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Editura Fundaiei Romnia de !ine

English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
S0e1i2i1u3 4tudierii 3im5i3or 4tr6ine 7n 1adru uni8er4itar e4te
re0re9entat de tre1erea de 3a 4tudierea 3im5ii 4tr6ine 3a modu3 :enera3
3a a0ro2undarea ei 0e di8er4e domenii de 40e1ia3itate. ;n 2un1ie de
40e1ia3i9area 0entru 1are 4tudenii o0tea96- ei 8or 4tudia- 7n 1a9u3
no4tru- en:3e9a e1onomi16- <uridi16- te=ni16- medi1a36 et1. Studiu3
3im5i3or 4tr6ine a03i1ate 0e un anumit domeniu de 40e1ia3itate * 7n
1a9u3 no4tru 2iind 8or5a de englea !n kinetoterapie- o ramur6 a
en:3e9ei medi1a3e * 0re4u0une din 0artea 4tudeni3or un ni8e3 mediu
de 1uno>tiine de 3im5a en:3e96- 4t60nirea unor te=ni1i de mun16
indi8idua36 >i- de a4emenea- a unui ni8e3 mediu de 1uno>tiine
:enera3e 0e domeniu3 re40e1ti8 de 40e1ia3itate.
!anua3u3 de 2a6 4e adre4ea96 4tudeni3or 4e1iei de
Kinetotera0ie- din 1adru3 Fa1u3t6ii de Edu1aie Fi9i16 >i S0ort a
&ni8er4it6ii S0iru Haret Bu1ure>ti- att anu3ui I 1t >i anu3ui II de
4tudiu. E3 r640unde unei ne8oi rea3e * a1eea de a a8ea un in4trument
0ra1ti1 de 3u1ru 0entru de426>urarea a1ti8it6ii de 4eminar.
Con>tienti9area a8anta<e3or 0e 1are 3e 0re4u0une 4t60nirea
unui 3im5a< de 40e1ia3itate 7ntr,o 3im56 4tr6in6- dintre 1are amintim?
0o4i5i3itatea 1on4u3t6rii unei 5i53io:ra2ii de 40e1ia3itate 7n 3im5a
re40e1ti86- 0arti1i0area 4tudeni3or 3a 1on2erine internaiona3e-
0u53i1area unor materia3e 7n re8i4te3e de 40e1ia3itate >i- 0oate 1e3 mai
im0ortant- 0o4i5i3itatea de a 3u1ra 7ntr,o 13ini16 4au 1a5inet de 0ro2i3
1u 0er4ona3 >i 13ieni 4tr6ini 2ie 7n Romnia 2ie 0e4te =otare * a
1on4tituit moti8aia 0rin1i0a36 0entru meninerea intere4u3ui
4tudeni3or 2a6 de a1ea4t6 di41i03in6 de 4tudiu >i 0entru o5inerea unui
1erti2i1at de 1om0eten6 3in:8i4ti16 0e 40e1ia3itatea en:3e96 medi1a36-
e3i5erat 7n 1adru3 Centru3ui de Lim5i Str6ine a3 &ni8er4it6ii S0iru
!anua3u3 e4te 4tru1turat 0e A# 1a0ito3e B&nit4C- aDndu,4e 0e
trei 1om0onente 0rin1i0a3e? AC un 1or0u4 de te"te de specialitate- 1are,
>i a4o1ia96 di8er4e eDer1iii de 8o1a5u3ar- tradu1eri de teDt >i eDer1iii
de redare 4e3e1ti86 a in2ormaiei 0re9entateE "C o 4e3e1ie a unor
proble#e de gra#atic$ a 3im5ii en:3e9e- e2e1tuat6 7n 2un1ie de
1riteriu3 2re18enei anumitor 4tru1turi :ramati1a3e 7n 3im5a<u3 medi1a3
>i .C un 4et de %disc&rs&ri' kinetoterape&t(pacient- aDate 0e temati1a
2ie16rui 1a0ito3- a8nd 1a 41o0 2ami3iari9area 4tudeni3or 1u uti3i9area
unui 3im5a< ora3- in2orma3- 1are 1om03etea96 3im5a<u3 2orma3 7n 1are
4unt redate teDte3e de 40e1ia3itate. Se3e1tarea a1e4tor teDte din di8er4e
materia3e * at3a4e de anatomie- 1ur4uri de Finetotera0ie- et1 a a8ut 1a
intenie 1reearea unui 1adru G0ro2e4ioni4tH de 3u1ru- 0re1um >i
4timu3area intere4u3ui 4tudeni3or 0entru 1on4u3tarea unor materia3e de
40e1ia3itate 7n 3im5a en:3e96. Ii- nu 7n u3timu3 rnd- eDer1iii3e de 3a
2ie1are 42r>it de &nit * J1reate Kour oLn dia3o:ue4H- J1on4ider
Kour4e32 a4 a Finetot=era0i4tH et1. te4tea96 1a0a1itatea 4tudeni3or de a
4e eD0rima 3i5er >i 2ire41 7n 3im5a<u3 de 40e1ia3itate a4imi3at- 7ntr,un
1onteDt 4o1io,0ro2e4iona3 arti2i1ia3 1reat 7n 4a3a de 4eminar- 0rin
1eea 1e 7n metodi1a 3im5ii en:3e9e 4e nume>te JRo3e 03aKin:H.
Cu 40erana >i dorina 16 a1e4t manua3 8a r640unde ne8oii
0ra1ti1e a 4tudeni3or de a a0ro2unda 3im5a en:3e96 0entru o 8iitoare
0ra1ti16 Finetotera0euti16- 1on4tituind 7n a1e3a>i tim0 un 4timu3ent
0entru o 0er2e1ionare 0ermanent6- 0rin 1on4u3tarea unei 5i53io:ra2ii
a1tua3i9ate 7n 3im5a en:3e96- 7n1=ei 0rin a 3e mu3umi 4tudeni3or din
0rime3e :eneraii 1u 1are am 3u1rat 0entru a<utoru3 0e 1are mi 3,au
a1ordat- 0rin 4im03a 3or 0arti1i0are a1ti86 3a 4eminarii3e de 3im5a
en:3e96- 7n 1onturarea 4u0ortu3ui teoreti1 >i 0ra1ti1 a3 a1e4tui manua3.
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
1. Read the following texts containing relaxation techniques and
write down the new words:
J)rainer*s introd&ction? NT=i4 re3aDation 0ro1edure i4 one t=at =a4
5een 0ra1ti4ed 2or manK Kear4 noL. It =a4 5een 4tudied 5K re4ear1=er4
and 2ound to 5e e22e1ti8e. You Li33 2ee3 8erK re3aDed and 1a3m a4 a
re4u3t. It i4 not t=e 4ame a4 =K0no4i4 and Kou Li33 not 3o4e
1on41iou4ne44 at anK 0oint.O
T=e 0ro1edure4? N!aFe Kour4e32 a4 1om2orta53e a4 Kou 1anP 5e1ome
aLare o2 t=e 4ur2a1e underneat= KouP 3et Kour 5odK 4ett3e into itP
noti1e =oL it 4u00ort4 KouP noti1e t=e 0oint4 o2 1onta1t 5etLeen Kou
and t=e 23oor? Kour =eadP 4=ou3der4P 40ineP ri54P =i04P =ee34P
e35oL4P 2orearm4 and =and4P 2ee3 Kour 5odK 4inFin: into t=e
4ur2a1e Kou are 3Kin: onP 2ee3 Kour 5odK :ettin: =ea8ier a4 t=e
ten4ion e554 aLaKP 2ee3 at 0ea1eP. TaFe one :ood 5reat= and a4 Kou
3et it out- 2ee3 it 1arrKin: a33 Kour ten4ion4 aLaKP t=en 3et Kour
5reat=in: 4ett3e into a :ent3e r=Kt=mPO
NA4 Kou 3ie or 4it- re23e1t on t=e idea t=at Kou are :oin: to :i8e t=e
neDt =a32,=our to Kour4e32. No te3e0=one 1an rin: 2or KouE no door5e33
di4tur5 KouE no one Li33 1a33 Kour name. You maK =ear 4ound4 around
Kou? 8oi1e4- =orn4- 4iren4- 5an:4 and re84P t=inF o2 t=em a4 5ein:
out4ide Kour Lor3d. +it= t=e4e t=ou:=t4 in mind- draL an ima:inarK
1ir13e around Kour4e32- a5out t=ree 2eet 2rom t=e 1entre. Create an
ima:inarK 5u553eP t=inF o2 t=e interior a4 yo&r 40a1eP Kour oLn
0ri8ate 40a1e. Fee3 =oL 4a2e it i4P 4a2e to :et in tou1= Lit= Kour4e32.
Turn Kour t=ou:=t4 inLard.O
)rainer*s ter#ination o+ the proced&re? NI am :oin: to 5rin: t=i4
re3aDation 4e444ion to an endP IOd 3iFe Kou :radua33K to 5e1ome
aLare o2 t=e roomP 2ee3 t=e 23oorR1=air underneat= Kou P o0en Kour
eKe4P :i8e Kour 3im54 a 2eL :ent3e 4tret1=e4P =a8e t=e 2ee3in: t=at
Kou are a3ert and readK to 1arrK on Lit= Kour 3i2ePO
N+it= Kour eKe4 o0en- rai4e Kour eKe5roL4P 2ee3 t=e ten4ionP and
re3ea4e t=e ten4ionP 2roLnP 2ee3 t=e ten4ionP and re3ea4e itP 4=ut
Kour eKe4 ti:=t3KP 2ee3 t=e ten4ionP and 3et it :oP Lit= Kour eKe4
4ti33 13o4ed- 40end a 2eL minute4 re3ea4in: ten4ion in t=i4 0art o2 Kour
C3o4e t=e <aL4 2irm3K- noti1in: t=e 4en4ation4 Kou :et 2rom t=e
a1tionP =o3d itP andP di41ontinueP 3et Kour <aL dro0P 2ee3 t=e
ten4ion 3ea8in: KouP and 1ontinuin: to 3ea8e KouP t=en re0eat t=e
a1tionP. NeDt- 5are Kour teet=P 2ee3 t=e ten4ion in t=e 1=eeF4P =o3d
it 2or a 2eL 4e1ond4P and re3ea4e t=e ten4ionP. !aFe a ti:=t NOO Lit=
Kour 3i04P =o3d it- L=i3e Kou re:i4ter ten4ion in t=e 3i04P and 1an1e3
t=e a1tionP.
Pre44 Kour ton:ue a:ain4t Kour teet=P 2ee3 t=e 0re44ure and re3ea4e
itP NoL 0u33 t=e ton:ue 5a1F toLard4 t=e t=roat. Fee3 t=e mu413e4
draLin: it 5a1F and note t=e 4en4ation4 Kou :et 2rom t=i4 a1tionP
andP re3ea4e itP H
BR. A. PaKne * Rela"ation )echni,&esC
2. Read the text again, select the words that designate: a) parts of
the body, b)verbal constructions expressing commands and c)
prepositions or other words indicating direction and place them in
three different columns.
3. Using the vocabulary practice below write the Romanian
equivalents for the terms indicating parts of the body.
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
4. Pronounce and learn the names of the main parts of the human
body. For some notions two alternative terms have been provided:
The head:
- eKe4- eKe3id4 B03eoa0eC- eKe3a4=e4 B:eneC- eKe5roL4 B40rn1eneCE
, no4e- no4tri34 Bn6riCE
, ear4- ear 3o5eE
, mout=- 3i04 B5u9eC- :um B:in:ieC- toot= , teet=- ton:ue B3im56C- <aL
B2a316C- u00er <aL RmaDi33a BmaDi3arC- under <aL Bmandi5u36CE
, 2ore=ead B2runteC- 1=eeF Bo5ra9C- 1=eeF 5one Bo4 maDi3arC- 1=in
B56r5ieC- dim03e B:ro0i6 7n o5ra9C- dim03e in t=e 1=in R2o44ette
B:ro0i6 7n 56r5ieC.
The neck:
, t=roatE
, AdamO4 a003eRt=Kroid 1arti3a:eE
, =o33oL o2 t=e t=roat B41o5itura :tu3uiCE
, na0e o2 t=e ne1F B1ea2aC.
The body:
, 4=ou3der- 4=ou3der 53adeR41a0u3a Bomo03atCE
, 3im5 Bmem5ruC- armRu00er 3im5 B5raC- arm0itRaDi33a B4u54uoar6C-
2orearm Bante5raC- =and- e35oL B1otC- 1rooF o2 t=e arm B7ndoitura
5rau3uiC- 0a3m- Lri4tR1ar0u4 B7n1=eietura miniiC- 2i4t B0umnC- 2in:er4
* t=um5 Bde:etu3 mareC- 2ore2in:er Bde:et ar6t6torC- midd3e 2in:er- rin:
2in:er Bde:et ine3arC- 3itt3e 2in:er- 2in:er ti0 B8r2u3 de:etu3uiC- 2in:er
0ad B0ernia de:etu3uiC- 2in:ernai3 Bun:=ieC- Fnu1F3e Barti1u3aia
, 5i1e04- t=oraDR1=e4t Btora1eC- 5rea4t B0ie0tC- ni003e Bmame3onC-
a5domen- 4toma1=- Lai4t Bta3ieC- na8e3Rum5i3i1u4 B5uri1C- 5ottom
B>e9utC- 5utto1F4 B2e4eCE
, =i0 B>o3dC- 3e:- t=i:= B1oa046C- 1a32 B:am56C- 4=inR1annon 5one
B23uieru3 0i1ioru3ui- ti5iaC- Fnee B:enun1=iC- Fnee 1a0 Brotu36C- anF3e
B:3e9n6C- in4te0 B41o5itura :3e9neiC- 4o3e Bta306C- =ee3R1a31aneu4
B1631iC- toe4 Bde:ete de 3a 0i1ioareC.
5. Choose the right word that best completes the sentence:
A. I 1anOt mo8e mK 3e2t =andE I =a8e 0ro53em4 Lit= mK PPP...
aC 2in:er4 5C arm0it 1C Lri4t dC 2i4t4
". It i4 not 0o3ite to ta3F to 4ome5odK L=en Kou =a8e Kour
PPP. in Kour 0o1Fet4.
aC 2in:er4 5C =and4 1C 0a3m4 dC arm4
.. He =a4 =ad t=i4 na4tK =a5it o2 5itin: =i4 PPP. e8er 4in1e =e
La4 a Fid.
aC ton:ue 5C toe4 1C 2in:er4 dC nai34
$. T=i4 o3d 3adK 1anOt =ear Kou 8erK Le33E 4=e =a4 :ot an PPP
aC ear 5C t=roat 1C toot= dC eKe
@. He 2e33 and =urt =i4 PPP rea33K 5ad- a4 =e La4 not Learin:
=i4 Fnee,0ad4 L=en ro33er 4Fatin:.
aC anF3e4 5C 3e:4 1C Fnee4 dC toe4
M. T=e under4ide 5ot= o2 a 2oot and a 4=oe i4 1a33ed a PPPP..
aC =ee3 5C 4o3e 1C 4=in dC toe
Q. I ate an i1e1ream Ke4terdaK and noL I =a8e a 4ore
aC ne1F 5C eKe 1C <aL dC t=roat
S. You 4=ou3d not drinF 4o mu1= 1o22ee on an em0tK
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
aC 4toma1= 5C Lai4t 1C a5domen dC t=roat
T. No5odK i4 0er2e1t and 1are3e44ne44 i4 =i4 A1=i33e4OPPP...
aC toe 5C arm 1C =ee3 dC =ead
A#. He i4 La3Fin: on t=e ti04 o2 =i4 PPPP 4o a4 not to aLaFe
t=e 5a5K.
aC 2eet 5C toe4 1C 2in:er4 dC 4o3e
6. Match up the following words with their definitions:
A. Lri4t a. t=e t=i1F- 23e4=K 0art o2 t=e 5a1F o2 t=e
3e:- 5etLeen t=e anF3e and t=e Fnee
". 2ore=ead 5. 3ar:e mu413e at t=e 2ront o2 t=e u00er
arm- L=i1= 5end4 t=e e35oL
.. =i0 1. t=e 4ma33 de0re44ion 5eneat= t=e arm
L=ere it <oin4 t=e 4=ou3der
$. ton:ue d. a t=in- =ornK- tran43u1ent 03ate 1o8erin:
0art o2 t=e dor4a3 4ur2a1e o2 t=e end <oint
o2 ea1= 2in:er
@. 1a32 e. t=e 0art o2 t=e 2a1e 5etLeen t=e natura3
=air3ine and t=e eKe4E 2ormed 4Fe3eta33K 5K
t=e 2ronta3 5one o2 t=e 4Fu33
M. arm0it 2. 0art on eit=er 4ide o2 t=e 5odK 5e3oL t=e
Lai4t L=ere t=e 5one o2 a 0er4onO4 3e: i4
<oined to t=e trunF
Q. no4tri3 :. t=e <oint 5etLeen t=e 2orearm and t=e
S. t=i:= =. t=e 5a1F 0art o2 t=e =uman 2oot 2rom
t=e in4te0 to t=e 3oLer 0art o2 t=e anF3e
T. 2in:ernai3 i. 0art o2 t=e 5odK 5e3oL de 1=e4t and
dia0=ra:m- 1ontainin: t=e 4toma1=-
5oLe34 and di:e4ti8e or:an4
A#. =ee3 <. or:an o2 ta4te t=at aid4 t=e ma4ti1ation
and 4La33oLin: o2 2ood.
AA. a5domen F. eit=er o2 t=e tLo eDterna3 o0enin:4 o2
t=e no4e
A". 5i1e04 3. 0art o2 t=e =uman 3e: 5etLeen t=e Fnee
and t=e =i0
Here i4 a 3i4t o2 t=e mo4t 1ommon3K u4ed 0re0o4ition4 o2 03a1e and
above U dea4u0ra- de dea4u0ra- mai 4u4 de
acrossRalong U de,a 3un:u3- tran48er4a3
around/round U de <ur 7m0re<uru3
below U dede4u5t- 4u5 B26r6 a indi1a 1onta1t 1u 4u0ra2aa 4u0erioar6C
beneath/underneath U dede4u5t- 4u5 Bindi1nd eDi4tena unei
4u0ra2ee 4u0erioare de 0rote1ie- 4e0arareC
between U 7ntre Bdou6 o5ie1teC
behind 7n 40ate3e- 7na0oia
in front of 7n 2aa
in 7n- 7n interioru3
into 7n- 7n40re interior Bindi1nd 06trunderea- 4tr65aterea 40aiu3uiC
on 0e- dea4u0ra
onto 0e- dea4u0ra Bindi1nd mi>1are 0entru atin:erea 0o9iieiC
over 0e4te- dea4u0ra
through 0rin- 0rintre
under dede4u5t- 4u5 Bindi1nd 1onta1t 1u 4u0ra2aa 4u0erioar6C
Ot=er Lord4 indi1atin: mo8ement and dire1tion?
-WARDS class (wards spre, ctre, indicnd direc(ia)
Backward (s) U 7na0oi- in8er4- 0e 40ate
Downward (s) U de41endent- 40re 0artea in2erioar6
Forward (s) U 7nainte- 7n 2a6
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
Inward (s) U 7n6untru- 16tre interior
Leftward (s) U 16tre 4tn:a- din40re 4tn:a
Outward (s) U 16treR40re eDterior- 7n a2ar6
Towards U 40re- 16tre- 7n dire1ia
Upright U dre0t- 8erti1a3
Upward (s) U a41endent- 40re 0artea 4u0erioar6
Sideways U 3atera3- o53i1- 7ntr,o 0arte
>Pair work
7. Read the following commands to your deskmate and ask
him/her to follow your indications and practise the exercises.
Then, change activities:
- .lace yo&r hands around yo&r ankles.
- Rest yo&r elbo/s on yo&r thighs.
- .lace yo&r +ingertips on yo&r sho&lder.
- 0end yo&r body sideways and gi1e it a good stretch.
- Li+t yo&r ar#s above yo&r head.
- Spread yo&r ar#s sideways and lo/er the# to yo&r sides.
- Clasp both hands behind yo&r head.
- Arch yo&r body backwards.
- Stretch yo&r ar#s upwards.
- 0end yo&r knees forwards.
- 2old yo&r head forward and up.
- Raise yo&r ar#s above yo&r head and t&rn the pal#s towards the
- Lean yo&r +orear#s 1ertically on the /all. 3ith yo&r heels on the
gro&nd and yo&r knees straight4 let yo&r hips sink forwards.
8. Read the following sentences and translate them into
V +it=out mo8in: Kour =ead- turn Kour eKe4 u0Lard4 5e=ind Kour
13o4ed 3id4.
V Ro33 Kour eKe4 in a 13o1FLi4e 1ir13eP NoL noti1e t=e 4en4ation4 o2
ten4ionP. Pau4eP Ro33 t=em noL in an anti13o1FLi4e dire1tion.
V P3a1e Kour 0a3m doLnLard4 on a 4ur2a1e Bta53e- 1=air arm or t=i:=CE
0re44 Kour 2in:erti04 into t=e 4ur2a1e- draLin: t=em toLard4 Kour
0a3m 4o t=at Kour =and :radua33K taFe4 on t=e 4=a0e o2 a 40iderP
Ho3d t=e 0o4ition- 2ee3 t=e ten4ion in t=e =and and t=en 3et t=e ten4ion
:o and re3aD t=e mu413e4.
V Kee0in: Kour toe4 2irm3K in 1onta1t Lit= t=e 23oor- rai4e Kour =ee34
u0 in t=e airP NoL 2ee3 t=e ten4ion in Kour 1a32 mu413e4P Re3aDP
dro0 Kour =ee34 to t=e :round and noti1e t=e re3ie2- t=e 1om2ort- t=e
Larm tin:3in: 4en4ation in Kour 1a38e4.
9. Create your own relaxation techniques; write down five
examples of such exercises and then read them to your deskmates.
10. Translate into English, using the new words:
A. P3a4ai,86 am5e3e mini 0e umeri. Rotii,86 trun1=iu3 a3ternati8 3a
4tn:a a0oi 3a drea0ta.
". Stai 7n 0o9iie de06rtat6- 1u mini3e 0e 3n:6 1or0. Ridi1ai mna
drea0t6 >i 7ndoii 1or0u3 40re 4tn:a. Re8enii 7n 0o9iia iniia36. A0oi
ridi1ai mna 4tn:6 >i 7ndoii 1or0u3 40re drea0ta. Re0etai mi>1area
de 1in1i ori.
.. ;ndoii,86 u>or trun1=iu3 7n 2a6. Atin:ei,86 :enun1=ii- a0oi
:am5e3e- a0oi :3e9ne3e >i da16 0utei 1=iar >i de:ete3e de 3a 0i1ioare.
$.Stnd 0e un 41aun- 03a4ai,86 am5e3e 1oate 0e 1oa04e- 7ntindei,86
ante5rae3e >i mi>1ai,86 de:ete3e.
@. ;n1=idei o1=ii- ridi1ai mini3e dea4u0ra 1a0u3ui >i ar1uii,86 u>or
trun1=iu3 0e 40ate. Stai 7n 0o9iie A# 4e1unde >i a0oi re8enii 7n
0o9iia iniia36.
M. P3a4ai,86 am5e3e mini 0e >o3duri. ;ndoii,86 u>or :enun1=ii >i a0oi
rotii,86 1or0u3 3a 4tn:a >i 3a drea0ta. O54er8ai 1e 4imii 3a
arti1u3aii3e >o3du3ui.
Q. ;ntindei,86 5rae3e 3atera3. A0oi 7ndoii,3e din 1oate 40re 7n 2a6- 3a
ni8e3u3 um6ru3ui. Re0etai mi>1area de 1te ori dorii.
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
S. Stai :=emuii 0e 8r2uri3e 0i1ioare3or- 1u 1a0u3 a03e1at >i 1u
mini3e atrnnd 0e :enun1=i. Simii 1um 8i 4e re3aDea96 mu>1=ii
:tu3ui. !eninei 0o9iia 1t dorii.
T. Stai 1u 0i1ioare3e de06rtate >i 1u mini3e 0e >o3d. ;n13inai,86 40re
drea0ta- ridi1nd 0i1ioru3 4tn:. !eninei 0o9iia 0entru @ 4e1unde.
A0oi re0etai 7n dire1ia o0u46.
A#. Stai 1u 0i1ioare3e de06rtate >i 1u mini3e 7ntin4e 3atera3 >i 1u
0umnii 4trn>i. Rotii,86 4imu3tan 5rae3e- tra4nd un 1er1 mi1 7n aer.
;n1er1ai rotirea 5rae3or 7n am5e3e dire1ii. O54er8ai 1e 4e 7ntm036
1u mu>1=ii 5rae3or >i 0ie0tu3ui.
1. Read the following texts and write down the new words:
JT=e 2un1tion o2 t=e 5one4 i4 to 2orm a =ard 4Fe3eton 2or t=e 4o2ter
materia34 o2 t=e 5odK- to en13o4e and 0rote1t 4ome o2 t=e mo4t
im0ortant 8ita3 or:an4. Bone de8e3o0ment taFe4 03a1e at a 8erK ear3K
0eriod. In em5rKoni1 3i2e- t=e 0art4 de4tined to 5e1ome 5one4 1on4i4t
o2 a 1on:erie4 o2 1e334 L=i1= 1on4titute4 t=e 4im03e4t 2orm o2 1arti3a:e.
