" gro"th e#!ecially #hould be "ell #!rayed. JHollyhock ru#t.JAA-ig. 717. Eradicate the "ild %allo" J(Mal$a rotundifolia).J 0e%o$e all hollyhock lea$e# a# #oon a# they #ho" #ign# of ru#t. S!ray #e$eral ti%e# "ith bordeau/ %i/ture( taking care to co$er both #ide# of lea$e#. JLettuce dro! or rot.JAAThi# i# a fungou# di#ea#e often de#tructi$e in greenhou#e#( di#co$ered by the #udden "ilting of the !lant#. )t i# co%!letely controlled by #tea% #teriliEation of the #oil to the de!th of t"o inche# or %ore. )f it i# not fea#ible to #teriliEe the #oil( u#e fre#h #oil for e$ery cro! of lettuce. JMu#k%elon di#ea#e#.JAA'BlightH' i# a $ery trouble#o%e di#ea#e. The lea$e# #ho" angular deadAbro"n #!ot#( then dry u! and dieG the fruit often fail# to ri!en and lack# fla$or. )t i# cau#ed by the #a%e fungu# a# i# the do"ny %ilde" of cucu%ber#. ,hile bordeau/ ha# !ro$ed effecti$e in controlling the do"ny %ilde" on cucu%ber#( it #ee%# to be of little $alue in le##ening the #a%e di#ea#e on %elon#.

',ilt' i# the #a%e a# the "ilt of cucu%ber#G #a%e treat%ent i# gi$en. JPeach di#ea#e#.JAABro"nArot i# difficult to control. Plant re#i#tant $arietie#. Prune the tree# #o a# to let in #unlight and air. Thin the fruit "ell. 6# often a# !o##ible !ick and de#troy all rotten fruit#. )n the fall de#troy all re%aining fruit#. S!ray "ith bordeau/ %i/ture before the bud# break( or #elfAboiled li%eA#ulfur. LeafAcurl i# a di#ea#e in "hich the lea$e# beco%e #"ollen and di#torted in #!ring and dro! during Bune and Buly (-ig. 71?). Elberta i# an e#!ecially #u#ce!tible $ariety. Ea#ily and co%!letely controlled by #!raying the tree# once( before the bud# #"ell( "ith bordeau/( 9A9A98( or "ith the li%eA#ulfur %i/ture# u#ed for San Bo#e #cale. BlackA#!ot or #cab often !ro$e# trouble#o%e in "et #ea#on# and !articularly in da%! or #heltered #ituation#. ,hile thi# di#ea#e attack# the t"ig# and lea$e#( it i# %o#t con#!icuou# and injuriou# on the fruit( "here it a!!ear# a# dark #!ot# or blotche#. )n #e$ere attack# the fruit crack#. )n the treat%ent of thi# di#ea#e it i# of !ri%e i%!ortance Jto #ecure a free circulation of airJ about the fruit. 6cco%!li#h thi# by a$oiding lo" #ite#( by !runing( and by re%o$al of "indbreak#. S!ray a# for leafAcurl and follo" "ith t"o a!!lication# of !ota##iu% #ulfide( 1 oE. to ? gal.( the fir#t being %ade #oon after the fruit i# #et and the #econd "hen the fruit i# half gro"n. *ello"# i# a #oAcalled '!hy#iological di#ea#e.' au#e unkno"n. ontagiou#( and #eriou# in #o%e localitie#. Dno"n by the !re%ature ri!ening of the fruit( by red #treak# and #!ot# in the fle#h( and by the !eculiar clu#ter# of #ickly( yello"i#h #hoot# that a!!ear on the li%b# here and there (-ig. 719). &ig out and burn di#ea#ed tree# a# #oon a# di#co$ered. JPear di#ea#e#.JAA-ireAblight kill# the t"ig# and branche#( on "hich the lea$e# #uddenly blacken and die but do not fall. )t al#o !roduce# canker# on the trunk and large li%b#. Prune out blighted branche# a# #oon a# di#co$ered( cutting L to > in. belo" the lo"e#t e$idence# of the di#ea#e. lean out li%b and body canker#. &i#infect all large "ound# "ith corro#i$e #ubli%ate #olution( 1 to 1888( and co$er "ith coat of !aint. 6$oid forcing a ra!id( #ucculent gro"th. Plant the $arietie# lea#t affected. Pear #cab i# $ery #i%ilar to a!!le #cab. )t i# $ery de#tructi$e to #o%e $arietie#( a#( for e/a%!le( -le%i#h Beauty and Seckel. S!ray three ti%e# "ith bordeau/( a# for a!!le #cab. JPlu% and cherry di#ea#e#.JAABlackAknot i# a fungu#( the #!ore# of "hich are carried fro% tree to tree by the "ind and thu# #!read the infection. ut out and burn all knot# a# #oon a# di#co$ered. See that the knot# are re%o$ed fro% all !lu% and cherry tree# in the neighborhood. LeafA#!ot i# a di#ea#e in "hich the lea$e# beco%e co$ered "ith reddi#h or bro"n #!ot# and fall !re%aturely (-ig. 711)G badly affected tree# "interkill. =ften( the dead #!ot# dro! out( lea$ing clearAcut hole#. S!ray "ith bordeau/( 9A9A98. -or cherrie#( %ake four a!!lication#5 fir#t( ju#t before blo##o%# o!enG #econd( "hen fruit i# free fro% caly/G third( t"o "eek# laterG fourth( t"o "eek# after third. )n !lu%# it %ay be controlled by t"o or three a!!lication# of bordeau/( 9A9A98. Make the fir#t one about ten day# after the blo##o%# fall and the other# at inter$al# of about three "eek#. Thi# a!!lie# to Euro!ean $arietie#.

Ba!an !lu%# #hould not be #!rayed "ith bordeau/. JPotato di#ea#e#.JAAThere are different kind# of !otato blight and rot. The %o#t i%!ortant are early blight and late blightAAboth fungou# di#ea#e#. Early blight affect# only the foliage. Late blight kill# the foliage and often rot# the tuber#. T"o #eriou# trouble# often %i#taken for blight are5 (1) Ti! burn( the bro"ning of the ti!# and %argin# of the lea$e# due to dry "eatherG and (7) fleaAbeetle injury( in "hich the lea$e# #ho" nu%erou# #%all hole# and then dry u!. The lo## fro% blight and fleaAbeetle# i# enor%ou#AAoften( oneAfourth to oneAhalf the cro!. -or blightArot and fleaAbeetle# #!ray "ith bordeau/( 9A9A98. Begin "hen the !lant# are L to > in. high and re!eat e$ery 18 to 1K day# during the #ea#on( %aking 9 to 3 a!!lication# in all. @#e K8 to 188 gal. !er acre at each a!!lication. @nder condition# e/ce!tionally fa$orable to blight it "ill !ay to #!ray a# often a# once a "eek. Scab i# cau#ed by a fungu# that attack# the #urface of the tuber#. )t i# carried o$er on di#ea#ed tuber# and in the #oil. )n general( "hen land beco%e# badly infe#ted "ith #cab( it i# be#t to !lant it "ith other cro!# for #e$eral year#. (See !age 128.) J0a#!berry di#ea#e#.JAA6nthracno#e i# $ery de#tructi$e to black ra#!berrie#( but not often injuriou# to the red $arietie#. )t i# detected by the circular or elli!tical gray #cabAlike #!ot# on the cane#. 6$oid taking young !lant# fro% di#ea#ed !lantation#. 0e%o$e all old cane# and badly di#ea#ed ne" one# a# #oon a# the fruit i# gathered. 6lthough #!raying "ith bordeau/( 9A9A98( "ill control the %alady( the treat%ent %ay not be !rofitable. )f #!raying #ee%# ad$i#able( %ake the fir#t a!!lication "hen the ne" cane# are L to > in. high and follo" "ith t"o %ore at inter$al# of 18 to 1K day#. aneAblight or "ilt i# a de#tructi$e di#ea#e affecting both red and black $arietie#. -ruiting cane# #uddenly "ilt and die. )t i# cau#ed by a fungu# "hich attack# the cane at #o%e !oint and kill# the bark and "ood( thereby cau#ing the !art# abo$e to die. Co #ucce##ful treat%ent i# kno"n. )n %aking ne" #etting#( u#e only !lant# fro% healthy !lantation#. 0e%o$e the fruiting cane# a# #oon a# the fruit i# gathered. 0edAru#t i# often #eriou# on black $arietie#( but doe# not affect red one#. )t i# the #a%e a# red ru#t of blackberry. &ig u! and de#troy affected !lant#. J0o#e di#ea#e#.JAABlack leafA#!ot i# one of the co%%one#t di#ea#e# of the ro#e. )t cau#e# the lea$e# to fall !re%aturely. S!ray "ith bordeau/( 9A9A98( beginning a# #oon a# the fir#t #!ot# a!!ear on the lea$e#. T"o or three a!!lication# at inter$al# of ten day# "ill $ery largely control the di#ea#e. 6%%oniacal co!!er carbonate %ay be u#ed on ro#e# gro"n under gla##. 6!!ly once a "eek until di#ea#e i# under control. -or %ilde" on greenhou#e ro#e#( kee! the #tea% !i!e# !ainted "ith a !a#te %ade of eIual !art# li%e and #ulfur %i/ed u! "ith "ater. The %ilde" i# a #urfaceAfeeding fungu# and i# killed by the fu%e# of the #ulfur. =utdoor ro#e# that beco%e infe#ted "ith the %ilde" %ay be du#ted "ith #ulfur( or #!rayed "ith a #olution of !ota##iu% #ulfide( 1 oE. to ? gal. "ater. S!ray or du#t "ith the #ulfur t"o or three ti%e# at inter$al# of a "eek or ten day#. JStra"berry leafA#!ot.JAAThe %o#t co%%on and #eriou# fungou# di#ea#e of the #tra"berryG al#o called ru#t and leafAblight. The lea$e# #ho" #!ot#

"hich at fir#t are of a dee! !ur!le color( but later enlarge and the center beco%e# gray or nearly "hite. The fungu# !a##e# the "inter in the old di#ea#ed lea$e# that fall to the ground. )n #etting ne" !lantation#( re%o$e all di#ea#ed lea$e# fro% the !lant# before they are taken to the field. Soon after gro"th begin#( #!ray the ne"ly #et !lant# "ith bordeau/( 9A9A98. Make three or four additional #!raying# during the #ea#on. The follo"ing #!ring( #!ray ju#t before blo##o%ing and again 18 to 1K day# later. )f the bed i# to be fruited a #econd ti%e( %o" the !lant# and burn o$er the bed# a# #oon a# the fruit i# gathered. Plant re#i#tant $arietie#. JTo%ato leafA#!ot.JAAThe di#tingui#hing character of thi# di#ea#e i# that it begin# on the lo"er lea$e# and "ork# to"ard# the to!( killing the foliage a# it goe#. )t i# controlled "ith difficulty becau#e it i# carried o$er "inter in the di#ea#ed lea$e# and to!# that fall to the ground. ,hen #etting out !lant#( !inch off all the lo"er lea$e# that touch the groundG al#o any lea$e# that #ho" #u#!iciou#Alooking deadA#!ot#. The trouble often #tart# in the #eedAbed. S!ray !lant# $ery thoroughly "ith bordeau/( 9A9A98( beginning a# #oon a# the !lant# are #et out. Stake and tie u! for greater con$enience in #!raying. S!ray under #ide of the lea$e#. S!ray e$ery "eek or ten day#.


)n choo#ing the kind# of !lant# for the %ain ground# the gardener #hould carefully di#tingui#h t"o categorie#(AAtho#e !lant# to co%!o#e the #tructural %a##e# and de#ign of the !lace( and tho#e that are to be u#ed for %ere orna%ent. The chief %erit# to be #ought in the for%er are good foliage( !lea#ing for% and habit( #hade# of green( and color of "inter t"ig#. The %erit# of the latter lie chiefly in flo"er# or colored foliage. Each of the#e categorie# #hould be again di$ided. =f !lant# for the %ain de#ign( there %ight be di#cu##ion of tree# for a "indbreak( of tree# for #hadeG of #hrub# for #creen# or hea$y !lanting#( for the lighter #ide !lanting#( and for incidental %a##e# about the building# or on the la"nG and !erha!# al#o of $ine# for !orche# and arbor#( of e$ergreen#( of hedge#( and of the hea$ier herbaceou# %a##e#. Plant# u#ed for %ere e%belli#h%ent or orna%entation %ay be ranged again into categorie# for !er%anent herbaceou# border#( for di#!lay bed#( ribbon edging#( annual# for te%!orary effect#( foliage bed#( !lant# for adding color and e%!ha#i# to the #hrubbery %a##e#( !lant# de#ired to be gro"n a# #ingle #!eci%en# or a# curio#itie#( and !lant# for !orchAbo/e# and "indo"Agarden#. Ha$ing no" briefly #ugge#ted the u#e# of the !lant#( "e #hall !roceed to di#cu## the% in reference to the %aking of ho%e ground#. Thi# cha!ter contain# a brief con#ideration of5 JPlanting for i%%ediate effect( The u#e of 'foliage' tree# and #hrub#(

,indbreak# and #creen#( The %aking of hedge#( The border#( The flo"erAbed#( 6Iuatic and bog !lant#( 0ockerie# and al!ine !lant#GJ and then it run# into nine #ubAcha!ter#( a# follo"#5AA 1. Plant# for car!etAbed#( !. 7?KG 7. The annual !lant#( !. 7K1G ?. Hardy herbaceou# !erennial#( !. 7L8G K. Bulb# and tuber#( !. 7>1G 9. The #hrubbery( !. 728G L. li%bing !lant#( !. ?83G 3. Tree# for la"n# and #treet#( !. ?12G >. oniferou# e$ergreen tree# and #hrub#( !. ??1G

2. ,indo"Agarden#( !. ??L. 6nd then( in ha!ter .)))( the !articular culture# of !lant# needing #!ecial care are briefly di#cu##ed. JPlanting for i%%ediate effect.J )t i# al"ay# legiti%ate( and( in fact( de#irable( to !lant for i%%ediate effect. =ne %ay !lant $ery thickly of ra!idAgro"ing tree# and #hrub# for thi# !ur!o#e. )t i# a fact( ho"e$er( that $ery ra!idAgro"ing tree# u#ually lack #trong or arti#tic character. =ther and better tree# #hould be !lanted "ith the% and the featurele## kind# be gradually re%o$ed. (Page K1.) The effect of a ne" !lace %ay be greatly heightened by a de/terou# u#e of annual# and other herbaceou# #tuff in the #hrub !lantation#. @ntil the #hrubbery co$er# the ground( te%!orary !lant# %ay be gro"n a%ong the%. Subtro!ical bed# %ay gi$e a $ery de#irable te%!orary fini#h to !lace# that are !retentiou# enough to %ake the% #ee% in kee!ing. .ery rough( hard( #terile( and #tony bank# %ay #o%eti%e# be co$ered "ith colt#foot (JTu##ilago -arfaraJ)( #acaline( J0ubu# cratoegifotiu#(J co%frey( and $ariou# "ild gro"th# that !er#i#t in #i%ilar !lace# in the neighborhood. Ho"e$er %uch the !lanter %ay !lan for i%%ediate effect#( the beauty of tree# and #hrub# co%e# "ith %aturity and age( and thi# beauty i# often delayed( or e$en obliterated( by #hearing and e/ce##i$e headingAback. 6t fir#t( bu#he# are #tiff and erect( but "hen they attain their full

character( they u#ually droo! or roll o$er to %eet the #"ard. So%e bu#he# %ake %ound# of green %uch #ooner than other# that %ay e$en be clo#ely related. Thu# the co%%on yello"Abell (J-or#ythia $irdi##i%aJ) re%ain# #tiff and hard for #o%e year#( "herea# J-. #u#!en#aJ %ake# a rolling hea! of green in t"o or three year#. Suick infor%al effect# can al#o be #ecured by the u#e of HallH# Ba!ane#e honey#uckle (JLonicera HallianaJ of nur#ery%en)( an e$ergreen in the South( and holding it# lea$e# until %id"inter or later in the Corth. )t %ay be u#ed for co$ering a rock( a !ile of rubbi#h( a #tu%! (-ig. 7?L)( to fill a corner again#t a foundation( or it %ay be trained on a !orch or arbor. There i# a for% "ith yello"A$eined lea$e#. J0o#a ,ichuraianaJ and #o%e of the de"berrie# are u#eful for co$ering rough !lace#. Many $ine# that are co%%only u#ed for !orche# and arbor# %ay be e%!loyed al#o for the border# of #hrubA!lantation# and for co$ering rough bank# and rock#( Iuickly gi$ing a fini#h to the cruder !art# of the !lace. Such $ine#( a%ong other#( are $ariou# kind# of cle%ati#( .irginia cree!er( actinidia( akebia( tru%!et cree!er( !eri!loca( bitterA#"eet (JSolanu% &ulca%araJ)( "a/A"ork (J ela#tru# #canden#J). =f cour#e( $ery good i%%ediate effect# %ay be #ecured by $ery clo#e !lanting (!age 777)( but the ho%e#teader %u#t not neglect to thin out the#e !lantation# "hen the ti%e co%e#. :)llu#tration5 -ig 7?L. Stu%! co$ered "ith Ba!ane#e honey#uckle.< JThe u#e of 'foliage' tree# and #hrub#.J There i# al"ay# a te%!tation to u#e too freely of the tree# and #hrub# that are characteriEed by abnor%al or #triking foliage. The #ubject i# di#cu##ed in it# arti#tic bearing# on !age# K8 and K1. 6# a rule( the yello"Alea$ed( #!ottedAlea$ed( $ariegated( and other abnor%al 'foliage' !lant# are le## hardy and le## reliable than the greenAlea$ed or 'natural' for%#. They u#ually reIuire %ore care( if they are ke!t in $igorou# and #ee%ly condition. So%e %arked e/ce!tion# to thi# are noted in the li#t# of tree# and #hrub#. There are #o%e !lant# of #triking foliage( ho"e$er( that are !erfectly reliable( but they are u#ually not of the 'horticultural $ariety' cla##( their characteri#tic# being nor%al to the #!ecie#. So%e of the #il$er or "hiteAlea$ed !o!lar#( for e/a%!le( !roduce the %o#t #triking contra#t# of foliage( !articularly if #et near darker tree#( and for thi# rea#on they are %uch de#ired by %any !lanter#. BolleH# !o!lar (JPo!ulu# BolleanaJ of the nur#erie#) i# one of the be#t of the#e tree#. )t# habit i# #o%ething like that of the Lo%bardy. The u!!er #urface of the dee!ly lobed lea$e# i# dark dull green( "hile the under #urface i# al%o#t #no"y "hite. Such e%!hatic tree# a# thi# #hould generally be !artially ob#cured by !lanting the% a%ong#t other tree#( #o that they a!!ear to %i/ "ith the other foliageG or el#e they #hould be #een at #o%e di#tance. =ther $arietie# of the co%%on "hite !o!lar or abele are occa#ionally u#eful( although %o#t of the% #!rout badly and %ay beco%e a nui#ance. But the !lanting of the#e i%%ode#t tree# i# #o likely to be o$erdone that one #carcely dare reco%%end the%( although( "hen #killfully u#ed( they %ay be %ade to !roduce %o#t e/cellent effect#. )f any reader ha# a !articular fondne## for tree# of thi# cla## (or any other# "ith "oollyA"hite foliage) and if he ha# only an ordinary city lot or far%Ayard to orna%ent( let hi% reduce hi# de#ire# to a #ingle tree( and then if that tree i# !lanted in the interior of a grou! of

other tree#( no har% can re#ult. J,indbreak# and #creen#.J 6 #helterAbelt for the ho%e ground# i# often !laced at the e/tre%e edge of the ho%e yard( to"ard the hea$ie#t or !re$ailing "ind. )t %ay be a den#e !lantation of e$ergreen#. )f #o( the Cor"ay #!ruce i# one of the be#t for general !ur!o#e# in the northea#tern #tate#. -or a lo"er belt the arbor $itae i# e/cellent. So%e of the !ine#( a# the Scotch or 6u#trian( and the nati$e "hite !ine( are al#o to be ad$i#ed( !articularly if the belt i# at #o%e di#tance fro% the re#idence. 6# a rule( the coar#er the tree the farther it #hould be !laced fro% the hou#e. The co%%on deciduou# tree# of the region (a# el%( %a!le( bo/Aelder) %ay be !lanted in a ro" or ro"# for "indbreak#. Good te%!orary #helter belt# are #ecured by !o!lar# and large "illo"#. =n the !rairie# and far north the laurel "illo" J(Sali/ laurifoliaJ of the trade) i# e/cellent. ,here #no" blo"# $ery badly( t"o line# of break# %ay be !lanted three to #i/ rod# a!art( #o that the inclo#ed lane %ay catch the driftG thi# %ethod i# e%!loyed in !rairie region#. Per#on# %ay de#ire to u#e the break a# a #creen to hide unde#irable object#. )f the#e object# are of a !er%anent character( a# a barn or an unke%!t !ro!erty( e$ergreen tree# #hould be u#ed. -or te%!orary #creen#( any of the $ery largeAgro"ing herbaceou# !lant# %ay be e%!loyed. .ery e/cellent #ubject# are #unflo"er#( the largeAgro"ing nicotiana#( ca#tor bean#( large $arietie# of )ndian corn( and !lant# of like gro"th. E/cellent #creen# are #o%eti%e# %ade "ith $ine# on a trelli#. .ery efficient #u%%er #creen# %ay be %ade "ith ailanthu#( !aulo"nia( ba##"ood( #u%ac( and other !lant# that tend to thro" u! $ery $igorou# #hoot# fro% the ba#e. 6fter the#e !lant# ha$e been #et a year or t"o( they are cut back nearly to the ground in "inter or #!ring( and #trong #hoot# are thro"n u! "ith great lu/uriance during the #u%%er( gi$ing a den#e #creen and !re#enting a #e%iAtro!ical effect. -or #uch !ur!o#e#( the root# #hould be !lanted only t"o or three feet a!art. )f( after a ti%e( the root# beco%e #o cro"ded that the #hoot# are "eak( #o%e of the !lant# %ay be re%o$ed. To!Adre##ing the area e$ery fall "ith %anure "ill tend to %ake the ground rich enough to afford a $ery hea$y #u%%er gro"th. (See -ig. 98.) JThe %aking of hedge#.J Hedge# are %uch le## u#ed in thi# country than in Euro!e( and for #e$eral rea#on#. =ur cli%ate i# dry( and %o#t hedge# do not thri$e #o "ell here a# thereG labor i# highA!riced( and the tri%%ing i# therefore likely to be neglectedG our far%# are #o large that %uch fencing i# reIuiredG ti%ber and "ire are chea!er than li$e hedge#. Ho"e$er( hedge# are u#ed "ith good effect about the ho%e ground#. )n order to #ecure a good orna%ental hedge( it i# nece##ary to ha$e a thoroughly "ellA!re!ared dee! #oil( to #et the !lant# clo#e( and to #hear the% at lea#t t"ice e$ery year. -or e$ergreen hedge# the %o#t #er$iceable !lant in general i# the arbor $itae. The !lant# %ay be #et at di#tance# of 1 to 7A1P7 feet a!art. -or coar#er hedge#( the Cor"ay #!ruce i# u#edG and for #till coar#er one#( the Scotch and 6u#trian !ine#. )n alifornia the #ta!le conifer hedge i# %ade of Monterey cy!re##. -or choice e$ergreen hedge# about the ground#( !articularly

out#ide the northern #tate#( #o%e of the retino#!ora# are $ery u#eful. =ne of the %o#t #ati#factory of all coniferou# !lant# for hedge# i# the co%%on he%lock( "hich #tand# #hearing "ell and %ake# a $ery #oft and !lea#ing %a##. The !lant# %ay be #et fro% 7 to K feet a!art. =ther !lant# that hold their lea$e# and are good for hedge# are the co%%on bo/ and the !ri$et#. Bo/ hedge# are the be#t for $ery lo" border# about "alk# and flo"erAbed#. The d"arf $ariety can be ke!t do"n to a height of L inche# to a foot for any nu%ber of year#. The largerAgro"ing $arietie# %ake e/cellent hedge# ?( K( and 9 feet high. The ordinary !ri$et or !ri% hold# it# lea$e# "ell into "inter in the Corth. The #oAcalled alifornian !ri$et hold# it# lea$e# rather longer and #tand# better along the #ea#hore. The %ahonia %ake# a lo"( loo#e hedge or edging in location# "here it "ill thri$e. Pyracantha i# al#o to be reco%%ended "here hardy. )n the #outhern #tate#( nothing i# better than J itru# trifoliata.J Thi# i# hardy e$en farther north than ,a#hington in $ery fa$ored localitie#. )n the South( JPrunu# arolinianaJ i# al#o u#ed for hedge#. Saltbu#h hedge# are freIuent in alifornia. -or hedge# of deciduou# !lant#( the %o#t co%%on #!ecie# are the buckthorn( Ba!an Iuince( the Euro!ean ha"thorn and other thorn#( ta%ari/( o#age orange( honey locu#t( and $ariou# kind# of ro#e#. =#age orange ha# been the %o#t u#ed for far% hedge#. -or ho%e ground#( JBerberi# ThunbergiiJ %ake# an e/cellent free hedgeG al#o JS!iraea ThunbergiiJ and other #!irea#. The co%%on J0o#a rugo#aJ %ake# an attracti$e free hedge. Hedge# #hould be tri%%ed the year after they are #et( although they #hould not be #heared $ery clo#ely until they reach the de#ired or !er%anent height. Thereafter they #hould be cut into the de#ired for% in #!ring or fall( or both. )f the !lant# are allo"ed to gro" for a year or t"o "ithout tri%%ing( they lo#e their lo"er lea$e# and beco%e o!en and #traggly. =#age orange and #o%e other !lant# are !la#hedG that i#( the !lant# are #et at an angle rather than !er!endicularly( and they are "ired together obliIuely in #uch a "ay that they %ake an i%!enetrable barrier ju#t abo$e the #urface of the ground. -or clo#ely cli!!ed or #heared hedge#( the be#t !lant# are arbor $itae( retino#!ora( he%lock( Cor"ay #!ruce( !ri$et( buckthorn( bo/( o#age orange( !yracantha( J itru# trifoliata.J The !yracantha J(Pyracantha coccineaJ) i# an e$ergreen #hrub allied to crataegu#( of "hich it i# #o%eti%e# con#idered to be a #!ecie#. )t i# al#o #o%eti%e# referred to cotonea#ter. 6lthough hardy in !rotected !lace# in the Corth( it i# e##entially a bu#h of the %iddle and #outhern latitude#( and of alifornia. )t ha# !er#i#tent foliage and red berrie#. .ar. JLalandiJ ha# orangeAred berrie#. JThe border#.J The "ord 'border' i# u#ed to de#ignate the hea$y or continuou# !lanting about the boundarie# of a !lace( or along the "alk# and dri$e#( or again#t the building#( in di#tinction fro% !lanting on the la"n or in the interior #!ace#. 6 border recei$e# different de#ignation#( de!ending on the kind# of !lant# that are gro"n therein5 it %ay be a #hrubAborder( a flo"erAborder( a hardy border for nati$e and other !lant#( a $ineAborder( and the like. There are three rule# for the choo#ing of !lant# for a hardy border5

choo#e (1) tho#e that you like be#t( (7) tho#e that are ada!ted to the cli%ate and #oil( (?) tho#e that are in !lace or in kee!ing "ith that !art of the ground#. The earth for the border #hould be fertile. The "hole ground #hould be !lo"ed or #!aded and the !lant# #et irregularly in the #!aceG or the back ro" %ay be #et in a line. )f the border i# co%!o#ed of #hrub#( and i# large( a hor#e culti$ator %ay be run in and out bet"een the !lant# for the fir#t t"o or three year#( #ince the #hrub# "ill be #et 7 to K feet a!art. =rdinarily( ho"e$er( the tilling i# done "ith hand tool#. 6fter the !lant# are once e#tabli#hed and the border i# filled( it i# be#t to dig u! a# little a# !o##ible( for the digging di#turb# the root# and break# the cro"n#. )t i# u#ually be#t to !ull out the "eed# and gi$e the border a to!Adre##ing each fall of "ellArotted %anure. )f the ground i# not $ery rich( an a!!lication of a#he# or #o%e co%%ercial fertiliEer %ay be gi$en fro% ti%e to ti%e. The border #hould be !lanted #o thick a# to allo" the !lant# to run together( thereby gi$ing one continuou# effect. Mo#t #hrub# #hould be #et ? feet a!art. Thing# a# large a# lilac# %ay go K feet and #o%eti%e# e$en %ore. o%%on herbaceou# !erennial#( a# bleeding heart( del!hiniu%#( hollyhock#( and the like( #hould go fro% 17 to 1> inche#. =n the front edge of the border i# a $ery e/cellent !lace for annual and tender flo"ering !lant#. Here( for e/a%!le( one %ay %ake a fringe of a#ter#( geraniu%#( coleu#( or anything el#e he %ay choo#e. ( ha!. )).) )nto the hea$y border# about the boundarie# of the !lace the autu%n lea$e# "ill drift and afford an e/cellent %ulch. )f the#e border# are !lanted "ith #hrub#( the lea$e# %ay be left there to decay( and not be raked off in the #!ring. The general outline of the border facing the la"n #hould be %ore or le## "a$y or irregular( !articularly if it i# on the boundary of the !lace. 6long#ide a "alk or dri$e the %argin# %ay follo" the general direction# of the "alk or dri$e. )n %aking border# of !erennial flo"er# the %o#t #ati#factory re#ult# are #ecured if a large clu%! of each kind or $ariety i# gro"n. The herbaceou# border i# one of the %o#t fle/ible !art# of ground#( #ince it ha# no regular or for%al de#ign. 6llo" a%!le #!ace for each !erennial root(AAoften a# %uch a# three or four #Iuare feet(AAand then if the #!ace i# not filled the fir#t year or t"o( #catter o$er the area #eed# of !o!!ie#( #"eet !ea#( a#ter#( gilia#( aly##u%( or other annual#. -igure# 7?3A7?2( fro% Long ('Po!ular Gardening(' i.( 13( 1>)( #ugge#t %ethod# of %aking #uch border#. They are on a #cale of ten feet to the inch. The entire #urface i# tilled( and the irregular diagra%# de#ignate the #iEe# of the clu%!#. The diagra%# containing no na%e# are to be filled "ith bulb#( annual#( and tender !lant#( if de#ired. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 7?3. Sugge#tion# for a border of #!ring flo"er#.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 7?>. 6 border of #u%%erAflo"ering herb#.< )t %u#t not be #u!!o#ed( ho"e$er( that one cannot ha$e a border unle## he ha# "ide %arginal #!ace# about hi# ground#. )t i# #ur!ri#ing ho" %any thing# one can gro" in an old fence. Perennial# that gro" in fenceAro"# in field# ought al#o to gro" in #i%ilar boundarie# on the ho%e ground#. So%e of garden annual# "ill thri$e along#ide a fence( !articularly if the fence doe# not #hut off too %uch lightG and %any

$ine# (both !erennial and annual) "ill co$er it effecti$ely. 6%ong annual#( the largeA#eeded( IuickAger%inating( ra!idAgro"ing kind# "ill do be#t. Sunflo"er( #"eet !ea( %orning glory( Ba!ane#e ho!( Einnia( %arigold( a%aranth#( four oHclock( are #o%e of the kind# that "ill hold their o"n. )f the effort i# %ade to gro" !lant# in #uch !lace#( it i# i%!ortant to gi$e the% all the ad$antage !o##ible early in the #ea#on( #o that they "ill get "ell ahead of the gra## and "eed#. S!ade u! the ground all you can. 6dd a little IuickAacting fertiliEer. )t i# be#t to #tart the !lant# in !ot# or #%all bo/e#( #o that they "ill be in ad$ance of the "eed# "hen they are #et out. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 7?2. 6n autu%nAflo"ering border.< JThe flo"erAbed#.J ,e %u#t re%e%ber to di#tingui#h t"o u#e# of flo"er#(AAtheir !art in a land#ca!e de#ign or !icture( and their !art in a bed or #e!arate garden for bloo%. ,e no" con#ider the flo"erAbed !ro!erG and "e include in the flo"erAbed #uch 'foliage' !lant# a# coleu#( celo#ia( croton( and canna( although the %ain object of the flo"erAbed i# to !roduce an abundance of flo"er#. )n %aking a flo"erAbed( #ee that the ground i# "ell drainedG that the #ub#oil i# dee!G that the land i# in a %ello" and friable condition( and that it i# fertile. Each fall it %ay ha$e a %ulch of rotted %anure or of leaf%old( "hich %ay be #!aded under dee!ly in the #!ringG or the land %ay be #!aded and left rough in the fall( "hich i# a good !ractice "hen the #oil ha# %uch clay. Make the flo"erAbed# a# broad a# !o##ible( #o that the root# of the gra## running in fro% either #ide "ill not %eet beneath the flo"er# and rob the bed# of food and %oi#ture. )t i# "ell to add a little co%%ercial fertiliEer each fall or #!ring. 6lthough it i# "ell to e%!ha#iEe %aking the ground fertile( it %u#t be re%e%bered (a# indicated at the clo#e of ha!. ).) that it can ea#ily be %ade too rich for #uch !lant# a# "e de#ire to kee! "ithin certain #tature and for tho#e fro% "hich "e "i#h an abundance of bloo% in a #hort #ea#on. )n o$erArich ground( na#turtiu%# and #o%e other !lant# not only 'run to $ine(' but the bloo% lack# brilliancy. ,hen it i# the leaf and $egetation that i# "anted( there i# little danger of %aking the ground too rich( although it i# !o##ible to %ake the !lant #o #ucculent and #a!!y that it beco%e# #!ra"ly or break# do"nG and other !lant# %ay be cri!!led and cro"ded out. There are $ariou# #tyle# of flo"erA!lanting. The %i/ed border( !lanted "ith $ariou# hardy !lant#( and e/tending along either #ide of the gardenA"alk( "a# !o!ular year# agoG and( "ith %odification# in !o#ition( for%( and e/tent( ha# been a !o!ular attach%ent to ho%e ground# during the !a#t fe" year#. To !roduce the be#t effect# the !lant# #hould be #et clo#e enough to co$er the groundG and the #election #hould be #uch a# to afford a continuity of bloo%. The %i/ed flo"erAbed %ay contain only tender #u%%erAbloo%ing !lant#( in "hich ca#e the bed( %ade u! %o#tly of annual#( doe# not !ur!ort to e/!re## the entire #ea#on. )n di#tinction fro% the %i/ed or nonAho%ogeneou# flo"erbed are the $ariou# for%# of 'bedding(' in "hich !lant# are %a##ed for the !ur!o#e of %aking a connected and ho%ogeneou# bold di#!lay of for% or color. The bedding %ay be for the !ur!o#e of !roducing a #trong effect of "hite( of

blue( or of redG or of ribbonAlike line# and edging#G or of lu/uriou# and tro!ical e/!re##ionG or to di#!lay boldly the feature# of a !articular !lant( a# the tuli!( the hyacinth( the chry#anthe%u%. )n ribbonAbedding( flo"ering or foliage !lant# are arranged in ribbonAlike line# of har%oniou#ly contra#ting color#( co%%only acco%!anying "alk# or dri$e#( but al#o #uitable for %arking li%it#( or for the #ide border#. )n #uch bed#( a# "ell a# the other#( the talle#t !lant# "ill be !laced at the back( if the bed i# to be #een fro% one #ide only( and the lo"e#t at the front. )f it i# to be #een fro% both #ide#( then the talle#t "ill #tand in the center. 6 %odification of the ribbonAline( bringing the contra#ting color# together into %a##e# for%ing circle# or other !attern#( i# kno"n a# '%a##ing(' or '%a##ing in color(' and #o%eti%e# i# #!oken of a# 'car!etAbedding.' ar!etAbedding( ho"e$er( belong# %ore !ro!erly to a #tyle of bedding in "hich !lant# of den#e( lo"( #!reading habitAAchiefly foliage !lant#( "ith lea$e# of different for%# and color#AAare !lanted in !attern# not unlike car!et# or rug#. )t i# often nece##ary to kee! the !lant# #heared into li%it#. ar!etAbedding i# #uch a #!ecialiEed for% of !lantAgro"ing that "e #hall treat of it #e!arately. Bed# containing the large foliage !lant#( for !roducing tro!ical effect#( are co%!o#ed( in the %ain( of #ubject# that are allo"ed to de$elo! naturally. )n the lo"er and %ore orderly %a##ing( the !lant# are arranged not only in circle# and !attern# according to habit and height( but the #election i# #uch that #o%e or all %ay be ke!t "ithin !ro!er li%it# by !inching or tri%%ing. ircle# or %a##e# co%!o#ed of flo"ering !lant# u#ually cannot be cut back at the to!( #o that the habit of the !lant# %u#t be kno"n before !lantingG and the !lant# %u#t be !laced in !art# of the bed "here tri%%ing "ill not be nece##ary. They %ay be cli!!ed at the #ide#( ho"e$er( in ca#e the branche# or lea$e# of one %a## or line in the !attern gro" beyond their !ro!er bound#. The nu%ber# of good annual# and !erennial# that %ay be u#ed in flo"erAbed# are no" $ery large( and one %ay ha$e a "ide choice. .ariou# li#t# fro% "hich one %ay choo#e are gi$en at the end of thi# cha!terG but #!ecial co%%ent %ay be %ade on tho#e %o#t #uitable for bedding( and in it# %odification in ribbonA"ork and #ubAtro!ical %a##ing. Bedding effect#. Bedding i# ordinarily a te%!orary #!ecie# of !lantingG that i#( the bed i# filled ane" each year. Ho"e$er( the ter% %ay be u#ed to de#ignate a !er%anent !lantation in "hich the !lant# are hea$ily %a##ed #o a# to gi$e one continuou# or e%!hatic di#!lay of for% or color. So%e of the be#t !er%anent bedding %a##e# are %ade of the $ariou# hardy orna%ental gra##e#( a# eulalia#( arundo( and the like. The color effect# in bedding %ay be #ecured "ith flo"er# or "ith foliage. Su%%er bedding i# often %ade by !erennial !lant# that are carried o$er fro% the !receding year( or better( that are !ro!agated for that !articular !ur!o#e in -ebruary and March. Such !lant# a# geraniu%( coleu#( aly##u%( #carlet #al$ia( ageratu%( and heliotro!e %ay be u#ed for the#e bed#. )t i# a co%%on !ractice to u#e geraniu% !lant# "hich are in bloo% during the "inter for bedding out during the #u%%er( but #uch !lant# are tall and ungainly in for% and ha$e e/!ended the greater !art

of their energie#. )t i# better to !ro!agate ne" !lant# by taking cutting# or #li!# late in the "inter and #etting out young fre#h $igorou# #ubject#. (Page ?8.) So%e bedding i# $ery te%!orary in it# effect. E#!ecially i# thi# true of #!ring bedding( in "hich the #ubject# are tuli!#( hyacinth#( crocu#e#( or other earlyAflo"ering bulbou# !lant#. )n thi# ca#e( the ground i# u#ually occu!ied later in the #ea#on by other !lant#. The#e later !lant# are co%%only annual#( the #eed# of "hich are #o"n a%ong#t the bulb# a# #oon a# the #ea#on i# far enough ad$ancedG or the annual# %ay be #tarted in bo/e# and the !lant# tran#!lanted a%ong#t the bulb# a# #oon a# the "eather i# fit. Many of the lo"Agro"ing and co%!act continuou#Aflo"ering annual# are e/cellent for #u%%er bedding effect#. There i# a li#t of #o%e u#eful %aterial for thi# !ur!o#e on !age 7K2. Plant# for #ubtro!ical effect# (Plate# ). and .). The nu%ber of !lant# #uitable to !roduce a #e%itro!ical %a## or for the center or back of a grou!( "hich %ay be readily gro"n fro% #eed( i# li%ited. So%e of the be#t kind#( are included belo". )t "ill often be "orth "hile to #u!!le%ent the#e "ith other#( to be had at the flori#t#( #uch a# caladiu%#( #cre" !ine#( J-icu# ela#tica(J araucaria#( JMu#a En#ete(J !al%#( dracena#( croton#( and other#. &ahlia# and tuberou# begonia# are al#o u#eful. 6bout a !ond the !a!yru# and lotu# %ay be u#ed. Practically all the !lant# u#ed for thi# #tyle of gardening are liable to injury fro% "ind#( and therefore the bed# #hould be !laced in a !rotected #ituation. The !al%# and #o%e other greenhou#e #tuff do better if !artially #haded. )n the u#e of #uch !lant#( there are o!!ortunitie# for the e/erci#e of the nice#t ta#te. 6 gro## feeder( a# the ricinu#( in the %id#t of a bed of delicate annual#( i# Iuite out of !laceG and a #tately( royalAlooking !lant a%ong hu%bler kind# often %ake# the latter look co%%on( "hen if headed "ith a chief of their o"n rank all "ould a!!ear to the be#t ad$antage. So%e of the !lant# %uch u#ed for #ubtro!ical bedding( and often #tarted for that !ur!o#e in a greenhou#e or coldfra%e( are5AA 6caly!ha. 6%arantu#. 6ralia Sieboldii (!ro!erly -at#ia Ba!onica). Ba%boo#. aladiu% and coloca#ia. anna. o/co%b( !articularly the ne" 'foliage' kind#. Gra##e#( a# eulalia#( !a%!a#Agra##( !enni#etu%#.

Gunnera. MaiEe( the #tri!ed for%. 0icinu# or ca#tor bean. Scarlet #age. ,igandia. J6Iuatic and bog !lant#.J So%e of the %o#t intere#ting and orna%ental of all !lant# gro" in "ater and in "et !lace#. )t i# !o##ible to %ake an aIuatic flo"erAgarden( and al#o to u#e "ater and bog !lant# a# a !art of the land#ca!e "ork. The e##ential con#ideration in the gro"ing of aIuatic# i# the %aking of the !ond. )t i# !o##ible to gro" "aterAlilie# in tub# and half barrel#G but thi# doe# not !ro$ide #ufficient roo%( and the !lantAfood i# likely #oon to be e/hau#ted and the !lant# to fail. The #%all Iuantity of "ater i# likely al#o to beco%e foul. The be#t !ond# are tho#e %ade by good %a#on "ork( for the "ater doe# not beco%e %uddy by "orking a%ong the !lant#. )n ce%ent !ond# it i# be#t to !lant the root# of "aterAlilie# in #hallo" bo/e# of earth (1 foot dee! and ? or K feet #Iuare)( or to hold the earth in %a#onA"ork co%!art%ent#. :)llu#tration F5 6 #hallo" la"n !ond( containing "aterAlilie#( $ariegated #"eet flag( iri#( and #ubtro!ical bedding at the rearG fountain co$ered "ith !arrotH# feather J(Myrio!hyllu% !ro#er!inacoide#J).< @#ually the !ond# or tank# are not ce%ent lined. )n #o%e #oil# a #i%!le e/ca$ation "ill hold "ater( but it i# u#ually nece##ary to gi$e the tank #o%e kind of lining. lay i# often u#ed. The botto% and #ide# of the tank are !ounded fir%( and then co$ered "ith ? to L in. of clay( "hich ha# been kneaded in the hand#( or !ounded and "orked in a bo/. Handful# or #ho$elful# of the %aterial are thro"n forcibly u!on the earth( the o!erator being careful not to "alk u!on the "ork. The clay i# #%oothed by %ean# of a #!ade or %aul( and it i# then #anded. The "ater for the lily !ond %ay be deri$ed fro% a brook( #!ring( "ell( or a city "ater #u!!ly. The !lant# "ill thri$e in any "ater that i# u#ed for do%e#tic !ur!o#e#. )t i# i%!ortant that the "ater doe# not beco%e #tagnant and a breeding !lace for %o#Iuitoe#. There #hould be an outlet in the nature of a #tandA!i!e( that "ill control the de!th of "ater. )t i# not nece##ary that the "ater run through the !ond or tank ra!idly( but only that a #lo" change take !lace. So%eti%e# the "ater i# allo"ed to enter through a fountainA$a#e( in "hich "ater !lant# (#uch a# !arrotH# feather) %ay be gro"n (Plate F). )n all !ond#( a foot or 19 in. i# #ufficient de!th of "ater to #tand abo$e the cro"n# of the !lant#G and the greate#t de!th of "ater #hould not be %ore than ? ft. for all kind# of "aterAlilie#. Half thi# de!th i# often #ufficient. The #oil #hould be 1 to 7 ft. dee!( and $ery rich. =ld co" %anure %ay be %i/ed "ith rich loa%. -or the ny%!hea# or "aterAlilie#( 2 to 17 in. of #oil i# #ufficient. Mo#t of the foreign

"aterAlilie# are not hardy( but #o%e of the% %ay be gro"n "ith ea#e if the !ond i# co$ered in "inter. 0oot# of hardy "aterAlilie# %ay be !lanted a# #oon a# the !ond i# clear of fro#t( but the tender kind# ("hich are al#o to be taken u! in the fall) #hould not be !lanted till it i# ti%e to !lant out geraniu%#. Sink the root# into the %ud #o that they are ju#t buried( and "eight the% do"n "ith a #tone or clod. The nelu%biu%( or #oAcalled Egy!tian lotu#( #hould not be tran#!lanted till gro"th begin# to #ho" in the root# in the #!ring. The root# are cleaned of decayed !art# and co$ered "ith about ? in. of #oil. 6 foot or #o of "ater i# #ufficient for lotu# !ond#. The root# of Egy!tian lotu# %u#t not freeEe. The root# of all "aterAlilyAlike !lant# #hould be freIuently di$ided and rene"ed. ,ith hardy aIuatic#( the "ater and root# are allo"ed to re%ain naturally o$er "inter. )n $ery cold cli%ate#( the !ond i# !rotected by thro"ing board# o$er it and co$ering "ith hay( #tra"( or e$ergreen bough#. )t i# "ell to #u!!ly an additional de!th of "ater a# a further !rotection. 6# a land#ca!e feature( the !ond #hould ha$e a background( or #etting( and it# edge# #hould be relie$ed( at lea#t on #ide# and back( by !lanting# of bog !lant#. )n !er%anent !ond# of large #iEe( !lanting# of "illo"#( o#ier#( and other #hrubbery %ay #et off the area to ad$antage. Many of the "ild %ar#h and !ond !lant# are e/cellent for %arginal !lanting#( a# #edge#( catAtail( #"eetAflag (there i# a #tri!edAlea$ed for%)( and #o%e of the %ar#h gra##e#. Ba!ane#e iri# %ake# an e/cellent effect in #uch !lace#. -or #u%%er !lanting in or near !ond#( caladiu%( u%brellaA!lant( and !a!yru# are good. )f there i# a #trea%( 'branch(' or 'run' through the !lace( it %ay often be %ade one of the %o#t attracti$e !art# of the !re%i#e# by coloniEing bog !lant# along it. J0ockerie#( and al!ine !lant#.J 6 rockery i# a !art of the !lace in "hich !lant# are gro"n in !ocket# bet"een rock#. )t i# a flo"erAgarden conce!tion rather than a land#ca!e feature( and therefore #hould be at one #ide or in the rear of the !re%i#e#. Pri%arily( the object of u#ing the rock# i# to !ro$ide better condition# in "hich certain !lant# %ay gro"G #o%eti%e# the rock# are e%!loyed to hold a #!ringy or #loughing bank and the !lant# are u#ed to co$er the rock#G no" and then a !er#on "ant# a rock or a !ile of #tone# in hi# yard( a# another !er#on "ould "ant a !iece of #tatuary or a #heared e$ergreen. So%eti%e# the rock# are natural to the !lace and cannot "ell be re%o$edG in thi# ca#e the !lanning and !lanting #hould be #uch a# to %ake the% !art of the !icture. The real rockAgarden( ho"e$er( i# a !lace in "hich to gro" !lant#. The rock# are #econdary. The rock# #hould not a!!ear to be !laced for di#!lay. )f one i# %aking a collection of rock#( he i# !ur#uing geology rather than gardening. *et %any of the #oAcalled rockAgarden# are %ere hea!# of #tone#( !laced "here it #ee%# to be con$enient to !ile #tone# rather than "here the #tone# %ay i%!ro$e condition# for the gro"ing of !lant#. The !lant# that "ill naturally gro" in rock !ocket# are tho#e reIuiring a continuou# #u!!ly of root %oi#ture and a cool at%o#!here. To !lace a rockery on a #and bank in the burning #un i# therefore entirely out of

character. 0ockAgarden !lant# are tho#e of cool "ood#( of bog#( and !articularly of high %ountain# and al!ine region#. )t i# generally under#tood that a rockAgarden i# an al!ineAgarden( although thi# i# not nece##arily #o. )n thi# country al!ineAgardening i# little kno"n( largely becau#e of our hot dry #u%%er# and fall#. But if one ha# a rather cool e/!o#ure and an unfailing "ater #u!!ly( he %ay #ucceed fairly "ell "ith %any of the al!ine#( or at lea#t "ith the #e%iAal!ine#. Mo#t of the al!ine# are lo" and often tufted !lant#( and bloo% in a #!ring te%!erature. )n our long hot #ea#on#( the al!ineAgarden %ay be e/!ected to be dor%ant during %uch of the #u%%er( unle## other rockAlo$ing !lant# are coloniEed in it. 6l!ine !lant# are of %any kind#. They are #!ecially to be found in the genera arenaria( #ilene( dia!en#ia( !ri%ula( #a/ifraga( arabi#( aubrietia( $eronica( ca%!anula( gentiana. They co%!ri#e a good nu%ber of fern# and %any little heath#. 6 good rockAgarden of any kind doe# not ha$e the #tone# !iled %erely on the #urfaceG they are #unken "ell into the ground and are #o !laced that there are dee! cha%ber# or channel# that hold %oi#ture and into "hich root# %ay !enetrate. The !ocket# are filled "ith good fibrou# %oi#tureAholding earth( and often a little #!hagnu% or other %o## i# added. )t %u#t then be arranged #o that the !ocket# ne$er dry out. 0ockAgarden# are u#ually failure#( becau#e they $iolate the#e $ery #i%!le ele%entary !rinci!le#G but e$en "hen the #oil condition# and %oi#ture condition# are good( the habit# of the rock !lant# %u#t be learned( and thi# reIuire# thoughtful e/!erience. 0ockAgarden# cannot be generally reco%%ended. 1. PL6CTS -=0 60PETABE&S

(By Erne#t ,alker) The beauty of the car!etAbed lie# largely in it# unity( #har! contra#t and har%ony of color( eleganceAAoften #i%!licityAAof de#ign( nicety of e/ecution( and the continued di#tinctne## of outline due to #cru!ulou# care. 6 generou# allo"ance of greenA#"ard on all #ide# contribute# greatly to the general effect(AAin fact it i# indi#!en#able. ,hate$er !lace i# cho#en for the bed( it #hould be in a #unny e/!o#ure. Thi#( nor any kind of bed( #hould not be !lanted near large tree#( a# their greedy root# "ill rob the #oil not only of it# food( but of %oi#ture. The #hade al#o "ill be a %enace. 6# the !lant# #tand #o thick( the #oil #hould be "ell enriched( and #!aded at lea#t a foot dee!. )n !lanting( a #!ace of at lea#t #i/ inche# %u#t be left bet"een the outer ro" of !lant# and the edge of the gra##. The $ery #tyle of the bed reIuire# that line# be #traight( the cur$e# unifor%( and that they be ke!t #o by the freIuent and careful u#e of the #hear#. &uring dry !eriod# "atering "ill be nece##ary. The bed#( ho"e$er( #hould not be "atered in the hot #un#hine. -oliage !lant# are %o#t in u#e( and are the one# "hich "ill !ro$e the %o#t #ati#factory in the hand# of the ine/!erienced( a# they #ub%it to #e$ere cli!!ing and are thu# %ore ea#ily %anaged. The follo"ing li#t "ill be hel!ful to the beginner. )t e%brace# a nu%ber of the !lant# in co%%on u#e for car!etAbedding( although not all

of the%. The u#ual height# are gi$en in inche#. Thi#( of cour#e( in different #oil# and under different treat%ent i# %ore or le## a $ariable Iuantity. The figure# in !arenthe#e# #ugge#t in inche# #uitable di#tance# for !lanting in the ro" "hen i%%ediate effect# are e/!ected. 6 $erbena in rich #oil "ill in ti%e co$er a circle three feet or %ore in dia%eterG other !lant# %entioned #!read con#iderablyG but "hen u#ed in the car!etAbed( they %u#t be !lanted clo#e. =ne cannot "ait for the% to gro". The ai% i# to co$er the ground at once. 6lthough !lanted thick in the ro"( it "ill be de#irable to lea$e %ore roo% bet"een the ro"# in ca#e of #!reading !lant# like the $erbena. Mo#t of the%( ho"e$er( need little if any %ore #!ace bet"een the ro"# than i# indicated by the figure# gi$en. )n the li#t tho#e !lant# that bear free cli!!ing are %arked "ith an a#teri#k (6)5 JLi#t# for car!etAbed#.J JThe figure i%%ediately follo"ing the na%e of !lant indicate# it# height( the figure# in !arenthe#e# the di#tance for !lanting( in inche#.J 1. L=,AG0=,)CG PL6CTS 6. -=L)6GE PL6CTS. J ri%#on.JAA(6)6lternanthera a%oena #!ectabili#( L (KAL). 6lternanthera !aronychioide# %ajor( 9 (?AL). 6lternanthera $er#icolor( 9 (?AL). J*ello".JAA6lternanthera aurea nana( L (KAL). JGray( or "hiti#h.JAAEche$eria #ecunda( glauca( 1A1P7 (?AK). Eche$eria %etallica( 2 (LA>). ineraria %ariti%a( 19 (2A17). Se%!er$i$u% alifornicu%( 1A1P7 (?AK). Thy%u# argenteu#( L (KAL). JBronEe bro"n.JAA=/ali# tro!aeoloide#( ? (?AK). J.ariegatedJ ("hite and green).AAGeraniu% M%e. Salleroi( L (LA>). (6)S"eet aly##u%( $ariegated( L (LA2). B. -L=,E0)CG PL6CTS. JScarlet.JAAPhlo/ &ru%%ondii( &"arf( L (KAL). u!hea !latycentra( igar Plant( L (KAL). J,hite.JAAS"eet aly##u%( Little Ge%( K (KAL). S"eet aly##u%( co%%on( L (LA>). Phlo/ &ru%%ondii( &"arf( L (KAL). JBlue.JAALobelia( ry#tal Palace( L (KAL). 6geratu%( &"arf Blue( L (LA>). 7. PL6CTS =- T6LLE0 G0=,TH 6. -=L)6GE PL6CTS.

J ri%#on.JAA(6) oleu# .er#chaffeltii( 7K (2A17). (6)6chyranthe# Lindeni( 1> (>A17). (6)6chyranthe# Gil#oni( 17 (>A17). (6)6chyranthe# .er#chaffeltii( 17 (>A17). (6)6caly!ha tricolor( 17A1> (17). J*ello".JAA(6) oleu#( Golden Bedder( 7K (2A17). (6)6chyranthe#( aurea reticulata( 17 (>A17). Golden fe$erfe" (Pyrethru% !arthenifoliu% aureu%)( (LA>). BronEe geraniu%( 17 (2). JSil$ery "hite.JAA&u#ty %iller ( entaurea gy%nocar!a)( 17 (>A17). (6)Santolina ha%aecy!ari##u# incana( LA17 (LA>). Geraniu%( Mountain of Sno"( 17 (LA2). J.ariegatedJ ("hite and green).AA(6)Ste$ia #errata $ar.( 17A1> (>A17). Phalari# arundinaeca $ar.( (gra##)( 7K (KA>). y!eru# alternifoliu# $ar.( 7KA?8 (>A17). JBronEe.JAA(6)6caly!ha %arginata( 7K (17). B. -L=,E0)CG PL6CTS. JScarlet.JAASal$ia #!lenden#( ?L (17A1>). Geraniu%#( 7K (17). u!hea tricolor ( . Lla$ae)( 1> (>A17). &"arf na#turtiu% (Tro!aeolu%)( 17A1> (17A1>). Begonia( .ernon( 17 (LA>). .erbena#( 17 (LA17). Phlo/ &ru%%ondii( &"arf( L (KAL). J,hite.JAASal$ia #!lenden#( ,hiteAflo"ered( ?L (17A1>). Geraniu%#( 1>A7K (17). Lantana( )nnocence( 1>A7K (>A17). Lantana( Sueen .ictoria( 7K (>A17). .erbena( Sno" Sueen( 17 (LA17). 6geratu%( ,hite( 2 (LA2). Phlo/ &ru%%ondii( &"arf( L (KAL). JPink.JAAPetunia( ounte## of Elle#%ere( 1> (>A17). Lantana( 7K (>A17). .erbena( Beauty of =/ford( L (>A17). Phlo/ &ru%%ondii( &"arf( L (KAL). J*ello".JAA&"arf na#turtiu%( 17 (17A1>). 6nthe%i# coronaria fl. !l.( 17 (LA>). JBlue.JAA6geratu% Me/icanu%( 17 (LA>). .erbena#( L (LA17). Heliotro!e( Sueen of .iolet#( 1> (17A1>). )n -ig. 7K8 are #ho"n a fe" de#ign# #uitable for car!etAbed#. They are intended %erely to be #ugge#ti$e( not to be co!ied !reci#ely. The #i%!le for%# and co%!onent !art# of the %ore elaborate bed# %ay be arranged into other de#ign#. Like"i#e the arrange%ent of !lant#( "hich "ill be %entioned a# #uitable for %aking a gi$en !attern( i# only one of %any

!o##ible co%bination#. The idea i# %erely to bring out the de#ign di#tinctly. To acco%!li#h thi# it i# only nece##ary to u#e !lant# of contra#ting color or gro"th. To illu#trate ho" $aried are the arrange%ent# that %ay be u#ed( and ho" ea#ily different effect# are !roduced "ith a #ingle de#ign( #e$eral different co%bination# of color for the bed Co. 1 "ill be %entioned5 :)llu#tration5 -ig. 7K8. &e#ign# for car!etAbed#.< Co. 1.AA6rrange%ent 65 =ut#ide( 6lternanthera a%oena #!ectabili#G in#ide( Ste$ia #errata $ariegata. B5 lobelia( ry#tal PalaceG M%e. Salleroi geraniu%. 5 lobelia( ry#tal PalaceG #carlet d"arf !hlo/. &5 #"eet aly##u%G !etunia( ounte## of Elle#%ere. E5 coleu#( Golden BedderG oleu# .er#chaffeltii. -5 6chyranthe# LindeniG yello" d"arf na#turtiu%. Co. 7.AA=ut#ide( red alternantheraG %iddle( du#ty %illerG center( !ink geraniu%. Co. ?.AA=ut#ide( 6lternanthera aurea nanaG %iddle( 6lternanthera a%oena #!ectabili#G center( 6nthe%i# coronaria. Co. K( 9( L( 3( >( 17 %ay each be filled "ith a #ingle color( or gi$en a border of #uitable !lant# if the !lanter #o choo#e#. Co. 2.AAGround( 6lternanthera aurea nanaG center( 6caly!ha tricolorG black dot#( #carlet geraniu%. Co. 18.AAGround of entaurea gy%nocar!aG circle( 6chyranthe# LindeniG cro##( Golden coleu#. Co. 11.AABorder( =/ali# tro!aeoloide#G center( blue heliotro!e( blue ageratu%( or 6caly!ha %arginataG cro## about the center( Thy%u# argenteu#( or centaureaG #callo! out#ide the cro##( blue lobeliaG corner#( in#ide border( #antolina. &e#ign# 1? and 1K are( in character( #o%e"hat in the #tyle of a !arterreG but in#tead of the inter$ening #!ace# in the bed being ordinary "alk# they are of gra##. Such bed# are of a u#eful ty!e( becau#e they %ay be %ade large and yet be e/ecuted "ith a co%!arati$ely #%all nu%ber of !lant#. They are e#!ecially #uitable for the center of an o!en !lot of la"n "ith definite for%al boundarie# on all #ide#( #uch a# "alk# or dri$e#. ,hether they are to be co%!o#ed of tallAgro"ing or of lo"Agro"ing !lant# "ill de!end u!on the di#tance they are to be fro% the ob#er$er. -or a %oderateA#iEed !lot the follo"ing !lant# %ight be u#ed5AA Co. 1?.AABorder( red alternantheraG #econd ro"( d"arf orange or yello" na#turtiu%G third ro"( 6chyranthe# Gil#oni( or 6caly!ha tricolorG central #Iuare( #carlet geraniu%#( "ith a border of entaurea gy%nocar!aG inter$ening #!ace#( gra##. )n#tead of the #Iuare of geraniu%#( a $a#e %ight be #ub#tituted( or a clu%! of Sal$ia #!lenden#. Co. 1K.AA o%!o#ite bed# like thi# and the for%er are al"ay# #ugge#ti$e. They contain $ariou# feature# "hich %ay readily be reco%bined into other !attern#. So%eti%e# it %ay be con$enient to u#e only !ortion# of the de#ign. The reader #hould feel that no arrange%ent i# arbitrary( but %erely a #ugge#tion that he %ay u#e "ith the ut%o#t freedo%( only kee!ing har%ony in $ie". -or Co. 1K( the follo"ing %ay be an acce!table !lanting arrange%ent5 Border( M%e. Salleroi geraniu%G #%all dot#( d"arf

#carlet tro!eolu%G dia%ond#( blue lobeliaG cre#cent#( Ste$ia #errata $ariegataG inner border( cri%#on achyranthe# or coleu#G loo!#( entaurea gy%nocar!aG "edgeA#ha!ed !ortion#( #carlet geraniu%. Co. 19.AASuitable for a corner. Border( red alternantheraG #econd ro"( 6lternanthera aurea nanaG third ro"( red alternantheraG center( Eche$eria alifornica. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 7K1. ar!etAbed for a bay or rece##ion in the border !lanting.< Co. 1LAABorder( cri%#on alternanthera (another border of yello" alternanthera %ight be !laced in#ide of thi#)G ground( Eche$eria #ecunda glaucaG inner border( =/ali# tro!aeoloide#G center( 6lternanthera aurea nana. =r( inner border( Eche$eria alifornicaG center( cri%#on alternanthera. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 7K7. 6nother circular car!etAbed.< Co. 13.AA6nother bed intended to fill an angle. )t# cur$ed #ide "ill al#o fit it for u#e "ith a circular de#ign. Border( d"arf blue ageratu%G circle( blue lobeliaG ground (? !art#)( cri%#on alternanthera. =ther car!et or %o#aic bed# (after Long)( "ith the !lant# indicated( are #ho"n in -ig#. 7K1( 7K7. 7. THE 6CC@6L PL6CTS The annual flo"er# of the #eed#%en are tho#e that gi$e their be#t bloo% in the $ery year in "hich the #eed# are #o"n. True annual# are tho#e !lant# that co%!lete their entire lifeAcycle in one #ea#on. So%e of the #oAcalled annual flo"er# "ill continue to bloo% the #econd and third year#( but the bloo% i# #o !oor and #!ar#e after the fir#t #ea#on that it doe# not !ay to kee! the%. So%e !erennial# %ay be treated a# annual# by #tarting the #eed# earlyG hine#e !ink( !an#y and #na!dragon are e/a%!le#. The regular biennial# %ay be treated !ractically a# annual#G that i#( #eed# %ay be #o"n e$ery year( and after the fir#t year( therefore( a #ea#onal #ucce##ion of bloo% %ay be had. =f #uch are adlu%ia( anterbury bell( lunaria( i!o%o!#i#( oenothera La%arckianaG and fo/glo$e( $alerian( and #o%e other !erennial# "ould better be treated a# biennial#. Mo#t annual# "ill bloo% in central Ce" *ork if the #eed# are #o"n in the o!en ground "hen the "eather beco%e# thoroughly #ettled. But there are #o%e kind#( a# the late co#%o# and %oonAflo"er#( for "hich the northern #ea#on i# co%%only too #hort to gi$e good bloo% unle## they are #tarted $ery early indoor#. )f flo"er# of any annual are "anted e/tra early( the #eed# #hould be #tarted under co$er. 6 greenhou#e i# not nece##ary for thi# !ur!o#e( although be#t re#ult# are to be e/!ected "ith #uch a building. The #eed %ay be #o"n in bo/e#( and the#e bo/e# then !laced in a #heltered !o#ition on the "ar% #ide of a building. 6t night they %ay be co$ered "ith board# or %atting. )n $ery cold '#!ell#' the bo/e# #hould be brought in#ide. )n thi# #i%!le "ay #eed# %ay often be #tarted one to three "eek# ahead of the ti%e "hen they can be #o"n in the o!en garden. Moreo$er( the !lant# are likely to recei$e better care in the#e bo/e#(

and therefore to gro" %ore ra!idly. =f cour#e( if #till earlier re#ult# are de#ired( the #eed #hould be #o"n in the kitchen( hotbed( coldfra%e( or in a greenhou#e. )n #tarting !lant# ahead of the #ea#on( be careful not to u#e too dee! bo/e#. The gardenerH# 'flat' %ay be taken a# a #ugge#tion. Three inche# of earth i# #ufficient( and in #o%e ca#e# (a# "hen the !lant# are #tarted late) half thi# de!th i# enough. The difficulty "ith early #o"n #eedling# i# 'dra"ing u!(' and "eakne## fro% cro"ding and "ant of light. Thi# i# %o#t liable to occur "ith "indo"Agro"n !lant#. .igorou# BuneA#o"n !lant# are better than #uch "eakling#. )t %u#t be re%e%bered that $ery early bloo% u#ually %ean# the #hortening of the #ea#on at the other endG thi# %ay be re%edied to #o%e e/tent by %aking #o"ing# at different ti%e#. The 'hardy' annual# are #uch a# de$elo! readily "ithout the aid of artificial heat. They are co%%only #o"n in May or earlier( directly in the o!en ground "here they are to gro". -lori#t# often #o" certain kind# in the fall( and "inter the young !lant# in coldfra%e#. They %ay al#o be "intered under a co$ering of lea$e# or e$ergreen bough#. So%e of the hardy annual# (a# #"eet !ea) "ith#tand con#iderable fro#t. The 'halfAhardy' and 'tender' annual# are alike in that they reIuire %ore "ar%th for their ger%ination and gro"th. The tender kind# are $ery Iuickly #en#iti$e to fro#t. Both the#e( like the hardy kind#( %ay be #o"n in the o!en ground( but not until the "eather ha# beco%e #ettled and "ar%( "hich for the tender kind# "ill not co%%only be before the fir#t of BuneG but the tender kind#( at lea#t( are !referably #tarted in the hou#e and tran#!lanted to their outdoor bed#. =f cour#e( the#e ter%# are "holly relati$e. ,hat %ay be a tender annual in Ma##achu#ett# %ay be a hardy annual or e$en a !erennial in Loui#iana. The#e ter%# a# ordinarily u#ed in thi# country refer to the northern #tate#( or not farther #outh than %iddle 6tlantic #tate#. So%e fa%iliar e/a%!le# of hardy annual# are #"eet aly##u%( ageratu%( calendula( callio!#i#( candytuft( entaurea yanu#( clarkia( lark#!ur( gilia( alifornia !o!!y( %orningAglory( %arigold( %ignonette( ne%o!hila( !an#y( !hlo/( !ink#( !o!!ie#( !ortulaca( Einnia( #"eet !ea( #cabio#a. E/a%!le# of halfAhardy annual# are5 hina a#ter( alon#oa( bal#a%( !etunia( ricinu#( #tock#( balloonA$ine( %artynia( #al!iglo##i#( thunbergia( na#turtiu%( $erbena. E/a%!le# of tender annual#5 6%arantu#( celo#ia or co/co%b( co#%o#( cotton( Lobelia Erinu#( cobea( gourd#( iceA!lant( #en#iti$eA!lant( #olanu%#( torenia( and #uch thing# a# dahlia#( caladiu%#( and acaly!ha u#ed for bedding and #ubtro!ical effect#. So%e annual# do not bear tran#!lanting "ellG a# !o!!ie#( bartonia( .enu#H lookingAgla##( the d"arf con$ol$ulu#( lu!inu#( and %alo!e. )t i# be#t( therefore( to #o" the% "here they are to gro". So%e kind# (a# !o!!ie#) do not bloo% all #u%%er( %ore e#!ecially not if allo"ed to !roduce #eed. =f #uch kind# a #econd or third #o"ing at inter$al# "ill !ro$ide a #ucce##ion. Pre$enting the for%ation of #eed# !rolong# their life and flo"ering !eriod. 6 fe" of the annual# thri$e in !artial #hade or "here they recei$e #un#hine for half the dayG but %o#t of the% !refer a #unny #ituation.

6ny good garden #oil i# #uitable for annual#. )f not naturally fertile and friable( it #hould be %ade #o by the a!!lication of "ellArotted #tableA%anure or hu%u#. The #!ading #hould be at lea#t one foot dee!. The u!!er #i/ inche# i# then to be gi$en a #econd turning to !ul$eriEe and %i/ it. 6fter %aking the #urface fine and #%ooth the #oil #hould be !re##ed do"n "ith a board. The #eed %ay no" be #!rinkled on the #oil in line# or concentric circle#( according to the %ethod de#ired. 6fter co$ering the #eed( the #oil #hould be again !re##ed do"n "ith a board. Thi# !ro%ote# ca!illarity( by "hich the #urface of the #oil i# better #u!!lied "ith %oi#ture fro% belo". 6l"ay# %ark "ith a label the kind and !o#ition of all #eed #o"n. )f the flo"er# are to be gro"n about the edge# of the la"n( %ake #ure that the gra## root# do not run underneath the% and rob the% of food and %oi#ture. )t i# "ell to run a #har! #!ade dee! into the ground about the edge# of the bed e$ery t"o or three "eek# for the !ur!o#e of cutting off any gra## root# that %ay ha$e run into the bed. )f bed# are %ade in the turf( #ee that they are ? ft. or %ore "ide( #o that the gra## root# "ill not under%ine the%. 6gain#t the #hrub border#( thi# !recaution %ay not be nece##ary. )n fact( it i# de#irable that the flo"er# fill all the #!ace bet"een the o$erhanging branche# and the #od. )t i# #ur!ri#ing ho" fe" of the unco%%on or little kno"n annual# really ha$e great %erit for general !ur!o#e#. There i# nothing yet to take the !lace of the oldAti%e grou!#( #uch a# a%aranth#( Einnia#( calendula#( datura#( bal#a%#( annual !ink#( candytuft#( bachelorH# button#( "allflo"er#( lark#!ur#( !etunia#( gaillardia#( #na!dragon#( co/co%b#( lobelia#( coreo!#i# or callio!#i#( alifornia !o!!ie#( fourAoHclock#( #"eet #ultan#( !hlo/e#( %ignonette#( #cabio#a#( na#turtiu%#( %arigold#( hina a#ter#( #al!iglo##i#( nicotiana#( !an#ie#( !ortulaca#( ca#tor bean#( !o!!ie#( #unflo"er#( $erbena#( #tock#( aly##u%#( and #uch good old running !lant# a# #carlet runner#( #"eet !ea#( con$ol$ulu#e#( i!o%ea#( tall na#turtiu%#( balloon $ine#( cobea#. =f the annual $ine# of recent introduction( the Ba!ane#e ho! ha# at once taken a !ro%inent !lace for the co$ering of fence# and arbor#( although it ha# no floral beauty to reco%%end it. -or bold %a##Adi#!lay# of color in the rear !art# of the ground# or along the border#( #o%e of the coar#er #!ecie# are de#irable. Good !lant# for #uch u#e are5 #unflo"er and ca#tor bean for the back ro"#G Einnia# for bright effect# in the #carlet# and lilac#G 6frican %arigold# for brilliant yello"#G nicotiana# for "hite#. @nfortunately( "e ha$e no robu#tAgro"ing annual# "ith good blue#. So%e of the lark#!ur# and the bro"allia# are !erha!# the neare#t a!!roach to the%. -or lo"erAgro"ing and le## gro## %a##Adi#!lay#( the follo"ing are good5 alifornia !o!!ie# for orange# and yello"#G #"eet #ultan# for !ur!le#( "hite#( and !ale yello"#G !etunia# for !ur!le#( $iolet#( and "hite#G lark#!ur# for blue# and $iolet#G bachelorH# button# (or cornflo"er#) for blue#G callio!#i# and coreo!#i# and calendula# for yello"#G gaillardia# for redAyello"# and orangeAred#G hina a#ter# for %any color#. -or #till le## robu#tne##( good %a##Adi#!lay# can be %ade "ith the follo"ing5 aly##u%# and candytuft# for "hite#G !hlo/e# for "hite# and $ariou# !ink# and red#G lobelia# and bro"allia# for blue#G !ink# for "hite# and $ariou# #hade# of !inkG #tock# for "hite# and red#G "allflo"er# for bro"nAyello"#G $erbena# for %any color#. 6 garden of !lea#ant annual flo"er# i# not co%!lete that doe# not

contain #o%e of the 'e$erla#ting#' or i%%ortelle#. The#e '!a!er flo"er#' are al"ay# intere#ting to children. They are not #o de#irable for the %aking of 'dry bouIuet#' a# for their $alue a# a !art of a garden. The color# are bright( the bloo%# hold long on the !lant( and %o#t of the kind# are $ery ea#y to gro". My fa$orite grou!# are the different kind# of /eranthe%u%# and helichry#u%#. The globe a%aranth#( "ith clo$erAlike head# (#o%eti%e# kno"n a# bachelorH# button#)( are good old fa$orite#. 0hodanthe# and acrocliniu%# are al#o good and reliable. The orna%ental gra##e# #hould not be o$erlooked. They add a note to the flo"erAgarden and to bouIuet# that i# di#tinct and can be #ecured by no other !lant#. They are ea#ily gro"n. So%e of the good annual gra##e# are J6gro#ti# nebulo#a(J the briEa#( JBro%u# briEaefor%i#(J the #!ecie# of eragro#ti# and !enni#etu%#( and J oi/ Lachry%aJ a# a curio#ity. Such good la"n gra##e# a# arundo( !a%!a#Agra##( eulalia#( and erianthu# are !erennial# and are therefore not included in thi# di#cu##ion. So%e of the %o#t reliable and ea#ily gro"n annual# are gi$en in the follo"ing li#t# (under the co%%on trade na%e#). JLi#t of annual# by color of flo"er#.J ,hite -lo"er# 6geratu% Me/icanu% albu%. 6ly##u%( co%%on #"eetG co%!acta. entranthu# %acro#i!hon albu#. hina a#ter#. on$ol$ulu# %ajor. &ianthu#( &ouble ,hite Margaret. )beri# a%araG coronaria( ,hite 0ocket. )!o%oea hederacea. La$atera alba. Malo!e grandiflora alba. Matthiola (Stock#)( ut and o%e 6gainG &re#den Per!etualG Giant PerfectionG ,hite Pearl. Mirabili# longiflora alba. Cigella. Phlo/( &"arf Sno"ballG Leo!oldii. Po!!ie#( -lag of TruceG ShirleyG The Mikado. Qinnia. *ello" and =range -lo"er# acalia lutea. alendula officinali#( co%%onG MeteorG #ul!hureaG #uffrutico#a. allio!#i# bicolor %ar%orataG carda%inefoliaG elegan# !icta. o#%idiu% Burridgeanu%. Ery#i%u% Perof#kianu%. E#ch#choltEia alifornica. Hibi#cu# 6fricanu#G Golden Bo"l. )!o%oea coccinea lutea. Loa#a tricolor. Tagete#( $ariou# kind#. Thunbergia alata -ryeriG aurantiaca. Tro!aeolu%( &"arf( Lady BirdG Tall( SchulEi. Qinnia. Blue and Pur!le -lo"er#

6geratu% Me/icanu%G Me/icanu%( &"arf. 6#!erula #eto#a aEurea. Brachyco%e iberidifolia. Bro"allia Eerniako"#kiG elata. entaurea yanu#( .ictoria &"arf o%!actG yanu# %inor. hina a#ter# of #e$eral $arietie#. on$ol$ulu# %inorG %inor unicauli#. Gilia achilleaefoliaG ca!itata. )beri# u%bellataG u%bellata lilacina. Daulfu##ia a%elloide#G atro$iolacea. Lobelia Erinu#G Erinu#( Elegant. Cigella. Phlo/ $ariabili# atro!ur!urea. Sal$ia farinacea. S!ecularia. .erbena( BlackAblueG caeruleaG GoldenAlea$ed. ,hitla$ia glo/inioide#. 0ed and 0o#eAred -lo"er# 6bro%ia u%bellata. 6lon#oa grandiflora. acalia( Scarlet. larkia elegan# ro#ea. on$ol$ulu# tricolor ro#eu#. &ianthu#( Half &"arf Early MargaretG &"arf Per!etualG hinen#i#. Gaillardia !icta. )!o%oea coccineaG $olubili#. Matthiola annuu#G BloodAred Ten ,eek#G grandiflora( &"arf. Pa!a$er (Po!!y) cardinaleG Me!hi#to. Pha#eolu# %ultifloru#. Phlo/( LargeAflo"ering &"arfG &"arf -ireballG Black ,arrior. Sal$ia coccinea. Sa!onaria. Tro!aeolu%( &"arf( To% Thu%b. .erbena hybrida( Scarlet &efiance. Qinnia. J@#eful annual# for edging# of bed# and( "alk#( and for ribbonAbed#.J 6geraturn( blue and "hite. 6ly##u%( #"eet. Brachyco%e. alandrinia. larkia. ollin#ia#. &ianthu#e# or !ink#. Gilia. Gy!#o!hila %urali#. )beri# or candytuft#. Le!to#i!hon#. Lobelia Erinu#. Ce%o!hila#. Cigella#. Portulaca or ro#e %o## (-ig. 7K?). Sa!onaria alabrica. S!ecularia. Torenia.

,hitla$ia. J6nnual# that continue to bloo% after fro#t.J Thi# li#t i# co%!iled fro% Bulletin 1L1( ornell E/!eri%ent Station. Se$eral hundred kind# of annual# "ere gro"n at thi# #tation ()thaca( C.*.) in 1>23 and 1>2>. The note# are gi$en in the original trade na%e# under "hich the #eed#%en #u!!lied the #tock. 6bronia u%bellata. 6doni# ae#ti$ali#G autu%nale. 6rge%one grandiflora. alendula#. allirrhoe. arduu# benedictu#. entaurea yanu#. entauridiu%. entranthu# %acroA erinthe retorta. T#i!hon. heiranthu# heiri. hry#anthe%u%#. on$ol$ulu# %inorG tricolor. &ianthu# of $ariou# kind#. El#holtEia cri#tata. Ery#i%u% Perof#kianu%G 6rkan#anu%. E#ch#choltEia#( in #e$eral $arietie# (-ig. 7K2). Gaillardia !icta. Gilia achilleaefoliaG ca!itataG laciniataG tricolor. )beri# affini#. La$atera alba. Matthiola# or #tock#. oenothera ro#eaG La%arckianaG Phlo/ &ru%%ondii. T&ru%%ondii. Podole!i# affini#G chry#antha. Sal$ia coccineaG farinaceaG Hor%inu%. .erbena#. .icia Gerardi. .irginian #tock#. .i#caria elegan#G oculataG oeliAro#a. :)llu#tration5 -igure 7K?. Portulaca( or ro#e %o##.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. 7KK Pan#ie#< JLi#t of annual# #uitable for bedding (that i#( for '%a## effect#' of color).J 6 li#t of thi# kind i# nece##arily both inco%!lete and i%!erfect( becau#e good ne" $arietie# are freIuently a!!earing( and the ta#te of the gardener %u#t be con#ulted. 6ny !lant# %ay be u#ed( broadly #!eaking( for beddingG but the follo"ing li#t (gi$en in ter%# of trade na%e#) #ugge#t# #o%e of the be#t #ubject# to u#e "hen bed# of #olid( #trong color are de#ired. 6doni# ae#ti$ali#G autu%nali#. 6geratu% Me/icanu%G Me/icanu%( &"arf. Bartonia aurea. acalia. alendula officinali#( in #e$eral for%#G !lu$iali#G PongeiG #ul!hurea(

fl. !l.G #uffrutico#a. allio!#i# bicolor %ar%orataG carda%inefoliaG elegan# !icta. allirrhoe in$olucrataG !edataG !edata nana. entaurea 6%ericanaG yanu#( .ictoria &"arf o%!actG yanu# %inorG #ua$eolen#. hina a#ter#. hry#anthe%u% Burridgeanu%G carinatu%G coronariu%G tricolor. on$ol$ulu# %inorG tricolor. o#%idiu% Burridgeanu%. &el!hiniu%( #ingleG double. &ianthu#( &ouble ,hite Half &"arf MargaretG &"arf Per!etualG aryo!hyllu# #e%!erfloren#G hinen#i#( doubleG dento#u# hybridu#G Hedde"igiiG i%!eriali#G laciniatu#( Sal%on SueenG !lu%ariu#G #u!erbu#( d"arf fl. !l.G !icotee. El#holtEia cri#tata. E#ch#choltEia alifornicaG croceaG MandarinG tenuifolia (-ig. 7K2). Gaillardia !ictaG !icta LorenEiana. Gilia achilleaefoliaG ca!itataG laciniataG linifoliaG ni$ali#G tricolor. Godetia ,hitneyiG grandiflora %aculataG rubicunda #!lenden#. Hibi#cu# 6fricanu#G Golden Bo"l. )beri# affini#G a%araG coronariaG u%bellata. )%!atien# or bal#a%. La$atera albaG tri%e#tri#. Linu% grandifloru%. Madia elegan#. Malo!e grandiflora. Matricaria e/i%ia !lena. Matthiola or #tock( in %any for%#G ,allflo"erAlea$edG bicorni#. Cigella( or Lo$eAinAaA%i#t. oenothera &ru%%ondiiG La%arckianaG ro#ea tetra!tera. Pa!a$er or !o!!y( of %any kind#G cardinaleG glaucu%G u%bro#u%. Petunia( bedding kind#. Phlo/ &ru%%ondii( in %any $arietie#. Portulaca (-ig. 7K?). Sal$ia farinaceaG Hor%inu%G #!lenden#. SchiEanthu# !a!ilionaceu#G !innatu#. Silene 6r%eriaG !endula. Tagete#( or %arigold( in %any for%#G erectaG !atulaG #ignata. Tro!aeolu%( &"arf. .erbena auriculaefloraG )talica #triataG hybridaG caeruleaG GoldenAlea$ed. .i#caria oeliAro#aG elegan# !ictaG oculata. Qinnia( &"arfG elegan# albaG To% Thu%bG HaageanaG coccinea !lena (-ig. 7K3). :)llu#tration5 F). The back yard( "ith #u%%er hou#e( and garden# beyond.< JLi#t of annual# by height.J )t i# ob$iou#ly i%!o##ible to %ake any accurate or definite li#t of !lant# in ter%# of their height( but the beginner %ay be aided by a!!ro/i%ate %ea#ure%ent#. The follo"ing li#t# are %ade fro% Bulletin 1L1 of the ornell E/!eri%ent Station( "hich gi$e# tabular data on %any annual# gro"n at )thaca( C.*. Seed# of %o#t of the kind# "ere #o"n in the o!en( rather late. 'The #oil $aried #o%e"hat( but it "a# light and "ell tilled( and only %oderately rich.' =rdinary good care "a# gi$en the !lant#. The a$erage height of the !lant# of each kind at full gro"th( a# they #tood on the ground( i# gi$en in the#e li#t#. =f cour#e( the#e height# %ight be le## or %ore "ith different #oil#( different

treat%ent#( and different cli%ate#G but the figure# are fairly co%!arable a%ong the%#el$e#. The %ea#ure%ent# are ba#ed on the #tock #u!!lied by leading #eed#%en under the trade na%e# here gi$en. )t i# not unlikely that #o%e of the di#cre!ancie# "ere due to %i/ture of #eed or to #tock being untrue to ty!eG #o%e of it %ay ha$e been due to #oil condition#. The #a%e na%e %ay be found in t"o di$i#ion# in #o%e in#tance#( the !lant# ha$ing been gro"n fro% different lot# of #eed#. The li#t# "ill indicate to the gro"er "hat $ariation# he %ay e/!ect in any large lot of #eed#. Seed#%enH# catalogue# #hould be con#ulted for "hat the trade con#ider# to be the !ro!er and nor%al height# for the different !lant#. Plant# LA> in. high 6bronia u%bellata grandiflora. 6ly##u% co%!actu%. allirrhoe in$olucrata. Godetia( Bijou( Lady 6lbe%arle( and Lady Satin 0o#e. Gy!#o!hila %urali#. Daulfu##ia a%elloide#. Le!to#i!hon hybridu#. Linaria Maroccana. Lobelia Erinu# and Erinu# Elegant. Ce%o!hila ato%aria( di#coidali#( in#igni#( and %aculata. Colana lanceolata( !arado/a( !ro#trata( and atri!licifolia. Podole!i# chry#antha and affini#. Portulaca. 0hodanthe Mangle#ii. Sedu% caeruleu%. Silene !endula ruberri%a. .erbena. Plant# 2A17 in. high 6ly##u%. 6#!erula #eto#a aEurea. Brachyco%e iberidifolia. alandrinia u%bellata elegan#. allirrhoe !edata nana. entaurea yanu# .ictoria &"arf o%!act. entranthu# %acro#i!hon nanu#. ollin#ia bicolor( candidi##i%a and %ulticolor %ar%orata. on$ol$ulu# %inor and tricolor. E#ch#choltEia crocea. Ga%ole!i# Tagete#. Gilia laciniata and linifolia. Godetia &uche## of 6lbany( Prince of ,ale#( -airy Sueen( Brilliant( grandiflora %aculata( ,hitneyi( &uke of -ife( rubicunda #!lenden#. Heli!teru% cory%bifloru%. )beri# affini#. Daulfu##ia a%elloide# atro$iolacea( and a. ker%e#ina. Le!to#i!hon andro#aceu# and den#ifloru#. Linaria bi!artita #!lendida. Matthiola d"arf -orcing Sno"flake( ,allflo"erAlea$ed. Me#e%bryanthe%u% cry#tallinu%. Mi%ulu# cu!reu#. Ce%o!hila ato%aria oculata and %arginata.

Cigella. Colana atri!licifolia. =%!halode# linifolia. oenothera ro#ea and tetra!tera. Phlo/( LargeAflo"ering &"arf and &"arf Sno"ball. 0hodanthe %aculata. Sa!onaria alabrica. SchiEanthu# !innatu#. Silene 6r%eria and !endula. S!ecularia. .i#caria oculata c#erulea. Plant# 1?A13 in. high 6bronia u%bellata. 6crocliniu% albu% and ro#eu%. Brachyco%e iberidifolia alba. Bro"allia Eerniako"#ki and elata. acalia. alandrinia grandiflora. alendula #ul!hurea flore !leno. hry#anthe%u% carinatu%. ollo%ia coccinea. on$ol$ulu# %inor and %inor unicauli#. &ianthu#( the Margaret $arietie#( &"arf Per!etual( aryo!hyllu# #e%!erfloren#( hinen#i#( dento#u# hybridu#( Hedde"igii( i%!eriali#( laciniatu#( !lu%ariu#( #u!erbu# d"arf( !icotee( o%te##e de Pari#. El#holtEia cri#tata. E#ch#choltEia alifornica( Mandarin( %ariti%a and tenuifolia. Gaillardia !icta. Gilia achille#efolia alba and ni$ali#. Heli!teru% Sanfordii. Hieraciu%( Bearded. )beri# a%ara( coronaria E%!re##( coronaria ,hite 0ocket( S"eetA#cented( u%bellata( u%bellata carnea( and u%bellata lilacina. Le!to#i!hon car%ineu#. Lu!inu# nanu#( #ul!hureu#. Malo!e grandiflora. Matthiola( ,allflo"erAlea$ed and .irginian #tock. Mirabili# alba. Cigella. oenothera La%arckiana. Palafo/ia Hookeriana. Pa!a$er( Shirley and glaucu%. Petunia. Phlo/ of %any kind#. Sal$ia Hor%inu%. SchiEanthu# !a!ilionaceu#. Statice Thouini and #u!erba. Tagete#( Pride of the Garden and &"arf. Tro!aeolu%( %any kind# of d"arf. .enidiu% calendulaceu%. .erbena of #e$eral kind#. .i#caria oeliAro#a( elegan# !icta( oculata( and oculata alba. ,hitla$ia glo/inioide#. Plant# 1>A7? in. high 6doni# ae#ti$ali# and autu%nali#.

6%arantu# atro!ur!ureu#. alendula officinali#( Meteor( #uffrutico#a( and !lu$iali#. allio!#i# bicolor %ar%orata. allirrhoe !edata. entaurea yanu# %inor Blue and #ua$eolen#. entranthu# %acro#i!hon. hry#anthe%u% Burridgeanu%( carinatu%( tricolor &unnettii. o#%idiu% Burridgeanu%. &el!hiniu% (annual). Eutoca ,rangeliana. Gaillardia !icta (-ig. 7K9)( LorenEiana. Gilia achilleaefolia( a. ro#ea and tricolor. Helichry#u% atro#anguineu%. )!o%oea coccinea. Linu% grandifloru%. Loa#a tricolor. Lu!inu# albu#( hir#utu# and !ube#cen#. Malo!e grandiflora alba. Matricaria e/i%ia !lena. Matthiola( #e$eral kind#. oenothera &ru%%ondii. Pa!a$er Me!hi#to( cardinale( c. hybridu%( c. &anebrog( u%bro#u%. Tagete# !atula and #ignata. .icia Gerardii. ,hitla$ia grandiflora and g. alba. Feranthe%u% albu% and %ultifloru% albu%. Qinnia# of %any kind# (all not %entioned in other li#t#). Plant# 7KA?8 in. high Bartonia aurea. alendula officinali# fl. !l.( Prince of =range and Pongei. allio!#i# elegan# !icta. ardio#!er%u% Halicacabu%. arduu# benedictu#. entaurea yanu# %inor E%!eror ,illia%. heiranthu# heiri. hry#anthe%u% tricolor( t. hybridu% and coronariu% #ul!hureu% fl. !l. larkia elegan# ro#ea. &atura cornuco!ia. Ery#i%u% 6rkan#anu% and Perof#kianu%. Eutoca $i#cida. Gilia ca!itata alba. Helichry#u% bracteatu% and %acranthu%. Hibi#cu# 6fricanu#. )%!atien#( all $arietie#. Lu!inu# hir#utu# !ilo#u#. Matthiola BloodAred Ten ,eek#( ut and o%e 6gain( grandiflora( annuu#( and other#. Mirabili# Bala!a folio $ariegata and longiflora alba. Pa!a$er( 6%erican -lag( Mikado and &ouble. Perilla laciniata and Cankinen#i#. Sal$ia farinacea. Tagete# Eldorado( Cugget of Gold( erecta fl. !l. Feranthe%u% annuu% and #u!erbi##i%u% fl. !l. Qinnia elegan# alba fl. !l. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 7K9. Gaillardia( one of the #ho"y garden annual#.<

Plant# ?1AK8 in. high 6crocliniu%( double ro#e and "hite. 6doni# ae#ti$ali#. 6geratu% Me/icanu% albu% and blue. 6%arantu# bicolor ruber. 6rge%one grandiflora. entaurea 6%ericana. entauridiu% &ru%%ondii. erinthe retorta. Tc. double yello". hry#anthe%u% coronariu% albu% and leo%e #!ino#a. yclanthera !edata. &atura fa#tuo#a and Ce" Golden Eu!horbia %arginata. TSueen. Gilia ca!itata alba. Helianthu# &"arf double and cucuA Hibi#cu# Golden Bo"l. T%erifoliu#. La$atera tri%e#tri#. Madia elegan#. Martynia craniolaria. Sal$ia coccinea. Plant# K1 in. and abo$e. 6doni# autu%nali#. Helianthu# of #e$eral garden kind# (not %entioned el#e"here). 0icinu#( all $arietie#. 6nd %any cli%bing $ine#. + + + + +

larkia elegan# alba fl. !l.

