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Using eCognition Developer in Quick Map Mode eCognition Com m unity

Using eCognition Developer in Quick Map Mode

View Edit History Actions

1. Using eCognition Developer in Quickmap Mode 1. Purpose 2. Workflow 3. GUI framework 1. Building a solution 2. Defining action parameters 3. Loading and saving analysis settings as solutions 4. Running a solution 4. Use Segmentation Actions 1. Segmentation (Quadtree) 2. Segmentation (Multiresolution) 3. Segmentation (Merge Objects) 5. Use Classification Actions 1. Classification (Optimal Box Classifier) 2. Classification (Clutterremoval) 3. Classification (Nearest Neighbor) 4. Classification (Brightness Threshold) 6. Export Data 1. Export (Points) 2. Export (Polygons)

Using eCognition Developer in Quickmap Mode

The Quickmap Mode is designed to allow a user solving simple analysis tasks without having to get involved with ruleset development. main steps in analyzing an image are creating objects, classifying objects and exporting results. For each of these steps, a small assortment of actions is available. These actions can be combined freely utilizing the Analysis Builder framework offered by the Definiens Architect and Developer products. Using the Quickmap Mode, the user can either build a new analysis, starting with data only, or he can build on existing Definiens projects.

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Figure: Quickmap Mode GUI

The Quickmap Mode supports two basic workflows. The user can either start with new data or build on existing Definiens projects. Workflow 1 : Sta rt with ne w d a ta When starting with new data, the first thing which needs to be done is creating a new project. Once data is loaded, the first action needs to be a segmentation action which actually generates an object level. This can be either the quadtree or the multiresolution segmentation. Once an image object level is generated, a classification action can be added. This can be the nearest neighbor, the optimal box or the brightness threshold action. From there you can merge areas, continue classifying, resegment areas or simply export results. Workflow 2 : Build on e xisting p roj e ct Working with an existing project allows segmenting and classifying just as with new data only with the difference, that you can start classifying right away if image objects are available. When working with existing projects some points need to be considered: Make sure that first, the action library is opened and then the project is loaded. Opening an action library after the project will delete all existing levels and results. Only classes which are flagged display always are displayed in the action dropdown menus. If classes exist which are not displayed, you need to change this accordingly or ask the ruleset developer to do so.

GUI framework
The Quickmap Mode is operated within the Application Builder framework. If you start Definiens Developer in the Quickmap Mode, the application is automatically opened.

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Using eCognition Developer in Quick Map Mode eCognition Com m unity

To open the library in eCognition developer when running in Ruleset Mode, go to Library > Open Action Library and open the action library stored in the bin\application folder of you eCognition 8 installation: eCognition 8.0\bin\applications\QuickMapMode\ActionLibrary.

Building a solution
When building a solution the following operations are necessary: Add action Press the (+) symbol to add an action. Remove action Press the (-) symboil to remove an action. Change action sequence Use the ^ symbol to change the action sequence.

Defining action parameters

Action parameters can be defined in the parameter field of an action. Various GUI components are available, which can be set by inserting values, pressing buttons or moving sliders. The individual parameters are explained in the section which details the individual actions.

Loading and saving analysis settings as solutions

You can save the analysis settings in the Analysis Builder as a solution file (extension .dax) and load them again.

Figure: Architect Toolbar Sa ve Solution 1. To save the analysis settings, do one of the following: Click the Save Solution to a File button on the Architect toolbar. Choose Library > Save Solution on the main menu bar. Alternatively, you can encrypt the solution by using one of the following: Click the Save Solution Read-only button on the Architect toolbar. Choose Library > Save Solution Read-only on the main menu bar. 2. Enter a file name and a directory location and click OK. Loa d Solution Load an already existing solution with all analysis settings from a solution file (extension .dax) to the Analysis Builder window. 1. To load a solution, do one of the following: Click the Load a Solution From File button on the Architect toolbar.
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Choose Library > Load Solution on the main menu bar. To use a Solution that was built with another Action Library, open the Action Library before opening your solution. 2. Select the desired file and click OK. The solution is displayed in the Analysis

Running a solution
There are different ways to run a solution or components of a solution. You can either utilize buttons implemented in the individual actions or use the Architect toolbar functions. All functions implemented with the individual actions will be explained with the respective actions. Below is an overview of the functions offered by the Architect toolbar.