T=i4 tem0orarK 1arti3a:e i4 an eDa1t miniature o2 t=e 5one L=i1= in
due 1our4e i4 to taFe it4 03a1e. T=e 0ro1e44 o2 o44i2i1ation i4 43oL and
not 1om03eted unti3 adu3t 3i2e. T=e neDt 4te0 i4 t=e o44i2i1ation o2 t=e
inter1e33u3ar 4u54tan1e and o2 t=e 1e334 1om0o4in: t=e 1arti3a:e. T=e
0eriod o2 o44i2i1ation 8arie4 mu1= in di22erent 5one4. It 1ommen1e4
2ir4t in t=e 13a8i13e- in L=i1= t=e 0rimiti8e 0oint a00ear4 durin: t=e
2i2t= LeeFE neDt in t=e 3oLer <aL. T=e ri54 a34o- and t=e 3on: 5one4 o2
t=e 3im54- a00ear 4oon a2ter. For a 3on: 0eriod a2ter 5irt=- a t=in 3aKer
o2 uno44i2ied 1arti3a:e remain4 5etLeen t=e dia0=K4i4 and e0i0=K4e4-
unti3 t=eir :roLt= i4 2ina33K 1om03eted.H
BHenrK GraK * 5ray6s Anato#y. Descripti1e and S&rgicalC
JA3mo4t a33 t=e e3ement4 o2 t=e <oint4 o2 adu3t4 are a34o 0re4ent in t=e
<oint4 o2 t=e neL5orn. T=e mo4t a1ti8e 2a1tor determinin: t=e
2ormation o2 a <oint a2ter 5irt= are t=e mu413e4 L=i1= eDert an a1tion
on t=e :i8en <oint- i.e. t=e LorF o2 a <oint.
T=e de8e3o0ment o2 5one arti1u3ation4 i4 dire1t3K de0endent on t=e
2ormation o2 t=e 5onK and 1onne1ti8e,ti44ue 4tru1ture4 and mu41u3ar
ti44ue. A33 t=e e3ement4 en1ountered in t=e <oint4 o2 t=e neL5orn
1ontinue t=eir 2ormation and a1Wuire t=e :eometri1a3 4=a0e4 o2 t=e
arti1u3ar 4ur2a1e4 1=ara1teri4ti1 o2 ea1= <oint o2 an adu3t. H
BR.D. Sine3niFo8 * Atlas o+ 2&#an Anato#yC
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
2. Pronounce and learn the names of the main parts of the skeletal
system. Add more terms to the list:

The skeletal system:
, 4Fu33 U 1raniu
, 40ineR40ina3 1o3umnR5a1F5one U 1o3oana 8erte5ra36
, 8erte5ra- ,ae R5onK rin: U 8erte5r6
, 40ina3 1ord RmarroL U m6du8a 40in6rii
, t=e 1er8i1a3- dor4a3- 3um5ar- 4a1ra3 and 1o11K:ea3 4e1tion4 o2 t=e
40ine U 4e1iuni3e 1er8i1a3e- dor4a3e- 3om5are >i 1o11i:iene a3e
1o3oanei 8erte5ra3e
, ri5 U 1oa4t6
, 1arti3a:e U 1arti3a<
, 4ternum R5rea4t5one U 4tern
, 13a8i13e R1o33ar5one U 13a8i1u36
, t=ora1i1 1a:e U 1u>16 tora1i16
, 4=ou3der :ird3e U 1entur6 41a0u3ar6
, 41a0u3aR 4=ou3der 53ade U omo03at- 41a0u36
, 0e38i4 U 0e38i4
, 0u5i4 U 0u5i4
, 4a1rum U o4 4a1ra3
, 1o11KD U 1o11i4
, arti1u3ation R<oint U arti1u3aie
, 2i5rou4 <oint U arti1u3aie 2i5roa46
, 4Kno8ia3 <oint U arti1u3aie 4ino8ia36
, o44i2i1ation U o4i2i1are
, 3i:ament U 3i:ament
, =i0 <oint U arti1u3aia >o3du3ui
, Fnee <oint U arti1u3aia :enun1=iu3ui
, anF3e <oint U arti1u3aia :3e9nei
3. Complete the following sentences using the nouns in the box.
The first one has been done for you as an example:
sternum coccyx carpus calcaneus
scapula phalanges cranium joint
tibia metacarpus femur vertebrae
A. T=e 40ine i4 a 23eDuou4 1o3umn- 2ormed o2 a 4erie4 o2 5one4 1a33ed
". T=e ____________ i4 1om0o4ed o2 ei:=t 5one4? t=e o11i0ita3- tLo
0arieta3- 2ronta3- tLo tem0ora3- 40=enoid- and et=moid.
.. T=e ____________ i4 a 3on:- 23at 8erti1a3 5one- 4ituated in 2ront o2
t=e t=oraD to L=i1= are atta1=ed t=e 1o33ar5one and t=e 2ir4t 4e8en
0art4 o2 ri54.
$. T=e ____________ i4 t=e 3on:e4t- t=i1Fe4t and =ea8ie4t 5one in t=e
4Fe3eton- arti1u3atin: Lit= t=e 0e38i4 a5o8e and t=e Fnee 5e3oL.
@. T=e ____________ i4 t=e inner and t=i1Fer o2 t=e tLo 5one4 o2 t=e
=uman 3e:- 5etLeen t=e Fnee and anF3e.
M. T=e ____________ i4 a 4ma33 trian:u3ar 5one at t=e end o2 t=e
40ina3 1o3umn- arti1u3atin: 5K it4 5a4e Lit= t=e a0eD o2 t=e 4a1rum.
Q. T=e ____________ i4 a 3ar:e- 23at 5one- trian:u3ar in 4=a0e L=i1=
2orm4 t=e 5a1F 0art o2 ea1= 4=ou3der.
S. T=e =and i4 4u5di8ided into t=ree 4e:ment4? t=e __________ or
Lri4t- t=e ____________ or 0a3m and t=e ____________ or 2in:er4.
T. T=e ______________ or =ee3 5one i4 t=e 3ar:e4t tar4a3 5one-
irre:u3ar3K 1u5oida3 in 2orm and 4ituated at t=e 3oLer 5a1F 0art o2 t=e
A#. T=e 4tru1ture4 L=i1= enter t=e 2ormation o2 a ___________ are?
5one- 1arti3a:e- 2i5ro,1arti3a:e- 3i:ament and 4Kno8ia3 mem5rane.
4. Match up the following words with their definitions:
A. a. Rin:4 03a1ed one a5o8e t=e ot=er L=i1=
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
5rea4t5one 2orm a 4in:3e 1o3umn- t=e 40ina3 1o3umn
". 3i:ament 5. Trian:u3ar 5one t=at 2orm4 t=e 5a1F o2 t=e
.. 4Fu33 1. TLe38e 0air4 o2 1ur8ed 5one4 eDtendin:
2rom t=e 5a1F5one round t=e 1=e4t
$. 8erte5rae d. NarroL- 5onK and 1ur8ed 1o3umn * a4 a
1a53e 2or t=e 40ina3 1ord
@. 13a8i13e e. Ba4in,4=a0ed 2rameLorF o2 5one4 at t=e
3oLer end o2 t=e 5odK
M. 40ine 2. Tou:= L=ite 23eDi53e ti44ue atta1=ed to
5one4 and <oint4
Q. 0e38i4 :. T=ou:=- 23eDi53e ti44ue t=at 1onne1t4
5one4 and =o3d4 or:an4 in 0o4ition
S. 4a1rum =. T=in- 23at- 8erti1a3 5one in t=e 1=e4t-
5etLeen t=e ri54
T. 1arti3a:e i. Bone <oinin: t=e 5rea4t5one and t=e
4=ou3der 53ade
A#. ri54 <. BonK 2rameLorF o2 t=e =ead under t=e
+=en 2ormin: interro:ati8e 4enten1e4 Lit= t=e 8er5 TO BE t=e ru3e to
5e remem5er i4 to 03a1e t=e Lord4 in t=e 2o33oLin: order?
WHERE + is (sg.) / are (pl.) - present + object
WHY + was (sg.) / were (pl.) - past + object
WHAT - i4 u4ed to a4F 4ome5odK to 40e1i2K one or more t=in:4-
03a1e4- 0eo03e- et1 2rom an inde2inite num5er?
3hat are the #ain ca&ses o+ #&sc&lar /eakness7
3hat is the shape o+ the spinal col&#n7
WHICH - i4 u4ed to a4F 4ome5odK to 40e1i2K one or more t=in:4-
0eo03e- et1 2rom a 3imited num5er?
3hich is the best treat#ent in this sit&ation7
3hich is the shortest and the #ost c&r1ed o+ all the ribs7
WHY , mean4 2or L=at rea4on or 0ur0o4e?
3hy is physical therapy better than s&rgery in #y case7
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
WHERE * mean4 in or to L=at 03a1e or 0o4ition?
3here is the stern&# sit&ated7
HOW - mean4 in L=at LaK or manner?
2o/ is the stern&# described in ter#s o+ shape4 position4
str&ct&re and de1elop#ent7
HOW MANY * i4 u4ed to inWuire a5out t=e num5er o2 t=in:4?
2o/ #any phalanges are +or each +inger4 e"cept the th&#b7
5. Ask questions for the underlined phrases using the interrogative
words what, which, where, why, how, how many and the verb to be.
The first two have been done for you as examples:
A. T=ere are twelve ri54 on ea1= 4ide o2 t=e t=ora1i1 0art o2 t=e 40ina3
How many ribs are on each side o+ the thoracic part o+ the spinal
". T=e 2oot 1on4i4t4 o2 t=ree di8i4ion4? the tarsus, metatarsus and
Which are the three di1isions o+ the +oot7
.. T=e 3e: 1on4i4t4 o2 t=ree 5one4? the patella BFnee 1a0C- 03a1ed in
2ront o2 t=e Fnee- the tibia and fibula.
$. T=e 0ate33a i4 a 4ma33- 23at- trian:u3ar 5one 4ituated at the anterior
part of the knee joint.
@. T=e 41a0u3a i4 4ituated 5etLeen t=e 2ir4t and 4e8ent= ri54.
M. T=e 4ternum =a4 t=e 4=a0e o2 an ancient sword- 1on4i4tin: o2 t=ree
Q. T=at 2orm o2 1arti3a:e L=i1= enter4 into t=e 2ormation o2 t=e <oint4
i4 1a33ed articular cartilage.
S. T=e 3i:ament i4 pliant and flexible- so as to allow perfect
freedom of movement 5ut strong, tough and inextensible- so as not
to yield under a severely applied force. Ba4F t=ree Wue4tion4C
T. T=ere are 206 di4tin1t 5one4 in t=e entire 4Fe3eton o2 an adu3t.
A#. The superior extremity i4 t=e 3ar:e4t 0art o2 t=e =umeru4.
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
6. Read the following extracts and translate them into Romanian:
J!o4t 5one4 o2 a =uman adu3t 1on4i4t o2 a 5onK and 1arti3a:inou4
2rameLorF- a4 a re4u3t o2 L=i1= a 5onK 0art and a 1arti3a:inou4 0art
are di4tin:ui4=ed in t=e 4Fe3eta3 4K4tem. T=e 5onK 0art maFe4 u0 mo4t
o2 t=e 5one. T=e arti1u3ar 1arti3a:e4- t=e e0i0=K4ea3 1arti3a:e4 and t=e
1o4ta3 1arti3a:e4 2orm t=e 1arti3a:inou4 0art o2 t=e 4Fe3eta3 4K4tem.
T=e 3on: 5one4 B=umeru4- 13a8i13e- 2emur- 0=a3an:e4- et1.C =a8e a
midd3e 0art- t=e dia0=K4i4- and tLo end 0art4- t=e e0i0=K4e4. T=e
e0i0=K4i4 3o1ated 13o4er to t=e aDia3 4Fe3eton i4 1a33ed t=e 0roDima3
e0i0=K4i4- L=i3e t=e e0i0=K4i4 o2 t=e 4ame 5one 5ut 4ituated 2urt=er
2rom t=e aDia3 4Fe3eton i4 1a33ed t=e di4ta3 e0i0=K4i4. T=e Lider 0art4
o2 3on: 5one4 5etLeen t=e dia0=K4i4 and t=e e0i0=K4i4 are FnoLn a4
meta0=K4i4. T=eir 5oundarie4 are 8i4i53e on3K in t=e 5one4 o2 1=i3dren
and ado3e41ent4 L=en a 1arti3a:inou4 3aKer- t=e e0i0=K4ea3 1arti3a:e
4ti33 remain4 5etLeen t=e dia0=K4i4 and e0i0=K4e4.
T=e red marroL 0o44e44e4 =i:= 2un1tiona3 a1ti8itK and i4 1a0a53e o2
2ormin: 53ood 1e334 o2 t=e mKe3oid 4erie4. +it= t=e de8e3o0ment and
:roLt= o2 t=e or:ani4m- t=e red marroL i4 :radua33K re03a1ed 5K t=e
Ke33oL marroL. T=e Ke33oL marroL i4 3e44 a1ti8e and 03aK4 a re4er8e
ro3e- 5ut under 1ertain 1ondition4 it maK 5e a1ti8ated.H
BR.D. Sine3niFo8 * Atlas o+ 2&#an Anato#yC
7. Translate the following questions into English, using the new
vocabulary. Providing an answer to these questions will also test
your anatomy knowledge:
A. Care e4te >tiina 1are 4e o1u06 1u 4tudiu3 oa4e3orY
". Care 4unt 0rin1i0a3e3e ti0uri de oa4eY
.. Care 4unt 06ri3e 1on4tituente a3e unei arti1u3aiiY
$. Care 4unt 1au9e3e 1are determin6 traumati4me3e >i 2ra1turi3e
1o3oanei 8erte5ra3eY
@. Din 1te oa4e e4te 2ormat 1raniu3 >i 1are 4unt a1e4teaY
M. Care arti1u3aie e4te 1e3 mai 2re18ent a2e1tat6 7n 2ra1turiY
Q. Cte 8erte5re are 1o3oana 3om5ar6Y Dar 1o3oana tora1a36Y
S. &nde e4te 03a4at a1romionu3Y
T. Cum e4te de41ri4 4ternu3 7n at3a4u3 de anatomieY
A#. De 1e e4te inter8enia 1=irur:i1a36 mai 0otri8it6 7n a1e4t 1a9 de1t
2i9ioFinetotera0ia 4au 5a3noetera0iaY
> Pair work
8. uestion!answer exercise: Using your anatomy courses notes,
ask your deskmate questions about the skeletal system.
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
1. Read the following texts about the muscular system and write
down the new words:
JT=ere are more t=an M## 4Fe3eta3 mu413e4 in t=e =uman 5odK and
t=eir tota3 ma44 a11ount4 2or u0 to "S,.@ 0er 1ent o2 t=e 5odK ma44 in
2ema3e4- u0 to $#,$@ 0er 1ent in ma3e4- and u0 to $@,@@ 0er 1ent in
at=3et4. &0 to @# 0er 1ent o2 t=e tota3 Lei:=t o2 t=e 4Fe3eta3 mu413e4
2a33 to t=e 4=are o2 t=e mu413e4 o2 t=e 3oLer 3im54- u0 to .# 0er 1ent to
t=o4e o2 t=e u00er 3im54- and u0 to "# 0er 1ent to t=e 4=are o2 t=e
mu413e4 o2 t=e =ead and trunF.
Ea1= mu413e =a4 a de8e3o0ed netLorF o2 53ood 8e44e34. T=e
1ontra1tion o2 a mu413e 0romote4 ra0id 23oL o2 53ood- i.e. t=e mu413e
i4 a 0e1u3iar N0um0O L=i1= 2or1e4 t=e 53ood 2orLard. &nder 1ondition4
o2 redu1ed motor a1ti8itK B=K0oFine4iaC in an a1ti8e mode o2 3i2e or
L=en 0ro3on:ued 5ed,re4t i4 ne1e44arK- t=i4 2un1tion o2 t=e 4Fe3eta3
mu413e4 i4 eD13uded a4 a re4u3t o2 L=i1= t=e 53ood 23oL4 43oLer-
meta5o3i1 0ro1e44e4 are redu1ed and 4ta4i4 o11ur4. In 1ontra4t- under
1ondition4 o2 motor a1ti8itK t=e re4er8e 1a0i33arie4 o0en- neL
1a0i33arie4 2orm- and nutrition o2 t=e 4Fe3eta3 mu413e4 im0ro8e4.H
BR. D. Sine3niFo8 * Atlas o+ 2&#an Anato#yC
JA33 e3ement4 o2 t=e mu41u3o4Fe3eta3 4K4tem are in dKnami1
eWui3i5rum- 1ontinua33K 1=an:in: 4=a0e- 4tru1ture and 2un1tion- in
re40on4e to 3oadin: and me1=ani1a3 demand4. T=e 4K4tem i4
8u3nera53e to trauma- 0e1u3iar3K 4u41e0ti53e to 3o1a3 and 4K4temi1
in23amatorK di4order4.
A1ute in23ammation or ti44ue dama:e o2ten 5e1ome4 1=roni1- 0er=a04
5e1au4e o2 1ontinuou4 mo8ement and me1=ani1a3 4tre44e4.
!u41u3o4Fe3eta3 di4order4 are ma<or Lor3dLide 1au4e4 o2 1=roni1 0ain
and 4e8ere 0=K4i1a3 =andi1a0- 0arti1u3ar3K a4 0o0u3ation 5e1ome4
o3der- :enera33K 2itter- and more =ea3t= 1on41iou4.H
B)he 8erk 8an&al o+ Diagnosis and )herapyC
J!u413e4 8arK 1on4idera53K in t=eir 2orm. In t=e 3im54- t=eK are o2
1on4idera53e 3en:t=- e40e1ia33K t=e more 4u0er2i1ia3 one4- t=e dee0
one4 5ein: :enera33K 5roadE t=eK 4urround t=e 5one4 and 2orm an
im0ortant 0rote1tion to t=e 8ariou4 <oint4. In t=e trunF- t=eK are 5road-
23attened and eD0anded- 2ormin: t=e 0ariete4 o2 t=e 1a8itie4 L=i1=
t=eK en13o4e.H
BHenrK GraK * 5ray*s Anato#y. Descripti1e and S&rgicalC
2. Pronounce and learn the main terms and collocations related to
the muscular system. Add more terms to the list:
, mu413e U mu>1=i
, 4Fe3eta3 mu413e U mu41=i 41=e3eti1
, tendon U tendon
, mu41u3ar ti44ue U e4ut mu41u3ar
, 53ood 8e44e34 U 8a4e 4an:uine
, ner8e4 U ner8i
, 2i5er4 U 2i5re
, 2a41ia U 2a41ie
, dia0=ra:m U dia2ra:m6
, mu41u3ature U mu41u3atur6
, mu413e 5u3F U ma46 mu41u3ar6
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
, mu41u3ar 1ontra1tion R1ram0 U 1ontra1ie mu41u3ar6
, mu41u3ar enduran1e U re9i4ten6 mu41u3ar6
, mu413e 2ati:ue U o5o4ea36R eDtenuare mu41u3ar6
, mu41u3ar =K0ertro0=K U =i0ertro2ie mu41u3ar6
, mu413e tone U tonu4 mu41u3ar
, =K0otoni1 mu413e4 U mu>1=i =i0otoni1i
, =K0ertoni1 mu413e4 U mu>1=i =i0ertoni1i
, mu413e ri:iditK U ri:iditate mu41u3ar6
, mu413e 40a4m U 40a4m mu41u3ar
, 40a4ti1itK U 40a4ti1itate
, mu413e 40rain U 3uDaie
, mu413e 4train U 7ntindere mu41u3ar6
, mu413e 4tren:t= U 2or6 mu41u3ar6
, mu41u3ar ten4ion U ten4iune mu41u3ar6
, mu41u3ar LeaFne44 U 4365ire mu41u3ar6
3. Match the half-sentences in column A with their corresponding
half-sentences in column B to form correct and complete
A. !u413e 5u3FP. a. P a 0ro:re44i8e 3o44 o2
mu413e 4tren:t= in a
8arietK o2 mu413e :rou04.
".!u413e,4ettin: eDer1i4eP. 5. P8erK 2irm- maK 5e
40a4ti1 or ri:id and re4i4t4
4ideLaK4 mo8ement4.
.. !u41u3ar dK4tro0=K i4 a
de:enerati8e mu413e
di4order 1=ara1teri9ed 5K P.
1. P a mu413e 40rain or
4train- art=riti4- a tumor or
a ru0tured 1arti3a:e di4F
5etLeen 8erte5rae.
$. E3e1tromKo:ra0=K BE!GC
i4 a te1=iWueP
d. P 8erK 4o2t- LeaF and
23a55K and i4 ea4i3K mo8ed
@. A =K0ertoni1 mu413e 2ee34
e. P :i8e4 an indi1ation o2
t=e 4tate o2 t=e
M. I2 Kou =a8e o54er8ed
mu413e LeaFne44- P
2P. an e8a3uation o2 t=e
1ondition and 2un1tionin:
o2 t=e mu413e4- <oint4 and
5one4 o2 t=e 5odK.
Q. In8o3untarK mo8ement4
and tremor4 P
:. P i4 a met=od o2
1ontra1tin: and re3aDin: a
4Fe3eta3 mu413e Lit=out
mo8in: t=at 0art o2 t=e
S. LoL 5a1F 0ain at t=e 5a4e
o2 t=e 40ine 1an 5e 1au4ed
5K P
=. P t=at re1ord4 1=an:e4
in t=e e3e1tri1a3 0otentia3
durin: mu413e
T. !u41u3o4Fe3eta3 4K4Ktem
a44e44ment i4 P
i. P are 4i:n4 o2 4ome
neuro3o:i1a3 di4order4.
A#. A =K0otoni1 mu413e 2ee34
<. Pt=en a detai3ed te4t
Li33 5e ne1e44arK 2or ea1=

4. Match up the following words with their definitions:
A. tendon a. Fi5re or 5und3e o2 2i5re4
1arrKin: im0u34e4 o2 4en4ation or
o2 mo8ement 5etLeen t=e 5rain
and a33 0art4 o2 t=e 5odK
". 2a41iae 5. Lar:e mu413e at t=e 2ront o2 t=e
u00er arm- L=i1= 5end4 t=e e35oL
.. 53ood 8e44e34 1.+a33 o2 mu413e- 5etLeen t=e
1=e4t and t=e a5domen- t=at =e304
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
to 1ontro3 5reat=in:
$. 2i5re4 d. %erK narroL 53ood 8e44e34
1onne1tin: arterie4 and 8ein4 in
t=e 5odK
@. ner8e e. Fi5rou4 mem5rane4 L=i1= 2orm
3inin:4 2or 5odK 1a8itie4 and 1o8er
mu413e4 and or:an4
M. 1a0i33arie4 2. Stron: 5and or 1ord o2 ti44ue
t=at <oin4 mu413e to 5one
Q. mu41u3ar dK4tro0=K :. S3ender t=read4 o2 L=i1= manK
=uman- anima3 or 03ant ti44ue4 are
S. dia0=ra:m =. Tu5e4 Barterie4- 8ein4 or
1a0i33arie4C t=rou:= L=i1= 53ood
23oL4 in t=e 5odK
T. 5i1e04 i. Broad- t=i1F- trian:u3ar mu413e-
4ituated at t=e u00er and anterior
0art o2 t=e 1=e4t t=at draL4 t=e arm
toLard4 t=e 5odK
A#. 0e1tora3 mu413e <. Lon:,3a4tin: i33ne44 in L=i1= t=e
mu413e4 5e1ome :radua33K LeaFer
Participial and qualificative adjectives
Con4iderin: t=e 2reWuen1K o2 1ertain tK0e4 o2 ad<e1ti8e4 in medi1a3
3an:ua:e Le 4=a33 dea3 on3K Lit= 0arti1i0ia3 and Wua3i2i1ati8e
Participial adjectives are 0arti1i0ia3 2orm4 u4ed a4 ad<e1ti8e4?
, Pre4ent Parti1i03e 2orm4? 4=ort in2initi8e Z ,ING? increasing4
rela"ing4 gro/ing
, Pa4t Parti1i03e 2orm4? 4=ort in2initi8e Z ,ED B2or re:u3ar 8er54C?
red&ced4 +lattened4 e"panded or t=e t=ird 2orm o2 irre:u3ar 8er54? c&t4
hidden4 +roen.
)his relaxing at#osphere and these stimulating e"ercises /ill ha1e a
pronounced e++ect on yo&r back #&scles.
Qualificative adjectives in13ude a33 tK0e4 o2 ad<e1ti8e4 denotin:
Wua3itK- 4i9e- 4=a0e- 1o3our- ori:in- a:e and :enera3 de41ri0tion4 o2
o5<e1t4 B0art4 o2 t=e 5odK- di4ea4e4- 4Km0tom4 et1C and 0eo03e?
)he +irst piece o+ the stern&# has a triangular +or#4 broad and thick
abo1e and narrowed belo/.
Bot= 0arti1i0ia3 and Wua3i2i1ati8e ad<e1ti8e4 1an eit=er 0re1ede t=e
noun- =a8in: t=e 4ame 2orm 2or a33 :ender4- 5ot= 4in:u3ar and 03ura3
Battri5uti8e 0o4itionC or 2o33oL t=e noun- =a8in: t=e 2un1tion o2
0redi1ati8e4 2or 1o0u3ati8e 8er54 4u1= a4? be4 beco#e4 look4 see#4 t&rn
$oderate e"ercises ha1e a therapeutic e++ect on #&scles.Battri5uti8e
)he #&scles beco#e resistant to +atig&e and the patients no longer
look exhausted at the end o+ the session.B0redi1ati8e 0o4itionC
Degrees of comparison
A11ordin: to t=e LaK t=eK 2orm t=eir de:ree4 o2 1om0ari4on
ad<e1ti8e4 2a33 into t=ree 1ate:orie4?