J&i#tance# for !lanting annual#J (or !lant# treated a# annual#). =nly an a!!ro/i%ate idea can be gi$en of the di#tance# a!art at "hich annual# #hould be !lanted( for not only doe# the di#tance de!end on the fertility of the land (the #tronger the #oil the greater the di#tance)( but al#o on the object the !er#on ha# in gro"ing the !lant#( "hether to !roduce a #olid %a## effect or to #ecure #trong #!eci%en !lant# "ith large indi$idual bloo%. )f #!eci%en !lant# are to be rai#ed( the di#tance# #hould be liberal. The di#tance# here gi$en for #o%e of the co%%oner annual# %ay be con#idered to re!re#ent a$erage or u#ual #!ace# that #ingle !lant# %ay occu!y under ordinary condition# in flo"erbed#( although it "ould !robably be i%!o##ible to find any t"o gardener# or #eed#%en "ho "ould agree on the detail#. The#e are #ugge#tion# rather than reco%%endation#. )t i# al"ay# "ell to #et or #o" %ore !lant# than are "anted( for there i# danger of lo## fro% cutA"or%# and other cau#e#. The general tendency i# to let the !lant# #tand too clo#e together at %aturity. )n ca#e of doubt( !lace !lant# de#cribed in book# and catalogue# a# $ery d"arf at #i/ inche#( tho#e a# %ediu%A#iEed at t"el$e inche#( $ery large gro"er# at t"o feet( and thin the% out if they #ee% to de%and it a# they gro". The !lant# in the#e li#t# are thro"n into four grou!# (rather than all !laced together "ith the nu%ber# after the%) in order to cla##ify the #ubject in the beginnerH# %ind.

:)llu#tration5 -ig. 7KL. ,ild !hlo/ (JP. %aculataJ)( one of the !arent# of the !erennial garden !hlo/e#.< L to 2 inche# a!art 6geratu%( $ery d"arf kind#. 6ly##u%. 6#!erula #eto#a. acalia. andytuft. larkia( d"arf. ollin#ia. Gy#o!hila %urali#. Daulfu##ia. Lark#!ur( d"arf kind#. Linaria. Linu% grandifloru% Lobelia Erinu#. Mignonette( d"arf kind#. Pan#y. Phlo/( $ery d"arf kind#. Pink#( $ery d"arf kind#. 0hodanthe. SchiEo!etalon. Silene 6r%eria. Sna!dragon( d"arf. S"eet !ea. Torenia. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 7K3. Qinnia#. =ften kno"n a# 'youth and old age.'< + + + + +

18 to 19 inche# a!art Tho#e %arked (ft.) are e/a%!le# of !lant# that %ay u#ually #tand at t"el$e inche#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 7K>. )%!ro$ed !erennial !hlo/.< 6bronia (ft.). 6crocliniu%. 6dlu%ia. 6doni# autu%nali#. 6geratu%( tall kind#. 6lon#oa. 6#ter( hina( #%aller kind# (ft.). Bal#a%. Bartonia. Bro"allia. alendula. alifornia !o!!y (E#ch#choltEia). allio!#i#. ardio#!er%u%. arnation( flo"erAgarden kind# (ft.). elo#ia( #%all kind#. entaurea yanu#. entauridiu% (ft.). entranthu# (ft.). larkia( tall (ft.).

on$ol$ulu# tricolor (ft.). Gaillardia( e/ce!t on #trong land. Gilia#. Glauciu%. Godetia (ft.). Go%!hrena. Gy!#o!hila elegan#. Helichry#u% (ft.). Hunne%annia. Bacobaea. Tkind#. Lark#!ur( tall annual Malo!e. T$arietie#. Marigold( inter%ediate Mignonette( tall kind#. Me#e%bryanthe%u% (iceA!lant) (ft.). MorningAglory. Ca#turtiu%( d"arf. Ce%o!hila. Cigella. Petunia. Phlo/ &ru%%ondii. Pink#. Po!!ie# (L to 1> in.( according to $ariety). Portulaca (ft.). Sal!iglo##i# (ft.). Scabio#a (ft.). SchiEanthu#. Sna!dragon( tall kind#. Statice (ft.). Stock (ft.). Tagete#( d"arf -rench. Thunbergia (ft.). .erbena. ,hitla$ia (ft.)( T(ft.). Qinnia( $ery d"arf kind# :)llu#tration5 -ig 7K2. E#ch#choltEia( or alifornia !o!!y. =neAhalf #iEe.< 1> to 7K inche# 6%arantu#. 6%%obiu%. 6rge%one. 6#ter( hina( the big kind# (or ro"# 7 ft. a!art and !lant# 1 ft. in ro"). allirrhoe. anterbury bell (u! to ? ft.). elo#ia( large kind# (u! to ?8 in.). hry#anthe%u%( annual. o#%o#( #%aller kind#. Eu!horbia %arginata. -our oHclock (u! to ?8 in.) Ho!( Ba!ane#e. (to ?8 in.) Dochia( or #u%%er cy!re## Marigold( tall kind#. Ca#turtiu%( tall( if allo"ed to #!read on the ground.

Cicotiana (u! to ?8 in.). oenothera( tall kind#. Sal$ia coccinea (J#!lenden# grandifloraJ)( about 7 ft. Qinnia( tall kind# (u! to ? ft). :)llu#tration5 -ig. 798. 6 %odern !eony.< 6bout ? feet or %ore aladiu%. o#%o#( tall kind# (7 to ? ft.). &ahlia. &atura. Martynia. 0icinu# or ca#tor bean. Solanu%#. Sunflo"er( tall kind#. ,igandia. ?. H60&* HE0B6 E=@S PE0ECC)6LS There i# a ra!idly gro"ing a!!reciation of !erennial herb#( not only a# flo"erAgarden and la"n #ubject#( but a# !art# of nati$e land#ca!e#. E$ery locality yield# it# "ild a#ter#( goldenArod#( colu%bine#( iri#( trilliu%#( lilie#( ane%one#( !ent#te%on#( %int#( #unflo"er#( or other !lant#G and %any of the#e al#o %ake good #ubject# for the ho%e ground#. )t i# i%!ortant to re%e%ber that #o%e !erennial herb# begin to fail after one to three #ea#on# of full bloo%. )t i# a good !lan to ha$e ne" !lant# co%ing on to take their !laceG or the old root# %ay be taken u! in the fall and di$ided( only the fre#h and #trong !art# being !lanted again. Perennial herb# are !ro!agated in $ariou# "ay#(AAby #eed#( and by cutting# of the #te%# and root#( but %o#tly by the ea#y %ethod of di$i#ion. =n the rai#ing of the#e !lant# fro% #eed#( ,illia% -alconer "rite# a# follo"# in &reerH# 'Garden Book' for 12825AA 'Hardy !erennial# are ea#ily gro"n fro% #eed. )n %any ca#e# they are a little #lo"er than annual#( but "ith intelligent care they are #ucce##fully rai#ed( and fro% #eed i# an e/cellent "ay to get u! a big #tock of !erennial#. Many #ort#( if #o"n in #!ring( bloo% the fir#t year fro% #eed# a# early a# annual#G for in#tance5 gaillardia( )celand !o!!ie#( hine#e lark#!ur( !latycodon( etc. =ther# do not bloo% until the #econd year. 'The a%ateur %ay ha$e %ore #ucce## and le## bother gro"ing !erennial# fro% #eed #o"n in the o!en ground than fro% any other "ay. Pre!are a bed in a nice( "ar%( #heltered #!ot in the garden( !referably not $ery #unny. Let the #urface of the bed be rai#ed four or fi$e inche# abo$e the general le$el( and the #oil be a %ello" fine earth on the #urface. &ra" #hallo" ro"# acro## the #urface of the bed three or four inche# a!art( and here #o" the #eed#( kee!ing the $arietie# of one kind or nature a# %uch together a# !racticable( co$ering the #eed# thinlyG !re## the "hole #urface gently( "ater %oderately( then du#t a little fine loo#e #oil o$er all. )f the "eather i# #unny or "indy( #hade "ith !a!er# or a fe" branche#( but re%o$e the#e in the e$ening. ,hen the #eedling# co%e u!( thin the% out to #tiffen tho#e that are left( and "hen they are

t"o or three inche# high( they are fit for tran#!lanting into !er%anent Iuarter#. 6ll thi# #hould be done in early #!ring( #ay March( 6!ril( or May. 6gain( in Buly or 6ugu#t !erennial# are $ery ea#ily rai#ed out of door#( and %uch in the #a%e "ay a# abo$e. =r they %ay be #o"n in early #!ring indoor#( in the "indo"( the hotbed( the coldfra%e( or the greenhou#e( !referably in bo/e# or !an#( a# for gro"ing annual#. So%e gardener# #o" #eed right in the coldfra%e. ) ha$e tried both "ay#( and find the bo/e# be#t( a# the different $arietie# of #eed# do not co%e u! at the #a%e ti%e( and you can re%o$e the% fro% the clo#e fra%e to %ore airy Iuarter# a# #oon a# the #eed co%e# u!( "herea#( if #o"n in a fra%e( you "ould ha$e to gi$e the% all the #a%e treat%ent. ,hen the #eedling# are large enough( ) tran#!lant the% into other bo/e#( and !ut the% into a #hady !art of the garden( but not under the #hade of tree#( a# there they "ill Hdra"H too %uch. 6bout the fifteenth of Se!te%ber !lant the% in the garden "here they are to bloo%( or if the garden i# full of #u%%erAflo"ering !lant#( !ut the% in bed# in the $egetable garden( to be !lanted out in the early #!ring( and gi$e the% a light co$ering of #tra" or %anure to kee! #udden change# of the "eather a"ay fro% the%.' Hardy !erennial herb# %ay be !lanted in Se!te%ber and =ctober "ith e/cellent re#ult#G al#o in #!ring. See that they are !rotected "ith %ulch in "inter. JPerennial herb# #uitable for la"n and '!lanting' effect#.J So%e of the #triking !lant# that are $aluable for la"n !lanting in the Corth( cho#en chiefly on account of their #iEe( foliage( and habit( are %entioned in the follo"ing brief li#t. They %ay or %ay not be #uitable for flo"erAgarden#. )t i# i%!o##ible to gi$e to thi# li#t any degree of co%!letene##G but the na%e# here !rinted "ill be #ugge#ti$e of the kind# of thing# that %ay be u#ed. The a#teri#k (6) denote# nati$e !lant#. *ucca( J*ucca fila%ento#a.J(6) -unkia( J-unkia(J of #e$eral #!ecie#. Peltate #a/ifrage( JSa/ifraga !eltata.J(6) 0o#e %allo"( JHibi#cu# Mo#cheuto#.J(6) Eleca%!ane( J)nula Heleniu%J (-ig. 791). ,ild #unflo"er#( JHelianthu#J(6) of different #!ecie#( e#!ecially JH. orygali#( H. giganteu#( H. gro##eA#erratu#( H. #tru%o#u#.J :)llu#tration5 -ig. 791. Eleca%!ane. CaturaliEed in old field# and along road#ide#.< o%!a##A!lant#( JSil!hiu%J(6) of #e$eral #!ecie#( e#!ecially JS. terebinthinaceu%( S. laciniatu%( S. !erfoliatu%.J Sacaline( JPolygonu% Sachalinen#e.J Ba!ane#e knot"eed( JPolygonu% cu#!idatu%.J Bocconia( JBocconia cordata.J ,ild "or%"ood( J6rte%i#ia StellerianaJ(6) and other#.

ButterflyA"eed( J6#cle!ia# tubero#a.J(6) ,ild a#ter#( J6#terJ(6) of %any #!ecie#( e#!ecially J6. Co$aeA6nglaeJ (be#t)( J6. lae$i#( 6. %ultifloru#( 6. #!ectabili#.J GoldenArod#( JSolidagoJ(6) of $ariou# #!ecie#( e#!ecially JS. #!ecio#a( S. ne%orali#( S. juncea( S. gigantea.J Loo#eA#trife( JLythru% Salicaria.J -lag#( J)ri#J of %any #!ecie#( #o%e nati$e. Ba!ane#e "indAflo"er( J6ne%one Ba!onica.J GoatH# beard( J6runcu# #yl$e#ter (S!iraea 6runcu#J).(6) Ba!ti#ia( JBa!ti#ia tinctoria.J(6) Ther%o!#i#( JTher%o!#i# %olli#.J(6) ,ild #enna( J a##ia Marilandica.J(6) ,ild trefoil( J&e#%odiu% anaden#eJ(6) and other#. 0ibbon gra##( JPhalari# arundinaceaJ(6) $ar. J!icta.J Qebra gra##( JEulaliaJ (or JMi#canthu#J) #!ecie#( and $arietie#. ,ild !anic gra##( JPanicu% $irgatu%.J(6) Ba%bu#a# (and related thing#) of #e$eral #ort#. 0a$enna gra##( JErianthu# 0a$ennaeJ. 6rundo( J6rundo &ona/(J and $ar. J$ariegata.J 0eed( JPhrag%ite# co%%uni#.J(6) Thi# and the re%aining !lant# of the li#t #hould be !lanted in the edge# of "ater or in bog# (the li#t %ight be greatly e/tended). ,ild rice( JQiEania aIuatica.J(6) atAtail( JTy!ha angu#tifoliaJ(6) and JT. latifolia.J(6) LiEardH#Atail( JSaururu# cernuu#.J(6) Peltandra( JPeltandra undulata.J(6) =rontiu%( J=rontiu% aIuaticu%.J(6) Cati$e calla( J alla !alu#tri#.J(6) J6 brief #ea#onal flo"erAgarden or border li#t of herbaceou# !erennial#.J To facilitate %aking a #election of !erennial herb# for bloo%( the !lant# in the follo"ing li#t are arranged according to their flo"ering #ea#on( beginning "ith the earlie#t. The na%e of the %onth indicate#

"hen they u#ually begin to bloo%. )t #hould be under#tood that the bloo%ing #ea#on of !lant# i# not a fi/ed !eriod( but $arie# %ore or le## "ith localitie# and #ea#on#. The#e date# are a!!licable to %o#t of the %iddle and northern #tate#. Cati$e# to Corth 6%erica are %arked "ith an a#teri#k (6). Thi# li#t i# by Erne#t ,alker. M60 H Blue ,indAflo"er( J6ne%one blanda.J L in. MarchAMay. SkyAblue( #tarAlike flo"er#. -oliage dee!ly cut. -or border and rock"ork. Bloodroot( JSanguinaria anaden#i#.J(6) L in. MarchA6!ril. Pure "hite. Glaucou# foliage. Partial #hade. Border or rockA"ork. 6P0)L Mountain 0ockAcre##( J6rabi# albida.J L in. 6!rilABune. -lo"er# !ure "hiteG clo#e head# in !rofu#ion. -ragrant. -or dry !lace# and rockA"ork. Pur!le 0ockAcre##( J6ubrietia deltoidea.J L in. 6!rilABune. S%all !ur!le flo"er# in great !rofu#ion. &ai#y( JBelli# !erenni#(J KAL in. 6!rilABuly. -lo"er# "hite( !ink( or redG #ingle or double. The double $arietie# are the %ore de#irable. o$er the !lant# in "inter "ith lea$e#. May be rai#ed fro% #eed( like !an#ie#. S!ring Beauty( J laytonia .irginica.J(6) L in. 6!rilAMay. lu#ter# of light !ink flo"er#. Partial #hade. -ro% #i/ to a doEen #hould be #et together. Shooting Star( J&odecatheon Meadia.J(6) 1 ft. 6!rilAMay. 0eddi#h !ur!le flo"er#( orangeAyello" eye( in clu#ter#. ool( #hady location. Plant #e$eral in a !lace. &ogH#Abane( J&oronicu% !lantagineu%J $ar. Je/cel#u%.J 78 in. 6!rilABune. Large( #ho"y flo"er#G orangeAyello". Bu#hy !lant#. Li$erAleaf( JHe!atica acutilobaJ(6) and Jtriloba.J(6) L in. 6!rilAMay. -lo"er# #%all but nu%erou#( $arying "hite and !ink. Partial #hade. Hardy andytuft( J)beri# #e%!er$iren#.J 18 in. 6!rilAMay. S%all "hite flo"er# in clu#ter#G !rofu#e. Large( #!reading( e$ergreen tuft#. 6l!ine La%!Aflo"er( JLychni# al!ina.J(6) L in. 6!rilAMay. -lo"er# #tarAlike( in #ho"y head#G !ink. -or border and rockery. Early -orgetA%eAnot( JMyo#oti# di##itiflora.J L in. 6!rilABune. S%all clu#ter# of dee! #kyAblue flo"er#. Tufted habit. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 797. The "ild Trilliu% grandifloru%.< E$erbloo%ing -.( JM. !alu#tri#J $ar. J#e%!erfloren#.J 18 in. Light blueG #!reading habit. BlueAbell#( JMerten#ia .irginica.J(6) 1 ft. 6!rilAMay. -lo"er# blue( changing to !inkG !endentG tubularG not #ho"y( but beautiful. 0ich #oil. Partial #hade.

Tree Peony( JPaeonia Moutan.J (See JMay(J Paeonia.) Mo## Pink( JPhlo/ #ubulata.J(6) L in. 6!rilABune. Cu%erou# dee! !ink( #%all flo"er#G cree!ing habitG e$ergreen. Suitable for dry !lace# a# a co$ering !lant. JTrilliu%#.J(6) =f #e$eral #!ecie#G al"ay# attracti$e and u#eful in the border (-ig. 797). They are co%%on in rich "ood# and co!#e#. &ig the tuber# in late #u%%er and !lant the% directly in the border. The large one# "ill bloo% the follo"ing #!ring. The #a%e %ay be #aid of the erythroniu%( or dogH#Atooth $iolet or adderH# tongue( and of $ery %any other early "ild flo"er#. M6* J6juga re!tan#.J L in. MayABune. S!ike# of !ur!le flo"er#. Gro"# "ell in #hady !lace#G #!reading. 6 good co$er !lant. Mad"ort( J6ly##u% #a/atileJ $ar. Jco%!actu%.J 1 ft. MayABune. -lo"er# fragrant( in clu#ter#( clear goldenAyello". -oliage #il$ery. ,ellAdrained #oil. =ne of the be#t yello" flo"er#. olu%bine( J6Iuilegia glandulo#aJ and other# (-ig. 79?). 1 ft. MayABune. &ee! blue #e!al#G "hite !etal#. 6Iuilegia# are old fa$orite#. (See JBune.J) The "ild J6. anaden#i#J(6) i# de#irable. LilyAofAtheA.alley( J on$allaria %ajali#.J(6) > in. MayABune. 0ace%e# of #%all "hite bell#G fragrant. ,ell kno"n. Partial #hade. (See ha!. .))).) -u%itory( J orydali# nobili#.J 1 ft. MayABune. Large clu#ter# of fine yello" flo"er#. Bu#hy( u!right habit. &oe# "ell in !artial #hade. BleedingAHeart( J&icentra #!ectabili#.J 7A1P7 ft. MayABune. ,ell kno"n. 0ace%e# of heartA#ha!ed( dee! !ink and "hite flo"er#. ,ill bear !artial #hade. re#ted )ri#( J)ri# cri#tata.J(6) L in. MayABune. -lo"er# blue( fringed "ith yello". Lea$e# #"ordA#ha!ed. Ger%an )ri#( J). Ger%anica.J 17A19 in. MayABune. Cu%erou# $arietie# and color#. Large flo"er#( ?AK on a #te%. Broad( glaucou#( #"ordA#ha!ed lea$e#. Peony( JPaeonia officinali#.J 7 ft. MayABune. Thi# i# the "ellAkno"n herbaceou# !eony. There are nu%erou# $arietie# and hybrid#. :)llu#tration5 -igure 79?. =ne of the colu%bine#.< Large flo"er#( KAL in. acro##. ri%#on( "hite( !ink( yello"i#h( etc. Suitable for la"n or the border. -ig. 798. Tree Peony( JP. Moutan.J Kft. 6!rilAMay. Cu%erou# na%ed $arietie#. -lo"er# a# abo$e( e/ce!ting yello". Branched( den#e( #hrubby habit. Meado" Sage( JSal$ia !raten#i#.J 7A1P7 ft. MayABune( 6ugu#t. S!ike# of dee! blue flo"er#. Branching fro% the ground. B@CE

J6chillea Ptar%ica( fl. !l.J( $ar. 'The Pearl.' 1P7 ft. BuneA6ugu#t. S%all double "hite flo"er#( in fe"Aflo"ered clu#ter#. 0ich #oil. ,indAflo"er( J6ne%one Penn#yl$anica.J(6) 1> in. BuneASe!te%ber. ,hite flo"er# on long #te%#. Erect habit. &oe# "ell in the #hade. St. BrunoH# Lily( JParadi#ea Lilia#tru%.J 1> in. BuneABuly. BellAlike( "hite flo"er# in hand#o%e #!ike#. GoldenA#!urred olu%bine( J6Iuilegia chry#antha.J(6) ? ft. BuneA6ugu#t. Golden flo"er# "ith #lender #!ur#G fragrant. 0ocky Mountain olu%bine( J6. coerulea.J(6) 1 ft. BuneA6ugu#t. -lo"er# "ith "hite !etal# and dee! blue #e!al#( 7A? in. in dia%eter. (See JMay.J) ,oodruff( J6#!erula odorata.J L in. BuneABuly. S%all "hite flo"er#. Herbage fragrant "hen "ilted. &oe# "ell in #hadeG #!reading habit. @#ed for fla$oring drink#( #centing and !rotecting gar%ent#. J6#tilbe Ba!onicaJ (incorrectly called S!iraea). 7 ft. BuneABuly. S%all "hite flo"er# in a feathery inflore#cence. o%!act habit. Po!!y Mallo"( J allirrhoe in$olucrata.J(6) 18 in. BuneA=ctober. Large cri%#on flo"er#( "ith "hite center#. Trailing habit. -or border and rockery. ar!athian Harebell( J a%!anula ar!aticaJ (-ig. 79K). > in. BuneASe!te%ber. -lo"er# dee! blue. Tufted habit. -or border or rockery. Good for cutting. J . glo%erataJ $ar. J&ahurica.J 7 ft. BuneA6ugu#t. &ee! !ur!le flo"er# in ter%inal clu#ter#. Branching fro% the ground. Erect habit. anterbury Bell( J . Mediu%.J 6n old fa$orite. )t i# biennial( but bloo%# the fir#t #ea#on if #o"n early. J orydali# lutea.J 1 ft. BuneASe!te%ber. -lo"er# yello"( in ter%inal clu#ter#. Loo#e branching habit. Glaucou# foliage. Scotch Pink( J&ianthu# !lu%ariu#.J 18 in. BuneABuly. ,hite and !inkAringed flo"er# on #lender #te%#. &en#ely tufted habit. -ringed Pink( J&. #u!erbu#.J 1> in. BulyA6ugu#t. -ringed flo"er#. Lilac tint. Ga# Plant( J&icta%nu# -ra/inella.J ? ft. Bune. -lo"er# !ur!le( #ho"y( fragrantG in long #!ike#. 0egular habit. .ar. Jalba.J ,hite. JGaillardia ari#tata.J(6) 7 ft. BuneA=ctober. Sho"y orange and %aroon flo"er# on long #te%#. Good for cutting. Hybrid gaillardia# offer Iuite a $ariety of brilliant color#. JHeuchera #anguinea.J(6) 1> in. BuneASe!te%ber. -lo"er# in o!en !anicle#( #carlet( on clu#tered #te%# fro% a tufted %a## of !retty foliage. Ba!an )ri#( J)ri# lae$igata (). Dae%!feri).J 7A? ft. BuneABuly. Large

flo"er# of $ariou# color#( in $ariety. Green( #"ordAlike lea$e#. &en#e tufted habit. Prefer# a %oi#t #ituation. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 79K. a%!anula ar!atica.< BlaEing Star( JLiatri# #!icata.J(6) 7 ft. BuneA6ugu#t. S!ike# of fine( #%all !ur!le flo"er#. Slender foliage. @nbranched( erect #te%#. ,ill gro" in the !oore#t #oil. )celand Po!!y( JPa!a$er nudicaule.J(6) 1 ft. BuneA=ctober. Bright yello" flo"er#. 6 clo#e( den#e habit. Erect( naked #te%#. The $arietie# 6lbu%( "hite( and Miniatu%( dee! orange( are al#o de#irable. =riental Po!!y( JP. orientale.J 7AK ft. Bune. -lo"er# LA> in. acro##G dee! #carlet( "ith a !ur!le #!ot at the ba#e of each !etal. There are other $arietie# of !ink( orange( and cri%#on #hade#. JPent#te%on barbatu#J $ar. JTorreyi.J(6) ?AK ft. BuneASe!te%ber. flo"er# in long #!ike#. Branching fro% the ba#e. Erect habit. :)llu#tration5 F)). The back yard( "ith hea$y flo"erAgarden !lanting.< Perennial Phlo/( JPhlo/ !aniculataJ(6) and hybrid# "ith JP. %aculata.J(6) 7A? ft. Bune. 6 great $ariety of color# in #elf# and $ariegated for%#. -lo"er# borne in large( flat !anicle#. (-ig#. 7KL( 7K>.) J0udbeckia %a/i%aJ(6) 9AL ft. 6ugu#t. Large flo"er#G coneAlike center and long( droo!ing( yello" !etal#. &ro!"ort( J@l%aria -ili!endula.J ? ft. BuneABuly. ,hite flo"er# in co%!act clu#ter#. Tufted foliage( dark green and hand#o%ely cut. Erect #te%#. (=ften referred to S!iraea.) 6da%H# Ceedle( J*ucca fila%ento#a.J(6) KA9 ft. BuneABuly. ,a/en "hite( !endulou#( liliaceou# flo"er# in a great thyr#u#. Lea$e# long( narro"( dark green( "ith %arginal fila%ent#. -or the la"n( and for %a##ing in large ground#. B@L* Hollyhock( J6lthaea ro#ea.J 9A> ft. Su%%er and fall. -lo"er# "hite( cri%#on( and yello"( la$ender and !ur!le. Stately !lant# of #!ireAlike habitG u#eful for the back of the border( or bed# and grou!#. The ne"er double $arietie# ha$e flo"er# a# fine a# a ca%ellia. The !lant i# nearly biennial( but in rich( "ellAdrained #oil and "ith "inter !rotection it beco%e# !erennial. Ea#ily gro"n fro% #eed( bloo%ing the #econd year. Seed# %ay be #o"n in 6ugu#t in fra%e# and carried o$er "inter in the #a%e !lace. The fir#t yearH# bloo% i# u#ually the be#t. *ello" ha%o%ile( J6nthe%i# tinctoria.J 17A?> in. BulyACo$e%ber. -lo"er# bright yello"( 1A7 in. in dia%eter. @#eful for cutting. &en#e( bu#hy habit. J&el!hiniu% hinen#e.J ? ft. BulyASe!te%ber. .ariable color#G fro% dee! blue to la$ender and "hite. -ine for the border. J&. for%o#u%.J K ft. BulyASe!te%ber. -ine #!ike# of rich blue flo"er#. =ne of the fine#t blue flo"er# culti$ated. ri%#on

J-unkia lancifolia.J (See under J6ugu#t.J) JHelianthu# %ultifloru#J(6) $ar. Jfl. !l.J K ft. BulyASe!te%ber. Large double flo"er#( of a fine golden color. Erect habit. 6n e/cellent flo"er. JLychni# .i#cariaJ $ar. Jflore !leno.J 17A19 in. BulyA6ugu#t. &ouble( dee! ro#eAred flo"er# in #!ike#. -or grou!# and %a##e#. JMonarda didy%a.J(6) 7 ft. BulyA=ctober. Sho"y #carlet flo"er# in ter%inal head#. JPent#te%on grandifloru#.(6) 7J ft. BulyA6ugu#t. Leafy #!ike# of #ho"y !ur!le flo"er#. JP. loe$igalu#J $ar. J&igitali#.J(6) ? ft. BulyA6ugu#t. Pure "hite flo"er# in #!ike#( "ith !ur!le throat#. JPlatycodon grandifloru% ( a%!anula grandiflora)J. ? ft. BulyASe!te%ber. &ee! blue( bellA#ha!ed flo"er#. &en#e( fine( erect habit. JP. Marie#i.J 1 ft. BulyASe!te%ber. -lo"er# largerG dee! $ioletAblue. Hea$ier foliage. 6@G@ST &ay Lily( J-unkia #ubcordata.J 1> in. 6ugu#tA=ctober. Tru%!et( lilyAlike( !ureA"hite flo"er# in clu#ter#( borne u!on a #talk fro% the %id#t of a grou! of heartA#ha!ed green lea$e#. J-. lancifoliaJ $ar. JalboA%arginata.J BulyA6ugu#t. La$ender flo"er#. LanceAlike lea$e# %argined "ith "hite. -la%e -lo"er( JDni!hofia aloide# (Trito%a @$ariaJ). ? ft. 6ugu#tASe!te%ber. Bright orangeA#carlet flo"er#( in clo#e( den#e #!ike#( at the #u%%it of #e$eral #ca!eAlike #te%#. Lea$e# #lender( for%ing a large tuft. -or la"n and border#. Hardy only "hen co$ered "ith litter or #tra" in "inter. ardinal -lo"er( JLobelia cardinali#.J(6) 7A1PKAK ft. 6ugu#tASe!te%ber. -lo"er# inten#e cardinalAred( of unri$aled brilliancy. Tall #!ike#. Ste%# clu#teredG erect. Giant &ai#y( J hry#anthe%u%J (or JPyrethru%) uligino#u%.J ?A9 ft. BulyA=ctober. -lo"er# "hite( "ith golden center#. 6bout 7 in. acro##. 6 #tout( u!right( bu#hy !lant. @#eful for cutting. Golden Glo"( J0udbeckia laciniata.J(6) LA3 ft. 6ugu#tASe!te%ber. Large double goldenAyello" flo"er# in great !rofu#ion. Bu#hy habit. ut off "hen done flo"ering. Lea$e# a!!ear at the ba#e and a ne" cro! of flo"er#( on #te%# about 1 ft. high( a!!ear in =ctober. Goldenrod( JSolidago rigida.J(6) ?A9 ft. 6ugu#tA=ctober. -lo"er# large for thi# genu#( in clo#e( #hort race%e# in a cory%bo#eA!aniculate clu#ter. -ine( dee! yello". Erect habit. =ne of the be#t of the goldenrod#. SEPTEMBE0

Ba!ane#e ,indAflo"er( J6ne%one Ba!onica.J 7 ft. 6ugu#tA=ctober. -lo"er# large( bright red. =ne of the be#t autu%n flo"er#. J6. Ba!onicaJ $ar. Jalba.J -lo"er# !ure "hite( "ith yello" center#. -ine for cutting. = T=BE0 JHardy hry#anthe%u%#.J The hine#e and Ba!ane#e hry#anthe%u%#( #o "ell kno"n( are hardy in light( "ellAdrained #oil#( if "ell !rotected "ith litter or lea$e# during the "inter( and in #uch #ituation# "ill #tand "ithout !rotection #outh of )ndiana!oli#. hry#anthe%u%# are gro## feeder#( and #hould ha$e a rich #oil. But there i# a race of hardier or border chry#anthe%u%# that i# again co%ing into fa$or( and it i# #ure to gi$e %uch #ati#faction to tho#e "ho de#ire flo"er# in late#t fall. The#e chry#anthe%u%# are %uch like the 'arte%i#ia#' of our %otherH# garden#( although i%!ro$ed in #iEe( for%( and in range of color. J=ne hundred e/traAhardy !erennial herb#.J The follo"ing li#t of 188 'be#t hardy !erennial#' i# ada!ted fro% a re!ort of the entral E/!eri%ental -ar%( =tta"a( =ntario. The#e !lant# are cho#en fro% o$er 1888 #!ecie# and $arietie# that ha$e been on trial at that !lace. Tho#e con#idered to be the be#t t"entyAfi$e for anada are %arked by a dagger (&)G and tho#e nati$e to Corth 6%erica by an a#teri#k (6). J6chillea Ptar%ica flore !leno.JAAHeight( 1 footG in bloo% fourth "eek of BuneG flo"er#( #%all( !ure "hite( double( and borne in clu#ter#G bloo%ing freely throughout the #u%%er. (&) J6conitu% autu%nale.JAAHeight( ? to K feetG Se!te%berG flo"er#( blui#h !ur!le( borne in loo#e !anicle#. J6conitu% Ca!ellu#.JAAHeight( ? to K feetG BulyG flo"er#( dee! blue( borne on a large ter%inal #!ikeG de#irable for the rear of the border. J6doni# $ernali#.JAAHeight( L to 2 inche#G fir#t "eek of MayG flo"er#( large( le%onAyello"( borne #ingly fro% the end# of the #te%#. J6gro#te%%a (Lychni#) oronariaJ $ar. Jatro!ur!urea.JAAHeight( 1 to 7 feetG fourth "eek of BuneG flo"er#( %ediu% #iEe( bright cri%#on( borne #ingly fro% the #ide# and end# of the #te%#G a $ery #ho"y !lant "ith #il$ery foliage( and continue# to bloo% throughout the #u%%er. J6ne%one !aten#.J(6)AAHeight L to 2 inche#G fourth "eek of 6!rilG flo"er#( large( and dee! !ur!le. J6nthe%i# tinctoriaJ $ar. JDel"ayi.JAAHeight( 1 to 7 feetG fourth "eek of BuneG flo"er#( large( dee! yello"( borne #ingly on long #te%#G it continue# to bloo% !rofu#ely throughout the #u%%erG i# $ery #ho"y and $aluable for cutting. (&) J6Iuilegia anaden#i#.J(6)AAHeight( 1 to 1A1P7 feetG third "eek of MayG flo"er#( %ediu% #iEe( red and yello".

J6Iuilegia chry#antha.J(6)AAHeight( ? to K feetG fourth "eek of BuneG flo"er#( large( bright le%onAyello"( "ith long #lender #!ur#G %uch later than other colu%bine#. (&) J6Iuilegia coerulea.J(6)AAHeight( 1 to 1A1P7 feetG fourth "eek of MayG flo"er#( large( dee! blue "ith "hite center and long #!ur#. (&) J6Iuilegia glandulo#a.JAAHeight( 1 footG third "eek of MayG flo"er#( large( dee! blue "ith "hite center and #hort #!ur#. J6Iuilegia o/y#e!ala.JAAHeight( 1 footG #econd "eek in MayG flo"er#( large( dee! !ur!li#h blue "ith blue and yello" center#G a $ery de#irable early #!ecie#. J6Iuilegia Stuarti.JAAHeight 2 to 17 inche#G third "eek of MayG flo"er#( large( dee! blue "ith "hite centerG one of the be#t. J6rabi# al!ina.JAAHeight( L inche#G fir#t "eek in MayG flo"er#( #%all( !ure "hite( in clu#ter#. J6rnebia echioide#.JAAHeight( 2 inche#G third "eek of MayG flo"er#( yello"( borne in clu#ter# "ith !etal# #!otted "ith !ur!le. =ne of the %o#t char%ing of early flo"ering !lant#. J6#cle!ia# tubero#a.J(6)AAHeight( 1A1P7 to 7 feetG third "eek of Buly. -lo"er#( bright orange( borne in clu#ter#. .ery #ho"y. J6#ter al!inu#.J(6)AAHeight( 2 inche#G fir#t "eek of BuneG flo"er#( large( bright !ur!le( borne on long #te%# fro% the ba#e of the !lantG the earlie#t flo"ering of all the a#ter#. J6#ter 6%ellu#J $ar. JBe##arabicu#.JAAHeight( 1 to 1A1P7 feetG Buly to Se!te%berG flo"er#( large( dee! !ur!le( #ingly on long #te%#G $ery fine. (&) J6#ter Co$aeA6nglaeJ $ar. Jro#eu#.J(6)AAHeight( 9 to 3 feetG fourth "eek of 6ugu#tG flo"er#( bright !ink( borne !rofu#ely in large ter%inal clu#ter#G $ery #ho"y. JBoltonia a#teroide#J(6)AAHeight( K to 9 feetG Se!te%berG flo"er#( #%aller than the ne/t( !ale !ink( borne $ery !rofu#ely in large !anicle#G %uch later than the ne/t #!ecie#. JBoltonia lati#Iua%aJ(6)AAHeight( K feetG fir#t "eek of 6ugu#tG flo"er#( large( "hite( #o%e"hat re#e%bling a#ter#( and borne $ery !rofu#ely in large !anicle#. J a%!anula ar!atica.JAAHeight( L to 2 inche#G fir#t "eek of BulyG flo"er#( %ediu% #iEe( dee! blue( borne !rofu#ely in loo#e !anicle#G continue# in bloo% throughout the #u%%er. 6 "hite $ariety of thi# i# al#o good. J a%!anula Gro##ekii.JAAHeight( ? feetG fir#t "eek of BulyG flo"er#( large( dee! blue( borne on a long #!ike. J a%!anula !er#icifolia.JAAHeight( ? feetG flo"er#( large( blue( borne in a race%e "ith long flo"er #te%#. There are al#o "hite and double $arietie# "hich are good.

J le%ati# recta.JAAHeight( K feetG fourth "eek of BuneG flo"er#( #%all( !ure "hite( borne !rofu#ely in den#e clu#ter#. Thi# i# a $ery co%!act bu#hy #!ecie# and de#irable for the rear of the border. J le%ati# Back%aniJ "ith large dee! !ur!le flo"er# and J le%ati# .italbaJ "ith #%all "hite flo"er#( are e/cellent cli%bing #ort#. J on$allaria %ajali#J(6) (LilyAofAtheA$alley).AAHeight( L to 2 inche#G latter !art of May. J oreo!#i# del!hiniflora.J(6)AAHeight( 7 to ? feetG fir#t "eek of BulyG flo"er#( large( yello"( "ith dark center# and borne #ingly "ith long #te%#. J oreo!#i# grandiflora.J(6)AAHeight( 7 to ? feetG fourth "eek of BuneG flo"er#( large( dee! yello"( borne #ingly on long #te%#( bloo%ing !rofu#ely throughout the #u%%er. J oreo!#i# lanceolata.J(6)AAHeight( 7 feetG fourth "eek of BuneG flo"er# large though #lightly #%aller than the la#t( and borne on long #te%#( bloo%ing throughout the #ea#on.(&) J&el!hiniu% a#h%erianu%.JAAHeight( 1A1P7 feetG fir#t "eek of BulyG flo"er#( !ale to bright blue( in large o!en head#.(&) J&ianthu# !lu%ariu# flore !leno.JAAHeight( 2 inche#G #econd "eek of BuneG flo"er#( large( "hite or !ink( $ery #"eet #centedG and t"o or three borne on a #te%. 6 $ariety called Mr#. Si%kin# i# e#!ecially de#irable( being $ery double( "hite and deliciou#ly !erfu%ed( al%o#t eIualing a carnation. )t bloo%# the fourth "eek of Bune. J&icentra #!ectabili#J (Bleeding Heart).AAHeight( ? feetG #econd "eek of MayG flo"er#( heartA#ha!ed( red and "hite in !endulou# race%e#. J&icta%nu# albu#.JAAHeight( 1A1P7 to 7 feetG #econd "eek of BuneG flo"er#( "hite "ith an aro%atic fragrance( and borne in large ter%inal race%e#. 6 "ellAkno"n $ariety ha# !ur!le flo"er# "ith darker %arking#. J&oronicu% auca#icu%.JAAHeight( 1 footG #econd "eek of MayG flo"er#( large( yello"( and borne #ingly. J&oronicu% !lantagineu%J $ar. Je/cel#u%.JAAHeight( 7 feetG third "eek of MayG flo"er#( large and dee! yello".(&) JE!i%ediu% rubru%.JAAHeight( 1 footG #econd "eek of MayG flo"er#( #%all( bright cri%#on and "hite( borne in a loo#e !anicle. 6 $ery dainty and beautiful little !lant. JErigeron #!ecio#u#.J(6)AAHeight( 1A1P7 feetG #econd "eek of BulyG flo"er#( large( $ioletAblue( "ith yello" center#( and borne in large clu#ter# on long #te%#. J-unkia #ubcordata (grandiflora).JAAHeight( 1A1P7 feetG 6ugu#tG flo"er#( large and "hite( borne in race%e#. The be#t funkia gro"n at =tta"aG both lea$e# and flo"er# are hand#o%e. JGaillardia ari#tataJ $ar. Jgrandiflora.J(6)AAHeight( 1 1P7 feetG third "eek of BuneG flo"er#( large( yello"( "ith dee! orange center#( and borne #ingly on long #te%#. The na%ed $arietie#( Su!erba and Perfection( are %ore highly colored and are of great %erit. The#e all continue

bloo%ing !rofu#ely until late in the autu%n.(&) JGy!#o!hila !aniculataJ ()nfantH# breath).AAHeight( 7 feetG #econd "eek of BulyG flo"er#( #%all( "hite( borne !rofu#ely in large o!en !anicle#. JHeleniu% autu%naleJ(6)AAHeight( L to 3 feetG #econd "eek of BulyG flo"er#( large( dee! yello"( borne in large head#G $ery orna%ental in late #u%%er. JHelianthu# doronicoide#.J(6)AAHeight( L to 3 feetG #econd "eek of 6ugu#tG flo"er#( large( bright yello"( and borne #inglyG continue# bloo%ing for #e$eral "eek#. JHelianthu# %ultifloru#.J(6)AAHeight( K feetG flo"er#( large( double( bright yello"( and borne #inglyG a $ery #triking lateAflo"ering !erennial. JHeuchera #anguineaJ(6)AAHeight( 1 to 1A1P7 feetG fir#t "eek of BuneG flo"er#( #%all( bright( #carlet( borne in o!en !anicle#G continue# bloo%ing throughout the #u%%er. JHe%erocalli# &u%ortierii.JAAHeight( 1A1P7 feetG #econd "eek of BuneG flo"er#( large( orangeAyello"( "ith a bro"ni#h tinge on the out#ide( and three or four on a #te%.(&) JHe%erocalli# fla$a.JAAHeight( 7 to ? feetG latter !art of BuneG flo"er#( bright orangeAyello" and fragrant.(&) JHe%erocalli# %inor.JAAHeight( 1 to 1A1P7 feetG #econd "eek of BulyG flo"er#( %ediu% #iEe and yello"G bloo%# later than the t"o !receding #!ecie# and ha# a #%aller flo"er and narro"er foliage. JHibi#cu# Mo#cheuto#.J(6)AAHeight( 9 feetG third "eek of 6ugu#tG flo"er#( $ery large( $arying in color fro% "hite to dee! !ink. 6 $ariety called ' ri%#on Eye' i# $ery good. Thi# !lant %ake# a fine #ho" in late #u%%er. JHy!ericu% 6#cyronJ (or J!yra%idatu%J).(6)AAHeight( ? feetG fourth "eek of BulyG flo"er#( large( yello"( and borne #ingly. J)beri# #e%!er$iren#.JAAHeight( L to 17 inche#G third "eek of MayG flo"er#( !ure "hite( fragrant( and borne in den#e flat clu#ter#.(&) J)ri# ha%oeiri#.JAAHeight( L inche#G fourth "eek of MayG flo"er#( bright yello" "ith bro"n %arking#. J)ri# fla$e#cen#.JAAHeight( 1A1P7 to 7 feetG fir#t "eek of BuneG flo"er#( le%onAyello" "ith bro"n %arking#. J)ri# -lorentina.JAAHeight( 7 feetG fir#t "eek of BuneG flo"er#( $ery large( !ale blue or la$ender( #"eet #cented.(&) J)ri# Ger%anica.JAAHeight( 7 to ? feetG fir#t "eek of BuneG flo"er#( $ery large( of elegant for%G color( dee! lilac and bright !ur!le( #"eet #cented. There i# a large nu%ber of choice $arietie# of thi# iri#.(&) J)ri# loe$igata (Doe%!feri).JAAHeight( 1A1P7 to 7 feetG fir#t "eek of BulyG flo"er#( !ur!le and %odified color#( $ery large and di#tinct in color and #ha!e.(&)

J)ri# !u%ila.JAAHeight( K to L inche#G third "eek of MayG flo"er#( dee! !ur!le. There are #e$eral $arietie#. J)ri# Sibirica.JAAHeight( ? to K feetG fourth "eek of MayG flo"er#( dee! blue( borne on long #te%# in clu#ter# of t"o or three. Thi# #!ecie# ha# %any $arietie#. J)ri# $ariegata.JAAHeight( 1 to 1 1P7 feetG fir#t "eek of BuneG flo"er#( yello" and bro"n( $eined "ith $ariou# #hade# of bro"n. JLiliu% auratu%.JAAHeight( ? to 9 feetG BulyG flo"er#( $ery large( "hite( "ith a yello" central band on each !etal( and thickly #!otted "ith !ur!le and red. The %o#t #ho"y of all lilie# and a #!lendid flo"er. Thi# ha# !ro$ed hardy at the entral E/!eri%ental -ar%( although it ha# been re!orted tender in #o%e localitie#.(&) JLiliu% anaden#e.J(6)AAHeight( 7 to ? feetG latter !art of MayG flo"er#( yello" to !ale red "ith reddi#h #!ot#( !endulou#. JLiliu% elegan#.JAAHeight( L inche#G fir#t "eek of BulyG flo"er#( !ale redG #e$eral $arietie# are better than the ty!e. JLiliu% #!ecio#u%.JAAHeight( 7 to ? feetG BulyG flo"er#( large( "hite( tinged and #!otted "ith dee! !ink and red. Hardier than JLiliu%J Jauratu%J and al%o#t a# fine. There are #e$eral fine $arietie#.(&) JLiliu% #u!erbu%.J(6)AAHeight( K to L feetG fir#t "eek of BulyG flo"er#( $ery nu%erou#( orange red( thickly #!otted "ith dark bro"n. 6n ad%irable lily for the rear of the border. (&) JLiliu% tenuifoliu%.JAAHeight( 1 1P7 to 7 feetG third "eek of BuneG flo"er#( !endulou# and bright #carlet. =ne of the %o#t graceful of all lilie#. JLiliu% tigrinu%.JAAHeight( 7 to K feetG flo"er#( large( dee! orange( #!otted thickly "ith !ur!li#h black. JLinu% !erenne.JAAHeight( 1 1P7 feetG fir#t "eek of BuneG flo"er#( large dee! blue( borne in loo#e !anicle#( continuing throughout the #u%%er. JLobelia cardinali#.J(6)AAHeight( 7 to ? feetG 6ugu#tG flo"er#( bright #carlet( borne in ter%inal race%e#G $ery #ho"y. JLychni# halcedonica flore !leno.JAAHeight( 7 to ? feetG fir#t "eek of BulyG flo"er#( bright cri%#on( double( and borne in ter%inal race%e#. JLy#i%achia clethroide#.JAAHeight( ? feetG fourth "eek of BulyG flo"er#( "hite( borne in long #!ike#. 6 $ery #triking lateAflo"ering !erennial. JMyo#oti# al!e#tri#.JAAHeight( L inche#G third "eek of MayG flo"er#( #%all( bright blue "ith a yello"i#h eye. 6 $ery !rofu#e bloo%er. J=Enothera Mi##ourien#i#.J(6)AAHeight( 1 footG fourth "eek of BuneG flo"er#( $ery large( rich yello"( and borne #ingly( throughout the #u%%er. JPoeonia officinali#.JAAHeight( 7 to K feetG early !art of Buly. The doubleAflo"ered $arietie# are the be#t( and can be obtained in #e$eral

color# and #hade#( (&) JPa!a$er nudicauleJ(6)AAHeight( 1 footG #econd "eek of MayG flo"er#( %ediu% #iEe( orange( "hite( or yello"( al%o#t continuou#ly until late autu%n. (&) JPa!a$er orientale.JAAHeight( 7 to ? feetG fir#t "eek of BuneG flo"er#( $ery large( #carlet( and $ariou#ly %arked( according to $ariety( there being %any for%#. JPent#te%on barbatu#J $ar. JTorreyi.J(6)AAHeight( 7 to ? feetG fir#t "eek of BulyG flo"er#( dee! red( borne in long #!ike#( $ery orna%ental. JPhlo/ a%oena.J(6)AAHeight( L inche#G #econd "eek of MayG flo"er#( %ediu% #iEe( bright !ink( in co%!act clu#ter#. JPhlo/ decu##ataJ(6) (the garden !erennial hybrid#).AAHeight( 1 to ? feetG third "eek of BulyG flo"er#( of %any beautiful #hade# and color#( are found in the large nu%ber of na%ed $arietie# of thi# !hlo/( "hich continue# to bloo% until late in the autu%n. (&) JPhlo/ re!tan#.J(6)AAHeight( K inche#G fourth "eek of MayG flo"er#( %ediu% #iEe( !ur!le( and borne in #%all clu#ter#. JPhlo/ #ubulataJ(6) J(#etacea)J.AAHeight( L inche#G third "eek of MayG flo"er#( %ediu% #iEe( dee! !ink( and borne in #%all clu#ter#. JPlatycodon grandifloru%.JAAHeight( 1A1P7 to 7 feetG #econd "eek of BulyG flo"er#( $ery large( dee! blue( borne #ingly or in t"o#.(&) JPlatycodon grandifloru%J $ar. Jalbu%.JAA6 "hiteAflo"ered $ariety of the abo$e and %ake# a fine contra#t to it "hen they are gro"n together. )t bloo%# a fe" day# earlier than the #!ecie#. JPlatycodon Marie#ii.JAAHeight( 1 footG #econd "eek of BulyG flo"er#( large and dee! blue. JPole%oniu% coeruleu%.J(6)AAHeight( 7 feetG #econd "eek of BuneG flo"er#( dee! blue( borne in ter%inal #!ike#. JPole%oniu% re!tan#.J(6)AAHeight( L inche#G third "eek of MayG flo"er#( %ediu% in #iEe( blue( and borne !rofu#ely in loo#e clu#ter#. JPole%oniu% 0ichard#oni.J(6)AAHeight( L inche#G third "eek of MayG flo"er#( %ediu% in #iEe( blue( borne !rofu#ely in !endulou# !anicle#. JPotentilla hybridaJ $ar. J$er#icolor.JAAHeight( 1 footG fourth "eek of BuneG flo"er#( large( dee! orange and yello"( #e%iAdouble. JPri%ula cortu#oide#.JAAHeight( 2 inche#G third "eek of MayG flo"er#( #%all( dee! ro#e( in co%!act head#. JPyrethru%J (or J hry#anthe%u%J) Juligino#u%.JAAHeight( K feetG Se!te%berG flo"er#( large( "hite "ith yello" center#( and borne #ingly on long #te%#. J0udbeckia laciniataJ(6) (Golden Glo").AAHeight( 9 to L feetG 6ugu#tG flo"er#( large( le%onAyello"( double( and borne on long #te%#. =ne of the be#t of lately introduced !erennial#. (&)

J0udbeckia %a/i%a.J(6)AAHeight( 9 to L feetG Buly and 6ugu#tG flo"er#( large( "ith a long coneA#ha!ed center and bright yello" ray#( and borne #ingly. The "hole !lant i# $ery #triking. JScabio#a auca#cia.JAAHeight( 1A1P7 feetG fir#t "eek of BulyG flo"er#( large( light blue( and borne #ingly on long #te%#( $ery freely throughout re%ainder of the #u%%er. JSolidago anaden#i#J(6) (GoldenArod).AAHeight( ? to 9 feetG fir#t "eek of 6ugu#tG flo"er#( #%all( golden yello"( and borne in den#e !anicle#. JS!iraeaJ (!ro!erly J6runcu#J)J a#tilboide#.JAAHeight( 7 feetG fourth "eek of BuneG flo"er#( #%all( "hite( $ery nu%erou#( and borne in %any branched !anicle#. Both foliage and flo"er# are orna%ental. JS!iraeaJ (or J@l%ariaJ) J-ili!endula.JAAHeight( 7 to ? feetG third "eek of BuneG flo"er#( !ure "hite( borne !rofu#ely in loo#e !anicle#. The foliage of thi# #!ecie# i# al#o $ery good. There i# a double flo"ered $ariety "hich i# $ery effecti$e. (&) JS!iraea (@l%aria) !ur!ureaJ $ar. Jelegan#.JAAHeight( 7 to ? feetG fir#t "eek of BulyG flo"er#( "hiti#h "ith cri%#on anther#( borne $ery !rofu#ely in !anicle#. JS!iraea @l%aria (@l%aria !enta!etalaJ).AAHeight( ? to K feetG #econd "eek of BulyG flo"er#( $ery nu%erou#( dull "hite( borne in large co%!ound head#( ha$ing a #oft( feathery a!!earance. JS!iraea $enu#ta (@l%aria rubraJ $ar. J$enu#taJ).AAHeight( K feetG #econd "eek of BulyG flo"er#( #%all( bright !ink( borne !rofu#ely in large !anicle#. (&) JStatice latifolia.JAAHeight( 1A1P7 feetG fir#t "eek of BulyG flo"er#( #%all( blue( borne $ery !rofu#ely in loo#e !anicle#. .ery effecti$e in the border. JThalictru% aIuilegifoliu%.JAAHeight( K to 9 feetG fourth "eek of BuneG flo"er#( #%all( "hite to !ur!li#h( $ery nu%erou# and borne in large !anicle#. JTrolliu# Euro!oeu#.JAAHeight( 1A1P7 to 7 feetG fourth "eek of MayG flo"er#( large( bright yello"( continuing a long ti%e. K. B@LBS 6C& T@BE0S J(See the !articular culture of the different kind# in ha!ter .)))G and in#truction# for forcing on !. ?K9.)J )t i# cu#to%ary to "rite of bulb# and tuber# together( becau#e the to!# and flo"er# of all the bulbou# and tuberou# !lant# #!ring fro% large re#er$oir# of #tored food( gi$ing ri#e to #i%ilar %ethod# of culture and of #torage. Structurally( the bulb i# $ery different fro% the tuber( ho"e$er. 6 bulb i# !ractically a large dor%ant bud( the #cale# re!re#enting the lea$e#( and the e%bryo #te% lying in the center. Bulb# are conden#ed !lant# in #torage. The tuber( on the other hand( i# a #olid body( "ith bud# ari#ing fro% it. So%e tuber# re!re#ent thickened #te%#( a# the )ri#h

!otato( and #o%e thickened root#( a# !robably the #"eetA!otato( and #o%e both #te% and root( a# the turni!( !ar#ni!( and beet. So%e tuber# are $ery bulbAlike in a!!earance( a# the cor%# of crocu# and gladiolu#. @#ing the "ord 'bulb' in the gardenerH# #en#e to include all the#e !lant# a# a cultural grou!( "e %ay thro" the% into t"o cla##e#5 the hardy kind#( to be !lanted in fallG and the tender kind#( to be !lanted in #!ring. J-allA!lanted bulb#.J The fallA!lanted bulb# are of t"o grou!#5 the 'Holland bulb#' or early #!ring bloo%er#( a# crocu#( tuli! (-ig. 799)( hyacinth (-ig. 7L7)( narci##u# (-ig. 7L8)( #Iuill (-ig. 79L)( #no"dro!G the #u%%er bloo%er#( a# lilie# (-ig#. 79>( 792). The treat%ent# of the t"o grou!# are #o #i%ilar that they %ay be di#cu##ed together. :)llu#tration -ig5 799. Tuli!#( the "ar%e#t of #!ring flo"er#.< 6ll the#e bulb# %ay be !lanted a# #oon a# they are %atureG but in !ractice they are ke!t till late Se!te%ber or =ctober before they are !ut into the ground( a# nothing i# gained by earlier !lanting( and( %oreo$er( the ground i# u#ually not ready to recei$e the% until #o%e other cro! i# re%o$ed. :)llu#tration5 -ig 79L. =ne of the #Iuill#.AAJScilla bifolia.J< The#e bulb# are !lanted in the fall (1) becau#e they kee! better in the ground than "hen #toredG (7) becau#e they "ill take root in fall and "inter and be ready for the fir#t "ar%th of #!ringG (?) and becau#e it i# u#ually i%!o##ible to get on the ground early enough in #!ring to !lant the% "ith %uch ho!e of #ucce## for that #ea#on. The bulb# lie dor%ant until #!ring( #o far a# out"ard a!!earance# goG they are %ulched to in#ure that they "ill not #tart in "ar% "eather of fall or "inter( and to !rotect the ground fro% hea$ing. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 793. 6 !ur!leAflo"ered 6%arylli#.AAJLycori# #Iua%igera(J but kno"n a# J6%arylli# Hallii.J< To #ecure good bulb# and of the de#ired $arietie#( the order #hould be !laced in #!ring or early #u%%er. -or flo"erAgarden effect#( the large and %ature bulb# #hould be #ecuredG for coloniEing in #hrubbery or on the la"n( the #%aller #iEe# %ay be #ufficient. )n#i#t that your bulb# #hall be fir#t cla##( for there i# "ide difference in the IualityG e$en "ith the be#t of treat%ent( good re#ult# cannot be #ecured fro% !oor bulb#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 79>. The Ba!ane#e goldAbanded lily.AAJLiliu% auratu%J< )t i# not generally kno"n that there are autu%nAflo"ering bulb#. Se$eral #!ecie# of crocu# bloo% in the fall( J . #ati$u#J (the #affron crocu#) and J . #!ecio#u#J being the one# generally reco%%ended. The colchicu%# are e/cellent autu%nAbloo%ing bulb# and #hould be %ore generally !lanted. J . autu%nale(J ro#y !ur!le( i# the u#ual #!ecie#. The#e autu%nAbloo%ing bulb# are !lanted in 6ugu#t or early Se!te%ber and treated in general the #a%e a# other #i%ilar bulb#. The colchicu%# u#ually re%ain in the ground #e$eral year# in good condition.

6ll kind# of bulb# are !artial to a dee!( rich( "aterAfree #oil. Thi# i# no #%all !art of their #ucce##ful culture. The #!ot #hould be "ell drained( either naturally or artificially. )n flatti#h and rather %oi#t land# the bed# %ay be %ade abo$e the #urface( #o%e 1> inche# high( and bordered "ith gra##. 6 layer of rough #tone# a foot dee! i# #o%eti%e# u#ed in the botto% of ordinary bed# for drainage( and "ith good re#ult#( "hen other %ethod# are not con$enient( and "hen there i# fear that the bed %ay beco%e too "et. )f the !lace i# likely to be rather "et( !lace a large handful of #and "here the bulb i# to go and #et the bulb on it. Thi# "ill kee! the "ater fro% #tanding around the bulb. .ery good re#ult# %ay be had in hea$y #oil by thi# %ethod. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 792. =ne of the co%%on "ild lilie#.AAJLiliu% Philadel!hicu%.J< The #oil for bulb# #hould be "ell enriched "ith old %anure. -re#h %anure #hould ne$er be allo"ed clo#e about the bulb. The addition of leaf%old and a little #and al#o i%!ro$e# the te/ture of hea$y #oil#. -or lilie# the leaf%old %ay be o%itted. Let the #!ading be at lea#t a foot dee!. Eighteen inche# "ill be none too dee! for lilie#. To %ake a bulb bed( thro" out the to! earth to the de!th of L inche#. Put into the botto% of the bed about 7 inche# of "ellArotted %anure and #!ade it into the #oil. Thro" back half of the to! #oil( le$el it off nicely( #et the bulb# fir%ly on thi# bed( and then co$er the% "ith the re%ainder of the earthG in thi# "ay one "ill ha$e the bulb# fro% ? to K inche# belo" the #urface( and they "ill all be of unifor% de!th and "ill gi$e unifor% re#ult# if the bulb# the%#el$e# are "ell graded. The 'de#ign' bed %ay be "orked out ea#ily in thi# "ay( for all the bulb# are fully e/!o#ed after they are !laced( and they are all co$ered at once. =f cour#e( it i# not nece##ary that the ho%e gardener go to the trouble of re%o$ing the earth and re!lacing it if he %erely "ant# good bloo%#G but if he "ant# a good bed a# a "hole( or a %a## effect( he #hould take thi# !ain#. )n the #hrubberie# and on the la"n he %ay '#tick the% in' here and there( #eeing that the to! of the bulb i# ? to L inche# beneath the #urface( the de!th de!ending on the #iEe of the bulb (the bigger and #tronger the bulb( the dee!er it %ay go) and on the nature of the #oil (they %ay go dee!er in #and than in hard clay). :)llu#tration5 -ig. 7L8. o%%on #!ecie# of narci##u#.AAJa a. Carci##u# P#eudoACarci##u#J or daffodilG Jb.J BonIuilG Jc. C. Poeticu#.J< 6# the ti%e of #e$ere "inter freeEing a!!roache#( the bed #hould recei$e a %ulch of lea$e#( %anure or litter( to the de!th of K inche# or %ore( according to the latitude and the kind of %aterial. )f lea$e# are u#ed( ? inche# "ill be enough( becau#e the lea$e# lie clo#e together and %ay #%other out the fro#t that i# in the ground and let the bulb# #tart. )t "ill be "ell to let the %ulch e/tend 1 foot or %ore beyond the %argin# of the bed. ,hen cold "eather i# !a#t( half of the %ulch #hould be re%o$ed. The re%ainder %ay be left on till there i# no longer danger of fro#t. =n re%o$ing the la#t of the %ulch( lightly "ork o$er the #urface a%ong the bulb# "ith a thru#tAhoe. )f the "eather ha!!en# to be $ery bright during the bloo%ing #ea#on( the duration of the flo"er# %ay be !rolonged by light #hadingAAa# "ith %u#lin( or #lat# !laced abo$e the bed#. )f !lanted "here they ha$e !artial #hade fro% #urrounding tree# or #hrubbery( the bed# "ill not need attention of thi# kind.

Lilie# %ay re%ain undi#turbed for year#. rocu#e# and tuli!# %ay #tand t"o year#( but hyacinth# #hould be taken u! each year and re!lantedG tuli!# al#o "ill be better for the #a%e treat%ent. Carci##u# %ay re%ain for #o%e year#( or until they #ho" #ign# of running out. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 7L1. The Belladonna lily.AAJ6%arylli# Belladonna.J< Bulb# that are to be taken u! #hould be left in the ground till the foliage turn# yello"( or die# do"n naturally. Thi# gi$e# the bulb# a chance to ri!en. utting off the foliage and digging too early i# a not unco%%on and #eriou# %i#take. Bulb# that ha$e been !lanted in !lace# that are "anted for #u%%er bedding !lant# %ay be dug "ith the foliage on and heeledAin under a tree( or along a fence( to #tand till ri!ened. The !lant #hould be injured a# little a# !o##ible( a# the foliage of thi# year %ake# the flo"er# of the ne/t. ,hen the foliage ha# turned yello" or died do"n( the bulb#AAafter cleaning( and curing the% for a fe" hour# in the #unAA%ay be #tored in the cellar or other cool( dry !lace( to a"ait fall !lanting. Bulb# that are lifted !re%aturely in thi# "ay #hould be !lanted !er%anently in the border#( for they "ill not %ake good flo"erAgarden #ubject# the follo"ing year. )n fact( it i# u#ually be#t to buy fre#h( #trong bulb# each year of tuli!#( hyacinth#( and crocu#e# if the be#t re#ult# are de#ired( u#ing the old bulb# for #hrubberie# and %i/ed border#. rocu#e# and #Iuill# are often !lanted in the la"n. )t i# not to be e/!ected that they "ill la#t %ore than t"o to three year#( ho"e$er( e$en if care i# taken not to cut the to!# clo#ely "hen the la"n i# cut. The narci##u# (including daffodil# and jonIuil#) "ill re%ain in good condition for year# in gra##y !art# of the !lace( if the to!# are allo"ed to %ature. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 7L7. The co%%on &utch hyacinth.< JLi#t of outdoor fallA!lanted bulb# for the Corth.J rocu#. Hyacinth. Tuli!. Carci##u# (including daffodil and jonIuil). Scilla( or #Iuill. Sno"dro! J(Galanthu#).J Sno"flake J(Leucoiu%).J hionodo/a. Hardy alliu%#. Bulbocodiu%. a%a##ia. LilyAofAtheA$alley. ,inter aconite (JEranthi# hyc%ali#J). &ogAtooth $iolet# (JErythroniu%J). ro"n i%!erial (J-ritillaria )%!eriali#J). -ritillary (J-ritillaria Mekagri#J). Trilliu%#. Lilie#. Peonie#( tuberou# ane%one#( tuberou# buttercu!#( iri#( bleeding heart( and the like( %ay be !lanted in autu%n and are often cla##ed "ith fallA!lanted bulb#.

J,inter bulb#J (!. ?K9). So%e of the#e bulb# %ay be %ade to bloo% in the greenhou#e( "indo"Agarden( or li$ing roo% in "inter. Hyacinth# are !articularly u#eful for thi# !ur!o#e( becau#e the bloo% i# le## affected by cloudy "eather than that of tuli!# and crocu#e#. So%e kind# of narci##u# al#o 'force' "ell( !articularly the daffodilG and the Pa!erA"hite and ' hine#e #acred lily' are !ractically the only co%%on bulb# fro% "hich the ho%e gardener %ay e/!ect good bloo% before hri#t%a#. The %ethod of handling bulb# for "inter bloo% i# de#cribed under ,indo"Agardening (on !. ?K9). JSu%%er bulb#.J There i# nothing #!ecial to be #aid of the culture of the #oAcalled #u%%erAbloo%ing and #!ringA!lanted bulb#( a# a cla##. They are tender( and are therefore !lanted after cold "eather i# !a#t. -or early bloo%( they %ay be #tarted indoor#. =f cour#e( any li#t of #!ringA!lanted bulb# i# relati$e to the cli%ate( for "hat %ay be !lanted in #!ring in Ce" *ork !erha!# %ay be !lanted in the fall in Georgia. The co%%on '#u%%er bulb#' are5AA Gladiolu# Tubero#e &ahlia anna 6ru% alla alochortu# 6l#tre%eria 6%arylli# oloca#ia 9. THE SH0@BBE0* (E/clu#i$e of coniferou# e$ergreen# and cli%bing !lant#.) The co%%on hardy #hrub# or bu#he# %ay be !lanted in fall or #!ring. )n the northern%o#t !art# of the country and in anada #!ring !lanting i# u#ually #afer( although on "ellAdrained ground and "hen thoroughly %ulched the !lant# %ay e$en there do "ell if !lanted a# #oon a# the lea$e# dro! in fall. )f the #hrub# are !urcha#ed in #!ring( they are likely to ha$e co%e fro% 'cellared #tock'G that i#( the nur#ery%en dig %uch of their #tock in fall and #tore it in cellar# built for the !ur!o#e. ,hile #tock that i# !ro!erly cellared i# !erfectly reliable( that "hich ha# been allo"ed to get too dry or "hich ha# been other"i#e i%!ro!erly handled co%e# on $ery #lo"ly in the #!ring( %ake# a !oor gro"th the fir#t year( and %uch of it %ay die. )n the !lanting of any kind of tree# or #hrub#( it i# "ell to re%e%ber that nur#eryAgro"n #!eci%en# generally tran#!lant %ore readily and thri$e better than tree# taken fro% the "ildG and thi# i# !articularly true if the #tock "a# tran#!lanted in the nur#ery. Tree# that tran#!lant "ith difficulty( a# the !a!a" or a#i%ina( and #o%e nut tree#( %ay be !re!ared for re%o$al by cutting #o%e of their root#AAand e#!ecially the ta!Aroot( if they ha$e #uchAAa year or t"o in ad$ance. :)llu#tration F))). The !ageant of #u%%er. Garden# of . ,. &o"de#"ell(

England( fro% a !ainting by Mi## Par#on#. -or !er%i##ion to re!roduce the abo$e !icture "e are indebted to the kindne## of Me##r#. Sutton N Son#( Seed Merchant#( 0eading( England( the o"ner# of the co!yright( "ho !ubli#hed it in their 6%ateurH# Guide in Horticulture for 1282.< )t i# ordinarily be#t to !lo" or #!ade the entire area in "hich the #hrub# are to be #et. -or a year or t"o the ground #hould be tilled bet"een the #hrub#( either by hor#e tool# or by hoe# and rake#. )f the !lace look# bare( #eed# of IuickAgro"ing flo"er# %ay be #cattered about the edge# of the %a##( or herbaceou# !erennial# %ay be u#ed. The larger #hrub#( a# lilac# and #yringa#( %ay be #et about K feet a!artG but the #%aller one# #hould be #et about 7 feet a!art if it i# de#ired to #ecure an i%%ediate effect. )f after a fe" year# the %a## beco%e# too cro"ded( #o%e of the #!eci%en# %ay be re%o$ed (!. 3L). Thro" the #hrub# into an irregular !lantation( not in ro"#( and %ake the inner edge of the %a## %ore or le## undulating and broken. )t i# a good !ractice to %ulch the !lantation each fall "ith light %anure( leaf %old( or other %aterial. E$en though the #hrub# are !erfectly hardy( thi# %ulch greatly i%!ro$e# the land and !ro%ote# gro"th. 6fter the #hrub border# ha$e beco%e t"o or three year# old( the drifting lea$e# of fall "ill be caught therein and "ill be held a# a %ulch (!. >7). ,hen the #hrub# are fir#t !lanted( they are headed back one half or %ore (-ig. K9)G but after they are e#tabli#hed they are not to be #heared( but allo"ed to take their o"n "ay( and after a fe" year# the outer%o#t one# "ill droo! and %eet the greenA#"ard (!!. 79( 7L). Many ra!idAgro"ing tree# %ay be utiliEed a# #hrub# by cutting the% off near the ground e$ery year( or e$ery other year( and allo"ing young #hoot# to gro". Ba##"ood( black a#h( #o%e of the %a!le#( tuli! tree( %ulberry( ailanthu#( !aulo"nia( %agnolia#( J6cer ca%!e#tre(J and other# %ay be treated in thi# "ay (-ig. 98). Cearly all #hrub# bloo% in #!ring or early #u%%er. )f kind# bloo%ing late in #u%%er or in fall are de#ired( they %aybe looked for in bacchari#( caryo!teri#( ce!halanthu#( clethra( ha%a%eli#( hibi#cu#( hydrangea( hy!ericu%( le#!edeEa( rhu# J(0. otinu#)( Sa%bucu# anaden#i#J in %id#u%%er( ta%ari#k. Plant# that bloo% in $ery early #!ring (not %entioning #uch a# birche#( alder#( and haEel#) %ay be found in a%elanchier( cydonia( da!hne( dirca( for#ythia( cerci# (in tree li#t)( benEoin( lonicera J(L. fragranti##i%aJ)( #ali/ (JS. di#colorJ and other !u##y "illo"#)( #he!herdia. Shrub# bearing con#!icuou# berrie#( !od#( and the like( that !er#i#t in fall or "inter %ay be found in the genera berberi# (!articularly JB. ThunbergiiJ)( colutea( corylu#( crataegu#( euony%u#( ile/( !hy#ocar!u#( o#trya( !telea( !yracantha (Plate F)F) !yru#( rhodoty!o#( ro#a (J0. rugo#aJ)( #ta!hylea( #y%!horicar!u#( $iburnu%( /anthocera#. JLi#t of #hrubbery !lant# for the Corth.J The follo"ing li#t of #hrub# (of cour#e not co%!lete) co%!ri#e# a #election "ith !articular reference to #outhern Michigan and central Ce"

*ork( "here the %ercury #o%eti%e# fall# to fifteen degree# belo" Eero. 6!!lication i# al#o %ade to anada by de#ignating #!ecie# that ha$e been found to be hardy at =tta"a. The li#t i# arranged al!habetically by the na%e# of the genera. The a#teri#k (6) denote# that the !lant i# nati$e to Corth 6%erica. The double dagger (&&) indicate# #!ecie# that are reco%%ended by the entral E/!eri%ental -ar%#( =tta"a( =ntario. )t i# often difficult to deter%ine "hether a grou! #hould be li#ted a%ong #hrub# or tree#. So%eti%e# the !lant i# not Iuite a tree and i# yet #o%ething %ore than a #hrub or bu#hG #o%eti%e# the !lant %ay be di#tinctly a tree in it# #outhern range and a #hrub in it# northern rangeG #o%eti%e# the #a%e genu# or grou! contain# both #hrub# and tree#. )n the follo"ing genera there are doubtful ca#e#5 ae#culu#( alnu#( a%elanchier( betula( caragana( ca#tanea( cornu# (J . floridaJ)( crataegu#( elaeagnu#( !runu#( robinia. &"arf buckeye( J6E#culu# !ar$iflora (Pa$ia %acro#tachyaJ).(6) 6ttracti$e in habit( foliage( and flo"erG !roduce# a large foliage %a##. 6lder. Se$eral bu#hy #!ecie# of alder are good la"n or border #ubject#( !articularly in "et !lace# or along #trea%#( a# J6. $iridi#((6) 6. rugo#a((6) 6. incana(J(6) and other#. BuneAberry( J6%elanchier anaden#i#J(6) and other#. -lo"er# !rofu#ely in #!ring before the lea$e# a!!earG #o%e of the% beco%e #%all tree#. 6Ealea( J6Ealea $i#co#aJ(6) and J6. nudiflora.J(6) 0eIuire !artial #hade( and a "ood#y #oil. Ba!ane#e aEalea( J6. %olli#J (or J6. Sinen#i#J). Sho"y red and yello" or orange flo"er#G hardy north. Ground#el tree( '"hite %yrtle(' JBacchari# hali%ifolia.J(6) Cati$e on the 6tlantic #ea#hore( but gro"# "ell "hen !lanted inlandG $aluable for it# "hite fluffy 'bloo%' (!a!!u#) in late#t fallG KA18 ft. S!iceAbu#h( JBenEoin odoriferu% (Lindera BenEoinJ(6)). .ery earlyAbloo%ing bu#h of "et !lace#( the yello"( clu#tered( #%all flo"er# !receding the lea$e#G LAA18 ft. Barberry( JBerberi# $ulgari#.J o%%on barberryG KAL ft. The !ur!leAlea$ed for% ($ar. J!ur!ureaJ(&&)) i# !o!ular. ThunbergH# barberry( JB. Thunbergii.J(&&) =ne of the be#t of la"n and border #hrub#( "ith co%!act and attracti$e habit( dee! red autu%n foliage and bright #carlet berrie# in !rofu#ion in fall and "interG e/cellent for lo" hedge#G 7AK ft. Mahonia( JBerberi# 6Iuifoliu%.J(6)(&&) E$ergreenG need# #o%e !rotection in e/!o#ed !lace#G 1A? ft. &"arf birch( JBetula !u%ila.J(6) &e#irable for lo" !lace#G ?A18 ft. Bo/( JBu/u# #e%!er$iren#.J 6n e$ergreen #hrub( u#eful for hedge# and edging# in citie#G #e$eral $arietie#( #o%e of the% $ery d"arf. See

!age 778. arolina all#!ice( #"eetA#cented #hrub( J alycanthu# floridu#.J(6) &ull !ur!le( $ery fragrant flo"er#G ?A> ft. Siberian !eaAtree( J aragana arbore#cen#.J(&&) -lo"er# !eaAlike( yello"( in MayG $ery hardyG 18A19 feet. S%all !eaAtree( J . !yg%oea.J .ery #%all( 1A? ft( but #o%eti%e# grafted on J . arbore#cen#.J Shrubby !eaAtree( J . frute#cen#.J(&&) -lo"er# larger than tho#e of J . arbore#cen#GJ ?AA18 ft. LargeAflo"ered !eaAtree( J . grandiflora.J(&&) LargerAflo"ered than the la#t( "hich it re#e%ble#G K ft. Blue #!irea( J aryo!teri# Ma#tacanthu#.J -lo"er# bright blue( in late #u%%er and fallG 7AK ft.( but i# likely to die to ground in "inter. hinIua!in or d"arf che#tnut( J a#tanea !u%ila.J(6) Beco%e# a #%all tree( but u#ually bu#hy. eanothu#( J eanothu# 6%ericanu#.J(6) 6 $ery #%all nati$e #hrub( de#irable for dry !lace# under tree#G 7A? ft. There are %any good Euro!ean garden for%# of ceanothu#( but not hardy in the northern #tate#. ButtonAbu#h( J e!halanthu# occidentali#.J(6) Blo##o%# in Buly and 6ugu#tG de#irable for "aterAcour#e# and other lo" !lace#G KA18 ft. -ringe tree( J hionanthu# .irginica.J(6) Shrub a# large a# lilac( or beco%ing treeAlike( "ith fringeAlike "hite flo"er# in #!ring. ,hite alder( J lethra alnifolia.J(6) 6 $ery fine( hardy #hrub( !roducing $ery fragrant flo"er# in Buly and 6ugu#tG #hould be better kno"nG KA18 ft. Bladder #enna( J olutea arbore#cen#.J PeaAlike yello"i#h flo"er# in Bune( and big inflated !od#G >A17 ft. Euro!ean o#ier( J ornu# albaJ (kno"n al#o a# J . SibiricaJ and J . TataricaJ). Branche# dee! redG KA> ft.G the $ariegated for% (&&) ha# lea$e# edged "hite. BaileyH# o#ier( J ornu# Baileyi.J(6) Probably the fine#t of the nati$e o#ier# for color of t"ig# and foliageG 9A> ft. 0edAt"igged o#ier( J ornu# #tolonifera.J(6) The red t"ig# are $ery #ho"y in "interG 9 to > ft.G #o%e bu#he# are brighter in color than other#. -lo"ering dog"ood( J . florida.J(6) .ery #ho"y tree or big #hrub( de#irable for border# of grou!# and belt#. 6 redAflo"ered $ariety i# on the %arket. ornelian herry( J ornu# Ma#.J Beco%ing a #%all tree( 19A78 ft.G flo"er# nu%erou# in bunche#( yello"( before the lea$e#G fruit( cherryAlike( edible( red.

HaEel or filbert( J orylu# %a/i%aJ $ar. J!ur!urea.J 6 "ellAkno"n !ur!leAlea$ed #hrub( u#ually catalogued a# J . 6$ellana !ur!urea.J The ea#tern 6%erican #!ecie# (J . 6%ericanaJ(6) and J . ro#trataJ(6)) are al#o intere#ting. otonea#ter. Se$eral #!ecie# of cotonea#ter are #uitable for culti$ation in the %iddle and #outhern latitude#. They are allied to crataegu#. So%e are e$ergreen. So%e kind# bear hand#o%e !er#i#tent fruit#. ,ild thorn#( J ratoegu# !unctata(J(6) J . coccinea(J(6)(&&) J . ru#Agalli(J(6)(&&) and other#. The nati$e thorn a!!le# or ha"thorn#( of nu%erou# #!ecie#( are a%ong#t our be#t large #hrub# for !lanting and #hould be %uch better kno"nG LA78 ft. Ba!ane#e Iuince( J ydoniaJ (or JPyru#J) JBa!onica.J 6n old fa$orite bloo%ing in earlie#t #!ring( in ad$ance of the lea$e#G not hardy at Lan#ing( Mich.G KA9 ft. MauleH# Ba!ane#e Iuince( J . Maulei.J(&&) Bright redG fruit hand#o%eG hardier than J . Ba!onicaGJ 1A? ft. &a!hne( J&a!hne MeEereu%.J Produce# ro#eA!ur!le or "hite flo"er# in abundance in earlie#t #!ring before the lea$e# a!!ear. Should be !lanted on the edge# of grou!#G lea$e# deciduou#G 1AK ft. Garland flo"er( J&. neoru%.J(&&) Pink flo"er# in $ery early #!ring and again in autu%nG lea$e# e$ergreenG 1A1P7 ft. &eutEia( J&eutEia #cabraJ (or JcrenataJ) and $arietie#. Standard #hrub#G the $ariety 'Pride of 0oche#ter(' "ith !inki#h flo"er#( i# !erha!# the be#t for% for the CorthG KAL ft. =f thi# and the ne/t there are for%# "ith orna%ental foliage. S%all deutEia( J&. gracili#.J .ery clo#e little bu#h( "ith !ure "hite flo"er#G 7A? ft. Le%oineH# deutEia( J&. Le%oinei.J 6 hybrid( $ery de#irableG 1A? ft. ,eigela( J&ier$illa Ba!onicaJ and other #!ecie#. -ree bloo%er#( $ery fine( in %any color#( KAL ft.G the for%# kno"n a# J andida((&&) ro#ea(J(&&) JSieboldii $ariegata(J(&&) are hardy and good. Leather"ood( J&irca !alu#tri#.J(6) )f "ell gro"n( the leather"ood %ake# a $ery neat !lantG blo##o%# a!!ear before the lea$e#( but not #ho"yG KAL ft. 0u##ian oli$e( olea#ter( JEloeagnu# angu#tifolia.J(&&) -oliage #il$ery "hiteG $ery hardyG beco%ing a #%all tree( 19A78 ft. ,olfA"illo"( JE. argentea.J(6)(&&) Large and #il$ery lea$e#G #ucker# badlyG >A17 ft. Gou%i( JE. longi!e#J (#o%eti%e# called JE. eduli#J). 6ttracti$e #!reading bu#h( "ith hand#o%e edible cranberryAlike berrie#G 9AL ft. BurningAbu#h( JEuony%u# atro!ur!ureu#.J(6) .ery attracti$e in fruitG >A17 ft.( or e$en beco%ing treeAlike.

Se$eral other #!ecie# are in culti$ation( #o%e of the% e$ergreen. )n the Corth( #ucce## %ay be e/!ected "ith JE. Euro!oeu#J (#o%eti%e# a #%all tree)( JE. alatu#( E. Bungeanu#( E. latifoliu#(J and !erha!# other#. E/ochorda( JE/ochorda grandiflora.J 6 large and $ery #ho"y #hrub( !roducing a !rofu#ion of a!!leAlike "hite flo"er# in early #!ringG LA17 ftG allied to the #!irea#. -or#ythia( J-or#ythia $iridi##i%a.J Blo##o%# yello"( a!!earing before the lea$e#G reIuire# !rotection in %any !lace# CorthG LA18 ft. &roo!ing for#ythia( J-. #u#!en#a.J Make# an attracti$e %a## on a bank or borderG LA17 ft. &yerH# "eed( JGeni#ta tinctoria.J(&&) *ello" !eaAlike flo"er# in BuneG 1A? ft. Sil$erAbell tree( JHale#ia tetra!tera.J(6) BellA#ha!ed "hite flo"er# in MayG >A18 ft. ,itch haEel( JHa%a%eli# .irginiana.J(6) Blo##o%# in =ctober and Co$e%berG uniIue and de#irable if "ell gro"nG >A17 ft. 6lthea( 0o#e of Sharon( JHibi#cu# Syriacu#J (J6lthoea frute/J). )n %any for%#( !ur!le( red( and "hite( and !erha!# the be#t of late #u%%erAbloo%ing #hrub#G >A17 ft. Hydrangea( JHydrangea !aniculata(J $ar. Jgrandiflora.J(&&) =ne of the be#t and %o#t #ho"y #%all flo"ering #hrub#G KA18 ft. &o"ny hydrangea( JH. radiata.J(6) 6ttracti$e in both foliage and flo"er. =akAlea$ed hydrangea( JH. Iuercifolia.J(6) Thi# i# e#!ecially $aluable for it# lu/uriant foliageG e$en if killed to the ground in "inter( it i# #till "orth culti$ating for it# #trong #hoot#. The greenhou#e hydrangea (JH. horten#i#J in %any for%#) %ay be u#ed a# an outdoor #ubject in the South. St. BohnH# "ort( JHy!ericu% Dal%ianu%((6)(&&) H. !rolificu%(J(6) and JH. Mo#erianu%.J S%all under#hrub#( !roducing bright yello" flo"er# in !rofu#ion in Buly and 6ugu#tG 7AK ft. ,interAberry( J)le/ $erticillata.J(6)(&&) Produce# #ho"y red berrie#( that !er#i#t through the "interG #hould be %a##ed in rather lo" groundG flo"er# i%!erfectG LA> ft.

The e$ergreen hollie# are not #uitable for culti$ation in the CorthG but in the "ar%er latitude#( the 6%erican holly (J)le/ o!acaJ)( Engli#h holly (J). 6Iuifoliu%J)( and Ba!ane#e holly (J). crenataJ) %ay be gro"n. There are #e$eral nati$e #!ecie#. Mountain laurel( JDal%ia latifolia.J(6) =ne of the be#t #hrub# in culti$ation( e$ergreen( 9A18 ft.( or e$en beco%ing a #%all tree #outhG u#ually !rofit# by !artial #hadeG thri$e# in a !eaty or loa%y rather loo#e #oil( and #aid to be a$er#e to li%e#tone and clayG e/ten#i$ely tran#ferred fro% the "ild for land#ca!e effect# in large !ri$ate !lace#G #hould thri$e a# far north a# it gro"# "ild. Derria( corchoru#( JDerria Ba!onica.J 6 bra%bleAlike #hrub( !roducing attracti$e yello" #ingle or double flo"er# fro% Buly until Se!te%berG t"ig# $ery green in "inter. There i# a $ariegatedAlea$ed for%. Good for bank# and border#G 7A? ft. Sand %yrtle( JLeio!hyllu% bu/ifoliu%.J(6) E$ergreen( %ore or le## !rocu%bentG 7A? ft. Le#!edeEa( JLe#!edeEa bicolor.J(&&) 0eddi#h or !ur!le #%all flo"er# in late #u%%er and fallG KA> ft. Le#!edeEa( JL. SieboldiiJ (J&e#%odiu% !endulifloru%J).(&&) 0o#eA!ur!le large flo"er# in fallG killed to the ground in "inter( but it bloo%# the follo"ing yearG KA9 ft. Le#!edeEa( JL. Ba!onicaJ (J&e#%odiu% Ba!onicu%J). -lo"er# "hite( later than tho#e of JL. SieboldiiGJ #!ring# u! fro% the root. Pri$et( JLigu#tru% $ulgare( L. o$alifoliu%J (JL. alifornicu%J)( and JL. 6%uren#e.J(&&) Much u#ed for lo" hedge# and border#G KA17 ft.G #e$eral other #!ecie#. Tartarian honey#uckle( JLonicera Tatarica.J(&&) =ne of the %o#t cha#te and co%ely of #hrub#G LA18 ft.G !inkAflo"eredG #e$eral $arietie#. 0egelH# honey#uckle( JL. #!ino#aJ (JL. 6lbertiJ).(&&) Bloo%# a little later than abo$e( !inkG 7AK ft. -ragrant honey#uckle( JL. fragranti##i%a.J -lo"er# e/ceedingly fragrant( !receding lea$e#G 7AL ft.G one of the earlie#t thing# to bloo% in #!ring. There are other u!right honey#uckle#( all intere#ting. MockAorange (Syringa incorrectly)( JPhiladel!hu# coronariu#.J(&&) )n %any for%# and %uch !riEedG LA17 ft. =ther #!ecie# are in culti$ation( but the garden no%enclature i# confu#ed. The for%# kno"n a# JP. #!ecio#u#( P. grandifloru#(J and $ar. J#!ecio#i##i%u#J(&&) are goodG al#o the #!ecie# JP. !ube#cen#(J(6) JP. Gordonianu#(J(6) and JP. %icro!hyllu#(J(6) the la#t being d"arf( "ith #%all "hite $ery fragrant flo"er#. CineAbark( JPhy#ocar!u# o!ulifoliu#J (JS!iraea o!ulifoliaJ).(6) 6 good $igorou# hardy bu#h( "ith clu#ter# of intere#ting !od# follo"ing the flo"er#G the $ar. JaureaJ (&&) i# one of the be#t yello"Alea$ed #hrub#G LA18 ft.

6ndro%eda( JPieri# floribunda.J(6) 6 #%all ericaceou# e$ergreenG #hould ha$e #o%e !rotection fro% the "inter #unG for thi# !ur!o#e( it %ay be !lanted on the north #ide of a clu%! of tree#G 7ALft. Shrubby cinIuefoil( JPotentilla frutico#a.J(6)(&&) -oliage a#hyG flo"er# yello"( in BuneG 7AK ft. Sand cherry( JPrunu# !u%ilaJ(6) and JP. Be##eyi.J(6) The #and cherry of #andy #hore# gro"# 9A> ft.G the "e#tern #and cherry (JP. Be##eyiJ) i# %ore #!reading and i# gro"n for it# fruit. The Euro!ean d"arf cherry (JP. frutico#aJ) i# 7AK ft.( "ith "hite flo"er# in u%bel#. -lo"ering al%ond( JPrunu# Ba!onica.J )n it# doubleAflo"ered for%( fa%iliar for it# early bloo%G ?A9 ftG often grafted on other #tock#( "hich are liable to #!rout and beco%e trouble#o%e. Ho!Atree( JPtelea trifoliata.J(6) .ery intere#ting "hen bearing it# roundi#h "inged fruit#G >A18 ft.( but beco%ing larger and treeAlike. Buckthorn( J0ha%nu# cathartica.J Much u#ed for hedge#G >A17 ft. 6l!ine buckthorn( J0. al!ina.J -oliage attracti$eG 9AL ft. 0hododendron( J0hododendron ata"bien#eJ(6) and garden $arietie#.

Hardy in "ellAada!ted location#( ?A> ft.( and higher in it# nati$e region#. Great laurel( J0. %a/i%u%J(6) 6 fine #!ecie# for %a## !lanting( nati$e a# far north a# #outhern anada. E/ten#i$ely tran#!lanted fro% the "ild. ,hite kerria( J0hodoty!o# kerrioide#.J ,hite flo"er# in May and blacki#h fruitG ?A9 ft. S%okeAtree (-ringeAtree erroneou#ly)( J0hu# otinu#.J

=ne of the be#t #hrub# for %a##ingG t"o color# are gro"nG the billo"y 'bloo%(' holding late in the #ea#on( i# co%!o#ed of flo"er #te%# rather than flo"er#G #iEe of large lilac bu#he#. &"arf #u%ac( J0. co!allina.J(6)

6ttracti$e in foliage( and e#!ecially con#!icuou# in autu%n fro% the brilliant red of it# lea$e#G ?A9 ft.( #o%eti%e# %uch taller. Su%ac( #%ooth and hairy( J0. glabraJ(6) and J0. ty!hina.J(6) @#eful for the border# of large grou!# and belt#. They %ay be cut do"n e$ery year and allo"ed to #!rout (a# in -ig. 98). The young to!# are hand#o%e#t. J0. glabraJ i# the finer #!ecie# for thi# !ur!o#e. They u#ually gro" 18A19 ft. tall. =#beckH# #u%ac( J0. #e%ialataJ $ar. J=#beckii.J Strong bu#h( 18A78 ft.( "ith leafArachi# #trongly "inged( the foliage !innately co%!ound. -lo"ering( or fragrant currant( J0ibe# aureu%.J(6)(&&) ,ell kno"n and !o!ular( for it# #"eetA#cented yello" flo"er# in MayG 9A> ft. 0edAflo"ering currant( J0. #anguineu%.J(6) -lo"er# red and attracti$eG 9AL ft. J0. Gordonianu%(J reco%%endable( i# a hybrid bet"een J0. #anguineu%J and J0. aureu%.J 0o#e acacia( J0obinia hi#!ida.J(6)(&&) .ery #ho"y in bloo%G >A18ft. 0o#e#( J0o#a(J $ariou# #!ecie#. Hardy ro#e# are not al"ay# de#irable for the la"n. -or general la"n !ur!o#e# the older #ort#( #ingle or #e%iAdouble( and "hich do not reIuire high culture( are to be !referred. )t i# not intended to include here the co%%on garden ro#e#G #ee ha!ter .))) for the#e. )t i# %uch to be de#ired that the "ild ro#e# recei$e %ore attention fro% !lanter#. 6ttention ha# been too e/clu#i$ely taken by the highly i%!ro$ed garden ro#e#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 7L?. 0o#a rugo#a.< Ba!ane#e ro#e( J0o#a rugo#a.J(&&) Mo#t e/cellent for la"n !lanting( a# the foliage i# thick and not attacked by in#ect# (-ig. 7L?)G "hite and !ink flo"ered for%#G KAL ft. ,ild #"a%! ro#e( J0. arolina.J(6) 9A> ft.

