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Micro Notes

1/13/14 Micro professors office: A442 3-4:30 on Wednesdays

1/17/2014 3:25:00 PM

Microorganisms: Bacteria, Fungi, Protozoa, Algae, Viruses (theyre different because theyre nonliving because theyre not cellular and they are dependent on a host) In evolution, where do they lie? o Timeline 4.5 billion years ago 4.2 stromatolytes 2.7 Oxygen formed, aerobic things form 0.5 multicellular entities form 0.01 man forms, woman kicks his ass Present time HTML: How to make a living. How do organisms do this? They reproduce Dates in history: 1665- Robert Hooke 1858- Schleidon & Schwann o Cell theory: All things are made up of cells 1673-1723- Antonie von Leevenhoek o Father of microbiology o Developed magnifying instrument o He was only able to magnify to 25x. He called what he saw animalcules. This is the first time microorganisms are described in the Royal Society of London. Biogenesis vs Spontaneous Generation 1668: F. Redi- Biogenesis! Maggots and Meat! 1745: John Needham spontaneous generation 1765: L. Spallanzani- Did same experiment as Needham but he put it in sealed containers, so nothing occurred. He concluded that biogenesis was more true. Laudisiens oxygen, controversy continues 1861: Pasteur disproves spontaneous gen, proves biogenesis

o S-shaped flask, keeps microbes out but lets air in. Keeps microorganism from leaving. o Microorganisms are ubiquitous (meaning they are everywhere) Phylogeny Microogranisms are in all 3 phylogenic lines (bacteria, archea, eukarya) More dates: 40s- Antibiotics 70s- Cloning 87- Tamagawa Discovery of HIV virus Table 1.2 in the textbook o Rows 4, 6, 12, 15, 17

1/15/14 Geochemical Cycles Fermentations Weizmann Acetone EtOH (ethanol) Israel Etiology 1876- we find out ogranisms can cause disease Penicillin Notatum 1928ish antibiotics 1/17/14 Glucose is important. Atomic number- number of protons Atomic weight- p + n P=e H is never single. It is a diatomic molecule. Ions atoms that have gained or lost electrons and are charged. Relative Bond Strengths

Covalent: 125-418 kjoules/mole required to break bond Ionic: 10-20 Hydrogen: 2-10, is the weakest Molecular weight Sum of atomic weights H2O = 18g/mole C6H12O6 = 180 g/mole Important Biological Molecules Inorganic- non C containing o Molecules formed by ionic bonding o Waters, salts, bases o Water is a polar solvent and resists big changes in heat. It can participate in chemical reactions. Organic o Look at handout for functional groups (Table 2.4)

Macromolecules Monomers join by dehydration synthesis or condensation rxns Monomers joining = polymerization Carbohydrates CH2O 1:2:1 ratio Energy source Structural = cell wall #ing o 1 sugar = monosaccharide Glucose, fructose, galactose, mannose, ribose All are C6H12O6 o o o o Structural Isomers 2 sugars = disaccharide 3 sugars = trisaccharide oligosaccharide polysaccharide

1/17/2014 3:25:00 PM

1/17/2014 3:25:00 PM

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