AC monosyllabic (or short) adjectives and bisyllabic adjectives
endin: in ,er- ,y and *ly L=i1= 2orm t=eir 1orre40ondin: de:ree4 o2
1om0ari4on 5K addin: -er and -est B4Knt=eti1 1om0ari4onC?
thick 9 thicker 9 the thickest
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
thin 9thinner % the thinnest
"C long adjectives * bisyllabic Bendin: in ,ful and ,reC-
trisyllabic or plurisyllabic L=i1= 2orm t=eir de:ree4 o2 1om0ari4on
5K 0eri0=ra4ti1 mean4? more and (the) most Bana3Kti1 1om0ari4onC?
e"tensi1e 9 more e"tensi1e 9 the most e"tensi1e
.C adjectives with irregular degrees of comparison:
good 9 better 9 the best
bad 9 /orse 9 the /orst
little 9 less 9 the least
#any:#&ch 9 #ore 9 the #ost
old 9 older 9 the oldest ;o+ people and ob<ects=
old 9 elder 9 the eldest ;o+ people=
+ar 9 +arther 9 the +arthest ;o+ space=
+ar 9 +&rther 9 the +&rtest ;o+ ti#e=
Constructions with comparisons:
T=e u4e o2 ad<e1ti8e4 at di22erent de:ree4 o2 1om0ari4on reWuire4 t=e
u4e o2 1ertain 0attern4. For in4tan1e- ad<e1ti8e4 at 4u0er3ati8e Li33 5e
a44o1iated Lit= 0er2e1t ten4e4?
)his is the most distressing pain I have e1er had.
T=e 1om0arati8e reWuire4 t=e 40e1i2i1ation o2 t=e 4e1ond term o2
1om0ari4on- L=i1= 1an 5e eit=er a Lord or a 4enten1e?
I a# not as useless as #y blind brother :as yo& think I a#.
)he in<&ry /as more severe than /e tho&ght.
Gradua3 in1rea4e or de1rea4e i4 eD0re44ed 5K tLo 1om0arati8e4 <oined
5K and?
As yo&r breathing beco#es slower and slower yo& are +eeling
more and more relaxed.
Sometime4 t=e 1om0arati8e4 are 03a1ed at t=e 5e:innin: o2 t=e
&he sooner yo& practise the e"ercise4 the better yo& /ill +eel.
&he larger the #&scle4 the greater its strength.
5. Reread the texts about the muscular system and extract all the
adjectives. Group them according to their attributive or
predicative position. For derivational adjectives indicate the noun
that they derive from and their suffix or prefix as in the following
syste#ic > syste# ;no&n= ? (ic ;s&++i"=
skeletal > skelet ;no&n= ? (al ;s&++i"=
6. Form derivational adjectives from the following nouns and
verbs, choosing the appropriate suffixes in the box. Sometimes
more than one suffix can be attached to part of the words:
-al -ic -ous -less
-ish -ive -ful -able
-ible -ed -ing
Stern ? !al > sternal
t=oraD 1om2ort
40=ere to identi2K
mu413e to 1ontra1t
a5domen a11e44
4toma1= memorK
anoma3K to 1onne1t
2i5re to di:e4t
2e8er =ea3t=
1ure in2e1tion
=e30 0ain
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
7. Translate the following sentenses into English, using the new
vocabulary and grammar notes of this unit:
A. Ce 1au9ea96 =i0ertro2ia mu41u3ar6Y
". Cu 1t re9i4tena mu41u3ar6 e4te mai mare 1u att 8a 2i mai mare
num6ru3 de 1ontra1ii mu41u3are.
.. Ten4iunea mu41u3ar6 0re3un:it6 0oate 0rodu1e durere- 1are 0oate
du1e 3a 40a4m mu41u3ar >i 0rin urmare 3a mai mu3t6 durere.
$. Ten4iunea mu41u3ar6 are 4trn46 3e:6tur6 1u modu3 no4tru de a
:ndiE a4t2e3- 1u 1t 4untem mai 4tre4ai- 1u att mai mare 8a 2i >i
ten4iunea noa4tr6 mu41u3ar6.
@. A1ti8itatea 2i9i16 0re3un:it6 1um ar 2i mer4u3 4au 0a4u3 a3er:6tor
0oate du1e 3a o5o4ea36 mu41u3ar6.
M. Care 4unt 1au9e3e 0rin1i0a3e a3e eDtenu6rii mu41u3areY
Q. !u>1=iu3 :a4tro1nemian e4te 1e3 mai 4u0er2i1ia3 mu>1=i 4ituat 7n
0artea din 40ate a 0i1ioru3ui- 1are 2ormea96 1ea mai mare 0arte a
S. Tendonu3 3ui A=i3e e4te 1e3 mai :ro4 >i mai 0uterni1 tendon din
1or0u3 uman.
T. !u>1=iu3 de3toid e4te un mu>1=i 3at- :ro4- triun:=iu3ar- 4ituat 0e
0artea 3atera36 >i 0o4terioar6 a um6ru3ui.
A#. !u>1=iu3 a5du1tor a3 0o3i1e3ui e4te un mu>1=i 4u5ire- 03at-
7n:u4t- 03a4at imediat dede4u5tu3 te:umentu3ui Binte:umentC.
> Pair work:
8. Using your anatomy courses notes, choose a certain muscle and
ask your deskmate to describe it.
9. 'uessing game# Think of a certain muscle. Your deskmate will
ask you as many questions as necessary to guess the muscle. Here
are some examples of possible questions:
- Is it a #&scle o+ the tr&nk:head:&pper li#b:lo/er li#b7( for
general location
;It is a #&scle o+ the &pper li#b=
- Is it a #&scle o+ the sho&lder girdle or o+ the +ree &pper li#b7( for
specific location
;It is a #&scle o+ the sho&lder girdle=
- 3here is it sit&ated7
;It arises +ro# the cla1icle and scap&la.=
- 3hat is its +&nction7
;It helps the &pper ar# #o1e +or/ard4 back/ard and horiontally.=
- Can yo& describe it7
;It is a thick4 triang&lar #&scle /ith the base +acing &p/ards and the
ape" do/n/ards=
- Is it the deltoid muscle7
;@es4 it is indeed.=
The following classification of muscles may prove useful for this
A. The muscles of the trunk:
t=e mu413e4 o2 t=e 5a1F
t=e mu413e4 o2 t=e ne1F
t=e mu413e4 o2 t=e 1=e4t
t=e mu413e4 o2 t=e a5domen
B. The muscles of the head:
t=e mu413e4 o2 2a1ia3 eD0re44ion?
t=e mu413e4 o2 t=e 41a30
t=e mu413e4 4urroundin: t=e eKe4
t=e mu413e4 4urroundin: t=e mout=
t=e mu413e4 4urroundin: t=e no4e
t=e mu413e4 o2 ma4ti1ation
C. The muscles of the upper limb:
t=e mu413e4 o2 t=e 4=ou3der :ird3e
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
t=e mu413e4 o2 t=e 2ree u00er 3im5?
t=e mu413e4 o2 t=e u00er arm
t=e mu413e4 o2 t=e 2orearm
t=e mu413e4 o2 t=e =and
D. The muscles of the lower limb:
t=e mu413e4 o2 t=e =i0 <oint
t=e mu413e4 o2 t=e 2ree 3oLer 3im5?
t=e mu413e4 o2 t=e t=i:=
t=e mu413e4 o2 t=e 3e:
t=e mu413e4 o2 t=e 2oot
10. Complete the classifications above with all categories of
muscles you have studied so far.
1. Read the following text and check the glossary below to
translate the unknown words. Write down other unknown words
and try to approximate their meaning:
JEDamination o2 a 0a1ient i4 a 1ontinuou4 0ro1e44 t=at 4tart4 Lit=
Kour 2ir4t meetin: and 1ontinue4 unti3 treatment 1ea4e4 0rior to
di41=ar:e. T=e initia3 eDamination 3ead4 to an a44e44ment o2 t=e
0a1ient4/ need4 and a de1i4ion on t=e ear3K treatment.
I2 t=e 0a1ient =a4 5een 0re8iou43K eDamined 5K a dia:no4ti1ian L=o
0ro8ide4 2u33 note4- 4ome u4e2u3 and time,4a8in: in2ormation maK 5e
o5tained 5K t=eir 1are2u3 0eru4a3. To u4e 4u1= note4 to t=e maDimum-
di8ide Kour 0eru4a3 into?
[ Abtaining basic in+or#ation abo&t the pacient as a social entity?
name4- 4eD- marita3 4tatu4- a:e- 1urrent LorF- 2ormer <o5 andRor
retirement 4tatu4- 1u3tura3 5a1F:round and 2ami3K 1ir1um4tan1e4.
[ Reading4 in date order4 the #edical e1ents t=at are 2ormer medi1a3
=i4torK and t=e e8ent4 t=at =a8e marFed t=e de8e3o0ment o2 t=e
1urrent i33ne44Rdi4a5i3itK and it4 0ro:re44.
[ Noting4 i+ a1ailable4 the clinical e"a#ination +indings and the res&lts
o+ tests4 incl&ding B(rays. AnK a5norma3itie4 indi1ated 5K t=e medi1a3
eDamination 4=eet need to 5e 1=e1Fed 5K t=e 0re4ent eDaminer- a4
di22erent 8aria53e4 4u1= a4 t=e 4u5<e1ti8e a44e44ment o2 t=e 0re8iou4
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
eDaminer or t=e 1=an:e in 0atient/4 1ondition 2rom t=e 3a4t
eDamination maK in23uen1e t=e 1our4e o2 t=e treatment.KnoL3ed:e o2
norma3 0arameter4 4=ou3d 5e u4ed to de1ide L=et=er anK o2 t=e te4t
re1ord4 4=oL a need 2or 1are in eDamination and treatment.
[ Abtaining a record o+ i##ediate past and c&rrent treat#ent and
#edication. It i4 im0ortant t=at 1urrent medi1ation4 are noted 2or t=e4e
maK =a8e 4ome e22e1t on 4e3e1tion o2 or 0re1aution4 in admini4tratin:
Kour treatment4.
+=en eDaminin: t=e 0a1ient 4ome t=in:4 need to 5e 0ro8ided? a 13ean-
Le33 8enti3ated- adeWuate3K Larmed area- 4uita53e 1o8erin:4 2or t=e
0a1ient- t=e 0o4ition o2 t=e eDamination 1ou1= or ta53e in re3ation to
t=e 3i:=tin: and- Wuite im0ortant- 8er5a3 1on2identia3itK.T=ere are
4ome 4ma33 te4tin: de8i1e4 t=at t=e eDaminer need4? a ta0e mea4ure- a
0in- a :oniometer- a re23eD =ammer- 4ome 1otton Loo3- te4t tu5e4
1ontainin: =ot and 1o3d Later.
E41ortin: t=e 0atient to t=e eDamination area 1an 5e an o00ortunitK to
o54er8e =i4R=er a5i3itK to La3F unaided- t=e tK0e o2 :ait a5norma3itie4
i2 anK- t=e :enera3 mien and 0o4ture.
Su11e442u3 Wue4tionin: 0rodu1e4 maDimum in2ormation Lit= t=e
minimum o2 Wue4tion4 and i4 a 4Fi33 t=at im0ro8e4 Lit= 0ra1ti1e.
Li4tenin: to t=e 0atient/4 an4Ler4 reWuire4 0atien1e- in4tant aLarene44
and inter0retation- and 3i4tenin: to t=e 4i3en1e4 i4 eWua33K
im0ortant.+=at t=e 0atient 2ai34 to 4aK maK =a8e :reat re3e8an1e.
Pa30ation i4 a 4Fi33 t=at i4 a1Wuired 5K 0ra1ti1e. It reWuire4 t=at Kour
=and4 4=ou3d 5e re3aDed- in 2irm 1om2orta53e 1onta1t- and aLare o2
L=at i4 under t=em.T=e 2o33oLin: 0ro1edure4 are to 5e u4ed L=en
0a30atin: 2or 40e1i2i1 anatomi1a3 2eature4? 03a1e more o2 Kour =and
t=an Kou need in 1onta1t Lit= t=e area to 5e eDamined- 3i2t Kour 0a3m a
3itt3e to redu1e t=e 1onta1t- 4o t=at on3K t=e 2in:er 0ad4 are tou1=in:
2irm3K enou:=.Your 2in:er4 4=ou3d 5e 4trai:=t 4o t=at Kour nai34 are
un3iFe3K to 5e in 1onta1t. Remem5er t=at too =ard a 0re44ure Li33 2ee3
3iFe a dri33 di::in: in and too 3i:=t a 0re44ure Li33 2ee3 3iFe a 5utter23K
1omin: to re4t. In neit=er 1a4e Li33 Kou 2ee3 or 2ind anKt=in:.
A3LaK4 a33o1ate 4u22i1ient time 2or an initia3 eDamination o2 t=e
0atient- and i2 t=e eDamination turn4 out to 5e more time,1on4umin:
t=an Kour ori:ina3 e4timate- 1om03ete on3K 0art o2 t=e ta4F4 and
1on13ude t=e eDamination at a 2urt=er 4e44ion.H
BAda0ted 2rom !.Ho33i4- P.Yun: * .atient e"a#ination and
assess#ent +or therapistsC
to cease a nceta, a se opri
prior to nainte de
discharge externare
assessment evaluare, estimare
previously mai nainte, n prealabil
perusal citire, lectur atent
former job slujb anterioar
retirement pensionare
cultural background forma(ie cultural
medical history anamnez
disability incapacitate, invaliditate
clinical examination findings constatrile examinrii clinice
medical examination sheet foaie de observa(ie clinic
testing devices instrumente de testare
tape measure rulet, panglic de msurat
pin ac cu gmlie
goniometer goniometru
reflex hammer ciocnel pentru testarea reflexelor
cotton wool vat
test tube eprubet
gait umblet, mers
mien (inut, comportament
posture postur corporal
instant awareness n(elegere rapid
palpation palpare
finger pad buricul degetului
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
drill burghiu
to dig in a nfige
2. Scan the text above so as to answer the following questions:
A. +=K i4 t=e 0atient/4 initia3 eDamination im0ortantY
". +=at 4=ou3d 5a4i1 in2ormation a5out t=e 0atient in13udeY
.. +=K doe4 t=e 0re4ent eDaminer need to 1=e1F t=e 0atient/4 0rior
medi1a3 eDamination 4=eetY
$. +=K doe4 t=e eDaminer need to note t=e 0atient/4 1urrent
@. +=at t=in:4 need to 5e 0ro8ided L=en eDaminin: t=e 0atientY
M. +=at te4tin: de8i1e4 doe4 t=e eDaminer u4eY
Q. +=at 4=ou3d t=e eDaminer o54er8e L=i3e e41ortin: t=e 0atient to t=e
eDamination areaY
S. +=en 1an Le 4aK t=at Wue4tionin: t=e 0atient =a4 5een 4u11e442u3Y
T. +=at 0ro1edure4 are to 5e u4ed L=en 0a30atin: t=e 0atientY
A#. +=at 4=ou3d 5e done i2 t=e 2ir4t eDamination taFe4 3on:er t=an
3. Create your own examiner - patient dialogues, including
questions and answers regarding the patient`s basic information,
former medical history, clinical examination findings, past and
current medication, etc.
!anK Lord4 t=at are 0ronoun1ed and 40e3t in t=e 4ame LaK 1an 5e
u4ed in di22erent 1onteDt4 Lit= di22erent meanin:4. T=eK are
0o3K4emanti1 Lord4. Po3K4emK i4 13o4e3K re3ated to =omonKmK and it
i4 4ometime4 di22i1u3t to di4tin:ui4= 5etLeen Lord4 t=at are
=omonKm4 and Lord4 t=at are 0o3K4emanti1. T=ere i4 4ti33 a 1riterion
t=at 1an =e30 u4 di4tin:ui4= one notion 2rom t=e ot=er? L=i3e Lit=
=omonKmK t=e Lord4 t=at =a8e t=e 4ame 2orm do not 4=are anK
4emanti1 re4em53an1e in t=eir meanin:4- Lit= 0o3K4emanti1 Lord4 Le
1an ea4i3K noti1e a 4emanti1 2eature 1ommon to a33 t=e e3ement4 o2 a
13a44. Here are tLo eDam03e4 2or ea1= notion?
Heart, a4 a 0o3K4emanti1 Lord- =a4 a 4emanti1 2eature a44o1iated ,
that o+ being the central part o+ a body4 o+ one6s li+e or o+ so#ething
else , t=at i4 1arried o8er 2rom one eDam03e to t=e neDt?
E1en i+ his heart stopped beating +or se1eral seconds4 he did not die.
I think yo& sho&ld get to the heart o+ the #atter.
2e is #y heart4 #y reason o+ li1ing.
)alf a4 a yo&ng o+ cattle B8ie3C or o2 1ertain ot=er mamma34 4u1= a4
t=e 5u22a3o- e3e0=ant- :ira22e and L=a3e and calf a4 the thick +leshy
part o+ the back o+ the leg bet/een the ankle and the knee are tLo
=omonKm4 t=at =a8e not=in: in 1ommon- 4emanti1a33K 40eaFin:.
!oreo8er- 5K 3ooFin: Lord4 u0 in a di1tionarK- one 1an a34o
di4tin:ui4= 5etLeen 0o3K4emanti1 Lord4 and =omonKm4 a4 t=e 2ormer
are 3i4ted Lit= di22erent num5er4 under t=e 4ame 3eDi1a3 entrK- L=i3e
t=e 3atter are 3i4ted and treated a4 4e0arate Lord4? 1a32A and 1a32 ".
4. Choose from among the meanings of the following polysemantic
words the one that has been used in the text "xamining the
A. examination mean4?
aC Lritten eDer1i4e4- ora3 Wue4tion4 or 0ra1ti1a3 ta4F4- 4et to te4t a
1andidateO4 FnoL3ed:e and 4Fi33E
5C 0=K4i1a3 in40e1tion o2 a 0atient or 0art4 o2 =i4 5odK- in order to
8eri2K =ea3t= or dia:no4e di4ea4eE
1C t=e 2orma3 interro:ation o2 a 0er4on on oat= Ban a11u4ed or a
Litne44C 5K a 3aLKer in a 3aL1ourt.
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
". discharge mean4?
aC an o22i1ia3 0ermi44ion 2or B45C to 3ea8e- a2ter =e =a4 1arried out a
dutK Bdi41=ar:e a 4o3dier- a 0atient- re3ea4e a 0ri4oner 2rom 1u4todKCE
5C un3oadin: B1ar:oC 2rom a 4=i0
1C 2irin: Ba :unC- 3aun1=in: 23Kin: Lea0on4 BarroL4C
.. background mean4?
aC 0art o2 a 8ieL- 41ene or de41ri0tion t=at 2orm4 a 4ettin: 2or t=e
1=ie2 o5<e1t4- 0eo03eE
5C in2ormation t=at i4 needed to under4tand a 0ro53emE
1C a 0er4onO4 4o1ia3 13a44- edu1ation- trainin: or eD0erien1eE
dC a 3oL 3e8e3 o2 4ound- 3i:=tin: L=o4e 0ur0o4e i4 to 5e an
uno5tru4i8e or a00ro0riate a11om0animent to 4omet=in: e34e- 4u1= a4
a 4o1ia3 a1ti8itK- 1on8er4ation or t=e a1tion o2 a 2i3m.
$. device mean4?
aC a ma1=ine or too3 ada0ted 2or a 40e1ia3 0ur0o4e Btime,4a8in:
de8i1e- 4a2etK de8i1e- an eD03o4i8e de8i1e et1CE
5C a 0arti1u3ar 0attern o2 Lord4- 2i:ure4 o2 40ee1= u4ed in 3iterature
to 0rodu1e a 1ertain e22e1t on t=e readerE
1C a Lritten- 0rinted or 0ainted de4i:n or 2i:ure- u4ed a4 a =era3di1
4i:n- em53em- trademarF 5K a no53e 2ami3KE
dC a 03an or 03ot- e40. a 13e8er or e8i3 oneE a 41=eme- tri1F.

5. Write your own contexts in which the polysemantic words
above, except for the version of your choice, are used with other
meanings. You can use the following expressions:

\ eDamination 0a0er
\ 5a1F:round mu4i1
\ entran1e eDamination
\ LorFin:,13a44 5a1F:round
\ to taFe an eDamination
\ 5a1F:round on t=e 1om0anKO4 2inan1ia3 0o4ition
\ 0a44R2ai3 an eDamination
\ time,4a8in: de8i1e U a0arat de u9 1a9ni1
\ medi1a3 eDamination
\ 3a5our,4a8in: de8i1e U di40o9iti8 me1ani1
\ to 5e under eDamination
\ an eD03o4i8e de8i1e U di40o9iti8 eD03o9i5i3
\ to 4taKRFee0 in t=e 5a1F:round
4tK3i4ti1 de8i1e U 2i:ur6 de 4ti
6. Match each of the meanings below to one of the seven
polysemantic words in the box:
a. patient b. tongue c. head
d. foot e. bottom f. spine g. nerve
A. a mo8a53e or:an in t=e mout=- u4ed in ta4tin:- 3i1Fin:-
4La33oLin: and 40eaFin:E
". 2oam on t=e to0 o2 a 0oured 5eerE
.. a 0er4on L=o i4 re1ei8in: medi1a3 1are in =o40ita3E
$. 0art o2 t=e 5odK on L=i1= one 4it4- 5utto1F4E
@. a mea4ure o2 3en:t= eWua3 to A" in1=e4E
M. roL o2 5one4 a3on: t=e 5a1F o2 =uman4 and 4ome anima34-
Q. 5o3dne44- 1oura:eE
S. a 0er4on 1a0a53e o2 a11e0tin: de3aK t=at 1an 4ti33 remain 1a3mE
T. 0art o2 t=e 5odK- 1ontainin: t=e eKe4- no4e- mout= and 5rainE
A#. a 3an:ua:e- dia3e1t or idiomE
AA. t=e 3oLe4t 0art o2 t=e 3e:- 5e3oL t=e anF3e- on L=i1= a 0er4on or
anima3 4it4E
A". :round under t=e 4ea- 3aFe or ri8erE
A.. anK o2 t=e 5und3e o2 2i5re4 1arrKin: 4en4orK or motor im0u34e4
5etLeen t=e 5rain and a33 0art4 o2 t=e 5odKE
A$. anK o2 t=e 4=ar0 need3e,3iFe 0art4 on 4ome 03ant4 B1a1tu4e4C and
anima34 B=ed:e=o:4CE
A@. 1=ie2 0er4on o2 a :rou0 or or:ani9ationE
AM. a 23a0 o2 3eat=er on a 4=oe- under t=e 3a1e4 or 5u1F3e4 to 0rote1t
t=e in4te0E
AQ. t=e 3oLe4t- dee0e4t or 2art=e4t remo8ed 0art o2 a t=in:E
AS. t=e 5a1F 0art o2 a 5ooF t=at i4 8i4i53e L=en it i4 in a roL on a
AT. ri5 or 8ein in a 3ea2 or anK o2 t=e 8ein4 o2 an in4e1t/4 Lin:E
"#. menta3 a5i3itK or natura3 ta3ent 2or 4omet=in:.
7. Write your own contexts for the different meanings of the
polysemantic words above. You can make use of the following
syntagms and expressions:
\ to be patient /ith sb. > a a1ea r$bdare c& cine1a
\ #other tong&e > li#b$ #atern$
\ to ha1e lost:+ind one6s tong&e > a(Ci pierde:redobDndi grai&l
\ the head o+ the +a#ily > cap&l +a#iliei
\ head o++ice > sedi& central
\ to ha1e a good head +or b&siness4 +ig&res > a a1ea cap de
a+aceri4 ci+re
\ at the +oot:botto# o+ the stairs:hill: #o&ntain:list:page > !n
partea de <os a E
\ a F(+oot high /all > &n id !nalt de F picioare
\ to +all on one6s botto# > a c$dea !n +&nd
\ the botto# o+ the sea:lake:ri1er > +&nd&l #$rii:lac&l&i:rD&l&i
\ to go to the botto# > a se sc&+&nda
\ to lose:regain one6s ner1e > a(Ci pierde:redobDndi c&ra<&l
\ to ha1e the ner1e to do s#th.> a a1ea c&ra<&l:t&pe&l de a +ace
\ to strain e1ery ner1e > a(Ci !ncorda toate p&terile
Greetings, identification and introductory dialogues
Here are 4ome eDam03e4 o2 initia3 :reetin:4 and introdu1torK
dia3o:ue4 u4ed 5e2ore t=e eDamination taFe4 03a1e?
The therapist:
\ 5ood #orning4 8rs. Gohnson. Let #e introd&ce #ysel+. I a#
yo&r therapist4 Dr. 5reen.
\ .lease co#e in and take a seat.
\ 8ake yo&rsel+ co#+ortable. I /ill be /ith yo& in a second.
\ 8y na#e is Dr.5reen. I think /e talked on the phone4 didn6t
\ I re#e#ber yo&. @o& /ere #y patient last year. 2o/ is yo&r
\ @o& are Dr. )ho#son6s sister4 aren6t yo&7 2e told #e all
abo&t yo&.
Inquiring about the patient`s problem:
\ 3ell4 8rs. Gohnson4 /hat can I do +or yo&7
\ )ell #e4 8r. 0a&#4 /hat6s tro&bling yo&7
\ 3ell4 8rs. Redcli++4 /hat6s bro&ght yo& here7
\ 3ell4 let6s seeE /hat see#s to be the proble#7
\ @o&r brother4 Dr. )ho#son tells #e that yo& ha1e been ha1ing
lo/ back painsE
\ I co&ldn6t help noticing yo&r slight li#p. Can yo& tell #e
#ore abo&t it7
\ I can6t tell yo& ho/ sorry I a# abo&t yo&r terrible accident.
