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For Ìmmediate Release

More of Martin Luther's Works Now AvaiIabIe in EngIish
Expanded series offers students of Martin Luther's teachings twenty new

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Luther's Works: American Edition from Concordia Publishing House is being expanded with
twenty new volumes over the next twenty years.

Saint Louis, MO÷Concordia Publishing House (CPH) announces the expansion of Luther's
Works: American Edition. Twenty new volumes are being translated from Luther's original Latin
and German into clear, accessible, modern English, and the introductions and footnotes make
significant academic contributions to our understanding of Luther's confession of Christ.

The newest book, volume 69 (John 17÷20) is now available at cph.org/luthersworks or by calling
1-800-325-3040. The book is available by itself or as a subscription. Each volume is currently
priced at $49.99; subscribers pay only $34.99 each, a 30% savings. Volumes will come out once
a year and will ship automatically. To learn more about the series, the Web site also includes a
prospectus for the expansion of Luther's Works: American Edition.

"Nearly five hundred years since the Reformation began, Martin Luther's writings continue to
inspire the preaching and teaching of Jesus Christ in the Christian Church around the world,¨
says the Rev. Dr. Benjamin T. G. Mayes, managing editor of Luther's Works. "The twenty
planned new volumes, under the general editorship of Dr. Christopher Boyd Brown are intended
to reflect both modern and sixteenth-century interests and to expand the coverage of genres
underrepresented in the existing volumes, such as Luther's sermons (showing his pastoral
application of the Word) and disputations (showing us Luther's theology in a systematic context).¨

The newest volume of Luther's Works: America Edition focuses on four chapters from the Gospel
of John, including Luther's exposition of Jesus' high priestly prayer in John 17, as well as his
preached meditations on the entire Passion and resurrection of our Lord according to John.

Dr. Mayes continues, "The last part of our new volume is truly unique. For the first time, we have
collected and translated all of Luther's sermons on John 20:19÷31, where Jesus breathes on His
disciples, gives them the Holy Spirit, and bestows on them His authority to forgive and retain sins.
The sermons here in Luther's Works 69 show in what ways Luther's explanation of this passage
changed through his career, and in what ways it stayed the same. Ìn every sermon Luther's
concern to uphold the forgiveness of sins through the word of absolution is clear and heartening.¨

Luther's Works: American Edition has been well received by scholars and church leaders.

Mark U. Edwards, Jr., Academic Dean at Harvard Divinity School, says, "This 20-volume new
series splendidly complements its 55-volume predecessor and offers a treasure-trove of writings
never before available in English, writings crucial to understanding Luther's life, thought, and
profound influence throughout the centuries.¨

Carter Lindberg, Professor of Church History Emeritus at Boston University School of Theology,
states, "Volume 69, Sermons on the Gospel of St. John, 17÷20, is a superb example of what we
can expect from the edition's general editor, Christopher Brown. Pastors, professors, and
students will profit from the judicious choice of Luther's sermons, disputations, and exegetical

Robert Kolb, Missions Professor of Systematic Theology and Director of the Ìnstitute for Mission
Studies at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, says, "The volumes are being edited according to the
highest academic standards and their introductions and notes offer readers helpful guides to the
context and content of the reformer's writings. Casual readers and those seeking to expand and
deepen their knowledge of the Reformation will profit greatly from these carefully translated and
edited volumes.¨

Resource Links:

Social Media Release: http://pitch.pe/26796

Concordia Publishing House: http://www.cph.org

CPH Media Room: http://cph.mediaroom.com/

Luther's Works: American Edition: cph.org/luthersworks

CÞP Þrofesslonal and Academlc 8ooks: hLLp://blL.lv/vAuP8

Concordia Publishing House is a not-for-profit publishing company and the publisher of The
Lutheran Church÷Missouri Synod. The company offers more than 8,000 products for use in
Christian congregations, schools, and homes. Visit CPH on the Web at http://www.cph.org.

Media Resources:

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# # #

News Facts:

· About one-third of Martin Luther's works are currently available in English.

· Editor Christopher Boyd Brown is assistant professor of church history at the School of
Theology of Boston University.


Concordia+Publishing+House, Luther's+Works, Martin+Luther, Reformation, Luther translated,
Luther's Works: American Edition

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