Figure: Architect Toolbar R un se le cte d a ction Click the Run selected action button to run a selected action. This button is used to execute an action after the definition is set. R un solution until se le cte d a ction Click the Run solution until selected action button to delete the existing status and rerun the entire solution until the selected action. If you build on existing projects you should not use this button, since all existing objects and results are removed. E xe cute solution Click the Execute solution button to delete the existing status and run the entire solution. If you build on existing projects you should not use this button, since all existing objects and results are removed.

Use Segmentation Actions

Use segmentation actions to create image objects or to merge objects in the same class. Three segmentation actions are provided: Qua d tre e : This action divides images into squares of different sizes, depending on the homogeneity of the image. Homogeneous areas will have larger image objects than complex or heterogeneous areas. Multire solution : The multiresolution segmentation algorithm consecutively merges pixels or existing image objects. It is based on a pairwise region merging technique. Me rge Ob j e cts : This algorithm merges image objects that are in the same level and class into larger image objects.

Note Whenever a segmentation action is added to a solution, existing samples of the classes which are segmented are disconnected. This means that the samples feature space is
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stored, but the physical sample object is removed. For the user this means the sample cannot be removed any more.

Segmentation (Quadtree)
Use the Segmentation (Quadtree) action to create image objects. It uses the quadtree based segmentation algorithm. The quad tree based segmentation algorithm creates squares of differing sizes by cutting. Thus it is a top-down segmentation algorithm. You can define an upper limit of color differences within each square. This limit is called Scale parameter. The following are examples of typical uses: Images with a well-separated background/foreground situation, for example, some cellular assays. Images with a significant proportion of background that is easy to separate. To increase the processing performance significantly for this type of image, apply a quad tree based segmentation before separating the background. Then use a different segmentation for the non-background areas of interest. To use the Segmentation (Quadtree) action: 1. Click the plus sign (+ ) or the Add new Generic Action link in the Analysis Builder window. Select the action, and then click Ad d and Close. 2. In the Domain group box, select a level or selectcre a te ne w le ve l to open the E nte r Na me of the new Level dialog box and enter a name or accept the default. Click OK . 3. In theDoma in group box, select a class or selectcre a te ne w cla ss to open the Create
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Figure: Segmentation (Quadtree) Action


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New Class dialog box and enter a name or accept the default. Click OK . 4. Select theUse T he ma tic La ye rs if you want to include thematic data. 5. Use the slider in the Sca le area to select the scale of objects. A higher scale will tend to create larger objects. 6. Move your mouse over fields in the Analysis Builder window to see descriptions in the Description area. 7. Run the action by clicking R un 8. Alternatively you can run the action by clicking onAna lysis > R un Se le cte d Action in the main menu bar. After running the action, you can see the resulting image objects by clicking in the project view or by clicking the Show or Hid e Outline s button to see all image objects outlined.

Segmentation (Multiresolution)
Use the Segmentation (Multiresolution) action to create image objects. It uses the multiresolution segmentation algorithm. The multiresolution segmentation algorithm consecutively merges pixels or existing image objects. Thus it is a bottom-up segmentation
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algorithm based on a pairwise region merging technique. Multiresolution segmentation is an optimization procedure which, for a given number of image objects, minimizes the average heterogeneity and maximizes their respective homogeneity. The following are examples of typical uses: Extracting features which are characterized not purely by their color but also by certain shape homogeneity. Extracting land cover or man made features from remote sensing imagery.

T o use the Se gme nta tion (Multire solution) a ction: 1. Click the plus sign(+ ) or the Add new Generic Action link in the Analysis Builder window. Se le ct Se gme nta tion (Multire solution) in the Add Action dialog box; then click Add and Close. 2. In the Doma in group box, select an Input Level, and an Output Level using the dropdown arrows for the Level fields. 3. Choose from the available values or select create new level to open the E nte r Na me of the new Level dialog box and enter a name or accept the default. Click OK . If the output level equals the input level, the input level will be resegmented. 4. Select a Class in theDoma in group box. Select from the available values or select create new class to open the Cre a te
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Figure: Segmentation (Multiresolution) Action.


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Ne w Cla ss dialog box, name a new class, select a color and click OK. 5. Select the Use T he ma tic La ye rs checkbox if you want to include thematic data. 6. Use the Sca le slider in the Settings area to select the scale of objects. A higher scale will tend to create larger objects. 7. Use the Color slider in the Settings area to determine the weight of color as a parameters in the segmentation result. Higher values will tend to produce results with greater emphasis on the color of image objects. 8. Move your mouse over fields in the Analysis Builder window to see descriptions in the Description area. 9. Run the action by clicking R un 10. Alternatively you can run the action by clicking on Ana lysis > R un Se le cte d Action in the main menu bar.