2o/ is yo&r reco1ery going on7
\ I &nderstand that yo& ha1e seen se1eral therapists be+ore.
2o/ can I help yo&7
Programming further sessions:
\ Considering yo&r diagnosis4 I /ill ha1e to see yo& t/ice a
/eek4 +or si" /eeks.
\ Hor the +irst t/o /eeks /e shall #eet e1ery day till yo&r pain
goes a/ay.
\ 0ring #e the B(rays and then I /ill sched&le a #eeting +or
yo& +or ne"t /eek.
\ I a# sorry4 b&t yo& sho&ld ha1e seen an orthopaedist be+ore
co#ing here.
\ I /ill #eet yo& +or o&r sessions three ti#es a /eek4 +or at least
three /eeks.
\ 3e shall start on 8onday and see ho/ it is going.
\ I think /e can ha1e good res&lts i+ yo& co#e to all yo&r
> Pair work
8. Practise therapist-patient dialogues using the examples above.
You can as well come up with your own examples.
9. Translate into English, using the new vocabulary:
A. Re1omandarea unui 0ro:ram de eDer1iii tera0euti1e nu 4e
0oate 2a1e 26r6 o eDaminare am6nunit6 a 0a1ientu3ui.
". Ori1e in2ormaii 1u 0ri8ire 3a date3e 0er4ona3e a3e 0a1ientu3ui-
3a un dia:no4ti1 anterior >i medi1amentaie 4e 0ot do8edi
eDtrem de im0ortante 7n re1omandarea tera0iei u3terioare.
.. Pe toat6 durata eDamin6rii 0a1ientu3 tre5uie 46 4e 4imt6
re3aDat- 0rote<at- 2iind a4i:urat de 1on2idenia3itatea di41uii3or
4a3e 1u tera0eutu3.
$. Tera0eutu3 0oate 4e4i9a 7n mod indire1t anumite 1ara1teri4ti1i
motri1e a3e 0a1ientu3ui- 0rin 4im03a o54er8are a 0o4turii 4a3e
1or0ora3e- a inutei :enera3e >i a mer4u3ui a1e4tuia.
@. Pa30area 0a1ientu3ui >i te4tarea :radu3ui 46u de mo5i3itate 4unt
indi1ii 13are 7n 4ta5i3irea a2e1iunii 0re9ente >i indi1area
ti0uri3or de eDer1iii 1ore40un96toare.

1. Read the following extracts and check the glossary below for
new words. Then translate these texts into Romanian:
Patient rehabilitation after fractures
JPatient re=a5i3itation 4=ou3d 5e:in immediate3K- de0endin: on t=e
tK0e o2 2ra1ture and 4o2t ti44ue 4ta5i3itK. Ad<a1ent <oint4 4=ou3d 5e
mo5i3i9ed a4 4oon a4 0o44i53eE =oLe8er- in o0en 2ra1ture4 motion o2
mu41u3otendinou4 unit4 o8er 2ra1ture 4ur2a1e4 Li33 irritate t=e 4o2t
ti44ue4 and maK de1rea4e re4i4tan1e to in2e1tion. Immo5i3i9ation o2
ad<a1ent <oint4 1an 5e done 5K u4in: 403int4- 5ra1e4 or 2oot
atta1=ment4 to eDterna3 2iDation 4K4tem4. P=K4i1a3 t=era0K 4=ou3d
in13ude a1ti8e eDer1i4e4 2or <oint mo5i3i9ation- Lei:=t,5earin:
eDer1i4e4- a4 Le33 a4 ran:e o2 motion and 4tren:t=enin: eDer1i4e4- a33
0ra1ti4ed under t=e 13o4e 4u0er8i4ion o2 5ot= t=e 0=K4i1ian and t=e
BAda0ted 2rom T=oma4 A. Ru44e33 * 5eneral .rinciples o+ Hract&re
Hip dislocation
JHi0 di43o1ation i4 an ort=o0aedi1 emer:en1K and mu4t 5e redu1ed
immediate3K. It o11ur4 0rimari3K in 1on<un1tion Lit= 4e8ere mu3ti03e
trauma 2rom =i:=,40eed motor 8e=i13e a11ident4. T=e 3on:er t=e =i0
remain4 di43o1ated- t=e more 3iFe3K i4 t=e 0o44i5i3itK o2 1om03i1ation4-
in13udin: a8a41u3ar ne1ro4i4 o2 t=e 2emora3 =ead and 0o4ttraumati1
art=riti4. !o4t di43o1ation4 o2 t=e =i0 1an 5e redu1ed 5K 13o4e
mani0u3ation and t=i4 treatment 4=ou3d taFe 0re1eden1e o8er treatment
o2 a33 ot=er 4Fe3eta3 in<urie4.H
BAda0ted 2rom Da8id G. La%e33e * Ac&te DislocationsC
Sprains or ligamentous injuries
J!o4t 40rain4 or 3i:amentou4 in<urie4 1an 5e treated 5K
immo5i3i9ation. E8en t=ou:= immo5i3i9ation a33oL4 t=e 4tret1=in: o2
3i:ament4- Wui1F3K re3ie8e4 0ain and maK 5e 5ene2i1ia3 in redu1in: t=e
4Le33in:- manK 40e1ia3i4t4 re0ort t=at ear3K mo5i3i9ation 2or t=e4e
in<urie4 0rodu1e4 4u0erior re4u3t4 to immo5i3i9ation.H
BAda0ted 2rom S. TerrK Cana3e * Ankle In<&riesC
Rupture of muscles and tendons
JT=e mo4t 2reWuent 1au4e o2 0artia3 or 1om03ete ru0ture o2 a mu413e
or tendon i4 e11entri1 o8er3oad o2 t=e mu413e,tendon unit. !u413e
4train4 are initia33K treated Lit= i1e- re4t and antiin23ammatorK
medi1ation- 2o33oLed 5K a :ent3e 4tret1=in: and 0ro:re44i8e
4tren:t=enin: 0ro:ram a4 4Km0tom4 re4o38e. Fai3ure to re:ain 2u33
23eDi5i3itK and norma3 4tren:t= o2 t=e mu413e,tendon unit re4u3t4 in
in1rea4ed ri4F o2 2urt=er re1urrent in<urK.H
BAda0ted 2rom BarrK B. P=i33i04 , R&pt&re o+ #&scles and tendonsC
rehabilitation reabilitare
fracture fractur
adjacent joint articula(ie adiacent
to decrease a reduce, diminua
to increase a mri, intensifica
splint atel
brace ortez
foot attachment dispozitiv de fixare a piciorului
weight-bearing exercise exerci(iu de sus(inere a greut(ii
range of motion grad de mobilitate
strengthening exercises exerci(ii de ntrire muscular
to occur a se petrece, a avea loc
in conjunction with n legtur cu
avascular necrosis necroz avascular
femoral head cap femural
arthritis artrit
to take precedence over smth a avea loc nainte, a avea
prioritate fa( de
skeletal injury leziune a sistemului scheletic
sprain luxa(ie, scrntire
to relieve pain a alina durerea
swelling umfltur
rupture ruptur, hernie
overload ncrcare excesiv
muscle strain ntindere muscular
failure eyec, insuficien(
further ulterior, adi(ional
2. Scan the texts above for modal constructions (can, may, should,
must etc) and write them down. Then, underline the passive ones
as in the examples below:
Sho&ld begin
Sho&ld be #obilied
A33 41ienti2i1 3an:ua:e4 maFe u4e o2 0a44i8e 1on4tru1tion4 to eD0re44
im0er4ona3 o54er8ation4- a8oid mentionin: unFnoLn or inde2inite
4u5<e1t4 and 2o1u4 on a1tion and e22e1t rat=er t=an on t=e a:ent t=at
1au4ed t=em.
E8en t=ou:= t=e 0ro1e44 o2 1on8ertin: a1ti8e 1on4tru1tion4 into
0a44i8e one4 4eem4 to 5e arti2i1ia3- it maK 0ro8e to 5e u4e2u3 and
0ra1ti1a3 in 4ituation4 L=en 0a44i8e4 are 0re2erred to a1ti8e
1on4tru1tion4. Here are 4ome eDam03e4 o2 0a44i8e4 1on4tru1tion4
i33u4trated 2or moda3 8er54?
E"cessi1e +le"ion and e"tension o+ the neck should be avoided in
spinal in<&ries.
Clinical instability may be caused by tra&#a4 neoplastic or
in+ections disorders.
Spinal align#ent can be obtained by skeletal traction.
)he pathologic anato#y must be care+&lly defined be+ore
treat#ent is deter#ined.
)hese pills must be taken t/ice a day4 on an e#pty sto#ach.
+it= moda3 8er54 t=e tran42ormation 2rom a1ti8e 8oi1e to 0a44i8e
8oi1e i4 made 5K Fee0in: t=e moda3 un1=an:ed and u4in: a 0a44i8e
Active Voice Passive Voice
Sho&ld a1oid ] sho&ld be a1oided Bmoda3 Z BE Z 0a4t 0arti1i03e *
4=ort in2.Z ED C
8&st take #&st be taken Bmoda3 Z BE Z 0a4t 0arti1i03e * t=e .
2orm o2 irre:u3ar 8er54C
3. Insert the following modal constructions in their corresponding
context, choosing the active or passive form that best completes
the sentence:
mu4t 5e a003ied 4=ou3d Lear mu4t 5e u4ed 4=ou3d
2ir4t dire1t 4=ou3d 5e 1on2irmed maK 5e 4e3e1ted
mu4t 5e 1o8ered
4=ou3d not 5e done 4=ou3d not 5e ru55ed maK 5e
A. O0en =and Lound4 PPPPPP. immediate3K Lit= a 4teri3e
dre44in: to 0re8ent 2urt=er 1ontamination.
". I2 53eedin: 1ontinue4- manua3 or di:ita3 0re44ure PPPPP
to t=e Lound t=rou:= t=e dre44in:.
.. At time4 it PPPP =e302u3 to e3e8ate t=e arm Lit= t=e
0atient 3Kin: 4u0ine.
$. C3eanin: t=e Lound PPPPPPPP.. in a =urrK.
@. Bot= t=e eDaminer and t=e 0atient PPPP.. ma4F4 L=en t=e
Lound i4 eDamined.
M. Steri3e in4trument4 and :3o8e4 PPPPPPPP..
Q. T=e eDaminer PPPPP =i4 attention to t=e 1ir1u3ation and
4Fin and t=en to 5one4- tendon4 and ner8e4.
S. T=e de0t= o2 t=e Lound PPPPPPPPP Lit= a 40on:e
or a 5ru4=.
T. Su40e1ted dama:e to tendon4 and ner8e4 PPPPPPP.
5K dire1t 8i4ion.
A#. A re:iona3 53o1F or :enera3 ane4t=eti1 PPPPP de0endin:
on t=e 0atient/4 a:e and t=e 4e8eritK o2 t=e in<urK.
4. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice, making the
words in italics the subject of the sentence and placing, when
necessary, the agent at the end of the sentence:
T=e 4ur:eon 4=ou3d 13o4e3K 2o33oL the progress o+ patient6s
)he progress o+ patient6s regeneration 4=ou3d be 13o4e3K 2o33oLed by
the s&rgeon ;agent=.

A. T=e eDaminer 4=ou3d ad8i4e the patient a4 to t=e eDtent o2 =i4
". T=e 4ur:eon mu4t e8a3uate the e"tent o+ the skin loss 2rom t=e
.. T=e 4ur:eon4 maK de3aK the repairs o+ ner1e and tendons.
$. Durin: 4ur:i1a3 0ro1edure4 t=e a44i4tant4 4=ou3d u4e a do&ble
binoc&lar #icroscope.
@. Sur:eon4 1an ma4ter #icros&rgical techni,&es on3K a2ter
1ount3e44 =our4 o2 0ra1ti1e.
M. T=e 4ur:eon mu4t a8oid co++ee <u4t 5e2ore 4ur:erK.
Q. I2 4uita53e in4trument4 are a8ai3a53e and i2 t=e 4ur:eon i4 re4ted
=e maK undertaFe repair o+ se1ered ner1es on t=e daK o2 in<urK.
S. Durin: LeeF4 a2ter ner8e4 re0air o0eration t=e 0atient 4=ou3d 0aK
care+&l attention to a8oid 2iDed 1ontra1ture4.
T. A2ter t=e o0eration t=e 0atient 4=ou3d 5e:in progressi1e
strengthening e"ercises.
A#. T=e 0atient4 4=ou3d a34o maFe #onthly clinical e1al&ations.
5. Translate into English using passive modal constructions:
A. Pa1ientu3 4u40e1tat de 2ra1tur6 a 1o3oanei 8erte5ra3e nu tre5uie
mutat 0n6 3a 4o4irea a<utoru3ui 1a3i2i1at.
". Da16 e4te im0erati8 1a 0a1ientu3 46 2ie mutat- 1a0u3- :tu3 >i
tora1e3e 3ui tre5uie 4u4inute 7n 0o9iia 3or iniia36 de 16tre mai
mu3te 0er4oane.
.. A1ea4t6 03a:6 ar tre5ui 1ur6at6 imediat iar 2ra1tura de41=i46
ar tre5ui imo5i3i9at6.
$. Primu3 a<utor 7n 1a9 de r6nire tre5uie 46 2ie 7ntotdeauna ra0id-
e2i1ient >i de 0re2erin6 e2e1tuat de 16tre 0er4ona3 1a3i2i1at.
@. Pro:ramu3 de re1u0erare motorie a 0a1ientu3ui ar tre5ui
7n1e0ut 3a 1te8a 460t6mni du06 o0eraie.
Patient`s symptoms and complaints
Formal and informal medical terms
Patient4 and t=era0i4t4Rdo1tor4 do not a3LaK4 u4e t=e 4ame 3an:ua:e-
e8en i2 t=eK are 40eaFin: a5out t=e 4ame t=in:4. T=ere i4 a 1ertain
di22eren1e 5etLeen a formal medical language u4ed 5etLeen do1tor4
and medi1a3 1are taFer4- t=e 41ienti2i1 3an:ua:e o2 a33 medi1a3 teDt4
and an informal medical language t=at non,40e1ia3i4t4 B0atient4C u4e
to de41ri5e t=eir 4Km0tom4 or di4a5i3itie4. In t=era0i4t,0atient
1ommuni1ation4 a 1ommon in2orma3 3an:ua:e 4=ou3d 5e u4ed to
en4ure 0ro0er 1ommuni1ation. Here are 4ome eDam03e4 o2 t=e 4ame
notion4 Lit= di22erent 2orma3 84. in2orma3 medi1a3 term4?
Formal term Informal term Translation
1ontu4ion 5rui4e 1ontu9ie- 8n6taie
teno4Kno8iti4 in23amed tendon4 teno4ino8it6
arterio413ero4i4 =ardenin: o2 t=e
4edati8e 43ee0in: 0i33- do0e 4edati8
ana3:e4i1 0ain Fi33er ana3:e9i1- 1a3mant
6. Match the formal term in column A with its corresponding
informal term in column B:
A. t=Kroid 1arti3a:e a. di99ine44
". =a3ito4i4 5. 5am5oo 40ine
.. maDi33a 1. 3oLer <aL
$. a3o0e1ia d. 0a30itation4
@. 40ine e. =eart atta1F
M. ta1=K1ardia 2. Adam/4 a003e
Q. mandi53e :. 3oL 53ood 4u:ar
S. mKo1ardia3 in2ar1tion =. 5ad 5reat=
T.anFK3o4in: 40ondK3iti4 i. Lom5
A#. 4u53uDation <. 5a1F5one
AA. t=oraD F. 23u
A". in23uen9a 3. 1=e4t
A.. =K0o:3K1aemia m. di43o1ation
A$. uteru4 n. u00er <aL
A@. 8erti:o o. 5a3dne44
+it=out a44umin: to 1o8er at 3ea4t 0art o2 t=e 4Km0tom4 and 0ro53em4
t=at 0atient4 maK =a8e L=en 1omin: to 4ee a Finetot=era0i4t- 4ome
eDam03e4 o2 1ommon 1om03aint4 are 0re4ented 5e3oL?
Patient`s symptoms and complaints:
\ I ha1e sprained #y le+t ankle. ;8i(a# r$s&cit: l&"at glena
\ I ha1e strained #y deltoid #&scle. ;A# o !ntindere #&sc&lar$
la deltoid.=
\ I ha1e p&lled a ha#string #&scle. ;8i(a# !ntins &n tendon
\ I ha1e torn a liga#ent in #y right knee. ;A# o r&pt&r$
liga#entar$ la gen&nchi&l drept.=
\ I ha1e snapped a tendon in #y le+t thigh. ;A# o r&pt&r$ de
tendon la coapsa dreapt$.=
\ I ha1e got a cartilage proble# in #y le+t knee <oint. ;A# o
proble#$ la ni1el&l cartila<&l&i artic&laIiei gen&nchi&l&i
\ I ha1e got chilblains in #y toes. ;A# s&+erit deger$t&ri la
degetele de la picioare.=
\ I ha1e pins and needles in #y +eet all the ti#e. ;Si#t
+&rnic$t&ri !n picioare tot ti#p&l.=
\ I +eel a tingling sensation in #y +ingers. ;Si#t o senaIie de
+&rnic$t&ri !n degete.=
\ I ha1e got a se1ere pain in #y le+t heel. ;A# o d&rere
p&ternic$ !n c$lcDi&l stDng.=
\ I get cra#p in #y cal1es. ;A# cra#pe la ga#be.=
\ I ha1e got s/elling o+ #y ankles. ;A# glenele &#+late.=
\ I ha1e got n&#b +ingers:legs /hen I /ake &p. ;A#
degetele:picioarele a#orIite cDnd #$ treesc.=
\ 8y +ingers tre#ble a lot and e1en #y hands ha1e started
shaking.;J#i tre#&r$ degetele Ci chiar Ci #Dinile.=
*resent *erfect and *resent &ense +imple are t=e ten4e4 norma33K
u4ed to eD0re44 1om03aint4 in t=e a5o8e 4enten1e4.
7. Identify each tense in the sentences above and say how they are
2a1e sprained U Pre4ent Per2e1t Sim03eE 2ormation? t=e auDi3iarK 8er5
have Z 0a4t 0arti1i03e o2 t=e re:u3ar 8er5 sprain B4=ort in2initi8e Z
2a1e torn U Pre4ent Per2e1t Sim03eE 2ormation? t=e auDi3iarK 8er5
have Z 0a4t 0arti1i03e o2 t=e irre:u3ar 8er5 tear Btear- tore- tornC
*resent *erfect +imple is used in the above!mentioned complaints to
express previous causes,in-uries that still have a certain effect in the
present, while *resent &ense +imple makes these complaints a
general fact, the symptoms presented are something felt as usual.
8. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Tense Simple or
Present Perfect:
A. XXXXXXX Kou e8er XXXXXXXX B40rainC Kour anF3eY It/4 not 4o
5ad 5ut Kou =a8e to 4taK in 5ed 2or a L=i3e.
". XXXXXXX it XXXXXXXXX B=urtC i2 I tou1= Kour 4Lo33en anF3eY
XXXXXX Kou XXXXXXX B2ee3C a 5urnin: 4en4ationY
.. !K aunt/4 2in:er4 a3LaK4 XXXXXXXXXX Btrem53eC L=en 4=e
XXXXXXXX B:i8eC me mK mont=3K a33oLan1e.
$. I am 4ti33 in =o40ita3. I XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Bnot re1o8erC Ket. I
a3LaK4 XXXXXX B:etC 1ram04 in mK 1a38e4 in t=e mornin:.
@. I XXXXXXXX a3readK XXXXXXXXX B0ra1ti4eC t=i4 4tret1=in:
eDer1i4e t=ree time4. Ye4- 5ut Kou 4ti33 XXXXXXXXXXX Bnot doC
it ri:=t.
9. Translate into English using Present Perfect Simple and Present
Tense Simple as in the above-presented examples of patient`s
complaints; sometimes modal verbs are to be used as well:
A. Nu 0ot 46,mi 7ndoi 1otu3 dre0t. Cred 16 mi 3,am 3uDat.
". !i,am 2ra1turat >o3du3 >i am ne8oie de eDer1iii de rea5i3itare.
.. !i,am di43o1at um6ru3 4tn:. A> dori 46 am un :rad mai mare
de mo5i3itate.
$. !i,am ru0t trei 1oa4te 7ntr,un a11ident de 41=i. Am 2o4t 7n
40ita3 >a4e 460t6mni.
@. Am ade4ea 1ram0e durero4e 7n am5e3e :am5e du06
terminarea me1iu3ui de 2ot5a3.
M. Cnd m6 41o3 dimineaa nu,mi 4imt 0i1ioare3e de 3a :enun1=i
7n <o4.
Q. Am dureri de 40ate a1ute. Am 2o4t 3a mu3i do1tori >i m,am
=or6tt 46 7n1er1 >i ni>te eDer1iii tera0euti1e.
S. Am o 7ntindere mu41u3ar6 4u06r6toare 3a ni8e3u3 :tu3ui. Am
ne8oie de 1te8a eDer1iii de 7ntindere 0entru a,mi redo5ndi
T. Am o ru0tur6 de tendon 7n de3toid >i nu,mi 0ot 1ontinua
0ro:ramu3 de antrenament 0entru O3im0iad6.
A#. Am 1ontra1ii mu41u3are 7n :am5a 4tn:6 iar 2ora mea
mu41u3ar6 nu mai e4te a1eea>i.
10. Place yourself in a patient`s situation and complain about
your symptoms, asking your colleagues - future kinetotherapists
for help and advice.
1. Read the following text and write down the new words; then
translate it into Romanian, using the glossary below.
JT=e :oa34 o2 t=era0euti1 eDer1i4e4 in13ude t=e 0re8ention o2
dK42un1tion a4 Le33 a4 t=e de8e3o0ment- im0ro8ement- re4toration or
maintenan1e o2 4tren:t=- enduran1e and 1ardio8a41u3ar 2itne44-
mo5i3itK and 23eDi5i3itK- 4ta5i3itK- re3aDation- 1oordination- 5a3an1e and
2un1tiona3 4Fi334.
Strength i4 t=e a5i3itK o2 a mu413e or mu413e :rou0 to 0rodu1e ten4ion
and a re4u3tin: 2or1e durin: a maDima3 e22ort- eit=er dKnami1a33K or
4tati1a33K- in t=e re3ation to t=e demand4 03a1ed u0on it. To in1rea4e
4tren:t=- a 3oad t=at eD1eed4 t=e meta5o3i1 1a0a1itK o2 t=e mu413e
mu4t 5e u4ed durin: eDer1i4e. To 0rodu1e :reater mu41u3ar ten4ion- a
=i:=,inten4itK eDer1i4e BeDer1i4e 0er2ormed a:ain4t =ea8K 3oad4C mu4t
a34o 5e u4ed- 5ut 2or a re3ati8e3K 3oL num5er o2 re0etition4.
Muscular endurance i4 t=e a5i3itK o2 a mu413e to 1ontra1t re0eated3K
or :enerate ten4ion- 4u4tain t=at ten4ion and re4i4t 2ati:ue o8er a
0ro3on:ed 0eriod o2 time. It i4 ne1e44arK 2or 0er2ormin: re0eated
motor ta4F4 in dai3K 3i8in:- 4u1= a4 La3Fin: or 13im5in: 4tair4. A1ti8e
eDer1i4e4 t=at 1=a33en:e t=e oDK:en tran40ort 4K4tem Li33 in1rea4e
enduran1e , t=e ma<or :oa3 o2 1ardia1 re=a5i3itation 0ro:ram4.
EDer1i4e4 are u4ua33K dire1ted to 3ar:e mu413e :rou04- a4 in La3Fin:-
runnin:- 4Limmin: and 1K13in: and are to 5e 0ro3on:ed and
0er2ormed 2or A@ to $@ minute4 or more.
Mobility o2 4o2t ti44ue4 and <oint4 i4 ne1e44arK 2or t=e 0er2orman1e o2
norma3 2un1tiona3 mo8ement4.
Flexibility i4 t=e a5i3itK to mo8e a 4in:3e <oint or 4erie4 o2 <oint4
t=rou:= an unre4tri1ted- 0ain,2ree ran:e o2 motion. It i4 de0endent
u0on t=e eDten4i5i3itK o2 mu413e4- L=i1= a33oL4 mu413e4 t=at 1ro44 a
<oint to re3aD- 3en:t=en and Kie3d to a 4tret1= 2or1e.
Stability i4 u4ua33K reWuired in more 0roDima3 4tru1ture4- 4u1= a4 t=e
trunF- =i04 and 4=ou3der :ird3e- 2or e22e1ti8e 0o4itionin: and motion o2
t=e arm4 and =and4 or 3e:4 and 2eet.Sta5i3i9ation eDer1i4e4 are t=e
mean4 5K L=i1= a 0atient 1an 3earn to 1ontro3 0roDima3 area4 o2 t=e
5odK and- at t=e 4ame time- maintain a 4ta53e- Le33,a3i:ned 0o4ition
L=i3e 1arrKin: out 2un1tiona3 a1ti8itie4.
Relaxation re2er4 to a 1on41iou4 e22ort to re3ie8e ten4ion in
mu413e4.EDer1i4e4 0romotin: re3aDation are 5a4ed on t=e t=era0euti1
u4e o2 re23eDi8e and 1on41iou4 0ro1e44e4. T=u4- t=e 0atient 4=ou3d 5e
03a1ed in a 1om2orta53e 0o4ition- Lit= a33 5odK 0art4 Le33 4u00orted
and 5e tau:=t to 0ro:re44i8e3K 1ontra1t and re3aD t=e mu41u3ature.T=i4
0ro1e44 i4 o2ten 1ou03ed Lit= dee0,5reat=in: eDer1i4e to 2urt=er
0romote re3aDation.
