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L. C. Melut,1 V. Vintu,1 C. Samuil1, D.Tarcau1

Faculty of Agriculture, Ion Ionescu de la rad !ni"ersity of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine of Iasi,



%ermanent grassland area of &omania co"ers o"er '.( million $ectares, of )$ic$ more t$an a $alf are located in u*land areas and t$e grassland area, dominated +y Nardus stricta L., co"ers ,--,--- $ectares at '-- . //-- m altitude on acid soils, re*lacing more "alua+le grasslands, es*ecially t$ose of Agrostis ca*illaris and Festuca ru+ra 011. T$ese grasslands ser"e multi*le *ur*oses )$ic$ $armoniously com+ines many functions t$at can +e used to +enefit *eo*le and animals2 *ro"ide $a+itat and food source for animals, *rotect soils against erosion, *ro"ide +iodi"ersity for at least 3-4 of all s*ecies of *lants, ma5e t$e +eautiful en"ironmental and also a great *art of t$e +iomass can +e con"erted into uncon"entional energy. For a long6term *eriod no elementary management measures )ere a**lied on *ermanent meado)s in &omania, estimating t$at t$ey could get efficient yields )it$out tec$nological in*uts. Currently agricultural *ractices recommend reducing t$e use of c$emical fertili7ers and *romote ot$er sources of fertili7er. In t$is res*ect, organic fertili7ers can +e an alternati"e, +ut t$eir effect on t$e nutritional "alue of feed is not yet )ell 5no)n 0/1,.T$e fertili7ation of mountain grasslands )it$ organic fertili7ers leads to an im*ro"ement in terms +iodi"ersity, *roducti"ity and 8uality 0,1, 0'1. Fertili7ation )it$ organic fertili7ers is one of t$e main means +y )$ic$ )e can increase t$e yield of *ermanent grasslands and $a"e a strong influence on forage 8uality +y modifications in floristic com*osition, c$emical structure, consum*tion and digesti+ility )it$ im*lications on nutriti"e and energetic "alues 091. T$e first aim of t$is study )as to assess t$e effect of organic fertili7ation on t$e c$emical com*osition of forages from a *ermanent grassland of Nardus stricta L. and Festuca rubra L located in Dorna De*ression :nort$6eastern &omania;. T$e second aim of t$e study )as to esta+lis$ t$e +est dose of fertili7ation in order to im*ro"e t$e 8uality of forages on t$e *ermanent grassland. T$e study )as carried out on a Nardus stricta L. an Festuca rubra L. *ermanent grassland situated at an altitude of <'- m and slo*e of 1- degrees in t$e Saru Dornei De*ression, Molda"ia *ro"ince :nort$6east of &omania;. For studying t$e influence of fertili7ation on forages= 8uality t$e e>*eriments )ere set u*, in /--?, as a random +loc5 system in t$ree re*lications. In t$is e>*erience )as e"aluated t$e influence of 9 different organic fertili7ing "ariants2 V 1 6 unfertili7ed control, V / 6 /- t $a61 manure a**lied e"ery year, V,6,- t $a61 manure e"ery year, V' 6,- t $a 61 e"ery t)o years and V969-@-@'-@- t $a61 manure on t$e 8uality of forages $ar"ested from suc$ areas. Tri*licate sam*les )ere analy7ed for t$e dry matter :DM;, crude *rotein :C ;, et$er e>tract :AA;, as$ content :CA;, neutral detergent fi+re :BDF;, acid detergent fi+re :ADF;, sul*$uric lignin content :ADL;, total *$os*$orus and calcium content. T$e analyses *erformed allo)ed t$e calculation of *arameters for assessing t$e 8uality of t$e feed, suc$ as t$e Digesti+le Dry Matter :DDM;, Digesti+le Dry Matter Inta5e :DMI;, total digesti+le nutrients :TDB;, net energy of lactation :BAL; and relati"e nutritional "alue :&FV;. Selecti"e results :mean of t$ree years; o+tained in accordance )it$ "ariants fertili7ation are *resented in ta+le 1. Ta+le 1 Affect of organic fertili7ation on c$emical com*osition :4 on dry matter; of forages o+tain from a *ermanent grassland from &omania Variants Btotal C% CA AA ADF BDF ADL % V1 V/ V, V' V9 1.'' 1.93 1.3/ 1.?, 1.'< <.-/ <.(1 1-.3' 1-.// <.,, 3.<< 3.?1 (.-, 3.<< (.'( /.93 /.,1 /.,1.<1 /.99-.-, '/.<< '9.'3 ''.-9 '/.<3 9<.91 9(.-( 9'.1' 9,.<9,.99 <.9( <.(' 11.,3 <.(3 <.99 -.1, -./-.// -./1 -./,

C% 6 crude *roteinC CA 6 crude as$, AA 6 et$er e>tract, BDF6 fi+er content +y treatment )it$ neutral detergent, ADF 6 fi+er content +y treatment )it$ acid detergentC ADL 6 sul*$uric lignin content, % 6 total *$os*$orus. T$e use of organic fertili7ers im*ro"es t$e 8uality of forages *roduced on mountain *ermanent grassland, as e"idenced +y t$e "alues of c$emical com*onents and a set of c$aracteristic *arameters of forages. T$us, t$ere )as a significant increase in dry matter, crude *rotein and total *$os*$orus, and a decrease in content of insolu+le fi+re and acid detergent fi+re and of t$e lignin, res*ecti"ely. T$e results for t$e relati"e nutritional "alue indicate a"erage 8uality forages *roduced on t$e fertili7ed "ariants. Information o+tained in t$is study could +e useful in understanding t$e nutritional *otential of t$e forages, re*resenting +asic information in ruminant nutrition. DAEFG&DS2 organic fertili7ation, *ermanent grassland, forages 8uality &AFA&ABCAS2 011 V. Vintu, C. Samuil, C. Sir+u, C. I. %o*o"ici, M. Sta"arac$e, Bot. ot. Hort. Agro+o. ,< :/-11; 1'/61'9. 0/1 A. &odrigues, D. Andue7a, S. Violleau, . Fefeu, F. %icard, !. Cecato, & aumont, An"ironment and Aconomy Adited +y A. De Vlieg$er, L. Carlier. Irassland Science in Auro*e, 1/ :/--3; /--6/-,. 0,1 % Ans8uer, &.A.H. D$aled, %. Cru7, J.%. T$eau, G. T$erond, M. Duru, Irass Forage Sci. ?' :/--<; 9363-. 0'1 J. Sc$ell+erg, .M. Moseler, F. Du$+auc$, I.F. &andemac$er, Irass Forage Sci. 9' :1<<<; 1<96/-3. 091 M. KtL+naro"M, J. %o7dNOe5, P. Q$ang, V. IenRuro"S, A. Dolin5o"S,. Scientia Agriculturae o$emica ', :/-1/; 1.3.

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