After running the action, you can see the resulting image objects by clicking in the project view or by clicking the Show or Hide Outlines button to see all image objects outlined.

Segmentation (Merge Objects)

Use the Segmentation (Merge Objects) action to merge objects that are in the same class into larger objects.
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You must have classified image objects to use this Action. T o use the Se gme nta tion (Me rge Ob j e cts) a ction: 1. Click the plus sign (+ ) or the Add new Generic Action link in the Analysis Builder window. SelectSe gme nta tion (Me rge Ob j e cts) in the Add Action dialog box; then click Ad d and Close . 2. In theDoma in group box, select a Level using the drop-down arrow. Choose from the available values. ClickOK . This is the level where objects will be merged. 3. Select a Class in the Domain group box. Select from the available values. Only objects in the selected class will be merged. 4. Select theUse T he ma tic La ye rs checkbox if you want to include thematic data. 5. Run the action by clicking R un 6. Alternatively you can run the action by clicking onAna lysis > R un Se le cte d Action in the main menu bar. After running the Action, you can see the resulting image objects by clicking in the project view or by
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Figure: Segmentation (Merge Objects)


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clicking the Show or Hide Outlines button to see all image objects outlined.

Use Classification Actions

Use classification actions to classify image objects based on samples or on thresholds. Four classification algorithms are available: Op tima l Box The Optimal Box classifier is a sample based classification algorithm. Based on user defined samples, the best feature set for separating the two input classes is derived and the classification is performed. Ne a re st Ne ighb or The Nearest Neighbor classifier is a sample based classification algorithm. Based on user defined samples, a nearest neighbor algorithm combined with predefined feature sets is used to assign objects to classes. Brightne ss T hre shold This action classifies objects based on a brightness threshold. Objects darker than a defined threshold are labeled with the defined class. Clutte r re mova l The Clutter Removal action assigns and merges objects below a defined size threshold to the predominant class in the surrounding. This action is not a pure classification action. It performs both a classification and a merge.

Note You must first run a Segmentation Action to create image objects befor being able to run classification actions

Classification (Optimal Box Classifier)

Use the Classification Box (Optimal Box Classifier) action to classify image objects based on samples. T o use the Cla ssifica tion Box (Op tima l Box Cla ssifie r) a ction: 1. Click the plus sign (+ ) in the Analysis Builder window, select Cla ssifica tion (Op tima l Box Cla ssifie r) in the Add Action dialog box and click Add and Close to add it. 2. In the Doma in group box, select a Level where image objects that you want to classify exist. 3. Select an Inp ut Cla ss from the drop-down list in the Domain group box. These are the image objects that will be classified.
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4. Select a P ositive Outp ut Cla ss and a Ne ga tive Outp ut Cla ss from the drop-down list in the Domain group box, or create new class names by selectingcre a te ne w na me . These will be the two new classes into which the Input Class will be divided. 5. Select a Feature Space from the drop-down list. The Feature Space is the type of feature used to classify image objects.Color is using pixel values only, Color & Sha p e refers to pixel values and shape combined. Color & Texture refers to pixel values and texture combined. The color feature space classifies image objects based on the image pixel values. The color & texture feature space adds haralick texture measures for improved results. The Color & Shape adds shape features such as roundness etc. to allow separating objects based on their shape. 6. Select positive samples, by clicking the P ositive Sa mp le Se le ction magic wand button and then double-clicking on image objects in the project view to select them as samples of the prospective class. 7. Each sample will have the color that you selected when you created theP ositive Outp ut Cla ss . 8. Next click the Ne ga tive Sa mp le Se le ction magic wand button and choose some negative samples in project view by clicking on image objects. Each sample will have the color that you selected when you created the Negative Output Class. If you need to deselect a sample, click on it again. To change the assignment of an individual sample, change the sample input mode and select the sample again. 9. Click Ap p ly to apply the new classes to the entire project. 10. Select more samples as needed and click Apply again. 11. Add samples from a vector or raster file, if needed.
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Figure: Classification (Optimal Box Classifier) Action.


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12. Click R e se t All Sa mp le s button to delete all samples and start over. 13. Once the results are satisfying, save the solution .