Coordination, balance and t=e a1Wui4ition o2 functional skills are a33
interre3ated and are 1om03eD a40e1t4 o2 motor 1ontro3. Coordination
re2er4 to t=e a5i3itK to u4e t=e ri:=t mu413e4 at t=e ri:=t time Lit=
a00ro0riate inten4itK. It i4 t=e 5a4i4 o2 4moot= and e22i1ient mo8ement
t=at 1an o11ur on a 8o3untarK or in8o3untarK 3e8e3. Balance re2er4 to
t=e a5i3itK to maintain t=e 1enter o2 :ra8itK o8er t=e 5a4e o2 4u00ort-
u4ua33K L=i3e in an u0ri:=t 0o4ition. It i4 a dKnami1 0=enomenon t=at
in8o38e4 a 1om5ination o2 4ta5i3itK and mo5i3itK. Fina33K- functional
skills re2er to t=e 8aried motor 4Fi334 ne1e44arK to 2un1tion
inde0endent3K in a33 a40e1t4 o2 dai3K 3i8in:. Learnin: 2un1tiona3 motor
ta4F4 in8o38e4 1on4tant re0etition o2 4im03e to more 1om03eD motor
a1ti8itie4- u4e o2 4en4orK 1ue4 Bta1ti3e- 8i4ua3C to en=an1e motor
0er2orman1e and a4 t=e Wua3itK o2 mo8ement im0ro8e4- 4o 4=ou3d t=e
40eed and timin: o2 mo8ement4.H
BAda0ted 2rom Caro3Kn Ki4ner^LKnn A33en Co35K * )herape&tic
E"ercise. Ho&ndations and )echni,&esC
dysfunction disfunc(ie
restoration refacere, restabilire
maintenance men(inere
strength for(, vigoare
endurance rezisten( fizic
cardiovascular fitness tonus cardiovascular
balance echilibru
functional skills abilit(i func(ionale
load greutate
a high-intensity exercise exerci(iu cu intensitate crescut
fatigue oboseal
motor tasks sarcini motorii
to challenge a solicita
range of motion grad de mobilitate
to lengthen a se lungi, ntinde
to yield to a ceda, a nu rezista la
stretch force for( de ntindere
stable stabil
well-aligned position pozi(ie corect adoptat
carry out a ndeplini, a realiza
to relieve a destinde, relaxa
deep-breathing exercise exerci(iu de respira(ie profund
acquisition dobndire, ob(inere
smooth movement miycare lin, fr ntreruperi
upright position pozi(ie vertical
sensory cues indici senzoriali
to enhance a mri, intensifica
motor performance randament motoriu
timing sincronizare
_` Pair-work
2. Question!answer exercise# Reread the text above on paragraphs.
One student will ask his/her colleague one or two questions for
each paragraph and he/she should answer it either by reproducing
fragments from the text or by freely expressing a summary of that
fragment. Here is an example for the first paragraph:
3hat are the #ain goals o+ therape&tic e"ercises7
3ell4 i+ I re#e#ber corectly4 the goals o+ therape&tic e"ercises
2o/ is strength de+ined in the te"t7
3ell4 let #y see4 strength is de+ined as EEE..
3hat sho&ld be done to prod&ce greater #&sc&lar tension7
3ell4 it says here that a high(intensity e"erciseE.
3. Question!answer exercise# Try to find out how much you really
know about your physical abilities. Ask your deskmate to make a
self-evaluation of his/her physical abilities (strength, muscular
endurance etc.); in your answers you can make use of the
following assessment patterns or come up with new ones:
\ 3ell4 #y strength is ,&ite bad: is not so bad: is act&ally ,&ite
good: is e"cellentE.
\ 8&sc&lar end&rance is not #y stong point4 i+ yo& get #y
\ As +or #y #obility and +le"ibility4 it goes /itho&t saying that
all I need is a little practice4 to get back into shape.
\ 3ell4 #y stability depends a lot on #y #ental stabilityK a state
o+ ner1o&sness /ill certainly be detri#ental to #y stability.
\ I ha1e al/ays had proble#s /ith balanceK to #e4 it is
so#eti#es that does not i#pro1e /ith practiceK yo& either
ha1e it or not.
Deri8ation Lit= 4u22iDe4 and 0re2iDe4 i4 one o2 t=e mean4 o2 Lord
2ormation. Genera33K- t=ere are 4ome tK0i1a3 nounR ad<e1ti8eR ad8er5R
8er5 * 2ormin: 4u22iDe4 and 0re2iDe4- 5ut t=ere are 1a4e4 L=en t=e
4ame 0re2iD or 4u22iD i4 u4ed to 2orm di22erent 1ate:orie4. For in4tan1e
t=e 4u22iD -al i4 u4ed to 2orm 5ot= nouns 3iFe in arri1al4 re+&sal4
proposal and adjectives 3iFe in +&nctional4 ed&cational. T=e 4u22iD -
ing i4 u4ed to 2orm t=e 0re4ent 0arti1i03e t=at 1an 5e u4ed a4 a 8er5a3
1ate:orK BS=e 1ame /alking a1ro44 t=e 2ie3d.C- a4 a noun B3alking 1an
4ometime4 5e 8erK re3aDin:.C or a4 an ad<e1ti8e BHe La4 readin: a
8erK a#&sing no8e3.C. T=e 4u22iD -ly i4 t=e mo4t 1ommon ad8er5,
2ormin: 4u22iD Brapidly4 daily4 &s&allyC. Sti33- t=ere are 4ome ad<e1ti8e4
t=at 1ontain t=e -ly 4u22iD? daily 41=edu3e- #onthly 0aKment. T=e
2o33oLin: eDer1i4e4 are meant a4 2orm4 o2 0ra1ti4in: t=e Lord
2ormation 0ro1e44.
4. Extract from the text above (Therapeutic exercises) all the
derivational nouns and include them into their corresponding
suffix category as shown in the example:
-ion: pre1ention
-ment: de1elop#ent
-ance: #aintenance
-ness: +itness
-ity: #obility
5. Find the corresponding base forms (verbs, adjectives) and the
corresponding suffixes for every derivational noun in the same
pre1ention L pre1ent ;1erb= ? (ion ;s&++i"=
#obility L #obil ;ad<ecti1e= ? (ity ;s&++i"=
6. Extract from the text above (Therapeutic exercises) all the
derivational adjectives and include them into their corresponding
suffix category:
-ic: therape&tic
-al: +&nctional
-ing: res&lting
-ed: prolong&ed
-ive: e++ecti1e
-ly: daily
-(i)ous: conscio&s
-able: co#+ortable
-y: sensory
7. Find the corresponding base forms (nouns, verbs) and the
corresponding suffixes for every adjective in the text:
therape&tic L therape&t ;no&n= ? (ic ;s&++i"=
8. Extract from the text above (Therapeutic exercises) all the
derivational adverbs and include them into their corresponding
suffix category:
-ly: relati1ely
-ally: dyna#ically
9. Find the corresponding base forms (adjectives) and the
corresponding suffixes for every adverb:
relati1ely L relati1e ;ad<ecti1e= ? (ly ;s&++i"=
T=ere are manK noun4 in En:3i4= t=at =a8e an identi1a3 2orm Lit= t=eir
1orre40ondin: 8er54?
Verbs Nouns
to 0re44ure 0re44ure
to Wue4tion Wue4tion
to e4timate e4timate
to eDer1i4e eDer1i4e
Yet- 4ometime4 t=ere are 4ome 43i:=t 40e33in: di22eren1e4 5etLeen t=e
noun and it4 1orre40ondin: 8er5 t=at 1an ea4i3K 0a44 unnoti1ed?
Verbs Nouns
To 0ra1tise 0ra1tice
To re40ond re40onse
10. Give other examples of nouns that have the same form as their
corresponding verbs and write contexts in which the same word
functions both as a noun and as a verb.
11. Write in the second column the corresponding nouns for the
verbs listed in the first column. The first one has been done for
you as an example:
incl&de incl&sionM
". 0re41ri5e XXXXXXXX
.. o0erate XXXXXXXX
$. a44e44 XXXXXXXX
@. de1ide XXXXXXXX
M. retire XXXXXXXX
Q. inter0ret XXXXXXXX
S. 1on2irm XXXXXXXX
T. immo5i3i9e XXXXXXXX
A#. re=a5i3itate XXXXXXXX
A". treat XXXXXXXX
A.. di43o1ate XXXXXXXX
12. Rewrite the sentences below using the nouns in the second
column (exercise 11) instead of their corresponding verbs. Do not
change the meaning of the sentences:
It /as #ore than 1ital to include 8r. Dean in o&r clinical st&dy.
8r. Dean6s inclusion in o&r clinical st&dy /as #ore than 1ital.
A. I Li33 5e a53e to te33 Kou more a2ter I e"a#ine t=e 0atient.
". You 4=ou3d not taFe t=e4e 0i334 i2 t=e do1tore did not prescribe
.. T=e 4ur:eon4 operated on t=e in<ured man immediate3K.
$. A2ter t=e t=era0i4t assesses t=e 0atient/4 need4- =e Li33 a34o
decide a 2urt=er treatment.
@. A4 !r4. Strau44 retires neDt mont=- 4=e Li33 =a8e more time
2or =er t=era0K.
M. A2ter t=e do1tor interprets t=e re4u3t4 o2 Kour ',raK4- =e
Li33 0ro5a53K con+ir# Kour need 2or 4ur:erK.
Q. )o i##obilie t=e 0atient/4 2ra1tured 3e: i4 one o2 t=e 2ir4t aid
mea4ure4 to 5e taFen.
S. Our 13ini1 i4 40e1ia3i9ed in rehabilitating 0atient4 L=o
4u22ered 4e8ere in<urie4.
T. +=at 1an I do i2 mK anF3e s/ells o8er ni:=tY
A#. I 1annot treat 0atient4 Lit=out t=eir 2u33 1on4ent and
AA. I2 t=e 0atient/4 4=ou3der is dislocated- an emer:en1K
inter8ention i4 needed.
Recommending different therapeutic exercises
Li4tenin: to t=e 0atient4/1om03ain4 and 4Km0tom4 Li33 norma33K 5e
2o33oLed 5K t=e t=era0i4t/4 re1ommandation4 re:ardin: di22erent
t=era0euti1 te1=niWue4 and eDer1i4e4. Here are 4ome eDam03e4 o2 4u1=
Finetot=era0K eDer1i4e4 t=at t=era0i4t4 maK re1ommend to t=eir
Kinetotherapist`s recommandations:
\ @o& sho&ld start /ith a 1ery si#ple relaxation techni.ue.
\ A deep!breathing exercise /ill help yo& rela".
\ So#e massage sessions /ill be good +or yo&r local
\ *assive stretching exercises /ill lengthen yo&r shortened
\ @o& can practise these self!stretching exercises as part o+
yo&r ho#e e"ercise progra#.
\ As a gy#nast4 do not +orget to practise yo&r overstretching
\ Considering yo&r long(ter# i##obiliation4 yo& need to
practise strengthening exercises e1ery day.
\ )he best sol&tion +or yo& to regain yo&r balance is to practise
weight!bearing e"ercises.
\ I reco##end yo& to contin&e /ith -oint mobili/ation
techni.ues to treat yo&r #&sc&lar sti++ness.
\ In treating yo&r spine in<&ry4 traction techni.ues are a good
13. Translate the above sentences into Romanian and say whether
you are familiar with these exercises; give examples of such types
of exercises.
14. Consider yourself as a kinetotherapist; choose one type of the
exercises above and explain the basic procedure to a colleague-
patient of yours.
15. Consider yourself as a patient with a certain dysfunction (you
can choose one of the symtoms presented in Unit 5) and ask your
colleague-therapist what exercises he would recommend you.
16. Translate into English using the new vocabulary:
A. E4te 2oarte im0ortant 46,i a3e:i un 0ro:ram de eDer1iii 1are
46,i 2ie 1u ade86rat de a<utor.
". EDer1iii3e de meninere a :reut6ii 1or0ora3e ar tre5ui 46
7n1ea06 1u re7n86area 41=im56rii :reut6ii 1or0ora3e.
.. Da16 8rei 46,i 1ore1te9i 0o4tura 1or0ora36 de2e1tuoa46 ar
tre5ui 46 7n1e0i 1u eDer1iii de 7nt6rire a mu41u3aturii 4365ite.
$. EDer1iii3e de 7ntindere 4unt re1omandate 0er4oane3or 7n
8r4t6- indi8i9i3or 4edentari >i 0er4oane3or 1are 4e re2a1 du06
o0eraii 4au o imo5i3i9are 0re3un:it6.
@. Cre>terea re9i4tenei mu41u3are 8a du1e im03i1it 3a
7m5un6t6irea tonu4u3ui 1ardio8a41u3ar.
M. Te=ni1i3e de mo5i3i9are a arti1u3aii3or 4unt 2o3o4ite 7n tratarea
atro2iei 1arti3a<u3ui arti1u3ar- a 4365irii 3i:amentoa4e- a
=i0omo5i3it6ii arti1u3are >.a.m.d.
Q. Te=ni1i3e de tra1iune 4unt 0ra1ti1ate 0entru a 4e redo5ndi
23eDi5i3itatea- 2ora- re9i4tena >i 4ta5i3itatea 1o3oanei
S. Poi 46,i menii e1=i3i5ru3 tim0 7nde3un:at 0e o 4u0ra2a6
7n:u4t6 >i 2iind 3e:at 3a o1=iY
T. Re9i4tena mu41u3ar6 nu e4te intotdeauna re9u3tatu3
antrenamente3or 4u4inute. &r1atu3 >i 1o5ortu3 416ri3or 7ntr,un
53o1 26r6 3i2t- a3er:atu3 du06 auto5u9 4au mer4u3 0e <o4 ne in
7n 2orm6 7n 2ie1are 9i.
A#. Toate 1a0a1it6i3e noa4tre 2i9i1e 0ot 2i 0ertur5ate atun1i 1nd
4unt ne8oii 46 2im imo5i3i9ai 3a 0at 0entru o 0erioad6
0re3un:it6 de tim0.
THERAPIST-PATIENT DISCOURSE - positioning and handling
the patient
1. Read the following extracts and then solve the tasks that follow
J!o8ement4 at a <oint are deter#ined 5K t=e 4=a0e o2 t=e arti1u3ar
4ur2a1e4. For in4tan1e4- t=e 2o33oLin: mo8ement4 are 0o44i53e at t=e
4=ou3der <oint? flexion and extention a5out t=e tran48er4e aDi4 Lit=
t=e mo8ement4 o11urrin: in t=e 4a::ita3 03aneE abduction and
adduction a5out t=e antero0o4terior aDi4- in L=i1= 1a4e t=e mo8ement
is #ade in t=e 2ronta3 03aneE and 2ina33K- rotation a5out t=e 8erti1a3
aDi4 in13udin: pronation Bmedia3 rotationC and supination B3atera3
rotationC- Lit= t=e mo8ement o11urrin: in t=e =ori9onta3 03ane.H
BR. D. Sine3niFo8 * Atlas o+ 2&#an Anato#yC
Weight-bearing control and stability
JDe8e3o0 a5i3itK to 4=i2t t=e 5odK Lei:=t. I2 t=e 0atient 1annot 5ear
2u33 Lei:=t- 5e:in in t=e 0ara33e3 5ar4 Lit= 0art o2 t=e Lei:=t 5orne on
t=e =and4. T=e 0atient 4=i2t4 anterior3K- 4ide to 4ide- and o53iWue3K.
!anua3 re4i4tan1e to t=e motion is added Lit= 0re44ure a:ain4t t=e
0atient/4 0e38i4.H
To increase flexion of the hip with the knee extended
2and place#entN
J+it= t=e 0atient/4 Fnee 2u33K eDtended- 4u00ort t=e 0atient/4 3oLer
3e: Lit= Kour arm or 4=ou3der.
Sta5i3i9e t=e o00o4ite eDtremitK a3on: t=e anterior a40e1t o2 t=e t=i:=
Lit= Kour ot=er =and or a 5e3t or Lit= t=e a44i4tan1e o2 anot=er 0er4on.
+it= t=e Fnee in maDimum eDten4ion- 23eD t=e =i0 a4 2ar a4 0o44i53e.
Alternate position.
Knee3 on t=e mat and 03a1e t=e 0atient/4 =ee3 a:ain4t Kour 4=ou3der.
P3a1e 5ot= o2 Kour =and4 a3on: t=e anterior a40e1t o2 t=e di4ta3 2emur
to Fee0 t=e Fnee eDtended.
T=e o00o4ite eDtremitK is stabilied in eDten4ion 5K a 5e3t or toLe3 and
=e3d in 03a1e 5K t=e t=era0i4t/4 Fnee.H

To increase dorsiflexion of the ankle with the knee extended
2and place#ent
JGra40 t=e 0atient/4 =ee3 B1a31aneu4C Lit= one =and.
Sta5i3i9e t=e anterior a40e1t o2 t=e ti5ia Lit= Kour ot=er =and.
Pu33 t=e 1a31aneu4 doLnLard Lit= Kour t=um5 and 2in:er4 and :ent3K
0u4= u0Lard on t=e =ead4 o2 t=e metatar4a34.H
To increase wrist extension
2and place#ent
JPronate t=e 2orearm and :ra40 t=e 0atient at t=e 0a3mar a40e1t o2 t=e
=and. Sta5i3i9e t=e 2orearm. To 3en:t=en t=e Lri4t 23eDor4- eDtend t=e
0atient/4 Lri4t- a33oLin: t=e 2in:er4 to 0a44i8e3K 23eD.
Alternate positionN
Su00ort t=e 0atient/4 2orearm on t=e ta53e 5ut a33oL t=e =and to dro0
o8er t=e ed:e o2 t=e ta53e. T=en 0a44i8e3K eDtend t=e Lri4t. T=i4 maK
5e more 1om2orta53e 2or t=e t=era0i4t or ne1e44arK i2 t=e 0atient =a4 a
4e8ere Lri4t 23eDion 1ontra1ture.H
BCaro3Kn Ki4ner^LKnn A33en Co35K * )herape&tic E"ercise.
Ho&ndations and )echni,&esC
A. Enumerate t=e mo8ement4 t=at are 0o44i53e at t=e 4=ou3der
". Name t=e tK0e o2 t=era0euti1 eDer1i4e t=at dea34 Lit=
1ontro33in: 5odK Lei:=t.
.. +=at i4 hand place#entY
$. +=i1= 0art4 need4 to 5e 4ta5i3i9ed in? =i0 23eDion- anF3e
dor4i23eDion and Lri4t eDten4ionY
@. +=at 4=ou3d t=e t=era0i4t do to to 3en:t=en t=e Lri4t 23eDor4Y
M. +=at i4 re1ommended i2 t=e 0atient =a4 a 4e8ere Lri4t 23eDion
Q. +=at o5<e1t4 doe4 t=e t=era0i4t u4e in =and3in: t=e 0atientY
S. Pair LorF? C=oo4e one o2 t=e 3a4t t=ree t=era0euti1 0ro1edure4
and i33u4trate t=em- re40e1tin: t=e indi1ation4 o22ered in t=e
T. Pair LorF? Re0eat t=e ta4F at 0oint S- t=i4 time Lit= t=e
t=era0i4t de41ri5in: t=e 0ro1edure Bin =i4 R=er oLn Lord4C
L=i3e i33u4tratin: it in 2ront o2 t=e 13a44.
A#. In8ent one tK0e o2 eDer1i4e 2or a 1ertain 0ur0o4e- 2ir4t 0ra1ti4e
it Lit= Kour de4Fmate and t=en- de41ri5e it to Kour audien1e.
2. Complete the missing correspondent in the following verb-noun
to 0ronate
to 4u0inate
to 4ta5i3i9e
to 3en:t=en
to 4u00ort
3. Complete the missing correspondent in the following adjective-
adverb pairs:
In &nit @ Le =a8e a3readK introdu1ed t=e i44ue o2 Pa44i8e %oi1e and
eDem03i2ied it4 u4e in dea3in: Lit= 0a44i8e moda3 1on4tru1tion4.
Learnin: =oL to u4e t=e 0a44i8e 2orm4 o2 t=e mo4t 2reWuent3K u4ed
8er5a3 ten4e4 i4 t=e o5<e1ti8e o2 t=i4 unit.
A4 a :enera3 ru3e- t=e 0a44i8e 8oi1e i4 2ormed 5K 0uttin: t=e 8er5 to
be into t=e 4ame ten4e a4 t=e 8er5 in t=e a1ti8e 8oi1e and addin: the
past participle o2 t=e a1ti8e 8er5. T=e dire1t o5<e1t o2 t=e a1ti8e 8er5
5e1ome4 t=e 4u5<e1t o2 t=e 0a44i8e 8er5- L=i3e t=e 4u5<e1t o2 t=e a1ti8e
8er5 5e1ome4 t=e a:ent o2 t=e 0a44i8e 8er5.
Therapists 4ometime4 hypnotie their patients.
a a
4u5<e1t dire1t o5<e1t
The patients are 4ometime4 hypnotied by their therapists.
a a
4u5<e1t a:ent
Read the chart below to see how the active to passive
transformation works for the main verbal tenses:
Pre4ent Ten4e
treat amRi4Rare treated
Pre4ent Ten4e
i4Rare being eDamined
Pa4t Ten4e
in<ured La4RLere in<ured
Pa4t Ten4e
La4RLere being tran40orted
=a4R=a8e been 2ound
Pa4t Per2e1t =ad
=ad been di41=ar:ed
Future Ten4e
Li33R4=a33 be in13uded
Future Per2e1t Li33R4=a33 =a8e
Li33R4=a33 =a8e been =ea3ed
Conditiona3 Lou3d re1o8er Lou3d be re1o8ered
Lou3d =a8e
Lou3d =a8e been 4a8ed
Gerund 0ra1ti4in: being 0ra1ti4ed
4. Put the verbs in brackets into the passive voice of the tense
)he range o+ #otion o+ the ankle is restored ;restore 9 .resent )ense
Si#ple= by per+or#ing stretching e"ercises.
1. T=e anF3e XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Bimmo5i3i9e * .resent
)ense Si#pleC in a 4=ort 1a4t 2or . to $ LeeF4.
2. T=e 0atient/4 3oLer 3e: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Be3e8ate *
.resent )ense Contin&o&sC noL.
3. Su11e44i8e Lei:=t,5earin: 4tre44e4 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Bim0o4e * .ast )ense Si#pleC on t=e 2eet.
4. T=e4e 2au3tK 2oot 0o4ture4 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX B1au4e *
.resent .er+ectC 5K t=e eD1e44i8e addu1tion o2 t=e 2ore2oot.
5. T=e re=a5i3itation 0ro:ram XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX B4tart *
H&t&re )ense Si#pleC a4 4oon a4 0o44i53e.
6. Litt3e e22ort XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX BreWuire * .resent )ense
Si#pleC to maintain t=i4 0o4ition 2or eDtended 0eriod4.
7. AnF3e and 2oot motion4 XXXXXXXX 0re8iou43K XXXXXXXXXXXX
B0er2orm * .ast .er+ectC 5K t=e 0atient.
8. T=e 4ame motion XXXX noL XXXXXXXXXXXX Bre0eat * .resent
)ense Contin&o&sC Lit= t=e 0atient in a3ternate 0o4ition.
9. !anK 5a3an1e a1ti8itie4 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX B0ra1ti4e * .ast
)ense Si#pleC 5ut Lit=out anK re4u3t.
10. !u41u3ar enduran1e XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Bin1rea4e * .resent
.er+ectC 5K 0er2ormin: t=e 4ame eDer1i4e4 2or a re0eated
num5er o2 time4.
5. Change the following sentences from Active Voice into Passive
Voice; the underlined direct objects will become the subjects of the
passive sentences:
)he patient so#eti#es describes pain +ro# #&scle spas# as a
.ain +ro# #&scle spas# is so#eti#es described as a headache.
A. I2 t=e 0atient is experiencing a1ute in23ammation- =e 4=ou3d
5e 03a1ed in a 3e44 irritatin: 0o4ition.
". I2 a di4F 3e4ion i4 t=e 1au4e o2 t=e a1ute 5a1F 0ain- t=e
t=era0i4t will first take mea4ure4 to a33e8iate t=e 0ain.
.. In<urK or de:eneration o2 t=e di4F affects 40ina3 me1=ani14 in
$. T=e 0atient Lit= a1ute di4F 3e4ion4 has avoided 4ittin: Lit=
t=e =i04 and Fnee4 23eDed or 3eanin: 2orLard.
@. T=e 0atient needs 5ed re4t durin: t=e 2ir4t "daK4 L=en
4Km0tom4 are =i:=3K irrita53e.
M. T=e t=era0i4t will instruct t=e 0atient to a8oid 23eDion
a1ti8itie4 t=at in1rea4e intradi4Fa3 0re44ure.
Q. In one o2 mK 0atient4 Lit= 40ondK3o4i4- tra1tion eDer1i4e4
tem0orari3K relieved t=e 0re44ure.
S. !anK 0atient4 have o2ten expressed emotiona3 4tre44e4 a4
in1rea4ed ten4ion in t=eir 3um5ar re:ion.
T. T=e 0atient performs e3on:ation eDer1i4e4 on3K Lit=in
to3eran1e durin: t=e ear3K =ea3in: 0=a4e.
A#. Im5a3an1e4 in t=e 4=ou3der :ird3e will perpetuate 2au3tK
Positioning and handling the patient
> Pair work
6. Read the following positioning indications to your colleague-
patient who will then illustrate them in front of the classs:
\ )he patient is s&pine4 /ith ar#s in resting position.