,ild d"arf ro#e( J0. hu%ili#J(6) (J0. lucidaJ of Michigan). Thi# and other "ild d"arf ro#e#( ?AL ft.( %ay be u#eful in land#ca!e "ork. SayH# 0o#e( J0. aciculari#J $ar. JSayi.J(6) E/cellent for la"n#G KA9 ft. 0edAlea$ed ro#e( J0. ferruginea (0. rubrifoliaJ).(&&) E/cellent foliageG flo"er# #ingle( !inkG 9AL ft. Ba!ane#e bra%ble( J0ubu# crataegifoliu#.J .aluable for holding bank#G #!read# ra!idlyG $ery red in "interG ?AK ft.

-lo"ering ra#!berry( %ulberry (erroneou#ly)( J0. odoratu#J(6) 6ttracti$e "hen "ell gro"n and di$ided freIuently to kee! it fre#hG there i# a "hiti#h for%G ?AK ft. Ba!ane#e "ineberry( J0. !haenicola#iu#.J 6ttracti$e foliage and red hairy cane#G fruit edibleG ?A9 ft. Dil%arnock "illo"( JSali/ a!raea(J $ar. J!endula.J 6 #%all "ee!ing !lant grafted on a tall trunkG u#ually %ore curiou# than orna%ental. 0o#e%ary "illo"( JS. ro#%arinifoliaJ(&&) of nur#ery%en J(0. incanaJ !ro!erly). LA18 ft. Shining "illo"( JS. lucida.J(6) .ery de#irable for the edge# of "aterG LA17 ft. LongAlea$ed "illo"( JS. interior.J(6) =ur narro"e#tAlea$ed nati$e "illo"G u#eful for bank#G liable to #!read too ra!idlyG >A17ft. -ountain "illo"( JS. !ur!urea.J 6ttracti$e foliage and a!!earance( !articularly if cut back no" and then to #ecure ne" "oodG e/cellent for holding #!ringy bank#G 18A78 ft. Pu##y "illo"( JS. di#colorJ(6) 6ttracti$e "hen %a##ed at #o%e di#tance fro% the re#idenceG 18A19 ft. LaurelAlea$ed "illo"( JS. !entandra (S. laurifoliaJ of culti$ator#)(&&) See under Tree#( !. ?72. Many of the nati$e "illo"# %ight "ell be culti$ated. Elder#( JSa%bucu# !uben#J(6) and JS. anaden#i#.J(6) The for%er( the co%%on 'red elder(' i# orna%ental both in flo"er and fruit. JS. anaden#i#J i# de#irable for it# !rofu#ion of fragrant flo"er# a!!earing in BulyG the for%er i# LAA3 ft. high and the latter >A18 ft. GoldenAlea$ed elder( JS. nigraJ $ar. Jfolii# aurei#(J(&&) and al#o the cutAlea$ed elder( are de#irable for%# of the Euro!ean #!ecie#G 9A19 ft. BuffaloAberry( JShe!herdia argenteaJ(6) Sil$ery foliageG attracti$e and edible berrie#G 18A19 ft.( often treeAlike. She!herdia( JS. anaden#i#.J(6) S!reading bu#h( ?AA> ft.( "ith attracti$e foliage and fruit. Early #!irea( JS!iraea arguta.J(&&) =ne of the earlie#t bloo%er# a%ong the #!irea#G 7AK ft. ThreeAlobed #!irea( bridal "reath(JS. .an Houttei.J(&&) =ne of the %o#t #ho"y earlyAflo"ering #hrub#G e/cellent for %a##ingG bloo%# a little later than the abo$eG ?AL ft. Sorbu#Alea$ed #!irea( JS. #orbifolia (Sorbaria #orbifolidJ).(&&) &e#irable for it# late bloo%ing(AAlate Bune and early BulyG KA9 ft. Plu%Alea$ed #!irea( JS. !runifolia.J -ortuneH# #!irea( JS. Ba!onica (S. callo#aJ)((&&) 7 to K ft. ThunbergH# #!irea( JS. Thunbergii.J Ceat and attracti$e in habitG u#eful for borderAhedge#G ?A9 ft.

St. PeterH# ,reath( JS. hy!ericifoliaGJ KA9 ft. 0oundAlea$ed #!irea( JS. bracteata.J(&&) -ollo"# .an HoutteiG ?AL ft. &ougla#H #!irea( JS. &ougla#ii.J(6) Blo##o%# late(AAin BulyG KA> ft. HardAhack( JS. to%ento#a.J(6) Much like the la#t( but le## #ho"yG ?AK ft. ,illo"Alea$ed #!irea(JS. #alicifolia.J(6)(&&) Bloo%# lateG KA9 ft. BladderAnut( JSta!hylea trifoliaJ(6) ,ellAkno"n rather coar#e nati$e #hrubG LA17 ft. olchican bladderAnut( JS. olchica.J Good early flo"ering #hrubG LA17 ft. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 7LK. 6 #!irea( one of he %o#t #er$icable flo"ering #hrub#.< Styra/( JStyra/ Ba!onica.J =ne of the %o#t graceful of flo"ering #hrub#( !roducing fragrant flo"er# in early #u%%erG >A18 ft. or %ore. Sno"Aberry( JSy%!horicar!o# race%o#u#.J(6)(&&) ulti$ated for it# #no"A"hite berrie#( that hang in autu%n and early "interG ?A9 ft. )ndian currant( JS. $ulgari#.J(&&) -oliage delicateG berrie# redG $aluable for #hady !lace# and again#t "all#G KA9 ft. o%%on lilac( JSyringa $ulgari#.J(&&) (The na%e #yringa i# co%%only %i#a!!lied to the #!ecie# of JPhiladel!hu#.J) The #tandard #!ringAbloo%ing #hrub in the CorthG >A19 ft.G %any for%#. Bo#ika lilac( JS. Bo#ikaeca.J(&&) Bloo%ing about a "eek later than S. J$ulgari#GJ >A18 ft. Per#ian lilac( JS. Per#ica.J More #!reading and o!en bu#h than JS. $ulgari#GJ LA18 ft. Ba!ane#e lilac( JS. Ba!onica.J(&&) Bloo%# about one %onth later than co%%on lilacG 19A78 ft. 0ouen lilac( JS. hinen#i#J (or J0otho%agen#i#J)(&&) Bloo%# "ith the co%%on lilacG flo"er# %ore highly colored than tho#e of JS. Per#icaGJ 9A17 ft. hine#e lilac#( JS. oblataJ(&&) and J$illo#aJ.(&&) The for%er 18A19 ft. and bloo%ing "ith co%%on lilacG the latter KAL ft.( and bloo%ing fe" day# later. Ta%ari#k( JTa%ari/J of #e$eral #!ecie#( !articularly (for the Corth) JT. hinen#i#( T. 6fricanaJ (!robably the garden for%# under thi# na%e are all JT. !ar$ifloraJ)( and JT. hi#!ida (T. Da#hgaricaJ). 6ll odd #hrub# or #%all tree# "ith $ery fine foliage( and %inute !ink flo"er# in !rofu#ion. o%%on #no"ball( J.iburnu% =!ulu#.J(6)(&&) The culti$ated #no"ball (&&)

i# a nati$e of the =ld ,orldG but the #!ecie# gro"# "ild in thi# country (kno"n a# HighAbu#h ranberry)((&&) and i# "orthy of culti$ationG LA18 ft. Ba!ane#e #no"ball( J.. to%ento#u%J (catalogued a# J.. !licatu%J). LA18 ft. ,ayfaring tree( J.. Lantana.J(&&) -ruit orna%entalG >A17 ft.( or %ore. Plu%Alea$ed ha"( J.. !runifoliu%.J(6)(&&) Lea$e# #%ooth and glo##yG >A19 ft. S"eet $iburnu% or #hee!Aberry( J.iburnu% Lentago.J(6) Tall coar#e bu#h( or beco%ing a #%all tree. 6rro"A"ood( J.. dentatu%.J(6) @#ually 9A> ft.( but beco%ing taller. &ock%ackie( J.. acerifoliu%.J(6) Ma!leAlike foliageG KA9 ft. ,itheArod( lilac $iburnu%( J.. ca##inoide#.(6) 7A9J ft. =ther nati$e and e/otic $iburnu%# are de#irable. Fanthocera#( JFanthocera# #orbifolia.J 6llied to the buckeye#G hardy in !art# of Ce" EnglandG >AA18ft.G hand#o%e. Prickly a#h( JQantho/ylu% 6%ericanu%.J(6) JShrub# for the South.J Many of the #hrub# in the !receding catalogue are al#o "ell ada!ted to the #outhea#tern #tate#. The follo"ing brief li#t include# #o%e of the %o#t reco%%endable kind# for the region #outh of ,a#hington( although #o%e of the% are hardy farther Corth. The a#teri#k (6) denote# that the !lant i# nati$e to thi# country. The cra!e %yrtle J(Lager#troe%ia )ndicaJ) i# to the South "hat the lilac i# to the Corth( a #tandard dooryard #hrubG !roduce# hand#o%e red (or blu#h or "hite) flo"er# all #u%%erG >A17 feet. 0eliable deciduou# #hrub# for the South are5 althea( JHibi#cu# Syriacu#(J in %any for%#G JHibi#cu# 0o#aASinen#i#G 6Ealea calendulacea((6) %olli#(J and the Ghent aEalea J(6. Pontica)JG blue #!irea( J aryo!teri# Ma#tacanihu#GJ Euro!ean for%# of ceanothu#G -rench %ulberry( J allicar!a 6%ericanaJ(6)G calycanthu#(6)G flo"ering "illo"( J hilo!#i# lineari#J(6)G fringe( J hionanthu# .ir ginicaJ(6)G "hite alder( J lethra alnifoliaJ(6)G corchoru#( JDerria Ba!onicaGJ deutEia#( of #e$eral kind#G gou%i( JEloeagnu# longi!e#GJ !earl bu#h( JE/ochorda grandifloraGJ Ba!an Iuince( J ydonia Ba!onicaGJ goldenAbell( J-or#ythia $iridi##i%aGJ broo%( JS!artiu% junceu%GJ hydrangea#( including JH. =tak#a(J gro"n under co$er in the CorthG JBa#%inu% nudifloru%GJ bu#h honey #uckle#G %ock orange( JPhiladel!hu# coronariu#J and Jgrandifloru#J(6)G !o%egranateG "hite kerria( J0hodoty!o# kerrioide#GJ #%oke tree( J0hu# otinu#GJ ro#e locu#t( J0obinia hi#!idaJ(6)G #!irea# of #e$eral kind#G JStuartia !entagynaJ(6)G #no"berry( JSy%!horicar!o# race%o#u#J(6)G lilac# of %any kind#G $iburnu%# of #e$eral #!ecie#( including the Euro!ean and Ba!ane#e #no"ball#G "eigela# of the $ariou# kind#G cha#teAtree( J.ite/ 6gnu#A a#tu#GJ ThunbergH# barberryG red !e!!er( J a!#icu% frute#cen#G Plu%bago a!en#i#GJ !oin#ettia.

6 large nu%ber of broadAlea$ed e$ergreen #hrub# thri$e in the South( #uch a#5 fetter bu#h( J6ndro%eda floribundaJ(6)G #o%e of the !al%#( a# !al%ettoe#(6) and cha%aero!#G cyca# and Ea%ia(6) far SouthG J6belia grandifloraGJ #tra"berry tree( J6rbutu# @nedoGJ ardi#ia# and aucuba#( both gro"n under gla## in the CorthG aEalea# and rhododendron# (not only J0. ata"bien#eJ(6) but J0. %a/i%u%(6) 0( Ponticu%(J and the garden for%#)G JDal%ia latifolia(6)G Berberi# Ba!onicaJ and %ahonia(6)G bo/G J leyera Ba!onicaGJ cotonea#ter# and !yracanthaG eleagnu# of the ty!e# gro"n under gla## in the CorthG gardenia#G euony%u#(6)G hollie#(6)G ani#eAtree( J)lliciu% ani#atu%GJ cherry laurel#( JPrunu#J or JLaurocera#u#J of #e$eral #!ecie#G %ock orange (of the South)( JPrunu# arolinianaJ(6) u#eful for hedge#G true laurel or bayAtree( JLauru# nobili#GJ !ri$et# of #e$eral #!ecie#G J itru# trifoliata(J #!ecially de#irable for hedge#G oleander#G %agnolia#(6)G %yrtle( JMyrtu# co%%uni#G =#%anthu# (=lea) fragran#(J a greenhou#e #hrub CorthG J=#%anthu# 6Iuifoliu%J(6)G butcherH# broo%( J0u#cu# aculeatu#GJ !hillyrea#(6)G JPitto#!oru% TobiraGJ #hrubby yucca#(6)G J.iburnu% Tinu#J and other#G and the ca%ellia in %any for%#. :)llu#tration F).5 .irginia cree!er #creen( on an old fence( "ith "allAflo"er# and hollyhock# in front.< L. L)MB)CG PL6CTS .ine# do not differ !articularly in their culture fro% other herb# and #hrub#( e/ce!t a# they reIuire that #u!!ort# be !ro$idedG and( a# they o$erto! other !lant#( they de%and little roo% on the ground( and they %ay therefore be gro"n in narro" or unu#ed #!ace# along fence# and "all#. )n re#!ect to the %ode# of cli%bing( $ine# %ay be thro"n into three grou!#(AAtho#e that t"ine about the #u!!ortG tho#e that cli%b by %ean# of #!ecial organ#( a# tendril#( root#( leaf #talk#G tho#e that neither t"ine nor ha$e #!ecial organ# but that #cra%ble o$er the #u!!ort( a# the cli%bing ro#e# and the bra%ble#. =ne %u#t recogniEe the %ode of cli%bing before undertaking the culti$ation of any $ine. .ine# %ay al#o be grou!ed into annual#( both tender (a# %orningAglory) and hardy (a# #"eet !ea)G biennial#( a# adlu%ia( "hich are treated !ractically a# annual#( being #o"n each year for bloo% the ne/t yearG herbaceou# !erennial#( the to!# dying each fall do"n to a !er#i#ting root( a# cinna%on $ine and %adeira $ineG "oody !erennial# (#hrub#)( the to!# re%aining ali$e( a# .irginia cree!er( gra!e( and "i#taria. There i# #carcely a garden in "hich cli%bing !lant# %ay not be u#ed to ad$antage. So%eti%e# it %ay be to conceal obtru#i$e object#( again to relie$e the %onotony of rigid line#. They %ay al#o be u#ed to run o$er the ground and to conceal it# nakedne## "here other !lant# could not #ucceed. The #hrubby kind# are often u#eful about the border# of clu%!# of tree# and #hrubbery( to #lo!e the foliage do"n to the gra##( and to #often or era#e line# in the land#ca!e. )n the South and in alifornia( great u#e i# %ade of $ine#( not only on fence# but on hou#e# and arbor#. )n "ar% countrie#( $ine# gi$e character to bungalo"#( !ergola#( and other indi$idual for%# of architecture. )f it i# de#ired that the $ine# cli%b high( the #oil #hould be fertileG but high cli%bing in annual !lant# (a# in #"eet !ea#) %ay be at the e/!en#e of bloo%.

The u#e of $ine# for #creen# and !illar decoration# ha# increa#ed in recent year# until no" they %ay be #een in nearly all ground#. The tendency ha# been to"ard# u#ing the hardy $ine#( of "hich the a%!elo!#i#( or .irginia cree!er( i# one of the %o#t co%%on. Thi# i# a $ery ra!id gro"er( and lend# it#elf to training %ore readily than %any other#. The Ba!an a%!elo!#i# (J6. tricu#!idataJ or J.eitchiiJ) i# a good clinging $ine( gro"ing $ery ra!idly "hen once e#tabli#hed( and brilliantly colored after the fir#t fall fro#t#. )t cling# clo#er than the other( but i# not #o hardy. Either of the#e %ay be gro"n fro% cutting# or di$i#ion of the !lant#. T"o reco%%endable "oody t"iner# of recent di#tribution are the actinidia and the akebia( both fro% Ba!an. They are !erfectly hardy( and are ra!id gro"er#. The for%er ha# large thick glo##y lea$e#( not affected by in#ect# or di#ea#e( gro"ing thickly along the #te% and branche#( %aking a !erfect thatch. )t bloo%# in Bune. The flo"er#( "hich are "hite "ith a !ur!le center( are borne in clu#ter#( follo"ed by round or longi#h edible fruit#. The akebia ha# $ery neatAcut foliage( Iuaint !ur!le flo"er#( and often bear# orna%ental fruit. =f the tender $ine#( the na#turtiu%# and i!o%ea# and %orningAglorie# are the %o#t co%%on in the Corth( "hile the adlu%ia( balloon $ine( !a##ion $ine( gourd#( and other#( are freIuently u#ed. =ne of the be#t of recent introduction i# the annual ho!( e#!ecially the $ariegated $ariety. Thi# i# a $ery ra!idAgro"ing $ine( #eeding it#elf each year( and needing little care. The cli%bing geraniu%# (JPelargoniu% !eltatu%J and it# deri$ati$e#) are %uch u#ed in alifornia. 6ll the tender $ine# #hould be !lanted after danger of fro#t i# !a#t. So %any good $ine# are no" on the %arket that one %ay gro" a "ide $ariety for %any u#e#. The ho%e gardener #hould kee! hi# eye# o!en for the "ild $ine# of hi# neighborhood and add the be#t of the% to hi# collection. Mo#t of the#e nati$e# are "orthy of culti$ation. E$en the !oi#on i$y %ake# a $ery #ati#factory co$er for rough and inacce##ible !lace# in the "ild( and it# autu%n color i# $ery attracti$eG but of cour#e it# culti$ation cannot be reco%%ended. .ine# that cling clo#ely to "all# of building# are .irginia cree!er (one for% doe# not cling "ell)( Bo#ton or Ba!ane#e i$y J(6%!elo!#i# tricu#!idataGJ al#o J6. Lo"ii(J "ith #%aller foliage)( Engli#h i$y( euony%u# J(E. radican#J and the $ar. J$ariegataJ)( and J-icu# re!en#J far #outhG other# that cling le## clo#ely are tru%!et cree!er( and cli%bing hydrangea J(SchiEo!hrag%a hydrangeoide#).J .ine# for trailing( or co$ering the ground( are !eri"inkle J(.inca)(J herniaria( %oney"ort J(Ly#i%achia nu%%ulariaJ)( groundAi$y J(Ce!eta Glecho%a)( 0o#a ,ichuraiana(J #!ecie# of nati$e greenbrier or #%ila/ (not the #oAcalled #%ila/ of flori#t#)( J0ubu# laciniatu#(J de"berrie#( and al#o other# that u#ually are not cla##ed a# $ine#. )n the South( Ba!ane#e honey#uckle and herokee ro#e !erfor% thi# function e/ten#i$ely. )n alifornia( #!ecie# of %e#e%bryanthe%u% (herbaceou#) are e/ten#i$ely u#ed a# ground co$er# on bank#. Page >L. -or Iuickly co$ering bru#h and rough !lace#( the %any kind# of gourd# %ay be u#edG al#o !u%!kin# and #Iua#he#( "ater%elon#( J ucu%i# foetidi##i%a(J "ild cucu%ber# J(Echinocy#ti# lobataJ and JSicyo# angulataJ)( na#turtiu%#( and other $igorou# annual#. Many of the "oody !erennial# %ay be u#ed for #uch !ur!o#e#( but u#ually the#e !lace# are

only te%!orary. -or arbor#( #trong "oody $ine# are de#ired. Gra!e# are e/cellentG in the South the %u#cadine and #cu!!ernong gra!e# are ada!table to thi# !ur!o#e (Plate F.). 6ctinidia and "i#taria are al#o u#ed. 6kebia( dutch%anH# !i!e( tru%!et cree!er( cle%ati#( honey#uckle#( %ay be #ugge#ted. 0o#e# are %uch u#ed in "ar% cli%ate#. -or co$ering !orche#( the #tandard $ine in the Corth i# .irginia cree!er. Gra!e# are ad%irable( !articularly #o%e of the "ild one#. Ba!an honey#uckle i# %uch u#edG and it ha# the ad$antage of holding it# foliage "ell into the "inter( or e$en all "inter #outh"ard. 6ctinidia( akebia( "i#taria( ro#e#( dutchA%anH# !i!e( and cle%ati# are to be reco%%endedG the largeAflo"ered cle%ati#e#( ho"e$er( are %ore $aluable for their bloo% than for their foliage (J . !aniculata(J and the nati$e #!ecie# are better for co$ering !orche#). The annual $ine# are %o#tly u#ed a# flo"erAgarden #ubject#( a# the #"eet !ea( %orningAglorie#( %ina( %oonflo"er#( cy!re## $ine( na#turtiu%#( cobea( #carlet runner. Se$eral #!ecie# of con$ol$ulu#( clo#ely allied to the co%%on %orningAglory( ha$e no" enriched our li#t#. -or ba#ket# and $a#e# the %aurandia and the different kind# of thunbergia# are e/cellent. The %oonflo"er# are $ery !o!ular in the South( "here the #ea#on# are long enough to allo" the% to de$elo! to !erfection. )n the Corth they %u#t be #tarted early (it i# a good !lan to #oak or notch the #eed#) and be gi$en a "ar% e/!o#ure and good #oil (#ee in ha!. .)))). )n the follo"ing li#t#( the !lant# nati$e to the @nited State# or are %arked by an a#teri#k ((6)). J6nnual herbaceou# cli%ber#.J (Gro"n each year fro% #eed.) a. JTendrilAcli%ber#J 6dlu%ia (biennial).(6) Balloon .ine J( ardio#!er%u%)J.(6) obea. Gourd#. Ca#turtiu%# J(Tro!aeolu%).J anaryAbird -lo"er J(Tro!aeolu% !eregrinu%J). S"eet !ea (-ig. 7L9). ,ild cucu%ber.(6) Maurandia. Gourd# or gourdAlike !lant#( a#( J occinia )ndicaGJ ucu%i# of #e$eral intere#ting #!ecie#( a# J . erinaceu#( gro##ularioefor%i#( odorati##i%u#GJ di!!er or bottle gourd J(Lagenaria)JG $egetable #!onge( di#hAcloth gourd( rag gourd J(Luffa)GJ bal#a% a!!le( anada

bal#a% !ear J(Mo%ordica)JG #nake gourd J(Tricho#anthe#)JG bryono!#i#G J6bobra $iridiflora.J 6ll the abo$e e/ce!t #"eet !ea are Iuickly cut do"n by fro#t. Jb. T"iner#J Bean#( -lo"ering. y!re## $ine. &olicho# Lablab( and other#. Ho!( Ba!ane#e. )!o%cea Sua%oclit (cy!re## $ine) and other#. Moonflo"er( #e$eral #!ecie#. MorningAglory. Mina lobata. Thunbergia. Mikania #canden#.(6) Butterfly !ea( J entro#e%a .irginiana.J(6) Scarlet runner( JPha#eolu# %ultifloru#J (!erennial South). .el$et or banana bean( JMucuna !rurien#J $ar. Jutili#J (for the South). :)llu#tration5 -ig. 7L9. S"eet !ea.< JPerennial herbaceou# cli%ber#.J (The to!# dying do"n in fall( but the root li$ing o$er "inter and #ending u! a ne" to!.) Ja. TendrilAcli%ber# or rootAcli%ber#J E$erla#ting !ea( JLathyru# latifoliu#.J le%ati# of $ariou# #!ecie#( a# J . aro%atica( &a$idiana( heracleaefolia ( . tubulo#aJ)( are %ore or le## cli%bing. Mo#t of the cle%ati#e# are #hrub#. MayA!o!( JPa##iflora incarnata.J(6) Cot reliable north of .irginia. ,ild Gourd( J ucurbita foetidi##i%a ( ucu%i# !erenniu#J).(6) E/cellent #trong rugged $ine for co$ering !ile# on the ground. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 7LL. le%ati# Henryi. =neAthird natural #iEe.< Me/ican ro#e( %ountain ro#e( J6ntigonon le!to!u#.J 0oot tuberou#G a ra%!ant gro"er( "ith !ink bloo%G outdoor# South( and a con#er$atory !lant Corth.

Denil"orth i$y( JLinaria y%balaria.J 6 $ery graceful little !erennial $ine( reA#o"ing it#elf e$en "here not hardyG fa$orite for ba#ket#. Jb. Herbaceou# t"iner#J Ho!( JHu%ulu# Lu!ulu#.J(6) Produce# the ho!# of co%%erce( but #hould be in co%%on u#e a# an orna%ental !lant. hine#e ya%( cinna%on $ine( J&io#corea di$aricata (&. Batata#J). li%b# high( but doe# not !roduce a# %uch foliage a# #o%e other $ine#. ,ild ya%( J&. $illo#a.J(6) S%aller than the !recedingG other"i#e fully a# good. GroundAnut( J6!io# tubero#a.J(6) 6 beanAlike $ine( !roducing %any chocolateAbro"n flo"er# in 6ugu#t and Se!te%ber. Scarlet runner and ,hite &utch runner bean#( JPha#eolu# %ultifloru#.J Perennial in "ar% countrie#G annual in the Corth. Moonflo"er#( J)!o%cea(J $ariou# #!ecie#. So%e are !erennial# far South( but annual Corth. Hardy %oonflo"er( J)!o%oea !andurata.J(6) 6 "eed "here it gro"# "ild( but an e/cellent $ine for #o%e !ur!o#e#. ,ild %orningAglory( 0utland beauty( J on$ol$ulu# Se!iu%J(6) and alifornia ro#e( J . Ba!onicu#.J The for%er( "hite and !ink( i# co%%on in #"ale#. The latter( in double or #e%iAdouble for%( i# often run "ild. Madeira $ine( %ignonette $ine( JBou##ingaultia ba#elloide#.J 0oot a large( tough( irregular tuber. Mikania( cli%bing he%!"eed( JMikania #canden#.J(6) 6 good co%!o#itou# t"iner( inhabiting %oi#t land#. J,oody !erennial cli%ber#.J ( li%bing #hrub#( the to!# not dying do"n in fall e/ce!t in cli%ate# in "hich they are not hardy.) Ja. TendrilAcli%ber#( rootAcli%ber#( #cra%bler#( and trailer#J .irginia cree!er( J6%!elo!#i# IuinIuefolia(J(6)

The be#t $ine for co$ering building# in the colder cli%ate#. Plant# #hould be #elected fro% $ine# of kno"n habit( a# #o%e indi$idual# cling %uch better than other#. .ar. Jhir#uta(J(6) #trongly clinging( i# reco%%ended by the e/!eri%ental #tation at =tta"a( anada. .ar. JEngel%anniJ(6) ha# #%all and neat foliage. Ba!ane#e i$y( Bo#ton i$y( J6. tricu#!idata (6. .eitchiiJ). Hand#o%er than the .irginia cree!er( and cling# clo#er( but i# often injured by "inter in e/!o#ed !lace#( e#!ecially "hen youngG in northern region#( to!# #hould be !rotected for fir#t year or t"o. .ariegated i$y( J6%!elo!#i# hetero!hyllaJ $ar. Jelegan#J (J i##u# $ariegataJ). Hand#o%e delicate hardy gra!eAlike $ine# "ith %o#tly threeAlobed blotched lea$e# and blui#h berrie#. Garden cle%ati#( J le%ati#J of $ariou# #!ecie# and $arietie#. Plant# of robu#t and attracti$e habit( and gorgeou# bloo%#G %any garden for%#. J . Back%ani(J and it# $arietie#( i# one of the be#t. J . HenryiJ (-ig. 7LL) i# e/cellent for "hite flo"er#. le%ati#e# bloo% in Buly and 6ugu#t. ,ild cle%ati#( J . .irginianaJ(6) .ery attracti$e for arbor# and for co$ering rude object#. The !i#tillate !lant# bear curiou# "oolly ball# of fruit. ,ild cle%ati#( J . $erticillari#.J(6) Le## $igorou# gro"er than the la#t( but e/cellent. Ba!ane#e cle%ati#( J . !aniculata.J The be#t lateAbloo%ing "oody $ine( !roducing enor%ou# %a##e# of "hite flo"er# in late #u%%er and early fall. Tru%!et cree!er( JTeco%a radican#.J(6) =ne of the be#t of all freeAflo"ering #hrub#G cli%b# by %ean# of root#G flo"er# $ery large( orangeA#carlet. hine#e tru%!et cree!er( JT. grandiflora (Bignonia grandifloraJ). -lo"er# orangeAredG #o%eti%e# #carcely cli%bing. Bignonia( JBignonia ca!reolata.J(6) 6 good #trong e$ergreen $ine( but often a nui#ance in field# in the South. -ro#t gra!e( J.iti# cordifolia.J(6) =ne of the fine#t of all $ine#. )t i# a $ery tall gro"er( !roducing thick( hea$y( dark lea$e#. )t# foliage often re%ind# one of that of the %oonA#eed. &oe# not gro" readily fro% cutting#.

Su%%er and ri$erAbank gra!e#( J.. bicolorJ(6) and J.. $ul!ina (ri!aria)J.(6) The co%%on "ild gra!e# of the Corthern #tate#. Mu#cadine( #cu!!ernong( J.iti# rotundifolia.J(6) Much u#ed for arbor# in the Southern #tate# (Plate F.). )$y( JHedera Heli/.J The Euro!ean i$y doe# not endure the bright #un of our "interG on the north #ide of a building it often doe# "ellG the be#t of $ine# for co$ering building#( "here it #ucceed#G hardy in fa$orable localitie# a# far north a# #outhern =ntarioG %any for%#. Greenbrier( JS%ila/ rotundifoliaJ(6) and JS. hi#!ida.J(6) @niIue for the co$ering of #%all arbor# and #u%%erAhou#e#. Euony%u#( JE. radican#.J 6 $ery clo#eAclinging rootAcli%ber( e/cellent for lo" "all#G e$ergreenG the $ariegated $ariety i# good. li%bing fig( J-icu# re!en#.J @#ed in greenhou#e# Corth( but i# hardy far South. Matri%ony $ine( bo/thorn( JLyciu% hinen#e.J -lo"ering all #u%%erG flo"er# ro#eA!ink and buff( a/illary( #tarAlike( #ucceeded by #carlet berrie# in the fallG #te%# !ro#trate( or #cra%blingG an oldAfa#hioned $ine on !orche#. BitterA#"eet( JSolanu% &ulca%ara.J 6 co%%on #cra%bling or #e%iAt"ining $ine along road#ide#( "ith brilliant red !oi#onou# berrie#G to! die# do"n or nearly #o. Peri"inkle#( J.inca %inorJ and J.. %ajor.J The for%er i# the fa%iliar trailing e$ergreen %yrtle( "ith blue flo"er# in early #!ringG in it# $ariegated for% the latter i# %uch u#ed for hanging ba#ket# and $a#e#. li%bing hydrangea( JSchiEo!hrag%a hydrangeoide#.J ling# to "all# by rootlet#( !roducing "hite flo"er# in %id#u%%er. Pa##ionAflo"er( #!ecie# of JPa##ifloraJ and JTac#onia.J @#ed in the South and in alifornia. Jb. ,oody t"iner#J 6ctinidia( J6. arguta.J .ery #trong gro"er( "ith beautiful thick foliage that i# not attacked by

in#ect# or fungiG one of the be#t $ine# for arbor#. 6kebia( J6. Iuinata.J .ery hand#o%e and odd Ba!ane#e $ineG a #trong gro"er( and "orthy general !lanting. Honey#uckle#( "oodbine( JLoniceraJ of %any kind#. Ba!ane#e honey#uckle( JL. HallianaJ (a for% of JL. Ba!onicaJ). 18A78 ft.G flo"er#( "hite and buff( fragrant %ainly in #!ring and fallG lea$e# #%all( e$ergreenG #te%# !ro#trate and rooting( or t"ining and cli%bing. Trelli#e#( or for co$ering rock# and bare !lace#G e/ten#i$ely run "ild in the South. .ar. Jaurea reticidataJ i# #i%ilar to the ty!e( but "ith hand#o%e golden a!!earance. Belgian Honey#uckle( L. JPericly%enu%J $ar. JBelgica.J LA18 ft.G %onthlyG flo"er# in clu#ter#( ro#y red( buff "ithinG %ake# a large( rounded bu#h. oral or tru%!et honey#uckle( JL. #e%!er$iren#.J(6) LA19 ft.G BuneG #cattering #carlet flo"er# through the #u%%erG "ith no #u!!ort %ake# a large rounded bu#hG for trelli#e#( fence#( or a hedgeG it i# one of the li#t of hardy tree# and #hrub# reco%%ended for anada by the E/!eri%ent Station at =tta"a. Honey#uckle( JL. a!rifoliu%(J "ith cu!Alike connate lea$e#.

Good nati$e cli%bing honey#uckle# are JL. fla$a(J(6) JSulli$anti(J(6) Jhir#uta(J(6) Jdioica(J(6) and J&ougla#i.J(6) ,i#taria( J,i#taria Sinen#i#J and J,. #!ecio#a.J(6) The hine#e #!ecie#( JSinen#i#(J i# a #u!erb !lantG flo"er# blueA!ur!leG there i# a "hiteAflo"ered $ariety. Ba!ane#e "i#taria( J,. %ultijuga.J -lo"er# #%aller and later than the hine#e( in loo#er race%e#.

&utch%anH# !i!e( J6ri#tolochia %acro!hytta (6. Si!hoJ).(6) 6 robu#t gro"er( !o##e##ing enor%ou# lea$e#. @#eful for co$ering $eranda# and arbor#. ,a/A"ork or fal#e bitterA#"eet( J ela#tru# #canden#.J(6) .ery orna%ental in fruitG flo"er# i%!erfect. Ba!ane#e cela#tru#( J . orbiculatu# ( . articulatu#J of the trade). J . articulatu#J and J . #canden#J are in the li#t of 188 tree# and #hrub# reco%%ended by the E/!eri%ent Station at =tta"a for anada. Moon#eed( JMeni#!er%u% anaden#e.J(6) 6 #%all but $ery attracti$e t"iner( u#eful for thicket# and #%all arbor#. Bokhara cli%bing !olygonu%( JPolygonu% Bald#chuanicu%.J Hardy Corth( although the young gro"th %ay be killedG flo"er# nu%erou#( %inute( "hiti#hG intere#ting( but doe# not %ake a hea$y co$er.

DudEu $ine( JPueraria Thunbergiana (&olicho# Ba!onicu#J). Make# $ery long gro"th# fro% a tuberou# rootG #hrubby South( but die# to the ground in the Corth. Silk $ine( JPeri!loca Graeca.J Pur!li#h flo"er# in a/illary clu#ter#G long( narro"( #hining lea$e#G ra!id gro"ing. Potato $ine( JSolanu% ja#%inoide#.J 6 good e$ergreen $ine South( !articularly the $ar. Jgrandifloru%.J *ello" ja#%ine( JGel#e%iu% #e%!er$iren#.J(6) 6 good nati$e e$ergreen $ine for the South( "ith fragrant yello" flo"er#. Malayan ja#%ine( JTrachelo#!er%u%J (or J0hyncho#!er%u%) ja#%inoide#.J 6 good e$ergreen $ine for the South and in alifornia. li%bing a#!aragu#( J6#!aragu# !lu%o#u#.J Po!ular a# an outdoor $ine far South and in alifornia. Ba#%ine#( JBa#%inu%J of #e$eral #!ecie#. The be#t kno"n in garden# are JB. nudifloru%(J yello" in earlie#t #!ring( JB. officinale(J the je##a%ine of !oetry( "ith "hite flo"er#( and JB. Sa%bac(J the 6rabian ja#%ine (and related #!ecie#) "ith "hite flo"er# and unbranched lea$e#G the#e are not hardy "ithout %uch !rotection north of ,a#hington or Philadel!hia( and JB. Sa%bacJ only far South. Bougain$illea( JBougain$illaea glabraJ and JB. #!ectabili#.J The %agentaAflo"ered $ariety( #o%eti%e# #een in con#er$atorie# in the Corth( i# a !o!ular outdoor $ine in the South and i# !rofu#ely u#ed in #outhern alifornia. The redAflo"ered for% i# le## #een( but i# !referable in color. ,ireA$ine (!olygonu% of flori#t#)( JMuehlenbeckia co%!le/a.J 6bundantly u#ed on building# and chi%ney# in #outhern alifornia. J li%bing ro#e#.J The ro#e# do not cli%b nor !o##e## any #!ecial cli%bing organ#G therefore they %u#t be !ro$ided "ith a trelli# or "o$enA"ire fence. So%e of the ro#e# cla##ed a# cli%bing are #uch a# only need good #u!!ort( -ig. 7L3. -or culture of ro#e#( #ee ha!ter .))). :)llu#tration5 7L3. li%bing ro#e( Bule# Margottin.< The %o#t !o!ular cli%bing or !illar ro#e at !re#ent i# ri%#on 0a%bler( but "hile it %ake# a great di#!lay of flo"er#( it i# not the be#t cli%bing ro#e. Probably the be#t of the real cli%bing ro#e# for thi# country( bloo%( foliage( and habit all con#idered( are the deri$ati$e# of the nati$e !rairie ro#e( J0o#a #etigeraJ (nati$e a# far north a# =ntario and ,i#con#in). Balti%ore Belle and Sueen of the Prairie belong to thi# cla##. :)llu#tration F.5 Scu!!ernong gra!e( the arbor $ine of the South. Thi# !late #ho"# the noted #cu!!ernong# on 0oanoke )#land( of "hich the origin i# unkno"n( but "hich "ere of great #iEe %ore than one hundred year# ago.<

The cli%bing !olyantha ro#e# (hybrid# of J0o#a %ultifloraJ and other #!ecie#) include the cla## of 'ra%bler' ro#e# that ha# no" co%e to be large( including not only the ri%#on 0a%bler( but for%# of other color#( #ingle and #e%iAdouble( and $ariou# cli%bing habit#G a $ery $aluable and hardy cla## of ro#e#( !articularly for trelli#e#. The Me%orial ro#e J(0. ,ichuraianaJ) i# a trailing( halfAe$ergreen( "hiteAflo"ered #!ecie#( $ery u#eful for co$ering bank# and rock#. &eri$ati$e# of thi# #!ecie# of %any kind# are no" a$ailable( and are $aluable. The 6yr#hire ro#e# J(0. ar$en#i#J $ar. Jca!reolataJ) are !rofu#e but rather #lender gro"er#( hardy Corth( bearing double "hite or !ink flo"er#. The herokee ro#e J(0. )ce$igataJ or J0. SinicaJ) i# e/ten#i$ely naturaliEed in the South( and %uch !riEed for it# large "hite bloo% and #hining foliageG not hardy in the Corth. The Bank#ia ro#e J(0. Bank#iceJ) i# a #trong cli%bing ro#e for the South and alifornia "ith yello" or "hite flo"er# in clu#ter#. 6 largerAflo"ered for% J(0. -ortuneanaJ) i# a hybrid of thi# and the herokee ro#e. The cli%bing tea and noi#ette ro#e#( for%# of J0. hinen#i#J and J0. Coi#ettiana(J are u#eful in the o!en in the South. 3. T0EES -=0 L6,CS 6C& ST0EETS 6 #ingle tree %ay gi$e character to an entire ho%e !ro!ertyG and a !lace of any #iEe that doe# not ha$e at lea#t one good tree u#ually lack# any do%inating land#ca!e note. Like"i#e( a #treet that i# de$oid of good tree# cannot be the be#t re#idential #ectionG and a !ark that lack# "ellAgro"n tree# i# either i%%ature or barren. 6lthough the li#t of good and hardy la"n and #treet tree# i# rather e/ten#i$e( the nu%ber of kind# generally !lanted and recogniEed i# #%all. Since %o#t ho%e !lace# can ha$e but fe" tree#( and #ince they reIuire #o %any year# to %ature( it i# natural that the ho%eA%aker #hould he#itate about e/!eri%enting( or trying kind# that he doe# not hi%#elf kno". So the ho%eA%aker in the Corth !lant# %a!le#( el%#( and a "hite birch( and in the South a %agnolia and hinaAberry. *et there are nu%ber# of tree# a# u#eful a# the#e( the !lanting of "hich %ight gi$e our !re%i#e# and #treet# a %uch richer e/!re##ion. )t i# %uch to be de#ired that #o%e of the tree# "ith '#trong' and rugged character# be introduced into the larger ground#G #uch( for e/a%!le( a# the hickorie# and oak#. The#e %ay often tran#!lant "ith difficulty( but the effort to #ecure the% i# "orth the e/!enditure. Good tree# of oak#( and other# #u!!o#ed to be difficult to tran#!lant( %ay no" be had of the leading nur#ery%en. The !in oak J(Suercu# !alu#tri#J) i# one of the be#t #treet tree# and i# no" largely !lanted. )t i# at lea#t !o##ible to introduce a $ariety of tree# into a city or $illage( by de$oting one #treet or a #erie# of block# to a #ingle kind of tree(AAone #treet being kno"n by it# linden#( one by it# !laneAtree#( one by it# oak#( one by it# hickorie#( one by it# nati$e birche#( beech(

coffeeAtree( #a##afra#( gu% or liIuida%bar( tuli! tree( and the like. There i# e$ery rea#on "hy a city( !articularly a #%all city or a $illage( #hould beco%e to #o%e e/tent an arti#tic e/!re##ion of it# natural region. The ho%eA%aker i# fortunate if hi# area already !o##e##e# "ellAgro"n large tree#. )t %ay e$en be de#irable to !lace the re#idence "ith reference to #uch tree# (Plate .))G and the !lanning of the ground# #hould acce!t the% a# fi/ed !oint# to "hich to "ork. The o!erator "ill take e$ery care to !re#er$e and #afeguard #ufficient of the #tanding tree# to gi$e the !lace #ingularity and character. The care of the tree #hould include not only the !rotecting of it fro% ene%ie# and accident#( but al#o the %aintaining of it# characteri#tic feature#. -or e/a%!le( the natural rough bark #hould be %aintained again#t the raid# of treeA#cra!er#G and the grading #hould not be allo"ed to di#gui#e the natural bulge of the tree at the ba#e( for a tree that i# co$ered a foot or t"o abo$e the natural line i# not only in danger of being killed( but it look# like a !o#t. The be#t #hade tree# are u#ually tho#e that are nati$e to the !articular region( #ince they are hardy and ada!ted to the #oil and other condition#. El%#( %a!le#( ba##"ood#( and the like are nearly al"ay# reliable. )n region# in "hich there are #eriou# in#ect ene%ie# or fungou# di#ea#e#( the tree# that are %o#t likely to be attacked %ay be o%itted. -or in#tance( in !art# of the Ea#t the che#tnut barkAdi#ea#e i# a $ery great %enaceG and it i# a good !lan in #uch !lace# to !lant other tree# than che#tnut#. 6 good #hade tree i# one that ha# a hea$y foliage and den#e head( and that i# not co%%only attacked by re!elling in#ect# and di#ea#e#. Tree# for #hade #hould ordinarily be gi$en #ufficient roo% that they %ay de$elo! into full #iEe and #y%%etrical head#. Tree# %ay be !lanted a# clo#e a# 18 or 19 feet a!art for te%!orary effectG but a# #oon a# they begin to cro"d they #hould be thinned( #o that they de$elo! their full characteri#tic# a# tree#. Tree# %ay be !lanted in fall or #!ring. -all i# de#irable( e/ce!t for the e/tre%e Corth( if the land i# "ell drained and !re!ared and if the tree# %ay be got in earlyG but under u#ual condition#( #!ring !lanting i# #afer( if the #tock ha# been "intered "ell (#ee di#cu##ion under Shrub#( !. 728). Planting and !runing are di#cu##ed on !!. 17K and 1?2. )f one de#ire# tree# "ith con#!icuou# bloo%( they #hould be found a%ong the %agnolia#( tuli! tree#( koelreuteria( catal!a#( che#tnut#( hor#eAche#tnut and buckeye#( cladra#ti#( black or yello" locu#t( "ild black cherry( and le## con#!icuou#ly in the linden#G and al#o in #uch halfAtree# or big #hrub# a# cerci#( cyti#u#( flo"ering dog"ood( doubleAflo"ered and other for%# of a!!le#( crabAa!!le#( cherrie#( !lu%#( !eache#( ha"thorn or crataegu#( a%elanchier( %ountain a#h. 6%ong droo!ing or "ee!ing tree# the be#t %ay be found in the "illo"# J(Sali/ BabylonicaJ and other#)( %a!le# (,ierH#)( birch( %ulberry( beech( a#h( el%( cherry( !o!lar( %ountain a#h. Pur!leAlea$ed $arietie# occur in the beech( %a!le( el%( oak( birch( and other#. *ello"Alea$ed and tricolor# occur in the %a!le( oak( !o!lar( el%( beech(

and other #!ecie#. utAlea$ed for%# are found in birch( beech( %a!le( alder( oak( ba##"ood( and other#. JLi#t of hardy deciduou# tree# for the Corth.J (The genera are arranged al!habetically. Cati$e# are %arked by (6)G good #!ecie# for #hade tree# by (&)G tho#e reco%%ended by the E/!eri%ent Station at =tta"a( =ntario( by &&) )n a nu%ber of the genera( the !lant# %ay be #hrubby rather than arboreu# in #o%e region# (#ee the Shrub li#t)( a# in acer J(6. Ginnala( 6. #!icatu%J)( ae#culu#( betula J(B. !u%ilaJ)( car!inu#( ca#tanea (J . !u%ilaJ)( catal!a J( . o$ataJ)( cerci#( %agnolia (JM. glaucaJ !articularly)( o#trya( !runu#( !yru#( #ali/( #orbu#. Cor"ay %a!le( J6cer !latanoide#.J(&( &&) =ne of the fine#t %ediu%A#iEed tree# for #ingle la"n #!eci%en#G there are #e$eral horticultural $arietie#. .ar. JSch"edleriJ(&&) i# one of the be#t of !ur!leAlea$ed tree#. The Cor"ay %a!le droo!# too %uch and i# too lo"Aheaded for road#ide !lanting. Black #ugar %a!le( J6. nigru%.J(6( &&) &arker and #ofter in a#!ect than the ordinary #ugar %a!le. Sugar %a!le( J6. #accharu%.J(6( &&) Thi# and the la#t are a%ong the $ery be#t road#ide tree#. Sil$er %a!le( J6. #accharinu% (6. da#ycar!u%J).(6( &&) &e#irable for "aterAcour#e# and for grou!ingG #ucceed# on both "et and dry land#. ,ierH# cutAlea$ed #il$er %a!le( J6. #accharinu%J $ar. J,ieri.J(&( &&) Light and gracefulG e#!ecially de#irable for !lea#ure ground#. 0ed( #oft( or #"a%! %a!le( J6. rubru%.J(6) .aluable for it# #!ring and autu%n color#( and for $ariety in grou!ing. Syca%ore %a!le( J6. P#eudoA!latanu#.J 6 #lo" gro"er( to be u#ed %o#tly a# #ingle #!eci%en#. Se$eral horticultural $arietie#. Engli#h %a!le( J6. ca%!e#tre.J 6 good %ediu%A#iEed tree of #lo" gro"th( not hardy on our northern border#G #ee under Shrub# (!. 721). Ba!an %a!le( J6. !al%atu% (6. !oly%or!hu%)J. )n %any for%#( u#eful for #%all la"n #!eci%en#G doe# not gro" abo$e 18A78 ft. Siberian %a!le( J6. Ginnala.J(&&) 6ttracti$e a# a la"n #!eci%en "hen gro"n a# a bu#hG the autu%n color i# $ery brightG #%all tree or big #hrub. Mountain %a!le( J6. #!icatu%.J(6) .ery bright in autu%n. Bo/Aelder( J6cer Cegundo (Cegundo aceroide#J or Jfra/inifoliu%J).(6)(&) .ery hardy and ra!id gro"ingG %uch u#ed in the ,e#t a# a "indbreak( but not #trong in orna%ental feature#. Hor#e che#tnut( J6E#culu# Hi!!oca#tanu%.J(&)(&&) @#eful for #ingle

#!eci%en# and road#ide#G %any for%#. Buckeye( J6E. octandra (6E. fla$a)J(6)(&&) =hio buckeye( J6E. glabraJ(6) 0ed buckeye( J6E. cornea (6E. rubicunda)J. 6ilanthu#( J6ilanthu# glandulo#a.J 6 ra!id gro"er( "ith large !innate lea$e#G the #ta%inate !lant !o##e##e# a di#agreeable odor "hen it flo"er#G #ucker# badlyG %o#t u#eful a# a #hrubG #ee the #a%e under Shrub# (al#o -ig. 98). 6lder( J6lnu# glutino#a.J The $ar. Ji%!eriali#J(&&) i# one of the be#t cutAlea$ed #%all tree#. Euro!ean birch( JBetula alba.J utAlea$ed "ee!ing birch( JB. albaJ $ar. Jlaciniata !endula.J(&&) 6%erican "hite birch( JB. !o!ulifolia.J(6) Pa!er( or canoe birch( JB. !a!yrifera.J(6) herry birch( JB. lenta.J (6) ,ellAgro"n #!eci%en# re#e%ble the #"eet cherryG both thi# and the yello" birch (JB. luteaJ(6)) %ake attracti$e lightAlea$ed tree#G they are not a!!reciated. Hornbea% or blue beech( J ar!inu# 6%ericana.J(6) he#tnut( J a#tanea #ali$aJ(&) and J . 6%ericana.J(6)(&) Sho"y catal!a( J atal!a #!ecio#a.J(&)(&&) .ery dark( #oftAfoliaged tree of #%all to %ediu% #iEeG #ho"y in flo"erG for northern region# #hould be rai#ed fro% northernAgro"n #eed. S%aller catal!a( J . bignonioide#.J(&) Le## #ho"y than the la#t( bloo%ing a "eek or t"o laterG le## hardy. Ba!ane#e catal!a( J . o$ataJ (J . Doe%!feriJ).(&&) )n northern #ection# often re%ain# !ractically a bu#h. CettleAtree( J elti# occidentali#.J(6) Dat#uraAtree( J ercidi!hyllu% Ba!onicu%.J(&&) 6 #%all or %ediu%A#iEed tree of $ery attracti$e foliage and habit. 0edAbud( or Buda#Atree( J erci# anaden#i#.J(6) Produce# a !rofu#ion of ro#eA!ur!le !eaAlike flo"er# before the lea$e# a!!earG foliage al#o attracti$e. *ello"A"ood( or $irgilia( J ladra#ti# tinctoria.J(6) =ne of the fine#t hardy flo"ering tree#. Beech( J-agu# ferruginea.J(6)(&) S!eci%en# "hich are #y%%etrically de$elo!ed are a%ong our be#t la"n tree#G !icture#Iue in "inter. Euro!ean beech( J-. #yl$atica.J(&) Many cultural for%#( the

!ur!leAlea$ed being e$ery"here kno"n. There are e/cellent tricolored $arietie# and "ee!ing for%#. Black a#h( J-ra/inu# nigraJ (J-. #a%bucifoliaJ).(6)(&) =ne of the be#t of the lightAlea$ed tree#G doe# "ell on dry #oil#( although nati$e to #"a%!#G not a!!reciated. ,hite a#h( J-. 6%ericana.J(6)(&) Euro!ean a#h( J-. e/cel#ior.J(&) There i# a good "ee!ing for% of thi#. MaidenAhair tree( JGinkgo bilobaJ (JSali#buria adiantifoliaJ).(&&) .ery odd and #trikingG to be u#ed for #ingle #!eci%en# or a$enue#. Honey locu#t( JGledit#chia triacantho#.J(6)(&) Tree of #triking habit( "ith big branching thorn# and $ery large !od#G there i# al#o a thornle## for%. Dentucky coffeeAtree( JGy%nocladu# anaden#i#.J(6) Light and gracefulG uniIue in "inter. Bitternut( JHicoria %ini%aJ (or J arya a%araJ).(6) Much like black a#h in a#!ectG not a!!reciated. Hickory( JHicoria o$ataJ (or J aryaJ) (6)(&)(&&) and other#. Pecan( JH. Pecan.J(6)(&) Hardy in !lace# a# far north a# Ce" Ber#ey( and re!orted #till farther. Butternut( JBuglan# cinerea.J(6) ,alnut( JB. nigra.J(6) .arni#hAtree( JDoelreuteria !aniculata.J 6 %ediu%A#iEed tree of good character( !roducing a !rofu#ion of goldenAyello" flo"er# in BulyG #hould be better kno"n. Euro!ean larch( JLari/ decidua (L. Euro!oeaJ).(&&) 6%erican larch or ta%arack( JL. 6%ericana.J(6) Gu%Atree( #"eet gu%( JLiIuida%bar #tyraciflua.J(6)(&) 6 good tree( reaching a# far north a# onnecticut( and hardy in !art# of "e#tern Ce" *ork although not gro"ing largeG foliage %a!leAlikeG a characteri#tic tree of the South. Tuli! tree or "hite"ood( JLiriodendron Tuli!ifera.J(6)(&) @niIue in foliage and flo"er and de#er$ing to be %ore !lanted. ucu%ber tree( JMagnolia acu%inata.J(6)(&) Cati$e in the Corthern #tate#G e/cellent. ,hite bayAtree( JM. glauca.J(6)(&) .ery attracti$e #%all tree( nati$e along the coa#t to Ma##achu#ett#G "here not hardy( the young gro"th each year i# good. =f the foreign %agnolia# hardy in the Corth( t"o #!ecie# and one grou! of hybrid# are !ro%inent5 JM. #tellataJ (or JM. HalleanaJ) and JM. *ulanJ (or JM. con#!icua)(J both "hiteAflo"ered( the for%er $ery early

and ha$ing 2A1> !etal# and the latter ("hich i# a larger tree) ha$ing LA2 !etal#G JM. Soulangeana(J a hybrid grou! including the for%# kno"n a# JLennei( nigra( Corbertiana( #!ecio#a( grandi#.J 6ll the#e %agnolia# are deciduou# and bloo% before the lea$e# a!!ear. Mulberry( JMoru# rubra.J(6) ,hite %ulberry( JM. alba.J 0u##ian %ulberry( JM. albaJ $ar. JTatarica.J Tea#H "ee!ing %ulberry i# a for% of the 0u##ian. Pe!!eridge or gu%Atree( JCy##a #yl$aticaJ(6) =ne of the odde#t and %o#t !icture#Iue of our nati$e tree#G e#!ecially attracti$e in "interG foliage brilliant red in autu%nG %o#t #uitable for lo" land#. )ronA"ood( ho! hornbea%( J=#trya .irginica.J(6) 6 good #%all tree( "ith ho!Alike fruit#. Sour"ood( #orrelAtree( J=/ydendru% arboreu%.J(6) )ntere#ting #%all tree nati$e fro% Penn#yl$ania in the high land #outh( and #hould be reliable "here it gro"# "ild. Plane or button"ood( JPlatanu# occidentali#J(6)(&)(&&) *oung or %iddleAaged tree# are #oft and !lea#ant in a#!ect( but they #oon beco%e thin and ragged belo"G uniIue in "inter. Euro!ean !laneAtree( JP. orientali#.J(&) Much u#ed for #treet !lanting( but le## !icture#Iue than the 6%ericanG #e$eral for%#. 6#!en( JPo!ulu# tre%uloide#(J(6) .ery $aluable "hen "ell gro"nG too %uch neglected (-ig. ??). Mo#t of the !o!lar# are #uitable for !lea#ure ground#( and a# nur#e# for #lo"er gro"ing and %ore e%!hatic tree#. LargeAtoothed a#!en( JP. grandidentata.J(6) @niIue in #u%%er colorG hea$ier in a#!ect than the abo$eG old tree# beco%e ragged. ,ee!ing !o!lar( JP. grandidentata(J $ar. J!endula.J 6n odd( #%all tree( #uitable for #%all !lace#( but( like all "ee!ing tree#( likely to be !lanted too freely. otton"ood( JP. deltoide#J (JP. %oniliferaJ).(6) The #ta%inate #!eci%en#( only( #hould be !lanted if !o##ible( a# the cotton of the #eedA!od# i# di#agreeable "hen carried by "ind#G $ar. JaureaJ(&&) i# one of the good goldenAlea$ed tree#. Bal% of Gilead( JP. bal#a%iferaJ(6) and $ar. Jcandican#.J(6) &e#irable for re%ote grou!# or belt#. -oliage not !lea#ant in color. Lo%bardy !o!lar( JP. nigra(J $ar. J)talica.J &e#irable for certain !ur!o#e#( but u#ed too indi#cri%inately( it i# likely to be #hortAli$ed in northern cli%ate#. ,hite !o!lar( abele( JP. alba.J S!rout# badlyG #e$eral for%#. BolleH# !o!lar( JP. alba(J $ar. JBolleana.J

Habit %uch like the Lo%bardyG lea$e# curiou#ly lobed( $ery "hite beneath( %aking a !lea#ant contra#t. ertinen#i# !o!lar( JP. laurifoliaJ (JP. ertinen#i#J).

6 $ery hardy Siberian #!ecie#( %uch like JP. deltoide#(J u#eful for #e$ere cli%ate#. ,ild black cherry( JPrunu# #erotina.J(6) Euro!ean bird cherry( JPrunu# Padu#.J 6 #%all tree %uch like the choke cherry( but a freer gro"er( "ith larger flo"er#( and race%e# "hich a!!ear about a "eek later. hoke cherry( JP. .irginiana.J(6) .ery #ho"y "hile in flo"er. Pur!le !lu%( JPrunu# cera#ifera(J $ar. Jatro!ur!ureaJ ($ar. JPi##ardiJ). =ne of our %o#t reliable !ur!leAlea$ed tree#. 0o#eAbud cherry( JP. !endulaJ (JP. #ubhirtellaJ). 6 tree of droo!ing habit and beautiful ro#eA!ink flo"er# !receding the lea$e#. Ba!ane#e flo"ering cherry( JP. P#eudoA era#u#.J )n %any for%#( the fa%ou# flo"ering cherrie# of Ba!an( but not reliable Corth. There are orna%entalAflo"ered !eache# and cherrie#( %ore curiou# and intere#ting than u#eful. ,ild crab( JPyru# coronariaJ(6) and JP. )oen#i#.J(6) .ery #ho"y "hile in flo"er( bloo%ing after a!!le blo##o%# ha$e fallenG old #!eci%en# beco%e !icture#Iue in for%. JP. )oen#i# flore !lenoJ(&&) (BechtelH# rab) i# a hand#o%e double for%. Siberian crab( JP. baccata.J(&&) E/cellent #%all tree( both in flo"er and fruit. -lo"ering crab( JPyru# floribunda.J Pretty both in flo"er and fruitG a large #hrub or #%all treeG $ariou# for%#. HallH# crab( JP. HallianaJ (JP. Park%aniJ). =ne of the be#t of the flo"ering crab#( !articularly the double for%. .ariou# for%# of doubleAflo"ering a!!le are on the %arket. S"a%! "hite oak( JSuercu# bicolor.J(6)(&) 6 de#irable tree( u#ually neglectedG $ery !icture#Iue in "inter. Bur oak( JS. %acrocar!a.J(6)(&) he#tnut oak( JS. Prinu#(J(6)(&) and e#!ecially the clo#ely related JS.

MuhlenbergiiJ (or JS. acu%inataJ).(6)(&) ,hite oak( JS. albaJ(6)(&) Shingle oak( JS. i%bricaria.J(6)(&) Scarlet oak( JS. coccinea.J(6)(&) Thi# and the ne/t t"o are glo##yAlea$ed( and are de#irable for bright !lanting. Black oak( JS. $elutinaJ (JS. tinctoriaJ).(6)(&) 0ed oak( JS. rubra.J(6)(&)(&&) Pin oak( JS. !alu#tri#.J(6)(&) E/cellent for a$enue#G tran#!lant# "ell. ,illo" oak( JS. Phello#J(6) Engli#h oak( JS. 0obur.J Many for%# re!re#ented by t"o ty!e#( !robably good #!ecie#( JS. !edunculataJ ("ith #talked acorn#) and JS. #e##ilifloraJ ("ith #talkle## acorn#). So%e of the for%# are reliable in the Corthern #tate#. The oak# are #lo" gro"er# and u#ually tran#!lant "ith difficulty. Catural #!eci%en# are %o#t $aluable. 6 large "ellAgro"n oak i# one of the grande#t of tree#. Locu#t( J0obinia P#eudacacia.J(6)(&) 6ttracti$e in flo"erG hand#o%e a# #ingle #!eci%en# "hen youngG %any for%#G u#ed al#o for hedge#. PeachAlea$ed "illo"( JSali/ a%ygdaloide#.J(6) .ery hand#o%e #%all tree( de#er$ing %ore attention. Thi# and the ne/t $aluable in lo" !lace# or along "aterAcour#e#. Black "illo"( JS. nigra.J(6) ,ee!ing "illo"( JS. Babylonica.J To be !lanted #!aringly( !referably near "aterG the #ort kno"n a# the ,i#con#in "ee!ing "illo" a!!ear# to be %uch hardier than the co%%on ty!eG %any for%#. ,hite "illo"( JS. alba(J and $ariou# $arietie#( one of "hich i# the Golden "illo". Tree "illo"# are %o#t $aluable( a# a rule( "hen u#ed for te%!orary !lantation# or a# nur#e# for better tree#. LaurelAlea$ed "illo"( JS. laurifoliaJ(&&) 6 #%all tree u#ed in cold region# for #helterAbelt#G al#o a good orna%ental tree. See al#o under Shrub#. Sa##afra#( JSa##afra# officinali#.J(6)(&) Suitable in the border# of grou!# or for #ingle #!eci%en#G !eculiar in "interG too %uch neglected. 0o"an or Euro!ean %ountain a#h( JSorbu# 6ucu!ariaJ (JPyru# 6ucu!ariaJ).(&&)

Ser$iceAtree( JS. do%e#tica.J -ruit hand#o%er than that of the %ountain a#h and %ore !er#i#tentG #%all tree. =akAlea$ed %ountain a#h( JS. hybridaJ (JS. IuercifoliaJ). S%all tree( de#er$ing to be better kno"n. Bald cy!re##( JTa/odiu% di#tichu%.J(6) Cot entirely hardy at Lan#ing( Mich.G often beco%e# #craggly after fifteen or t"enty year#( but a good treeG %any cultural for%#. 6%erican linden or ba##"ood( JTilia 6%ericana.J(6)(&) .ery $aluable for #ingle tree# on large la"n#( or for road#ide#. Euro!ean linden( JT. $ulgari#J and JT. !laty!hyllo#J (JT. Euro!aeaJ of nur#ery%en i# !robably u#ually the latter).(&) Ha# the general character of the 6%erican ba##"ood. Euro!ean #il$er linden( JT. to%ento#aJ and $arietie#.(&) .ery hand#o%eG lea$e# #il$ery "hite beneathG a%ong other# i# a "ee!ing $ariety. 6%erican el%( J@l%u# 6%ericana.J(6)(&) =ne of the %o#t graceful and $ariable of tree#G u#eful for %any !ur!o#e# and a #tandard #treet tree. ork el%( J@. race%o#a.J(6) Softer in a#!ect than the la#t( and %ore !icture#Iue in "inter( ha$ing !ro%inent ridge# of bark on it# branche#G #lo" gro"er. 0ed or #li!!ery el%( J@. ful$a.J(6) =cca#ionally u#eful in a grou! or #helterAbeltG a #tiff gro"er. Engli#h el%( J@. ca%!e#tri#(J and Scotch or "ych el%( J@. #cabraJ (J@. %antanaJ). =ften !lanted( but are inferior to J@. 6%ericanaJ for #treet !lanting( although u#eful in collection#. The#e ha$e %any horticultural for%#. JConAconiferou# tree# for the South.J 6%ong deciduou# tree# for the region of ,a#hington and #outh %ay be %entioned5 6cer( the 6%erican and Euro!ean #!ecie# a# for the CorthG J atal!a bignonioide#J and e#!ecially J . #!ecio#aGJ celti#G cerci#( both 6%erican and Ba!ane#eG flo"ering dog"ood( !rofu#ely nati$eG "hite a#hG ginkgoG koelreuteriaG #"eet gu% (liIuida%bar)G 6%erican lindenG tuli! treeG %agnolia# %uch a# for the CorthG hinaAberry (JMelia 6EedarachJ)G Te/a# u%brellaAtree ($ar. Ju%braculifor%i#J of the !receding)G %ulberrie#G o/ydendru%G !aulo"niaG oriental !laneAtreeG nati$e oak# of the region#G J0obinia P#eudacaciaGJ "ee!ing "illo"G JSo!hora Ba!onicaG Sterculia !latanifoliaGJ 6%erican el%.

BroadAlea$ed e$ergreen# of real tree #iEe u#eful for the South %ay be found a%ong the cherry laurel#( %agnolia#( and oak#. 6%ong the cherry laurel# are5 Portugal laurel (JPrunu# Lu#itanicaJ)( Engli#h cherry laurel in #e$eral for%# (JP. Laurocera#u#J)( and the '%ockAorange' or '"ild orange' (JP. arolinianaJ). )n %agnolia( the #!lendid JM. grandifloraJ i# e$ery"here u#ed. )n oak#( the li$eAoak (JSuercu# .irginiana(J kno"n al#o a# JS. $iren#J and JS. #e%!er$iren#J) i# the uni$er#al #!ecie#. The cork oak (JS. SuberJ) i# al#o reco%%ended. :)llu#tration F.)5 The flo"erAgarden of hina a#ter# "ith border( one of the du#ty %iller# J( entaurea).J< >. =C)-E0=@S E.E0G0EEC SH0@BS 6C& T0EES

)n thi# country the "ord 'e$ergreen' i# under#tood to %ean coniferou# tree# "ith !er#i#tent lea$e#( a# !ine#( #!ruce#( fir#( cedar#( juni!er#( arbor$itae( retino#!ora#( and the like. The#e tree# ha$e al"ay# been fa$orite# "ith !lant lo$er#( a# they ha$e $ery di#tincti$e for%# and other characteri#tic#. Many of the% are of the ea#ie#t culture. )t i# a co%%on notion that( #ince #!ruce# and other conifer# gro" #o #y%%etrically( they "ill not #tand !runingG but thi# i# an error. They %ay be !runed "ith a# good effect a# other tree#( and if they tend to gro" too tall( the leader %ay be #to!!ed "ithout fear. 6 ne" leader "ill ari#e( but in the %eanti%e the u!"ard gro"th of the tree "ill be #o%e"hat checked( and the effect "ill be to %ake the tree den#e. The ti!# of the branche# %ay al#o be headed in "ith the #a%e effect. The beauty of an e$ergreen lie# in it# natural for%G therefore( it #hould not be #heared into unu#ual #ha!e#( but a gentle tri%%ing back( a# ) #ugge#ted( "ill tend to !re$ent the Cor"ay #!ruce and other# fro% gro"ing o!en and ragged. 6fter the tree attain# #o%e age( K or 9 in. %ay be taken off the end# of the %ain branche# e$ery year or t"o (in #!ring before gro"th begin#) "ith good re#ult#. Thi# #light tri%%ing i# ordinarily done "ith ,ater#H# longAhandled !runing #hear#. There i# %uch difference of o!inion a# to the !ro!er ti%e for the tran#!lanting of e$ergreen#( "hich %ean# that there i# %ore than one #ea#on in "hich they %ay be %o$ed. )t i# ordinarily un#afe to tran#!lant the% in the fall in northern cli%ate# or bleak #ituation#( #ince the e$a!oration fro% the foliage during the "inter i# likely to injure the !lant. The be#t re#ult# are u#ually #ecured in #!ring or #u%%er !lanting. )n #!ring they %ay be %o$ed rather late( ju#t a# ne" gro"th i# beginning. So%e !er#on# al#o !lant the% in 6ugu#t or early Se!te%ber( a# the root# #ecure a hold on the #oil before "inter. )n the Southern #tate# tran#!lanting %ay be done at %o#t ti%e# of the year( but late fall and early #!ring are u#ually ad$i#ed. )n tran#!lanting conifer#( it i# $ery i%!ortant that the root# be not e/!o#ed to the #un. They #hould be %oi#tened and co$ered "ith burla!# or other %aterial. The hole# #hould be ready to recei$e the%. )f the tree# are large( or if it ha# been nece##ary to tri% in the root#( the to! #hould be cut "hen the tree i# #et. Large e$ergreen# (tho#e 18 ft. and %ore high) are u#ually be#t tran#!lanted late in "inter( at a ti%e "hen a large ball of earth %ay be %o$ed "ith the%. 6 trench i# dug around the tree( it being dee!ened a little day by day #o that the fro#t can "ork into the earth and hold it in #ha!e. ,hen the ball i# thoroughly froEen( it i# hoi#ted on to a #toneAboat or truck (-ig. 1K>) and %o$ed to it# ne" !o#ition.

Perha!# the hand#o%e#t of all the nati$e conifer# of the northea#tern @nited State# i# the ordinary he%lock( or he%lock #!ruce (the one #o %uch u#ed for lu%ber)G but it i# u#ually difficult to %o$e. Tran#!lanted tree# fro% nur#erie# are u#ually #afe#t. )f the tree# are taken fro% the "ild( they #hould be #elected fro% o!en and #unny !lace#. -or neat and co%!act effect# near !orche# and along "alk#( the d"arf retino#!ora# are $ery u#eful. Mo#t of the !ine# and #!ruce# are too coar#e for !lanting $ery clo#e to the re#idence. They are better at #o%e di#tance re%o$ed( "here they #er$e a# a background to other !lanting. )f they are "anted for indi$idual #!eci%en#( they #hould be gi$en !lenty of roo%( #o that the li%b# "ill not be cro"ded and the tree beco%e %i##ha!en. ,hate$er el#e i# done to the #!ruce# and fir#( the lo"er li%b# #hould not be tri%%ed u!( at lea#t not until the tree ha# beco%e #o old that the lo"e#t branche# die. So%e #!ecie# hold their branche# %uch longer than other#. The oriental #!ruce (JPicea orientali#J) i# one of the be#t in thi# re#!ect. The occa#ional #light headingAin( that ha# been %entioned( "ill tend to !re#er$e the lo"er li%b#( and it "ill not be %arked enough to alter the for% of the tree. The nu%ber of e/cellent coniferou# e$ergreen# no" offered in the 6%erican trade i# large. They are #lo" of gro"th and reIuire %uch roo% if good #!eci%en# are to be obtainedG but if the #!ace can be had and the !ro!er e/!o#ure #ecured( no tree# add greater dignity and di#tinction to an e#tate. 0eliable co%%ent# on the rarer conifer# %ay be found in the catalogue# of the be#t nur#ery%en. JLi#t of #hrubby conifer#.J The follo"ing li#t contain# the %o#t u#ual of the #hrubAlike coniferou# e$ergreen#( "ith (6) to %ark tho#e nati$e to thi# country. The (&&) in thi# and the #ucceeding li#t %ark# tho#e #!ecie# that are found to be hardy at =tta"a( =ntario( and are reco%%ended by the entral E/!eri%ental -ar% of anada. &"arf arbor$itae( JThuja occidentali#.J(6) There are %any d"arf and co%!act $arietie# of arbor$itae( %o#t of "hich are e/cellent for #%all !lace#. The %o#t de#irable for general !ur!o#e#( and al#o the large#t( i# the #oAcalled Siberian. =ther $ery de#irable for%# are tho#e #old a# Jglobo#a( ericoide#( co%!acta((&&) Ho$ey((&&) Ell"angeriana((&&) !yra%idali#((&&) ,areanaJ (or JSibiricaJ)((&&) and Jaurea &ougla#ii.J(&&) Ba!ane#e arbor$itae or retino#!ora( J ha%oecy!ari#J of $ariou# #!ecie#. 0etino#!ora#(&&) under na%e# a# follo"#5 J u!re##u# ericoide#(J 7 ft.( "ith fine #oft delicate green foliage that a##u%e# a !ur!li#h tinge in "interG J . !i#ifera(J one of the be#t( "ith a !endulou# habit and bright green foliageG J . !i#iferaJ $ar. Jfilifera(J "ith droo!ing branche# and threadAlike !endulou# branche#G J . !i#iferaJ $ar. J!lu%o#a(J %ore co%!act than JP. !i#iferaJ and featheryG $ar. JaureaJ of the la#t( 'one of the %o#t beautiful goldenAlea$ed e$ergreen #hrub# in culti$ation.' Buni!er( JBuni!eru# co%%uni#J(6) and garden $arietie#.

The juni!er i# a !artially trailing !lant( of loo#e habit( #uitable for bank# and rocky !lace#. There are u!right and $ery for%al $arietie# of it( the be#t being tho#e #old a# $ar. JHibernica (fa#tigiata)J((&&) ')ri#h juni!er(' and $ar. JSuecica(J 'S"edi#h juni!er.' Corthern juni!er( JB. Sabina(J $ar. J!ro#trataJ(6) =ne of the be#t of the lo"( diffu#e conifer#G $ar. Jta%ari#cifolia(J(&&) 1A7 ft. hine#e and Ba!ane#e juni!er# in %any for%#( JB. hinen#i#.J &"arf Cor"ay #!ruce( JPicea e/cel#a(J d"arf for%#. Se$eral $ery d"arf #ort# of the Cor"ay #!ruce are in culti$ation( #o%e of "hich are to be reco%%ended. &"arf !ine( JPinu# %ontana(J $ar. J!u%ilio.J Mugho !ine( JPinu# %ontana(J $ar. JMughu#.J(&&) There are other de#irable d"arf !ine#. ,ild ye"( JTa/u# anaden#i#.J(6) o%%on in "ood#G a "ideA#!reading !lant kno"n a# 'ground he%lock'G ?AK ft. J6rboreou# conifer#.J The e$ergreen conifer# that one i# likely to !lant %ay be roughly cla##ed a# !ine#G #!ruce# and fir#G cedar# and juni!er#G arbor$itaeG ye"#. ,hite Pine( JPinu# Strobu#.J(6)(&&) The be#t nati$e #!ecie# for general !lantingG retain# it# bright green color in "inter. 6u#trian !ine( JP. 6u#triaca.J(&&) Hardy( coar#e( and ruggedG #uitable only for large area#G foliage $ery dark. Scotch !ine( JP. #yl$e#tri#.J(&&) Cot #o coar#e a# 6u#trian !ine( "ith a lighter and bluer foliage. 0ed !ine( P. Jre#ino#aJ(6)(&&) .aluable in grou!# and belt#G u#ually called 'Cor"ay !ine'G rather hea$y in e/!re##ion. Bull !ine( P. J!ondero#a.J(6)(&&) 6 #trong %aje#tic tree( de#er$ing to be better kno"n in large ground#G nati$e "e#t"ard. e%brian !ine( JPinu# e%bra.J 6 $ery fine #lo"Agro"ing treeG one of the fe" #tandard !ine# #uitable for #%all !lace#. Scrub !ine( JP. di$aricataJ (JP. Bank#ianaJ).(6) 6 #%all tree( %ore odd and !icture#Iue than beautiful( but de#irable in certain !lace#. Mugho !ine( JP. %ontanaJ $ar. JMughu#.J(&&) @#ually %ore a bu#h than a tree (7 to 17 ft.)( although it %ay attain a height of 78A?8 ft.G %entioned under Shrub#. Cor"ay #!ruce( JPicea e/cel#a.J(&&) The %o#t co%%only !lanted #!ruceG lo#e# %uch of it# !eculiar beauty "hen

thirty to fifty year# of ageG #e$eral d"arf and "ee!ing for%#. ,hite #!ruce( JP. alba.J(6)(&&) =ne of the fine#t of the #!ruce#G a %ore co%!act gro"er than the la#t( and not #o coar#eG gro"# #lo"ly. =riental #!ruce( JP. orientali#.J E#!ecially $aluable fro% it# habit of holding it# lo"e#t li%b#G gro"# #lo"lyG need# #o%e #helter. olorado blue #!ruce( JP. !ungen#.J(6)(&&) )n color the fine#t of the conifer#G gro"# #lo"lyG #eedling# $ary %uch in bluene##. 6lcockH# #!ruce( JP. 6lcockiana.J(&&) E/cellentG foliage ha# #il$ery under #urface#. He%lock #!ruce( JT#uga anaden#i#.J(6) The co%%on lu%ber he%lock( but e/cellent for hedge# and a# a la"n treeG young tree# %ay need !artial !rotection fro% #un. ,hite fir( J6bie# concolor.J(6)(&&) Probably the be#t of the nati$e fir# for the northea#tern regionG lea$e# broad( glaucou#. Cord%annH# fir( J6. Cord%anniana.J E/cellent in e$ery "ayG lea$e# #hining abo$e and lighter beneath. Bal#a% fir( J6. bal#a%ea.J(6) Lo#e# %o#t of it# beauty in fifteen or t"enty year#. &ougla# fir( JP#eudot#uga &ougla#ii.J(6)(&&) Maje#tic tree of the northern Pacific #lo!e( hardy in the ea#t "hen gro"n fro% #eed# fro% far north or high %ountain#. 0ed cedar( JBuni!eru# .irginianaJ(6) 6 co%%on tree( Corth and SouthG #e$eral horticultural $arietie#. 6rbor$itae ("hite cedar( erroneou#ly)( JThuja occidentali#.J(6) Beco%e# unattracti$e after ten or fifteen year# on !oor #oil#G the horticultural $arietie# are e/cellentG #ee !. ???( and Hedge#( !. 778. Ba!ane#e ye"( JTa/u# cu#!idata.J Hardy #%all tree. J onifer# for the South.J

E$ergreen conifer#( tree# and bu#he#( for region# #outh of ,a#hington5 J6bie# -ra#eriJ and J6. PiceaJ (J6. !ectinataJ)G Cor"ay #!ruceG true cedar#( J edru# 6tlanticaJ and J&eodaraGJ cy!re##( J u!re##u# Go$eniana( %aje#tica( #e%!er$iren#G ha%oecy!ari# La"#onianaGJ !ractically all juni!er#( including the nati$e cedar (JBuni!eru# .irginianaJ)G !ractically all arbor$itae( including the oriental or biota grou!G retino#!ora# (for%# of cha%aecy!ari# and thuja of #e$eral kind#)G arolina he%lock( JT#uga arolinianaGJ Engli#h ye"( JTa/u# baccataG Libocedru# decurren#GJ ce!halota/u# and !odocar!u#G cry!to%eriaG Bhotan !ine( JPinu# e/cel#aGJ and the nati$e !ine# of the region#.

2. ,)C&=,AG60&ECS 6lthough the %aking of "indo"Agarden# %ay not be !ro!erly a !art of the !lanting and orna%enting of the ho%e ground#( yet the a!!earance of the re#idence ha# a %arked effect on the attracti$ene## or unattracti$ene## of the !re%i#e#G and there i# no better !lace than thi# in "hich to di#cu## the #ubject. -urther%ore( "indo"Agardening i# clo#ely a##ociated "ith $ariou# for%# of te%!orary !lant !rotection about the re#idence (-ig. 7L>). ,indo"Agarden# are of t"o ty!e#5 the "indo"Abo/ and !orchAbo/ ty!e( in "hich the !lant# are gro"n out#ide the "indo" and "hich i# a #u%%er or "ar%A"eather effortG the interior or true "indo"Agarden( %ade for the enjoy%ent of the fa%ily in it# internal relation#( and "hich i# chiefly a "inter or coldA"eather effort. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 7L>. 6 !rotection for chry#anthe%u%#. .ery good !lant# can be gro"n under a te%!orary #hed co$er. The roof %ay be of gla##( oiled !a!er( or e$en of "ood. Such a #hed co$er "ill afford a $ery effecti$e and handy !rotection for %any !lant#.< JThe "indo"Abo/ for out#ide effect.J Hand#o%ely fini#hed bo/e#( orna%ental tiling( and bracket "ork of "ood and iron #uitable for fitting out "indo"# for the gro"ing of !lant#( are on the %arketG but #uch( "hile de#irable( are by no %ean# nece##ary. 6 #tout !ine bo/ of a length corre#!onding to the "idth of the "indo"( about 18 inche# "ide and L dee!( an#"er# Iuite a# "ell a# a finer bo/( #ince it "ill likely be #o%e di#tance abo$e the #treet( and it# #ide#( %oreo$er( are #oon co$ered by the $ine#. 6 Einc tray of a #iEe to fit into the "ooden bo/ %ay be ordered of the tin#%ith. )t "ill tend to kee! the #oil fro% drying out #o ra!idly( but it i# not a nece##ity. 6 fe" #%all hole# in the botto% "ill !ro$ide for drainageG but "ith carefulne## in "atering the#e are not nece##ary( #ince the bo/ by it# e/!o#ed !o#ition "ill dry out readily during #u%%er "eather( unle## the !o#ition i# a #haded one. )n the latter ca#e !ro$i#ion for good drainage i# al"ay# ad$i#able. Since there i# %ore or le## cra%!ing of root#( it "ill be nece##ary to %ake the #oil richer than "ould be reIuired "ere the !lant# to gro" in the garden. The %o#t de#irable #oil i# one that doe# not !ack hard like clay( nor contract %uch "hen dry( but re%ain# !orou# and #!ringy. Such a #oil i# found in the !otting earth u#ed by flori#t#( and it %ay be obtained fro% the% at 98 cent# to O1 a barrel. =ften the nature of the #oil "ill be #uch a# to %ake it de#irable to ha$e at hand a barrel of #har! #and for %i/ing "ith it( to %ake it %ore !orou# and !re$ent

baking. 6 good filling for a dee! bo/ i# a layer of clinker# or other drainage in the botto%( a layer of !a#ture #od( a layer of old co" %anure( and fill "ith fertile garden earth. So%e "indo"Agardener# !ot the !lant# and then #et the% in the "indo"Abo/( filling the #!ace# bet"een the !ot# "ith %oi#t %o##. =ther# !lant the% directly in the earth. The for%er %ethod( a# a general rule( i# to be !referred in the "inter "indo"AgardenG the latter in the #u%%er. The !lant# %o#t $aluable for out#ide bo/e# are tho#e of droo!ing habit( #uch a# lobelia#( tro!eolu%#( othonna( Denil"orth i$y( $erbena (-ig. 7L2)( #"eet aly##u%( and !etunia. Such !lant# %ay occu!y the front ro"( "hile back of the% %ay be the erectAgro"ing !lant#( a# geraniu%#( heliotro!e#( begonia# (Plate FF). -or #hady #ituation# the %ain de!endence i# on !lant# of graceful for% or hand#o%e foliageG "hile for the #unny "indo" the #election %ay be of bloo%ing !lant#. =f the !lant# %entioned belo" for the#e t"o !o#ition#( tho#e %arked "ith an a#teri#k (6) are of cli%bing habit( and %ay be trained u! about the #ide# of the "indo". :)llu#tration5 -ig. 7L2. BouIuet of $erbena#.< Bu#t "hat !lant# "ill be %o#t #uitable de!end# on the e/!o#ure. -or the #hady #ide of the #treet( the %ore delicate kind# of !lant# %ay be u#ed. -or full e/!o#ure to the #un( it "ill be nece##ary to choo#e the %ore $igorou#Agro"ing kind#. )n the latter !o#ition( #uitable !lant# for droo!ing "ould be5 tro!eolu%#((6) !a##iflora#((6) the #ingle !etunia#( #"eet aly##u%( lobelia#( $erbena#( %e#e%bryanthe%u%#. -or erectAgro"ing !lant#5 geraniu%#( heliotro!e#( !hlo/. )f the !o#ition i# a #haded one( the droo!ing !lant# %ight be of the follo"ing5 trade#cantia( Denil"orth i$y( #enecio(6) or !arlor i$y( #edu%#( %oney"ort((6) $inca( #%ila/((6) lygodiu%(6) or cli%bing fern. ErectAgro"ing !lant# "ould be dracena#( !al%#( fern#( coleu#( centaurea( #!otted calla( and other#. 6fter the !lant# ha$e filled the earth "ith root#( it "ill be de#irable to gi$e the #urface a%ong the% a $ery light #!rinkling of boneAdu#t or a thicker coating of rotted %anure fro% ti%e to ti%e during the #u%%erG or in#tead of thi#( a "atering "ith "eak liIuid %anure about once a "eek. Thi# i# not nece##ary( ho"e$er( until the gro"th #ho"# that the root# ha$e about e/hau#ted the #oil. )n the fall the bo/ %ay be !laced on the in#ide of the "indo". )n thi# ca#e it "ill be de#irable to thin out the foliage #o%e"hat( #horten in #o%e of the $ine#( and !erha!# re%o$e #o%e of the !lant#. )t "ill al#o be de#irable to gi$e a fre#h coating of rich #oil. )ncrea#ed care "ill be nece##ary( al#o( in "atering( #ince the !lant# "ill ha$e le## light than !re$iou#ly( and( %oreo$er( there %ay be no !ro$i#ion for drainage. PorchAbo/e# %ay be %ade in the #a%e general !lan. Since the !lant# are likely to be injured in !orchAbo/e#( and #ince the#e bo/e# #hould ha$e #o%e architectural effect( it i# "ell to u#e abundantly of rather hea$y greenery( #uch a# #"ordfern (the co%%on for% of JCe!hrole!i# e/altataJ) or the Bo#ton fern( J6#!aragu# S!rengeri(J "andering je"( the large droo!ing $inca (!erha!# the $ariegated for%)( a#!idi#tra. ,ith the#e or #i%ilar thing# con#tituting the body of the bo/ !lanting( the flo"ering !lant# %ay be added to heighten the effect.

