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REAL NAME: Donnie Moore OCCUPATION: Roustabout and muscle-for-hire BASE: Mobile Donnie Moore has never been interested in anything that didnt involve drinking, fighting, or riding motorcycles. Hes been kicked out of every gang hes ever been in, usually for excessive violence, or simply for never letting up on his whole one-upmanship trip. He was riding a borrowed bike down to the police station to get his own motorcycle out of impound when he was caught in the Silver Storm. He passed out during his transformation and only regained consciousness as a policeman leaned over him to ask if he was okay. Still groggy, and reacting instinctively to a badge being way too close for comfort, Donnie punched the officer. When he saw the policeman fly across the street and through the display window behind him, Donnie was speechless. Then, he realized hed become superstrong, punched the air, let out a war cry, and charged through the police and AEGIS agents gathering in the area before fleeing the scene (causing a little enjoyable property damage along the way). After that, it just didnt take Donnie long to come up with a new career that involved punching powerful people for very good money, picking up the handle Anvil along the way.

Anvil views himself as a mans man and spends every waking hour proving it. He is loud, unrelentingly abrasive, boorish to an unbelievable degree, and generally tries to model his behavior after his idols, professional wrestlers. He loves being Anvil. Loves it. In his mind, hes finally the strongest and toughest of dudes and hes happy to tell the world about itall the time. He laments no longer being able to get drunk or high, and that his new specially-reinforced bike was so expensive, but its all worth it to able to take anyone he wants and throw them through the wall of his choice.


Anvil is a three-foot tall metal man. His body is very dense (weighing the better part of a ton), monstrously strong, and very difficult to hurt, almost impossibly so with physical attacks like explosions or punches. Hes immune to most environmental factors, poisons, and toxins and he never seems to get tired. Given his incredible physical defenses, heroes will likely need to find other ways to defeat or incapacitate Anvil. Its unlikely that any but the most powerful characters will be able to take him down in a straightforward fight. Anvil is also an accomplished brawler, with dirty-fighting skills honed in innumerable bar fights over his long and rowdy life. His fighting style isnt at all pretty, but its effectiveness cant be denied.

Anvil works with anybody if the pay is right, or if he likes them, or if theyre just pretty (though hes pretty sure hell never hit on Mindfire againtalk about overreacting). He gets along very well with other superhumans who have similar personalities, such as fellow stormers Gator and Strongarm, or the Russian mercenary Perun.


STR 14
Mad Combat Skillz, Baby! Oh, Yeah!: Array (37 points) Bowling Ball Charge, Baby! Oh, Yeah!: Reaction Damage 7 (Limited to While Charging) and linked Reaction Move Object 4 (Limited to knocking objects he strikes back/away) 37 points Head Butt from Hell, Baby! Oh, Yeah!: Enhanced Advantage 2 (Improved Critical 2 (Head Butt)) Linked to Cumulative Affliction 15 (Resisted by Fortitude; Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated) Linked to Unarmed Attack 1 point Metal Body, Baby! Oh, Yeah!: Enhanced Stamina 7; Enhanced Strength 11; Feature 4 (Increased Mass 4; 1,600 lbs); Shrinking 4 (Normal Strength, Innate, Permanent; 3 feet tall); Strength-based Damage 1 54 points Shrug It Off, Baby! Oh, Yeah!: Immunity 16 (Age, Fatigue, Life Support); Immunity 20 (Physical Damage, Limited to attacks he knows are coming, Limited to half effect); Impervious Toughness 14; Protection 5 42 points

STA 10


DEX -1





INITIATIVE +2 Bowling Ball Charge +7 Head Butt +7 Unarmed +7 Close, Damage 7 and other effects Close, Damage 15, Crit. 18-20 and Affliction 15, Resisted by Fortitude Close, Damage 15


*Includes Shrinking modifiers.


Acrobatics 4 (+6), Athletics 4 (+18), Deception 4 (+6), Expertise: Pop Culture 4 (+4), Expertise: Streetwise 4 (+4), Insight 2 (+2), Intimidation 8 (+10*), Stealth 0 (+6*), Vehicles 6 (+5)

Accident: Anvil weighs three-quarters of a ton, destroys unreinforced surfaces beneath his feet, and cant usually get to the higher floors of a building because the stairs and elevators wont hold him. And now we FIGHT!: Anvil is delightfully unsophisticated and views violence as the only worthy solution to pretty much any problem. He doesnt think things through or plan, instead, if something goes wrong, he fights! But Youre a Girl: Anvil is a chauvinist and patronizing to womenbut he also wont hit one unless she tears into him first and proves she can take it. MotivationThrillseeker: Anvil lives for the fun and excitement that other people call mindless mayhem.

All-out Attack, Chokehold, Close Attack 2, Equipment 4, Fast Grab, Improved Critical 2 (Head Butt), Improved Trip, Instant Up, Move-by Attack, Power Attack, Startle


Medium; Str 7; Spd 6; Def 10; Tou 8; Navigation System

Anvil is too laid back to accumulate many actual enemies. He wishes those AEGIS geeks would stop jumping him every time he sits down for a cold brew. Fighting them just isnt that interesting anymore.

This Is The Part Where I Punch You In The Face: Anvils hired to guard some crime figures the heroes have come to take down. Or, someone the heroes made very angry pays Anvil to beat a lesson into them. No matter what the cause, Anvils answer is the same, Fight! Whatever You Want, Babe, You Got It: Theres a new woman in Anvils life, an exotic dancer named Tiffany, and she has a taste for the good life. So to impress her, Anvil goes on an unusual crime spree of stealing lavish gifts: jewelry, mink coats, expensive shoesstuff that babes

like, ya know? It shouldnt take the heroes long to figure out that the lil guy has got it bad, which makes it even worse when he finds out Tiffany is just using him to get the goods. If the heroes confront her about the thefts, she admits it, with the bad timing of Anvil overhearing. Now the heroes have to contend with a heartbroken and mad stormer whos spoilin for a fight! Subtle As ... Well, Something Not Very Subtle: A convicted Anvil gets assigned an unusual form of community service, working as one of the good guys! This might well come after a previous encounter with the heroes, with Anvil feeling he has to give somethin back. The only problem is, once a brawler, always a brawler, and Anvil doesnt have any idea how to be a hero. So his efforts to help nearly always end in disaster, or a fight tearing up downtown the heroes have to break up. He might even try joining the heroes team, following them around on his motorcycle and helping out to impress them, at least until they can come up with some way to get rid of him.



Mutants & Masterminds Threat Report #5: Anvil Writing and Design: Aaron Sullivan Editing and Development: Jon Leitheusser Art Direction and Graphic Design: Hal Mangold Interior Art: MK Ultra Studios Publisher: Chris Pramas Green Ronin Staff: Bill Bodden, Steve Kenson, Jon Leitheusser, Nicole Lindroos, Hal Mangold, Chris Pramas, Evan Sass, Marc Schmalz, Jeff Tidball Mutants & Masterminds Threat Report #5: Anvil is 2011 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. References to other copyrighted material in no way constitute a challenge to the respective copyright holders of that material. Mutants & Masterminds, Super-powered by M&M,
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