\ )he patient is side(lying4 /ith the a++ected hip &p.
\ )he patient is hook(lying.
\ )he patient is cross(sitting.
\ )he patient is heel(sitting.
\ )he patient is on hands and knees.
\ )he patient is prone4 /ith hands placed &nder the sho&lders.
\ )he patient is s&pine4 /ith the +oot pointing &pright to keep
the hip ne&tral to rotation.
\ )he patient is sitting4 /ith the +orear# s&pported on the
treat#ent table4 /rist o1er the edge o+ the table.
\ )he patient is standing4 /ith the hands placed in the lo/(back
Team work
7. Read the following hand placement and stabili/ation procedure
indications to a therapist-patient pair who will then illustrate
them in front of the classs.
\ 5rasp the patient6s /rist /ith yo&r lo/er hand.
\ .lace yo&r th&#b on the anterior s&r+ace o+ the pro"i#al end
o+ the cla1icle.
\ .lace a belt aro&nd yo&r sho&lder and &nder the patient6s
thigh to help hold the /eight o+ the lo/er e"tre#ity.
\ S&pport the patient6s leg /ith the +ingers o+ the top hand
&nder the patient6s knee and the lo/er hand &nder the heel.
\ Stabilie the patient6s pel1is /ith the top hand or ar#.
\ Stabilie the patient6s pel1is by +le"ing the opposite hip and
holding the thigh /ith the hands. )he hip to be #obilied is in
resting position.
\ Sitting on a lo/ stool4 stabilie the leg bet/een yo&r knees
and place one hand on the anterior aspect o+ the tibia.
Team work
8. Read the following therapeutic techni.ues to a therapist-patient
pair who will then illustrate them in front of the classs:
\ .er+or# elbo/ +le"ion and e"tension /ith the +orear#
pronated as /ell as s&pinated.
\ Hle" the patient6s hip and knee to OP degreesK s&pport the
knee /ith the top hand.
\ .&ll the +oot a/ay +ro# the long a"is o+ the leg in a distal
direction by leaning back/ard.
\ Hle" the elbo/ to OP degrees and abd&ct the sho&lder to OP
\ Rotate the h&#er&s by #o1ing the +orear# like a spoke on a
\ Hle" the patient6s knee &ntil disco#+ort is e"perienced in the
anterior thigh.
\ Instr&ct the patient to arch the back by pressing against the
+loor /ith the back o+ the neck and the sacr&#.
9. Translate into Romanian all the sentences from the exercises 6,
7 and 8 above.
>Pair work
10. One student will be given a hand out containing indications for
a therapeutic exercise. He or she will read the text and then start
illustrating the stages of the exercise. The task for the other
student is to write down the content of the exercise while watching
it. The exercise will be repeated several times. At the end the
teacher or a third student will compare the two texts and
comment on their degree of similarity. Here is an example of a
hand out:
)he patient is standing4 /ith the hands placed on the sho&lders. )he
patient bends his body side/ays /ith one hand o1er his head. )he
#o1e#ent is repeated three ti#es +or each side. )hen the patient
ret&rns to the initial position.
11. Create your own therapeutic exercises, using the examples
provided in this unit and read them to your colleagues.
12. Translate into English, using the new vocabulary of this unit:
A. P3a4ai 0a1ientu3 7n 0o9iie de 4u0inaie- 1u mini3e 7ntin4e
". Prindei 7n1=eietura minii 0a1ientu3ui >i rotii,i 5rau3.
.. Indi1ai,i a0oi 0a1ientu3ui 46 7n1er1e 46 2a16 a1eea>i mi>1are
$. Po9iie iniia36? 0a1ientu3 a23at 7n 40ri<in 0e mini >i :enun1=i.
@. Indi1ai,i 0a1ientu3ui 46,>i menin6 :reutatea 1or0ora36 0e
mini >i :enun1=iu3 4tn: >i 46,>i 7ntind6 u>or :enun1=iu3
dre0t 7n 40ate.
M. Greutatea 1or0ora36 8a 2i a0oi mutat6 0e mini >i 0e
:enun1=iu3 dre0t iar 0i1ioru3 4tn: 8a 2i 7ntin4.
Q. Po9iie iniia36? 0a1ientu3 e4te 7n 0o9iia 4tnd 0e 1631ie.
Indi1ai,i 0a1ientu3ui 46 4e a03e1e 7n 2a6- 1u 1a0u3 7ntre 5rae3e
7ntin4e- 0n6 1e a5domenu3 4e 8a odi=ni 0e 1oa04e3e
S. Po9iie iniia36? 0a1ientu3 e4te a>e9at 0e,o 0arte- 0e ma4a
tera0eutu3ui- 1u 1a0u3 03a4at 3a mar:inea me4ei.
T. Indi1ai,i 0a1ientu3ui 46,>i 7ntind6 mna de dea4u0ra 0e4te
1a0- 364nd,o 46 atrne 0e 3n:6 ma46. Po9iia tre5uie
meninut6 0entru 1te8a minute.
A#. A1eea>i mi>1are 4e 8a re0eta 0entru 5rau3 o0u4- 1u 0a1ientu3
a>e9at 7n 0o9iie 4imetri16.
1. Read the following definitions and match the names of the
disorders listed below with their corresponding definitions:
A. Osteoarthritis
". Rheumatoid Arthritis
.. Ankylosing Spondylitis
$. Osteoporosis
@. Low Back Pain
M. Tendinitis and Tenosynovitis
Q. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
A. A 4K4temi1 in23ammatorK di4order a22e1tin: 0rimari3K t=e 40ina3
1o3umn and t=e 3ar:e 0eri0=era3 <oint4 and e8entua33K re4u3tin: in
=ardenin: and de2ormitK o2 t=e a22e1ted 4Fe3eton.
B. A :enera3i9ed- 0ro:re44i8e redu1tion o2 5one ma44 a4 5one
re4or0tion out4tri04 5one 2ormation- 1au4in: 4Fe3eta3 LeaFne44 and
C. A 1=roni1 de:enerati8e di4ea4e 0ro1e44 o11urrin: 0rimari3K in t=e
=i04 and Fnee4 and 1=ara1teri9ed 5K deterioration o2 t=e <oint
1arti3a:e- 2ormation o2 neL 5one in 4u51=ondra3 area4 and <oint
mar:in4- and <oint =K0ertro0=K.
D. !aK 5e 1au4ed 5K a mu413e 40rain or 4train- art=riti4- a tumor- or a
ru0tured 1arti3a:e di4F 5etLeen 8erte5rae. Ot=er 1au4e4 are 0oor
0o4ture- o5e4itK- en3ar:ed 0ro4tate :3and- 4a::in: a5domina3 mu413e4-
4ittin: 2or 0ro3on:ed 0eriod4 o2 time- or eD1e44i8e 0=K4i1a3 e22ort
in8o38in: t=e 5a1F mu413e4.
E. A ra0id3K 0ro:re44i8e- de:enerati8e di4ea4e o2 t=e u00er and 3oLer
motor neuron4 1=ara1teri9ed 5K atro0=K o2 t=e =and4- arm4- 3e:4- and-
e8entua33K- t=e entire 5odK. Se8entK 0er1ent o2 indi8idua34 die Lit=in @
Kear4 o2 dia:no4i4.
F. A 1=roni1 4K4temi1 de:enerati8e di4ea4e 1=ara1teri9ed 5K
in23ammation o2 t=e 1onne1ti8e ti44ue4 and mani2e4ted 0rimari3K in
and around 0eri0=era3 <oint4.
G. An in23ammation o2 t=e tendon and 3inin: o2 t=e tendon 4=eat=
1=ara1teri9ed 5K 0ain on mo8ement o2 t=e a44o1iated <oint.
2. Translate the definitions above into Romanian, using the words
in the glossary:
disorder disfunc(ie, afec(iune, boal
primarily n primul rnd
to harden a ntri
bone resorption resorb(ie osoas
to outstrip a depyi, ntrece
subcondral areas zone subcondrale
ruptured cartilage disk disc cartilaginos rupt
poor posture postur defectuoas
sagging muscles muychi czu(i, lsa(i
lining ngroyare
tendon sheath teac/nveliy al tendonului
!a4terin: 4tre44,em0=a4i4 i4 one o2 t=e FeK4 to 0ronoun1in: mu3ti,
4K33a53e medi1a3 term4. En:3i4= maFe4 u4e o2 a primarily/strong
stress B t=at =a4 t=i4 :ra0=i1 4Km5o3? 'C 03a1ed 5e2ore t=e 4tre44ed
4K33a53e and o2 a secondary/weaker stress Bt=at =a4 t=i4 :ra0=i1
4Km5o3 C t=at u4ua33K 0re1ede4 t=e 0rimari3K 4tre44- e40e1ia33K in
mu3ti,4K33a53e Lord4.
circulation c4d? F<u'3eien f g g h g
inflammation cin23d'meiedn f g g h g

0ote % for the following pronounciation exercises each student
should make use of an "nglish dictionary that contains phonetic
3. Place the following two-syllable words in their corresponding
stress-emphasis pattern:40ina3- di4ea4e- 1o3umn- LeaFne44- 2ra1ture-
0ro4tate- mu413e- tumor- 0o4ture- rotate- treatment- anF3e- di41=ar:e-
5anda:e- a1ute.
first syllable stress second syllable stress
h g g h
spi , na3 ro , tate
4. Place the following three-syllable words in their corresponding
stress-emphasis pattern: atro0=K- 0ro:re44i8e- redu1tion- 4Fe3eton-
eD1e44i8e- 1arti3a:e- 2ormation- di4order- art=riti4- 0=K4i1a3- 4K4temi1-
3atera3- 413ero4i4- 4ur:erK- maDimum- re4i4tan1e- enduran1e- e22e1ti8e.
first syllable stress second syllable stress
h g g g h g
a , tro * 0=K 4K4 , te , mi1
5. Place the following four-syllable words in their corresponding
stress-emphasis pattern: 8a11inated- 0eri0=era3- 4aturated-
0u3monarK- 0neumonia- dia:no4i4- emer:en1K- 1om0ati53e- 0eni1i33in-
de2ormitK- 1ir1u3ation- inde0endent- =K0ertro0=K- 40ondK3iti4-
tendiniti4- a5i3itK- re3aDation- a3ternati8e- 1om5ination- 8o3untarK-
0=enomenon- re4toration.
first syllable stress second syllable stress
h g g g g h g g
vac,1i,na,ted 0neu,mo,ni,a
third syllable stress
g g h g
6. Find the corresponding stress-emphasis pattern for the
following multi-syllable words and draw their graphic
reprezentation: de:enerati8e- deterioration- indi8idua3- o4teoart=riti4-
o4teo0oro4i4- teno4Kno8iti4- amKotro0=i1- 1ardio8a41u3ar-
re=a5i3itation- mu41u3o4Fe3eta3- eDten4i5i3itK- 0at=o0=K4io3o:i1.
De,ge,ne,ra,ti8e g h g g g
Read about the main causes and symptoms of the musculoskeletal
and connective tissue disorders in the following chart:
The disorder Causes Symptoms
T=e etio3o:K i4
unFnoLn 5ut i4
5e3ie8ed to 5e
re3ated in 4ome
LaK to a:in: and
:eneti14. !en and
Lomen are eWua33K
a22e1ted- 5ut t=e
on4et in men
o11ur4 ear3ier. In
Lomen- t=e
in1iden1e in1rea4e4
a2ter meno0au4e.
early symptoms?
dee0- a1=in: <oint 0ain
t=at i4 a::ra8ated 5K
eDer1i4e and t=at
Lor4en4 a4 t=e daK
0ro:re44e4E 4ti22ne44
2o33oLin: ina1ti8itK.
midcourse symptoms:
redu1ed <oint motion-
tenderne44- 1re0itu4-
:ratin: 4en4ation-
23eDion 1ontra1ture4-
<oint en3ar:ement
late symptoms:
tenderne44 on 0a30ation-
0ain Lit= 0a44i8e ran:e
o2 motion- in1rea4e in
de:ree and duration o2
0ain- <oint de2ormitK
and 4u53uDation.
T=e etio3o:K i4
unFnoLn 5ut t=e
di4ea4e i4
o2ten 1=ara1teri9ed
a4 an autoimmune
di4order- and a
2ami3ia3 3inF i4
4u40e1tedE Lomen
are t=ree time4
more 3iFe3K t=an
men to 5e a22e1ted.
early symptoms?
non40e1i2i1 4Km0tom4
o2 2ati:ue- ma3ai4e-
3oL,:rade 2e8er-
anoreDia- Lei:=t 3o44.
midcourse symptoms:
tenderne44- 0ain- and
4ti22ne44 in a22e1ted
<oint4 Bmo4t o2ten t=e
2in:er4C t=at o11ur4 in a
5i3atera3- 4Kmmetri1
0attern and 40read4 to
t=e Lri4t4- e35oL4-
Fnee4- and anF3e4E
dimini4=ed <oint
2un1tionE 0are4t=e4iaE
<oint 1ontra1ture4 and
t=e eDa1t 1au4e i4
unFnoLn. A =i:=er
t=an eD0e1ted 3e8e3
o2 HLA,B"Q ti44ue
anti:en i4 4een in
T#i o2 indi8idua34
Lit= t=e di4ea4e. It
i4 t=ree to 2our
time4 more
1ommon in men
t=an in Lomen- and
on4et tK0i1a33K
o11ur4 5etLeen "#
and $# Kear4 o2
early symptoms?
re1urrent 0ain in t=e
3oLer 5a1F or 3ar:e
0eri0=era3 <oint4E
mornin: 4ti22ne44 t=at i4
re3ie8ed 5K a1ti8itKE
4too0ed 0o4tureE 3imited
motion o2 3um5ar 40ine
or 3imited ran:e o2
motion in a22e1ted
<oint4E 2ati:ueE 2e8erE
anoreDiaE Lei:=t 3o44E
dimini4=ed 1=e4t
eD0an4ionE red- 0ain2u3
late symptoms:
FK0=o4i4- 2iDed 23eDion
o2 =i04- 8erte5ra3
2ra1ture4- im0oten1e-
dimini4=ed 53adder and
re1ta3 4en4ation- an:ina-
0eri1arditi4- 0u3monarK
2i5ro4i4 BrareC.
4. Osteoporosis InadeWuate 1a31ium
intaFe- ear3K
4edentarK 3i2e,4tK3e-
a 2ami3ia3 =K4torK
o2 t=e di4ea4e-
A du33- a1=in:- 1on4tant
0ain in t=e 5one4-
0arti1u3ar3K t=e 5a1F
and 1=e4tE mu413e
40a4mE t=e 40ina3
1o3umn ma44
dimini4=e4- dor4a3
FK0=o4i4 and 1er8i1a3
3ordo4i4 in1rea4e-
3eadin: to mu3ti03e
1om0re44ion 2ra1ture4
o2 t=e 40ine and a
redu1tion in =ei:=t.
5. Low Back
!u413e 40rain or
4train- art=riti4- a
tumor- or a
ru0tured 1arti3a:e
di4F 5etLeen
8erte5raeE 0oor
0o4ture- o5e4itK-
en3ar:ed 0ro4tate
:3and- 4a::in:
mu413e4- 4ittin: 2or
0ro3on:ed 0eriod4
o2 time- or
eD1e44i8e 0=K4i1a3
e22ort in8o38in: t=e
5a1F mu413e4.
T=e 0ain maK 5e
a11om0anied 5K mu413e
LeaFne44 or 40a4m4. It
maK radiate doLn t=e
5a1F o2 one or 5ot=
3e:4- a4 in 41iati1a. It
maK 5e 4tarted or
in1rea4ed 5K 1ou:=in:-
4nee9in:- ri4in: 2rom a
4eated 0o4ition- 3i2tin:-
4tret1=in:- 5endin:- or
6. Tendinitis
mo8ement4- 4train-
or eD1e44i8e-
4K4temi1 di4ea4e
art=riti4- :out-
413ero4i4CE midd3e,
a:ed and o3der
adu3t4 and at=3ete4
or indi8idua34 Lit=
reWuirin: re0etiti8e
motion are at
:reate4t ri4F.
T=e in8o38ed tendon4
u4ua33K 4=oL 8i4i53e
4Le33in:E t=e <oint maK
5e tender and =ot to t=e
tou1=E motion o2 t=e
<oint 1au4e4 0ain.
T=e etio3o:K o2
amKotro0=i1 3atera3
413ero4i4 BALSC i4
unFnoLn- 5ut
early symptoms:
LeaFne44- 1ram04 in t=e
=and4 and 2orearm4.
midcourse symptoms:
2ati:ueE dK40neaE
43urred 40ee1=E
in13ude :eneti14-
di4tur5an1e4- and
eDterna3 a:ent4.
dK40=a:iaE a4Kmmetri1
40read o2 mu413e
LeaFne44 to t=e re4t o2
t=e 5odKE 40a4ti1itKE
=K0era1ti8e dee0
tendon and eDten4or
03antar re23eDe4.
late symptoms:
0ara3K4i4 o2 8o1a3
1ord4E 0ara3K4i4 o2 1=e4t
mu413e4- ne1e44itatin:
8enti3atorK 4u00ort.
>Pair work
7. Check if your deskmate has attentively read the chart by asking
him/her questions like these:
\ 3hat are the #ain ca&ses o+ lo/ back pain7
\ 3hat are the early sy#pto#s in A#yotrophic Lateral
\ 3hat are the late sy#pto#s in Ankylosing Spondylitis7
\ )he sy#pto# o+ /hich disease is the 1isible s/elling o+
\ 3hich parts o+ the body are a++ected by pain in Ankylosing
\ In /hich diseases does sti++ness a++ect 1ario&s parts o+ the
Take turns in asking and answering various questions.
8. Extract or create sentences using the chart above and ask your
deskmate to say if they are true or false.
Athlets or indi1id&als /ith occ&pations re,&iring repetiti1e
#o1e#ents are 1ery likely to s&++er +ro# )endinitis and )enosyno1itis.
Q &rue
8en are three ti#es #ore likely than /o#en to be a++ected by
Rhe&#atoid Arthritis. Q 1alse
9. Translate the content of the chart above using a medical
10. Match the disorders in the first column with their
corresponding therapeutic exercises in the second column. Check
the symptoms in the chart above so as to make the appropriate
choice of the therapeutic exercises:
The disorder Therapeutic exercises
1. Osteoarthritis
a. T=era0K and eDer1i4e to in1rea4e
ran:e o2 motion- 4tren:t=- and
enduran1eE 5a3an1e o2 a1ti8itK and re4tE
403int4- 1ane4- La3Fer4 to aid mo5i3itKE
moi4t 1om0re44e4- 0ara22in :3o8e4 to
redu1e 0ain and edema.
2. Rheumatoid
5. T=e 0atient 4=ou3d 43ee0 on a 2irm
mattre44 Lit= t=e Fnee4 23eDed and
4u00orted. Pain Fi33er4- mu413e
re3aDant4- and tranWui3i9er4 maK =e30-
a4 maK a003Kin: drK or moi4t =eat.
+=en t=e 0ain 4u54ide4- t=e 0atient
maK in1rea4e a1ti8itK i2 2ati:ue i4
a8oided. A 1or4et or 5a1F 5ra1e maK 5e
reWuired. T=e 0atient 4=ou3d u4e a
4trai:=t,5a1Fed 1=air and not 1ro44 or
eDtend t=e 3e:4.
1. !oi4t =eat 1om0re44e4 to <ointE re4t
o2 <oint Lit= 1ontro33ed 0ro:re44i8e
eDer1i4e 0ro:ram.
4. Osteoporosis
d. P=K4i1a3 t=era0K- eDer1i4e- 0o4tura3
trainin:E tra1tionR5a1F 5ra1e in 40e1ia3
5. Low Back Pain
e. P=K4i1a3 t=era0K to maintain mu413e
4tren:t=E o11u0ationa3 t=era0K 2or
a1ti8itK o2 dai3K 3i8in: 4u00ortE 40ee1=
t=era0K to aid 1ommuni1ationE 403int4
2or neutra3 <oint a3i:nmentE 3e: 5ra1e4-
1ane4- La3Fer4 to aid am5u3ation.
6. Tendinitis and
2. E"erciseN i4ometri1- i4otoni1-
i4oFineti1- 4tren:t=enin:- 4tret1=in:-
ran:e o2 motion- 5a3an1e eDer1i4eE re4tE
ma44a:e- moi4t =eat 2or 0ainE e3a4ti1
5anda:e4 2or 4u00ortE 1ane4- La3Fer4 to
aid mo5i3itK. A8oid? 4o2t 1=air4-
re13iner4- 0i33oL4 under Fnee4E u4e 2irm
5ed and =ard 1=air4E Lear 4turdK-
3oL=ee3ed 4=oe4.
7. Amyotrophic
Lateral Sclerosis
:. Con4i4tent eDer1i4e re:imen-
in13udin: Lei:=t,5earin:
=K0ereDten4ion and re4i4tan1e eDer1i4e4
to 43oL 1a31ium 3o44 and 4tren:t=en
mu41u3atureE =eat and ma44a:e 2or
mu413e 40a4mE ort=o0edi1 4u00ort4 2or
5a1F and ne1F to 0re8ent 4tre44
> Pair work
11. Consider yourself as a kinetotherapist and choose the best way
to recommand the corresponding therapeutic exercises to your
colleague - patient who may ask you many questions regarding the
duration, the difficulty and the expected results of such an
exercise programme. Use the charts with medical information,
symptoms and treatments above. Here are some examples to help
&herapist2s recommandations#
\ Considering yo&r aggra1ated <oint pain and yo&r sti++ness
+ollo/ing inacti1ity4 it is to yo&r best interest that yo& sho&ld
start these therape&tic e"ercises.
\ I do not /ant to p&t any press&re on yo&4 b&t I do belie1e that
yo& sho&ld consider starting yo&r physical therapy as soon as
\ @o&r lo/ back pain no/ radiates do/n the back o+ both yo&r
legs. And as things are not getting better4 yo& sho&ld really
take so#e &rgent #eas&res and start yo&r therapy.
*atient2s .uestions#
\ In /hat /ay /ill #y general condition be i#pro1ed a+ter
starting these therape&tic e"ercises7
\ 2o/ long /ill this therapy be and ho/ #any sessions a /eek
are necessary7
\ 3ill this therapy be pain+&l7 2o/ di++ic&lt are the e"ercises7
\ Do I ha1e to #ake any changes in #y diet or in #y daily
\ 3ill this short(ter# therapy pre1ent the disease +ro# getting
1. Read the following text, consult the glossary below and
translate the text into Romanian:
JPosture i4 a 0o4ition or attitude o2 t=e 5odK- t=e re3ati8e arran:ement
o2 5odK 0art4 2or a 40e1i2i1 a1ti8itK- or a 1=ara1teri4ti1 manner o2
5earin: one/4 5odK.
A postural fault i4 a 0o4ture t=at de8iate4 2rom norma3 a3i:nment 5ut
=a4 no 4tru1tura3 3imitation4. T=e postural pain symdrome re2er4 to
t=e 0ain t=at o11ur4 2rom me1=ani1a3 4tre44 L=en a 0er4on maintain4 a
2au3tK 0o4ture 2or a 0ro3on:ued 0eriodE t=e 0ain i4 u4ua33K re3ie8ed
Lit= a1ti8itK. T=ere are no a5norma3itie4 in mu413e 4tren:t= or
23eDi5i3itK- 5ut i2 t=e 2au3tK 0o4ture 1ontinue4- 4tren:t= and 23eDi5i3itK
im5a3an1e4 Li33 e8entua33K de8e3o0.
Lordotic posture
T=i4 0o4ture i4 1=ara1teri9ed 5K an in1rea4e in t=e 3um5o4a1ra3 an:3e-
an in1rea4e in t=e 3um5ar 3ordo4i4- and an in1rea4e in t=e anterior
0e38i1 ti3t and =i0 23eDion. T=i4 i4 o2ten 4een Lit= an in1rea4ed t=ora1i1
FK0=o4i4 and 2orLard =ead and i4 1a33ed a kypholordotic posture.
Relaxed or slouched posture
T=i4 0o4ture i4 a34o 1a33ed swayback. T=e entire 0e38i1 4e:ment i4
4=i2ted anterior3K- re4u3tin: in =i0 eDten4ion and t=e t=ora1i1 4e:ment
i4 4=i2ted 0o4terior3K- re4u3tin: in 23eDion o2 t=e t=oraD on t=e u00er
3um5ar 40ine. T=i4 re4u3t4 in an in1rea4ed 3ordo4i4 in t=e 3oLer 3um5ar
re:ion- an in1rea4ed FK0=o4i4 in t=e 3oLer t=ora1i1 re:ion- and u4ua33K
a 2orLard =ead. +=en 4tandin: 2or 0ro3on:ued 0eriod4- t=e 0er4on
u4ua33K a44ume4 an a4Kmmetri1 4tan1e in L=i1= mo4t o2 t=e Lei:=t i4
5orne on one 3oLer eDtremitK- Lit= 0eriodi1 4=i2tin: o2 Lei:=t to t=e
o00o4ite eDtremitK.
Flat low-back posture
T=i4 0o4ture i4 1=ara1teri9ed 5K a de1rea4ed 3um5o4a1ra3 an:3e- a
de1rea4ed 3um5ar 3ordo4i4- =i0 eDten4ion- and a 0o4terior ti3tin: o2 t=e
Flat upper back posture
T=i4 0o4ture i4 1=ara1teri9ed 5K a de1rea4e in t=e t=ora1i1 1ur8e-
de0re44ed 41a0u3ae- de0re44ed 13a8i13e- and a 23at,ne1F 0o4ture. It i4
a44o1iated Lit= an eDa::erated mi3itarK 0o4ture 5ut i4 not a 1ommon
0o4tura3 de8iation.