JThe in#ide "indo"Agarden( or 'hou#e !lant#.J' The "inter "indo"Agarden %ay con#i#t #i%!ly of a jardiniere( or a fe" choice !otA!lant# on a #tand at the "indo"( or of a con#iderable collection "ith %ore or le## elaborate arrange%ent# for their acco%%odation in the "ay of bo/( bracket#( #hel$e#( and #tand#. E/!en#i$e arrange%ent# are by no %ean# nece##ary( nor i# a large collection. The !lant# and flo"er# the%#el$e# are the %ain con#ideration( and a #%all collection "ell cared for i# better than a large one unle## it can be ea#ily acco%%odated and ke!t in good condition. The bo/ "ill be #een near at hand( and #o it %ay be %ore or le## orna%ental in character. The #ide# %ay be co$ered "ith orna%ental tile held in !lace by %oldingG or a light lattice"ork of "ood #urrounding the bo/ i# !retty. But a neatly %ade and #trong bo/ of about the di%en#ion# %entioned on !age ??3( "ith a #tri! of %olding at the to! and botto%( an#"er# ju#t a# "ellG and if !ainted green( or #o%e neutral #hade( only the !lant# "ill be #een or thought of. Bracket#( jardiniere#( and #tand# %ay be !urcha#ed of any of the larger flori#t#. The bo/ %ay con#i#t of %erely the "ooden rece!tacleG but a !referable arrange%ent i# to %ake it about eight inche# dee! in#tead of #i/( then ha$e the tin#%ith %ake a Einc tray to fit the bo/. Thi# i# !ro$ided "ith a fal#e "ooden botto%( "ith crack# for drainage( t"o inche# abo$e the real botto% of the tray. The !lant# "ill then ha$e a $acant #!ace belo" the% into "hich drainage "ater %ay !a##. Such a bo/ %ay be thoroughly "atered a# the !lant# reIuire "ithout danger of the "ater running on the car!et. =f cour#e( a faucet #hould be !ro$ided at #o%e #uitable !oint on a le$el "ith the botto% of the tray( to !er%it of it# being drained e$ery day or #o if the "ater tend# to accu%ulate. )t "ould not do to allo" the "ater to re%ain longG e#!ecially #hould it ne$er ri#e to the fal#e botto%( a# then the #oil "ould be ke!t too "et. The "indo" for !lant# #hould ha$e a #outhern( #outhea#tern( or ea#tern e/!o#ure. Plant# need all the light they can get in the "inter( e#!ecially tho#e that are e/!ected to bloo%. The "indo" #hould be tightAfitting. Shutter# and a curtain "ill be an ad$antage in cold "eather. Plant# like a certain unifor%ity in condition#. )t i# $ery trying on the%( and often fatal to #ucce##( to ha$e the% #nug and "ar% one night and !inched in a te%!erature only a fe" degree# abo$e freeEing the ne/t. So%e !lant# "ill li$e in #!ite of it( but they cannot be e/!ected to !ro#!er. Tho#e "ho#e roo%# are heated "ith #tea%( hot "ater( or hot air "ill ha$e to guard again#t kee!ing roo%# too "ar% fully a# %uch a# kee!ing the% too cool. 0oo%# in brick d"elling# that ha$e been "ar% all day( if #hut u! and %ade #nug in the e$ening( "ill often kee! "ar% o$er night "ithout heat e/ce!t in the colde#t "eather. 0oo%# in fra%e d"elling# e/!o#ed on all #ide# #oon cool do"n. )t i# difficult to gro" !lant# in roo%# lighted by ga#. Mo#t li$ingAroo%# ha$e air too dry for !lant#. )n #uch ca#e# the bo"A"indo" %ay be #et off fro% the roo% by gla## door#G one then ha# a %iniature con#er$atory. 6 !an of "ater on the #to$e or on the regi#ter and da%! %o## a%ong the !ot#( "ill hel! to afford !lant# the nece##ary hu%idity. The foliage "ill need clean#ing fro% ti%e to ti%e to free it fro% du#t. 6 bath tub !ro$ided "ith a ready outlet for the "ater i# an e/cellent

!lace for thi# !ur!o#e. The !lant# %ay be turned on their #ide# and #u!!orted on a #%all bo/ abo$e the botto% of the tub. Then they %ay be freely #yringed "ithout danger of %aking the #oil too "et. )t i# u#ually ad$i#able not to "et the flo"er#( ho"e$er( e#!ecially the "hite "a/en kind#( like hyacinth#. The foliage of re/ begonia# #hould be clean#ed "ith a !iece of dry or only #lightly %oi#t cotton. But if the lea$e# can be Iuickly dried off by !lacing the% in the o!en air on %ild day#( or %oderately near the #to$e( the foliage %ay be #yringed. So%e !er#on# attach the bo/ to the "indo"( or #u!!ort it on bracket# attached belo" the "indo"A#illG but a !referable arrange%ent i# to #u!!ort the bo/ on a lo" and light #tand of #uitable height !ro$ided "ith roller#. )t %ay then be dra"n back fro% the "indo"( turned around fro% ti%e to ti%e to gi$e the !lant# light on all #ide#( or turned "ith the attracti$e #ide in a# %ay be de#ired. =ften the !lant# are #et directly in the #oilG but if they are ke!t in !ot# they %ay be rearranged( and changed about to gi$e tho#e "hich need it %ore light. Larger !lant# that are to #tand on #hel$e# or bracket# %ay be in !orou# earthen"are !ot#G but the #%aller one# that are to fill the "indo"Abo/ %ay be !laced in hea$y !a!er !ot#. The #ide# of the#e are fle/ible( and the !lant# in the% therefore %ay be cro"ded clo#e together "ith great econo%y in #!ace. ,hen !ot# are #!aced( da%! #!hagnu% or other %o## a%ong the% "ill hold the% in !lace( kee! the #oil fro% drying out too ra!idly( and at the #a%e ti%e gi$e off %oi#ture( #o grateful to the foliage. )n addition to the #tand( or bo/( a bracket for one or %ore !ot# on either #ide of the "indo"( about oneAthird or halfA"ay u!( "ill be de#irable. The bracket #hould turn on a ba#al hinge or !i$ot( to ad%it of #"inging it for"ard or back"ard. The#e bracket !lant# u#ually #uffer for %oi#ture( and are rather difficult to %anage. -lori#t# no" u#ually gro" !lant# #uitable for "indo"Agarden# and "inter flo"ering( and any intelligent flori#t( if a#ked( "ill take !lea#ure in %aking out a #uitable collection. The !lant# #hould be ordered early in the fallG the flori#t "ill then not be #o cro"ded for ti%e and can gi$e the %atter better attention. Mo#t of the !lant# #uitable for the "inter "indo"Agarden belong to the grou!# that flori#t# gro" in their %ediu% and cool hou#e#. The for%er are gi$en a night te%!erature of about L8 deg.( the latter about 98 deg. )n each ca#e the te%!erature i# 18 to 19 deg. higher for the dayti%e. -i$e degree# of $ariation belo" the#e te%!erature# "ill be allo"able "ithout any injuriou# effect#G e$en %ore %ay be borne( but not "ithout %ore or le## check to the !lant#. )n bright( #unny "eather the day te%!erature %ay be higher than in cloudy and dark "eather. Plant# for an a$erage night te%!erature of L8 deg. (trade na%e#). J@!right flo"ering !lant#(JAA6butilon#( bro"allia#( calceolaria 'Lincoln Park(' begonia#( bou$ardia#( eu!horbia#( #carlet #age( richardia or calla( heliotro!e#( fuch#ia#( hine#e hibi#cu#( ja#%ine#( #ingle !etunia#( #"ain#ona( billbergia( free#ia#( geraniu%#( eu!hea#. J@!right foliage !lant#.JAAMuehlenbeckia( J yca# re$oluta( &racoena fragan#J and other#( !al%#( canna#( J-arfugiu% grande(J achyranthe#( fern#( araucaria#( e!i!hyllu%#( !andanu# or '#cre" !ine(' JPilea arborea( -icu# ela#tica( Gre$illea robu#ta.J

J li%bing !lant#.JAAJ6#!aragu# tenui##i%u#( 6. !lu%o#u#( oboea #canden#(J #%ila/( Ba!ane#e ho!( Madeira $ine (Bou##ingaultia)( JSenecio %ikanioide#J and JS. %acroglo##u#J (!arlor i$ie#). See al#o li#t belo". JLo"Agro"ing( trailing( or droo!ing !lant#.JAAThe#e %ay be u#ed for ba#ket# and edging#. -lo"ering kind# are5 S"eet aly##u%( lobelia( J-uch#ia !rocu%ben#(J %e#e%bryanthe%u%( J=/ali# !endula( 8. floribundaJ and other#( J0u##elia juncea( Mahernia odorataJ or honeyAbell. J-oliage !lant# of droo!ing habit.JAA.inca#( JSa/ifraga #ar%ento#a(J Denil"orth i$y( trade#cantia or "andering je"( J-e#tuca glaucaJ(6) othonna( J)#ole!#i# gracili#(J(6) Engli#h i$y( JSelaginella denticulata(J and other#. So%e of the#e !lant# flo"er Iuite freely( but the flo"er# are #%all and of #econdary con#ideration. Tho#e "ith an a#teri#k (6) droo! but #lightly. Plant# for an a$erage night te%!erature of 98 deg.. J@!right flo"ering !lant#.JAA6Ealea#( cycla%en#( carnation#( chry#anthe%u%#( geraniu%#( hine#e !ri%ro#e#( #te$ia#( %arguerite or Pari# dai#y( #ingle !etunia#( J6nthe%i# coronaria(J ca%ellia#( ardi#ia (berrie#)( cineraria#( $iolet#( hyacinth#( narci##u#( tuli!#( the Ea#ter lily "hen in bloo%( and other#. J@!right foliage !lant#.JAAPitto#!oru%#( !al%#( aucuba( euony%u# (golden and #il$ery $ariegated)( araucaria#( !andanu#( du#ty %iller#. J li%bing !lant#.JAAEngli#h i$y( %aurandia( #enecio or !arlor i$y( lygodiu% (cli%bing fern). J&roo!ing or trailing !lant#.JAA-lo"ering kind# are5 S"eet aly##u%( JMahernia odorata(J 0u##elia and i$y geraniu%. JBulb# in the "indo"Agarden.J Bulb# flo"ering through the "inter add to the li#t of hou#e !lant# a char%ing $ariety. The labor( ti%e( and #kill reIuired i# %uch le## than for gro"ing %any of the larger !lant# %ore co%%only u#ed for "inter decoration# (for in#truction# on gro"ing bulb# outAofAdoor#( #ee !. 7>1G al#o the entrie# in ha!ter .)))). Hyacinth#( narci##u#( tuli!#( and crocu#( and other# can be %ade to flo"er in the "inter "ithout difficulty. Secure the bulb# #o a# to be able to !ot the% by the %iddle or la#t of =ctober( or if earlier all the better. The #oil #hould be rich #andy loa%( if !o##ibleG if not( the be#t that can be got( to "hich about oneAfourth the bulk of #and i# added and %i/ed thoroughly. )f ordinary flo"erA!ot# are to be u#ed( !lace in the botto% a fe" !iece# of broken !ot#( charcoal( or #%all #tone# for drainage( then fill the !ot "ith dirt #o that "hen the bulb# are #et on the dirt the to! of the bulb i# e$en "ith the ri% of the !ot. -ill around it "ith #oil( lea$ing ju#t the ti! of the bulb #ho"ing abo$e the earth. )f the #oil i# hea$y( a good !lan i# to #!rinkle a #%all handful of #and under the bulb to carry off the "ater( a# i# done in the bed# outdoor#. )f one doe# not ha$e !ot#( he %ay u#e bo/e#. Starch bo/e# are a good #iEe to u#e( a# they are not hea$y to handleG and e/cellent flo"er# are #o%eti%e# #ecured fro% bulb# !lanted in old to%atoAcan#. )f bo/e# or can# are

u#ed( care %u#t be taken to ha$e hole# in the botto%# to let the "ater run out. 6 large hyacinth bulb "ill do "ell in a 9Ainch !ot. The #a%e #iEe !ot "ill do for three or four narci##u#e# or eight to t"el$e crocu#e#. 6fter the bulb# are !lanted in the !ot# or other rece!tacle#( they #hould be !laced in a cool !lace( either in a cold !it or cellar( or on the #hady #ide of a building( or( better yet( !lunged or buried u! to the ri% of the !ot in a #hady border. Thi# i# done to force the root# to gro" "hile the to! #tand# #till( a# only the bulb# "ith good root# "ill gi$e good flo"er#. ,hen the "eather get# #o cold that a cru#t i# froEen on the #oil( the !ot# #hould be co$ered "ith a little #tra"( and a# the "eather get# colder %ore #tra" %u#t be u#ed. )n #i/ to eight "eek# after !lanting the bulb#( they #hould ha$e %ade root# enough to gro" the !lant( and they %ay be taken u! and !laced in a cool roo% for a "eek or #o( after "hich( if they ha$e #tarted into gro"th( they %ay be taken into a "ar%er roo% "here they can ha$e !lenty of light. They "ill gro" $ery ra!idly no" and "ill "ant %uch "ater( and after the flo"er# begin to #ho"( the !ot# %ay #tand in a #aucer of "ater all the ti%e. ,hen ju#t co%ing into bloo% the !lant# %ay ha$e full #unlight !art of the ti%e to hel! bring out the color of the flo"er#. Hyacinth#( tuli!#( and narci##u# all reIuire #i%ilar treat%ent. ,hen "ell rooted( "hich "ill be in #i/ or eight "eek#( they are brought out and gi$en a te%!erature of #o%e 99 deg. to L8 deg. till the flo"er# a!!ear( "hen they #hould be ke!t in a cooler te%!erature( #ay 98 deg. The #ingle 0o%an hyacinth i# an e/cellent hou#e !lant. The flo"er# are #%all( but they are graceful and are "ell ada!ted to cutting. )t i# early. The Ea#ter lily i# %anaged the #a%e "ay( e/ce!t to ha#ten it# flo"er# it #hould be ke!t at not lo"er than L8 deg. at night. ,ar%er "ill be better. Lily bulb# %ay be co$ered an inch or %ore dee! in the !ot#. -ree#ia# %ay be !otted #i/ or %ore in a !ot of %ello" #oil( and then #tarted into gro"th at once. 6t fir#t they %ay be gi$en a night te%!erature of 98 deg.G and 99 deg. to L8 deg. "hen they ha$e begun to gro". S%all bulb#( a# #no"dro! and crocu#( are !lanted #e$eral or a doEen in a !ot and buried( or treated like hyacinth#G but they are $ery #en#iti$e to heat( and reIuire to be gi$en the light only "hen they ha$e #tarted to gro"( "ithout any forcing. -orty to K9 deg. "ill be a# "ar% a# they e$er need be ke!t. J,atering hou#e !lant#.J )t i# i%!o##ible to gi$e rule# for the "atering of !lant#. ondition# that hold "ith one gro"er are different fro% tho#e of another. 6d$ice %u#t be general. Gi$e one good "atering at the ti%e of !otting( after "hich no "ater #hould be gi$en until the !lant# really need it. )f( on ta!!ing the !ot( it gi$e# out a clear ring( it i# an indication that "ater i# needed. )n the ca#e of a #oftA"ooded !lant( ju#t before the lea$e# begin to #ho" #ign# of "ilt i# the ti%e for "atering. ,hen !lant# are taken u! fro% the ground( or ha$e their root# cut back in re!otting( gardener# rely( after the fir#t co!iou# "atering( on #yringing the to!# t"o or three ti%e# each day( until a ne" rootAgro"th ha# #tarted( "atering at the root# only "hen ab#olutely nece##ary. Plant# that ha$e been !otted into larger !ot# "ill gro" "ithout the e/tra attention of

#yringing( but tho#e fro% the border# that ha$e had their root# %utilated or #hortened( #hould be !laced in a cool( #hady #!ot and be #yringed often. =ne #oon beco%e# fa%iliar "ith the "ant# of indi$idual !lant#( and can judge clo#ely a# to need of "ater. 6ll #oftA"ooded !lant# "ith a large leafA#urface need %ore "ater than hardA"ooded !lant#( and a !lant in lu/uriant gro"th of any kind %ore than one that ha# been cut back or beco%e defoliated. ,hen !lant# are gro"n in li$ingAroo%#( %oi#ture %u#t be #u!!lied fro% #o%e #ource( and if no arrange%ent ha# been %ade for #ecuring %oi#t air( the !lant# #hould be #yringed often. 6ll !lantAgro"er# #hould learn to "ithhold "ater "hen !lant# are 're#ting' or not in acti$e gro"th. Thu# ca%ellia#( aEalea#( re/ begonia#( !al%#( and %any other thing# are u#ually not in their gro"ing !eriod in fall and %id"inter( and they #hould then ha$e only #ufficient "ater to kee! the% in condition. ,hen gro"th begin#( a!!ly "aterG and increa#e the "ater a# the gro"th beco%e# %ore ra!id. JHanging ba#ket#.J To ha$e a good hanging ba#ket( it i# nece##ary that #o%e careful !ro$i#ion be %ade to !re$ent too ra!id drying out of the earth. )t i# cu#to%ary( therefore( to line the !ot or ba#ket "ith %o##. =!en "ire ba#ket#( like a hor#e %uEEle( are often lined "ith %o## and u#ed for the gro"ing of !lant#. Pre!are the earth by %i/ing #o%e "ellAdecayed leaf%old "ith rich garden loa%( thereby %aking an earth that "ill retain %oi#ture. Hang the ba#ket in a light !lace( but #till not in direct #unlightG and( if !o##ible( a$oid !utting it "here it "ill be e/!o#ed to drying "ind. )n order to "ater the ba#ket( it i# often ad$i#able to #ink it into a !ail or tub of "ater. .ariou# !lant# are "ell ada!ted to hanging ba#ket#. 6%ong the droo!ing or $ineAlike kind# are the #tra"berry geraniu%( Denil"orth i$y( %aurandia( Ger%an i$y( canaryAbird flo"er( J6#!aragu# S!rengeri(J i$y geraniu%( trailing fuch#ia( "andering je"( and othonna. 6%ong the erectAgro"ing !lant# that !roduce flo"er#( JLobelia Erinu#(J #"eet aly##u%( !etunia#( o/ali#( and $ariou# geraniu%# are to be reco%%ended. 6%ong foliage !lant# #uch thing# a# coleu#( du#ty %iller( begonia( and #o%e geraniu%# are ada!table. J6Iuariu%.J 6 !lea#ant adjunct to a "indo"Agarden( li$ing roo%( or con#er$atory( i# a large gla## globe or gla## bo/ containing "ater( in "hich !lant# and ani%al# are li$ing and gro"ing. 6 #olid gla## tank or globe i# better than a bo/ "ith gla## #ide#( becau#e it doe# not leak( but the bo/ %u#t be u#ed if one "ant# a large aIuariu%. -or %o#t !er#on# it i# better to buy the aIuariu% bo/ than to atte%!t to %ake it. -i$e !oint# are i%!ortant in %aking and kee!ing an aIuariu%5 (1) The eIuilibriu% bet"een !lant and ani%al life %u#t be #ecured and %aintainedG (7) the aIuariu% %u#t be o!en on to! to the air or "ell $entilatedG (?) the te%!erature #hould be ke!t bet"een K8 deg. and 98 deg. for ordinary ani%al# and !lant# (do not !lace in full #un in a hot "indo")G (K) it i# "ell to choo#e #uch ani%al# for the aIuariu% a# are ada!ted to

life in #till "aterG (9) the "ater %u#t be ke!t fre#h( either by the !ro!er balance of !lant and ani%al life or by changing the "ater freIuently( or by both. The aIuatic !lant# of the neighborhood %ay be ke!t in the aIuariu%(AA#uch thing# a# %yrio!hyllu%#( chara#( eelAgra##( duck%eat# or le%na#( cabo%ba or fi#h gra##( arro"Aleaf# or #agittaria( and the likeG al#o the !arrotH# feather( to be bought of flori#t# (a #!ecie# of %yrio!hyllu%). =f ani%al#( there are fi#he# (!articularly %inno"#)( "ater in#ect#( tad!ole#( cla%#( #nail#. )f the !ro!er balance i# %aintained bet"een !lant and ani%al life( it "ill not be nece##ary to change the "ater #o freIuently.

H6PTE0 .))) THE G0=,)CG =- THE =0C6MECT6L PL6CTSAA)CST0@ T)=CS =C P60T) @L60 D)C&S )n the !receding cha!ter ad$ice i# gi$en that a!!lie# to grou!# or cla##e# of !lant#( and %any li#t# are in#erted to guide the gro"er in hi# choice or at lea#t to #ugge#t to hi% the kind# of thing# that %ay be gro"n for certain !ur!o#e# or condition#. )t no" re%ain# to gi$e in#truction# on the gro"ing of !articular kind# or #!ecie# of !lant#. )t i# i%!o##ible to include in#truction# on any great nu%ber of !lant# in a book like thi#. )t i# a##u%ed that the u#er of thi# book already kno"# ho" to gro" the fa%iliar or ea#ily handled !lant#G if he doe# not( a book i# not likely to hel! hi% $ery %uch. )n thi# cha!ter all #uch thing# a# the co%%on annual# and !erennial# and #hrub# and tree# are o%itted. )f the reader i# in doubt about any of the#e( or de#ire# infor%ation concerning the%( he "ill ha$e to con#ult the catalogue# of re#!on#ible #eed#%en and nur#ery%en or cyclo!edic "ork#( or go to #o%e co%!etent !er#on for ad$ice. )n thi# cha!ter are brought together in#truction# on the gro"ing of #uch !lant# co%%only found about ho%e ground# and in "indo"Agarden# a# #ee% to de%and #o%e"hat #!ecial or !articular treat%ent or about "hich the no$ice i# likely to a#kG and of cour#e the#e in#truction# %u#t be brief. :)llu#tration5 F.)). The !eony. =ne of the %o#t #teadfa#t of garden flo"er#.< )t %ay be re!eated here that a !er#on cannot e/!ect to gro" a !lant #ati#factorily until he learn# the natural ti%e of the !lant to gro" and to bloo%. Many !er#on# handle their begonia#( cacti( and aEalea# a# if they #hould be acti$e the "hole year round. The key to the #ituation i# "ater5 at "hat !art of the year to "ithhold and at "hat !art to a!!ly i# one of the $ery fir#t thing# to learn. 6B@T)L=CS( or flo"ering %a!le# a# they are often called( %ake good hou#e !lant# and bedding !lant#. Cearly all hou#e gardener# ha$e at lea#t one !lant. o%%on abutilon# %ay be gro"n fro% #eed or fro% cutting# of young "ood. )f the for%er( the #eed #hould be #o"n in -ebruary or March in a te%!erature of not le## than L8 deg.. The #eedling# #hould be !otted "hen about four to #i/ lea$e# ha$e gro"n( in a rich #andy #oil. -reIuent

!otting# #hould be %ade to in#ure a ra!id gro"th( %aking !lant# large enough to flo"er by fall. =r the #eedling# %ay be !lanted out in the border "hen danger of fro#t i# o$er( and taken u! in the fall before fro#tG the#e !lant# "ill bloo% all "inter. 6bout one half of the ne"er gro"th #hould be cut off "hen they are taken u!( a# they are $ery liable to #!indle u! "hen gro"n in the hou#e. ,hen gro"n fro% cutting#( young "ood #hould be u#ed( "hich( after being "ell rooted( %ay be treated in the #a%e "ay a# the #eedling#. The $arietie# "ith $ariegated lea$e# ha$e been i%!ro$ed until the foliage effect# are eIual to the flo"er# of #o%e $arietie#G and the#e are a great addition to the con#er$atory or "indo" garden. The #ta!le #!ottedAlea$ed ty!e i# J6. Tho%!#oni.J 6 co%!act for%( no" %uch u#ed for bedding and other outdoor "ork( i# JSa$itEii(J "hich i# a horticultural $ariety( not a di#tinct #!ecie#. The oldAfa#hioned greenAlea$ed J6. #triatu%(J fro% "hich J6. Tho%!#oniJ ha# !robably #!rung( i# one of the be#t. J6. %ega!ota%icu%J or J$e/illariu%J i# a trailing or droo!ing redAandAyello"Aflo"ered #!ecie# that i# e/cellent for ba#ket#( although not no" %uch #een. )t !ro!agate# readily fro% #eed. There i# a for% "ith #!otted lea$e#. 6butilon# are %o#t #ati#factory for hou#e !lant# "hen they are not %uch %ore than a year old. They need no #!ecial treat%ent. 6G6P6CTH@S( or 6frican lily J(6ga!anthu# u%bellatu#J and #e$eral $arietie#).AA6 tuberou#Arooted( "ellAkno"n con#er$atory or "indo" !lant( bloo%ing in #u%%er. E/cellent for !orch and yard decoration. )t lend# it#elf to %any condition# and !ro$e# #ati#factory a large !art of the year( the lea$e# for%ing a green arch o$er the !ot( co$ering it entirely in a "ellAgro"n #!eci%en. The flo"er# are borne in a large clu#ter on #te%# gro"ing 7A? ft. high( a# %any a# t"o or three hundred bright blue flo"er# often for%ing on a #ingle !lant. 6 large( "ellAgro"n !lant thro"# u! a nu%ber of flo"erA#talk# through the early #ea#on. The one e##ential to free gro"th i# an abundance of "ater and an occa#ional a!!lication of %anure "ater. Pro!agation i# effected by di$i#ion of the off#et#( "hich %ay be broken fro% the %ain !lant in early #!ring. 6fter flo"ering( gradually le##en the Iuantity of "ater until they are !laced in "inter Iuarter#( "hich #hould be a !o#ition free fro% fro#t and %oderately dry. The aga!anthu#( being a hea$y feeder( #hould be gro"n in #trong loa% to "hich i# added "ellArotted %anure and a little #and. ,hen dor%ant( the root# "ill "ith#tand a little fro#t. 6l#tre%eria.AAThe al#tre%eria# (of #e$eral #!ecie#) belong to the a%arylli# fa%ily( being tuberou#Arooted !lant#( ha$ing leafy #te%# ter%inating in a clu#ter of ten to fifty #%all lilyA#ha!ed flo"er# of rich color# in #u%%er. Mo#t of the al#tre%eria# #hould be gi$en !ot culture( a# they are ea#ily gro"n and are not hardy in the o!en in the Corth. The culture i# nearly that of the a%arylli#(AAa good( fibrou# loa% "ith a little #and( !otting the tuber# in early #!ring or late fall. Start the !lant# #lo"ly( gi$ing only enough "ater to cau#e root gro"thG but after gro"th ha# beco%e e#tabli#hed( a Iuantity of "ater %ay be gi$en. 6fter flo"ering they %ay be treated a# are a%arylli# or aga!anthu#. The root# %ay be di$ided( and the old and "eak !art# #haken out. The !lant# gro" 1A? ft. high. The flo"er# often ha$e odd color#.

6%arylli#.AAThe !o!ular na%e of a $ariety of hou#e or con#er$atory tender bulb#( but !ro!erly a!!lied only to the Belladonna lily. Mo#t of the% are hi!!ea#tru%#( but the culture of all i# #i%ilar. They are #ati#factory hou#e !lant# for #!ring and #u%%er bloo%. =ne difficulty "ith their culture i# the habit of the flo"erA#talk #tarting into gro"th before the lea$e# gro". Thi# i# cau#ed in %o#t ca#e# by #ti%ulating root gro"th before the bulb ha# had #ufficient re#t. The bulb# #hould be dor%ant four or fi$e %onth# in a dry !lace "ith a te%!erature of about 98 deg.. ,hen "anted to be brought into flo"er( the bulb#( if to be re!otted( #hould ha$e all the dirt #haken off and !otted in #oil co%!o#ed of fibrou# loa% and leaf%old( to "hich #hould be added a little #and. )f the loa% i# hea$y( !lace the !ot in a "ar% #ituationG a #!ent hotbed i# a good !lace. ,ater a# needed( and a# the flo"er# de$elo! liIuid %anure %ay be gi$en. )f large clu%!# are "ell e#tabli#hed in >Aor 18Ainch !ot#( they %ay be to!Adre##ed "ith ne" #oil containing rotted %anure( and a# gro"th increa#e# liIuid %anure %ay be gi$en t"ice a "eek until the flo"er# o!en. 6fter flo"ering( gradually "ithhold "ater until the lea$e# die( or !lunge the !ot# in the o!en( in a #unny !lace. The %o#t !o!ular #!ecie# for "indo"Agarden# i# J6. Bohn#oniJ (!ro!erly a hi!!ea#tru%)( "ith red flo"er#. -ig#. 793( 7L1. Bulb# recei$ed fro% dealer# #hould be !laced in !ot# not %uch broader than the bulb( and the neck of the bulb #hould not be co$ered. Dee! rather dry until acti$e gro"th begin#. The ri!ened bulb#( in fall( %ay be #tored a# !otatoe#( and then brought out in #!ring a# ra!idly a# any of the% #ho" #ign# of gro"th. 6ne%one.AAThe "indAflo"er# are hardy !erennial#( of ea#y culture( one grou! (the J6ne%one coronaria( fulgen#(J and Jhorten#i#J for%#) being treated a# bulb#. The#e tuberou#Arooted !lant# #hould be !lanted late in Se!te%ber or early in =ctober( in a "ellAenriched #heltered border( #etting the tuber# ? in. dee! and KAL in. a!art. The #urface of the border #hould be %ulched "ith lea$e# or #tra"y %anure through the #e$ere "inter "eather( unco$ering the #oil in March. The flo"er# "ill a!!ear in 6!ril or May( and in Bune or Buly the tuber# #hould be taken u! and !laced in dry #and until the follo"ing fall. The#e !lant# are not a# "ell kno"n a# they #hould be. The range of color i# $ery "ide. The flo"er# are often 7 in. acro##( and are la#ting. The tuber# %ay be !lanted in !ot#( bringing the% into the con#er$atory or hou#e at inter$al# through the "inter( "here they %ake an e/cellent #ho"ing "hen in bloo%. The Ba!ane#e ane%one i# a "holly different !lant fro% the abo$e. There are "hiteAflo"ered and redAflo"ered $arietie#. The be#t kno"n i# J6. Ba!onicaJ $ar. Jalba(J or Honorine Bobert. Thi# #!ecie# bloo%# fro% 6ugu#t to Co$e%ber( and i# at that #ea#on the fine#t of border !lant#. The !ure "hite flo"er#( "ith le%onAcolored #ta%en#( are held "ell u! on #talk# 7A? ft. high. The flo"erA#te%# are long and e/cellent for cutting. Thi# #!ecie# %ay be !ro!agated by di$i#ion of the !lant# or by #eed. The for%er %ethod #hould be e%!loyed in the #!ringG the latter( a# #oon a# the #eed# are ri!e in the fall. So" the #eed in bo/e# in a "ar%( #heltered #ituation in the border or under gla##. The #eed #hould be co$ered lightly "ith #oil containing a Iuantity of #and and not allo"ed to beco%e dry. 6 "ellAenriched( #heltered !o#ition in a border #hould be gi$en. The little "ild "indAflo"er# are ea#ily coloniEed in a hardy border.

606L)6( J6. SieboldiiJ (!ro!erly J-at#ia Ba!onicaJ and J-. !a!yrifera)(J a# it i# #o%eti%e# called( and the $ariety J$ariegata(J "ith large( !al%like lea$e#( are gro"n for their tro!ical a!!earance. So" in -ebruary( in #hallo" tray# and light #oil( in a te%!erature of L9 deg.. ontinue the te%!erature. ,hen t"o or three lea$e# ha$e for%ed( tran#!lant into other tray# 1 in. a!art. S!rinkle the% "ith a fine ro#e or #!rayG and do not allo" the% to #uffer for "ater. Later tran#fer the% to #%all !ot# and re!ot the% a# they gro". Plant out in bed# after the "eather ha# beco%e "ar% and #ettled. HalfAhardy !erennial# in the Corth( beco%ing ? ft. or %ore highG a #hrub in the South and in alifornia. @#ed often in #ubtro!ical "ork. 606@ 60)6( or Corfolk )#land !ine( i# no" #old in !ot# by flori#t# a# a "indo" !lant. There are #e$eral #!ecie#. The greenhou#e #!eci%en# are the ju$enile #tate of !lant# that beco%e large tree# in their nati$e region#G therefore( it i# not to be e/!ected that they "ill kee! #ha!ely and "ithin bound# indefinitely. The co%%on #!ecie# J(6. e/cel#aJ) %ake# a #y%%etrical e$ergreen #ubject. )t kee!# "ell in a cool "indo"( or on the $eranda in the #u%%er. Protect it fro% direct #unlight( and gi$e !lenty of roo%. )f the !lant begin# to fail( return it to the flori#t for recu!eration( or !rocure a ne" !lant. 6@0) @L6.AA6 halfAhardy !erennial of the !ri%ro#e tribe J(Pri%ula 6uricula)(J $ery !o!ular in Euro!e( but little gro"n in 6%erica on account of the hot( dry #u%%er#. )n thi# country auricula# are u#ually !ro!agated by #eed( a# for cinerariaG but #!ecial $arietie# are !er!etuated by off#et#. Seed# #o"n in -ebruary or March #hould gi$e bloo%ing !lant# for the ne/t -ebruary or March. Dee! the !lant# cool and %oi#t( and a"ay fro% the direct #un during the #u%%er. Gardener# u#ually gro" the% in fra%e#. )n the fall( they are !otted into ?Ain. or KAin. !ot#( and %ade to bloo% either in fra%e# a# for $iolet# or in a cool con#er$atory or greenhou#e. )n 6!ril( after bloo%ing ha# cea#ed( re!ot the !lant# and treat a# the !re$iou# year. 6# "ith %o#t annualAbloo%ing !erennial#( be#t re#ult# are to be e/!ected "ith yearAold or t"oAyearAold !lant#. 6uricula# gro" LA> in. high. olor# "hite and %any #hade# of red and blue. 6Q6LE6S are e/cellent outdoor and greenhou#e #hrub#( and are #o%eti%e# #een in "indo"#. They are le## gro"n in thi# country than in Euro!e( largely becau#e of our hot( dry #u%%er# and #e$ere "inter#. There are t"o co%%on ty!e# or cla##e# of aEalea#5 the hardy or Ghent aEalea#( and the )ndian aEalea#. The latter are the fa%iliar largeAflo"ered aEalea# of con#er$atorie# and "indo"Agarden#. Ghent aEalea# thri$e in the o!en along the #eacoa#t a# far north a# #outhern Ce" England. They reIuire a #andy !eaty #oil( but are treated a# other #hrub# are. The large flo"erAbud# are liable to injury fro% the "ar% #un# of late "inter and early #!ring( and to a$oid thi# injury the !lant# are often !rotected by co$er# or #hade# of bru#h. )n the interior country( little atte%!t i# %ade to flo"er aEalea# !er%anently in the o!en( although they %ay be gro"n if carefully tended and "ell !rotected. Both Ghent and )ndian aEalea# are e/cellent !otA!lant# for bloo% in late "inter and #!ring. The !lant# are i%!orted in great nu%ber# fro% Euro!e in fall( and it i# better to buy the#e !lant# than to atte%!t to

!ro!agate the%. Pot the% u! in largeA#iEed !ot#( kee! the% cool and back"ard for a ti%e until they are e#tabli#hed( then take the% into a con#er$atory te%!erature in "hich carnation# and ro#e# thri$e. They #hould be !otted in a #oil of half !eat or "ellAdecayed %old and half rich loa%G add a little #and. Pot fir%ly( and be #ure to !ro$ide #ufficient drainage. Dee! off red #!ider by #yringing. 6fter bloo%ing( the !lant# %ay be thinned by !runing out the #traggling gro"th#( and re!otted. Set the% in a fra%e or in a #e%iA#haded !lace during #u%%er( and #ee that they %ake a good gro"th. The "ood #hould be "ell ri!ened in the fall. 6fter cold "eather #et# in( kee! the )ndian or e$ergreen kind# half dor%ant by #etting the% in a cool( dullAlighted cellar or !it( bringing the% in "hen "anted for bloo%. The Ghent or deciduou# kind# %ay be touched "ith fro#t "ithout injuryG and they %ay be ke!t in a cellar until "anted. BEG=C)6S are fa%iliar tender bedding and hou#e !lant#. Ce/t to the geraniu%( begonia# are !robably the %o#t !o!ular for hou#e culture of the entire !lant li#t. The ea#e of culture( great $ariety of kind#( !rofu#ion of bloo% or richne## of foliage( together "ith their ada!tability to #hade( %ake the% $ery de#irable. Begonia# %ay be di$ided into three #ection#5 the fibrou#Arooted cla##( "hich contain# the "interAflo"ering( branching kind#G the re/ for%#( or beef#teak geraniu%#( ha$ing large orna%ental lea$e#G the tuberou#Arooted( tho#e that bloo% through the #u%%er( the tuber re#ting in the "inter. JThe fibrou#Arooted kind#J %ay be !ro!agated by #eed or cutting#( the latter being the u#ual %ethod. utting# of halfAri!ened "ood root ea#ily( %aking a ra!id gro"th( the !lant# flo"ering in a fe" %onth#. JThe re/ ty!e(J ha$ing no branche#( i# !ro!agated fro% the lea$e#. The large %ature lea$e# are u#ed. The leaf %ay be cut into #ection#( ha$ing at the ba#e a union of t"o rib#. The#e !iece# of lea$e# %ay be in#erted in the #and a# any other cutting. =r a "hole leaf %ay be u#ed( cutting through the rib# at inter$al# and laying the leaf flat on the !ro!agating bench or other "ar%( %oi#t !lace. )n a #hort ti%e young !lant# ha$ing root# of their o"n "ill for%. The#e %ay be !otted "hen large enough to handle( and "ill #oon %ake good !lant# (-ig 179). 0e/ begonia# u#ually gro" little during "inter( and they #hould therefore be ke!t fairly dry and no effort %ade to !u#h the%. Be #ure that the !ot# are "ell drained( #o that the #oil doe# not beco%e #our. Ce" !lant#AAtho#e a year or #o oldAAare u#ually %o#t #ati#factory. Dee! the% a"ay fro% direct #unlight. 6n in#idiou# di#ea#e of re/ begonia lea$e# ha# recently %ade it# a!!earance. The be#t treat%ent yet kno"n i# to !ro!agate fre#h !lant#( thro"ing a"ay the old #tock and the dirt in "hich it i# gro"n. JThe tuberou#Arooted begonia#J %ake e/cellent bedding !lant# for tho#e "ho learn their #i%!le but i%!erati$e reIuire%ent#. They are al#o good !ot #ubject# for #u%%er. The a%ateur "ould better not atte%!t to gro" the tuberou# begonia# fro% #eed. He #hould !urcha#e good t"oAyear tuber#. The#e #hould be able to run for t"o or three year# before they are #o old or #o %uch #!ent that they gi$e un#ati#factory re#ult#.

)n the Corth( the tuber# are #tarted indoor#( for bedding( in -ebruary or early March in a rather "ar% te%!erature. They "ill fill a fi$eAinch !ot before they are ready to be turned out into the ground. They #hould not be !lanted out till the "eather i# thoroughly #ettled( for they "ill not #tand fro#t or unfa$orable cli%atic condition#. The !lant# #hould be gi$en a #oil that hold# %oi#ture( but i# yet "ell drained. They "ill not do "ell in "aterAlogged ground. They #hould ha$e !artial #hadeG near the north #ide of a building i# a good !lace for the%. Too %uch "atering %ake# the% #oft and they tend to break do"n. Dee! the foliage dry( !articularly in #unny "eatherG the "atering #hould be done fro% underneath. 6fter bloo%ing( lift the bulb#( dry the% off( and kee! o$er "inter in a cool !lace. They %ay be !acked in #hallo" bo/e# in dry earth or #and. -lori#t# #o%eti%e# di$ide the tuber# ju#t after gro"th #tart# in the #!ring( #o that a good eye %ay be got "ith each !lantG but the a%ateur "ould better u#e the entire tuber( unle## he de#ire# to increa#e or %ulti!ly #o%e !articular !lant. )f the hou#e gardener de#ire# to rai#e tuberou# begonia# fro% #eed( he %u#t be !re!ared to e/erci#e %uch !atience. The #eed#( like tho#e of all begonia#( are $ery #%all( and #hould be #o"n "ith great care. Start the #eed# in late "inter. Si%!ly #!rinkle the% on the #urface of the #oil( "hich #hould be a %i/ture of leaf%old and #and( "ith the addition of a #%all Iuantity of fibrou# loa%. ,atering #hould be done by #etting the !ot or bo/ in "hich the #eed# are #o"n in "ater( allo"ing the %oi#ture to a#cend through the #oil. ,hen the #oil ha# beco%e co%!letely #aturated( #et the bo/ in a #hady #ituation( co$ering it "ith gla## or #o%e other object until the tiny #eedling# a!!ear. Ce$er allo" the #oil to beco%e dry. The #eedling# #hould be tran#!lanted( a# #oon a# they can be handled( into bo/e# or !ot# containing the #a%e %i/ture of #oil( #etting each !lant do"n to the #eedAleaf. They "ill need three or four tran#!lanting# before they reach the bloo%ing #tage( and at each one after the fir#t( the !ro!ortion of fibrou# loa% %ay be increa#ed until the #oil i# co%!o#ed of oneAthird each of loa%( #and( and leaf%old. The addition of a little "ellArotted %anure %ay be %ade at the la#t tran#!lanting. 6 T@S.AA.ariou# kind# of cactu# are often #een in #%all collection# of hou#e !lant#( to "hich they add intere#t and oddity( being different fro% other !lant#. Mo#t cacti are ea#y to gro"( reIuiring little care and enduring the heat and dryne## of a li$ing roo% %uch better than %o#t other !lant#. Their reIuire%ent# are a%!le drainage and o!en #oil. actu# gro"er# u#ually %ake a #oil by %i/ing !ul$eriEed !la#ter or li%e refu#e "ith garden loa%( u#ing about t"oAthird# of the loa%. The $ery fine !art#( or du#t( of the !la#ter( are blo"n out( el#e the #oil i# likely to ce%ent. They %ay be re#ted at any #ea#on by #i%!ly #etting the% a"ay in a dry !lace for t"o or three %onth#( and bringing the% into heat and light "hen they are "anted. 6# ne" gro"th ad$ance# they #hould ha$e "ater occa#ionally( and "hen in bloo%( they #hould be "atered freely. ,ithhold "ater gradually after bloo%ing until they are to be re#ted. So%e of the %o#t co%%on #!ecie# in culti$ation are the !hyllocactu# #!ecie#( often called the nightAbloo%ing cereu#. The#e are not the true nightAbloo%ing cereu#e#( "hich ha$e angular or cylindrical #te%#(

co$ered "ith bri#tle#( "hile the#e ha$e flat( leafAlike branche#G the flo"er# of the#e( ho"e$er( are $ery %uch like the cereu#( o!ening at e$ening and clo#ing before %orning( and a# the !hyllocacti %ay be gro"n "ith greater ea#e( bloo%ing on #%aller and younger !lant#( they are to be reco%%ended. The true nightAbloo%ing cereu#e# are #!ecie# of the genu# ereu#. The co%%one#t one i# J . nycticalu#(J but J . grandifloru#( . triangulari#J and other# are occa#ionally #een. The#e !lant# all ha$e long rodAlike #te%# "hich are cylindrical or angular. The#e #te%# often reach a height of 18 to ?8 ft.( and they need #u!!ort. They #hould be trained along a !illar or tied to a #take. They are unintere#ting leafle## thing# during a large !art of the yearG but in %id#u%%er( after they are three or %ore year# old( they thro" out their great tubular flo"er#( "hich o!en at nightfall and "ither and die "hen the light #trike# the% ne/t %orning. They are $ery ea#ily gro"n( either in !ot# or !lanted in the natural #oil in the con#er$atory. The only #!ecial care they need i# good drainage at the root#( #o that the #oil "ill not beco%e #oggy. The e!i!hyllu%( or lob#ter cactu#( or crab cactu#( i# one of the be#t of the fa%ily( ea#y of culture. )t bear# brightAcolored blo##o%# at the end of each joint. ,hen in flo"er( "hich "ill be in the "inter %onth#( it reIuire# a richer #oil than the other cacti. 6 #uitable #oil i# %ade of t"oAthird# fibrou# loa% and one third leaf%oldG u#ually it i# be#t to add #and or !ul$eriEed brick. )n fall and early "inter( kee! rather dry( gi$ing %ore "ater a# the !lant co%e# into bloo%. =!untia#( or !rickly !ear#( are often gro"n a# border !lant# through the #u%%er. )n fact( all the fa%ily %ay be !lanted out( and if a nu%ber of kind# are #et in a bed together( they %ake a #triking addition to the garden. Be $ery careful not to brui#e the !lant#. )t i# better to !lunge the% in the !ot# than to turn the% out of the !ot#. 6L6&)@M.AATuberou#Arooted( tender !erennial !lant# u#ed for con#er$atory decoration( and al#o for #ubtro!ical and bold effect# in the la"n (Plate ).). The !lant# co%%only kno"n under thi# na%e are really coloca#ia#. The root# #hould be dor%ant in the "inter( being ke!t in a "ar% cellar or under a greenhou#e bench( "here they are not liable to fro#t or da%!ne##. The root# are u#ually co$ered "ith earth( but they are ke!t dry. Early in #!ring the root# are !ut into bo/e# or !ot# and are #tarted into gro"th( #o that by the ti%e #ettled "eather co%e# they "ill be 1 or 7 feet high and ready to #et directly into #oil. ,hen #et out of door#( they #hould be !rotected fro% #trong "ind#( and fro% the full glare of direct #unlight. The #oil #hould be rich and dee!( and the !lant# #hould ha$e an abundance of "ater. They do "ell about !ond# (#ee Plate F). aladiu%# are %o#t e/cellent !lant# for #triking effect#( e#!ecially again#t a hou#e( high #hrubbery( or other background. )f they are !lanted by the%#el$e#( they #hould be in clu%!# rather than #cattered a# #ingle #!eci%en#( a# the effect i# better. See that they get a good #tart before they are !lanted in the o!en ground. 6# #oon a# killed do"n by fro#t( dig the%( dry the root# of #u!erfluou# %oi#ture( and #tore till "anted in late "inter or #!ring. 6L E=L60)6.AAThe calceolaria# are #%all greenhou#e herb# #o%eti%e#

u#ed in the "indo"Agarden. They are not $ery #ati#factory !lant# for "indo" treat%ent( ho"e$er( #ince they #uffer fro% dry at%o#!here and fro% #udden change# of te%!erature. The calceolaria# are gro"n fro% #eed#. )f the #eed# are #o"n in early #u%%er and the young !lant# are tran#!lanted a# they need( flo"ering #!eci%en# %ay be had for the late fall and early "inter. )n the gro"ing of the young !lant#( al"ay# a$oid e/!o#ing the% to direct #unlightG but they #hould be gi$en a !lace that ha# an abundance of #creened or te%!ered light. 6 ne" cro! of !lant# #hould be rai#ed each year. There i# a race of #hrubby calceolaria#( but it i# little kno"n in thi# country. =ne or t"o #!ecie# are annual# ada!table to culti$ation in the o!en garden( and their little lady#li!!erAlike flo"er# are attracti$e. Ho"e$er( they are of #econdary i%!ortance a# annual garden flo"er#. 6LL6 (!ro!erly J0ichardiaJ)( Egy!tian lily.AAThe calla i# one of the %o#t #ati#factory of "inter hou#eA!lant#( lending it#elf to $ariou# condition#. The reIuire%ent# of the calla are rich #oil and an abundance of "ater( "ith the root# confined in a# #%all a #!ace a# !o##ible. )f a too large !ot i# u#ed( the gro"th of foliage "ill be $ery rank( at the e/!en#e of the flo"er#G but by u#ing a #%allerA#iEed !ot and a!!lying liIuid %anure( the flo"er# "ill be !roduced freely. 6 LAinch !ot "ill be large enough for all but an e/ce!tionally large bulb or tuber. )f de#ired( a nu%ber of tuber# %ay be gro"n together in a larger !ot. The #oil #hould be $ery rich but fibrou#AAat lea#t one third "ellArotted %anure "ill be none too %uch( %i/ed "ith eIual !art# of fibrou# loa% and #har! #and. The tuber# #hould be !lanted fir%ly and the !ot# #et in a cool !lace to %ake root#. 6fter the root# ha$e !artially filled the !ot( the !lant %ay be brought into heat and gi$en a #unny !o#ition and an abundance of "ater. 6n occa#ional #!onging or "a#hing of the lea$e# "ill free the% fro% du#t. Co other treat%ent "ill be reIuired until the flo"er# a!!ear( "hen liIuid %anure %ay be gi$en. The !lant "ill thri$e all the better at thi# ti%e if the !ot i# !laced in a #aucer of "ater. )n fact( the calla "ill gro" "ell in an aIuariu%. The calla %ay be gro"n through the entire year( but it "ill !ro$e %ore #ati#factory( both in leaf and flo"er( if re#ted through !art of the #u%%er. Thi# %ay be done by laying the !ot# on their #ide# in a dry #hady !lace under #hrubbery( or if in the o!en #lightly co$ered "ith #tra" or other litter to kee! the root# fro% beco%ing e/tre%ely dry. )n Se!te%ber or =ctober they %ay be #haken out( cleaning off all the old #oil( and re!otted( a# already %entioned. The off#et# %ay be taken off and #et in #%all !ot# and gi$en a yearH# gro"th( re#ting the% the #econd year and ha$ing the% in flo"er that "inter. The #!otted calla ha# $ariegated foliage and i# a good !lant for %i/ed collection#. Thi# bloo%# in the #!ring( "hich "ill lengthen the #ea#on of calla bloo%. The treat%ent of thi# i# #i%ilar to that of the co%%on calla. 6MELL)6S are halfAhardy "oody !lant#( bloo%ing in late "inter and #!ring. *ear# ago ca%ellia# "ere $ery !o!ular( but they ha$e been cro"ded out by the infor%al flo"er# of recent ti%e#. Their ti%e "ill co%e again.

&uring the bloo%ing #ea#on kee! the% coolAA#ay not o$er 98 deg. at night and a little higher by day. ,hen bloo%ing i# done they begin to gro"G then gi$e the% %ore heat and !lenty of "ater. See that they are "ell ri!ened by "inter "ith large !lu%! flo"erAbud#. )f they are neglected or ke!t too dry during their gro"ing #ea#on (in #u%%er) they "ill dro! their bud# in fall. The #oil for ca%ellia# #hould be fibrou# and fertile( co%!ounded of rotted #od( leaf%old( old co" %anure( and #ufficient #and for good drainage. 6l"ay# #creen the% fro% direct #unlight. &o not try to force the% in early "inter( after the gro"th ha# cea#ed. Their #u%%er Iuarter# %ay be in a !rotected !lace in the o!en air. a%ellia# are !ro!agated by cutting# in "inter( "hich #hould gi$e bloo%ing !lant# in t"o year#. 6CC6S are a%ong the %o#t orna%ental and i%!ortant !lant# u#ed in decorati$e gardening. They %ake fine herbaceou# hedge#( grou!#( %a##e#( andAA"hen de#irableAAgood center !lant# for bed#. They are %uch u#ed for #ubtro!ical effect# (#ee Plate .). anna# gro" ? to 18 feet or %ore high. -or%erly they "ere $alued chiefly for their foliage( but #ince the introduction( in 1>>K( of the roEy &"arf -rench ty!e "ith it# #ho"y flo"er#( canna# are gro"n a# %uch for their bloo% a# for their foliage effect#. The flo"er# of the#e ne" kind# are a# large a# tho#e of gladioli( and are of $ariou# #hade# of yello" and red( "ith banded and #!otted for%#. The#e flo"ering kind# gro" about ? feet high. The older for%# are taller. )n both #ection# there are greenAlea$ed and dark co!!eryAredAlea$ed $arietie#. The canna %ay be gro"n fro% #eed and had in bloo% the fir#t year by #o"ing in -ebruary or March( in bo/e# or !ot# !laced in hotbed# or a "ar% hou#e( fir#t #oaking the #eed# in "ar% "ater for a #hort ti%e or filing a #%all notch through the coat of each #eed (a$oiding the round ger%inating !oint). )t reIuire# t"o year# to rai#e #trong !lant# of the oldAfa#hioned tall canna# fro% #eed. So" in light( #andy #oil( "here the earth %ay be ke!t at 38 deg. till after ger%ination. 6fter the !lant# ha$e got "ell u!( tran#!lant the% to about ? or K inche# a!art( or !lace in !ot# ? inche# "ide( in good rich #oil. They %ay no" be ke!t at L8 deg.. The %ajority of canna#( ho"e$er( are gro"n fro% !iece# of the root# (rhiEo%e#)( each !iece ha$ing a bud. The root# %ay be di$ided at any ti%e in the "inter( and if early flo"er# and foliage are "anted( the !iece# %ay be !lanted in a hotbed or "ar%hou#e in early 6!ril( #tarted into gro"th( and !lanted out "here "anted a# #oon a# the ground ha# "ar%ed and all danger of fro#t i# o$er. 6 hardening of the !lant#( by lea$ing the #a#h off the hotbed#( or #etting the !lant# in #hallo" bo/e# and !lacing the bo/e# in a #heltered !o#ition through May( not forgetting a liberal #u!!ly of "ater( "ill fit the !lant# to take kindly to the final !lanting out. Plant out root# or #tarted !lant# "hen there i# no longer danger of fro#t. -or %a## effect#( the !lant# %ay #tand t"el$e to eighteen inche# a!artG for indi$idual bloo% t"enty to t"entyAfour inche# or %ore. So%e gardener# !lant the% not clo#er than t"enty to t"entyAfour inche# for %a## bed#( if the #oil i# good and the !lant# #trong. Gi$e the% a "ar% #unny !lace. The old (foliage) #ort# %ay be left out late to ri!en u! the fle#hy rootA#tock#. ut the to!# off i%%ediately after fro#t. The root# are

#afe in the ground a# long a# it doe# not freeEe. &ig( and dry or 'cure' for a fe" day#( then "inter the% like !otatoe# in the cellar. )t i# a co%%on %i#take to dig canna root# too early. The -rench #ort# are co%%only thought to kee! be#t if ke!t gro"ing #o%e"hat during the "interG but if %anaged right( they %ay be carried o$er like the other#. )%%ediately after fro#t( cut off the to!# ne/t the ground. o$er the #tu%!# "ith a little #oil and lea$e the root# in the ground till "ell ri!ened. lean the% after digging( and cure or dry the% for a "eek or %ore in the o!en air and #un( taking the% indoor# at night. Then !lace the% a"ay fro% fro#t in a cool( dry !lace. 60C6T)=CS are no" a%ong the %o#t !o!ular flori#t#H flo"er#G but it i# not generally kno"n that they be ea#ily gro"n in the outdoor garden. They are of t"o ty!e#( the outdoor or garden $arietie#( and the indoor or forcing kind#. Cor%ally( the carnation i# a hardy !erennial( but the garden kind#( or %arguerite#( are u#ually treated a# annual#. The forcing kind# are flo"ered but once( ne" !lant# being gro"n each year fro% cutting#. Marguerite carnation# bloo% the year the #eed i# #o"n( and "ith a #light !rotection "ill bloo% freely the #econd year. They %ake attracti$e hou#e !lant# if !otted in the fall. The #eed# of the#e carnation# #hould be #o"n in bo/e# in March and the young !lant# #et out a# early a# !o##ible( !inching out the center of the !lant to %ake the% branch freely. Gi$e the #a%e #!ace a# for garden !ink#. The "interAflo"ering carnation# ha$e beco%e !ri%e fa$orite# "ith all flo"er lo$er#( and a collection of "inter hou#eA!lant# #ee%# inco%!lete "ithout the%. arnation# gro" readily fro% cutting# %ade of the #ucker# that for% around the ba#e of the #te%( the #ide #hoot# of the flo"ering #te%( or the %ain #hoot# before they #ho" flo"erAbud#. The cutting# fro% the ba#e %ake the be#t !lant# in %o#t ca#e#. The#e cutting# %ay be taken fro% a !lant at any ti%e through the fall or "inter( rooted in #and and !otted u!( to be held in !ot# until the !lanting out ti%e in the #!ring( u#ually in 6!ril( or any ti%e "hen the ground i# ready to handle. are #hould be taken to !inch out the to!# of the young !lant# "hile gro"ing in the !ot( and later "hile in the ground( cau#ing the% to gro" #tocky and #end out ne" gro"th# along the #te%. The young !lant# #hould be gro"n cool( a te%!erature of K9 deg. #uiting the% "ell. 6ttention #hould be gi$en to #!raying the cutting# each day "hile in the hou#e to kee! do"n the red #!ider( "hich i# $ery !artial to the carnation. )n the #u%%er( the !lant# are gro"n in the field( and not in !ot#( being tran#!lanted fro% the cuttingAbo/. The #oil in "hich they are to be !lanted #hould be %oderately rich and loo#e. lean culti$ation #hould be gi$en throughout the #u%%er. -reIuently !inch out the to!#. The !lant# are taken u! in Se!te%ber and !otted fir%ly( and "ell "ateredG then #et in a cool( !artially #haded #ituation until root gro"th ha# #tarted( and "atering the !lant a# it #ho"# need of "ater. The u#ual li$ingAroo% condition# a# to %oi#ture and heat are not #uch a# the carnation de%and#( and care %u#t be taken to o$erco%e the dryne## by #!raying the foliage and #etting the !lant in a !o#ition not e/!o#ed to the direct heat of a #to$e or the #un. )n co%%ercial hou#e#( it i# not often nece##ary to #!ray e#tabli#hed !lant#. Pick off %o#t or all of the

#ide bud#( in order to add to the #iEe of the leading flo"er#. 6fter all i# #aid( it i# !robably ad$i#able in %o#t ca#e# to !urcha#e the !lant# "hen in bloo% fro% a flori#t( and after bloo%ing either thro" the% a"ay or #tore the% for !lanting out in the #!ring( "hen they "ill bloo% throughout the #u%%er. )f condition# are right( the ru#t #hould not be $ery trouble#o%e( if the #tart "a# %ade "ith clean #tock. Dee! all ru#ted lea$e# !icked off. ECT@0* PL6CTS or aga$e# are !o!ular !lant# for the "indo"Agarden or con#er$atory( reIuiring little care and gro"ing #lo"ly( thu# needing re!otting only at long inter$al#. ,hen the !lant# ha$e outgro"n their u#efulne## a# hou#eA!lant#( they are #till $aluable a# !orch decoration#( for !lunging in rockA"ork( or about ru#tic nook#. The #tri!edAlea$ed $ariety i# the %o#t de#irable( but the nor%al ty!e( "ith it# blueAgray lea$e#( i# highly orna%ental. There are a nu%ber of d"arf #!ecie# of aga$e that are not #o co%%on( although they %ay be gro"n "ith ea#e. Such !lant# add no$elty to a collection( and %ay be u#ed through the #u%%er a# noted abo$e or !lunged "ith cactu# in a bed of tro!ical !lant#. 6ll #ucceed "ell in loa% and #and in eIual !art#( "ith a little leaf%old in the ca#e of the #%all $arietie#. The %ore co%%on #!ecie# are !ro!agated by #ucker# fro% around the ba#e of the e#tabli#hed !lant#. 6 fe" kind# ha$ing no #ucker# %u#t be gro"n fro% #eed. 6# to "atering( they de%and no #!ecial care. 6ga$e# "ill not #tand fro#t to any e/tent. ,hen the head thro"# u! it# great #te% and bloo%#( it %ay e/hau#t it#elf and dieG but thi# %ay be far #hort of a century. So%e #!ecie# bloo% %ore than once. H0*S6CTHEM@MS are of %any kind#( #o%e being annual flo"erAgarden !lant#( #o%e !erennial border #ubject#( and one for% i# the uni$er#al flori#t#H !lant. )n chry#anthe%u%# are no" included the !yrethru%#. The annual chry#anthe%u%# %u#t not be confounded "ith the "ellAkno"n fallAflo"ering kind#( a# they "ill !ro$e a di#a!!oint%ent if one e/!ect# large flo"er# of all color# and #ha!e#. The annual# are %o#tly coar#eAgro"ing !lant#( "ith an abundance of bloo% and a rank #%ell. The flo"er# are #ingle in %o#t ca#e#( and not $ery la#ting. They are u#eful for %a##ing and al#o for cutAflo"er#. They are a%ong the ea#ie#t of hardy annual# to gro". The #tonie#t !art of the garden "ill u#ually #uit the%. olor# "hite and #hade# of yello"( the flo"er# dai#yAlikeG 1A? ft. 6%ong#t !erennial kind#( J hry#anthe%u% frute#cen#J i# the "ellAkno"n Pari# dai#y or %arguerite( one of the %o#t !o!ular of the genu#. Thi# %ake# a good !otA!lant for the "indo"Agarden( bloo%ing throughout the "inter and #!ring %onth#. )t i# u#ually !ro!agated by cutting#( "hich( if taken in #!ring( "ill gi$e large bloo%ing !lant# for the ne/t "inter. Gradually tran#fer to larger !ot# or bo/e#( until the !lant# finally #tand in LAinch or >Ainch !ot# or in #%all #oa! bo/e#. There i# a fine yello"Aflo"ered $ariety. The %arguerite dai#y i# %uch gro"n outAofAdoor# in alifornia. The hardy !erennial kind# are #%allAflo"ered( lateAbloo%ing !lant#(

kno"n to %any old !eo!le a# 'arte%i#ia#.' They ha$e been i%!ro$ed of late year#( and they are $ery #ati#factory !lant# of ea#y culture. The !lant# #hould be rene"ed fro% #eed e$ery year or t"o. )n $ariety of for% and color( and in #iEe of bloo%( the flori#t#H chry#anthe%u% i# one of the %o#t "onderful of !lant#. )t i# a late autu%n flo"er( and it need# little artificial heat to bring it to !erfection. The great bloo%# of the e/hibition# are !roduced by gro"ing only one flo"er to a !lant and by feeding the !lant hea$ily. )t i# hardly !o##ible for the a%ateur to gro" #uch #!eci%en flo"er# a# the !rofe##ional flori#t or gardener doe#G neither i# it nece##ary. 6 "ellAgro"n !lant "ith fourteen to t"enty flo"er# i# far %ore #ati#factory a# a "indo"A!lant than a long( #tiff #te% "ith only one i%%en#e flo"er at the a!e/. The culture i# #i%!le( %uch %ore #o than that of %any of the !lant# co%%only gro"n for hou#e decoration. 6lthough the #ea#on of bloo% i# #hort( the #ati#faction of ha$ing a fall di#!lay of flo"er# before the geraniu%#( begonia#( and other hou#eA!lant# ha$e reco$ered fro% their re%o$al fro% out of door#( re!ay# all effort#. .ery good !lant# can be gro"n under a te%!orary #hed co$er( a# #ho"n in -ig. 7L>. The roof need not nece##arily be of gla##. @nder #uch a co$er( al#o( !otted !lant#( in bloo%( %ay be #et for !rotection "hen the "eather beco%e# too cold. utting# taken in March or 6!ril( !lanted out in the border in May( "ell tended through the #u%%er and lifted before fro#t in Se!te%ber( "ill bloo% in =ctober or Co$e%ber. The ground in "hich the !lant# are to bloo% #hould be %oderately rich and %oi#t. The !lant# %ay be tied to #take#. ,hen the bud# #ho"( all but the center one of each clu#ter on the leading #hoot# #hould be !icked off( a# al#o the #%all lateral branche#. 6 thrifty bu#hy !lant thu# treated "ill u#ually ha$e flo"er# large enough to #ho" the character of the $ariety( al#o nu%ber# enough to %ake a fine di#!lay. 6fter bloo%ing( the !lant# are lifted fro% the border. 6# to the rece!tacle into "hich to !ut the%( it need not be a flo"erA!ot. 6 !ail or #oa!Abo/( "ith hole# bored for drainage( "ill #uit the !lant ju#t a# "ell( and by co$ering the bo/ "ith cloth or !a!er the difference "ill not be noticed. )f cutting# are not to be had( young !lant# %ay be bought of the flori#t# and treated in the %anner de#cribed. Buy the% in %id#u%%er or earlier. )t i# be#t not to atte%!t to flo"er the #a%e !lant t"o #ea#on#. 6fter the !lant ha# bloo%ed( the to! %ay be cut do"n( and the bo/ #et in a cellar and ke!t %oderately dry. )n -ebruary or March( bring the !lant to the #ittingAroo% "indo" and let the #hoot# #tart fro% the root. The#e #hoot# are taken for cutting# to gro" !lant# for the fall bloo%. )CE060)6 i# a tender greenhou#e #ubject( but it %ay be gro"n a# a hou#eA!lant( although the condition# nece##ary to the be#t re#ult# are difficult to #ecure out#ide a gla##hou#e. The condition# for cineraria# are a cool te%!erature( freIuent re!otting( and guarding again#t the attack# of the greenfly. Perha!# the la#t i# the %o#t difficult( and "ith one ha$ing no facilitie# for fu%igating( it "ill be al%o#t i%!o##ible to !re$ent the difficulty. 6 li$ing roo% u#ually ha# too dry air for cineraria#.

The #eed( "hich i# $ery %inute( #hould be #o"n in 6ugu#t or Se!te%ber to ha$e !lant# in bloo% in Banuary or -ebruary. So" the #eed on the #urface of fine #oil and "ater $ery lightly to #ettle the #eed# into the #oil. 6 !iece of gla## or a da%! cloth %ay be #!read o$er the !ot or bo/ in "hich the #eed# are #o"n( to re%ain until the #eed# are u!. 6l"ay# kee! the #oil da%!( but not "et. ,hen the #eedling# are large enough to re!ot( they #hould be !otted #ingly in 7Aor ?Ainch !ot#. Before the !lant# ha$e beco%e !otAbound( they #hould again be re!otted into larger !ot#( until they are in at lea#t LAinch !ot# in "hich to bloo%. )n all thi# ti%e( they #hould be gro"n cool and( if not !o##ible to fu%igate the% "ith tobacco( the !ot# #hould #tand on tobacco #te%#( "hich #hould be %oi#t at all ti%e#. The general !ractice( in order to ha$e bu#hy !lant#( i# to !inch out the center "hen the flo"erAbud# #ho"( cau#ing the lateral branche# to #tart( "hich they are #lo" to do if the central #te% i# allo"ed to gro". Plant# bloo% but once. LEM6T)S.AA=ne of the be#t of "oody cli%bing $ine#( the co%%on J . -la%%ula( .irginiana( !aniculataJ and other# being u#ed freIuently to co$er di$i#ion "all# or fence#( gro"ing year after year "ithout any care and !roducing Iuantitie# of flo"er#. J . !aniculataJ i# no" !lanted $ery e/ten#i$ely. The !anicle# of #tarA#ha!ed flo"er# entirely co$er the $ine and ha$e a !lea#ant fragrance. )t i# one of the be#t of all fallAflo"ering $ine#( and hardy northG cling# "ell to a chickenA"ire trelli#. The largeAflo"ered #ection( of "hich Back%ani i# !erha!# the be#t kno"n( i# $ery !o!ular for !illar or !orch cli%ber#. The flo"er# of thi# #ection are large and #ho"y( running fro% !ure "hite( through blue( to #carlet. =f thi# cla##( a #er$iceable !ur!le i# Back%aniG "hite( Henryi (-ig. 7LL)G blue( 0a%onaG cri%#on( Mada%e E. 6ndre. 6 dee!( %ello"( fertile #oil( naturally %oi#t( "ill #uit the reIuire%ent# of cle%ati#. )n dry ti%e# a!!ly "ater freely( !articularly for the largeAflo"ered kind#. 6l#o !ro$ide trelli# or other #u!!ort a# #oon a# they begin to run. le%ati# u#ually bloo%# on the "ood of the #ea#on5 therefore !rune in "inter or early #!ring( in order to #ecure #trong ne" flo"ering #hoot#. The largeAflo"ered kind# #hould be cut back to the ground each yearG #o%e other kind# %ay be #i%ilarly treated unle## they are "anted for !er%anent bo"er#. The cle%ati# root di#ea#e i# the de!redation of a ne%atode or eelA"or%. )t i# #eldo% trouble#o%e in ground that thoroughly freeEe#( and thi# %ay be the rea#on "hy it #o often fail# "hen !lanted again#t building#. =LE@S.AAThe co%%one#t 'foliage !lant' in "indo"Agarden#. )t "a# u#ed $ery e/ten#i$ely at one ti%e in orna%ental bedding and ribbon border#( but o"ing to it# being tender ha# lo#t in fa$or( and it# !lace i# largely taken by other !lant#. oleu# i# gro"n "ith the greate#t ea#e fro% cutting# or #li!#. Take cutting# only fro% $igorou# and healthy !lant#. )t %ay al#o be gro"n fro% #eed( although the ty!e# ha$e not beco%e fi/ed( and a large nu%ber of differently %arked !lant# %ay be had fro% the #a%e !acket. Thi# "ould not be a dra"back in the "indo"Agarden( unle## a unifor% effect i# de#iredG in fact( the be#t re#ult# are often #ecured fro% #eed#. So" the #eed in gentle heat in March. Gro" ne" !lant# each year( and thro" the old one# a"ay.

0= @S (#ee JBulb#J).AA rocu# i# one of the be#t of #!ring bulb#( ea#ily gro"n and gi$ing good #ati#faction either in the border or #cattered through the la"n. They are al#o forced for "inter. They are #o chea! and la#ting that they %ay be u#ed in Iuantity. 6 border of crocu#e# along the edge# of "alk#( little clu%!# of the% in the la"n( or %a##e# in a bed( gi$e the fir#t touch of color a# the #!ring o!en#. 6 #andy #oil #uit# the crocu# ad%irably. Plant in the fall( in the o!en( ? to K inche# dee!. ,hen they #ho" #ign# of failing( take u! the bulb# and re#et the%. They tend to ri#e out of the ground( becau#e the ne" bulb or cor% for%# on the to! of the old one. They run out on la"n# in t"o or three year#. )f be#t re#ult# are de#ired( it i# "ell to rene" the bed occa#ionally by buying ne" bulb#. rocu# bed# %ay be filled later in the #ea#on "ith IuickAgro"ing annual#. )t i# i%!ortant that only the be#t flo"ering bulb# be #ecured. They %ay be forced "ith ea#e( !lanted in !ot# or #hallo" bo/e#( !ut a"ay in a cool !lace and brought into the hou#e at any ti%e through the "inter. 6 lo" te%!erature "ill bring the% into bloo% in !erfection in about four "eek# fro% the ti%e they are brought in. They can be had in the "indo"Agarden in thi# "ay( o!ening in the #un#hine. 0=T=C.AA@nder thi# na%e %any $arietie# and #oAcalled #!ecie# of odiaeu% are gro"n for con#er$atory decoration( and latterly for foliage bedding in the o!en. The color# and #ha!e# of the lea$e# are $ery $ariou# and attracti$e. The croton# %ake good "indo"Agarden #ubject#( although they are $ery liable to the attack of the %ealy bug. The !lant# #hould be gi$en an abundance of light in order to bring out their fine color#G but it i# u#ually ad$i#able to #creen the% fro% the direct ray# of the #un "hen they are gro"n under gla##. )f the red #!ider or the %ealy bug attack the%( they %ay be #yringed "ith tobacco "ater. Plant# that are !ro!agated indoor# in "inter %ay be %a##ed in bed# out of door# in #u%%er( "here they %ake $ery #triking effect#. Gi$e the% #trong dee! #oil( and be #ure that they are #yringed freIuently enough on the under#ide of the lea$e# to kee! do"n the red #!ider. )f the !lant# ha$e been gradually #ubjected to #trong light before they are taken out of door#( they "ill #tand the full #unlight and "ill de$elo! their rich color# to !erfection. )n the fall they %ay be taken u!( cut back( and u#ed for "indo"Agarden or con#er$atory #ubject#. roton# are #hrub# or #%all tree#( and they %ay be tran#ferred into large !ot# or tub# and gro"n into large treeAlike #!eci%en#. =ld and #craggly #!eci%en# #hould be thro"n a"ay. roton# are !ro!agated readily by cutting# of halfAri!ened "ood any ti%e in "inter or #!ring. * L6MEC.AA6 tender greenhou#e tuberou# !lant( #o%eti%e# #een in the "indo"Agarden. The Per#ian cycla%en i# be#t for the hou#eAgardener to gro". ycla%en# %ay be gro"n fro% #eed #o"n in 6!ril or Se!te%ber in #oil containing a large !ro!ortion of #and and leaf%old. )f #o"n in Se!te%ber( they #hould be "intered in a coolhou#e. )n May they #hould be !otted into larger !ot# and !laced in a #haded fra%e( and by Buly "ill ha$e beco%e large enough for their flo"ering !ot( "hich #hould be either 9Ainch or LAinch. They #hould be brought into the hou#e before danger of

fro#t( and gro"n cool until through flo"ering. 6 te%!erature of 99 deg. #uit# the% "hile in flo"er. 6fter flo"ering( they "ill need a re#t for a #hort ti%e( but #hould not beco%e $ery dry( or the bulb "ill be injured. ,hen they #tart into gro"th( they #hould ha$e the old #oil #haken off and be !otted into #%aller !ot#. 6t no ti%e #hould %ore than half the tuber be under the #oil. 6!rilA#o"n !lant# #hould be #i%ilarly treated. ycla%en# #hould bloo% in about fifteen %onth# fro% #eed. The #eed ger%inate# $ery #lo"ly. Tuber# large enough to flo"er the fir#t year %ay be !urcha#ed fro% the #eed#%en at %oderate !rice#G and unle## one ha# facilitie# for gro"ing the #eedling# for a year( !urcha#e of the tuber# "ill gi$e the be#t #ati#faction. Secure ne" tuber#( for old one# are not #o good. The #oil be#t #uited to the cycla%en i# one containing t"o !art# leaf%old( one !art each of #and and loa%. &6HL)6 i# an old fa$orite "hich( on account of it# for%al flo"er#( ha# been in di#fa$or for a fe" year#( although it ha# al"ay# held a !lace in the rural di#trict#. Co"( ho"e$er( "ith the ad$ent of the cactu# and #e%iAcactu# ty!e# (or loo#eAflo"ered for%#)( and the i%!ro$e%ent of the #ingle#( it again ha# taken a front rank a%ong late #u%%er flo"er#( co%ing in ju#t in ad$ance of the chry#anthe%u%. :)llu#tration5 F.))). ornflo"er or bachelorH# button. J entaurea yanu#.J< The #ingle $arietie# %ay be gro"n fro% #eed( but the double #ort# #hould be gro"n fro% cutting# of young #te%# or fro% di$i#ion of the root#. )f cutting# are to be %ade( it "ill be nece##ary to #tart the root# early( either in a hotbed or hou#e. ,hen the gro"th# ha$e reached K or 9 inche#( they %ay be cut fro% the !lant and rooted in #and. are #hould be taken to cut ju#t belo" a joint( a# a cutting %ade bet"een t"o joint# "ill not for% tuber#. The %o#t ra!id %ethod of !ro!agation of na%ed $arietie# i# to gro" fro% cutting# in thi# "ay. )n gro"ing the !lant# fro% root#( the be#t !lan i# to !lace the "hole root in gentle heat( co$ering #lightly. ,hen the young gro"th ha# #tarted( the root# %ay be taken u!( di$ided( and !lanted out ? to K feet a!art. Thi# !lan "ill in#ure a !lant fro% each !iece of root( "herea# if the root# are di$ided "hile dor%ant( there i# danger of not ha$ing a bud at the end of each !iece( in "hich ca#e no gro"th "ill #tartG the root# are #o%eti%e# cut into !iece# "hile dor%ant( ho"e$er( but one #hould be #ure that a !iece of old #te% "ith bud i# on each !iece. =ne objection to the old dahlia "a# it# latene## of bloo%. But by #tarting the root# early in a fra%e( or in bo/e# that are co$ered at night( the !lant# %ay be had in flo"er #e$eral "eek# earlier than u#ual. They %ay be #tarted in 6!ril( or at lea#t three "eek# in ad$ance of !lanting ti%e. Little "ater "ill be reIuired till they #tart. ,hen they begin #hooting u!( the !lant# #hould ha$e the full #un( and air( on all %ild day#. They "ill then %ake a #lo"( #turdy gro"th. 6ll forcing #hould be a$oided. The#e !lant#( #et out "hen there i# no longer danger of fro#t( and "ell "atered before co%!letely co$ering the root#( "ill gro" right on( and often begin bloo%ing in Buly. &or%ant root# %ay be #et out in May. The root#( unle## #%all( #hould be di$ided before !lanting( a# a #ingle #trong root i# u#ually better than

a "hole clu%!. The root# of all but the &"arf #hould be #et about ? feet a!art( in ro"#. )n !oor #oil# none but the fir#t cla## "ill need #take#. The dahlia flouri#he# be#t in a dee!( loo#e( %oi#t #oilG $ery good re#ult# can be had on #andy #oil( !ro$ided !lantAfood and %oi#ture are furni#hed. lay #hould be a$oided. )f the ground i# too #trong( they "ill !robably bloo% too late for the northern latitude#. )f the !lant# are to be gro"n "ithout #take#( the center of each !lant #hould be !inched out after %aking t"o or three joint#. By doing thi# the lateral branche# "ill #tart near the ground and be #tiff enough to "ith#tand the "ind#. )n %o#t ho%e garden# the !lant# are allo"ed to reach their full height( and are tied to #take# if nece##ary. The tall kind# reach a height of 9 to > ft. &ahlia# are $ery #u#ce!tible to fro#t. 6fter the fir#t fro#t( lift the root#( let the% dry in the #un( #hake off the dirt( tri% off to!# and broken !art#( and #tore the% in a cellar( a# for !otatoe#. They %ay be !laced in barrel# of #and( if the o!en cellar i# not u#able. anna# %ay be #tored in the #a%e !lace. The tree dahlia (J&. e/cel#a(J but culti$ated a# J&. arboreaJ) i# gro"n %ore or le## far South and in alifornia. )t ha# not been %uch i%!ro$ed. -E0CS.AAThe nati$e fern# tran#!lant ea#ily to the garden( and they %ake an attracti$e addition to the #ide of a hou#e( or a# an ad%i/ture in a hardy border. The o#trich( cinna%on( and royal fern# are the be#t #ubject#. Gi$e all outdoor fern# a !lace that i# !rotected fro% "ind#( other"i#e they "ill #hri$el and !erha!# die. Screen the% fro% the hot #un( or gi$e the% the #hady #ide of the building. See that the #oil i# unifor%ly %oi#t( and that it doe# not get too hot. Mulch "ith leaf%old in the fall. )t i# not difficult to coloniEe %any of the nati$e fern# in #hady and !rotected !lace# "here tree# do not #a! all the #trength fro% the ground. Probably the one fern gro"n %o#t e/ten#i$ely a# a hou#eA!lant i# the #%allAlea$ed %aidenhair fern (or J6diantu% gracilli%u%J). Thi# and other #!ecie# are a%ong the fine#t of hou#e !lant#( "hen #ufficient %oi#ture can be gi$en. They %ake fine #!eci%en# a# "ell a# #er$ing the !ur!o#e of greenery for cut flo"er#. =ther #!ecie# often gro"n for hou#e !lant# are J6. cuneatu%J and J6. a!illu#A.eneri#.J 6ll the#e do "ell in a %i/ture of fibrou# #od( loa%( and #and( "ith a%!le drainage %aterial. They %ay be di$ided if an increa#e i# "anted. 6nother fern for hou#e culture i# JCe!hrole!#i# e/altata.J Thi# i# no doubt the %o#t ea#ily gro"n of the li#t( flouri#hing in a #ittingAroo%. 6 $ariety of JC. e/altata(J called the Bo#ton fern( i# a decided addition to thi# grou!( ha$ing a droo!ing habit( co$ering the !ot and %aking a fine #tand or bracket !lantG and there are no" #e$eral other for%# of it #uitable for the be#t "indo"Agarden#. Se$eral #!ecie# of !teri#( e#!ecially JP. #errulata(J are $aluable hou#e fern# but reIuire a "ar%er !lace than tho#e %entioned abo$e. They "ill al#o thri$e better in a #hady or illAlighted corner. Perfect drainage and care in "atering ha$e %ore to do "ith the #ucce##ful gro"ing of fern# than any #!ecial %i/ture of #oil#. )f the drainage %aterial in the botto% of the !ot or bo/ i# #ufficient( there i# little danger of o$er"ateringG but "aterAlogged #oil i# al"ay# to be

a$oided. &o not u#e clay #oil#. -ern# need !rotection fro% the direct #un#hine( and al#o a %oi#t at%o#!here. They thri$e "ell in a clo#e gla## bo/( or "indo"Agarden( if the condition# can be ke!t eIuable. -0EES)6.AA=ne of the be#t and %o#t ea#ily handled tender "interAflo"ering bulb#G height 17 or 19 inche#. The "hite for% J(-ree#ia refracta albaJ) i# the be#t. The "hite or yello"i#h bellA#ha!ed flo"er# of free#ia are !roduced on #lender #talk# ju#t abo$e the foliage( to the nu%ber of #i/ to eight in a clu#ter. They are $ery fragrant( and la#t for a con#iderable ti%e "hen !icked. The bulb# are #%all( and look a# though they could not !roduce a gro"th of foliage and flo"er#( but e$en the #%alle#t %ature bulb "ill !ro$e #ati#factory. Se$eral bulb# #hould be !lanted together in a !ot( bo/( or !an( in =ctober( if "anted for the holiday#( or later if "anted at Ea#ter. The !lant# bloo% fro% ten to t"el$e "eek# fro% !lanting( under ordinary care. Co #!ecial treat%ent i# reIuiredG kee! the !lant# cool and %oi#t through the gro"ing #ea#on. The #oil #hould contain a little #and %i/ed "ith fibrou# loa%( and the !ot #hould be "ell drained. 6fter flo"ering( gradually "ithhold "ater and the to!# "ill die do"n( after "hich the root# %ay be #haken out and re#ted until ti%e to !lant in fall. are #hould be taken to kee! the% !erfectly dry. The bulb# increa#e ra!idly fro% off#et#. Plant# %ay al#o be gro"n fro% #eed( "hich #hould be #o"n a# #oon a# ri!e( gi$ing bloo%ing !lant# the #econd or third year. -@ HS)6.AA,ellAkno"n "indo" or greenhou#e #hrub( treated a# an herbaceou# #ubjectG %any intere#ting for%#G late "inter( #!ring and #u%%er. -uch#ia i# readily gro"n fro% cutting#. Soft green "ood #hould be u#ed for cutting#( and it "ill root in about three "eek#( "hen the cutting# #hould be !otted. Take care not to ha$e the% !otAbound "hile in gro"th( but do not o$er!ot "hen bloo% i# "anted. Gi$en "ar%th and good #oil( they "ill %ake fine !lant# in three %onth# or le##. )n "ellA!rotected( !artially #hady !lace# they %ay be !lanted out( gro"ing into %iniature bu#he# by fall. Plant# %ay be ke!t on fro% year to yearG and if the branche# are "ell cut back after bloo%ing( abundant ne" bloo% "ill co%e. But it i# u#ually be#t to %ake ne" !lant# each year fro% cutting#( #ince young !lant# co%%only bloo% %o#t !rofu#ely and de%and le## care. -uch#ia# are a%ong#t the be#t of "indo" #ubject#. GE06C)@M.AA,hat are co%%only kno"n a# geraniu%# are( #trictly #!eaking( !elargoniu%#. (See JPelargoniu%.J) The true geraniu%# are %o#tly hardy !erennial#( and therefore #hould not be confounded "ith the tender !elargoniu%#. Geraniu%# are "orthy a !lace in a border. They %ay be tran#!lanted early in the #!ring( #etting the% 7 ft. a!art. Height 18 to 17 in. The co%%on "ild crane#bill J(Geraniu% %aculatu%J) i%!ro$e# under culti$ation( and i# an attracti$e !lant "hen it #tand# in front of taller foliage. GL6&)=L@S.AA=f #u%%er and fallAbloo%ing bulbou# !lant#( gladiolu# i# !robably the %o#t "idely !o!ular. The color# range fro% #carlet and

!ur!le( to "hite( ro#e( and !ure yello". The !lant# are of #lender( erect habit( gro"ing fro% 7 to ? feet high. Gladioli di#like a hea$y clay #oil. 6 light loa% or #andy #oil #uit# the% be#t. Co fre#h %anure #hould be added to the #oil the year in "hich they are gro"n. They #hould ha$e a ne" !lace e$ery year( if !o##ible( and al"ay# an o!en #unny #ituation. The cor%# %ay be co$ered 7 inche# dee! in hea$y #oil#( and K to L in light #oil#. They %ay #tand > to 18 inche# a!art( or half thi# di#tance for %a## effect#. -or a #ucce##ion( they %ay be !lanted at #hort inter$al#( the earlie#t !lanting being of #%aller cor%# in the early #!ring a# #oon a# the #oil i# dry enough to "orkG later the larger are to be !lantedAAthe la#t #etting being not later than the -ourth of Buly. Thi# la#t !lanting "ill afford fine late flo"er#. The !lant# #hould be #u!!orted by incon#!icuou# #take#. The #ucce##i$e !lanting# %ay be in the #a%e bed a%ong tho#e #et earlier( or they %ay be grou!ed in unoccu!ied nook#( or !ortion# of the border. The !lant# %ay #tand a# clo#e a# L inche# fro% each other. The earlier !lanting %ay be a foot a!art to ad%it of later #etting# bet"een. Late in the fall( after fro#t# and before freeEing( the cor%# are to be dug( cleaned( and dried in the #un and air for a fe" hour# and then #tored a"ay in bo/e# about 7A1P7 inche# dee! in a cool( dark( and dry !lace. The to!# #hould be left on( at lea#t till co%!letely #hri$eled. The $arietie# are !er!etuated and %ulti!lied by the little cor%# that a!!ear about the ba#e of the large ne" cor% "hich i# for%ed each year. The#e #%all cor%# %ay be taken off in the #!ring and #o"n thickly in drill#. Many of the% "ill %ake flo"ering !lant# by the #econd #ea#on. They are treated like the large cor%#( in the fall. Gladioli are ea#ily gro"n fro% #eed al#o( but thi# %ethod cannot be de!ended on to !er!etuate de#irable $arietie#( "hich can be re!roduced only by the cor%el#. So%e of the be#t flo"er# %ay be cro##A!ollinated( or allo"ed to for% #eed in the u#ual %annerG the #eed #o"n thickly in drill#( and #haded till the !lantlet# a!!ear( then carefully culti$ated( "ill afford a cro! of #%all cor%# in the fall. The#e %ay be #tored for the "inter( like the other young cor%#( and( like the%( %any "ill flo"er the #econd #ea#on( affording a great $ariety and Iuite likely #o%e ne" and #triking kind#. Tho#e that do not flo"er #hould be re#er$ed for further trial. They often !ro$e finer than tho#e fir#t to flo"er. EarlyAflo"ering $arietie# of gladioli %ay be forced for late "inter or #!ring bloo%. -or bouIuet#( cut the #!ike "hen the lo"er flo"er# o!enG kee! in fre#h "ater( cut off the end of the #te% freIuently( and the other flo"er# "ill e/!and. GL=F)C)6.AA hoice greenhou#e tuberou#Arooted( #!ring and #u%%erAbloo%ing !erennial#( #o%eti%e# #een in "indo"Agarden#( but really not ada!ted to the%( although #o%e #killful hou#eAgardener# gro" the% #ucce##fully. Glo/inia# %u#t ha$e a unifor% %oi#t and "ar% at%o#!here and !rotection fro% the #un. They "ill not #tand abu#e or $arying condition#. Pro!agated often by leafAcutting#( "hich #hould gi$e flo"ering !lant# in one year. -ro% the leaf( in#erted half it# length in the #oil (or

#o%eti%e# only the !etiole in#erted) a tuber ari#e#. Thi# tuber( after re#ting until %id"inter or later( i# !lanted( and flo"ering !lant# #oon ari#e. Glo/inia# al#o gro" readily fro% #eed#( "hich %ay be ger%inated in a te%!erature of about 38 deg.. -lo"ering !lant# %ay be had in 6ugu#t if #eed# are #o"n in late "inter( #ay in early -ebruary. Thi# i# the u#ual %ethod. 6fter the bloo% i# !a#t( the tuber i# !artially dried off and ke!t dor%ant till the follo"ing #ea#on. )t "ill u#ually #ho" #ign# of acti$ity in -ebruary or March( "hen it %ay be #haken out of the old earth and a little "ater %ay then be a!!lied and the a%ount increa#ed till the !lant i# in bloo%. The #a%e tuber# %ay be bloo%ed #e$eral ti%e#. Succe## in the gro"ing of glo/inia# i# largely a %atter of !ro!er "atering. Dee! the dor%ant tuber ju#t dry enough to !re$ent #hri$eling( ne$er trying to force it ahead of it# ti%e. 6$oid "etting the lea$e#. Protect fro% direct #unlight. Protect fro% draught# on the !lant#. G0E.)LLE6.AAThe '#he oak(' $ery graceful greenhou#e !lant( #uitable al#o for hou#e culture. The !lant# gro" freely fro% #eed( and until they beco%e too large are a# decorati$e a# fern#. Gre$illea# are really tree#( and are $aluable in greenhou#e# and roo%# only in their young #tate. They "ith#tand %uch abu#e. They are no" $ery !o!ular a# jardiniere #ubject#. Seed# #o"n in #!ring "ill gi$e hand#o%e !lant# by the ne/t "inter. &i#card the !lant# a# #oon a# they beco%e ragged. H=LL*H= DS.AAThe#e old garden fa$orite# ha$e been neglected of late year#( !ri%arily becau#e the hollyhock ru#t ha# been #o !re$alent( de#troying the !lant# or %aking the% un#ightly. Their culture i# $ery #i%!le. The #eed i# u#ually #o"n in Buly or 6ugu#t( and the !lant# #et "here "anted the follo"ing #!ring. They "ill bloo% the #a%e year in "hich they are tran#!lantedAAthe year follo"ing the #eedA#o"ing. Ce" !lant# #hould be #et e$ery t"o year#( a# the old cro"n# are likely to rot or die after the fir#t flo"ering( or at lea#t to beco%e "eak. H*6 )CTHS (#ee JBulb#J) are !o!ular #!ringAflo"ering bulb#. Hyacinth# are hardy( but they are often u#ed a# "indo" or greenhou#e !lant#. They are ea#y to gro" and $ery #ati#factory (-ig. 7L7). -or "inter flo"ering( the bulb# #hould be !rocured early in the fall( !otted in =ctober in #oil co%!o#ed of loa%( leaf%old( and #and. )f ordinary flo"erA!ot# are u#ed( !ut in the botto% a fe" !iece# of broken !ot#( charcoal( or #%all #tone# for drainageG then fill the !ot "ith dirt( #o that "hen the bulb i# !lanted( the to! "ill be on a le$el "ith the ri% of the !ot. -ill in around the bulb "ith #oil( lea$ing ju#t the ti! #ho"ing. The#e !ot# of bulb# #hould be !laced in a cold !it( cellar or on the #hady #ide of a building. )n all ca#e#( !lunge the !ot in #o%e cool %aterial (a# cinder#). Before the "eather beco%e# cold enough to freeEe a cru#t on the ground( the !ot# #hould ha$e a !rotection of #tra" or lea$e# to kee! the bulb# fro% #e$ere freeEing. )n about #i/ to eight "eek# the bulb# #hould ha$e %ade root# enough to gro" the !lant( and the !ot# %ay be !laced in a cool roo% for a #hort ti%e. ,hen the !lant# ha$e #tarted into gro"th( they %ay be !laced in a "ar%er #ituation. ,atering #hould be carefully attended to fro% thi# ti%e( and "hen the !lant i# in bloo%( the !ot %ay be #et in a #aucer or other #hallo" di#h containing "ater. 6fter flo"ering( the bulb# %ay be ri!ened by gradually

"ithholding "ater until the lea$e# die. They %ay then be !lanted out in the border( "here they "ill bloo% each #!ring for a nu%ber of year#( but "ill ne$er !ro$e #ati#factory for forcing again. The o!enAground culture of hyacinth# i# the #a%e a# for tuli!# and other Holland bulb#. The hyacinth i# the %o#t !o!ular of the &utch bulb# for gro"ing in $a#e# of "ater. The narci##u# %ay be gro"n in "ater( and do ju#t a# "ell( but it i# not a# attracti$e in gla##e# a# the hyacinth. Gla##e# for hyacinth# %ay be had of flori#t# "ho deal in #u!!lie#( and in $ariou# #ha!e# and color#. The u#ual for% i# tall and narro"( "ith a cu!Alike %outh to recei$e the bulb. They are filled "ith "ater( #o that it "ill ju#t reach the ba#e of the bulb "hen !laced in !o#ition in the cu! or #houlder abo$e. The $e##el# of darkAcolored gla## are !referable to tho#e of clear gla##( a# root# !refer darkne##. ,hen the gla##e# ha$e been filled( they are #et a"ay in a cool( dark !lace( "here root# "ill for%( a# in !otted bulb#. 0e#ult# are u#ually #ecured earlier in "ater than in #oil. To kee! the "ater #"eet( a fe" lu%!# of charcoal %ay be !ut in the gla##. 6# the "ater e$a!orate#( add fre#hG add enough #o that it run# o$er( and thereby rene"# that in the gla##. &o not di#turb the root# by taking out the bulb. )0)S include# %any hand#o%e !erennial#( of "hich the blue flag i# fa%iliar to e$ery oldAfa#hioned garden. They are fa$orite# e$ery"here( for their brilliant #!ring and #u%%er bloo%G and they are ea#y to gro". Mo#t iri#e# thri$e be#t in a rather %oi#t #oil( and #o%e of the% %ay be coloniEed in the "ater in %argin# of !ond#. Gardener# u#ually di$ide the% into t"o #ection#AAthe tuberou#Arooted or rhiEo%atou#( and the bulbou#. 6 third di$i#ionAAthe fibrou#ArootedAAi# #o%eti%e# %ade. The co%%on and %o#t #er$iceable #!ecie# belong to the tuberou#Arooted #ection. Here i# the beautiful and $aried Ba!ane#e iri#( J)ri# loe$igataJ (or J). Doe%!feriJ)( "hich i# a%ong the %o#t de#er$ing of all hardy !erennial#. Mo#t of the#e iri#e# need no #!ecial care. They are !ro!agated by di$i#ion of the root#tock#. Plant the !iece# one foot a!art if a %a## effect i# de#ired. ,hen the !lant# begin to fail( dig the% u!( di$ide the root#( di#card the old !art#( and gro" a ne" #tock( a# before. The Ba!ane#e iri# need# %uch "ater and a $ery rich #oil. 0eadily gro"n fro% #eed#( gi$ing bloo% the #econd year. J) Su#iana(J of thi# #ection( i# one of the odde#t of iri#e#( but it i# not Iuite hardy in the Corth. =f the bulbou# #ection( %o#t #!ecie# are not hardy far Corth. The bulb# #hould be taken u! and re!lanted e$ery t"o or three year#. The Per#ian and S!ani#h iri#e# belong here. The bulb# gi$e ri#e to but a #ingle #te%. L)L*.AA@nder thi# na%e are included bulbou# !lant# of %any kind#( not all of the% being true lilie#. )t ha# been #aid of thi# fa%ily of !lant# that it ha# no '!oor relation#(' each of the% being !erfect in it#elf. Many of the choice#t kind# are co%!arati$ely unkno"n( although ea#y to culti$ate. )n fact( all of the lilie# %ay be gro"n "ith co%!arati$e ea#e in region# "here the gi$en #!ecie# are hardy. 6 light( fertile( "ellAdrained #oil( %ello" to the de!th of at lea#t one

foot( a handful of #and under each bulb if the #oil i# inclined to be #tiff( and !lanting #o that the cro"n of the bulb "ill be at lea#t K inche# belo" the #urface( are the general reIuire%ent#. =ne e/ce!tion to the de!th of !lanting i# JLiliu% auratu%(J or goldenAbanded lily. Thi# #hould be !lanted dee!erAAfro% > to 17 inche# belo" the #urfaceAAa# the ne" bulb# for% o$er the old one and #oon bring the bulb# to the #urface if they are not !lanted dee!. &ee! "orking of the ground i# al"ay# de#irableG 1> inche#( or e$en 7 feet( "ill be none too dee!. JL. candidu%J and JL. te#taceu%J #hould be !lanted in 6ugu#t or Se!te%ber( if !o##ibleG but u#ually lilie# are !lanted in =ctober and Co$e%ber. -or all lilie# it i# #afer to !ro$ide good "inter !rotection in the for% of a %ulch of lea$e# or %anure( and e/tending beyond the border# of the !lanting. Thi# #hould be 9 inche# to a foot dee!( according to the latitude or locality. ,hile %o#t lilie# !rofit by !artial #hade (e/ce!t JL. candidu%J)( they #hould ne$er be !lanted near or under tree#. The #hade or !rotection of tallAgro"ing herbaceou# !lant# i# #ufficient. )n fact( the be#t re#ult#( both a# to gro"th and effect( %ay be #ecured by !lanting a%ong#t lo" #hrubbery or border !lant#. Mo#t kind# are the better for re%aining undi#turbed for a nu%ber of year#G but if they are to be taken u! and di$ided( or %o$ed to other Iuarter#( they #hould not be allo"ed to beco%e dry. The #%all bulb#( or off#et#( %ay be !lanted in the border( and if !rotected( "ill gro" to flo"ering #iEe in t"o or three year#. )n taking u! bulb# for di$i#ion it i# be#t to do #o #oon after the to!# die after bloo%ing. 6t lea#t thi# #hould be done early in the fall( not later than =ctober( gi$ing the !lant# a chance to beco%e e#tabli#hed before freeEing "eather. 6# !otA!lant# #o%e kind# of lilie# are $ery #ati#factory( e#!ecially tho#e that %ay be forced into bloo% through the "inter. The be#t kind# for thi# !ur!o#e are JL. Harri#iiJ (Ea#ter lily)( JL. longifloru%(J and JL. candidu%.J =ther# %ay be forced "ith #ucce##( but the#e are the one# %o#t generally u#ed. The "inter culture for forcing i# !ractically the #a%e a# for hyacinth# in !ot#. So%e of the be#t kind# of lilie# are %entioned belo"5AA JL. candidu%J (6nnunciation lily). ,hiteG ? to K feet highG it %ake# an autu%n gro"th( and #hould( therefore( be !lanted in 6ugu#tG #et the bulb# fro% K to L inche# dee!. JL. #!ecio#u%J (JL. lancifoliu%J)( $ar. J!roeco/.J ,hite( tinged "ith !inkG bear# #e$eral flo"er# on a #te% about ? feet high. JL. #!ecio#u%(J $ar. Jrubru%.J 0o#e color( #!otted "ith red. JL. Bro"nii.J -lo"er# "hite in#ide( chocolateAcolored out#ideG the #te%# gro" about ? feet high( bearing fro% 7 to K tubular flo"er#G not difficult to %anage "ith good !rotection and drainageG the bulb# are i%!atient of being ke!t long out of the groundG after !lanting( they #hould not be di#turbed a# long a# they flo"er "ell. JL. %aculatu% (L. Han#oni)J. &ark yello"G #te%# ?AK feet high( each !roducing L to 17 flo"er#. JL. te#taceu% (L. e/cel#u%( L. )#abellinu%)J. 0ich buff color( "ith

delicate #!ot#G !lant# about ? to 9 feet high( "ith ? to a doEen flo"er# on a #te%G !lant the bulb# in Se!te%ber. JL. longifloru%.J ,hiteG large tubular flo"er#( 7 to > on a #te%G height( about 7A1P7 feet. JL. Bate%anniaeJ (a for% of JL. elegan#J). 6!ricot yello"G L to 17 flo"er# on #te%# ? to K feet high. JL. auratu%J (Ba!ane#e goldAbanded lily). )%%en#e "hite flo"er# banded "ith yello" and dotted "ith red or !ur!le( fro% ? to 17 on a #te%G height( ? to K feetG the bulb# need thorough !rotection( good drainage( and #hould be !lanted 18 or 17 inche# dee! (-ig. 79>). JL. tigrinu%J (Tiger lily). 6n old fa$orite( "ith %any droo!ing bright red #!otted flo"er#G $ar. J#!lenden#J i# #!ecially goodG ? to 9 ft. JL. tenuifoliu%.J 0ich #carlet flo"er# nodding in a race%e or !anicleG 1A1P7 to 7 ft. JL. Ma/i%o"icEii (L. Leichtlinii)J. -lo"er# clear yello"( "ith #%all( dark #!ot#( 18 to 17 on a #te%G height( K feet. JL. %onadel!hu%.J *ello" tubularA#ha!ed flo"er# in clu#ter# of L to a doEen or %oreG #te%# 7A1P7 feet tall. JL. elegan# (L. Thunbergianu%J)( $ar. J6lice ,il#on.J Le%onAyello"G #te%# 7 feet high( bearing 7 to > flo"er#. JL. elegan#(J $ar. Jfulgen# atro#anguineu%.J &ark cri%#onG height( 1 foot. L)L*A=-ATHEA.6LLE*.AA6 !erfectly hardy little !erennial( bearing race%e# of #%all( "hite( bellA#ha!ed flo"er# in early #!ringG and al#o %uch forced by flori#t#. -or ordinary culti$ation( #od# or %at# of root# %ay be dug fro% any !lace in "hich the !lant i# coloniEed. @#ually it thri$e# be#t in !artial #hadeG and the lea$e# %ake an attracti$e %at on the north #ide of a building( or other #hady !lace( in "hich gra## "ill not gro". The !lant# "ill take care of the%#el$e# year after year. Better re#ult# %ay be e/!ected fro% good co%%ercial root#. The '!i!#' %ay be !lanted any ti%e fro% Co$e%ber on( fro% ? to L inche# a!art. -or forcing indoor#( i%!orted root# or '!i!#' are u#ed( a# the !lant# are gro"n for thi# !articular !ur!o#e in !art# of Euro!e. The#e root# %ay be !lanted in !ot#( and treated a# reco%%ended for "interAflo"ering bulb#. -lori#t# force the% in greater heat( ho"e$er( often gi$ing the% a botto% heat of >8 deg. or 28 deg.G but #kill and e/!erience are reIuired in order to attain unifor%ly good re#ult# in thi# ca#e. M)GC=CETTE.AAProbably no flo"er i# %ore generally gro"n for it# fragrance than the %ignonette. )t i# a halfAhardy annual( thri$ing either in the o!en or under gla##. The %ignonette need# a cool #oil( only %oderately rich( #hade !art of the day( and careful attention to cutting the flo"erA#talk# before the #eed# are ri!e. )f a #o"ing be %ade in late 6!ril( follo"ed by a #econd #o"ing in early Buly( the #ea#on %ay be e/tended until #e$ere fro#t#.