Sa mp le s ca n b e tra ine d in a n ite ra tive mod e using se ve ra l inp ut ima ge s. T o d o so, d o the following: 1. Train the action on one image set, save the solution and open a second image. 2. Run all steps of the solution until the classification step you want to train. 3. Add samples 4. Once the results are satisfying, save the solution

Classification (Clutterremoval)
Use the Classification (Clutterremoval) action to remove image objects below a defined size threshold. T o use the Cla ssifica tion (Clutte rre mova l) a ction: 1. Click the plus sign (+ ) in the Analysis Builder window, selectCla ssifica tion (Clutte rre mova l) in the Add Action dialog box and click Add and Close to add it. 2. In the Domain group box, select a Level where you want to remove clutter. 3. Select a Class for which you want to remove clutter. 4. Enter a Maximum Area for the size of the image objects. The unit depends on
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Figure: Classification (Clutter Removal) Action.


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the setting used when the scene was imported. 5. Run the action by going toAna lysis > R un Se le cte d Action in the main menu bar. The objects in the selected class will be removed. 6. To preserve the classification, save the solution or apply a new segmentation.

Classification (Nearest Neighbor)

Use the Classification (Nearest Neighbor) action to classify image objects by using samples. T o use the Cla ssifica tion (Ne a re st Ne ighb or) a ction:

1. Click the plus sign (+ ) in the Analysis Builder window, select Cla ssifica tion (Ne a re st Ne ighb or) in the Add Action dialog box and click Add and Close to add it. 2. In the Domain group box, select a Level that includes the image objects you want to classify. 3. Select a Input Class to which the classifications will be applied. 4. Select a P ositive Outp ut Cla ss and a Ne ga tive Outp ut Cla ss from the drop-down list in the Domain group box, or create new class names by selecting create new name. The members of the input class will be assigned or reassigned to the classes in the output fields. 5. Select a feature space (Color, Color & T e xture , or Color & Mutua l E mb e d d ing ) from the Feature Space drop-down list. The color feature space classifies image objects based on the image pixel values. The color & texture feature space adds haralick texture measures for improved results. The Color & Mutual Embedding adds local context Figure: Classification (Nearest Neighbor Classifier) Action.

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to the color feature space. It allows separating areas by context, which cannot be distinguished on color alone. 6. Select positive samples, by clicking theP ositive Sa mp le Se le ction magic wand button and then double-clicking on image objects in the project view to select them as samples of the prospective class. Each sample will have the color that you selected when you created the Positive Output Class. 7. Next click the Ne ga tive Sa mp le Se le ction magic wand button and choose some negative samples in project view by clicking on image objects. 8. Click the P re vie w Cla ssifica tionR un button to preview the resulting classifications. 9. Click the R e se t button to delete all samples and start over. 10. To finalize the classification, save the solution or add another segmentation action.

Classification (Brightness Threshold)

Use the Classification (Brightness Threshold) action to classify objects based on brightness. T o use the Cla ssifica tion (Brightne ss T hre shold ) a ction: 1. Click the plus sign (+ ) in the Analysis Builder window and selectCla ssifica tion (Brightne ss T hre shold ) in the Add Action dialog box. Click Ad d and Close. 2. In the Domain group box, select a Level using the drop-down arrow. Choose from the available values or select create new
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level to open the Enter Name of the new Level dialog box and enter a name or accept the default. ClickOK . 3. Select an Input Class using the drop-down arrow. 4. Select an Output Class using the drop-down arrow. Choose from the available values or select create new to open the Create New Class dialog box and enter a name and color or accept the default. Click OK . 5. In the Settings area, move the Threshold slider to select a brightness threshold. Objects with brightness up to the selected threshold will be classified. 6. In the Preview group box, click the T e st Cla ssifica tionR un button to preview the classification. The classified objects display in the project view. 7. Click the R e se t Cla ssifica tionR un button to delete the classifications if needed. 8. To preserve the classification, save the solution or apply a new segmentation.

Figure: Classification (Brightness Threshold) Action

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Export Data
The Quickmap Modeprovides three data export actions: Export Points Export Polygons

Export (Points)
Use the Export (Points) action to export object coordinates as a set of vertices. T o e xp ort p oints: 1. Click the plus sign (+ ) in the Analysis Builder window and selectE xp ort (P oints) in the Add Action dialog box. ClickAd d and Close. 2. Run the action by going toAna lysis > R un Se le cte d Action in the main menu bar.

Figure: Export (Points) Action.

Export (Polygons)
Use the Export (Polygons) action to export an ESRI .shp file containing the object outlines. The desktop export location is the image file folder. T o e xp ort p oints: 1. Click the plus sign (+ ) in the Analysis Builder window and selectE xp ort (P olygons) in the Add Action dialog box. Click Ad d and Close. 2. Run the action by going toAna lysis> R un Se le cte d Action in the main menu bar.

Figure: Export (Polygons) Action.

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