It i4 not norma3 2or a 0er4on to a3LaK4 maintain :ood 0o4ture.
T=ere2ore- t=e 0atient 4=ou3d 5e in4tru1ted to u4e 1ue4 t=rou:=out t=e
daK to 1=e1F 0o4ture. For eDam03e- t=e 0atient 1an 5e in4tru1ted to
1=e1F t=e 0o4ture e8erK time =e or 4=e La3F4 0a4t a mirror- Lait4 at a
red 3i:=t L=i3e dri8in: a 1ar- 4it4 doLn 2or a mea3- enter4 a room- or
5e:in4 ta3Fin: Lit= 4omeone. I2 t=e 0atient 5e1ome4 aLare o2 =i4R=er
dai3K routine4- t=eK 1an 5e u4ed a4 reminder4 to 0ra1ti4e maintainin: a
:ood 0o4ture.H
BCaro3Kn Ki4ner^LKnn A33en Co35K * )herape&tic E"ercise.
Ho&ndations and )echni,&esC
to bear one`s body a-yi sus(ine corpul
postural fault defect postural
mechanical stress solicitare mecanic
imbalance dezechilibru
eventually n cele din urm
pelvic tilt nclinare/aplecare pelvian
forward head cap mpins ctre anterior
to slouch a se grbovi. cocrja
swayback nclinare spre spate
to shift a deplasa, schimba
stance pozi(ie, postur
bear, bore, borne a purta, a duce
flat low-back posture postur aplatizat a zonei inferioare a
flat upper-back posture postur aplatizat a zonei superioare a
thoracic curve curbur toracic
depressed scapulae omopla(i czu(i, lsa(i
flat-neck gt ntins
cues indicii
throughout the day pe toat durata zilei
2. Check your reading comprehension by solving the following
A. A2ter readin: a5out t=e 2our 2au3tK 0o4ture4- trK demon4tratin:
ea1= o2 t=em in 2ront o2 t=e 13a44room.
". De2ine in Kour oLn Lord4 L=at a post&ral +a&lt i4.
.. +=en doe4 post&ral pain syndro#e o11urY
$. +=at =a00en4 i2 a 0atient 1ontinue4 to maintain a 2au3tK
@. +=at are t=e 8i4i53e 4i:n4 o2 kypholordotic post&reY
M. +=at 0o4tura3 =a5it doe4 t=e 43ou1=ed 0atient mani2e4t L=i3e
Q. +=at are t=e 1=ara1teri4ti14 o2 23at u00er,5a1F 0o4tureY
S. +=at met=od4 1an a 0atient u4e to 1orre1t a 2au3tK 0o4tureY
T. +=at are t=e 1au4e4 o2 2au3tK 0o4ture4- in Kour o0inionY
A#. HoL do Kou 1orre1t Kour 2au3tK 0o4ture4 L=en Kou 5e1ome
aLare o2 t=emY
Conditiona3 13au4e4 1on4i4t o2 tLo 0art4? t=e 4u5ordinate 13au4e or t=e
if,13au4e and t=e main 13au4e. T=ere are t=ree main tK0e4 o2
1onditiona3 13au4e4 and 8ariou4 miDed tK0e4. Ea1= tK0e i4 u4ed to
eD0re44 di22erent rea3Runrea3- 0re4entR0a4t 1ondition4- u4in: 1ertain
0air4 o2 ten4e4. T=ere are a34o manK eD1e0tion4 2rom ea1= tK0e 5ut
4tudent4 dea3in: Lit= 1onditiona34 2or t=e 2ir4t time 4=ou3d 4im03K
1on1entrate on t=e 5a4i1 ru3e4 t=at Li33 5e 0re4ented in t=e 2o33oLin:
Types If-clause Main clause Meaning
Type I Present tense
I+ the +a&lty post&re
Present tense
I+ the pain
Present tense
Future tense
i#balances will
Modal verbs
the patient
must,should see
a doctor.
present or
I+ yo& get tired, take a break and
then start again.
Past tense
I+ I were yo&4
I+ he had #ore ti#e4
I+ she did /hat the
doctor says4
could + short
should infinitive
I would try the
ne/ proced&re.
he could come to
his sessions.
she might have a
chance to a1oid
present or
unlikely to
Past perfect
I+ I had known
anything abo&t +irst
I+ yo& had practised
yo&r therape&tic
could + have +
should past
might participle
I could have
helped the
in<&red cyclist.
yo& would have
felt better.
wishes to
change the
3. Fill in the gaps with the verbal constructions in the box to
complete the following conditional clauses:
maK 4im03K di4a00ear 5e:in4 4=ou3d :et u0
Lou3d not =a8e 2e3t FneL 1annot re3aD
=ad 0er2ormed i4 1=e1F 1ou3d 1ontro3
1. I2 t=e 0atient PPPPP. to 2ee3 di41om2ort- a4F =im to
1orret t=e 2au3tK 0o4ture.
2. I2 Kou Lere a53e to noti1e L=at 0o4ture 1au4e4 Kour 3oL 5a1F
0ain- Kou PPPPPPPP it.
3. I2 Kou modi2K Kour 43ee0in: 0o4ture- Kour mornin: 0ain4
4. I2 =e PPPPPP. =i4 re3aDation eDer1i4e4- =e Lou3d not
=a8e :ot 4ti22,ne1Fed.
5. I2 Kou are eD0erien1in: anK 0ain- PPPP. 0o4ture.
6. I2 Kou =a8e a 4edentarK <o5- Kou PPPPP.. and La3F e8erK
7. I2 t=e mattre44 PP.. too 4o2t- t=e 0atient 4a:4 and 4tre44e4
8. I2 t=e mattre44 i4 too 2irm- 4ome 0atient4 PPPPPP.
9. I2 4=e =ad 43e0t in a 1om2orta53e 5ed- 4=e
PPPPPPPP.. 4o tired in t=e mornin:.
10. I2 I PPPP L=at mK idea3 43ee0in: 0o4ture i4- I Lou3d not
=e4itate to immediate3K ado0t it.
4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense:
aC I met mK Li2e in =o40ita3 ten Kear4 a:o. I =ad 2a33en on i1e and
5roFen mK 3e:. S=e La4 a nur4e in mK ort=o0aedi14 Lard. )u4t
ima:inej I2 I BACPPPP.. Bnot 2a33C on i1e and B"C PPPPP.
Bnot 5raFeC mK 3e:- I B.C PPPPPPP. Bne8er meetC =er. So I
1ou3d 4aK t=at t=ere i4 not=in: 4o 5ad a4 not to 5e :ood 2or
5C I2 t=i4 de4F =ei:=t B$C PPPP B5eC adeWuate- I B@C
PPPPPPP. Bnot =a8e toC 3ean o8er mK LorF. !K 5a1F i4
Fi33in: mej Not to mention t=e 1=airj I2 it BMC PP.. Bnot 5eC 4o
=i:=- mK 2eet BQC PPPPP. Bre4tC 1om2orta53K on t=e 23oor. I
4=ou3d 1om03ain a5out a33 t=e4e to our 0er4onne3 mana:er. I2 more
em03oKee4 BSC PPPP.. BeD0re44C t=eir 1om03aint4- 4ome
mea4ure4 BTC PPPPPPPP. B0a44i8e * taFeC.
1C You FnoL L=at t=eK 4aK- t=at it a33 =a00en4 2or a rea4onP TaFe
mK eDam03e. I2 BA#C PPPPP.. B0a44i8e * not 5eC in<ured in
t=at 1ar a11ident 3a4t Kear- I BAAC PPPPP Ba11e0tC t=at <o5
o22er in Pari4. But =ere I am noLP LorFin: in t=i4 re=a5i3itation
13ini1P I2 0eo03e BA"C PPP BFnoLC =oL to dea3 Lit= t=eir
di4a5i3itie4- t=eK BA.C PPPPP. B5e a53eC to a11e0t t=em more
5. Rewrite the following sentences, using an if construction:
a= )he patient s&++ers +ro# osteoporosis. )hen4 he /ill need
physical therapy4 e"ercise and post&ral training.
5f the patient suffers from osteoporosis, then he will need
physical therapy, exercise and postural training.
b= )he patient did not sleep on a +ir# #attress. 2e had to take pain
killers and #&scle rela"ants +or his poor back.
5f the patient had slept on a firm mattres, he would not have had to
take pain killers and muscle relaxants for his poor back.
A. T=i4 in<urK i4 4e8ere. T=at i4 L=K t=e 0atient maK run t=e ri4F
o2 0ara3K4i4.
". He :ot in<ured in a 2oot5a33 mat1=. He =ad =i4 3e2t 3e: 5roFen.
.. I LorFed =ard to 2ini4= mK 41ien1e 0ro<e1t. I =ad mi3d 3oL
5a1F 0ain 2or a LeeF a2ter.
$. !K mot=er =a4 a 3oL re4i4tan1e. S=e 1at1=e4 di4ea4e4 8erK
@. T=e o3d man :ot 0ani1,4triFen. Hi4 =eart 4tarted 5eatin: more
M. He =a4 t=e 4ur:erK ri:=t noL. T=e 1=an1e4 o2 4u11e44 maK
in1rea4e to a5out "#i.
Q. T=e in2e1tion 40read. T=at i4 L=K =e needed t=at ur:ent
S. T=e dia:no4i4 i4 1orre1t. T=e 2ami3K Li33 =a8e to e8a3uate t=eir
T. You do not 40end enou:= time re3aDin:. T=at i4 L=K Kou are
a3LaK4 1om03ain: a5out 5ein: tired.
A#. T=e4e t=era0euti1 eDer1i4e4 are to 5e 0ra1ti4ed e8erK daK.
T=eK 0re8ent t=e 0atient/4 1ondition 2rom :ettin: Lor4e.
6. Translate the following conditional sentences into English:
1. Da16 0ra1ti1i a1e4te eDer1iii re:u3at- 8ei do5ndi 23eDi5i3itatea
>i re9i4tena ne1e4are 0entru meninerea 4ta5i3it6ii 40ina3e.
2. Da16 8rei 46,i u>ure9i a1e4t6 durere a1ut6- tre5uie 7n 0rimu3
rnd 46,i modi2i1i o5i1eiuri3e 0o4tura3e.
3. Nu 0oi o5ine 4ta5i3itate 0o4tura36 da16 nu 7n8ei 46,i
1ontro3e9i :reutatea 1or0ora36.
4. Da16 a> 2i >tiut 16 o5o4ea3a mu41u3ar6 m6re>te ri41u3 de
a11identare- nu m,a> mai 2i antrenat att de mu3t.
5. Da16 e>ti o5o4it >i te 4imi mu3t mai re3aDat 7ntr,o 0o9iie
:r5o8it6- 1ore1tea96,i imediat a1ea4t6 tendin6 ne46n6toa46.
6. Da16 0er4i4tai 7n a 86 menine de2e1te3e 0o4tura3e 0entru mu3t
tim0- a1ea4ta 8a du1e 3a 4365ire mu41u3ar6 >i 3a re9i4ten6
mu41u3ar6 redu46.
7. Da16 me4eria 86 4o3i1it6 46 4tai a03e1ai 0entru 0erioade
7nde3un:ate de tim0- nu uitai 46 2a1ei o 0au96 41urt6 din or6,
n or6 >i 46 86 2a1ei eDer1iii3e de 7ntindere.
8. Da16 0a1ienii ar 2i mai 1on>tieni de 0ro:ramu3 3or de mi>16ri
4i:ure- nu 3e,ar mai 2i team6 de o nou6 a11identare.
9. Da16 un 0a1ient 1u =andi1a0 2i9i1 8rea 46 2ie inde0endent- e3
8a tre5ui 46 7n8ee 1um 46,>i modi2i1e mediu3 7n1on<ur6tor?
0atu3- 41aune3e- 41aunu3 din ma>in6- 3o1u3 de mun16 et1.
10. Da16 0a1ienii dore41 1a 0ro:ramu3 3or de eDer1iii 46 2ie
e2i1ient- ar tre5ui 46 1unoa46 mai 7nti 2oarte 5ine te=ni1i3e
0o4tura3e >i numai a0oi 46 3e >i eDe1ute.
Improving communication
7. Insert the sentences below in their corresponding semantic

Do yo& see #y point7Q0.;C2ECKIN5 IH )2E .A)IEN) 5A) )2E
A. Lean back/ard and hold the stretchR
". Did yo& get it right7
.. Is this too di++ic&lt +or yo&7
$. I6# right here i+ yo& need #eR
@. Don6t /orryR I6ll keep an eye on yo&R
M. @o& can do itR 5i1e it another tryR
Q. Need I say this again7
S. @o& ha1e to tr&st #e on thisR
T. 2a1e the cra#ps gone a/ay no/7
A#. Lean +or/ard4 resting yo&r abdo#en on the anterior thighs.
AA. Does this #ake any sense to yo&7
A". Don6t hesitate to ask +or #y helpR
A.. @o& had to deal /ith /orse than this be+oreR
A$. Can yo& #anage practising this e"ercise by yo&rsel+ no/7
A@. @o& ha1e to take #y /ord +or itR
AM. Are yo& /ith #e on this7
AQ. Don6t gi1e &pR Ane #ore tryR
AS. 2a1e yo& e"perienced any #&scle spas#s d&ring this
AT. 0end yo&r tr&nk laterally and hold the position.
"#. Did yo& take #y hint7
"A. I+ yo& need a helping handE I6# not going any/hereR
"". Do yo&r bestR It6s /orth tryingR
".. Does it still h&rt /hen yo& +le" yo&r knee7
"$. @o& /ill ha1e to learn to tr&st #e.
"@. )&ck in yo&r chin and li+t yo&r head.
"M. Did yo& get #y #essage7
"Q. Do yo& still +eel pins and needles in yo&r +eet7
"S. I gi1e yo& #y /ord on thisR Don6t yo& do&bt itR
"T. Li+t both ar#s si#&ltaneo&sly.
.#. Are yo&r +ingers still n&#b no/7
8. Create your own therapist-patient dialogues using the semantic
classes above and the examples provided for each class. Follow the
logical order of asking questions (first the instructions, then the
checking part and so on so forth).
9. Read the following types of dialogues and match them with
their corresponding titles:
A. Fixing an appointment
". Changing an apointment
.. Returning a call
$. Taking a family history
@. Taking a social history
M. Examining a patient
Dr. )ho#sonN 3ell4 are yo& #arried7
8r. Sti++N @es4 o+ co&rse4 /ho isn6t 7
Dr. )ho#sonN Do yo& ha1e any children7
8r.Sti++N @es4 b&t they are no longer li1ing /ith &s.
Dr. )ho#sonN 3hat abo&t yo&r parents7 Are they in good health7
8r. Sti++N 8y #other died last year. 0one cancer. And #y +ather s&++ers
+ro# osteoarthritis.
Dr. )ho#sonN I6# sorry to hear that.
SecretaryN 3ilkinson Rehabilitation Centre. 2ello4 #ay I help yo&7
8r. GonesN @es4 hello. I a# calling to +i" an appoint#ent4 to see Dr.
SecretaryN Right. Let #e check his sched&le. ErE ho/ abo&t STth o+
8r. GonesN Ah4 I 6# a+raid it is a bit late. I ha1e an &rgent #atter4 yo&
SecretaryN 3ell4 /hat abo&t SUst o+ Septe#ber4 at UU a.#.7
8r. GonesN Ah4 that6s better4 thank yo&.
SecretaryN Call &s4 please4 in case yo& can6t #ake it.
8r. GonesN )hank yo&4 it /o&ld not be the case.
Dr. RichardsN Co&ld yo& <&st take o++ yo&r clothes so that I can
e"a#ine yo&7
8r. SpikeN Akay4 I ha1e done this #any ti#esE
Dr. RichardsN 3o&ld yo&4 please4 lie +lat on the co&ch +or a +e/
#in&tes7 Can yo& no/ sho/ #e /here it h&rts7
8r. SpikeN Right here4 in #y le+t thigh.
Dr. RichardsN Can yo& raise yo&r le+t leg +or #e7 And hold it +or a
second7 Does it h&rt /hen yo& rotate it7
8r. SpikeN A little bit4 /hen I ret&rn to the initial position.
8rs. SlenderN 2ello4 Dr. 3alsh7
Dr. 3alshN Speaking.
8rs. SlenderN Ah4 8rs. Slender here.
Dr. 3alshN @es4 hello4 8rs. Slender. It is good that yo& ret&rned #y
8rs. SlenderN Is there anything /rong4 doctor7
Dr. 3alshN No4 nothing to /orry abo&t. I ha1e <&st recei1ed yo&r B(
rays and it looks that yo&r ankle is not broken4 b&t <&st sprained.
8rs. SlenderN Ah4 /hat a relie+R
Dr. 3alshN .lease4 co#e to see #e to#orro/ and /e6ll disc&ss #ore
abo&t it.
SecretaryN 3ilkinson Rehabilitation Centre. 2ello4 #ay I help yo&7
8r. GonesN @es4 hello. I6# Gones4 I called yo& a co&ple o+ days agoE
SecretaryN @es4 8r. Gones. 3hat can I do +or yo&7
8r. GonesN It is abo&t #y appoint#ent. I /on6t be able to #ake it. I
/onder i+ /e co&ld possibly #o1e it to the STth o+ Septe#ber7
SecretaryN Hirst o+ all4 8r. Gones4 yo& change yo&r appoint#ent at
short notice and then yo& /ant to +i" the day +or yo&r +&t&re
8r. GonesN I6# 1ery sorry i+ I ha1e ca&se yo& any incon1enience. Shall
I call back another ti#e7
SecretaryN 3e ha1e yo&r phone n&#ber and i+ so#eone cancels an
appoint#ent /e6ll let yo& kno/.
8r. GonesN )hank yo& +or yo&r tro&ble.
Dr. )ho#sonN @es4 yo& are still /orking4 isn6t it7
8r. Sti++N @es4 t/o #ore years till #y retire#ent.
Dr. )ho#sonN 2a1e yo& p&shed yo&rsel+ too hard lately7
8r. Sti++N @o& kno/ ho/ things are. I a# no longer yo&ng and keeping
&p /ith the ne/ly hired EE
Dr. )ho#sonN 3hat abo&t yo&r /orking ho&rs7 2a1e yo& considered
/orking part(ti#e7
8r. Sti++N I6# a+raid this is not an option in #y +ield.
Dr. )ho#sonN )hen4 I hate to bring yo& the bad ne/s4 b&t yo& sho&ld
consider retiringE. Ather/iseE..
_` Pair work
10. Create your own dialogues, starting from the following titles:
5ntroductory dialogues, &he first examination, *rogramming the
first session, 3ecommending a better treatment, *roposing a new
experimental programme, "xplaining how the devices work, How to
focus your effort, 8ealing with home exercises programme, etc.
1. Complete the following sentences using the nouns in the box:
dislocation muscular dystrophy fracture
cartilage spinal column joints
balance cardiovascular disease
postural fault range of motion exercise
A. T=e PPPPPP.. i4 made u0 o2 .. 8erte5rae t=at are
4e0arated 5K 40on:K di4F4 and 0rote1t4 t=e 40ina3 1ord t=at
run4 in4ide o2 it amon: ot=er t=in:4.
". T=e 1onne1tion4 5etLeen 5one4 are 1a33ed PPPP ea1=
5ein: 13a44i2ied a11ordin: to 4tru1ture and mo8a5i3itK a4
2i5rou4- 1arti3a:inou4- or 4Kno8ia3.
.. T=e PPPPPP.. i4 a ti44ue made o2 1e334 and 2i5er4- t=at
1onne1t4 and 4u00ort4. It i4 2ound mo4t3K in t=e <oint4- t=e
1=e4t- and 4ti22 tu5e4 o2 a33 4ort4- a4 t=e 8oi1e5oD B3arKnDC-
Lind0i0e Btra1=eaC- no4e- and ear.
$. In a33 2orm4 o2 PPPPPPPP t=ere i4 a 43oL 3o44 o2
4tren:t= Lit= in1rea4in: di4a5i3itK and de2ormitK.
@. PPPPPP i4 t=e di403a1ement o2 anK 0art o2 t=e 5odK
2rom it4 norma3 0o4itionE t=i4 a003ie4 mo4t o2ten to a 5one
mo8ed 2rom it4 norma3 0o4ition Lit= a <oint.
M. A PPPPPP i4 an in<urK to a 5one in L=i1= t=e ti44ue o2
t=e 5one i4 5roFen.
Q. A PPPPPPPPPP.. maK 1au4e 0ro53em4 Lit= t=e
=eart and 53ood 8e44e34.
S. PPPPPP.. re2er4 to t=e a5i3itK to maintain t=e 1enter o2
:ra8itK o8er t=e 5a4e o2 4u00ort- u4ua33K L=i3e in an u0ri:=t
T. PPPPPPPPP.. anK 5odK a1tion in8o38in: t=e
mu413e4- <oint4- and mo8ement4 in natura3 dire1tion4 o2 arm4
and 3e:4.
A#. A PPPPPPPP i4 a 0o4ture t=at de8iate4 2rom norma3
a3i:nment 5ut =a4 no 4tru1tura3 3imitation4.

2. Choose the right version that best completes the sentence:
A. Bein: 03a1ed in a 4u0ine 0o4ition mean4?
aC 3Kin: 23at or 2a1e doLnLard4E
5C 3Kin: or re4tin: on t=e 5a1F- Lit= t=e 2a1e- 0a3m- et1
1C 4ittin: 1ro44,3e::edE
dC 4ide,3Kin:- Lit= one arm u0.
". To addu1t t=e arm mean4?
aC to draL or 0u33 t=e arm toLard4 t=e median aDi4 o2 t=e
5C to 23eD and e3on:ate t=e arm 4u11e44i8e3KE
1C to 0u33 aLaK t=e arm 2rom t=e median aDi4 o2 t=e
dC to turn t=e arm around it4 oLn aDi4.
.. PPPPPPP.. i4 a :enera3i9ed- 0ro:re44i8e redu1tion o2
5one ma44 a4 5one re4or0tion out4tri04 5one 2ormation-
1au4in: 4Fe3eta3 LeaFne44 and 2ra1ture4.
aC O4teomKe3iti4E
5C O4teoart=riti4E
1C R=eumatoid Art=riti4E
dC O4teo0oro4i4.
$. InadeWuate 1a31ium intaFe- ear3K meno0au4e- 4edentarK 3i2e,
4tK3e- endo1rine di4order4- 0ro3on:ued immo5i3itK are 4ome o2
t=e 1au4e4 o2 PPPPP..
aC O4teoart=riti4E
5C AnFK3o4in: S0ondK3iti4E
1C O4teo0oro4i4E
dC AmKotro0=i1 Latera3 S13ero4i4.
@. An a5norma3- in1rea4ed de:ree o2 2orLard 1ur8ature o2 anK
0art o2 t=e 40ine i4 t=e 1=ara1teri4ti1 o2 PPPPP.
aC FK0=o3ordoti1 0o4tureE
5C 3ordoti1 0o4tureE
1C 43ou1=ed 0o4tureE
dC 23at 3oL,5a1F 0o4ture.
M. PPPPPPPPPP. are ne1e44arK to treat <oint
dK42un1tion4 4u1= a4 4ti22ne44- re8er4i53e <oint =K0omo5i3itK-
or 0ain.
aC 4tren:=tenin: eDer1i4e4E
5C 4tret1=in: eDer1i4e4E
1C Lei:=t,5earin: eDer1i4e4E
dC <oint mo5i3i9ation eDer1i4e4.
Q. PPPPPPPPPPPP i4 t=e a5i3itK o2 a mu413e to
1ontra1t re0eated3K or :enerate ten4ion- 4u4tain t=at ten4ion
and re4i4t 2ati:ue o8er a 0ro3on:ed 0eriod o2 time.
aC mu413e 4tren:t= E
5C mu41u3ar enduran1e E
1C mu41u3ar 1ontra1tion E
dC mu31u3ar eDten4i5i3itK.
3. Find the root-verbs that the following nouns are derived from:
eDamination- treatment- a44e44ment- de1i4ion- dia:no4ti1ian-
in2ormation- retirement- de8e3o0ment- 4e3e1tion- Wue4tionin:-
inter0retation- 0a30ation
e"a#ination L e"a#ine ;the root(1erb=
4. Derive the corresponding nouns, ad-ectives and adverbs from the
following verbs:
a22e1t- a::ra8ate- 1om0re44- 1ontra1t- dimini4=- di4tur5- eD03ain-
eD0e1t- 2un1tion- immo5i3i9e- in13ude- in1rea4e- 3imit- 0ara3K4e-
0ro0o4e- radiate- redu1e- re0eat- 4u40e1t- 4Le33.
verb noun adjective adverb
repeat re0etition-
5. Find the corresponding stress-emphasis pattern for the
following two/three/four/multi-syllable words and pronounce
them accordingly: a22e1ted- a::ra8ated- a3i:nment- 1om0re44ion-
1ontra1ture- de2ormitK- di4ea4e- duration- 2a41i1u3ation-
=K0ereDten4ion- ina1ti8itK- FK0o3ordoti1- 3um5o4a1ra3- 0eri1arditi4-
re13iner- 4tren:t=enin:- 4ti22ne44- 4u53uDation- tranWui3i9er.
6. Complete each space with a word formed from the words in
A. +armin: u0 4o2t ti44ue4 0rior to
4tret1=in: Li33 in1rea4e t=e BAC
PPPPP o2 t=e 4=ortened ti44ue.