There are fe" flo"er# that "ill !ro$e a# di#a!!ointing if the #i%!le treat%ent it need# i# o%itted. Height( 1 to 7 feet. )t %ay be #o"n in !ot# late in #u%%er and be had in the hou#e in "inter. M==CA-L=,E0S are #!ecie# of the %orningAglory fa%ily that o!en their flo"er# at night. 6 "ellAgro"n !lant trained o$er a !orch trelli#( or allo"ed to gro" at rando% o$er a lo" tree or #hrub( i# a #triking object "hen in full flo"er at du#k or through a %oonlit e$ening. )n the Southern #tate# ("here it i# %uch gro"n) the %oonAflo"er i# a !erennial( but e$en "hen "ell !rotected doe# not #ur$i$e the "inter# in the Corth. utting# u#ually gi$e be#t re#ult# in the Corthern #tate#( a# the #ea#on# are not long enough for #eed !lant# to gi$e good bloo%. utting# %ay be %ade before danger of fro#t and "intered in the hou#e( or the !lant# %ay be gro"n fro% #eed #o"n in Banuary or -ebruary. Seed# #hould be #calded or filed ju#t before #o"ing. The true %oonAflo"er i# J)!o%oea BonaACo/J "hiteAflo"eredG but there are other kind# that go under thi# na%e. Thi# gro"# 78 to ?8 feet "here the #ea#on# are long enough. C60 )SS@S (#ee JBulb#J).AA&affodil#( jonIuil#( and the !oetH# narci##u# all belong to thi# grou!( and %any of the% are !erfectly hardy. The !olyanthu# #ection( "hich include# the Pa!erA"hite narci##u# and #acred lily or hine#e jo##Aflo"er( are not hardy e/ce!t "ith unu#ually good !rotection( and are( therefore( %o#t #uitable for gro"ing indoor#. )t i# co%%on to allo" the hardy #ort# to take care of the%#el$e# "hen once !lanted. Thi# they "ill do( but %uch %ore #ati#factory re#ult# "ill be had by lifting and di$iding the clu%!# e$ery three or four year#. 6 #ingle bulb in a fe" year# for%# a large clu%!. )n thi# condition the bulb# are not !ro!erly nouri#hed( and con#eIuently do not flo"er "ell. Lifting i# !referably done in 6ugu#t or Se!te%ber( "hen the foliage ha# died do"n and the bulb# are ri!e. The narci##i are "ell #uited to !artially #haded !lace#( and "ill gro" and !lea#e "here$er good ta#te %ay !lace the%. They #hould be freely u#ed( a# they are fragrant( bright of color( and ea#ily %anagedAAgro"ing a%ong #hrubbery( tree#( and in !lace# "here other flo"er# "ould refu#e to gro". They #hould be !lanted in clu%!# or %a##e#( in Se!te%ber or =ctober( #etting the bulb# 9 to > inche# a!art( according to #iEe( and ? or K inche# dee!. Se$eral #!ecie# and nu%berle## $arietie#( both double and #ingle( are gro"n. 6 fe" good ty!e# only can be %entioned (-ig. 7L8)5AA J&affodil#( or Tru%!et narci##u# (Carci##u# P#eudoACarci##u#J and deri$ati$e#). JSingleAflo"ered( *ello".JAAGolden S!ur( Tru%!et Major( .an Sion. J,hite.JAA6lbican#. J,hite and *ello".JAAE%!re##( Hor#efieldi. J&oubleAflo"ering( *ello".JAA)nco%!arable fl. !l.( .an Sion.

J,hite.JAA6lba !lena odorata. JPoetH# narci##u# (C. !oeticu#J). -lo"er# "hite( "ith yello" cu!# edged cri%#on. .ery fragrant. JBonIuil# (C. BonIuillaJ). The#e ha$e $ery fragrant yello" flo"er#( both double and #ingle( and are old garden fa$orite#. JPolyanthu# narci##u# (C. TaEettaJ). The#e include !a!erA"hite( hine#e #acred lily ($ar. Jorientali#J)( and other#. JPri%ro#e Peerle## (C. bifloru#J). Carci##i %ay be forced into flo"er through the "inter( a# de#cribed on !. ?K9. 6 !o!ular kind for "inter bloo% i# the #oAcalled hine#e #acred lily. Thi# gro"# in "ater "ithout any #oil "hate$er. Secure a bo"l or gla## di#h( about three ti%e# the #iEe of the bulbG !ut #o%e !retty #tone# in the botto%G #et in the bulb and build u! around it "ith #tone# #o a# to hold it #tiff "hen the lea$e# ha$e gro"nG tuck t"o or three #%all !iece# of charcoal a%ong the #tone# to kee! the "ater #"eet( then fill u! the di#h "ith "ater and add a little e$ery fe" day#( a# it e$a!orate#. Set the di#h in a "ar%( light !lace. )n about #i/ "eek# the fragrant( fine "hite flo"er# "ill fill the roo% "ith !erfu%e. The Pa!erA"hite( clo#ely allied to thi#( i# al#o forced( and i# one of the fe" good bulb# that %ay be bloo%ed before hri#t%a#. The .an Sion#( #ingle and double (a for% of daffodil)( are al#o %uch forced. =LE6C&E0.AA6n old fa$orite #hrub for the "indo"Agarden( and %uch !lanted in the o!en far South. ,hile there are %any na%ed $arietie# of the oleander( but t"o are often #een in general culti$ation. The#e are the co%%on red and "hite $arietie#. Both the#e( a# "ell a# the na%ed $arietie#( are of ea#y %anage%ent and "ell ada!ted to ho%e culture( gro"ing in !ot# or tub# for #e$eral year# "ithout #!ecial care. ,ellAgro"n #!eci%en# are $ery effecti$e a# !orch or la"n !lant#( or %ay be u#ed to good ad$antage in %i/ed bed# of tallAgro"ing !lant#( !lunging the !ot or tub to the ri% in the #oil. The !lant# #hould be cut back after flo"ering. They #hould be re#ted in any outAofAtheA"ay !lace through the "inter. ,hen brought out in the #!ring( they #hould be gi$en #un and air in order to %ake a #turdy gro"th. Pro!agation i# effected by u#ing "ellAri!ened "ood for cutting#( !laced in a clo#e fra%eG or the #li!# %ay be rooted in a bottle or can of "ater( care being taken to #u!!ly "ater a# e$a!oration take# !lace. 6fter being rooted( they %ay be !otted( u#ing #oil "ith a large !ro!ortion of #and. ,ellAe#tabli#hed !lant# %ay be re!otted in good loa% and "ellArotted %anure. They #hould bloo% the #econd year. =F6L)S.AA6 nu%ber of hardy #!ecie# of o/ali# are e/cellent !lant# for rockA"ork and edging. The greenhou#e #!ecie# are $ery #ho"y( gro"ing "ithout e/tra care( and bloo%ing freely through the late "inter and #!ring %onth# and #o%e of the% %ake e/cellent "indo"Agardening #ubject#. The hou#e #!ecie# are %o#tly increa#ed by bulb#( a fe" by di$i#ion of the root. J=. $iolaceaJ i#( one of the co%%one#t of hou#eA!lant#. Gi$e a #unny "indo"( for the flo"er# o!en only in #un or $ery bright light. The bulbou# (tuberou#) kind# are treated %uch a# reco%%ended for JBulb#(J e/ce!t that the bulb# %u#t not freeEe. The tuber# are #tarted in 6ugu#t

or Se!te%ber for "inter bloo%. )t i# be#t to u#e dee! !ot#( or the tuber# "ill thro" the%#el$e# out. The cro"n #hould be near the #urface. 6fter flo"ering( the bulb# are dried off and ke!t until ne" bloo% i# "anted. The 'Ber%uda buttercu!' i# J=. luteaJ and J=. fla$aJ of garden# (!ro!erly J=. cernuaJ)G it i# a a!e of Good Ho!e #!ecie#. )t# culture i# not !eculiar. P6LMS.AACo %ore graceful !lant# for roo% decoration can be found than "ellAgro"n #!eci%en# of #o%e #!ecie# of !al%#. Mo#t flori#t#H !al%# are "ell ada!ted for thi# !ur!o#e "hen #%all( and a# the gro"th i# u#ually $ery #lo"( a !lant %ay be u#ed for %any year#. Pal% !lant# thri$e be#t in !artial #hade. =ne of the freIuent cau#e# of failure in the culture of the !al% i# the o$er!otting and #ub#eIuent o$er"atering. 6 !al% #hould not be re!otted until the %a## of root# fill# the #oil and !referably "hen it i# acti$eG then a !ot only a #iEe larger #hould be u#ed. @#e a%!le drainage in the botto% to carry off e/ce## of "ater. 6lthough the !lant# need a %oi#t #oil( "ater #tanding at the root# !ro$e# injuriou#. ,ithhold free u#e of "ater "hen the !lant# are !artially dor%ant. 6 #oil co%!o#ed of "ellArotted #od( leaf%old( and a little #and "ill %eet the reIuire%ent#. @nder ordinary li$ingAroo% condition#( !al%# are #ubject to %uch abu#e. ,ater i# allo"ed to #tand in the jardiniere( the !lant i# ke!t in dark corner# and hall"ay#( the air i# dry( and #cale i# allo"ed to infe#t the lea$e#. )f the !lant begin# to fail( the hou#e"ife i# likely to re!ot it or to gi$e it %ore "ater( both of "hich %ay be "rong. The addition of boneA%eal or other fertiliEer %ay be better than re!otting. Dee! the !lant in good light (but not in direct #unlight) a# %uch a# !o##ible. S!onge the lea$e# to re%o$e du#t and #cale( u#ing #oa!#ud#. ,hen a ne" leaf begin# to a!!ear( add boneA%eal to %ake it gro" $igorou#ly. 6%ong the be#t !al%# for hou#e culture are areca#( J oco# ,eddelliana(J latania( kentia( ho"ea( caryota( cha%aero!#( and !hoeni/. yca# %ay al#o be regarded a# a !al%. The date !al% %ay be gro"n fro% #eed of the co%%on co%%ercial date. Seed of the other $arietie# %ay be !urcha#ed fro% leading #eed#%enG but( a# the #eed ger%inate# only under fa$orable condition#( and the !al% i# a $ery #lo"Agro"ing !lant "hile young( the be#t !lan i# to !urcha#e the !lant# fro% a dealer "hen "anted. ,hen the !lant# beco%e "eak or di#ea#ed( take the% to a flori#t for treat%ent and recu!eration( or !urcha#e ne" one#. So%eti%e# the flori#t !lace# t"o or three #%all !al%# in one !ot( %aking a $ery #ati#factory table !iece for t"o or three year#. )t i# "ell to #et the !al%# out of door# in the #u%%er( !lunging the !ot# nearly or Iuite to the ri%. Turn or lift the !ot# occa#ionally #o that the root# "ill not #trike through into the earth. hoo#e a !artially #haded !lace( "here the hot #un "ill not #trike the% directly and "here the "ind "ill not injure the%. P6C&6C@S( or #cre" !ine.AAThe #cre" !ine# are #tiffAlea$ed #a"Aedged !lant# often gro"n in "indo"Agarden# and u#ed for !orch decoration.

The JPandanu# utili#J and JP. .eitchiiJ (the latter #tri!edAlea$ed or "hiteAlea$ed) are e/ceedingly orna%ental( and are "ell ada!ted to hou#e culture. The #ingular habit of gro"th( bright glo##y lea$e#( and the ability to "ith#tand the du#t and #hade of a d"elling roo%( %ake the% a de#irable addition to the hou#e collection. They are !ro!agated by the off#et# or young !lant# that gro" around the ba#e of the trunkG or they %ay be increa#ed by #eed. )f by the for%er %ethod( the off#et# #hould be cut off and #et in #and( at a te%!erature of L9 deg. or 38 deg.. The cutting# root #lo"ly and the !lant# for a ti%e %ake $ery #lo" gro"th. The general cultural treat%ent i# that of !al%#. Gi$e abundance of "ater in #u%%er. + + + + +

P6CS* (-ig. 7KK) i# "ithout doubt the %o#t !o!ular hardy #!ring flo"er in culti$ation. The #train# of #eed are %any( each containing great !o##ibilitie#. The culture i# #i%!le and the re#ult# are #ure. Seed #o"n in 6ugu#t or Se!te%ber( in bo/e# or a fra%e( "ill %ake !lant# large enough to re#et in Co$e%ber (three or four inche# a!art) and bloo% the follo"ing MarchG or they %ay be left until March in o!en #eedAbed# before #etting out. 6l#o( if they are #o"n $ery thinly in the fra%e#( they %ay re%ain undi#turbed through the "inter( bloo%ing $ery early the follo"ing #!ring. The fra%e# #hould be !rotected by %at#( board#( or other co$ering through the #e$ere cold( and a# the #un gain# #trength( care #hould be taken to kee! the% fro% hea$ing by alternate tha"ing and freeEing. Seed #o"n in bo/e# in Banuary or -ebruary "ill %ake fine bloo%ing !lant# by 6!ril( taking the !lace of tho#e bloo%ing earlier. The !an#y i# generally %entioned "ith !lant# #uitable for !artial #hade( but it al#o thri$e# in other localitie#( e#!ecially "here the #un i# not $ery hot nor the "eather $ery dry. The reIui#ite# for #ati#factory !an#y culture are fertile( %oi#t( cool #oil( !rotection fro% the noonday #un( and attention to kee!ing !lant# fro% going to #eed. 6# the ground beco%e# "ar%( a %ulch of leaf%old or other light %aterial #hould be #!read o$er the bed to retain %oi#ture and e/clude heat. S!ring and fall gi$e the be#t bloo%. )n hot #u%%er "eather the flo"er# beco%e #%all. + + + + +

PEL60G=C)@M.AATo thi# genu# belong the !lant# kno"n a# geraniu%#AAthe %o#t #ati#factory of hou#eA!lant#( and e/ten#i$ely u#ed a# bedding !lant#. Co !lant# "ill gi$e better return# in leaf and flo"erG and the#e feature#( added to the ea#e of !ro!agation( %ake the% general fa$orite#. The co%%on geraniu% i# one of the fe" !lant# that can be bloo%ed at any ti%e of the year. There are #e$eral %ain grou!# of !elargoniu%#( a# the co%%on 'fi#h geraniu%#' (fro% the odor of the foliage)( the '#ho"' or Lady ,a#hington !elargoniu%#( the i$y geraniu%#( the thinAlea$ed bedder# (a# Mada%e Salleroi)( and the 'ro#e' geraniu%#. utting# of !artially ri!ened "ood of all !elargoniu%# root $ery ea#ily( gro" to bloo%ing #iEe in a #hort ti%e( and( either !lanted out or gro"n in a !ot( %ake fine decoration#. The co%%on or fi#h geraniu%# are %uch %ore #ati#factory "hen not %ore than a year old. Take cutting# fro% the

old !lant# at lea#t once a year. )n four or fi$e %onth# the young !lant# begin to bloo%. Plant# %ay be taken u! fro% the garden and !otted( but they rarely gi$e a# %uch #ati#faction a# young( $igorou# #ubject#G ne" !lant# #hould be gro"n e$ery year. 0e!ot freIuently until they are in KAto 9Ainch !ot#G then let the% bloo%. The #ho" !elargoniu%# ha$e but one !eriod of bloo%( u#ually in 6!ril( but they %ake u! in #iEe and coloring. Thi# #ection i# %ore difficult to %anage a# hou#eA!lant# than the co%%on geraniu%( needing %ore direct light to kee! it #tocky( and being troubled by in#ect#. Still( all the trouble taken to gro" the !lant# "ill be "ell re!aid by the hand#o%e blo##o%#. Take cutting# in late #!ring( after flo"ering( and bloo%ing !lant# %ay be had the follo"ing year. Good re#ult# are #o%eti%e# #ecured by kee!ing the#e !lant# t"o or three year#. ut back after each bloo%ing #ea#on. -or hou#e culture the geraniu%# need a fertile( fibrou# loa%( "ith the addition of a little #andG good drainage i# al#o an e##ential. PE=C*.AAThe herbaceou# !eony ha# long had a !lace in the gardenG it ha# no" been %uch i%!ro$ed and con#titute# one of the $ery be#t !lant# kno"n to culti$ation. )t i# !erfectly hardy( and free fro% the %any di#ea#e# and in#ect# that attack #o %any !lant#. )t continue# to bloo% year after year "ithout rene"al( if the #oil i# "ell !re!ared and fertile. -ig. 798. )na#%uch a# the !eony i# #uch a #trong gro"er and !roduce# #o %any enor%ou# flo"er#( it %u#t ha$e a #oil that can #u!!ly abundant !lantAfood and %oi#ture. The oldAfa#hioned #ingle and #e%iAdouble co%!arati$ely #%allAflo"ered kind# "ill gi$e good re#ult# in any ordinary ground( but the ne"er highly i%!ro$ed #ort# %u#t be gi$en better treat%ent. Thi# i# one of the !lant# that !rofit by a $ery rich #oil. The !lace #hould be $ery dee!ly !lo"ed or el#e trenchedG and if the land i# in #od or i# not in good heart( the !re!aration #hould begin the #ea#on before the !eonie# are !lanted. 6 dee! %oi#t loa% #uit# the% be#tG and a# the !lant# gro" and bloo%( add bone %eal and to!Adre## "ith %anure. ,hen %aking their gro"th and "hen in bloo%( they #hould not be allo"ed to "ant for "ater. )n !urcha#ing !eony root#( be careful to #ecure only "ellAgro"n and #elected #tock. hea! #tock( job lot#( and odd# and end# are likely to be $ery di#a!!ointing. The !lant# %ay be #et in fall or #!ring( the latter being !referable in the Corth. o$er the cro"n bud 7 or ? inche#( being careful not to injure it. )f the be#t bloo%# are de#ired( gi$e !lenty of roo%( a# %uch a# ? / K feet. Peonie# gro" 7 to ? feet or e$en %ore in height. Strong root# of #o%e $arietie# "ill gi$e bloo% the fir#t yearG con#iderable bloo% "ill co%e the #econd yearG but the full bloo% on %o#t $arietie# #hould not be e/!ected before the third year. The flo"er# %ay be brightened and their duration !rolonged by !artial #hade "hile in bloo%. )f old !lant# beco%e "eak( or if they dro! their bud#( dig the% u! and #ee "hether the root# are not %ore or le## dead and decayedG di$ide to fre#h !art# and re!lant in "ellAenriched groundG or !urcha#e ne" !lant#. Peonie# are !ro!agated by di$i#ion of the root# in early fall( one good #trong eye being left to each !iece.

The !eony ha# %erit for it# foliage a# "ell a# for it# bloo%( !articularly "hen the #oil i# rich and the gro"th lu/uriant. Thi# $alue of the !lant i# co%%only o$erlooked. The !eony de#er$e# it# !o!ularity. PHL=F.AAGarden !hlo/e# are of t"o kind#( the annual and !erennial. Both are %o#t $aluable. E/ce!ting the !etunia( no !lant "ill gi$e the !rofu#ion of bloo% "ith a# little care a# the annual !hlo/ J(Phlo/ &ru%%ondiiJ). -or clear and brilliant color#( the %any $arietie# of thi# are certainly unri$aled. The d"arf kind# are the %ore de#irable for ribbonAbed#( a# they are not #o 'leggy.' There are "hite#( !ink#( red#( and $ariegated of the %o#t daEEling brilliancy. The d"arf# gro" ten inche# high( and bloo% continuou#ly. Set the% > inche# a!art in good #oil. Seed %ay be #o"n in the o!en ground in May( or for early !lant#( in the hotbed in March. They %ay be #o"n clo#e in the fall if #o"n $ery late( #o that the #eed# "ill not #tart till #!ring. The !erennial !hlo/ of the garden# ha# been de$elo!ed fro% the nati$e #!ecie#( JPhlo/ !aniculataJ and P. J%aculata.J The garden for%# are often collecti$ely kno"n under the na%e of JP. decu##ata.J )n recent year# the !erennial !hlo/ ha# been %uch i%!ro$ed( and it no" con#titute# one of the be#t of all flo"erAgarden #ubject#. )t gro"# three feet tall( and bear# a !rofu#ion of fine flo"er# in hea$y tru##e# in %idA#u%%er to fall. -ig#. 7KL( 7K>. Perennial !hlo/ i# of ea#y culture. The i%!ortant !oint i# that the !lant# begin to fail of be#t bloo% about the third year( and they are likely to beco%e di#ea#edG and ne" !lanting# #hould be %ade if the #tronge#t flo"er# are de#ired. The !lant# %ay be taken u! in fall( the root# di$ided and cleaned of dead and "eak !art#( and the !iece# re!lanted. @#ually( ho"e$er( the beginner "ill #ecure %ore #ati#faction in !urcha#ing ne" cuttingAgro"n !lant#. Thi# !hlo/ !ro!agate# readily by #eed( and if one doe# not care to !er!etuate the !articular $ariety( he "ill find %uch #ati#faction in rai#ing #eedling#. So%e $arietie# 'co%e true' fro% #eed "ith fair regularity. Seedling# #hould bloo% the #econd year. -ertile garden #oil of any kind #hould rai#e good !erennial !hlo/. See that the !lant# do not "ant for "ater or !lantAfood at bloo%ing ti%e. LiIuid %anure "ill often hel! to kee! the% going. )f they are likely to #uffer for "ater "hen in bloo%( "et the ground "ell e$ery e$ening. )f the leading #hoot# are !inched off early in the #ea#on( and again in %id#u%%er( the bloo% "ill be later( !erha!# in Se!te%ber rather than in Buly. P0)M@L6S( or !ri%ro#e#( are of $ariou# kind#( #o%e being border !lant#( but %o#tly kno"n in thi# country a# greenhou#e and "indo"Agarden #ubject#. =ne of the% i# the auricula. The true or Engli#h co"#li! i# one of the hardy border !lant#G al#o the !lant# co%%only kno"n a# !olyanthu#. o%%on hardy !ri%ula# (or !olyanthu# and related for%#) gro" L to 18 inche# high( #ending u! tru##e# of yello" and red flo"er# in early #!ring. Pro!agated by di$i#ion( or by #eed #o"n a year before the !lant# are "anted. Gi$e the% rather %oi#t #oil. The !ri%ula of the "interAgarden i# %o#tly the JP. Sinen#i#J ( hine#e

Pri%ro#e)( gro"n $ery e/ten#i$ely by flori#t# a# a hri#t%a# !lant. ,ith the e/ce!tion of the full double $arietie#( it i# u#ually gro"n fro% #eed. There i# a !o!ular #ingle for% kno"n a# JP. #tellata.J The #eed of hine#e !ri%ula# #o"n in March or 6!ril "ill %ake large flo"ering !lant# by Co$e%ber or &ece%ber( if the young !lant# are #hifted to larger !ot# a# needed. The #eed #hould be #o"n on the flat #urface of the #oil( co%!o#ed of eIual !art# loa%( leaf%old( and #and. The #eed #hould be !re##ed do"n lightly and the #oil "atered carefully to !re$ent the #eed fro% being "a#hed into the #oil. .ery fine #!hagnu% %o## %ay be #ifted o$er the #eed( or the bo/ #et in a %oi#t !lace( "here the #oil "ill re%ain "et until the #eed# ger%inate. ,hen the !lant# are large enough( they #hould be !otted #e!arately or !ricked out into #hallo" bo/e#. -reIuent !otting# or tran#!lanting# #hould be gi$en until Se!te%ber( "hen they #hould be in the !ot# in "hich they are to bloo%. The t"o e##ential# to #ucce##ful gro"th through the hot #u%%er are #hade and %oi#ture. Height( L to > inche#. Bloo% in "inter and #!ring. 6t !re#ent the 'baby Pri%ro#e' (JPri%ula -orbe#iJ) i# !o!ular. )t i# treated in e##entially the #a%e "ay a# the Sinen#i#. The obconica (JP. obconicaJ) in #e$eral for%# i# a !o!ular flori#tH# !lant( but i# not %uch u#ed in "indo"Agarden#. The hair# !oi#on the hand# of #o%e !er#on#. ulture !ractically a# for JP. Sinen#i#.J 6ll !ri%ula# are i%!atient of a dry at%o#!here and fluctuating condition#. 0H=&=&EC&0=CS are broadAlea$ed e$ergreen #hrub# that are ad%irably ada!ted to !roducing #trong !lanting effect#. So%e of the% are hardy in the Corthern #tate#. 0hododendron# reIuire a fibrou# or !eaty #oil and !rotection fro% bleak "ind# and bright #un# in #u%%er and "inter. 6 northern or #o%e"hat #hady e/!o#ure( to break the force of the %idday #un( i# ad$i#ableG but they #hould not be !lanted "here large tree# "ill #a! the fertility and %oi#ture fro% the ground. They !rotect each other if gro"n in %a##e#( and al#o !roduce better !lanting effect#. :)llu#tration5 F)F. Pyracantha in fruit. =ne of the be#t orna%entalAfruited !lant# for the %iddle and %ilder latitude#.< They reIuire a dee!( fibrou# earth( and it i# #u!!o#ed that they do not thri$e in li%e#tone #oil# or "here "ood a#he# are freely u#ed. ,hile rhododendron# "ill #o%eti%e# #ucceed "ithout any #!ecial !re!aration of the ground( it i# ad$i#able to take !articular !ain# in thi# regard. )t i# "ell to dig a hole 7 or ? feet dee!( and fill it "ith earth co%!ounded of leaf%old( "ellArotted #od( and !eat. The %oi#ture #u!!ly #hould be ne$er failing( for they #uffer fro% drought. They #hould be %ulched #u%%er and "inter. Plant in #!ring. The hardy garden for%# are deri$ati$e# of J0hododendron ata"bien#e(J of the #outhern 6!!alachian Mountain#. The Pontica and other for%# are not hardy in the Corth. The 'great laurel' of the northern @nited State# i# J0hododendron %a/i%u%.J Thi# ha# been e/ten#i$ely coloniEed in large ground# by being re%o$ed fro% the "ild in carload lot#. ,hen the nati$e condition# are i%itated( it %ake# unu#ually good %a## !lanting. Like all rhododendron# it i# i%!atient of drought( hard #oil( and full e/!o#ure to %idday #un. Thi# #!ecie# i# $alued for it# foliage and habit %ore than for it#

bloo%. The "ild for% of J0. ata"bien#eJ i# al#o tran#ferred to ground# in large Iuantitie#. 0=SE.AACo ho%e !ro!erty i# co%!lete "ithout ro#e#. There are #o %any kind# and cla##e# that $arietie# %ay be found for al%o#t any !ur!o#e( fro% cli%bing or !illar #ubject# to highly fragrant tea#( great hybrid !er!etual#( freeAbloo%ing bedder#( and good foliage #ubject# for the #hrubbery. There i# no flo"er in the gro"ing of "hich one #o Iuickly de$elo!# the te%!er and ta#te of the connoi##eur. 0o#e# are e##entially flo"erAgarden #ubject# rather than la"n #ubject#( #ince flo"er# are their chief beauty. *et the foliage of %any of the highly de$elo!ed ro#e# i# good and attracti$e "hen the !lant# are "ell gro"n. To #ecure the be#t re#ult# "ith ro#e#( they #hould be !laced in a bed by the%#el$e#( "here they can be tilled and !runed and "ell taken care of( a# other flo"erAgarden !lant# are. The ordinary garden ro#e# #hould rarely be gro"n in %i/ed border# of #hrubbery. )t i# u#ually %o#t #ati#factory al#o to %ake bed# of one $ariety rather than to %i/ the% "ith #e$eral $arietie#. )f it i# de#ired to ha$e ro#e# in %i/ed #hrubbery border#( then the #ingle and infor%al ty!e# #hould be cho#en. The be#t of all the#e i# J0o#a rugo#a.J Thi# ha# not only attracti$e flo"er# through the greater !art of the #ea#on( but it al#o ha# $ery intere#ting foliage and a #triking habit. The great !rofu#ion of bri#tle# and #!ine# gi$e# it an indi$idual and #trong character. E$en "ithout the flo"er#( it i# $aluable to add character and ca#t to a foliage %a##. The foliage i# not attacked by in#ect# or fungi( but re%ain# green and glo##y throughout the year. The fruit i# al#o $ery large and #ho"y( and !er#i#t# on bu#he# "ell through the "inter. So%e of the "ild ro#e# are al#o $ery e/cellent for %i/ing into foliage %a##e#( but( a# a rule( their foliage characteri#tic# are rather "eak( and they are liable to be attacked by thri!#. There are #o %any cla##e# of ro#e# that the intending !lanter i# likely to be confu#ed unle## he kno"# "hat they are. &ifferent cla##e# reIuire different treat%ent. So%e of the%( a# the tea# and hybrid !er!etual# (the latter al#o kno"n a# re%ontant#)( bloo% fro% ne" cane#G "hile the rugo#a( the 6u#trian( Harri#onH# yello"( #"eet brier#( and #o%e other# are bu#he# and do not rene" the%#el$e# each year fro% the cro"n or ba#e# of the cane#. The outdoor ro#e# %ay be di$ided into t"o great grou!# #o far a# their bloo%ing habit i# in$ol$ed5 (1) The continuou# or inter%ittent bloo%er#( a# the hybrid !er!etual# (bloo%ing chiefly in Bune)( bourbon#( tea( rugo#a( the tea# and hybrid tea# being the %o#t continuou# in bloo%G (7)tho#e that bloo% once only( in #u%%er( a# 6u#trian( 6yr#hire( #"eet brier#( !rairie( herokee( Bank#ian( !ro$ence( %o#t %o## ro#e#( da%a#k( %ultiflora( !olyantha( and %e%orial J(,ichuraiana).J 'Per!etual' or recurrentAbloo%ing race# ha$e been de$elo!ed in the 6yr#hire( %o##( !olyantha( and other#. ,hile ro#e# delight in a #unny e/!o#ure( ne$erthele## our dry at%o#!here and hot #u%%er# are #o%eti%e# trying on the flo"er#( a# are #e$ere "intry "ind# on the !lant#. ,hile( therefore( it i# ne$er ad$i#able to !lant ro#e# near large tree#( or "here they "ill be o$er#hado"ed by

building# or #urrounding #hrubbery( #o%e #hade during the heat of the day "ill be a benefit. The be#t !o#ition i# an ea#tern or northern #lo!e( and "here fence# or other object# "ill break the force of #trong "ind#( in tho#e #ection# "here #uch !re$ail. 0o#e# #hould be carefully taken u! e$ery four or fi$e year#( to!# and root# cut in( and then re#et( either in a ne" !lace or in the old( after enriching the #oil "ith a fre#h #u!!ly of %anure( and dee!ly #!ading it o$er. )n Holland( ro#e# are allo"ed to #tand about eight year#. They are then taken out and their !lace# filled "ith young !lant#. JSoil and !lanting for ro#e#.J The be#t #oil for ro#e# i# a dee! and rich clay loa%. )f it i# %ore or le## of a fibrou# character fro% the !re#ence of gra## root#( a# i# the ca#e "ith ne"ly !lo"ed #od ground( #o %uch the better. ,hile #uch i# de#irable( any ordinary #oil "ill an#"er( !ro$ided it i# "ell %anured. o" %anure i# #trong and la#ting( and ha# no heating effect. )t "ill cau#e no da%age( e$en if not rotted. Hor#e %anure( ho"e$er( #hould be "ell rotted before %i/ing it "ith the #oil. The %anure %ay be %i/ed in the #oil at the rate of one !art in four. )f "ell rotted( ho"e$er( %ore "ill not do any da%age( a# the #oil can #carcely be %ade too rich( e#!ecially for the e$erbloo%ing (hybrid tea) ro#e#. are #hould be taken to %i/ the %anure thoroughly "ith the earth( and not to !lant the ro#e# again#t the %anure. )n !lanting( care %u#t be taken to a$oid e/!o#ing the root# to the drying of #un and air. )f dor%ant fieldAgro"n !lant# ha$e been !urcha#ed( all broken and brui#ed root# "ill need to be cut off #%oothly and #Iuarely. The to!# al#o "ill need cutting back. The cut #hould al"ay# be %ade ju#t abo$e a bud( !referably on the outer #ide of the cane. StrongAgro"ing #ort# %ay be cut back oneAfourth or oneAhalf( according a# they ha$e good or bad root#. ,eakerAgro"ing kind#( a# %o#t of the e$erbloo%ing ro#e#( #hould be cut backA%o#t #e$erely. )n both ca#e# it i# "ell to re%o$e the "eak gro"th fir#t. Plant# #et out fro% !ot# "ill u#ually not need cutting back. Hardy ro#e#( e#!ecially the #trong fieldAgro"n !lant#( #hould be #et in the early fall if !racticable. )t i# de#irable to get the% out ju#t a# #oon a# they ha$e #hed their foliage. )f not then( they %ay be !lanted in the early #!ring. 6t that #ea#on it i# ad$i#able to !lant the% a# early a# the ground i# dry enough( and before the bud# ha$e #tarted to gro". &or%ant !otA!lant# %ay al#o be #et out early( but they #hould be !erfectly inacti$e. Setting the% out early in thi# condition i# !referable to "aiting till they are in foliage and full bloo%( a# i# #o often reIuired by buyer#. Gro"ing !otA!lant# %ay be !lanted any ti%e in #!ring after danger of fro#t i# !a#t( or e$en during the #u%%er( if they are "atered and #haded for a fe" day#. =!enAground !lant# #hould be #et about a# dee! a# they #tood !re$iou#ly( e/ce!ting budded or grafted !lant#( "hich #hould be #et #o that the union of the #tock and graft "ill be 7 to K inche# belo" the #urface of the ground. Plant# fro% !ot# %ay al#o be #et an inch dee!er than they #tood in the !ot#. The #oil #hould be in a friable condition. 0o#e# #hould ha$e the #oil co%!act i%%ediately about their root#G but "e #hould di#tingui#h bet"een !lanting ro#e# and #etting fence !o#t#. The dryer the #oil the %ore fir%ly it %ay be !re##ed. 6# a general #tate%ent( it %ay be #aid that ro#e# on their o"n root#

"ill !ro$e %ore #ati#factory for the general run of !lanter# than budded #tock. =n o"nArooted #tock( the #ucker# or #hoot# fro% belo" the #urface of the #oil "ill be of the #a%e kind( "herea# "ith budded ro#e# there i# danger of the #tock (u#ually Manetti or dog ro#e) #tarting into gro"th and( not being di#co$ered( outgro"ing the bud( taking !o##e##ion( and finally killing out the "eaker gro"th. Still( if the !lant# are #et dee! enough to !re$ent ad$entitiou# bud# of the #tock fro% #tarting and the gro"er i# alert( thi# difficulty i# reduced to a %ini%u%. There i# no Iue#tion but that finer ro#e# %ay be gro"n than fro% !lant# on their o"n root#( "ith#tanding the heat of the 6%erican #u%%er( if the gro"er take# the !ro!er !recaution#. JPruning ro#e#.J )n !runing ro#e#( deter%ine "hether they bloo% on cane# ari#ing each year fro% the ground or near the ground( or "hether they %ake !erennial to!#G al#o for% a clear idea "hether an abundance of flo"er# i# "anted for garden effect#( or "hether large #!eci%en bloo%# are de#ired. )f one i# !runing the hybrid !er!etual or re%ontant ro#e# ("hich are no" the co%%on garden ro#e#)( he cut# back all $ery $igorou# cane# !erha!# oneAhalf their length i%%ediately after the Bune bloo% i# !a#t in order to !roduce ne"( #trong #hoot# for fall flo"ering( and al#o to %ake good botto%# for the ne/t yearH# bloo%. .ery #e$ere #u%%er !runing( ho"e$er( i# likely to !roduce too %uch leafy gro"th. )n the fall( all cane# %ay be #hortened to ? feet( four or fi$e of the be#t cane# being left to each !lant. )n #!ring( the#e cane# are again cut back to fre#h "ood( lea$ing !erha!# four or fi$e good bud# on each caneG fro% the#e bud# the flo"ering cane# of the year are to co%e. )f it i# de#ired to #ecure fe"er bloo%#( but of the be#t #iEe and Iuality( fe"er cane# %ay be left and only t"o or three ne" #hoot# be allo"ed to #!ring fro% each one the ne/t #!ring. The rule in tri%%ing all caneAbearing ro#e# i#( Jcut back "eak gro"ing kind# #e$erelyG #trong gro"er# %oderately.J li%bing and !illar ro#e# need only the "eak branche# and the ti!# #hortened in. =ther hardy kind# "ill u#ually need cutting back about oneAfourth or oneAthird( according to the $igor of the branche#( either in the #!ring or fall. The e$erbloo%ing or hybrid tea ro#e# "ill need to ha$e all dead "ood re%o$ed at the ti%e of unco$ering the% in #!ring. So%e !runing during the #u%%er i# al#o u#eful in encouraging gro"th and flo"er#. The #tronger branche# that ha$e flo"ered %ay be cut back oneAhalf or %ore. The #"eet brier#( 6u#trian and rugo#a# %ay be ke!t in bu#h for%G but the trunk# %ay be cut out at the ground e$ery t"o or three year#( ne" #hoot# ha$ing been allo"ed to co%e u! in the %eanti%e. 6ll ra%!ant gro"th# #hould be cut back or taken out. J)n#ect# and di#ea#e# of ro#e#.J Mo#t of the #u%%er in#ect# that trouble the ro#e are be#t treated by a forceful #!ray of clear "ater. Thi# #hould be done early in the day and again at e$ening. Tho#e ha$ing city "ater or good #!ray !u%!# "ill find thi# an ea#y %ethod of kee!ing ro#e !e#t# in check. Tho#e "ithout the#e facilitie# %ay u#e "haleAoil #oa!( firAtree oil( good #oa! #ud#( the tobacco !re!aration#( or Per#ian in#ect !o"der.

The ro#eAbug or chafer #hould be handA!icked or knocked off early in the %orning into a !an of coal oil. The leafAroller %u#t be cru#hed. The %ilde"# are controlled by the $ariou# #ulfur #!ray#. J,inter !rotection of ro#e#.J 6ll garden ro#e# #hould be "ell %ulched "ith lea$e# or coar#e %anure in the fall. Mounding earth about the root al#o afford# e/cellent !rotection. Bending o$er the to!# and co$ering "ith gra## or e$ergreen bough# i# al#o to be reco%%ended for #uch kind# a# are #u#!ected to be injured by "interG the bough# are !referable becau#e they do not attract %ice. Corth of the =hio 0i$er all the e$erbloo%ing ro#e#( e$en if they "ill endure the "inter un!rotected( "ill be better for !rotection. Thi# %ay be #light #outh"ard( but #hould be thorough north"ard. The #oil( location( and #urrounding# often deter%ine the e/tent of !rotection. )f the #ituation i# not #o fa$orable( %ore !rotection "ill be nece##ary. 6long the =hio( a hea! of #table %anure( or light #oil that doe# not beco%e !acked and "aterAlogged( !laced about the ba#e of the !lant#( "ill carry o$er %any of the tea ro#e#. The to!# are killed backG but the !lant# #!rout fro% the ba#e of the old branche# in the #!ring. Bon Silene( Etoile de Lyon( Perle de# Bardin#( M%e. a%ille( and other# are readily "intered there in thi# "ay. 6bout hicago (J6%erican -lori#t(J /.( Co. ?9>( !. 272( 1>29) bed# ha$e been #ucce##fully !rotected by bending do"n the to!#( fa#tening the%( and then !lacing o$er and a%ong the !lant# a layer of dead lea$e# to the de!th of a foot. The lea$e# %u#t be dry( and the #oil al#o( before a!!lying the%G thi# i# $ery e##ential. 6fter the lea$e#( a layer of la"nAcli!!ing#( highe#t at the %iddle( and K or 9 inche# thick( !laced o$er the lea$e#( hold# the% in !lace and #hed# "ater. Thi# !rotection carrie# o$er the hardie#t #ort# of e$erbloo%ing ro#e#( including the tea#. The to!# are killed back "hen not bent do"n( but thi# !rotection #a$e# the root# and cro"n#G "hen bent do"n( the to!# "ent through "ithout da%age. E$en the cli%bing ro#e Gloire de &ijon "a# carried through the "inter of 1>2KA1>29 at hicago "ithout the #lighte#t injury to the branche#. Strong !lant# of the e$erbloo%ing or hybrid tea ro#e# can no" be had at $ery rea#onable rate#( and rather than go to the trouble of !rotecting the% in the fall( %any !er#on# buy #uch a# they need for bedding !ur!o#e# each #!ring. )f the #oil of the bed# i# "ell enriched( the !lant# %ake a ra!id and lu/uriant gro"th( bloo%ing freely throughout the #u%%er. )f one de#ire# to go to the trouble( he %ay !rotect the#e and al#o the tea ro#e# e$en in the northern #tate# by %ounding earth about the !lant# and then building a little #hed or hou#e about the% (or in$erting a large bo/ o$er the%) and !acking about the !lant# "ith lea$e# or #tra". So%e !er#on# %ake bo/e# that can be knocked do"n in the #!ring and #tored. The roof #hould #hed "ater. Thi# %ethod i# better than tying the !lant# u! in #tra" and burla!#. So%e of the hybrid tea# do not need #o %uch !rotection a# thi#( e$en in central Ce" *ork. J.arietie# of ro#e#.J

The #election of kind# #hould be %ade in reference to the locality and !ur!o#e for "hich the ro#e# are "anted. -or bedding ro#e#( tho#e that are of freeAbloo%ing habit( e$en though the indi$idual flo"er# are not large( are the one# that #hould be cho#en. -or !er%anent bed#( the #oAcalled hybrid !er!etual or re%ontant ro#e#( bloo%ing !rinci!ally in Bune( "ill be found to be hardy at the Corth.AABut if one can gi$e the% !ro!er !rotection during the "inter( then the Bengal( tea( bourbon( and hybrid tea# or e$erbloo%ing ro#e#( %ay be #elected. )n #ection# "here the te%!erature doe# not fall belo" 78 deg. abo$e Eero( any of the %onthly ro#e# "ill li$e "ithout !rotection. 6t the South the re%ontant# and other deciduou# ro#e# do not do a# "ell a# farther Corth. The tender cli%ber#AACoi#ette#( cli%bing tea#( bengal#( and other#AAare e/cellent for !illar#( arbor#( and $eranda# at the South( but are fit only for the con#er$atory in tho#e !art# of the country "here there i# #e$ere freeEing. -or the o!en air at the Corth "e ha$e to de!end for cli%bing ro#e# %ainly on the !rairie cli%ber#( and the ra%bler# (!olyantha#)( "ith their recent !ink and "hite $arietie#. The trailing J0o#a ,ichuraianaJ i# al#o a u#eful addition a# an e/cellent hardy ro#e for bank#. -or the northern #tate# a choice #%all li#t i# a# follo"#5 hybrid !er!etual#( Mr#. Bohn Laing( ,ilder( @lrich Brunner( -rau Darl &ru#chki( Paul CeyronG d"arf !olyantha#( lothilde Sou!ert( Mada%e Corbert Le$a$a##eur (Baby 0a%bler)( Mlle. ecile BrunnerG hybrid tea#( Gru# an Te!litE( La -rance( aroline Te#tout( Dai#erin .ictoria( DillarneyG tea#( Pink Ma%an ochet( ,hite Ma%an ochet. The follo"ing cla##ified li#t# e%brace #o%e of the $arietie# of recogniEed %erit for $ariou# !ur!o#e#. There are %any other#( but it i# de#irable to li%it the li#t to a fe" good kind#. The intending !lanter #hould con#ult recent catalogue#. J-reeAbloo%ing %onthly ro#e# for bedding.JAAThe#e are reco%%ended not for the indi$idual beauty of the flo"erAAalthough #o%e are $ery fineAAbut becau#e of their #uitability for the !ur!o#e indicated. )f to be carried o$er "inter in the o!en ground( they need to be !rotected north of ,a#hington. )n bed#( !egging do"n the branche# "ill be found de#irable. Tho#e %arked (6) ha$e !ro$ed hardy in #outhern )ndiana "ithout !rotection( although they are %ore #ati#factory "ith it. (The na%e of the cla## to "hich the $ariety belong# i# indicated by the initial letter or letter# of the cla## na%e5 .( hinaG T.( TeaG H.T.( Hybrid TeaG B.( BourbonG Pol.( PolyanthaG C.( Coi#etteG H.P.( Hybrid Per!etualG Pr.( Prairie li%ber)5AA J0edJAASanguinea( . 6gri!!ina( . Marion &ingee( T. (6)Meteor( H.T. JPinkJAA(6)Her%o#a( B. Sou$enir dHun 6%i( T. Pink Sou!ert( Pol. (6)Gen. Tarta#( T. JBlu#hJAA(6) el#( . M%e. Bo#e!h Sch"artE( T. (6)Sou$enir de la Mal%ai#on( B. Mignonette( Pol.

J,hiteJAA(6) lothilde Sou!ert( Pol. (6)So%breuil( B. Sno"flake( T. PacIuerette( Pol. J*ello"JAA(6))#abella S!runt( T. Mo#ella (*ello" Sou!ert)( Pol. La Pactole( T. Marie $an Houtte( T. J-reeAbloo%ing %onthly ro#e# for #u%%er cutting and bed#.JAAThe#e are #o%e"hat le## de#irable for !urely bedding !ur!o#e# than the !recedingG but they afford finer flo"er# and are u#eful for their fine bud#. Tho#e %arked (6) are hardy in #outhern )ndiana "ithout !rotection5AA J0edJAA(6)Meteor. (6)&in#%ore( H.P. (6)Pierre Guillot( H.T. Pa!a Gontier( T. JLight PinkJAA(6)La -rance( H.T. ounte## de Labarthe( T. (6)6!!oline( B. J,hiteJAAThe Bride( T. Senator McCaughton( T. (6)Marie Guillot( T. (6)M%e. Ba$ay( T. Dai#erin 6ugu#ta .ictoria( H.T. J&ark PinkJAA(6)6%erican Beauty( H.T. (6)&uche## of 6lbany( H.T. M%e. . Te#tout( H.T. 6da%( T. (6)Marie &ucher( T. J*ello"JAAPerle de# Bardin#( T. M%e. ,elch( T. Sun#et( T. Marie $an Houtte( T. JHybrid !er!etual( or re%ontant( ro#e#(JAAThe#e do not flo"er a# freely a# the grou!# !re$iou#ly %entionedG but the indi$idual flo"er# are $ery large and uneIualed by any other ro#e#. They flo"er chiefly in Bune. Tho#e na%ed are a%ong the fine#t #ort#( and #o%e of the% flo"er %ore or le## continuou#ly5AA J0edJAA6lfred olo%b. Earl of &ufferin. Glorie de Margottin. 6nna de &ie#bach. @lrich Brunner. JPinkJAAMr#. Bohn Laing. Paul Ceyron. Sueen of Sueen#. Magna harta. Barone## 0oth#child.

J,hiteJAAMargaret &ick#on. Mer$eille de Lyon. JHardy cli%bing( or !illar ro#e#.JAAThe#e bloo% but once during the #ea#on. They co%e after the Bune ro#e#( ho"e$er(AAa good #ea#onAAand at that ti%e are %a##e# of flo"er#. They reIuire only #light !runing. J,hiteJAABalti%ore Belle( Pr. ,a#hington( C. 0o#a ,ichuraiana (trailing). JPinkJAASueen of the Prairie#( Pr. Tenne##ee Belle( Pr. li%bing Bule# Margotten( H.P. J ri%#onJAA ri%#on 0a%bler( Pol. J*ello"JAA*ello" 0a%bler( Pol. JTender cli%bing( or !illar ro#e#. -or con#er$atorie#( and the South a# far north a# Tenne##ee.JAATho#e %arked "ith (6)are halfAhardy north of the =hio 0i$er( or about a# hardy a# the hybrid tea#. The#e need no !runing e/ce!t a #light #horteningAin of the #hoot# and a thinning out of the "eak gro"th. J*ello"JAAMarechal Ciel( C. Solfaterre( C. (6)Gloire de &ijon( T. *ello" Bank#ia (Bank#iana). J,hiteJAA(6)6i%ee .ibert( C. BennettH# Seedling (6yr#hire). ,hite Bank#ia (Bank#iana). J0edJAA(6)0eine Marie Henriette( T. Ba%e# S!runt( . J0o#e# in "interJ (by .E. Hunn).

6lthough the gro"ing of ro#e# under gla## %u#t be left chiefly to flori#t#( ad$ice %ay be u#eful to tho#e "ho ha$e con#er$atorie#5AA ,hen gro"ing forcing ro#e# for "inter flo"er#( flori#t# u#ually !ro$ide rai#ed bed#( in the be#tAlighted hou#e# they ha$e. The botto% of the bed or bench i# left "ith crack# bet"een the board# for drainageG the crack# are co$ered "ith in$erted #tri!# of #od( and the bench i# then co$ered "ith K or 9 inche# of fre#h( fibrou# loa%. Thi# i# %ade fro% rotted #od#( "ith decayed %anure incor!orated at the rate of about one !art in four. Sod fro% any drained !a#tureAland %ake# good #oil. The !lant# are #et on the bed in the #!ring or early #u%%er( fro% 17 to 1> inche# a!art( and are gro"n there all #u%%er. &uring the "inter they are ke!t at a te%!erature of 9> deg. to L8 deg. at night( and fro% 9 deg. to 18 deg. "ar%er during the day. The heating !i!e# are often run under the benche#( not becau#e the ro#e like# botto% heat( but to econo%iEe #!ace and to a##i#t in drying out the bed# in ca#e of their beco%ing too "et. The greate#t care i# reIuired in "atering( in guarding the te%!erature( and in $entilation. &raught# re#ult in check# to the gro"th and in %ilde"ed foliage. &ryne## of the air( e#!ecially fro% fire heat( i# follo"ed by the a!!earance of the %inute red #!ider on the lea$e#. The a!hi#( or green

!lant lou#e( a!!ear# under all condition#( and %u#t be ke!t do"n by the u#e of #o%e of the tobacco !re!aration# (#e$eral of "hich are on the %arket). -or the red #!ider( the chief %ean# of control i# #yringing "ith either clear or #oa!y "ater. )f the !lant# are intelligently $entilated and gi$en( at all ti%e#( a# %uch fre#h air a# !o##ible( the red #!ider i# le## likely to a!!ear. -or %ilde"( "hich i# ea#ily recogniEed by it# "hite( !o"dery a!!earance on the foliage( acco%!anied "ith %ore or le## di#tortion of the lea$e#( the re%edy i# #ulfur in #o%e for% or other. The flo"er# of #ulfur %ay be du#ted thinly o$er the foliageG enough %erely #lightly to "hiten the foliage i# #ufficient. )t %ay be du#ted on fro% the hand in a broadca#t "ay( or a!!lied "ith a !o"derAbello"#( "hich i# a better and le## "a#teful %ethod. 6gain( a !aint co%!o#ed of #ulfur and lin#eed oil %ay be a!!lied to a !art of one of the #tea% or hotA"ater heating !i!e#. The fu%e# ari#ing fro% thi# are not agreeable to breathe( but fatal to %ilde". 6gain( a little #ulfur %ay be #!rinkled here and there on the cooler !art# of the greenhou#e flue. @nder no circu%#tance#( ho"e$er( ignite any #ulfur in a greenhou#e. The $a!or of burning #ulfur i# death to !lant#. JPro!agation of hou#e ro#e#.JAAThe "riter ha# kno"n "o%en "ho could root ro#e# "ith the greate#t ea#e. They "ould #i%!ly break off a branch of the ro#e( in#ert it in the flo"erAbed( co$er it "ith a bellAjar( and in a fe" "eek# they "ould ha$e a #trong !lant. 6gain they "ould re#ort to layeringG in "hich ca#e a branch( notched half"ay through on the lo"er #ide( "a# bent to the ground and !egged do"n #o that the notched !art "a# co$ered "ith a fe" inche# of #oil. The layered #!ot "a# "atered fro% ti%e to ti%e. 6fter three or four "eek# root# "ere #ent forth fro% the notch and the branch or bud# began to gro"( "hen it "a# kno"n that the layer had for%ed root#. Se$eral year# ago a friend took a chee#eAbo/( filled it "ith #har! #and to the bri%( #u!!orted it in a tub of "ater #o that the lo"er halfAinch of the bo/ "a# i%%er#ed. The #and "a# !acked do"n( #!rinkled( and #ingleAjoint ro#e cutting#( "ith a bud and a leaf near the to!( "ere in#erted al%o#t their "hole length in the #and. Thi# "a# in Buly( a hot %onth( "hen it i# u#ually difficult to root any kind of cuttingG %oreo$er( the bo/ #tood on a #outhern #lo!e( facing the hot #un( "ithout a !article of #hade. The only attention gi$en the bo/ "a# to kee! the "ater high enough in the tub to touch the botto% of the chee#eAbo/. )n about three "eek# he took out three or four doEen of a# nicely rooted cutting# a# could ha$e been gro"n in a greenhou#e. The '#aucer #y#te%(' in "hich cutting# are in#erted in "et #and contained in a #aucer an inch or t"o dee!( to be e/!o#ed at all ti%e# to the full #un#hine( i# of a #i%ilar nature. The e##ential# are( to gi$e the cutting# the 'full #un' and to kee! the #and #aturated "ith "ater. ,hate$er %ethod i# u#ed( if cutting# are to be tran#!lanted after rooting( it i# i%!ortant to !ot the% off in #%all !ot# a# #oon a# they ha$e a clu#ter of root# oneAhalf inch or an inch long. Lea$ing the% too long in the #and "eaken# the cutting. + + + + +

SM)L6F of the flori#t# i# clo#ely allied to a#!aragu# (it i# J6#!aragu# %edeoloide#J of the botani#t#). ,hile it cannot be reco%%ended for hou#e culture( the ea#e "ith "hich it %ay be gro"n and

the u#e# to "hich the fe#toon# of lea$e# %ay be !ut entitle it to a !lace in the con#er$atory or greenhou#e. Seed #o"n in !ot# or bo/e# in Banuary or -ebruary( the !lant# #hifted a# needed until !lanted on the bench in 6ugu#t( "ill gro" fine #tring# of green by the holiday#. The te%!erature #hould be rather high. The !lant# #hould be #et on lo" benche#( gi$ing a# %uch roo% a# !o##ible o$erhead. GreenAcolored #tring# #hould be u#ed for the $ine# to cli%b on( the $ine# freIuently #yringed to kee! do"n the red #!ider( "hich i# $ery de#tructi$e to thi# !lant( and liIuid %anure gi$en a# the $ine# gro". The #oil #hould contain a good !ro!ortion of #and and be enriched "ith "ellArotted %anure. 6fter the fir#t #tring# are cut( a #econd gro"th fully a# good a# the fir#t %ay be had by cleaning u! the !lant# and to!Adre##ing the #oil "ith rotted %anure. So%eti%e# the old root# are ke!t three or four year#. Slightly #hading the hou#e through 6ugu#t "ill add to the color of the lea$e#. The odor fro% a $ine of #%ila/ thickly co$ered "ith the #%all flo"er# i# $ery agreeable. ST= DS.AAThe TenA"eek# and the biennial or Bro%!ton #tock# (#!ecie# of JMatthiolaJ) are found in nearly all oldAfa#hioned garden#. Mo#t garden# are thought to be inco%!lete "ithout the%( and the u#e of the biennial flo"ering #!ecie# a# hou#eA!lant# i# increa#ing. The TenA"eek# #tock i# u#ually gro"n fro% #eed #o"n in hotbed# or bo/e# in March. The #eedling# are tran#!lanted #e$eral ti%e# !re$iou# to being !lanted out in early May. 6t each tran#!lanting the #oil #hould be %ade a little richer. The double flo"er# "ill be %ore nu%erou# "hen the #oil i# rich. The biennial #!ecie# (or Bro%!ton #tock#) #hould be #o"n the #ea#on !re$iou# to that in "hich flo"er# are "anted( the !lant# "intered o$er in a cool hou#e( and gro"n in the follo"ing #!ring. They %ay be !lanted out through the #u%%er and lifted into !ot# in 6ugu#t or Se!te%ber for "inter flo"ering. The#e %ay be increa#ed by cutting# taken fro% the #ide #hoot#G but the #o"ing of #eed i# a #urer %ethod( and unle## an e/tra fine $ariety i# to be #a$ed( it "ould be the be#t one to !ur#ue. Height( 18 to 19 inche#. S,EET PE6.AA6 hardy( tendrilAcli%bing annual( uni$er#ally !riEed a# an outdoor garden !lantG al#o forced to #o%e e/tent by flori#t#. =n any occa#ion the #"eet !ea i# in !lace. 6 bouIuet of #haded color#( "ith a fe" #!ray# of galiu% or the !erennial gy!#o!hila( %ake# one of the choice#t of table decoration#. &ee!( %ello" #oil( early !lanting( and hea$y %ulching #uit the% ad%irably. )t i# ea#y to %ake #oil# too rich in nitrogen for #"eet !ea#G in #uch ca#e( they "ill run to $ine at the e/!en#e of flo"er#. So" the #eed# a# #oon a# the ground i# fit to "ork in the #!ring( %aking a drill 9 inche# dee!. So" thickly and co$er "ith 7 inche# of earth. ,hen the !lant# ha$e %ade 7 or ? inche#H gro"th abo$e the earth( fill the drill nearly full( lea$ing a #light de!re##ion in "hich "ater %ay be caught. 6fter the #oil i# thoroughly #oaked "ith "ater( a good %ulch "ill hold the %oi#ture. To ha$e the ground ready in early #!ring( it i# a good !lan to trench the ground in the fall. The to! of the #oil then drie# out $ery Iuickly in #!ring and i# left in good !hy#ical condition.

)n the %iddle and #outhern #tate# the #eed %ay be !lanted in fall( !articularly in lighter #oil#. -reIuent #yringing "ith clear "ater "ill kee! off the red #!ider that often de#troy# the foliage( and attention to !icking the #eed !od# "ill lengthen the #ea#on of bloo%. )f the fine#t flo"er# are "anted( do not let the !lant# #tand le## than > to 17 inche# a!art. 6 #ucce##ion of #o"ing# %ay be %ade at inter$al# through May and Bune( and a fair fall cro! #ecured if care i# taken to "ater and %ulchG but the be#t re#ult# "ill be #ecured "ith the $ery early !lanting. ,hen the !lant# are "atered( a!!ly enough to #oak the #oil( and do not "ater freIuently. S,6)CS=C6.AAThi# !lant ha# been called the "inter #"eet !ea( but the flo"er# are not fragrant. )t %ake# a $ery de#irable hou#e !lant( bloo%ing through the late "inter and early #!ring %onth#. The blo##o%#( "hich re#e%ble tho#e of the !ea( are borne in long race%e#. The foliage i# finely cut( re#e%bling #%all locu#t lea$e#( and add# to the beauty of the !lant( the "hole effect being e/ceedingly graceful. S"ain#ona %ay be gro"n fro% #eed or cutting#. utting# taken in late "inter #hould %ake bloo%ing !lant# in #u%%erG the#e !lant# %ay be u#ed for "inter bloo%( but it i# better to rai#e ne" !lant#. So%e gardener# cut back old !lant# to #ecure ne" bloo%ing "oodG thi# i# de#irable if the !lant# gro" %ore or le## !er%anently in the greenhou#e border( but for !ot# ne" !lant# #hould be gro"n. The co%%on #"ain#ona i# "hiteAflo"eredG but there i# a good ro#eAcolored $ariety. T@BE0=SE (!ro!erly JtuberAo#e(J not JtubeAro#e(J fro% it# #!ecific na%e( JPolianthe# tubero#aJ).AAThi# !lant( "ith it# tall #!ike# of "a/en and fragrant "hite flo"er#( i# "ell kno"n in the %iddle latitude#( but u#ually reIuire# %ore heat and a longer #ea#on than are co%%only !re#ent in the %o#t northern #tate#. The tubero#e i# a #trong feeder( and lo$e# "ar%th( !lenty of "ater "hile gro"ing( and a dee!( rich( and "ellAdrained #oil. The bulb# %ay be #et in the garden or border the la#t of May or in Bune( co$ering the% about 1 inch dee!. Pre!aratory to !lanting( the old dead root# at the ba#e of the bulb #hould be cut a"ay and the !i!# or young bulb# about the #ide# re%o$ed. 6fter kee!ing the% till their #car# are dried o$er( the#e !i!# %ay be !lanted 9 or L inche# a!art in drill#( and "ith good #oil and culti$ation they "ill %ake bloo%ing bulb# for the follo"ing year. Before !lanting the large bulb#( it %ay be "ell to e/a%ine the !oint#( to deter%ine "hether they are likely to bloo%. The tubero#e bloo%# but once. )f there i# a hard( "oody !iece of old #te% in the %id#t of the dry #cale# at the a!e/ of the bulb( it ha# bloo%ed( and i# of no $alue e/ce!t for !roducing !i!#. Like"i#e if( in#tead of a #olid core( there i# a bro"ni#h( dry ca$ity e/tending fro% the ti! do"n into the %iddle of the bulb( the heart ha# rotted or dried u!( and the bulb i# "orthle## a# far a# bloo%ing i# concerned. Bulb# of bloo%ing #iEe #et in the border in Bune flo"er to"ard the clo#e of Se!te%ber. They %ay be %ade to flo"er three or four "eek# #ooner by #tarting the% early in #o%e "ar% !lace( "here they %ay be gi$en a te%!erature of about L8 deg. to 38 deg.. Pre!are the bulb# a# abo$e( and !lace the% "ith their ti!# ju#t abo$e the #urface in about ?Aor KAinch

!ot#( in light #andy #oil. ,ater the% thoroughly( after"ard# #!aringly( till the lea$e# ha$e %ade con#iderable gro"th. The#e !lant# %ay be turned out into the o!en ground the la#t of May or in Bune( and "ill !robably flo"er in early Se!te%ber. :)llu#tration5 FF. 6 #i%!le but effecti$e "indo"Abo/( containing geraniu%#( !etunia#( $erbena#( heliotro!e( and $ine#.< )n the northern #tate#( if !lanted in the border they "ill not #tart into gro"th until the ground ha# beco%e thoroughly "ar%(AAu#ually after the %iddle of Bune(AA%aking the #ea#on before fro#t too #hort for their !erfect gro"th and flo"er. )f any danger of fall fro#t i# feared( they %ay be lifted into !ot# or bo/e# and taken into the hou#e( "hen they "ill bloo% "ithout a check. 6# "ith other bulb#( a #andy #oil "ill #uit. Bu#t before fro#t dig u! the bulb#( cut off the to!# to "ithin 7 inche# of the a!e/ of the bulb. They %ay then be !laced in #hallo" bo/e# and left out in the #un and air for a "eek or %ore( to cure. Each e$ening( if the night# are cold( they #hould be re%o$ed to #o%e roo% "here the te%!erature "ill not fall belo" K8 deg.. ,hen the outer #cale# ha$e beco%e dry( the re%aining #oil %ay be #haken off and the bulb# #tored a"ay in #hallo" bo/e# for the "inter. They kee! be#t in a te%!erature of K9 deg. to 98 deg.. )t #hould ne$er fall belo" K8 deg.. The &"arf Pearl( originating in 1>38( ha# long been !o!ular( and i# #till #o "ith %any. But other# ha$e co%e to !refer the old( tall kind( the flo"er# of "hich( e$en if not #o large( are !erfect in for% and #ee% to o!en better. T@L)PS are undoubtedly the %o#t !riEed of all early #!ring bulb#. They are hardy and ea#y to gro". They al#o bloo% "ell in "inter in a #unny cli%ate. The garden bed "ill la#t #e$eral year# if "ell cared for( but %o#t #ati#factory bloo% i# #ecured if the old bulb# are taken u! e$ery t"o or three year# and re!lanted( all the inferior one# being ca#t a#ide. ,hen the #tock begin# to run out( buy ane". The old #tock( if not entirely #!ent( %ay be !lanted in the #hrubbery or !erennial border#. Se!te%ber i# the be#t ti%e for !lanting tuli!#( but a# the bed# are u#ually occu!ied at thi# ti%e( !lanting i# co%%only !o#t!oned till =ctober of Co$e%ber. -or garden culture the #ingle early tuli!# are the be#t. There are e/cellent early doubleAflo"ered $arietie#. So%e !refer the double( a# their flo"er# la#t longer. Late tuli!# are gorgeou#( but occu!y the bed# too long in the #!ring. ,hile tuli!# are hardy( they are benefited by a "inter %ulch. )n "orking out de#ign !attern#( the ut%o#t care #hould be u#ed to ha$e the line# and cur$e# unifor%( "hich i# only to be #ecured by %arking out the de#ign( and careful !lanting. -or%al !lanting i#( ho"e$er( by no %ean# nece##ary for !lea#ing effect#. Border#( line#( and %a##e# of #ingle color#( or grou!# of %i/ed color# "hich har%oniEe( are al"ay# in order and !lea#ing. lear color# are !referable to neutral tint#. 6# $arietie# $ary in height and #ea#on of bloo%ing( only na%ed $arietie# #hould be ordered if unifor% bedding effect# are de#ired. See !!. 7>L and ?K9G -ig. 799. .)=LET.AA,hile the culture of $iolet# a# hou#eA!lant# rarely !ro$e# #ucce##ful( there i# no rea#on "hy a good #u!!ly %ay not be had el#e"here through the greater !art of the "inter and the #!ring %onth#.

6 #heltered location being #elected( young !lant# fro% runner# %ay be #et in 6ugu#t or Se!te%ber. Ha$e the ground fertile and "ell drained. The#e !lant# "ill %ake fine cro"n# by &ece%ber( and often "ill bloo% before "eather #ufficiently cold to freeEe the%. To ha$e flo"er# through the "inter( it "ill be nece##ary to afford #o%e !rotection. Thi# %ay be#t be acco%!li#hed by building a fra%e of board# large enough to co$er the !lant#( %aking the fra%e in the #a%e "ay a# for a hotbed( K to L inche# higher at the back than the front. o$er the fra%e "ith #a#h or board#( and a# the "eather beco%e# #e$ere( %at# or #tra" #hould be !laced o$er and around the fra%e to !rotect the !lant# fro% freeEing. ,hene$er the "eather "ill !er%it( the co$ering #hould be re%o$ed and air ad%itted( but no har% "ill co%e if the fra%e# are not di#turbed for #e$eral "eek#. Much #unlight and a high te%!erature through the %iddle of "inter are to be a$oided( for if the !lant# are #ti%ulated( a #horter !eriod of bloo% "ill re#ult. )n 6!ril the fra%e %ay be re%o$ed( the !lant# yielding the later !art of the cro! "ithout !rotection. .iolet# belong "ith the 'cool' !lant# of flori#t#. ,hen "ell hardened off( con#iderable fro#t doe# not har% the%. They #hould al"ay# be ke!t #tocky. Start a ne" lot fro% runnerA!lant# each year. They thri$e in a te%!erature of 99 deg. to L9 deg.. Page# 128( 78L. ,6FAPL6CT.AAThe "a/A!lant( or hoya( i# one of the co%%one#t of "indo"Agarden !lant#( and yet it i# one that hou#eAgardener# u#ually ha$e difficulty in flo"ering. Ho"e$er( it i# one of the ea#ie#t !lant# to %anage if a !er#on under#tand# it# nature. )t i# naturally a #u%%erAbloo%ing !lant( and #hould re#t in "inter. )n the "inter( kee! it ju#t ali$e in a cool and rather dry !lace. )f the te%!erature doe# not go abo$e 98 deg. -ahr.( #o %uch the betterG neither #hould it go %uch lo"er. )n late "inter or #!ring( the !lant i# brought out to "ar% te%!erature( gi$en "ater( and #tarted into gro"th. The old flo"erA#te%# #hould not be cut off( #ince ne" flo"er# co%e fro% the% a# "ell a# fro% the ne" "ood. ,hen it i# brought out to be #tarted into gro"th( it %ay be re!otted( #o%eti%e# into a #iEe larger !ot( but al"ay# "ith %ore or le## fre#h earth. The !lant #hould increa#e in $alue each year. )n con#er$atorie#( it i# #o%eti%e# !lanted out in the ground and allo"ed to run o$er a "all( in "hich ca#e it "ill reach a height of %any feet.

H6PTE0 )F THE G0=,)CG =- THE -0@)T PL6CTS -ruit# #hould be counted a regular !art of the ho%e !re%i#e#. There are fe" re#idence !lot# #o #%all that fruit# of #o%e kind cannot be gro"n. )f there i# no o!!ortunity for !lanting the orchard fruit# by the%#el$e# at regular inter$al#( there are #till boundarie# to the !lace( and along the#e boundarie# and #cattered in the border %a##e#( a!!le#( !ear#( and other fruit# %ay be !lanted. )t i# not to be e/!ected that fruit# "ill thri$e a# "ell in the#e !lace# a# in "ellAtilled orchard#( but #o%ething can be done( and the re#ult# are often $ery #ati#factory. 6long a back fence or "alk( one %ay !lant a ro" or t"o of currant#( goo#eberrie#( or blackberrie#( or he %ay %ake a

trelli# of gra!e#. )f there are no tree# near the front or back of the border( the fruit !lant# %ay be !laced clo#e together in the ro" and the greate#t de$elo!%ent of the to!# %ay be allo"ed to take !lace laterally. )f one ha# a back yard fifty feet on a #ide( there "ill be o!!ortunity( in three border#( for #i/ to eight fruit tree#( and bu#hAfruit# bet"een( "ithout encroaching greatly on the la"n. )n #uch ca#e#( the tree# are !lanted ju#t in#ide the boundary line. 6 #ugge#tion for the arrange%ent of a fruit garden of one acre i# gi$en in -ig. 738. Such a !lan allo"# of continuou# culti$ation in one direction and facilitate# #!raying( !runing( and har$e#tingG and the inter%ediate #!ace# %ay be u#ed for the gro"ing of annual cro!#( at lea#t for a fe" year#. J&"arf fruitAtree#.J :)llu#tration5 -ig. 738. Plan for a fruitAgarden of one acre. -ro% 'Princi!le# of -ruitAgro"ing.'< -or $ery #%all area#( and for the gro"ing of the fine#t de##ert fruit#( d"arf tree# %ay be gro"n of a!!le# and !ear#. The a!!le i# d"arfed "hen it i# "orked on certain #%all and #lo"Agro"ing ty!e# of a!!le tree#( a# the !aradi#e and doucin #tock#. The !aradi#e i# the better( if one de#ire# a $ery #%all and !roducti$e tree or bu#h. The doucin %ake# only a halfAd"arf. The !ear i# d"arfed "hen it i# gro"n on the root of Iuince. &"arf !ear# %ay be !lanted a# clo#e a# ten feet a!art each "ay( although %ore roo% #hould be gi$en the% if !o##ible. Paradi#e d"arf# (a!!le#) %ay be !lanted eight or ten feet each "ay( and doucin t"ice that di#tance. 6ll d"arf# #hould be ke!t #%all by $igorou# annual headingAin. )f the tree i# %aking good gro"th( #ay one to three feet( a half to t"oAthird# of the gro"th %ay be taken off in "inter. 6 d"arf a!!le or !ear tree #hould be ke!t "ithin a height of t"el$e or fifteen feet( and it #hould not attain thi# #tature in le## than ten or t"el$e year#. 6 d"arf a!!le tree( in full bearing( #hould a$erage fro% t"o !eck# to a bu#hel of fir#t Iuality a!!le#( and a d"arf !ear #hould do #o%e"hat %ore than thi#. )f one gro"# d"arf fruit tree#( he #hould e/!ect to gi$e the% e/tra attention in !runing and culti$ating. =nly in $ery e/ce!tional in#tance# can the d"arf fruit# be e/!ected to eIual the freeAgro"ing #tandard# in co%%ercial re#ult#. Thi# i# !articularly true of d"arf a!!le#( "hich are !ractically ho%eAgarden !lant# in thi# country. Thi# being the ca#e( only the choice de##ert fruit# #hould be atte%!ted on !aradi#e and doucin root#. -or ho%e garden# the !aradi#e "ill !robably gi$e %ore #ati#faction than the doucin. )f the tree i# taken young( it %ay be trained along a "all or on an e#!alier trelli#G and in #uch condition# the fruit# #hould be of e/tra Iuality if the $arietie# are choice. Plate FF)) #ho"# the training of a d"arf !ear on a "all. Thi# tree ha# been %any year# in good bearing. )n %o#t !art# of the country a #outhern "all e/!o#ure i# likely to force the bloo% #o early a# to in$ite danger fro% #!ring fro#t#. J6ge and #iEe of tree#.J -or ordinary !lanting( it i# de#irable to choo#e tree# t"o year# fro% bud or graft( e/ce!t in ca#e of the !each( "hich #hould be one year old.

Many gro"er# find #trong oneAyear tree# !referable. 6 good #iEe i# about fi$eAeighth# of an inch in dia%eter ju#t abo$e the collar( and fi$e feet in height( and if they ha$e been "ell gro"n( tree# of thi# #iEe "ill gi$e a# good re#ult# a# tho#e #e$enAeighth# of an inch( or %ore( in dia%eter( and #i/ or #e$en feet high. Buy fir#tAcla## tree# of reliable dealer#. )t rarely !ay# to try to #a$e a fe" cent# on a tree( for Iuality i# likely to be #acrificed. )f !ro!erly !acked( tree# can be #hi!!ed long di#tance# and %ay do a# "ell a# tho#e gro"n in a ho%e nur#ery( but it "ill generally be be#t to #ecure the tree# a# near ho%e a# !o##ible( !ro$ided the Iuality of the tree# and the !rice are #ati#factory. ,hen a large nu%ber i# to be !urcha#ed( it "ill be better to #end the order direct to #o%e reliable nur#ery( or to #elect the tree# in !er#on( than to rely on tree !eddler#. JPruning.J Ha$ing !lanted the tree#( they #hould be carefully !runed. 6# a rule( tree# "ith lo" head# are de#irable. Peache# and d"arf !ear# #hould ha$e the lo"er branche# fro% 17 to 7K inche# abo$e ground( and #"eet cherrie# and #tandard !ear# generally not o$er ?8 inche#G !lu%#( #our cherrie#( and a!!le# %ay be #o%e"hat higher( but if !ro!erly handled( "hen #tarted ? feet fro% the ground( the to!# "ill not be in the "ay of the culti$ation of the orchard. -or all e/ce!t the !each in the northern #tate#( a !yra%idal for% "ill be de#irable. To #ecure thi#( four or fi$e #ide branche# "ith three or four bud# each( #hould be allo"ed to gro" and the center #hoot #hould be cut off at a height of 18 to 17 inche#. 6fter gro"th ha# #tarted( the tree# #hould be occa#ionally e/a%ined and all #ur!lu# #hoot# re%o$ed( thu# thro"ing the full $igor of the !lant into tho#e that re%ain. 6# a rule three or four #hoot# on each branch %ay be left to ad$antage. The follo"ing #!ring the #hoot# #hould be cut back oneAhalf and about half of the branche# re%o$ed. are #hould be taken to a$oid crotche#( and if any of the branche# cro##( #o that they are likely to rub( one or the other #hould be cut out. Thi# cuttingAback and tri%%ingAout #hould be continued for t"o or three year#( and in the ca#e of d"arf !ear tree# regular headingAback each year #hould be continued. 6lthough an occa#ional headingAback "ill be of ad$antage to the tree#( a!!le( !lu%( and cherry tree# that ha$e been !ro!erly !runed "hile young "ill not reIuire #o %uch attention after they co%e into bearing. Hea$y !runing of the to! tend# to the !roduction of "oodG therefore the #e$ere !runing of orchard tree#( follo"ing three or four year# of neglect( #et# the tree# into hea$y "oodAbearing( and %ake# the% %ore $igorou#. Such treat%ent generally tend# a"ay fro% fruitAbearing. Thi# hea$y !runing i# u#ually nece##ary in neglected orchard#( ho"e$er( to bring tree# back into #ha!e and to re$italiEe the%G but the be#t !runingAtreat%ent of an orchard i# to !rune it a little e$ery year. )t #hould be #o !runed that the to!# of the tree# "ill be o!en( that no t"o li%b# "ill interfere "ith each other( and #o that the fruit it#elf "ill not be #o abundant a# to o$erload the tree. )n general( it i# be#t to !rune orchard tree# late in "inter or early in #!ring. )t i# #o%eti%e# better( ho"e$er( to lea$e !eache# and other tender fruit# until after the bud# ha$e #"ollen( or e$en after the flo"er# ha$e fallen( in order that one %ay deter%ine ho" %uch they ha$e been injured by the "inter. Gra!e $ine# #hould be !runed in "inter or

not later (in Ce" *ork) than the fir#t of March. )f !runed later than thi#( they %ay bleed. The abo$e re%ark# "ill a!!ly to other tree# a# "ell a# to fruit#. JThinning the fruit.J )f the be#t #iEe and Iuality of fruit are de#ired( care %u#t be taken to #ee that the !lant doe# not o$erbear. Thinning of fruit ha# four general u#e#5 to cau#e the re%aining fruit to gro" largerG to increa#e the chance# of annual cro!#G to #a$e the $itality of the treeG to enable one to co%bat in#ect# and di#ea#e# by de#troying the injured fruit. The thinning i# nearly al"ay# !erfor%ed #oon after the fruit i# thoroughly #et. )t i# then !o##ible to deter%ine "hich of the fruit# are likely to !er#i#t. Peache# are u#ually thinned "hen they are the #iEe of oneH# thu%b. )f thinned before thi# ti%e( they are #o #%all that it i# difficult to !ick the% offG and it i# not #o ea#y to #ee the "ork of the curculio and thereby to #elect the injured fruit#. Si%ilar re%ark# a!!ly to other fruit#. The general tendency i#( e$en "ith tho#e "ho thin their fruit#( not to thin enough. )t i# u#ually #afer to take off "hat "ould #ee% to be too %any than not to take off enough. The re%aining #!eci%en# are better. .arietie# that tend to o$erbear !rofit $ery greatly by thinning. Thi# i# notably the ca#e "ith %any Ba!ane#e !lu%#( "hich( if not thinned( are $ery inferior. Thinning %ay al#o be acco%!li#hed by !runing. utting off the fruitAbud# "ill ha$e the effect of re%o$ing the fruit. )n the ca#e of tender fruit#( a# !eache#( ho"e$er( it %ay not be ad$i#able to thin $ery hea$ily by %ean# of !runing( #ince the fruit %ay be #till further thinned by the re%aining day# of "inter( by late #!ring fro#t( or by the leafAcurl or other di#ea#e. Ho"e$er( the !ro!er !runing of a !each tree in "inter i#( in !art( a thinning of the fruit. The !each i# borne on the "ood of the !re$iou# #ea#onH# gro"th. The be#t fruit# are to be e/!ected the #tronge#t and hea$ie#t gro"th. )t i# the !ractice of !eachAgro"er# to re%o$e all the "eak and i%%ature "ood fro% the in#ide of the tree. Thi# ha# the effect of thinning out the inferior fruit and allo"ing the energy of the tree to be e/!ended on the re%ainder. 6!!le# are rarely thinnedG but( in %any ca#e#( thinning can be done "ith !rofit. J,a#hing and #crubbing the tree#.J The "a#hing of orchard tree# i# an old !ractice. )t u#ually re#ult# in %aking a tree %ore $igorou#. =ne rea#on i# that it de#troy# in#ect# and fungi that lodge underneath the barkG but !robably the chief rea#on i# that it #often# the bark and allo"# the trunk to e/!and. )t i# !o##ible( al#o( that the !ota#h fro% the #oa! or lye e$entually !a##e# into the ground and afford# #o%e !lantAfood. Tree# are ordinarily "a#hed "ith #oa! #ud# or "ith a lye #olution. The %aterial i# u#ually a!!lied "ith an old broo% or a #tiff bru#h. The #crubbing of the tree i# !erha!# nearly or Iuite a# beneficial a# the a!!lication of the "a#h it#elf. )t i# cu#to%ary to "a#h tree# late in #!ring or early in #u%%er( and again in the fall( "ith the idea that #uch "a#hing de#troy# the egg# and the young of borer#. )t no doubt "ill de#troy borer# if they are ju#t getting a #tart( but it "ill not kee! a"ay the in#ect# that lay the

egg#( and "ill not de#troy the borer# that ha$e found their "ay beneath the bark. )t i# !erha!# Iuite a# "ell to "a#h the tree# $ery early in the #!ring( "hen they are #tarting into gro"th. )t i# an old !ractice to "a#h tree# "ith #trong lye "hen they are affected "ith the oy#terA#hell bark lou#e. The %odern %ethod of treating the#e !e#t#( ho"e$er( i# to #!ray "ith #o%e kero#ene or oil co%!ound "hen the young gro"th i# #tarting( for at that ti%e the young in#ect# are %igrating to the ne" "ood and they are $ery ea#ily de#troyed. The "hite"a#hing of the trunk# of tree# tend# al#o to relie$e the% of in#ect# and fungiG and it i# !robable that in hot and dry region# the "hite co$ering afford# !rotection fro% cli%ate. JGathering and kee!ing fruit.J Cearly all fruit# #hould be gathered a# #oon a# they "ill readily !art fro% the #te%# on "hich they are borne. ,ith %any !eri#hable fruit# the !ro!er ti%e for gathering "ill be deter%ined largely by the di#tance they are to be #hi!!ed. ,ith the e/ce!tion of "inter $arietie# of a!!le# and !ear# and a fe" kind# of gra!e#( it i# be#t to di#!o#e of fruit #oon after it i# gathered( unle## it i# ke!t for fa%ily u#e. )f for "inter u#e( the fruit #hould at once be !laced in the cellar or fruit hou#e in "hich it i# to be #tored( and there ke!t a# near the freeEing !oint a# !o##ible. There "ill be le## danger of #hri$eling if the fruit i# !laced at once in clo#ed barrel# or other tight !ackage#( but if !ro!er $entilation i# !ro$ided( it %ay be ke!t in bin# "ith little lo##. E$en though no ice i# u#ed( it "ill be !o##ible to %aintain a fairly lo" te%!erature by o!ening the "indo"# at night "hen the out#ide at%o#!here i# colder than that in#ide the building( and clo#ing the% during the day a# the outer air beco%e# "ar%er. -ruit #hould be handled "ith great care at all ti%e#( for if the cell# beco%e broken by rough handling( the kee!ing Iualitie# "ill be greatly injured. The illu#tration# (-ig#. 1>3A1>2) #ho" three ty!e# of fruit #torage hou#e#. 6!!le# and "inter !ear# %ay be !acked in #and or lea$e# in the cellar (in bo/e#) and thereby be ke!t fro% #hri$eling. 6LM=C&.AAThe al%ond tree i# #eldo% #een in the ea#tern #tate#( but no" and then one "ill be found in a yard and not bearing. The failure to bear %ay be due to fro#t injury or lack of !ollination. The al%ond i# about a# hardy a# the !each( but it bloo%# #o early in the #!ring that it i# little gro"n ea#t of the Pacific #lo!e. )t i# an intere#ting orna%ental tree( and it# early bloo% i# a %erit "hen the fruit i# not de#ired. The al%ond# co%%only #old by nur#ery%en in the ea#t are hardA#hell $arietie#( and the nut# are not good enough for co%%erce. The al%ond fruit i# a dru!e( like the !each( but the fle#h i# thin and hard and the !it i# the 'al%ond' of co%%erce. ulture a# for !each. The 'flo"ering al%ond#' are bu#he# of different #!ecie# fro% the fruitAbearing tree. They are u#ually grafted on !lu%( and the #tock i# likely to thro" u! #ucker# and cau#e trouble. 6PPLES thri$e o$er a "ider range of territory and under %ore

$aried condition# than any other tree fruit. Thi# %ean# that they are ea#y to gro". )n fact they are #o ea#y to gro" that they are u#ually neglected. 6!!le# do be#t on a #trong( #andy loa% #oil( or a light clay loa%. ,hile a #oil $ery rich in organic %atter i# not de#irable( good re#ult# cannot be #ecured unle## it contain# a fair a%ount of $egetable %atter. 6 clo$er #od i# !articularly de#irable for thi# a# "ell a# for other fruit#. -or a co%%ercial orchard( %o#t $arietie# #hould be fro% ?9 to K8 feet a!artG but the #lo"Agro"ing and longAli$ed #ort# %ay be at K8 feet( and( half"ay bet"een in both direction#( #o%e of the #hortAli$ed( earlyAbearing $arietie# %ay be !laced( to be re%o$ed after they begin to cro"d. )n ho%e ground# the tree# %ay be !laced #o%e"hat clo#er than ?9 to K8 feet( e#!ecially if they are !lanted on the boundarie#( #o that the li%b# %ay !roject freely in one direction. )t i# ordinarily ad$i#able( e#!ecially in the hu%id cli%ate# ea#t of the Great Lake#( to ha$e the body of the tree ?A1P7 to KA1P7 feet long. The li%b# #hould be tri%%ed u! to thi# !oint "hen the tree i# #et. -ro% three to fi$e %ain branche# %ay be left to for% the fra%e"ork of the to!. The#e #hould be #hortened back oneAfourth or oneAhalf "hen the tree i# #et. (-ig#. 1K7A1K9) Sub#eIuent !runing #hould kee! the to! of the tree o!en and %aintain it in %ore or le## #y%%etrical for%. ,e#t of the Great Lake#( !articularly on the !lain# and in the #e%iAarid region#( the to! %ay be #tarted %uch nearer the ground. )n orchard condition#( the tree# #hould be ke!t in clean culture( e#!ecially for the fir#t fe" year#G but thi# i# not al"ay# !o##ible in ho%e yard#. )n lieu of tillage( the #"ard %ay be %ulched each fall "ith #table %anure( and co%%ercial fertiliEer %ay be a!!lied each fall or #!ring. )f fruit i# "anted rather than foliage and #hade( care #hould be taken not to %ake ground too rich( but to kee! it in #uch condition that the tree i# %aking a fairly $igorou# gro"th( "ith good #trong foliage( but i# not o$ergro"ing. 6n a!!le tree in full bearing i# u#ually in good condition if the t"ig# gro" 18 to 1> inche# each #ea#on. 6!!le tree# #hould begin to bear "hen three to fi$e year# !lanted( and at ten year# #hould be bearing good cro!#. ,ith good treat%ent( they #hould continue to bear for thirty or %ore year# in the northea#tern #tate#. :)llu#tration5 FF). The king of fruit#. Ce"to"n a# gro"n in the Pacific country.< J)n#ect# and di#ea#e# of the a!!le.J 6%ong the in#ect# %o#t co%%only found on the a!!le tree are the codlinA%oth( cankerA"or%( and tentAcater!illar. The codlinA%oth lay# it# egg on the fruit #oon after the blo##o%# fall( and the lar$ae( on hatching( eat their "ay in#ide. 6 thorough #!raying of the tree# "ith ar#enite# "ithin a "eek after the blo##o%# fall "ill do %uch to"ard de#troying the%G and a #econd a!!lication( in about three "eek#( "ill be e##ential. The cankerA"or% (-ig. 713) and tentAcater!illar# feed on the lea$e#( and can al#o be de#troyed by %ean# of ar#enite#. To be effecti$e again#t the for%er( ho"e$er( the a!!lication# %u#t be %ade #oon after they hatch( and $ery thoroughly.

6 clo#e "atch #hould be ke!t for borer#. ,hene$er the bark a!!ear# to be dead or #unken in !atche#( re%o$e it and #earch for the cau#e. 6 borer "ill u#ually be found underneath the bark. 6bout the ba#e of the tree the %o#t #eriou# injury occur# fro% borer#( #ince the in#ect "hich enter# there bore# into the hard "ood. Hi# !re#ence can be deter%ined by the chi!# that are ca#t fro% hi# burro"#. )f the tree# are "ell culti$ated and in a thrifty gro"ing condition( the injury "ill be greatly reduced. )t "ill be "ell to "a#h the trunk# and larger branche# "ith #oft #oa!( thinned "ith "ater #o that it can be a!!lied "ith a bru#h or broo%( during the #!ring. The addition of an ounce of Pari# green in each fi$e gallon# of the "a#h "ill be of $alue. The only real re%edy( ho"e$er( i# to dig the borer# out. The %o#t trouble#o%e di#ea#e of the a!!le i# the a!!leA#cab( "hich di#figure# the fruit a# "ell a# le##en# it# #iEe. )t al#o often doe# %uch har% to the foliage( and thu# check# the gro"th of the tree# (-ig. 71K). The Bald"in( -a%eu#e( Corthern S!y and 0ed anada are !articularly #ubject to thi# di#ea#e( and it i# %uch %ore trouble#o%e in %oi#t #ea#on# than "hen the "eather i# dry. The u#e of fungicide# "ill do %uch to le##en the injury fro% thi# di#ea#e. J.arietie# of a!!le.J The #election of $arietie# of a!!le# for ho%e u#e i#( to a large e/tent( a !er#onal %atterG and no one %ay #ay "hat to !lant. 6 $ariety that i# #ucce##fully gro"n in one #ection %ay !ro$e di#a!!ointing in another. =ne #hould #tudy the locality in "hich he "i#he# to !lant and choo#e tho#e $arietie# "hich are the %o#t #ucce##fully gro"n there(AAchoo#ing fro% a%ong#t the #ucce##ful kind# tho#e "hich he like# be#t and "hich #ee% be#t to %eet the !ur!o#e# for "hich he i# to gro" the%. -or the northern and ea#tern #tate#( the follo"ing $arietie# "ill generally be found $aluable5AA :The $arietie# %arked "ith (6) are !articularly $aluable for %arket !ur!o#e# a# "ell a# for ho%e u#eG the other# are chiefly de#irable for ho%e u#e.< JEarly.JAA*ello" Tran#!arent( Early Har$e#t( Early Stra"berry( Pri%ate( &yer( Su%%er 0o#e( Early Boe( 0ed 6#trachan( Golden S"eet( =ldenburg((6) Su%%er Pear%ain( ,illia%# (-a$orite)( henango( Bough (S"eet)( Su%%er Sueen( Gra$en#tein((6) Befferi#( Porter( Maiden Blu#h. J6utu%n.JAABailey (S"eet)( -a%eu#e((6) Ber#ey S"eet( -all Pi!!in( ,ealthy((6) Mother( T"enty =unce( Magnate. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 731. The Bonathan.< J,inter.JAABonathan(6) (-ig. 731)( Hubbard#ton((6) Gri%e#((6) To%!kin# Ding((6) ,agener(6) (-ig. 737)( Bald"in((6) *ello" Bellflo"er( Tol%an (S"eet)( Corthern S!y((6) 0ed anada((6) 0o/bury( Mc)nto#h((6) *ello" Ce"to"n (Plate FF))( Golden 0u##et( Bel%ont( Melon( Lady( 0a%bo( *ork )%!erial( Po%%e Gri#( E#o!u# (S!itEenburgh)( S"aar( Peck (Plea#ant)( 0hode )#land Greening( Sutton( &eliciou#( Stay%an ,ine#a!( ,e#tfield (SeekAnoAfurther).

-or the South and South"e#t the $arietie# na%ed in the follo"ing li#t

are of $alue5AA JEarly.JAA0ed Bune( *ello" Tran#!arent( 0ed 6#trachan( Su%%er Sueen( Benoni( =ldenburg( Gra$en#tein( Maiden Blu#h( Earlyri!e((6) ,illia%#((6) Early oo!er((6) Hor#e. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 737. The ,agener.< J6utu%n.JAAHaa#( Late Stra"berry( =conee( 0a%bo( Peck (Peck Plea#ant)( arter Blue( Bonu%((6) S%okehou#e((6) Hoo$er. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 73?. Pe"aukee 6!!le.< J,inter.JAAShockley( 0o%e Beauty((6) S%ith ider( Gri%e#( Buckingha%( Bonathan((6) ,ine#a!( Dinnard( *ork )%!erial( Gil!iri (0o%anite)( 0all# (Genet)( Li%bert"ig( 0oyal Lu%bert"ig( Stay%an ,ine#a!((6) Mila%( .irginia Beauty((6) Terry((6) )ngra%.(6) )n the Corth"e#t only #uch $arietie# a# are e/tre%ely hardy "ill be #ati#factory( and a%ong tho#e likely to #ucceed "e %ay %ention5AA JEarly.JAA*ello" Tran#!arent( Tetof#ki( =ldenburg.(6) J6utu%n.JAA-a%eu#e( Longfield( ,ealthy( McMahan((6) Mc)nto#h((6) Shia"a##ee. J,inter.JAA,olf 0i$er((6) Hibernal( Corth"e#tern (Greening)( Pe"aukee (-ig. 73?)( S"itEer( Golden 0u##et( Patten (Greening).(6) 6P0) =T.AAThi# fruit i# not often #een in ho%e garden# in the Ea#t( although it de#er$e# to be better kno"n. ,hen gro"n at all( it i# likely to be trained on "all#( after the Engli#h cu#to%. )n the latitude of Ce" *ork( the a!ricot ha# !ro$ed a# hardy a# the !each. Gi$en the right condition# a# to #oil and e/!o#ure( it "ill yield abundant cro!#( ri!ening it# fruit# about three "eek# in ad$ance of early !eache#. The a!ricot u#ually thri$e# be#t on #trong landG but other"i#e the treat%ent gi$en the !each #uit# it $ery "ell. The #oil #hould be rather dryG e#!ecially #hould the #ub#oil be #uch that no "ater %ay #tand around the root#. The e/!o#ure #hould be to the north or "e#t to retard the bloo%ing !eriod( a# the one great dra"back to the #ucce##ful fruiting i# the early bloo%ing and #ub#eIuent freeEing of the flo"er# or the #%all fruit#. The t"o #eriou# difficultie# in the gro"ing of a!ricot# are the ra$age# of the curculio( and the danger to the flo"er# fro% the #!ring fro#t#. )t i# u#ually al%o#t i%!o##ible to #ecure fruit# fro% one or t"o i#olated a!ricot tree#( becau#e the curculio# "ill take the% all. )t i# !o##ible( al#o( that #o%e of the $arietie# need cro##A!ollination. 6%ong the be#t kind# of a!ricot# are Montga%et( Back#on( 0oyal( St. 6%broi#e( Early Golden( Harri#( 0o%an (-ig. 73K) and Moor!ark. )n the Ea#t( a!ricot# are co%%only "orked on !lu%#( but they al#o thri$e on the !each. The introduction of the 0u##ian $arietie#( a fe" year# ago( added to the li#t #e$eral de#irable kind# that ha$e !ro$ed hardier and a little

later in bloo%ing than the old kind#. The fruit# of the 0u##ian $arietie#( "hile not a# large a# the other $arietie#( fully eIual %any of the% in fla$or( and they are $ery !roducti$e. They bear %ore !rofu#ely and "ith le## care than the oldAfa#hioned and larger kind#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 73K. 0o%an 6!ricot.< Blackberry.AA)n a general "ay( the !lanting and care of a blackberry !lantation i# the #a%e a# reIuired by ra#!berrie#. -ro% the fact that they ri!en later in the #ea#on( "hen drought# are %o#t co%%on( e$en greater attention #hould be gi$en to !lacing the% in land that i# retenti$e of %oi#ture( and to !ro$iding an efficient %ulch( "hich can generally be#t be #ecured "ith a culti$ator. The #%allerAgro"ing kind# (a# Early Har$e#t and ,il#on) %ay be !lanted K / 3 ft.( the rankAgro"ing $arietie# (a# Snyder) L / > ft. Thorough culti$ation throughAout the #ea#on "ill hel! in a %aterial degree to hold the %oi#ture nece##ary to !erfect a good cro!. The #oil #hould be culti$ated $ery #hallo"( ho"e$er( #o a# not to di#turb the root#( a# the breaking of the root# #tart# a large nu%ber of #ucker# that ha$e to be cut out and de#troyed. ,hile hill culture (a# reco%%ended abo$e) i# de#irable for the garden( co%%ercial gro"er# generally u#e continuou# ro"#. Blackberrie#( like de"berrie# and ra#!berrie#( bear but one cro! on the cane. That i#( cane# "hich #!ring u! thi# year bear ne/t year. -ro% ? to L cane# are #ufficient to be left in each hill. The #u!erfluou# one# are thinned out #oon after they #tart fro% the ground. The old cane# #hould be cut out #oon after fruiting( and burned. The ne" #hoot# #hould be !inched back at the height of 7 or ? ft. if the !lant# are to #u!!ort the%#el$e#. )f to be fa#tened to "ire#( they %ay be allo"ed to gro" throughout the #ea#on and be cut back "hen tied to the "ire# in "inter or early #!ring. Blackberry !lant# are #o%eti%e# laid do"n in cold cli%ate#(AAthe to!# being bent o$er and held to the ground by earth or #od# thro"n on their ti!# (-ig. 199). The %o#t trouble#o%e di#ea#e of the blackberry i# orange ru#t (con#!icuou# on the under #ide# of the lea$e#)( "hich often !ro$e# $ery de#tructi$e( !articularly to Dittatinny and a fe" other #ort#. There i# no re%edy( and on the fir#t a!!earance of the di#ea#e the infected !lant# #hould be dug u! and burned. J.arietie# of blackberrie#.J Many of the better $arietie# of blackberrie# are lacking in hardine##( and cannot be gro"n e/ce!t in the %ore fa$orable localitie#. Snyder and Taylor are %o#t generally #ucce##ful( although ,il#on and Early Har$e#t are often gro"n on a large #cale for %arket( and do "ell "ith "inter !rotection. Eldorado i# %uch like Snyder( that #ee%# hardy and !roducti$e. Erie( Minne"a#ki( Dittatinny( and Early Ding are in %any #ection# large and $aluable #ort#. HE00*.AA=f cherrie# there are t"o co%%on ty!e#( the #"eet cherrie# and the #our cherrie#. The #"eet cherrie# are larger and tallerAgro"ing tree#. They co%!ri#e the $arietie# kno"n a# the heart#( bigarreau#( and duke#. The #our cherrie# (-ig. 739) include the $ariou# kind# of %orello# and !ie cherrie#( and the#e u#ually ri!en after the #"eet cherrie#.

The #our cherrie# %ake lo"( roundAheaded tree#. The fruit# are e/ten#i$ely u#ed for canning. Sour cherrie# thri$e "ell on clay loa%#. The #our cherry #hould be !lanted 1> by 1> ft. a!art( in "ellA!re!ared( underAdrained #oil. The tree# %ay be #lightly tri%%ed back each year( kee!ing the head lo" and bu#hy. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 739. Sour or !ie cherrie#.< The #"eet cherrie# ha$e !ro$ed di#a!!ointing in %any in#tance# fro% the rotting of the fruit. Thi# %ay ne$er be entirely a$oided( but good culti$ation( #oil not too rich in nitrogen( attention to #!raying( and !icking the fruit "hen dry( "ill le##en the lo## $ery %uch. )n year# of #e$ere rotting the fruit #hould be !icked before it beco%e# fully ri!e( !laced in a cool( airy roo% and allo"ed to color. )t "ill be nearly a# "ell fla$ored a# if left on the treeG and( a# the fungu# u#ually attack# only the ri!e fruit( a con#iderable !art of the cro! %ay be #a$ed. Set the tree# 79 or ?8 ft. a!art. =nly $ery "ellAdrained land #hould be de$oted to #"eet cherrie#( !referably one of a #o%e"hat gra$elly nature. LeafAblight i# readily controlled by ti%ely #!raying "ith bordeau/ %i/ture. The curculio or fruit "or% %ay be controlled by jarring( a# for !lu%#( or by #!raying. The jarring !roce## i# #eldo% e%!loyed "ith cherrie# for the curculio( ina#%uch a# the !oi#on #!ray #ee%#( for #o%e rea#on( to be !articularly effecti$e on the#e fruit#. J.arietie# of cherry.J =f the #our $arietie#( May &uke (-ig. ?L)( 0ich%ond( &yehou#e( Mont%orency( =#thei%( Horten#e (-ig. ?K)( Late Denti#h( Suda( and Morello (Engli#h Morello) (-ig. ?9) are the %o#t $aluable. The follo"ing #"eet $arietie# are of $alue "here they #ucceed5 0ock!ort( (*ello") S!ani#h( Elton( (Go$ernor) ,ood( oe( ,ind#or( (Black) Tartarian( and &o"ner. 06CBE00*.AAThe gro"ing of cranberrie# in artificial bog# i# an 6%erican indu#try. The co%%on large cranberry of %arket# i# al#o a !eculiarly 6%erican fruit( #ince it i# unkno"n in other countrie# e/ce!t a# the fruit i# #hi!!ed there. ranberrie# are gro"n in bog#( "hich %ay be flooded. The "hole area i# ke!t under "ater during the "inter ti%e( largely to !re$ent the !lant# fro% "inter injury by the hea$ing and freeEing and tha"ing of the bog#. -looding i# al#o e%!loyed at inter$al# for the !ur!o#e of dro"ning out in#ect#( %itigating drought( and !rotecting again#t fro#t and fire#. The ordinary !ractice i# to choo#e a bog "hich ha# a creek running through it( or through "hich #o%e creek or ditch %ay be di$erted. 6t the lo"er #ide of the bog floodAgate# are !ro$ided( #o that "hen the gate# are #hut( the "ater back# u! and flood# the area. )t i# be#t that the bog be co%!arati$ely flat( #o that the "ater "ill be of a!!ro/i%ately eIual de!th o$er the "hole area. 6t the #hallo"e#t !lace# the "ater #hould #tand about a foot abo$e the !lant#. The "ater i# u#ually let on the bog early in &ece%ber and ke!t on until 6!ril or early May. Co flooding i# done during the re#t of the year unle## there i# #o%e !articular occa#ion therefor. 6ll the "ild and turfy gro"th #hould be taken off the bog before the $ine# are #et. Thi# i# done either by digging it off and re%o$ing it bodily( or by dro"ning it out by %ean# of a yearH# flooding. The for%er %ethod i# generally con#idered to be the better. 6fter the turfy gro"th

i# re%o$ed( the bog i# #%oothed( and co$ered 7 or ? in. dee! "ith clean #and. The $ine# are no" #et( the lo"er end# of the% being #ho$ed through the #and into the richer earth. )n order to !re$ent a too ra!id and tangled gro"th of $ine( it i# cu#to%ary to re#and the bog e$ery three or four year# to a de!th of oneAfourth or oneAhalf inch. ,hen #anding i# not !racticable( the $ine# %ay be %o"n off "hen they beco%e too lu/uriant. The !lant# for #etting are %erely cutting# or branche# of the $ine#. The#e cutting# %ay be 9 to 18 inche# long. They are in#erted into the ground in a hole %ade by a cro"bar or #tick. They are u#ually !lanted at di#tance# of 17 to 1> inche# each "ay( and the $ine# are allo"ed to co$er the entire ground a# "ith a %at. )n three year# a good cro! #hould be #ecured( if the "eed# and "ild gro"th are ke!t do"n. 6 cro! range# bet"een 98 to 188 barrel# !er acre. @006CT.AA6# the currant i# one of the hardie#t and %o#t !roducti$e of fruit# in the Corth( #o i# it often neglected( the !atch allo"ed to beco%e foul "ith gra##( ne$er thinned or tri%%ed( the "or%# eating the lea$e# until( in the cour#e of ti%e( the !lant# "eaken and die. 6long the fence i# no !lace to !lant currant#( or( indeed( any other fruitG !lant out in the o!en( at lea#t 9 feet fro% anything that "ill interfere "ith culti$ation. Co fruit cro! "ill re#!ond %ore readily to good care than the currant. lean culti$ation and a liberal u#e of %anure or fertiliEer# "ill certainly be follo"ed by "ellA!aying cro!#. =neAor t"oAyearAold !lant# %ay be #et( K by L feet. Tri% the bu#h by cutting off %o#t of the #ucker# belo" the #urface of the ground. The currant #hould ha$e cool %oi#t #oil. )f the #ea#on i# dry( a %ulch of #tra" or lea$e# "ill a##i#t the !lant# to e#tabli#h the%#el$e#. urrant# are ea#ily !ro!agated by %ature cutting# of the ne" or !re$iou# yearH# cane#. The red and "hite currant# bear %o#tly on t"oAyearAold or older "ood. 6 #ucce##ion of young #hoot# #hould be allo"ed to gro" to take the !lace of the old bearing "ood. ut out the cane# a# they gro" older. The !artial #hade afforded by a young orchard #uit# the currant "ell( and if the ground i# in good condition( no bad re#ult# "ill follo" to the orchard( !ro$ided the currant# are re%o$ed before the tree# need the entire feeding #!ace. 6 currant !atch #hould continue in good bearing for 18 to 78 year#( if !ro!erly handled. =ne $ery i%!ortant !oint i# to kee! the old( "eak cane# cut out( and a #ucce##ion of t"o to four ne" one# co%ing fro% the root each year. To co%bat the currant "or%( #!ray thoroughly "ith Pari# green to kill the fir#t brood( ju#t a# #oon a# hole# can be #een in the lo"er lea$e# AAu#ually before the !lant# are in bloo%. -or the #econd brood( if it a!!ear( #!ray "ith "hite hellebore (!. 78?). -or borer#( cut out and burn the affected cane#. J.arietie# of currant#.J )n %o#t #ection# the 0ed &utch "ill be found to be the %o#t #ati#factory $ariety( a# the !lant# are %uch le## injured by borer# than are herry (Plate FF))))( -ay( and .er#aille#( "hich are larger and better

$arietie#( and are to be !referred in #ection# "here the borer# are not trouble#o%e. .ictoria i# a $aluable %arket #ort "here borer# are nu%erou#( a# it i# little injured by the%. The #a%e i# al#o true of (Prince) 6lbert( "hich i# little attacked by currant "or%# and i# !articularly $aluable a# a late #ort. ,hite &utch and ,hite Gra!e are $aluable lightAcolored $arietie#( and (Black) Ca!le# a# a $ariety for jelly. London (London Market) i# al#o !ro$ing to be #ati#factory in #o%e #ection#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 73L. Lucretia de"berry.< &E,BE00*.AAThe de"berry %ay be called an early trailing blackberry. The culture i# $ery #i%!le. Su!!ort #hould be gi$en to the cane#( a# they are $ery #lender and rank gro"er#. 6 "ire trelli# or largeA%e#hed fenceA"ire an#"er# ad%irablyG or (and thi# i# the better general %ethod) they %ay be tied to #take#. The fruit# are large and #ho"y( "hich( co%bined "ith their earline##( %ake# the% de#irableG but they are u#ually deficient in fla$or. The Lucretia (-ig. 73L) i# the leading $ariety. Lay the cane# on the ground in "inter. )n the #!ring tie all the cane# fro% each !lant to a #take. 6fter fruiting( cut the old cane# and burn the% (a# for blackberrie#). )n the %eanti%e( the young cane# (for ne/t yearH# fruiting) are gro"ing. The#e %ay be tied u! a# they gro"( to be out of the "ay of the culti$ator. &e"berrie# are one to t"o "eek# earlier than blackberrie#. -)G.AAThe fig i# little gro"n in the Ea#t e/ce!t a# a curio#ity( but on the Pacific coa#t it ha# gained con#iderable !ro%inence a# an orchard fruit. -ig# "ill #tand con#iderable fro#t( and #eedling or inferior $arietie# gro" outAofAdoor# "ithout !rotection a# far north a# .irginia. Many of the $arietie# fruit on young #!rout#( and( ina#%uch a# the root# "ill #tand con#iderable cold( the#e $arietie# "ill often gi$e a fe" fig# in the northern #tate#. -ig# ha$e been fruited in the o!en ground in Michigan. )n region# ha$ing ten degree# of fro#t( the fig #hould be laid do"n in "inter. -or thi# !ur!o#e the !lant# are !runed to branch fro% the ground( and the #oft to!# are bent to the #urface and co$ered "ith earth. )n co%%ercial culti$ation( fig tree# gro" large( and they #tand 1> to 79 feet a!artG but in garden# "here they are to be bent o$er( they are to be ke!t a# bu#he#. 6driatic i# the %o#t co%%only gro"n "hite fig. 6%ong the other $arietie# are alifornia Black or Mi##ion -ig( Bro"n )#chia( Bro"n Turkey( ,hite )#chia( and ele#te ( ele#tial). :)llu#tration5 -ig. 733. =ne of the Engli#hA6%erican goo#eberrie#.< G==SEBE00*.AAThe goo#eberry differ# little fro% the currant in it# reIuire%ent# a# to #oil( !runing( and general care. The !lant# #hould be #et ? to K feet a!artG ro"# 9 to 3 feet a!art. Select a rich( rather %oi#t #oil. The to!# need no "inter !rotection. )f %ilde" and "or%# are to be ke!t in check( #!raying %u#t be begun "ith the $ery fir#t #ign of trouble and be thoroughly done. The !ro!agation of the goo#eberry i# #i%ilar to that of the currant( although the !ractice of earthing u! a "hole !lant( cau#ing e$ery branch thu# co$ered to thro" out root#( i# !racticed "ith the Euro!ean $arietie#. The rooted branche# are cut off the follo"ing #!ring and !lanted in nur#ery ro"# or #o%eti%e# directly in the field. )n order to

#ucceed "ith thi# %ethod( the !lant #hould ha$e been cut back to the ground #o that all the #hoot# are yearling. Since the ad$ent of the !ractice of #!raying "ith fungicide# to !re$ent %ilde"( the culture of the goo#eberry ha# increa#ed. There i# no" no rea#on "hy( "ith a little care( good cro!# of %any of the be#t Engli#h $arietie# %ay not be gro"n. 6 large !art of the goo#eberry cro! i# !icked green for culinary !ur!o#e#. Se$eral of the Engli#h $arietie# and their deri$ati$e# ha$e !ro$ed of $alue( ha$ing larger fruit# than the nati$e# (-ig. 733). J.arietie# of goo#eberrie#.J -or ordinary u#e the &o"ning can generally be reco%%ended. )t i# hardy( !roducti$e( of fair #iEe( and greeni#h "hite in color. Houghton i# e$en %ore hardy and !roducti$e( but the fruit i# rather #%all and of a dark red color. 6%ong the $arietie# of Euro!ean origin that can be #ucce##fully gro"n( if the %ilde" can be !re$ented( are )ndu#try( Triu%!h( Dee!#ake( Lanca#hire Lad( and Golden Prolific. 6%ong other $arietie# that are !ro%i#ing are ha%!ion( olu%bu#( hautauIua( and Bo##elyn (0ed Backet). G06PE.AA=ne of the #ure#t of fruit cro!# i# the gra!e( a cro! each year being rea#onably certain after the third year fro% the ti%e of #etting the $ine#G and the good a%ateur kind# are nu%erou#. The gra!e doe# "ell on any #oil that i# under good culti$ation and "ell drained. 6 #oil "ith con#iderable clay i# better under the#e circu%#tance# than a light( #andy loa%. The e/!o#ure #hould be to the #unG and the !lace #hould ad%it of culti$ation on all #ide#. -or !lanting( 1Aor 7AyearAold $ine# #hould be u#ed( being #et either in the fall or early #!ring. 6t !lanting( the $ine i# cut back to ? or K eye#( and the root# are "ell #hortened in. The hole in "hich the !lant i# to be #et #hould be large enough to allo" a full #!reading of the root#. )f the #ea#on #hould be dry( a %ulch of coar#e litter %ay be #!read around the $ine. )f all the bud# #tart( the #tronge#t one or t"o %ay be allo"ed to gro". The cane# ari#ing fro% the#e bud# #hould be #taked and allo"ed to gro" through the #ea#onG or in large !lantation# the fir#tAyear cane# %ay be allo"ed to lie on the ground. The #econd year one cane #hould be cut back to the #a%e nu%ber of eye# a# the fir#t year. 6fter gro"th begin# in the #!ring( t"o of the #tronge#t bud# #hould be allo"ed to re%ain. The#e t"o cane# no" ari#ing %ay be gro"n to a #ingle #take through the #econd #u%%er( or they %ay be #!read horiEontally on a trelli#. The#e are the cane# that for% the !er%anent ar%# or !art# of the $ine. -ro% the% #tart the u!right #hoot# "hich( in #ucceeding year#( are to bear the fruit#. )n order to under#tand the !runing of gra!e#( the o!erator %u#t fully gra#! thi# !rinci!le5 J-ruit i# borne on "ood of the !re#ent #ea#on( "hich ari#e# fro% "ood of the !re$iou# #ea#on.J To illu#trate5 6 gro"ing #hoot( or cane( of 1282 %ake# bud#. )n 1218 a #hoot ari#e# fro% each budG and near the ba#e of the#e #hoot# the gra!e# are borne (1 to K clu#ter# on each). ,hile e$ery bud on the 1282 #hoot %ay !roduce #hoot# or cane# in 1218( only the #tronge#t of the#e ne" cane# "ill bear fruit. The #killed gra!eAgro"er can tell by the look# of hi# cane (a# he !rune# it in "inter) "hich bud# "ill gi$e ri#e to the gra!eA!roducing "ood the

follo"ing #ea#on. The larger and #tronger bud# u#ually gi$e be#t re#ult#G but if the cane it#elf i# $ery big and #tout( or if it i# $ery "eak and #lender( he doe# not e/!ect good re#ult# fro% any of it# bud#. 6 hard( "ellAri!ened cane the dia%eter of a %anH# little finger i# the ideal #iEe. 6nother !rinci!le to be %a#tered i# thi#5 J6 $ine #hould bear only a li%ited nu%ber of clu#ter#(JAA#ay fro% ?8 to >8. 6 #hoot bear# clu#ter# near it# ba#eG beyond the#e clu#ter# the #hoot gro"# on into a long( leafy cane. 6n a$erage of t"o clu#ter# %ay be reckoned to a #hoot. )f the $ine i# #trong enough to bear L8 clu#ter#( ?8 good bud# %u#t be left at the !runing ("hich i# done fro% &ece%ber to late -ebruary). The e##ential o!eration of !runing a gra!e $ine( therefore( i# each year to cut back a li%ited nu%ber of good cane# to a fe" bud#( and to cut off entirely all the re%aining cane# or "ood of the !re$iou# #ea#onH# gro"th. )f a cane i# cut back to 7 or ? bud#( the #tubAlike !art "hich re%ain# i# called a #!ur. Pre#ent #y#te%#( ho"e$er( cut each cane back to > or 18 bud# (on #trong $arietie#)( and ? or K cane# are left(AAall radiating fro% near the head or trunk of the $ine. The to! of the $ine doe# not gro" bigger fro% year to year( after it ha# once co$ered the trelli#( but i# cut back to !ractically the #a%e nu%ber of bud# each year. Since the#e bud# are on ne" "ood( it i# e$ident that they are each year farther and farther re%o$ed fro% the head of the $ine. )n order to ob$iate thi# difficulty( ne" cane# are taken out each year or t"o fro% near the head of the $ine( and the 7AyearAor ?AyearAold "ood i# cut a"ay. The training of gra!e# i# a different %atter. 6 doEen different #y#te%# of training %ay be !racticed on the #a%e trelli# and fro% the #a%e #tyle of !runing(AAfor training i# only the di#!o#ition or arrange%ent of the !art#. =n arbor#( it i# be#t to carry one !er%anent ar% or trunk fro% each root o$er the fra%e"ork to the !eak. Each year the cane# are cut back to #hort #!ur# (of 7 or ? bud#) along the #ide# of thi# trunk. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 73> Bag ready to be a!!lied.< Gra!e# are #et fro% L to > feet a!art in ro"# "hich are > to 18 feet a!art. 6 trelli# %ade of 7 or ? "ire# i# the be#t #u!!ort. Slat trelli#e# catch too %uch "ind and blo" do"n. 6$oid #ti%ulating %anure#. )n $ery cold cli%ate#( the $ine# %ay be taken off the trelli# in early "inter and laid on the ground and lightly co$ered "ith earth. 6long the boundarie# of ho%e lot#( "here gra!e# are often !lanted( little i# to be e/!ected in the "ay of fruit becau#e the ground i# not "ell tilled. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 732 The #econd #tage in adju#ting the bag.< The gra!e i# #ubject to %any in#ect# and di#ea#e#( #o%e of "hich are $ery de#tructi$e. The blackArot i# the %o#t u#ual trouble. See !. 782. To !roduce bunche# of high Iuality and free fro% rot and fro#t injury( gra!e# are #o%eti%e# bagged. ,hen the gra!e# are about half gro"n( the bunch i# co$ered "ith a grocerH# %anila bag. The bag# re%ain until the fruit i# ri!e. The gra!e# u#ually %ature earlier in the bag#. The to! of the bag i# #!lit( and the fla!# are #ecured o$er the branch "ith a !inG -ig#. 73>( 732( 7>8 e/!lain the o!eration.

:)llu#tration5 -ig. 7>8 The bagging co%!lete.< )n all the abo$e di#cu##ion( the #oAcalled nati$e gra!e# alone are con#idered. )n alifornia( the Euro!ean or $inifera ty!e# are gro"n( the reIuire%ent# of "hich are radically different fro% tho#e of the ea#tern kind#. :)llu#tration FF)). ,allAtraining of a !ear tree.< J.arietie# of gra!e#.J @nder nearly all condition#( the oncord "ill be a $aluable black $ariety( although ,orden( "hich i# a fe" day# earlier( %ay be !referred by %any. Moore (Moore Early) ha# been our be#t $ery early black $ariety( but i# likely to be #u!er#eded by a%!bell( "hich i# a #tronger $ine( %ore !roducti$e( bunche# larger( fruit of better Iuality( and of #u!erior kee!ing Iualitie#( %aking it $aluable for #hi!!ing !ur!o#e#. ata"ba( &ela"are( and Brighton are a%ong the be#t red $arietie#( although 6ga"a% and Sale% are %uch u#ed. ,inchell (Green Mountain) i# the be#t early "hite $ariety( and in %o#t #ection# Ciagara( a late "hite #ort( doe# "ell. &ia%ond (Moore &ia%ond) i# a "hite gra!e of better Iuality than Ciagara. JGra!e# under gla##J (S.,. -letcher). The Euro!ean gra!e# rarely thri$e out of door# in ea#tern 6%erica. Gra!e hou#e# are nece##ary( "ith or "ithout artificial heat. -ruit for ho%e u#e %ay be gro"n $ery #ati#factorily in a cold gra!ery ("ithout artificial heat). 6 #i%!le leanAto again#t the #outh #ide of a building or "all i# chea! and #er$iceable. ,hen a #e!arate building i# de#ired( an e$enA#!an hou#e running north and #outh i# !referable. There i# no ad$antage in ha$ing a cur$ed roof( e/ce!t a# a %atter of look#. 6 co%!o#t of four !art# rotted turf to one of %anure i# laid on a #lo!ing ce%ent botto% out#ide the hou#e( %aking a border 17 feet "ide and 7 feet dee!. The ce%ent %ay be re!laced "ith rubble on "ellAdrained #oil#( but it i# a !oor %ake#hift. E$ery three year# the u!!er L inche# of the border #hould be rene"ed "ith %anure. The border in#ide the hou#e i# !re!ared like"i#e. T"oAyearAold !otted $ine# are !lanted about K feet a!art in a #ingle ro". Part of the root# go through a cre$ice in the "all to the outer border and !art re%ain in#ideG or all %ay go out#ide if the hou#e i# de#ired for other !ur!o#e#. =ne #trong cane i# trained to a "ire trelli# hanging at lea#t 1> inche# fro% the gla##( and i# cut back to ? feet the fir#t year( L the #econd( and 2 the third. &o not be in a hurry to get a long cane. Pruning i# on the #!ur #y#te%( a# reco%%ended for arbor# on !. K?8. The $ine# are u#ually laid on the ground for "inter and co$ered "ith lea$e# or "ra!!ed "ith cloth. 6# #oon a# the bud# #"ell in early #!ring( tie the $ine# to the trelli# and #tart out one #hoot fro% each #!ur( rubbing off all other#. 6fter the berrie# begin to color( ho"e$er( it i# better to lea$e all further gro"th to #hade the fruit. Pinch back each of the#e lateral# t"o joint# beyond the #econd bunch. To kee! do"n red #!ider and thri!#( the foliage #hould be #!rayed "ith "ater e$ery bright %orning e/ce!t during the bloo%ing #ea#on. 6t lea#t oneAthird of the berrie# #hould be thinned fro% each bunchG do not be afraid of taking out too %any. ,ater the in#ide border freIuently all through the #u%%er( and the out#ide occa#ionally if the #ea#on i# dry. Milde" %ay a!!ear in Buly. The be#t !re$enti$e# are to #yringe faithfully( ad%it air freely( and #!rinkle #ulfur on the ground.

-ruit %ay be ke!t fre#h on the $ine# in a "ar% (or artificially heated) gra!ery until late &ece%berG in a coldhou#e it %u#t be !icked before fro#t. 6fter the fruit i# off( $entilate fro% to! and botto% and "ithhold "ater( #o a# thoroughly to ri!en the "ood. 6long in Co$e%ber the cane# are !runed( co$ered "ith #tra" or "ra!!ed "ith %at# and laid do"n till #!ring. Black Ha%burg i# #u!erior to all other $arietie# for a cold gra!eryG Bo"ood Mu#cat( Mu#cat of 6le/andria( and ha##ela# Mu#Iue %ay be added in the "ar%hou#e. Good $ine# "ill li$e and bear al%o#t indefinitely. M@LBE00*.AABoth for fruit and orna%ent the %ulberry #hould be %ore generally !lanted. E$en if the fruit i# not to the ta#te( the tree i# naturally o!enAcentered and roundAheaded( and i# an intere#ting #ubjectG #o%e of the $arietie# ha$e finely cut lea$e#. The fruit# are in great de%and by the bird#( and after they begin to ri!en the #tra"berry bed# and cherry tree# are freer fro% robin# and other fruitAeating bird#. -or thi# rea#on alone they are a $aluable tree for the fruitAgro"er. Tree# %ay be !urcha#ed chea!er than one can !ro!agate the%. )f !lanted in orchard for%( !lace the% 79 to ?8 feet a!art. 6bout the border# of a !lace they can go clo#er. The 0u##ian $arietie# are often !lanted for "indbreak#( for they are $ery hardy and thri$e under the greate#t neglectG and for thi# !ur!o#e they %ay be !lanted > to 78 feet a!art. The 0u##ian# %ake e/cellent #creen#. They #tand cli!!ing "ell. The fruit of the 0u##ian# $arie# in Iuality( a# the tree# are u#ually directly fro% #eedG but no" and then a tree bear# e/cellent fruit. Ce" 6%erican( Tro"bridge( and Thorburn are leading kind# of fruitAbearing %ulberrie# for the Corth. The true &o"ning i# not hardy in the northern #tate#G but Ce" 6%erican i# often #old under thi# na%e. Mulberrie# thri$e in any good #oil( and need no #!ecial treat%ent. C@TS.AAThe nut tree# de%and too %uch roo% for %o#t ho%eAground fruit !lantation#( although they are al#o u#eful for "indbreak# and #hade. The hickorie#( all 6%erican( %ake e/cellent la"n tree#( and #hould be better kno"n. The filbert# and cobnut#( #%all tree# or bu#he#( are not #ucce##fully gro"n in thi# country e/ce!t in $ery #!ecial ca#e#. The co%%ercial nutAgro"ing in the @nited State# and anada i# chiefly of al%ond#( "alnut#( and !ecan#( "ith #o%e atte%!t at che#tnut#. =f the#e the che#tnut i# the %o#t ada!table for ho%e !lace# in the northea#tern #ection. =f che#tnut# there are three ty!e# in culti$ation5 the Euro!ean( the Ba!ane#e( and the 6%erican. The 6%erican( or nati$e che#tnut#( of "hich there are #e$eral i%!ro$ed $arietie#( are the hardie#t and %o#t reliable( and the nut# are the #"eete#t( but they are al#o the #%alle#t. The Ba!ane#e $arietie# are u#ually injured by the "inter in central Ce" *ork. The Euro!ean $arietie# are #o%e"hat hardier( and #o%e of the $arietie# "ill thri$e in the northern #tate#. he#tnut# are $ery ea#ily gro"n( although the bark di#ea#e no" threaten# the%. They u#ually bear better "hen t"o or %ore tree# are !lanted near each other. S!rout# in old che#tnut clearing# are often allo"ed to re%ain( and #o%eti%e# they are grafted to the i%!ro$ed $arietie#. The young tree# %ay be grafted in the #!ring by the "hi!Agraft or cleftAgraft %ethodG but the cion# #hould be !erfectly dor%ant( and the o!eration #hould be $ery carefully done. E$en "ith the be#t "ork%an#hi!( a con#iderable !ercentage of the graft# are likely to fail or to break off after t"o or three year#. The %o#t

!o!ular #ingle $ariety of che#tnut i# the Paragon( "hich bear# large and e/cellent nut# "hen the tree i# $ery young. ,hen the ho%e ground i# large enough( t"o or three of the#e tree# #hould be !lanted near the border#. =06CGE.AA=range# are gro"n e/ten#i$ely in -lorida( in !lace# along the Gulf( and in %any !art# of alifornia( but in the %o#t fa$ored #ection# there i# occa#ionally #o%e injury fro% cold or fro#t to the tree# or fruit. The #oil !referred for orange# in alifornia i# a rich( dee! allu$iu%( a$oiding hardA!an or adobe #ub#oil#. Stagnant "ater in the #ub#oil i# a fatal defect. 6lthough they can be gro"n near the ocean at a lo"er le$el( an ele$ation of L88 to 1788 feet i# generally de#irable. ,hile #outhern alifornia i# !articularly ada!ted to orange culture( the fruit i# #ucce##fully rai#ed along the footAhill# of the San BoaIuin and Sacra%ento $alley# and in other !art# of the #tate. )n -lorida( !ine land# "ith a clay #ub#oil are generally !referred for orange#( but if !ro!erly handled( good re#ult# can be obtained fro% ha%%ock land. 6# ele$ated #!ot# cannot be #ecured( a ti%ber belt #urrounding the orchard or along the north and "e#t #ide# i# de#irable. The di#tance for the largeAgro"ing kind# of orange in the orchard i# fro% 79 to ?8 feet each "ay( but the halfAd"arf kind#( #uch a# Bahia or ,a#hington Ca$el( %ay be a# clo#e a# 78 feet each "ay( although 79 feet "ill be de#irable. )f the root# are #acked( the tree# #hould be !laced in the hole "ithout re%o$ing the co$ering( and the #oil #hould then be !acked about the%G but if they are !uddled( a %ound #hould be %ade in the botto% of the hole. )n the center an o!ening #hould be %ade into "hich the ta!Aroot can be in#erted. 6fter the #oil ha# been fir%ly !acked about it( the other root# #hould be #!read out and the hole filled "ith good #oil( !acking it carefully. are #hould be taken that the root# are not e/!o#ed in handling the tree#( and if the "eather i# hot and dry( the to!# #hould be #haded. ,ater %ay often be u#ed "ith good re#ult# in #ettling the #oil about the root#. ,hen tran#!lanted( the to!# #hould be cut back in !ro!ortion to the a%ount of root# lo#t in digging the tree#. The head i# u#ually #tarted "ith the branche# about 7 feet fro% the ground. Each year "hile the tree# are #%all( the #trong #hoot# #hould be cut back to !re#er$e a #y%%etrical for% and the "eak and #ur!lu# #hoot# #hould be re%o$ed. The culti$ation of orange orchard# #hould be the #a%e a# reco%%ended for other fruit#( e/ce!t that a# they gro" in hot( dry cli%ate#( it #hould be e$en %ore thorough( that the e$a!oration of %oi#ture fro% the #oil %ay be reduced to a %ini%u%. alifornia gro"er# ha$e found that by freIuent #hallo" culti$ation they can reduce the a%ount of "ater that %u#t be a!!lied by irrigation( and that freIuent tillage and a little "ater "ill gi$e better re#ult# than little or no culti$ation and a large a%ount of "ater. The a%ount of "ater reIuired "ill al#o de!end on the #ea#on and the character of the #oil. Thu# on #trong #oil# and after a hea$y rainfall no irrigation "ill be reIuired( "hile #andy #oil# "ill need irrigating a# often a# once in three or four "eek# fro% May to =ctober. 6# a general rule( t"o or three irrigation# in a #ea#on "ill be a%!le. ,hen u#ed at all( "ater #hould be a!!lied in #ufficient Iuantitie# to "et do"n to the root# of the tree#. -reIuent #canty "atering# %ay do %uch har%. The "ater i# u#ually a!!lied in furro"#( and for young tree# there #hould be one on either #ide of each ro"( but a#

the root# e/tend the nu%ber #hould be increa#ed( until "hen fi$e or #i/ year# old the entire orchard #hould be irrigated fro% furro"# K or 9 feet a!art. )n -lorida( irrigation i# not !racticed. o$erAcro!!ing in "inter i# no" co%%on in -lorida and alifornia( #o%e of the legu%inou# cro!# being u#ed. J.arietie# of the orange.J 6%ong the be#t $arietie# are5 Bahia( co%%only kno"n a# ,a#hington Ca$el( Tho%!#on )%!ro$ed( Malte#e Blood( Mediterranean S"eet( Pa!er 0ind St. Michael( and .alencia. Ho%o#a##a( Magnu% Bonu%( Con!areil( Boone( Par#on Bro"n( Pinea!!le( and Hart are fa$orite# in -lorida. The tangerine# and %andarin#( or the 'kidAglo$e' orange#( ha$e a thin rind that i# ea#ily detached fro% the rather dry !ul!. =range tree# are freIuently injured by $ariou# #cale in#ect#( but for #e$eral of the %o#t trouble#o%e kind#( in#ect !ara#ite# ha$e been found that kee! the% !artially or "holly in check( and for other# the tree# are #!rayed( or fu%igated "ith hydrocyanic acid ga#. PE6 H.AAGi$en the !ro!er e/!o#ure( !eache# %ay be fruited in %any #ection# "here no" it i# thought i%!o##ible to ha$e a cro!. )t i# u#ually the !ractice of the a%ateur to #et !each tree# in the #helter of #o%e building( e/!o#ed on the #outh or ea#t to the #un( and 'in a !ocket' a# regard# "ind#. Thi# #hould be re$er#ed( e/ce!t in the clo#e $icinity of large bodie# of "ater. The fruitAbud# of !eache# "ill #tand $ery cold "eather "hen !erfectly dor%ant( often a# lo" a# 17 deg. or 1> deg. belo" Eero in Ce" *orkG but if the bud# once beco%e #"ollen( co%!arati$ely light freeEing "ill de#troy the cro!. Therefore( if the tree# be #et on ele$ation# "here a con#tant air drainage %ay be obtained( #heltered( if at all( on the #outh and ea#t fro% the "ar%ing influence of the #un( the bud# "ill re%ain dor%ant until the ground beco%e# "ar%( and the chance# of a failure "ill be le##ened. Thi# ad$ice a!!lie# %o#tly to interior #ection#. 6 "ellAdrained( #andy loa% or gra$elly #oil #uit# the !each better than a hea$y #oilG but if the hea$ier #oil i# "ell drained( good cro!# %ay be #ecured. Peache# are #hortAli$ed at be#t( and one #hould be #ati#fied "ith three or four cro!# fro% each tree. They bear young( u#ually a !artial cro! the third year. )f a cro! %ay be had e$ery other year until the tree# are eight or ten year# old( they "ill ha$e "ell re!aid the effort of culti$ation. But they often bear t"ice thi# long. *oung tree# %ay be #et e$ery four or fi$e year# to re!lace older one#( thu# ha$ing tree# at a bearing age at all ti%e# on a #%all !lace. Tree# #hould be #et 1K to 1> feet a!art each "ay. Peach tree# are al"ay# bought "hen they are one year old( that i#( one year fro% the bud. -or e/a%!le( the bud i# in#erted in the fall of 1282. )t re%ain# dor%ant until the #!ring of 1218( "hen it !u#he# into $igorou# gro"thG and in the fall of 1218 the tree i# ready for #ale. Peach tree# that are %ore than a year old are #carcely "orth the buying. )t i# a co%%on !ractice( "hen #etting !each tree#( to !rune the% back to a "hi!( lea$ing a #tub bearing not %ore than one bud "here each branch i# cut off. The three great ene%ie# of the !each are the borer( the yello"#( and the curculio.

The borer i# be#t handled by digging it out e$ery #!ring and fall. Tree# attacked by the borer ha$e an e/udation of gu% about the cro"n. )f the borer# are dug out t"ice a year( they "ill not get #ufficient #tart to %ake the o!eration $ery laboriou#. )t i# the only #ure "ay. The yello"# i# a co%%unicable di#ea#e( the cau#e of "hich i# not definitely kno"n. )t #ho"# it#elf in the fruit ri!ening !re%aturely( "ith di#tinct red #!ot# "hich e/tend through the fle#h( and later by the thro"ing out of fine( branching( t"iggy tuft# along the %ain branche# (-ig. 719). The only treat%ent i# to !ull out the tree# and burn the%. =ther tree# %ay be #et in the #a%e !lace#. The curculio %u#t be ca!tured by jarring on #heet# (#ee JPlu%J). J.arietie# of the !each.J -or ho%e u#e it i# ad$i#able to !ro$ide $arietie# that "ill ri!en in #ucce##ion( but for %arket !ur!o#e#( in %o#t #ection#( the %ediu% and late kind# #hould be %o#t e/ten#i$ely !lanted. 6lthough there are %any $arietie# that ha$e a local re!utation( but are not co%%only found in the nur#erie#( the follo"ing kind# are "ell kno"n( and can be generally gro"n "ith #ucce##5 6le/ander( Hale Early( 0i$er#( St. Bohn( Bi#ho!( onnett (Southern Early)( ar%an( ra"ford (Early and Late)( =ld%i/on( Le"i#( ha%!ion( Sneed( Green#boro( Dala%aEoo( Stu%!( Elberta( Ede ( a!t. Ede)( Ste$en# (Ste$en#H 0areri!e)( ro#by( Gold &ro!( 0ee$e#( hair#( S%ock( Sal"ay( and Le$y (Henrietta). PE60.AACo fruit !lantation #hould be con#idered co%!lete "ithout tree# of $ariou# kind# of !ear#( ri!ening fruit# fro% early in 6ugu#t till "inter. The late $arietie# are generally good kee!er#( and e/tend the #ea#on into -ebruary( thu# #u!!lying fruit for #i/ or #e$en %onth#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 7>1. Seckel !ear.< 6# the !ear gro"# to !erfection on Iuince( the d"arf tree i# !eculiarly ada!ted to !lanting on #%all ho%e ground#( and i# often u#ed a# a boundary !lant( or to #er$e the !ur!o#e of a #creen. The#e d"arf tree# #hould be #et dee!AAK to L inche# belo" the unionAAto !re$ent the #tock fro% gro"ing. &"arf tree# %ay be #et a# near together a# 18 to 1L feet( "hile the #tandard or tallAgro"ing !ear# #hould be #et 1> to 79 feet a!art. Tree# are !lanted "hen t"o or three year# old. :)llu#tration -ig. 7>7. &uche##e dH6ngoule%e !ear.< :)llu#tration -ig. 7>?. The Dieffer !ear.< The !ear thri$e# on clay #oil( if "ell underAdrained( and for thi# rea#on %ay #ucceed in !lace# "here other fruit# %ight fail. 6 good( #teady gro"th #hould be %aintained( but the u#e of nitrogenou# %anure# #hould be a$oided( a# they tend to %ake a rank gro"th and in$ite attack# of !ear blight( "hich i# the "or#t ene%y of the !ear (!. 711). J.arietie# of the !ear.J 6# a #election to #u!!ly a #ucce##ion of $arietie# throughout the #ea#on( the follo"ing li#t i# reco%%ended5AA JEarly.JAASu%%er &oyenne( Bloodgood( la!!( =#band( EliEabeth (ManningH#

EliEabeth). J6utu%n.JAABartlett( Bou##ock( -le%i#h (-le%i#h Beauty)( Buffu%( Ho"ell( Seckel (-ig. 7>1)( Loui#e Bonne( 6ngoule%e (&uche##e dH6ngoule%e) (-ig. 7>7)( Sheldon. J,inter.JAA6njou( lairgeau( La"rence( Dieffer (-ig#. 7>?( 7>K)( ,inter Celi#( and Ea#ter Beurre. -or ordinary %arket !ur!o#e# the follo"ing ha$e been !ro$ed $aluable5 Bartlett( Ho"ell( 6njou( lairgeau( and La"rence. )n the central and #outhern #tate#( Dieffer i# gro"n #ucce##fully. -or ho%e u#e thi# $ariety i# not to be reco%%ended in the Corth( becau#e of it# !oor Iuality and #%aller #iEe. -or gro"ing a# d"arf#( 6ngoule%e (&uche##e dH6ngoule%e)( Loui#e Bonne( 6njou( lairgeau( and La"rence are %o#t !o!ular( but %any other $arietie# thri$e on the Iuince. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 7>K. Dieffer !ear.< PL@M.AA=f !lu%# there are three general or co%%on ty!e#5 fir#t( the co%%on &o%e#tica or Euro!ean !lu%( "hich gi$e# ri#e to all the older $arietie#( like Lo%bard( Brad#ha"( Green Gage( the Prune#( the Egg !lu%#( the &a%#on#( and the likeG #econd( the Ba!ane#e !lu%#( "hich ha$e beco%e !o!ular "ithin the la#t t"enty year#( and "hich are ada!ted to a "ider range of country than the &o%e#tica#G third( the nati$e !lu%# of #e$eral #!ecie# or ty!e#( "hich are ada!ted to the !lain#( the %iddle and #outhern #tate#( and #o%e kind# to the cold Corth. ,here$er the &o%e#tica and Ba!ane#e !lu%# can be gro"n( the nati$e !lu%# are not de#tined to beco%e !o!ularG but %any of the nati$e# are %uch hardier than other#( and are therefore ada!ted to region# in "hich the &o%e#tica and Ba!ane#e are not #afe. =ther# of the% are "ell ada!ted to the %iddle and #outhern #tate#. The &o%e#tica and Ba!ane#e !lu%# are con#iderably hardier than !eache#( but not #o hardy a# the a!!le. The northern li%it of their general culti$ation i# the #outhern !enin#ula of Michigan( central and #outhern =ntario( central Ce" *ork( and central Ce" England. Plu%# thri$e on a great $ariety of #oil#( but they do better( a# a rule( on tho#e that are rather hea$y and ha$e a con#iderable content of clay. )n fact( %any of the $arietie# "ill thri$e on clay a# hard a# that in "hich !ear# "ill gro". =n the other hand( they often thri$e "ell in light( and e$en al%o#t #andy #oil#. The tree# are #et "hen they are t"o and three year# fro% the bud. )t i# !referable to ha$e !lu% tree# on #tock# of the #a%e #!ecie#( but it i# not al"ay# !o##ible to #ecure the% at the nur#erie#. )n the South( !lu%# are "orked %o#tly on !each root#( and the#e %ake e/cellent tree# "here the cli%ate i# not too #e$ere( and e#!ecially on the lighter land# on "hich they are !lanted in the South. )n the Corth the larger !art of the !lu% #tock# are gro"n on the Myrobalan !lu% root#. Thi# Myrobalan i# an =ld ,orld #!ecie# of !lu%( of #%aller gro"th than the &o%e#tica. Thi# #tock( therefore( tend# to d"arf the tree( and it i# al#o likely to thro" u! #!rout# fro% the root#. Plu% tree# are #et 17 to 1> feet a!art. Many gro"er# like to #et the% > feet a!art in ro"#( and ha$e the ro"# fro% 1L to 78 feet a!art.

Plu%# are !runed %uch the #a%e a# a!!le# and !ear#. That i#( the to! i# thinned out fro% year to year( and all #u!erfluou# branche# and broken or di#ea#ed "ood are re%o$ed. )f the #oil i# $ery #trong and the tree# are clo#e together( it %ay be "ell to head the% in a little each year( e#!ecially tho#e $arietie# "hich gro" $ery #trong and robu#t. JPe#t# and di#ea#e#.J There are four leading difficultie# in the gro"ing of !lu%#AAleafAblight( fruitArot( blackAknot( and curculio. The leafAblight u#ually a!!ear# about %id#u%%er( the lea$e# beco%ing #!otted and dro!!ing off. The re%edy i# to #!ray thoroughly "ith bordeau/ %i/ture( beginning #oon after the fruit# ha$e #et( and before the trouble begin# to #ho". The fruitArot %ay be !re$ented by the #a%e %ean#AAthat i#( by #!raying "ith bordeau/ %i/ture. )t i# u#ually be#t to begin ju#t after the fruit# are "ell #et. 6 $ery i%!ortant con#ideration in the checking of thi# di#ea#e i# to thin the fruit #o that it doe# not hang in clu#ter#. )f one fruit touche# another( the rot #!read# fro% fruit to fruit in #!ite of the #!raying. So%e $arietie#( a# Lo%bard and 6bundance( are #!ecially #u#ce!tible to thi# injury. The blackAknot i# be#t ke!t in check by cutting out the knot# "hene$er they can be #een( and burning the%. 6# #oon a# the lea$e# dro!( the orchard #hould be gone o$er and all knot# taken out. =rchard# that are thoroughly #!rayed "ith bordeau/ %i/ture for the leafAblight and fruitArot fungu# are le## liable to attack# of blackAknot. The curculio( or the in#ect "hich i# the !arent of the "or%# in the fruit( i# the in$eterate ene%y of the !lu% and other #tone fruit#. The %ature beetle lay# the egg# in the fruit# "hen they are $ery #%all( u#ually beginning it# "ork about a# #oon a# the flo"er# fall. The#e egg# #oon hatch( and the little %aggot bore# into the fruit. Tho#e fruit# that are attacked "hil#t $ery young ordinarily fall fro% the tree( but tho#e attacked "hen they are half or %ore gro"n( %ay adhere to the tree( but re%ain "or%y and gu%%y at the !icking ti%e. The %ature beetle# are #luggi#h in the %orning#( and are ea#ily jarred fro% the tree#. Taking ad$antage of thi# fact( the fruitAgro"er %ay jar the% on #heet#G or( in large orchard#( into a large can$a# ho!!er( "hich i# "heeled fro% tree to tree u!on a "heelbarro"Alike fra%e( and under the a!e/ of "hich i# a tin can into "hich the in#ect# roll. There i# a #lit or o!ening in one #ide of the ho!!er( "hich allo"# the tree to #tand nearly in the %iddle of the can$a#. The o!erator then gi$e# the tree t"o or three #har! jar# "ith a !added !ole or %allet. The edge# of the ho!!er are then Iuickly #haken "ith the hand# and the in#ect# roll do"n into the tin rece!tacle. )n thi# rece!tacle there i# kero#ene oil( or it %ay be e%!tied fro% ti%e to ti%e. Bu#t ho" long thi# %achine i# to be run in the orchard "ill de!end entirely on circu%#tance#. )t i# ad$i#able to u#e the catcher #oon after the blo##o%# fall( for the !ur!o#e of finding out ho" abundant the in#ect# are. )f a fe" in#ect# are caught fro% each tree( there i# indication that there are enough of the !e#t# to %ake #eriou# trouble. )f after a fe" day# the in#ect# #ee% to ha$e di#a!!eared( it "ill not be nece##ary to continue the hunt. )n #o%e year#( e#!ecially in tho#e #ucceeding a $ery hea$y cro!( it %ay be nece##ary to run the curculioAcatcher e$ery %orning for four or fi$e "eek#G but( a# a rule( it "ill not be nece##ary to u#e it oftener than t"o or three ti%e# a

"eek during that #ea#onG and #o%eti%e# the #ea#on %ay be #hortened by one half. The in#ect# fall %o#t readily "hen the "eather i# cool( and it i# be#t( therefore( to get through the "hole orchard( if !o##ible( before noon. =n cloudy day#( ho"e$er( the in#ect# %ay be caught all day. 6 #%art %an can attend to ?88 or K88 fullAbearing tree# in #i/ hour# if the ground ha# been "ell rolled or fir%ed( a# it #hould be before the bugging o!eration begin#. The #a%e treat%ent a!!lie# to the #a$ing of !eache# and rarely( al#o( of #our cherrie#. J.arietie# of the !lu%.J The follo"ing $arietie# of Euro!ean origin "ill be found de#irable for gro"ing in the northern and ea#tern #tate#5 Brad#ha"( )%!erial Gage( Lo%bard( McLaughlin( Pond( Suackenbo#( o!!er( Beffer#on( )talian Prune (-ellenberg)( Shro!#hire( Golden &ro! ( oe Golden &ro!)( Ba$ay or 0eine laude( Grand &uke( Monarch. Se$eral of the Ba!ane#e $arietie# are al#o "ell ada!ted to gro"ing in the#e #ection#( a# "ell a# in the #tate# farther #outh. The tree# are generally hardy( but they bloo% early( and are likely to be injured by late fro#t# in #o%e localitie#. 6%ong the better kind# are the 0ed Bune( 6bundance( habot( Burbank( and Sat#u%a. -e" of the abo$e #ort# are hardy in the Corth"e#t( and gro"er# there ha$e to rely on $arietie# of nati$e #!ecie#. 6%ong the#e are5 -ore#t Garden( ,yant( &e Soto( 0olling#tone( ,ea$er( Suaker( and Ha"keye. -arther #outh #till other cla##e# of !lu%# ha$e been introduced( a%ong the% being ,ildgoo#e( linton( More%an( Miner( and Golden Beauty. 6nd #till farther #outh( Tran#!arent( Te/a# Belle (Pari# Belle)( Ce"%an( Lone Star( and El Pa#o are gro"n. S@)C E.AA6lthough not largely gro"n( Iuince# generally find a ready #ale( and they are de#irable for ho%e u#e. The tree# are u#ually !lanted about 17 feet each "ay( and %ay be trained either in a #hrub or tree for%( but it "ill generally be be#t to gro" the% "ith a #hort trunk. They #ucceed be#t on a dee!( %oi#t( and fertile #oil. They reIuire %uch the #a%e care a# the !ear. The in#ect# and di#ea#e# by "hich they are attacked are al#o the #a%e a# for that fruit. Blight i# !articularly bad. The fruit i# borne on #hort #hoot# of the #a%e #ea#on( and #trong headingAin of the gro"th in "inter re%o$e# a good !art of the bud# fro% "hich the #hoot# ari#e. The =range i# the %o#t co%%on $ariety( but ha%!ion( Meech (-ig. 7>9)( and 0ea are #o%eti%e# gro"n. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 7>9. Meech Suince (MeechH# Prolific).< 06SPBE00*.AABoth the red and black ra#!berrie# are e##ential# of a good garden. 6 fe" !lant# of each "ill !roduce a #u!!ly of berrie# for a fa%ily through #i/ or eight "eek#( !ro$ided both early and late $arietie# are !lanted. 6 cool #ituation( #oil that "ill hold %oi#ture "ithout being "et( and thorough !re!aration of the ground( are the condition# nece##ary to #ucce##. The blackca! ra#!berrie# #hould be #et ? to K feet a!art( the ro"# L or 3 feetG the red $arietie# ? feet a!art( the ro"# 9 feet a!art. S!ring #etting i# u#ually !referable. The #hoot# of ra#!berrie# #ent u! one #ea#on fruit and die the follo"ing year( a# in blackberrie# and de"berrie#.

Mo#t of the blackca! $arietie# naturally thro" out #ide branche# the fir#t #ea#on( and "ith #uch it i# a good !lan to !inch back the ne" cane# a# #oon a# they ha$e reached a height of 7 to ? feet( according to the full height of the $ariety. Thi# "ill ha#ten the thro"ing out of #ide #hoot#( u!on "hich fruit "ill be borne the follo"ing year. 6# #oon a# #e$ere freeEing "eather i# o$er in the #!ring( the#e #ide #hoot# #hould be cut back 2 to 17 inche#( according to the #trength of the cane# and the nu%ber of #ide branche# u!on the%. The #a%e %ethod of !runing i# ad$i#able "ith red $arietie# like uthbert( "hich naturally branch freely. =ther #ort#( like Ding( Han#ell( Marlboro( Turner( and Th"ack( that #eldo% branch( #hould not be !inched back in #u%%er( a#( e$en though thi# %ight induce the% to #end out #hoot#( the branche# "ill be "eak( and if they #ur$i$e the "inter( "ill !roduce le## fruit than "ould the #trong bud# u!on the %ain cane# had they not been forced into gro"th. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 7>L. 6 rooting ti! of the black ra#!berry.< 6# #oon a# the cro! ha# been gathered( and the old cane# are dead( they #hould be re%o$ed( and at the #a%e ti%e all of the #ur!lu# ne" #hoot# #hould be cut a"ay. -ro% four to fi$e good cane# "ill be #ufficient for each hill( "hile in ro"# the nu%ber %ay be fro% t"o to three in each foot. Pruned in thi# "ay( nearly all $arietie# "ill ha$e #te%# #ufficiently large to #u!!ort the%#el$e#( but a# there "ill be %ore or le## breaking do"n and injury to the fruit fro% the bending o$er of the cane#( %any gro"er# !refer to #u!!ort the% by %ean# of #take# or trelli#e#. Stake# %ay be #et in each hill( or for %atted ro"# #tout #take# ? feet high are dri$en at inter$al# of K8 feet and a Co. 18 gal$aniEed "ire i# #tretched along the ro"( to "hich the cane# are tied. )t "ould be a #a$ing of labor if a "ire i# #tretched either #ide of the ro"( a# then no tying "ill be reIuired. :)llu#tration5 FF))). herry currant.< )f it i# de#ired to #ecure ne" !lant#( the end# of the branche# of the black $arietie# #hould be co$ered "ith #oil about the %iddle of 6ugu#t( "hen the ti!# are #een to di$ide into #e$eral #lender #hoot#( and to take root (-ig. 7>L)G the#e can be taken u! and !lanted the follo"ing #!ring. ,hile the #ucker# that #!ring fro% the root# of red $arietie# (-ig. 7>3) %ay be u#ed in !ro!agating the%( it "ill be better to u#e !lant# gro"n fro% rootAcutting#( a# they "ill ha$e %uch better root#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 7>3. S!routing habit of red ra#!berry.< 0a#!berrie# %ay be bent o$er to the ground #o that the #no" "ill !rotect the%( in #e$ere cli%ate#. -or red ru#t( !ull out the !lant( root and branch( and burn it. Short rotation#AAfruiting the !lant# only t"o or three year#AAand burning the old cane# and tri%%ing#( "ill do %uch to kee! ra#!berry !lantation# healthy. S!raying "ill ha$e #o%e effect in co%bating anthracno#e. J.arietie# of ra#!berrie#.J =f the black #ort# the follo"ing "ill be found de#irable5 Pal%er(

onrath( Dan#a#( and Eureka( "hich ri!en in the order na%ed. )n #o%e #ection# the Gregg i# #till $aluable( but it i# #o%e"hat lacking in hardine##. =hio i# a fa$orite $ariety for e$a!orating. =f the !ur!leAca! $arietie#( Shaffer and olu%bian generally #ucceed. 6%ong the red $arietie# none are %ore uni$er#ally #ucce##ful than uthbert. Ding i# a !ro%i#ing early $ariety( and Loudon i# a $aluable late kind. Many gro"er# find Marlboro and Turner "ell "orthy of culti$ation( although rather local in their ada!tation#G "hile for ho%e u#e( Golden Sueen( a yello" uthbert( i# %uch liked. ST06,BE00*.AAE$ery one %ay gro" #tra"berrie#( yet the #aying that #tra"berrie# "ill gro" on any #oil i# %i#leading( although true. So%e $arietie# of #tra"berrie# "ill gro" on certain #oil# better than other $arietie#. ,hat the#e $arietie# are can be deter%ined only by an actual te#t( but it i# a #afe rule to choo#e #uch $arietie# a# !ro$e good in %any localitie#. 6# to the %ethod# of culture( #o %uch de!end# on the #iEe of the !lot( the !ur!o#e for "hich the fruit i# "anted( and the e/tent of care one i# "illing to gi$e( that no #et rule can be gi$en for a garden in "hich but fe" !lant# are gro"n and e/tra care can be gi$en. The gro"er %u#t al"ay# be #ure that hi# $arietie# "ill 'fertiliEe'G that i#( that he ha# #ufficient !ollenAbearing kind# to in#ure a cro!. ,ith the highe#t culture( good re#ult# can be obtained fro% the hill #y#te% of gro"ing #tra"berrie#. -or thi# the !lant# %ay be #et in ro"# ? feet a!art and 1 foot in the ro"( or if it be "orked both "ay#( they %ay be fro% 7 to 7A1P7 feet each "ay. )n the #%all garden( "here a hor#e cannot be u#ed( the !lant# are freIuently #et 1 foot each "ay( arranging the% in bed# of three to fi$e ro"#( "ith "alk# 7 feet "ide bet"een the%. 6# fa#t a# runner# for%( they #hould be re%o$ed( #o that the entire $igor of the !lant "ill be e/erted in #trengthening the cro"n. ,hen e/tra fine #!eci%en berrie# are de#ired( the !lant %ay be held abo$e the ground by a "ire fra%e( a# #ho"n in -ig. 7>>. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 7>>. Stra"berry !lant #u!!orted by a "ire rack.< =r #tra"berrie# %ay be gro"n by the narro" %attedAro" #y#te%( in "hich the runner#( before rooting( #hould be turned along the ro"# at a di#tance of K to L inche# fro% the !arent !lant. The#e runner# #hould be the fir#t one# %ade by the !lant and #hould not be allo"ed to root the%#el$e#( but '#et in.' Thi# i# not a difficult o!erationG and if the runner# are #e!arated fro% the !arent !lant a# #oon a# they beco%e "ell e#tabli#hed( the drain on that !lant i# not great. 6ll other runner# #hould be cut off a# they #tart. The ro" #hould be about 17 inche# "ide at fruiting ti%e (-ig. 7>2). Each !lant #hould ha$e #ufficient feeding ground( full #unlight( and a fir% hold in the #oil. Thi# %attedAro" #y#te% i# !erha!# a# good a %ethod( either in a !ri$ate garden or field culture( a# could be !racticed. ,ith a little care in hoeing( "eeding( and cutting off runner#( the bed# #ee% to !roduce a# large cro!# the #econd year a# the fir#t. The old "ay of gro"ing a cro! "a# to #et the !lant# 18 to 17 inche# a!art( in ro"# ? feet a!art( and allo" the% to run and root at "ill( the re#ult# being a %a## of #%all( cro"ded !lant#( each #tri$ing to obtain !lantAfood and none of the% #ucceeding in getting enough. The la#t( or out#ide runner#( ha$ing but the ti!# of their root# in the ground( are %o$ed by the "ind( hea$ed by the fro#t( or ha$e the e/!o#ed root# dried out by the "ind and #un.

Ground rich in !ota#h !roduce# the fir%e#t and be#t fla$ored berrie#. E/ce##i$e u#e of #table %anure( u#ually rich in nitrogen( #hould be a$oided( a# tending to %ake too rank gro"th of foliage and berrie# of a #oft te/ture. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 7>2. 6 narro" %atted ro" of #tra"berrie#.< -or %o#t !ur!o#e#( #tra"berrie# #hould be #et a# early in the #!ring a# the ground can be "orked. The !lanting can be done "ith a tro"el( #!ade( or dibble( taking care to #!read the root# out a# %uch a# !o##ible and to !re## the #oil fir%ly about the%( holding the !lant #o that the bud "ill be ju#t abo$e the #urface. )f the #ea#on i# late and the "eather i# hot and dry( #o%e or all of the older lea$e# #hould be re%o$ed. )f "ater i# u#ed( it #hould be !oured about the root# before the hole i# filled and a# #oon a# it ha# #oaked a"ay the re%aining #oil #hould be !acked about the !lant#. &uring the fir#t #ea#on the blo##o% #talk# #hould be re%o$ed a# #oon a# they a!!ear( and the runner# #hould be re#tricted to a #!ace about 1 foot "ide. So%e !er#on# !refer #till further to reduce the nu%ber of !lant#( and after layering fro% three to four !lant# bet"een tho#e originally #et( to re%o$e all other#. Stra"berrie# are often #et in 6ugu#t or Se!te%ber( but thi# i# ad$i#able only for #%all !atche# or "hen the #oil i# in the be#t !o##ible condition and the highe#t culture i# gi$en. -or garden culture( it %ay !ay to #ecure !otted !lant# (-ig. 728). The#e are #old by %any nur#ery%en( and they %ay be obtained by !lunging !ot# beneath the runner# a# #oon a# the fruiting #ea#on i# !a##ed. )n 6ugu#t( the !lant #hould fill the !ot ("hich #hould be ?Ainch or KAinch) and the !lant i# ready for #etting in the !lantation. Such !lant# #hould bear a good cro! the follo"ing #!ring. &uring the fir#t #ea#on #tra"berrie# #hould be freIuently "orked( rather dee! at fir#t( but a# the "eather beco%e# "ar% and the root# fill the ground( tillage #hould be re#tricted to a de!th of not %ore than 7 inche#. The "eed# #hould ne$er be allo"ed to get a #tart( and if the #ea#on i# dry( culti$ation #hould be #o freIuent that the #urface #oil #hould at all ti%e# be loo#e and o!en( for%ing a du#t %ulch to con#er$e the %oi#ture. )f the fall i# %oi#t and the !lantation free fro% "eed#( there "ill be little occa#ion for culti$ation after the fir#t of Se!te%ber( until ju#t before the ground freeEe# u!( "hen a thorough culti$ation #hould be gi$en. )n addition to the hor#e culti$ation( the hoe #hould be u#ed "hene$er nece##ary to loo#en the #oil about the !lant# and to de#troy "eed# that %ay #tart in the ro". :)llu#tration5 -ig. 728. 6 !otted #tra"berry !lant.< 6fter the ground ha# froEen( it "ill be ad$i#able to %ulch the !lant# by co$ering the #!ace bet"een the ro"# "ith #o%e "a#te %aterial to the de!th of about 7 inche#. &irectly o$er the !lant# a co$ering of 1 inch "ill generally #uffice. The %aterial u#ed #hould be free fro% the #eed# of gra## and "eed#( and #hould be #uch a# "ill re%ain u!on the bed# "ithout blo"ing off and that "ill not !ack do"n too clo#ely u!on the !lant#. Mar#h hay %ake# an ideal %ulch( but "here it cannot be #ecured( #tra" "ill an#"er. orn fodder %ake# a clean but rather coar#e %ulch( and "here they can be held in !lace by #o%e other %aterial( fore#t lea$e# do "ell a# a %ulch bet"een the ro"#. )n the #!ring the #tra" #hould be re%o$ed fro% o$er the !lant# and allo"ed to re%ain bet"een the ro"# a# a %ulch( or all of it %ay be re%o$ed and the #oil "orked "ith a

culti$ator. 6 large cro! #hould be !roduced the #econd #ea#onG %any !er#on# think it be#t to rene" the !lantation each year( but if the !lant# are healthy and the ground free fro% gra## and "eed#( the !lantation can often be retained for a #econd cro!. )t "ill be "ell to !lo" the #oil a"ay fro% the ro"# #o a# to lea$e but a narro" #tri!( and along thi# the old !lant# #hould be cut out #o a# to lea$e the ne" !lant# about 1 foot a!art. )f thi# i# done in Buly( the ro"# #hould fill u! by "inter( #o a# to be in about the #a%e condition a# a ne" bed. J)n#ect# and di#ea#e# of the #tra"berry.J The in#ect %o#t co%%only trouble#o%e to the #tra"berry gro"er i# the co%%on BuneAbug( or MayAbeetle( the lar$ae of "hich are often $ery co%%on in land that ha# been in #od. T"o year# #hould ela!#e before #od land i# u#ed for thi# cro!. utA"or%# are often trouble#o%e( but !lo"ing the land the fall !re$iou# to #etting the !lant# "ill de#troy %any of the%. They can be !oi#oned by #!rinkling about the field clo$er or other green !lant# that ha$e been #oaked in Pari# green "ater (!. 78?). The %o#t co%%on fungou# di#ea#e of the #tra"berry i# leafAblight or 'ru#t(' "hich freIuently cau#e# %uch injury to the foliage( and %ay re#ult in the lo## of the cro!. .arietie# lea#t #ubject to the di#ea#e #hould be cho#en for !lanting( and on #uitable #oil# and "ell cared for( there need be little lo## fro% thi# di#ea#e if the !lantation i# freIuently rene"ed. The ru#t and %ilde" %ay be held in check by bordeau/ %i/ture. )t i# u#ually #ufficient to #!ray after the bloo%ing #ea#on (or at any ti%e the fir#t year the !lant# are #et)( in order to #ecure healthy foliage for the ne/t year (!. 71?). J.arietie# of #tra"berrie#.J -or %o#t !art# of the country( Ha$erland( ,arfield( Bubach( and Gandy afford a #ucce##ion and are all hardy and !roducti$e $arietie#. The fir#t three are i%!erfectAflo"ered $arietie#( and #o%e #uch !erfectAflo"ering kind# a# Lo"ett or Beder"ood #hould be !ro$ided to fertiliEe the%. 6%ong other $arietie# that do "ell in %o#t #ection# are Brandy"ine( Green$ille( lyde( and ,ool$erton. Parker Earle i# $ery late( and i# $aluable for either ho%e u#e or %arket( u!on #trong( %oi#t #oil#( "here it can ha$e the be#t of care. Belt (,illia% Belt) and Mar#hall ha$e large( #ho"y fruit#( and do "ell on #trong #oil. E/cel#ior or Michel %ight be added a# $ery earlyG 6ro%a i# gro"n $ery e/ten#i$ely in #o%e #ection#G al#o Tenne##ee (Tenne##ee Prolific) i# a $ery !ro%i#ing ne" #ort fro% Tenne##ee.

H6PTE0 F THE G0=,)CG =- THE .EGET6BLE PL6CTS 6 $egetable garden i# ad%ittedly a !art of any ho%e !lace that ha# a good rear area. 6 !urcha#ed $egetable i# ne$er the #a%e a# one taken fro% a %anH# o"n #oil and re!re#enting hi# o"n effort and #olicitude.

:)llu#tration5 -ig. 721. ulti$ating the backache.< )t i# e##ential to any #ati#faction in $egetableAgro"ing that the #oil be rich and thoroughly #ubdued and fined. The !lantation #hould al#o be #o arranged that the tilling can be done "ith "heel tool#( and( "here the #!ace "ill allo" it( "ith hor#e tool#. The oldAti%e garden bed (-ig. 721) con#u%e# ti%e and labor( "a#te# %oi#ture( and i# %ore trouble and e/!en#e than it i# "orth. The ro"# of $egetable# #hould be a# long and continuou# a# !o##ible( to allo" of tillage "ith "heel tool#. )f it i# not de#ired to gro" a full ro" of any one $egetable( the line %ay be %ade u! of #e$eral #!ecie#( one follo"ing the other( care being taken to !lace together #uch kind# a# ha$e #i%ilar reIuire%ent#G one long ro"( for e/a%!le( %ight contain all the !ar#ni!#( carrot#( and #al#ify. =ne or t"o long ro"# containing a doEen kind# of $egetable# are u#ually !referable to a doEen #hort ro"#( each "ith one kind of $egetable. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 727. TracyH# !lan for a kitchenAgarden.< )t i# "ell to !lace the !er%anent $egetable#( a# rhubarb and a#!aragu#( at one #ide( "here they "ill not interfere "ith the !lo"ing or tilling. The annual $egetable# #hould be gro"n on different !art# of the area in #ucceeding year#( thu# !racticing #o%ething like a rotation of cro!#. )f radi#h or cabbage %aggot# or clubAroot beco%e thoroughly e#tabli#hed in the !lantation( o%it for a year or %ore the $egetable# on "hich they li$e. 6 #ugge#ti$e arrange%ent for a kitchenAgarden i# gi$en in -ig. 727. )n -ig. 72? i# a !lan of a fenced garden( in "hich gate# are !ro$ided at the end# to allo" the turning of a hor#e and culti$ator (,ebb &onnell( in J6%erican GardeningJ). -igure 72K #ho"# a garden "ith continuou# ro"#( but "ith t"o break# running acro## the area( di$iding the !lantation into block#. The area i# #urrounded "ith a "indbreak( and the fra%e# and !er%anent !lant# are at one #ide. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 72?. 6 garden fence arranged to allo" of hor#e "ork.< )t i# by no %ean# nece##ary that the $egetableAgarden contain only kitchenAgarden !roduct#. -lo"er# %ay be dro!!ed in here and there "here$er a $acant corner occur# or a !lant die#. Such infor%al and %i/ed garden# u#ually ha$e a !er#onal character that add# greatly to their intere#t( and( therefore( to their $alue. =ne i# generally i%!re##ed "ith thi# infor%al character of the ho%eAgarden in %any Euro!ean countrie#( a ty!e of !lanting that ari#e# fro% the nece##ity of %aking the %o#t of e$ery inch of land. )t "a# the "riterH# !lea#ure to look o$er the fence of a Ba$arian !ea#antH# garden and to #ee( on a #!ace about K8 feet by 188 feet in area( a delightful %edley of onion#( !ole bean#( !eonie#( celery( bal#a%#( goo#eberrie#( coleu#( cabbage#( #unflo"er#( beet#( !o!!ie#( cucu%ber#( %orningAglorie#( kohlArabi( $erbena#( bu#h bean#( !ink#( #tock#( currant#( "or%"ood( !ar#ley( carrot#( kale( !erennial !hlo/( na#turtiu%#( fe$erfe"( lettuce( lilie#4 :)llu#tration5 72K. 6 fa%ily kitchenAgarden.< J.egetable# for #i/J (by .E. Hunn).

6 ho%e $egetableAgarden for a fa%ily of #i/ "ould reIuire( e/clu#i$e of

!otatoe#( a #!ace not o$er 188 by 198 feet. Beginning at one #ide of the garden and running the ro"# the #hort "ay (ha$ing each ro" 188 feet long) #o"ing# %ay be %ade( a# #oon a# the ground i# in condition to "ork( of the follo"ing5 -ifty feet each of !ar#ni!# and #al#ify. =ne hundred feet of onion#( 79 feet of "hich %ay be !otato or #et onion#( the re%ainder blackA#eed for #u%%er and fall u#e. -ifty feet of early beet#G 98 feet of lettuce( "ith "hich radi#h %ay be #o"n to break the #oil and be har$e#ted before the lettuce need# the roo%. =ne hundred feet of early cabbage( the !lant# for "hich #hould be fro% a fra%e or !urcha#ed. Set the !lant# 1> inche# to 7 feet a!art. =ne hundred feet of early cauliflo"erG culture #a%e a# for cabbage. -our hundred and fifty feet of !ea#( #o"n a# follo"#5AA 188 feet of e/tra early. 188 feet of inter%ediate. 188 feet of late. 188 feet of e/tra early( #o"n late. 98 feet of d"arf $arietie#.

)f trelli# or bru#h i# not to be u#ed( freIuent #o"ing# of the d"arf# "ill %aintain a #u!!ly. 6fter the #oil ha# beco%e "ar% and all danger of fro#t ha# !a##ed( the tender $egetable# be !lanted a# follo"#5 orn in fi$e ro"# ? feet a!art( three ro"# to be early and inter%ediate and t"o ro"# late. =ne hundred feet of #tring bean#( early to late $arietie#. .ine# a# follo"#5AA 18 hill# of cucu%ber#( L/L feet. 78 hill# of %u#k%elon( L/L feet. =ne hundred feet of okra. T"enty egg!lant#. =ne hundred feet (79 !lant#) to%atoe#. Si/ large clu%!# of rhubarb. 6n a#!aragu# bed 79 feet long and ? feet "ide. Late cabbage( cauliflo"er( and celery are to occu!y the #!ace %ade .acant by re%o$ing early cro!# of early and inter%ediate !ea# and #tring bean#. 6 border on one #ide or end "ill hold all herb#( #uch a# !ar#ley( thy%e( #age( hy##o!( %int#. JThe cla##e# of $egetable#.J Before atte%!ting to gro" !articular $egetable#( it "ill hel! the L hill# of early #Iua#h( L/L feet. 18 hill# of Hubbard( L/L feet.

beginner to an under#tanding of the #ubject if he recogniEe# certain cultural grou!# or cla##e#( and "hat their %ain reIuire%ent# are. 0ootAcro!#AABeet( carrot( !ar#ni!( #al#ify. The rootAcro!# are coolA"eather !lant#G that i#( they %ay be #o"n $ery early( e$en before light fro#t# di#a!!earG and the "inter kind# gro" $ery late in the fall( or %ay be left in the ground till %o#t other cro!# are har$e#ted. They are not often tran#!lanted. Loo#e and dee! #oil( free fro% clod#( i# reIuired to gro" #traight and "ellAde$elo!ed root#. The land %u#t al#o be !erfectly drained( not only to re%o$e #u!erfluou# %oi#ture( but to !ro$ide a dee! and friable #oil. Sub#oiling i# u#eful in hard land#. 6 large ad%i/ture of #and i# generally de#irable( !ro$ided the #oil i# not likely to o$erheat in #unny "eather. To kee! root# fre#h in the cellar( !ack the% in barrel#( bo/e#( or bin# of #and "hich i# ju#t naturally %oi#t( allo"ing each root to co%e "holly or !artly in contact "ith the #and. The be#t %aterial in "hich to !ack the% i# #!hagnu% %o##( the #a%e that nur#ery%en u#e in !acking tree# for #hi!%ent( and "hich %ay be obtained in bog# in %any !art# of the country. )n either #and or #!hagnu%( the root# "ill not #hri$elG but if the cellar i# "ar%( they %ay #tart to gro". 0oot# can al#o be buried( after the %anner of !otatoe#. 6lliaceou# grou!AA=nion( leek( garlic. 6 grou! of $ery hardy coolA"eather !lant#( de%anding unu#ually careful !re!aration of the #urface #oil to recei$e the #eed# and to #et the young !lant# going. They "ith#tand fro#t and cool "eather( and %ay be #o"n $ery early. Seed# are #o"n directly "here the !lant# are to #tand. -or early onion#( ho"e$er( the #!ecial !ractice ha# recently ari#en of tran#!lanting fro% #eedbed#. Bra##icaceou# grou!AA abbage( kale( cauliflo"er. The#e are coolA"eather cro!#( all of the% "ith#tanding con#iderable fro#t. The cabbage# and kale# are often #tarted in fall in the %iddle and #outhern latitude#( and are har$e#ted before hot "eather arri$e#. )n the northern #tate#( the#e !lant# "ill all do be#t "hen #tarted early in hotbed( fra%e( or greenhou#e(AAfro% the la#t of -ebruary to 6!rilAAand tran#!lanted to the o!en ground May fir#t to Bune fir#t( !artly becau#e their #ea#on of gro"th %ay be long and !artly to enable the% to e#ca!e the heat of %id#u%%er. Still( #o%e !er#on# are #ucce##ful in gro"ing late cabbage( kale( and cauliflo"er( by #o"ing the #eed# in hill# and in the o!en ground "here the !lant# are to %ature. )t i# be#t to tran#!lant the young !lantlet# t"ice( fir#t fro% the #eedAbed to bo/e#( or fra%e#( about the ti%e the #econd #et of true lea$e# a!!ear#( !lacing the !lant# 7K inche# a!art each "ay( and tran#!lanting again to the o!en ground in ro"# K to 9 feet a!art( "ith !lant# 7 to K feet a!art in the ro". )f the !lant# are #tarted under co$er( they #hould be hardened off by e/!o#ure to light and air during the "ar%er hour# of #e$eral day# !receding the final tran#!lanting. The %o#t #eriou# ene%y of cabbageAlike !lant# i# the rootA%aggot. See di#cu##ion of thi# in#ect on !!. 1>3( 781.

:)llu#tration5 -ig. 729. The "hite butterfly that lay# the egg# for the cabbageA"or%.< The cabbageA"or% (lar$a of the "hite butterfly #ho"n in -ig. 729) can be di#!atched "ith !yrethru% or kero#ene e%ul#ion. )t %u#t be treated $ery early( before the "or% get# far into the head (!. 788). The clubAroot or #tu%!Aroot i# a fungou# di#ea#e for "hich there i# no good re%edy. @#e ne" land if the di#ea#e i# !re#ent (!. 78>). Solanaceou# grou!AATo%ato( eggA!lant( red !e!!er. The#e are "ar%A"eather !lant#( $ery i%!atient of fro#t. They are all nati$e# of #outhern Eone#( and ha$e not yet beco%e #o far accli%atiEed in the Corth a# not to need the benefit of our longe#t #ea#on#. Plant# #hould be #tarted early( under gla##. They #hould be '!ricked off(' "hen the #econd lea$e# a!!ear( ? or K inche# a!art( into flat# or bo/e#. The#e bo/e# #hould be ke!t in a coldfra%e( to "hich an abundance of light and air i# ad%itted on "ar%( #unny day#( in order to harden the% off. 6fter all danger of fro#t i# !a#t( and the garden #oil i# "ell "ar%ed( the !lant# %ay be finally tran#!lanted. )f the ground i# too rich( the#e !lant# are likely to gro" too late in the northern #ea#on#. ucurbitaceou# grou!AA ucu%ber( %elon( #Iua#h( !u%!kin. 6ll the %e%ber# of thi# grou! are $ery tender to fro#t( and they %u#t not be !lanted till the #ea#on i# thoroughly o!en and #ettled. The !lant# are not tran#!lanted( unle## they are tran#ferred fro% bo/e# or !ot#. Seed# %u#t be !lanted #o%e"hat #hallo" fro% early #!ring to %id#u%%er. -or the earlie#t cucu%ber# and %elon#( #eed# are !lanted in fra%e#. That i#( each hill i# inclo#ed by a !ortable bo/ fra%e about ? feet #Iuare and u#ually ha$ing a %o$able #a#h co$er. The co$er i# rai#ed or re%o$ed in "ar% day#( and the fra%e bodily taken a"ay "hen all danger of fro#t i# !a#t. )n field culture( #eed# are !lanted an inch dee!( four to #i/ in a hill( "ith hill# K by L feet a!art( the#e di#tance# being $aried #lightly( according to location and $ariety. Good cucu%ber# are #o%eti%e# gro"n in hill# #urrounding a barrel in "hich %anure i# !laced to be leached out by #ucce##i$e "atering#. The o%ni!re#ent ene%ie# of all the cucurbitaceou# cro!# are the little cucu%ber beetle and the large black '#tink bug.' 6#he#( li%e( or tobacco du#t occa#ionally #ee% to #ho" #o%e efficiency in !re$enting the ra$age# of the#e in#ect#( but the only rea#onably #ure i%%unity i# in the u#e of co$er# o$er the hill# (-ig. 772) and in handA!icking (!. 787). o$er# %ay al#o be %ade by #tretching %o#Iuito netting o$er arc# of barrel hoo!# or bent "ire#. )f by #o%e #uch %ean# the !lant# are ke!t in#ectAfree till they outgro" the !rotection( they "ill u#ually e#ca!e #eriou# da%age fro% in#ect# thereafter. )t i# "ell to !lant tra! or decoy hill# of cucu%ber#( #Iua#he#( or %elon# in ad$ance of the regular !lanting( on "hich the bug# %ay be har$e#ted. Legu%inou# cro!#AAPea# and bean#. T"o cultural grou!# are included in the legu%e#(AAthe bean grou!

(including all field( garden( and kidney bean#( and the co"!ea) co%!ri#ing "ar%A"eather !lant#G the !ea grou! (including field and garden !ea( the ,ind#or or Broad bean) co%!ri#ing coolA"eather !lant#. The for%er are Iuickly #u#ce!tible to fro#t and #hould be !lanted only after the "eather i# #ettled. The latter are a%ong the earlie#t $egetable# to be !lanted. The legu%inou# cro!# are not tran#!lanted( the #eed being !laced "here the !lant# are to gro". Salad !lant# and !otAherb# ('green#'). The#e !lant# are all gro"n for their( tender( fre#h( #ucculent lea$e#( and therefore e$ery rea#onable effort #hould be %ade to #ecure Iuick and continuou# foliage gro"th. )t i# %anife#tly e/!edient that they be gro"n in "ar%( %ello" ground( "ell culti$ated and co!iou#ly "atered. Such #%all !lant# a# cre##( corn #alad( and !ar#ley %ay be gro"n in #%all bed#( or e$en in bo/e# or !ot#G but in a garden "here #!ace i# not too #cant( they %ay be %ore con$eniently %anaged in ro"#( like !ea# or beet#. Cearly all the #alad !lant# %ay be #o"n in the #!ring( and fro% ti%e to ti%e throughout the #u%%er for #ucce##ion. The grou! i# culturally not ho%ogeneou#( ina#%uch a# #o%e of the !lant# need #!ecial treat%entG but %o#t of the% are coolA"eather #ubject#. S"eetAherb#. The herb garden #hould find a !lace on all a%ateur#H ground#. S"eetAherb# %ay #o%eti%e# be %ade !rofitable by di#!o#ing of the #ur!lu# to the green grocer and the druggi#t. The latter "ill often buy all that the hou#e"ife "i#he# to di#!o#e of( a# the general #u!!ly of %edicinal herb# i# gro"n by #!eciali#t#( and goe# into the hand# of the "hole#aler and i# often old "hen recei$ed by the local dealer. The #eed#%enH# catalogue# %ention u!"ard# of forty different herb#( %edicinal and culinary. The %ajority of the% are !erennial( and "ill gro" for %any year# if "ell taken care of. Ho"e$er( it i# better to re#o" the% e$ery three or four year#. Bed# K feet #Iuare of each of the herb# "ill #u!!ly an ordinary fa%ily. The !erennial #"eetAherb# %ay be !ro!agated by di$i#ion( although they are u#ually gro"n fro% #eed#. The #econd yearAAand #o%eti%e# e$en the fir#t yearAAthe !lant# are #trong enough for cutting. The co%%on !erennial #"eetAherb# are5 Sage( la$ender( !e!!er%int( #!ear%int( hy##o!( thy%e( %arjora%( bal%( catni!( ro#e%ary( horehound( fennel( lo$age( "inter #a$ory( tan#y( "or%"ood( co#t%ary. The co%%oner annual #!ecie# (or tho#e that are treated a# annual#) are5 6ni#e( #"eet ba#il( #u%%er #a$ory( coriander( !ennyroyal( cara"ay (biennial)( clary (biennial)( dill (biennial)( #"eet %arjora% (biennial). JThe culture of the leading $egetable#.J Ha$ing no" obtained a $ie" of the layout of the $egetableAgarden and a good conce!tion of the leading cultural grou!#( "e %ay !roceed "ith a di#cu##ion of the different kind# of $egetable# the%#el$e#. Good e/!erience i# better than book ad$iceG but the !er#on "ho con#ult# a book i# the one "ho lack# e/!erience. 6ny !rinted direction# are nece##arily i%!erfect( and they %ay not be ada!table to the !articular condition# under "hich the a%ateur "ork#G but they ought to #et hi% in the right direction #o that he %ay %ore ea#ily find hi# "ay. Seed#%enH#

catalogue# often contain %uch u#eful and reliable ad$ice of thi# kind. 6SP606G@S.AAThe be#t of all early #!ring $egetable#G a hardy herbaceou# !erennial( gro"n for the #oft edible #hoot# that #!ring fro% the cro"n. The culture of a#!aragu# ha# been #i%!lified in the !a#t fe" year#( and at !re#ent the kno"ledge reIuired #ucce##fully to !lant and gro" a good #u!!ly need not be that of a !rofe##ional. The old %ethod of e/ca$ating to the de!th of ? feet or %ore( thro"ing in fro% K to L inche# of broken #tone or brick# for drainage( then filling to "ithin 1L to 1> inche# of the #urface "ith "ellArotted %anure( "ith L inche# of #oil u!on "hich to #et the root#( ha# gi$en !lace to the #i%!le !ractice of !lo"ing or digging a trench fro% 1K to 1L inche# dee!( #!reading "ellArotted %anure in the botto% to the de!th of ? or K inche#G "hen "ell trodden do"n co$ering the %anure "ith ? or K inche# of good garden #oil( then #etting the !lant#( "ith the root# "ell #!read out( co$ering carefully "ith #oil to the le$el of the garden( and fir%ing the #oil "ith the feet. Thi# "ill lea$e the cro"n# of the !lant# fro% K to 9 inche# belo" the #urface. )n #tubborn( hea$y #oil the be#t %ethod to !ur#ue in %aking a !er%anent bed i# to thro" out all the dirt fro% the trench and re!lace "ith good( fibrou# loa%. )n #etting( 1AyearAold !lant# "ill !ro$e %ore #ati#factory than older one#( being le## liable to #uffer fro% injury to the root #y#te% than tho#e that ha$e %ade a larger gro"th. T"o year# after #etting the cro! %ay be cut #o%e"hat( but not #ooner if a la#ting bed i# de#ired( a# the effort to re!lace the #talk# ha# a tendency to "eaken the !lant unle## the root# are "ell e#tabli#hed. The cutting #hould cea#e in Bune or early Buly( or the root# %ay be %uch "eakened. )n cutting( care #hould be taken to in#ert the knife $ertically( #o that adjoining cro"n# "ill not be injured (-ig. 72L). :)llu#tration5 -ig. 72L. Good J(6)J and !oor J(B)J %ode# of in#erting the knife to cut a#!aragu#. So%e careful gro"er# !ull or break the #hoot# rather than cut the%.< The yearly treat%ent of an a#!aragu# bed con#i#t# of cleaning off to!# and "eed# in the fall and adding a dre##ing of "ellArotted %anure to the de!th of ? or K inche#( thi# %anure to be lightly forked into the bed the follo"ing #!ringG or the to!# %ay be allo"ed to #tand for "inter !rotection and the %ulch left off. 6 to!Adre##ing of nitrate of #oda( at the rate of 788 !ound# !er acre( i# often beneficial a# a #!ring #ti%ulant( !articularly in the ca#e of an old bed. Good re#ult# "ill al#o follo" an a!!lication of bone %eal or #u!er!ho#!hate at the rate of #o%e ?88 to 988 !ound# !er acre. The !ractice of #o"ing #alt on an a#!aragu# bed i# al%o#t uni$er#alG yet bed# that ha$e ne$er recei$ed a !ound of #alt are found to be a# !roducti$e a# tho#e ha$ing recei$ed an annual dre##ing. Ce$erthele##( a #alt dre##ing i# reco%%ended. T"o ro"# of a#!aragu# 79 feet long and ? feet a!art #hould #u!!ly a large fa%ily "ith an abundance throughout the #ea#on( and if "ell taken care of( "ill la#t a nu%ber of year#. ono$er olo##al i# the $ariety %o#t generally gro"n( and i# !erha!# the %o#t #ati#factory #ort. Pal%etto( a $ariety originating at the South( i# al#o $ery !o!ular.