+arm mu413e4 re3aD and B"C
PPPPP. more ea4i3K- maFin:
4tret1=in: more B.C
PPPPPPP.. 2or t=e 0atient. A4 t=e
tem0erature o2 mu413e in1rea4e4- t=e
amount o2 2or1e reWuired to e3on:ate
non1ontra1ti3e and 1ontra1ti3e ti44ue4
and t=e time t=e 4tret1= 2or1e mu4t 5e
B$C PPPPPP. de1rea4e. A3t=ou:=
4tret1=in: i4 o2ten t=ou:=t o2 a4 a Larm,
u0 a1ti8itK and 0er2ormed 0rior to
B@C PPPPP eDer1i4e- t=e 13ini1ian
and 0atient mu4t a3LaK4 remem5er t=at
an a00ro0riate Larm,u0 mu4t a34o o11ur
in t=e BMC PPPPPPP.. 2or
4tret1=in:. It i4 BQC PPPPPPP
L=et=er =eatin: 4=ou3d o11ur 0rior to or
durin: t=e 4tret1=in: 0ro1edure.
B. Some an:er maK 4er8e a
BAC PPPP 0ur0o4eE mu1= an:er
=oLe8er- i4 0ure3K B"CPPPPPP..
T=e ener:K t=at :oe4 into it4 arou4a3
1ou3d o2ten 5e more B.C PPPPPP..
40ent in 4o38in: t=e 0ro53em. Here are
4ome LaK4 in L=i1= an:er 1an 5e
V reinter0retin: t=e 4timu3u4 in a more
0o4iti8e 3i:=tE manK 4ituation4 1ontain
am5i:uitie4 L=i1= a33oL
B$C PPPPPP.. to 5e madeE
V 5ein: rea3i4ti1 in our B@C
PPPPPP. o2 ot=er 0eo03eE
V :i8in: one4e32 BMCPPPPPP to
maFe a mi4taFe- a4 it i4 0art o2 5ein:
=uman to maFe mi4taFe4 BQC
V di4tan1in: one4e32E i2 1ir1um4tan1e4
4eem to 5e o8erL=e3min:- one 1an trK
4te00in: 5a1F menta33K to :et a more
V introdu1in: =umour at BTCPPPP..
moment4E L=en a 0er4on 4mi3e4 and
3au:=4 t=e BA#C PPPPP. re40on4e
taFe4 o8er.
7. Read the text below and choose the version that best completes
the empty spaces:
Pain i4 o2ten t=e rea4on L=K t=e 0atient =a4 1ome 2or attention in t=e
2ir4t 03a1e. A3LaK4 remem5er t=at 0ain i4 aRan BAC PPPPP.. to t=e
0atient L=o maK 2ind t=at it i4 maFin: =i4 or =er 3i2e B"CPPPPP .
Pain i4 aRan B.CPPPP.. eD0erien1e and anK mea4urement mu4t
in1or0orate a de:ree o2 B$C PPPPPP. .
Rea1tion4 to 0ain 8arK Lide3K B@C PPPP. di22erent 0eo03e and
de0end BMC PP. manK di22erent 0=K4i1a3 and menta3 2a1tor4. S0e1i2i1
di4ea4e4 and in<urie4 and t=e =ea3t=- 0ain BQC PPPP.- 2ear and
anDietK- and et=ni1 5a1F:round a33 a22e1t rea1tion4 to 0ain.
Patient4 Li33 de41ri5e 0ain BSC PPP.. in term4 o2 it4 4en4orK
Wua3itie4- 2or eDam03e 4=ootin:- 4=ar0- 5urnin: or in term4 o2 it4
a22e1ti8e Wua3itie4- 2or eDam03e 8i1iou4- 1rue3- 4i1Fenin:- or in term4 o2
it4 e8a3uati8e Wua3itie4- 2or eDam03e inten4e- un5eara53e- annoKin:.
Se8ere 0ain 1au4e4 0a3e 4Fin- 1o3d 4Leat- kBTCPP.. 5um04-k Lide
0u0i34- and =i:=er 3e8e34 o2 0u34e- 5reat=in: rate- 53ood BA#C PPP..-
and mu413e BAACPPPP . +=en 5rie2- 4tron: 0ain 4tart4 to :o aLaK-
t=e 0u34e maK 5e 43oLer and t=e 53ood 0re44ure 3oLer t=an 5e2ore t=e
0ain 5e:an. I2 0ain o11ur4 o2ten or i4 3on: term- t=e 0u34e BA"C PP.
and 53ood 0re44ure maK not :o u0 mu1=. I2 0ain 3a4t4 2or manK daK4-
t=e BA.C PPPP to 2i:=t in2e1tion4 maK 5e 3o4t. T=e 0atientl4 tone o2
8oi1e- 40eed o2 40ee1=- 1rie4- :roan4- or ot=er 4ound4- 2a1e and 5odK
mo8ement4- or attem0t4 to Lit=draL are noted 5K t=e 0=K4i1ian.
It i4 =ard to BA$C PPPP 4tron: or 3on:,term 0ain- 5ut a 0atient 1an
3earn to 3i8e a3mo4t BA@C PPPP.. e8en Lit= 4ome 0ain.
A. aC i33u4ion 5C rea3itK 1C dream dC 0er1e0tion
". aC into3era53e 5C im0o44i53e 1C ea4ier dC irritatin:
.. aC indi8idua3 5C o5<e1ti8e 1C 0er4ona3 dC 4u5<e1ti8e
$. aC o5<e1ti8itK 5C dou5t 1C 4u5<e1ti8itK dC error
@. aC to 5C amon: 1C Lit= dC 2rom
M. aC on 5C o2 1C in dC Lit=
Q. aC 0oint 5C 3imit 1C de:ree dC 3e8e3
S. aC or 5C eit=er 1C neit=er dC nor
T. aC =en 5C road 1C :oo4e dC =eat
A#. aC :rou0 5C re3ation 1C te4t dC 0re44ure
AA.aC 5u3F 5C ten4ion 1C 40a4m dC 4train
A". aC rate 5C r=Kt=m 1C 5eat dC tem0o
A.. aC ta3ent 5C 8o3ition 1C a5i3itK dC 1a0a1itK
A$. aC re3ie8e 5C 1ure 1C re3ea4e dC 4o3a1e
A@. aC u4ua33K 5C 0atient3K 1C re:u3ar3K dC norma33K
8. Turn the following sentences from active voice into passive
voice. Begin the passive sentences with the underlined words:
A. Tota3 5odK 4tre1=in:- 4u1= a4 toe tou1=e4- maK maintain or
o8er4tret1= a mo5i3e area.
". Stren:t=enin: 0ro:ram4 tend to o8erem0=a4i9e 23eDion
.. +=en 0er2ormin: t=i4 Find o2 4tret1=- Kou mu4t Fee0 Kour
4=oe4 on.
$. Patient4 4=ou3d 0er2orm 23eDi5i3itK eDer1i4e4 0rior to and a2ter
a 4tren:t=enin: 0ro:ram.
@. An e22e1ti8e 4tret1=in: or 23eDi5i3itK routine 4=ou3d not 1au4e
0ain or eD1e44i8e 4tre44 to ti44ue4.
M. Patient4 4=ou3d 43i:=t3K 5end t=eir Fnee4 L=en 0er2ormin:
2orLard,5endin: eDer1i4e4.
Q. You Li33 Larm u0 t=e ti44ue4 Lit= :ent3e r=Kt=mi1 a1ti8itie4.
S. In1rea4e t=e 0a1e o2 a1ti8itK 4o t=at Kou 1an maintain t=e
tar:et =eart rate 2or A# to "# minute4.
T. To a8oid in<urie4 2rom 4tre44- Kou 4=ou3d u4e a00ro0riate
eWui0ment- 4u1= a4 1orre1t 2ootLare.
A#. Peo03e o2ten u4e ina00ro0riate3K t=e 0=ra4e JNo 0ain- no
:ainH a4 t=e :uide3ine 2or inten4itK o2 4tret1=.
9. Identify the type of the following conditional sentences and fill
in the missing tenses or modal constructions to complete them:
A. I2 0ain 5e:in4 L=i3e eDer1i4in:- Kou PPPPPPP
Bde1rea4eC e22ort and re4t 5etLeen 4e44ion4.
". You Lou3d =a8e a8oided o8eru4e 4Kmdrome4 i2 Kou
PPPPPPP B0er2ormC 0ro0er Larm,u0.
.. I2 4=e rea33K Lanted to 0rote1t 8u3nera53e <oint4- 4=e
PPPPPPP... Bnot 4tre44C <oint4 and 3i:ament4 at t=e end
o2 t=e ran:e.
$. I2 =e Lanted to in1rea4e =i4 mu41u3ar enduran1e- =e
PPPPPPPP. B0er2ormC t=e eDer1i4e4 Lit= manK
re0etition4 and minima3 re4i4tan1e to t=e 0oint o2 mu413e
@. I2 Kou PPPP.. BFee0C Kour Fnee 4trai:=t- t=e
:a4tro1nemiu4 i4 4tret1=ed.
M. I2 Kou do not Lant to 5e in<ured durin: Kour aero5i1 0ro:ram-
Kou PPPPP Ba8oidC runnin:- <o::in: or aero5i1 dan1in:
on =ard 4ur2a1e4 4u1= a4 a40=a3t and 1on1rete.
Q. I2 Kour 4i4ter =ad 0ra1ti4ed aero5i1 a1ti8itK . to @ time4 0er
LeeF- 4=e PPPPPPP. B2ee3C mu1= 5etter.
S. I2 Kou 5end Kour Fnee- t=e 4o3eu4 PPP. B5eC 4tret1=ed.
T. Con1entrate on 4tret1=in: t=e ti:=t mu413e4- i2 t=ere PP B5eC
de1rea4ed 23eDi5i3itK 5etLeen anta:oni4ti1 mu413e :rou04.
A#. I2 Kour 0atient Lere eD1e44i8e3K mo5i3e in a 4e:ment o2 =i4
5odK- it PPPPPPP B5eC 4a2er to 4e3e1ti8e3K 4tret1= ti:=t
4tru1ture4 t=an t=e tota3 5odK.
10. Translate intoRomanian, without using a dictionary:
aC Ina5i3itK to re8er4e t=e norma3 3um5ar 3ordo4i4 on 23eDion o11ur4 in
de:enerati8e art=riti4. Limited 3um5ar 23eDion i4 1=ara1teri4ti1 o2
anFK3o4in: 40ondK3iti4. Lo1a3i9ed 5one 0ain 4u::e4t4 4u1= di4order4
4u1= a4 o4teomKe3iti4- 3euFemia- 0rimarK or meta4tati1 1an1er-
1om0re44ion 2ra1ture or =erniated di4F.
5C Norma33K- L=en a 0atient =ad 3imited ran:e o2 motion- t=e
t=era0euti1 a00roa1= La4 to 4tret1= t=e re:ion Lit= 0a44i8e 4tret1=in:
te1=niWue4. O8er t=e 0a4t .# Kear4- t=era0i4t4 =a8e identi2ied and
3earned te1=niWue4 t=at dea3 more dire1t3K Lit= 4tret1=in: t=e 4our1e
o2 3imitation- and t=u4 t=eK are mana:in: dK42un1tion4 5etter and Lit=
3e44 trauma. !u413e e3on:ation or a1ti8e in=i5ition te1=niWue4 are
u4ed to 1ountera1t t=e 3o44 o2 23eDi5i3itK in t=e 1ontra1ti3e e3ement4 o2
mu413e4E 1ro44,2i5er ma44a:e te1=niWue4 are u4ed to in1rea4e mo5i3itK
in 4e3e1ted 3i:ament4 and tendon4E and <oint mo5i3i9ation and
mani0u3ation te1=niWue4 are u4ed to 4a2e3K 4tret1= or 4na0 4tru1ture4 to
re4tore norma3 <oint me1=ani14 Lit= 3e44 trauma t=an 0a44i8e
1C It 1ou3d 5e ar:ued t=at 4moFin: =a4 more to do Lit= re3aDation t=an
4moFin: a54tinen1e =a4- and manK 0eo03e 5e1ome 4moFer4 5e1au4e
t=eK 0er1ei8e 1i:arette4 a4 5ein: a 4our1e o2 menta3 1a3m. HoLe8er-
manK 4u1= 0eo03e t=en Li4= to Wuit 4moFin:. (uittin: i4 a44o1iated
Lit= 4tre44- L=i1= mean4 t=at t=e 4ame 0eo03e maK 5e 4eeFin:
re3aDation trainin:. Hea3t= 1are 0ro2e44iona3 in1rea4in:3K 2ind
t=em4e38e4 2a1ed Lit= :rou04 o2 0eo03e L=o are 4tru::3in: to :i8e u0
1i:arette4 and 2or L=om re3aDation trainin: =e4 5een 0re41ri5ed.
11. Translate into English:
aC Stai 7ntin>i 4au a>e9ai 7ntr,o 0o9iie 0e 1are o 4imii 1omod6.
;n1=idei o1=ii. Simii 1um 7n1e0ei 46 86 re3aDai. Pe m64ur6 1e
tru0u3 >i mintea 4e 1a3mea96- 0ermitei,i 3o1u3ui dumnea8oa4tr6
40e1ia3 46 ia 1ontur 7n ima:inaia dumnea8oa4tr6. O54er8ai
0ri8e3i>tea- 4unete3e >i miro4uri3e a1e4tui 3o1. A0oi- 7n1er1ai 46 4imii
1um mu>1=ii 4e re3aDea96- e3iminnd ten4iunea de 0e4te 9i.
5C Stai a>e9ai- 1u t630i3e unite 16tre interior >i 1u :enun1=ii 7ndre0tai
3atera3 16tre eDterior. P3a4ai,86 mini3e 7n <uru3 :3e9ne3or >i odi=nii,
86 1oate3e 0e 1oa04e. A064ai u>or 1u 1oate3e a4u0ra 1oa04e3or. A0oi
odi=nii,86. A064ai a0oi din nou. Ar tre5ui 46 4imii o 7ntindere
0361ut6 7n 9ona >o3du3ui.
1C Pentru a 7n86a 46 1ondu1ei re3aDai- 7n 0rimu3 rnd identi2i1ai
:ru0e3e mu41u3are de 1are a8ei ne8oie 0entru 1ondu4. Da16 o54er8ai
16 a1e4te :ru0e 4unt ten4ionate- re3aDai,3e. %eri2i1ai da16 >i mu>1=ii
0e 1are nu,i 4o3i1itai 1nd 1ondu1ei- 1um ar 2i mu>1=ii 2eei- 4unt
re3aDai. Nu uitai 9ona umeri3or. !eninei,86 re3aDai >i atun1i 1nd
8irai 4au 41=im5ai 8ite9a.
dC EDer1iii3e de 7ntindere 4unt att de uti3e 0entru 16 a<ut6 3a
meninerea e3a4ti1it6ii. E3a4ti1itatea e4te una dintre 0ro0riet6i3e
e4utu3ui mu41u3ar 1are nu numai 16 0ermite mu>1=i3or 46 2un1ione9e
mai 5ine- dar 7i >i 0rote<ea96 2a6 de o 0o4i53i6 a11identare. De mu3te
ori- o5i>nuim 3a modu3 in1on>tient 46 ne 7ntindem- du06 1e am 4tat
mu3t tim0 7n a1eea>i 0o9iie. Se 0are 16 tru0u3 no4tru ne,o 1ere. Ne
7ntindem du06 1e dormim- du06 1e 4t6m 1u ore3e 3a 5irou- du06 1e
3u1r6m a03e1ai 7n :r6din6P

40ineR40ina3 1o3umnR5a1F5one
1o3oana 8erte5ra36
8erte5ra- ,aeR5onK rin: U 8erte5r6
40ina3 1ordRmarroL U m6du8a 40in6rii
ri5 U 1oa4t6
arti1u3ar 1arti3a:e U 1arti3a< arti1u3ar
4ternumR5rea4t5one U 4tern
t=ora1i1 1a:e U 1u>16 tora1i16
4=ou3der :ird3e U 1entur6 41a0u3ar6
41a0u3aR4=ou3der 53ade U omo03at- 41a0u36
13a8i13eR1o33ar5one U 13a8i1u36
4a1rum U o4 4a1ra3
1o11KD U 1o11i4
arti1u3ationR<oint U arti1u3aie
2i5rou4 <oint U arti1u3aie 2i5roa46
4Kno8ia3 <oint U arti1u3aie 4ino8ia36
=i0 <oint U arti1u3aia >o3du3ui
Fnee <oint U arti1u3aia :enun1=iu3ui
anF3e <oint U arti1u3aia :3e9nei
1raniumR4Fu33 U 1raniu
ti44ue U e4ut
1onne1ti8e ti44ue U e4ut 1on<un1ti8
1a31aneu4R=ee3 U 1631i
3im5 U mem5ru
no4tri3 U nar6
t=Kroid 1arti3a:eRAdam/4 a003e
1arti3a< tiroidian
na0e Bo2 t=e ne1FC 1ea26
aDi33aRarm0it aDi36- 4u54uoar6
1ar0u4RLri4t U 7n1=eietura minii
Fnu1F3e U arti1u3aia de:etu3ui
=i0 U >o3d
t=i:= U 1oa046
1a32- 1a38e4 U :am56- ,e
4=inR1annon 5one U ti5ia- 23uieru3 0i1ioru3ui
0ate33a- ,aeRFnee 1a0 U rotu36
in4te0 U 41o5itura :3e9nei
4o3e U ta306
5oLe34 U inte4tine
dia0=K4i4 U dia2i96
e0i0=K4i4 U e0i2i96
e0i0=K4ea3 1arti3a:e 1arti3a< e0i2i9ar
53ood 8e44e34 U 8a4e 4an:uine
mu413e 5u3F U ma46 mu41u3ar6
mu41u3ar 1ontra1tion R1ram0 U 1ontra1ie mu41u3ar6
mu41u3ar enduran1e U re9i4ten6 mu41u3ar6
mu413e 2ati:ue U o5o4ea36ReDtenuare mu41u3ar6
mu41u3ar =K0ertro0=K U =i0ertro2ie mu41u3ar6
mu413e tone U tonu4 mu41u3ar
=K0otoni1 mu413e4 U mu>1=i =i0otoni1i
=K0ertoni1 mu413e4 U mu>1=i =i0ertoni1i
mu413e ri:iditK U ri:iditate mu41u3ar6
mu413e 40a4m 40a4m mu41u3ar
40a4ti1itK U 40a4ti1itate
mu413e 40rain U 3uDaie
mu413e 4train U 7ntindere mu41u3ar6
mu413e 4tren:t= U 2or6 mu41u3ar6
mu41u3ar ten4ion U ten4iune mu41u3ar6
mu41u3ar LeaFne44 U 4365ire mu41u3ar6
=K0oFine4ia U =i0oFine9ie
=K0erFine4ia U =i0erFine9ie
4ta4i4 U 4ta96
mu41u3ar dK4tro0=K U di4tro2ie mu41u3ar6
e3e1tromKo:ra0=K U e3e1tromio:ra2ie
1arti3a:e di4F U di41 1arti3a:ino4
art=riti4 U artrit6
medi1a3 =i4torK U anamne96
medi1a3 eDamination 4=eet U 2oaie de o54er8aie 13ini16
te4tin: de8i1e4 U in4trumente de te4tare
ta0e mea4ure U ru3et6- 0an:3i16 de m64urat
:oniometer U :oniometru
re23eD =ammer U 1io16ne3 0entru te4tarea
1otton Loo3 U 8at6
te4t tu5e U e0ru5et6
:ait U um53et- mer4
mien U inut6- 1om0ortament
403int U ate36
5ra1e U orte96
Lei:=t,5earin: eDer1i4e U eDer1iiu de 4u4inere a
:reut6ii 1or0ora3e
ran:e o2 motion U :rad de mo5i3itate
4tren:t=enin: eDer1i4e4 U eDer1iii de 7nt6rire mu41u3ar6
a8a41u3ar ne1ro4i4 U ne1ro96 a8a41u3ar6
4Fe3eta3 in<urK U 3e9iune a 4i4temu3ui 41=e3eti1
4Le33in: U um236tur6
ru0ture U ru0tur6- =ernie
4teri3e dre44in: U 0an4ament 4teri3
ane4t=eti1 U ane4te9i1
1ontu4ionR5rui4e U 1ontu9ie- 8n6taie
teno4Kno8iti4Rin23amed tendon4 teno4ino8it6
arterio413ero4i4R=ardenin: o2 t=e
arterie4 U
4edati8eR43ee0in: 0i33Rdo0e U 4edati8
ana3:e4i1R0ain Fi33er U ana3:e9i1. 1a3mant
mKo1ardia3 in2ar1tionR=eart
atta1F U
in2ar1t mio1ardi1
=a3ito4i4R5ad 5reat= U =a3ito96
a3o0e1iaR5a3dne44 U a3o0e1ie
ta1=K1ardiaR0a30itation4 U ta=i1ardie
=K0o:3K1aemiaR3oL 53ood 4u:ar
=K0er:3K1aemiaR =i:= 53ood
anFK3o4in: 40ondK3iti4R5am5oo
40ine U
40ondi3it6 an1=i3o9ant6
40rain one/4 anF3eRLri4tU a,>i 3uDa :3e9naR7n1=eietura
4train one/4 mu413e U a 4u2eri o 7ntindere mu41u3ar6
0u33 one/4 =am4trin: mu413e U a,>i 7ntinde un tendon
tearR0u33 a 3i:ament U a 4u2eri o ru0tur6 3i:amentar6
4na0 a tendon U a 4u2eri o ru0tur6 de tendon
1=i353ainR2ro4t5ite U de:er6tur6
1ardio8a41u3ar 2itne44 U tonu4 1ardio8a41u3ar
03a4ter 5anda:e U 0an4ament :i04at
03a4ter 1a4t U 2orm6Rmatri6 de :i04
4ti1Fin: 03a4ter U 3eu1o03a4t
Bu41=5a1=er- R. !.- Randa33- L. B. , .ractical 5&ide to
8&sc&loskeletal Disorders. Diagnosis and Rehabilitation- ButterLort=
*Heinemann- "##".
Co5ui3d- C. , English 5&ides. 3ord Hor#ation- Hae0er Co33in4
Pu53i4=er4- ATTA.
Donate33i- R. and OLen4,BurF=art- H. , E++ects o+ i##obiliation on
the e"tensibility o+ periartic&lar connecti1e tiss&e. Go&rnal o+
Arthopaedic and Sports .hysical )herapy- ATSA.
Garri4on- S. ). , 2andbook o+ .hysical 8edicine and Rehabilitation
0asics- ). B. Li00in1ott Com0anK- ATT@.
GraK- H. , Anato#y. Descripti1e and S&rgical- London- t=e
Promotiona3 Re0rint Com0anK Ltd.-ATTA.
Ho33i4- !. and Yun:- P. , .atient E"a#ination and Assess#ent +or
)herapists- B3a1FLe33 S1ienti2i1 Pu53i1ation4- 2ir4t 0u53i4=ed ATS@.
Ho3me- R. , ES. ideas. Recipes +or teaching pro+essional and
acade#ic English- Lon:man- 2ir4t 0u53i4=ed ATTM.
HoL3eK- E. T. and FranF4- B. D. , 2ealth:Hitness Instr&ctors
2andbook. 2&#an Kinetics- C=am0ai:n- I. L.- ATSM.
Hut1=in4on- T. and +ater4- A. , English +or Speci+ic .&rposes-
Cam5rid:e &ni8er4itK Pre44- 2ir4t 0u53i4=ed ATSQ.
Ki4ner- C. and Co35K- L. A. , )herape&tic E"ercise. Ho&ndations and
)echni,&es- P=i3ade30=ia- F. A. Da8i4 Com0anK- ATTM.
!a=er- ). C. , International 8edical Co##&nication in English-
Edin5ur:= &ni8er4itK Pre44- Edin5ur:=- ATT#.
!1Cart=K- !. , Vocab&lary- OD2ord &ni8er4itK Pre44- 2ir4t 0u53i4=ed
A"+ord Ad1anced Learner6s Encyclopedic Dictionary4 A"+ordNA"+ord
Uni1ersity .ress- 2ir4t 0u53i4=ed ATST.
Pr3o:- H. , English .honetics and .honology- Ed. ALL- Bu1ure>ti-
PaKne- R. A. , Rela"ation )echni,&es. A .ractical 2andbook +or the
2ealth Care .ro+esional- C=ur1=i33 Li8in:4tone- NeL YorF- ATT@
(uirF- R.- Green5aum- S.- Lee1=- G.- S8art8iF- ). , A Co#prehensi1e
5ra##ar o+ the English Lang&age- Lon:man- ATS@.
Randa33- L. B. , .hysical 8edicine and Rehabilitation- 4e1ond
edition- +. B. Saunder4 Com0anK- "###.
Ri3eK- D. , Check @o&r Vocab&lary +or 8edicine. A 3orkbook +or
Users- Peter Co33in Pu53i4=in:.
Sine3niFo8- R. D. , Atlas o+ 2&#an Anato#y- 8o3.A * )he Science o+
0ones4 Goints4 Liga#ents and 8&scles- !IR Pu53i4=er4- !o41oL- 2ir4t
0u53i4=ed ATSS.
)he 8erk 8an&al o+ Diagnosis and )herapy- SiDteent= Edition- !erF
Re4ear1= La5oratorie4- &. S. A.- ATT".
)he A"+ord(D&den .ictorial English Dictionary. Science and
8edicine- OD2ord &ni8er4itK Pre44.-
T=om4on- A.). and !artinet- A.%. , A .ractical English 5ra##ar4
OD2ord &ni8er4itK Pre44- ATSM.
ma=aria- C. , Ele#ente de patologie a aparat&l&i loco#otor- Ed.
Paideia- Bu1ure>ti- ATT$.

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