60T) H=DE.AAThe artichoke of literature i# a tall( coar#e !erennial of the thi#tle tribe( !roducing edible flo"erAhead#. ardoon i# a related !lant. The fle#hy #cale# of the head and the #oft 'botto%' of the head are the !art# u#ed. The young #ucker# or #hoot# %ay al#o be tied together and blanched( u#ing the% like a#!aragu# or S"i## chard. But fe" of the#e !lant# "ould be needed for a fa%ily( a# they !roduce a nu%ber of flo"erAhead# to a !lant and a Iuantity of #ucker#. The !lant# #hould be #et fro% 7 to ? feet a!art in the ro"( the ro"# being ? feet a!art. Thi# $egetable i# not Iuite hardy in the Corth( but a co$ering of lea$e# or barnyard litter to the de!th of a foot "ill !rotect it "ell. The !lant i# !erennial( but the be#t yield co%e# fro% young !lant#. )f the head# are allo"ed to ri!en( they reduce the $itality of the !lant. 6rtichoke# ha$e ne$er beco%e #o !o!ular in thi# country a# to ha$e !roduced a long li#t of $arietie#. Large Green Globe i# %o#t co%%only offered by #eed#%en. Edible head# #hould be #ecured the #econd year fro% #eed. Seedling# are likely to $ary greatly( and if one i# fond of artichoke#( he "ould do better to !ro!agate by #ucker# fro% the be#t !lant#. The#e !lant# %ake no %ean decorati$e #ubject#( either %a##ed or in a %i/ed border( and fro% the rarity of their culture are al"ay# object# of intere#t. 60T) H=DE( BE0@S6LEM( i# a "holly different !lant fro% the abo$e( although it i# co%%only kno"n a# 'artichoke' in thi# country. )t i# a #!ecie# of #unflo"er that !roduce# !otatoAlike tuber#. The#e tuber# %ay be u#ed in lieu of !otatoe#. They are $ery !alatable to hog#G and "hen the !lant beco%e# a "eed(AAa# it often doe#(AAit %ay be e/ter%inated by turning the hog# into the field. Hardy( and "ill gro" any"here. BE6C.AAE$ery garden gro"# bean# of one kind or another. @nder thi# general na%e( %any kind# of !lant# are culti$ated. They are all tender( and the #eed#( therefore( #hould not be !lanted until the "eather i# thoroughly #ettledG and the #oil #hould be "ar% and loo#e. They are all annual# in northern countrie#( or treated a# #uch. The bean !lant# %ay be cla##ified in $ariou# "ay#. )n re#!ect to #tature( they %ay be thro"n into three general categorie#G $iE. the !ole or cli%bing bean#( the bu#h bean#( and the #trictAgro"ing or u!right bean# (a# the Broad or ,ind#or bean). )n re#!ect to their u#e#( bean# again %ay be di$ided into three categorie#G $iE. tho#e u#ed a# #tring or #na! bean#( the entire !od being eatenG tho#e that are u#ed a# #hell bean#( the fullA#iEe but i%%ature bean# being #helled fro% the !od and cookedG dry bean#( or tho#e eaten in their dry or "inter condition. The #a%e $ariety of bean %ay be u#ed for all of the#e three !ur!o#e# at different #tage# of it# de$elo!%entG but a# a %atter of fact( there are $arietie# better for one !ur!o#e than the other. 6gain( bean# %ay be cla##ified in re#!ect to their #!ecie#. Tho#e #!ecie# that are be#t kno"n are a# follo"#5 (1) o%%on bean( or JPha#eolu# $ulgari#(J of "hich there are both tall and bu#h for%#. 6ll the co%%on #na! and #tring bean# belong here( a# al#o the S!eckled ranberry ty!e# of !ole bean#( and the co%%on

field bean#. (7) The Li%a bean#( or JPha#eolu# lunatu#.J The larger !art of the#e are !ole bean#( but lately d"arf or bu#h $arietie# ha$e a!!eared. (?) The Scarlet 0unner( JPha#eolu# %ultifloru#(J of "hich the Scarlet 0unner and ,hite &utch 0unner are fa%iliar e/a%!le#. The Scarlet 0unner i# u#ually gro"n a# an orna%ental $ine( and it i# !erennial in "ar% countrie#( but the #eed# are edible a# #helled bean#. The ,hite &utch 0unner i# oftener culti$ated for food. (K) The *ardALong( or 6#!aragu# bean( J&olicho# #e#Iui!edali#(J "hich !roduce# long and "eak $ine# and $ery long( #lender !od#. The green !od# are eaten( and al#o the #helled bean#. The -rench *ardALong i# the only $ariety of thi# ty!e that i# co%%only kno"n in thi# country. Thi# ty!e of bean i# !o!ular in the =rient. (9) The Broad bean#( of "hich the ,ind#or i# the co%%on ty!e. The#e are %uch gro"n in the =ld ,orld for #tock feed( and they are #o%eti%e# u#ed for hu%an food. They gro" to one #trict( central( #tiff #talk( to a height of 7 to K or 9 feet( and they are $ery unlike other kind# of bean# in a!!earance. )n thi# country( they are $ery little gro"n on account of our hot and dry #u%%er#. )n anada they are #o%e"hat rai#ed( and are #o%eti%e# u#ed in the %aking of #ilage. (L) The co"!ea( "hich i# really a bean (#!ecie# of J.ignaJ)( %uch gro"n in the South for hay and greenA%anuring( i# al#o a $ery good table $egetable and one that i# de#tined to increa#e in !o!ularity for do%e#tic u#e. The culture of the bean( "hile of the ea#ie#t( often !ro$e# a failure a# far a# the fir#t cro! i# concerned( fro% !lanting the #eed before the ground ha# beco%e "ar% and dry. Co $egetable #eed "ill decay Iuicker than bean#( and the delay cau#ed by "aiting for the #oil to beco%e "ar% and free fro% e/ce##i$e %oi#ture "ill be %ore than %ade u! by the ra!idity of gro"th "hen finally they are !lanted. Bean# "ill gro" on %o#t any land( but the be#t re#ult# %ay be #ecured by ha$ing the #oil "ell enriched and in good !hy#ical condition. -ro% the 9th to the 18th of May in the latitude of central Ce" *ork( it "ill be #afe to !lant bean# for an early cro!. The bean# %ay be dro!!ed 7 inche# dee! in #hallo" drill#( the #eed# to lie ? inche# a!art. o$er to the #urface of the #oil( and if the ground be dry( fir% it "ith the foot or the back of the hoe. -or the bu#h $arietie#( allo" 7 feet bet"een the drillAro"#( but for the d"arf Li%a# 7A1P7 feet i# better. Pole Li%a# are u#ually !lanted in hill# 7 to ? feet a!art in the ro"#. &"arf Li%a# %ay be #o"n thinly in drill#. 6 large nu%ber of the $arietie# of both the greenA!odded and the "a/A!odded bean# are u#ed al%o#t e/clu#i$ely a# #na! bean#( to be eaten "ith the !od "hile tender. The $ariou# #train# of the Black ,a/ are the %o#t !o!ular #tring bean#. The !ole or running bean# are u#ed either green or dried( and the Li%a#( both tall and d"arf( are "ell kno"n for their #u!erior fla$or either a# #helled or dry bean#. The oldAfa#hioned ranberry or Horticultural Li%a ty!e (a !ole for% of JPha#eolu# $ulgari#J) i# !robably the be#t #hell bean( but the trouble of !oling %ake# it un!o!ular. &"arf Li%a# are %uch %ore de#irable for #%all garden# than the !ole $arietie#( a# they %ay be !lanted %uch clo#er( the bother of !rocuring !ole# or t"ine i# a$oided( and the garden "ill ha$e

a %ore #ightly a!!earance. Both the d"arf Li%a# and !ole Li%a# reIuire a longer #ea#on in "hich to %ature than the bu#h bean#( and only one !lanting i# u#ually %ade. The ordinary bu#h bean# %ay be !lanted at inter$al# of t"o "eek# fro% the fir#t !lanting until the 18th of 6ugu#t. Each !lanting %ay be %ade on ground !re$iou#ly occu!ied by #o%e earlyA%aturing cro!. Thu#( the fir#t to third !lanting# %ay be on ground fro% "hich ha# been har$e#ted a cro! of #!inach( early radi#h( or lettuceG after that( on ground "here early !ea# ha$e been gro"nG and the later #o"ing# "here beet# or early !otatoe# ha$e gro"n. String bean# for canning are u#ually taken fro% the la#t cro!. =ne Iuart of #eed "ill !lant 188 feet of drill of the bu#h bean#G or 1 Iuart of Li%a# "ill !lant 188 hill#. Li%a# are the riche#t of bean#( but they often fail to %ature in the northern #tate#. The land #hould not be $ery #trong in nitrogen (or #table %anure)( el#e the !lant# "ill run too %uch to $ine and be too late. hoo#e a fertile #andy or gra$elly #oil "ith "ar% e/!o#ure( u#e #o%e #oluble co%%ercial fertiliEer to #tart the% off( and gi$e the% the be#t of culture. 6i% to ha$e the !od# #et before the drought# of %id#u%%er co%e. Good trelli#e# for bean# are %ade by "ool t"ine #tretched bet"een t"o horiEontal "ire#( one of "hich i# dra"n a foot abo$e the ground and the other L or 3 feet high. Bean !lant# are not troubled by in#ect# to any e/tent( but they are #o%eti%e# attacked by blight. ,hen thi# occur#( do not !lant the #a%e ground to bean# again for a year or t"o. BEET.AAThi# $egetable i# gro"n for it# thick root( and for it# herbage (u#ed a# 'green#')G and orna%entalAlea$ed $arietie# are #o%eti%e# !lanted in flo"erAgarden#. :)llu#tration5 -ig. 723. Ba#tian turni! beet.< Being one of the hardie#t of #!ring $egetable#( the #eed %ay be #o"n a# early in the #!ring a# the ground can be "orked. 6 light( #andy #oil i# the be#t on "hich to gro" beet# to !erfection( but any "ellAtilled garden land "ill rai#e #ati#factory cro!#. =n hea$y ground the turni! beet gi$e# the be#t re#ult#( a# the gro"th i# nearly all at or abo$e the #urface. The long $arietie#( ha$ing ta!ering root# running dee! into the #oil( are liable to be %i##ha!en unle## the !hy#ical condition of the #oil i# #uch that the root# %eet "ith little ob#truction. 6 #ucce##ion of #o"ing# #hould be %ade( at inter$al# of t"o to three "eek#( until late #u%%er( a# the beet# are %uch %ore de#irable in their young #tage than "hen they ha$e beco%e old and "oody. The %angelA"urEel and the #ugarAbeet are u#ually gro"n a# a field cro!( and "ill not enter into the calculation# of the ho%e garden. )n order to ha#ten the #ea#on of the e/traAearly cro! of beet#( the #eed# %ay be #o"n in bo/e# or in the #oil of a hotbed in -ebruary or March( tran#!lanting the #%all !lant# to the o!en ground at the ti%e the fir#t #o"ing of #eed i# %ade. 6# the flat or turni!Arooted $arietie# gro" at the #urface of the ground( the #eed %ay be #o"n thickly( and a# the %ore ad$anced root# are large enough to u#e they %ay be !ulled( lea$ing roo% for the later one# to de$elo!( thu# gro"ing a large Iuantity in a #%all area and ha$ing a long #ea#on of #%all beet# fro% one #o"ing.

-or "inter u#e the late BulyA#o"n #eed "ill gi$e the be#t root#( gro"ing through the cool %onth# of the fall to a %ediu% #iEe and re%aining fir% "ithout being tough or #tringy. The#e %ay be dug after light fro#t# and before any #e$ere cold "eather( and #tored in barrel# or bo/e# in the cellar( u#ing enough dry dirt to fill #!ace# bet"een the root# and co$er the% to the de!th of L inche#. The#e root#( thu# !acked in a cool cellar( "ill be fit to u#e through the entire "inter %onth#. ,hen it can be had( flori#t#H or #!hagnu% %o## i# an e/cellent %ediu% in "hich to !ack root# for "inter. The early round or turni! $arietie# (-ig. 723) are be#t for early and #u%%er u#e. The long blood beet# %ay be u#ed for #toring( but the#e reIuire a longer #ea#on of gro"th. B0= =L).AAi# al%o#t identical "ith the cauliflo"er( e/ce!t that it u#ually reIuire# a longer #ea#on and %ature# in the fall. )t i# gro"n %ore generally in Euro!e than in thi# country. The #!ecial %erit of broccoli i# it# ada!tability for late #u%%er !lanting and it# ra!id gro"th in the late #ea#on. )t i# #aid that a large !ro!ortion of broccoli i# u#ed in the %anufacture of !ickle#. The culture i# the #a%e a# for cauliflo"er(AAdee!( %oi#t #oil "ell enriched( cool "eather( and the de#truction of the cabbage "or%. B0@SSELS SP0=@TS.AAThe !lant i# gro"n for the button# or #!rout# (%iniature cabbage head#) that gro" thickly along the #te% (-ig. 72>). )t #hould be %ore generally kno"n( a# it i# one of the choice#t of the cabbage fa%ily( and %ay be had at it# be#t after the #ea#on for cauliflo"er ha# !a##ed. )t i# the better for being touched by the fall fro#t#. The button# #hould be cut off rather than broken. The $ery #%all hard '#!rout#' or button# are the be#t. The culture i# e##entially the #a%e a# for late cabbage or broccoli. =ne ounce "ill #o" 188 feet of drill( or %ake u!"ard of 7888 !lant#. Set !lant# in field 7 to ? feet a!art( or d"arf $arietie# clo#er. They reIuire the entire #ea#on in "hich to gro". :)llu#tration5 -ig. 72>. Bru##el# #!rout#.< 6BB6GE.AAThe cabbage i# no" #o e/ten#i$ely gro"n a# a field cro!( fro% "hich the %arket i# #u!!lied( and the !lant# reIuire #o %uch roo% that %any ho%eAgardener# incline to gi$e u! it# cultureG but the early $arietie#( at lea#t( #hould be gro"n at ho%e. -or an early cro! in the Corth( the !lant# %u#t be #tarted either in -ebruary or early March( or the !re$iou# Se!te%ber and "intered o$er in coldfra%e#. Thi# latter %ethod "a# once a co%%on !ractice by gardener# near large citie#( but the building of greenhou#e# to re!lace the %any hotbed# of the %arketAgardener ha# changed the !ractice in %any localitie#( and no" %o#t of the early cabbage# in the Corth are gro"n fro% #eed #o"n in Banuary( -ebruary( or March. The !lant# are hardened off in March and early 6!ril and !lanted out a# early a# !o##ible. The !ri$ate gro"er( or one "ith a #%all garden( %ay often !rocure hi# early !lant# fro% the %arketAgardener %uch chea!er than he can gro" the%( a# u#ually only a li%ited nu%ber of early cabbage !lant# are "antedG but for the %id#ea#on and %ain cro!( the #eed %ay be #o"n in May or Bune in a #eedAbed( #etting the !lant# in Buly. The #eedAbed #hould be %ade %ello" and rich. 6 good border "ill do. The #eed i# #o"n !referably in ro"#( thu# allo"ing thinning of the !lant#

and the !ulling of any "eed# that ger%inate. The young !lant# "ill "ell re!ay attention to "atering and thinning. The ro"# #hould be ? or K inche# a!art. ,hen the !lant# are large enough to tran#!lant( they %ay be !lanted "here early $egetable# ha$e been gro"n. Set the !lant# fro% 1> to 7K inche# a!art in the ro"( the ro"# being ? feet a!art for the %ediu%Agro"ing kind#. =ne ounce of #eed "ill furni#h about 7888 !lant#. 6ll cabbage# reIuire dee! and rich #oil( and one that hold# %oi#ture "ell. 0egular culti$ation #hould be gi$en #o that %oi#ture %ay be #a$ed and the gro"th be continuou#. -or early !lanting( the nu%ber of $arietie# i# li%ited to three or four. -or an inter%ediate cro! the li#t i# %ore e/tended( and the late $arietie# are $ery nu%erou#. The early li#t i# headed by the Ber#ey ,akefield( a $ariety that head# $ery Iuickly( and( although not one of the #olid kind#( i# generally gro"n. The Early *ork and ,innig#tadt are good $arietie# to follo" it. The latter e#!ecially i# #olid and of $ery good Iuality. -or the %id#ea#on( the Succe##ion and 6ll Sea#on are of the be#t( and for the "inter #u!!ly the &ru%head( &ani#h Ball( and -lat &utch ty!e# are leader#. =ne of the be#t of the cabbage# for table u#e i# #eldo% #een in the gardenAAthe Sa$oy cabbage. )t i# a ty!e "ith netted lea$e#( %aking a large( lo"Agro"ing head( the center of "hich i# $ery #olid and of e/cellent fla$or( e#!ecially late in the fall( "hen the head# ha$e had a #light touch of fro#t. Sa$oy #hould be gro"n in e$ery !ri$ate garden. The be#t re%edy for the cabbage "or% i# to kill the fir#t brood on the $ery young !lant# "ith Pari# green. 6fter the !lant# begin to head( !yrethru%( kero#ene e%ul#ion( or #alt "ater %ay be u#ed. =n a #%all area( handA!icking %ay be reco%%ended (!. 788). The %aggot i# the %o#t #eriou# cabbage !e#t. 6fter #tudying the #e$enty odd re%edie# !ro!o#ed( Slingerland conclude# that #i/ are efficient and !racticable5 gro"ing the young !lant# in clo#ely co$ered fra%e#G tarred !a!er card# !laced #nugly about the ba#e of the !lant# to kee! the fly a"ayG rubbing the egg# fro% the ba#e of the !lantG handA!icking of the %aggot#G treating the !lant# "ith e%ul#ion of carbolic acidG treating the% "ith carbon bi#ulfide. The in#ecticidal %aterial# are injected or !oured into the #oil about the ba#e of the !lant (!!. 1>3( 781). The clubAroot( "hich cau#e# the root# to beco%e greatly thickened and di#torted( i# difficult to %anage if cabbage# or allied !lant# are gro"n continuou#ly on land in "hich di#ea#ed !lant# ha$e been rai#ed. hanging the location of the cabbage or cauliflo"er !atch i# the be#t !rocedure. )f $ery different cro!#( a# corn( !otatoe#( !ea#( to%atoe#( are gro"n on the land( the di#ea#e "ill be #tar$ed out in t"o or three year# (!. 78>). There are %any "ay# of #toring cabbage# for "inter and #!ring u#e( none of "hich are unifor%ly #ucce##ful. The general #ubject i# di#cu##ed on !. 19>. =n thi# !oint T. Greiner "rite# a# follo"#5 ') ha$e heretofore !iled a lot of cabbage# cut fro% the #tu%! in a conical hea! in the field( and co$ered the% "ith clu#ter# of the outer lea$e# cut off "ith a !iece of the #tu%!. The lea$e# are carefully !laced o$er the hea! in #hingle fa#hion( #o a# to #hed "ater. abbage# thu# !iled and co$ered %ay be left out until real "inter "eather #et# in. But ) find that #lug# and earth"or%# freIuently infe#t the cabbage# thu# #tored( and do a good deal of da%age. )t %ight be "ell to !lace a #olid floor of li%e or #alt u!on the ground( and then !ack the cabbage# u!on thi#. )f to be left out

after #e$ere freeEing ha# #et in( one #hould !ut additional co$ering( #uch a# #tra"( cornA#talk# or %ar#h hay( o$er the "hole hea!.' Mr. Bur!eeH# little book( H abbage and auliflo"er for Profit(H "ritten by B.M. Lu!ton( a !ro%inent cabbageAgro"er( #ugge#t# the follo"ing !lan for early "inter #ale#5 'Take the cabbage# u! "ith the root# on( and #tore in "ellA$entilated cellar#( "here they "ill kee! till %idA"inter. =r #tack the% in #o%e #heltered !o#ition about the barn( !lacing one abo$e the other in tier#( "ith the root# in#ide( and co$ering dee!ly "ith #ea"eedG or if thi# cannot be obtained( #o%ething like corn#talk# %ay be u#ed to kee! the% fro% the "eather a# %uch a# !o##ible (-ig. 722). ,hen thu# #tored( they %ay be obtained any ti%e during the "inter "hen !rice# are fa$orable.' :)llu#tration5 -ig. 722. 6 %ethod of #toring cabbage#.< 600=T.AA,hile e##entially a far% cro! in thi# country( the carrot i# ne$erthele## a %o#t acce!table garden $egetable. )t i# hardy and ea#ily gro"n. The e/traAearly $arietie# %ay be forced in a hotbed( or #eed %ay be #o"n a# #oon a# the ground i# fit to "ork in the #!ring. The #tu%!Arooted( or halfAlong $arietie# (-ig. ?88)( are #o"n for the general garden cro!. :)llu#tration5 -ig. ?88. 6 halfAlong carrot.< ,ellAenriched( %ello" loa%( dee!ly dug or !lo"ed( i# be#t #uited to the reIuire%ent# of carrot#. The #eed for the %ain cro! %ay be #o"n a# late a# Buly 1. So" thickly( thinning to ? to K inche# in the ro". The ro"#( if in a garden that i# handA"orked( %ay be 17 inche# a!art. )f the culti$ation i# !erfor%ed "ith a hor#e( the ro"# #hould be fro% 7 to ? feet a!art. =ne ounce "ill #o" 188 feet of drill. 6@L)-L=,E0.AAThi# i# the choice#t of all $egetable# of the cabbage grou!( and it# culture i# %uch the %o#t difficult. ,hile the #!ecial reIuire%ent# are fe"( they %u#t be fully %et if good re#ult# are to be e/!ected. The general culture of cauliflo"er i# %uch like that of cabbage( e/ce!t that the cauliflo"er( being %ore tender( #hould be %ore thoroughly hardened off before #etting out( the head# %u#t be !rotected fro% hot #un#( the !lant# %u#t ne$er #uffer for %oi#ture( and the greate#t care %u#t be taken to #ecure only highly bred #eed#. )t i# e##ential that the !lant# be #et out a# early a# !o##ible( a# the "ar% "eather of Bune cau#e# the% to %ake i%!erfect head# unle## the #oil i# filled "ith %oi#ture. Co garden cro! "ill #o "ell re!ay the co#t and ti%e of thorough irrigation( either by running the "ater bet"een the ro"# or a!!lying it directly to the !lant#. ,hen it i# i%!o##ible to furni#h "ater and there i# danger of lo#ing the #oil %oi#ture( it i# a good !lan to %ulch hea$ily "ith #tra" or #o%e other #ub#tance. Thi# %ulch( if !ut on ju#t after a hea$y rain( "ill hold the %oi#ture for a long ti%e. auliflo"er !ro#!er# be#t in a cool cli%ate. ,hen the head# begin to for%( the out#ide lea$e# %ay be brought together and tied abo$e the head( e/cluding the direct #un#hine and kee!ing the head "hite and tender. -ig. ?81 #ho"# a good head. :)llu#tration5 -ig. ?81. auliflo"er head "ith lea$e# tri%%ed off.< Co $egetable "ill re#!ond %ore Iuickly to good culture and "ellA%anured

#oil than the cauliflo"er( and none "ill !ro$e #uch an utter failure "hen neglected. )t i# i%!erati$e that care be taken to de#troy all the cabbage "or%# before the lea$e# are tied in( a# after that it "ill be i%!o##ible to #ee or reach the%. -ro% 1888 to 1988 !lant# %ay be gro"n fro% 1 ounce of #eed. Good cauliflo"er #eed i# $ery e/!en#i$e. -or "inter cro!( #eed# %ay be #tarted in Bune or Buly( a# for late cabbage. Erfurt( Sno"ball( and Pari# are !o!ular early $arietie#. Con!areil and 6lgier# are good late kind#. ELE0)6 .AA6 for% of the celery !lant in "hich the tuberou# root i# the edible !art (-ig. ?87). The tuber ha# the celery fla$or in a !ronounced degree( and i# u#ed for fla$oring #ou!# and for celery #alad. )t %ay be #er$ed ra"( #liced in $inegar and oil( or boiled. The culture i# the #a%e a# gi$en for celery( e/ce!t that no earthing or blanching i# reIuired. 6bout an eIual nu%ber of !lant# are obtained fro% the #a%e "eight of #eed a# fro% celery #eed. eleriac i# e/ten#i$ely u#ed abroad( but( unfortunately( little kno"n in 6%erica. :)llu#tration5 -ig. ?87. eleriac or turni!Arooted celery.< ELE0*.AA6lthough celery ha# no" beco%e a #ta!le $egetable "ith all cla##e# of !eo!le( the ho%eAgardener i# likely not to atte%!t it# cultureG yet it i# not difficult to rai#e in #%all Iuantitie# in %o#t any good garden land. ,hile the co%%ercial celery i# largely gro"n on reclai%ed #"a%! land#( #uch area# are not at all e##ential to it# culti$ation. The #elfAblanching $arietie# ha$e #i%!lified the culture of celery #o that the a%ateur( a# "ell a# the e/!ert( %ay ha$e a good #u!!ly at lea#t #i/ %onth# of the year. The #oAcalled ne" culture( "hich con#i#t# of #etting the !lant# clo#e together and cau#ing the% to #hade each other( can be reco%%ended for the garden "hen a #u!!ly of "ellArotted %anure i# to had( and "hen any a%ount of "ater i# a$ailable. Thi# %ethod i# a# follo"#5 -ork or #!ade into the #oil a large Iuantity of %anure to the de!th of 18 to 17 inche#G !ul$eriEe the #oil until the ground for the de!th of K to L inche# i# in $ery fine condition. Then #et the !lant# in ro"# 18 inche# a!art and the !lant# but 9 or L inche# a!art in the ro"#. )t "ill be #een that !lant# #et a# clo#e a# thi# "ill #oon fill the #oil "ith a %a## of root# and %u#t ha$e large a%ount# of !lantAfood( a# "ell a# a large Iuantity of "aterG and the %aking of #uch a bed can be reco%%ended only to tho#e "ho can #u!!ly the#e need#. The co%%on !ractice in ho%e garden# i# to !lo" or dig a #hallo" trench( #etting the !lant# in the botto% and hoeing in the #oil a# the !lant# gro". The di#tance a!art of the ro"# and !lant# "ill de!end on the $arietie#. -or the d"arf $arietie#( #uch a# ,hite Plu%e( Golden SelfAblanching( and other# of thi# ty!e( the ro"# %ay be a# clo#e a# ? feet and the !lant# L inche# in the ro"#. -or the largeAgro"ing $arietie#( a# Dala%aEoo( Giant Pa#cal( and( in fact( %o#t of the late $arietie#( the ro"# %ay be K 1P7 to 9 feet a!art and the !lant# 3 or > inche# in the ro". The #eed for an early cro! #hould be #o"n in -ebruary or early in March in #hallo" bo/e#( "hich %ay be !laced in a hotbed or #unny "indo"( or #o"n directly in the #oil of a hotbed. o$er the #eed# thinly and !re##

the #oil fir%ly o$er the%. ,hen the #eedling !lant# are about 1 inch high( they #hould be tran#!lanted to other bo/e# or hotbed#( #etting the !lant# 1 inch a!art in ro"# ? inche# a!art. 6t thi# tran#!lanting( a# "ith the follo"ing one#( the tall lea$e# #hould be cut or !inched off( lea$ing only the u!right gro"th( a# "ith the ut%o#t care it i# al%o#t i%!o##ible to !re$ent the out#ide leaf#talk# fro% "ilting do"n and dying. The root# #hould al#o be tri%%ed back at each tran#!lanting in order to increa#e the feeding root#. The !lant# #hould be #et a# dee! a# !o##ible( care being taken( ho"e$er( not to allo" the heart of the !lant to be co$ered u!. The $arietie# u#ually gro"n for an early cro! are the #oAcalled #elfAblanching $arietie#. They %ay be %ade fit for the table "ith %uch le## labor than the late cro!( the #hade reIuired to blanch the #talk# being %uch le##. ,hen only a fe" #hort ro"# are gro"n in a !ri$ate garden( #creen# of lath %ay be %ade by dri$ing #take# on each #ide of the ro" and tacking lath on( lea$ing #!ace# of an inch or %ore for the light to enterG or each head %ay be "ra!!ed in !a!er( or a tile drain !i!e %ay be #et o$er the !lant. )n fact( any %aterial that "ill e/clude the light "ill render the #talk# "hite and brittle. The #eed for the %ain or fall cro! #hould be #o"n in 6!ril or early May in a #eedAbed !re!ared by forking #hort "ellArotted %anure into a fine #oil( #o"ing the #eed thinly in ro"# > or 18 inche# a!art( co$ering the #eed lightly and fir%ing o$er the #eed "ith the feet( hoe( or back of a #!ade. Thi# #eedAbed #hould be ke!t %oi#t at all ti%e# until the #eed ger%inate#( either by clo#e attention to "atering or by a lath #creen. The u#e of a !iece of cloth laid directly on the #oil( and the bed "et through the cloth( i# often reco%%ended( and if the cloth i# al"ay# "et and taken off the bed a# #oon a# the #eed #!rout#( it %ay be u#ed. 6fter the young !lant# ha$e gro"n to the height of 1 or 7 inche# they %u#t be thinned out( lea$ing the !lant# #o that they do not touch each other( and tran#!lanting tho#e thinnedAAif "antedAAto other ground !re!ared in the #a%e %anner a# the #eedAbed. 6ll the#e !lant# %ay be #heared or cut back to induce #tockine##. 6n ounce of #eed "ill furni#h about three thou#and !lant#. )f in a !ri$ate garden( the ground on "hich the fall cro! i# u#ually #et "ill likely be that fro% "hich a cro! of #o%e early $egetable ha# been taken. Thi# land #hould be again "ell enriched "ith fine( "ellArotted %anure( to "hich %ay be added a liberal Iuantity of "ood a#he#. )f the %anure or a#he# i# not ea#ily obtained( a #%all a%ount %ay be u#ed by !lo"ing or digging out a furro" > or 17 inche# dee!( #cattering the %anure and a#he# in the botto% of the trench and filling it u! al%o#t le$el "ith the #urface. The !lant# #hould be #et about the %iddle of Buly( !referably ju#t before a rain. The !lant bed #hould ha$e a thorough #oaking #hortly before the !lant# are lifted( and each !lant be tri%%ed( both to! and root( before #etting. The !lant# #hould be #et fro% 9 to L inche# a!art in the ro"# and the earth "ell fir%ed around each one. :)llu#tration5 -ig. ?8?. Storing celery in a trench in the field.< :)llu#tration5 -ig. ?8K. 6 celery !it.< The afterAculti$ation con#i#t# in thorough tillage until the ti%e of 'handling' or earthing u! the !lant#. Thi# !roce## of handling i# acco%!li#hed by dra"ing u! the earth "ith one hand "hile holding the !lant "ith the other( !acking the #oil "ell around the #talk#. Thi# !roce## %ay be continued until only the lea$e# are to be #een. -or the

!ri$ate gro"er( it i# %uch ea#ier to blanch the celery "ith board# or !a!er( or if the celery i# not "anted until "inter( the !lant# %ay be dug u!( !acked clo#ely in bo/e#( co$ering the root# "ith #oil( and !laced in a dark( cool cellar( "here the #talk# "ill blanch the%#el$e#. )n thi# "ay celery %ay be #tored in bo/e# in the hou#e cellar. Put earth in the botto% of a dee! bo/( and !lant the celery in it. elery i# #o%eti%e# #tored in trenche# in the o!en (-ig. ?8?)( the root# being tran#!lanted to #uch !lace# in late fall. The !lant# are #et clo#e together and the trenche# are co$ered "ith board#. 6 "ider trench or !it %ay be %ade (-ig. ?8K) and co$ered "ith a #hed roof. :)llu#tration5 -ig. ?89. S"i## chard.< H60&( or S,)SS H60&(AAi# a de$elo!%ent of the beet #!ecie# characteriEed by large #ucculent leaf#talk# in#tead of enlarged root#. (-ig. ?89). The lea$e# are $ery tender and %ake 'green#' %uch like young beet#. They are culti$ated e/actly like beet#. =nly one $ariety i# offered by %o#t #eed#%en in thi# country( though in -rance and Ger%any #e$eral $arietie# are gro"n. H) =0* i# gro"n for t"o !ur!o#e#(AAfor the root# and for the herbage. 'Barbe de ca!ucin' i# a #alad %ade fro% young #hoot# of chicory. The Magdeburg chicory i# the $ariety u#ually #!oken of( it being the one %o#t e/ten#i$ely gro"n. The root# of thi#( after being ground and roa#ted( are u#ed either a# a #ub#titute or an adulterant for coffee. The ,itloof( a for% of chicory( i# u#ed a# a #alad( or boiled and #er$ed in the #a%e %anner a# cauliflo"er. The !lant# #hould be thinned to L inche#. )n the latter !art of #u%%er they #hould be banked u! like celery( and the lea$e# u#ed after beco%ing "hite and tender. Thi# and the co%%on "ild chicory are often dug in the fall( the lea$e# cut off( the root# !acked in #and in a cellar and "atered until a ne" gro"th of lea$e# #tart#. The#e lea$e# gro" ra!idly and are $ery tender( %aking a fine #alad $egetable. =ne !acket of #eed of the ,itloof "ill furni#h !lant# enough for a large fa%ily. HE0.)L.AAThe cher$il i# gro"n in t"o for%#(AAfor the lea$e#( and for the tuberou# root#. The curled cher$il i# a good addition to the li#t of garni#hing and #ea#oning $egetable#. So" #eed# and culti$ate the #a%e a# !ar#ley. The tuberou# cher$il re#e%ble# a #hort carrot or !arn#i!. )t i# %uch e#tee%ed in -rance and Ger%any. The tuber# ha$e #o%e"hat the fla$or of a #"eet !otato( !erha!# a little #"eeter. They are !erfectly hardy( and( like the !ar#ni!( the better for fro#t#. The #eed %ay be #o"n in Se!te%ber or =ctober( a# it doe# not kee! "ellG or a# #oon a# the ground i# fit to "ork in the #!ring( it being #lo" to ger%inate after the "eather beco%e# hot and dry. =ne !acket of #eed "ill gi$e all the !lant# nece##ary for a fa%ily. :)llu#tration FF).. Golden banta% #"eet corn.< =LL60&S.AAThi# i# a na%e gi$en to a kind of kale( u#ed "hen young a# green#G al#o to young cabbage# u#ed in the #a%e "ay.

The #eed of any early cabbage %ay be #o"n thickly in ro"# 1> inche# a!art( fro% early #!ring to late fall. The !lant# are cut off "hen L or > inche# high and boiled a# are other green#. The kale( or Georgia collard#( i# gro"n in the South( "here cabbage# fail to head. )t gro"# to the height of 7 to L feet( furni#hing a large Iuantity of lea$e#. The young lea$e# and tuft# that ari#e a# the old lea$e# are !ulled off %ake e/cellent green#. ).ES.AA6 #%all !erennial of the onion fa%ily( u#ed for fla$oring. )t i# !ro!agated by di$i#ion of the root. )t %ay be !lanted in a !er%anent !lace in the border( and( being co%!letely hardy( "ill re%ain for year#. The lea$e# are the !art# u#ed( a# the root# are $ery rank in fla$or. The lea$e# %ay be cut freIuently( a# they readily gro" again. =0C S6L6&.AAThi# i# one of the earlie#t #!ring #alad $egetable#( co%ing into condition "ith #!inach( and needing the #a%e culture. So"n in the fall( and co$ered "ith #tra" or hay "hen cold "eather #et# in( it "ill #tart into ra!id gro"th "hen the co$ering i# re%o$ed in March or 6!ril. =r the #eed %ay be #o"n in early #!ring( and !lant# "ill be fit to u#e in #i/ or eight "eek#. =ne !acket of #eed "ill #uffice for a #%all fa%ily. =0C( S,EET =0 S@G60.AAThi# i# the characteri#tic 6%erican table $egetable( and one that e$ery ho%eAgardener e/!ect# to gro". Too often( ho"e$er( only one !lanting of one kind i# %ade. The ear# co%e to edible %aturity al%o#t #i%ultaneou#ly( and a #hort #ea#on i# the re#ult. The fir#t !lanting of #"eet corn #hould be %ade fro% May 1 to 18( !lanting early( inter%ediate( and late $arietie# at the #a%e ti%e( then at inter$al# of t"o "eek# until the %iddle of Buly( "hen the late $arietie# #hould be !lanted( thu# ha$ing a #ucce##ion fro% the fir#t cro! until =ctober. The #oil for corn #hould be fertile and 'Iuick.' The coar#er %anure left fro% the !re!aration of the ground for #%all cro!# %ay be u#ed to good ad$antage. orn for the garden i# better !lanted in drill#( the drill# ? feet a!art( dro!!ing the #eed fro% 18 to 17 inche# a!art in the drill#. =ne Iuart of #eed "ill !lant 788 hill#. -or e/tra early( Marblehead( 6da%#( .er%ont( Minne#ota( and Early orey are fa$orite#. 6 %o#t e/cellent e/tra early yello" #"eet corn( "ith kernel# looking like #%all field corn( i# Golden Banta%G the ear# are #%all and "ould !robably not attract the %arket buyer( but for ho%e u#e the $ariety i# une/celled (Plate FF).). -or later cro!( ro#by( Hicko/( Shoe Peg( and Sto"ell E$ergreen are no" !o!ular. 0ESS.AAT"o $ery unlike #!ecie# of !lant# are gro"n under the na%e of cre##(AAthe u!landAcre## and the "aterAcre##. There are #till other #!ecie#( but not %uch kno"n in thi# country. The u!land cre##( or the true !e!!er gra##( %ay be gro"n on any garden #oil. So" early in the #!ring. )t %ake# a ra!id gro"th and can be cut in fro% four to fi$e "eek#. Succe##ion of #o"ing# %u#t be %ade( a# it run# Iuickly to #eed. The curled $ariety i# the one u#ually gro"n( a# the lea$e# %ay be u#ed for garni#hing a# "ell a# for H#alad#. =ne !acket of

#eed "ill be #ufficient for each #o"ing. 6ny good #oil "ill do. So" thickly in drill# 17 to 1> inche# a!art. )n #u%%er it run# to #eed Iuickly( #o that it i# u#ually gro"n in #!ring and fall. The "aterAcre## i# %ore e/acting in it# culture( and can be #ucce##fully gro"n only in %oi#t !lace#( #uch a# edge# of #hallo" #lo"Arunning creek#( o!en drain#( or bed# e/ca$ated near #uch #trea%#. 6 fe" !lant# for !ri$ate u#e %ay be gro"n in a fra%e( !ro$ided a retenti$e #oil i# u#ed and attention gi$en to "atering the bed often. ,atercre## %ay be !ro!agated fro% !iece# of the #te%( u#ed a# cutting#. )f one i# fond of "aterAcre##( it i# "ell to coloniEe it in #o%e clean creek or !ool. )t "ill take care of it#elf year by year. Seed# %ay al#o be u#ed for !ro!agating it. @ @MBE0.AAThe cu#to% of !utting do"n cucu%ber !ickle# in the ho%e kitchen i# !robably !a##ing outG but both the !ickling and the #licing cucu%ber#( e#!ecially the latter( are #till an e##ential !art of a good ho%e garden. 6 #tale or "ilted cucu%ber i# a $ery !oor article of food. -or early u#e( the cucu%ber i# u#ually #tarted in a hotbed or coldfra%e by #o"ing the #eed on !iece# of #od K to L inche# #Iuare( turned gra## #ide do"n. Three or four #eed# are !laced on or !u#hed into each !iece of #od and co$ered "ith 1 to 7 inche# of fine #oil. The #oil #hould be "ell "atered and the gla## or cloth !laced o$er the fra%e. The root# "ill run through the #od. ,hen the !lant# are large enough to #et out( a flat tro"el or a #hingle %ay be #li!!ed under the #od and the !lant# %o$ed to the hill "ithout check. )n !lace of #od( old Iuart berryAbo/e# are goodG after #etting in the hill the root# %ay force their "ay through the crack# in the ba#ket#. The ba#ket# al#o decay ra!idly. -lo"erA!ot# %ay be u#ed. The#e !lant# fro% the fra%e# %ay be #et out "hen danger of fro#t i# o$er( u#ually by the 18th of May( and #hould %ake a $ery ra!id gro"th( yielding goodA#iEed fruit# in t"o %onth#. The hill# #hould be %ade rich by forking in a Iuantity of "ellArotted %anure( and gi$en a #light ele$ation abo$e the gardenAAnot high enough to allo" the "ind to dry the #oil( but #lightly rai#ed #o that "ater "ill not #tand around the root#. The %ain cro! i# gro"n fro% #eed !lanted directly in the o!en( and the !lant# are gro"n under le$el culture. =ne ounce of #eed "ill !lant fifty hill# of cucu%ber#. The hill# %ay be K to 9 feet a!art each "ay. The ,hite S!ine i# the leading generalA!ur!o#e $ariety. -or $ery early or !ickling #ort#( the hicago( 0u##ian( and other !ickling# are good. The #tri!ed beetle i# an in$eterate !e#t on cucu%ber# and #Iua#he# (#ee !age 781). :)llu#tration5 -ig. ?8L. ,e#t )ndian gherkin (J ucu%i# 6nguriaJ).< The na%e gherkin i# a!!lied to #%all !ickling cucu%ber#. The ,e#t )ndia gherkin i# a "holly di#tinct #!ecie#( but i# gro"n like cucu%ber#. (-ig. ?8L.) &6C&EL)=C.AA@nder do%e#tication the dandelion ha# been de$elo!ed until Iuite unrecogniEable to the ca#ual ob#er$er. The !lant# attain a large #iEe and the lea$e# are %uch %ore tender.

So" in #!ring in "ellA%anured #oil( either in drill# or in hill# 1 foot a!art. 6 cutting of lea$e# %ay be had in Se!te%ber or =ctober( and #o%e of the #tool# %ay #tand until #!ring. The delicacy of the lea$e# %ay be i%!ro$ed by blanching the%( either by the u#e of board# or earth. =ne trade !acket of #eed "ill #u!!ly a #ufficient nu%ber for a fa%ily. The "hole !lant i# de#troyed "hen the cro! of lea$e# i# taken. The #eed %ay be #elected fro% the be#t fieldAgro"n !lant#( but it i# better to buy the -rench #eed of the #eed#%en. EGGAPL6CT.AAThe eggA!lant or guinea #Iua#h ha# ne$er beco%e a !o!ular ho%eAgarden !roduct in the Corth. )n the South it i# better kno"n. @nle## one ha# a greenhou#e or a $ery "ar% hotbed( the gro"ing of eggA!lant# in the Corth #hould be left to the !rofe##ional gardener( a# the young !lant# are $ery tender( and #hould be gro"n "ithout a check. The #eed #hould be #o"n in the hotbed or the greenhou#e about 6!ril 18( kee!ing a te%!erature of L9 deg. to 38 deg.. ,hen the #eedling# ha$e %ade three rough lea$e#( they %ay be !ricked out into #hallo" bo/e#( or( #till better( into ?Ainch !ot#. The !ot# or bo/e# #hould be !lunged to the ri% in #oil in a hotbed or coldfra%e #o #ituated that !rotection %ay be gi$en on chilly night#. The 18th of Bune i# early enough to !lant the% out in central Ce" *ork. :)llu#tration5 -ig. ?83. Black Pekin eggA!lant.< The #oil in "hich eggA!lant# are to gro" cannot "ell be %ade too 'Iuick(' a# they ha$e only a #hort #ea#on in "hich to de$elo! their fruit#. The !lant# are u#ually #et ? feet a!art each "ay. 6 doEen !lant# are #ufficient for the need# of a large fa%ily( a# each !lant #hould yield fro% t"o to #i/ large fruit#. The fruit# are fit to eat at all #tage# of gro"th( fro% tho#e the #iEe of a large egg to their large#t de$elo!%ent. =ne ounce of #eed "ill furni#h L88 to >88 !lant#. The Ce" *ork )%!ro$ed Pur!le i# the #tandard $ariety. Black Pekin (-ig. ?83) i# good. -or early( or for a #hortA#ea#on cli%ate( the Early &"arf Pur!le i# e/cellent. EC&).E.AA=ne of the be#t fall #alad $egetable#( being far #u!erior to lettuce at that ti%e and a# ea#ily gro"n. -or fall u#e( the #eed %ay be #o"n fro% Bune to 6ugu#t( and a# the !lant# beco%e fit to eat about the #a%e ti%e fro% #o"ing a# lettuce doe#( a #ucce##ion %ay be had until cold "eather. The !lant# "ill need !rotection fro% the #e$ere fall fro#t#( and thi# %ay be gi$en by carefully lifting the !lant# and tran#!lanting to a fra%e( "here #a#h or cloth %ay be u#ed to co$er the% in freeEing "eather. :)llu#tration5 -ig. ?8>. Endi$e tied u!.< The lea$e#( "hich con#titute !ractically the "hole !lant( are blanched before being u#ed( either by tying together "ith #o%e #oft %aterial (-ig. ?8>) or by #tanding board# on each #ide of the ro"( allo"ing the to! of the board# to %eet o$er the center of the ro". Tie the lea$e# only "hen they are dry. The ro"# #hould be 1A1P7 or 7 feet a!art( the !lant# 1 foot a!art in the ro"#. =ne ounce of #eed "ill #o" 198 feet of drill.

G60L) .AA6n onionAlike !lant( the bulb# of "hich are u#ed for fla$oring. Garlic i# little kno"n in thi# country e/ce!t a%ong#t tho#e of foreign birth. )t i# %ulti!lied the #a%e a# %ulti!lier onion#AAthe bulb i# broken a!art and each bulbule or 'clo$e' %ake# a ne" co%!ound bulb in a fe" "eek#. HardyG !lant in early #!ring( or in the South in the fall. Plant 7 to ? inche# a!art in the ro". :)llu#tration5 -ig. ?82. 6 good hor#eradi#h root.< H=0SE06&)SH.AA,idely u#ed a# an a!!etiEer( and no" gro"n co%%ercially. 6# a kitchenAgarden $egetable( thi# i# u#ually !lanted in #o%e outAofAtheA"ay #!ot and a !iece of the root dug a# often a# needed( the frag%ent# of root# being left in the #oil to gro" for further u#e. Thi# %ethod re#ult# in ha$ing nothing but tough( #tringy root#( $ery unlike the !roduct of a !ro!erly !lanted and "ellAcaredAfor bed. 6 good hor#eradi#h root #hould be #traight and #ha!ely (-ig. ?82). The be#t hor#eradi#h i# #ecured fro% #et# !lanted in the #!ring at the ti%e of #etting early cabbage( and dug a# late the #a%e fall a# the "eather "ill !er%it. )t beco%e#( therefore( an annual cro!. The root# for !lanting are #%all !iece#( fro% K to L inche# long( obtained "hen tri%%ing the root# dug in the fall. The#e !iece# %ay be !acked in #and and #tored until "anted the follo"ing #!ring. )n !lanting( the root# #hould be #et "ith the u!!er end ? inche# belo" the #urface of the ground( u#ing a dibber or #har!A!ointed #tick in %aking the hole#. The cro! %ay be !lanted bet"een ro"# of earlyA#o"n beet#( lettuce( or other cro!( and gi$en full !o##e##ion of the ground "hen the#e cro!# are har$e#ted. ,hen the ground i# inclined to be #tiff or the #ub#oil i# near the #urface( the root# %ay be #et in a #lanting !o#ition. )n fact( %any gardener# !ractice thi# %ethod of !lanting( thinking that the root# %ake a better gro"th and are %ore unifor% in #iEe. D6LE.AA@nder thi# na%e( a great $ariety of cabbageAtribe !lant# i# gro"n( #o%e of the% reaching a height of #e$eral feet. @#ually( ho"e$er( the na%e i# a!!lied to a lo"Agro"ing( #!reading !lant( e/ten#i$ely u#ed for "inter and #!ring green#. The culture gi$en to late cabbage i# #uitable. 6t the a!!roach of #e$ere freeEing "eather a #light !rotection i# gi$en in the Corth. The lea$e# re%ain green through the "inter and %ay be gathered fro% under the #no" at a ti%e "hen %aterial for green# i# #carce. So%e of the kale# are $ery orna%ental becau#e of their blue and !ur!le curled foliage. The Scotch urled i# the %o#t !o!ular $ariety. Let the !lant# #tand 1> to ?8 inche# a!art. *oung cabbage !lant# are #o%eti%e# u#ed a# kale. ollard# and borecole are kind# of kale. SeaAkale i# a "holly different $egetable ("hich #ee). Dale# are e/ten#i$ely gro"n at Corfolk( .a.( and #outh"ard( and #hi!!ed Corth in "inter( the !lant# being #tarted in late #u%%er or in fall. D=HL06B) i# little kno"n in the @nited State#. )t look# like a leafy turni! gro"ing abo$e ground. )f u#ed "hen #%all (7 to ? inche# in dia%eter)( and not allo"ed to

beco%e hard and tough( it i# of #u!erior Iuality. )t #hould be %ore generally gro"n. The culture i# $ery #i%!le. 6 #ucce##ion of #o"ing# #hould be %ade fro% early #!ring until the %iddle of #u%%er( in drill# 1> inche# to 7 feet a!art( thinning the young !lant# to L or > inche# in the ro"#. )t %ature# a# Iuickly a# turni!#. =ne ounce of #eed to 188 feet of drill. LEED.AAThe leek i# little gro"n in thi# country e/ce!t by !er#on# of foreign e/traction. The !lant i# one of the onion fa%ily( and i# u#ed %o#tly a# fla$oring for #ou!#. ,ellAgro"n leek# ha$e a $ery agreeable and not $ery #trong onion fla$or. Leek i# of the ea#ie#t culture( and i# u#ually gro"n a# a #econd cro!( to follo" beet#( early !ea#( and other early #tuff. The #eed #hould be #o"n in a #eedAbed in 6!ril or early May and the #eedling# !lanted out in the garden in Buly( in ro"# 7 feet a!art( the !lant# being L inche# a!art in the ro"#. The !lant# #hould be #et dee! if the neck or lo"er !art of the lea$e# i# to be u#ed in a blanched condition. The #oil %ay be dra"n to"ard# the !lant# in hoeing( to further the blanching. Being $ery hardy( the !lant# %ay be dug in late fall( and #tored the #a%e a# celery( in trenche# or in a cool rootAcellar. =ne ounce of #eed to 188 feet of drill. LETT@ E i# the %o#t e/ten#i$ely gro"n #alad $egetable. )t i# no" in de%and( and i# !rocurable( e$ery %onth in the year. The "inter and early #!ring cro!# are gro"n in forcingAhou#e# and coldfra%e#( but a #u!!ly fro% the garden %ay be had fro% 6!ril to Co$e%ber( by the u#e of a chea! fra%e in "hich to gro" the fir#t and la#t cro!#( relying on a #ucce##ion of #o"ing# for the inter%ediate #u!!ly. Seed for the fir#t cro! %ay be #o"n in a coldfra%e in March( gro"ing the cro! thick and ha$ing %any !lant# "hich are #%all and tenderG or( by thinning out to the di#tance of ? inche# and allo"ing the !lant# to %ake a larger gro"th( the !lant# !ulled u! %ay be #et in the o!en ground for the ne/t cro!. So"ing# #hould be %ade in the garden fro% 6!ril to =ctober( at #hort inter$al#. 6 %oi#t location #hould be cho#en for the Buly and 6ugu#t #o"ing#. The early and late #o"ing# #hould be of #o%e loo#eAgro"ing $ariety( a# they are in edible condition #ooner than the cabbage or heading $arietie#. The cabbage $arietie# are far #u!erior to the loo#eAgro"ing kind# for #alad#. To be gro"n to !erfection( they #hould ha$e $ery rich #oil( freIuent culti$ation( and an occa#ional #ti%ulant( #uch a# liIuid %anure or nitrate of #oda. The co# lettuce i# an u!rightAgro"ing ty!e %uch e#tee%ed in Euro!e( but le## gro"n here. The lea$e# of the fullAgro"n !lant# are tied together( thu# blanching the center( %aking it a de#irable #alad or garni#hing $ariety. )t thri$e# be#t in #u%%er. =ne ounce of #eed "ill gro" ?888 !lant# or #o" 188 feet of drill. )n the garden( !lant# %ay #tand L inche# a!art in the ro"#( and the ro"# %ay be a# clo#e together a# the #y#te% of tillage "ill allo". M@SH0==M.AASooner or later( the no$ice "ant# to gro" %u#hroo%#. ,hile it i# ea#y to de#cribe the condition# under "hich they %ay be gro"n( it doe# not follo" that a cro! %ay be !redicted "ith any

certainty. Latterly( careful #tudie# ha$e been %ade of the gro"ing of %u#hroo%# fro% #!ore# and of the !rinci!le# in$ol$ed in the %aking of #!a"n( "ith the ho!e of reducing the "hole #ubject of %u#hroo% gro"ing to a rational ba#i#. 6 good idea of thi# "ork %ay be had by reading &uggarH# contribution on the #ubject in Bulletin >9 of the Bureau of Plant )ndu#try( @nited State# &e!art%ent of 6griculture. )n thi# !lace( ho"e$er( "e %ay confine our#el$e# to the cu#to%ary horticultural !ractice. The follo"ing !aragra!h# are fro% '-ar%er#H Bulletin(' Co. 9? (by ,illia% -alconer)( of the @.S. &e!t. of 6griculture (March( 1>23)5AA Mu#hroo%# are a "inter cro!( co%ing in fro% Se!te%ber till 6!ril or MayAAthat i#( the "ork of !re!aring the %anure begin# in Se!te%ber and end# in -ebruary( and the !acking of the cro! begin# in =ctober or Co$e%ber and end# in May. @nder e/traordinary condition# the #ea#on %ay begin earlier and la#t longer( and( in fact( it %ay continue all #u%%er. Mu#hroo%# can be gro"n al%o#t any"here out of door#( and al#o indoor# "here there i# a dry botto% in "hich to #et the bed#( "here a unifor% and %oderate te%!erature can be %aintained( and "here the bed# can be !rotected fro% "et o$erhead( and fro% "ind#( drought( and direct #un#hine. 6%ong the %o#t de#irable !lace# in "hich to gro" %u#hroo%# are barn#( cellar#( clo#ed tunnel#( #hed#( !it#( greenhou#e#( and regular %u#hroo% hou#e#. Total darkne## i# not i%!erati$e( for %u#hroo%# gro" "ell in o!en light if #haded fro% #un#hine. The te%!erature and %oi#ture are %ore a!t to be eIuable in dark !lace# than in o!en( light one#( and it i# largely for thi# rea#on that %u#hroo% hou#e# are ke!t dark. The be#t fertiliEer for %u#hroo%#( #o far a# the "riterH# e/!erience goe#( i# fre#h hor#e %anure. Get together a lot of thi# %aterial (#hort and #tra"y) that ha# been "ell tra%!led and "etted in the #table. Thro" it into a hea!( "et it "ell if it i# at all dry( and let it heat. ,hen it begin# to #tea%( turn it o$er( #hake it "ell #o a# to %i/ thoroughly and e$enly( and then tra%! it do"n #olid. 6fter thi# let it #tand till it again get# Iuite "ar%G then turn( #hake( tra%!le a# before( and add "ater freely if it i# getting dry. 0e!eat thi# turning( %oi#tening( and tra%!ling a# often a# it i# needful to kee! the %anure fro% 'burning.' )f it get# inten#ely hot( #!read it out to cool( after "hich again thro" it together. 6fter being turned in thi# "ay #e$eral ti%e#( and the heat in it i# not a!t to ri#e abo$e 1?8 deg. -.( it #hould be ready to %ake u! in the bed#. By adding to the %anure at the #econd or third turning oneAfourth or oneAfifth of it# bulk of loa%( the tendency to inten#e heating i# le##ened and it# u#efulne## not at all i%!aired. So%e gro"er# !refer #hort %anure e/clu#i$ely( that i#( the hor#e dro!!ing#( "hile other# like a good deal of #tra" %i/ed in "ith thi#. The "riterH# e/!erience( ho"e$er( i# that( if !ro!erly !re!ared( it %atter# little "hich i# u#ed. =rdinarily the bed# are only > to 18 inche# dee!G that i#( they are faced "ith 18AinchA"ide he%lock board#( and are only the de!th of thi# board. )n #uch bed# !ut a layer of fre#h( %oi#t( hot %anure( and tra%!le it do"n fir% until it con#titute# half the de!th of the bedG then fill u! "ith the !re!ared %anure( "hich #hould be rather cool (188 deg. to 119 deg.-.) "hen u#ed( and !ack all fir%ly. )f de#ired( the bed# can be %ade u! entirely of the !re!ared %anure. Shelf bed# are u#ually 2 inche# dee!G that i#( the #helf i# botto%ed "ith 1Ainch board# and faced "ith

18Ainch "ide board#. Thi# allo"# about > inche# for %anure( and 1 inch ri#ing to 7 inche# of loa% on to!. )n filling the #helf bed# the botto% half %ay be of fre#h( %oi#t or "etti#h( hot %anure( !acked do"n #olid( and the to! half of rather cool !re!ared %anure( or it %ay be %ade u! of all !re!ared %anure. 6# the #helf bed# cannot be trodden and cannot be beaten $ery fir% "ith the back of the fork( a brick i# u#ed in addition to the fork. The bed# #hould be #!a"ned after the heat in the% ha# fallen belo" 188 deg. -. The "riter con#ider# 28 deg. -. about the be#t te%!erature for #!a"ning. )f the bed# ha$e been co$ered "ith hay( #tra"( litter( or %at#( the#e #hould be re%o$ed. Break each brick into t"el$e or fifteen !iece#. The ro"# #hould be( #ay( 1 foot a!art( the fir#t one being L inche# fro% the edge( and the !iece# #hould be 2 inche# a!art in the ro". o%%encing "ith the fir#t ro"( lift u! each !iece( rai#e 7 to ? inche# of the %anure "ith the hand( and into thi# hole !lace the !iece( co$ering o$er tightly "ith the %anure. ,hen the entire bed i# #!a"ned( !ack the #urface all o$er. )t i# "ell to co$er the bed# again "ith #tra"( hay( or %at#( to kee! the #urface eIually %oi#t. The flake #!a"n i# !lanted in the #a%e "ay a# the brick #!a"n( only not Iuite #o dee!. 6t the end of eight or nine day# the %ulching #hould be re%o$ed and the bed# co$ered "ith a layer of good loa% 7 inche# thick( #o that the %u#hroo%# can co%e u! in and through it. Thi# gi$e# the% a fir% hold( and to a large e/tent i%!ro$e# their Iuality and te/ture. 6ny fair loa% "ill do. That fro% an ordinary field( "ay#ide( or garden i# generally u#ed( and it an#"er# ad%irably. There e/i#t# an idea that garden #oil #urfeited "ith old %anure i# unfit for %u#hroo% bed# becau#e it i# a!t to !roduce #!uriou# fungi. Thi#( ho"e$er( i# not the ca#e. )n fact( it i# the earth %o#t co%%only u#ed. -or %olding the bed# the loa% #hould be rather fine( free( and %ello"( #o that it can be ea#ily and e$enly #!read and co%!acted fir%ly into the %anure. )f an e$en at%o#!heric te%!erature of fro% 99 deg. to L8 deg. -. can be %aintained( and the hou#e or cellar containing the %u#hroo% bed# i# ke!t clo#e and free fro% draft#( the bed# %ay be left unco$ered( and #hould be "atered if they beco%e dry. But no %atter "here the bed# are #ituated( it i# "ell to lay #o%e loo#e hay or #tra" or #o%e old %atting or car!et o$er the% to kee! the% %oi#t. The co$ering( ho"e$er( #hould be re%o$ed ju#t a# #oon a# the young %u#hroo%# begin to a!!ear abo$e ground. )f the at%o#!here i# dry( the !ath"ay# and "all# #hould be #!rinkled "ith "ater. The %ulching #hould al#o be #!rinkled( but not enough to cau#e the "ater to #oak into the bed. Ho"e$er( if the bed #hould get dry( do not he#itate to "ater it. M@ST60&.AA6l%o#t all the %u#tard# are good for green#( though "hite %u#tard i# u#ually be#t. hine#e %u#tard i# al#o $aluable. Seed #hould be #o"n in drill#( ? to ?A1P7 feet a!art( and co$ered "ith a half inch of #oil. The ea#e "ith "hich they %ay be gro"n( and the abundance of herbage "hich they yield( %ark their #!ecial utility. So" $ery early for #!ring green#( and in late #u%%er or early Se!te%ber for fall green#. M@SDMEL=C.AAThe %o#t deliciou# of all garden $egetable# eaten fro% the hand( and of #i%!le culti$ationG but like %any another !lant that i# ea#y to gro" it often fail# co%!letely. The #ea#on and #oil %u#t be "ar% and the gro"th continuou#.

The natural #oil for %elon# i# a light( #andy loa%( "ell enriched "ith rotted %anure( although good cro!# %ay be gro"n on land naturally hea$y if the hill# are #!ecially !re!ared. ,hen only hea$y #oil i# a$ailable( the earth "here the #eed# are to be !lanted #hould be thoroughly !ul$eriEed and %i/ed "ith fine( "ellArotted %anure. 6 #!rinkling of leaf%old or chi!Adirt "ill hel! to lighten it. =n thi# hill fro% ten to fifteen #eed# %ay be #o"n( thinning to four or fi$e $ine# "hen danger of in#ect# i# o$er. The #ea#on %ay be ad$anced and the da%age fro% in#ect# le##ened by #tarting the !lant# in hotbed#. Thi# %ay be done by u#ing fre#h #od( cut into LAinch !iece#( !lacing the% gra##A#ide do"n in the hotbed( #o"ing eight to ten #eed# on each !iece( and co$ering "ith 7 inche# of light #oil. ,hen all danger of fro#t i# o$er( and the ground ha# beco%e "ar%( the#e #od# %ay be carefully lifted and #et in the !re!ared hill#. The !lant# u#ually gro" "ithout check( and fruit fro% t"o to four "eek# ahead of tho#e fro% #eed !lanted directly in the hill. =ld Iuart berryAbo/e# are e/cellent to !lant #eed# in( a#( "hen they are #et in the ground( they $ery Iuickly decay( cau#ing no re#triction to the root#. Cetted Ge%( Hacken#ack( E%erald Ge%( Montreal( =#age( and the Cut%eg %elon are !o!ular $arietie#. =ne ounce of #eed "ill !lant about fifty hill#. =D06.AA6 !lant of the cotton fa%ily( fro% the green !od# of "hich i# %ade the "ellAkno"n gu%bo #ou! of the South( "here the !lant i# %ore e/ten#i$ely gro"n than in the Corth. The !od# are al#o u#ed in their green #tate for #te"#( and are dried and u#ed in "inter( "hen they are nutritiou#( and for% no little !art of the diet in certain #ection# of the country. The #eed# are $ery #en#iti$e to cold and %oi#ture( and #hould not be #o"n until the ground ha# beco%e "ar%AAthe la#t "eek in May or the fir#t of Bune being early enough in Ce" *ork. The #eed #hould be #o"n in a drill 1 inch dee!( the !lant# thinned to #tand 17 inche# in the ro". Gi$e the #a%e culture a# for corn. =ne ounce "ill #o" K8 feet of drill. &"arf $arietie# are be#t for the Corth. Green &en#ity and .el$et are leading $arietie#. =C)=C.AA6 fe" onion#( of one kind or another( gi$e character to e$ery good kitchenAgarden. They are gro"n fro% #eed# ('black #eed') for the %ain cro!. They are al#o gro"n fro% #et# ("hich are $ery #%all onion#( arre#ted in their de$elo!%ent)G fro% 'to!#' ("hich are bulblet# !roduced in the !lace of flo"er#)G and fro% %ulti!lier# or !otato onion#( "hich are co%!ound bulb#. The e/tre%ely early cro! of onion# i# gro"n fro% #et#( and the late or fall cro! i# gro"n fro% #eed #o"n in 6!ril or early May. The #et# %ay be #a$ed fro% the cro! har$e#ted the !re$iou# fall( #a$ing no bulb# %ea#uring o$er threeAfourth# of an inch in dia%eter( or( better( they %ay be !urcha#ed fro% the #eed#%an. The#e #et# #hould be !lanted a# early a# !o##ible in the #!ring( !referably on land that ha# been %anured and trenched in the fall. Plant in ro"# 17 inche# a!art( the #et# being 7 or ? inche# in the ro". Pu#h the #et# "ell do"n into the ground and co$er "ith #oil( fir%ing the% "ith the feet or a roller. )n culti$ating( the #oil #hould be thro"n to"ard# the to!#( a# the "hite #te%# are u#ually #ought a# an indication of %ildne##. The cro! "ill be in condition to u#e in three to four "eek#( and %ay be %ade to la#t

until #%all #eed onion# are to be had. To!# or %ulti!lier# %ay al#o be u#ed for the early cro!. )n gro"ing onion# fro% #eed( it i# only nece##ary to #ay that the #eed #hould be in the ground $ery early in order that the bulb# %ake their gro"th before the e/tre%e hot "eather of 6ugu#t( "hen( for "ant of %oi#ture and becau#e of the heat( the bulb# "ill ri!en u! "hile #%all. Early in 6!ril( in Ce" *ork( if the ground i# in condition( the #eed #hould be #o"n thickly in drill# fro% 17 to 1L inche# a!art( and the ground abo$e the #eed# "ell fir%ed. Good culti$ation and con#tant "eeding i# the !rice of a good cro! of onion#. )n culti$ating and hoeing( the #oil #hould be ke!t a"ay fro% the ro"#( not co$ering the gro"ing bulb#( but allo"ing the% to #!read o$er the #urface of the ground. ,hen the cro! i# ready to be har$e#ted( the bulb# %ay be !ulled or culti$ated u!( left to dry in double ro"# for #e$eral day#( the to!# and root# taken off( and the bulb# #tored in a dry !lace. Later in the #ea#on they %ay be allo"ed to freeEe( co$ering "ith chaff or #tra" to hold the% froEen( and ke!t until early #!ringG but thi# %ethod i# u#ually un#afe "ith beginner#( and al"ay# #o in a changeable cli%ate. =nion #eed #hould al"ay# be fre#h "hen #o"nAA!referably of the la#t yearH# cro!. =ne ounce of onion #eed "ill #o" 188 feet of drill. :)llu#tration5 -ig. ?18. Bunch onion#( gro"n fro% #eed.< =ne of the recent %ethod# of #ecuring e/tra large and al#o early bulb# fro% #eed i# to #o" the #eed in a hotbed in -ebruary or early March( and tran#!lant to the o!en ground in 6!ril. 6 bunch of onion#( for eating fro% hand( i# #ho"n in -ig. ?18. The &an$er#( PriEetaker( Globe( and ,ether#field are fa$orite $arietie#( "ith the addition of ,hite Sueen or Barletta for !ickling. P60SLE*.AAThi# i# the %o#t uni$er#al of garni#he#. )t i# u#ed al#o a# a fla$oring in #ou!#. The #eed i# #lo" to ger%inate( and often the #econd or third #o"ing i# %ade( thinking the fir#t i# a failureG but u#ually after "hat "ould #ee% a long ti%e the young !lant# "ill be #een. ,hen #o"n in the o!en ground( it #hould be thinned to #tand ? or K inche# in the ro"( the ro"# being 18 to 17 inche# a!art. 6 fe" !lant# in a border "ill gi$e a #u!!ly for a large fa%ily( and "ith a little !rotection "ill li$e o$er "inter. 0oot# %ay be lifted in the fall( !ut into bo/e# or old can#( and gro"n in a #unny "indo" for "inter u#e. The urled !ar#ley i# the for% co%%only u#ed. :)llu#tration5 -ig. ?11. The Student !ar#ni!( a leading $ariety< P60SC)P.AA6 #tandard "inter and #!ring $egetable( of the ea#ie#t culture in dee! #oil (-ig. ?11). Par#ni!# are the better for the "interH# freeEe( although they are of good Iuality if taken u! after the fall fro#t# and !acked in #oil( #and( or %o## in the cellar. The #eed( "hich %u#t be not o$er one year old( #hould be #o"n a# early a# !o##ible in "ellA!re!ared #oil( fir%ed "ith the feet or roller. 6# the #eed ger%inate# rather #lo"ly( the ground often beco%e# cru#ted or baked o$er the #eed#( in "hich ca#e it #hould be broken and fined "ith a

garden rake. Thi# o!eration often %ean# the #ucce## of the cro!. 0adi#h or cabbage #eed# %ay be #o"n "ith the !ar#ni! #eed to %ark the ro" and break the cru#t. =ne ounce of #eed "ill #o" 788 feet of drill. Thin to L inche# a!art in the ro". PE6.AAPerha!# no $egetable i# !lanted in greater e/!ectancy than the !ea. )t i# one of the earlie#t #eed# to go into the ground( and the !lanting fe$er i# i%!atient. There i# great difference in Iuality bet"een the #%ooth and the "rinkled !ea#. The fir#t are a little the earlie#t to be !lanted and to beco%e fit for u#e( and on that account #hould be !lanted in a #%all "ayG but the "rinkled #ort# are %uch #u!erior in Iuality. The early cro! of !ea# %ay be for"arded by #!routing the #eed# indoor#. Soil %ay be %ade too rich or #trong for !ea#. -or the kitchenAgarden the d"arf and halfAd"arf $arietie# are the be#t( a# the tall kind# "ill need bru#h or "ire to #u!!ort the%( cau#ing con#iderable trouble and labor and not being a# neat in a!!earance. The d"arf $arietie# #hould be !lanted four ro"# in a block( each ro" being only L or > inche# a!art. The !ea# on the t"o center ro"# %ay be !icked fro% the out#ide. Lea$e a #!ace of 7 feet and !lant the #a%e. The tall $arietie# yield a larger cro! than the d"arf#( but a# the ro"# %u#t be %ade fro% ? to 9 feet a!art( the d"arf one#( "hich are !lanted only L to > inche# a!art( "ill gi$e a# large a yield on the #a%e area. 6l"ay# !lant double ro"# of the tall $arietie#G that i#( t"o ro"# fro% K to L inche# a!art( "ith the bru#h or "ire bet"een( the double ro"# being fro% ? to 9 feet a!art( according to $arietie#. 6t the ti%e of the fir#t !lanting only the #%ooth $arietie# #hould be #o"n( but by the %iddle of 6!ril in Ce" *ork the ground "ill be "ar% and dry enough for "rinkled #ort#. Succe##ion cro!# #hould be #o"n that "ill co%e to %aturity one after the other( e/tending the #ea#on #i/ or eight "eek#. )f a further #u!!ly i# "anted( the early IuickA%aturing $arietie# %ay be #o"n in 6ugu#t( u#ually gi$ing a fair cro! of !ea# in Se!te%ber and early =ctober. )n the hot "eather of %id#u%%er they do not thri$e #o "ell. =ne Iuart of #eed "ill !lant about 188 feet of drill. :)llu#tration5 -ig. ?17. =ne of the bell !e!!er#.< PEPPE0.AAThe garden !e!!er i# not the !e!!er of co%%erceG it i# %ore !ro!erly kno"n a# red !e!!er (though the !od# are not al"ay# red)( chilli( and ca!#icu%. The !od# are %uch u#ed in the South( and %o#t Corthern hou#ehold# no" e%!loy the% to #o%e e/tent. Pe!!er# are tender "hile young( although they "ill endure a hea$y fro#t in the fall. Their culture i# that reco%%ended for eggA!lant#. 6 #%all #eed#%anH# !acket of #eed "ill be #ufficient for a large nu%ber of !lant#( #ay t"o hundred. The large bell !e!!er# (-ig. ?17) are the %ilde#t( and are u#ed for %aking '#tuffed !e!!er#' and other di#he#. The #%all( hot !e!!er# are u#ed for #ea#oning and #auce#. P=T6T=.AAThe !otato i# rather %ore a field cro! than a ho%eAgarden !roductG yet the ho%eAgardener often de#ire# to gro" a #%all early lot. The co%%on !ractice of gro"ing !otatoe# on ele$ated ridge# or hill# i# "rong( unle## the #oil i# #o "et that thi# !ractice i# nece##ary to

in#ure !ro!er drainage (but in thi# ca#e the land i# not ada!ted to the gro"ing of !otatoe#)( or unle## it i# nece##ary( in a !articular !lace( to #ecure a $ery early cro!. )f the land i# ele$ated into ridge# or hill#( there i# great lo## of %oi#ture by %ean# of e$a!oration. &uring the la#t culti$ating the !otatoe# %ay be hilled u! #lightly in order to co$er the tuber#G but the hill# #hould not be %ade in the beginning for the %ain cro! if land and condition# are right. Land for !otatoe# #hould be rather loa%y in character( and ought to ha$e a liberal #u!!ly of !ota#h( either naturally or #u!!lied in the drill( by %ean# of an a!!lication of #ulfate of !ota#h. See that the land i# dee!ly !lo"ed or #!aded( #o that the root# can !enetrate dee!er. Plant the !otatoe# ? or K inche# belo" the natural #urface of the ground. )t i# ordinarily be#t to dro! the !iece# in drill#. 6 continuou# drill or ro" %ay be %ade by dro!!ing one !iece e$ery L inche#( but it i# u#ually thought be#t to dro! t"o !iece# about e$ery 17 to 1> inche#. The drill# are far enough a!art to allo" good culti$ation. )f hor#e culti$ation i# u#ed( the drill# #hould be at lea#t ? feet a!art. S%all !otatoe# are con#idered not to be #o good a# large one# for !lanting. =ne rea#on i# becau#e too %any #!rout# ari#e fro% each one( and the#e #!rout# are likely to cro"d each other. The #a%e i# true of the ti! end or #eed end of the tuber. E$en "hen the ti! i# cut off( the eye# are #o nu%erou# that one #ecure# %any "eak #hoot# rather than t"o or three #trong one#. )t i# ordinarily be#t to cut the !otatoe# to t"o or three eye#( lea$ing a# %uch tuber a# !o##ible "ith each !iece. -ro% 3 to 18 bu#hel# of !otatoe# are reIuired to !lant an acre. :)llu#tration5 FF.. The garden radi#h( gro"n in fall of the u#ual #!ring #ort#.< -or a $ery early cro! in the garden( tuber# are #o%eti%e# #!routed in the cellar. ,hen the #!rout# are K to L inche# high( the tuber# are carefully !lanted. )t i# e##ential that the #!rout# are not broken in the handling. )n thi# !ractice( al#o( the tuber# are fir#t cut into large !iece#( #o that they "ill not dry out too %uch. The #ta!le re%edy for the !otato bug i# Pari# green( 7 !ound# or %ore of !oi#on to 198 to 788 gallon# of "ater( "ith a little li%e. -or the blight( #!ray "ith bordeau/ %i/ture( and #!ray thoroughly. Bordeau/ %i/ture "ill al#o kee! a"ay the flea beetle to a large e/tent. 06&)SH (Plate FF.).AA)n all !art# of the country the radi#h i# !o!ular a# a #ideAdi#h( being u#ed a# an a!!etiEer and for it# decorati$e character. )t i# a !oor !roduct( ho"e$er( if %i##ha!en( "or%y( or tough. 0adi#he# #hould be gro"n Iuickly in order to ha$e the% at their be#t. They beco%e tough and "oody if gro"n #lo"ly or allo"ed to #tay in the ground too long. 6 light #oil( "ell enriched( "ill gro" %o#t of the early $arietie# to table #iEe in three to fi$e "eek#. To ha$e a #u!!ly through the early %onth#( #o"ing# #hould be %ade e$ery t"o "eek#. -or #!ring u#e( the -rench Breakfa#t i# #till a #tandard $ariety (-ig. ?1?). -or #u%%er( the large "hite or gray $arietie# are be#t. The "inter $arietie# %ay be #o"n in Se!te%ber( har$e#ted before #e$ere fro#t#( and #tored in #and in a cool cellar. ,hen they are to be u#ed( if thro"n into cold "ater for a #hort ti%e they "ill regain their cri#!ne##.

So" radi#he# thickly in drill#( 17 to 1> inche# a!art. Thin a# needed. :)llu#tration5 -ig. ?1?. -rench Breakfa#t and oli$eA#ha!ed radi#he#.< 0H@B60B( =0 P)E PL6CT.AA6 #trong !erennial herb( to be gro"n in a bed or ro" by it#elf at one end or #ide of the garden. )t i# a hea$y feeder. 0hubarb i# u#ually !ro!agated by di$i#ion of the fle#hy root#( #%all !iece# of "hich "ill gro" if #e!arated fro% the old e#tabli#hed root# and !lanted in rich %ello" #oil. Poor #oil #hould be %ade rich by #!ading out at lea#t ? feet of the #urface( filling "ith "ellArotted %anure to "ithin 1 foot of the le$el( thro"ing in the to! #oil and #etting the root# "ith the cro"n# K inche# belo" the #urface( fir%ing the% "ith the feet. The #talk# #hould not be cut for u#e until the #econd year. See that the !lant doe# not "ant for "ater "hen it i# %aking it# hea$y leaf gro"th. )n fall( coar#e %anure #hould be thro"n o$er the cro"n#( to be forked or #!aded in lightly "hen #!ring o!en#. )n gro"ing #eedling rhubarb( the #eed %ay be #o"n in a coldfra%e in March or 6!ril( !rotected fro% freeEing( and in t"o %onth# the !lant# "ill be ready to #et in ro"#( 17 inche# a!art. Gi$e the !lant# good culti$ation( and the follo"ing #!ring they %ay be #et in a !er%anent !lace. 6t thi# ti%e the !lant# #hould be #et in "ellA!re!ared ground( at a di#tance each "ay of K to 9 feet( and treated a# tho#e #et "ith !iece# of root#. )f gi$en good care and "ell %anured( the !lant# "ill li$e for year# and yield abundantly. T"o doEen good root# "ill #u!!ly a large fa%ily. :)llu#tration5 -ig. ?1K. Sal#ify( or oy#ter !lant.< S6LS)-*( or .EGET6BLE =*STE0 (-ig. ?1K).AASal#ify i# one of the be#t of "inter and early #!ring $egetable#( and #hould be gro"n in e$ery garden. )t %ay be cooked in #e$eral different "ay#( to bring out the oy#ter fla$or. The #eed #hould be #o"n a# early in the #!ring a# !o##ible. Handle the #a%e a# !ar#ni!# in e$ery "ay. The root#( like !ar#ni!#( are the better for the "inter freeEe( but !art of the cro! #hould be dug in the fall( and #tored in #oil or %o## in a cellar for "inter u#e. SE6AD6LE i# a #trongArooted !erennial( the #hoot# of "hich are $ery highly !riEed a# a delicacy "hen blanched. Seed #hould be #o"n in a hotbed early in the #!ring( !lant# tran#!lanted to the garden "hen fro% 7 to ? inche# high( and gi$en good culti$ation through the #ea#on( being co$ered "ith litter on the a!!roach of "inter. The young #talk# are blanched early the follo"ing #!ring by co$ering "ith large !ot# or bo/e#( or by banking "ith #and or other clean %aterial. The &"arf Green Scotch( &"arf Bro"n( and Siberian are a%ong the leading $arietie#. SeaAkale i# eaten %uch a# a#!aragu# i#. )t i# highly !riEed by tho#e "ho kno" it. SeaAkale i# al#o !ro!agated by cutting# of the root# K or 9 inche# long( !lanted directly in the #oil in #!ring. The !lant being !erennial( the early #hoot# %ay be bleached year after year. S=00EL of the Euro!ean garden #ort# %ay be #o"n in #!ring( in

drill# 1L inche# a!art in bed#( or ? to ?A1P7 feet a!art in ro"#. 6fter the !lant# are "ell e#tabli#hed they #hould be thinned to 18 to 17 inche# a!art in the ro"#. They are !erennial( and %ay be ke!t gro"ing in the #a%e !lace for #e$eral year#. BroadAlea$ed -rench i# the %o#t !o!ular $ariety. SPE60M)CT i# !riEed by %any !er#on# a# a #ea#oning( !articularly for the Thank#gi$ing and holiday cookery. )t i# a !erennial and !erfectly hardy( and "ill li$e in the o!en garden year after year. )f a #u!!ly of the fre#h herbage i# "anted in "inter( re%o$e #od# of it to the hou#e #i/ "eek# before "anted. Place the #od# in bo/e#( and treat a# for hou#e !lant#. The !lant# #hould ha$e been fro#ted and beco%e !erfectly dor%ant before re%o$al. SP)C6 H.AAThe %o#t e/ten#i$ely gro"n of all 'green#(' being in #ea#on in earlie#t #!ring( and in fall and "inter. The earlie#t #!inach that find# it# "ay to %arket i# !roduced fro% #eed #o"n in Se!te%ber or =ctober( often !rotected by fra%e# or other %ean# through the #e$ere "inter( and cut #oon after gro"th #tart# in early #!ring. E$en a# far north a# Ce" *ork #!inach %ay #tand o$er "inter "ithout !rotection. S!inach i# forced by !lacing #a#h o$er the fra%e# in -ebruary and March( !rotecting the young lea$e# fro% #e$ere freeEing by %at# or #tra" thro"n o$er the fra%e#. Seed %ay be #o"n in early #!ring for a #ucce##ionG later in the #ea#on #eed of the Ce" Qealand #u%%er #!inach %ay be #o"n( and thi# "ill gro" through the heat of the #u%%er and yield a fine Iuality of lea$e#. The #eed of thi# kind( being $ery hard( #hould be #calded and allo"ed to #oak a fe" hour# before #o"ing. Thi# #eed i# u#ually #o"n in hill# about ? feet a!art( #o"ing four to #i/ #eed in each hill. The #!ring and "inter #!inach #hould be #o"n in drill# 17 to 1K inche# a!art( one ounce being #ufficient for 188 feet of drill. 0e%e%ber that co%%on #!inach i# a coolA"eather (fall and #!ring) cro!. SS@6SH.AAThe #u%%er #Iua#he# rarely fail of a cro! if they once e#ca!e the #courge of the #tri!ed beetle. The late $arietie# are not #o certainG they %u#t #ecure a #trong #tart( and be on 'Iuick' fertile "ar% land in order to %ake a cro! before the cool night# of fall (-ig. ?19). :)llu#tration5 -ig. ?19. =ne of the #oAcalled Ba!ane#e ty!e of #Iua#h (J ucurbita %o#chataJ).< The ti%e of !lanting( %ethod of !re!aring the hill#( and afterAculture are the #a%e a# for cucu%ber# and %elon#( e/ce!t that for the early bu#h $arietie# the hill# #hould be K or 9 feet a!art( and for the later running $arietie# fro% L to > feet a!art. -ro% eight to ten #eed# #hould be !lanted in each hill( thinning to four !lant# after danger fro% bug# i# o$er. =f the early #Iua#he#( one ounce of #eed "ill !lant fifty hill#G of the later $arietie#( one ounce "ill !lant but eighteen to t"enty hill#. -or "inter u#e( $arietie# of the Hubbard ty!e are be#t. -or #u%%er u#e( the rookneck# and Scallo! #Iua#he# are !o!ular. )n gro"ing "inter #Iua#he# in a Corthern cli%ate( it i# e##ential that the !lant# #tart off Iuickly and $igorou#ly5 a little che%ical fertiliEer "ill hel!.

Pu%!kin# are gro"n the #a%e a# #Iua#he#. S,EETAP=T6T= i# rarely gro"n north of Philadel!hiaG in the South it i# a uni$er#al garden cro!. S"eetA!otatoe# are gro"n fro% #!rout# !lanted on ridge# or hill#( not by !lanting the tuber#( a# "ith the co%%on or )ri#h !otato. The %ethod of obtaining the#e #!rout# i# a# follo"#5 )n 6!ril( tuber# of #"eetA!otatoe# are !lanted in a !artially #!ent hotbed by u#ing the "hole tuber (or if a large one( by cutting it in t"o through the long "ay)( co$ering the tuber# "ith 7 inche# of light( "ellAfir%ed #oil. The #a#h #hould be !ut on the fra%e# and only enough $entilation gi$en to kee! the !otatoe# fro% decaying. )n ten or t"el$e day# the young #!rout# #hould begin to a!!ear( and the bed #hould be "atered if dry. The #!rout# "hen !ulled fro% the tuber "ill be found to ha$e rootlet# at the lo"er end and along the #te%#. The#e #!rout# #hould be about ? to 9 inche# long by the ti%e the ground i# "ar% enough to !lant the% out on their ridge#. The ridge# or hill# #hould be !re!ared by !lo"ing out a furro" K to L inche# dee!. Scatter %anure in the furro" and !lo" back the #oil #o a# to rai#e the center at lea#t L inche# abo$e the le$el of the #oil. =n thi# ridge the !lant# are #et( !lacing the !lant# "ell in to the lea$e# and about 17 to 1> inche# a!art in the ro"#( the ro"# being fro% ? to K feet a!art. The afterAculti$ation con#i#t# in #tirring the #oil bet"een the ridge#G and a# the $ine# begin to run they #hould be lifted freIuently to !re$ent rooting at the joint#. ,hen the ti!# of the $ine# ha$e been touched by fro#t the cro! %ay be har$e#ted( the tuber# left to dry a fe" day#( and #tored in a dry( "ar% !lace. To kee! #"eet !otatoe#( #tore in layer# in barrel# or bo/e# in dry #and( and kee! the% in a dry roo% See that all brui#ed or chilled !otatoe# are thro"n out. T=M6T=.AAThe to%ato i# an inhabitant of !ractically e$ery ho%e garden( and e$erybody under#tand# it# culture (-ig. ?1L). The early fruit# are $ery ea#ily gro"n by #tarting the !lant# in a greenhou#e( hotbed( or in #hallo" bo/e# !laced in "indo"#. 6 !inch of #eed #o"n in March "ill gi$e all the early !lant# a large fa%ily can u#e. ,hen the !lant# ha$e reached the height of 7 or ? inche#( they #hould be tran#!lanted into ?Ainch flo"erA!ot#( old berry bo/e#( or other rece!tacle#( and allo"ed to gro" #lo"ly and #tocky until ti%e to #et the% out( "hich i# fro% May 19 on (in Ce" *ork). They #hould be #et in ro"# K or 9 feet a!art( the !lant# being the #a%e di#tance in the ro"#. :)llu#tration5 ?1L. 6 good for% or ty!e of to%ato.< :)llu#tration5 ?13. 6 to%ato trelli#.< So%e #u!!ort #hould be gi$en to kee! the fruit# off the ground and to ha#ten the ri!ening. 6 trelli# of chickenA"ire %ake# an e/cellent #u!!ort( a# doe# the light lath fencing that %ay be bought or %ade at ho%e. Stout #take#( "ith "ire #trung the length of the ro"#( afford an e/cellent #u!!ort. 6 $ery #ho"y %ethod i# that of a fra%e %ade like an

in$erted .( "hich allo"# the fruit# to hang freeG "ith a little attention to tri%%ing( the light reache# the fruit# and ri!en# the% !erfectly (-ig. ?13). Thi# #u!!ort i# %ade by leaning together t"o lath fra%e#. The late fruit# %ay be !icked green and ri!ened on a #helf in the #unG or they "ill ri!en if !laced in a dra"er. =ne ounce of #eed "ill be enough for fro% t"el$e to fifteen hundred !lant#. 6 little fertiliEer in the hill "ill #tart the !lant# off Iuickly. The rot i# le## #eriou# "hen the $ine# are ke!t off the ground and the ra%!ant #ucker# are cut out. .arietie# !a## out and ne" one# co%e into notice( #o that a li#t i# of #%all !er%anent $alue. T@0C)PS and 0@T6B6G6S are little gro"n in ho%e garden#G and yet a finer Iuality of $egetable than %o#t !er#on# kno" could be #ecured if the#e !lant# "ere rai#ed on oneH# o"n #oil and brought fre#h to the table. They are u#ually a fall cro!( fro% #eed #o"n in Buly and early 6ugu#t( although #o%e kitchenAgarden# ha$e the% fro% #!ringA#o"n The culture i# ea#y. Turni!# #hould be gro"n in drill#( like beet#( for the early cro!. The young !lant# "ill #tand light fro#t#. hoo#e a rainy day for !lanting( if !racticable. o$er the #eed $ery lightly. Thin the young !lant# to 9 to 3 inche# in the ro". So" e$ery t"o "eek# if a con#tant #u!!ly i# de#ired( a# turni!# ra!idly beco%e hard and "oody in "ar% #u%%er "eather. -or the fall and "inter cro! in the Corth( '=n the fourteenth day of Buly( So" your turni!#( "et or dry.' )n %any !art# of the northern and %iddle #tate# tradition fi/e# the 79th of Buly a# the !ro!er ti%e for #o"ing flat turni!# for "inter u#e. )n the %iddle #tate#( turni!# are #o%eti%e# #o"n a# late a# the end of 6ugu#t. Pre!are a !iece of $ery %ello" ground( and #o" the #eed thinly and e$enly broadca#t. )n #!ite of the old rhy%e( a gentle #ho"er "ill then be acce!table. The#e turni!# are !ulled after fro#t( the to!# re%o$ed( and the root# #tored in cellar# or !it#. -or the early cro!( Pur!leAto! Stra!Aleaf( Early ,hite -lat &utch( and Early Pur!leAto! Milan are the fa$orite $arietie#. *ello"Afle#hed #ort# like Golden Ball are $ery fine for early table u#e( "hen "ell gro"n( but %o#t eater# !refer "hite turni!# in #!ring( although they occa#ionally !atroniEe the yello" $arietie# in the fall. *ello" Globe i# the fa$orite yello" fall turni!( though #o%e !er#on# gro" yello" rutabaga# and call the% turni!#. -or late cro! of "hite turni!#( the #a%e $arietie# cho#en for #!ring #o"ing are al#o de#irable. 0utabaga# are di#tingui#hed fro% turni!# by their #%ooth( blui#h foliage( long root( and yello" fle#h. They are richer than turni!#G they reIuire the #a%e treat%ent( e/ce!t that the #ea#on of gro"th i# longer. -allA#o"n or #u%%erA#o"n baga# #hould ha$e a %onth the #tart of flat turni!#. E/ce!t the %aggot (#ee cabbage %aggot()( there are no #eriou# in#ect# or di#ea#e# !eculiar to turni!# and baga#. ,6TE0MEL=C.AAThe "ater%elon i# #hi!!ed e$ery"here in #uch enor%ou# Iuantitie#( and it co$er# #o %uch #!ace in the garden( that

ho%eAgardener# in the Corth #eldo% gro" it. ,hen one ha# roo%( it #hould be added to the kitchenAgarden. The culture i# e##entially that for %u#k%elon# ("hich #ee)( e/ce!t that %o#t $arietie# reIuire a "ar%er !lace and longer !eriod of gro"th. Gi$e the hill# a di#tance of L to 18 feet a!art. hoo#e a "ar%( 'Iuick' #oil and #unny e/!o#ure. )t i# e##ential( in the Corth( that the !lant# gro" ra!idly and co%e into bloo% early. =ne ounce of #eed "ill !lant thirty hill#. There are #e$eral "hite or yello"Afle#hed $arietie#( but a#ide fro% their oddity of a!!earance they ha$e little $alue. 6 good "ater%elon ha# a #olid( bright red fle#h( !referably "ith black #eed#( and a #trong !rotecting rind. Dolb Ge%( Bone#( Bo##( uban Sueen( and &i/ie are a%ong the be#t $arietie#. There are early $arietie# that "ill ri!en in the Corthern #ea#on( and %ake a %uch better %elon than tho#e #ecured on the %arket. The #oAcalled 'citron(' "ith hard "hite fle#h( u#ed in %aking !re#er$e#( i# a for% of "ater%elon.

H6PTE0 F) SE6S=C6L 0EM)C&E0S The author a##u%e# that a !er#on "ho i# intelligent enough to %ake a garden( doe# not need an arbitrary calendar of o!eration#. Too e/act ad$ice i# %i#leading and un!ractical. Mo#t of the older gardening book# "ere arranged "holly on the calendar %ethodAAgi$ing #!ecific direction# for each %onth in the year. ,e ha$e no" accu%ulated #ufficient fact and e/!erience( ho"e$er( to enable u# to #tate !rinci!le#G and the#e !rinci!le# can be a!!lied any"here(AA"hen #u!!le%ented by good judg%ent(AA"herea# %ere rule# are arbitrary and generally u#ele## for any other condition than that for "hich they "ere #!ecifically %ade. The region# of gardening e/!erience ha$e e/!anded enor%ou#ly "ithin the !a#t fifty and #e$entyAfi$e year#. Sea#on# and condition# $ary #o %uch in different year# and different !lace# that no hard and fa#t ad$ice can be gi$en for the !erfor%ing of gardening o!eration#( yet brief hint# for the !ro!er "ork of the $ariou# %onth# %ay be u#eful a# #ugge#tion# and re%inder#. The Monthly 0e%inder# are co%!iled fro% file# of the '6%erican Garden' of #o%e year# back( "hen the author had editorial charge of that %agaEine. The ad$ice for the Corth (!age# 98K to 91L) "a# "ritten by T. Greiner( La Salle( C.*. "ell kno"n a# a gardener and author. That for the South (!age# 91L to 97L) "a# %ade by H.,. S%ith( Baton 0ouge( La.( for the fir#t nine %onth#( and it "a# e/tended for 'GardenAMaking' to the %onth# of =ctober( Co$e%ber( and &ece%ber by -.H. Burnette( Horticulturi#t of the Loui#iana E/!eri%ent Station. D)T HECAG60&EC PL6CT)CG T6BLE 6 G@)&E T= THE P0=PE0 T)MES -=0 S=,)CG =- .60)=@S SEE&S )C =0&E0 T= =BT6)C =CT)C@=@S S@ ESS)=C =- 0=PS EFPL6C6T)=C =- S)GCS @SE& )C THE T6BLE.

(8)To be #o"n in o!en ground "ithout tran#!lanting. Plant# ha$e to be thinned out( gi$en !ro!er di#tance. (1) So" in #eed bed in the garden( and tran#!lant thence to !er%anent !lace. (7) Make t"o #o"ing# in o!en ground during the %onth. (?) Make three #o"ing# in o!en ground during the %onth. (K) Start in greenhou#e or hotAbed( and !lant out #o #oon a# the ground i# in good #ha!e( and "eather !er%it#. (9) So" in o!en ground a# #oon a# it can be "orked. (L) To be gro"n only in hotAbed or greenhou#e. (3) So" in cold fra%e( kee! !lant# there o$er "inter "ith a little !rotectionG !lant out in #!ring a# #oon a# the ground can be "orked. (>) To be #o"n in o!en ground( and !rotected "ith litter o$er "inter. (2) Plant in fra%e. ,hen cold "eather #et# in( co$er "ith #a#h and #tra" %at#. Plant# "ill be ready for u#e in &ece%ber and Banuary. (18) Plant in cellar( barn or under benche# in greenhou#e. (11) Plant outdoor# on !re!ared bed#. (17) So" e$ery "eek in greenhou#e or fra%e( to ha$e a good #ucce##ion. .EGET6BLES )C THE D)T HEC G60&EC Ban -eb Mar 6!r May Bun Bul 6ug Se! =ct Co$ &ec 6rtichoke( 6%erican A A A (8) (8) A A A A A A A -rench A (K) A (1) (1) A A A A A A A Bean#( Bu#h (L) (L) (L) (8) (7) (7) (7) (8) A A A A Bean#( Pole N Li%a A A A A (8) (8) A A A A A A Beet# A A (K) (K) (8) (8) (8) (8) A A A A Borecole( Dale A A A A (1) (1) (1) A A A A A Broccoli A (K) (K) (1) (1) (1) A A (3) (3) A A Bru##el# S!rout# A A A A (1) (1) A A A A A A abbage( all #ort# A (K) (K) (1) (1) (1) A A (3) (3) A A ardoon A (K) (K) (1) (1) (1) A A A A A A arrot (L) (L) (9) (8) (8) (8) (8) A A A A A auliflo"er (L) (K) (K) (1) (1) (1) A A A A A A eleriac A (K) (K) (1) (1) (1) A A A A A A elery A (K) (K) (1) (1) (1) A A A A A A hicory A A (9) (8) (8) (8) A A A A A A ollard# A A A A A A (8) (8) (8) A A A orn( field A A A (8) (8) (8) A A A A A A orn( S"eet A A A (7) (7) (7) (7) (8) A A A A orn( Po! A A A (8) (8) (8) A A A A A A orn( Salad A A (9) (8) (8) (8) A A (>) A A A re## (17) (17) (17) (17) (8) (8) A A (17) (17) (17) (17)

ucu%ber Egg Plant# Endi$e Dohlrabi Leek Lettuce Mangel Melon Mu#hroo% Mu#tard Ca#turtiu% =kra =nion Par#ni!# Par#ley Pea# Pe!!er Potatoe# Pu%!kin 0adi#h 0utabaga Sal#ify Seakale S!inach SIua#h To%ato Turni!#

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C.B.AA-or la#t !lanting of Bean#( S"eet orn( Dohlrabi( Pea# and 0adi#he#( or e$en To%atoe#( take the earlie#t $arietie#( ju#t the #a%e a# are u#ed for fir#t !lanting. AAThe late #o"ing# of Sal#ify are intended to re%ain undi#turbed o$er "inter. 0oot# fro% the#e #o"ing# "ill( the ne/t year( attain a #iEe double that u#ually #een. :)llu#tration5 -ig. ?1>. BirdH#Aeye $ie" of the #ea#on# in "hich the $ariou# garden !roduct# %ay be in their !ri%e.< S@GGEST)=CS 6C& 0EM)C&E0S.AA). -=0 THE C=0TH B6C@60* J abbage !lant#J in fra%e# need free airing "hene$er the te%!erature i# abo$e the freeEing !oint( or #o long a# the #oil of the bed i# not froEen. Sno"( in that ca#e( #hould be re%o$ed #oon after it# fall. 6# long a# the #oil i# froEen the #no" can #afely be left on for a nu%ber of day#. abbage( cauliflo"er( and lettuce #eed #hould be #o"n at inter$al# to #ecure !lant# for e/traAearly #ale# or #etting. 6 %onth later they "ill be ready to tran#fer to bo/e#( "hich #hould go to the coldfra%e and be gi$en !rotection by %at# or #hutter#. J oldfra%e#J %u#t be "ell $entilated on "ar%( #unny day#G lea$e the #a#he# off a# long a# i# !o##ible "ithout injury to the !lant#. Dee! the #oil in a friable condition( and look carefully to any !o##ible !lace# "here "ater can #tand and freeEe. )f the fra%e# #ee% too cold( bank u! around the% "ith coar#e %anure. JHotbed#.JAALook u! and re!air the #a#he#. Sa$e the hor#eA%anure fro%

day to day( rejecting dry litter( and !iling u! the dro!!ing# and urineA#oaked bedding in thin layer# to !re$ent $iolent heating. JLettuceJ in fra%e# treat a# ad$i#ed for cabbage !lant#. JPruningJ #hould no" be con#idered. Perha!# it i# be#t to !rune fruitAtree# in March or 6!ril( but gra!e# and currant# and goo#eberrie# %ay be !runed no". Banuary and -ebruary are good %onth# in "hich to !rune !each tree#. Thin out the !each tree# "ell( taking care to re%o$e all the dead "ood. )f you ha$e %uch !runing to do in a!!le( !ear( or !lu% orchard#( you "ill #a$e ti%e by utiliEing the "ar% day# no". Study "ell the different %ethod# of !runing. Ce$er let an itinerant !runer touch your tree# until you are #ati#fied that he under#tand# hi# bu#ine##. JTool#J #hould no" be in#!ected and re!aired( and any ne" one# that are needed %ade or ordered. -EB0@60* J abbage.JAASo" #eed of Ber#ey ,akefield in flat# filled "ith light loa%y #oil( the la#t "eek of thi# %onth. So" thinly( co$er lightly( and !lace the bo/e# in a gentle hotbed or any "ar%( #unny #ituation. ,hen the !lant# are #trong( tran#!lant the% into flat# 1A1P7 in. a!art each "ay. 6# gro"th begin#( gradually e/!o#e the% to the o!en air on all fa$orable occa#ion#. Late in March re%o$e the% to a coldfra%e( and !ro!erly harden the% off before #etting the% in the o!en ground. J elery.JAA,e urgently ad$i#e e$ery one "ho ha# a garden( large or #%all( to %ake a trial of the ne" celeryAculture. *ou need( fir#t( good !lant#. Get #o%e #eed of ,hite Plu%e or Golden SelfAblanching( and #o" it thickly in flat# filled "ith fine loa%. o$er by #ifting a thin layer of #and or fine #oil o$er it( and fir% "ell. Dee! in a %oderately "ar% !lace( "atering a# needed( until !lant# a!!ear. )f you ha$e a nu%ber of flat#( they %ay be !laced on to! of one another. 6t the fir#t #ign of !lantAgro"th( bring the flat# gradually to the light. ,hen the !lant# are 1A1P7 or 7 in. high( tran#!lant the% into other flat#( #etting the% in ro"# 7A1P7 in. a!art( the !lant# half an inch a!art in the ro"#. Then #et the flat# in a coldfra%e until the !lant# are large enough to !lant out in the o!en ground. JHotbed#J for rai#ing early !lant# #hould be %ade thi# %onth. 6l"ay# break the %anure u! fine and tread it do"n "ell. Be #ure to !ut enough in the center of bed#( #o that there "ill be no #agging. -re#h %anure of hardA"orked and "ellAfed hor#e#( free fro% dry litter( i# be#t. 6n addition of lea$e# u#ed for bedding "ill #er$e to !roduce a %ore %oderate but %ore la#ting heat. Shee!A%anure %ay al#o be added to the hor#eA%anure( #hould there be a #cant #u!!ly of the latter on hand. J=nion#.JAA,e urgently ad$i#e gi$ing the ne" onionAculture a trial. -or #eed( buy a !acket or an ounce of PriEetaker( S!ani#h Ding( ,hite .ictoria( or #o%e other large kind of globe onion. So" the #eed in flat#( in a hotbed( or in a greenhou#e late in the %onth( and tran#!lant the onion# to the o!en ground a# #oon a# the latter i# in "orking condition. Set the !lant# in ro"# 1 ft. a!art and about ? in. a!art in the ro". JPlu%#.JAAMake a thorough in#!ection of all !lu% and cherry tree#( "ild and culti$ated( for !lu%Aknot. ut and burn all the knot# found. 0e%o$e

all '%u%%y' !lu%#( for they #!read the fruitArot. J0hubarb.JAAGi$e the !lant# in the garden a hea$y dre##ing of fine old co%!o#t. )f you "i#h a fe" early #talk#( !lace keg# or bo/e# o$er #o%e of the !lant#( and hea! o$er the% #o%e heating hor#eA%anure. M60 H JBeet#.JAA6 fe" #eed# %ay be #o"n in the hotbed. J abbage( cauliflo"er( and celeryJ #eed# %ay be #o"n for the early cro!. JEggA!lant#.JAASeed# #hould be #o"n. Take care that the young !lant# are ne$er #tunted. JGraftingJ %ay be done in fa$orable "eather. herrie# and !lu%# %u#t be grafted early. @#e liIuid graftingA"a/ in cold "eather. JHotbed#J %ay be %ade at any ti%e( but do not gro" i%!atient about the "ork( for there "ill be cold "eather yet. lean( fre#h %anure i# nece##ary( and a layer 7 ft. thick #hould be tra%!ed hard. ,hen once #tarted and the #eed# #o"n( do not let the bed# get too hot. Gi$e the% air on fine day# and gi$e the #eedling# !lenty of "ater. @#e t"o ther%o%eter#AAone to te#t the at%o#!here and the other the heat of the #oil. JLettuceJ #hould be #o"n in the hotbed for an early cro!. J=nionJ #eed for the ne" onionAculture %ay be #o"n at the clo#e of the %onth. JPea#.JAASo" no"( if the ground can be "orked. JPe!!er#J %ay be #o"n late in the %onth. JPotatoe#J ke!t for #eed %u#t not be allo"ed to #!rout. Dee! the% in a te%!erature near freeEing !oint. 0ub off the #!rout# fro% !otatoe# ke!t for eating( and !ick out all decayed #!eci%en#. JS!inach.JAASo" #o%e #eed# for an early cro!. JTo%atoJ #eed# %ay be #o"n in the hotbed#. 6P0)L J6rtichoke#.JAASo" the #eed# for ne/t yearH# cro!. 6 dee!( rich( #andy loa% i# be#t. -ork in a dre##ing of "ellArotted %anure around the old !lant#. J6#!aragu#.JAAS!ade in #o%e good %anure in the bed( and gi$e the #oil a thorough "orking before the cro"n# #tart. So" #eed# in the o!en ground for young !lant# for a ne" bed. JBean#.JAALi%a# %ay be #tarted on #od# in a hotbed or a coldfra%e to"ard# the la#t of the %onth. JBeet#.JAAThe ground #hould be !re!ared and the #eed #o"n for beet# for cattle a# #oon a# the "eather "ill !er%it. Put the% in before !lanting corn. They "ill #tand con#iderable cold "eather( and #hould be !lanted

early to get a #tart of the "eed#. JBlackberrie#J #hould be !runed( the bru#h dra"n off( !iled( and burned. )f it i# nece##ary( to #take the%( try a "ire trelli#( the #a%e a# for gra!e#( !utting on one "ire 7A1P7 ft. high. The young !lant# #hould be dug before the bud# #tart. J abbageJ #eed %ay be #o"n in the o!en ground( in coldfra%e#( or in !an# or bo/e# in the hou#e. Early $arietie# #hould be #tarted at once. abbage# like a rich and hea$y loa%( "ith good drainage. Gi$e the% all the %anure you can get. J auliflo"erJ #eed# %ay be #o"n to"ard the la#t of the %onth. They #hould ne$er ha$e a check fro% the ti%e the #eed i# #o"n until har$e#ted. J arrot.JAASo" the #eed of early #ort#( like Early -orcing( a# #oon a# the ground can be "orked. J elery.JAAPlan to gro" celery by the ne" %ethod. Plenty of %anure and %oi#ture are reIuired to do thi#. So" the #eed in light( rich #oil in the hou#e( hotbed( coldfra%e( or o!en ground. Tran#!lant the !lant# once before #etting the% in the field. Page 989. J re##.JAASo" early and e$ery t"o or three "eek#. ,atercre## #hould be #o"n in da%! #oil or in #trea%#. The outer edge# of a hotbed %ay al#o be utiliEed. re## i# often a !rofitable cro! "hen rightly handled. J ucu%berJ #eed# %ay be #o"n on #od# in the hotbed. JEggA!lant.JAASo" in the hotbed( and tran#!lant "hen 7 in. high to other bed# or !ot#. They %u#t ha$e good care( for a check in their gro"th %ean# all the difference bet"een !rofit and lo##. JLettuce.JAASo" the #eed# in the hotbed( and in the o!en ground a# #oon a# it can be "orked. Plant# #o"n a %onth ago #hould be tran#!lanted. JLeek.JAASo" the #eed# in the o!en ground in drill# L in. a!art and 1 in. dee!( and "hen large enough( thin to 1 in. in the ro". JMu#k%elon.JAAPlant #eed# in #od# in the hotbed. JPar#ni!.JAA&ig the root# before they gro" and beco%e #oft and !ithy. Seed# %ay be #o"n a# #oon a# the ground i# dry enough to "ork. JPar#ley.JAASoak the #eed# in "ar% "ater for a fe" hour#( and #o" in the o!en ground. JPea#.JAASo" the #eed# a# #oon a# the ground can be "orked. They "ill #tand con#iderable cold and tran#!lanting al#o. Ti%e %ay be gained by #o"ing #o%e #eed# in %oi#t #and in a bo/ in the cellar and tran#!lanting "hen "ell #!routed. Plant dee! in light( dry #oilG co$er an inch at fir#t( and dra" in the earth a# the $ine# gro". JPotatoe#.JAAPlant early on rich #oil free fro% blight and #cab. -or a $ery early cro!( the !otatoe# %ay be #!routed before !lanting. JPe!!er#.JAASo" the #eed# in the hotbed or in the bo/e# in the hou#e.

J0adi#hJ #eed# %ay be #o"n in the o!en ground or in the hotbed and the cro! har$e#ted fro% there. The #%all( round $arietie# are be#t for thi# !ur!o#e. JStra"berrie#.JAAGi$e a good( thorough culti$ation bet"een the ro"# and then re%o$e the %ulch fro% the !lant#( !lacing it in the ro"#( "here it "ill hel! to kee! the "eed# do"n. JSal#ify.JAASo" the #eed# a# #oon a# the ground can be "orked. Gi$e the #a%e care and culti$ation a# for carrot# or !ar#ni!#. JS!inachJ #eed# %u#t be #o"n early( and then e$ery t"o "eek# for a #ucce##ion. Thin out and u#e the !lant# before they #end u! flo"erA#talk#. JSIua#he#.JAAHubbard# and #u%%er #Iua#he# %ay be #tarted on #od# in the hotbed. JTo%ato.JAASo" in the hotbed or in #hallo" bo/e# in the hou#e. Try #o%e of the yello" $arietie#G they are the fine#t fla$ored of any. M6* JBean#.JAAThe bu#h #ort# %ay be !lanted in the o!en ground( and li%a# in !ot# or #od# in a coldfra%e or #!ent hotbed. Li%a# reIuire a long #ea#on to %ature( and #hould be #tarted early. JBeet#.JAASo" for a #ucce##ion. Tran#!lant tho#e #tarted under gla##. J abbage#J al"ay# do be#t on a fre#hly turned #od( and #hould be #et before the land ha# had ti%e to dry after !lo"ing. The #ecret of #ucce## in getting a large yield of cabbage i# to #tart "ith rich land and !ut on all the %anure obtainable. lean out the hog yard for thi# !ur!o#e. J ucu%ber#.JAASo" in the o!en ground to"ard the la#t of the %onth. 6 fe" %ay be #tarted a# ad$i#ed for li%a bean#. JLettuce.JAASo" for a #ucce##ion( and thin to K in. in the ro"#. JMelon#.JAAPlant in the o!en ground to"ard the end of the %onth. )t i# u#ele## to !lant %elon# and other cucurbitaceou# !lant# until #ettled "eather ha# arri$ed. J=nion#.JAA-ini#h !lanting and tran#!lanting( and kee! all "eed# do"n( both in the #eedAbed and the o!en field. Pea#.AASo" for a #ucce##ion. JSIua#he#.JAAPlant a# ad$i#ed for %elon# and cucu%ber#. They reIuire a rich( "ellA%anured #oil. JStra"berrie#.JAA0e%o$e the blo##o%# fro% ne"ly #et !lant#. Mulch "ith #alt hay or %ar#h hay or clean #tra" or lea$e# tho#e that are to bear. Mulching con#er$e# %oi#ture( kee!# the berrie# clean( and !re$ent# "eed# fro% gro"ing. JS"eet corn.JAAPlant early and late $arietie#( and by %aking t"o or three !lanting# of each( at inter$al#( a #ucce##ion %ay be ke!t u! all #u%%er and fall. S"eet corn i# deliciou#( and one can hardly ha$e too %uch of it.

JTo%atoe#.JAASet #o%e early !lant# by the %iddle of the %onth or earner( if the ground i# "ar%( and the #ea#on early and fair. They %ay be !rotected fro% the cold by co$ering "ith hay( #tra"( cloth( or !a!er( or e$en "ith earth. The %ain cro! #hould not be #et until the 78th or 79th( or until all danger of fro#t i# o$er. Ho"e$er( to%atoe# "ill #tand %ore chilly "eather than i# ordinarily #u!!o#ed. B@CE J6#!aragu#.JAA ea#e cutting and allo" the #hoot# to gro". Dee! the "eed# do"n and the #oil "ell #tirred. 6n a!!lication of a Iuick co%%ercial fertiliEer or of liIuid %anure "ill be beneficial. JBean#.JAASo" the "a/ #ort# for #ucce##ion. 6# #oon a# a cro! i# off( !ull out the $ine# and !lant the ground to late cabbage( turni!#( or #"eet corn. JBeet#.JAATran#!lant in ro"# 1 to ? ft. a!art and L in. in the ro". ut off %o#t of the to!( "ater thoroughly( and they "ill #oon #tart. J abbage and cauliflo"er.JAASet !lant# for the late cro!. 0ich( ne"ly turned #od and a hea$y dre##ing of "ellArotted %anure go a long "ay to"ard a##uring a good cro!. J elery.JAASet the %ain cro!( and try the ne" %ethod of #etting the !lant# 3 in. a!art each "ay( if you ha$e rich land and can irrigate( but not unle## the#e condition# are !re#ent. Page 989. J ucu%ber#J %ay yet be !lanted( if done early in the %onth. J urrant#.JAAS!ray "ith Pari# green for the currant "or% until the fruit #et#. Hellebore i# good( but it i# difficult to get it of good #trengthG u#e it for all late #!raying. JLettuce.JAASo" for #ucce##ion in a %oi#t( cool( and !artially #haded #!ot. The #eed doe# not ger%inate "ell in hot "eather. JLi%a bean#J #hould be hoed freIuently( and #tarted on the !ole# if they are contrary. JMelon#.JAA ulti$ate often and "atch for the bug#. 6 #creen of clo#ely "o$en "ire or %o#Iuito netting %ay be u#ed to co$er the $ine#( or tobacco du#t #ifted on thickly. J=nion#.JAADee! free fro% "eed# and #tir the ground freIuently and e#!ecially after e$ery rain. JSIua#he#.JAADee! the ground "ell culti$ated and look out for bug#. (See JMelon#.J) Layer the $ine# and co$er the joint# "ith fre#h #oil( to !re$ent death of the $ine# fro% the attack# of the borer. JStra"berrie#.JAAPlo" u! the old bed that ha# borne t"o cro!#( a# it "ill u#ually not !ay to kee! it. Set the ground to late cabbage or #o%e other cro!. The young bed that ha# borne the fir#t cro! #hould ha$e a thorough culti$ation and the !lo" run clo#e to the ro"# to narro" the% to the reIuired "idth. Pull u! or hoe out all "eed# and kee! the ground clean the re#t of the #ea#on. Thi# a!!lie# "ith eIual force to the ne"ly #et bed. 6 bed can be #et late ne/t %onth fro% young runner#. Pinch off

the end after the fir#t joint( and allo" it to root on a #od or in a #%all !ot #et le$el "ith the #urface. JTo%atoe#.JAA-or an early cro! train to a trelli#( !inch off all #ide #hoot#( and allo" all the #trength to go to the %ain #talk. They %ay al#o be trained to !ole#( the #a%e a# li%a bean#( and can be #et clo#er if gro"n in thi# "ay. S!ray "ith the bordeau/ %i/ture for the blight( kee! the foliage thinned and the $ine# off the ground. JTurni!#.JAASo" for an early fall cro!. B@L* JBean#.JAASo" the "a/ #ort# for a #ucce##ion. JBeet#.JAASo" Early Egy!tian or Ecli!#e for young beet# ne/t fall. JBlackberrie#.JAAHead back the young cane# to ? ft.( and the lateral# al#o "hen they get longer. They %ay be !inched "ith the thu%bnail and finger in a #%all !atch( but thi# #oon %ake# the finger# #ore( and "hen there are %any bu#he# to go o$er( it i# better to u#e a !air of #hear# or a #har! #ickle. J abbage.JAASet !lant# for the late cro!. J orn.JAAPlant #"eet corn for #ucce##ion and late u#e. J ucu%ber#.JAA)t i# late to !lant( but they %ay be !ut in for !ickle# if done before the -ourth. ulti$ate tho#e "hich are u!( and kee! an eye o!en for bug#. J urrant#.JAA o$er a fe" bu#he# "ith %u#lin or burla! before the fruit ri!en#( and you can eat currant# in 6ugu#t. @#e hellebore( rather than Pari# green( for the la#t brood of currant "or%#( and a!!ly it a# #oon a# the "or%# a!!ear. There i# little danger in u#ing it( e$en if the currant# are ri!e. JLettuceJ #eed doe# not ger%inate "ell in hot "eather. So" in a %oi#t( #haded !o#ition for a #ucce##ion. JLi%a bean#.JAAHoe the% freIuently( and gi$e a##i#tance to get on the !ole#. JMelon#.JAA,atch for bug#( and a!!ly tobacco du#t freely around the !lant#. Dee! the% "ell culti$ated. 6 light a!!lication of bone %eal "ill !ay. JPeache#( !ear#( and !lu%#J #hould be thinned to #ecure fine fruit and to hel! #u#tain the $igor of the tree. 0i!ening the #eed i# "hat dra"# on the treeH# $itality( and if the nu%ber of #eed# can be reduced oneAhalf or t"oAthird#( !art of the #trength reIuired to ri!en the% "ill go into !erfecting the fruit and #eed# left( and add greatly to the fine a!!earance( fla$or( and Iuality of the edible !ortion. J0adi#he#.JAASo" the early kind# for a #ucce##ion( and to"ard the end of the %onth the "inter #ort# %ay be !ut in. J0a#!berrie#.JAAPinch back the cane# to 7A1P7 ft.( the #a%e "ay a# gi$en for blackberrie#.

JSIua#he#.JAADee! the ground "ell #tirred( and u#e tobacco du#t freely for bug# and beetle#. o$er the joint# "ith fre#h #oil( to guard again#t injury by the $ineAborer. 6@G@ST JBeet#.JAA6 la#t #o"ing of the early table #ort# %ay be %ade for a #ucce##ion. J abbage.JAAHar$e#t the early cro!( and gi$e good culti$ation to the %ain cro!. Dee! do"n the bug# and "or%#. J elery.JAAThe late#t cro! %ay yet be #et. Earlier #et !lant# #hould be handled a# they attain #ufficient #iEe. o%%on drain tile# are e/cellent for blanching if one ha# the%( and %u#t be !ut on "hen the !lant# are about half gro"n. Hoe freIuently to kee! the !lant# gro"ing. J=nion#.JAAHar$e#t a# #oon a# the bulb# are "ell for%ed. Let the% lie on the ground until cured( then dra" to the barn floor or #o%e other airy !lace and #!read thinly. Market "hen you can get a good !rice( and the #ooner the better. JTo%atoe#J %ay be ha#tened in coloring by being !icked ju#t a# they begin to color and !laced in #ingle layer# in a coldfra%e or hotbed( "here they can be co$ered "ith #a#h. SEPTEMBE0 )n %any !art# of the Corth it i# not too late to #o" rye( or !ea#( or corn( to afford "inter !rotection for orchard#. 6# a rule( $ery late fall !lo"ing for orchard# i# not ad$i#able. Co" i# a good ti%e to tri% u! the fenceAro"# and to burn the bru#h !ile#( in order to de#troy the breeding !lace# of rabbit#( in#ect#( and "eed#. utting# of goo#eberrie# and currant# %ay be taken. @#e only the "ood of the current yearH# gro"th( %aking the cutting# about a foot long. Stri! off the lea$e#( if they ha$e not already fallen( tie the cutting# in large bundle#( and bury the% in a cold cellar( or in a #andy( "ellAdrained knollG or if the cuttingAbed i# "ell !re!ared and "ell drained( they %ay be !lanted i%%ediately( the bed being "ell %ulched u!on the a!!roach of "inter. Se!te%ber and =ctober are good %onth# in "hich to #et orchard#( !ro$ided the ground i# "ell !re!ared and "ell drained( and i# not too %uch e/!o#ed to #"ee!ing "ind#. ,et land# #hould ne$er be #et in the fallG and #uch land#( ho"e$er( are not fit for orchard#. Stra"berrie# %ay #till be #etG al#o bu#h fruit#. Seed# of $ariou# flo"er# %ay no" be #o"n for "inter bloo%( if one ha# a con#er$atory or good "indo". Petunia#( !hlo/e#( and %any annual# %ake good "indo" !lant#. Suicker re#ult# are #ecured( ho"e$er( if border !lant# of !etunia# and #o%e other thing# are dug u! ju#t before fro#t and !laced in !ot# or bo/e#. Dee! the% cool and #haded for a cou!le of "eek#( cut do"n the to!#( and they "ill #end u! a $igorou# and floriferou# gro"th. ,inter ro#e# #hould no" be in !lace in the bed# or in !ot#. There "ill be odd day# "hen one can go to the "ood# and field# and collect root# of "ild herb# and #hrub# for !lanting in the yard or along the unu#ed border# of the garden.

= T=BE0 J6#!aragu#.JAA=ld !lantation# #hould no" be cleaned off( and the to!# re%o$ed at once. Thi# i# a good ti%e to a!!ly %anure to the bed#. -or young !lantation#( "hich %ay be #tarted no" a# "ell a# in #!ring( #elect a "ar% #oil and #unny e/!o#ure( and gi$e each !lant !lenty of roo%. ,e like to #et the% in ro"# 9 ft. a!art and at lea#t 7 ft. a!art in the ro"#. J abbage#.JAAThe head# that "ill "inter be#t are tho#e ju#t fully for%ed( not the o$erAri!e one#. -or fa%ily u#e( bury an e%!ty barrel in a "ellAdrained #!ot( and fill it "ith good head#. Place a lot of dry lea$e# on to!( and co$er the barrel #o that it "ill #hed rain. =r( !ile #o%e cabbage# in a corner of the barn floor and co$er the% "ith enough #tra" to !re$ent #olid freeEing. Page# 192( K38. J abbageA!lant#(J #tarted fro% #eed la#t %onth( #hould be !ricked out in coldAfra%e#( !utting about L88 to the ordinary #a#h and #etting the% Iuite dee!. J hicory.JAA&ig "hat i# "anted for #alad( and #tore it in #and in a dry cellar. JEndi$e.JAABlanch by gathering u! the lea$e# and tying the% lightly at the ti!#. JGeneral garden %anage%ent.JAAThe only !lanting that can be done in o!en ground at thi# ti%e i# re#tricted to rhubarb( a#!aragu#( and !erha!# onionA#et#. Begin to think about ne/t yearH# !lanting( and to %ake arrange%ent# for the %anure that "ill be needed. =ften you can !urcha#e it no" to good ad$antage( and haul it "hile the road# are yet good. lean u! and !lo" the ground "hen the cro!# are har$e#ted. JLettuce.JAAPlant# to be "intered o$er #hould be #et in fra%e# like cabbageA!lant#. J=nion#.JAAPlant #et# of E/tra Early Pearl( or #o%e other hardy kind( in the #a%e fa#hion a# in early #!ring. They are likely to "inter "ell( and "ill gi$e an early cro! of fine bunching onion#. -or the Corth( fall #o"ing of onionA#eed cannot be reco%%ended. JPar#ley.JAALift #o%e !lant# and #et the% in a coldfra%e K or 9 in. a!art( or in a bo/ filled "ith good #oil( and !lace in a light cellar or under a #hed. JPear#.JAAPick the "inter #ort# ju#t before there i# danger fro% freeEing. Put the% in a cool( dark !lace( "here they "ill neither %old nor #hri$el. To ha#ten ri!ening( they %ay be brought into a "ar% roo% a# "anted. J0hubarb.JAA)f !lant# are to be #et or re!lanted thi# fall( enrich the ground "ith a #u!erabundance of fine old #tableA%anure( and gi$e each !lant a fe" feet of #!ace each "ay. )n order to ha$e fre#h !ieA!lant in "inter( dig u! #o%e of the root# and !lant the% in good #oil in a barrel !laced in the cellar. JS"eetA!otatoe#.JAA&ig the% "hen ri!e after the fir#t fro#t. ut off the $ine#( and turn the !otatoe# out "ith a !otatoAfork or !lo". Handle the% carefully to !re$ent brui#ing. =nly #ound( "ellAri!ened root# are in

!ro!er condition to be "intered o$er. C=.EMBE0 J6#!aragu#.JAAManure before "inter #et# in. JBeet#.JAAThey kee! be#t in !it#. So%e %ay be ke!t in the cellar for u#e during "inter( but co$er the% "ith #and or #od# to !re$ent #hri$eling. JBlackberrie#.JAA ut a"ay the old "ood and %ulch the root#. Tender #ort# #hould be laid do"n and lightly co$ered "ith #oil at the ti!#. J arrot#.JAATreat a# ad$i#ed for beet#. J elery.JAA&ig u! the #talk#( lea$ing the root# on( and #tand the% clo#e together in a narro" trench( to!# ju#t e$en "ith the groundAle$el. Gradually co$er the% "ith board#( earth( and %anure. 6nother "ay i# to #et the% u!right u!on the floor of a da%! cellar or rootAhou#e( kee!ing the root# %oi#t and the to!# dry. elery can #tand #o%e fro#t( but not e/!o#ure to le## than 77 deg. -. The #talk# intended for u#e before hri#t%a# %ay in %o#t localitie# be left outdoor#( to be u#ed a# "anted. Should cold "eather #et in early( they "ill need co$ering in #o%e "ay. Page K39. J=rchard %anage%ent.JAA*oung tree# #hould ha$e a %ound of earth rai#ed around the #te% a# a #u!!ort and !rotection again#t %ice( etc. S%all and lately !lanted tree# %ay ha$e #take# #et be#ide the%( and be tied to the #take# "ith a broad band. 6!!le and !ear tree# %ay yet be !lanted. Tri% #u!erfluou# or unhealthy "ood out of the old orchard#. JS!inach.JAA o$er the bed# lightly "ith lea$e# or litter before "inter #et# in. JStra"berrie#.JAASoon it "ill be ti%e to %ulch the bed#. Pro$ide %ar#h hay( or other coar#e litter( free fro% "eedA#eed#( and "hen the ground ha# froEen an inch or #o( #!read it all o$er the #urface thinly and e$enly. &E EMBE0 J abbage#.JAAPlant# in coldfra%e# #hould be aired freely and ke!t cool. Head# intended for "inter and #!ring u#e( if not yet taken in or !rotected fro% #e$ere freeEing( %u#t no" be cared for. &o not co$er the% too dee!ly( nor #tore the% in too "ar% a !lace. J arrot#.JAAStore the% in cellar# or !it#. )f in cellar#( kee! the root# co$ered "ith #and or #od( to !re$ent "ilting. JGeneral garden %anage%ent.JAABegin no" to %ake your !lan# for ne/t #ea#onH# "ork. arefully #tudy u! the %atter of rotation( al#o that of feeding your cro!# in the %o#t effecti$e and econo%ical %anner. 0e!air fra%e#( #a#he#( and tool#. lear u! the garden and !re%i#e#. @nderdrain "here needed. Bed# for early $egetable# #hould be thro"n u! in high( narro" ridge#( "ith dee! furro"# bet"een. Thi# "ill enable you to !lant the% #e$eral day# or "eek# earlier than other"i#e. JDale.JAA)n $ery e/!o#ed or northern location# co$er it lightly "ith coar#e litter.

J=nion#.JAA-or "inter #torage #elect only "ellAri!ened( !erfectly dry bulb#. Store the% in a dry( airy !lace( not in the cellar. They %ay be #!read out thinly on the floor( a"ay fro% the "all#( allo"ed to freeEe #olid( and then co$ered #e$eral feet dee! "ith hay or #tra". JPar#ni!#.JAATake u! #o%e root# for "inter u#e and #tore the% in #and in the cellar. JStra"berryAbed#J #hould be gi$en their "inter co$ering of %ar#h hay( etc.( a# #oon a# the ground i# froEen #olid. S@GGEST)=CS 6C& 0EM)C&E0S.AA)). -=0 THE S=@TH B6C@60* J6nnual#.JAA6ll kind# of hardy annual# and !erennial#( #uch a# aly##u%( #na!dragon( fo/glo$e( hollyhock( !hlo/( !o!!y( !an#y( lobelia( candytuft( #"eet !ea( hine#e !ink( #"eet "illia%( lark#!ur( foliage cineraria#( centaurea( %ignonette( and %any other# of the #a%e cla## %ay be #o"n. Mo#t of the% #hould be #o"n thinly and "here they are intended to flo"er( a# they tran#!lant !oorly in thi# latitude. J anna#( caladiu%#( !erennial !hlo/e#( chry#anthe%u%#( and $erbena#J %ay be taken u!( di$ided( and re!lanted. J0o#e#J %ay be !lanted in Iuantitie#. Let the ground intended for the% ha$e a thorough dre##ing of %anure. =cca#ionally a !lant %ay be taken u! and di$ided. The hybrid $arietie# %ay no" be layered. Thi# i# done a# follo"#5 Select a #hoot and bend it flat u!on the groundG hold it in both hand#( ha$ing a di#tance of about L in. bet"een the%G kee! the left hand fir%( and "ith the right gi$e the #hoot a #har! t"i#tG no" co$er it "ith K in. of earth and tie the free end to an u!right #take. J6#!aragu# bed#J #hould be liberally %anured. Ce" bed# #hould no" be %ade. Set the !lant# L in. dee!. So" #eed no". JBeet# and all hardy $egetable#J (carrot#( !ar#ni!#( turni!#( rutabaga#( kohlrabi( #!inach( lettuce( herb#( etc.) %ay no" be #o"n( !lanted( or tran#!lanted. J abbage !lant#J #hould be #et out on hea$ily %anured ground. So" #eed of Early Su%%er for a later #u!!ly. J-ruit#.JAA)f !o##ible( all !lanting and tran#!lanting of fruitAtree# and gra!eA$ine# #hould be fini#hed thi# %onth. Pruning #hould be co%!leted a# #oon a# !o##ible( and !re!aration %ade to !rotect the blo##o%# of tender fruit# ne/t %onth. Set out #tra"berryA!lant#( and during dry "eather run the culti$ator through all old bed# that are at all "eedy. )t i# a good !lan( "here !racticable( to %ulch the bed#. Here( !ineA#tra" can be had !lentifully for the !ur!o#e. E/a%ine !each tree# for borer#. 0a#!berrie# and blackberrie# #hould be !runed no" if the "ork i# not already done. utting# of Le onte !ear#( Marianna !lu%#( gra!eA$ine#( and !o%egranate# #hould be !ut in at once if they ha$e heretofore been forgotten. 0ootAgrafting #hould be !rogre##ing ra!idlyG thi# i# the be#t ti%e for thi# i%!ortant "ork. J=nion #eed#.JAASo" at once( and !lant #et# a# #oon a# !o##ible. JPea#.JAASo" early and late $arietie#. The late $arietie# #ucceed be#t

if #o"n at thi# #ea#on. JSea#onable "ork.JAAThi# i# a good %onth to obtain cane# for #taking !ea#( to%atoe#( and bean#( hauling %anure( %aking re!air#( and e/a%ining tool#( etc. 6# the fall cro! i# har$e#ted( the land #hould be !re!ared for another cro!. TileAdraining i# no" i# order. Pre!are fra%e# to co$er "ith can$a# for u#e ne/t %onth. JS"eetA!otatoe#.JAA6 fe" %ay be bedded in a fra%e fro% "hich to obtain 'dra"#' for #etting out about March 19. JTo%atoe#( eggA!lant#( and !e!!er#.JAASo" no" on a #light hotbed. ,hen the !lant# co%e u!( all the air !o##ible #hould be gi$en during the day. They can be rai#ed "ithout heat( but at thi# #ea#on thi# !lan "ould better be atte%!ted only by the #killful. -EB0@60* J6#ter#( canna#( dahlia#( heliotro!e#( lobelia#( !etunia#( !yrethru%#( ricinu#( #al$ia#( and $erbena#J are be#t #o"n in a coldfra%e( "here they can ha$e #o%e !rotection fro% hea$y rain. J anna#J #hould be tran#!lanted no". J hry#anthe%u%#J %u#t be !lanted in "ellA%anured ground in a !o#ition "here "ater can be readily #u!!lied to the%. J&ahlia#J %ay be taken u! and di$ided a# #oon a# they begin gro"th. JGladiolu# and tubero#e bulb#J #hould be !lanted no". )t i# a good !lan to e/tend the !lanting through March and 6!ril. JPan#ie#.JAAPlant the% out in the bed# "here they are to flo"er. J0outine "ork.JAASodding #hould no" !roceed ra!idly. )f #od# cannot be obtained( the ground %ay be !lanted "ith Ber%uda gra##. Plant #%all !iece# of the gra## a foot a!art and "ater the% if the "eather i# dry( and they "ill gro" ra!idly. Hedge# #hould be cleared u! and !ut in good #ha!e. 6ll !lanting of tree# and #hrub# #hould be fini#hed thi# %onth. 6ll !runing of tree# %u#t be done early in the %onth. *oung ro#e# cannot be #et too early in -ebruary. They thri$e be#t "hen !lanted in fall. 0oll the dri$e# and re!air the% "hen nece##ary. The la"n "ill no" reIuire con#tant care( and the %o"er #hould be u#ed before the gra## beco%e# 1A1P7 in. high. JBu#hAbean#J %ay be !lanted -ebruary 1K. =n allu$ial land it i# be#t to !lant the% on #light ri#e# a# a !rotection again#t the rain# "hich #o%eti%e# occur to"ard the end of the %onth. )f fro#t #hould threaten ju#t a# the bean# begin to !ee! out( co$er the% an inch dee! "ith the !lo" or hand culti$ator. So" Early Moha"k fir#t( and at the end of the %onth #o" Early .alentineG a "eek later #o" the "a/ $arietie#. J abbage(JAASo" early $arietie#( #uch a# Early Su%%er( Early &ru%head( and Early -lat &utch. Eta%!e#( E/tra Early E/!re##( and ,innig#tadt #o"n for #%all head# in the order na%ed ha$e done $ery "ell in #outhern Loui#iana. The earlier #o"n !lant# #hould be tran#!lanted a# often a# con$enient. Should "or%# cau#e trouble( du#t the !lant# "ith a %i/ture of one !art of !yrethru% !o"der to #i/ of fine du#t.

J arrot#( celery( beet#( endi$e( kohlrabi( onion #et#( !ar#ley( !ar#ni!#( radi#he# and !ur!leAto! turni!#J %u#t no" be #o"n. J orn.JAAPlant E/tra Early 6da%#( *ello" anada( Sto"ell E$ergreen( and ,hite -lint to"ard the %iddle of the %onth. So" again a "eek later( and again after another "eek. )f the fir#t t"o #o"ing# fail( the la#t one "ill gi$e the early cro!. J ucu%ber#.JAASo" and !rotect "ith #%all bo/e# during cold day# and night#( or #o" in !ot# or on #od#. Protect the #eedling# "ith #a#he# or can$a#( and !lant the% out late. JLettuce.JAASo" #eed# and tran#!lant the !lant# on hand. Thi# cro! reIuire# a #oil "ell #u!!lied "ith !lantAfood. JMelon#.JAAPlant #eed# in the #a%e %anner a# ad$i#ed for cucu%ber#. J=kra.JAASo" #eed# on #od# and #et out the !lant# ne/t %onth. JPea#.JAASo" #eed# of a nu%ber of $arietie#. JPe!!er# and eggA!lant#(J if not #o"n la#t %onth( #hould be #o"n no". So" the% under glaEed #a#he# and kee! clo#e. ,hen the !lant# a!!ear( gi$e #o%e air( and increa#e it according to the "eather. )f a large nu%ber of !lant# i# reIuired( the #o"ing %ay be delayed until ne/t %onth. Should fleaAbeetle# trouble you( u#e !lenty of bordeau/ on eggA!lant#. JPotatoe#( )ri#h.JAAThe %ain cro! #hould be !lanted a# early a# !o##ible. Standard $arietie# are Early 0o#e( Peerle##( and Burbank. JStra"berrie#.JAA0un the culti$ator through the% at lea#t once e$ery three "eek#G if they are to be %ulched( collect the nece##ary %aterial. Stra"berrie# !lanted in -ebruary #eldo% yield %uch of a cro!. JS"eetA!otatoe#(J can no" be bedded and !rotected "ith can$a#( or a ro" or t"o of "hole tuber# %ay be !lanted for 'dra"#' and $ine#. JTo%atoe#J in fra%e# #hould be gi$en all the air and light !o##ible and !lenty of roo% if !rotected "ith can$a#( do not allo" the !lant# to cro"d. M60 H JBean#.JAASo" all $arietie# for a fall cro!. 6# #oon a# the !lant# a!!ear( the culti$ator %u#t be run through the cro!( and ke!t going a# often a# nece##ary. J orn.JAA ontinue to !lantG and "e reco%%end harro"ing the !atch a# #oon a# the young corn a!!ear#. )t i# generally !lanted in hill# ? or K ft. a!art( but better re#ult# "ill be obtainedAby !lanting in drill# and lea$ing one #talk e$ery 17 in. J ucu%ber#.JAASo" in hill# K ft. a!art( u#ing a liberal Iuantity of #eed to each hill. ,hen the !lant# co%e u!( thin the% to about #i/ in the hill. ,hen the !lant# begin to get rough lea$e#( !ull out one or t"o %ore fro% each hill. Stri!ed cucu%berAbeetle# are #o%eti%e# $ery nu%erou#( and in order to get a #tand of !lant# it i# nece##ary to go through the !atch early e$ery %orning and #!rinkle all the hill# "ith

airA#laked li%e. JEggA!lant#.JAATo"ard the end of the %onth the !lant# gro"ing in fra%e# %ay be tran#!lanted to their fruiting Iuarter#. Seed %ay be #o"n out#ide after March 19G #ooner if a "ar% and #heltered #!ot i# #elected. JLettuce.JAASo" in drill#( and "hen the !lant# are large enough( thin to a foot a!art. )f tran#!lanted at thi# #ea#on( they often go to #eed. J=kra.JAA6 #o"ing %ay be %ade no"( but the %ain !lanting "ould be#t be deferred until after March 19. So" in drill# ? ft. a!art and thin the !lant# to 1> in. a!art in the drill#. JPea#.JAAEarly $arietie# %ay be #o"nG it i# no" too late to #o" tallAgro"ing kind#. JPe!!er#.JAATreat a# ad$i#ed for eggA!lant#. JPotatoe#( )ri#h.JAA)t i# not too late to !lant the%( but the #ooner they are !lanted the better. The cro! !lanted in -ebruary #hould be harro"ed a# #oon a# the #hoot# begin to co%e u!( and "hen the ro"# can be fairly #een( the culti$ator %u#t be #et to "ork to kee! do"n "eed# and gra##. JSIua#he#.JAAPlant #eed in hill# L ft. a!art. The direction# for !lanting %elon# %ay be follo"ed. The #a%e re%ark# a!!ly to !u%!kin# and other $egetable# of thi# kind. JS"eetA!otatoe#.JAA)f #li!# or $ine# are at hand( they %ay be !lanted late in the %onth for the earlie#t tuber#. The "hole !otatoe# %ay be !lanted on a ridge to yield $ine# for later !lanting. JStra"berrie#.JAAThe %ulching of bed# or ro"# #hould be no longer delayed( if clean and !lentiful fruit i# "anted. JTo%atoe#.JAA6bout March 19 the fra%e !lant# %ay go to their fruiting Iuarter#. )t i# nece##ary to u#e #o%e judg%ent in thi# %atter( a# they %ay be killed or injured by an 6!ril fro#t. Seed %ay be #o"n in the o!en ground for !lant# for late fruiting. Set the !lant# K ft. a!art each "ay. 6P0)L J6lternanthera#J #hould go out no". J6nnual#J of all kind# %ay #till be #o"n "here they are to flo"er( a# they tran#!lant "ith difficulty at thi# #ea#on. J oleu#e#.JAAPlant out in the bed# no". utting# root readily( #i%!ly reIuiring to be #tuck in. JBean#J of all kind# can be !lanted( li%a# e#!ecially. JBeet#.JAAMake another #o"ing. J abbage !lant#J obtained fro% #!ring #o"ing# #hould be #et out a# #oon a# fit. The ground reIuire# to be $ery rich to carry thi# cro!. J ucu%ber#.JAAThe#e can be #o"n any"here no".

J orn.JAAMake a #o"ing to yield roa#ting ear# to co%e in after that #o"n la#t %onth. J=kra.JAASo" in drill# ? or K ft. a!art. JPea#.JAAMake a #o"ing of early $arietie# for the la#t ti%e. JSIua#h (bu#h) and !u%!kinJ %ay no" be !lanted. JTo%atoe#J #hould be got out to their fruiting Iuarter# a# early in the %onth a# !o##ible. Let the% be #et at lea#t K ft. a!art each "ay. M6* JBean#.JAAPlant a fe" %ore bu#h and !ole bean#. J eleryJ %ay no" be #tarted. The bed or bo/ need# !lenty of "ater( and #hould be #haded fro% #un. JLettuceJ reIuire# careful handling to encourage it to ger%inate. )t i# be#t #o"n in a bo/ and ke!t #haded and %oi#t. JMelon#( cucu%ber#( #Iua#he#( and !u%!kin#J %ay be #o"n. J0adi#he#.JAASo" the yello" and "hite #u%%er $arietie#. J0e%ark#.JAA)t i# a con#tant #truggle "ith "eed# throughout thi# %onth( and the culti$ator and !lo" are e$er going. 6# the land beco%e# $acant( #o" corn or !lant #"eetA!otatoe#AAdra"# or $ine#. So" #o%e late )talian cauliflo"er. Let the orchard ha$e con#tant and thorough culti$ation( and re%o$e all unnece##ary gro"th fro% the tree# a# #oon a# they a!!ear. Be al"ay# on the lookout for borer#. Dee! the #tra"berrie# a# free of gra## and coco( or knobAgra##( a# !o##ible. B@CE JBean#.JAA6ll kind# %ay no" be #o"n. J auliflo"er.JAASo" the )talian kind#. J orn.JAAMake a !lanting at the beginning of the %onth and again at the end. J ucu%ber#.JAAPlant a fe" %ore hill#. The !lant# at thi# #ea#on %u#t be gi$en !lenty of "ater. JEndi$e.JAASo"( and attend to the tying u! of the !lant# that are of #ufficient #iEe. JMelon#.JAASo" for a #ucce##ion a fe" %ore "ater and %u#k%elon#. J=kraJ %ay #till be #o"n. J0adi#he#.JAASo" the #u%%er $arietie# no". JSIua#he# and !u%!kin#J %ay yet be #o"n. JS"eetA!otatoJ $ine# %ay no" be #et out in Iuantitie#.

JTo%atoe#.JAA6bout the %iddle of the %onth #o" for the fall cro!. B@L* JBean#.JAABu#h and !ole bean# %ay be !lanted to"ard# the end of the %onth. J abbage and cauliflo"erJ %ay no" be #o"n( but the %ain #o"ing #hould be deferred until ne/t %onth. J arrot#.JAA6 #o"ing #hould be %ade. J elery.JAASo" and tran#!lant "hat !lant# there %ay be on hand. J ucu%ber#.JAAThe#e %ay be #o"n no" for !ickling. JEndi$e.JAATran#!lant and #o". JGra!e#J #hould be ke!t "ell tied to trelli#( and unnece##ary gro"th re%o$ed( #o that the "ood %ay ha$e the chance of beco%ing thoroughly ri!ened. )f the culti$ator and !lo" are not u#ed judiciou#ly( a #econd gro"th "ill be #tarted( "hich i# not de#irable. JLettuce.JAAThe #eed reIuire# to be #!routed before being #o"n( and if the #o"ing i# done on a dry day the drill# #hould be "atered. J0adi#he#.JAASo" the #u%%er kind#. JStra"berrie#.JAADee! the bed# clean of "eed# and gra##. JTo%atoe#.JAAMake a #o"ing early in the %onth( or( "hat i# %uch better( take cutting# fro% !lant# #till in bearing. JTurni!#.JAASo" a fe" after a #ho"er to"ard# the end of the %onth. J0e%ark#.JAAMuch cannot be done thi# %onth( a# the "eather i# hot and dry( but the o!!ortunity #hould not be lo#t for killing "eed# and !re!aring for the !lanting #ea#on( "hich i# no" ra!idly dra"ing near. 6@G@ST J6rtichoke#.JAASeed of the Green Globe %ay be #o"n no" and large !lant# obtained by #!ring. The #eedAbed reIuire# to be #haded. JBu#h bean#( beet#( !ole bean#( carrot#( celery( endi$e( kohlrabi( lettuce( %u#tard( Black S!ani#h and 0o#e hina radi#he#( !ar#ley( turni!#( rutabaga#( and #alad !lant#J of all kind# %ay no" be #o"n. The #eed #hould be #o"n on #%all ridge#( ada!table to the kind of !lant#( for le$el culture i# not #ucce##ful in the $egetable garden in thi# #ection. JBroccoliJ #hould be %ore gro"n( for it i# hardier than the cauliflo"er. Many cannot tell the difference bet"een the t"o. So" no". J abbage#J %u#t be #o"n by the %iddle of the %onth. Make the ground $ery rich and #hade the #eedAbed( kee!ing it %oi#t during the "hole of the ti%e.

J auliflo"erJ #hould al#o be #o"n. JPotatoe#( )ri#h(J #hould be !lanted by the %iddle of the %onth( if !o##ible. Plant only tho#e that ha$e #!routed( and in#tead of !lanting on to! of the ridge #et in the furro" and co$er 7 in. dee!G a# the !otatoe# gro"( "ork %ore #oil do"n to the%. JSal#ify.JAASo" no" or early ne/t %onth. JShallot#.JAAPlant the% no". JSIua#h.JAABu#h kind# %ay be !lanted no" at any ti%e. JS"eetA!otatoe#.JAA.ine# %ay #till be #et out( "ith !ro#!ect# of har$e#ting a fair cro!. JTo%atoe#.JAA)f #hort of !lant#( cut off goodA#iEed li%b# fro% bearing !lant# and !lant the% dee!. Dee! the% %oi#t( and they "ill root in a fe" day#. &o thi# ju#t before it rain#. SEPTEMBE0 J6nnual#J of the hardy cla## %ay be #o"n thi# %onth5 the follo"ing li#t "ill a##i#t in %aking a #election5 allio!#i#( candytuft( calendula#( canterbury bell#( colu%bine( cornAflo"er( dai#ie#( forgetA%eAnot#( gaillardia( godetia( lark#!ur( JLi%nanthe# &ougla#ii(J %ignonette( !an#ie#( JPhlo/ &ru%%ondii(J !ri%ro#e#( !o!!ie# of all kind#( JSa!onaria alabrica( Silene !endula(J #"eet "illia%#( and #"eet !ea#. JBulb#.JAAStudy the catalogue# and %ake out your "ant#( for it i# nearing !lanting ti%e. JLilie#.JAA)f #ucce## i# reIuired of the St. Bo#e!hH# or .irgin lily (JL. candidu%J)( it %u#t be !lanted right a"ay. JPerennial# and biennial#J #hould be #o"n early thi# %onth. They ha$e t"o good gro"ing %onth# ahead of the% yet to %ake con#iderable !rogre##. The #eedAbed "ill reIuire #hade during the %iddle of the day until the young !lant# co%e u!G freIuent "eeding# "ill be reIuired( a# coco ha# not yet Iuit gro"ing( and "inter "eed# are no" !utting in an a!!earance. J0e%ark#.JAA6ll !lant# u#ed for #alad !ur!o#e# %ay be #o"n thi# %onth. The ground bet"een the ro"# of gro"ing cro!# #hould be ke!t in a fine( friable condition. .egetable #eed# of all kind# #hould al"ay# be #o"n on #light ridge# on all but $ery #andy #oil#. )f the #eed i# #o"n on a le$el bed( a# !racticed at the Corth( the ground "ill beco%e a# hard a# a turn!ike road #hould a hea$y rain occurG and #hould thi# #ho"er co%e along before the !lant# are u!( a cru#t a Iuarter of an inch dee! "ill be for%ed( and the !lant# "ill ne$er #ee daylight. So"n on a ridge they co%e all right( a# the "ater gradually drain# a"ay( lea$ing the to! of the ridge loo#e and #oft. = T=BE0 J6ll #!ring flo"er #eed#J #hould be #o"n in bo/e# or tray# in the con#er$atory( and all #!ring bulb# #hould be !lanted. The hyacinth( narci##u#( tuli! and ane%one( ranunculu# and $ariou# lily bulb#( "ill bloo% in good #ea#on !lanted at thi# ti%e. The bedding !lant# #hould be carefully "atched( #o that any attack of a!hi# %ay be treated

i%%ediately. S"eet !ea# %ay be !lanted the fir#t of thi# %onth( although they are co%%only #o"n in Se!te%ber. 6 rich #!ot #hould be #elected for the%. Thi# i# the ti%e to %ake the ne" la"n. The #oil #hould be thoroughly #tirred and "ell !ul$eriEed( %i/ing in a good dre##ing of co%%ercial fertiliEer( or( if one !refer# it( a %i/ture "hich %ay be %ade at ho%e( con#i#ting of cottonA#eed %eal( acid !ho#!hate( and #ulfate of !ota#h( at the rate of 1888 lb.( ?88 lb.( and 188 lb. re#!ecti$ely( !er acre. 6 rich( "ellArotted co%!o#t( a# a to! dre##ing( "ould al#o be highly beneficial. 0o#e# !runed late in Se!te%ber or early thi# %onth "ill !roduce fine "inter bloo%#. J)n the gardenJ thi# i# a bu#y %onthG #o%e of the "inter $egetable# are gro"ing( and other# #hould be #o"n. The bud artichoke# #hould be #e!arated and #et fully ? ft. a!art. =nion# %ay #till be #o"n in the early !art of the %onth( and #hallot# #hould be di$ided and #et. So%e bean# %ay be ri#ked( and Engli#h !ea# #o"n for "inter cro!. 6 fe" cauliflo"er# %ay be tried and cucu%ber# !lanted in !ot# for the hotbed# ne/t %onth. The follo"ing $egetable# #hould be #o"n5 arrot#( corn #alad( cher$il( Bru##el# #!rout#( broccoli( beet#( endi$e( kohlrabi( kale( lettuce( leek#( %u#tard( !ar#ley( !ar#ni!( radi#h( roIuette( #!inach( S"i## chard( #al#ify. So%e cabbage and a fe" cauliflo"er# #hould be added to the li#t. Turni!# #hould be #o"n for #ucce##ion e$ery t"o "eek# until 6!ril or May. The celery #hould be ke!t gro"ing and banking u! co%%enced. Thi# i# an e/cellent ti%e to !lant the ne" #tra"berry bed. Make the bed rich "ith "ellArotted %anure and #elect good( healthy #et#. The MichelH# Early and loud are !robably the %o#t !o!ular $arietie# for general !lanting( and #hould be #et in alternating ro"#. C=.EMBE0 J-lo"er #eed# and bulb#J %ay be !lanted thi# %onth of the #a%e $arietie# a# in =ctober. utting# of all the herbaceou# !lant# #hould be %ade and !otted( for u#e in the hou#e and for the border# ne/t #ea#on. The coldfra%e# #hould al#o be !ut in order. So%e of the bulb# for "inter forcing #hould be #elected and !otted. =ne of the be#t Loui#iana gardener# reco%%end# the follo"ing treat%ent5 Select good( #trong bulb# and !lant the% in rich( light #oil( in 9Ain. !ot#( co$ering the% about half an inch. ,ater "ell and bury the !ot# L or > in. dee! in the ground( lea$ing the% there about fi$e "eek#( "hen the bulb# "ill be found to be "ell rooted. -ro% thi# ti%e gradually e/!o#e to the light( and they "ill #oon !ut forth bloo%#. JThe #a%e $egetable#J %ay be #o"n a# for =ctober( and the late cabbage #eed !lanted. The -lat &utch and &ru%head #train# are !ri%e fa$orite#. Ce" #o"ing# of !ea#( turni!#( %u#tard( and radi#he# #hould be %ade( and the hotbed# !re!ared and #et out to cucu%ber#. Too %uch care cannot be taken that the %anure #hould be in the be#t condition !o##ible( #o that a good #u!!ly of heat %ay be de!ended u!on. The cucu%ber# !lanted la#t %onth "ill be ready no" for #etting in the hotbed#( and a "inter cro! forced. J=rchard and $ineyard !lanting.JAAThi# i# the ti%e to !re!are land. That on "hich a late cro! of co"!ea# ha# gro"n i# "ell #uited for the !ur!o#e( and #hould be !lo"ed dee!ly and "ell "orked o$er. To"ard# the la#t of the %onth it #hould be culti$ated again( in order to be ready for the tree# ne/t %onth.

&E EMBE0 JLa"n# and yard#J need "atching thi# %onth( and attention #hould be !aid to the old lea$e# and fall rubbi#h( "hich %ake# the yard look untidy. 6 good !lace for the lea$e# i# the co%!o#t hea!. Hedge# #hould be !ut in #ha!e and the #urface drain# ke!t o!en. Shrub# and ro#e# #hould be !runed for an early #u!!ly of flo"er#. The a%ellia Ba!onica# are no" in bloo%( and care #hould be taken that the #%all branche# are not torn off( in#tead of being cut !ro!erly. Many of the#e %o#t beautiful of #outhern orna%ental tree# ha$e been ruined by carele## !lucking of flo"er#. JGarden and orchard.JAAMany of the fall $egetable# %ay be #o"n thi# %onth and other# #o"n for a #ucce##ion. Pea#( #!inach( roIuette( radi#he#( lettuce( endi$e( and #o%e Early *ork cabbage #hould al#o be #o"n. )n the old #!ent hotbed#( to%atoe#( !e!!er#( and eggA!lant# %ay be #tartedG there "ill not be enough heat to hurry the%( and good( #trong #tocky !lant# "ill be #ecured if care i# taken. )ri#h !otatoe# %ay be ri#ked( #hould there be a fa$orable ti%e for !lanting during the latter !art of the %onth. @#ually they are !lanted in Banuary. The chance# are about eIual #hould they be !lanted late thi# %onth. Cut# of all kind#( both for budding and other"i#e( #hould be !lanted. So%e of the be#t Loui#iana !ecan# are #aid to co%e true fro% #eed( and %ay be #o"n "here they are intended to gro".

)C&EF The flo"ering annual#( being %o#tly in al!habetical li#t( are not inde/ed here. 6belia grandiflora( abie# #!ecie#( 6bobra $iridiflora( abutilon#( acacia( ro#e( acaly!ha( acer( #!ecie#( 6chillea Ptar%ica( achyranthe#( aconite#( actinidia( adiantu%#( adlu%ia( 6doni# $ernali#( ae#culu# #!ecie#( 6frican lily( aga!anthu#( aga$e( 6gro#te%%a oronaria( 6gro#ti# nebulo#a( ailanthu#( #hoot# of( 6juga re!tan#( akebia( alder( alliu%#( al%ond( al!ine !lant#(

alternanthera( 6lthaea frute/( 6lthaea ro#ea( 6ly##u% #a/atile( a%arantu#( a%arylli#( 6%elanchier anaden#i#( a%%oniacal carbonate of co!!er( a%!elo!#i# #!ecie#( andro%eda( ane%one( ani#e( ani#eAtree( annual# for bedding( annual# that bloo% after fro#t( annual# by color( annual#( culti$ation of( annual# li#ted by height( annual# for ribbonAbed#( annual#( di#tance# a!art( 6nthe%i# coronaria( 6nthe%i# Del"ayi( 6nthe%i# tinctoria( 6ntigonon le!to!u#( a!hi#( 6!io# tubero#a( a!!le( culture of( a!!leA%aggot( a!!leA#cab( a!ricot( culture of( aIuariu%( aIuatic !lant#( aIuilegia#( 6rabi# albida( 6rabi# al!ina( 6ralia Sieboldii( araucaria( arbor$itae( 6rbutu# @nedo( architectH# garden( ardi#ia( ari#tolochia( 6rnebia echioide#( ar#enate of lead for%ula( arte%i#ia#( 6rte%i#ia Stelleriana( artichoke( 6runcu# Syl$e#ter( 6rundo &ona/( 6#cle!ia# tubero#a( a#he#( a#h( %ountain( a#h tree#( a#!aragu#( a#!aragu# beetle( 6#!aragu# %edeoloide#( 6#!aragu# !lu%o#u# and tenui##i%u#( a#!aragu# ru#t( 6#!aragu# S!rengeri(

a#!en( a#!erula( a#!idi#tra( a#ter#( nati$e( 6#tilbe Ba!onica( 6ubrietia deltoidea( aucuba( auricula( aEalea( culture of( aEalea #!ecie#( Bacchari# hali%ifolia( Bacteriu% tu%efacien#( bal%( ba%boo#( Ba!ti#ia tinctoria( ba#il( ba#ket#( hanging( ba##"ood( bayAtree( bean( bedding( beech( beet( begonia#( belladonna lily( Belli# !erenni#( BenEoin odoriferu%( Berberi# 6Iuifoliu%( Berberi# Ba!onica( Berberi# Thunbergii( Berberi# $ulgari#( Ber%uda buttercu!( Ber%udaAgra##( betula #!ecie#( bignonia #!ecie#( billbergia( biota( bird#( bitternut( bitterA#"eet( bitterA#"eet( fal#e( blackberrie#( laying do"n( blackberry( culture of( blackberry( di#ea#e of( blackberry in#ect#( blackArot( bladder nut( bleedingAheart( bli#terA%ite( blood a# fertiliEer( bloodroot( blue beech( blueAgra##( Bocconia cordata( bog !lant#( bolting tree#( boltonia#( boneblack(

bone( ground( bordeau/ %i/ture( border#( %aking( borer#( bougain$illea( Bou##ingaultia ba#elloide#( bou$ardia( bo/( bo/Aelder( bo/thorn( bridgeAgrafting( Bridge%an( %entioned( broccoli( Bro%u# briEaefor%i#( brook#( treat%ent of( broo%( bru##el# #!rout#( buckthorn( budding( budA%oth( buffalo berry( Bui#t( %entioned( bulbocodiu%( bulb#( culture of( bulb# in "indo"Agarden( burdock( orna%ental( Burnette( -. H.( Iuoted( burning bu#h( buttonAbu#h( buttercu!#( tuberou#( butternut( button"ood( Bu/u# #e%!er$iren#( cabbage( culture( cabbage( #toring( cabbage di#ea#e#( cabbage in#ect#( cabbage %aggot#( cactu#( caladiu%( calceolaria( calendar#( calla( alla !alu#tri#( allicar!a 6%ericana( callirrhoe( alycanthu# floridu#( ca%a##ia( ca%ellia#( ca%!anula#( candytuft( !erennial( cankerA"or%( canna#( ca!#icu%( a!#icu% frute#cen#( caragana #!ecie#( cara"ay( carbolic acid e%ul#ion(

carbonate of co!!er( cardinal flo"er( cardio#!er%u%( care/ for ground co$er( carnation ru#t( carnation#( car!etAbedding( %entioned( car!etAbed# de#cribed( ar!inu# 6%ericana( carrot( carya #!ecie#( aryo!teri# Ma#tacanthu#( caryota( ca#eAbearer#( a##ia Marilandica( ca#tanea #!ecie#( catal!a #!ecie#( catni!( cat#( catAtail( cauliflo"er( cauliflo"er di#ea#e#( cauliflo"er in#ect#( ceanothu#( cedar( cedru# #!ecie#( ela#tru# #canden#( cela#tru# #!ecie#( celeriac( celery( cellared #tock( cellar#( elti# occidentali#( entro#e%a .irginiana( century !lant#( ce!halanthu#( ce!halota/u#( ercidi!hyllu% Ba!onicu%( erci# anaden#i#( cereu#( chafer( ro#e( cha%aecy!ari# #!ecie#( cha%aero!#( cha%o%ile( chard( cherry( culture( cherry di#ea#e#( cherry( orna%ental( cherry tree#( #ha!e# of( cher$il( che#tnut( culture of( che#tnut di#ea#e( chicken# in garden#( chickory( hilo!#i# lineari#( hinaAberry( hine#e #acred lily( chinIua!in( hionanthu# .irginica(

chionodo/a( chry#anthe%u%#( chry#anthe%u%#( hardy( chry#anthe%u% di#ea#e( hry#anthe%u% frute#cen#( chry#anthe%u% !rotection( hry#anthe%u% uligino#u%( cineraria( ineraria %ariti%a( cinna%on $ine( cinIuefoil( itru# trifoliata( ci$e#( ladra#ti# tinctoria( clary( laytonia .irginica( cle%ati#( lethra alnifolia( leyera Ba!onica( cli%bing !lant#( clothe#A!o#t( clubAroot( obbett( %entioned( cobnut#( oboea #canden#( occinea )ndica( oco# ,eddelliana( odiaeu%( odlinA%oth( offee tree( oi/ Lachry%a( colchicu%( coldfra%e#( cold #torage( coleu#( collard#( coloca#ia( colt#foot for bank#( colu%bine#( olutea arbore#cen#( co%frey( co%!a## !lant( conifer#( di#cu##ion on( con#er$ation of %oi#ture( on$allaria %ajali#( on$ol$ulu# Ba!onicu# and Se!iu%( corchoru#( coreo!#i# #!ecie#( coriander( corn( #"eet( corn #alad( ornu# Baileyi( ornu# Ma#( cornu# #!ecie#( corro#i$e #ubli%ate for #cab( orydali# lutea( orydali# nobili#( corylu# #!ecie#( co#t%ary(

cotonea#ter( cotton"ood( co"!ea( co/co%b for bedding( crab cactu#( crab tree#( cranberry( cra!e %yrtle( crataegu# #!ecie#( cre##( crocu#( crocu#( fall bloo%ing( ro#by( Iuoted( croton( cro"nAgall#( cro"n i%!erial( cry!to%eria( cucu%ber( cucu%ber di#ea#e#( cucu%ber in#ect#( ucu%i# 6nguria( ucu%i# foetidi##i%a (!erenniu#)( ucu%i# #!ecie#( cucurbit in#ect#( culti$ating( culti$ator#( u!hea( cu!re##u# #!ecie#( curbing( curculio( currant( currant( flo"ering( currant( )ndian( currant di#ea#e#( currantA"or%( cutting#( cutA"or%#( cyca#( cycla%en( ydonia Ba!onica( ydonia Maulei( y!re##( bald( daffodil( dahlia( &ahlia arborea or e/cel#a( dai#y( dandelion( da!hne#( dayAlily( del!hiniu%#( &e#%odiu% anaden#e( de#%odiu% #!ecie#( &eutEia gracili#( deutEia #!ecie#( de"berry( culture of( de"berry for bank#( de"berry in#ect#( dianthu#(

dibber#( &icentra #!ectabili#( &icta%nu# -ra/inella( dier$illa#( dill( dio#corea #!ecie#( &irca !alu#tri#( di#ea#e# of !lant#( ditching( dock%ackie( &odecatheon Meadia( dog# and garden#( dogAtooth $iolet( dog"ood#( &olicho# Ba!onicu#( dolicho#( #!ecie#( &onnell( ,ebb( Iuoted( doronicu%( doucin #tock#( &racaena fragran#( drainage of land( drainage of "alk#( dri$e# and "alk#( dry bouIuet#( &uggar( on %u#hroo%#( dutch%anH# !i!e( d"arf fruitAtree#( Ea#ter lily( eche$eria( Echinocy#ti# lobata( eggA!lant( Egy!tian lily( elaeagnu# #!ecie#( eleca%!ane( el%( el%Aleaf beetle( e%ul#ion( carbolic acidG kero#ene( endi$e( ene%ie# of !lant#( enriching the land( E!i%ediu% rubru%( e!i!hyllu%( Erianthu# 0a$ennae( Erigeron #!ecio#u#( Eulalia( Euony%u#( cli%bing( Euony%u# #!ecie#( Eu!horbia( e$ergreen#( di#cu##ion on( e$erla#ting#( e/ochorda( fagu# #!ecie#( -alconer( ,%.( Iuoted( -arfugiu% grande( -at#ia Ba!onica and -. !a!yrifera( fennel( fern#(

fertiliEing land( -e##enden( %entioned( -e#tuca glauca( fetter bu#h( -icu# ela#tica( -icu# re!en#( fig( filbert#( fir( fla%e flo"er( -letcher( S.,.( Iuoted( flo"erAgarden in land#ca!e( foliage in land#ca!e#( forcingAhill( forcing !lant#( forgetA%eAnot#( for%al garden#( for%alin for #cab( for%al tree#( for%ula# for fungicide#G in#ecticide#( -or#ythia #u#!en#aG $iridi##i%a( fra%e#( fra/inu# #!ecie#( free#ia( fringe tree( fritillary( fruitAbud#( fruit#( culture of( fuch#ia( fu%igating( fu%itory( fungi and in#ect#( fungicide#( funkia( gaillardia( !erennial( gardenia( Gardiner He!burn( %entioned( garlic( ga# !lant( gathering fruit( Gel#e%iu% #e%!er$iren#( Geni#ta tinctoria( geraniu%( gherkin( ginkgo girdled tree# gladiolu# Gledit#chia tricantho# glo/inia Goff de$ice goldenglo" goldenArod# goo#eberry goo#eberry di#ea#e gou%i gourd#( orna%ental grading grafting

graftingA"a/ gra!e( culture of gra!e di#ea#e# gra!ery gra!e# for orna%ent gra##e#( orna%ental gra## for la"n# greenbrier green# Grei$er( T. Iuoted Gre$illea robu#ta groundAi$y groundAnut grub( "hite guard# for tree# gu% tree gunnera gutter# Gy%nocladu# anaden#i# Gy!#o!hila !aniculata Hale#ia tetra!tera Ha%a%eli# .irginiana handling the laud handling the !lant# handAbo/ hand tool# handA"eeder# hanging ba#ket# harebell# harro"# haEel# Hedera Heli/ hedge# heelingAin Heleniu% autu%nale helianthu# #!ecie# hellebore for in#ect# he%erocalli# #!ecie# he%lock Hender#on( %entioned he!atica# herbaceou# !erennial# Heuchera #anguinea Hibi#cu# Mo#cheuto# Hibi#cu# 0o#aASinen#i# Hibi#cu# Syriacu# hickorie# Hick#( Ed"ard( Iuoted hicoria #!ecie# hi!!ea#tru% hitching to tree# hoe# hollie# hollyhock hollyhock ru#t honey locu#t honey#uckle# Ho!

ho!Atree horehound hornbea% hor#eradi#h hotbed# hou#e !lant# ho"ea hoya Hu%ulu# Lu!ulu# Hunn( .E.( Iuoted hyacinth hydrangea hydrocyanic acid ga# hy!ericu% #!ecie# hy##o! )beri# #e%!er$iren# ile/ #!ecie# )lliciu% ani#atu% i%%ediate effect i%%ortelle# inarching )ndian currant in#ecticide# in#ect#( re%edie# for in#ect# and fungi )nula Heleniu% )!o%oea !andurata )!o%oea Sua%oclit iri# ironA"ood )#ole!i# gracili# i$y( Bo#ton( Ba!ane#e i$y( !arlor i$y( true ja#%ine# ja#%inu% #!ecie# Beru#ale% artichoke je##a%ine jonIuil Buda# tree juglan# #!ecie# BuneAgra## juni!er #!ecie# kainit kale Dal%ia latifolia kat#uraAtree kee!ing fruit Denil"orth i$y kentia kero#ene e%ul#ion kerria kitchenAgarden Dni!hofia aloide# Doelreuteria !aniculata kudEu $ine

label# ladyAbird# lagenaria Lager#troe%ia )ndica land( handling larch lari/ #!ecie# latania Lathyru# latifoliu# laurel( cherry laurel( great laurel( %ountain laurel( true Lauru# nobili# la$ender la"n( %aking la"n#( treat%ent leaf cutting# leather"ood leek Leio!hyllu% bu/ifoliu% le#!edeEa #!ecie# lettuce lettuce di#ea#e Liatri# #!icata Libocedru# decurren# ligu#tru% #!ecie# lilac #!ecie# liliu%# lilyAofAtheA$alley li%a bean# li%e and #ulfur "a#h Linaria y%balaria linden Lindera BenEoin Linu% !erenne LiIuida%bar #tyraciflua Liriodendron Tuli!ifera li$eAoak li$er of #ulfur li$erAleaf liEardH# tail Lobelia cardinali# lob#ter cactu# locu#t locu#t( honey Lo%bardy !o!lar Long( E.6.( Iuoted Lonicera Halliana lonicera #!ecie# loo#eA#trife lotu# lo$age luffa Lychni# al!ina Lychni# halcedonica Lychni# oronaria Lychni# .i#caria

Lyciu% hinen#e lycori# Ly#i%achia clethroide# Ly#i%achia nu%%ularia Lythru% Salicaria %adeira $ine %aggot# of cabbage %agnolia# Mahernia odorata %ahonia %aidenhair tree %aiEe( #tri!ed %allo"( ro#e MHMahon( %entioned %anure for hotbed# %a!le# %arguerite carnation# %arguerite chry#anthe%u% %arjora% %arker# %ar#h!lant# Mathe"#( Schuyler( !icture by %atri%ony $ine %at#( %aking %atthiola# Melia 6Eederach %elon %elon di#ea#e %elon in#ect# Meni#!er%u% anaden#e Merten#ia .irginica Me#e%bryanthe%u% %ice injury %ignonette %ignonette $ine %ikania %i#canthu# %i#cible oil# %ock orange %ock orange of South %oi#ture( #a$ing %ole# Mo%ordica Monarda didy%a %oney"ort (#ee ly#i%achia) Monterey cy!re## %onthly ad$ice %oonAflo"er %oon#eed %orningAglory( !erennial %oru# #!ecie# %oundingAu! tree# %ountain a#h %ountain laurel %o$ing large tree# %uck Mueune utili# Muehlenbeckia

%ulberry %ulberry( -rench %ulching !lant# %uriate of !ota#h Mu#a En#ete %u#hroo%# %u#k%elon %u#k%elon di#ea#e %u#tard %yo#oti# %yrio!hyllu% %yrtle( running %yrtle( true Myrtu# co%%uni# narci##u# negundo Ce!eta Glecho%a Ce!hrole!i# e/altata Cettle tree Cicotiana nightAbloo%ing cereu# nineAbark nitrate of #oda nitrogen noEEle# nut# Cy##a #yl$atica oak# odd !lant# oenothera Mi##ourien#i# oil in#ecticide# okra oldAfa#hioned garden# =lea fragran# oleander olea#ter onion o!untia orange( culture of =rontiu% aIuaticu% o#age orange o#ier# =#%anthu# fragran# =#trya .irginica o/ali# o/ali# for "indo"Agarden# =/ali# tro!aeoloide# =/ydendru% arboreu% oy#ter !lant oy#terA#hell #cale !aeonia #ee5 !eony !al%ettoe# !al%#. !al%# for South. !a%!a#Agra##. !andanu#.

Panicu% $irgatu%. !an#y( culture of. !a!a$er#. !a!erA"hite narci##u#. !a!yru#. Paradi#ea Lilia#tru%. !aradi#e #tock#. !ari# green for%ula. !arrotH# feather. !ar#ley. !ar#ni!. Pa##iflora incarnata. !a##iflora #!ecie#. !aulo"nia. !a$ia. !ea. !each( culture of. !each di#ea#e#. !ear( culture of. !ear di#ea#e#. !ear in#ect#. !eaAtree#. !ecan. !elargoniu%. Pelargoniu% !eltatu%. Peltandra undulata. !enni#etu%. !ennyroyal. !ent#te%on. !eony. !e!!er%int. !e!!eridge. !e!!er( red. !erennial#( culti$ation of. Peri!loca Graeca. !eri"inkle. Phalari# arundinacea. Pha#eolu# %ultifloru#. !ha#eolu# #!ecie#. Philadel!hu# coronariu# and grandifloru#. !hiladel!hu# #!ecie#. !hillyrea#. !hlo/( culture of. !hlo/( !erennial. Phlo/ #ubulata. !hoeni/. !ho#!horic acid. !hotogra!hing land#ca!e#. Phrag%ite# co%%uni#. !hy#ocar!u#. !icea #!ecie#. !icture in land#ca!e. !ie !lant. Pieri# floribunda (6ndro%eda). Pilea arborea. !ine. !ink#. !inu# #!ecie#. Pitto#!oru%.

!laneAtree. !lan of ground#. !lant di#ea#e#. !lantAlice. !latanu# #!ecie#. !latycodon grandifloru%. !lo"#. Plu%bago a!en#i#. !lu%( culture of. !lu%( di#ea#e#. !lu%( orna%ental. Poa co%!re##aG !raten#i#G tri$iali#. !odocar!u#. !oin#ettia. !ole%oniu%#. Polianthe# tubero#a. !olyanthu#. !olygonu%#. !o%egranate. !o!lar. !o!!y( )celand. Po!ulu# Bolleana. !o!ulu# #!ecie#. Po!ulu# tre%uloide#. !ota#h #alt#. !ota##iu% #ulfide. !otato( culture. !otato di#ea#e#. !otato in#ect#. !otato #cab. !otato $ine. Potentilla frutico#a. Potentilla hybrida. !otAherb#. !rickly a#h. Pri%ula 6uricula. Pri%ula cortu#oide# !ri%ula# !ri$et# !ro!agating !rotecting in "inter Pruning !runing at tran#!lanting Prunu# aroliniana Prunu# Laurocera#iu# !runu# #!ecie# P#eudot#uga &ougla#ii !#ylla Ptelea trifoliata !teri# Pueraria Thunbergiana !u%!kin !u%!# !yracantha !yrethru% !yru#( #!ecie#

Iuereu# #!ecie# Iuince( culture of rabbit injury radi#h railroadA"or% rainfall( #a$ing ra#!berry( culture of ra#!berry di#ea#e# ra#!berry in#ect# ra$enna gra## record# of !lantation redAbud red !e!!er red #!ider redAto! re%o$ing large tree# re!airing tree# retino#!ora# rha%nu# #!ecie# rhododendron rhododendron #!ecie# 0hodoty!o# kerrioide# rhubarb rhubarb( forcing rhubarb for orna%ent 0hu# otinu# rhu# #!ecie# 0hyncho#!er%u% ja#%inoide# 0ibe# aureu% 0ibe# #anguineu% ribe# #!ecie# richardia ricinu# rill 'i%!ro$ed' 0obert#( %entioned robinia #!ecie# rockerie# roller# rootAcro!# root cutting# rootAgall# 0o#a rugo#a ro#a #!ecie# 0o#a ,ichuraiana ro#e acacia ro#e( culture of ro#e di#ea#e# ro#e in#ect# ro#e%ary ro#e#( cli%bing ro#e# in land#ca!e# ro"#( to %ake #traight 0ubu# crataegifoliu# 0ubu# frutico#u# 0ubu# laciniatu# 0ubu# odoratu# 0ubu# !hoenicola#iu# 0udbeckia laciniata

0udbeckia %a/i%a 0u#cu# aculeatu# 0u##elia juncea rutabaga ryeAgra## #acaline #age #alad !lant# Sali#buria adiantifolia Sali/ laurifolia #ali/ #!ecie# #al#ify #al$ia( !erennial Sal$ia !raten#i# Sa%bucu# #!ecie# Sanguinaria anaden#i# San Bo#e #cale Santolina ha%aecy!ari##u# #a##afra# Saururu# cernuu# #a$ing of %oi#ture #a$ory. Sa/ifraga !eltata. Sa/ifraga #ar%ento#a. Sayer#( %entioned. Scabio#a auca#ica. #cab on !otatoe#. #cale( San Bo#e. #carifier#. Schenley !ark. SchiEo!hrag%a hydrangeoide#. #choolAground#. #cilla. #creen# for "ind. #creen to !rotect again#t in#ect#. #cre" !ine. #crubbing tree#. #cu!!ernong. #eaAkale. #edge# for bog#. #edu%. #eedAbed#. #eedling#( tran#!lanting. #eedA#o"ing. Selaginella denticulata. #e%!er$i$u%. Senecio %acroglo##u# and %ikanioide#. #enna( "ild. #er$iceAtree. #hearing. #helterAbelt#. #heAoak. #he!herdia #!ecie#. #hrub#( li#t of. #hrub#( !runing. #hrub# for the South. Sicyo# angulata. #ilk $ine.

Si%ond#( =. .( Iuoted. Slingerland( Iuoted. #%ila/ (flori#t#H). #%ila/ #!ecie#. S%ith( H.,.( Iuoted. S%ith and To"n#end( Iuoted. #%okeAtree. #no"ball. #no"Aberry. #no"dro!. #no"flake. #oa! in#ecticide#. Socrate#. #odAcutter. #odding. #oil( handling. #oil %ulch. Solanu% &ulca%ara. Solanu% ja#%inoide#. #olidago#. So!hora Ba!onica. Sorbu# #!ecie#. #orrel. #orrelAtree. #our"ood. South arolina( rock. #o"ing the #eed#. #!arro"#( !oi#oning. S!artiu% junceu%. #!ear%int. #!ider( red. #!inach. S!iraea 6runcu#. #!irea#. #!raying. #!ring beauty. #!ruce. #!ud#. #Iua#h. #Iua#h in#ect#. #Iuill. #take label#. #ta!hylea #!ecie#. Statice latifolia. #te% cutting#. Sterculia !latanifolia. #te$ia. Ste"art( Iuoted. #tinkAbug. St. BohnH# "ort. #tock#. #toring of fruit# and $egetable#. #tra"berry( culture of. #tra"berry di#ea#e. #tra"berry tree. #trea%#( treat%ent of. #treet tree#( re!airing. #trychnine for #!arro"#. Stuartia !entagyna.

#tyra/. #ub#oiling. #ubtro!ical gardening( %entioned #ulfate of !ota#h #ulfide of !ota##iu% #ulfur a# fungicide #u%ac #unflo"er#( "ild #unken fence #urgery #"ain#ona #"eetAflag #"eet gu% #"eetAherb# #"eet !ea( culture of #"eet !otato S"i## chard #y%!horicar!o# #!ecie# Sy%!horicar!u# $ulgari# #yringa #yringe tac#onia tallie# ta%arack ta%ari#k (ta%ari/) tankage tank# for aIuatic# tan#y Tarryer( tool# Ta/odiu% di#tichu% ta/u# #!ecie# Taylor( 6.&.( Iuoted teco%a #!ecie# tenni#A#creen tentAcater!illar terraca# Thalictru% aIuilegifoliu% Ther%o!#i#( %olli# thinning fruit three guard#%en Thuja occidentali# thy%e Thy%u# argenteu# tilia #!ecie# tilling tobacco in#ecticide to%ato to%ato di#ea#e To"n#end and S%ith( Iuoted Trachelo#!er%u% ja#%inoide# TracyH# garden !lan trade#eantia tran#!lanting young !lant#G old !lant# tree guard# Tree#( li#t# and di#cu##ion tree#( %o$ing large tree #urgery

trenching tricho#anthe# trilliu%# tri%%ing Trito%a @#aria Trolli# Euro!ieu# Tro!aeoliu% !eregrinu% tro"el# tru%!et cree!er t#uga #!ecie# tubero#e tuber#( culture of tubA!lant#( tran#!lanting tuli!#( culture of tuli! tree turni! Tu##ilago -arfara ty!ha# @l%aria -ili!endula ul%u# #!ecie# u%brella !lant u%brella tree $arni#hAtree $egetable#( culture of $egetable oy#ter $iburnu% #!ecie# $igna $inca %ajor .inca %inor (#ee !eri"inkle( %yrtle) $ine# $iolet( culture of $iolet in#ect $iolet#( fu%igating $irgilia .irginia cree!er .ite/ 6gnu#A a#tu# $iti# #!ecie# ,alker( E.( Iuoted "alk# and dri$e# "alnut "andering je". "a#hing tree#. "ater cre##. "atering hotbed#. "atering hou#e !lant#. "atering land. "aterAlilie#. "ater%elon. "a/ for grafting. "a/A!lant. "a/A"ork. "eeder#. "eedA#!ud#. "ee!ing tree#. "eigela( kind#. "ell about a tree.

"heelAhoe#. ,hetEel( Iuoted. "hiteAfly. "hite grub. "hite hellebore. "igandia. "illo"#. "illo"( #!ecie# of. "indbreak#. "indAflo"er. "indo"Abo/e#. "indo"Agarden#. "inter aconite. "inter !rotection. "ire#( injury by. "ireA$ine. "i#taria. "itch haEel. "itloof. "ood a#he#. "oodbine. "oodruff. "or%"ood. "or%"ood( "ild. Fanthocera#. *a%#( orna%ental. yello"#. ye". *ucca fila%ento#a. *ucca#( #hrubby. Ea%ia. Qantho/ylu% 6%ericanu%. Eebra gra##. QiEania aIuatica.

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